Tfci' fljrwt Western Pi* - ®, ter. A ours, who afe< ’ years ago •yrifl-a-topr. through the west, tell; ,he follow ineeredible story about a gentleroaj who was bleeiKCLwitira remarkable good apatite. His narration runs in this wise— v On our way from Pittsburg to Sew Orleans we stopped'at the —-■ Hotel in A partythe.b’boys* were-tarryingatthis house —and aftfr tbfeouetomary western civility, the landlord (who was qui etly informed ns that he was avr im being at thltirroknent tbe aolucky enter-lner of an ip4bufcal known about town as,il j> pie eater.. The curiosity of our party was at pj*pe excited, and in reply to our inquiries we learned that the individual referred to was, ‘‘’s<?ie" In'his way, and that our afflicted hostjwo'qld be very gratstnUbr tbe recommendation of any device by which he should be rid of this I >pst profit less boarder who bad already ?wTI nigh de voured all of his substance. L ' v “Easiest thihgm tbe world, re narked one of th*e a l£Dot?lhg ones. __ ’i ’ “ How V’ aagferly asked theland; )rd. “ Leave it to, me,” coptinifeJlljs; bright ante, with an express!voicer. ’“ I ca)cdls*e I’ve been round I *triflej anA them’s the kftuilof chaps I likd'Jo?i»eet.t’ - 1 ■ bead.'mßiTrtrfol)y con cluding a brief commentary upoh Jbjis guest’s qualifications "It is’'awf'q),.gent ; omen—aw^i—such gor mandizing.” ' . , s 1 Afcenaome farther, parley betytoon, the par ties-the’fuHowing was agreed upon „ The-hotel keeper very, freely consented to i ;e. arrange was agreed that an enoi" koaa pom p- Mo pia should.bfi immediately pre; ftred, which should be placed before the • i regU'&rljoaTder” thai’day at dinner. If the hint, should .he ap propriated, and. the “ animal” be*'driven out, inine frost to-foot expenses and fulSish nocom pamaments ; if otherwise, the were to pay the bill; Half a dozen Some co incidence) were aeated opposite ihf pie-eate^"al : dinner, and A nice time appareCCf. existed in: prospective l for their collective;'£ind special gratification. . J , Tbe man with the excellent app ate devoured hie customary supply of sonp, f 18, beef, veni son, fowls, and vegetables, and tlr-n looked over his'shoulder for the pastry — ■ “Edward la pie—Edward.” “Cpmin’, sir,” rejoined the wa'if V promptly, while at the same moment be clear ing away the dishes for some ft tare feet in front of. the anxious expectant! . In the midst of the titterjnj i F ftje stran gers who were in the secret, Ed*o si, produced a huge pie, upon an earthen some foot and a half in diameter, which; lb sat'down before onr gourmand, as coolly us -though nor thing hod happened. •. The pie-eater glanced at thb- g) iriobs pros pect before him, called for a big . poon and to the otter consternation of the boys, be quietly itowied away, tbe entire contents o the dish! ■ - •‘Edward," said b&, turning to,.she servant, " bring me another pie!" - >i* In the ftbaenee of a big ; un, the-waiter pro duced an ordinary pie. “0, look here, Ned," contimTl the fellow, “give us a decent sized one—tfa sa‘ ain't of no account no*how The--hoy* bolted—paid the i)ul—and very shortly afterwards, were on th* down thd river. ST ARreocb Priest who had/ustf a small congregation, was one day at the church' in his village, when, thA' . doors being Open a gander and several me -stalking upd/be middle aisle. The p'reatffer, availing himself of the circumstance, observed that he cobid no, longer find fault with fhc people of the district for non-attendance ; bemuse, though they did not come' themselves, sent their representatives, > A Scotch woman having invit -cf s gentleman to dinner on a particular day, ht picepted, with reservation, "Ifl am spared.' ’Well, Veil/' said-Mra. Kobinaoo* if ye’re not. ex- : : : • ' An editor out west has nfimed Church; he says that he ha£ fc&joyed more happiness since he joined the Cjhotch than he ever (fief in hie life before. 7 ; TJTOOD'S IMPROVED PRIZE’ &RASS MOW ;rY¥ -RR!—The advantages of this Machine over all /others, is, its simplicity of construction, light olos chess of cut. Jtt never clogs, will cut all kinds of grass, wet of*4 r yt lodged ox, standing.' It has ne side draft, no 1 weight, on _the inrffes awoke, cotter 3>ar cam be raise/*, with ease, and in ah'lqrtnfftto pass obstructions. I‘>, Is the cheapest JloXej in market. It has h*n awarded thA most premiums of any Mower in tho_ rVirtcL Farm-' era.caunpt hnd a better Mower, and *an pay for'one easier than ever again. It will less farmers* prodnce'to pawfor .one of these Muc'ines this year than itfever dim before. All kinds of,Sxtures can be pVoburedby leaving orders with us-' .f ’ ’ • , WRIGHT.'*. BAILEY, ‘ Wellsboro, Jane 21, ’65-tf. Tioga Co. XT'ARM FOR SAI/F.—Situate in I) Jmar towotrhip, Tioga County,-Ph., miles from WellsbOro, the County town ; thirtcef "hilles by plunk ross Tiogji “and Blossburg connecting with the New York and Erie raUr). 4 *d,at Cormng, County, If. Y: iSaid Fardi*'iontains about tbap’hond ed‘acre6,’will sell a part/* 1 in ‘j'mall lots,' or all together to suit purchasers, ft s d.fertile? tract or bottom land, is believed to be the heM gra or d.ury Tarms in Penns> Ivuntn'T (I? knmvn as the UUr*h Farm.) For lunber' apply op. the premises. Terms easy. .. DeVoidf/May 24, ’65-tf. PEARSON. TO AFFLICTED.— Dr. E.'K VAN HORNE having practiced in the East, and South, audattehded Lectures in the OM School Botanic and Bclfcctlb College* by long practice.aijsl investigation proved ih»t Homoeopathy is the' moss - reliable of all systems, offers bis services to tbe Mople of Knox ville and vicinity. Fever and Infla N motion are vi tal actions. Disease is obstructed vital fbc great ques tion to be decided is, where is ttaff objection and the proper remedies. Dr. Van Horne byfi Phrenological examination of tbe bead and other can detect obstruction and give remedies thru in harmony with tbe Laws of Life without debiltj^. Those at a distance wishing .treaty 'ht by inclosing two dollars —giving their Symptoms, color of their Hail and Eyes, will receive his remedies by noiU; r- • E. R. VAN UTRNE, M. D. .’Knoxville, July 12,18P5-tf. v ' A UDITOB’S NOTICE.—THE T7NDEB \GNED HATING jJx. been appointed an auditor to the account of JTJ.’Werline and J. H. Woodruff, Exec ’'on of Jeremiah Black, deo'd, and make distribution of.f.’.j proceeds of said «Wste,*WiU attend to the duties of said t- at the house of J. Hi Woodruff, in Liberty, oni 1 15th day of Au gust, 1865. M. F. £l* lOTT, Auditor. -WelUhoro, July 19, t 65-4t. , ;; E OR THE LADIES.wBABBITT'S CELEBRA TED SOAP POWDER, or washing made easy and * tains removed from Table Linen, Napkins, Ac. For sole At Roy's Drug Store. y E&XBAT. -Carno into the oSiOlosare of'the sab . Briber, in Cfttlin Hollow, on Thursday, Aue. 3. A KOAN COW, about 12 years old,* The owner is requested to come forward, pay iqMfges, end toko her away. .• HJ&WC* BAILEY, Charleston, Aug. 16, 188Ww. HEAD QDABTEES OF THE IRON BRIGADE, • AUGUST Ist, 1865. Special Notice is hereby given to Returned Sol diers, returned skedaddiers, those liable to draft and to exempts, that the War is now ended and so should HIGH PRICES END. All will take notice.that wo are prepared to serve those wanting any thing in our lino on abort notice andat *■ ; V REDUCED PRICES. Wo would call attention to a few ofiio article* of our manufacture. the people's friekdcoqk: STOVE is still in great favor with -those desiring an ELEVATED OVEN COOK STOVE. ''' Oar PARLOR, BOX, * GOAL STOVES : deserve attention before purchaiing-els©wh.ere» Our IROlf 2 WOOD J BEA«-fe)WS - - : a .c a«?'asgooJifa»y if;noti»H«f ;• We would call partienlar attention to'our’ ROAD SCRAPERS,. as we are confident fhat they BveXeeiied. , ... MAfIBINKBXv made and repairecCoa abort notice. -. ; _ >Te intend to keep..up. with the improvement# of tlielimes.” ’’’ ’ ' • ’ Try us and be convinced. - TERMS Criß/T ONJDELIVEB-Y. : - J; P. BILEfi Sc. CO.- Knoxville, August 2,1865. ' * SOMETHING NEW—FATHERS A'MOTHERS BEAD THIS.— = ,- , ’ V 1 4 - The Gem j&elodebn designed for children* tWtrtb fourteen years of age and costing from." $8 to 938; only,, according to. size. The Tone sod finish equal to the Large Melodeon, and warranted.* Every, child can now have . ” ’ A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT that is a real joy to the household. I am telling large Melodeone,s octave, as low as $75, and 6 octave as low as $lOO, and warrant. These prices ore be yond competition—small profits is my motto; Pianos of the best makers* from $276 to $6OO, and warrant all 7 octaves and rosewood. To Leaders of Bands, I will furnish yon J __ * Brass or Gerxnap Silver Instnuno&tSt ■fire per cent, cheaper than yon can purchase in New York, saving transportation, and besides yon can test the Instrument before Paying. Either Strattons*, Martins’, Gilmores* or Wrights* Instruments as you may choose. ’ > Band Music, Mouth Pieces, and real Turkish Cym bals—everything pertaining to Band Music on hand and for sale. Every order promptly attended to at once. J. C. WHITE. Mansfield, Pa., August 2, 1865-oow3m. Pennsylvania State Normal School. THE FAL& TERM will commence on Wednes day, September 7,1865. : Prof. F. A. ALLEN,, for the past six years in charge of the' Chester County (Pa.) Normal .School, has been elected Principal, and Prof. Frahk Csobbt, recently of the same institution, has been appointed to the Professorship of Languages and Literature. Prof, Allbs is well known throughout the State'ai a gentleman of accurate scholarship, possessing a prac tical experience of fifteen an educator of teaphers. Prof. Obo&bt possesses the advantage of a rare pnd successful expectance as a teacher of the va rious branches, which are pursued in schools of the higher grade.TTr - 1 •’*" Excellent Chemical and Philosophical apparatus will be in readiness at the opening of the School. A Gymnasium will be erected, for which a'valuable apparatus has already been secured. Tuition, in advance, per term Jt s6.oo. No extra charges for the languages or mathematics. Boarding in the ball, or in private families, from $2.50 to $B.OO por week. , W, C. RIPLEY, Albert Clark, Sec*y. Pres*t Board of Trustees. Mansfield, Aug. SO, 18fi4-ly. - p UB Lie SALE.— The underrigned trill sell at Auction on THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, next, at 2 o’clock P. M., upon the premise* in the villsge of Blossbnrg, Tioga county, Pa., the follow ing real estate, to wit: A lot of land designate In the plan of said Village of Blosshnrg as block numbered sixteen, (excepting lots numbered 2, {Band 8 in said block) upon.- which there is part of a three story Hotel and a barn;. Tbo interest proposed to be fold wss formerly owned by John Q. Boyd, deo’id, and was purchased by the on undersigned on the 16th day of September, A. D., 1813, at a public sale thereof by E. B. GerrouJds, Ad ministrator of enid Boyd, made under an order of the Orphan’s Court of Tioga county-*-sald purchase being in trust lor .the uses and upon the terms expressed in a declaration bearing date Sept. KftHJ 1848, acknowl edged Sept. Iftfa, 1843, delivered to R. G, White, of Wellsboroughi 'Pa., andTS&v in his custody, " v ’ The following are the/ names of-creditors of said Boyd who are4*ooguiz<&as.baving l 'Vn imerestJn the proceeds of the sale of this trust elfat'e in accordance with the terms of the trust as expressed in the dec laration referred to : - - - 'Clarendon Rtjthbone, assignee of John fi. Hoag, land; G. R. Wilson, J* H. Cowden, for J.3*Hall; David Baker A Co., Alexander H. Gaylord; 'Stephen Potter, Isaao Lamaroux; James Hays, ben, Dennis Driscol, WiPidm Thurber, Stephen<3omp ton, N. 11. McCollum, Jesse Ward, Lorin Butts; Ho ratio Seymour, assignee of P. P. Charles Phipps, Edwin Dyer, Packard & Taylor. The purchaser of this property will be required to pay one-third ot-th© amount bid as soon as ‘tbe_pro perry is struck down. A reasonable credif'WiU be given for the remaining'two-tbirds. Aug. 2, 1865-St. . HORATIO SEYMOUR. IN PARTITION— _ Notice is hereby given’ that a writ in partition in which Edwin Dyer is Plaintiff, and Anthony Schoder and Mary E. Schoder his wife—Thomas Samuel B. Jacques, Isaac ,8. Jacques, heirs at Law of Samuel C. Jacques, Ellis Lewis, Robert O. White and James Luwrey are Defendants, has issued one of the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga county, Penn'a, bearing testejthe eighth day of July, A. D. 1866, re turnable on the last Monday of August then next, aforesaid parties ( of the Bloss township, Tioga county, and State,of Pennsyl” vania and described as follows: beginning at a beech and running thence by lands of Samuel Wallis south 40i degrees west 200 perches to a beech; thence south 494 degrees east 374 porches to a post; thence north 404 degrees east 119 perches to a birch; thence north 23J degrees west 186 perches to a hemlock; thence north 494 degrees west six perches to the place of beginning—containing 165 acres and allow ance, or less, with the appurtenances surveyed in pursuance of Warrant No. 613 granted to Jeremiah Rees. Which said writ is now in my hands, all of which the aforesaid Defendants are hereby required to take no « c * , LEROY TABOR, Sheriff. • Wellsboro, July 19, 1865-61. AUDITOR’S NOTICE.—Th* undersigned hav ing been appointed an Auditor t» distribute the moneys arising from the sale of real estate of O, D Smithrdeo’d, will attend to the duties of said appoint ment at the Commissioner’s Office in Wellsboro, on Thursday, Aug. 24tb, next, at 10 o’clock A. M August 2, 1865. XHOS. ALLEN, Auditor. PATENT SELT SEALING FRUIT CAN—war ranted to be perfectly secure, (s more durable and batter than glass nr. . anjr oiW Jriwd, p,ip t oan _ stantly on band by D. C. LAMPMAN A CO.— Wellshoroj J aly 19, XB6Wlw. , 'f i' 1 ''**■ HAND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS,. MANSFIELD , TIOGA CO., PA. .TJ4'£ .:XLUAi.A iGO.U I N 1- Y A TU H. JOHN R. BC^jy- is now prepared to exhibit to (be of Weilsboro end vicinity, the latest arrival of spsim & |pn <mnDs» at this ancient Bnrgb, at NO. BLOCK. I think 1 may say, without vain glory, that my stock of DRYGOODS,:; LADIES' GOODS, READY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, 40., HARDWARE, QUEENSWABEr WOODEN-WAKE, and GROCERIES, .SMSWPNP offered for tale in thli part of the country, tor QUALITY, CHEAPNESS * VARIETY. Ladiei, call and examine my ttock of tm IBffil&flS&MQP. Gentlemen, I hare tome of thoae iljligh Summer Weilsboro, May 17, 1865. GOOD INVrESTMEMTI-**.,t Thera it no better inrettmejit than the 7-30 Loan, bat all families have to' make other investment* in the way of Family articles, and If they can be pur abased at a, saving from.tbe regular rates, It stake! a good. Investment. / . I claim to be selling all kinds of goods that I deal in, each as mentioned below, at a* reasonable rates aa any firm la the State, ind o great deal lower than a large proportion of, dealers... The advantages I claim are, a larger sale of goods in proportion to my. expen ses than most any house in the country, also no losses by old goods. or credit accounts. Ido not carry a very heavy stock..but intend to keep oil goods that can be sold to advantage, making no leads as is cus tomary id many houses to draw trade; selling a few goods very low and making up on other!, but selling all goods at a very low • scale of profits, and giving small buyers ns good a chance as large ones. I be lieve that one man’s money is as good aa another’s and should buy as many gooda If the money is Green backs, and will not consent to compete on the JEW PRINCIPLE. All goods we have in the house are marked in plain figures at the price we cap afford to sell them. - Particular attention is invited to the following de partments, as containing a great many bargains in SEASONABLE GOOES. DRESS GOODS. , . Tbia Stock is largo and new, at very low prtaat, the reduction being from 25 to 56 per cent, from early Spring PHees, *' • CLOAKS, WALKING SACQDES, CLOAK CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, *c. Wo make this a specialty, sad can not be beat by any one, u oar numerom cuitomefi can. testify. CLOTHS, & CjASSIMERES, Of all the new and deeirable Style*. AH'onf old friends are inrite«l to caßanfi examine for themselves. We will get up salts an short' notice if reauired, and guarantee the style t>( make' Ac., to be, the Seat. SUN UMBRELLAS. All sues—abonl as chasp as over. . CHEAP PANT CLOTH for common wear. vAelarge stock. , , HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. Snob as Table Linen, Toweling, Napkins, Table Spreads, <to., bought attic low rates of April. BOOT# & SHOES. We will not bo undersold In any goods in this line. HOOP SKIRTS. All kinds and eiies at bnt little more than old rates. CARPETS. We havo fitted np a large, convenient, and well lighted room, and put in a good stock of Carpets bonght at the low rates of last month, which arc now selling at the prices made then; notwithstanding the great advance in goods. Any bfao id need of such goods can well afford to bny now as they Will be no lower this season. I shall continue to try and deserve the liberal share of trade I haveyeariy received from this and neigh boring counties, and If gooff-goods sold at the bottom of this market, and fair dealing in every wav will hold trade, I will notices mine. J. A. PARSONS, No. 3, Concert Block. Corning, N- Y., May 3d, 1885. OLD EYES MADE NEW.—A pamphlet direct ing how. to speedily restore sight and ghee, pp spectacles, without aid of doctor or medicine. . Sent by mail, bee,, on receipt of 19 cents. Address E.B.FOOTB, M. D., IsMi-iflWn, ■ IIS9 Broadway, Now, York* lst, 1868# FROM THIS DATE, PM READY PAY ONLY I CUSTOM BOOTS AND SMOES heather, P.indiagß, Re. CASH PAID FOR HIDES, PELTS, DEER .SHINS AND FURS. FRANKLIN SAYS r- '•‘When yon have anything to advertise, tell the public of it in plain, simple language.” l am manufacturing good custom made Boots and Shoes which I will sell at fair prices, and only for ,BEADY PA Y. Such work cannot be sold at asAbW rates per pair as eastern made slop-work, bat it and will bo sold at prices which will enable tbe pur- t£ protect bu feet with good substantial boots more’dheapiy than with a-poor-slop-shop article, Iwhloh, even if it chano4s noVto fall In pieces with the :flrst weeks service, is but a doubtful protection is wet and cold weather. Try me. Buck and. Doeskins Wanted, :in the blue, ifor which"'l will pay cash and a good price. -v [ Be?f-Bidea and Calfskins Wanted, . orwhi^r r srtfl , *«a- "t: i - .iK.-r prtt. Wanted, for which I will also pay cash and the highest mar ket price.; - - - - An assortment of’eole, upper, oaife'kina and linings, ipegs, thread, nails, awls, knivei, shoe-hammers, 4c., 4o.,keptt! {instantly on bandj which I will sell cheap for cash: Shbxrbn Main S tree tbe tween 'Wilcox’s and -Bullard’s. - i. G.W. BEABB -Hrß; —I-can’t gtTo-oredU r bo« hajanu’tgot it to giro. .h"’ , Weilsboro, Sept.», 1863, _ FALL 2, Union •*- F ’ • • s --' J EtJB OME SMLT H Has lately returned from Now York with a splendid assortment of. , . i, , , DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING. BOOTS & SHOES, GLASSWARE, HATS $ CAPS. -HARDWARE, , GROCERIES, i&OMESTICS, WOODENWARE, ENGLISH CLOTHS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, SATINS, TWEEDS AND KENTUCKY JEANS,' FRENCH CASSIMERES, FULL CLOTHS. Attention is called to bis stooliof Black and Figured Dress Silks, 1 Worsted Goods, ' ' Merlnoos, ' Stack and Figured Detainee, Long and Square Shawls, Ladies’Gloth, - Opera Flannels, dm. Purchasers will find that No. 4, Onion Block,-Main Street, U the place to buy the best quality of Goods at the lowest prices. JEROME SMITH. Wellsboro, Nov. 16, 1864-tf. SOLDIERS’ ;'PAT BOUNTY AND PENSION AGENCY.— KNOXVILLE. TIOOA COVNTT PENNA. The undersigned having been specially licensed by the United States Government to proenre the Back Pay, Bounty, and Psnsions, of deceased and disabled soldiers, gives notice to ail Interested, that he has made arrangement! with par. ties in .Washington, by which he is able to proenre Back pay, Bounty and Pensions, in s very short time, and that he-will give particular attentions to all such claims that may be brought to him7~Being provided with all the requisite Forms, Blanks, Ac., ic., he has superior advantages in this branch of business. Sol diers entitled to pensions, wilt find it to their advan tage tojapply.tothe undersigned at Knoxville, as the examining sdrgeon for Tioga County resides there. Also, Judge Case, before whom all applications for pensions may be made,- « I," 1 , . 1 _ • - . 1 . .1 1 f. . .. • 1. ‘Soldiers enlisted since the 13ih of April, '6l, in any kind,of aervioh, Naval or Military, who are dis abled-by disease or wounds, are entitledto Pensions. All soldiers who floVva for two years or daring the war, should it sooner close, will be entitled to full Bounty. Also soldiers who have been, wounded in battle, whether having served two years or not, are entitled to lull Bounty. 2. When a Soldier has died from any cause, in the United States service, since April IS, 1861, leaving.a widow, she is entitled to all pay due him; also to from $76 to $4OO Bounty. The bounty varies ac cording to the act or orders under wbioh the soldier enlisted, She is also entitled to a pension. 3. If the soldier left no widow, his children are en titled to the pay and bounty and the pension until they are sixteen years of age. 4. If the, soldier left no widow, legitimate child, the father is entitled to his pay and bounty, provided he lives in the United States and has not abandoned the support of his family. 5. If tfae 'soldier left no widow, legitimate child, nor father, or if the father bat abandoned the sup port of the family, or if he resides out of the United States, tha mother, if she resides in the United States, U entitled to the pay and bounty, andif poor and de pendent,-in whole or in part, on her son for support, she is also entitled to a pension. Mothers whose husbands or former hatbands reside out of, the Uni ted States or have abandoned the support of their families, should write to the undersigned at nnoe, or the father may get the bounty without the facts being known. 61 All soldiers who have lost an. .arm or one leg, are entitled to Twenty dollars per month. Prisoners of war ate entitled to Three Months extra pay. He is also prepared to settle Officers’, Quartermaster, Ordnance, and Commissary accounts, and procure Certificates of Non-indebtedness, in the shortest pos sible time. Also Artificial Limbs for snob as have lost them in service. Terms,-moderate. ... I will be at .my office on Monday and Saturday of each weak, to attend to this business. July 26,1866-ly. WJd. B. SMITH. Bsvebeeces '■ • Wellsboro, J. F. Donaldson, Sher iff StowslL ' Addison, N. T., W. B, Smith. Wash ington, D- C,\ Tucker A Lloyd. Knoxville, V. Case. FARM FORBALE Situated on-tho- Spencer's , Mills Road-bom half to three-fourths of a mile oast of Whitney’s Corners, in Charleston township, and five and one-half miles from Wellsborc. Said farm contains abont 107 acres, about 65 acres cleared, the balance valuable woodland. It is - well watered by springs of excellent water, and small creeks. The house is two stories, comfortable, nnd.tho ontbildings are in good condition. There is also on said farm a thrifty young orchard of grafted frnft, some 75 trees. Terms easy. Apply to the subscriber, on the premises. Charleston, May 81, ’65. HENRY GIFFORD. Flour coming down with gold *t WRIGHT A BAILEY’S. Wellsboto, April 5, 1865. BARGAINS IN JEWELRY.—Attention is di rected to W. FORSYTH A CO’S advertisement in another column. AN Assortment of TABLE GLASSWARE will bo fonnd at ROY’S DRUG STORE. - FLORENCES’" SPIRIT FOB-THE" HAIR will restore gray hair to Its natural color; prevent its falling out, and give it a glossy appearance. It is a superior-hair dressing." For salo by Wellsboro, July 26,’65-3m. P. R* WILLIAMS. ESTRA Y. —Strayed from the premises of the sub scriber in Charleston, on tho 19th ult., A SPOT TED COW, white and red, 8 years old. Any person giving Information where she may.he.foiuid will be suitably rewarded. POL IT US BEAUGE. Charleston, Aug. • - • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTI OS.— Letters of ad ministration having been granted to the under signed upon the estate of Lyman Hart, late of Charles ton, deo’d, notice, is hereby given to thqao indebted to make immediate payment, and those having claims to present them properly authenticated for settlement to , J, L. KINGSBURY, Administrator. nly 12,1896-9*7. g P L B .BA B 9.i l N j AU Snre of their Money’* Wonb. W- Forsyth & Co 39 ttndil Ann Street, N, Y. r (late 42 and 44 Nassau Sheet), offer for sale -the following Mag' . •- .. 'uificenfr-Listof WATCHES* CHAINS, JEWS LET, ETC, ’ABTICLK ONE DOtLARtiW And not tope paid for iiU yOu knoio what you - ’ ~it - artioget. - ' 250 Gold and Silver “Watches, from $15.00 to §160.00 each ' • 200 Ladles* Oold Watches 35.00 aacb 500 Ladies* and Uenls* Sliver Watches 16.00 each s,otoTest, Meek and Guard Chains .$5.00 to 10.00 each 6,000 Gold Band Bracelets 3.00 to 10.00 each 0,000 Plain, Chased, and Wedding Kings 2.60 to 6.00 each S.QQD California Diamond Pins and Kings 800 to 600 each 10.000 sOUs-Ladles* Jewelry - 6.00 to 15.00 each 10,000 Gold Kens, Silver Mounted Holders 400 to 5.00 each 10.000 Gold,Pens, Silver Cases and Pencils 4.00 to 6.00 each Together with Ribbon Slides, Bosom Stud?, Sleeve ButtohVy Gold Pencils, Bell Bookies, Brooches, Gold Thimbles, Bar Drops, Children's Loop?, Masonic Pins and King*, Seal Bings, Scarf Pip?,- Watph Keys. Also a variety" of Sliver "Ware, embracing Goblets. Cups, Castors, Tea and Table Spoons, from $l6 U>.sso. ■-The*artlele»“in neatest .'apd most fashionable styles. Certificates of all the vari to se nfed’ on ye lop es and mixed; thus a Jair T chapc^,"and sent, by ...mail, as orderedf arid vm.the receipt of-the- certificate it is at your option tdsehd ONE DOLLAR and take the ar ticle named in it, or not j ox any. other article in our list of equal value. ' ’ ‘ • CERTIFICATES AND PREMIUMS. Single Certificate, five Certificates, $1 ; eleven, $2; of Gold Pen, $3.75; fifty premium of .Gold Pencil and Pen, $10; one with premium nf Silver Watch, $2O; two, h’tmdred; with_premiumof,Gold Watch, $5O Cerfifi.cate money to-be enclosed with-order. Every letter/ttum prompt!y^anewered. 1 . iC&>^d?SP e Ut.h3L*9an,‘car«fnny packed,. All article* not satisfactory can be returned and. exchanged, or the money refunded if wished. Thousands of dollars’ worth of Watches sold-to-our customers during the past-year. .. - -. . AGENTS.wanted erarywhear©^..Send 26 cents foy Certificate and Circular.. Address ...A ■. „ W. FORSYTH A. CO., , . AC- and-41 Ann Street, New York, June 7, 1865-3 mos. j-JLLJ - I*6 ;j THE PtIBLIG. I AM now preparedto-mannfactare,atmyestabUsh ment in Deerfield,- PILIN'AND'FANCY FLANNELS, Also, Ladies' BALMORAL SKIRTS to order, either by the piece or quantity, to suit cus tomers. - t- --- JOSEPH INGHAM. Knoxville, July 16, 1863. DEERFIELD WOOLEN FACTORY. THE dnderaigned having purchased the well kaoiwnV Woolen'.Factory of-Messra. B. 4 8.-S. Bowen on-tbo Cowanesque Riyer,-two miles east ol Knoxville,tktei tilu ttiefbod-ofinfomlng the inhabi tants of Tioga and adjoining counties that he will manufacture wool by the yard or on. shares to sail customers, into FLAHNB&3, - , i • "CASSIMERES, DOE-SKINS, -FULL' CLOTHS, of all kinds. The machinery has been thoroughly repaired and sewmachineryaddoctjtheret9,h3Sj> an improved new wheel which will enable him,to work the entire sea son. H© will pay particular attention to Roll Cardipf A Cloth Dressing, which will be done in the neatest possible manner, having added one new Roll Machine, will enable bim to dispatch and accommodate people from a distance. He would farther say that he has carried on the busi ness in manufacturing wool for farmers in Bradford and adjoining countie*Tor the past twenty years; he therefore-esn warranfc'alf work and-satisfy bis custo mers, using nothing in manufacturing but genuine wool.. . .JOSEPH INGHAM. Deerfield, May 5,1863~1y. PENSION AGENCY. TO SdUttBBS AND TBBIB. FRIDNDS i THE undersigned having bad considerable expe rience in procuring Pension Bounties and Back pay of Soldiers, will attend to all business in that line entrusted to his care with promptness and fidelity. ALL SOLDIERS discharged by reason of wounds are entitled to tfae $lOO bounty. Pensions, Bounties, and arrears of pay, collected by the undersigned. Persons wishing to confer with me will please call or address me by letter at Sylvania, Bradford county, Pa. Charges reasonable. GEO. P, MONRO. Referihy.pemission to . . . H. B. Card, County Treasurer, Wellsboro, Pa. D. F. Pomeroy, Troy,.Pa. A. H. Spalding, Sheriff, Towanda, Pa. [April I. A CARD TO, , THE -SUFFERING.— Bo you wiafr to 1)© cured 1 If so, ; shallow two* ox three hogsj, heads of “Buchu,” “ Tonic/Bitten,” “ Sarsaparilla, “Nervous Antidotes,” .£c.,| Ac., Ac., and after you are satisfied with the result, then try,one box of OH' "Doctor Buchan’s English Specific Pills—and be re stared to health and vigor in leas than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary In their effects on the broken-down and shattered constitution. OH and young can take them with advantage* 7 Dr. Buchan's English Specific Pills cure in leu than SO days, the worst cases of Non vousnesi, Impotency, Premature Decay, Semina) Weakness, Insanity, and all Urinary, Sexual, and 1 Nervous Affections, no matter from what cause pro- 1 dooed. Price, One Dollar per box. Sent, postpaid, by mail, on.receipt of an order. Address, JAMES S, BUTDER, No. 429 Broadway, New York, General Agent. P. S.—A box sent any address cm• receipt of. price—which is One Dollar—post free. A de scriptive Circular sent, on application. _ -• July 19;i865-2m. * A CARO TO INVALIDS. A Clergyman, while residing in South America as a missionary, discovered a .safe and simple remedy for the Chin'of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the .wholeLtrain of disorders, brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers have been al ready cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a: deaice-to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, I will! send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, 1 In sealed envelopes, to any one who needs it. Free! of Charge. - - Please inclose a post»pai<f envelope, addressed'to yourself. Address, JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station D, Bible House, New York City. . April 1, 1866-ly. : - IP YOU WANT TO, ENOW a little of everything relating to the human system, male and female: the aanses and treatment of diseases ; the marriage customs of tho world; how to marry Welland a thou sand things never published before read the revised and enlarged edition of “ Medical Common Sense,” a cartons book for ourions people, and a good book for every one.' 400 pages, 100 illustrations. Price 91.50. Cohtents table sent bee to any address. Books may be had at tho Book stores, or will be sent by mail, post paid on receipt of tbo price. Address j ; E. B. FOOTE, M. D., Feb. 8, *65-6m. 1130 Broadway, New York. REVENUE STAMPS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Revenue Stamps of all denominations,"just received at tho Firs: National. Rank of Wellsboro, in the Store building of C, A J, L.'Robinson. Persons wanting Stomps ore request to call and get a supply. Wollsboroy May 25,1864-tf. WHITE WASH LlME.—The' best quality bt Rhode Island Lime for white washing, at BOY’S DRUG STORE. CONGRESS WATER, for sale at ROY’S DRUG STORE. PUTTY A WINDOW GBASS at ROY’S DRUG STORE. CONCENTRATED LYE, for sale at ROY’S DRUG STORE. WORCESTER’S DRY-YEAST, or HOP YEAST IN CAKES. Every Lady thould'ttjU U’ahd haw light bread*’ Ear sale at Roy’s Drag Stores ■ . LIFE SYBUptT Patrsßin n.HOUUa H, QREqq, j, d OradojKe of the College of Physicians end Survenn. v ) 0 , rk - r «nitrlj Assistant Physician In the late Medical Inapector of the W v' 11 '' o tataYoiuu War Dapota, muter Gov, Ed„i n D. Dor*aV* k C(J<!SftmM>rLlPE SYlici" JUS PRODUCED ' OLBTIOK IK SHSDICIKE, 0 A SET. What may aecm almost Incredible. la the* . hitherto considered hopelessly Incurable i?. 2 / djf, ”i cured in a few days or week*; and wo cheerfniivT^ q °' : ‘ ,1 J Investigations of the liberai-mimled and esleatiac which hare no parallel at tho preieat day wac to cure* During the laat flse years we hare contended with clea, and overcome opposition, as herculean ... b,,v encountered by any reformers). w?r * e?n j , cossmtiTio:; life syrup la a positive and spacifio remedy forall disease, oriet. from an larciu Siar* or ibi Bioon. and for ail /Zff i,ln S Disease* transmitted from Parent to Child. “ c fl * r »<lit«ry ; PARALYSIS. It la ao universally admitted that Constitution r ■, . Is tba onireffective means of rertorat“„ i l 0 “ h L,fe s l™f forms of Paralysis, that wa need not r.ltetatn th.! , T " lo >‘> phatlcally the Great Life-giving Power “ “‘“‘heia. dyspepsia. Indigestion. Weight at Stomach, Elatulanee L,„ plaint, Want of Appetite, Bad Xt»th CtlD Constipation, Biliouaneaa. ’ lOEOICU. Struma. Sing's Evil, Glandular SwelUnm. I relation, Salt Rheum. * 7, ’ t u H; Till tdlhttharedltaty and acquired) ■suing lift WM mls«y, la, by-ail usual medldal tatnetHef IneJtu M ' j RHEUMATISM * u ‘ [■Arthritis]^ludthtrgmSewdgla, Gout,Tic If thera la any disease in which the Con.tOn. Syrup is a sovereign, it is in Rheumatism and affection* The most Interne petne are aimL* i * ,D(ire<J alleviated—enormooe ewelling* are reduced rw. ? m ' y oftWM t "ar forl7 CO-VSTPIDTIOK LIFE SYRUP Purges the system entirely ttom all the evil ,(r Ki , „,, CONSTITUTION LIFE STRUP Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruntirn , Skin, like Ulcers, Plmplee, Blotches, and* all otht^aws 01 , th * of tbl. klnd, which to much ance of both males and female., often making tSa P . P ?, r ' fftuttng object to tbemeelres and theft frfeodr m d ** ?oa all Forms or'UtcESifiVs'DisiASSs, Ffther <rf tB« Rose, Throat, Tongue, Some. Tarab»«4 Scalp, no remedy haaerer proved iu equal * Fotlbe **. at Moth Patches upon tie female face, -depending ntM „ . diseased action of the liveware- very- unpleasant young wife and mother. A few bottles of Life Syrnp will correct the secretion and VeinoTe Sa, which la directly under the skin ot l he Ml eT > WOS r, » to Languor, Elaine,, Indigestion, Weak Stomach,or an o)<ent*e n , nan, 1 condition of that organ, accompanied with burning moth”! Blpod'Purlftrlng AganL the T,ifw 8t preparation In the world. m? ’ THE RICH AND POOa are liable to the same dlteeMs fe“STUSeft?* S’Sr!“ a " made th “ Con, ' imt,ol ‘ "ft Syrep PUKE BLOOD produces healthy men and women ■ and if the constitution la neglected In youth, disease and ! death m the result. Do not delay when the means are so near at hand, and within the reach of all. K CONSTITUTION LITE STIIUP I. the Poor Mm’s Friend and the Klch Man’. Blessing. ’ MORGAN & ALIEN, WHOLESALE druggists, AGENTS, 46 Cliff Street, New York. Sold by J. A. Kor, Wallaboro, Pa.; 3, 3. Pacsjjin,Corine ton, Pa,; Rajunqton & Co. Troy, Pa. March 29, 1566-ly. E. A H. T. ANTHONY * CO., Mannfactarors J of Photographic Materials, WHOLESALE AMU RETAIL , 501 BROADWAY, N. Y- In addition to onr main business of Photographic Materials, we are Headquarters for the following, fit: Stereoscopes & Stereoscopic, Views, Of these we hare an immense assortment, including War Scenes, American and Foreign Cities and Land scapes, Groups, Statuary, Ac., Ac. Also, ReTOiring Stereoscopes,-for public or, private exhibition. Our Catalogue will-be sent to any address on receipt of Stamp, [ EBOTOaSAPBIC ALBUMS. _ We were the first to introduce these into the United Stages, and wo manufacture immense quantities in great variety, ranging in price from 50 cents to *5O each. Onr ALBUMS have the reputation of being superior in beauty and durability to any ethers. They will bo sent by mail, trie, on receipt of price. jfiß Fine Albums made to order. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Our Catalogue now embraces over Five Thousand different subjects (to which additions are continually being made) of Portraits ef Eminent Ameriotns, 4c., viz: about 100 Major-Generals. 650 Statesmen, 200 Brig.-Generals, 130 Divines, 275 Colonels, 125 Authors, 100 Lieut-Colonels, 40 Artists, 250 Other Officers, 125 Stagei 75 Navy Officers. 50 Prominent Women, 150 Prominent Foreign Portraits. 3,000 COPIES OF WORKS OP ART, Including reproductions of the most celebrated En gravings, Paintings, Statues, 40. Catalogues sent on receipt of Stamp. An order for One Dozen PIC XURJES from our Catalogue will be filled on the re ceipt of $2.80, and sent 67 mail, razz. Photographers and others ordering goods C. 0. D will please remit twenty-five per the amount with their order. E. A H. T, ANTHONY A 00., Manufacturers of Photographic Materials, 601 Broadway, New York. Tbo prices and quality of our goods cannot fail to satisfy. ' [Nov. 16,1864-ly.] HOLE 3 A L E tIKTS STOKB- PRINCE’S METALLIC PAINT, THADDEUS DAVIDS’ INKS, CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, CINCINNATI WINES & BRANDY, WHITEWASH LIME, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, STATIONERY, , FLUID EXTRACTS, PAINTS AND OILS, PETBQLEDM OIL, DRUGS * MEDICINES, ROCHESTER PERFUMERY & FLAVORING EXTRACTS. SCHOOL BOOKS. . WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, DYE COLORS, Famished at Wholesale Prieaa by W. r>. TERBELL, Jan. 18, 1865-tf. Corning, N. T. Hew Floor and Provision Store. CHAS. 4 H. VANVALKENBURG wishes to in form the citizens of Welleboro and the zarround* iog country that they have recently started a new FLOUR AND PROVISION STORE, in the building formerly known as “ Osgood’s Store,'' W |» eW may bo found at all times ready to wait on au customers who mny favor them Hith & call, and sell them the choicest kinds of 1 FLOUR, MEAL, BUCK WHEAT. PORK, 4e., at as reasonable rates as any firm in this place- CASH paid for all kind* of GRAIN, HIDES, and FOBS. CHAS. 4H. VAN VALKENBOBG. Welisboro, Dec. 21, 1894. TyiLLINEBT.— Mr.. A. J. SOFIELD would announco to IH. her customers that she bos Jost reeelred her SPRING SUPPLY OF MILLINERY. 6®9d assortment af-Inßuito’ .Caps, Ladles’ Dress Caps and Head-Dresses, Collars and Caffs, Embroidery sad Ucet BLEACHING S> PRESSING done to'order In all the New: Styles. ■ WeDshoro, Hay S, XSOt-Xm. , - Kta, A.- y. ffOFZBLD. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers