% A GIT A'{(JR. A SJKI.BOS: N ew - v , ' g»le»— Sh«rlff Stow«U. ,V . fire 4 Isionoe* Compinj—, tiarlu t. Si*: Sto.Shop-t.A.Swrt, , '• Hf.ffhwl «r. i./i Kotic* —I*. W. WiUtam*. ,■ E. C»rd._ ; iu i ProTiiiom —J- J. E»lon. ; . Notice— S. 8. Archer, poor Sipooditowr Qf vDdmw TowoiUp, ‘ ItS! ud 'Bl—j. w. Dicklwon, Robort UliWlor’i Nolle* —Cuolta* D. t. r Wickham* c - for Li«n.e-J. F. DAO4H* Cl«k. |;g . T ed-E.H Oorm.nl 1( Sheriff’* Sale« crowd*‘lut mooh of ,r prepared for thU iwue.> C. Simpson, Esq., of tl it Boro, has jppnintsd" Dist.'Dept. Mason. ,e District composed of Tioja iod Brad- mntiei. Jrscs S. Fiilb desires ua (a» Sqr *»« b. a candidate for the offiw.of Consta this borough, at the -ensuth* election, mu his friends to remember this fact. The Editor hat gone to Washington-to .ifisit’to the “ Invincible*" and •• Buck from this county. Hewill probab trite • description of what he'eeea, hpw the » are situated, how they fftf; ind ether filing particular!. So look togft for hi* itr next week, ‘ ’ ' ,i- , John R. Bawen has leasei ' .the atore u(J by Laugher Bncbe, on Mat’ ’ Street, one , r north of the Post Office, whe is in ily receipt of good* direct.from 'jiew York. ,oie wishing good goods, and - cheap good*, not do better than to give him'* Call. Ad riiement next week. , • e-iu ait week’s issne, containing an ar il nnthe “observation* of the weather,” by j.’Bentley, of Tioga, there were, we learn, t irrors—Tfie types made -u* ea r that the !oW Friday" wu 1860, when it should-have a’lBlo, and the “warmest noon obsetva iti”was 96 deg*., instead of 82. ■ ' ft. Lewie Margraff, a private in Nile’s .opany, Buck-tail Regiment, frf mi tbi* Bn ijk,- reported killed at the Balt lo’jaf Drains js,on-the 20th December, turned up alive as ;diin«r of war in Richmond, Vgb A letter kis litter reached hero on Saturday last, in stb be prudently refrains from entering into ijarticulars of his capture. We think that, liu than sixty days be will be returned with lit other prisoners of war, without exchange. , TbIAICEER. —On the let of jurr, H. B. Curd, of Sullivan; succeeded i,J. S. Watrou* ni Treasufvrof this County. iwngratulateMr. Card upon hie indnction coEcc, and the people of the county upon nog iccured eo reliable end acjTptftble a man ii'jcb an important trust JOi is'propor to fibit Mr. Wat rout, tbs retiring '-Treasurer, mull a prompt, correct, and: elSolentoffi- 10“ A facetious individual who eoiadudtsth# it;" column of a New Haven j)«per was Mu a witness in a libel saltiest week, and Wining his position gave this ageoant oftbe if« of s " local editor”: j b pick op news,. write out get to <lm news and publish news ’ About every-' tylhat lives in town, about everybody that itiir lived in town, about every body that Utter lire in town, or ie'eveir expe sled to be tiers. ■ IT We have received.an invitation note atiel out side of the county, some where,) •llend a festival at Tioga on- Friday night Ui for the benefit of the Hank and Ladder *pany of that village. . If we enn find a girl enough to undertake the ! rido, tee' d-ill t’wiie if<Aeydnt, ! t. There ® kialUaitx “ dyiterßapper in 'liar’s best style, and a ball—(all for $1,50. tirpimj', Band will furnish the music for and we have no doubt that, if the good, there will be a rush fmmkll 'utreunding villages, as there ought to be. ITTbi Otikusicm.—To the porfr, unfor -0,18 men in our midst, who, have'-! nut the, dwr exercise, to those whose* confined to nhutfoom, we Mereise in lhe gymnasionlp? Set your inmatioofer-an bour every a*f. by gen |H.hesl(h'.giviDg *xeroise, This is an age •bade. Devel'ipe.yours. If y jagre a wo- W| this advise isdcnbly tinjfMtaht.— that the disy when whiter cheeks, lung sinoepasaedaw^y..‘.Thin’t be of what Mrs.Srundyjfiaayjiy Ahoutit. *P * n had preserve your health ~ hd if you have them,-and aoqaini tbeui if *h»ethem not. iji' UcW*a<in DiraiaM*ia.-^(Dr. Jam ee “f New York, pretty bigbifuthority, ’and aqn|j recent J'obj be well to add, fertfe) ft lijaoce ol *OO mffer from * they are 1 1 lo the cxtewaioa of ’ tl (ie discs** “»lwr|». bat to «h*t dwaJerf. modern **• diphihrtift, which iaD6W pt (tailing to wmtng extent ow timwhule jf fiurope eff?*- ■ ■•■■-'rHii- -• o “no* caeeaofeinaple aowtjfoat, that ita fatal ranks, seW,who W?*r* r,full J obwrred the m «ta of d» ih to ".^ ro *t oii iitUh, can l’iw I ~*»of the lose of bodily i (gpr which *h®hwM* of the fauces j truduoea, -~- feiiS ***• blood ia iiß.c'egnated, wl >, ifl b tlmiSrotoxidc IP thC^mebt | of tbit disease, therefore, the physician should j direct tbe patient to inhale the protoxide, from tollable .apparatus, until ita effects are maul fetted in, considerable exhilaration,-and after an hour 1 * intermission, chlorine should be in ; haled to check the tendency to disorganisation in the mucousmembrane. - V■ *• Under-the combined actiop of these rente* arrests'the ftieease, amfeares tbe life of the patient. | “ Tbeoxjgen of theprotoxide purifies the blood, while tbs anteeeptio properties of the chlorine arrsste lbs tendency to sloughing and gangrene. -|- : 'I ■ “Besides these meant, the throat should be washaderery few honrt with 4 strong solution of chlorinated toda, applied with a phoryngeal •yringe. Treated in this manner, Diphtheria i* a simple disease, and will sot I prore fatal in i one cate ontjof a. hundred. , a tiitp trs; TO 1882. S3PBOXAJL. I'J'OT’ICTES. THE HEALTH AND LIFE OF WOUAIt IS continually in peril if the it toad enough to neg. leet or maltreat than sexueWrrdgularities te which two-thirda of her NX are more or list* subject. Dp, OHEESEMAN’S PILLS; prepared from (II tame formula which the inventor, CONELIU9 L. CHEESEMAN, M. D., of Hew Fork, ha* for twenty yeara Died successfully in an extended private prac tice—immediately relieve without pain, alt disturbsn :n of the periodical discharge, whether ariaiag from relaxation otlmppreseioui The) ajet like a charm la removing the paint that accompany difficult er im moderate menitruatinn, and are the only tafe and re liable remedy for Flushes, Sick Headache, Paine la the Lotus', Back and Sides, Palpitation i|f the Heart, Mert- Out Tremor*,' Hysterics, Spasms, Broken Sleep tad other unpleasant and dangerous effects of an unnatu ral condition of the sexual’ function*. . In the worst eases of Fluor Aldus or Whites, th*y effect a speedy ‘‘4 J ' , TO WIVES AND MATSONS. | DR. CHEESfiMAN’3 PILLS are offend at the only tale meant of renewing interrupted meattnuu lion, but LADIES. MUST BEAR IK MIND That on that iary omwil, If taken whan th« iatunp* ttoo arise* from natural causes, they will ineritably prevent the expected event*. Thil CAUTION IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, fel inch ia tha ten dency of thePill* to restore tha original functions of the sexoal organisation, that they inevitably unit the process of gestation. 'Explicit di rirh'ont, Mating wbeit, and isbaa tkty thnvld not be pied, iri(% each Box —-I he Print Ont Dol lar tank Bor, containing from 40 to 50 PiUt, : A valuable Pamphlet, to be bad free, of the A% anti. Pilll tent by mail promptly, by enclosing priee to tbo Agent. Sold by druggists generally. ' ’ R. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, For stile at Roy’* Drug Store. r I Dee. 11, ISBI.-ly. 20, Cedar *t, New Jerk. •ptn-il jd». ‘J9BI Hi’o»f 1 ’V°lB ~ °»PI°H ‘a-AiH aaa s/mvKaoa | t« Tio)i|pemcai peo o) |[>M op fli'n 1*010)0; ttao lisq) Sup nsuoo Moq) jjy 'Aiio HSOA AL3N j ■ I - Ot to*q» inq ato nof | peq) jaaol jnoa Jod s| SGOOD U« [pat oil )vq) To* p;nois om s)ueqt sent Apnnoo oj ‘ 11803 IT spoop io)Uiy) jo q*o)> upas stq pin ‘nioioavalaa .‘ajflXS S.L!sI‘SMVOIi ‘SIAVHS 'aanoiob a.\Ev aaHovjaaa ‘sjnis 1 ‘saooo ssaaa ' ’«»9I ‘STI3NYIJ jIOOA •qj jod -sjofsi ’O.MUXYti KOXXOO j •eiofsi NOXtfVO «i a n aaa i •B)tiaa{si ‘SKIN3a [ ‘SNiasaw aaiiovaiaNki ‘smsdw aanova'ia i j ‘soon vo ■ijuo siua avwJl | BHSdJO j ,‘SAIff EES SEX SO NOIS ‘Henna mojioH ‘anvjiMHoa h svna ;mvs AaNorc BOMS mus XNSORANCB OOMFAZVT IN ; N E W YOR K; CAPITAL, 81,000,000. : Boms file Insurance Company i i ■ >»■ i NWW 'N. COXN'pCTICUTi | CAPITAL, s2ott,ooo. These Companies have complied ijith the State law. Applications fur Insurance received jby i CHARLES L‘ SIEjMENS; Weilsboro 'fioga County, Penna. Weilsboro, .Jan. 15, 1862; | T if NSEATfED interested will ,U ■ take notice that nil Rimd end Specie! taxes for 1864, School and Building taxes f0r.11882. mast lx re. tarned to the ! Commissioner's Office,; before the Bret day of February nest, or the name will not be collected, that being the'time limUedl law fojr their return. » Weilsboro, Jan. 16,i86fc»! i TjOSTl—An order drawn by the Supervi -11 gore of Weimar Township, on the Treasurer of said township payable to W.m. English, for thirteen Dollars and s xty cents, ($13,60) doled, Jan. 4, 1659, and numbered two bnndredj and forty-three. (243.) Any pezpon returning said order to the rubicriber, or to A. J. Sofietd, will.bo liberally reworded. Jan. 15,1862. - R. yf. WHBELKB. ANSEIELD CLASSICAL) SEMINARY. HAKSnSLS, TIQOA CO, PA. . The Winter! Term of this Insirtntibn will commeoo# December 10th, 1861, and continue thirteen weeks. e' WILDMAN, A. M i.., PbiscipAL. Mr*. H. P. R. WtLDKAS... Preceptress. Miss B. A. Chase j Music Te*eh4f. Mr. Isaac Stickhbt PenmAuehip. I EXPENSES, j - Tuition, Boom Bent, Fuel and Board par Term, lln Common English i- ■'l ■* H Tuition from t - -■■ * [s2soto $6 6* ■ The .neces* of the school during these times when the country’s need demand* the service* of every able-bodied young man, has ibeen bejondl the ex poo la. tions of tba \ lostsangulne pf iu, friend*-- Abo de parlment of Penpanehm {is very, popular. Prof* fitiokney is a master of his profession. We art most happy to (ay that he baa been prevailed-apon m ain with ue. Besides the dally inslruofions that ba girw, Professor Slioknoy give* extra iutrnetlon te those desiring it for a reasonable oompeatatioa. . Students nay from the time they enter to the eleea Of the term. ! Board in the; Hall at $t 46 par week Rooms for self-boarding cab be rented in the villiga. Ail kinds, of prodace taken in payment for tatties and board at market price*. ’ _ Kov 20, l««l. ; *• WILDMAS. ORPHAN’S COURT SALE<—By virtUa of Vy an order of the Orphan's Court to me directed,! ' will lien at public vendue so Saturday the lit day of . February IBBJ, at the Court; goiuem Well*boro,w» 3 o'clock P* M* i Alourtain lor of lead Id fidmar tqwuthlp, bounded oo the north by land! of Jabler Lbwty, on the eatt by the public! highway, realettata formerly ef Israel Merrick, deeba*ed,and landtof 0." i. Sibron,«n «h* (oath by 0. L Gibeon, abd L Battfhrd .Butler, and on tba eraet by land* formerly of John Fellowe-uoontaU fing one bnndW and nlneairar, more «let*, with tfty acre* Improved, a frame hours, twe freme ! SIMM KIMBALL j ** iacuarjr*,MS}, ( IMPORTANT TO FEMALES! THE TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. “TO TOE UHCnPLOITKO.” Aftat* Waatod ROB IN SON’S STATIONERY ENVELOPE. MO MBjLSM JMWSLRY. - 'f ' T 9 i u» t;_ r i *KTi*mnir«MßBoN*, k. lO> CIIMI , ’ TO MljKB MOSSY IS MOW OFFEMBB. ' J AOIHTt : «• nn m u> uni ABB XAKINB min FBK BAT. U»HUL TXRMf virsy fa all tsoss *9 1S K KtJ Y. Apply lau&ftilataly, mmlokallt. - - «T. * • I Bit »«»»>,« V* Tht frtprielw. R. «. ROBINSON, &(X)JtSELLXfc,mtIOirIK A ?X*« DEALER, COMHimi, If. Yrt M «» iT. ROBINSON* ' I tMKMStt, lßO>i W £ t fc «*0 *«,**.£. ijmiep t?«. i, iirt; AYER’S CATHARTIC FILL' Are you lick, feeble, end complaining? Are Jon oat of order, with jour system deranged, and y° nr feeling* uncomfortable ? There symptoms are often the prelade to serious illness. Some fit of sickness Js creeping npunjou, and rboald be tarried bj a timely use of the right remedy.. .Take Acer’s Pills, and oleansa oat the disordered humors—purify the blood, and let the Holds more on onobstracled. in health again. They stimulate the functions of the body inte rigorous actinty, purify the system from ibe obstruc tions Which make disease. A cold settles somewhere in the body, and. obs.rucU its natural functions,— These, if not reliorcd, ream npon themtelres and the surrounding ofgeos, prodoe og general aggraratios, suffering, stnd disease. While in this condition, op. pressed by the .derangements, take Ayer’s Pills, sad see how directly they restore the nstarel action of the system, and with it the buoyantfeellng of health again. > What it true and 80 apparent ia this trivial and common complaint, is alto trot in many of A* deep-seated and dangaroas distemper*. The aame purgative effect expels them. Caused by similar oh* •tractions end deraogemVnta of the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly, end many of them Sprely, eared by the seme means. None who know the air. lues of these Pills, when suffering from the disorders they core. Statements from leading physicians la tome ef the principal cities, and Cron other Well known public persons'. Prim a Forwarding UtrthaMnf St. Aetna. W. 4, 'ld. | Da- Araa: Yooy Pills are the paragon of all that is great in medicine. They hare cored my little daughter of olcemos sores upon her bands andlket that had proved incurable for yesr*. Her mother hat been long grievously afflicted. With blotches end pim ples on her skin and in her hair. After our child wee eored,tihe rife, tried year Pills, and they hare eared her. I ' ASA MORSRIDQ*. - A* a Fnmfli Phy»lcv from Dr, E. W, Cartmngkt, AVw Orhano, Tour Pills are the prinee of purge!. Their excel lent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very certain and effectual is their ac tion on the bowel!, which rnnkee them iaralaabU te as In the daily treatment of disease. Headache, Side Headache, real Itomach. From Ur, Edward Eoyd,~BaUimort. Dean Bro. Am: I cannot answer yon what com plaints I hare cored with your Pills bettarthaa tc •ay all that we erer treat with a phrgatire medicine. I place great dependence on an effectual cathartic la ay daily contest with disease, and belierlng as I da that year Pills afford tu the best we hare, I of course Talas them highly. Ds. J. C. Aren. Sir: I bare bets repeatedly eared of the worst headache any body can hire by a dusa or two of yonr Pills. It seems to ansa from a fool stomach, which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLE, Clerk of Steamer Clerioa. Biltotu Diaarders—Liver Complaints. From J)r. Theodore Bell, of Seit York City, Kot only are your Pills admirably adapted to tfaalr purpose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon the fcirr very marked indeed. They have in my practice proved more effectual for tba cure ef bilious complaints than any one remedy 1 can men* lion. I sincerely rejolcejbat we bare at length s purgative which is worthy the confidence ef the pro* fossioß and (be people. ' Department of the Interior, 1 Waahiogton/D. C.,. 7lh Peb.'lSM, J . I have used your Pills in my general aid hospital practice et*er since you made them, and can not hesitate to sayrthey are the best cathartic we mi. ploy. Their regulating action os the liver la qulek and decided, consequently they are an admirable re»- edy fur derangements of that organ. Indeed. I bare seldom found a ease of bilious disease so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, 11. D. Physician of the Marine Hospital. DysenterT* Diarrhoea. Eelax Weraut from Dr . J- 0 Green, of Chicago. TouJPni* bare bad * long In m J practice, and I bold them In esteem as one of tbe best aperients I have ever found. Their allemtire effect spea (he liver mades them an excellent remedy, when fires is small dotes for bilious dysentery and diarrhoea. Their angar-eeating makes them very acceptable and eeate« aitot for the iim of women and cbil iron. Dfepfi*' Imparity of tits Blo«4. /Von Htv J V Hiatts Pastor of Advent Chunk Beaton Dr, Atkr ; I hare used your Pills with sitrsor dinury tueeeM io my family and amonjt ihoss I IB callad to visit is dutreaa. To regulate tbs organl sf digestion and purify the blood, they era tbs very bast remedy I bare ever knor o, and I can confidently recommend them te my friends. Yours, J.V. HIMES, , Wars aw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oet. 2d, USS. Drar Sir ; lam using yoarCathartio Pille in my practice, and find them an excellent purgative ts cleanse the system'and purity the fountains of the blood; JOHN 0. MGACHAM, M. D. Coatlpalinii, CoktivcnP**, Snppren aien, Rlipamn i l»m. flufll, If«prn 1- gla, Dropny, l}RiR) Pita, etc. Prext Dr. J, P. Vaughn, ifontreal, Canada , , Too much cannot be said of yonr Pills for the ears ef Costireneas. If others of our fraternity bar* found them as eEcßclous Ha t bars, they should jane me in proclaiming it for the benefit of the multitudes whs suffer from that complaint, whieh, although bad enough in itself, is the progenitor of others that are worse. I beiere eostlVHneSs to originate in the llrer, bnt yonr Pills affect that o'rgH'n find cure the disease. Prom hire. E, Stuart, Physician dnif Midtoi/e , Boston, I find one or two large dotes of your Wilt, taken at the proper, time, are excVlleht of the natural secretion when whollypartially and also very effectual to elSanriTtbe stomicb and ex* pel worm*. They are so much the hast physle wa have that I recommend no other to my patients. From liev. Dr. 3mckrs t nf the DothodUt Epi9. ChUrA. Pulaski House, Savannah, Gn., B. ldsd. Honored Sir: I should be UngfiitefoT for the re* Hff your skill has brought me if I did not report nay ease to yon. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excruciating nculalgio pains, which ended itt chronic rheumatism. Notwithstanding I hadtb'e bast of physicians, the disease grew worse And worn, until by.the advice of your excellent agent la Baltimore, Dr, Mackentie, I tried your Pills. Their effect* were slow, but sure. By porserering In ibe use of them, Tam now entirely well. Senate Chamber, Baton Rouge, to., fi Dec. *5B. Dr. Ater; I have been entirely cured, by yonr Pills, of Rheumatic Goat—a painful disease that had afflicted me for years. VINCENT SLIDELL. _fav Most of the Pill (in market contain Mercury, which, although a valuable remedy in skillful hands, ia dangerous in a public pill, from the dreadful eoa ■equenoea that frequently follow iti incautious use. Thera contain no mercury or mineral substance what erer. Pried 9tS cents per bos, or S bezel ttt $l. Prepared by Dr. 9. C. AYES A 05.-. LoW.lt.MSis. gold by C. 4 J. L. Robinson, Welltbpro; H. fit Borden, Tioga; W. 8. Miller and C. Parkhnrat. Law renoeTille; A. iJ. Dearman, Knoxville.; S. X. Bil lings, GainSe; J. k 3. 8. ParkhUtvt, Elkltod; W,, K. Mitchell, Mitchelltillo t .J. Bbdingfon, Middla bnry; Binnett k Randall, Middlebury Centre j 8. W. Nesbitt. Mansfield; 6. B. Packard, Covington; 8. B. Shaffer, Liberty; D. S. Magee, Blossbnrg; Fa* k Witter, Mainsbnrg, abd by Dealer* everywhere. Not.«, 188i.-fim. DISSOLUTION.— The co-partnership hefetofbre exiating between John B. Bowen, M. Bullard and A. Howland, onder the firm of S\ B. Bowen 4 Co.. i( tbit day dissolved by mntnal consent. The Books and Notee of the firth wilt be found at the Empire Stare, and will be settled by either of the late firm. AH tbora indebted Will plUst hall and settle ImdWUWF. or best will bo *ad. ; . m.btillaßD, y Wellsboro.Nov, 18, IBfil, . A. HOWLAND./ : . S B. The bnlaneo of the etock of Hood* at ihe Empire Store will be *old cheap for .Cash or Hedy pftj o&lji bj th»<fibionb&r. Oo cot uV fotmdlt} for none wifi bn given, net oven for * ftjwjays^ PATS! RATSJ-w-thscoihbrntndPOlSONEfc lv WHEAT, or BAt DESTBOTEEsiptt dp in papers, end sold ftr IS ONE HUNDRED BARRBtS SAtT jw* received; addfer sale al tbe Urden ' Pittsbcbo, Pa., May 1,1851. to tib raoru WB SBNB GBEKTIN HAVma BBCUEXD i ' ‘ FULL A2fß AMFLM SUFFLIMM SEASONABLE GOODS, IH IDTARCf or TSM FSMMtIfT WAM Fit 1C MM, WX TAKI PLEASURE ix um an fa urtotx tnmuo. TMAT Wt.MA.TM A STOOX NOW ON HANS WHICH HAS I Kim tstv itviiut nr vats tmn, AMOOKTINO TO l&oooo. WM AM* TBVM tOMTITItD -J ioAtlrn HisnYßitiS, I .■. S ’ '-i 'i •’ ■' i .Ci ivn elatl I* Mt tn burtons tUs tint Stock . r ■ r i cm j ■ at rfcaft mufit : FMirjcttx ttbolisjlli intiem PDEUtNI at Co., tb-o-T,- JSXFOBTANT NATIONAL WOttß*. - PCkUSBKD ar »1 APPLET#* * 00. 346 fc 348 Broadway, N«w Tock. THE following works Rrescnt .ro Snbscribess is any P* l * of the coirotry, (upon receipt of retail pries,) hy mall ** express, prepaid: i ‘ ' • ' * The Noxr American Cyclopedia. * Dictionary oi General JiauuieUgt*. JtoU.vd by George *•£ sod Clisrlw A. Dana,sided by ttoumerrwsefoetoorfef.ot>n» ters ti> sA branches of Sclencv. Art, nad Lilrratarr. 1 f-Ja work Is being pobTfshed Is shoot IS large octoTo es/’b (•on'atoiftg {wocolnon page*/’ Volf I. Ir.lll. !»*, T,TII, VIII* IX, X, m»wready."fidi osafsto • published oner m aboo three months. ’ _ . frlw Ki Clotll, J 3; Sheep, $3,Ki; UaU Morroew, J4tH.lt Rm.lt. |4,S esch . ; ' f ‘ Tbs New American Cyclopedia is popnlar wilheat wraf taperficisJ, learned, bat Dot pedaotk. compwlb'fisivyhCtff c ■ ficlmlly aetslied. free from persons! ppp* sad party pfeft* dies, fresh sad yet aoctme. It Is aco»pkt#*tst«*i»iaf all that is known upon etay laipuftxftt tD|>is*t(U|llf scope of human Intslfigence. Kmy important aiMdftlk’t bat bees specially written for its paxes hr men tbomtes noon the topics of which they speak, therm)* * attired to bring the snbjectnp to the present meftwart fa stats |ast hew it stands now. > All the statistical itOvutnati. m Ufrotn the latest reports; the peogrtphfctl h* » pace with the latest explorations; Hstorfeal matters tnslaaa tbs freshest Just risws; the biographical notices *•! an 1/ • speakot the dead hot of the living. It is a Uhrarr of It* >•' ABRIDGMENT OF THE; DEBATES OF OOkGBW*. *• Being a Political History of the totted sut*a, frwr thw* *• gafitcctfon of the first Federal Congress in ITW.to I*Wr r "• iced and compile* l by Hon. Thomas 0. Benton, frvat the * •> flcUt Records of Congress. . _ the work will be completed in IS ror*l octaro vclimes m 760 pages esco, 14 of which are now ready. Afi addft!*) sfi volume will he Issued once to three months. a wat or mocoinra tu ctcioxaxma ca nos tux. form -a «lnh of four, and remit the price of loarhodLa. and flve'ooplst will be seat at the remitter's excet*# t-r t a. rings; or for ten st&scrihers, eleven co;det will be seat at oca expense fee carriage. Ho other works will so liberally reward the agstifoas Agents. AH Agxht Wahto to this ChcntT. Term* ineAa known on'sppllcstlon to the 'Publishers. {Ang. 11, *»*■ WELLSBORO, Ait opening a fie* Stock ef t NEW GOODS Jnrt bought at “ PANIC PRICES," and will ba * fOR CASH, at alittl* ABOVE COST, if pui*i*l ivbr|tbody Call and i« IbaNawGoods aad Prleon. ' '( J P. S, All panont having umattled aeooooU «s > Boakt, ara requested to tattle the tame by Cask «( Nat*. danafSmfaMTat w* intend to tallon ih* f ~4 down ayatam, until farther advice* from the >**: m war. - - v • 3. W. BAILEY * *«, WalUboro, July SI, 1861. WELL«BORO’ ACAOE.HT. WelUboro’, Tioga County, Padua, MABSOTS N.AttEN. A.M.I • - PtUMitl atilitad by a curpf of competent teachers. The Winter Term will commence on the Sth of : #. earn bar. | - 1 ' Tuition for (era of /oarfioa Merit, from s?.sb t* «.0». '' MILITARY INSTRUCTION trill b* introdnead thia term into th* Academy. -ar diag to a lata act of the Legislature oi thit Slatal /V A Tradin' Class wilt also b* format.' By order of Trntteet, 3. IP DONALDSON, iW» Wallthorb. Nor. 27. 1861. i CEKERAL HcCLELLAiI HAS decided to go is to winter quitter*, ud P. It William*. Ajjt.. ha* decided to “ follow «i.i,” ami ba> accordingly laid tin a eery Urge itoek of ire Good* in bii line, via: : Xeroilne Oil, Burning Fluid, Campbene, Alcohol, Tnrpenline, ’.V Drag*, Patent Medicine*, Dye Staff*, Window Olaif, Potty, . *e., 4o„ Ac., ' whlab will be fold at loweat city price* dating (ha watl j P. R. WH.LIAMB. Apt. N. B, Confederate State Stocki and all book ee« oontila tire at diaoodnt—ean’t sell goods for either. Wellaboro, Nor. 27, 1861. Dissolution notice.— N..tice u here by gfrcn that the partnership- lately subsisting between N. D, Murdauphand J. S. Murdaugii, ukider the firm of N. I), and J* 6. Mordaogb, is thfs'ilrf dissolved by mutual consent, end J. S. Mnrdansb ts authorised to settle ell debts doe to. end by the tiw* paay. , NORMAN D. MUROACOH. - JOIIA’S. MURRAUGfI- \ 1 is hereby given to all three U. debted to the Arm of K. |D. and J. 8. MurdaugL, by Book Account'oi otherwise, to call Hamedietely and Mttle the same, or coet will be made. j J.S.MURDACaii. Rutland, bee. 31, 1£61.-3t H»iice Id Br|dsd Ballderiu TUB Commissioners wIM let ob Ibe Idey f«f , Jana ary 1862, at their office the building nt a bridge across the mouth of Marsh Creek to the loweet responsible bidder. The jw'alls to be raised one £.ot higher no the old abutments with large shone*. A draft with specifications can be seen at the it office. ~ A.BARfeEft, ) JOB RBXFORD,JCpaV C, F. MILLER, j _ > v Wellsbero. Jan. 8,1862| r / tRPHANS COURT SALE.—By virtue of ' ' an olrder of t-he OrphcnV Court to too directed, f will roll at public vetfdue bn Saturday tjis Ut d.yof Feb-nary ÜB2; at the Court Hoar* in Welle boro «t 2 o'clock P. M. . 1 , A lot of land fn ‘Chabic.ton towneiip. bounded a. follow?. bn the soblh by land of Henry Bhrrw.< r, on the went by land belonging to (he haute of Jab*. finmanZ) deceased, on the north by land in the •.uion of Jainei B. Smith, and on the eait by btr.d in the pontesdon of John. Pellinger— -Contoining-eigl. Iron acrei and thirty eight perphea. and being ell wsml lend. RUDOLPH CHfilStfcNAT, /idbr. •Innanry 8, 18(52. , J ORPHAN’S COURT SALE.—By vir'rie ..f an ordar or the Orphan’* Court to me diiertcd, f will tell at phbiic veedule on the SOth of Jan'o»;i, 188J,-atth'e Court Hob** in Welltboro. at 2 i/ci.ok. .P.M. ! All that pitcs or fihVctl of land aitnate in the ti (kip of Datmar, beginning at a post the toi'h a’ t corner of lend rarveytd for John B. Baat ngt, iinv<* bp aaid Beatings and lend tnrveyed to L. Fora, an it aaventyßve perches end a hell toe bird tree; the e* by lend auw'eyed for Wto. L. Warner, west one l.ir dred and fourteen perchea to a Linn tree In the »ar rant tine? thence by the warrant line north eaaaMy* (as tad one half perche* to a hemlock tree ; the* ra Vy land deeded to Oats* end Wileni.aatt one kandr> 4 ud fourteen perche* to the place of beginning—ron. Uinijfgfifiytbreeand three quarter* neree, with ■ lug tasuM and an old ehsntyjfnra barn and about twenty asraa improved and a few fruit»reerthereoe. JACOB HXLTiiOI.tt, Adra’r of Funny Greeidriaf, Jm’yS, 1862. THE subscriber wil'| sell the Fann in Ilehuar known as the James, Francis place, sow n. ru. pied by C. Francis, 4t a lots price and on tern t« suit the purchaser. It contains 103 acrea,‘ chio9.v' t». proyai, _ , ! WJI. BACHt. Jan. 4.18*t . : , IN DIVORCE.—To Al per eauMortin. You are | hereby notified that Ssn-h Martin, hy her next friend Haney Webster Ear »p. Sliedtothe Court id Common Fleas of Tiosa Co. fora lyorce from the JPnds of matrimony, and that the said Court hove appointed Mondey, the 8d day Of Fab. nmrj, at 2 oVloci. P. M.. for henring the said psrnh Martin in the premises, at which time and place -yu* can appear if yon think proper. Jan. H, IFM. H. STOWEtL. Jr., SUrift ADMINfSTR M UK'S NO'l Jt‘K.—l.ctters"of ministration bavinjr boon urn rued to the mhttffr ber on the estate of Aaron Barrows, late of Atrtvfto. „ Maas., dae’d.. notice Is hereby given to time ns debted to said estate to ro»ke immvdiata ui»»V and those h.orlbg claims to present them pevperly a*, rtentieated for settlement to tKv suhaertbea.- - c-nev- iP. 1351. W $. OCJSSi - TO AGENTS. «. w. bailey St co.» AT THE UNION STORE, FABJI FOB SALE. l»mp Oil, V' ■- f* a-- 'I- *tt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers