farm Sarbfii \ litklint. |T<f* Farmen *n I Are uPortl men g-wersilv are rque*?ej • i er.n:r:ba: to L.s Department.** • ' from lbe:r eipeneo-e that we hope to £ain r>me thiag of intefest for our reader*. YOUNG TUBXZYS. The advce in voar paper of the 15'h inst on this auhject, i* judicious, w>'h cr.e i-xcwp tion. Young larkev* sU u!J n-ver be f-d on Ind n nual ur,:! at least two r- n h* ' old. They are v._ry del ca'e when fir-t Latched, ar.d I.t i *n meal 'lfj *eem unable to It i too atim-Hating and tou heating for them. The I•*of s> many t.l them i a Cutwiderab e degree to the'.' being fed with the other pooVrv. mainly n this article of food. Thia is the result of our experience and we wtj!d like t-> know if it Las been no' ced by other breeders. It is a ▼err important q'itsi>n, and we hope the exper. mer.t will be tried by other*, so that Oir theory may he c >:,firrn J or re futed. The K.J n!• wl up-.n wl. c > wedtpen i is curd. After it * f rined 'n the *>ot m"k it is p'aced en the • e a; J hea'cd u. t I i> become* dry and sweet. It can lc then crumbled in the hand like tread. Of there are ether article* of J el which can ire u*ed advantageously, but Indian m-ai in our opinion cantxr!— Gertnanljvn Te'sgroph. A correspondent of the S tnl 'jic Ameri can gires the follow rg nf rrna'' >n— v z : Ujw TO CATC H KST-.—F r ca'ching ra* in a cheap snd efT :tu*l tr.annr allow me to rec-mmend the foil w ng : a c mio n barrel with a tff 'tout psp.-r, t; r ? the edge •round the barrel ; place a board *• > that the rats may hatre ia*T accc-s to the t- p ; sprm k!e checaa parings trotter "feed" f-r the rats on the paper i day*, until thev begin to believe they have a rghl to their daily rations fr to tbi* force. Then p'ac io the bottom of the l arrtl a p ere tf rock about s xcr seven inches high, filhng win water until on'y enough of .1 pr-j-c ab the water lor one rat to I wlge u, on. N replace the paper firs: cutting a cr a* in ihr middle and the firs', rat ''.at c tin s ■< the barred gees through in'o t'.e ut ami climbs *D the rock- The p*;r* Lack to place and the second rat fid,..w me fir-i. Then begin* a tight fi.r H.e ss;ii id the dry pUcc on the stone, the n-.i-e <•> ' wt ch attracts the r<^ T : who share tbe sauic fate. . To Fur MCAT.—A great many rcipes in your paper hare been wry acceptable to me. and I will give you tr.y # metho-J of preparing meat, (which our folks pronounce excellent ) thinking perhaps it may prove good to some I cf your young readers ; Take one egg, beat it till it Iwc imes thfn add a lit'le p' pl"-r,a so a little fl ur Hid s ••m --water, till it is the th>ckncs <>f cr>-airi lliVc your !at melted if iu>t Lot, ihrn <h|i your treat (cut a little thinner than for fry ing alone) into n, lay in the Irytng pan, and when nicely biown, turn j Lr *n the oth r side when it will be dme. Lay on a p'aie without pourmg the gr.vy upon i, a* tha will make it soft and gr.ay.— Geimunluwn TeUgrajih HOW TO BkIAK CATTI.E TO LXAD—Take two animals of abut i q ial s /. e and -irtngih and tie them togeih'i woii a strong mpe by placing one end around 'be horn- >l one am ma! and the (itht-r end ar und the horn* ol the other and Lave thini fast as lor leadino cr tying up, leaving three or lour f t of roj>o between the luner horns, and turn ihetn into ' a field free from tree*. Let them mn, pull , and haul, till they are tirid of it, and ilo-y walk side by side and feed t gether. Then take r.tT the fnpc and they will evt-r after lead with tbe dtcility of a child, even thongh j the first occasion may be years afterwards.— It in much easier than lor n man t > be jerked around alt day b) a w.ld heifer or steei, . and more effectual. We have ined it and know. I POULTRY The public hat yet to learn the lull advantage* of keeping p oiliry. Few seem to appreciate the service they mav do j among the trees in an orchard. Let any one j try them in an orchard of quarter or half an acre, where they may be kept by picket fence four or five feet h'gh, puffing in say one hun dred arid twenty five fowls, and obscive trie result. lie will avoid the annoyance in the garden of which so many Complain, while they will wurk muonj the tret s, doing jui what is needed, keeping the ground well mi , tivated, and destroying everything that can injure the fruit-tries tn the shape of worms, or other insecis, nd lay a large nuiu ber of eggs, which are a cash art'cie, to a nothing of the chickens, which pay well fir raising at the present time. Cociam'T CASH. —Procurea nut wiih p'en ty of milk in it. kiep the tnt'k. lake off th, skin carefully, a; d grate the ; pu rather more than a jauind <■( shur h>f sugai to a nut, and a* much a i r a- theie i milk, i Boil it till it b-gins to lie k div ir the pai and then pour it on a but:, red di-h. Gra'i the nut (scraping off the ronl) v< ry fine, and add hall its Weight to fin. ly potailere) sii.'ar; mix ihern well tigether with while of an egg and drop on wafer paper in sin ill r<.ugh kn.b- ; about the size ola walnut, and bake in a •lake oven CRANBERRY WlNE. —Taken internally and applied externally, is pronounced as a cure j for scrofula. To make the wioe take the | ripe terries, mash them in a mortar in a fine j pulp, put into a s'one j,r, add one quart ol j water to two quarts of U irics, *ttr it well, i act away aid let it stand a week; ilien | strain it through Co ton, and you !.*▼■• s beautiful wine, which wnh a lute sugni ' makes a whole-omc drink, st ..SCB co and palatable. It does not fi rutent. C!f Wl4y is bread one of the fu*i ne ceaaaries of life ? Because it is always kuaaded. srfllanmus. TJEL LACK A VKSIEBXK B. Winter Arranreoaent—l G7-. PA33KSQEB. I RAINS LEAVE. WUT* ARD I XASTWAan. P"NX*r MAII Jlsil Piseoger IRA.O Tr:A. 5TAT1053. Train A M. p M. • ( -'J New York * 5,50 11 iO N-w liiaipton. 2.30 11*- 215 12 03 Oxf.rl. 2.01 12.13 Enigerifle, 1.50 12 3D MAL.LK Chaak, 140 P M. li.ce. i t.'j Ddism, 1-35 Dine, lid M- sct betas'.. 1!0 P M, 125 W tMr r„p. 12 51 1.4W .-ti-a Übar*. II *6 1 51 rprAgaevoia 12.24 2.' 2 llr,r>T.l,a, II 14 i 2 20 Oasf tcJ. 11-5*5 2.30 Km*, 11.37 3 It) Ti.lvb ten*. 11 17 3.!4 •>! irbcro', 1C ,,1 4 • 3 v> M ao>*. 10 40 34 7 f "ar.cir g. 1'• -0 4 sUAr i C L Id W A M . -RASIJ* - P M 1" !• 4 35t.e > f Ar.® 5) 625 1" 4 1 4 57 C .rk's Bjxmit. 0 '24 5 55 Id 51 £ ,p 5 A- ingtoo. d2O 5 4*l' 11.13 521 pic, 9(4 a2l !' 43 SS! Mcii ..-ofc, e4O 435 . I. - * I LI"po<" tn. 12 3r 625 M ntrr-e. S t.l 340 1 1o- 144 >ew Midori. 7'29 310 1-5 7.5 Great Ileal, 7.20 245 ML P>l. AM P.M *etiti.3 :<- A of Liifrtj £L COW \ECTIONS— Westward, Th 5' 'P.NfN'i IHAf.N fr-.m New York eon re t at AIAN '"N'K A Clll'2- E withvhe 'mio lea? it.£ Ph" I-I; .'A Kec.ocs*oc !;%;• t) at - 00* M. a-J at oREAT LENltwirh the tar,ugh Mail Train on the Erie P. war. w:*h s-'tepr-g c*r attached, at 1 '!*:. r | ua an that r'-ad, and arritiej at Euffslo at 6 15 a a, aad at .eala at 5 50 a tc 1 The ?4~rojr •- in fr m' n eor.oect! at G'e.t Leo! i a iho tra" *c mg we ; t r,l es?t aw kneSailvsj, arrietw* at B*S*b at 12.0(3 mi 1-,t. a*.j at Satawawea at 11.55 p. m. Eastward. T'.e MOKXrVG TRAIN f- m Great Bend-oc r ?A ibere with rh Cieeicnaei k.Tr.rej on the Erie Raifwav from the 4Vet; at Macanka Chunk with ifi"' r P-. 1 ie'; h* . r an 1 in teroedi ite *t , 5 , \rrie ; r.g in I biiadelpbia at ri.OO p rn.. and *t New 11 tmpt .o with A train for EA t n. Ee .lebenj. ie:',*D. f.eionj ar.l llarrir burg. arr . : ? at .'tarri-hors it S-30 p. m. At <CKSNT"\. e'>nnc'ion* are with triina on 'he Lo- a*an-.a an I Blocmsbarg Kai:- r I ar.i . r lj l>!.iirean.| fhltm Canal Co.'s L ad. Tiaie Tjbit4 vf wh .a toadj are priated r -. -IT k: A II** WT. Gen L Tkt. Agent. je29tf For Sale at Mott's, BOOTS. 0 DrXGIIAMTGX BOOT ct LeCer A Co'e rest m il.e KIP a CALP OWI3GO COOTS. Be:t make EASTERN BOOTS. A fui! stock of Ladirs , Shoe<. Urt'tooral. f 'nngii---, I'u.i-h Boats of Glove Ilid rid G at. Also, Gaiter*. ■ GENTS UNDER-IIIRTS AND DRAWEES. GENTS' BUCKSKIN GLOVES and MITTENS. Gert' KID GLOVES, Lined, Unlined and Fur-lined, For Sale at Mott'g T<itp:, , Tuukhann >.-k. P i eonlltf FURNITURE 1 ALVTD CABINET WARE. j 1 STAN'S BURY, MASS k CO., ANNOUNCE to the public that: the rarnitnre . KOOIUB Ptrmcile ke[>t hyr Staasbury A llasahave i SeeD removed tu the PUuicg .Mill ol D. L PECKIIAM, CORNER OF COURT HOUSE SQUARE, with whom a partnership his been formed where, by availing themselves of it-atn |>wer. with itnpiuv- ! <_• I machinery thi y are prepared to furnish every- i , thing in their line, frnrn | TO A. MOP ITANTDTIE, At the Lowent Idvlng Prices. j IT*f DPRTAKIMG attended to at the shortest ' notnie. Upholstering and It-pairing done to order. STAXSBUP.Y. lIASS A CO. Tunkhannork, March 18. Ifefiß.-If. F'OUSn, m can he t„ U j| at hyinan A tVrl!< ird J. W Rboads. jfa 3 ut.kharnoik. Penn'a. and - W* a I Olbi rdi alers, the Gr. T IF YIS KM;I.I-H jwee.ev Spncir- II / J f hi.NiMsxT This Lini riAfu- -*-wi/..r. meat staols unrivalled, and i* Ihe liet ehents>st mo' jowerfnl Liniment ; ever ofTered to the | unlie, Inr man or horse. ' It has been u-ed for many teirs in Englard, by the leading rarriers. end iljey have had the greatest wuh it of any liniment ever used for the core ' of horses Th who hive hnres that sweet.ied or lame, j have swel td j lin's, spr-iin-*, bruwes. oi l sorec. fli h cut* ir gills, iV , should try this Liniment an<l i they will lie 1 oovsn.-ed it 1* superior to all other . known preparation* l! 11 to. s riot give g'Kd s itisf-etinn. return the bot'le half full and your inonev will he refunlel. I'ui up in eonveui-nt form, ami sola by all Drug- < git* aril Morrk<-e|iers at 5J <enls a Git'le. I'-i'l fail to call tor ine C rrtxt English Sicteney Liniment. D G. GAREY. Mi Wletoww, N. V . Feb. 18, P?6h-tf. THE HEALING POOL, I AND HOUSE OF MERCT. Howard dwnfljitnii Reports for YOUNG MEN on the CRIME OF SOLI ITDK, and the KR- j : RORS, ARI SES a id DISEASES which destroy the ; manly powers, and create imjiediin'-nts to MAR j KIAGE, wuh sure means of relief. Sent in sea ed ! j letter, em elopes, free of charge Address Dr J. I SKILLKX IIOUGIITON, Howard Association. | ' Philadelphia. Pa. *1 ' Cn44 lyeaf TO CONSUMPTIVES. , The Rf.v ED WARD A WILSON wi|| send (free of rliarge) t > *JI who dessie it the prewription wiih the directions ,or in iki-ig ami using the simple rem ! edv hv which he was u r ed of a lung nffeetien and I ihat dread disease Corsumption His only object is ] I to benefit the afflicted and he hopes every sufferer, will try this prescription, as it will cr them nothing and may prove a blessing Please address REV EDWARDA WILSON, I No 165 South 6ecotPj M-, WilluuuLurg Now York 1 IsKAn " | FAHMKHS AND MECHANICS 7 Take Notice. ! i SURFACE PLAMN G and MATCHING, CIRCULAR and I SCROLLS\WING. : ALL KINDS of MACHINERY repair- ! in good style PLOWS, 2TARBOWS, CULTIVA-! TORS, HO^SE-HOES, ROLLE/fS, and j SCRAPIRS, on hand or to order. Power and hand Cornshellers; and t arming tools generally, MILLER A AVEP.T, V6M3-IT. A GREAT VICTORY!! FORT SUMPTER RE-TAKEN AND TIIE Enemy of 3lan Driven to the Wall! I THE NORTH SIDU OF TUB OLD FORT FILLED TO OVERFLOWING WITH SUGAR?, TEAS, COFFEE', j FLOUR, MEAL FEED. MOLAS.-E5, SYRUPS, CHEESE. B'.th Green and Dried Apple*. ADo, Fresh Canned and DrieJ Peaches, Prune* Currants, Raisins Lemons. Orangrs. Fig*. Eardiues. Candle*. Potatoes, Cabbage, Nuts, .Spices, Salt. -"iao. S. gar*. P xk, Lard. Batter, Erg*. Fi.-h -m .'<s| Meat, Oysters by the quart, gall on or birrel; Soli 1 M-ats. in fact, every thing .n the !:r,o of GROCER IKS aui PROVISIONS. • The South *ide of the OH Fjrt i* fitted up for the I reception of all wi-hing a di-h of Kaw htewei or Fried Oyster*, a Lao, ! Pie*, Cake*, Cbee*e, and a Cap of Hot Coffee. Sar- , dinei, i*r a of freh Peaches. WASTED. 1 Butter. Eggs, Game, Chickens. Ducks and Geese, at all time-. for which cash will b paid on de -1 livery, at the verv highest market ra'es. Call arvl see for yourselves and he that the pla-e fo buy your Groceries, is in ihc Old Fort 1 on the Southwest corner of Tioga and Lridge streets, ITunkbannock, Pa. B. M- STONE, j Nov 5, I:67—v7nl4tf. AE W *A K Y AND TRIMMING STORE I Tioga Street, Tunkhannock, Pa. Mi:a.K LKASFi. T TAVIN 4 lately opened anew Fancy Store., of- , LI fers for .Rc on entirely new assortment of i T nianvriNTG, • Dre*> Tr'mia ntr*. White Goods. Euihrolderies ! Ladies 7,-pher in all c>lors. Kid Gloves, Cuff* and j Collars L-ce, Veils, Corjetta. LadieiNe kties, best quality of Combs, Neeilies and Tbieail cf the l>est quality, and fancy Notions of every variety, a j Urge- slock of TOYS, Including China, Broute. P.ij ier Mache Tin, xool, Glass, Pewter, iVoodeu, Parian and Candy | Toys. For Ladies. • Cosroatics Ac , Such as Pomades, Oils, Bandolina j bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly White Ac MRS. E. LEASE. Tunkh-.nnock, May 1, 1566 Insurance Agency. DANIEL IVRIOIIT k NEPHEW. .AI y unk hannoofc, *Pa, Are Agents for the following, and all other respocsi- i hie Insurance Companies : N America, Philadelphia, Assets, 51,763 267.; Enterprise, " " 372 304. ManUaitan, New York, " 1 052.128. ; N. American, •' " 755.057. I Lor ill trd. ' " 1,436 540. i Corn Enhange, " " SUT.UhS. 1 Fanners' Ins. Co., York, " 525.180 : LyeoiningT Muncy, " 2.900,000 1 Home, New York. " 3,645,35:- ilartf rd, Hartford, " 1,7a8,153. ; Phoenix, • " 1,103.467 | Trvelers„ '• " 741,337- ; Hartford Li*e stock, " 178,929. I Home, New Haven, " 1.439.491 ( Cumberland Valley, " 506.000. 1 N. England Mutual, 5,000.000. | Property of all kinds will be insured at tbe roost ! reasonable rates, in auyofthe above companies Loi-ses to insurers by Fire, accident or theft, ! promptly adjusted and paid DANIEL WRIGHT A NEPHEW, Tunk-, Pa Sept. 16. 1967,-v7n7-tf. SrioVU & BROW N S 1 l-'ire, Fife, Accident, and Five Slock GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY ! MOSTKOSX, PA. CAPITAL REPRKSKNTKD OYER¥3O,OOO,OOO. Home 1n5..C0., N T'.,Capitsl and Surplas.#4/00.000 j Ins. Co. of N. America, Pbiia. " '• 2,0(X),000 iritvrnationHl Ins. Co*, N. Y. " ' 1 500,G00 ll.irtfi.rd Fire Ins. Co, Hartford Ct. " 2.0(H),000 Putnam " •' " " 700,000 Enterprise " Ciueinnati, 0." 1,000,000 ; tilen* balls 11 Glen's Falls, N. Y., " 400.1'00 t i'.yci.iuing Co. Mutual. Muncy, Pa, *' 4,000.000 Farmers'.Mutual, York, " " 7U0.000 • Cov.stcTici T MUTUAL LIFE I.VSURAVCE CoMi'A.vr. , of Hartford, Ct. Capital - 816,000,000 1 Notes received In payment of one-half the premium, on which six per cent, interest j inly is charged, and lh: note is never to he | paid under any circumstance*—at death or I maturity the policy will be pud in full and ! notes given up. 1 Travelers' fns Co. of Hartford Ct, Capital j and surp da - 700,000 ; Hartford Live Slock In? Co., Harif >rd Ct j Capital and Surplus, - - 500.000 j Insurance on all kinds of Live Slock against tbefi ! t and death from any cause 4 All Busiuesa entrusted to our care will be attended : : to on fair terms, and all Losses promptly adjusted | fr Office Ist door East Iroio Banking Office of ! 1 W. H. Cooper A Co., Turnpike St., Montrose, Pa. i CwT HTW: I STOUD 4 BROW *' M. C SUTTON, Esq., FriendirviUe, Pa, Solicitoi ' CHAS U. SMITH, Monlroa., P*.. • ! v7 n34-tf NOTICE. | R FHE suiecriher having ontrrti into a partnerstlip I a. tor a continuance of trade with other parties, notifies those having unsettl d account* with him to j j arrange them without delay. D BILLINGS. 4 ' Twalr, Marvh r ; lBhf .jDaritoarf & SritiSootis ROSS/iiILLS 3 C0 # Corner Tioga and WatTgr Streeta, . TI'NKHANNOCK, PENN'A. | AM ew epeaing A large roeke Hardware, IRON, STEEL A NAILS, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Var nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail * Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan ics Tools, Wo.nlen Ware, Brushes of all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Reives, Lamps, Lanterns. Oil Cloth, Rosin, Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated Bilts of every kin!, Hatnes, Iron Pad Trees, Saddle Trees, Gig Trees. Girth Web, worsted a.d Cotton, Thread, Silk Awls, and ne<-dies. IJalter Chains, Trace Chains, Ac. ic. PAINTS AND OILS, SPERM, AND LUBRICATING OILS ALSO * CROCKERY. GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE 1 WINDOW and PICTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS. -Vails and Iland-Rakes at wholesale and retail. All of which have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and expressly for this market, and all they ask i- an examination ot the ' goods to satisfy all of the truth of what we say. Remember the place. 1 O-s MILLS & Co. Tnnk P.. Mat 2U.ii, I&U7 MOW OPENED. BT J3l-. 13. MOTT. TUB CORNER STORE, FORMERLY OCCUPIED El" IIE.NRI" STARK. IN TUN KHANNOCK, PA. A NEW STOCK A NEW STuCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STUCK OF SPRING AND SI MMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SI MMER GOODS SPRING AND SIMMER GOODS consisting of cnni-tinc of consisting of CODSlstiDg of DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GuODS DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DKK-'S GOODS DRESS GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS * PAINTS AND OILS ' PAINTS AND OILS HATS AND CAPS 11ATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING Ao„ Ac, Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., In large quantities and at reduce.! prices * A. I?. MOTT. Torek Marl 0 VX—tO. PS P'oiind. IN MKiMX H'AS 1. i'KN'N A. STGV£3 AND TIN WARE IN GREAT VARIETY. HAVING lately Opened a Store and Tin Store in the above named place, we are prepared to fur uish at the lowest possible price*. Cooking and Par lor Stores of the Rent pattern for both wood and coal; Tin, Sheet Ir<n, Copper and Brass Ware of all description*, Lanterns, Sad Irons, Enameled Kettles and Stew Pans, Lead Pipe, Coal Hods, liollow Ware, Store Polish, and all articles usually found in a first-class Tin spire. EAVK GUTTERS and Conductors put up on short notice In the test possible msnner REPAIRING of all kinds, sueh as kerosene Lamps, Umbrellas, Ac , Ac., neatly and promptly ex ecuted. HIGH prices paid for Old Copper, Brass, Lead and Rags. Gire us a call. WHITE A KINIKER. Mtbeepewr FA, 18, Srugs & JJlftririms, THE E A O L E Drug' Store j TUN KHAN NOCK. NEW FIRM, • . LYMIS_&_W£LLS. !Dr LjKan repettfu!ly uooouoee* that t* has taken Dr. B H. Weili as * partner in the i DRUG BUSINESS, and that they wit'. continue to keep A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, In their line, at the old Jtand of J. W. Lyase A Co., on Tiogft St. Wecjeo' t enumerate articles, fcul it is our inten tion U> [ resent a WELL SELECTED AND RELIABLE STOCK adapted to this market, and meriting the atten tion of ail who desire MEDICINES. PERFUMERY, PAINTS, Id YET SUFFS, Ac Ac. At rat' l ran p's h'i r.e afforded. N. 15 —All p'"fei >nl • nit, y.rvmpllv Presariprio! caret ally prepired. at all time*, by <>ne of the Doctor*. J W. LYMAN. M. D. E H. WELLS, M D vCn39tta. DR. RHOADS t | AND VARIETY ATORE. The larj*- . r. i iii ' - :• - I uj in TUN K H ANNOCK. NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY!!! PRICES REDUCED. NOW Is TIIE TIME TO BUY I Jupt received scl f r £"-!e a •p.lcniiJ Stock of |ltto 6001)5, iceiulir.g— KBC63, P A I NTS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, Pocket Books, Hair Tonics, HAIR DYES, STERLING'S A M FIDOS 1 A, TOOTH DROPS, HAIR OILS, POMADES A PERFUMERIES, . FANCY NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERY, STATIONERIES TOBACCO, IIAVANA C I G AP. S . (REAL.) ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SHOUL DER BRACES, TRUSSES, Ac." Ac., Ac. All tbe Popular PATENT MEDICINES of tbe do.; And in fact every imaginable article belonging to a FI/LST CLASS DRUG ST CAKE PHYSICIANS' PRESRCIPrtO.VS efull; compounded at all hours of. and night. Don't forjret to call at DIL RIIOADS' DRUG STORE. v6u37tf. Tonkhannock.Pa. xsr-erw Jewelry Store!! r. C. BUBNS & BGO. JT AVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF JEWELRY of the latest styles. GOLD RINGS, IS C.ireti fne. SOLID GOLD SETTS JEWELRY, Cents' Masonic and Scarf Pins. Sleeve nrd Collar Buttons, Ac., Ac. Solid an I I'iate 1 Silver >j .is. Folks. No{ nia Kiu^e, F:uit linives, Cake Pie and Butter Knives, Castors, Cake and Card Baskets, Butter Dishes, Sngar Bowls, Spoon Holders, Foikj, Spoons, Nut-Picks, Ac , Ac. From ROGERS A BRO.'S Silver Plated Ware Co. Also, CLOCKS and WATCHES of ihe latest American and European Manufacture. Torth rum*, Dir ft* 4*s? ftarbtai, j ro"GEAßHHrfifrcO I fffjfj "I • •.-••• •: ' • v jma Foundry, Machine, AND * STOVE SHOPS : WAUBEN STREET, TUN KHAN.\OCK, PA. hid a !:fe-k.r> eii-cneme * Tnnnirr taea and MarbinesM. an I ruiplu)ir>£ out the beet w^rku,-o tr.e airier--jpied pie-Ire tbera-elve# to exc u"e all w rk ia their !i:ie to a Stlf Lot nr. Raised It act i n-.iar e-taUiskti.Lt in the country * y I NULL GEARINGS ata ie and £t f d np 00 fhrrt notice, from patters* on bin i ot at! seres, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS aci other Farurog Imj'eniCßti. ALSO I STOVES OF AIL KINDS. Tin, Sheet-Iron, and i HOLLOW-WARE. ! LAMP,y, LEA -Ij, PIPES, Sc., Sc. \ aiarais on ban i or famished to orler. C r. GEARHART. Sc CO. , Tur.kb icnoek. April 29tb, l-o"7 —v6ni?: f . Hardware and Iron. ; fi UN T BROTHERS. XOW OI'FEIJ FOII SALE IRUN, STEEL. NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE KAIL, KAILIICAD SPIKES. ANVILS, BELLOWS. PLAIN A CONVEX HORSE-SHOES. HAM MERED HORSE WROUGHT IRON. BIIIOERS' fiilfif&iS. PARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED.) HEPS, SPOK ES. FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES.CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL. BOTTS, NETS. WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRiND STONES; PLASTER 7 PARIS. CEMENT. HAIR. SHOVELS, WHITE FN E NCI I WIX DO W G LASS, .to . Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BI.INDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATHER AND FINDINGS SALES. trvnv.n Wi„rrb 25. 191.3 .1n33 WM, MACK & SON \T(|W c pic i- .: ii in ..riuing the public tha' j. liiey hive opened ihoir Carriage Manufactory IN TUN KUAN NOCK, | And are read y to fill ORDERS. NONE BET FlrstiClass Mechanics EMPLOYED. 1 REPAIRING! done promptly and well, ' { Ttrnkßencwtk Marcb MJ iwfliif S 4£sipAßlU^ tea uj: m:r r. Scrofula au.d Scrofulous Dtaeue*. Frrm Eatery Edet. a 1 .etc* sw- ua-U r ,r ift*.u. ■I ha** mM far; ,-■• I <of roar It: t.. bit r: "r ■ • - wOfc i, r,f thf (tfuiflrSeet and .'ail tatuiaC*)* tutuate took it. -t'.'.rt • try t!./ v., l-n no m" ikiar ~• it I* -or- vtu 'xiitiii,;, •< E.-op-ions, F.mples. Bloti-hru, P .stoles, d. cc n, Sore*, at-i c.i X-i.of ids Skua. J'roti /.'•" r. /.' -I A ' '•■•'■' /■, / , u *■ /.fc/.i'.ivi. " I o.ilv 4a ■ f dstr tI • •. '•' pcUlr, taß I, ! ! p.r t.~turo_i tt:..;v ' of t. no 4k*Bal'.irtc sufv- - •• - 1. Jlt d-.ujh t< r. I t. 1 . . - • r f-, b#r ey ~i ~1 tior for Tear*, * k w u-rr enable tg rare unfit ntiMf) r( t a She baa U?-e .I•■'.! for mat (n'jotbi.- /Vcm lf. ' * £' ' ' ' * - ■•■■■-! r.'d mudk rro* 'i ft 1 - ' df'y ..V / •Hp laafcbtr Haa aofTrrr-1 (or a *-ar pit with a ■rre'ikni rnuitwn. wli.h *a* Iff J trvubleaoag, N *4cmJe4 r-.r - 'u-f r. M 4 yoar bt, .:-i; U..i r- r.;.' '. -vrl Ur P'r 1 '"■J.-r'ke /'. (7 "j*. f • , #f ''• rfM, lung (. / .•(■><'• v . <•■•>. f. 1— 1 -.•■ mud pa. •■ i <<i Xif j ' ', V. ![. f h i f-r M fan a -. • • taaomg humor in iry li •'*< or# Uiit.. jr'li- : _ .r . t my an intol era: : ■ nffl; :i • 1 Ifri, j a COj.i f b-ltu a/jvtv . 1 . " : ,Jt any rtU-f wiitf rer,ntil I tank - lußirainu, It - i. it :.. it lira ■ . the nie gkia to form - ■ i and c>n ti . :I f'T hn i- • 1 ■ • n 1 - vulv'a, as-: I -1 "it' * a* that I k.. w of. I enjoy 4 r.tnoat a doubt owe it to yuar c.:.. ■ ■ ——* Eryg.pc-loa Gescrrl L : z ._ . th® Blood. yV-a; fpp *' I t. .. I) ■ J '* V fiTp. " Lk AIK K. I K-!' 4 M* M ■-- Ban i. -i/wimg at Scrtfmlamt >- r. t hythe -- your •41 mi ja4aavMia.Mfe of Mduj '■ * £irfifthu .1. No *ib— wo p,y.. - ''.t" - k..- ~ r .c- U IMkM lop. plied to pritMiaa • li -• M :!* pn.p>k." Prom J. K Jt huff -*. rUI - ou-ratoji. Oiio. ■ pgr • yon, 1 • En-ipela# 00 tri r... " ■ - ■ ■ 1 tfc* I tr-1 all the *;• br 1 leo .1 rearh. as 1 t.u.'t ban dr-h of falhn *-or-'i o' nejuin.-*. The ul.-rrs w-r •> L. r - .-_n- 1 teil.i •• an i tua d-i-tor- i- •!- . -t s.-.-. •.—.l tr. •-t t-. I tuvio Hi n: rr,..r Saw irtnua. 1 'era IXO bop (ItA auj r.iur of J.ior hcu. Tapfterthey haro rur,-! rc—. I art :r, r. 9 ar- an ! .1:: : .-- a..y loir. Vsmi tn a poßi | - ciy - t- tMwa to e'.err b.d 1.1 tius -i-i a... . '* * v .t' tut iroadef Of 2IL— /V'.aq ,7 -i. /■'- -y .I/" -j. 7.7.. r' rrv-aaf'a, ' . . ui'u/ latu'-r ■/ ■ Mat. - ] lave v >nr - r.- >i- -.p.:: • \ H ray family, fir y•• - '' 1 •:! f-r 1 '•t-Q tkr t!ood, A- • - —. -*i ua r. i it to Ibc .ffi.-taL £t. ictbisj's F:ro, Rcse, Silt Eheust, Siald Head, Sore Fpes. /Vom ffirrry Siftfer, Fr; . th> aM. erfj/or o/fIU 7ea .-"k -"t -r /v • irauia. Oor I tiUK } .1* •Ita f ' 1 1 - : 1.1- : "-. -a !. 'i'l •>' rapidly gjjrv.. b* • : <" t a on- —1 irulent MOB, eor. r-! hid 6 .eh 1 net! i.v bl:utrd h;,... . r . iir A?k la! i T r-u-i in epphed ■ttHhe , ; ailr.t -u . o*.;. r r .. .. with .t any a- ar ' ■ '■ i•r r. - ■-J !n Mn,hetoMl t;.-:a li- 4mM t- r tilt Prin- aad cocxapf r . :uho.a fact. Boring t.. !errr tl . •:••• - - ba-! any Ijoj* fp.ijv, * _i\ 1 . . 1 uur " ' * Xl'-ii-iLLAg fcL la; 4 • 1. t. j. ' i- '. .u. yoa fkr i. : ' - *• ' 'X in v tljc had ft a<hd t!. >• ?.; j - - in .. IHVA coma ot, gi • hml ly and fair * - . .v r. * *f -- in-- e pr.-cjo-ad t; t iL>- ■ ;.ii 1 uj.; Ji Sypluli3 en 1 Alercnjricl F.sesse. r • i /••. !i la Si '. '* M. I.ouij. Mu.-. nri. i 1.:. i yoor Mka.trAKHJ i ~ MOIO ePn-tual Mi ..• hr tit ' 1 - lu|)W. of Sy^hi.iM •■■■: •, other we p ucia , .- lull v. to ,ou lor nuitt ot tbo rr:ia .1. ••'. y •k,V. D ,nn •- if ytien-ime ef tamrrmee, Jfuaa., who ia <1 yniwiaeal lueat her if lit' Lfj i •• tof M -li!:. At. ;:. >i ■ .*- >. • I bv 1 found roar BtturatuJ \ an. - vikm 1 for .- L.u, both of tl J. ..1 .. : W • ; athl effec tual ij jujin - caaee t v -r* T-*o atauMle to yield tnotherrean : ft-do bjC know vho wo cm oe 1 lor v it 4 ! mi <•• " • saeceM, whoenpnewr ful Jteratiiv b r ja:r< .I.** if - t - : - /. -". - r—'iTt h, .v. J., f I ! ■ ... .- t:.e atuaa ol :■ , ■ ■■ ' ■ • ,-i ciora an ! mor 1 lar 3 ara, un at of eeery r. ■- - r li.ill 1 :•- 11 I appni i, until tlie Lr.-.r.' -. -. i o( \i-UUUI relie.ed ; - | . u 1.-i i . i 1:1 r mv, trrate *ai feiriwt - t . 1 t .-, and ,t look ae-.crul u im bottivi to "can; Siisa. Xjeacorrhoca, VTnit ?s, Female NA'eakr.eaa, a— yi. r .' j r '... - ■! ; y i . v •• Ch ' -ua f{- •Mllfc an i 1 r*> ry <7 "1 cur,-l by the altiratire (Cnt pftfafa StssirAtiLU. Same mom reij:., 1. v t -r, , . >1 ! tie -•- -\PAI.IL!_\, tlie skilful—sti -a of local remedies. lr . :tcl • ' *1 -/•" 4 " ''' rr.lrd Pr. ...'. .I.' ci-\rnti. m j ' ire fbtmd r Mr \RIIX t ?n exrelleot titer..: . • ■ 1 - - of !■ 0 .:• ". Bnhy eam-s of ln"ulanty, I.- nrhorn, i 1 r.:, 1 CleerathM, aud 10-a! 1 !itv, u' i: - -r.'.'ul >i <liutbeai. have yj, | j.-1 t > it. M.i r'r re are fen that <iu tot, wb* u'itt 111 j. p riy ;.i io '. by leal iroainieii " A 1/t.iy. t^.trilling ft ■•" Ctf ft .'iratior, of W tt'Tlh". trrit f : Mv 4 u_!itrr r:i'l ti- - i." !.- -• been enrol of a very <1 *•„ -. -.. Lesearii >• if ISM standiug. by tealMths o. yum Cassar.Sim. Rhe mr-iism. Gout. Liver Corcplaint, Dyn pepsin, Heart E:sease, ICturuij-.a, when - - ■ . in the oystem, on rapidly cured l y tins LXT. b vItsAIMRILLX. AYER'S CATITAiiTIC riT.I.S j- isse.-s so many ailvanti ijes over the other pari •lives in tlie market, and their superior virtue- are <0 univt r- ily known, that we need i: .t tin more tiwn to a--ure the public their quality i- 11: -laim 1 equal to the ix-st it ever has be. n. and that tliej may lie depentkd on to <h> all that they have ever done. Prepared l>y j- C. AY MR, M. D., a. Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold hy For -ale li.vliuntie!! A Da'm.tvnc. and Lyra.a 4 Wblls. 1 nnkbiiiiuo-k. Stevens A A „ley. Licevvilir. Frvar D-ao 4 Co. Factory cille. .mi ail Druggi-is aui DcvUis io asd cines, everywhere. Wanted £•3000 IN GUI.D, IK GREENBACKS. 55! ssooo Worth ofWUE AT. BYE, CORN, and OATS, in exchange for DWr GOODS, hats a ( ir, noors & shoes, GFGCEHirSJ Flour &. Feed, Meal & Bian PORK am! FI>II, QAXjT, GREEN and DRIED FRUIT, BETTER, EGGS, CHEESE and LARD, . obacco, WOOD, WILLOW, TIN, STONE and IIARD WARES. OILS, COAL, large and small sizes, which I offer for sale cheap for Cash, or produce taken in exchange, at the old s'and, formerly occupied by Wheelock, on Bridge Street. D BILLINGS. TtyklwnncMk. P Det 3, IW-rlcH-tt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers