Local and Personal* X reacbcrs' Institute Fur the County of Wyoming was lield at Tunkhaniiock, commencing on the 3d inst., and closing with a public examination of Teachers, on Saturday, the 7th inst. The Institute was organized on Tuesday, at the Court House, under the supervision of John B. Rhodes, E-q , County Sup't, by the appointment of Hon. Wm. M. Piatt, as Pres ident; E W. Watson, Vice President; C. W. li ne, Secretary ; and Rev. C. R. Lane, U. W. II me, Miss Sarah White and Miss Shook, a Committee to arrange programme, j Prof. S. G. Boyd, of York, Pa., was in at tendance from the beginn ng, and took a very prominent and efficient part in the conduct ig of the exercises. Messrs. Armstrong, Superintendent of Lu zerne, and Watson, Sup't of Su'quehanna, were also in attendance during a part of the session, and rendered very Valuable aid in the instructing and drilling o( teachers. OROER OF BUSlNESS. —Tuesday—Lecture hy Prof. Boyd, on the best methods of analyz ing common, and decimal fractions, with am pie illustrations upon the black board. Singing. Adjourned until-7 P. M- Evening Meeting,—Remarks by Mr. Piatt, President. Prayer by Rev. C. R. Lane ; fol lowed by a very interesting lecture by Prof. . Boyd, on the conditions necessary to success in teaching. Adjourned. Wednesday Morning. —Singing, by the ; class. Continuance of the drill in written arithmetic, by Prof. Boyd. Reading exer cise, by Mr. Whitney, a member of the class. General remarks on Elocution, by Prof B >yd. Afternoon. —Reading, by Prof. Boyd— Singing, by the class. The lernainder of the afternoon was occupied by E. W. Watson in teaching intellectual arithmetic and Writing. Thursday Morning—Singing by the class and audience. Discussion as to the best method of teaching Orthography ; followed by a lecture on school government, and hc>w to teach primary Geography, by Prof. Boyd. Afternoon —After singing by tbe class, Prof. B <yd continued his remarks on teach ing primary Geography, and advanced classes in Orthography ; giving his views on the teaching of physical and political Geography. Evening —Lecture by Prof. Boyd, on the j history and meaning of Geographical names. Remarks by Mr. Little cn leaching, as a pro fession, and why, as such, it does not receive | adequate enc jurageu.ent. Remarks on same general subject by Mr. Armstrong, of Luzerne 1 cuunty, who was invited, by resolution of tbe Institute, to take part in its subsequent pro- ' ceeJings. Friday Morning.—Singing. Lecture and drill by Mr. Armstrong on the phocuetic! sounds and phoenetic spelling. Do., on arith- 1 tnetic by Mr. Boyd. ! Afternoon.—Continuation by Mr. Boyd, on t Proportion, Percentage, and Allegation.— I Lecture by Mr. Line on School Government ; | by Mr. Armstrong on Analysis, with exercise c in paising, in which arose a spirited discus i sion with Mr. Waton in reference to the best 1 mode of parsing pronouns. Evening—Address by Mr. Watson, Sup'i 1 of Susquehanna County, on the Common I School System, modes of teaching, Ac. By i Mr. Armstrong, on inflections, in connection I with the pauses, in reading. Criticism by . Mr. Little on the treatment of the latter sub ject by Mr Armstrong. Desultory remarks j by eeveia! visitors. The following resolution I waa ihen adopted : Resolved, That, as teachers of Wyoming County, after an examination of the " Union I Rentiers ami Sfjcllcrs" and RabinsorAs series S of Arithmetics, wo feel free to recommend s ilietu as the text books for use in ttie Corn i f . mon Schools of said county, and do recoin- j mend their adoption as a means of securing uniformity of good text books for said schools. Saturday.—This day was devoted to the examination ef teachers, with a view to the 1 issuing iA certificates, and the grading of the ; same. Owing to the sickness of Mr. Rhodes, ! ( tins examination was conducted by Superin tendent Watson, of Susquehanna county.— j Mr. Rhodes was takeu quite ill on Thursday, j and from that time has been confined to bis . room. It is worthy of remark that, at the begin- I ning of tbe Institute, the rather meagre at tendance on part of the public was not calcu- 1 Uted to inspire much interest in its proceed* ; ing, or in its success as an institution. In ! the coarse of its pr gres, however, an inter ' est was developed that bids fair to be pro- ] ductive of beneficial results. Ibe conspicu ous ability, faithfulness, and untiring indus try of Mr. B >yd in the performance of duties j rendered doubly onerous by the illnesa of Mr. j Rhodes, are worthy of all praise. Messrs. j Armstrong and Watson, too, though their art rival was not as early as circumstances ren- ® tiered desirable, are entitled to the thanks of ( the public, ss well as of the Institute, for a their valuable assistance. j, C. W. HINE, Sec'y. j New Drug Store. The attention of our readers is called to s the fact that there is now established at Me> fheppen. by Dr, Dunham and Rev. Mr. Rob erts, a first-rate Drug-store, where drugs and medicines, paints, oils, dye stuffs, stationary, .Yankee notions and such other articles as we usually find in similar establishments, can be i obtained. They also an extensive stock of Teas, which are offered at reduced prices, with a general assortment of family Groceries. Give thein a call. Frozen Over, I- Tbe river at this place is bridged with ice j * strong enough at least for footmen to pass over it. An excellent opportunity will be al ° forded our Eaton friends to attend the gener ! 1 al meeting of the stockholders and friends of • J the bridge to be held at the office of Wm. M. ' 3 Riatl Esq., in this place on Saturday. next- j 1 Let an attend. There will be important ; business matters for their consideration. Both Busy, The Prohibitory Liquor Law men, and the advocates of a License law in this county are 1 , now busily ei.gaged in getting names to peti- ' bons and memorials to the Legislature, in \ lavor of their respective views on the question c G 'beverage" which promises to excite con- I [ sidcrable inteiest. - • :] An Extensive stock Of new, cheap, and seasonable goods,is now being opened up at Bunnell A Rannatyne'* Store, in S. Stark's- Brick Block. As to prices, they will be found down to the lowest figures. Call and examine for yourselves. Masoulc. The following is a list of the officers chos en at the annual election, on Monday last fur Temple Lodge N0.J2 18, A. t Y. M., at this place. O. L. Parrish, W. M. J. R. Cullingworth, S. W. S. D. Bacon, J. W. I'. M. Osterhout, Tress, j Wm. F Terry. Sec. t K s!!i'h \ - Trustees of Perma CiurUv Fu.,d. The Little Folks. As well as old Santa Claus, himself, will be del'ghtedjto know that Mrs. E. Lease is making extensive preparations for tbem, and the Holidays, at her Toy and Fancy Store The older children too, those who indulge in dress-skirls with long trails to them,and who do not believe on Saota claus, but do most sincerely confide in another fellow who makes fifty-two visits, or more, to Santa's one; will find at Mrs. L's. place a thousand and one nondescript articles of dress and tbe toi let, indispensable to them. Go and see for yourselves. Everybody >Vho has beek a achool-boy or girl, will call to mind the vexation experienced on some frosty morning, when, after having care fully thawed out their old fashioned stone iuk-stands they found that the inky and wa tery particles bad become as completely di rorcced, as men and women sometimes are after a little coldness has occurred between them ; and with not half the chance for a re conciliation—fur the latter do sometimes make upand kis. The ink never makes up nor does anything else,amiable. Mr. G. W. Gray is now manufacturing at this place, a fine black ink or fluid, which is not effected by freezing. This is the kind for the school boys and girls, and indeed for everybody to ' use. All orders for it, in any quantity, by mail or otherwise, will be promptly attended to. Call on, or address, G. W. Gray, at this place. A True Balsam. Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is truly a balsam. It contains tbe balsamic principle of Wi'd Cherry, the balsamic prop erties of tar and of pine. lis ingredients are ! all balsamic. Cough*, colls, sure throat, bronchitis, and consumption, speedily disap- , pear ui drr its bal-amic influence. Down among the dead men. Are, at ihi- moment thousands who might have been alive and well had they used that great life pieserver, Plantation Bitters. Let the living lay it to heart that they are the best kntwn remedy for all dyspeptic corn plaints, st- mach derangements, and genera! ! debility. Asa delicious cordial c<>nibiii<d with great tonic virtues, their equal cannot be found. Delicate Females, Clergymen, Merchants, j Lawyers and persons of sedentary habits— particularly those who ate weak and suffer wiih mental depression, are gteally benefitted by these Bittets. Magnolia Water. A delightful toilet article—superior to Co- I logne ami at half the price. To Beautify and Dress the Hair, And restore it to its natuial color, and itn part that beautiful gloss, od r,ete., use Mrs. S A- Allen's Improved (nea style) Hair Re- j storer or Dressing, (in one bottle.) Every I druggist sells it. Price One Dollar Died^ DF.TKICK—Ia Falls, on tbe 9th alt., of Dyptheria, Horatio Detrick, aged 9 years 6 .mouths and 7 days. OETRICK —In Falls, Nov. 14th, of Dyptheria, ' Charrick DeUick, aged i 0 years 9 months and 28 days DETRICK :-Jn Falls, Nov, 14th, of Dyptheria, Beecber M. Detrick, Aged 3 yeais 3 months and 11 days. | DETRICK--In Falls, Nov 25th, of Dyptheria, Sal lie Detrick, agea 5 year* 7 mouth# and 4 days POTTER —In Meboopany, October 28th, Jesse E. • Potter, aged 77 years 8 months and 23 days. TUB UNION STRAW CUTTER, MANUFACTURED BY William Fliekner, •Al 7 L\YA VIA AWO CATenn'a. Who has the exclusive right for Wyoming county, is one of the very few Machines that will cut Hay. Straw. Stalks, Ac., better than the old fashioned Catting boxes, used by oar grandfathers. Those who value time and labor: and would avoid ! a needless loss of both, in feeding their stock, shoald get one of these improved Cutters. No man ever found anything better ; or ever went back to the old machine after a trial of it. A Supply Constantly on Hand and for sale. WM. FLICKNER. \ Tunkhannock, Dec. 2, 1877r7n13tf. r U J. CHASE. ATTORNEY AND COUNSEL- Jl LOR AT LAW, Nicholson, Wyoming Co-, Pa. Especial attention given to settlement of dece dent's estates Nicholson, Pa. Dec. 5, 18g7—v7nl9yl PUBLIC SALE IH the matter of the real estate of Joanna Gregory. IN pursuance of an order of the Court of Common Plea* of Wyoming County, to me directed, will bo exposed to sale by public outcry or auction on Thurs day. the lgtb day of January A D. IBg3, at on* o'clock P- M ,on the premises, all the right, title, and interest (being one umlirided ninth part; of tbe said Joanna Gregory, of, in, to, and out of the fol lowing described piece or parcel of land aituate in the township of Meahoppett, county aforeaaid, and bounded on tbe North by lands of Daniel Cole, Cha*. Mowry and Benjamin Baker, East by land of Benj*- ! min Baker, South by land of Benjamin Ellis and , Anson blocker, and on the West by land of Anson Stocker. Levi Gregory and Daniel Cole; containing | about one hundred and sixty-seven acres, more or ' less, by me J. B. STUKDEVANT, v7ni9tds. Committee of Joanna Gregory Commercial College.—The success of Gsrd- j Deris Busmess College and Ladies' Academy, at 1 Scrantou, has sur;,***- 1 all expectation. Tbe cours* , of study is more thorough -the terms are cheaper— ] and give better satisfaction than any other College of toe kind in Northern Pennsylvania Lite Schol arship §OS 00." Clubs at reduced rales. Send tor College Paper giving fall particulars.' ■ Address J. [ N*. Gardner, Principal, Seme too, ft. uTelOyl ;! ipetial lloticfS. 1 ; Dr. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD I CHERRY. Where this article is known it is a work of super i erogation to say one word in its favor, so wril is j it established as an unfailing remedy for Coughs, j Colds, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asth ma, diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, as . j well as that most dreaded of all diseases Consump tion, which high medical authority has pronounced to be an incurable disease- Those who have used this remedy know its value ; those who have not, have but to make a single trial to be satisfied that of all others it is the remedy. The Rev. JACOB SECHLER, well known and much respected among the German population of this country, writes as follows : IISSOVER. Pa„ Feb. 16, 1559. Messrs. S. W. FOWLE A SOX, Bosrox. I DEAR SlßS: —Having realized in iny family itn- I portanl benefits from the use of your valuable pre | paration—Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry—if nf -1 fords me pleasure to recommend it to the public.— I ! Some eight years ago, one of my daughters seemed to be in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery wer entertained. I then procured a bottle of your l I excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the , whole of it there was a great improvement in her health I have, in my individual case, made fre ■ quent use of your valuable medicine, and have al i ways been benefited by it. /I rould. hoiceter, cau j Hon the public against imposition because there is a J eood deal of spurious Wistar's Balsam oj II ltd \ Cherru afloat throughout the country. 1 j JACOB SECHLER. I None genuine unless signed I BUTTS," on the t crupper. Prepared by SETH W FOWLE A SON, 18 Tre mout St., Boston, and for sale by Druggists general ly GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE. From Mr. James Curlin, of Amcsbury, Mass. "I was afflicted with as -vere felon on one of my | fingers, and tried many remedies without relief My friends induced me to apply your Salve. In two days it evtracted the inflainntion from my finger so as to enable me to resume my work 1 can almost say that the Salve worked like magic, for it effected a cure without leaving a scar I unhesitatingly pronounce Grace's Salee an excellent remedy and i do not doubt it will be appreciated throughout the , land." ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. SETH W FOWLE A SON. Boston, Proprie tors. Sold b.C Apothecaries and Grocers generally. v7nlß- lino, ITS EFFECT IS ivr IHAOULOU S. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR KE NEWER It is a perfect and wonderful article. Cures bald- J ness. M ikes hair grow. A better dressing than any "oil" or "paaiatuin." Softens brush, dry and wiry hair into Beautiful Silken Tresses. But, above 1 ! all, tbe great wonder is the rapidity with which it I restories GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COL OR The whitest am' worst looking hair resumes its I youthful beauty by its use. It does not dye tbe Uuir, but strikes at the root and fills it with new ; ; life and coloring matter. The first application will do good ; yeu will see ; * the NATURAL COLOR returning every day, aim j BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, . the old, gray, discolored appearance of the hair will 1 be gone, giving place to lustrous, sbining and beau- j | tiful locks ' Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Renewer ; no other; ] article is at all like it in effect | See that each bottle has our private Government ' Stamp over the top of the bottle. All others are ; imitations. R. P. HALL A CO: Nashua, N. H. Proprietors . For sale by all druggists. v7.ilS-lino. ADDRESS TO'TIIE NERVOUS AND DEBlL itated whose sufferings have been protracted from hidden causes, and w hose eases require prompt i treatment to rewl"r existen -e desirable. If you are . suffering or have suffered from involuntary dischar- . ges, what effect does it produce upon your general I health ? Do yon feel weak, debilitated, easily I tired 7 Does a little extra exertion produce palpi ' tation of the heart 7 Does your liver, or urinary j 1 organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order ? Is your urine soinetirscs thick, milky, or fl >cky, or is it ropy on settling ? 0' doi s a thick rise to ! i the topi Or is a sediment nt the bottom after it 1 has stood awhile 7 Do you bare spells of short breathing or dyspepsia 7 Are your bowels conatipa- j ' ted 7 Do you have -pells of fainting or rushes of ■ ! blood to the head ? Is your memory impaired ? Is yout uiind constantly dwelling upon this subject 7 ' Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life 7 Do you wish to be left alone to getaway from everybody 7 Does any little thing make you | start nrjump 7 Is your sleep broken or restless 7 Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant ? The bloom |on yonr cheek as bright ? Do you erjoy yourself in | society as well 7 Do you pursue your business with i the same energy 7 Do you feel as much confidence 1 in yourself.' Are your spirits dull and flagging,! j given to fits of melancholy ? If so, do not lay it to ! your liver or dyspepsia Have you restless nights? : Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but j ' little appetite, aud you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint 7 Now, reader, self-abase, veneral diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable ol pro ducig a weakness of the generative organs. Tbe or. gans of generation, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, persevering, successful business men are always those whose generative organs are in per fect health 7 You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of J the heart. They are never afraid they cannot sue j ceed in business; they don't becomesad anddisconr aged; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and them right in 1 the face-none of your downcast looks or any other meanness about them. Ido not mean those who ; keep the organs inflamed hy running to excess, j These will not oifly ruin their constitutions, but also those Ihey do business with or for. How many men from badly cured diseases from I the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in tbraie organs that has reduced the general system so much as to induce al most every other disease—idiocy, lunacy, paralysis. ' spinal affections, suicide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir to. and the ; real caase of tho trouble scarcely ever suspected, 1 and have doctored for all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require the use of a diu retic HELMBOLD'S FLULB EXTRACT BUCHU ; is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure lor dis- j eases of the Bladder. Kidneys, Gravel. Dropsy, Or ganic Weakness, Female Complaints. General Debit- | j ity, ami all diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether ! existing in Male or Female, from whatevci cause j originating and no matter of how long standing If no treatment is sunmitted to, Consumption or I Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and bluod are sup ported from these sources, and the health and happi- ; 1 ness, and that of posterity, depends upon a prompt j j use of a reliable remedy. Helinbold's Extract Bnchu, established upward of : 18 years, prepared by H. T. HELMBGLD, Druggist j 594 Broadway, New York, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa ! PRICE— §I,2S Ir bottle, or 6 bottles for $6,50, j i delivered to any address. Sold by all druggists ev l erywhere. * TO CONSUMPTIVES. The REV. EDWARD A. WILSON w : U send (free of charge) to all who dessre it. the prescription with j the directions ,or making and using the simple rem edy by which he w.,e cured of a lung nffectien and that dread disease Consumption His only object is to benefit m e afflicted and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Please address REV. EDWARD A WILSON, I No. 165 South Second St., Williamsburg New York 1 6n4Piy. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Netrous ' Debility, Premature decay, and all the effects of , youthful in. iscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it the'recipy and directions for making the simple remedy be ' which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by j the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect oinfi lenee, JOHN B. OGDON, 43 Cedar Street, New York. v6n4U. BANK. NOTICE. Tbe Stockholders of the Wyoming National Rank will meet at their Banking house in the Borough of i Tunkhannock, on Tuesday the 14th day of January next, between the hours of 10 a m., and 4 o'clock p. ID,, for tbe purpose of electing a board of directors j 'to serve tbe ensuing year. SAX'L. STABI, Cashier. IJefo IbbrtisEHifnts. VASSAR COLLEGE lot- Young Ladles. The Trustees o! this Institution, desiring to ex tend the benefits of Mr Yassar's munificent gift for the better education of young women, will admit, at any time in the Collegiate year students prepared to join College cl.nssea, charging expenses only from the date of their reception. Terms low. great facil ities for education, such as Cabinets, Art Gallery, Library, Musical Conservatory, Ac. For circulars containing full Information, address J. N. SC||Ol r , j Poughkeepsie, N. Y. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST I HARVEST IS OYER ! THE HELD IS GREAT! PROSPERITY AUOEMDS.' WtNTER IS COMING ! And now is the time to take MOORES RURAL NEW YORKER The Greal Town an l Country Weekly! THE RURAL is the Leading and Largest-Circu lating Newspaper of its Class on the Continent, — su|nor in value and vaiiety of Contents and liouu itv of Appearance. It embraces more Agricultural, Horticultural, Scientific, Educational, Literary and ! News Matter, interspersed with engraving's, than any other Journal, —for it comprises Departments in ; eluding I ACRICULTURK, CHOICE LITERATURE, HORTICULTURE, Scir.xcs AXO ART, SHKjrp lIt'SRANDRT, EnUCATIOX. GRAZING, DAIRYIXO. Yet Til's REAPING, ! RURAL ARCHITECTURE. GENERAL NEWS, DOMESTIC ECONOMY, COMMERCE MARKETS, With Illustrations, Tales, Essays, Music, Poetry, Rebuses Enigmas, ifc. , i\-c.. The Rural New-Yorker is a National Journal, circulating largely in the E'St and West, North and ! South. It employs the best talent in all Depurt -1 rnent*. Its corps ''f Editors, Contributors, Ac., com prises many of the best Farmers Planters, Wool I Growers, Graziers, Horticulturists, Ac., and also A'l ' thors. Scholars, Ac, of note and ab'lity. In brief j the RURAL is Ably Edited, Profusely Illustrated, i Neatly Printm— Practical, Scientific, Useful — 1 Moral, Instructive and Entertaining. ' Wherever located, —in Country, Village or City,— A OU W ANT THE RURAL ! i Your Family and Friends >Vaiit It, , For it is adapted to the wants of all. Note that it is not a monthly, but 4 Large and Beautiful Week : ly, and that Vol. XIX will he materially fc'ach No, .contains Eight Double Quarto Pages, printed to extra style,--Clear Type, Good Paper, and mora and tetter Illustrations than any other 1 Journal of its class. A Title Page, Index, Ac., ut close of Volume, TERMS—OnIy S3 a year; to clubs of tea, s'.',so per copy. Vol. XIX begins Jan. 4 1868. — j Now is the time tQ Subscribe and Club. Great Of- j fers to Club Agents. Specimens, Sbow-Bills, Pre- ' llliurn Lists, Ac. SENT FREE; or the 13 numbers of this Quarter, (Oct to Jan) on trial, tor ONLY FIFTY CENTS ! Address D. T. MOORE, Rochester, N. V. THE PAPER FOR THE MILLION !-The Amer ican Farmer the practical farmers own paper, the Rest Agricultural and Horticultural Journal in America Beautifully Illustrated with Numerous Engravings of Farm Buildings, Animals, Fruits and Flowers: Now is the time to subscribe for 1868. ONLY ON 15 DOLLAR A YEAR. Agents wanted everywhere. For Club Price List of Valuable Prizes open to all, Ac., address JOHN TURNER, Publisher and Proprietor, Rochester,N.Y. i WANTED. —IOO Farmers to a business ' thai will pay from 8100 to $1 ">U icr month from now until Spring. Address JONES BROS. ACo , Phil. ! DIALOGUES, consisting of J New and Original first-class Dramas, Colloquies, : Ac., for advanced speakers in Schools, Exhibition i rooms and private theatricals. Every iina written expressly for this hook, by a corps of Professional Teachers and writers. Acknowledged to be ihe best work of the kind ever published. Cloth, nearly 400 duodecimo pages, price 81 75, mailed free. Address P. GARRETT A CO., Publishers. 7C'tJ Chestnut St , Phi la. A'/.Yt;OS !- Three magnificently illustrated Medical Books, containing important thysologic.il Information, for Men and Women, sent free on receipt of 23 cents, by addressing the Secretary of the New York Medical University, No 30, Clinton Place, Now York City. I FIRST MOUTfiAGK BONDS. ST. LOUIS A IRON MOUNTAIN RAILROAD CO Seven per cent, interest, February add August. | These Bonds cover a Road of 91 miles, finished j from St. Louis to Pilot Knob, and in first class or der, and in extension of about the same length from Pilot Knob, and to Belmont, now rapidly construct ing, for which the proceeds of these bonds arc to he | used, making a thorough route from Bt. Louis to New Orleans by rail The earnings of the ninety- i one miles, are 8600,000 a year ; the net profits now are sufficient to pay the interest on the entire amount of bonds, were they nil issued. The basis of securi ty is believed to be beyond that of any other bonds now offered. Apply at the office of the Company, j No. 43 Wall st , to 11. G. MARijUAND, Vice-Presi dent, or to CLARK, DODGE A CO., corner of Wall and WiH'ruj-sts , Now York City. STANDARD MILLING MACHINES-OF IM- ! PROVED CONSTRI CTION, great ).ower, large i capacity, unrivaled convenience ot adjustment. Al- ' so, pipe vises of all sizes, for heavy and light work. I Send to Union Vise Company, of Boston, Mass., for ' illustrated circular. For sale by dealers in hard ware and machinery. CENTURY TOBACCO! SIOO i lT Be have not i>t<-WKTt discontinued, nor do we intend to eejse packing IN THIS lilt AND SIOO Daily in pa|rs Daily. jf *-' e,,lu, 'y Tobacco, J reports to the contrary j Mondays, One 81C0 Note notwithstanding. Tuesdays, Two Fifties We are tnakin \ Wed'sdays, Five Twenties the CENTURY from th j Thursdays, Ten Tens Choicest Leaf; it Is free Fridays, Twenty Fives from drugs, and it is in Saturdays, Flty Twos every respect, the Best P. AG. LORILLARD, Fine Cut Tobacco 16, 18 A 20, Chambers St. manufactured. Sold by NEW Y'ORK. all espectablc jobbers. MADAM FOY'S f Corset Skirt .supporter Combines in one garment a PER FECT FITTING CORSET, and the most ! desirable Skirt iSupporter ever of fered the public. It places the weight of the skirts upon the J shoulders instead of the hips; it j improves the form without tight | lacing; gives ease and elegance; j is approved and recommended by j physicians Sold at Indus' farcy goods stores gener- j ally,and at wholesale by J. B .SAUNDERS A CO. 9g .SummerSt ~ Boston, j and 24 IValker Street, N. Y. Also by HENRY C. MOORE, 429 Market St. Philadelphia, and STELLMANN, HINRICIIS A CO,, 21 Hanover Street- Baltimore, Md. WANTED— AN AGENT-One chance : n each tow a, worthy the attention of an active busi ness man. to take tLe ngeucy tor the sale of Brad street's Rubber Moulding and Weather Strips, ap plied to the sides, bottom, top and centre of doors and windows, The sale is beyond anything ever of fered before to an agent, and from 810 to 825 per day can be make. Send for agents' circular. The first who apply can secuie a bargain. Terms for Moulding, cash. J R. BRADSTKEET A CO - , Bos ton. Mass. rfb "I C TO 825 PER DAY, SURE. Agents want 'ljllt/ ed everywhere, to sell our Patent Ever- j lasting White Wire Clothes-tines " Every house- j wife should use it."— N Y Tribune. "We hove seen it used and it gives entire satisfaction." — N. Y. J ! Christian Advocate. -"The Patent Wire Clothes ; line is all it purports to be," — N. Y Independent. Address the Amerioan Wire Co , 162 Broadway, New York. AUDITOR'S NOTICE, rHE undersigned having been appointed by the Orphan's Court tor the county of Wyoming, an Auditor to distribute in the hands of the ; Executor of Samuel Vanduzer, late of Tunkhannock township in said county, deceased, will attend to the j duties of his appointment, at his office in Tunkhan i nock Borough, on Thursday, December 26th, 1867, at 1 o'clock P. M., at which time and place, all per i sons interested therein are requested to present their claims or he debarre J from coming in for a share of said assets. HARVEY SICKLER, Auditor ' Tunkhannock, Dec, 2, 1367v7n15w4 |iffo Ibfefttwimittte. , ; ' REVOLUTION IW TRADE. ' LADIES, you will he astonished at the value of all kinds of Goods sent by the well known and I justly eelehtated fiim of GRAIIAM A CO. • frOR ONLY OWE DOLLAR. ! Such tts Silk, Merino, and Alpacca Dresses, Shawls, Balmorals, Linen floods, Embossed Table Covers, ' Watches, Jewelry, Silver Plated Ware, Sewing M 1 r chines, Ac. This is no humbug, but a reality. Send \ your clubs of ten and upwards, for checks describing r the goods, with ten cents for each check, and the getter up of the club will receive valuable present, worth from $3 to S3OO, according to number of . names sent. Agent# Wanted in every town, Circulars sent free. , Address GRAHAM A CO , 64 A 66"Federal Street, ! Boston, WE A ICE COMING, And will present tp <ny pursue acipjiug jj, rt*h in 1 ! our Great oio Price Sale,of Dry nnj J&udj, 1 . Ac 8 a Silk Drtss Pattern, Piece of Sheeting, Watch ! Ac., fice f .coh Catalogue uf guuda, an I oaiupU, | seqt to any widfess free. .AddTcss J 8. HAWES A j CO., 30 ll.mover St., Boston Mass. P. 0. Box 5133. :{ € j It is the Heat Chance ever offered to Agents One or Wo days' time will secure a rfood, Sewiae Machine, Watch, Silk Dress, Re volver, or some Other article of equal value, Free iof cost' 1 Agents wanted everywhere, male and fe f male, for the best One Dollar Pawnbroker's Sale in the country. Send for Circular. 8. C. THOMP SON A CO., DISEASES OP THE GENITAL ORGANS— j ~Bjr. WALTKR. 907 Rroidway. N. Y,, devotes j particular attention to all diseases peculiar to these j organs iri both sexes. Send stamp for a circular. 44 PSVMIO.MANCV, OR SOUL CUAUMINU.'' j JL HOW either sex may fascinate and gain the love and a fractions of any person they choose, intsant- I | ly. This simple mental acquirement all can possess, ! free by mail, for 25 cents, together with a guide Mi j the unmarried of both sexes A queer, exciting ! hook. 100,000 copies seld. Address T WILLIAM A CO , Book Publishers, Philadelphia. A Physiological View of Marriage, ; i THE CH FA PEST BOOK EVER PUBLISHED Containing Nearly Three Hundred Pages Aud 130 fine plates and engravings of the Anatomy of the Human Organs in a St.tfe of Healjh j and Disease, with a treatise on Early Errors, its De plorable Consequences upon the tuind and body, with the Author's Plan of Treatment —the only ra tional and successful mode of Cure, as shown by the I report of cases treated. A tru'hful adviser to the J j married and those contemplating marriage, who en- : ' tertain doubts of their physical condition. Sent free ' of postage to any address, on receipt of 25 cents in stamps or postal currency, by addressing DR. LA I CROIX, No 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y- 'he author may he consulted upon any of the diseases ' upon which his book treats, either personall or by mail. Medicines sent to any part of the world, GPP THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD. Extract of a Letterfrom Baron Solomon Rothschild PARIS. Bth Apr., 1864, 25 Rue Fauby, 8t tlonore | Will yt.u he kind enough to have forwarded to j 1 me hero 200 bottles of your Indian Liniment ; if j you will send a! the same time the aecount, I will j ) for aril you !be amount through Messrs. Belmont A j Co, New York Ilaron Solomon Rothschild having reeonltliendcd 1 to many of his friends Major LANE'S LINIMENT, and they being desirous to proeare it, be should od | vise him to establish a depot in Paris. TIIBINDIAN LINIMENT. As a relief, ever ready ; as a killer of pain,taken in- j wtirdly or outwardly applied, has no equal. For the I relief and,cute, f Rheumatic and Neuralgic Affec tions, Sprain*. Bruises, Ac., it is unequalcd. It is also most efficacious, taken inwardly, in the cure of Cholera, Cramps, and Pains in the Stomach, Diar rhoea. Dysentery, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum 1 Ac , and is without exception the meet wmterful Pan : aeea the world a fiords, No Family should be with ' out it. Every traveler by land or sea tbould have a I bottle. Mintrs anl Farmers residing at a distance from Physicians should keep it constant ly on band, j Tn oas • of Accident!, and sulden attacks of Stomach Complaints, its value cannot be estimated. Inquire f„r Major LANE'S INDIAN LINIMENT, and take i nouther Price 50ets. per bottle. For sale at j wholesale aqd retail by Damns Barnes A. Co., 21 ! : Park Row, New York ; tialo A Robinson, 166 Green- ' wich St., N. y ; F. P. Wells A Cft , 192 .Fufton-st.. ' N, Y- : ChaS; N. Crittenden, 39 6th Avenue, N. Y. : and by resp. ctablo Druggists ihrongtmut the World | None genuine unless signed by John Thus, Lane and , countersigned by J, T. LANE A CO, Proprietors, j 163 Broadway, N, Y. ior Circular. GPK j ON SUMPTION CAN BE CURED, I '1 he true remedy at last discovered, Cpham's Fresh | Meat Cure, prepared from the formula of Prof, j Trousseau of Paris, cures Consumption, Lunjj Diseas es, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Marasmus, General De bility and all morbid conditions of the system de- i pendent on deficiency of vital force. It is pleasant | to tuste, and a single bottle wilt convince the most j skeptical of its viatue as the great healing remedy i of the ago. 8 1 a bottle, or six bottles for 85. Sent ; by Express. Sold by S C I'PHAM, NO 25 South Eight St., Philadelphia, and i rincipal Druggists.— Circulars sent free. GPR THE GLORY OF MAN IS STRENGTH.-There ore the nervous and debilitated should immediately nse II ELMBOLT>'S EXTRACT BUCHU. Insurance Agency. DANIEL WRIGHT k NEPHEW, A/ yU7ikhat)nocl', ZPa, Are Agents for the following, and all other responsi ble Insurance Companies : N. America, Philadelphia, Assets, 81,763 267. Enterprise, " " 372,304. j Manhattan, New York, '' 1 052,123. j N.American, •' " 755,057, i Lorillard. " " 1,436 540. I Corn Exchange, " • 11 501,095. j Fanners' In 3. Co., York, '■ 525.080 Lycoming, Muney, " 2,800,000. j Home, New York. " 3,645,383- j llartford, Hartford, " 1,789,153. Phoenix, ' " 1,103.467 j Travelers. '• •' 741,337- Hartford Live Stock, " 178,929. I Home, New Haven, " 1.438.491 j Cumberland Valley, " 506.000. j N. England Mutual, ~ 5,000,0d0. ] Property of all kinds will be insured at the most 1 reasonable rates, in any of the above companies. I Losses to insurers by Fire, accident or theft, j promptly adjusted and paid. V 1 ' DANIEL WRIGHT | A NEPHEW, Tunk*, Pa Sept. 16, 1967,-v7n7-tf, Iff MILLIMY & IAICY GOODS. MRS. BARDWELL is now receiving a splendid stock of SPRING A SUMMER Goods of < 11 the new est SHAPES of FELT and VELVET II ATS for LADIES and CHIL DREN. Also BONNETS, VELVET RIBBONS FLOWERS, and FEATHERS, and a full assortment of FANFY goods. at prices .to defy competition All the latest styles of paper patterns, SLEEVES, CLOAKS .JACKETS, i 1. * . &C-> & c -> from MADAME DEMODEST. ' Dresses made, cut and basted at the shortest 1 ) notice. MRS. BARDWELL. Tunkhannock, May. 22, 18t;7. —vgn4l-tf. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. WHEREAS letters of administration on the es tate of Richard Brungess late of Windham township, deceased, have been granted to the sob , acriber All persons indebted to the said estate, are ' requested to make immediate settlement, and those i having claims or demands againgt the same, will present thein duly ahtbentioated. without delay. J. M BRUNUE3S. Adm'r. i Eaton, Nov. 1?, 1367—r7a16w6 - tpistrllaiwau*. For Sale at Mott's, | ~ BOOTS, BINGItAMTON BOOTS. ot L#i'tr A Co'a -best make KIP tad CALF OWUOO BOOTS. > Best make EASTERN BOOT 3. A full stock of Ladies 5 Shoes. : Balmoral, Congress, Polish Boots of Glov* Kid and Goat. Also, | Button Gaiters. : GENT'S UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. GENTS' BUCHSKIN GLOVES I end MITTENS. Ger.U' KID GLOVES, Lined, Unlined and Far-lined, For Sale at Mott's ! CORN ER STOKE, vsnlltf * * Tankhannock, Pa. ORPHANS' COURT SAI.E. BY VIRTUE of an order issued out of the Or phans' Court of Wyoming County, I will expose • to public vendue or outcry upon the premises in the township of Windham, county of Wyoming. Pa., on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24th, 1567, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the following des- • scribed Real Estate to wit ! All that certain mes- | sunge and tract of land situate in the township of | Windbatu. County of Wyoming and State of Penn- j sylmnia, bounded and described § follows • Begin ning at a post corner on the main road leadiifg up and dovn the Little Mehoopany Creek, on line of i N. C. Frost, and running thence North 21 degrees ! | East 110 rods to land of John Fosse It, thence South ; 44 degrees East 281 rods to a hemlock tree, thence i ' South 21 degrees West 37 rods to a stake, thence ; North 60 degrees West 123 rods to a hemlock,thence by land of P. B Jennings, North 64 degrees West 57 rods to a beech, thence North 60 degrees West 36 j rods to a hemlock, thence North 62 degrees West 37J rods to the place of beginning j containing I | 123 acres strict measure, excepting and reserving therefrom about two acres reserved by E, A Ing- | ! ham in his assignment to A. W. Whitecomb of one ■ I half of the above described land, reference to said j assignment dated September 6th, A, D. 1853, will j 1 fully appear. And also excepting and reserving I therefrom two pieces sold by Geo. W. Groo (in his | life-time) to L E. Dewolf, by Deed dated October ' '-'oth 1857 and described as follows : FIRST PIECK Beginning at a post and corner on the road adjoin ing lands ef N. C. Frost, thence along said road and land of P B. Jennings. South 42 degrees East 60 rots to a post and coiher, thence North 23 degrees East 114 "roils to a corner adjoining laud of Fat es t, thence North 42 degrees West 60 rods to a hem lock corner, thence South 23 degrees West 110 rods along land of N. C Frost to the place of beg'nnhlg ; Containing about 40 acres more or less. SJCCOXD PlECE.— Beginniug at the road adjoining land of Solomon Whitcoinb and running along land of said W'hitcomb, South 42 degrees East 40 rods to a corn- ! er, thence South 37i degrees West 40 rods to a post, j thence North 42 degrees West 40 rods to a post on ; main road thence North 37j degrees East 40 rods | to the place of beginning , supposed to contain ten ! acres but bo the same nure or less, as by reference I to said Deed ol Geo. W. Groo to L. E. Dewolf does j fully appear. It being the same tract of land con- | veyed bv Prudence M Eiston to T. M. Whitcomb I and E. A. Ingham, and by Sundry conveyances be- i came vested in G. W Groo. About 60 acres thereof improved, with one frame bouse,barn, saw-mill grist j mill and some fruit trees thereon. with the appurte nances. , j TERMS OF SALE.—Ten per cent, of one fourth of I the purchase money to be paid down at the striking | ■ff the property, one fourth less the ten per osnt. at j the confirmation absolute and tiie remaining three j fourths in one year thereafter, with interest from , confirmation ni si. -ALLEN JATNE, Adm'r. of I GEO. W. GROO, Dec'd. Nov 27th 18tf7-v7nl7- G-en. G-rant IS TITE MOST AVAILABLE MAN For President in 1868! And the best place to buy your DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, BOOTS 4- SHOES, YANKEE NOTIONS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, IIS k ills, MS k IPS. &{. kl. It at the Store qf JENNINGS & CO, Where may bo found a new and extensive stock of the above GOODS, including, also, BUFFALO ROBES. LADIES' and CHILDREN'S FURS, Looking Gtastes. Clocks, Horse Blankets, Ladies' ai d Gents' Shawls, JfC, 4c., and in fact everything usually found in a country Store, which we will sell at the LOWEST MARKET RATES. Please give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. JENNINGS A Cp. Mehoopany. Pa , Nov. 6, 1867. —v"olsin2. 'JMIE SCRANTON DAILY REPUBLICAN will be issued on and after Nov. 1, 1867, in time to 1 be sent by the EARLIEST MORNING TRAINS os THE Delaware, Lackawanna A Western : Lackawanna k Bloomsourg j Lehigh Valley : Lehigh k Suquehanna ; and Delaware k Hudson Railroads. It will reach points within Fifty or a Hundred miles of Scrauton Several hours in ailvance of the New York and Philadelphia Morning Papers. It will be printed in new type, on a large 32 column sheet; v. ill contain All the Telegrams of the Associated Press! including markets from all importaut points, and is intended to be in every vespect a FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER. I Arrangements will be made for its delivery by I the local news Agents at about two thirds the oost of New York or Philadelphia dailies. F. A -RAMIALL, ) CRANDALL k C'Q ! Jos, A SCRAJITOH, > Publisher j t7ull6w CAUTION. I A tit persons are hereby cautioned against pur ; A chasing or negotiating a eertaiii'noto given by ! us to Seymour G. Rhinevault or bearer for 9'io, dat ed Juno 21st, 1866. As the consideration therefor was never received, we will not pay the same unless compelled b® law. B. D, JAQI E3, v7nlßw3 J. C JAQFES. U. 8. REVENUE NOTICE. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR'S OFFICE for 7th Di vision, iWyoming County) half a mile north of Wall's Hotel, Montrose Street, at the late reaidenoe ol Hon. K. R. Little. IRA AVERY. Assistant Assessor, 7tb Division 13th District Xuakhannock, Dee 2, 1857>-7n!3in3. Ifocellaitem. j FAlifofcnS AND MKt'HANICI Take Notiee ! S U K F A C E P L A M N G and MATCHING, CIRCULAR and SCROLL SAWING. ! ALL KlynSof MACHINERY rppair in good style • | PLOWS, //ARROWS, CULTIVA TORS, HO/fSE-HOES, ROLLERS, and SCRAPERS, on Land of to order. Power abd hand Cornshellers; and Farming tools generally, MILLER* AVERY, I v6043-ly. - 0 W E K K K P j A LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS, AND PAY Cavsh for Veal skins and Bides. IS HERMAN & LA THROP. t _'■ .•£ 1 I T beLJS^^^uccet^ IS THE IMPROVED PR RESTOCK M^DRES^Kfi * PBICEONEOoIIj/ug. 1 GREAT VICTORY!! | FORT SUMPTER RE-TAKEN AND TIIK Enemy of Man Driven to the Wail!! \ ND TUB NORTH SIDE OF THE I OLD FORT FILLED TO OVERFLOWING wrrif • \ SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, TLOCR, MEAL. FEED, MOLASSES. SIRUPS, CHEgStf. ' Both Green and Dried Apples, Also, Fresh Canned and Dried | Peaches, Prunes, Currants, Raisins, Lemoi*s, Oranges. Figs,' Sardines, Candies, \ Potatoes, Cabbage, Nuts, Spioes, Salt, Soap, Segars, Pork, Lard, Butter, , , , Eggs, Fish, Slinked Meat, Oysters by the qnart, gall on or barrel; Solid Meats, in foot, every- A thing in the line of GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. The South side or the Old Fort is fitted up for the reception of all wishing a dish of Raw Stetted or Fried Oysters. ALSO, pies, Cakes, Cheese, and a Cup of Hot Coffee, Sar-' dines, or a dish of fresh Peaches. WANtEO. Butter, Eggs, Game, Chickens, Duiks', and Geese, at all times, for which cash will be paid on de livery, at the very highest mnrket rates. Call and see for yourselves and be eonvinced that the place to buy your Groceries, is in toe Olu ton on the Southwest oorner of Tioga and Bridge streets, Tunkhannock, Pa. B Nov. 5, 1867 1 . ; noticf Is hereby given, that I have placed in possessing of Samuel Dailey Jr., one pair of steers, to he kept by biui during my will and pleasure—all person* nre fornid molesting or Overfleld Pa ,Oct. 7th 1867-*7nlCtf, ADMINISTRATORS' NOTKCE- Whereas letters af administration to the etfote of , Joseph Ferguson late of the township of North tooreland, deceased, have been granted tolhe subeeri ■ 1 rtber. All persons indebted to the said estate are re f c pes tad to make immediate payment, and rtoee i having demands against the estate *f the der edeut will make known tha same duly authentterted I wUhoutdeUy. SPENCER PI'KGKRSON. Adniiuiatr>vto% Ngrthatcndand, Nov 2?, 1567. vTtoifw#
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers