iv.vOC n'SxfJ-' -? Mr. Nash? for ia injhecStmV t nv Nopi Qersy,) Joon_ 12tb> 1860. J These ia- thpTdatk days of Dinjpcriy. 'The 'armies in front uv Kichmondf the fall uv our .ka'ppytyje, foUered by the surrender of our armies lo and Sherman, hez hurt as. ' Our feeders Are either pinin, in .loathanm dpnguos, xnlotWe.'ated by the beayin-dsfyin, man-destroyid, ;yraoikle edix mjv our late lamented Pripidc t. or air barskin in the free are. uv Italyanc/jCanady. We her no way or keeping our vo : ;ers‘together. Opposln the ytpivwon’t do no gdpd, Jet before the next eleckshun the heft ur our voters will her diskivered that thenar is over. - The fee or drafts may be suUSij in sum part sin v Penn sylvania and Suthren Illinoy.farkum time jit; but that can’t he dependid on. ?■ , But we hey, won resourse fer d Isboo—ther will alluz be pi Dimocrigy. f o Jong 'it, ther’s a nigger. , ' Ther is a nneoropromisin dislifch''‘.o-the nig ger in the mindTuv'a ginooine-HimOcrat, The Spanish iull'fightet, when he Vantf. tn'inflanie the bull to extra cavortin, waves a rad flag afore him. When you desire a Dimocra-- to froth at the'jnodtb.'you will find a black feck'will an swerlthe purpus. i Ther4 the nigger;is. to-day, our beet and and only holt. Let ds'nse him. For the guidance o» the faithful, I shell lay down a lew plain ronls to be observed,an order to make the most uv the cappytle weyhev:— 1. -' Alins assert that the niggen. will, never be r able to tkk Care uv hieself, but tiHiallus be a public burden. He may, poaafly, give us the lie bylgoing to work, In sich the duty, nv every Himoorat is llano. He must not* be- allowed to work. kagosiations must ’ be'Organized, pledged to •id jber give him employment, to work with h;ra,.to work for enney one'who will give him wor-;, or pat ronizegnny Ope who, duz. (I would liejeet that sich nr us ez bez.hdn fortonit enuff 2 get cred it, jay * trifle on account, so ez-'t6’‘ skaik our patooindge worth isuthin.) This course rigidly and pereistenfiy follered up, wood drive the bestiar-emJ.O stealin, and the balance to the poor houses, proovin wot we hev ailiiS claimed, that they ar a idol and vishus race, Think,- my brethren, wot a inspirin efleck' our poor boosts, aiid jails full of niggers wtpS hev onto the people. Jly sole expands ez I ; thejd'elightful vishon. . V. 2. Likewise aepert that the niggt) will come. North, and talk .all the good-, p)ac s, throwin all omriekllled meebanike out er w .rk by. un derbidden uvem. This might Ae o' en to ob- : .jecahuns, to wit: It crosses slitely Hool the 1, and men mite say, ef there’s jiet.,;nuff lahdr fer,Wat’s here, why not perhibit fortoers from coming ? I anser: Its the bizois t-J the voter to-reoonsife-tbecoqtradikshun—h,e Way beleeve either orbotbp Ez to,...the sekund objecsbun, whet is the Dimoecat who ooodn’t fee-onderbid, anjd stan. It even to starvashun. if Ihe onder bidden wuz don by a man uv the proud JKau kashnn race ? and wber is thejDimoorat so lost to manhood ez to drink blud, ef the same un dedkddentis dud by the nigger?- The starvin lor worft ain’t the question,’ it’s iher color uv the cause -or the- starvasfauu tbafT-maiks the diArena. - - > - • - i Nigger equality may be worktl In 2‘advan-’ tage.' ■ All men, without distincksr seeks, air fond of flatrin tbeirselves that jadufebody’s lower down' in : the' stale , uvimU-ianity than they isi - Ef twan’t fer niggers, wl at wood the Dtmbcrisy do for someboddy to 100 t down up on? =lts also sHoor to enlist wun (Jile uv wim men on our side. J . ’ ; In times, gane by I've nntist gut'bin virgins uv4s, full 16 hands high, and ' tiff. es wire, hold’n aloft banners onto which' vbz inscribed “ Save us from Nigger Equality.” f'Ypo see it so.otijed cm 2 bev a obanoe uv lst, Tbat.they woz frale, afd 2d, Thai ansbent and tuff ez they >v.lz, sonie one wnz still goin for em. Ef there aint no niggers. Sent' H Cimmittis must furnish em. A half dozen til.do fer a ordinary county, ef theyr hustle 'along with energy. Ef they won’t steel, thtiJteotrel Com mittis mast do it themselfs.' Show your nig gers In a township in the mornin,' and the same nfitp fob the clothes lines and hen roosts. Ever wfllin 2 sacrifice myself for th® cause, I volunteer td do this last duty ib. 'six. populus counties. ' These ijees, if follored, will, mf doubt, keep us together until our enemies gait, when we will reap the reword nv our nWanoy and fidelity. May the Lord hasten t* Jwlay. Peteoleo Nasbt, Lait Pastor uv the Church uv th : Noo Dispen sashua. i ’’- Tbo Two Apprentic ei. Two boys Were apprentices fi a carpenter 'shop. One deterimined to pake tiinself a thor ough workman, the other didn’t 'are. One of them read and studied, and g)t books that would help him to understand ;.ibfe, principles of his tradfc. He spent bis at home reading." The other liked fun t *l. He often went with other boys to have ■' 'j£ good time.” “ Come,” he often said to bis shot sjiatej “ leave your old books, go with ns. Wk ijs the use of all this reading?” " If I lose thei £ eolden mo ments,” was the boy’s anewerJlßl, shall lose whot I can. never make up,” the boys were still apprentices, an offer o&-|wo thousand dollars appeared in the newspapers for.the best plan for a State House, to be b| lit in one of the Eastern States. The studious boy saw the and determined to try for it.' After Careful study he drew out his plans, and sen! -them to the committee- We suppose that h|:cfid not really expect to-gainSktbe prize; butane thought, “ there is abtMlflßfab trying/’ la about a week afterwards, a gtJMeman arrived, it tbe carpen ter's shop and asked if an arohit*,!t by the name lof Washington Wilberforce lived/bere. “ No," said the carpenter, “ no architocVbut I have an apprentice by that name. see him.’’ The young man was summoned, .tod informed that his plan was accepted, an;-/that the two thousand dollars were his. ' i/tte gentleman tlJensaid that the boy must pi , I the building npand his employer was so'pi/yd of his suc cess, that he willingly gave bij!iv,his time and let him go. This studious your, j carpenter be came one of the first architects; ,f our country. He made a fortune, and now stands high in the esteem of everybody; while hu/ftllow appren ticf out hardly earn food for bl .iself and fami ly hy his daily l^t.—Americi%AHUan, To Start « Banlky his mouth •with dirt or gravel from the ha’ll go. Now don’t laugh at this bat tr/'/t. The plain philosophy of tbe thing is—it ifrea him some thing else to. think of. We has Seen it tried a hundred times, and it has nevejjfailed. l l fe3TC i>. I «':» vG# | TT NOXYIIitK. .HEAD qGARTkIs IRON BRIGADE, | I ADGDSTIbt, 1866. is prepared to exhibit to the trading public of -- ’ , o , Wellsboro and vicinity, the latest arrival of ■ Special Soticeis hereby given-toßeturnedSol- * v dior. rttarned sfcodaddloru, those liable to draft and , to exempts, the Wat'is now ended and bo ahonld <£j gUJIfIIfIIEIE (BfIMDD&Sg ’ HfGH PRICES END. All Will take notice that we ere prepared re serve those wanting any thing in our line on short notice and at < We would call',attention to a .few of the articles of our manufacture. ' . . . ' WS. PEOPLE’S FRIEND COOK STOVE , is still in great favor with those desiring an ELEVATED OVEN COOBifIIOTB.', Our PARLOR, BOX, & COAL STOVES deserve attention before ®l***fh®?®* Oar PLOWS are as good ns any if not better. We would call particular attention-to-bur— ROAD SCRAPERS,. aa)we are confident that they cajnnd'l he’fe'x^elled* made and repaired on shortunifice^ Wo intend to keep up with the- improvements of thp timesr ;; x S ( Try us and.be convinced. ‘ . . TERMS CA m. ON DELIVER T, _ , j : f I. P. BILt» & CO. Knoxville, August 2, 1865. . .. SOMETHING ’ NEW—FATHERS A MOTHERS, READ. THIS.— —■ ~ ’ • . - • The'’Gem ■>MolodoSa : designed' for children,- two'to. Tourteon years of ago and costing fnjm's3 : to $36 only, according to fee;’ The Tone and-finish is equal to the Largo Melodeon, and warranted. Every child can now have; ; , " ; /•* ; A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT that is a real, joy to the .household. T am selling large Melodeons,'s ootave; as low aa $76, and 6 octave as low m'SIOO, and warrant. These prices are be yCnd competition—small profits is m|y motto. Pianos of the best~nmknrs'frctn~s27s~ta'siMHi;"*nd warrant all 7 octaves and rosewood. To Loaders of Bands, I will furnish yon > ‘ ‘ Brass or German Stiver Instruments, , five per cent, cheaper can Now York, saving transportation,jsid besides you can Iflst the Instrument before Paying. Either Strattons, Martins’, Gilmores’ or Wrights’ Instruments |i,you inay choose. " ' • BAND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, -ggy Band Music, Mouth real Turkish Cym bals—everything Band Music on hand and for sale. Every order, promptly attended to at once- J< C. WHlX^< Mansfield, Pa., August 2,1865-eow3ro. RIKOM9SB IS OURp Babylon Is FalleifJ! BULLARD, seeing the downward tendency ®f.aU things vendible, hastened to THE CITY and purchased an assortment of Dry .Goods, Notion*? and-so-forth, .... u ON m GOIID BASIS, which goods will be like terms, cheaper than any of like good be |pitl£; THIS SIDE M SIIHEISH If you want Dress Goods, If yon want Spring Goods, If yon want anything to wean If yon want to buy at snob prices that you can afford yourself an extra dress or two, to repay you for wearing your old clothes for two years, cal Tat the KEYSTONE STORK, and bring all your children and yonr neighborswUh yon. For a good bargain onght to he distributed among yonr friends. So-cdme : ■ OWE AldDi Alt LOOK AT MY-NEW STOCK, - and yon will say THEY ARE GOOD AND CHEAP, O. BULLABD. WeUaboto, April 12,1885. ; Academy corners is now the-place to buy GOODS and get your money’s worth. M.. V. PURPLE ~-r ’ ( has just returned from '-thtreity with a choice-lot of - -.ALL KIND S OF GOODS 1 , • 1* u anally ibnnd in the country*: V- ki - Win, A. FAtEBJUB V ’ - 7 ’ 'v will be found always ready to watt npon his pld cus tomers and as fnany others as will call at PURPLE’S; NEW^ESTABLISHMBNT. r -' Deerfield, Pa., Aug, 9,3165-3111* ‘ EAKM F 0 US ALE .-—Situate in Delmar township, Tioga County, Pa:*' ®stant three miUftvftom Wellsboro, the county townf thirteen miles by plank road to. Tioga and railroad, connecting with fh© New York and Erie railroad at Corning, Steuben County, N. Y. Said Farm contains about font hundred acres, will'sell a part, or in an&fljtets, 6r all together to suit purchasers. It is a fertale tract of bottom land, is be one of the best gra ting oFdairy farps in (ls known as the Farnf.) For. farther information, apply on tbtffffemlßoe. Terms quy. Delmar, May 24, '65-tf- ’ JOHN PEAK|d&. TO THE AFFLICTED.— Dr. E. R. VAN HORNE haying practiced in the East, "West, and .Sonth, And attended Lectures in the Old School Botanic and Eclectic-OoUeges by long- practice and-inraatigatioo proved that Homcsopathy is the most reliable of all systems, offers Mc.Jsrvices to the peoptnof JCnor ville and vicinity.C Sever and Inflammation arc vi tal actions. " ~ \ ■ ‘ ■ Disease is obstructed vital action. The great ques tion to be decided is. where is the obstruction and the proper remedies. DrtVan Homo by a Phrenological oxaminatioa~of the bead and other organs'ean detect obstruction and give remedies that act in .harmony with the Laws of Lite without debility.— Xhose ; at a distancelwisbing treatment byinclosing two dollars—giving their symptoms, the color of their Hair aud.Eyes, will receive his valuable remedies by mail. ' B. R; VAN HORNS, M. D. Knoxville, July 12,1865-tf. FARM EOR SALE.—Situated on the Spencer’s Mills Road from half to ihree-fonfthr of a mile east of WhitneytaCorners, in Charleston’ township, and five and one-half miles from Weiisboro. Said farm contains aboat It ft acres, about 65 acres cleared, the balance valuable woodland. It is well watered by springs of excellent water, and amaH creeks. The house is two stories, comfortable, and the-ontbildings are in’good-condition - - , There la also on said fana aAbeWly young orchard of grafted fruit, some 75 trees. Terms easy, ..Apply to the «nbBcrifeer,.on Jbe prcmiscii, ; Charleston, May 31, ’65. HENRY, GIFEORB. XfrORCESTER’S BRT YEAST, of HOE YEAST TT IN CAKES. Every Lady should fry it and have light bread. For sale at Roy's Drag Store. REDUCED PRICES. MACHINERY,;. , , AHI> xh e • | JOHN B. BOWEN * 'l‘ at this ancient i NO. 1, UNION BLOCK. I think I say, without vain glory Bjoc|4€ ■ ; ~ : j \ DRY GOODS, LADIES’ GOODS, BEADY MADE CLOTHING, c BOOTS, SHOES, 40., HARDWARE, QDEBNSWARE, WOODEN-WARE, And IS SECOND TO NO STOCK offered for sale in thwjjart;of tbe country, for QUALITY, CHEAPNESS & VARIETY. jtook suasm mms ®mm a have some of those stylish Summer OASSIMEBES Wellsboro, May 17, 1865. • r ‘ ■ ■; _> A GOOD inyeatmemt.- There ie.no better investment than, the 7-30 Loan, but alb families have to' make '‘often investments in the"way.bf'l’amlly articles, indif-they oatr be pur chased at £ layiog from the Tegular rates, it make* a good investment. ‘ , X claim-to bo seUing all kinds of goods that I deal in* such as mentioned below, at as reasonable.rates as any firm in the State, and a great deal lower than a large proportion of dealers. The advantages 1 claim are, a larger sale of goods in,ptopdrUon.to my expen ses than most any house in the country, slid no losses by old goods or credit accounts. Xdo not carry a very heavy stock, but intend-to keep nil goods that can be sold to advantage, making no leads as is cus tomary in many houses to draw trade; selling a few goods very low and making up on others, but selling all goods at a very low scale of profits, and giving small hnyers as good a chance pa hugv ones. I be lieve that one man’s money is as jjood as another’s and shonid buy as many goods if the, money is Green backs, and will not consent-to compete on the JEW PRINCIPLE. AU goods we have in the house are.marked' lh plain figures at the prilld we ' can afford to Sell theed. r -' j Particular attention is invited to the following daj partments, as containing d great many bargains in - SEASONABLE GOODS; *t4 "A., -r DRESS This Stock is large and new, at very low. prices, the reduction heipg to 50 per cent fkpm. early Spring Prices. ' S _ I ' wt- « - CLOAKS, WALKING SACQUES, CLOAK CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, &o We make this a specialty, and can not be beat by any one, as .oar numerous customers can testify. CLOTHS, & CASSIMEBES, Of all the new and; desirable, Styles. . ill par old friends are invited to calland examine lor themselves. We will get op suits on short notice If required, and guarantee tbh'stjde of make Air,; toM the best. , SDN. UMBRELLAS. ; All sizes—abont as cheap as ever. CHEAP PkNT CLOTH 1 ' for common wear. A luge stock. '- - •: HOUSEKEEPING GOODS;. Such as Table Linen, Toweling, Napkins, Table Spreads, Ac., bought at the low rates of April. BOOTS & SHOES. We will nioi be undersold in any goods in this line. HOOP SKIRTS. All kinds and sizes at but little more than old rates. O A K‘P E T S . We have fitted op a large, convenient, and well lighted room, and pot in a good (took of Carpets bought at the low rates of last mouth, which are now selling at the prices made then ; notwithstanding the great advance In goods. , Any one in need of such goods can well afford to boy now as they will bo no lower this season. I shall continue to try and deserve the liberal share of trade I have yearly received' from this tad neigh boring soon ties, and if good good* sold at the bottom of this market, apd fair dealing in every wav w&l bold trade, ! will not lose mine. . J. A'. PABSOSS, Wo. 3, Concert Block. Corning, N. 24,' 18841. ’ OLD EYES MA3B NEW.—A pamphlet direct ion; bqw fo speedily restore sight and give np spectacles, without aid of doctor or medicine. Sent by mail, free, on receipt of 10 cent*. Address B. B. FOOTE, It. D., 1180 Broadway, New York. Feb. 8, ’66-Bm. -C •••->• GOODS. {September Ist, . 1863* JTKOM THIS DATE, FUU HKAIIV PAY UMV ! OUSTOM : kOVT& AND SHOES; Leather,' FiudingaV&c, ■ CASH PAID fOK~ IIIDE% PELTS, DJSJfIR SKINS, ANN. FDRS.. FRANKLIN SAYS: ’ “When you ; Uave anything" tu adverliso, tell the public of 4t In‘plain , simple language/’ — : j 'l? I good custqm made Bootsand Shoes which X will sell at fair prices, and Vnty for BEADY PAY , Snob work cannot beabid at as low rates per pair as eastern -made-slop-work, butit can and prill bt? sold at prices which, will euabW the pur chaser to protect bi% feet with good substantial boots more cheaply than with a _poor slop-shop article, which, pyep if.ii chances not to fall in pieces with lint weeka bat a doubtful protfifiti&n in wet and cold Try me. Back and Ooeakfos Wanted, ;, is the red and short blue, for. which 1 will pay cash and a good price. . Beef-Bia«i iai Citfikin#W«Ated. or which I will also pay cash. * Sbeep Pelts wasted, for which I will also pay cash and the highest mar ket prices. j An assortment of sole,upper,calfskins and linings, pegs, thread, nails, awls, knives, shpe-hammers, 4c., Ac.;keproonftantly on handVwbteb'T will sell-oheap for cash. Shop on Main Streetbetween Bpllard's-. . W. SEAKS, N; H. It ‘cuo't give-credit, because, to be plain, haven’t got iVto-gtyp. -y ; - .v . . IWallsboro, Sept. 8,1863. L . - * . EIALL 'WINTER OOODS.—’S O, 2, Union I Block. je it 51m e SMi t h Has lately, .returned from New York with a splendid assortment of DRYGOODS.; MADY-MADE CLOTHING, boots * shoes,; Glassware,' HATS & CAPS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, DOMESTICS, WOODEN WARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS,!: LABIES’ DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS, . FRENCH CASSIMBRES, FULL CLOTHS. Attention is called to his stock of Black and'Figured Dross Siikt, Worsted Goods, i • . ■ Meiinoes,. , ' 'Black and TiguredDeLalnee, Long and Sijdare Shawls, Ladies’ Cloth, Opera Flannels, Ac. , Purohasers will find that No.' 3, Union Block. Main Street, , is the place io bay the- best quality of Goods at the lowest prices. JEROME SMXTXX. Wollsboro, Hot. 16, 1864—tf. , SOLDIERS’ PAT BOUNTY AND PENSION AGENCY.— KNOXVILLE. TIOGA COUNTY PENN A. The undersigned having been specially lioenied by the United States Government to procure the . jßaok. PayylßoDNir, and PEHsiONg,; of deceased and disabled Soldiers,‘gives notice to all interested, that he has made arrangements with par ties jn Washington, by-whieh he is able to pfoehre Back pay, Bounty and Pensions, in a very short time, and that he will give particular attentions to all speh claims.that may be brought to him. Being provided with all the requisite Forms, Blanks, Ac., Ac., he has superior advantages in this branch of business. Sol. diers entitled to-pensioue, will find it to their advan tage to apply to the undersigned at Knoxville, as the examining surgeon for Tioga County resides there. Also, Judge Case, before whom all applications for pensions may be made. - X. Soldiers enlisted since the 13th of April,'6l, in any kind of service. Naval or’Military, who are dis abled by disease or wodhds, ate entitftdto' Plosions. All soldiers who serve for two years or daring the war, should it sooner close, will be entitled to fall Bounty. Also soldiers who have been wounded in battle*whethor haviPe served tiro yean entitled to tall Bounty. 2. When a Soldier bes died, from an; cause, in the United Stales service, since April 13, 1861, leaving a widow, she is entitled to all pa; due him; also to from $76 to $lOO Bounty. The bounty varies ac cording to the aot or orders under which the soldier enlisted. She is also entitled to a pension. ,3. If the .soldier loft no widow, his children are en titled to the pa; and bounty and the pension until the; are sixteen years of ago. 4. If the soldier left no widow, legitimate child, the father is entitled jto his pa; and bonnt;, provided he lives in the United States and has not abandoned the support of his famil;. 5. If th;, Soldier left no widow, legitimate child, nor father, or if the father has abandoned the sup port of the family, or if ho resides out of the United States, 1 the mother, if she resides in the United States, is entitled to the pa; and bonnt;, and if- poor and dea pendent, in whole or in part, on her son for support, shots also' entitled to a pension. Mothers whose husbands or former husbands reside ont of the Uni ted States or have abandoned the support of their families, should write to the undersigned at once, or the father ma; get the bonnt; without the facts being known. 6. All soldiers who have lost an arm and one leg, are entitled to Twent; dollars per month. Prisoners of war are entitled to Three Months extra pa;. < He. is also prepared to settle Officers’, Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Commissar; accounts, and procure Certificates of Non-indebtedness, in.the shortest pos sible time. Also Artificial Limbs for such as have lost them in service. Terms, moderate. , I will beatmy office on Monda; and Satnrda; of each - week) lo attend to this business. July 26,1865-ly.' 1 . WM. B. SMITH. Refbhencbs ; Wellshoro, J. F. Donaldson, Sher iff Stowell. Addison, N. Y., W. R. Smith. Wash, ington, D. C.. looker A Lloyd. Knoxville, V. Case. Pennsylvania Stat’e Nohnal School. MANSFIELD, TJO6A CO., PA. THE FALL .TERM will oommenoe on Wednes day,‘September 7, 1865. Pnor. F. A. ALLEN, for the past six years in charge of the Chester Count; (Pa.) Normal,School, has Mon elected Principal, and Prof. Frank Crosby, recently of the same institution, has been appointed to the Professorship of Languages and Literature. Prof, Au.br is well known throughout the State as a gentlemad of accurate scholarship, possessing a prac tical experience of fifteen years as an educator of teachers. Prof. Cnosny possesses the advantage of a rare and successful experience as a teacher of the va rious branches which arc pursued in schools of the higher grade. Excellent Chemical and Philosophical apparatus will be in readiness at the opening of the School. A Gymnasium will be erected, for which a valuable apparatus has already been secured. Tuition, in advance, per term, $8.00.' No extra charges for the languages or mathematics. Boarding in the hall, or fh private families, Worn $2.60 to $3.00 por week. W. C. RIPLEY, Albert Clark, See’;. Pres’t Board of Trustees. Mansfield, Ang.- 30,-1864-ly. WOOD’S XMPBQVED PRIZE GRASS MOW ER I—The advantages of this Machine over all others, ii its simplicity of construction, light draft, durability, closeness of cut. It never clogs, will tot all hinds of grass, wet or dry, lodged or standing.. It has na side draft, no weight on the horses necks, cntter bar can be raised with ease, and in an instant to pass obstructions. It is the cheapest, and .best Mower in market. It has been awarded the most preminma of any Mower in the world. Farm ers nan not And a bettor Mower, and can pay for one easier than aver again. It will take less farmers* produce to pay for one of these Machines this year than It over did before,,, Alt kinds of fixtures e&n be procured by leaving orders with us. WRIGHT 4 BAILEY, WeUsboro, June 21, ’66-tf, Ag’ts for Tioga Co. .i j. ... zi bl Q P LEND I D MA B » A-I.N B! - -U-- •- f - —T- - - I Alt Sure, ef-M*elr Sl«Mej’« Worlli. W- Forsyth A Co 39and'4l Ann Street, N. Y., (iate'42 and 44 Nassau • greet), offer for sale the fullc/wiug Mag nificent list of WATCHES, CHAINS, JEWELRY, ETC. jSrBAQJI ARTICLE OHB DOLLAR And not-to be paid for till you know what you are to get. i 250 Gold and Silver Watched, from $15.00 t 05150.00 each 300 ladles* Gold Watches 35.00 each 600 Ladies'nnd Ocois* Silver Watches 15.00 each - 6,000 Vest; Heck and Guard Chains .$5.00 to 10.00 each 6.000 Gold Hand Bracelets . 3.00 to 10.00 each 6.000 Blais, Chased, and Wedding Kings 2.50 to 6.00 each 5.000 California Diamond Pins and Kings 300 to 6.00 each 10.000 setts Ladies’ Jewelry - 5.00 to 16.00 each 10.000 Gold Pens, Silver Mounted Holders 4.00 to 6.00 each, 10.000 Gobi. Pens, Silver Cases and Pencils 4.0 U to 6.00 each Together with Ribbon Slides, Bosom Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Gold Pencils, Belt Buckles, Brooches. Gold Thimbles, Ear Drops, Children’s Loops, Masonic Pins and Rings, Seal Rings, Scarf Pins, Watch 'Keys. Also & variety of Silver Ware, embracing Goblets, Cops, Castors, Tea and Table Spoons, from $l6 to $6O. The articles in ore of the neatest and most fashionable-styles. Certificates, of all the varl one articles are pat in sealed envelopes and mixed, thus giviog-all a-fair chance, and .sent .by mail, as ordered; and on -the receipt of tbe-eewificato. it is at ‘your.option to send ONE PQLLAR-and 4 take. the ar ticle named-ih it, Or not; or any other article incur list of equal value. * CERTlFTCates;antd premiums. Single.- ueats; - five' Certificates, sl} eleven, $2-?. -twenty-five with premium of Gold Pen, $3.761 fifty' with premium of-Gold Pencil and Pen, $10; one hundred with premium of Silver Watch, $2O; twu hundred witiLpremium of .Gold Watch, $5O. Certificate money to he enclosed with order. Every letter, from.whatever source, promptly answered, .; Goods sent by maiL-caxefully. packed. All articles not satisfactory can bo returned and exchanged, or the membyrefahdedtf wished. Thousands of dollars’ worth Of.Wathhtfs sold to. our customers during the past year. AGENTS wanted everywhere- Send 26 cent* for Certificate and Circular. ' Address 1 W. FORSYTH <fc CO., I 39 and 41 Ann Street, New York. 1 ■ June 7,1865-3 mo». _ ,> ‘ y ■ to: the public. IAM now prepared to manufacture, at myostablish ment in Deerfield, ‘ ’ PLAIN AND- 'FANCY FLANNELS, • Also, Ladies' - BALMORAL SKIRTS to order,‘either by the piece or quantity, to suit cus tomers. - 1 JOSEPH INGHAM. Knoxville, July. 10, 1863. •; DEERFIELD WOOLEII FACTORY. THE.ouderfligned having purchased the well , known Woolen, Factory .of E. <t B. S. Bowen on the'Cowanesqde River, two miles east of Knoxville, takes this method of informing the inhabi tants of Tioga aod~ adjoining'■counties that ho will manufacture wool by the yard or on shares to suit customer*, into PLAOTELg, ‘ CABSIMEREJi, DOE-SKIKS, x FULL CLOTHS, of all kinds* The machinery bar been thoroughly repaired und. now machinery added thereto,.also’ an improved new* wheel which will .enabler him to work the entice sea son. He witl pay particular attention to r, r 801 l Carding 4k Cloth Dressing,- which wUI he.done in the neatest possible manner, having added one new Roll'Machine,will enable hinv to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. He would farther say that he has carried on the busi ness Id manufacturing wool for fanners in Bradford and adjoining counties for the past twenty years; he therefore can warrant all work and satisfy his custo mers, using nothin? in manufacturing but gen nine wool. JOSEPH INGHAM. : Deerfield, May 5, 1863-Iy. PENSION AGENCY. TO SOLDIERS AND THEIK FBI END'S THE undersigned having bad considerable expe rience in procuring Pension 'Bounties and Back pay of Soldiers, will attend to all business in that line' entrusted to his care with promptness and fidelity. ALL SOLDIEBS discharged by reason of wounds are entitled to the $lOO bounty. Pensions, Bounhes, and arrears'of pay,’collected by the undersigned. Persons wishing to confer with me will please call or address me by letter at Sylvania, Bradford county, Pa. Charges reasonable. GEO. P. MONRO. Refers by permission to | H. B. Card, County Treasurer, Wellshoro, Pa. D. F. Pomeroy, Troy, Pa. A. H. Spalding, Sheriff, Towanda, Pa. [April 1. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING-—Do yon wish J\ to be cured 1 If so, swallow two or three jogs heads of “Buchu,” “Tonic Bitters," “Sarsaparilla,” “Nervous Antidotes,” Ac., Ac., Ac., and after you arc satisfied, with the result, then try one box of Old Doctor Buchan's English ' Specific Pills—and be re stated to health and vigor in less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt add saintary in their effects on the broken-down and shattered constitution. Old and young can take them with advantage. Dr. Buchan’s English Specific Pills cure in less than 30 days, the worst cates of Ner vousness, Impotency, Prrmatnre Decay, Seminal Weakness, Insanity, and ail Urinary, Sexnal, and Nervons'Affections, no matter from wbat cause pro duced. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, postpaid, by mail, on receipt of an order. Address, JAMES S. BUTLER, No. 429 Broadway,. Now:-Tork, General Agent. P. S. —A box sent to any address on receipt of price—which is One Dollar—post free! A de scriptive Circular sent on application. July 19,1865-2 m. A CARO TO lNyAi-IOS, A Clergyman, while redding bn South Americe as a missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal, Organs, and the whole Iram of disorders brought oh by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been al ready cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a seated envelopes, to any one who needs it. Free of Charge. -'Please inclose a post-paid envelope, addressed to yourself. ' Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. • April I, 1865—1 y; REVENUE STAMPS. ALAH&E 'ASSORTMENT of Roronnc Stamps of all denominations, just received at the First National Bank of Wellshoro, in the Store building of C. & J. L. Robinson. Persons,wanting Stamps are request to call and get a supply. Wellshoro, May 25,1864-tfc Flour coming down with gold at WRIGHT A BAILEY'S. Well.boro, April 6, 1865. BARGAINS- IN JEWELRY.—Attention is di rected to W. FORSYTH A CO’S advertisement in another column. - AN Assortment of TABLE GLASSWARE will be found at BOY’S DRUG STORE. POTTY* WINDOW GRASS at - ROY'S DRUG STORE, Concentrated lye, for sale at ROY'S DRUG STORE. FOR THE LADIES.—BABBITT’S CELEBRA TED SOAP POWDER, or washing made easy and stains removed from Table Linen, Napkins, Ac. For sale at Boy's Drug Store, JfSf' FLORENCES’ SPIRIT FOR THE HAIR will restore gray balr to its natural color; prevent its falling out, and give it n glossy appearance. It Is a superior hair dressing. For sale by WeUsboro, Jn1y.29,’65-3oi. P. B. WILLIAMS. CONGRESS WATER, for sale at ROY’S DRUG STORE. ii 1 : / T i ■ QONSTITOTION LIFE STROP.— PSUSub »r WILLIAM HrORBGQ, M. J>, ' Grsduateof the CoHe*» of Physicians snd Sorteoi., „ Totk,tomerty AMiMattl Physklnn'in tie SI Ifhiiul Ili’nfiCHls, late Medical Inspector of the New \ * State Volunteer Depots,'under flow. Edwin l>. Morgan k CONSTITUTION UEE BYRUP HAS PRODUCED a OLOTION IN MEDICINE, A RIIT - What may seem almost incredible, l a that mane du.. hitherto considered hopelessly Incurable, arerilcl e * CurcjHn ft few days or weeks; add we cbeerfoilr InJo'lr l investigations of tho liberal-minded and selentißc t ‘ e th ' which have no parallel at the present day l °ctiTn i During the la** five years w« have contended aith nh.» cles, and overcome opposition, as herculean as */* oD,f *- encountered by any reformers. e ‘ e *'w CONSTITUTION IJPE SYTtUP Is a positive and .pacific remedy for all diseases original) from tin IsrpuM State op TU£“BtOoD, and for an iS, atlfi « Dlsesjettrannoitted from, i*BreDt to Child. h re diury^ PABALX3IS It is so universally admitted that Cuuamntloi. Llfr is the only elective met&ns oi ttflt.untion in the l S) ' U| * v *forms of Paralysis, that we need not reuctau that phatically |he Great lofe-girlng Power M il * * m - 0 Y 8 PKPSI A, Indigestion, Weight at Flatulence' Liv.P r plaint. Want of Appetite, Bad Bract I C ““ Constipation, Biliousness. SOBOPUt A. Struma, King's Bril, Glandular Su-Khogr, fcnltei.. ... ceratiou, Salt Rheum. WtU * B 1) rthlataintfieredittryaod acquired) fliu,,- iuv told misery, Is, by all usual medlilal remedfc* ® a- R H E D M A T 1.3 M [Artbrltl.], Lumbago Neuralgia, Sciatica, (W I Doloreaax. J,i,c ■ If there is anydieeaie in which rip CoailllntJn* ijll Syrup i» a eovorelgn, 11 it in Binnmitl lm , a( j i,, £?„ f ; affection.. The moat inten.. p,m. ailerlated—enormom .welling. are tslotii ’ ° f tW “‘ 7 " f ° rl7 hU C» CONSTITUTION LITE SVRUP Potg.a the aystem entirely from «J 1 the eril rfecU at cory, removing the bad Breath, aid coring the W«i and Uhemnatic Pain, which the use of Calomel B m r l, L »™?y ae^ever^ 00 * SP °‘“ !> ' “ J "* n »* «*« liSh CONSTITUTION LITE 87ECP liiidicate*, root and branch, all ErtrttfyS feiiaun Skin, like Ulcer*, PimplM, Blotchea. and all other 31*™!,'?* of thiaktnd, which so much disfloutes the ance of both male, and tcmalcs, “S to*’,S,T£' gnatlo; object to tbamwlvM and thefr friends* “ Ton au. Tonio or Uicntanrx Hther of the NoJe. -Throat. Tongue, Spina, Toahcad, er Scalp, no remedy hai brer proved IS equal • Moth Patches upon the female face, depending onon a diseased action of the Liver, are very unpleasent m the young w.fc and mother A few bottles of ConatitnlLn Ufe Syrup will correct the secretion and remove th.de. posit, which is directly under the skin. T Of the Liver, giving rise to Langdor, DHzinass I ™if*'V it ur V S eak 3toluacl >i or an ulcerated or cancerous condition of that organ, accompanied with burnfngor other ntioTutl lySfp ■’ W ‘^ e reUeTcd by * bß A.B a General Blood-Pnrifylo<c Acecf (he Life B*mt» un f i j7^ led by * Q y preparation in tfie World. 5 P ’ 'THE KiCH ASDtOOR are liable totbe**me dlm#e» Sai turo and science have made the Constitution Life Syrup for the bentflt of all. J ' PURE BLOOD produces healthy men and women • 'and if die constitution Is neglected in yonth, disease and earlr death Is the result. Do not delay when the means are il dear at band, and within the reach of all. CONSTITUTION UTS SYRUP is tbo Poor Man s Triend and tha Rich Man’s Blessing. ’ MORGAN & ALIEN, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AGENTS, 4<f Cliff Street, New York. Sold by J. A. Rot, ’Wellshoro, Pa. ; 3. 3. Proxaan Covins* ton. Pa.; Beuisaiox 4 Co. Troy, Pa. March 29,1885-ly. ' E. * H. T. jHTBORT * CO., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 501 BROAD WAT, N. Y- la addition to oar main business of Photographic Materials, we are Headquarters for the following, vix: Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic Views, Of these we have an immense assortment, including War Scenes, American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, <fcc„ Ac. Also, Revolving Stereoscopes, for public or private exhibition. Oar Catalogue will bo sent to any address on receipt of Stamp. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. We were thefirst to introduce these into the UnlUd States, and we manufacture immense quantities in variety, ranging in price from 50 cents to $5O eacb.' Our ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any ethers. They jwtfi be sent by mail, ni£s, on receipt of prise. J&f* Pine Albums made to order, sptf PHOTOGRAPHS. a-2 ttr n °w embraces over Five Thousand different subjects (to which additions are continually being made) of Portraits of Eminent Americans, 4c., “via: about r ; Major-Generals, 560 Statesmen. ! 200 Brig,-Generals, 130 Divines, , 275 Colonels, 125 Authors, 100 Lieut.-Colonels, 40 Artists, . 250 Other Officers, 125 Stage, 75 Navy Officers. 50 Prominent Woman, I 150 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 3,000 COPIES OF WORKS OP ART, Including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, Ac. Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Ztasen PIC TURES from our Catalogue will be filled on the re ceipt of $l.BO, and sent by mail, free. Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0. U. will please remit twenty-five per cent, of the amount with their order. E. A H. T. ASTHONY A CO-, Manufacturers of Photographic. Materials, 601 Broadway, New York. The prices and quality of our foods cannot fail to satisfy. [Not. 16,1864-ly.] HOLESALE DRUG STORE— PRINCE’S METALLIC PAINT, THADDEUS DAVIDS’ INKS, Concentrated medicines, i CINCINNATI WINES & BRANDY, i WHITEWASH LIME, KEROSENE LAMPS, 1 PATENT MEDICINES, ! STATIONERY, j ' FLUID EXTRACTS, ( PAINTS AND OILS, ; PETROLEUM OIL, : , ■ DRUGS A MEDICINES, ROCHESTER PERFUMERY * FLAVORING EXTRACTS, SCHOOL BOOKS, . WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, DIE COLORS, ' J Furnished at Wholesale' Prices hy W. D. TERBELL, Jan. 18,1865-tf. Coming, N. Yi : New Floor and Provision Store. CHAS. * H. VANVALKBNBUBG withes to in form the citizens of Wellsboro and the surround ing country that they hare recently started a now FLOUR AND PROVISION STORE, in the building formerly-known as “ Osgood’s Store,” where they may be found at ail times ready to wait on all customers who may favor them with a call, and sell them the choicest kinds of FLOOR, MEAL, BUCK WHEAT, PORK. Ac., at as reasonable rates as any firm in this place- CASH paid for all kinds o'f GRAIN, HIPBS, and FURS. OHAS. AH. VAN VALKBNBUBS. Wellsboro, Deo. 31,1864, , Mn.UNBRY.-Mta. A. J.,3o>fßU> wonld announce to ber customer* that *h« has Just received her SPRING SUPPLY OF MILLINERY. Also a good assortment of Infants’ Capa, .Ladies’ Dress Cap* and Headpresset, Collars and Cuffa, Embroidery and- BLEACHING & PRESSING done to order in all the New Stylet. Wellsboro, May 3,1866-2 m. Mn. A. J. 80FIBLD-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers