THE AGITATOR; -i —: . ■ i. ~J OC AL Ain lll£Oll-ABE(iCti fft n.boro. Wednesday, Bept, 6,1866.' New Advertisement*. UnU £<i States It> Revenue Tax Notice—-J. M. F sfo%s tampmia 4 Co. . ; v o tice to Bridge Builders—Commissioners. ’ Admioistretrix's Notice—Sarah E. Soelje, Adni'x. Deotistry —C. N, Bartt. , ?• Tift of Letters —Tioga and WelUboro Post rliicolution —J. P. Biles, H. K, Rumsey. ; Caution —Ralpß Qlliett. King's portable Lemonade —Lonis J. Metegar, - A Book for'everybody—o. B. Stone, Agent.' ' V gepnbliean County Committee for ISdS-S. A. M. SPENCER, Chairman, E j PORPLE, J. I MITCHELL, ‘ o’ S PACKARD, HENRY CROFO’!?, OILLIS DARTT, EMMER BOWEfr. : Xc onr acknowledgment of the receipt of a photo pj, of the line officers of the 45th, we neglected to jtste (jut Mr. Doming haa them on tale. ‘ _ XVe are obliged toMr. Y. H, Baldwin for a basket e t nice apples. Also" to Mr. k. B. Wright, of I'arih ajtoa, for some fine pears. . pr. C. MTDabst, of this borough/dsas shown,ue a uperh sett of teeth mannfaetnredby him, to utder." Its eight of them almost reconciles one to a lies of sobers. - Xee Oa-HcsTEne. —The work goee bravely on in this county. Jacob’s Well li down 34 feet—rook sol id The Oceola well iadown 390 feet, thronghjoap ,lote and bine slate. The Lneky Well is down 770 f M t, with increaaing prosper ta of petroleum. 1 port from tho other well*. " i CiCSET.—One David E. Baker, a fugitive' £ro#» lie Baih. If. Y, jail, was arrested by. Sheriff Tabor on Pino Creek, last Sunday, and .lodged in jail. A requisition will probably relieve onr jail of.bis prefp net toon. His crime is horsestealing. . four has juet received auothar lot of those perb American watches, put up in he t ityie. Foloy is content with Small profits and quit k tales, and when he says an article is No, 1, yon cs i. depeud upon it. « *. Thb Cokcebt.— The Glee Club gave its jjecdi.d Concert at the M. E. Church Tuesday ls 'X week, before a .fine audience. The programme wits most excellently made up, and carried out to the le£ Ur. The performance was fine, and reflected 1 great credit upon all concerned. We bad a flying visit from Friend of the Potter Journal, one day last week. We are rejoiced to say tbit he bore outward evidence of pros* perity and happiness, notwithstanding the fact that he is a gay and-fastlve- bachelor, and dwellethina provincial town, * & * Fete Picture#..—Mr. Wm. H. Hastings, of W\4- iwneport, has the agency for Lycoming and Ti<S ;a wantiei for the sale of a series of splendid pdrtra la of Washington, Martha W&shingfsn, Lincoln, GraVit* Webstar, Clay, and Douglas, lithographed in oil, on canvas. These portraits are faithful* and artists;. We heartily commend them to lovers of fine pictur es. Fibe I—We leam that a barn belonging to MV J. Hetlzb, of Liberty, in this county, was destroyed by fire Monday night, 4th lust., together with ablut £0 tona of hay,- 200 bushels <vf oats, and* fuming utensils. Tt was a bank barn, 64x5(1 ft et, end the loss cannot fail below $3OOO. The fire discovered at about 9 o’clock. It was doabtless Che work of an incendiary. Gpwabd Ekaush, of Morris, was seriously wAbi ded in the right arm, by A the accidental diseharg . ..of & rifle which be was cleaning, recently. Ski! cl means were used by Dr. D. Bacon, bis attending p y •icisn. to save the arm; but hemorrhage'of the X a cbi&l artery on. the eighth day after tbe accid of, having set ip, and proved obstinate, amputation as made imperative. Dr. 8., amputated tbe arm the elbou on the 21st ult., and tbe patient, is do og well. English was a member of the 207th P. V. ibd participated in battles in which that .regiment was engaged. 1 •' As volt Customs*. ~Wehavo been shown s mfto le bullet taken from tbe neck of Mr. Georgh Boggles, laic of tbe 148th P; V., by Dr. W. W, Wsßßf o| this borough. Mr. Boggles received this ogly customer, in battle, lost March. The bullet entered jaw and lodged in tbe back part of' the neck. Itl»y. behind and just below the bifurcation of the left car otid artery, and the hospital burgeons refused ex tract it owing to tbe dauber attending the operation.. The ball was flattened .and shapeless, with jagged riges, and weighed one " ounce. Df. Daniel twisted Dr. Webb in Jhe operation. The rapidly recovering. '•! i. Ah, here be comes I — T’Ae Lxtti* Corporal- —thfc'Very thing needed to perfect juvenile literature. “ Eitit ing against Wrong, and for the Good, the lie Beautiful,” is Ms war-cry. We have read ~.wo numbers of this delightful 16 page quarto mopt'. ilv, published for the children by Mr. Alfred A. 'SfcTrfSmJ Chicago, 111. Little Folks, if you want this paper, you have but t(T send $1 to Mr. Sewell* 4 1 ’Chi cago, and he will send it io you, together wT :a-tbe children’s portrait of Mr. Lincoln, as * premiu'* i. If any boy or girl will send him si* subscribers % sd $6, be or she will recervean extra copy, and the'pytace, for the trouble. So go ti work,-children. .<• : “ The Field, The Dungeon, and The Escape."- Mr. William H, Hastings, agent for Kstori t*l work, relating to tbe prison pens of .the. liouth, h now in ibis neighborhood, canvassing, He the exclusive agency for Weltsboro, Blossburg and (fard, sud we commend him and the work to all to secure the most reliable history of prison £ -Ie in Hebeldom, as also adventures in the field, and h the service—in all of which Mr. Richards©*; the wtbor, ig thoroughly posted. This work, hf ■ met vitb the immense sale of 70,000 copies within 6.'"days. Tb« author is one of the foremost of journalists iu Americaj capable of making a most readable work, which he has done. It reads like a novel, ye ’“ia"wo- r j painful fact It contains a fall report of | !ik ex- in the secret service during the of lec ** 9 lon Conventions, in the field, and in Bk- sbury for it by'all means. It is - e£uti fa!lj illustrated, = r> , Broke Jail.— One'Wilfbrd Dady, s' Bredf Co. ®**perado, awaiting sentence for larceny, and : iathan Mickle, a lad of 16, convicted pf an aieaqlt >< Iji in* l«nt to commit a rape upon a girl of nine ye' ri, left [without permission last Thursday it , Tba escape was made by means of a sfcelct.ti ‘ key io Bady*c possession. The only blame that fan be laid upon anybody arises from the fact that tf e pria* oaer was not searched before incarceration. '1 foeklly Part, Mickle was arrested at or near Holid/ytowp, ™daj afterseon, and brought back, by Ur.' Melvin Hotchkiss, of this borough.' Dady is still * ott gh adrertiaement has been made of with descripllohpiylb'e sheriff, and trusty me *«re on watch for him- This , Dady stole a qua ;iity of doable do thing from the bout-e of F. & Sm/h, Esq. d Tioga, some weeks ago. He was followed 1 tnd ar r#*l*d at WilUaxnsport, and on He irey bacli he got et * r t of his captor and jozaped through^thcoar — window while the eari were in rapid motion. His i.. =< j d mggWj! I f right arm waa broken in tha fall, and ha waa brought! wWDiI BUI) to Welleboro in n disabled cottdition.l about 5 S • ._* W elx, dark complexion , and aW BETAHx D« ALEBOtf^pßOSPECTUS yearroldr Ann in a »llnef A•' reward kit $$ 0 ieoffif t. _ • ■ < . •led for hii apnrehepaionf DRUGS AND MEDICINES. CHEMICALS, “ : : ; DaINTS, VARNISHES; DYES. j. !•;[<; . PUTTY, PERFUMERY. . WINDOW GLASS, Debbab, Tioga Co., Pa., Sept. 1,1865. To the Member* 0/ the Republican County Convention and the Citizen* of Tioga County : Having learned from the published proceeding* of the 'Republican County Convention, that held iu ses sion in Wells boro, on the 25th oil, of my nomination for the position of County Surveyor, I take this op portunity to thank the members of that Convention and the citizens of Tioga County, for the honor con ferred in thus presenting me to the voters of our county as worthy to fill a position of responsibility fend trnst I recogniA* in the action of the Convention as re gards myself, and also in the resolutions passed by it, a recognition of the claims of the class to which I belong, viz, that of the disabled soldier. I wish it distinctly understood, that I do not claim for myself, nor for my disabled comrades, any superior rights or privileges, because of our disability, beyond those enjoyed by each and every loyal citizen of the county... £ut I do claim that we are entitled to the sympathy id- the community at largo, and the action of the Con vention assures us that our claims in that respeot.are apt disregarded. Being incapacitated by the loss, oX - . my arm from following advantageously to myself my profession, as a Surveyor, I most respectfully decline the nomination tendered me. Respectfully, Dabics'L. Deakb. / Unprecedented, —The satisfaction that the “ Family Record” meets with among the people wherever it is seen. • The Pboposed CouyrrMotnrarasT.—The proposed plan of a County Monument, a sketch of which was 'furnished by Chas. F. Veil, Esq., of Liberty, has been photographed by Wood, the Artist. Copies of this design, suitable for Photographic Albums, will be sent by mall, to any address free of postage,npon tbe receipt of Twenty-Five Cents. Hugh Yocwj, Wcllsboro, Aug. 23,1865, Bookseller, Ac... Tha Hewburypori Herald concludes an inter esting history of tbe various substitutes for the large and costly pipe organ with the following well-deserved notice of the Cabinet Organ: “All these inventions were, however, but little more than a series- of experiments, a striving after an ideal, which should combine all excel lences and ; reject all imperfections, which, ae 'cording to the universal 'testimony of the great est musicians throughout the world,,Jibs at hist been attained in the “ Cabinet Organ* of Ma-' son & Ilamlin. Those who have had their ears pained by tbe thin, brassy sound of. the old fashioned serapbine, in which the,, wind was forced instead of drawn through, or who have tried to be thankful for the improved melodeon, but wishing there was more of it, can hardly realize that an instrument of tbe' same class .should bo .capable of such power, tone, and surprising effects as .thd Cabinet Or gans. • ~ married. In Charleston, on tbe 8d inst, by Rev. P. Rey nolds, Mr. MYRON MICKEL and MUi ESTHER A. COLE, both of Charleston. Xn Chatham, July 2d, 1865,*by N, E. Hastings, Esq., CHAS.-THOMPSON, of Knoxville, and ME LISSA MARKHAM,- of Chatham. By the same. Sept; Bs, ALLEN HOHQHTELING and ESTHER SHORT all of Chatham. IP'Mansfield, on the Ist Inat.; : by "Wm/ Esq., Mr. OSCAR J, PHILLIPS and Mia*ELLEN A. HYMES, all of Mlddlebury. • .In Tioga, on the 29th ult., by H. H. Borden, Esq., Mr. TflOS. ALLEN and Mias ANNA M. HACKET, both of Chatham. In Mansfield, on the 31st uIL, at the house of the. bride's father, by Lyman Beach. Jr., Esq.. Mr. B. £. KNAPP, of Lawrence, and Miss FRaNKIE E, HOLDEN, of Mansfield. Long may they live, and enjoy many little Knapps as agreeable as the one the fair bride took on this oc casion. . , . L. B. SHEEP FOR SALE AT jitTCTIOS.—I shall ; sel{ at auction on Thursday, the 7th' day of £eptem-’ ber next, at my farm in Richmond township, Three Hundred Lambs, in good condition^ Richmond, Aug. 30,1565. '* A. W. 1 WILSON* NOTICE. —Notice is hereby given, that there will be a meeting of . the Stockholders t of the Run Coal Company, held, at the office of tbe Compn ny in Blossburg, Pa., on Tuesday, September. Il2th, 1805, at 12 o’clock M., for the. Section of for the ensuing year- J, F- DEB, Clerk. August 30, 1865-2w* Millwright carpenter’s tools, & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE— The Subscriber will dispose Of to customers us they offer, a full sett ef Millwright and Carpenter’s Tools, on the.prcmises late of B. F. M. Webster, Niles Val-i ley, Tioga County, deo’d. Also—a quantity of Household Furniture, such as: Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Crockery, a large Cooking/ Stove, and other articles too numerous to mention.' Please call early, as tbe property will be disposed of; to the first customers who offer.* Niles Valley, Aug. 30. ’55 * S. C. WEBSTER. JjJXRE ! FIRE !! , FIRE I!! '' \ : ] The undersigned begs leave to announce tb the ' people of Tioga County that he has established au‘ agenoy in Wellsboro, for the well known . -■! HOME INSURANCE COMPANY, | of New York. ~ That he is prepared to Insure ail kinds of property upon as reasonable terms as can be had In any other [responsible Companies, AND ISSUE POLICIES | without sending'Qie application to the General Office: This is one of the richest Companies in tbe United States,having a , Cash Capital of Two Bullion Dollar^ besides [the Assets which-on the Ist of January, 1865^ amounted t 0.., $3,765,503 42 Liabilities,./. 27,901 52 Its Officers are : i CHAS. J. MARTIN.; ...^President- A. F. W1LW0RTf1........... ...Vice President. JOHN McGBE. ~.Becrelary> •T.'H. WASHBOEN Assistant Sec’jr. This Company has taken out A STATE LICENSE, j Mid monthly pay. the per oentage charged upon its Receipts which is mad. necessary by tbe laws of Pennsylvania, in order to make it* policies valid ami binding upon the Company. AH policies issued by Companies which have net taken out a State license are declared null and'void, and the parties are liable to a heavy penalty for so insuring. See Pardon's. Digest, page 853, Sec. 21, 22, 23. . . ’ Wellsboro, Ang.- 23, 1865.- W. H. SMITH. 1 JAB. T. CLOSE, F. B. COBBETT, - W. A. MONRO*!* Col. 16th Va. Tola. Of New York. .. Late of War Dept. CLOSE, CORBETT fe MOETROE, ; Attorneys, QMm, Patent , Real Estate, And Genera} Insurance .Agents. .O- '-f Claime of all all' kinde againet the United Jitatfe Government or individual* collected. ' Ordnance, Quartermasters’, and all Government aei oonnta promptly made np and adjusted. MONEY LOANEDand ADVANCED on Claims. Special attention given to PATENT CASES. REAL ESTATE Bought ond Sold. HOUSES and FARMS for Sal© or Kent in Washington* D (!., Alexandria, Va., and surrounding country. POLICIES granted on LIFE; FIRE, and MARINE RISES in some of the oldest and most responsible Insurance Companies. Office, 227 Penn a. Avenue, ‘ ' opposite Willards’ Hotel, July IS, 1805-3 m. Washington, D. C.' 'FANet Poods, 1 : ri ' : ’■’ - : ‘SPICES, -•- = TOILET' ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, LOOKING GLASS PLATES, PICTURE GLASS, WINDOW GLASS, ENVELOPES, CAP 4 LETTER PAPER, INKS, &0.,.4q., 40. N. B.' Physicians' Prescriptions and all other Recipes will' be carefully and accurately made up front pure and reliable Medicine?. . Well'shorO/Aug. 23,1866; • ’ J. A. BOV.- - DISTINGUISHED AIREIFAL. ';, .-K . ‘ . . '. , , , Has just returned from Now York, with an enormous Stock of t : GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, . . • • . 1 I 'itA . , and is .offering item:to the public for LESS money than they have been sold since Jibe .WAR. ' GREEN TEAS—JAPANESE OOLONG, IM- PEKIAL 4 YOUNG HYSCp of various qualities from 75c. to $2.00 per lb. ' COFFEES—JAVA, RIO, LAGDIRA, in kernel und all the varieties of ground Coffees, SUGARS—GRANULATED, CRUST, POW DERED, ■ and all the grades, of CQFFPE SUGARS; also a large and splendid assortment of’ BROWN SUGARS, Cannot fail to please customers if they will call and examirie our' Stock, either in price or quality. ■ SYRUP & MOLASSES, ! Varying in price from 6Sc. to $1,50 per gallon. FISH—WHITE, FISH, TROUT, CODFISH, BLUE FISH, and Various kinds of MACKEREL, Also a good, stock of Brooms, Market Baskets, Corn Baskets,“Axir Helve*,' Wash Boards, Scrub Brushes, Bed Cords, Boor.-Mats, Buggy Mats, Mop Handles,:Pails; also a nice assortment of Bird Cages. The Ladies will please remember that W. T. Math ers keeps J. B. Stratton's. CELEBRATED yeast cake, T. Eingsford t Sons' Corn Starch, Sago, Yermicella, Tapioca,' all kinds of ’ SPICES. CLOVES, CINNAMON, GINGER, NUTMEG, &c.. i - . Also Bldck Snuff, and Yeildw SnuiT, a good assort ment of ■ ’'* , FLAVORING EXTRACTS A TOILET SOAPS. W. T- MATHEBS keeps constantly on hand the best brands of Saleta tjue,Soda, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda for Washing; also the best grades of I !' FAMILY FLOOR; CORJST MEAL, by the barrelor sack, the beat quality of Kerosene Oll»nd Lamp Oils , The lost but sot least to'mention is, W. T. MATH ERS ' WILL NOTRE UNDERSOLD! 1 Goods to be ALWAYS AS REPRESENTED or no Sale. The highest market price in Cash paid for Batter and Eggs. W. T. MATHERS. Welisboro, Aug'. 23, 1865. 1 P. R. WILLIAMS received a Large and Fresh Supply of: .UNSEED OIL,, WHITE LEAD, <t . ZINC PAINT* which he-offers to sell cheaper than can be boaghi this aide of the City. He.has also a very, large stock of f , COLORING MATERIALS, / such as .. MADDER, ALUM, COPPERAS, INDIGO, VITRIOL, LOGWOOD, *o., whiah.wiUheaold 25 per cent, cheaper than can be bought at .any other establishment in the county* HOWE A STEVENS' ; FAMILY DYE COLORS always on Coil and examine my Stock and you will be sore to bny. ' P. R. WILLIAMS. , Wollsboro, Ang. 23,1865. Lost.— two certificates of capital -STOCK of First National Bank of Wellsboro. One for Twenty Shares and the other for Ten Shares in jthe name of E. B. Campbell. -S The finder will be suitably rewarded by delivering them to J. L. ROBINSON, Cashier of said Bank. Wellsboro, Jane 21, 1865. NOTICE.— It IS expected that the Collectors' of the County and Bounty Taxes of Tioga County ‘Will by all means make every exertion to settle np their duplicates by September Court, as it depends, upon their promptness in payment to keep np the credit of the county in paying the County Bonds. , Aug. 16, 1865. A..M. SPENCER, Treas’r. W MEAT MARKET,— , WM. TOWNSEND, Aosmt. Wholesale and Betail- Dealer fa. FLOUR, FORK, HAMS, & GROCERIES; WEtiLSBOBO, l»Ai ■ . ALSO, : FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, BUTTER, &c. Shop one Door South of Smith’s Law Office. • Wellsboro, Aug. 2, • CAUTION. —Whereas, my wife, MARGARET J has left my bed and board without Just cause or provocation, I hereby forbid all persons harboring or trusting heron my account as I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. Elkland, Sept. 6, 1886. RALPH GILLETTE.' ; * WtmUvkri. ■* . '-2 - > < —OF THE— '' V- -/ S-J WELLSBORO > U.i *M / J . i , - PETROLEUM COMPANY. *• -.:U ' ■' J - ■ ■m. . ijlAv;.-Cr> r >, 1. .ciPWli? « 100,000. ■ ■>) t!/ OT ; * f.\) J■; > ? iiHAV - :iii i JH.| .Wli* 10,000 SHARES OF m EACH first' assessment si’ per' j shAße.' 910,000 Working jCapltal. The Wellsboro Petroleum Company has duly exe cuted leases of 5,000 acre* of selected takes, ly ingin the townships of Belmar, "Charlestdn, Ship pen, Caines, Morris, Liberty, and Middlebnry, and in Wellsboro, Tioga county, and in Brown township, Lycoming county—in number about 100 leases. ’ Agents of the Company are actively employed in leasing other choice lands. $60,000 of the stock is •already subscribed. Operations will be commenced when three-fonrthsof the authorized stock shall be subscribed and ten per cent, paid in. -■ ' The lands leased cover - all, or nearly all, of the territory in the localities named, where surface and geologic indications of petroleum exist. Directors: L. BACHE, President, H. W. WILLIAMS, J.'W. BAILEY, J.RIBEROLLB, S. 'S. BACHE, : CrCOPESTICK, J G. P. CARD, LBHOY TABOB. AMOS COOLIDGE, J. L. ROPJfISON, Treasurer, M. H. COBB, Clerk. BOYS ABE COMWO.MOMEf AND!xHAT , LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK —OF— FALL GOODS IS DAILY ARRIVING AT ' ' JOHN R; BOWEN’S, FRESH FROM NEW YORK. LADIES, Ji CALL AtfD SEE 1 THEM; 11 AND GENTS' CALL FOR TER LADIES, And Look at the Goods AT THE SAME TIME. Remember—at BOWEN’S. Wellsboro, Aug.'9,1866. Knoxville boot, shoe, * leatosr store.— —= ... WHOLESALE & RETAIL; The undersigned having formed a co-partnership under the name und title of 1. LOOHRT & CO., can be found at the'old stand, corner of Main and Mill Streets, where they will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of BOOTS, SHOES, LEATHER * FINDINGS, of the beat quality, which they will sell so cheap for Cash, as to make it sn object for dealers to bny here. Oar Stock consists in part of MEN’S, A BOTS, CALF, KIP, & ’STOGA BOOTS, of oar own 'manufacture. Also, LADIES’ GAITERS, BALMORAL, KID, & CALF, & MISSES SHOES. ; i ! 'i; - .'l.'* French and Oak Stock constantly on hand for sale. Cub paid at all times, for HIDES,'PELTS, and FURS TEEMS— OASB ON DELIVERY. I.LOQHRY, Knoxville, Pa. 1 J. RICHARDSON, Elmira, N. Y. .Knoxville, August 2,1865-tf. J)BNNBTLVANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. The Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will hold its Exhibition on September 26, 27, 28, and 29, 1866, at WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY. Any ihformatiop desired by persons desiring to exhibit applications for premium lists or posters, or by members of the Society, will be given by the un dersigned, or A. BOYD HAMILTON, President, Harrisburg. A. BROWER LONQAKEB, Norristown, Pa., July 26,1865-31. Secretary. fJIO THE PEOPLE OF TIOQA COUNTY:— Get the beat and only authorized Life and Public Services of .ABRAHAM LINCOLN, impartial, truth ful, 750 pages, with beautiful engravings, good paper and binding—by Hbh. H. J. RAYMOND, M. ,C. Seme important things are copyrighted and cannot be used in any other work. Wait for the Agent and see RAYMOND’S before yon subscribe. ’ 1. R. VAN HORNE, M. D, Agent, For Lawraboevilfe, Tioga, Richmond, Chatham, Dser fleld, Clymer, Westfield and other towns.' 1 Knoxville, Aug. 2,1865-tf. A LARGE STOCK of PERFUMERY and YAN, KEE NOTIONS, for sale by P. R. William*', Ho. 3 Union Block, Wellaboro, Pa. >! li i ‘ 'i / n BAND, HOOP & BAR IRON, STEEL, NAIL RODS, HORSE SHOES, HORSE SHOE c . HAILS, A CUT NAILS, PUMPS, LEAD PIPE. Also, a most complete assortment of STOVES, -TIN, COPPER,^A ..SHEET IRON ■' TVARB; and a fall assortment of -J Li” ’ i.l HAYING TOOLS, in their a won. »' ■ • i - Partioolar attention paid to the maanfactore of MILK CANS; the ■nbsoribera having bad an entendre experience in the mannfactore of the article. Alto a quantity of FANCY, PRESSED, & JAPAN WARE. We ore selling a nice article of SAD-IBOH HEATEB, which effect* a'great wring in fuel. - < i. I‘. r- _ , JOBBING and REPAIRING done promptly, in the beat manner, and on the most favorable terms. We also desire to say that we shall sell oar wares as cheap as they can be purchased anywhere else, the difference in freight and transportation only added. We intend to make it the interest of the public to bny of ns, and shall study the interest of patrons as writ as ear own. The Subscriber will take in exchange for Tin- Ware, SCRAP-IRON, LEAD, PEWTER, COPPER, Coll and examine oar stock before purchasing else where. QUHIT 4 TUCKER, . Successors of Wm. Roberta. Wells boro, Jons 14, 1864-tf. Stoves J Stoves! I BRASS, AND RAGS. * *■»- ca m © >» ** to fl > S , g 9 - . 1 © Z o 'to© o ds ® w ‘ “ 'S -a* ; CS ® « * fl M) ■ fi- ® © " © "S «■ >S Q mm' tmgi % mm, O 35 s « «es s mi -< 2 a H © fi : « .r l {j pfl * S fi -: i «s « ■,© £ £ ® .5 » a «a s ©®u * “ JS o & rs Q paß * ** :>, " £-8 ® £ S «. « 1 ©« « s S ® * fc . . * 1 © s H fc. 8 J. •m m * « AS j* o = * si 88 W P a i \\f INDOW GLASS Jb PUTTY, fox sale eheap, TT at P. B. Williams’ Drug Store. VANBUSRIRK’S SOZODONT for Cleaning Teeth, for sale at P. R. William** Drag Store. , T. L. BALDWIN, A .. IS now receiving a large and well selected STOCK OF - | SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, emulating in part of a General Stock of All of which will be lold VERY LOW for ©N —• gPRINQ AND SUMMER GOODS! DEI GOODS, IADIEI’ DRESS fIOODI,. READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND OAFS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS AND SHOESi WOODEN WARE, 40.. 40. READY PAT ONLY ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. All persons baying GOODS for READ T PAT, I Are reapeotfnlly invited to call and examine •' THE STOCK, A, they are to be lold at VERT LOW PRICES. CASH PAID FOR WOOL. Tioga, May 17 18*6. T.L. BALDWIN. _ig, w red digestion from nn healthyjbod, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing Tices, and, above all, by the vene real infection. Whatever be its origin, it it hered itary in the constitution, descending “ from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation; *’ indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, “t will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children.” The diseases it originates take various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Consumption; in the glands, swellings which sup purate and become ulcerous sores; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. These, all having the same origin, require the same rem edy, viz., purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous dis tempers leave yon. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that “life of the flesh” healthy, you cannot have scroftdou* disease. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is ’compounded from the most effectual antidotes that medical science has discovered for tills afflict ing distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it emails. That it is far superior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases: Bug’s Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Erup tions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Bose or St Anthony's Fire, Salt Eheurn, Scald. Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the faihgs, white Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Ayer’s American Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases -are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have ac cess to some one who can speak to him of its bene fits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims &r more subject to disease and its fatal remits are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these con siderations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This wa now offer to the public under the name of Ann’s Sarsaparilla, although it is composed of ingre dients, some of which exceed the best of Sana pariUa in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffering and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deterred by many' compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised much and did nbthing; but they will neither be deceivednor disappointed in this. Its virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before! the people, and is far more effectual than any other which has ever been available to them. i. AYER’S CHERRY PECTORAL, The ’World’s Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanced sta ges of the disease. This has been so long used and so universally known, that we need do no more than assure the C'llic that its quality is kept up to the best it ever been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Da. J. C. Ayek 4 Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Maas. Sold by all druggists every where, and by Sold by J. A. Boy and P. B. Williams, WtUsborO ; Dr. H. H. Borden,Tioga; S.S. Packard, Covington?! C. V. Elliott, Mansfield; S. X. Billings, Caines; ana by Dealers everywhere. [Nov. 28,18M-ly.] WELLSBORO STEAM WOOL CARDINS £ CLOTH DBESSIH6 WORKS.—The Sub scriber having built an entire new Mill for the pur pose of Carding Wool and Dressing Cloth in the lower part of town near Riberole's Tannery, retarne thanks for past favors and would inform the people of Tioga County and other places adjoining that he is ready to Card Wool on short notice as his works ran by steam power. Wool Corded and Cloth Dressed at as low rates or lower than any other establishment in the country. All work warranted to give good satisfaction. All work sent from a distance by stage will be returned by the same if ordered. Wellsbooo, May 31, 1885. CHARLES LEE. The wellsboro and trot express. The subscriber will take charge of Express pack ages for New Tork and Philadelphia by tho way of Covington, Mansfield, and Troy, guarantying tholr safe and prompt delivery at the offices at each place. Packages for Philadelphia may be sent cheaper and quicker by this route than by the way of Coning and Elmira. Packages for New Tork can he sent cheaper, and as promptly by this route as by any other. Office opposite Boy's Drug Store. - . W. N. MARVIN, Proprietor. I WsllsboTO, Jane 18,1885, 'be peculiar taint or infeo - which we call Scaor lurks in the constitu is of multitudes of men. either produces or is jduccd by an enfeebled, itiated state of the blood, ■erein tlmt fluid becomes impotent to sustain the d forces in their vigorous ion, and leaves the sys to fall into disorder decay. The scrofulous itamination is variously ised by mercurial dii-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers