Local and Personal. Laborers are now at work on the bridge at the ii lower end" of town, over Swail Brook, and from present indications it will not be long before the foundation will be ready for the superstructure. Burned Down.---The steam saw mill of Mr. Putton, three miles east of New Milford, on the Sus quehanna pike, was burned to the ground on Monday night of last week. The engine room was the last part to burn. One of the workmen was through the building an hour and a half before the fire envi loped ihe whole building, and reported everything safe.— It is thought, accordingly, that it was fired by an in cendiary. Loss at least 65000.— Scranton Register. th ice Seed Potatoes,—Those in need of choice seed potatoes, will find them at H. W. Bard well's, a short distance above town. He has the Early Goodrich, Goodrich's Seedliug and Garnett'e Cfiili, which will be sold at reasonable rates. A ltox of what cur fumigating friend pronounces, very choice Cigars, weie left on our table with the regards ot Mr. M. R Kohnsiamni, the new Tobac conist. Of course, under stub assurances, we in dulge in a "puff.'' Mr. K. has a fine stock of every thing in his linp, on hand for sale, in any quantities desired Be ing intimately connected with a large N. Y house, his facilities for supplying the trade are unsur| assed. Dealers will do well to call and examine stock anl prices. !■• YV . lice t mans, formerly of this place, we i)' tite by the Scranton papers, bas returned to that city and opened a Picture Gallery at the old Brow ncll Gallery,on the eorner of Lackawanna and Penn. Avenue. No one from this vicinity, who may visit Scranton, will neglect to cull on "Lew," who is n-t only otie of the best artists, but also ono of the most social and companionable of men. Success to him A Card.—The Band tenders its most earnest thanks to those young ladies who so perseveringly exer'e 1 themselves in 'ts behalf. All ctedit is due to them, an.l especially to Miss Fuunie Bacon, for the admirable success thy met with, particularly so, in view uf the discouraging aircumstances under which they labored. We respectfully bow our ac knowledgments, and gratefully pocket the "stamps." R. P ROSS, Loader. Seminary at Factoryville.—A project is on f.mt for the erection Af seminary buildings at Facto ryville, this county, at an expense of twenty thou sand dollars. We learn that some 610,000 or more have already been subcribed towards this new enter prise. Shiuld it prove a success it will unloubtedly be a great tie-sing to that community as well as tbe surrounding country, wbich have been wanting in proper public schools for tho elucatiou of our youth We are pleased to not' this enterprising public spirit in our Factoryville neighWs, and trust the day is not far distant when they may realize their fondest aniicipitions in the successful operation of this insti tutiuu of learning ; for tbe poet bolls that— "A little learning is a dangerous thing; Drink deep, or taste no! the pyerian spring." Small Potato Ilegislation.—Almost the last official act of Senator Shoemaker (Had.) was that of ru-hing through the Senate the outrageous law pre venting tiersons not resi lent of Luzerne county from selling goods by sample or otherwise within its litn its Last week amm stopped at this place with an ark load • f potatoes !or which he naked 51,23 |>cr bu.-bel when they were selling here at 61,30. I o der the w i.-e provisions of Mr. Shoemaker's tn >ti potato hill the turn was compelled to go on down the river to Columbia cnuuty, and our citizen- are taxed 53 cell is extiu ou their " Inters " Luzerne l T n ion lleNstt & Ward's United Menagerie and Circus.—The young grn'lcmcn whose names torrn the caption of the firm of the above mentioned insti tution are both well and most favorably known to th public as eminent performers. By merit and in du-try have acquired sufficient to enable them to start an entcrpns ■of their own upon a firm hasi-. < They know practically what a good performance is worth to an establishment, aud I ow far a commend able entertainment ensures success They h tve an • n'ire new outfit, and are fully enabled to make a goo 1 display U|>n the road, but uot depending upon that alone, they have secured a troupe ot ladies and gentlemen artistes, whose performance will o- t only create a sensation but give the establishment a prt u I and permanent reputation. To these people they have a.l ied a Zoological divcrtUemeut of a clever and moral nature They have rare beasts, the majority of which have been o trained that they ran bo introduced w.tb ait isfaction into the arena. — These are the Performing Bears of Old Grizzly Ad ams, a Leaping Buffalo, a Hiu ioostan Bull, a fine corps of Dogs, Apes, Monkeys. B*bboons, and a den uf feroiious denizens of tbe Tropics. The stock of Horses, Ponies an I Mules are of excellent quality, and the concern to day backed by youth, merit, am bition r.nd originality must prove remunerative to its proprietors and acceptable to its patrons. It will be here on Thursday, May Zlst, IS6B. Railroad Mailers —Since our last issue we have learned more of the particulars con.-ering the merging of the Haxleton Kail road wit h the Lehigh Valley Railroad. The merger 19 effected by the is sue of the stock of the latter to an amount slightly ex"eeding the combined capital ftnek cf the two for met companies, and by the purchase (also, for stock, a: | ar.) of the equipment and shops, including eigh teen locomotives, and nearly two thousand coal cars, belonging to the lesecs of the liaxleton Company,— The vhole transaction will amount to a little over $3,300,000 of Lehigh Valley stock, which will take the place of other ;tock now outstanding, and proba blv be held to n great extent by the same parties.— An increased business having t-ee . thus secured with out any new expenditure the efficiency of working and general strength of the consolidated line will be greatly promoted by the arrangement, which, in cludes, of course the coal lands and all other prop erty of he HazletoS Company. The hoods of that Company, ;• mounting to $150,C00, will lie assumed by the I.chigh Valley Railroad. The exact figures are: Hock of the Haxleton Railroad Co $1 830,010 Lands of " " 150 000 Frock of Lehigh Luzerne Railroad 600,000 To the present, lesees of the road rolling slock, etc. 750.000 Making a total of $3'3a0,000 For this amount the Lehigh Valley acquires sixty five miles of track, with the requisite appurtenances above state I. and an estimated annual coal tonnage of 1,250,100 tons Carbon Democrat The D., I„. & Western Railroad is 113 miles long, measured from Great Rend on tbo Sus quehanna to the Delaware rizer below the Water flap. Of 2,740,134 tons af freight carried in 1867, there wore of antbra-ite coal 1,821,113 tons, equal to 65 per cent of the whole tonnage moved. The whole number of passengers carried of all classes, was 137,583, whilst the number of passengers carried in the same time over the Lackawanna and Bloomsburg, which is 80 miles long, extending from Scranton to Northumberland, and which is denomi nated and operated as a tributary of the Delaw .re, Lack., and Western R, R, was 269,564, The paid in capital stock of the Delaware, Lacka wanna and Western Railroad Company i 5513,386.020 Funded and floating debt,-••••• • 4,016.205 Total capital and debt----- $17,402,225 Double track, 50 milee. single track 63 miles, to tal 113 miles. Average coet of road per mile, $154,- 004. The company own no terminal facilities at tidewater—these f<eing furnished by the Central R. R Company of New Jersey—but they do own lands and collieries in the Lacka*anna coal basin. —Afin- inp Register. ' Dan. El well, father of Judge Elwell. died at Van Ettenville, New York, on the 19th ult, at the advanced age of 94 years and 2 days, and was bur ied with Masonic ceremonies. We are aaeured that tha firm of Eastmax A Kexdall, 65 Hanover strset, Boston, Mass., adver tised in our columns, is trustworthy and reliable.— For 10 cts they send a patent pen fountain, and a check describing an article to be told for 61. Their club system of selling goods is becoming quits popu lar, particularly with the ladies. It is worthy ola trial. —Buffalo Gazette. Dr. Lngol of Paris, ons of the most eminent chemists of Europe, uys, wbea lodiue can be die solved in pure water the most astonishing results may be anticipated. Dr. H Anders' lodine Water is lodine ditto,'red in pure tcaler, and tbs most as tonishing results have followed its use in cases of scrofula and all scrofulous diseases, " Look on this picture, and then on that." Here you h. i *hr infirm step, The pallid cheek, wasting form, I'ntastei food, and a social atmosphere Poisoned with the tales of aches, pains, Sleepless night-, and mental utoq- i.dency. There, laughing he Ith, shirking eyes, Elastic steps, craving appetite, forgotten cares (■filial bought and uuibit "i.s resolves Show the contrast an I mark the picture. One took the Plantation Bitters—the other didn't. They are very beneficial for weak and delicate per sons. Magnolia Water. A delightful toilet article—superior to Co logne and at half the price. Important Musical Newt.—ln consequence of the tax on manufactures being removed, and oth er expeoses somewhat lessened, L. B. Powell, of Scranton, has reduced the prices of the celebrated Decker Bros. Pianos <_/i per cent. Now is the time to secure one of ilirse beau'iful instruments, every one of which has their patent p! .te leudering the lone perfect, even and pure throughout the whole com post) of the piano. Send to Mr. Powell for a circu'ar and price list. n4ow2. Married. BAKER—DIBBLE—At the Parsonage in Mehoop any, Pa.. May 9 h 18g3, by Rev J. H Weston, A. B Baker of Forkston, and Miss Collie J Dib ble of Windham. PA. BROBST—RCSEXGRYNTS- In Tunkhannock. the 10th inst., by l'ev C. it. Lne, Charles Brobst and Mary Ann, daughter ot the late Isaac Kosen grants, nt Bradford Co Pa. iprrial Jlotir s. 5000 Yards Prints, f..r I2lcts. per varil, at C. DETRICK'S . - 3000 Yds. DELAINES for 15cts per yard, at C. DETRICK'S. WALL PAPER*—A large (|nan tity at xery h.w prices, at C. DETRICK'S. | DEBIXjITY. Everv me ■■■< ti n> -!• vi- tha n< i?y of *>ti.e- I tMr.g • roM. i v "sir de; res-el by o>tn - :! ' 1 ij:. v i 4if'.! l A ei h liinc a li t every o-n- j mste.i i ot tali-tig alcwhoU.- it. uieiu-inil ' which aff i-ii only a temporary rei cf, reiiivigor.i'e , bis debilitated system by the nalar.il lonic ele- j menu of the PERUVIAN Sk RUI or Pm •ectcd Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, which vi tal'ies and < rrii-hof the blood by supplying it with its Life Elkmkst. IRON. \VM. ('. STEKbIXG, Esq., of Poughkeepsie. NY, say* : "Since taking the Peruvian Syrup. I feel belter. 1 iny strength is improved, my bowels are regular, my j appetite first rote There is an old Phveieian wi this city (older than 1 aiu.) who his been in the Drug business for 40 j years, who lias used the Syrup for three months.and 1 gives it as his decided opinion, that it is the best : Alternative Tome Medicine he ever knew." For Dvsjicpsia. Debility, and Female Weaknesses the Peruvian Syrup i* a specific. A32 page pam phlet sent free. The genuine has''Pkki via.* Syrit" blown in the glass. J P DIN.-MORE, Proprietor, No 36 Dey St., New York. Sold by all Druggists Scrofula Cured after *evet Year*' Muttering. J W. Ilornor, E-q., a prominent lawyer of Par keisbure. W. Va, says: "Iliad 37 RUNNING ULCERS when I commenced taking Dr Anders' lodiD* Water. My Breast. Throat and Face was one continuous sore. I hui now a well man, aod ain sati fied the lodine Water saved my life Circulars in regard to this remedy will be sent fiee. J. P, DINSMORE Proprietor, 3g Dey St , N. 1". For sale by Druggists geucrally. If ALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RE- N KW EK Is the best article known to presorve the hair It will positively restore GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. AND POBMOTE ITS GROWTH. It is an entirely new scientific discovery, combin ing many of the most powerful and restorative agents in the vegetable kingdom It makes the Hair smooth and flossy, and does not stain the skin IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED BY THE FIR<T MEDICAL AUTHORITY R. P. HALL A Co. Nashua, N. 11., Proprietors. For sale by all Druggist*. Pnce 41.01' ~EKRO Ro OF YOUTi 1. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Netvous Debilitv. Premature decay, *n,J all the effects of youthful in iseretion, i'.' for the ake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it the reeipy an 1 direction* for making the simple remedy >-e whi'-h he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect einfi fence, JOHN B. OGDON, 43 Cedar' Street, New York. v6n4o Choice Seed Potatoes. EARLY GOODRICH, GOODRICH SEF.DLINIS, GARNETT CHILI For sale at reasonable rates, by II W BARDWELL. Tunkhannwck. May 12. 1863-n49w3 NOTICE. All persons indebted to the late firm of Jewxixcs A to., on b,iok account, are requested to call ana settle tbe Mine without delay, and *ave further trouble. Meboopany, Pa., May 9. 1b69. IN BANKRUPTCY —ln the matter of William L. Bardwell, Bankrupt. In the District Court of the United State*, for the Western District of Penn'a To ithorn it may Concern . The undersigned hereby gives notice of hia appointment as assignee of William L. Bardwell, of Tunkbannock in the county of Wyoming, and State of Pennsylvania with in said District, who has l.en adjudged a Bankrupt uj>n hi- own petition by the District Court f said District. Dated at Tunkbannock. the Ist "day of Mav, A D. n4ow J JOHN 11 RHODES, Assignee. CAUTION. All persons *re cautioned against purchasing or nego iating a uotc -igned by me, in favor of Chas. W Jayne, dated March, ISgS, for about 470. pay able one year after date, a* the *ame was stolen from the )>ayee anil will only be paid by me me to h,W ALLEN JAYNE. Mesboppen, May 11, 18g3-—4ow3- NOTICE. All persons indebted to me, by note, judgment, o' book account, are requested to make payment* im mediately and save coet. DANIEL WRIGHT Tunk , May 13, 19g8—ttdO, LICENSE NOTICE, NOTICE is hereby given that tha following nam ed persons have filed their Petitions and will apply for Tavern License at a special or adjourned Court to be held at Tunkhannock, Pa., on Thursday, May 14th, IS6B, at 10 o'clock A. M. 11. W. Dowdney Lacey villa, John D Laßaire " T. B. Wall Tunk. Boro. H. Hufford " P. B. Baldwin F G. Osterhout " John Niver Nicholson. Lewis Billings " Dana Stark " J. J Lord " I. W. Billings " Samuel Billings " C. Maibewson Factoryville. D N. Mathewson " J. K. Fellows MesM^pen. John Anderson Andrew S. Cdllum Falls. Jacob Townsend W McKune " John Keim '* Cyrus L Vaughn Meheopany. Ephraiin Kresky " Thomas P. Hitchcock Forkston. Reuben Parks Monroe. M. W. Newbury, E. J. KEENEY, Clerk. Tunk. April 21st, '6B. STO RE Ft HI SALE IX MESIIOPPEN. THE new building now being fitted up for n Store, situated near the location of the new railroad Depot, is offered for sale The house is two stories, and eighteen by thirty six feet on the ground, with a splendid basement suitable for a saloon. l/g** If not pol l by Ist of May. will bo to let. For particulars apply to. MICHAEL lIEERY. Meehoppen. Meshoppen, April 22, 1368 EXECUTORS* NOTICE. \t OTICE is hereby given that Letters Testamen -11 tary npon the estate of Stefhrn Lott, late of Lemon township, dc'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement without delay. WM H. STARK. )„ , 11. 11. .MITCHELL, $ Lemon, April 29 18g8.- -33wg. SHERIFF'S "S A LET BY virtue of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas to rue directed, there will be ex p. and to public sale at the Court House iu Tuukbaunock, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, SATCRDAY, MAY' 23d, '6B, at 1 o'clock P. M. All the right, title and interest of the defeodant in and to that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate and be'tig in the township of Nicholson, Wyoming County, Pennsylvania, bounded and do scribed as fid ows, to wit : On the North by Public llighwai. East by land of Arab Squires, South by lands of Tob as Miller, and West by I-ill of Frank Miller, containing sixty-four acres more or less, about twenty-five acres thereof improved, with one frame dwelling house, one frame barn, and some fruit trcei> thereon, with the appurtenances. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I. V Lynch vs M. E 8 inforil And will be soi l for cash only by M W. DKWITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office,' Tunk. May 5, 1863v—39w3 SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Exponas to me directed there will be excised to i'ublic Sale at the Court House, iu Tunkbannock, Wyoming Co,, ; Pennsylvania. .3 VTI'RDAY, MAY '63, at I o'clock P. M., | ill the right, nilc ami in'eies' of the defendant tn j . !to tl. II ■ rt.iin piece, parcel or Iraet of land sit- [ ;. it., in I lie township oi Nortlinuira-land, Wyoming ounty, Pa., bounded and described as follows, In ail - On the North by land of Christian Lafler. East and South by land of William More, aud West by land known as the Mini's lot, containing about 29 acres of land more or less, about twvuiy thereof im proved, with one frame dwelling house, one small bam, one stable, one bee house, one apple orchard, and some other fruit trees thereon, with the appur tenances. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Aa- j ron Brown vs. George F. Fox. And will he sold far cash only by M. W. DEWITT, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Tuuk, April 29, I°GB SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue ■fa writ of Venditioni Exponas to uie directed there will be exposed to public sale at Hi' Court House in Tuukhaunock, Wyoming County. Pennsylvania, ON SATURDAY, MAY 23 '6A at 1 o'clock P M., All the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to that certain piece, | arcel or tract of land sit uate and being in the township of Monroe, Wyoming County, Pa., bounded an t described as follows, to wit: Ou .he North by laud of Asher Parks, East by land ot Richard Kvtnun and Wells Parks, South hv land of Richard Reman, West by land of Hiram Frear, containing fifty acres of land more or less, thirty acres thereof improved, with one trauie house 1 j stories high, one frame barn, and an apple orch ard and other fruit trees thereon, with the appurte nances Seized aud taken in exeevtion at the suit of Aa ron Brown vs. Andrew Ililhert. And will be sold for cash unit by M W DEWITT Sheriff. Tunk., April 29, 'GBu3Bw4. AGENTS AANTED FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF TIIE WAK, * Its Causes Character, Conduct and Results, By Hon ALEXANDER H. STEPHENS. A Hook tor ail Sections and all Parties. This great work presents the only complete and ttnpaitial analysis of the Causes of the War yet pub lished, and gives those interior lights and shadows of the grtnt conflict only known to those high officer* who witched the flood-tide of revolution frotn its fountain springs, and which were so accessible to Mr. Stephens from his po.-itiou as second officer of the Confederacy To a public that his been surfeited with apparent ly similar pratlin-lions, we promise a change of tare, both agreeable and salutary, and un intellectual treat of the highest order The Groat American Wo has AT LAST found a historian worthy its im portance, ami at whose hands it will receive that moderate, randid and impartial treatment which truth and justice so urg. ntly demand. The intense desire everywhere manifested to ob tain this work, its Official character and ready sale, combined with an increased couitnissiou, make it the best subscription hook ever published. One Agent in Easton, Pa , reports 72 subscribers in three days. One in Boston, Mass., 103 subscribers in 4 days One in Memphis, Tenn , 106 subscribers in 5 day*. Send for Circulars ar.d see our terms, and a full description of the work, with Press notices of ad , vance sheets, Ac Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO.. 3Sw4 2G South Seventh St., Pbilad'a, Pa. RAPER HANGINGS: PAPER HANGINGS! PAPER HANGINGS I ! 4000 Pieces. WINDOW CURTAINS—CLOTH A PAPER, i A Largs Variety ami all at greatly reduced prices. AT TIIE BOOK STORE OF F C. A R P ROSS. Tunkbanuock, April 15, 63-3gw4. j N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED 1 STATES for the Wpatera District of Penn'a. In the Matter of Ifassor i Billings, Bankrupt. Jn Bankruptcy To Whom it may Concern i The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Hasson Billings of the township of Lemon in the county of Wyoming and State oi Pennsylvania,with in said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition by the District Court of said Distriot. Dated Tunkbannock the 4th day o( May, A. D 1868- FTWD J. B. RHODES, ASMFFOAE INTRODUCED INTO AMERICA FROM GERMANY, in 1835. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, ami HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, PRMPARRD BT DR. C. M. JACK3OF, PHILADELPHIA, PA. The greatest knoaxm remedies for Liver Complaint, DYSPEPSIA, Nervous Debility, JAUNDICE, Diseases of the Kidneys, ERUPTIONS of the SKIN, •ad all Disrate* arising from a Din ar tie red Liver, Stomach, or IMPURITX or TBS BLOOD. Read the following symptom, and if you find thai your eystem is affscted by any of them, you may rest assured that disease has commenced its attack on the most important organs ef your body, and unless soon checked by the use of pmnrrful remedies, a ixijcraM* kft, soon terminating in death, \till be the result. Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Filee, Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food. Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Bour Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes. Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc.. Sud den Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Xvil, and Great Depression of Spirit*. Alt these indicate disease of the I.irer or IHgsstive Organs, combined u-i?/i impure blood. fjooflanb's ©crmati Hitters Is-entlrely vegetable,and contains no liquor. It I* a compound of Fluid Ex tracts. Tlie Hootm, Herb*, and Bark* from wlileli Hint extract* are mada are gathered In Germany. All the medicinal virtue* are extracted from them by a *cletlllc chemist. These extract* are then forwarded to this country to be uird expressly for the manufacture of these Bitter*. There I* no alcoholic substance of any kind used In compounding the Bitters, hence It Is the only Bitters that can be used In cases where alcohollc.stlm klants are not advisable. tjooflanb's ©crman Conic <i a eombinatirm of all the ingredients of the Bitters, with Pi'Rl Sinta t'rus Rum, (.rang', tie" R u uted for IV lame diseases as tht Bitten, in caset where some pure alcoholic stimulus is required. You will bear in mind that these remedies ore entirely difTerefit from any others adrertised for the. cure of the diseases named, these bring scientific preparations of medicinal extracts, while the others are mere decoctions of rum •n some form. The TONIC is decidedly one of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies erer offered to th* public Its taste is exquisite. Jt is a pleasure to tak* it, whil* its life-giving, ejrhilaratmg, and medicinal qualities have caused it to be known as ths greatest of anionics. CONSUMPTION. Thovftndi of rases, when the pa tient inpnoird he was afflicted with this terrible disease, have been cured ky the nse of these remedies. Extreme emaciation, debility, and cough are the usual attendants upon severe cases of dyspepsia or disease of the digestive organs. Even In caset of (inulnt Consumption, these remedies will be found of I lie greatest benefit, strengthening and Invigorating. DEBILITY. Vint it no medicine equal t" Hoojland's German Bittnt or Tonic in cases of DeJ-xlity. They impart a tons and vigor to the whole system, strengthen the ap petite, cause an enjoyment of the fttad, enable t\c gtamorh to digest it. purify the blood, give a gotni, sound, healthy complexion, eradicate the yellow tings from the eye, impart a bloom to the cheeks, and change the patient from a short-breathed, emaciated, wak, and nervous invalid, to a full-faced, tb/ut, and vigor* out person. Wak and Delicate Children are made strong by using ths Bitters or Tonic. In fact, they are Family 91edlclne. They can be administered with perfect snfety to a child three months old. the most delicate female, or a man of ninety. These Remedies are thi btst Ulood Ptirlflcr# sv*r knoien, and will curs ail diseases resulting from bust blood. Keep your blood pure ; keep your Liter in order; keep your digestive organs in a sound, healthy condi tion, by ths use of these rcmn its, and no disease will tetr assail you. THS C3IIPLESXOIT. Ladles who wish a fair skin and r;ood complexion, free from a yellow sh tinge and all other rilstlgnrement, shonld use'these remedies occasion ally. The Liver In perfect ordsr, and thr blood pure, will result In spark ling eyes and blooming cheeks, Cll'TlOM. TJeaJtanfs German Remedies are counterfeited. Ttu genuine hare the signature of C. M. Jackson on the front of the outside wrapper of each bottle, and I he name, of the article blown in each bottle. AU others art counterfeit. Thousands of letters have been re ceived, testifying to the virtue of thess remedies. BEAD THE REOOIMEKDATION9, FROM HON.GEO. W.WOODWARD, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA. MARCH 16th, 1667. Ifnd "llooJbxn<fs German Bitters" is not an intoss- Uating beverage, hut is a good tonic, useful in disor ders of the digestive organs, and of great I-eve At in oases of debility and want of nervous action in ths So stem. . Yours truly, GEO. IP. WOODWARD. FROM nON. JAMES THOMPSON, Judge of the Supreme Conrt of Pennsylvania. PHILADELPHIA, Arßit 28th, 1866. 1 consider " floofland's German Bit ters" a valuable medicine In case of at tach* of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I ean certify this from my experience ofll. Yours, with respect, JAMES THOMPSON. From RET. JOSEPH H KENNARD, D.D., Psstor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. DR. JACKSON—DESK SIR :— 1 hare been frequently re quested In connect, my name with recommendations of different kimls qf medicines, belt regarding the practic s as nut of my appropriate sphere, I hare in all cases de clined ; but With a cleur proof in various instances, and particularly in my own family,of the usefulness of Dr. lloofanils German Bitters, I depart for once from my usual course, to express my full conviction that for General debility of the system, and especially for Liver omplalnt, it is a safe and valuable preparation. In some cases it may fail; but usually, I doubt not, it toill be very beneficial to those who suffer from the above causes. Yours, very respectfully, J. 11. REWARD, Eighth, below Coatee St. Price of the Bitters, SI.OO per bottl#) Or, a half dozen for $5.00. Price of the Tonic, $1.50 per bottle) i Or, a half dozen for $7 50. The Tonic ia'put up tn quart bottles. Recollect that it it Dr. HooflanATs German Remedies that are so universally used and so highly recommend ed ; and do not allow the Druggist to induce you to take any thing else that he may say is just as good, bo cause he muket a larger profit on it. These Remedies will be tent by express to any locality upon application to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, Tib. 631 ARCH STREET, Philadelphia. CHAS. K. EVANS, Proprietor, Formerly 0. M. JACKSON A CO. These Remedies are for sale by Druggists, Storekeepers, and Medi cine Dealers everywhere. Do not forget to examine well the article you buy, in order to get the genuine Tl 19 IS TO GIVE NOTICE: THAT on iue 4iu liny of April A. D 1 SOS, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of Lawrence C. Coukliu of Tunkhannoek Boro in the of Couuty Wyoming and State of Punu'a, who bas been adjudged Bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Conrt of Bankruptcy, to be boldea at the office of Register in Towanda, Bradford Co . Pa., before Ed ward Overton. Jr.. Register, on the 13th day of May A. D. 1868 at 10 o'clock A. M. Til OS. A ROWLEY, IT. 6- MarshaL 37wl By B B. Coelbaugh, Deputy. |lefo atibfrtisfuifnts. Circular, Mill, Mulay, Gang & Cross Cut B jA. W S . Every Saw that leaves our Factory is Oil Temp ered and Patent Ground, perfectly true end even, and made of uniform temper by our patent temper ing process. ' AX SI , Common shape, as (food as the l>" t The RED JACKET (Colhurn's Patent) AXE cannot be ex celled. We guarantee they will cut 25 per cent, more than common Axes, with less labor to tho ch' pper. ?end for circular and prices to LIPPINCOTT A IIAkCWiiMi, Plltftbuigii. Pa., Sole Mer fad'rs For sale by principal Hardware Dealers. To the Ladies. FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR. We are selling Silk*. Shaerls, Dry and Fancy t foods, of every descr.ption, also, Sitter t rare, Fur niture, Ac. Valuable Presents, from Ad to SoUO sentyree of charge to agents sending clubs of ten and upwards. Circulars sent free to any address. WYKTII A Ct>. P- 0. Box 2931. 42 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. EXECUTORS' NOTICE. N OTICE is hereby given t har Letters Testau en lary upon the estate of Hiram Ftark, late of Tnnkhannock township, deceased, have been g-anted to the subscribers All petsons indebted to said es tate are requested to make Immediate payment, an \ ' those having claims against the same will present th.-m duly authenticated f r settlement. W.M M. STARK, ) .. , GEO. W STARK $ n ' Tunkhnnno-k Ap r i! 29, I'fiS 3Bwg THIS IS 111 GIVE NOTICE; ' "TMIAT on the 23th day of April A. D. 1363, n L Wa-rwnt in Bankruptcy was issued against the Estate of C M. Bacon, of the township of Nich olson, in the County of Wyoming, and State ol I I'ennsyiv.ini i, who lias been adjudged Bankrupt on ' his own petition : that the payment of any debts • ant delivery of any property belonging to such Rank iop", •• him. lor his use and the transfer ol no |!• perry by (:iia ore forbidden by law; that a ia- log t tit- t'ri ditors of .-aid B.irkrupt, to prove lien de'-is, and to choose one or more Assignees of | 'us K.-tale. will he held t a Court of Bankruptcy, i o be liolden at 303 Lackawanna Avenue, Scran ton Pennsylvania, be lore Edward N. Willar I. Register, oh the 2d day of June A D. 1368, at 9 o'clock A M. TIIOB. A ROW LEV, V. 3. Marshal. 39v4 at Messenger, Western liis. Ps. LUMBER Foil SALE. HOUSE BUILDERS and others, will find a full auppiv of "SEASONED PIN'E LUMBER For Sale at Tunkhannock. This LUMBER, which was manufactured a' Walt , man's Steam Saw Mill in Bradford county, is of the j best quality, and .veil seasoned. Boards will dress to inch. Plank to 11 and 2 : inches in thickness. Buyers wishing their lumber planed, matched, Ac., will find Planing Mills at this place to do the work. For particulars consult • E J. KEEN'EV, Agt. TunUhaunock. Jan. 1, 1868. YOU CAN lIUY YOl'R BOOTS & SHOES AT EASTMAN BROS., IN TUN KHAN NOCK, Cheaper an! better than any place this side Botton. None but the best wurkuiec employed. SAVE THE EXPENSE Of a man at a lfce salary, with a horse to riJe around and imiffc for a city jobber, by buy ing your Boots and Shoes of EASTMAN BROS., who can sell you, of every style, at wholesale or : re'atl, 35 per cent. Cheaper And better than nnv other place. We have all of the HUM IM- MMMMY. We will have every Boot-Seam Sewed by hand, and Warrant cvorv stitch Our Warrant Means a JVeie Pair or Money Itefundcd. There will also be kept in connection a CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, whero particular attention will be paid to SEWED FRENCH CALF; and we expect to give perfect satisfaction in stock ' and fit or no silo. RETAIL PRICES. Men's Hemlock Kin (16 inch Legs) I Sole, - t4,00 Women's High Shoes, (Hand Made,) Calf, - 2,00 Calf Boot, (Hand Sided,) .... Oak a quarter dollar extra Other good? in propor tion Please cull and examino our goods aud satisfy yourselves. No trouble to show anything in the Boot and Shoe or Oaiter line. EASTMAN BROS. Tunkhannoek, Aptil 15 '6S.-—tf. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES tor the Western District of Penn'a. In the Matter of Eraslus IK. Burns, Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy To Whom it may Concern : The undersigned hereby gives nnfii I'his appointment as Assignee of l:.m ns M Burns ut Nteholaon in the county of Wyoming ami S'ato of Pennsylvania, within said Ln-ui i who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon hi a .wn petition by the Uistrict Court of said Dis trict. Dated Tuukbannock the 4th day of May A. D. 1964. J. B RHODES, Assignee. j IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATES for the Western District of Penn'a In the Matter oj Stephen D. Bacon, Bankrupt- In Bankruptcy To Whom it may Concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis appointment as Assignee of Stephen D. Bacon of Tunkhannoek in the county of Wyoming and Stwte of Pennsylvania, within said Distriot, who his been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis OWD petition by the District Court of said Dis triot. Dated Tunkhannoek the 4th day of May A. D. IB6R 39*3 J- B. RHODES, Afii gnee, JMfrliscnunts. Book agents wakted for LIST ING'S HISTORY OF TIIE f'NITBD STATES —from its discovery to the clo<e of Andrew Jobn • ■n'g administration ; 111 oni r >7*l oo'avn volume ot 800 pages, illug'THte i by four hundred engravings on wood ami twelve engraving* on iteel; entirely new. Fur specimen. and term*, apply to T. BEL KNAP, Hartford, Conn., or BLISS A CO., H'4 Bn*d Street, Newark, N. J. AGENTS 2VANI El>— For the pergonal his lory ot General Oram, hy A. I>. Richardson, outh ,r of ' Field Dungeon and Escape ' an I He yon d the Mississippi' Material gathered hy the author at llceid-quafttrs in the Field, and ft.on channels opened hy . General Grant him elf. 25 full Engraving* Contains matter no other work Aas or can get. Content* prove it the only authorized 'Life •>! Grant ' Don't offer en in ferior work ' Get the best' Send for cir alms in.l decide. Address AMERICAN PI-BUSHING CO Hartford, Conn ,or BLld> A CO , 19-1 Broad street Newark, N. J AGENTS WANTED for the Wr-Asmo OF the Ohkks. — The greatest Book ever published.— Its contents are deeply interesting and should he CAREFULLY READ by every one The imiiier.se demand for this great work slamjts it the most SI'C CESSFt'L BOOK Ol'T. It is decidedly the BOOK FOR THE TIMES. It fully illustrates Old Inland, a hounds in Romance, Incident and Wit, sh .win : the Patriotism and Vcrotwn, tbe Truth and Fervor, of that warm-hearted people, containing 400 pages and over 100 illustrations, bound iu elotb, greon and gold. Price 83. Agents wanted everywhere. Ex clusive territory given. Send for circulars and sam ple copy. WM. FLINT 26 So. 7ih so, I'bii'a, Pa. AGENTS WANTED FDR THE LIFE OF BY A STAFF OFFICER. This is the only Full Authentic and OFFCIAL History of the Li'e and public Service* of the Great Chieftain, and the only one that i* endorsed by all his leading Generals. Send for Specimen pages and Circulars with terms. Au.lress Natiuxal Publish txt; Co., Phil'a, l'a. (' AU TlO >'-—The count -y "is being fl,aided with so-catted Lives of Grant, written !> Civilians and Politicians, who never saw a battle. See that the Book you buy is endorsed by all the leading Generals BOOK AGENTS WANTED IJ'OR " PEOPLES BOOK OF BIOGRAPHY," hy 3auks Part.'V, the " Prince ot Biographer*," containing lives of distinguished persous ~f all ages and countries women as well as men A handsome octavo liook of over 600 pages, illustrated wiih 12 beautiful steel engravings No competition Agents say it sells faster than any Luoli they ever sold.— Send for subscriprion circular. A.S HALE A Co., Publishers. Hartford, Ct. AGENT? V/ANTED FOR Men of Onr Day ; Or Biographies (of over 50) of the most prominent men of the nation, including Grant, Sherman, Col fax, Sumner, Stanton, Sheridan, Graw, Kelly .lay Cook, Curtin, Trumbull, Kenton, Buckingham, Wil son, Greeley, Wade, Morton, Phillips, F'urragut, Chase, Logan, Stevens, Beecher. and others. Em bellished with over 40 life-like Steel Portraits. 660 Pages. Sold only bv Agen'. Great indueemonis. Send for circulars ZEIGLER, McCCRDY 4CO , 611 Arch street, I'hila., Pa. MEDICAL ILLUMINATION ! F'our Magnificently Illustrated Medical Books, containing important Physiological Information, for m< n and Women, sent free on receipt of 25 cets , by addressing Dr. Jou.v Yandekpool, No. 30 Clinton Place, N. Y. City. a i. NORTH AMERICAN STEAM SHIP CO. Through Line to California, YIA PANAMA OR NICARAGT'A. New Arrangement, Sailing from New Yotk on the •STil & SOTII DP EVERV MONTH, Or the day be/ore when these dates fall on Sunday PASSAGE LOWER THAN BV ANV OTHER ROUTE, For information address D. N. CARHINGT^N. Agf , 11l West Street, New York. * AY. 11. WEBB, Pres. CII.AS. DANA. Vice Pres. Office- 5! Exchange Place. New York. MAIf It <V I.,\N'(iMA\"H PATENT LIQUID 81-SULPHATE OF LIME. A CERTAIN prserv live of Ergs, Fruit, Meat, 4c. for any length of time For sale by Diug gists and Grocers WANTED- -AGENTS to sell by sample a Com iioedSjU r , Level and Bevrl Great in dueements offered. County Rights for sale on most lioeral terms. For particulars address W. S. Batch r.LUtE 4 Co , Pitteloirg, Pa, x A j ANTED—AGENTS—S2OO per month the year VV round or a certainty of $5 0 to SIOOO per month to those having a li'tle capital. AYe guaran tee the above monthly salary to good activi agent# at their own homes. Every agent, fanner, gardnrr. planter and fruit grower. North and South, should send at once fur pat lieulars. Please call on or ad dress J. All EARN 4 CO., 63 Second street, Balti more, Md. AGENTS WANTED. PEOPLE in want of, and Agents who are selling all kinds of Sewing Machines, are requester to address me (with stamp) for greatly reduced pri ces and terms. J. K. Pearsons, box 4, Cbailes lown, Mass. ISmiE lUIS IS Ti SEWING GUIDE, a beautiful article for the assistance of ladiesin hand sewing, not only protecting the finger from' the ugly prick of the needle, but, being provide I with a rib the stitches are made with EXACT REOL LAKl'l Y. and inrreased rapidity It also keeps the point cf the needle in perfect condition. For all kinds of embroidering and crotchcting it is inraluable. The GUIDE is elegantly silver-plated, and will sell at sight to every lady. • Kent to any address by mail, on receipt of 25 csnts,, or solid silver, 75 cents Agents wanted in every town Terms and sample for 25 ets. Liberal discount to the trade. Addre-s NILE? MANCF'G CO., 55 Water St., Boston, Mas WANTED, AGENT!*, $75 to S2OO p-r month, everywhere, male and female, to in troduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE Ikis ma chine will stitch, hem, fell, tu K, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most superior manner.— Price only sl3. Fully warranted for five years. We will pay *IOOO for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic scam than ours. It makes the "Elastic Lock Stitch " FLveri second stitch can he cut, and still the cloth cannot bo pulled apart vithout tearing it. We pay agents from $75 to S2OO per month and expenses, or a a ui missionfrom which twh-e that amount can Re made Address SKCOMB 4CO , PITTSBURGH, Pa., or BOSTON, MASS* CAUTION.--I)o not be imposed upon by other |iarties palming ff worthless east iron machines, un der the same name or otherwise Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machines luauu tacturcd. " Carbonized Meat." DO YOU SUFFER and DESIRE RELIEF FROM CONSUMPTION, lIRON4 Hills, ASTHMA, or DYSPEPSIA f II bo,w- THE "CARBONIZED MEAT" la a sure cure I Ask your dmggist for it or send $1 tor a can, to SAM'L B, COLES 4 CO. per do*. Lykens, Pa WE SELL FOB ONE DOLLAR GOLD and Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Silk Dress Patterns. Carpetings, Domestic Goods.4c, CIRCULARS SENT FREE, giving full particulars, or ten checks sent for One Dollar, describing ten different articles which we will sell for ONE DOLLAR EACH Splendid inducements offered to Agents sending us Club*. Addiess LABONTE 4 BABBITT, No, 63 Sudbury street, Boston ; Mass, silii Gi tales'. Cui loslt}' of the 19ilx Cd.tury I Kiectric F".sh--lt pie isee.all ! V\ hy mail for 10 t end ''amp: 3 for 25cents. A idle#- the inventor. NATHAN 11 iLL. West jfilt hury, Mass jif Agents wanted in twrj put of ihe world. NOTHI NG LIKE IT IN MEDICINE A luxury to th- palate, n pain ess eiacuant a g.-ntie stimulant to the cir' -ulat'on, a persp.raTory preparation, an anti oiions in,.do inc. *tnn:c ir. a diuretic and ait aI mi hie gv re .al alterative) Su h ar too a. n wledged ami daily proien proper'tea of I iUK ANT'S Effervescent APERIENT. Soil by all) s VtARKiED and Single Persona should send for I*l Dr. S M Lin lis' great B- ks: 'Key to LoL ' 25 eta; • Private Book,' teaching all about ' Sexual nod Marriage I'hysiologv.' SI; or 10 cts. for 'Ser mon on Courtship ami Marriage,' including special Circular ol all his books Sent on receipt of pri d hy return mail prepaid. Address " Lsndis Publish' 1 ing Society, N. W. cor. ldiu at. A Girard avenue, i'b ladelph'.a, Pa PGYCHOMANCY, or Sol L CIIAKMINQ.- How*cither sex may fascinate and gain tbe af fections of any one tbey ch'iose, instantly; aiso se cure pro-perily in love or business Every one c.in acquire,this singular power. This queer, exciting book has been published by us ten years, the sale trf which ha* been enormous, and is the only bo k of tne kin I in the English linguige set t by mail for 25 cts , or live for one dollar, together with a guide to the unmarritto. Address T. WILLIAM A CQ. 8,-ok Publishers, Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED for EVERY COL'STY,— i\ Our Agents are in .king 8100 to 8150 pr month selling our STATIONERY GIFT I'ACKAGE.S- Stii, l lor circulars 11AAS1S A LI BUECIIT, Em pire iVup, Chart and Stationery Establishment, 107 Liberty street, New Yotk. ZM XL V A PRESENT OF 825 Value OF your own selection, free of cost, for a few days' service in any town or village. Particulars and a gi!' sent tree, by a 'dressing with stamp, N. B. CLOIDM AN A CO., 40 Hanover St., Boston, Mass. MAHsGi At lb'S One Dollar Sale of English and American !<ry and Fancy Goods, Cutlery, 1 Jewelry, A.- Agents rtctire their goods -is an ' equivalent for the'r tabu* tor procuring clubs.— I Send 25 cte lot the names of two articles which will ,be sent on receipt of One Doll ii each Agents wall ' led. lul dec iptiuns seat free v mail. Adlress MAR. 11 A CO.. . j 3 Tremont Row, and 12 llow.it j St.. Bo=tun, Mass. TO THE LADIES. We areagrn'- tor over ONE HI'NDRED F> reign and Domestic M.n it icturers, n I are prepared to j funii-h the wlii e coun'rv with DRY nut FANCY GOODS, SILKS SHAWLS. JE.i ELHY. SILVEB WAR- . I-l KNITLKE, PIANOS, >EWI*U MA CHINES. Ac. A -., at ti,e unborn, price of One Dollar for Each Article. Send your clip.a of ten and upwar is. lor descriptive checks, -howi g what article can he obtained lor One Dollar, with 10 cent* for each check CIRCI'LAPiS SENT FREE. Prqjents worth f nin SI to 83J0 scut free of charge to agents sending clubs. Agents wanted in Every Town. fL'SHMAN A C 5 . 10 Arch Street, Boston, Mum. 2,500,000 f u-tjune i s in Pour Tears. PATRONIZE THE REST. Having the largeft cnpi'al. most experienced buy ers, and exclusive trate of any concern in the Dol i larSaie busiu'ss. we GIIA RAN TEE SATISFACTION in every inri ,n e, ani also the best sclcctior. of Goods ever offered at ONE DOLLAR EACH i\o other concern has any show wherever our Agenh are selling Our mot <•: •• l'l.unpt and lte . liable " Male aud female ageuts wanted in city uud ■ country. THE LADIES \ Are particularly requested to try our popular club ' scstem ■ f selling nil kind* of Try and Farcy Goads, Dress Patterns. Cotton Cloth Castors. Sitrer Vla . ted troods. H alrlns. Ac. (Established 1664.) A I'eiQiit lVn Fountain and a check describing an or- I tile la he sol I tor a dollar, 10 cts.; 20 tor 82 ;40 i t'r St ; 00 for 8 0; 100 t'.r 810 ; sent hy mail. Free i l're-ents til getter up, '.worth 50 per cent, more tha i ! those sent by any other concern.) according to s'ro of | .-nib. Sewl us a tri.l club, or il not do not fail to sen,' for a circular _ N- B —Oar sale -hould sot be clas ed with New York dollar ' j. we ry Sdles or bo :us Tea Coin pa , nies," as it is nothing of the sort EASTMAN A KENDALL. 05 Hanover street. Boston. Mas*. fUIRE VOIJRSEI.Fof DEBILITY. SEXF | Lb AL DISEASES. Ac. —Send your address on | siampr.l envelope and ask for ciicular of ' l'atbolo : g." Direct AMERICAN NEWS CO., 121 Na ; sau i si., N. Y. WOODEN WATER PIPE, GAS PIPE ALD EAVE TFTOUGH! THE BEST AND CHEAPEST ARTICLE EVER made. Everybody, particularly FARMERS and MINERS, sen t for a free descriptive circular :nd j piice list to J A. WOODWAKD, Williamsport, Pa. Great Distribution. i BY THE METROPOLITAN GIFT CO. I Cash GH'ls ti tlte Amount ot 8450,000. Every Ticket Draws a Prize. • 5 Cosh Gifts, Each Slo,o>o 10 ' " S.OC') i 20 '• 1,000 40 " •' 560 -200 " " 100 | 300 " " 61 i 4SO " " 25 600 " " 25 1 30 Elegant Rosewood Pianos ..-Each 8300 to 8300 j 35 " " Melodeons •' 75 to 150 150 Sewing Machines " ''' 250 Musical Boxes •' 25 to °2o<t j 300 Fine Gld Watches " 75 ta 300 ! 75u Kmc silver >V ate hes " 30 to 50 , I-'me Cdl Paintings, Filmed Engravings, Silver Ware, Photograph Alliums, and a large assort' mrnt of Fine Gold Jene'rv in all valued at 81,000,000. \ C'hattrv t > I) aw any of the Above Prl Z 8 by j urvbasing a Soiled ticket for 25 els. Tick* ! eis describing each Prize are sealed in Envelopes ,an I thoroughly mixed, tin receipt of 25 cis n Seal j ed Ticket will be drawn without choice an I deliver } ed at our office, or sent by mail to any wl tress. The j prize named upon it will he delivered to the ticket. i holder on payment in uue dollar. Prizes will le i inline iiately sent to any address, as requested bjr express or return mail. You will know What your prize l before you pay for If. Any prize may be <xchansttd for another oj the same talue No 111 .oka. j ' Our patrons can <l. pen I• n fair dealing | Ref'eienCfcß.~\Ve selei r the few following names i from the many who have lately drawn valuable pn ' zes and kindlv permitted us to puhlis'i ih- in : j s. T. Wilkins, Buffalo, N. V . 81.000; Miss Annie j Monroe, Chicago, 111., Piano, valued at 865 J ; RQI t. ' Jackson. Dubuque, lowa, (101 l Warch. 8 2 >0: Phil lip McCarthy, Louisville K.v . Diunani Cluster i Ring. WOO: R. A. Patterson. New Bedford Mass ; ! Silver Tea Set, 8175 : Miss Emma Walworth Mil - I waukee, Wis., Piano, 8501 ; Lev. T, IV Pitt Clevc j land Ohio, Meiodeon, 8i25. | We publish no Mimes without pcrmi s'nn. j Opinions of the Press.—They are doing the | largest husieess : the firm is reliable, and d;servo | their success Weekly Tribune, Feb 8, IStid. We have examined their system an I km* them to be a fair dealing firm —iV Y. 11 raid, Feb. 'Asih. Last week a friei d of ours drew a Si l' prize, which was promptly received.- Daily .Xcics, March , id, 18r,8 | Send for circular giving mmy more references and ; favorable notices from the press Liberal indue e i menu to Agents Satisfaction guaran'eed. Every i package of sealed envelopes contains one cab cr\ft. Si* Tickets for 81 ; 13 lor 82 ; 35 for 85 j 110 fer • 15. I All letters should be addressed to HARPER, I VYJLSON A CO., 173 Rrwdw-jj, N. Y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers