Aibuttlantotte TOILET BRUSHES. EVERY description or class of Toilet Brushes, and each class in great variety of style, quality and price. We can furnish almost any article of Toilet Brush from common to extra fine, at a very reasonable price. The following list comprises our stock of goods of this line now in store : HAIR BRUSHES.—For ladies, for gentlemen, for infants, for barbers, for soldiers. nar row for curling, short handles, buffalo backs, inlaid, very hard, and very soft. CLOTH BBITSRES.—HandIed, fine French, common, roach back, tonrists,'or soldiers', dogroot. HAT BRUSHES.—Fi iste ne,Prench, ordinary, tour BONNET BRUSHES.--- - Dog-root, broom corn. VELVET BRUM:S.—French sprigs, corn, dog-root. SHAVING BRUSHES.—BuffaIo horn, rosewood handles, of badger hair 'and biistles, com mon, metal and screw handles. TOOTH .HBUSHES.'-=American, French and English, ivory and buff handles, double, tourist's in case, badger hair, Russia bristle - very hard, 8 row cheap, Straight, carved and rounded surface, hard or soft. NAIL BRUSHES.—PIain and winged, straight and rounded, buffalo backs, long and short bone :handles. WISE BROOMS.—Larget SHOE BRUSHES. Tips for tibteking, double, handled, tourists' or soldiers', and splendid' dingle-brushes for polishing. FLEH' BRUSHES.—Loing and short handles, haid and soft, horse hair, long crooked kick Sera' tchers. - Is addition we have an assortment of crumb brushas, plate polishers, dusters and markiiig brushes. ANT.LFAMDRI3O-. AND FANCY STORE, janildti. No. 91_ Brarkeestreet: GREAT DISCOVERY KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE OF IRON, G'OR the care of WEAK STOM- ACHS, GEkTERAL '/EBILITY, INDI -B'r ro N, DIS SES OF I'HE OU S SYS - CO/STIPA- TlO 4 , ACIDITY OF IHE STOM AC A i l and for all cases requiring a Tonle. This Wine includes the moot agreeable and efficient Salt of lion we possess ; Citrate of Mtg--I r.etic Oxide combined, with the most ene-rgetacl, of vegetable tanks, Yellow Peruvian Bark. The effect in many cases of debility, loss of ap petite, and general prostration, of an efficient Salt of Inas, combined with our valuable Noma Tonic, is most happy. It augments the appe tite, raises the pulse; takes off intgbular flabbi ness, removes the palm of dehilfty, and gives. a florid vigor to the countedao&" Do you want something to strengthen:You? you want a good ;,appetite I" • . Do you want to buildup your constitution ? Do you want to feel *ell? ••-• Do you want to get rid of nervousness ? Do you want energy? • Do you want to sleep - Well? Do you want a brisk' and vigorous feeling? If you do, try . " • - . ILDTVEEL'S BiltNit'lo2.l9.l?DF IRONI This truly valuable• Tonic ims been so thor• - oughly tested by all classes of the community, that it is now deemed indisp•ensable asa Tonic medicine. It costs but little, purifies the blood,' gives tone to the stomach, renovates . the sys- . tem, and prolongs life. I now only ask a trial of this valuable Tonic. Y Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by S. A. KUNKEL, Apothecary, 118 Market street, j2B Harrisburg. air .TESTIMONIAL 1 Heartstatuto, Feb. 20, 1863. Ma. S. A. Krum; Druggist: ' .Dear I have great pleasure in testifying to the complete success of your Berra Wrms of holt in-my case. I have .been afflicted for a number of years with weakness, general debit= ity and-giddiness, so much so that I have beed confined to my bed for -the greater part of, my time,. and.have .badcthe attendance of our best physicians, but received but little benefit! I had despaired of ever regaining My health, until hearing of your inestimable remedy, Bre- TIM WWII or IRON. I -determined-to try its virtue, and I am happy 'dr state it has resulted Ida complete cure - - laliemonrrobust and ohms thatilliavebeen :foi• nitirly years, ithich feeling I attribute solely tolyderlinrrgroWaorsoi Duni. I have ho hesitation in reconnneintling it to others, similarly affected, and shad. be happy to bear personal testimony Yours, truly, HARMAN FiILSCH. TO THE PUBLIC. • - Haasussuldi 'Feb. 21,1868. Ma. S: A. Kinagei: This is (to Certify' that I helve suffered much for anuinber of years with severe stacks of Theureatism, and have tried a 1 great many remedies, which were-considered by (aerie sure eine, without 'the. least effeof on me, so at last I have tried (Evaxsi'swlirrris W 12711 lacia, and Itritist say that one:•bottle , has nearlyercred me, agdi intend . ,takitig it nn- til I am perfeUtly cirred'olla, - tittly; ?GCS. BASHORE. PORTFOLIOS -!, roi4oLtagne WHOTORAta OR REIAIL. • • - • • P 8.1.018 jROMBLY UTAH:um au , no* bo:.puroluiii • ecrelsewhere. SOLDIERS look to t y,our intereite, and call Or Band to ."" KETEMI'S Drug Store 8Y Xtorket Street, for a Writing Folio ton derais iiishfrig;totbuy.outittitLEpt we A t otferLi -.410X2. PURE CALIFORNIA FO USE , " ' ( I .4I6IIcoRiTIA HOCK VDT 4 !OAUFORNIA. PORT, Yv r INE, • CALLFORICA ANGELICA wiTLE, OAUEMINIA MUSCATEL =WINE, r . CALIFOMEI/1 GBAEIr.IOBANDY. The atteatiewot Invalids istßartiqulATl Pall edTto these whim ;They are dqueLlo e f t beg, Europium/wines,and guara4teed pur e ., FO,r_ r—aaie at KFILT Wi 3 ROG &TOR* • - oet26 • . 4 4 1 maiket , N K • . BB 40: 2 9-1 - 0, GUITAR ABD -"` BING/Na, ActdakiCat WkLiraTWE'S Ithiiiiiotore, 93 Meatiliitiktiebt4l haz,[yoffaina —...-. _.... . . , nAMS ANDA).llliiiii) AERgizidi9.ller's 4.1111.: Efreelsiorliaiisbabl„Pried Beef, iarranted ..• . -. to give satisfaction, by ' • ... ai . d e filliffiNi3, Brcenitygßasketi; araball 'kinds of V Cedar and Willow'ware . for/3'1164)y •-" , NICHEIOLEI & BOWMAN', . Cor.4ront arid DiarketStireets. ~' riIiANGES AlNlP.LEMOttifor.fresh ifißoita• "Übe; just , xedidVixi iindf fop eale by 't 5 , '" l 4 l olE'DOeik.Tai, &CO. 'hit . 'QAXIESiffaII tinalitiow,Geava 41311,iiandi kJ Horseradish, for sale by to WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. Lino of gravel. Pennsylvania Rail Road ! MMER TIME TABL P.Mt',;K:M*ll.• • • 71 1 • FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND 48.11 M MONDAY, APRIL 20th, 1868, THE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company willdepart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as foh lows: EASTWARD. THROUGH IMPRESS TRAIN leaves Harris burg daily at 2.00 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.10 a. m. FAST LINE • leaves Harrieburg daily (ex. cept Monday) at 5.45 a. la., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.55 a, m. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. WAY ACCOMMODATION, via Mount Joy, . leaves Harrisbuite at 7100 a.-m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at , 12.25 p. in. FAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 1.00 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. in. , HAHRISBIIIIO- ACCOMMODATION TRAIN via Columbia, leaves Harrisburg at 4.00 p. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.30 p. m WESTWARD BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves tar risburg ditty (exeept Monday) at 2.00 a. m.; Altoona, 7.15 a. m., take breakfast, and arrives at pittsburg at 12.00 noon. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 3.00 a. M.; Alpoona at 8.00 am., take break fast , and arrives at Pitbturg at 12.50 p. . _ AWL . TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.15 , p. m.; Altoona at 7.15 p..m., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.30 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Harilsbrirg :at 8.50 p. m.; Altoona at 8.85 p. m., and arrives at Pitts burg at ;.00 a. ru. HARRISBURG AOOOI42IIOiiiTION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 2.80 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 p. WAY,ACXXIMMODATION TRAIN leavai Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m.; and arrives at Haik debug at 940 p. m. Ths train runs via Mt. Joy. . - SAMIIKG D. YOUNG, • Mgt Middk Div. Pero' a .a. R. Harrisbn • , April 16 1862.-dtf ' Northern Central Railway! SUMMER, TIME TABLE. Timm TEAIIIi DAILY TO AND FROM JUL TZ, Washington City. Connections made with trains on Pennslyva r els Railroad, to and intim Pittsburg and the West. TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the Ninth and West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, and all of Northern New York. . • - ON and after MONDAY, APRIL 20th 1868,, the Passenger Trains of the North= Central Railway will arrive at and departlf,orc Harrisburg and •Baltirnoreiu3 follows, viz: SOUTHWARD - . MAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday)..lo.lo A. " leaves Harrisburg.. 1.15 'P.M. di' arrives at Baltimore 5.85 P. M EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury,. daily (except San . 0 .7 h t di tl. leaves Marrisburg (except Monday), . 2.00 A. MI t't arrives at Baltimore daily (except Mon day) 6.16 At 4 11. * : HABRISBI3IO ACCOMMODATION V leaves Harrisburg 6.80 A. M. 1110R,THWARD. HAIL 1741Nleaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday):. 9.15 A. leavee Harristiars . ... 1.15 P. . arrives at Sunbury.. 4.05 P. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily 9.15 P. N. " arrivesat Harrisburg ; 1.35 A. M. " leas:sa ,Hairlsburg Non • = d) 8.00 A. arriv ay es at Sunbury.. 5.38 A. . HARRISBURG ADO43IMODATION , - leaves 'Baltimore' daily (SiCept Sun I day) 2.66 P.,14. ". arrivesatlfarrisburg 7.30 P. Id. For further information apply at the Office, in Pennsylvania- Railroad Depot. 3: N. DUBARRY, O. Sist.4 Harriehurg, A.pril 18, 1868.-dtf - NBW AIR Mil 110110, . . . AND PHILADELPHIA; , O N, AND: _AFTilat MONDAY, APRIL kl 20th, 1862, the Passenger Trains will leave' the Philddelklda and Reading ~ Eallroad DOept, at Ilaihlibarg, for New York and Philadelphia, as followS, 4ir: .I , ... ' i , . . D i , EASTWAR. •, . . EXPRESS. LINE }leaves , Harris burg at 2..5 A. M., on arrival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the.Weet,„ arriving in NeW York at 9.30 A. - M., and' at 'Philadelphia tat 1 8.20 A:cM. .A.sleeping canyis.atteQhed W i thal Araie,throngh from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN liaVeb ' Hilithibitig at 8.00'& 11:, arriving in.,New York at , 5,R0R.,11..., and. Philadelphia at 1.60 P.M.. ~ I, II FAST LINE leaVes Efiirisibid* at ? i.00P.'M .. .., 'arriving in New. York at 10.26 P. 4[-r WlSalt .actplphia at 7.00 P. M. d !.. INT WERTARD '' 1 . ' „ FAST LINE leaves New York iit'l3'.o9' l A. M.., and Philadelphia at 8.16 YAP'. - 31:; -. arriving a Harrisburg at 1.16 P.N.,41, ..., ..„ AtAlLATAAllillayos,lN **it'd, 1 2.06 noon, paill'bireklelphla akc.Bol*.X., arriving at Hu '`risliaigfriit 8:20 , n0r. i'l ,- , 1): , .:1 if. ; EXPRESS -TRAlNjeffm,ll9wYork,at /.. u Y.:A, arriving , at .Masbnr i g at' t. 101 A. M., .!.. '63fi l kiecun'EF . witb de - Pennsylvania Express . 'ftfr Pittsbrit. itA. sleeping carilekillso at. Violieil to this train. -- ' Cldit' malotte'-are"4dadsi , :at .iariiabU With tinkle on the 'Pennsylvania, ;Northern ►,tral and Odmhiriami Vaile)o_regmadq i .and: at/ ;lead_ , - ing for Philadelphia , 1 Pottandlieri Willeitlirle, Allentdatr Easton 7 ie. I '1 ` Checked through. Fare Itebyreen New -YeriCtiti4 distrilitburet --th--1017regel garrisburg., and - r ii, aciihnia; - v,s' 86 t * No. '1 0fiv01...; 11 R., d,t1 3 ,,: in No. ::- ‘' if or 419neta cif ;me ' formation apply to 4 431 ,k) kt `, ..1141. J. OTMDF„ : , n0241-daf General Agent, Harrisbnit. tints of READING. RAILROAD BUMMER ARRANGEMENT JIBEAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Had ton, &c., &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia,New York, Reading, Pottsville, and WV-intermediate stations, at 8.00. A. M., and 2.00 T. M. New York Express leaves Harrisburg, at 2.16 A. M., arriving at New York at 916 the same morning. Fares from Harrisburg : To New York $616; to Philadelphia $8 86 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New York at 6 A. 1L,, 1<2 Noon and 7 P. M., (Pittsburg Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 8.16 A. M., and 8.30 , P. Mt Sleeping oars in tbi Neer York Bcpreas Triku . through lb and from Pittsburg without . change. Passengers by tbe iCatawisea , tHallroad • laave Tams lies: at 8.50 A. H.; and M.; for Phil adelphia, New York, and all Way Points. Trains leatre Pottsville_ at 9.1 A A. M. , and 2.30 P. M., for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An Accommodation Passenger train , fleaves Beading at 6.00 A. M., and returns from Phila delphiaa at 5.00 P. K. All flit), above trains run daily, Sun days excepted.'_ A Sunday We leaves Pottsville at 7.80 A. M., and PhtladATOlaatt..3.l6l ) ..M. Commutation,Miles* Sebsoni acid Excur sion Tickets at reduced late to shd from all points: ' • . ' "(1. A. NICOLL% General Superintendent. April 24, 1868,- ; clewtr „, , 1862. WIN= a 1863. A G-E M-E CUMBERLAND P. A I . L R:0 A.? s CRAK" OF 1101:11i8.:--tin ti, , and after Mon day, November 00.42; assiger Trains will ran daily, as follows, (BriziilniisAzoopted) : For chainbeFsburg and Harrisburg : A. IL P. IL Leave Ewe/down 4 4.7.00( 236 " Grew:m*4le 7.87,. 8.86 tekvive at.. 8.17 '* 4.20 Olzam'bereb .. "ik.;. .: J,444-,14 • Lea ' 8.80 12.66 Leaves Shippensburg 8.00 1.28 " :3.04 " Oarlisle.., „2.42 Mechanicsburg:.:''B.l2 Arrive at Harrisburg 11.16 8.40 For Chamberotnirg arid ZlaßlinnOWll: A. . Leave Harrisbuip... , ... • • 8 ..06. " 8.47 0 2. r .. . :0.27 2:66 . " .....10.02 8.20 , " Shippensburg......-....10.88 4.00 AlliVe at Oblimixesburg 11.00 4.80 Leave Obainbereburg 11.10 4.44 " :Greencastle Arrive at Hagerstown . ..,.... ;-12.86. 6,10,7 "sr Making close connelow4,Harrisbuis with trains for Phikulelphia, New •Xerk. and Pittsburg ; and with trains foglotilmi#te West. ( b.u; Q04844W+4, E. R. O ffi ce, Ohambersbineiliki , Ati.;°cl . - . ----- - - 1863. , , ... ':1863.= PHILADELVILAAI)I . D ERIE RAIL ,. ROAD. .. - .. (" L i T . ffisgrentlline traverses-the Norhern N o rthw e st counties of Pennsylvania to 1 city of Erie , on Lake Erie. A ' , It has been leased by the"Po • urtayirtattia ' 2 1 road Company, and VIM* Akir auspices is being rapidly opened think/10rd its entire length. • It is now, in 'inkr•for Passenger and Freight buf.tlir" #olla, ilarristrorg to Driftwood, (2d Fork,): (177 miles) eix..fthe Eastern Division, and from Sheffield to Erie,.(7B miles,) on tie Weetera Division. t V , pm? or reasiutaxs ptants : ax-Inutallausa. 'DWI Trair4eaveo . NCl f ._. . .-,. ... 1.16 A. M. &Pram' Train leaves , , &tit.. , ". ::::'. 8100 A. M. ,Darit runi,thAvough rpm CIRAiOII bq,th ways on-these fialioaltetwefin!Philadelpbla.maiiianck Haven, and bitiktititilialtintortiapid I oak Haven. Elegant Sleeping cars on the Express triitt t.., both ways. (1.,t.,-„ ,t....,-). • t it ( J For information regecting ..4l,l_. , f , ' , 7 0, ngar pm'. nest apply at the lif:100611•1th and`Markat streets. A - „„,,,t , , And for Freigh , q;%migs/ of the Clompanyit AgetAts: • •;.' ~ 1 „IL lingitt,tm — ji.„ ‘ Clor. 13th and Market streea, Pfau:l6lWe - ' V"' '''''• , Q j., W,,Beynolds,:Eritioi ,:,,,,,, i ~ J. M. Drill,iAgcnt N. 0."/4. R.,:Baitiglri i , . H. H. ,Hotorrort, : ,,f „•• , ._ ', Goal 'lneWht 40 1 -.4laTig-: :., Lima' (L.:.110...urg, -, l • l Ait , : !, ; 4:1 ' .Genli. lic g tet ; Aid ig . i Ate. D. llinn,- . 2.. , t...• ` ._,fi . i •I= l 1 '20441:4 i, ' , ,,i Gatilti jfka r o4r, 'wiffitaa t ioil. _______ ___ TA.EIRIT 110 WARD & HOPE EXPRESS Q 0 .'S 811ORT - 41UIVI, i „, , btili N E WY.OR).4I'. iithja " 114:d the o lyitturaetiP! . lc g W 0441316 Night. •ti 1 , 4- 'RI ---, ti•V) r _ 441,4ig ,. Vit4iPtiV7l P. M., by the 1 thiatiA t tfigest VidNuatilvbig in Hittite . 7 I 'l.B JEf*J. CIA T.L.1.fa..J.13.. , , .J./.1410 4 4, - = in T . , t . ' ' 1 1 I ft li g tf l r t AgANGE' ',= • if '.. 443 L , .: lt.i.lcii= • .V (1 nit I 1,. I P.P r k lr . ii ,c 4Alt# l l l . 6 t - '': ;- i is i ' u, 'I • • / ti. , 3;114: 13 •44.ri PI .1• VIMINR- C1:43 i • _., ~ Reat I,a l . l ,o ol s4l4:4ttrfthlaY: . . 1 /04.. i t i .1) P4 1 . 11:* .. .„ --- ,. - 44116.1§- tiasTat, ileni... :' ''Eramiiiinw.,AhLui, .mtp ~. - -1,. , , - 1 :6M1,13 NO:cIuAtAOKEREL, iti kitei c ifer Vs4iiiMhilisivjettotegetieti end "for side 114 WM. DOOK,Ja., . FARMERS AND ORAZIRRS, - Iji tlicii.; of yfrii - whO' have not:given our'HOBSE AND CATTLE POWDERS. Arial iinoir, not their superiority ; , the' advaiitaiXe',ify are In keeping Beata and Cattle imadthy aid in good condition. Thousands can.`est tfir : the *lO they have derived from the use of our Cattla.Powders by. salsa"? ' the leereashig. qui!Atittl i ** 4 o ailt * f io l4 halides Improving' the genendtheelthiutd Pninulat 00491rM4tge., Our loAg 434114, h.W!!,/?ntiflesPil.l'es ne the advantage"tif a thorosigte - Inaiwh3dge.of the !rale, and orawanoutgomenia,:indtna cities are qcL 04tp we can l a vaiyehttt'*no" farnish i .Ithing-l!Werbaning to-our-ton/Anew, on the ,;" bast of "aims. - 4. . 4 " an l for liberal 'paCrbdegfi bestowed' 't 7 on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a Ofildtal teteenon of •. VG( , . -3 .ri.. ~.. ,PURE DRIIGO at fair prices, anCtiedialre to - please all, to merit 4vor. of 11.419:41nii`, Ini4l44lfirat. - & pleb ily .1 r t r eTt dte.. ,a l - AIIWRECAN WRITING , FLUID V uneqtallselowatO6 brilliant color, equal O ifitsdltsupartor td ArodkroWziting Fluid ; ihee froidlinotdkdo sediment pcopikes aittpall goy cotiAlik yin g_ inkitad:uot 'Acted:by fzeeldog. PrloiStiatidoaut quart bottles ; 62 cents peestikli-qatiltt-es Pcs--aate - -at ii l l-111120. 6O IEIEFFFIRSI3OOIO3I.OIIB, . 5-1 4 •,• ‘• • No7 4 lalgtirlretstrest; Harrisburg. MOE MEAT. fixA stAu_tu. just reseird, and for AM side _ by WM- 'POOKI & CO. JOPAY; a 4 1 Alickwe:artiolo of fnistfhooo3s, .L rooel.vedand fo't isle low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, :Cor. Irrmakitrid Nerket Streets. - i i v6v 2.. rides, of e ow, by Oa &AIR mr7 Oornet aidd r'`.`".s Sta. w ID. ID. Gross tio Co. D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. DRUGGISTS, PiIYSICIANS„STORE KEEPERS Akitl'aoNBlJ)ktEltB. We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and Would respectfully call tour attention to the largest and best selected Mock *ibis city, of DRUGS, QBEMIQALS &I'VNTS, ils, Varnishes and Glur . s, Dye Btnire , Ohm and 'Putty, • Artist's Colors and Toole, Aire 'Ground Spiess, Binning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, BOOrm and Pine OM, Bottles, Vials and kisap Castile soap, Sporigiie ace., acil.;" With a general variety'of 'PERFUMERY & TOILET'ARTIOIiES selected from the beet manufactures. and ,Per tamers of Europe and this country. • . Being very- large deniers in PAM'S, WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, vmtemos, WINDOW GLASS AETIBVS w COLONS, PAINT' AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES Th ALL 71ZR-V'MMMCS, a 3 Wit B 0. 1 th 5 '4/ 2 OF ALL XDIDS. •. We respectfully invite a cal, feeling 0014- dent that we can supply the' Waifs of all on tering to their satisfaction. • TEETH I TEETH 1 I JONES' AND 'WHITE'S POECETAIN TEIgH, PATENT NEMOINEI3, and , HAIB Iti3TOEAthr)lB, Of all kinds, direct from the Prior Wont. Saponifier, and polunntrated Wholesale Agents for EaPoniflerOrldeh wee 4011 as low as It ban be purchased in , the ,citlee. HAYES'S MEDICAL FLUID airliners. COIL OIL t .CARBON OIL Being large purchasers hatbox all, we can offer indutxundnis to close'buiriint OW Oil • Lamps of the . most improved puttonia, very cheap. AU Nude of lampe'cl4iiil to burn Coat 01111. )I,.,o(tpoxierof Sweet Messina Mm INSURA.iCE. Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation. Central Agency at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Ameta $1,200 000 DIRECTORS. Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Samuel F. Smith, Charles Taylor, Am brose White, John R. Neff, Richard D. Wood, William Welsh, William lf. Bowen, James N. Dickenson, S. Morris Wain, John Mason, Geo. L. Haffison, Francis R. Cope, Edward H. Trot ter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. Ct. , FMEN, President. CHARLES - PLATE, Secretary. As ventral agent for the above named compa ny, the undersigned is iprepared to take fire risks in any part of the State of Pennsylvania; either annually or perpetually, on the moat favorable term,. . Office in Walnut Street, near Second. WILLIAM BIIZEIGLIM, jelo-dly . , Harrisburg, Fa. OIMEDIAL WRITINg FLUID, BLiamorussto xua Lussicas to Comex; Ifesoutuumw,. N. Y. Silt what judges of h& ju our city say: We the undersigned haying need Boas Bro.'s Chemical Writing Fluid - Consider it a rape* article'andArisrttiy reconfitiend its use to the public: 4 . ' J. 0. Young , Prothonotary, Daughlotoonnty. Phil., Brenner , Clerk to .Protholaolazy, do. Joseph Miller, Clerk to danicalsiddhits. John t:Bppel, County lrearrarer: 'Jahn Rose, - Deputy Retarder and Regitsberi Samuel lilarguart, &tester. Jacob BAeIA, Depot y Sherirl. Thos. M # orlon , °alit. 11. S.' ek t , Die. Mae: !randy filx"And.tor D. O. Meurer, " " David Barnes, " WM. Kb& " ch ic c orher, S. sower, Aletander Wlleon , titan Treasurer's dam. J..Bolcorab i " " " A. 0: Smith, Atteiney:at-lsw. 2t.'11--Chtingee of teraperattneWill not affect, his Allies for sale at . . .7LBJ4LEWS DRUG fiTORR,' $1 - STEAM BOILERS. HAVING made—etiiinient. and permanent arrangementedcw the morale, we are now premed, to make Staun'Boiters of every kind, promptly and realionabbk We BIM hea the • Iran nude by Ridifti&Nrother, the intartationvf which ie. award to,norne in the Market. • None MO the beet,hands employed. Repair ing promPtly attended to. iddreN ' • Eiviam WORKS, niy22-4 • Harrisburg, Pa. EE B. J. t3:.6.1 1 4 . 41r8,' Tht and Sheet Iron Woe Manutacturenr.' • • wa 112 ilqicx7 HARRISBURG. • , • UrAs always on hands tali assortment-of TIM 1.1: liiPenzied•Wate, *louse ofotbe best'matmfactude,o, Gutter Spout? Roofing and ,Gatoraulae4 Iron Ccornith; rofactured and put up at reasonable iratee. - 1 c- 'Repairing promptly attionded 's • sPrao-17 Ts MIMS so4upts. of Podolia, loautita, Batt Pay f. awl War Claim. tinkers' Pay Bolls, Master Noll& and Bi trailing ActJints Made "Oat,. . HE unctentlignecl, having been lin iffire ezii-- oznierit of the IffiltettiEtates dining SliFt 6100 m months, as C-lerkilit'.thel lauster i . ineand Mistiming Office snit Office. of Bupei Enteruhaiii Reopitink Seryice , 'of Pommy liftable the pribilirtkisit , he opened .) an, office in 'hi DAILY TIZZORAPiI Building , 01' 'the "purpoei of collecting pen. sturti,lfountittii; Back roe hit' War •Claims ; Ohtifitg Lilt'Othcqn.' littollA, illanttr gods and EscriddrieACcounis. . rasheiO , tottro, ilp-yeozu SO LNiT•• At 4 8. 0.8.7.!.. IUrORTON'S I:IIIIIkVALLND Gold) nui. , IV.L FIRST cIg44ITYN#RAEINTRD. NONE BETTER is THE WHOLE WORLD,. ti. A GRE.LT ItErXITRY. p. MESONS irk molt of a BliPed9r and r*IY, goOdsibtO(Piot Will AO with me a large asaAt menttte,aeleettrom, and have the privilege te okdiangetheLtena until their hand is perfectly suited. And if' hy.Atik means the Diamond points bn ah =nrAps twelvemonths, the pur chaser the pilcalege to select n w ucunhoirithout any chaise. • ; lb w! . wary goodiGokl Pella,.,made by Mr. Morton; notwallranted, in strong Silver-plated bane, foriligli26, $1.50, $2.00. For sale at, IiONSEFF4B BODKATIIBB, 401 No. 18 hisrhetetreetb Harrlaktns ' old, ,err 4 WA. 9 I-I,RANTED L 4 = 1 4 191013: neNaiseiortmentofthe sidllinown " Newtthi 'Pair of all does, etylee, sod in eiliedr dr gold hoMds' tai l teliditlieen=rdeelve at the famous' OHM P' 2. BOOK STORM cif BEDGMTIEM, , SI Market Skeett I ; l ec .' 41162 i iforaustris SIIOI.Ip-A. very nice lot; of froniayrup, for ode low by - NlOHOLftcat BOVIKAN; ato2o-'tor. Front and Merketiftreete. GAO'Pens 111**AUTtAgITAP;:*11 Has been opened at pIiCJKOMP:BI4OO I 18 Market Street, ' 2= DUBE GRAPNWINE.Hock,& GoDhays az article of pure Grape Wine, Aloarestic Mairifiniturii; Whict.ther offer oto Wit cam: tlra the most superior artichlin the inszkiSt. cOuitity on laud! a,ndldhareice* lamrigNish - to purchmarwould do well to . k ,!,,rotl ,•46. DOCK;* EPP. 106 its s, 4:l34'li; il2 r e P i S tatoe sqlet 0 A.§ ,00104_ CbrAcco.47,ll4 Oarkef mill mei i_.w.;de, id' ling, flub -Tink r etetait - n latta and fank en#Yleureape ly cat 111.171 aftiongs- rtnft." lbtof i3bewidg Teliscco, from tba,beet. manufactories, at the old rakes, forimae§' •NIOHOLIEC&BOWMAX: • is Lbsltßaobtgaodi. itrulaitantaute BOSS' rz;l .61. , Businiss Cares NIUIIOI, & BOVMAN, Wiiol.k:)ALE AND DETAIL G it (iC E RS, 001/15014 OF FRONT AND MARKET 6 THEM, HAS ILISBITRO, PRNiA. OWING to the lentin:.6 LA our business, we have cuititged and improved our store room, and respectfully invite the attention of the public to our eats " t.,,- will selected stock of GROCERIES, PdOYISIUNS , VOREIGA AND DO KESIIC ERUPTS, CEDAR MID WILLOW WARR. We oiler for gale SIEWARIS & LOVERIN'S CHOICE SYRUPS, CHOICE SYRUPS AND MOLASSES, of all kinds. WHITE AND BROWN SUGARS, GREEN AND BLACK 'LEA, COFFEE, SPICES, and FL&VORINCi EXTRACTS. We keep on hand all kinde of Country Pro inop abo, FLOUR, ISH, BALT, HAMS, LARD, Sto. We call attontlon to our large stock of sap& dor - ' NON EX PLOSIVE COAL OIL, unematied in every respect by any in the mar ket,- together with all kinds. of COAL Olt LAMPS, BBADEN, BURNERS, and CHIMNEYS. QUEENSWAILE AND GLASSWARE, of Lv. ry style, always on baud._ NICHOLS & BOWMAN, my2o Oor. Front and Market Sta EAGLE WORKS, Harrisburr, Pennsylvania. NAIMIAI7II7I= loomour BILLING-MACHINES LND PENS, STANDING PRESSES, IBAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS, AnD mamma ma cilirtiteiG COTTING-MACHINEhNIVID3. Portable Cider Wills and Fodder Cutters, BOHOOL FURNITURE, bawd iladial Work and iron and Brag, CASTINGS, WOOD TURNING IN ALL ITS MUNCH zs, HOBO Mr SWING, PLANLNG, MC., MC. Er Any Idaddne of Wood, Iron or Brum "nui&Cto order. Gear and Screw Cutting, &c. HICKOK'S CLIENT WOODEN SOBEW CU NG TOOLS. Sr auti paid Sir 114 Copper, &Ai., cr Ota. STEAM BOILEIV,„ PIINNBYLV ARIA S'Ail ROAD, ABOVE STATE SI 31 e..E 1. 0NT.14411, WiNDOW Of various petters., bah stationary and urtitglag. °ash Weights KO Tl2lOllll other budding cAlt..a<3, for al% very obese' et the (ay33-1y) .111 G LE WORKS. loafs VirlßE'i3 Oonfeetionery & Fruit Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Elarnthury, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL DDB, ORANGES- AND LEIIOIII3, PINE APPLES, BANANNA.S, MSS . AND SALT FISH, And vegetables pf all kinds, brought direct fmni.the eastern mAikets, twice a week, and Oh: Weed under my personal supervision, thus saabliagme to sell a better and cherper article lbw am In. the market. Ord= from a' distance attended to Romistly, Mid goods delivered to any part of citrftee of Charge. FMK:, CANNIW FRUIT constantly on hand. Give me a call. je2b - JOHN WISE. MHO. F. SCHIONER,, Boo* AND JOB PRINTER /W. 1/I"MARK/i7 INABA, TiOARTIMILAB attention paid to Printiug, Biding and Binding of Railroad Blanks, Meniffinti,Poti eel Ctieake , Drain, &c. Cards prinitediit $2, $B, $4, and $8 per toonsand, in about atyln. j2o POSTMIE URlikalt; Y. WlCthave reoldved an asaorttnent of. Wed lets adapted for carrying +lately and con veniently the New Currency, with tot of ' LEATHER GOODS GENERALLY. Leas' Satchels, Ladles' Contimelons, Paned, Ptstmosthges Sew , Owe, Card Cues, Virrl ting=iviag Uwe, portfolios. '8 DRUG STORE. 91 Market St. -111.CLgTOCES "WOW, &BM - 1 -4 HIB:INVALUABLE SYRUP, WHICH IS al.; entirely vegetable,* Ito oompoeltion, has cod/Played with wonderful snows for L'llliffigarg in the mire of diseases for the AIR YABKAGEN and LUNG& For any form of the dee iamb as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT, KLITIWG OF BLOOD, DlFFl gcnx BREATHING 1110A11SENE88, LOSS OF VOICE, and EROTIC FEVERS, its use will be attended . with the happiest results. It is oliCof !the bed and safest medicines for all forms of BRONCHITIS and CON6UhiPTION. lKokaafie :ll . I mpends* of Opium in any slues. in this slooTKEi BOTTLE. For sale at BRIIGNRIrii CHEAP BOOK STORE. BV 410/. 000ra Viabbe .1144 11, Baba Watches, Rubber Beath* TWA* Toys gonerallY at EWROMMOVI EA P )o.lll3TOitg. plod**. Eddins, Buiziragni PURSES PORT MONAIES, Arid - d idlers' variety of Leather .Gonda, ins freciehred t at, • ,J3ERGNEEtIi BOOK BTOBE. 4 ,14 '. MRAIL TUCKER, ANIIFAORIBER and Wholesale Dealer in ftT E I NIZICNT SPRING BED." Those Becht are perthxd:ArlY noted for their ,Olollllluail,_ Ease arid Durability, and are war riorftfto give pales radightation..• For sale by ' .HIRAM - TUCKER. -Nor e 2 Beware Block, &atom, Mara. 0 4 ""TOOKET BIBLES. iiiiniment of Pocket Bibles TiedilmlintsTfor the soldier's, jest re .,s2llllllCinalit XIQBBIIZ6E.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers