|Patm GaAnt L, MI . in.,,:, are reqaeated ;o contribute to 'his Department, as it Is from their experience that we hope to gain some thing of interest for our readers. GATHERINGS. Mr. A. P. Davis of Lake Washington. Winn, by selecting the earliest ears of corn for cev erai successive years, has a variety of white de&t corn, which he ays will always escape the fail frosts, if properly cultivated. All dead leaves in the orchard, garden and t pleasure ground sho d be collected and placed as mnleh around the trees, boshes, vines and canes A few ehovelsfal of compost thrown over them will keep them from being j blown away by wind. Three brothers in Plymouth, Mass., own a cranbery meadow of fifty acre*, from s'Xieen of which they picked last year 1,550 bushels They intend to devote the remainder of the land to the same crop, and in good years ea pect to barvet 6,000 boaoels. "To pursue sheep husbandry most socces fully," eays the Homttead, "root* must be raised aad fed ; grain either raised or bought will be consumed, and oil meat will have to be purchased for f<<od. Their mar.ore is bet ter for the farm than the pcrchaae of super phosphate of goanao." If sheep are kept in the eame lot wiib cows or fat cattle, no dog will disturb them. As soon as the dogs approach the sheep, they ran to the cattle wbo drive off the dogs. A farmer for thirty years, by adopting this plan never loat a sheep by dogs, although the same night the dogs killed sheep ia the farms north and south of him. The influence of food en the quality of milk ia very sinking. A half starved cow not only yielda but littia uiik, but rhat it yield# ia miserably poor. On tbe other band the liberal supply of food rich in nitr and phosphatic elements of nutrition tell di rectly on tbe milk. Nothing, therefore, can be more injurious than to stint dairy cows ia food. The Ganltner'g Monthly advises that in tying op climbers to wire or other kinds of tellis or lattice-work, they should never be allowed to twine theaxelres in and about tbe meshes, as it ie often necessary to take off the plant to paint or repair the trellis.— Half-hardy climbers, which require s slight protection in winter, may thus he easily ta ken down and coiled in a circular form at tbe roota of the plant, and covered with soil The carrot is the most esteemed of all roots for it feeding qualities, and its influence in the stomach upon the other articles of/ood is most favorable, conducing to the most perfect digestion and assimilation. This re sult, long known to practical men, is explain ed by chemists as re<siting from a substance called pectine, which operates to coagulate or galatinste vegetable solutions, and thu favors digestion in all cattle Horses are especially benefitted by the use of carrots.— Ex. KEEPING FARM ACCOUNTS. f<et any farmer make the experiment, and be will find it as interesting and useful to know from year to year the actual produce of his form. Let everything therefore, that can be weighed or measured ; and let that which cannot he brought to a correct stand ard, be estimated as if he himself were about to sell or purchase it. Let him, likewise, as near as possible, measure the ground on which he plants the quantity of seed that he nses, sod manure that be applies. Tbe labor in doing this is nothing compar ed with the satisfaction of having done it and tbe benefits which most arise from it— Conjecture in theee cases is perfectly wild eod uncertain, varying often, with different individuals, almost a hundred per cent Exactness enables man to form conclusions which rosy, most essentially, and in innom merable ways avail to his advantage. It is that alone which can give any value to his experience ; It is that which will make his experience the sure basis of improvement ; •it will put in his power to give safe counsel to hie friends, and it is the only ground on which he can securely place confidence in himself.— Ex. SccM.—Oct a complcto asiortment for next year. Much of the SUCCCM of farming dcjicDd* upon tbi* item. For coro select •ound ears and tboee growing two upon a •talk. Keep the ear* in a dry room, until thoroughly dried. Much poor aeed corn ia planted emy year, nd pe- ple wond er why it doea not come np. Erlj aeed po tatne* ahould be secured now. It often makes a difference of half in price whether • crop ia marketed in 7uly or October Burn up the old garden *ceda and get a new stock from some reliable seedsman. Our prcaen' postage law bring* a aeed store to every m*D'a door, and he has no excuse for plant* ing aeed that are most too good to throw •way, bnt not quite good enough to come up Doubtful eeed* will not pay wheu good one* ean be bad for love money. DWARF PEAR TREES.— Young dwarf* are oflan aerioualy Injured when planted In ex posed place* where wind* sweep of the snow Much good may be done in such instance* by covering the ground early in winter with manure spread three or four inches in thick ness, and in circles from five to eight in di •miter around tbe trees. This wts a two fold benefit—it protects the roots from *e vera frerxuig, and eotichea the toil by the liquid portiooa of the manure soaking into •ertb at the time of every lhaw Rod rain. 0 JC2C* ew 7 f,r ®er w&o rate a fin* pear, would eeve and plant the aeed, and after planting, note tbe progreaa of the young treea, we ahould aoon have a much larger and better variety of peara than at prretent. Some of the very beat variety of peara now on tbe Hat have been tbe reault of thia practice on tbe part of a few careful fruit jfrsnllanrous. EL LACK A WESTERN & R. Winter Arrangement— I *s#T-W. PASSENGER TRAINS LEAfR. ( lifTVAit. ? i>w)ip: MAI 1 3€nil Passenger ' Tram. Train. STATIONS. Train Trim. A M. p M. 9 CO New Yrk" 5 50 11.30 New Hampctiu, 2.30 1143 WMhiugton, 215 12 03 Oxford, 2J)I 12.15 Bridge-villa 1.50 12.30 M*uunk Chunk. 140 p.*. ! Difle. 100 Delaware, 1.35 Ditto. 1.10 Mouse Baikal. 110 P M, !;25 WtfarOap, 12.51 1.10 3trno<isbarg, 12-36 151 SpragaariMa 12.24 2.02 fienryville, 12 14 2 20 Oaalaod. 11.56 2 39 Pork*, 1137 3 'JO Tohfbiu*. 1157 314 Gonhishoro', 10.04 3 36 Moarr.w. Ift 40 3.47 Dunning. 10.30 4 20Ar i C L 10.60 A M. . Scturro.v ' P M 10.10 4-35 La V (Ar.9 50 60S 10 40 4-57 Clark's Summit. 0 2ft 5 55 10 53 505 AhtOftoa. 920 5.40 1113 5.21 FArtery ville. 904 521 11.43 541 Nicholson. 340 435 12.00 603 Hopbouom, 3.23 410 12 38 625 Monfroaa. 300 340 1.08 646 New Milfort, 7-29 3.10 135 705 Great Band. 7.20 245 P M. PM. A M PM foot of Liberty St CONNECTIONS— Westward, The MORNING TRAIN from New York eon - naetat MAN! SKA CHOK with tba tram leav ing Philadelphia Ken* ng*.in Depot) at 3 00 a m and at GREAT BEND with tba through Mail Train on the Erie Railway. with sleeping ear attacked, stopping at all tba principal stations on that road, and arriving at, Buffalo at 615 a m aad at Sala manca at 5 50 a an The Pusenger train from StmtM nor.Beets at Great Ban-I with tkroogh trains going west and eaat on Y.ne Railway, arriviu • at Bnffalo at 12.00 mid. night, aid at Salamanca at 11.55 p m. Eaai ward. The MORNING TRAIN from Great Bend eon narta there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the West; at Mannnka Chank with a tram for Philadelphia. Eastern. Trenton, and in termediate stations arriving in Philadelphia at o GO p m. and at New Hampton with a train for Ess ton. Bethlehem, Allentown, Reading ami Harris burg, arriving at. Harrisborg at 3-30 p. m. At 3CRANTON. connections are made with trains on the Lackawanna and Btoomsbarg Rail road, and on toe Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.'* Railroad, Time Table* of which roads are printed be low R A Hnaar. G Past A Tkt Agent j29tf 'Mi YAUIY Sill lOiB oea.v Taa.ot.on raos saw rear asn Partsnct-PBIA TO WILKJSBBARRE, forming direet rail connections MOB'S If, sor/n, BAS2 and ytWii. SUMMER TIME TABLE COM* r.xcrso JU M B /7/ h , /8a 7. All Through Trains make close connections with Trains to and from New Pork and Philadelphia. TIE MAIN* LINE TRAINS FROM ILKEHBARE (the present north i era ttrminns ofthi.3 roal) TO NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA, leave WILKE3BAKRE at 3o'clock A. M and 1.30 P. M Arrive at New York at 3.15 and 10.25 I' M. '• Philadelphia, at 2 'ls and 5.40 " leave New York at 6.30 A. M and 12- M. " Philadelphia at 745A. M. and 1.30 PM- Arrive at Wilkeebarre at 3-02 and 3.49 P. M. Nicholson Pa., Um.O. GARDNER & CO have just received a large and a splendid stock o goods consisting of fatten (Soote CLOTHING, BOOTS A SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS, TRAVELLING BAGS and TRUNKS, Cloths, Cassimcres, Vestings, Trimmings, YANKEE NOTIONS 4re, Sfc* all goods aid by as wsrr anted sit reromme da Our atrn "To keep good Goods," Our motto, "Not to be undersold " In connection with the store is a TAILOR-SHOP. (lARNESTK CI.'T AND MADE IN THE LATEST STY I.E. FISDUCE TAKEI II UMll W. O. GARDNER <k GO. Nicholson, Pa. CAR BIASES & BUGGIES. The Snbseriber, practical workman of long ex perience, is now finishing off a large lot of new Car riages and Buggies, at bis Carriage shop IN TUNKHANNOCK. Equal, if not superior, in Workmanship. Quality of Material, and finish, to those turned out at any other shop to the country. Those wiamog to hay should Call nb Craniar Ctjrm. ; Timm-AWifflmfho, I Done on short notlee and In a workmanlike style Charge* moderate. J. CAMPBELL. Tnnkhnnneck, Aug. 24, 15. vfin32 HOUSE LOTS FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers for sale on reasonable terms a number of BIJII.DINO DOTS, situate at the west end of Tu kbsnoock Borough ; For particulars at to prieet and terms inquire o( ELI6HA CHURCHHeU TneHiWiik -en, i amt,lr7Nm* IftscfllaiiEflus. FA KM V. R S AND MKCHANICS- Take Notlee. SURFACE PLANING and MATCHING, CIRCULAR and SCROLL SAWING. ALL KINDS of MACHINERY repair in good vtyle PLOWS, NARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, HOtfSE-HOES, ROLLERS, and SCRAPERS, on hand or to order. Power and hand Corns hellers; and Farming tools general!v t MILLERA AVERY, v6u43-fy. A GREAT VICTORY!"! FORT SOMPTER RE-TAKEN AND THE Enemy of Man Driven to the Wall: I THE NORTH SIDE OF THE OLD FORT FILLED TO OVERFLOWING wtra SUGARS, TEAS. COFFEES. FLOUR, MEAL FEED, MOLASSES. SYRUPS, CHEESE Both Green and Dried Applej, Also, Fresh Canned and Dried Peaches, Prunes Currants, Kauins, Omons. Oraag.-s. Figs. Sardines Candies, PoUtoes. Cabbage. Nuts, Spiees, Salt. Soap Svgars, Pork, Lard. Butter, Eggs, Fish Smvked Me*', Oysters by the quart, gall on or barrel ; Solid Meats, in fact, every thing in the line of GROCERIES •ad PROVISIONS. T'ne Sooth side of the Old Fort is fitted op for the reception of all wiahir.g a 4i<h of haw Stewed or Fried Oyster*. A Leo, | Pies, Cakes. Cheese, and a Cop of Hot Coffee, Sar dines, cr a dish of fresh Peaches. WANTED. • Bo'ter. Eggs Game. Chicken*, Ducks 1 sr. 1 Geesey at ;i rimes. for which cash will be paid on de livery, at the very highest, market rates! Call and see for yourselves and he convinced that 'he plaee to buy your Groeeries, Is in the Old Fort on the Southwest corner of Tioga and Bridge streets, Tunlcbtnnoek, P. B. M STONE. Nov 5, 1367—v"nl4tf. Ah W J 1 AN C Y AND TRIMMING STORE Tioga Street, Tonkbannock, Pa. M'tS. K LI ASK. HAVINJ lately opened anew Fancy Store , of fers for sale an entirely new assortment of TIT IMMXMG, I Dress Trimmings. White Goods. Embroideries Ladies Zepher, in all colors Kid Glove*. Cuffs and 1 Collar* L-je. Veils, Corsette, Ladies Nek ties, best I quality of Combs, Needles and Thiead cf the best quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a large stock of TOYS, Including China, Bronze Papier Maeke Tin, Rose wood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden. Parian and Candy Toys. • For Ladies. Cosmetics Ac . 3oeh as Pomades, Oils, Bandolina bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly White Ac MRS. E. LEASE. Tankbannock May 1, 1366 pRE, LIFE AT ACCIDENTAL GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCY I MOVTROSI, PA. CAPITAL RKPKE*ENTLD OVER •30,00",000! - Home Ins. Co., N Y .Cspitrl an l Sarplos 43,700 000 | In*. Co. of N. America, Phils. " '• 1,800,000 I International Ins. Co-, N. Y. " ' 1 500,008 Lyooniing Co, Mutual. Muncy, Pa, 3,000,000 Partners' Mutual, York, " 560 000 In*. Co.. State of Pa., Phila., Pa. " 70tt,0!tC I Hartford Eire In*. Co, Hartford Ct. 1,300,000 Putnam " •' *' " OdO.WiO Travelers' Ins. Co. of Hartford Ct, insur i ing against alt kinds of accidents. 500.0'' CC.VVECTI'UT MLTI.AI. Lire Inst KA<ICB Con PA sr. of Uartford, Ct., paying 60 per cent, divi dends to the insured. Capital 910,000,000 Note* received In payment of one-half the premium, on which six per cent, interest only is to be piid, and only four notes re quired. The notes are never to be paid un der any circumstances— Policy will be paid in full and notes gmo up. Assets over 13,000,000 AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.. of Philadelphia, Pa., Capital, 91,000,000 C. II SMITH. Solicitor, Montrose, Pa. HARTFORD LIVE STOCK INS. CO, Capital 95000,000 lutmnr.e on all kin'h of Lire Stork ayatnsl Theft and Deal from any ravge. j All Businers entrusted to our care will be attended ' to on fuir termes, and -ill Losses promptly adju-ted CHA'ST "BMO'WS" \ BTO,JD 4 BROWN. Agents, M. C SUTTON, Esq., Fricndsville, Pa, Sollci'oi Office first, door east of "Brick Block," montrnse, Pa. 7-03-tf PROF. 1 BERLIJ6BOF. BARB AND HAIR-DRESSER Takes pleasu-e in announcing t/< hie old customers and the public, generally, tht he ha* now secured the services as an assistant—of |*IRST Workman, LATE FROM PARIS, Those wishing a rood, 'have or other work in bir line can now be accommodated without the vexatious deli ye experienced at "one horse" shops, SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CUTTING, DRESSING. DYEING CURLING, Ac A a done in the best style and at reasonable rate*. TO MA ÜBS, TBIiPUMBTr and BXTKA Y*.Y, always on hand, an 1 lor lale at the old otand on Tioga Sflretl. J BERLINGUO7 TeabhiMi.k, Befo >jg| +M m ffarttat & Brg Sorts fib SS, MILLS '4 GO* Corner Tiogta ami Warrgn Streets, TUNKHANNOCK. PENN'A. | , A,-, a.,, opraing ..if. It-.rto Hardware, such as IRON, STEEL & NAILS, Faints, Oils, Glass, Potty, Var- J nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan ics Tool#, Wooden Ware, Brashes of ail kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, Seives, Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Oloth, Rosin, Rope#, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE. • Bockles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated Bittsrfeverv kind, flames. Iron Pad Tree*. Sa'dle Tree*, (fit Tnwa, Girth Webt, worsted a d CAt Thread. Sik Ab, an ! n- dl ... Halt r Cha n,-. Tr<* - Chains, Ac. Ac. PAINTS AND OILS, (SPERM, AND LUBRICATING OILS ALSO CROCKERY, GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE i j WINDOW and PICTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS. wholesale and retail. All of which have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and expressly for this market, and all they a.-k is an examination of the goods to satisfy all of the truth of what we say. Remember the place. ROSS, MILLS A Co. Tank I'a. May 20th, 1867. HATS & CAPS ! GROCERL-S Frigate at I F L SI TSEB. ft CO S. j On Bridge street nearly opposite Wheelock'sold stand | NOW OPENED. ir A B. MOTT THE CORNER STORE, FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY HENRY STARK. * IN TUN KH ANNOCK, PA. A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK OP I SPRING AND SUMMIT? GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS constating of conaifding of consisting of conaiating of DRY GOODS j DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRE-5 GOODS DRESS GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING Ac,, Ac., Ac., fbc., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac , Ac., Ac., In lmrga quantifier and at reduced prices. A. B. MOTT. 'aa nfiailfl Sritgj & Jptbirirn. THE E A aL E Drug Store TUNKHANNOCK. NEW FIRM, ; LYMANJ:_WELLS. Dr Lywrn nwpertfally inaoance* that 1m hae • taken Br. E H. Well* m a partner a Um DRUG BUSINESS, and that they will eoooaae to keep A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, In their line, at the old stand of J W Lyman k Co., on Tioga St. We caenot enumerate articles, bat it ij oar inten tion to present a WELL SELECTED AND RELIABLE STOCK adapted to this market, aa<i meriting the atten tion of all who desirs MEDICINES. PERFUMERY, PAINTS, DYET SUFFS, Ac Ac. Ac., At rife. J h.w *' ran p> -rhly r,e afforded. 5. B All prr,fw >ol Ue pjeiplv attended. Prescriptions carets!!* prepared, at ail times, by one of the Doctors. J W LYMAN. M. D E H. WELLS. M. D Sbui'j 6m. DR. RHOADS AND j The largest and ta .at complete Drug Store in TINKIIAWOCK, NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY!!! PRICES REDUCED. MOW 13 THE TIME TO BUY ! Jost received and for Sale a splendid Stock of |Jefo (ioobs, ineloding tißCfiS, PAINTS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ' Pocket Books, Hair Tonics, HAIR DYES, STERLING'S AMBBOSIA, TOOTH DROPS, HAIR OILS, POMADES A PERFUMERIES, FANCY .NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERY, STATIONERIES TOBACCO, HAVANA CIGARS, (HEAL.) ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SHOCL- I>ER BRACES, TRESSES, Ac., Ac., Ac. All the Popu'ar PATENT MEDICINES of the da.v ' And in fact every imaginable article belonging to a FIItST GLKSS DRUG STO-ftE PHYSICIANS' PRESRCIPTIONS efully compounded at all hours of. and night, Don't forget to call at DR. RIIOADS' DRUG STORE. v6n37tf. Tjnkhannoek.Pa. MEAT M a r li e t ! The Subscribe! announces to the citizens of Tunkhann<>ck Bro. and vicinity, that he iiow lias exclusive charge of the MEAT MARKET AT THE OLD STAND. Anride urns, hereafter to keep on hand at all limes MEATS <>f ALL KINDS. The best that can be procured, which nill positively be -old at much LOWER PRICES. than heretofore. In order to do so he has been obliged to adopt the READY PAY SYSTEM. and feels confident that by so doing be will not only secure the patronage, but will be treating his customers more fairly, than by charging them prices to compensate him for looses by non paying customers. CHARLES HARDING. Tunk., Pa -v7nlo-tf INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless face, also a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc ,on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear, and beautiful, can be obtained without charge by addresing. TIIOS. F CHAPMAN, Chemist. 8-1 Wdva*Nr Ijartibiatf, RTLFLFFIMFFLL Foundry, Machine, I ASD STOVE SHOPS: I WAKBEN STREET, | TUXKHAX.XOCK, PA. HtTIM had * life-tone experience as Foundry men and Machiaesta. and employing none bat the beet workmen the omiervigned pledge :hem-eles to exe< ate ail work in their line in a style not sur. p aesed by any ; milar estalliihmnt in the country I MILL GEARINGS made and fitted op on short notice, from patterns on 1 hand of nil sites, I PLOWS, CULTIVATORS an i other Farming Implements. ALSO STOVES OF A'.L KINDS. Tin, Sheet-Iron, and HOLLOW-WARE. L AMI'S, LB AV, 'l*l BBS, dr., dc. always on hand or famished to order. C D. GEARHART. A CO. Tnokhinnock, April 29th, 1567 —r6n3stf. Hardware and Iron., HUNT BROTHERS. NOW OFFER FOR SALE IRON, STEF.L, NAILS AND SPIKES. MINE RAIL, RAILRCAD SPIKES. ANVILS, BELLOWS, PLAIN A CONVEX HORSE SHOES, HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, BUILDEBS' FIAEDVA&S. CARPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED.) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES SEAT SPINDLES. CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL, BOTTS, NUTS. WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STONES; PLASTER ' PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS. Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATHER AND FINDINGS FAIifBAK'S SALES. eraetoa. iearch 26. 1863. vln33 BEICK! BEICK The subscriber baa now on hand and will hereaf tor conatantly keep FOR SALE A FINE LOT of SMOOTH WELL BURNED • BRICK, at hia brick yard opposite Palen A llroa i new Tannery, I /-V TBY AIIA A:YOB, f>A. 1 which will be told cheap, and in quantities to sal purchasers. V, & &BCD 1? SHERMAJI * LATHAIWS COLUMN. TunnsniiFfnosaoTT GREETING: fHE UN*DERSIGN"ED HAVE TC ST OPENED AT THEIR STAND, First door below WALL 3 HOTEL, i* Taakhannoek) THE LARGEST 5D MOST TASTEFULLY SELECTED STOCK Off GOODS 15 THEIR LUTI EVER BROUGHT LSTO THIS MARKET i Comprising in part the following ■ SILKS. BROWN. BLUE BISMARCK, MEXICAN R.U* ASD MARIA LOUISA BLUM. BLACK uti BROCADE SILKS, at aL FRENCH and IRISH and NEW STYLE PLAID POPL*Ni ORIENTAL LUSTRES. MOHAIRS. COBURG3. EMPRESS CLOTH. FRENCH MENINGES ALPACCA3, of all Shade* An —ll *ariwey at TRIMMINGS to match the abo.e. IRPETR GOG TO <,f all kinds Knit and Ween. SACKS AND CLOAKS, COMPETING BEAUTY and ELEGANCE THIEIT, BROCHEA, and WOOL SHAWLS. BALMORAL SKIP.TS. A Fall and Elaborate Stock of Embroid ered Goods. JFhite Goods of ail descriptions. Table and Towel Diaper, Domestics, Delam**, Prints, Gingham-, Ac. Alexander's KID GLOX ES, of ail tbadM, Gents ar.d Ladies. A Large Stock of Traveling Trucki Ladies' R'-ticules. Gents *1 ravel ing Valises, A<l, Ac. FURS of all kinds for Ladies and Gent'.amen. Carpets—Wool, Two and TLree Ply, and Brussels, Stair Carpets, Mailing. 01 Ciotb and Drugget. Rugs Mats and Hassocks, Ladies and Gents' Lie* trj. A large stock of FURN ISHING GOODS. SHIRTS of the finest and rauat durst-' qialitv, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, Cravats, Collars, Ac., Ac. SHOES— Woman's, Misses, and Children* i : BEDDING— Counterpanes, Coverlanis, Whin*' Blankets, GermaD Blankets, Ac., Ao ___ I j YANKEE NOTIONS, of all kinds Our Stock of CLOTHING is corap ?l and not equalled in this, nor the best New York and Philadelphia o?- chant Tailoring Establishments. made to order in the latest and best stj* We have purchased our stock since t- ! last reduction in the prices of our go* 1 We have purchased largely, and arc de# j mined to sell at less prices than the kind and quality of goods can be bo'ig 6 ' 1, any other establishment in this or air ing counties. We bought theui to and all who call to see us will read.!*-* convinced that we are bound to them. All goods cheerfully exhibited ■' scolding if you do not buy. Call and see us. SHERMAN is LATH^-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers