n £ : i H& 1 CnvSTAX’ Pil? m TAM HOTEL ill jt; ~ d *’-1 < _ hoiV enve’iu auVrmnceioblsmlS friends and toibc tjint ht .ami jHtcd.itmf>.3«onp*id f to n« a Teuipcraiiro'HiJftj!’. I pfl f a»sfiil Tie Bpitft'lfti apeomroodute, ibe traveling. pjfcUo storing u good hostler ‘alvhHyp|*k tShd,' DAVID lIAUT. J'*S. JsT*Wietfr%' , & S. F. ?IrNSELL°IIB, AX. LAW. will /V attend the Coorj.-if. Tioga. Pnltor and McKtfafi W; rxii fe/VU'his raeidehcoj riepVJthd Acoi ,Allwprk .l ®6uisiiess;diine pryniptlyepu wdmartecf.i '* [April 22,' 185A.}. .', .■;'pr.C/B’l SIW il<!:*lS|3 . w' -je 0 aNJv.ls«, tf.*.-' - ■-•:■-■■ Mxr. Arfieui,, . JlUv.. Proprietmv .Uu&ts iaiaalo the Depot frcrul'chai^e.^ ‘ iSVfr/enn. i: b'ijK £jC &b r T%qp a- bo^Vr^ps-A.' WillxisU of tW) Coiipty, or re 1 eelya trCatufcl% [June 14,] Attorney anil counsellor at law Wellsburo,-*Tiug| 'C<>.,'-E*. - ' • Will derote .is tuoj eS{tUrfVelj to,![ul of law. Collective Alula.s u’ ah r xj? ; tb« Kv^hcrDhounlietofiPcnnSyl taiuS. V-l ... T ||_- -.-[-• no.Tpl.9tLt- Oerttir oj ila.it tiLhet-.frfthr Avenue, Welteb oro, Pa. Tbit Vco' I 'ro-Stle<r and re furnished %rsoW‘opTn'to the public as a first-class boose. , ' ? ■ ' . ■: -! u.v xlp-*- wQ%i‘ro» •• iiorsE, | a.’ v. r h uMI)-MP 'phupri£tor. ; " Caitfbi, TT.-ga fcennly^Pa. rp;lis U anoi» Ivautli- iestcd Sitfii# envy accci« o _|_ aie boat filing nns; limn.iuggfuuntUi in ivurtharo -Pi. NJ pains.will be ' f :u:r(pd, fur the accommodation of pla.tsuca seekers as f ;i]a traveling public. ■ - fs«o;.. ■ >y|j ■ ,a. <2. jC,. ji;H ' ' Q HOP -in the roar of f Office. Everything in -iril+ttm TTTII-bC‘ doiy>-Jia well end promptiy-ae it “ 1H ba'a..T;e^iibcltfihftJnim;Cßfcpufitio-nsfor re aring ilnudaift and %T|utifying the hair, for silo ‘ he ap. - ,Hvjr 3nd color. ..Call and - ... THE COBIVtwG JOI'KHAL. . .Qaprjo W. Pratt, and Projector. It, published at Co., N. Y., at Ope Dollar iiu.f Fifty ■C<r>* per year, in advance. Ibe •Joaraa! is ’Republican and has a circb a tt iB r'oacbiag -iut.i cvel : Jy’lari of Steuben County.— 'f hose-desirous “f oatoii|i ’? thoir business into that and tile adyu.uiug i-,.iuuf°i trill find it an excellent sd rertisiug medium. t Ad-. cjs as above. ' W-E X. L S <> HOTEL, * . . - WEELtu|||oCGH. PA. B. S. FARR,. . : ; PROPRIETOR. , I [formerly of thTSjSoked Smtet Hotel ) ■ Having' leased this w. sllkiiSirn and popular H<ui(P, apliaits tho patronage ,uf;.£bo pnbiic W; I h uI tunhi-Fc and ooligtug wiilors. t.;|i|bor with the Pr<jpricto|’» k lowladgo of thCfiniaini:® ho hopes t.. make the stay of tbuie -who stop SilftS him -both pleasant and agreeable. i .vfi . - t VYolliboro, May -31, r}tt. E. IS. UE* pic-r, Jl. D., WI’JLD ,uf rj-m l he public that hel» permanently to -atuif in’ Glkkrti'lL Tioga Cn'Pu.. and Is pronroi by thirty iyr’jffesperrenec lotreai all dis eases of thc-syes and ;, .iAr 'appendages cm scientific principles, and.-thuf cure without fail, that diftalful. iMcase. oallgf <St. f -Vitus’ Danre. (Chorea Smell V't'-i tin I will nV-eftd to any other baainesstn the lin.-H.if Piiysib'and 'gfitggery. 1 - Elkland Boro, Augufjjfij; 'lB6o. 1 . FASHIONABLE j|ILI.INERY SHOP, j * ' MAIN ST, IvELLSBORO. V ] MISS PAULINE tj 4th his just purchased hei' , FARE iANDj,)¥|INTER goods, . Consisting- of Stl&wsi'cfl nil kinds. Pattern Hats, Bloomer Hats, Plowep civets, Silks of all kinds, ’audio fact ALL k'iNDS : C|F TRIMMINGS. solicits a call !;uliea of Wcllshoro aaa ▼loinity, feeliQ*; i -■! HER GOODS Wfthir'BliAß INSPECTION. | and cQoap ira favorably. tlmse of any eptablUb:] mont n<nrmy in I irrpr.ice. . * j % PRESSING done in.»,j ■iipprlor Ihiiiiiorl I I ‘t ' Union at' the ftiVdonce of C. Williams, oppo se,U S. Hotel, up-shfrij., ' ' . Obi. 2, ISCI. , . " }' ' STOPr i| STOP! !! AT hive: .After nu absence M hyylli uvl« mek>.in„tjbo Enpt; «rn Markets* iho luis- jijfwin Jutuijned Home Wih u «-arcfullj peferterf stwk of .7®IF AXD GOODS, . •U bl*'wlurh h&vo beet .wmgbi ftir CASH. 4rid will be sold at 4, , i ‘ ’ Law Prices, rf."*hich the fallowing, ingill catalogue willjconrey some rligbfidea. , ' - FIFTEEN IKINDIVE| jYnrda Rod Wool Flannel tfnrly 1« cenli, 7 Jf; 1,5 . . ", v THREE THODSAS't ;’Snl« Double-fold Fslrametta all » s haVie.< or c"li'r oiiljj j.ti FOIUR., TH j U h A Ndif l yorib ‘ Magnificent; .Fancy Dress,tJ.inda,ft Is, l{ac|j pdj and 2»—worth doijblp the uni iey. '’ , ' v ‘ I > FIVE i'l<trß worth of,superb col ored and U..iek Dre>s (ii'lljj uewost designs a; price* to suit ’the closest but . Otfounn Cloth, all,ReppvPlain and'Parle fliurod-'Meriuoa Velonjb Jjdperatrtce of the most re uhare styles. ■ -hf \yj4olon >li ' file' ‘ .ojulun S. rfi>* in-a/jll|&.yariyty. i , lirucliu LtMig Slmnl 'afilivinil and silk. such at for ipirly sold (ji/ lO and pillar*, we now offer for 4J (Ufd 9 dollars, ~ ■ 1 = f'l ( ■ . 1 • Cloaks,'«c b received jin con. aitftimont.fK'in a firet Manufacturing lluneein Broadway, an itumene ;ft {.of stylish-cloak*, Varying in-prion (tom I i to 26; i which-w* aboil a«U at manufacture. | > > ’"’Ey(His Bilk Velver-ijl'Jritk 'and colored. _|Frenob Broadclutti,» pl»in aiijVw’ihhed. English BeaiWrat Cloth*,' (Jaksimarea ant! ; v?*tinga to suit the mostfaa liiliou*. ’ of every &d retail in fact cr «/lluqg H»uaily kept: u:4 ? CLASS :.GOOD3 HOUsA • Semiteber'thitt we' P weVdverHsei -1’ " Call- <nd get the fnoii* i ievidence of our ansrHiuß »l , dV-RS :AUL'S beß ’* '- ( ? r V -» y” - ■ iF .d. % • »* - 1 ‘ r -* r ? NQ.TICB it berehj.- tt fen to those who <m« me, ; either m» time uripin|)imik account, to * come for <j.kstiend emtio os w«h> m?.,i?VM'We. iam cunipvllcd lg comteqnence of fire fi»*ek tnj friend; (a be'prompt ID their'pi.j«^t» l .ami thus give me the tuengte tqkeep inj»elC{ -, J 4 J ... W.M. RiJiiKKTci. = Dec. 23, 1861. f ,14—— NOTI'-S VO VUE PVplitC—Rui away from Ao -ob.-riber. ‘>u inM., ELUiAH T- KuK- ; li&CSfiwh'i-Wtts bvunil ;vn*.'ir i P r, 'nt-c«' until fie, of { an. . ilo ha* l«!i in- wV&put ju.-I cause ijr.jjrpToc*- , tig*. -'-Till*, is lo Pirbiil-in Ip-re me harboring or truet- i lag him ‘in <oy aoamiot, r I ehall pay no duble of hie couicocliiw-, Jlia is*;W eyhipßii-y«»riCi »■ ■ T-( williamfi&sa. Sottad, Ok, 19, lights >,; ■ I pvt A'jcnries in all theprhicJpnl Cities and Toxen9 in tht 3»t<£Q%¥ Sfftv OT Sl*illll<* or I.o«K Sf licit IlVncliiiic*. TUe Ornrer i Baker S, M. Co, beg to call the at tention of the public to their recently introduced rwmemm These machines combine nil the latest useful im prorements iu sewing machinery, and are highly rec ommended for lhair ~ „ , f . ~ . Simplicity of Construction; Ami Beavhj and Regularity of Stitch. *J »(* T® r-v "I , i’ '- 1 r ~ VaHoot-'-frtylWw adojrtriil-4o tae bonte or workshop will be found at the different agen cies of tbo company throughout the United States. Their new SHUTTLE MACHINE FOR TAILORS’ USE. The latest Triumph of tTo*s?wTng machine art—noise less, rapid, and easily operated—will commend itself to those who use machines for manufacturing clo thing. These justly-celebrated machine?, adapted t* all tbe wants of tho household and manufactory, con tinue to maintain the pro-oailnence which tho almost universal verdkt of tho public bus awarded them. Tbe well koowtr of the Grover A Baker Stitch will always insure f*r these machine? tbe preference for thmily use, and fui the uumufucture of such goods as arc intended for we.ir—K.r m>e and not for show. Whiroer tho Grover A 801-er Stitch Maohino have been exhibited and fairly judged in competition with tho leading Sewing Machines in tbe market, io eludingtlft \thecltt -hivo^mr^riiiblA borne utf the first pfeimum. *1 his*assertion is confirmed by tho decision of the Committees of tbe State Fairs of ILLINOIS,. OHIO AND MICHIGAN, recently hel^,"which awarded 1 &6 Stiff premium k tbe G:oxer A Baker Muchiuo over ail others in oum petition. Oct. iO,ISGI UPON HIGH raiCLS 1 LONG CREDITS! Flus just returned from tbe cities with a complete as SUGARS,;. .' :', i GDKFBBB.V- * • TSAS, MOLASSES, RAISINS, SPICES, End other staple Groceries, which cannot be excelled in quality or cheapness in this or- any uther country town. Ilia new stock of Groceries eutbraees SALEIEAT&Bi: SOAP, , " CASTOR OIL. . FLUID, uv»" LAM ? 9SV-* and nearly all the luxuries* nfed in the tallies of Civiltluliun gcnenvll.v and the people of'Rotra County in particular. Among these are ?ucb articles as HAMS, Sugar-Cured or Smoked, Always on hand Also, I R 1 9* #Mick f o>- Including, WASH TJJEBS, PAILS, CHURNS, and other things too numeruua te mention, DRIED FRUITS, |uoloS?fJ ur ' : 4' »■ S-iKA -■« DRIED RRCNES, DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, DRIEIj ENGLISH CCRRANTB, « iSSfel s#¥plit peas, Alijb, all kinds of NUTS and FANCY CANDIES. HIISCEULAWEOUS. HEMP aid CANlK¥%EtS§r* ? * LAMP CHIMNEYS, all sues, v Adamantine Candles, doi eo varies, and 4 good assortment of Yankee No. TI4.OSJ*, mmma*. those fine fliqt Chimneys for Lamps, which do nu, break from heat, Alan a largo assortment ui lan pa. also a lot of that Petroleum Oil which suits evurjbodj, and do** not explode.- For tale at I ROT'S DRUG STORE. [TVTEW W-aktft T J JLI I WEIGHT? 4 BAIIETB ■ 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. MAKING TUB 6HCITI.B OE LOCK STITCH. NuiseUssncss ; Rapidity ; Ease of Management ; Capacity for all kinds of Work, GROVER & BAKER HACEINES, & -SA'skit- sfife#: VMIL All!. O. BULLARD surtraent of ORANGES, KEROS IN E, DRIED BEEIg an article, CODFISH, Pickled or Diied,' MACKEREL, WUITEFISII. HERRING, I‘ICKLED LOBSTERS, SARDINES, 40. A good urtiole of FAMILY FLOUR. WOODED WARE, FANCY BASKETS, MEASURES, BABY WAGONS, two or three kind?, 6 dips, 1 ' ‘“BTtOoSfohuSfcES, CLOTHES BASKETS, MARKET do. I CLOTHES PINS, lots of them, BASKETS, i «c''WttsEijßAftßO!S;Sjs for. jmall boys. BUGGY MATS, is and Toys. • MlaboM, April 17,1861. : n fo tire fHovuc ■ • IPSB ’ 0F Tlfß* IJIIITEP t;' . ; of th« undersigned (6c, the, . qffrwritfori the public J}f, Sftds’lmeprial Wise Bitters, wd in -tbis;*hort ! hair*- oven tochi usiydrsal-tails bctioa ioibb . perwtU who them thni ItTlnnow l ah established article. The amount of’bodily and mental misery arl£'nk 'frbta imeglecfof. small is therefore of the utmost Importance‘that 'a strict attention to the'least and moat trifling bodily ailment , had; 3 fpr u dteaseS of the body must invariably j jlissoind, Th'-Bubdcnber* now only a«k a trial of . | Jv;BO?EE BOPS’ 'm I -ixPERMfr -mNE tfirmSshu "•■■ s: t*]~ 'J * j 7. }i:' ■ c -i- 3 " fftm all Khp hayc ootuscdftheai.. We challenge the world tOiSWlivT^beir,.e^ualrv-> s v ., - < t , •£faese. .Bitmap fee ef Weak- Stoapaohs. General Debility; and for .Pmtfyjbg and Knrichiqp ;th« Jtlaod,Arv Hbaolntely-UDParpsssed.lry any other remedy oq.fcsrjh. -'l'd behsstxrrd of this* necessary to tnakt: the trial.;- The Wine’lt**lfi*-cf stronger than other wines; warming and invigorating the whole syrtwa-frbot tßi hM.d to the feet- As these bitten? are ftmfd auiTalterativH' In their chancier, so they -atrengthm' ami invigorate the whole system and give a fine tone atnl. healthy acHoato-all Its parts, by «4b.iUziDg<tke circulation remove oj)«nictiottf, ami. pntf Hvarmth Thsyarr.fjsd pEpeileut for Diseases ami Weakness peculiar. Tonic i* jequiypdr to strengthen And system. 0> tedy» is subject to hiiaitudeand* faintness, should be without them, as they are ftvlttagUodraction. 'V V; these bitters Will not.nnly. :Oare r *bat, Prevent Disease, ami in Alsrespect .at a-doubly . valnchlo 'to t tic person who tlicor: For,;. - Wp£t System, Paralysis', Pilesj-and fot all cases requinug* Xouic Dr,' IMs'-* Celebrated W ine ;Bittersi <.-For Sorp. Throat, aO. common among the Clergy, they arc truly valuable. . For tbelaged and inflrtruond for,persona of a.,u*c*k con #thuttrfh-*for Minh-tera of thfrGospol/Lrwytrr.aml ail pul) He'spenfieri— Tor Book-Kvepersi Tailor*? Scaostmac*, btc denfa. Arrl&ts. apd aii.piTsona leading a ■wdentary-liro. they : ASif B#v*r-»geJthey are \vholuwaie. inndcdnt.and delirious fo tlie'tbSt*. TfeeJ pro«l p ce all tb*.* exhilarating effects of ftniudy cf'Wlne, without intoxicating? and aro-a valuable nrtfaSdvftjr persons addictnd td tbo use of excessive strong iirmlc.*and'Who wish to refrain fn»m it. They aro pure and entirely free from the poisons couUim-d in the ndulUTatcd Wiha»itf£lf4uoc*>itlr>which tliecoimtn"fc flooded, Thee* Dilfr* not only CUBE but PKEVX.NT and should: beared by all vbo live m s* country where the water U bad. or whore* Cbilfc and Fevers aro- pranlent. Being eritirclyinooceot ami harmless, they tuny bo given freely to Children ami infanta with Impunity. •Physicians, Clergymen, nu*l u-taperanco advocates, oa au act of Jmranuity. should ossdst' In spreading theU truly valuable BITTERS over fhoihnd.ami thereby essentially MU in banishing Drunkenness and Disease. la all Affections of the Bead, Sicli Head ache', or Nervous Headache, Hr. Hods’ ,Imperial Wine Bitters will be found to JioJ most Salutary and Efficacious. ? The tn&tij certificate-* winch have been tendered us. aad the letters whi-.h wpare iia:iy receiving.are conclusive proo among the women those Bitters have given » satisfor t:i*n wnleh no others hate (Km** before. >u «oui..d m the and Jhould be withC*uUh?m, and Uwgg wfcoancc-use thorn will not fail to kwp » supply. May 10, TSCI.-ly. Af# prepared by an eminent and skillful phv*»h*inn wlio has need tbenf’scccessfutlT in hie practice f<>r the twonty-five yennl. The proprietor. before pnrrharinp the exrln<irc right to manufacture an i fell Dr 1 .!. Bt»>tc D-vio* Celchmtnl Im perial them tested- by tvVo tlMtitigm*! ed medical 'p'nirtltioners who pronounced then? a valubblfc finbdy-for disease. :fl Althoftgh the raedtfeil men of the country, bu a general thing* ffftapprove of Patent we do not lielietfe that a T rrsprctnble physician can be found fa the United «Hafe«. acquainted with their medical properties, who will not high!} approve DU. J. DOVRE DUDS’ IMPEIITAL WIM: BlTT£lt&\ ttt All ucWly settled places. where there H always a large qurtutfty ofUecayinsr aim her fioni nhich n pwboiums minima ft ertatod, these Blltcrs’should be used Jvery morning b fore Breakfast. ~ - .„i, J * TO E DODS : ■ LEMONS, CAMPHfiNE, •iiyPEai lL fl l» E- BITTERS Are fotnpJseu of .a pure Vt’fnV. coli\f>lhcil with Barberry, Solomon'* \\ IM-Cherry Tree Bark; eptkeuanl, Chamomilet Flowers, and; Gen’tiau. Th*’} are manufactured by Dr Dcds himself. i\ ho is-an cxpuiieiicdd and ijifeoessrul rtiysiciftfi, and henca should not be classed among !K6-quack nostrums which tluod the country, and against which tbo Medical Profession aiy so Jufelly pnyu diced.. * these truly valuable Diner* hive been §o thoroughly (osied by all of the community f"r almost even ▼aftety nf disease incident to the human system, that they ate no* deemed Indispensable a# a Vjojic, MEDICIXE AXE A HEVEIUGE. : ■ PUHCIIASE ONE BOTTLE ! It Cast* but Little I Purify the Blood'. Give Price $1 per bottle, 6 bottles for $5. ' CHARLES WIDDIVIELD & CO., - - . SOLE PROPRIETORS, - * . WiUlnm NcwYflfrk: JE&** For sale by druggists and grocers generally tbrongb out the country. ' Sept. 25,1801.—1 y. Tj6QA..6o>bOU«T'PROCL.UUXIpK. the Hon. Robert G. White, Prb.-ident tor the 4th Jiirficfar District of PennfryWnhia, atid ‘Royal Wheeler hnd Victor Cnee, E-q.'a, - Ae*o: ,cmfe Judged in county,'“have issued their pre l.cept, bearing' date the 14th day of Deo., 1861,* ,ahdfo me directed", tor fhe hoTd'ng of Orphan's Conrt, | Court of Common Pleae, General Quarter Session* ttr.WdtsboTO.-fnr (hit Cnppty lof Mo.id a y f. v F «b coary, (being ls>2, abd to condicue two weefis.” ‘ jfotico is therefore hereby gven, to the Coroner, ijtfetibesof the Petted, and Constables in and for the to apl'enr in tbeir ’6wif ■proper; per jaotw, wlsth«lr records. inqnifdtfuhe, eiominatidnsond Ireriiciilbra'ncA.'Co da those things -which of 4beir icAt'ahd in-theirhehHlf appertain 1o he'donc, -and aB *imDelse£ftrid'other persons *in~ behalf-of tiVCuhs'inubweaUh against uny - person or persons,afd } r6qtlirdd t’difc &en and. there attending,-atid. -hot tfr ,depnH ; fct-Hh&Jrt>eTll.- ; JuK»rt» are requested to brpiriic; Uua! in their attendance at the appointed tune, agrtfe ! (St fr IM d erimy hand and cenTj-vtlie FBfer.iff> -o®'c^ l i thfr2l*t dAy <»E'Deißmher4n the Lofd one' tbotifaind etghrtmndred and sixty ,- bW’ s - ' * H; STOWBLL, Jr.,-Sberiff. JOSEPH; - ; t J his BOOT. SHOE, LEATHER : ,<(tf4-I^WJ?I^v : STORB t i - fonphU,tete locctiott/on , ; bis. Tannery at the I*■wer* ehd‘ ot tho glad ’wait ob hl?c.u*fomer* ?aifd’ Competent wovkhafp ,Sre ethpfoyea m l lfie iritH'a ctunug- T^p^rirfisnktad all tp heTj-W-dwo o*b^f*6tare-: A hni»t> f ’ AHkitSWef AeiAlrtr band aoU .price* for cash.urineadyspay,.;:, i; -,.' : ;v 4 <• HISESaridVELTBISIt en In exchange for Goods r ;jWitUßbor5 r j£igl:X^lßffU'L ;" ,; v . N. ;B^'AU;tl»#s-indebted to the'aubscriber by beak accAnV'or-<»£eirtJidrani requested to call at onoo‘ ocd square up. JOB. RIJSBROLIE. Mi ; 'fid(jA ! c ch?s&' S®Wa ftW-, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, ARfi: UNSURPASSED! FEMALES. DR. J. BOV EE DOCS’ .IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Tone"'to the Stomach! Kchoraic the System ! and Prolong Life ! Prepared nnd sold by “aaar w JIOFPATS VEOBTABLE WIFE FIXXiS, AND PUCENIX BITTERS. THE high and envied celebrity which theee prominent Medicines have acquired iur their invaluable efficacy in dll the Diseases wllich they |irofese to care, hao rendered the unulprKticcof puffing net only unnecessary, but unworthy. •if them. IN ALL CASES .)f Asthma, Acute a«d Chronic Khematism, Affection* cf the UUdJ^mdKlJney^ ]ia UVBR complaints. In th« south and west, where these diseases prevail, they will be touml mvaltf.ible. Planters, formers and ulbers, who yßce use these Medicines, will never afterwards be without „«ii using these mcdluupe immediately. Eruptions of the sdtiu'. ErysijHdas. Flatulency. Fever au r i -'lmic.—*For tois scourge of the western Country. the-<e medicines will be found a sate, speedy find certain rem edy. Other medicine* leave the system subject to a return ot the disease; a cure by these med Hues is permanent. Try tln.-m. Be satisfied «ud bo cured. F ulnar of 1 omplcxion '***■ _ _ . GENERAL DEBILITY. GOUT, GIDDINESS, GRAVEL, Headaches of every kind. Inward tuflamatory Uucma tism. Impure Blood. Jaundice, Lobs of Appetite. Mercuriul IhscaK-s.—Never fails to eradicate entirely all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the moat pow erful preparation «fsUn«apanll». lTvirtt NltiliX SWEATS. NERVOUS' DEBILITY. COSTPLAINTS . f <r»» cured of Piles of yeats* etaililng, by the use of these Life medicines.nlone. PAINS io the head, «ula..bacfc Joints and organs. JHivtuMtism,— Those affected \yith this terrible disease,will be sure of r«ljel by the Life Medicines, . Ru-ih of Blood to the Head. Scuivy.Salt Rheum.Swellinga mmmsmmi I'inen. Parents will do well tliein whenever their existence ie suspected. Relief will be certain. The Life Pills and Phcenix Bitters pciapy tub blood, And thus remove ell difyflee from tlie sjstdm. Prepared and «oMbv " ‘ 01C WILLIAM B. MOFFAT. , York. For sale by all Druggist*. 52yl pALL AND WINTER GOODS! 1 JEROiH£ SMITH Hn» new on at»a;*XeSHBE nil EXTENSIVE STOCK- of DRY GOODS, Consisting* in part of _ BLACK AND DEESS SILKS. WOBSTED GOODS. Plain & Figured Delaines & Cassimercs, ME HI NOES. LADIES' CLOTH. ,fc rittwaw MAS&msii'.y.z LONG AND SQUIRE SHAWLS, And in fact the Le?t n-porlmml of LADIES' DRESS GOODS Ever brought into this County, I bin uU» a Si'olk' of ' i i DOMESTIC- GOODS! Such as Frowu «nd Illc.iched Shortings and Shirt ing? ; Tickings. jUyoiw- viyprd SUiun'i* 8 * arifi White Colton Hutting. Carpet Warp. Cotton Yarn, Drilling, etc., etc. * We bine also a large slock ol CLOTHS AKD CASSIMERCS, Sutinetfs, I have aUo, a Lirt-e arnl Ex'en-ivo Stock of GROCER 1 E S, READY-HADE CXoTIi I.YG, HATS TVTT CAPS, Llouls and Shoos, 11 .i id w ire, Crockery, Glass Ware, Wooijcn-ware, etc. t etc. I wonld invite the of purchasers to tny assortment of CARPEIS A\D FLi)Oil OIL CLOTHS which is timlnaljifeiilj the nj>S"rtineol ever brought into the county, uud will 1-e -t>M ft prices tkul mu-1 give Sabikarann pun l.ascr*, gciiL.r.ill>, t<« cull nnd o.\.nnii>e >n_) G<*uds nnd Pries*, uml limy vrlll nnd.mhtedly find Hint the place to buy Good Gouda and at I.»>v\ Pnct? K nt tho Store of JEROME SMTili WeUsbnro, Oct. 9, ISM. rA^r5 — DR. ROY | \ CAM ALWAYS BE FOUMD AT ROY’S DRUG STORE, ■WMIxt.OroV'TW.V'. wljcrc he may be consulted at nil hours, J of the day by those who desire [ ADVICeJ SPECIAL, NOTICE. TO COSSCMFFIVES. THE health in a very Id* Very after having butfeied several years with a severe long afieu- Uon, and that dread diaoaso, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his lellow-BuCorers tbo means of cure. To all who HrfittntaffSi copy of the pre scription used, (free charge,) with the directions lor preparing and uMng the same, which they will find a suns cctiß for Consumption, Asthma, Jiitoyoiims. «£c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is ft) formation which be conceive* to be invaluable, and ho hopes every sufferer will try hi* remedy, as it' will cost them nothing, and may prove a blousing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address , !•J3 i TlfctMTlU\9 jfel) a?#ILS&N. WUUmnsburg, KiDj; Cuuuty, Sow York. (3m.) October 23, ISfil. W ELLSBORO POST OS FIS E. Mmis ft&ga. Oor > ninjj, Cleveland, New York, Ac.,) Ht 943 a. si. The Southern (Trov. Philadelphia, urn. Ac..) at 7.43 a. si. The Jer>ey Shore, (Morris, Cod.»r Run, Caliiornm MuiU leave New York the let, llih and 21st of each month. An Overland Mail for California leave* Rt. Louis *' Overland.” p* All letter* alleged to contain valuable enclosures should be registered. Post Masters are instructed to retain nil mail mat ter belonging to any iuvindgftl un his arrearages— if he be in arrears—for postage be paid. Post Office open from 7 A. m.. to 8 p. w. f every day, Sunday excepted. Hugh Toupo, P. M. biggest gi ant or the smallest baby. Cheapest in town [quality considered], at the REGULATOR TK7OOL! WOOL! The highest Market * * price paid for Wool at the Uu!«>n Storo of .» MPpiWo*atfW*wa«r ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Uiddlebnr; Centre, Tioga Co., Pn. ’ Will attend to all basinets en trotted to bit tare with ’nromptnesa and fidelity. ■ • 'V p Bept, 11, 1851. o%T‘ Tfc-Tf* «. IVALBA'BtiE FAR7IIW LANDS v'ii.'HFOß SALE*. , r J''rfE i miy^ff«rin(r-ft>''SettiPrf . - Aeijilargo quantity of excellent fanning lands, sit ■ uatmi/armiewo tn fiiteen miles’ dislfilTee firom WelJj: ; burn, in, Deltnnr, iiliippon, Morris ana J-iik townships, '• Tij.ge piyFti., ' • , Tjbe lands urn generally Well watered, (rriodjioll.jind of the country, and will be’sold, in lota to suit purchasers and on very liberal terms ol payment. ■ ' ‘ V ’THE' "LAST ISVEJjTED, ■- - «■ ■ best ASX> 1 ! } jsr*SlitTC3- BED Ilij- - t(8E : I and I‘pbter nnd ( XtX frioa, only For wde Vy‘„ ( n, * .^. ,®v®* WE&LS, Luwrencevilie.. J. W. BAILEY, & CO. T7T? VPiUJIjEBCIAL COEEBO E. " £eovtll rtfE SOSGBtftfASKA vltikv'BAS*, ' I^^.^<^tl£,Pi , Accounts, { OMSwaa aaaMftJ!ic, Waia6t ’.of ■ Lowail’e ujSrti 1 **«>»«»* **•; Accountant, Profeasoi of Hook- I -i<*f;< * f ; <• - , Teacher tu the, Book-Keeping Po 2 A?j! Warn£E. Professor of Practical 'uhd Ortamenta) Pcb' rrv.n.Mp _ LfiCltfKßftg. --- Uon. £>A#W’BALdv«, LefcfahJfiokXdfitrictei Ih-ohniulssarj Noted ami Bills of ihccliuugc. , , Bgt.l»JiiUAaoanfe8 l ' | «t.—--o ' X COfiWIXTTEB. UgM.9DraMA?f B. t’aeuv,; Wss. H-OSSnWt: ; .EfIQ., TBAtTrR. ffiojftjft.V,. £a^/,‘^y it: the firm ot Taylor, Weed (sbr. t). 1 D.oE?«TOX,dflbc firm gf JacludXL.JDebtob £ >Mafli.Bo wmOj Striker - * *-* •'•'—" ■ 3Ujc dtftcf o| this<JoJege is th afford to alt an opportunity ijf vbfiui>ing»tliorpUKhtiaßjfteßi>educntu)h.;. •. \>t- > The are carefully Arranged by practical ftCcountiibts e^preSsly’for thisThsltution atid embraces all t :^tt>rec6n( > < iAp^ovt‘hlMlt^; , ■ - "' ' J : - ?b<footirte of instruction ‘comprises erery department> b*«iueas.-. Xbe learner wUi be thoroughly taaghi the scions practice of Iktuble £utry applied to t fo]luwiug kjpds of business, ilahufUclurifig.' Blinking 'Commission ?teamboatidg r Kail* poSdjng.'Pdrwßfdtng'.PreJglitJxig. foreignflipping,ic. ' Men ainquHlliyihetoelveaxVaßhbrt timeafthis bwtiUJUeo.'to, filUmportaut anttdocnttire situations. Abu plt?gsfre#c«ac*p be giyeu.tvheff* et JSgO are-cow tfllintple-irjiby situations with aalarie* varying from $5OO to $l5OO per annum. The Propi ietorsar» in possession oftealimo&iaip from some u:ive Showing their' entire satn-fic rt6nV6^l4futrd'mics'rn! the ability’of the graduates of this iD'tiiuti'in. 1 l’t*siA.v£mr; to all fUtranche*. fUngbtJij \h* most skillful and tho'oujdt matters of Che art. *\o cuilege iu the buuutrv eigftyittl:h)trh*Jr reputation fn thla department'. *JjnldrcA-tojparioionteoUwly separate from that of the gen tiqmpfrw ’•? * i -i ardent* can enter College at Aijy time—no racatJeme lo’Complete the confWfroia $ to, 10 weeks. .Student* pft*Sf«jrthe rcquwite examination are prerfenf tyl with tlio A»i*C.4l.(botooand<degi(ntly*iiffravpO DiplMna issued by any cummer ial or.classical institution in Xfip-lfmon. Assistance, {egdeted to crudpftte? iu procuring <UtuatkttiM. terror of Tii'Moii- price* of board,. testimonial* fnnrf gra<lua»es. filling situations, Ac., send for circular coip taiuiug full particulars, t- : ' ISyl. 1 WELI'SEORO FOUNDRY ■" ASD .if VCIZI,\R jiUOP ■ A-CTAI N IN FULL ULAST. RO K f EJIT .YOUNG, late of the firm of Tabor Y"Uiig A Go.. n««ga, take* this method to in lu/m the Public thafho ha* teamed the ! “ITonnary and machine Shop, in the bnving J j)tllf’it fn gu<rd prepared to do of work usually done at such an e?iablu>lj ifteiif, in the be*! manner and our of the best materia!. 1 ££PERIENCE I »-;Ue has had over.twenty yotuVexperience in the bu suie.-**' and will have the work, entrusted to him, done directly under bis supervi.-ion. • K6' itork \cUI he tmt ottt half Jinuhed, ■ jrtti-Gb4jiixas, plows, srottes and castings of h!3 kinds oafaand und made to order May 28,- , ; j . • RUBEUT YOUNG. ,N‘ :! .V:new gooos: T.L.BALDTO is now receiving a largo and WelTSc Octed Stockrof FALL AXB [ MhVTFL GOODS, consisting in parfof liGnlrern! Sfocl of 'DRY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, REAI?Y' ; JfADE' CtOTlfr^i?}' HATS AND CADS, ’GROCERIES, HARDWARE, V ROODS ANDtSHOEa,.: WOODlif* ■ WARE, | djc.,/ %&q.* ( Ac^ All of whtoh VEKY LOWJtjiT iifeAiiV pay ofcxr: a Y% A‘t£*krjiS ( W £ e6t!»fSY rMfeocS 10 TAKEN’ IN EXCHANGE. All GOODS ' ’ c ' Fea d r p AV,/ lollin’ ar,T ertTßrn* 4 .THE ST 0 CK, As they arc t*> be'sold at “ ‘ ~ ■ rj Hi&f | o w - FXicEd: :: Tioga, Oft 18, 1361. T.L. BALDWIN. ’ ■■ " A ry E W FLOCRISQ MILL 03? HULLS CREEK, NEAfe HOLIDAYfIt^LId . Ttie subscriber, having completed-bis large three *i'>ry CJri.-t ami Flouring Mill, is prepared" to ' furnish Flour, Meal uudTeed in quantities to suilpurcbdsert. CUSTOM W 0 K K offc^ndsun,.short notice, and on terms which canny! fail to please. I have TIiUHE’ UUN OK utmost continuity employed, am) am Kare'thutn tfiTiT ipy'wotk will prave beneficial to the customer os tfulliis* myself../ * 0. P. MctJtUKB 1 / 1 December's/ 1860.' * For. further -particulars inquire of the ovroerp, MiftiiCiPhelps, rv.idge i Co., Ul'.'and 21, Cliff St., Ts>rk, ijr Uf the - ■ , JOHN WCKINSON, Agent ; ;\v«l 1 jUoro, 0 Ot< 3^18 (1D-.J.1 T Iroßfe, klw& Fibw #e'ad, Barters’ i.i;L. Tbo.BtibstTilie7' azould ireapectfulljr announce to Hie citizens of Wellshoro that beitaa on hand j»ti «». «oi:<4*M®n3Knaion’> Columbian Hair-Ojla, Soaps, Comma, Hair KnstnraXiyfc». .Bunge..and Ponder _£ur •fr® Jfdj«, *<?., He wonld.tpyits all ,t(tsi»a him * dan, at the bnrber shop, Cadk df the PostMßi-Kt t \'. ' GEti. .CAMPKEtE.' 9 . C 2 nSSTi®. 5^6-lnk^ a ? r >V Ciißitfin'ed Srtiiitter and liAnl our UiU, (md, can;'i)6w olean all ancpsaparot? alt' foul VraTo' from, fe Fafin’erßoan harS afl, (B 6 - ofjt6e'ir'Beed.Kii ead aVour Millat 4'6ta. . (Jail and.ezamino Ihj.‘'mefehecm”’ »ajt-.;,ar. /•■ T?V " VfWEtGfBT S' BAIt®SV , ‘ Tvellsbord, Haro|lc! ( ;l'B<s:,'. r T f HErSTE OtGRISTaiILLS near TIOGA, will resume basisets on the 261 h ofSopletnfiur, U. S. JOHNSTON- Flß^.fe^FEiKEDßi^ -:. Bigelow'a. THbjipsos;» A E TAA FIRE IA S l/R A A'CE CDVo Of Hartford, Ct.—Capital * ' PAfENIX FIRE 'Of Hanfarj; cl—capitaf V £c ?if; PEOPLES FIRE ISSUUAKCP - Of New York COi » NEW.ENGLAND FIRE mosiL Of Hartford, Ct. , VSi XOI MANHATIAN FIRE INSURANCE r „ Of New York City,—Capi, a i NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE Co' Thosubttcriberaaro prepared' t 0 auraDcb ou the moat favorable terms t. kril»n!»n<) r«Uable Stock-Compa™!, Farm buildings inured for tbree V. low a« any good-oomfid-ui*^, • All lf iae»,wil> be S?,romj.tl i ; a dj UBted Office. Applications!)}- mail »m *? ! teutiod ~i-' tT Wm ?*!’ Oct. 13, 18fl2; CHT. ... ?■ JOBBING TON, Surveyor h : . !**'-*% I*'- I- 1 -'-! ■ta '£ - -'j J. 6 H N A. Roy WELLSBORO, Pji ’ APOTHKOA J wBOLEitiLE AMD KATill HUU| 111 pcs', iftpiCISES AXD CBEiiij PERFUMERY soip^ ITfIREr 'ilW FANCY AIITII f !. 2% VAMNmEs, Pj/^ . , r -OILS AND DYE-STUFFS, : EITEJt HEliciiiil VIOLS AND BOTTLES, , . .V’INDOW-GLASS, POTTY, •- ■ L-V-MPS, CIGAKS AND T( PVBJE IVISES ASD BRAI ' '■■■j'OH' mkimcal' PURPOSE, 'ALSO,- SACHA.VEXTAL jrßj; Warranted to be pare Grape juice, pi preHblyjfur ConjujuuiuD purpnser. '* Wo laV« ftff si-td Carrier’s Powder* dbJ the be?:, kind ol -prepariiiioLs foriWci, ; of tho ?o\ruur. tlitf'appclite i* iir/pro\ed!al uiCDi&tf'tbe organ* ure eomck< •'often* the «kiu and gives io the coat a JQ f iippearuut*e. * /I'be Liniment is used for stiff JoiiUwf all kinds in horses uud cattle. Choice Tens Pure SaJorutus. Cream of Tartar.. j Writing Paper- Engli.-BiCori'oiirite Soda,. [ Pens and £ n vef Corn Starch ; ..... j ni„ r k aniTYtli, .nid.tiinger ) indigo. Cndl'ii Pepper ami Cinnamon.’... [ articles furrol Store Blacking....-; ■f’Bdtrteaftr pm Prepared Clue , ) Vj.Jni iIW Brirtdi prick (scouring... ] Trusses £ Shot •PreHTlLpiions oiirefullj compounded,%nd pruujpil^'-ftnswcrcd. K'/'O'" le for -ale usually sold in a,{ Druif SfWre, and at the market prick Weilabt-ro, May I, 1861. CAISIVET ijjEßfflfil WARE EOf rpilE scriber most respectfully anfiut hks on baud at tbe uld stand, aitf C»u-ay Lot of Fiii'iiilßKi comprising in part Common Z? cream, Stcrtfarh Renter. Ca> d and Pirr Ynlir*, . hfvttk/ciltt Tnjylt*, Jlarbfe--(<*}iptdntid CWi Ciiftboiir.de . Cottnije and other Hedttt<sdt, i fn* nnJ\Chatre, (Jilt tint/ Itoeeicoud JJuut Picture / , r»ni«. *r corpms miidd' to order on shsrt no hrar.-e wiil.-be furolibcddf'<J&»ired. . N. B. Tnrnhignad Sawing ilurtetoawir.. s u*i l|l, 1855., B. X. Vi Ml I /~1 lIAULESION FLOORING ML A y*. *•* •- t ■ a V-/ WEIGHT <Ss BAILEY, iLivuig secured tbo best mills 19 the Couctj, prepared to do ** '* 'Cii»|wiii" I Woi : h, Ilit-rcliaut c-*/ 1 [y. :j7‘j , ’ - -and in fact dferything that can b«) done 10 Mills, so as to give perfect satisfaction. FLOOR, MEAL AMD FEES,' ■ ! ' v A’t| WHOLESALE OR RETAtti ui our ildrfe til WeUafeuro, of at the mill. t G.o«d» top groin ntilie markttprirt. . All goo4i delivered tree of" cbarptrwiihin ihf r.rtion. • ’■'WRIGHT 1 WII f li VeUgboroJi'eb*' 13j.1361. . Sf. MCHOLAS lIOTEI •„;Broadway, New Hoik, MOAM&. MEDUCIJJ TU •' Sitice'the opening of Hits vaattmd conni^ jtej, ,Iss4»£L hua.beea. c(ie single endeatoi proprietors t« : make it the most nritfentardtxtfbld hbtnefor the citisefl and *' title aide of the Atlantic. •. And whatever. has feemed likely-to *dmi tlte comfort o’ its gueata tliey bnvo endear'*’ du,l regrtVd*lo*cost;-to 'provide, and to eonibu elements of individual' and st*ch'l enjoj®^ sl modern art t invented,. and modern last o *f ftn'dttfe [riitrchage which it lys coroniw^ 1 thepgatl aijfj yrc3nrs U b *en appreciated.-. , •T-o trioet.th 9 the time?. 1 ™* 1 required.|o pgaptice the moat rigid econpffjf designed . . Have Kcdn ccd the Price of ffoarf * - ■ Dollars: per Day, >U^theisams.time abating, japne of which their table has hitherto been guppl'*®* ’ ■ : ' A ’ ! Ifft'feA’DWELt. WlirrCOMß ’<pt'25,"1861.U.3 moii- ** ■ l&rk, s, .".‘r v> l\/f AMIOOD. iron- Lost. Ho* Ju«rl Dtili«he(iiu'.ii Sealffl EuvfliJ*- the .\af«r , Tnittnimr, and Kadiral Curei'Uj* ; DrS<-miual Weakness. >t*xual Debility. hrrvro* B ‘ aniarv emißaiou._ pn*(u.cjii£ mipoleiicy. Con* an«)l*hu«ipul l>el»l!ity- Uy KobT-J Crtr* ' ~T&* foci 'that the ccm«f«F nM\y be erffctp«Uy.renm>e‘d witl'ftjt ,n,< * or- the tfanjjVrooif apjillcarfdnfl of lD ‘ r framed bougies, and,other 'denioniitriitfiT ah'd the ehtirt)> new aou tr«umpnt. a- adopted by the celebrated plained. hy mcnta >f which every one i» ei ,BlJ pelfyporfrfeftyv*»#*ttKp lf#*> ***7 inrall the advertised mWnjmsof theoay.„ prAve.* * peiL,i^» t plfigjrijv«li)pe. paid, on tbe.rvcdipt of two - -5-T? ' J J.; Dp. GIT. J ... 127(Bowffj,NewYork. Port9®* rino PAINTERS.—A rew irMele «W rb ‘ tatc-lof at half »h% jtffdViff tfi« *rtid», «■ ut Roy'fi Drtß SWfe, ' Calf find see it 7* n >. E‘ STRAT’—bima. into ,the lire fiftjf st^ . ( grey, more-. quits nljd, and amtlelj'®* 1 . The owner ia requested to eomofow ; nod*laSe ler away orsbowill , Middicbory Center, Dec. I®/ T«»:FarnnTii. TO TDK PrßLs: I Soria Cracker*. [ Markin* 1&k..,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers