A ge'riil<»(if)irtf' id nW melWy a peVsbn ec-' nu timed with certain forms and etiquettes of to;, easy and self-possessed in society, able to speak and act, and move in the world without awkwardness, and free from habits! which are vulgar and in bad taste. A gen-S lleman is something much beyond alt thisj; that which lies at the root of all his ease, and refinement and tact, and jiower of pleasr mg, is ihf same spirit, whichiiosat the ropl of every (5/irisiian virtue. Il ls the thought ful doing in, every ; Cii|stahce asvfie would ihiHoi herf should' is ihinjjyng, may sense of sped for others—how-he may' avoid-diuriin'g their fct-lings. When -he iairij society,-he scrupulously ascertains thepbsilmri aftd lion of every one with whqm he;(s brniig(iC mioconinc, that hejrnpy give to each bis dtp* honor, his proper position. :He studieshpw he may avoid touching in conversation upon nnv sul)|pct which may needlessly hurl their Ihdling-, how : he may abstain from any allu-' sfon »hjch may ct»|l, up'iß' disagreeiipjo of offensive nssocia'lon, A gentleman never ol tuderfto.’ never even appears conscious of any personal defect, bodily deformity, inferiority of talent, of lank.of reputation, in. the per sons in whose society he is placed. He never assumes any superiority for himself—he never ridicules, never sneers, never boasts, never makes a display of his own power, or rank, or advantages—such as is implied in ridicule,.or ,sarcasm, or abuse'—as he never indulges in habits-or tricks, or inclinations, which may he.offensive to Olliers. —Life Il lustrated.' SougcF. of tub Mississii'i.—Lift a buck cl. ul' water from Ihe Mississippi at New Or leans and ask yourself iho question, “From whence it came” and the answer may be; From’the sandy deserts of New Mexico, from (he pine lulls of Carolina, from the cotton 1 fields of Georgia, from the British possesions north of 49th degree of north Latitude Sepn rated t>v u thin ridge ol ice-covered rocks from si i earns that flow into the Arctic Ocean, or from bowers of orange anil magnolia that perfume the cane fields of Louisiana, from the frozen lakes that gem the bosom of Min nesota nod Wisconsin, or from the sunny fountains that gush up from the flowery plains of Alabama and Tennessee, from the. liike hound peninsula of Michigan, from the hill sides of waving grain in Pennsylvania and New York, from the tobacco field. 3 of Vir ginia and Mart land. It may be part of those mighty volumes hat mil (Heir never tiring waves through lowa and Missouti, through Illinois Indiana aad Ohio, through Kentucky and Arkansas, Mississippi and Texas, li is a part of the ion thousand little rills that come hymning their way from that mountain range wherein ari«e the Columbia and Colorado of the West, or of those from whence ihe Delaware and Susquehanna hasien away to meet the rising sun. In the spurs of ihe Allegheny it has saluted ihe springs of the Roanoke and the Saluda and fur beyond the. Black Hills it has locked arms wi.-h ihe mighty Saskashawn ns fee hurried on his cheerless journey to Hud sons Ba;. The springs of the Connewangn listen in the ro ir of Niagsra,and the fount i ins of the Platte oveilook ihe craters of I lie ex tinct Volcanoes of Utah. It has fertilized a Country greater than the empire of Alexan der, and has canied a richer commerce than all iho rivers tribulary in imperial Rome. Louisville Journal. T he story is familiar of the man who took piss.ige in a flat boal from Pittsburg to Now Orleans. He passed manv dreary, listless days on his way down the .Ohio and Missis. Bipn,. am) he seemed to be desponding for want of excitement. Superfi.-i illy, he was good nnlured and kindly disposed. In the course of time, the craft upon which he was n passenger pul into Napoleon, in the Slate of Arkansas, for groceries. At the moment there was a general fight extending all along the front of the town, which at that time con sisted of a single house. The unhappy passenger, after figgeling about, and jerking his feet up and down, as if he were walking on hot bricks, turned to a used up spectator and observed; “ Sirenger, is this a free fight V The reply was prompt and to iho point. •' It »r, and if you wish to go in, don’t stand on ceremony.” The wayfarer did go in, and in less time than we can relate the circumstances, he was lilentllv chawed up. Groping his way down to the fiat, his hair gone, his eyes closed, his lips swollen and his face generally mapped out, he sat himself down on a chicken coop, and silloqui/.cd thus; “So this is Nn-po le-on, is it I —upon my word ft’s a lively place, and the only one at which I have had any fun since I let! home.” Generous, —A wri er in tho Burlington Sentinel says that in one of the back towns of a neighboring State, where it is the cus tom for the district school teacher to “ board round” the following incident occurred, and is vouched for by high authority : A year or two ago, an allotment being made in Iho usual manner for the benefit of the school mistress, it happened that the pro. portion of one man was just two days and a half, I The teacher sat down to dinner on the third day and was beginning to eat, when the man of the house addressed her as follows: “ Madam, 1 suppose your boarding lime is out when you have eaten half a dinner, but, ns I do not want to appear mean, you may cal if you choose, about as much as usual.” A man who cheats in short measure is a mcastire-less rogue. If he givds short measure in wheat, then he is a rogue in grain. If In whiskey, then he is a rogue in spirit. If he gives a bad title to land, then he is a rogue in deed. And if he cheats whenever he can, he is indeed, in spirit, in grain, a measureless scoundrel. Tub* have a new way of haichiog-chicliens in the .west, by which a single maternal fowl is made to do the duty of a hundred. They fill a barrel with eggs and place a bon on the bung-ho’; 8. F. WlißOlf, Ip” Removed to James LowroyVOffic'c lAB. IrOWBEY & 8. V. tflMOlf, A TTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT A LAW, will attend the CourUof Tioga, PolUr and MbKean counties. Wcllahoroufh, Fob. 1, 1853. wsiewnwesMSawaftsi?"'" —that a tew days since a colored gentleman, who had become pretty much of a nuisance, The wags of the to leave a coffin call in half an hearse arrived, the coffin place, and a small pro* of dead the cdffin from revived, ana perceiv ing fiie'ortiical posilionj hd,burst (he lid, and tanded ai one bound among-1 hs burners a eqpcr than. His fits! impulse and'ms threats weVe to (lug.the ccbwdi' bQt perching that be/UnderJaking a, large c|]tlract, he domp.romis.od the matter fo)r a jpe home updirftiehearse. ".'As thecnrieglfijeturned, all thawqrriertandgqssipsran to door to asgertaiaiwltJf^'the s Coffin was brought back, 'fhey/were all duly assured that the victim had.cbme to life, and he waS pointed out sit iing:on his own cbffih, w||)isiling, “ carry me back tb Old Virginity.” The best of the I ike ia. lhat .ipe given qp nnd.yjqrked d&J&ile.. ■ The Ikvestob am> his ftv .Tbafii — The following good slorv is told by-lhc Neiv v Iluyen Register: *• Oishqp-'yent .dpivfl to TSTew York with one of hTs. patent ! flV,..ltap machines which makes the.flyicatch himae'f wiih a revolving cylibder. A butcher was very desirous he should set it agoing in his shop, and in the course of half an hnursome thing less than a peck of flies had been ‘hived.’ The butcher was pleased, but con cluded, as his flies were ‘all trapped,’ he, didn’t want the machine.’ (l Very’wef I,’ 1 stud Bishop, ‘l’m aTankee,ap I won’t take any advantage of you by carrying off your flies,’ and drawing the slide, he liberated the whole swarm nbout the butcher 1 ? eats, ond beat a retreat under cover of a little the loud est buzzing ever heard in that vicinity.” Sanleuil, the French poel, used to iell the following story : I was one day seated in a confessional chair; n lady came and kneeled bv me, and gave me the whole history of her life. Finding lhai I did not make any an swer at the conclusion of her recital, she de manded absolution. “Do-yhu lake me for a priest, madam t" said 1. “If you-ore no',” replied ihe lady,"why did you listen to me?" I will go and inform.against you 10 ihp prior." “And I, madam, will go and inform your hus band.” The -Boiling Springs of Utah.—Jo Washotah Valley, Utah, there ore ten foiling springs, which are great natural curiosities. They ore situated on Ihe banks of n stream and pour out their waters seething hot, with n great noise. Tho waters hiss and dash over jagged rocks, and jets of steam hot enough to scald the handiis also forced out. Deposits of sulphur and Alum are found in iheir neighborhood, find the whole appear ance of the region evince a powerful vulcanic action. Two Irishmen one day went a hunting, and on seeing a deer start up some distance before them, Pal, raising his gun, took after the animal. “ Put,” said Jemmy, “ycr gun’s not load' ed.” " Faith, be jabers, the wild baste dqsen' know it.” is no use saying’that wnrih makes the man. A poor acquaintance says that he put on a borrowed suit of broadcloth to ac company his family to the show, and was surprised to notice how affable his acquain tances all were. The next day he entered tow n in his overalls, and was not knpwn, nor could he obtain credit for a mnckeral. An Irish friend of ours, Iteming of n gen tleman having a stone coffin made for him self, exclaimed : “ Be my snw'l, an’ that’s a good idea! Shure, nn’ a stone coffin *ud last a man his lifetime !” An exchange,saye-, that down in New Or leans it requires three persons to start a busi ness firm; tine to die ikith the yellow fi-ier, one to get -hilled in'a duel, and the third to wind up the businesa, , So you say yotir muther.is »erv poor.— Beggar Boy : She isjhatl She used to keep a peanut stand rince, but she took a bad one dollar bill and failed. The story of n man who hid a nose so large that he couldn’t blow it without gun powder, is said to he a hoax. A sick colder must, lie rcgai Jed ns being well when he begins in mend. JUSTNESS DIRECTORY.^ PC Htj/lropaUtie Vhysicinn andSvrgrun. ' ELKLAND, TIOGA COUNTY, PAi Will vUU patjcnlw in all part* ol llic county, , [Juno 14.J855.X "J W. W. WEBB, n. HAS c«tablislicd himfolf in thei practice of hied, iuinc and Surgery in the ToiWisliip of Liberty Pa., where lie will promptly attend all calls i n bis, profession. Liberty, Feb. 1.1854. JOHN W. HACHE, A TTORNEV AND COUNSELLOR AT •'* LAW— Office, north sidoPuhlicSquarc WcUtdioroagb, 1 I* Refers to Messrs. Phelps .Dodge & Co.,N. Y city Hon.A.V.ParBong,Pjiiladclphia. July 13. , KASBAN PARKHURST, ATTORKBY AND COUNSELLOR, AT LAW. LA WRENC E VTLLE, Tlosjaifconiiiyi'Pnr 'f' ' Office one doofbetonr Ford l Bloekv [Feb 21,3 m. * S£ES#Rrfc THOMSON, w Atto ncy« A cfem&loriht Lirw, Stcubcd Colinty, new York.' Gko. T. SrENCEB, . ,c. ft. Thomson: Aprina, 1855-ly. ' 1 ; ;r rjwf g<ws. X o3mii« not ; »cd«rtlhl.;uaT» mediateljfilel- Ued open inspection qftfjpttJfiqds and prices. ~J p p^.jaaVl^iyjng^m^»loci, i ; whicl},«on*irt» in a general ■, , r T 1,, DRY-GOODS, GRAEMES. • ; p - s CR«KiRy - ®TOb't^%Sl> i /BHOEB,''. a REAPy-MAOECUQTttING. BATS • &^PAPSrSO^r&JHOt», - . -, WOQDEN.WARE, g-TXiNE. . WARE; TiN.H , ARS,.i , a ®t, Banft lnvlst»»»M«Sßplrlt. "A ■■ The Subscriber, has i large and*ell selected stock of Goods, and.H o®c*ngthpraitt»«rea»Oßahle price* ' aa\dan be bought in Tioga. Ctv, or thrs.sido of Cedar Run! c. }-,!- •:tt{Tr\of‘ raioiiMpV. IcL ; ■ Ho »bo ,*i*l»a«!UlGf OF'iTBB4GCO)on a GOOD.COAT—Sbo wlvo -want* a. or/a-FJNE DRESS, will do well to call and exam inn before purchasingßliftwlwre.! i -- o ■ jComeand'seeand be,ppjwioo(!i-nf>|he»ryth of the foregoing statement. J, B. POTTER, 4grnt,> r ■. - • ml - . c.n.>li‘pr,B. f B-.EOTTER 1 Middleborj CeritTC, JJ/0v.8,1855. ) •„, ,1 . o( .» i i n : blest AOi ments in the city, and which are now^pffhj^'dpjjV at ,, ~..cdT above primexwl~WiUi oesripa pfi gopd- wptthwwn ovgratii. Theifirst pick, is Ihkbcsl pIQk.SO 'Come cm iiu*ikm - bisfhuihiUenraopyitu go«( .bargain If you wah£yoorjnpncy^ l wmib, C9a?e,«n.''.;lf'y<>ti Want rftbrn; than * < doltatja wotlhlbrn t}oUat,,ddn!t cumo>-buiyou,w|U benstphwhed.lbaecjWhi'i a-pil® oisgoodsiwo, cah.putup forfc;4<>Uari -.Ouxutockijoi v , 1 r- !rr ,. joa^ySiPiibii^^ isnm.mndouip'of.lltb.oddeiapdcddaiand.theTdm*: , oonlrofycloMd up’Vtoncernx-inthe CRyy butioom.^ . prixoVacdmpletc assort ment-df ithe Jdtesl«tyiE£iind 1 host qnalities,from tlrej-coarkeat' domestic: to.it It 6*6? (leslimportcilf*brici,an&li;aa m • ■_ ' 81110, todds, nliiWiu’ tadiciwilPdo wbll to calTfnd cianiinq tile Stock'Word' iladWlicro; ■ ,; “RalJivm; uucrnxijy ! & Cb., haVo "pltfays pn hand, a seasonable and fusliio/iable >tDo\ibf' f • -'' i 1 • wiU XI4SH PRICES. m.' ; r *;h tl v'. ’ f . ■' r Groceries, Croehery\ Hardware , G7tf»s,- Stone , IJollpuj. jini' Wooden ly^re, JPeint* • •• < .. . ■ I0«S BOOTS $-SWOBS! for EtiUnjlfdty. *,* All kinds of taken in ex. dojlgffoi gffU A Tioga, June2o, 1856. A. T. GUERNSEY, .. . O. B, LOWELL, lookout i ■ ■ nivSeii»6nf'tharige~ ..., .sp ..R9-JW?flvPsi,Sp;roßTuWE! ASiB HJ^ATIOHS, TttEREtORB,’ - ■ tabor,CO., (Succted Tabor, Young If Co.) IN TIIEFOUNDBY AusINBRS, AS Tl.|‘ SVepm Engines, Boilers irl and Machinery of Ml kinds; Strives, Hollow Tin/andUopper VV r uro. REPAIRING &, JOB WORK done with the Idasl ’possible dlda v;' ■ ’ MILLG KAKINGS furnished wiihotliezlra chargt for palirrtlt. , . PLOWS of all kinjis, (two of which took the premium at the late Qouhty Fair,) kept constantly on himd. ’ i We have the'exclusive right, for Tioga .County, to manufacture and vend the ' King: Store. one «f Hie best (if Dot (he very best) Cook Stoves ever invented; winch is always on bend nt our store bouse, fbr wholesale & rctull T .- ’ i Their Stoves took the premium' over Ihe Albany Stoves -at the late Fair. That is a feather in obr cap which we dont intend to have plucked out soon. Corn Shelter*, Of oil flic improved patterns that commend them selves to farmers. ■ Besides this, we intend to furnish better Were, better uHjclcs and better work, at lower prices than any oilier establishment in Tioga county will bo able to do. And the man who pays CASH, can gel what lie buys at reduced prices. This is the lair way of doing businees, and the system upon which llio Tioga Foundry and Machine bhop will be eon ducted herealler. Don’t wait lor the wagoh, but come on. TABOR, BALDWIN & CO. Tanga, Nov. IS, 1855.—if. CP Old Iron and Copper, and all kinds of produce taken in exchange for work. IMPROVEMENT EXTRAORDINARY, WE would respectfully call the,attention of Mill owners and all interested in tlic use of water dnwrr in this vicinity, to a patented Iron* Wpler. Wheel, (called Grccnlcaf’s .gravity and,percussion Water Wheel.) one of winch they have rcpsplfy put in n Saw Mill owned by Judge While of VVelfoboro 1 und pr. Archer of Morris township, and situated one and a fourth miles from Babb's Creek, on the Stony Fork* This wheel on Saturday the 7ili.lii*l«, drove a single saw. to saw five thousand and one] hundred.'feci of white pinc ; lumber { 4100 feet of which wn* ono inch in thick no*i>, 400 Icel 9 Richca (hick, 000 feet l£ inches thick. This Wheel used a very small quantity of wale/, only discharging about 90 square inches and with about Hi feet head and fill nl* water while |>crforming the above. These Wheels are well adapted to the propelling of all kinds of Machinery driven by Water power. They arc : very simple nod subsluntiol in •*«-M-ucuoTt,‘ nod fram 006 10 onc wore wor.lt than bny other Iron Water Wheel in operation in this vicinity wWi which they are acquainted. They offer for salo, n oa very liberal terms the patent right for Counties or Slates, and also<lo furnish and pul m operation the Wheelsin Mills in thin vicinity on Tea sonabte term*. For further information address A Green leaf, Morris township, Babbs Post Office, or L, Vance cure of P. P. Cleaver Wellsboro’ Tioga Co. Pa. A.GREENLEAF, June 12 1856. L. VANCE, N. B The nbovo named Wheel may be seen In operation at almost any time by calling on Mr. Rob* ert Wilton who has thu Mill in charge. Farms & farming lands in Tioga & potter cuuntils.-ti.c r„i. lowing farms and funning lota arc now offered for sate i Farm of 126 acres, in Clymcr township. 45 acres . improved, with house and barn. 44 m JOO acres in Pike, Poller co., about 20 acres improved, with (wo dwelling houses and burn. 41 44 50 acres in Morris, 6 acres improved, & dwelling house. 44 44 73 ocre* in Dehnar, 15 acres improved. ' 44 . 75 acres in Gaines, 25 acres improved, and house and barn. |[ 44 44 50 acres in Dehnar. 44 44 70 acres in Sweden, Poller County. / •» h jos acre>; i n Summit, Potter bo. These lands ore nil Sealed on public roads an are of the best qoalHy t>f *fbrm'mg land. Five per cent, only of ihepntdhasc money w3l required down, and the balance in Ten annual in* slahncnl«. Persons of small means who desire healthy loen lion*, wiUsee ot n glauce tiial this is the most do sifubto opportunity of securing a homestead ever be fore offered in this, or any other Connty. Apply to A. P, CONE, Wcllsboro I ,Tioga County* P:». < • March 27, 1856-lf. The Tioga County Agitator Ir. published ctery.TTIDIWDAV MORNINQ at WclUMro*. Tiupa County, Ife) by CowvSnmnncß A Co., on tb« I* AY -1) 0W M System. Th<» cash must invariably accompany th« order fur the paper, unless our agents at the several post-offi ces choose to become responsible for tho amount, or no pa per willin' miillod. Tho Mfliteriptlon price I* ONE It Oh l LA 11 l*£R ANNUM to single subscribers. Anv per son tending ns {9 vrlU receive 10 copies of the paper une >car —Hjlfcclud to each subscriber. Office. ROY'S BLOCK. second floor, over Taylor’s Book Store, Justice's, Constable’s and oilier Blanks alwa\s on hdnd. Jub and Fancy Printing executed with neatness and despatch. W. \V. ROBINSON, ' ■ 1 DjAt-rji jn , ... Books.Siyliouery, plank Books, Wall Paper Eng-, light French and American Manufacture, Toilet utensils and Perfumery, Fan. cy Soaps, Violt n Strings, Gold Pens and Pencils, Sfei, Sfc. All the popular Magazine's and leading Nexeipa: pers may be had'ai his Ciunter. COUSIXGj IV. y.j Kov. 15, 1555. ; H. ff. cox® BARBER Sc' HAIR DRESSER, Weilsboro’Pa. OMupiearnom ovcrßoberls' Tin Store. Every tiling in liis lino of business will be done as ,vcll and as promptly as ,U can bo done in'the more fashionable Citysaloons. . Preparations for removing' dandruff, and .bcautyGiug the hair, |br sale Cheap. Uqirurtld Whis>etsvjjed ony„color. Ca(l arid ace. ' WeUsbpro’.Oct 18. IMS. (if) ‘ Truth Isatranger ! ! W E must W'lluit,fr.‘'W.‘.Taylor is receiving from IUo Mamifaetiirere, life best rind cheap esl lot of TrANOS & RjECODEONS, bvcf offered' in this county... {ie'cdp and at ak fair prices bsCily. deaferiri Cifll at the Cuob Store Wdlsboro', Dcecriibcr G. 1855.' wab w ? HADN’T, IJEApp NfctfSJ O ' Well,'no yv'ondcj. Kupsas li'qs been.invaded, Lawrence liasbqen sacked and the Free State il/o lljl vvUli alljts Furniture liaakeenjdesiroycd. ,The snbitoribpr,always awake, to the. best iiitexcs(aof Ills lello w• cliizen.B,and knowing that there must be a great'demand Tor C ABIVET ri KIVITERE in consequence of eiid^Sack,'liascondladcd to re. main at his old Blond, two dahtn below Roe'aSlorc, where honis-generally in attendance lo receive and wailaptln customers. Constantly on hand)or rrtan. nlaclurfd to order, So|hs, Divans, Otiomnlns, Card'■'Centre. Diking <%• Breakfast Tables, Dress Stands, Dress apd Common Bureaus, MAHOGONY & COMMON WASfI STANDS. Cottage Xl French and Common of every description, together wilh all arliclesusa* nily niadc in hi* line of business. . From his knowledge of ths.. business -he* fiat* tors I\irose!f with the belief that those wishing (o purchase, would do well to call and examine his work before sending, clscwhcr for an Inferior article. TURNING done in a neat manner, at short no Uce. , Cliaii’s I, Chairs J Br®Hb" " In' additionto llie above,the snbscr TSSSfeSber would in form the public that be has f/V B just received a large and bundsomcassort mont of cane and common cha,ihs, Boston and Common Rocking Chairs <s*c„ which bq .will sell os. cheap, if.not. cheapor.ilian they can hie purchased anywhere, else in Tioga,, counijr. Coll und see them f ~ Wcllsboru*, June 19 *o(J. B.T. VANHOkN. W r riltsburo’ Academy. THE FALL TER M of this Institution will com* munoc on'rnej'day.Scpuaili,under the charge of E. E; BU&LIfIGAJXE. ' cmdb'CofTcffc:- la addition to the branches usually taught in shell institutions, them will be a Toucher** class composed of those who Intend to engage in teach ing, which will reciovc particular attention, both from the Principal and the County SupN of common Schools. The Academy Is provided with suitable increments for Philosophical and Chemical cipcri ments, such ax arc used in live htglver Schools of New York. The Academy building is now under, going a thorough repair, and in such a manner ns will host soil the comlbft and health ol the pupils. Board can be obluincd in private families at the Ms. ual rales. ■ Rato? of tuition for a form of eleven weeks will be us follows: Pninory Department, 31 50 Geography, Arithmetic, and Eng. Grammar, 200 Higher English Brunches, 3 00 Algebra, Geometry, ond Surveying,........ 4 00 Chemistry, Latin, Greek; French & German languages. Drawing, Painting &c., 5 00' [Sept. 4.1856.] JAMES LOWREY, /Wf. L. I.NICIIOUSSee. INEU TAILOR SHOP HE S;UB>' N SOMBER lias incjiauicw liiiBlio)) pwilc’ Hoy’s Store 4 I* prepared to ex* tc ihc order* of uld cqsfomcrs aud , tfs \vl»6 nitty favor > willi trteir pat* igc, with neatness' and despatch. Dodoes n ot feel it necessary to puff his work as it is warranted to furnish its own rec ommendation. . No garment is permitted to go out of the shop that is not made in the most substantial manner. Especial care observed in Cutting and Fitting. This Dep4rtmcnt,'will be under my vwn Vupervisinn. Believing in Uic “live and let live 0 rule, I luve adopted (he Pay-Down System and shall rigidly adhere to it. * WolMioro', March 13,1856. 11. P. ERWIN, Anew era in sun-peivcil- EINO!—E. W. BECKWITH re. ppcclfuliy announces to the cUiecns of WclUboro’ and yicinily, that (to bus perfected bis arrangements far'taking' ' ’ ' ■ ' ' ' A®sam®®YfE>slS R and is noWrcndy to gratify lho»e who wish a faith (ul likeness pf themselves by this beaulifiil process. The Viljieriorily ofAirtbrotypea over pictures nn metallic plates, is obvious to to the most careless ob server. The jiarslmeas and metallic (lister of the latter arc entirely obviated, and instead, we hove a clear, well-defined impression, exceeding in softness of light and ahado llis) finest (ilee\ qngraying and as plainly to be seen in any IlgliC. / Piclurps of infants and children of every ago ta ken with certainty snd despatch.; . , •■.Perrons v« billing pictures will please call soon, as Ills slay, in lown jyill .be necessarily, short. Pictures uigen jn cloudy as well as in clear wc&tbor.'' . ■ A P r> & 'SfrrtC ... . - , " ~ IVgnb, A Tbiwgs TV’antf II; \\T ANTED by almost every farmer ip, the cow W; |y, a bottle of lhe “Liquid, Hoove-Cure," to check .the first indications of heaves; and the p.revcd. lion ami cure of all discases -that affecflho wind of liorkqs.'' '-j.. : - ‘‘ " ' .j, r ‘ |Al»3f);'a hrix o(. Dr. PbWerV "Hibgrritaij Oiril merit,■'a .sovereign remedy forCali?^ratehes, ; Gra zed, Br pises, t jcslr'wijnhdjCri.gjVuttggJpneiioa diseased to' which’ hbrscs or hpjjriritPwtyc'aitf.TOhjeetr ALSO, a ( boxaqf fjje dQp Grit,Killcr,"one of the s.afbstaqd Bqst articlesTn riseror dcstroyingrsts arid'tnibc, or’Lybns celebralQiJ/’Ral Pill!,” fortho r.amc purpose, For ■■ale at the Well,boro’ Drug Store ; : A ftw,qvim»AVher^t<- ffllfcq&itiiWe it?^^*dW-^»b*tf^ii^<lUbcfr^j« !• tioAßmdmsLß/emwttwte/' , wHc^fdj!Hyte f irf«r>lji«l^<^^W^nc?!^«f Mith, erigagii'd,and thebcsl rppttriolirtised GXp'tertfy in alVtlfe mahoraclurlng idpmrlmsnUldf ;ll4», ; e(iJab)ialiment. : :P«rsona Bend haviiyr; Uicoi g&q# cdjfo llielr entire satisfaction, ' n'artVeulaVtbosame as llidigh Ihcyaljcndcdib'pcrt £fl;v-;s V),l'"' ,a T'.i«T,:i • ■ Ti ‘< ,It 'flJ . REJRAI/iUfO dour otbsoaUvilh names* and despatch.,' ~ , ■ .., ,■ , ' i,: ■’■ ' P/l/Ar77iW of alliinds done on Uto bortest ■ Boiltci'apd.mbirt rtiebl)obld]lcrro». _ '•UTAH kindrbf merchantable produce (dclivcp ed>- reciecd in exchange fbr :work, at lh« markri ■,, ,r.', i i.fi - .r'i ;,A.' &,£On! • ,;.Jojy Ij. fß3s;, : u ■ Bred? Mark* the Man, ! O WING- to tbe'greal rise in paper, tiicrb la i 'great'and incrtasingdcimind for ragaof all kltjdiM Therefore,, every marnwhowishea to aave ; tba first cost pn bis old clnlbtjs Should -cpst Ibetn. . buttons, apd all into ties rag-bag ; npl .bowevp until he'calf? sl'tTie 1 ' , ; PREMHIM CLOTHISO STOItE, V AT TIOGA, and select? from the large and splendid assortment oC~ 1 - ■ • ' ’’lS&uly Made Clothing, . liere keptcoristanlly on hand, a rail- Warranted to I'Vqar qk.tong os, any other,.and made/inlhe best and substantial manner, and under his own super vision. The proprietor has o'complete knowledge of the' trade, unit can sell tlie best quality of Ready' Made'Clothing considerably cheapeftliao any Other' establishment la the county. He keeps a variety ot Cloths, Cassinieres, Vestings, Drawers, Trimmings, Wrappers, Shirts, ■ Collars, Cravats, dfc. • which will be sold nsTcastmably as they can be prtr.- chased elsewhere. .Mis stack of COAT'S & VESTS can’t be beat this side of New York, either In price style, or quality. Don’t forget that this cslabtishmcnf took the firs premium at the Fair of last October. CP Particular attention given to cutting and ma king garmcpls lo order. C. OSMUN.. T*oga, April 3,1855. Carriage & Wagon Hlannfac tory. fJENRY PETRIE would on -*-f- nonnee lo his friends and public generally,(ha 1 Ije is the above business nn Grafixm street, .immediatci irt (be redr of J.TI. Bowen’s store, where be is pre pared to manufacture on short notice, Carriages, l£ngglcs, Sulkies, Wagons, of any style or description to *uitthe purchaser nnd of the very best materials. All kinds of re (miring done forthwith and on the most reasonable terms. PAINTING AND TRIMMING will he prpmpt ly executed in (he best manner and most fash ionuhio Mvle. Wcllaboro/July 13/55. HENRY PETRIE., Aftrti**.} niisLs. i Arri?ivr/oiv. farmers! THE, UNDERSIGNED rH>ppciiullv m the Farmers of Tioga County, tbgt they ore now ftionafacturing FINCH’S. IMPROVED PREMIUM FANNING MILLS, three miles south of WcllHborough, on the Jersey Shore road; and feel warranted in saying that said Mill is the best ever introduced into Tioga County both as respect* cleaning lanitind well,and the saving of Grass Seed Farmers arc respectfully Invited to ca|l«nd exam, aw* for tbemWeWcw bClore purchasing elsewhere. p* All kinds of Produce taken in payment. Old Mills repaired on short notice. ANGUS GRIFFIN &. SONS. Dclmar, Oct. 12,185(>-tr. AVio Voluinf-i—Subscriberg may begin Now. Life illustrate d—a fir. class Weekly Newspaper, devoted in News, Lit ernlurc, Science and the Arts; Ip Entertainment, Im provcinent and Progress. One of the best Family Newspapers in the World. Two Dollars a year. THE' WATER-CUKE JOURNAL. Devoted to Hydropathy, its Philosophy and Practice to Physiology and Ahutumy, with numerous illuslra. lions; and those laws which govern Life and Health'!- SI a year. ' THE PHRENOLOGICAL JOURNAL: Devoted to all those Progressive Measures for the el. evation- and improvement of Mankind. Amply 11. luslrutcd. $1 a year. ' * "]■ ‘ForS3 a copy of each,of these Journals will he sent one year Agents yvanlcd. Address, Fowtias & Wells, 308, Broadway New-York- IMRS. I, D. RICH ARDS, Agent lor the above works, and practical Phrenologist, may be found at the house of Mr. I. Richards, IVellsboro’, Pa. WHA’ i »S l.Jfr A- « -Am E ? Wiij, everything,tir I—etpeeiaUy when the name iV ttgmficahl and appropriate, of it certainly it o» applied (o THE EMPIRE STORE, which Will certainly have to be enlarged lo double ils present else,lo »ccom»nui|ute the crowds that, flnek there ddlly lo new and superb* stock of SlS*®a4T©- which BOWEN is receiving from Now-York, and ' SELLING AT REDUCED PRICES, because they must be sold to mskc room lor more. Ladies, we can show yrin soipc of the-finest, bcsl, mdsl tastily assorted and the cheapest Dress Goods, ever oficrcij-tri lltis.or any.oilier community. Don’t lake my word for it, but please call and examine for yourselves. 1 Arid then—such lots of READY-MADE Cloth-’ log, Spring and' Summer wear! Gentlemen, come and renew your faith by sight. Wcllslxiru’, May 15, 1856. , J. R. BOWEN, Deerfield woolen facto, RY; 30,000 Ibis. WOOL WASTED. To manufacture on shares, hy the yard, or ip ex change'for cloth. The subscribers have rented the alimy place of" E. & B. S. Bowcii. and are prepared to fake ih work on as good terms qs any oilier cs tablishmcnt. WOOL CAKDIIVG and Cloth. Dressing done on tbS'shortest notice. Cash, Wool, Lumber and all Rifids of Produce taken in exchange for work,' The subscribers are the sabie party that run the old Factory in Icft-l, and wig be glad to see all their old customers, hoping by a strict attention to bupi. ness to give general satisfaction. All who' wish' lo be served Well and promptly will da well Id try os. N. V. E. &' p. S. Bowen will hold themselves responsible fur the payment of edvl tuners. wo Schofield &. berry. Deerfield, June 26, . ■' ■ JtIARRIsE YARD. -• m. r. . .to ft?ARER.INi Itultad 9U«tA«ievlcanirKarl>lev ’ e r '4ujl ‘v . ..v. ’ MANTELS, -MONDMiENTS, TOMBS , V GEf(OTAPHS t GR«TB«tVJNES. ■Adtnre.; Bmwt O. P. .Dbach* J. To Tiogn, April IH.ia. r ” |Km|Pgta bjr ibe-qu»ililr, cau qaidiltr«(MdKtlieapi •» >ow « fijttife inWilhbohTM they : eka be bare&ued in ih. OI17; nnd*fe«sitatf “ V MSTffr ~ ,} XAXIO#MiIOT HAH, - : . whotnjiy g^miip«c«llj ; j. l |na 1 »w; TAILOK S I* f|IE PEACE, " •> • lWmw»«H ,: f <■'■'■{ >'•■ Gold and fSUttr, Ihnbrj Wj Anther tud'Ci/Un <Ur WA H UES. CM Cisht.GM Ueim, ■ > vdt#m*4 -v .**fe." r “**i ns * f u dPiprtfj, fflw tinted. WDM. w Tii XMti/tiu'f ’ Table 4ttd i T*aSpba*9 % sc. ‘ A <£ Clteit. o full ftldt, ■1 Wdhbaw* Aa f -'J4?S&, ! tVWiTAVLOR.r For ; Wlu.ju.l eu. ■ 'Fctnqy Gdodf/foi/lhiifet, Pdrimonmieif. ■ n ’] JdtliPtieele'rt'y ffatfiSioh'i' Pirfutpt* cries, Harrisoit’i Shitting " ' and TdifePSnap. c ; HAKRMOH’SCOLUIWBIAiyjIjmS, ; BXACE■' RED - BLUE. •A - C AKO.—Tha' subscribed, gratefurfbr tho . A-iltberal patronage heretoforegra u ted himby 4be public, -and aware ll»t unforeseen dfrcnipslaotes iiavcprcvenlcd hia serving his patrons ■> promptly ar lie cntiM h ive desired in lime past/begs to assure ihcpnblic that with hie own tnca.and having secured, the seevieesaf'hdirsUelass workman,,l)? if non. .able; |o undertake Watch and Jewelry repairing, and pan fulfil . orders promptly and to the saliafaclionof nil. " Charges moderate and all Vork warrahled. N. B. 'A good assortment ofWa tehcs.Oloklre Jewelry. Silver and plated ware. School, Miseeltanc. ous. Blank Books,.Stationery and Wall-Paper con. Uritly’bn hand. G. W. TAYLOR. ' Wellsboro’, July 1t;T856. ' . HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA. Importunt Announcement, TO ull persons hfflipled.swith Sexual diseases, such as SPERMATORRHCEA, SEMINAL wearness. •''lmpotence, gonorrikea. GLEET, SYPHILIS', thb Vide of ONANISM, or SELF-ABUSB.&c., *c.. ■ ' The HOWARD ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia in view o| the awful destruction of human life and health, ca used hy Scxnat diseases, and the deceptions which’ sre practiced upon the hnfbrlanate victims of such diseases by Quacks, have directed their Con. suiting Surgeon, as a.CHARITABLE ACT worthy of llioir name, to give. MEDICAL ADVICE GRA. TIS, to all persons lhns afjiicied. (Ma|e or Female,) who apply by letter, with a description of their con dilion, (age, occupation, habits of life, &.C..) and in case of extreme poverly/nnd suffering, to FURNISH MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard Association is a benevolent Insula, tion, established by special endowment, for the re lief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with “Viru. lent and Epidemic Diseases," and its funds'can be used for mxother purpose.. It has .nqwm surplus of means, which the Directors have, voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add that the.Ai. socialion commands the highest Medical skill oitho age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment.—Valuable advice also giver* ief siek and nervous females, afflicted willi ..Womb.Complaint Leucorrhma, Sic. Acidrewp, (post-paid,) Dr. GEO. R, CALHOUN Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Director?, EZRA D. HARTWELL PicaidenU GEO. FAIRCHILD,Secretary. October 25,1855. —ly. NEW GOODS! WKW GOODS I Just received from the village of Ncw-York, a large ontTsplendid assonincnl of Spring & Summer Goods ,l l llIL " Store the undersigned in Mlddlebury, Pa, end which he is offering al reduced prices. Hi- slock consists in a full assortment of all man. ocr ot Goods commonly kepi in a country Store, It i« needless to mention articles. We shall keep, constantly on hand. Pork, Ffour, Salt, White Fish and Mackinac Tfoot. We are determined to sup. ply the wants of every man, woman and child, in our line of business, apd,-say to our friends and pa. Irons to come on wiill the utmost confidence in oar disposition and ability to supply your every want. It will be owing to n copibinatiun of our compet'd, orsto bribe the N. Y. & EHe Railroad Company against transporting onr freight* if we fail in so 4o ln?'„ , „ , -g.iB.'POTfTER. Mld h ' Center. JuneiS *sji. J. B, Torti* ag (. New arrivals at the wbllsboro’ I DRUG STORE. Soijhate or Inoioo, for coloring Blue, and Green. _ Cocan Mistu**,—This, article e pots ins,Balsam Tolu and oilier valuable cough rcmcdiqs.and is par ticularly recommhnded to ill? notice ofPhyaiciaju. Pouionic AV*rcas. A new lot of that 4s and’bi Tea, that ciery Body 1 ke* so w£ll. *• / * ■ Extract or Ujio.v, Rose, Vanilla, Rue Apple for cockling.- Masrisu Ink, that will not .wash out—for mark. iii£ Linen, <fcc. •' WATkaftßoor Snot Blacking, to preserve the lea ther apd keep the feet dry. .VVaiTitfo Ink—Black, Blue and Red, of-tho best ( l ualll y- ,' . , Wellshqro 1 , Jan.,10,1856- NEW establishment. NEW BGO'TS. WM.TtILBY respectfully informs ffj Jlic eitizensof .Wellsboro’ and I I . viciuity t (liqt he hasbogun I lie 800 l *,■<*» Shoe business in Ihe building occupied £SL by Eaglc." They are non ready lo do all work in ibeir line in llic best manner—and will moke Fine Sewed and Pegged Boots -end Shoes, in the most approved style, os well as Coarse Work. Repairing- done in a superior manner. VTJ'Cy. would respectfully apjinit the patronageoflbe citizens of iho/nXbaUltey.will ea. dcavor to merit their favors by,using the besl stock, by careful Workmanship, add by punctuality ‘Cash paid for Hidds. ‘ -i” " ‘ July 8d,156. Gin. frora May 1h J e ' kogees * foot: —” Horießdrtlp, Pi*.; ■' - PUMP.- - ,J' lCr.BeslPunipinlhe World !irj *•’ lObumjr'snd State Rfgßta for Sale] & COmManufaclurera, Seneca Falls, Ni:YJ ■T? 8 .Room, . [jone 19-ssil l' 5.,8.F00t. largeVlUck in store of the la. Usl UgJiioDt, a filgutranieed fctefylime, «• ato alprice to suit the buytnvfor, lard bound Uriel! • Scpu . J. R. BQWEN, KAIM, OF it THOUSAND ‘FHOWER&. • • for dhb removal of and alt diacoeei jif the skin, ato.- s L’i.tJ R^ROY'S. Oon hand al.-. W; HOP’S. ifc ’WliS¥lJ FIS!* J.»X t>y Ihc 1 J and bbt., thehp-'ii - “ ' ,*SB HOE'S.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers