giiscfUaitfflus. LACK A WESTERS R B. Winter Arrangement—l 967-9. PASSENGER TRAISS LBAVE. *IITWA*D | EASTWARD. Paarenger Vail Mail Paeaenger ' Train. Train. STATIONS. Train Train. < A M P M. 9.CO' New York'* 5,50 11.30 New Hampton, 2.30 1148 Waahicgton, 215 12.03 Oxford, 2-01 12.16 Britigeville, 1.50 12.30 Manunk Chunk, 140 . P. M. i Dine. 1.00 Delaware, 1.35 Dine. 1.10 Mount Bethel, 119 P. M, 1;25 Water Gap, 12.51 1,40 Stroodsburg, 12-36 151 Spmgueviiia 12.24 2.02 Hecryvtlle, 1214 2 20 Oakland. 1156 2 39 Porks, 11.37 3.00 Tobyhanna, 1117 3.14 Qouldsboro', 10.04 3,36 Moaoew, 10.40 3.47 Dunning, 10.30 4 20Ar > (L 10.00 A.M. • > SciurroH. < P.M 10.10 4-35 La S ( Ar.9 50 ~ 6.25 10.40 4-57 Clark's Summit, 9.28 5.55 10 53 5.05 AbingtoD, 920 5.40 , 11.13 6.21 Factorv villa, 904 521 11.43 541 Nlebolson, 640 435 12.08 6.03 Hopbottom, 8.23 4.10 12 39 625 Montrose. 8.00 340 1.09 6.46 Saw Milford, 7*29 3.10 135 705 Great Bend, 7.20 245 ' P.M. PM. AM P.M 'Station foot of Liberty St CORN BCTlOMS—Westward, The MORNING TRAIN from New York con nects at MAEUNKA CHUNK with the train leav- i ing Philadelphia (Kensington Depot) at 9 00 v in. and at GRBAT BEND with the through Mail Train ; on the Brie Puiliway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, and arriving at Buffalo at 6 15 a m , aud at Sala- 1 manca at 550 a m The Passenger train from Scranton oonnects at , Great Bend with through trains going west and east ! on Brie Railway, arrivin - at Buffalo at 12.00 mid- , night, aid at Salamanca at 11.55 p. m. Eastward. The MORNING TRAIN from Great Bend eon- ' neets there with the Cincinnati Exprese on the Erie ! Railway from the West; at Manunka Chunk with 1 a train for Philadelphia, Easton. Trenton, and in. termediate stations,arriving in Philadelphia at 6.00 1 p. m., and at New Hampton with a tram for Eas- ! ton. Bethlehem, Ailentown, Reading and Harris burg, arriving at Harris burg at 8-30 p. m. At SCRANTON. connections are made with 1 trains on the Lackawanr.a and Bloomsburg Rail- i road, and on the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.'s i Railroad, Time Tables of which roads are printed below. J. M TOUCEY, Supt. | R. A llbsrt. General Ticket Agent. je29tf | " itilSH MCT Bill ISO GPRS THROUGH FROM RRW T IRK ASD PHILADELPHIA j TO WILKESBARRE, forming direet rail connections JVOXTZT, sonll, EAS2 and 7tES2. •BUMMER TIME TABLE COMMENCING svjve i7ik, iae 7. f; l■. i; ' All Through Trains make close connections with Trains'to aad from New York and Philadelphia. THE MAIN LINE TRAINS FROM WILKESBARE (the present north ern terminus of this road) TO NEW YOBK and PHILADELPHIA, Lease WILKKSBAIRE at 3 o'clock A. M. and 1.30 *v.. Arrive at New York at 3.15 and 10,25 P M. Philadelphia, at 205 and 6.40 " Leave New York at 6.30 A. M. and 12- M. •• Philadelphia at 7.45 A. M. and L3O P. M- I Arrive At Wilkesbarre at 3.02 and 8.48 P. M. STORE! Nicholson Pa., Wm. o; GARDNER &c CO e havg just received a large and a splendid stock o goeds consisting of Jkttcg (ioobs i r - ■ i ■ }<4 CLOTHING, BOOT 9 A SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, UMBRELLAS, TRAVELLING BAGS and TRUNKS, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Trimmings, YANKEE NOTIONS <§* c, all goods s>>ld by as warranted as recomme n de Our aim "To keep good Goods," Our motto, "Not to be undersold." In connection with the store is a TAILOR-SHOP. GARMENTS CUT AND MADE IN THE DAT EST STYLE. FRBDICE TAKER II EXGHAIGE. W. O. GARDNER & CO. Nicholson, Pa. CARRIAGES * BUGGIES. The Subscriber, a practical workman of long ex perience, is now finishing off a l arge lot of new Car riages and Buggies, at his Carriage shop IN TUNKHANNOCK. Equal, if not superior, in Workmanship. Quality of Material, and finish, to those turned out at any other ehop in the country. Those wisning to buy shoald Call ail Cratninf Cl)fra. TimmAWMtmfkG, Done on short notice and in a workmanlike style ' Charges moderate. J. CAMPBELL. 1 Tnakhaaaeck, Aug. 24, 35. v5n32 i $lO A DAY MADE BY ANY ONE, with my Patent Stencil Tools. I prepay samples free. Beware tf infringers. My circulars will ex- I plain. Address A, J. FULL AM Springfield, Ver- i aroet GPR I gliwllattttUtt. noiseless JUMILY JEWING is the only MACHINE in the world that makes the twisted loop-stitch, making a stronger stitch than any -ither machine now in use. All are invited to call at P. R.BRN&BWS. JEWELRY STORK tnd examine for themselves. Also agents for All other machines for Wyoming Co. Pa. P. C BURNS A BRO. Tunkhannock, Pa. Oct 31. 1366.-v6nl2-tf W AND JEWELRY REPAIRED P. C. BURNS 1: BRO. Taks pleasure In announcing to the people of Tunkhannock and vicinity, that tbeyhae opened a itJaiol) anb Clock SNp opposite Wall's Hotel,where they are prepared to do the most diffi nit jobs in their line in an APPROVED aDd .SKILLFUL MANNER, on short notice. Hav ing had long experience in the business, they feel confident that they can give entire satisfaction to all favoring them with their patronage. ALL WORK WARRANTED TO GIVE SATIS FACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED AFTER A FAIR TRIAL- N. B—Parasols,Fans Umbrella* repaired ( Also. Aecordeons and other musical instruments tuned and put in order on short notice. A NEW STOCK of WATCHES and CLOCKS just received. JED'ELIt rofEYEItrDES XIE TIO.Y. Also SHEET MUSIC A MUSIC BOOK on hard or furnished to order on the shortest notice and at publisher's L 0 WE S T RATE 3 . 6UNSAND PIST OL CARTFIGES | adapted to all the modem styles of fire-arms, con | stantly on hand. —ALSO WJSH&SS 3d?l3£(i At,, Ac, Ac., Ac,, Ac* also Dealers in the PARABOLA SPECTACLE. THE BEST HELP FOR THE HUMAN VIBJON EVER INVENTED P C BURNS A BRO. Tunkhannock, Pa Oct 31, 1366- AE W *AIS C Y AND TRIMMING STORE Tioga Street, Tunkhannock, Pa. MRS. K LEASE. HAVING lately opened anew Fancy Store., of fere for sale an entirely new assortment of Dress Trimmings, White Gooda Embroideries Ladies Zepher, in all colore. Kid Gloves, Cuffs and Collars. L'ce, Veils, Coreette, Ladies N ktiee, best quality of Combs, Needles and Thiead of the best quality, and Fancy Notions of every variety, a large stock of TOTS, Including China, Brouie, Papier Macbe Tin, Rose wood, Glass, Pewter, Wooden, Parian and Candy Toys, For Ladies. Cosmatics Ac., Such as Pomades, Oils, Bandolina bloom of youth and Paints, Rouge, Lilly White Ac MRS. E. LEASE. Tunkhannock, May 1, 1866 J7I RE, LIFE, 4I ACCIDENTAL GENERAL INSURANCE AGENCf 1 MONTROSK, PA. CAPITAL REPRESENTED OVER 630,00",000! Home 1n5.,C0., N Y.,Capital and Surplus,s3,7oo 000 Ins. Co. of N. America, Phila. " •- 1,800,000 International Ins. Co-, N, Y, " ' 1,500,000 Lycoming Co. Mutual, Muncy, Pa, '' 3,000,000 Fanners' Mutual, York, " 560.000 Ins. Co.. State of Pa., Phila., Pa. " 700,000 Hartford Eire Ins. Co, Hartford Ct. " 1,900,000 Putnam " •' • " 600,000 Travelers' rns Co, of Hartford Ct, insur ing against all kinds of accidents. 500,000 CONNECTICUT MUTCAL LIFE INSCHANCH COHFANT, of Hartford, Ct., paying 60 per cent, divi dends to the insured. Capital 610,000,000 Notes received in payment of one-half the premium, on which six per cent, interest only is to be paid, and only four mites re quired. The notes are never to be paid un der any circumstances—Policy will be paid in full and notes given up. Assets over 63,000,000 AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia, Pa., Capital, 61,000,000 C. H. SMITH. Solicitor, Montrose, Pa. HARTFORD LIVE STOCK INS. CO, Capital 65000,000 bisnmce on all kind* of Lire StoefPagainst Theft and Deal from any cause. All Business entrusted to our eare will be attended to on fair termes, aud all losses promptly adjusted BILLINGS STROUD, ) STOIT D A BROWN. Agents, CHAS. L. BROWS. ) ° M. C SUTTON, Esq., Friendsville, Pa, Solieitm j Office first door east of "Brick Block," mootroec, Pa. 1 v7 ■-*. • f ©ariitaf & Buy (Scrii. ROSS/MILLS & GO, Comer Tioga and Warrgn Streets, | TUNKHANNOCK. PENN'A. Are now opening a large stocko Hardware, IRON, STEEL k NAILS, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Var- ; nishes, Turpentine, Benzine, Nail j Rods, Building Hardware, Mechan-j ics Tools, Wooden Ware, Brushes of all kinds, Cutlery, Shovels, fteives, Lamps, Lanterns, Oil Cloth, Rosin, Ropes, aiso Hatchets, wrenches &c. HARNESS MAKERS HARDWARE, Buckles, Japanned Buckles, Silver plated Bitts of every kind, Hames, Iron Pad Treog, Saddle Trees, Gig Trees, Girth Web, worsted and Cotton, Thread, Silk Awls, and needles, llalter Chains, Trace Chains, &c. Ac. PAINTS AND OILS, SPERM, AND LUBRICATING OILS ALSO CROCKERY, * GLASS, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE WINDOW and PICTURE frames, GLASS OF ALL KINDS. X3T Wails and Hand-Rakes t wholesale and retail. All of which have been SELECTED WITH GREAT CARE, and expressly for,this market, and all they ask is an examination of the goods to satisfy all of the truth of what we say. Remember the place. ROSS, MILLS At CO. Tonk. Pa. May 29th, 1867. mi HATS & CAPS! &SVB 68£E£8! GROCERIES FoiSale at F. L SITSEH. & Clll On Bridge street nearly op pos it e Wheelock's old stand NOW OPENED. I NT Jk. B. MOTT. THE CORNER STORE, FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY HENRY STARK. IN TUN XHANNOCK, PA. A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK A NEW STOCK OP SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS consisting of consisting of consisting of consisting of DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRY GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRlfv* GOODS DRESS GOODS GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS PAINTS AND OILS ¥ HATS AND OA PS HATS AND CAPS * HATS AND CAPS HATS AND CAPS CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING CARPETING Ac,, A c., Ac., Ac., Ac., Ac , Ac., Ac., Ac., Jbc., Ac., Jkc., In large qnantities and at reduced price*. A. B. MOTT. I Ton In M.vl,fb, flrugs & fjlebtciitfs. T U E E A a \ Drug Store TUNKHANNOCK. NEW FIRM, LYMAN&JVELLS. ! Dr Lyman respectfully announces that he ha* taken Dr. K H. Welle M a partner io the DRUG BUSINESS, and that they will continue to keep | A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, . In their line, at the old etand of J. W. Lyman i A Co., on Tioga St. ! We cannot enumerate articlee, bat it ie oar inten tion to present a WELL SELECTED AND RELIABLE STOCK adapted to this market, and meriting the atten tion of all who desire MEDICINES. PERFUMERY, PAINTS. DYET SUFFB, Ac Ac. A&, At rates ae low as can possibly te afforded. N. B. —All professional calls promptly attended. , Preecriptions carefally prepared, at all times, by one of the Doctors. J W. LYMAN, M. D. E, H. WELLS, M. D v6n396m. DR. RHOADS >|tRUG AND {| ; TORE. The largeet mod mo?t complete Drag Store in TUNKHANNOCKr NEW GOODS FOR EVERYBODY !!! PRICES REDUCED. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY 1 Just received and for Sale a splendid Stock of |ttb (Boobs, | including— nnrcs, PAINTS, VARNISHES, DYE STUFFS, BRUSHES OF AI.L DESCRIPTIONS, Pocket Books, Hair Tonics, HAIR DYES, STERLING'S AMBBOSIA, TOOTH DROPS, HAIR OILS, POMADES A PERFUMERIES, FANCY NOTIONS, CONFECTIONERY, STATIONERIES TOBACCO, HAVANA CIGARS, (KEAL.) ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS, SHOUL DER BRACES, TRUSSES, Ac,, Ac., Ac. All the Popular PATENT MEDICINES of the da.y And in fact every imaginable article belonging to a FI ST CLASS DRUG STO E PHYSICIANS' PRESRCIPTIONS eftilly compounded at all hoars of". and night. Don't forget to call at DR. RIIOADS' DRUG STORE. v6n37tf. Tunkhannoek.Pa. MEAT M ar ket! The Subscriber announces to the citizens of Tunkhannock Boro. and vicinity, that he uow has exclusive charge of the MEAT MARKET AT THE OLD STAND. And designs, hereafter to keep on hand at all times MEATS of ALL KINDS. The best that can be procured, which will positively be sold at much LOWER PRICES. than heretofore. In order to do so he has been obliged to adopt the READY PAY SYSTEM. and feels conßdent that by s"<> doing he will not only secure the patronage, but will be treating Ins customers more fairly, than by charging them prices to compensate him for looses by non paying customers. CHARLES HARDING. Tunk., Pa-v7nlo-tf INFORMATION. Information guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald bead or beardless face. alßo a recipe for the removal of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc ,on the skin, leaving the same soft clear, aud beautiful, ean be obtained without charge by addresing. THO3. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, i 823 Broadway, New York. Hattifoarf, ' [TIT GE ARHARf^ I Foundry, Machine, AND { STOVE SHOPS WARREN STREET, TUMHANNOCK, PA. i " i Having had a life-long experience as Fonndry men and Macbinests. and employing none but the I | best workmen the undertigoed pledge themselves i to exe'ule ail work in their line in a style not sur. : ■ passed by any t tuilar eitablishmnt in the country- { i I | MILL GEARINGS made and fitted up on short notice, from pattern# on hsni ot all size#, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS i and other Farming Implements. ALSO STOVES OF A:L KINDS. I j Tin, Sheet-Iron, and j HOLLOW-WARE, j LA.UTS, LEAI>, T/TES, Ac., Ac. | j always on hnn j or furnished to order. j CD. GEARIIART, & CO. i | Tunkhannock, April '29 th, IS67.—v6n3Stf. Hardware and Iron. J HUNT P> T RS . NOW OFFER FOR SALE IRON. STEEL, NAILS AND SPIKES, MINE RAIL, RAILROAD SPIKES, ANVILS, BELLOWS, PLAIN i CONVEX HORSE-SHOES, HAM MERED HORSE NAILS. WROUGHT IRON, ilium' niiTUi. CAKPEN TERS' TOOLS, (ALL WARRANTED,) HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, SEAT SPINDLES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, AXLES. PIPE BOXES, SPRING STEEL. BOTTS, NUTS, WASH ERS BELTING, PACKING GRIND STNES; PLASTER PARIS, CEMENT, HAIR, SHOVELS, WHITE LEAD FRENCH WINDOW GLASS, Ac., Ac., ALSO SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS ON HAND IN ASSORTMENT AND MANUFACTURED 10 ORDER LEATHER AND FINDINGS FAIi?BAK'S SALES. wanton Utarcb 26, 1663. vln33 BItICK! BRICK The subscriber has now on hand and will hereaf ter constantly keep FOR SALE A FINE LOT of SMOOTH WELL BURNED BRICK, at his brick yard opposite Palen A Bros , new Tannery, j IJV TEJVA'EA AZYOA: TA. i • which will be sold cheap, and in quantities to sui purchasers. W, H. RHODES' tfotf-tf. BHIIELI & BiHATTIE'S A LARGE STOCK OF" SPRING GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AND For Sale CHE.IP, c ALL KINDS OF Produce TAKEN IN EXCHANGE . . ... I I _ k • * I | FOR GOODS AT BUNNELL & BANNATYNE'S i '' . v Tunkhannochy Pa. 5n41. "rur. miuimr BARBER AND HAIR-DRESSER Takes pleusu.-e in announcing to bis old customers and the public, generally, that he ha* now secured the services as an assistant—ot fttHST *§LASS LATE PROM PARIS, Those wishing a good shave or other work in his line can now be accommodated without the vexatious deli ya experienced at "one bone" shops, SHAMPOOING, HAIR-CCTTING, DR ESSING, DY EING CU R LIN G , Ac Ao done in the best style and at reasonabla rate*. POMADES, RERF UMERT and EXTRA TS, always on hand, and for sal* at the old stand on Tioga Sired. J BERLINGHQF Jukbannook, Pe; Feb 12, W67—vbod?- V Tire peeutiar taint of Is JTL\ iaffrtioß which wg (4 Ca " Scrofli.a lurk* yt in the constitution* of 8\ multitude- of men. It K>4hlV A either produce* or i* produced l>y an en vitiated tate .'rf of tin- blood, wherein fluid becomes fall into disorder'and demy. The sorofUloua contamination it t • riously caused hy mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestion from unhealthy food, impure air. filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, Ly the venereal infection. Whatever be ita origin, it is hereditary in the eon-titution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it teems to be the rod of Him who says. " I will viit the iniquities of the father# upon their children." The diseases it originate* take various nanus, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercle#, and finally Consumption; in the glands, swelling* which suppurate and be come ulcerous sore#; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, ami liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz.. purification and inrigora thm of tlie blood. I'urify tiu blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that "life of the heaithy, you cannot hare scrofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes that medical science has discovered for this offliiting distemper, and fur the cere of the disorders it entails. That it is far supe rior to any other remedy yet. devised, is known by all who hare given it a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class cf complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the f .Ilowirz disease*: King's Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions. Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Eose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy. Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mc-rcurial Diseases, Fom~le Weokuessos, r.nd. imk •< d. the whole scries of complaints th-.t arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may t>e found in Aylr's A - : run. a* Almanac, which is furnished to the drupgt-u for gratuitous distribution, wherein may he learned the directions for its use. ar.d ton e of the remarkable cures which it lias made when all other remedies had tailed to sfiord relief. Those cases are j urposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula dej rcsscs the vital energies, ami thus leaves its victim# far more subject todisiasc ar.d its fatal results tlian are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance cf these considerations ha# led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. Ihic we row offer to the public und< r the name of Av i.n'g Sabsapauilla, although it is composed of ingredients, some of wliich exceed the best of Saiccparilia in alterative power. By it* aid you may j r tect your-t If tY- un the niffer ittg aril danger of these <li*urdor. l'urgo out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blond. J urge out to cause <• f disease, ar.d vigorous I.v ..Itli will follow. ]ly its ptcu liar virtue# tl-i# remedy rtimrlates the vital functions, end thus expels the di.-n-mpcr* which lurk v.,. in the system e-r hurst out on any part of it. We know the j uhlic have hecn deceived by many compounds of Sarsapcrilla, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither l e deceived nor dis..j.pointed in this. Its virtues have liven proven l y abun dant trial, and there regains no question c.f its surpassing excellence for the cure of th* afflicting disease# it is intended to rosoh. Although under the same name, it i a very different medicine from nay other which 1-ai been before ti.e pw pie, and is far more if fectual than any other which has ever been available to thcui. AVER'S CIIERRY PECTORAL. The World's Greet Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con sumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced stages of the disease. This ha# l>een so long used and so uni versally know n, that we need do no mora than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it lias ever done. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aver & Co.. Practical and Analytical Chenntta Lowell. Mas*. Sold by all druggists every where. For sale byßunnell A Bannatyne, and Lyman A Whlls, Tunkhaunoi k. Sterling A Son, Meshoppen, Stevens A Aekley, Laceyville, Frear, Dsan A Co, Fact'iryrille. and all Druggists atid Devlsrs in med cineß, everywhere. Teeth Positively Extracted WITHOUT PAIN!- SEW PROCESS. NEITHER CLOROFORM, ETHER, NOR GAS. WHICH ARE SO INJURIOUS TO TO HEAL TH AN LIFE. This Substance is applied directly to the sum producing a numbness t local Anaesthesia) ofonlyihe parts around the tooth, whereby it cat) be extracted without any pain whatever, and without unpleasant ness to the Patient: CALL AT MY OFFICE AND BE CONVINCED. j. j. SEVMOUR, Surgeon Dentist, Laceyville, Pa.—v"oo-3m- THE HEALING POOL, AND HOL'SS OF MERCY. Howard Association Reports, for YOUNd MBK on the CRIME OF SOLITUDE, and the ER RORS, ABUSES a id DISEASES which destroy the manly powers, and creatff impediments to MAR" RIAOE, with sure means of relief. Sent in sea ; d letter, envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr J. SKILLEN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia. Pa. 6n44-lyear ORIGTN AND HISTORY OF THE BOOKS 01 THE BIBLE, BT PROr. CALVIS E, STOWE, D, D. A work of real value, and an almost indispensabj* companion of the Bible, showing what the Bib:* is not, what it is, and how to use it - answering all the objections tn its authenticity urged by modem infi* dels, and tracing the authority of each book up to if inspired authors, giving a vast amount of informa tion heretofore locked up very rare and costly* T°l umes, making one ol' the m->st popular books ,{r published 1000 Agents WantaJ. Experienced agents, clergymen, ladies, school teachers and others should send at once for circulars giving further information. Address, ZEIGLER, MeCURDY A CO,. v7nß-4m. 501 Chestnut Street. Pbilad'a. "a TAKE NO MORE UNPLEASANT AND UN SAFE REMEDIES for unpleasant and dangerous diseas s. Us* Helmbold's Extract Buchu and Imp proved Rote Wash,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers