the agitator. tOCA l A»;D » IBCILLAKEOjmS WeUsboro, Wednesday, Aug. 80.1886. New Advertisement*. sk«D for Sale at Auction—A. W. Wilson. ' •' ’ 1 Irikc-J. F. D*e. Clerk. , _ ; f .,i, r l 2 ht, Carpenter’s Tools, and Household Fit *’ uurc For Sale—S. C. Webster. . " 'r ' Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Plated Ware— Wtllshoro A oademy. • Boose and Lot for Sale—B. C. Webster. ‘ ; - n ■ ~ wm 1 : - ' *} - ’ j[t S. W, Johnston, of Wellington; Ohio, traira} •entlT robbed of 51,700 in the depot, New York. *, Her. P. Refolds will preach the funeral sermon „f John J. Dawson, late of Charleston, on the first Sunday in September, in the church near the Routed lop iclioolUonie, at 2 o’clock P..M. . .*% Xbs 'Sfptetaher No; of Ptttrtont ilagacint is ful freighted and rich. The engraving entitled, Bit My Apple ?’*—is worth $6 in any family wl e tl«r» srs crying babies. To be bad of I. B. Pe ; N H n I Co, Philadelphia, aad at the PoetofSe* Bc'ikr t* . y-’ We areindebtod to Mr. H.'D. Dekiso, late Ijlu pltsl Steward U. 8. V, for e beautiful group ph.t?- frsph of ths line officers of the 46th Vet. Regime tt. It leValatUsa* amementd 6Ti{iVgriariwat''lbr < J-- tional life. Pennsylvania sent no 'regiment into •Ce (ild that earned a brighter and mure enduring facia. The September No. of Babpeb comes itf a drat e of all othtrs. this time; .and it would be difficult. i cctceivS of a'more etcellent-number,as regards’! > popaphy, Illustrations, variety end quality ot ai.- t«. Ttis.MagailnS is a great popular educator. 4 per snnnm. Harper A Brothers', New York. It mtj h« bed ef Young, at the Bookstore. Sene*.—For the convenience of, eubecnberf ■.'» ten appointed the following aganto Tioga—Mn. Sarah M. Eta, P. M. Knoxville —I. P. Bllea, Eeq. , Oceola —Col. Bosard. ManaWd—Df- Elliott. . Hain*bargrr A - 0. Witter, Eaq. ■ Blouborg—Jaa. P. Tylor, Eaa. hairreneeville —Kev. B. D. Well*. , , Ibair receipt! will be regarded aa offlca. ' " 1 -' r. . , x Annex—Gratis. —Thi» ir for parents : ' Fortka take of the babies between 0 and 6 yeara. of agq.we write. This ii the tiding aeaaon of-tha year fottjm. children. Pat them in high-neck dresses, if entire anwiM enough to let them wear any other at'.fjy time of the year, let them eat regularly. 'A'.pd fruit If good for them, and for all, at meal time }>ut act In excsss of regular meale. Keep them in the ions* after six, evening- Bath* them every > her iiy, niiug water'leil than blood warm, but not’ bid, et thli Mason of the year. Heed theae hints,and jou may tare suffering, and probably preserve 1? hi - Ah, here he oomea I—TVif little Corpara f—-the >ery thing needed to perfect juvenile literature. " F {lit- Jng against Wrong, and for the Good, the True; and the Beautiful," ti« hie war-cry. Wo hive readjwo aamberi uf this delightful 1# page quarto tnon Jly, published for the oblldren by Mt Alfred A. Be "y ill, Chicago, XU. little Folka, if you want thla beatV fa] paper, you bare but to tend $1 to Mr. Sewell, at.C hi ugo, and he will send it to you. togethor wlthhbe children’s portrait of Mr. lincolu, as a-premmm. > If uy boy or girl will send him six subscribers end kb, he or she will receive an extra copy, and ths pint re, frr the trouble. So go to work, children. . I The Atlantic Monthly for September i» an bonul fel u the harvest. Its contents ere-more'Varied’, i.ftd lighter than usual, —in fact, this, like preceding number, seems the best It has notify,! on this continent (1 a year. Send to XlckutJr A field, Boston, Mass, or-order of Young, at ofice. Our You»g /b/£s,—as all Young Folks shbnlc ■'im proves as Ibe months go by. It is a great 'salfcj&s. That youth can afford to do without It ? None: .It ii & most facinating serial, worth treble its prisr t in my famii v where culture of x the heart and faesc go toother. $2 a year. Send, or order as sboyp. , The Oil-Htutteb».— u Jacob's Well,'* two-nfi3ea north of this village, commenced -a week down upward of 20 feet. Rock was reached at feet from the surface, w that no driving pipe wid qoired. The rook for several feet was shell and *Vy bard. The drill is now in a fine blue-grey and quite hard. The work goes on without ««3ay trader the skillful supervision of Mr, The old well on Canoe Camp Creek has been a In doced, the clay and quicksand proving impeneu nle by the pipe. Operations are resumed at a rods distant. •* • The bulkley well, near Oceola, is down about. JOO feet There was a good show of oil ten days »nji the prospects continue encouraging. ’ , The Knoxville well is down ten or fifteen feet. 5 iWe were misinforpied as to the ‘ell. They are driving pipe. f> A- No report from Farmington or Tioga. - A iront has always been felt In this country off >me fyitem by which a record of families can bekepf and handed down to coming generation. This Va‘4, it •wars to ns, Is completely filled by the “ PhotOg ipb Family Record” now being sold by agents ln£.bis county. -- £ Tat Proposed Couktt MojroMnjrr.— I The proposed plan of a County Monument, a sketch of furnished by Chaa. P. Veil, Bsq., pf Liberty, has been photographed by Wood. the. Artist. Coplea wfStbis dtsign, suitable for-Photographic Albums, yHll'be wnt by mail, to any address-free of postage, upefu the receipt of Twenty-Five Cents. Hugh Toun£, *■ WelUboro, Aug. 23,1695. . 3ookseller^^|. The Best Musical Instrukent roi F*hu.y,—“ Tfce piano forts,’ 1 says the j .iPtri can Baptist , “ extensively as it is used, it afnot •o well adapted to all tlje purposes of tV ired wd secular music as anotberfinstrnment A rich ii now justly claiming a large share of blic attention, and which has- .already—been.Jdj ten sively introduced into schools, churche),nnd families, and received-tbe endorsement i’Jf ‘the chief organ Ist, musicians, and artist of An e ‘ica, w * mean the Mason A Hamlin Cabinet 0 e in.” Bucxbehbt TViue.—There je no wine'aiual to blackberry wine, when properly made, 9*ljher tn flavor or for medicinal purposes, and s 1 who , conveniently do so should manuf uiore enough for their own use every year, as b, i I in valuble in sickness as a tonic, and an elclent teniedy lor bowel complaints. A lady da ’res pondent of an agrioultoral journal form thea tbs following recipe for making it: Meffuro Jour berries and bruise them ; to every •dd one quart of boiling water. Let! the 'inix hire stand twenty-four hours, stirring ocOAeion •dj: then strain off the liquor into a cast/; to e * er 7 Rsllon' add two pounds of sugar ;''iork tight and let it stand till the following Oct 'iber, Wd you will have wine ready for uSe, wi- hout further labor, that every family will highlrt np preoiate, and never dp-without afterwards if they can belo it. D 1 BD. cisvsa, Ohio, Jhly27, 1885, of typbpi -'■'■'Sever, HENRY DECATUR HXLIBOLDT, (fort ffly-of "‘•‘wO *g«d >2 yean, T months.and 24. da * \ SHEEP FOR SALE AT AUCTION.—I shall will TtBOXTILLE ■ROOT, SHOE, <* lEJ.TMEB at auction on Thuriday, the 7th day of Septem- JcL STORE.— ' •' Hundred Lamb*, In good condition, towiuhip,.Throei WHOLESALE & RETAIL Richmond, Aug, 30,1855. A. W. WILSON. ! ’ HT'n'rr/iT? vr • The undersigned having farmed a-co-parthorSbip’ [V] OT-CE.—Notice is hereby given, that there.wjU onder tbe name and title of Xl he a meeting of the Stockholders of. the-Moirit Bun Coal Company, the .-office of the Oompa. . Blossbufg, Pa.,. on Tuesday, September 12th, 1866, at 12 o clock if., for the election of-Directors fof the ensuing year. J. F.DEE,,CIerk August 80, 1866-2»* Millwright * carpenter's to6lB, a HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE FOB SALE.— Subscriber will dispose of to customers as they offer, a fall sett ef Millwright sad Carpenter's Tools on the premises late of B. P. M. Webster, Niles Val ley, Tioga County, dcc’d. Also—a quantity of Household Furniture, such os Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Crockery, a large Cooking Stove, and.other articles too numerous to mention; Please call early, os the property will bo disposed of to the first customers who offer. Niles Valley, Aug. 80. 'W.f , g. C. WEBSTER. JOHN A. ROY, ; j HOLE SALE & RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS AND MEDICINES, CHEMICALS,' PAINTS, VARNISHES. DYES, • PUTTY, PERFUMERY, ■ • WINDOW GLASS, FANCY GOODS, SPICES, TOILET ARTICLES, PATENT MEDICINES, [ LOOKING GLASS PLATES, PICTURE GLASS, WINDOW GLASS, ENVELOPES, CAP & LETTER PAPER, INKS, 4c., *0.,-*o. N. B. Physicians' Prescriptions and all other Reoipes will be carefully and - accurately mads np from pure and reliable Medicines. Wellsboro, Aug. 23,-1865. J. A. EOT. .1 DISTINGUISHED ARRIVAL. *J:T W. T. MATHERS .;., -vc.-- i •1 r,■ >;:A ;<- Has jnsfretnrned from-HawYork, with an enormous .Stock op, ! 7 7, V’ 7 . 'i_ GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, and is offering them to the .public for then they have been'sold'elnce the WAR. —ilt.-t.-i GREEN TEAS—JAPANESE OOLONG, IM PERIAL & YOUNG HYSON, of various qualities from 76c. to $2.00 COFFEES-JAVA, RIO, LAGUIRA, in kernel and all the varieties of ground Coffees. SUGARS—GRANULATED, CRUST, POW DERED, and all. the grades of 00PPFE SUGARS'; also a large and splendid assortment of BROWN SUGARS, / cannot fail to please customers if they will call ’and .examine onr Stock, either in price or quality-’. SYRUP * MOLASSES, varying In price from 660. to $1,60 per gailon. risH— WHITE FISH. TROUT, CODFISH, and various kinds,of MACKEREL. Abo a good stock of Brooms, Market Baskets, Corn Baskets, Axe Helves, Wash Boards, Scrub Broshes, Bed Cords, Door Mats, Baggy Mop Handles, Pails; also a nice assortment of Bird Cages. 'The Ladies will please remember that W. T. Math ers keeps J. B. Stratton's CELEBRATED YEAST CAKE, T-.Kingsford A Sons' Corn Starch, Sage, Vcrmlcdla, Tapioca, Macaroni, all kinds of SPICES, CLOVES, CINNAMON, GINGER, : NUTMEG, 4c, Also Black Banff, and Yellow Snuff, a good assort ment of FLAVORING EXTRACTS & TOILET SOAPS. W. T. f FATHERS keeps constantly on band'the beat brands of Salertt toa, Soda, Cream Tartar, Sal Soda for Washing; also the best grades of FAMILY FLOUR, CORN MEAL, by the barrel or sack, the bqpt quality of Kerosene 0(1 and lamp <)il. The'lait but-not least to mention is, W. T. MATH* FRS " * WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! 1 Goods to be ALWAYS AS' REPRESENTED- or no sale. The highest market price in Cash paid for Batter and Eggs. - ' W. T. MATHERS. * WeUsboro, Aug. 23,1395. - k JURE! FIBS! ! FIRE!!!— The nnderaigned begs leave to announce to the people of Tioga County that; he .has agency in Wellsboro, for the well known . BOMB. INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York. That he ii prepared te insure all kind* of property upon as reaionable terms aa can be had in any other responsible Companies, AND' ISSUE POLICIES without sending the application to the General 08Se«- This is one of the richest Companies in the United .States, having a ," N I', '. .. dash Capital ofTwoDllllion Dollars, bevidtsih* Asset? wfaie)rxm~tfasr ietof January, amounted to.*-.. U.a...53,705,503 42 Liabilities. „ 77,901 52 Its Officers ere CHAS. J. MARTIH.... ' t President, A. P. WILWORTHi ...,M..Vic6 President, JOHN McOS£....».m MM H i....v. H . ll „B6cr6U^ J. H. WABHBORN... AsiUlant Sec*y. This Company has taken out - A STATE LICENSE,' j - and monthly pays the per centage charged upon its Receipts which is tnado necessary by Che lawsof Pennsylvania, in-order to makeits policies, valid and binding upon the Company. ■■ All policies isSuedhy Companies which have not taken out a State license declared nairand void, and the parties'are li«hlo t\a heavy penalty for so insuring. Seo Pardon's Digest, page 853, Sec. 21, 22, 23. WeHsboro,Augr 23,-i865. W.'H.'SMITIT. KEEOSINR LAMPS at i.'\ . . ; / - - - . , ROY’S DRUQ STORE.- BLUB FISH, T B JL D JUOjU A f i A** FT ATOiii. I. LOOHRY * CO., | can be found at the.- old. stand, corner of Main and' ' Mill Streets, where titey will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of ROOTS, SHOES, LEATHER :* FINDINGS, of the best quality, which they -will sell so cheap for Cash, as to make, it an object for dealers to bay. hero. - , Cur Stock consists in part of ’ ‘ MEN'S. & BOY'S, CALF, 1 KIP, & 'BTOGA BOOTS, - Of onr own manufacture. Also, LADIES’* GAITERS. BALMORAL, KID, & CALF, > MISSES SHOES. • 1 <u ■ Fiwnoh and Oak Stock constantly on hand for sale. > Cash paid at, ail. timet for 'HIDES; PELTS, and pxnss;-" ■ r.. TERMS—O ASM ON DELIVER Y. X. LOGHRY, Knoxville, Pa. :,J./RICHARD SON, Elmira," N. Y. Knoxville, August 2,lB6b*tf. Academy corners is now the place to bay GOODS and get your money’s worth, M. V. PURPLE has }nst returned from the-elty. with a dhoioa lot* of . ALL KINDS OF GOODS. v - *l wai.'' t a. s rwill be found always .ready, Xq Waltupon his old cus tomers and as man? othars at-will call at ■ PURPLE’S -NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Py. T -Aug. 9,£866-3m. , rj\o f HE PEOPLE'OF TIOQA COUNTY:— Get the best and oily antborized Life and Pnblio Services o'f ABRAHAM LlNOOLN,impartial, truth ful, 750 pages, with beautiful engravings, good paper and binding—by Hon, H. •J. RAYMOND, M. C. Somo important things are copyrighted and cannot be used In any other work. Wait for the Agent and -tee RAYMOND'S before you subscribe. E. R.: VAN tHORNE, NL J>., Agent, For Lawrenceville, Tioga', Richmond, Chatham, Deer field, Olymer, Westfield and other town#. Knoxville, Ang. 2,1866-tf. jpBNNSYLYANIA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, The Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society .will hold its Exhibition on September 26,' 27, 28, and 29, 1866,-at _ WILLIAMSPORT, LYCOMING COUNTY. Any information * desired by persons" desiring to exhibit applications for premium. HsU : or potters, or by members of-tb© .Society, will bo given by the .no* dersiguod, or A.' BO7D HAMILTON, President, Harrisburg. A. BROWSE LONGAKBR, o.Norrittowo,.Pa.,.Jaly 26,1865-St. Secretary. ' rj£ffs /tOYS JLfiE COMING EOME! “ . . AND THAT 1 ...' ; LARGE AND ELEGANT BTO.CK —OF— FALL GOODS IS DAILY ARRIVING AT; JOHN ft. BOWEN’S; : FRESH FROM NEW YORK. LADIES,,, CALL AND SEE THEM; AND GENTS GALE FOR THE LADIES, ''• . - r And Look at the Goods. AT THE SAME TIME. Remember—at BOWEN’S. • Wellsboro, .Aug. 9, 1865. ■ • Lost.— two certificates op capital STOCK of First Rational Bank of Wellabqro.. -One for Twenty Shares boo the other for Ten Shares in the name of E. B. Campbell. , The finder will be suitably rewarded by delivering them to J. L. ROBINSON. Cashier of said Bank. WeUsboro, June 21, 1865. NOTICE.— Notice ia hereby given that Daniel G- Stevens and others have made application tothe Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County to be incor porated as a Cemetery Company under the name and style of “ Tbo Middlebury Cemetery Company sub District No. 3,” and the same will be beard at the next session of said Court. July 26,1805-31. J. F. DONALDSON, Proth'y. CAUTIONS— Whereas, my present' wife, RUTH LEACH, baa left my bed and board without any just cause or provocation ; I hereby caution all per sons against harboring or trusting beron my account ;'for I shall pay no debts of her contracting after this ! date. * 1 H. V. LEACH. | Westfield, August 16, 1865-4* - LOST— between my house in Charleston and the plank road in Middlebury, on the Websterroad —Saturday, 12th inst, AN OLD WALLET, without .strap, three folds, and,some of the-pockets torn out. Said Wallet contained from $7O to sl2o,'or therea bout, as follows: 11 $5 notes of the Wellsboro Na tional Bank; 1 $lO note, bank not remembered, and one $2 note of Wellsboro Nat Bank. The $lO note was torn on left end. The balance was in notes of £5, banks not known. I will pay the finder to his entire satisfaction on delivering said Wallet to me. .Charleston, Aug, 16, ’65. THOS. B. MITCHELL. TVTOTICE.—It is expected that the Collectors of ITU V the;Connty and Bounty Taxes of Tioga County will by.all means make every exertion to settle.-up their- duplicates by. September-.Coart, as it. depends upon their promptness in payment to keep up- the credit of the county in paying the County BonasV ' Aug. 16, 1885. A. M. SPENCER, Ireas’/^ E W ME A t M AH'KE f7~ ,'iyffeEJS'.D,- aueSt. :. ■ "Wholesale and ■ Ketail Sealor it. FLOUR? 'PORK, HAMS; & GROCERIES, WBXiSBOBO, FA. ALSO, FRESH BEEF, MUTTON, BUTTER, &c. Shop one Door South of Smitb’a Law Office. Wellsboro, Aug. 2, 1866-tf. 1 non SALESMEN WANTED For the Lift luw nod Times of ABRAHAM-LINCOLN. "By Dr. L. P. Brceltett, tho~cmlnenr historian, 750 -Octavo Pages. Sold exclusively by subscription. The -best Biography. Terms unusually liberal. Sales are Immense. Those only desired who are competent to Sell from 60 to 100 or more, of this superior work in each favorable' Township, where aa many other similar books have been delivered. *.:H. CURRAN, Publisher, Main and Waur-Bts., Ro«h»ster, N. T. imrolntm. 1 - pROSPECIDS-r. ~ _ WELLSBORG j:,ud 1C PETROLEUM COMPANY. "C : ii . H i’-f'-V > / . * t » * CAPITA!, 5T0CK....... .#100,000.’ " OF EAOS., FIRST ASSESSMENT kl 'PER SHARE.! X 110,000 Working Capital. TheWellsboro Petroleum Company has duly exe cuted leases of 6,000 acres of sstsoTltj LAttns, ly ing in the townships* of Delmar, Charleston, Ship* pen, Gaines,. Morris, Liberty, and Mlddlebory, and in Wellsboro, Tioga county, and in Brown township, Lycoming county—in number about 100 leases. ' Agents of the Company are actively employed In leasing* other choice lands. $60,000 of. the stock is already subscribed. Operations will by commenced when three-fourths of the authorised stock shall be subscribed and ten per cent, paid in. | 1 The lands leased cover all, or nearly all, of the territory in the localities named, where 1 surface and geologic indications of petroleum exist. Directors: L. BAOHE, President, H. W. WILLIAMS, J. W. BAILEY, J. RIBEftOLLB, J. N. BACHE, 0. COPBBTICK,* G. P. CARD, LEROY TABOR; : AMOS COOLIDQB, * j. L. ROBINSON, Treasurer, 1 , M. fi. COBB, Clerk, RIGHMONDJS OURS! Babylon* la Fallen!! AND BULLARD/eeeicgthe downward, tendency of all things vendible, hastened to . I'the city . and purchased an assortment of I>ry Goods, Notions, and-io-forth, -, ON A GOLD BASIS, which goods will bo sold on like terms, Jnat a little cheaper than any of like good quality can be sold THIS .SIDE OE, SUNRISE. If yon want Dress Goods, If you want Spring Goods,' If you want anything- to-wear, If you want to boy at such prteos that you- can afford yourself an extra dress or two, to repay you for wearing yonr old elothes for two years, call at tho KEYSTONE STORE, and bringall your children and yonr neighbors with yon. For a good bargain ought to be distributed amohg_your friends,. So come ; "if .. ’-‘'OHiiEV'All® AUL • ' > LOOK AT MY NEW STOCK, and yon will say THEY ARE GOOD AND CHEAP. O. BULLARD. Wellsboro, April 15r 1865. . . •H £ t u 01 * 1 i 85 9 J)ROPOSALS FOR A LOAN.— The Qonnty of Tioga proposes to rails $26000, by a loan to b« secured by Bondi of said County at 7 3 lOths par cent. interest, the Bonds to be payable .from 3 to 10 years from date with animal interest at tbe above rate, and to be ismed in amounts to suit lenders after the first day of August. This loan becomes necessary on account of the in ability of the county to realise any portion of the County and Bounty Taxes upon Unseated Lands until June, 1866, and also to pay the interest upon tbe last issue of Bonds agoing to .fill the last fall Quota, and the'deficiency in' the amount of .Taxes to meet the next instalments.All persons, Companies, or Corporations .trilling;to.aid the county in its efforts; to meet.punctually the County .Bonds now outstanding and interest, are requested to notify the Commissioners on or before the Ist day of Sep, Wellsboro, July 12, 1885. .. . ~ . . JAS. T. CLOSE, F. E. CORBETT, W. A. MONROE, Col. 16th Va. Toll'. Of New York. Late of War Dept. CLOSE, CORBETT & MOMROE, Attorneys, - Claim, Patent, Real Estate, And Oeseral Insoranco Agents. Claim* of 'ail all kind* against the United States Government or 1 individuals collected. Ordnance, Quartermasters’, and ail Government ac counts promptly- made up and adjusted. MONEY ,LOANED and ADVANCED on Claims. Special attention given to PATENT CASES. BEAL ESTATE Bought and Sold. HOUSES and FARMS for Sale or Rent in Washington, D. C., Alexandria, Va.,'and surrounding country. - POLICIES granted on LIFE, FIRE, and MARINE RISKS in some of the oldest and most responsible Insurance Companies. ' Office, 227 Pennai Avenue, opposite Willards’ Hotel, July IS, 1865-3 m. ! Washington, Ih i S'. . I\j * I. ” * « 1 -• • " .r. > -Stoves! Stoves!! We shall keep constantly on hand a full assortment of BAND, HOOP A.BAR IRON, STEEL, NAIL RODS, HORSE SHOES, HORSE SHOE NAILS, & CUT NAILS, PUMPS, LEAD PIPE. AJto r skmost complete atsortmsnt of STOVES! "TIN, COPPER, A SHEET IRON WARE; .and a fnU assortment of HAYING TOOLS, in their season. . | Particular attention paid to the manufacture of HUK CANS; ' the subscribers having had an extensive experience la the manofastore of the article. Also a quantity of fancy! pressed, a japan ware. We are selling a nice article of SAD-IRON HEATER, whloh effects a great saving in fuel. JOBBING and REPAIRING done promptly, in the best manner, and on thq most favorable terms. We also desire to say that we shall sail onr wares as cheap as they can be purchased anywhere else, the -difference in freight and transportation only added. We intend to make it the interest of the public to buy of ns, and shall study the Interest of patrons as well as onr own. The Subscriber will take In exchange for Tin- Ware, SCRAP-IRON. LEAD, PEWTER, COPPER, BRASS, AND RAQS. Call and examine oar stock before purchasing else where. GUNN A TUCKER, Successors of Wm. Roberts. ' Wellsbona, Jane 14,1895-tf. .W "fa fa fa * a 9 . o * © 3D 08 fi « MD © © e «s % •S* r ere* H ft o -© W • « fl *d s 6 v pfil « o o <2 € e % *■ • 1 ◄ REGISTER’S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that the following Administrators and Execu tors have filed their accounts in the Register’s Office of Tioga county, and that the same will be presented to the Orphan’s Court of said couty, on Monday, the 4th day of September next, for confirmation aud al lowance : r Account of Richard Videan and Edwin Dyer, Ex ecutors of Tilly Marvin, deo’d. Account of Israel Stone, Executor of Channcsy Austin, deo’d. Account.of John Yeomans, Adm’r of John and Sarah Yeomans, deo’d. ' Account of Richard Childs, Adm’r of Samuel B, Childs, dec’d. Account of John A. Holden and Warren S. Davis, Adnrts "-drbonis non" of-Exra Davis, Sr., deo’d. - Account of Caroline Frutsman and D. L. Aiken, Admr's of Geo. M. Prntsman, deo’d. Aug. 9,1865. H. S. ARCHER, Register. A LARGE STOCK of PERFUMERY and TAN EEE NOTIONS, for sale by P. R. Williams, No. 3 Union Block, Wellsboro, Pa. XVTINDOW GLASS & PUTTY, foi aalo cheap, .VV at P. B. Williams' Drug Store. YANBUSKIBK’S 80ZQD0NT for Cleaning Xeetb, for sale at KB. WilUams'iDnig Store, O fa 08 u (X ◄ o fe s be cS r ) I O *© QC U ►> fe ► 08 •<M 4! fl st g gPRINQ AND SUMMER GOODS 1 T. L. BALDWIN, IS sow receiving a large and well eeleeted STOCK OF > - SPUING AND SUMMER 000D8, consisting in part of a Qsnerai Stock of DEY GOODS, LADIES’ DRESS GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS AND CABS, ; GROCERIES, HARDWARE, , BOOTS AND SHOES. WOODEN WARE, 40., Ac. All of which will bo iold VEEY LOW for READY PAY ONLY. ALL KINDS OF CODNTET PEODDOK TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. All panom buying GOODS for READY PAT, Are reipeetftiUy invited to «all and exudse THE STOCK, Ae they ere to be told at VERY LOW PRICES. CASH PAID FOB WOOL. Tioga, May IT 1865. T. L. BALDWIN. «*saSS&3>- rax woats’s oust luxzinr roa SoroAla and Scrofulous Ptmiss. From Embry Edet, a w$U-knovm merchant of flnbnf. Maine. M 1 have sold large quantities of your aAusaPAKTijtA, but never yet one bottle which failed of the desired ctftat and toll satisfaction to those who took it. As tost 4i o» people try It, they agree there has been no medicine Hk» ft before in our community.” Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ulcers, Sores, and all diseases of the Skin. From Eev. Jiobi. Stratton, Bristol , England, “ X only do my duty to you and the public, when I add my testimony to that you publish of the medicinal virtues ofyoor Sarsaparilla. My daughter, aged ten, had an afflicting humor in her cars, eyes, and hair for years, which wdwere unable to cure until we tried your SARSA PARILLA. She has been well for some months.* From Mrs, Jane E, iNce, a well-known and much-esteemed lady of Dennisvilie, Cape May Co., J. “ My daughter has suffered for a year paat-with a scrof ulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothing afforded any relief until we tried your Sarsaparilla, which soon completely cured her.” From Charles P, Gage, Esq., of the widely-known Gage, Murray cf Co., manufacturers of enamelled papers in Nashua, N. H. - . “ I had for several years a very troublesome humor la my face, which grew constantly worse until it disfigured my features and became an intolerable affliction, i tried almost every thing a man could of both advice aod medl* due, but without any relief whatever, until 1 took your Sarsaparilla. It immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might for a time; bat in a tow weeks the new skin began to form under tho blotches, aid eon* tinned until my face Is as smooth as any body’s, and I am without any-symptoma of the disease that I know of. 1 enjoy perfbet health, and without a doubt owe It to your fiAMAPARTT.f.A.” Erysipelas Cten oral Debility the Blood* From Dr, Kobt. Satoin, Houston St„ New Tori . ** De. Ater. I seldom fail to remove Eruptions and Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your Sarsapa -IULLA, and I have just now cured an attack of Malignant Erysipelas with it. Ko alterative we possess equals tbs Sarsaparilla you have supplied to the profession as well as to the people.” From J. E. Johnston, Esq., Wahtman, Ohio, ** For twelve years, I had the yellow Erysipelas on my right arm, during which time I tried all tho celebrated physicians 1 could reach, and took hundreds of dollars worth of medicines. The ulcers were so bad that tho cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my ana must bo amputated. I began taking your Sabsap.vbHxa. Took two bottles, and some of your Pills. Together they have cured me. lam now os well and sound as any body. Being in a public place, my case is known to every body in this community, and excites the wonder of all.” From Hon* Senry Monro, AT p. P,, of Newcastle, C. W. y a leading member of the Canadian Parliament* «* I have used your Sarsaparilla in jay family, tor general debility, and for purifying the blood , wtth very beneficial results, and feci confidence in commending' it to the afflicted.” St. Anthony’s Fire, Hosa, Salt HUanm, g ~il-» Head. Sore Byes. From Barney Sieiler, Esq., the able editor qf the n«i hannock Democrat, Pennsylvania. •• Oar only child, about three year* of age, was at tacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly spread Until they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his cyoa for tome days. A skilful physician applied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any apparent eject. For flftaa days wc guarded his hands, lest with them he shooß tear open the festering and corrupt wound which covered his whole face. Having tried every thing else w a had any hope from, we began giving your Sarsaparilla, and applying the lodide of potash lotlou, as you direct. Tho sore began to heal when we had given the first bottle, and was well when we had finished tho second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and he 2a nbw ta healthy snd fair as any other. The whole neighborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease, From Dr. Biram Sloat, of St. Louis, Missouri, <• I find your Sarsaparilla a more effectual remedy forth* secondary symptoms of Syphilis and for syphilitic diseasetbon any other wc possess. The professions™ h£ debted to you for some of tho best medicines we bay*.” From A. J. French, M. D„ an eminent physician of Istm rence. Mass., who is a prominent member qf the tesrit laturt qf Massachusetts. " DR. Ayeb. My dear Sir: 1 have found your Sllli- PABILLA an excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of th* primary and secondary type, and effectual in some take* that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. Ido not know what we can employ with more certainty of suc oess, where a powerful alterative is required.” Mr. Chat. S. Van Hew, of New Brunswick, 2f. J., bid dreadfhl ulcers ou his legs. Caused by the abuso of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggra vated for years, in splterorevery remedy or tnatSSikt that could bo.applled, until the persevering use of AYEB’s Sabsapaeilla relieved him. Few cases can be found more inveterate and distressing titan this, and it took several dozen bottles to core him. XieoeorrbcDa, Whites, Font ala Weakneee, are generally produced by internal Scrofulous UlemtxHme, and are vary often cured by tho alterative eOheCof tt£ Sabrapabilla. Some cates require, however, ta eid of the Sarsaparilla, the skilful application of local rem edies. From the uellknown and vddelyceleinaed Dr. Jacob MomV, of Cincinnati. “ I have found your Sarsaparilla an excellent aitrea- Uve In diseases of female*. Many oases of Irregularity, Leucorrhoea, Internal Ulceration, and local dabfOty, tim ing from tha scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to tt. Mid there are few that do not, when its effect is properly sided by local treatment.” , A lady, unwilling to allow the publication qf her name, writes: “ My daughter and myself have been cured at a secy debilitating of long standing, by two bottiae Of your SAR3APABILLA.” Hheomatlam, Oout, Uver Complaint, Heart Disease. Neuralgia, . ~ whan earned by Scrofula in th* system, ere rapidly firm by this Ext. Sarsaparilla. f- AYER’S CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over the other purga tives in ,the market, and their snperior virtues ate so universally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. 1 Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by Sold by J. A. Roy and P. R, Williams, Wellshoro ; Dr. H. H. Borden, Tioga; S. S. Packard, Covington ; G. V. Elliott, Mansfield; S. X. Billings, Saines; and by Dealers everywhere. [Nov. 23,1864-ly.] “VTTELLSBORO STEAM WOOL CARDINS A W CLOTH DRESSINS WORKS.— The Sub scriber having bnilt an entire new Mill for the pur pose of Carding Wool ana Dressing Cloth in (he lower part of town near Riberole’s Tannery, returns thanks for past favors and would inform the people of Tioga County and other places adjoining that ha is ready to Card Wool en short notice aa his works rnn by steam power. Wool Carded and Cloth Dressed at as low rates or lower than any other establishment in the country. All work warranted to give! good satisfaction. All work sent from a distance by stage will bo returned by the same If ordered. Wellsbooo, May 81, 1865. CHARLES LEE. The wellsboro and troy express.— The subscriber will take charge of Express pack ages for Now York and Philadelphia by the way of Covington, Mansfield, and Troy, guarantying thoir safe and prompt delivery at the offices at each place. Packages for Philadelphia may be sent cheaper and quicker by this route than by the way of Corning and Elmira: Packages for New York can be ant cheaper, and aa promptly by this route as by may other. Office opposite Roy’s Drag Store. W, N. MARVIN, Proprietor. Wellsboro, June it, IMS-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers