X, ',,,.'',80M31U4X1; DE.41.E.4% IDISIT-Taq; - cHENICALS, FREPAR4TIC!!B , PQR THE HAIR, o=ff sz ".3.:411.11•17.15,*; TIARNJSIM,2 ibgse RO. Physicians dealt ri.114 at 2Q_per pent, discount. IVAYNESPORO' HQTEL BUILDING, -31arch.27, 1871. AWaynesboFol, Pa F~~L~~r~~y~~rl;~M~~ The following record of one day's accidents, all from the same cause, viz i the use of in : ferior-Coal-Oiliis-taken-frourthe-Philadelt phia Ledger ofa recent date: • "The alarm of fire, last evening, at 7 o'- Clock, was caused by the: burning of the dwelling, corner of-kith and Poplar,' result-- log' from ine explosion of a, coal oil lamp.- Mrs. Hersh, occupying the second story of rhe dwelling had retired toher department, a few moments before the discovery of the fire. On entering her room, she was found lying on the floor, wrapped in flames." Aboirt - 7 - ecio - clz --- yesterday - tiraning, a coal oil lathp in the hands of Sarah Alexan der, who liVes on Cowslip St. near i lfitii.- ~ _ ...,s - severely - burned: — = - - "Margaret Cci!Egan, residing in the rearbf 618 South st., was burned by the explosion of - a coal oil lamp. ' * Her husband, while at tempting to extin g uish the name, was also severely , burned: Two of the above named _victims .have:since_died_of All such fearful accidints,resultineindeOrh and the . destruction of valuable proper,tY, may be avoided by using "CARSON'S S2r,gi- LA.R OIL," which is known to be a perfect ly safe and reliable illuminator. .It. ns.fo.zsale Amberson, Benedict & Co : , Waynesboro; Christian Good, Quincy. [feb 11LLEE..M. GOOD 311TIETAbl ANA NORIEntOitY JUST WHAT YOU WANT At Prices to suit Times and Quality WORK WARRANTE:D Morro:—Quick Sales and small Proffits. We will furnish anything wanted in our line of business, SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, MANTLES, STAIRING, &e., WIIOLESA.LE Olt 'RETAIL We also contract for continued Rail Stair, Ways, NoWel's Baliusters, &c. &c., furnish to order or put into buildings by the' 'best of workmen ' • Sawing, Chopping,-Poast Boring, Grinding, Turning, &c. &c.' short any thing you want call for it;if ito.kon hand we will make it. As reference we &an show you buildings in the country or in Waynesboro' Where you can judge for yourselv can't recommend material,' it mustrecom mend itself) also see the quality of our ma tesiul cumpared with that of other shops. • TO TILE PUBLIC Thankful for past iltvors, we ask you for a continuance of the same. Factory 1 . 1 miles South of Waynesboro', Pa GOOD & METCALF, C=NM P. : 4 . We , are also - prepared to furnish F:•arning n/ate,ial at comparatively lowrates. G. &...I\l. URSLNITS COLLEGE ! Pre.eland, Montgomery Coun ty, Pcnn'a. THE:ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: [Foam:tux FREELAND SEAUNARY.j A - First-class English, Mathematical and Classical Boarding School for EN N 3 Y MEN IMO BOYEt tradar the immediate. Tuition and Manage ment of the faculty of the college. TER Ms MODERATE. Ail neecs , :ary expenses, including Tuition, Wa-hing, Books, &c., not exceed ingS-'3O a year. Tll F. COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT w ill be distinct from the academic, and will trord. .111 the advantag,es of a full college e.,erse in the usual higher branches of btudy, under the direction of a Faculty of six rrofe:;SON: nt,The Academic Year for both Depart ments will be divided into the following three ternis:--The School opening with the Fall term, September (, 187 U to Deceniber 22. Winter term January 4, 1871 to April Spring term, April 1:1 to July 7, 1871. Poe mr: her mlormation apply to •1;ov..1. U. (;Olikt:1;CE!:, D. D., tent cr;liege, PrecLmd, iz4 . ;.;'.•n-er3" CoEuitY, July RIJN ronE HStui), - E 51101". TO E sulvet•iber announces to the pablie that he eoptinues the machine business at the Rock Vorgo. and has for sale Sider Mills to operate by hand or horse power; Spring tooth Rakes, Corn Spellers, Cutting Boxes, Motz and Self-sharpener Plows. atfd Castings ordifferent kinds so that Ile can supply farmers according to order. All kinds saws repaired. 110 has also for sale all kinds of stuff part of which is seasoned, such asfellows, tongues, bonus, axes, plank, pailings. Building Lumber of allnntis furnished at the short ,est notice JOHN S: DAY-HOFF. it,; • • • • tiri, MEI 3:-1311RN4 AMBERSON I . - M, Drugs of the best criality, PATEND DICINEB' of all Irinda, PURE WHITE LEAD and 'COLOIp, OIL, TURPENTINE,• iSze,•4e., at " . • ' BRUMES, COMBS, POCK,BT BOOKS,R.A. zdis, Penknives, Stationery,-Sogps, Perfwm Cry, Toilet and Fancy Goods; etc., full as sortment at DESIRABLE in every household, Pure Raking Material. ' You can always, get the }hest at DR2VIBERSON'S Vegelable Vermi cide. The best reined_ y_ for _worms.. SAFE, RELIABLE AND PALATABLE. WHISKEY, RRA_NDY, RUM, and GIN NEV GOODS !, NEW GOODS ! F subscriber announces to the citizens of Ringgold and •vicinity that he has re turned from the East with a stock of 3aTitnw METCALF NEW Sif aLEIVAIRE for Ladies, Misses and Children, embracing all styles ; also gaiters, shoes, etc., for Men and lioys. He has also Groceries for sale, such as Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups and Spices. He continues to manufacture to order men's Boot and. Shoe and ladies and chil dren's work of all kinds. He returns thank for past fators and asks a continuance of public patronage in the fu ture. PATENTED SEPT. 21 1 The nrerus of this machine consists' in part, in the: attachment of curved knives to the arms of the cutting-wheel, the shear ing cot across the mouth-piece, the great power and directness of the blow; by which treble the voluMe of material is cut, with less power than is required by any other machine ; those combinediwith its durabil ity and simplicity 'of construction, command public attention. Nothing liable to get out of order, but what a boy could remedy with apocket wrench. Persons !in want of machines of this de scription will:do well by calling upon or ad dressing the undersigned. Good and res ponsible agents wanted to sell machines and territory. The above:Machine is now on exhibition at the Waynesboro' Manufacturing Compa ny's Office. Persons interested should call and examineit,, for it is what even• farmer should',linve. H. C. GILBERT, linx.r. F. STOUFFER, Proprietor, Agent. Waynesboro' Pa. July 14,!tf IVHNESB , OIIO' HUAI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, .I.Nsuitr.s AGAINST LOSS OR ILAILAG BY DS' X 3EI. M e i as3 property ut reasonable rates DIRECTORS: W. S. Amberson, Simon Lecron, Lewis S. Forney, Jacob Carbaugh, Jos. Douglas, Jos. Price, Jacob' J . , Miller, Jos. W. Miller, Benj. E. Funk, D. B. Russell, Levi Sanders, Jacob Good. DAVID 31. GOOD, Agent, june 16,'70] Waynesboro', Pa. riONT.I;:X C'NOC'AVE spectacles, at ALEX, LEEDS still ahead: „ . , 'EF A). 4.FLECT;;and,be cc}:nvinced,. THE CORNER DRUG STORE. THE`, CORNER DRUG STORE THE CORNER DREG STO - THE CORNER - DRUG TORE FLAVOROGEXTR/CTS 15 different kinds, at. THE CORNER DRUG STORE. TRUSSES at THE CORNER DRUG STORE Get your Prescriptions filled by DR. J. BURNS AMBERSON llingg,old, May, 11, '7l. W. TP,VVART iT•A YNESB OR o', PA., OFFICERS : W. S. AMBEIZSON. President. SLMUN LEcnoN, Vice President. ..*t Jos. DouGtAs, Sr.cnnr.tnv. Jos. W. INltu.nnATreasurer. + ~ l ''..-'l, - ",7+:.- irt r ;';'''' '' , Y*'..e ., ; 7 : : ;577 , :g * :,; . `P.: ",'• .; ,;,'': , ',r , '„' '2'.': ''',`' '''' '.: ' '- ::';',;,%::;:',:`'.-'' ''.:- •;- . 7r . -, - • • .N.NopitugEN . : • • e would invite your Atteinticof our SPMNG GOODS which is *ige and varied and consists in part; of 1331 X MESH MOIELURS, Black and Colored Alapaceas, Japanese Poplins; Japanese Silk Robes; Black .Gro Grain Silirs, Berlinese Clod"- -------- CIIENE BROWBAIX, BEAUTIFUL ; chene Poplins, Plaid Toin, , QUAK E .CITY POTLI37B, West End lelnrtalle Cloth, Troy Coon Repps, - an elegant Rapper Goods, W .fit _ T_ and Embroideries, Hosiery and Gloves, GENTS' FORNISIIING GOODS, NOTIONS, - &e.; Plain and Fancy Cassimeres and --- . O ZIOTHS (new style) Ladies' Dasting Gaiters and Mo rocco Shoes. GROCER Rio, Laquyra and roasted 'Coffees, New, Or. Stone and China ware, kinds, Glassware in-end— tusk-willow ware; Venitian, Ingram and Rag Carpets, Cocoa Matting, Floor and Ta ble Oil Cloths, Oil and Paper Blinds, and in fact everything kept in a well regulated store. !'Examine oli t r prices and judge bor yourselves. • 'April 13, '7l. PRICE & IiGEPLICH. amalvau NEW GOODS! DIDERSON BENEDICT & CO'S, WE ARE 'NOW RECEIVING OUR. SEC OND SUPPLY OF SPettle & SUMNER GIORUSv To Which we call your attention. We are now prepared to sell all kinds of Dry Goods, Groceries, Gueensware and Notions, et a much lower price than they have been sold for several years. Shoes, Alpaccas, • Summer Wear, Calicoes and Lawns, Mens Wear of all kinds, Rag, Imported and Girthing Carpet, Everything needed in the Clothing Line, DclaincB, Shoes, Boots & Summer Hats, Oil Cloths for Floor and Table, Boys &Misses summer wear, Ntions of all kinds. Cliffs & Collars, ' Breasts, Embroidery, ' Butterflies. Neck Ties, Cottonades, Jeans &Tweeds, Table Diapers, Laces and Insertings, Elastic and Garter Braids, Domestic and French Ginghams, Irish, Blay and Coat Linen, Hosiery and Gloves, • Cassirneres and Cloths Our prices are low, Give us a call and we• will try to accom modate in everything. AMI3EDSON, BENEDICT, & CO. Stine 1, 1871. •' , "A:W7 , 7:7 - 7r*F-7 , 77i7 , W , :• - F'7 . 77 - 7 ! "k c, c,-1:.1''.'.,-.,..,.'—:'-,'::'..-?-•::';:11';',;;.7:P?4';'!!'::::?,.•,;-',.;;;,- ' ,- ;' ,. : 0, ,, !•.0- MILLER & Co's T W. MILLET{R - 4 CO.- have just opened their first stock of Spring Goods, which was selected for the home trade; and cen sista of all the styles of Foreign and Domes tic Dry: Goods,' ac. :For the Ladies they have a large stock - of alithe - late style Dress and Fancy Goods. - • f° Poplins, ,' French Ginghams, Alpaccas, Percales, Series, Lawns, • ' - 'Kerdhiefs, . • Mohairs,, • Swisses• - A nice, assortment of Spring Shawls, 'Lace Collars, Fans, Parasols, . Corsets, Chignons, Switches, ' full line - cif - Gents Furnishing Goods of every style and quality: . -- SCOTCH, and - AMERICAN • - CASSIIIERES, Castings and .VestiAgs for Spring and Sum mer; Also,Shirts, Collars, Bows, Handkerchiefs, Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, Hosiery, Susperi, ders, Cuffs, &o. 43IPETLIAL, Imported, Rag and Cottage Carpet. Ta ble, Floor and Stair. Oil ClOth;•Boautipal styles Oil Window Shades. 0 0 D PAINTS-ALL COLORS. Lewis' and Beates ds Miller's IThite.Lead Lin.- . • . • Glass and Putt , andtn fact everyt Queenswaro of all All persons desiring.to , purchase are re quested to call and examine goods an&pri : ces. No trouble to'show goods. _ • April 27,1871. J. W bl. & CO. GMISMIZ'S PATENT SELE-REIIIMATC\ CLEANER, BAGGER AND POWERS 1 • No implement more important to the firmer than s. First-class Grain Thresher and Cleaner—for none pays him so well and so speedily: . The above cut shows the only Geiser Ma chine now built Under the immediate eye of the old inventors themselves, with all the additional improvements made during the' past 18 years, and now with FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN & MATERIAL this 111achi-,e just stands high above all of its class. As a thresher it is equal to the best, as a cleaner it is superior to any exist ing Machine. This is admitted by all hon est competitors. Indeed it is the only Ma chine that really can, by one operation, thoroughly thresh and clean grain fit for market. But the fact that grain direct from this machine commands from 2 to 3 cents a bushel more than grain direct from any oth er Machine, settles -the question of its supe riority as a cleaner over all others. Impar tial judges at all the State and County Fairs where it was thoroughly and practically tested, in competition with other leading machines, always agree that it is more sim ple—more easily understood and, operated by those unskilled ih machinery—more du rable—threshing as much'and yet cleaning better—with less power and more comfort to hands than any other machine in use— and besides all that is sold for less money according to capacity. These'. facts are further attested by, the thousands of. pur chasers, some of whom have had them in use for the last 18 years. To supply . The wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz:— Proms 2 Horse. Railway or 3 Horse Lever Power, to alO Horse Lever Power, with prices ranging • from $l9O to $360, without power. We also albite the latest impproved triple-Reared Horse Powers, suitable for each size machine, ranging from $9O to $135, and all fully and fairly warranted. For further information send for circular and price list. Responsible Agents in Territory not in troduced. Address, - - THE GEISER MANUFAC'G CO., WANN3MI3OII.O', Franklin County, Jan; 21-tf Pennsylvania. 11'AINE20110' COO FICTODY: GEO. W. HAWKER having withdrawn from the firm of Adams & Hawker the subscriber informs the public that he con tinues the Coachmaking business in all its branches, at:the old stand. He will at all times have a supply of new Buggies, differ ent kinds, on hand ; also 'second-handed ve hicles. Repairing done at short notice.— He uses the best material and employs good mechanics. He returns his thanks to• the public for theirliberal qatronage, and by attention to busing and, a disposition to accommodate hopes' to merit a liberal share of the same in the future, Jan. 14-tf TEE 111,W..N.MOVA SEItING ]neltiliES! $25 cheaper than any other, ' For S,implicitc, Durability and Beauty, they stand unrivalled. For Stitching, Hem ming, Tucking, Felling, Quilting, Cording, Binding, Braiding, Gathering, Gathering d: Sewing on. gathers, they are unexcelled.— Warranted. - .A.:E.VAYNANT, • S. E. Corner Diamond; Waynesboro', Pa. Mar. 30, 1871 BBACON—Country sides for sale bv Jute 29. • W. A. REID A. full stock , of Prime GROCERIES • Hardware, Cedarware, $43 - coun GRAIN SEPARATOR JACOB ADAMS. uNDRRFEED - SMTTTLE and i"T;:""3' r " °"":"?s„"ism,`. .Ag _ _ 4:1 Ay . and fq, sale a large- assortment of Stoves and Tinware, 0001 Z S'1 1 017.M8 (warranted' to give satisfaeiiom) --TrNIYARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS TUBS, BUCKETS; CHURNS__ - And other useful articles at the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Waynesboro', Pat., where n large assortment of COOK STOVES, NINE-PLATE STOVES, • , PARLOR-STOVES, Queensivarei Glassware. of the latest improvements, the very best in the market, at the Cheap Tin and' Stove Store of THE IMPROVED BASE BURNER, Sold at Retail by s - D. B. RUSSELL & SON, . TINWARE . made of the best Tin in the market,- and warranted at the sign of the "BIG RED HORN" D. R RUSSELL keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of all House Furnishing Goods for sale cheap. Pure No. I Rem gene Oil antlA large assortment of Lamps. _ WASHING MADE EASY ! by calling at the sign of the , "Big Red Horn' and getting the best Clothes Wringer ever made. Ile—Person's in want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &c., can. get full value for their money by calling on D. B. RIIS'SELL & SON, • Sign of the "Big Red Horn," Waynesboro', Pa. • 3AVE TUTA DRY. HOUSE, PATTEWMI) J - AXUARY, 21st 1868. • Thii is the best Dry House ever offered to the public. ' It dries , Fruit in half the time required by the old method. It dries uniforinly and perfectly. The fruit dried by it retains more of the natural flavor. It is easily managed. It saves fuel. It is durable and ,ortable. ". It has 24 feet of drying surface.. Call and see them_at the sign of the BIG RED HORN and leave your orders for them ' March 24, ;870. :',J;cP..41i . 04 . STONVARE, BRASSWARE, JAPANNED WARE, 'KNIVES AND FOII,IIS, SPOONS, FimmxTr s mil7.=Ti COAL STOVES ac., D. B. RUSSELL & SON pmti Sign of the. Big Red gorn Waynesboro', 141 THE L. A: OELLIG . NEI" :GOODS CAN BE 040 AI OE STONE -, OF ; I hive just bought in the -East a choice stock of goods. A: full supply' of ' • • COFFEES; TEAS)._ • • EICE, WHITE SUGARS, - (Coffee, crackedloaf and pulverized.) P. R. and N.. 0. Molasses,and Syrupy, Dried Fru it,,Stwur-Crured,Hams, Smoked Beef &c., In the . way of Fare Spices and..baking ar ticles generally, and flaVoring.articles, the quality stands unsurpassed. Do not forget to look at uurlo cent and levy sugars. I am prepared to i keep with the market. CHEFSE.--The - very best quality on hand winter and summer., • GRAMIENS tlell, IitNEDSt- I get my"goods fresh from the factory of James Alason and Co. Have many diflbr ent kinds. The newest thing out is 'the "Imperial." • FRESH AND SALTED FISH. The Fish department we, keep up full, and will play.second fiddler to none. All thro' the proper season we get- string fish, iced shad and herring. We sell sound fish and sell them right that is the reason we sell th - Stn - fils - t. Customers. wanting one shad or 100 waited on with the same alacrity.— Housekeepers wanting to lay in a supply for the-summer should buy very soon. _ 7r 7 ave z re and 'for sale a choice lot of Mackerel in whole bbls, halve§ and quarters, at about one-half the price per lb. of bacon. There is nothing else so cheap in the provision line as Mackerel. Make • a note of this. GLASSWARE.—Look at the goblets, turn . • blers, sets, small dishes.• QUEE.).:SWARE.=-Granite ware of the very . best make im. ported in tea sets and by the dozen and half dozen. Also a large stock of common Teas and dishes. NOTIONS AND SUNDRIES.—Baskets, ' buckets, bronms, tubs, -;•• - • - ' brushes, "soaps, clothes - pins,pocket books, es sences, Barlow's blue, chewing tobacco and segars, &c., &c. I ask, the public to call and examine.— Will always try to make_timpricessuit-cash- I April 20, 1871. - ViVAITD§DO2PTiIiSPAIRt = ez\ t. Thousands have found relief. and 1 4 Az • • \thousands will turn to this Medi clue, alter ex boasting their purses ~i and patience dullness of health. " Itilddhtess f the head, of the min heti breath, coated tongue, loss of appetite, pains an. weak ness In the stomach, enlargement of the liver, .yellow - mess of the skin, constant fever and thirst, with a total dhirelish tbr busittess.pleamre or any kind of employ mint. FA11V2421r13 PIMACEA, it taken and persevered in for SI few days, will remove this whole class of Byrn?. loins. Theduids of tbe body become pure, and mind clear, dm stomach strengthened, the tongue clean, the appetite Improved, and the whole system so benefited that disease, In bad Weather, is less liable to Millet you. Dr. P. FAHRNEY'S Celebrated ORIENTAL Blood Cleaoser or Paoatea. As %medicine for ehildwar, the Panacea Is. in livery war, °tabulated to take. the place of the endless variety of dregs which are annually aviator that purpose, and which wooden very injurious. A medicine which pos sesses the qualities of a cathartic as well as at alter. any% and which is capable otarresting disease without the least talury to the child, Is of inealmlablevalue to every mother. „As a cathartic, It is very effective, yet it doca not, itgiren in proper quantitic, cause weft or distress to the stomach or bowels. D is very: pleasant medicine ate, which is As Importan feature as a for children. reventrve a t disease Is unprecedented. as It acts directly upon the digOative or ms s a C n r d e a t t h i e emi cin n a ve s °r u ad u ot d e p as u s, i e ;an he , If given regularly and perseveringly, those eruptive die- . eases so common to children may be entirely MadicatelL Proved by .1". Ittners Bros. Co,,_waynesrioro, and Dr ;ow, Jra" , MLEY . .. 93 orth Dearborn \ St., CUICAOO. Price SDI/Seer bottle tb ca r lor& 117110 • br Wholesale and Be .Nb And by Forthrnan, 3.13. ArOberson, M. D. and Dr. A. S.. Bonbrake, Waynesboro { ; Romer Buhrtnan, Pikesville. [Dec. 8, 1871-Iy. PV:1; DRUZB4, 310 0 4111. "JlC!,llsiit GO TO-FOUltrsNdirS Waynesboro', May 21, 1871. ISMid mmwmril W. A. REID OII.IS Y AXD &e., •&c., A`°NEAT. MEDICAL MOWERY 4 * Dr. 014413 I TINEG . I' tr g Kniidredi Th, °tomb • i S*o 1 el o 4 a el ri . att. 0. I ; , g c ns 051 .0 .. e z. • :2'41 rig ova 0' I,t I. 0 r'to WI usg,, 0 2 ,g g Egg,- is 147; o •.- 0E1; •••ET ABE NOT A-VIER DittftlC; • Dade of Poor Bass, Whiskey, Proof Spirit& and Bolas° Liquors doctored,splesd and 000 . cncd to please the tasto, called '"ionloi,""Appertiz ern," "Restore/t" se.. that lead the tippler on to. drunienness and rain, but Aro a trao Medians; madtr Dom the Nair° 'Boots and herbs of 'Calton:la, freer from all Alcoholic Stimulants, They are OW • •GICEAT , BLOOD PUBIFIRIt-anderialibi - GIVINGPRINCIPLE a perfect Renovator and. Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous , matter and restoring tho blood to a heathy condition.. person can.taho Mae Bitters according to dim, tion and remain long unwell. $lllO willbo gime for nu inewablo case, provided' tho bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or other ineani,toulthe vita organs Wasted beyond the point of repair. Pier Irdlavraiutory and ,Cluranier glans and Gout, DYSPolsslas or - IStaillastba• Bilious, Benatteut and laternOttent rovers Diseases of the Blood, lAverr,DAdneyi, sad Bladder, these 'Bitters have been moat success. _ Inf.-- finch -- Diseales - are -- catited -- by - liftfiftid . Blood. which loge:drolly produced by_ derangement of the Digestive Organs. DICSPEPSLi INDIGESTION, BetA ache. Pain is the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizaniss, Sour Emantions of the- Stonsab, Bad taste in tho Month, Bilious Attisers, Palpitation of the Ream I- 1 1.*mrystion of the Lungs,'Pain Inthci regions or the lildnessond ohnndrod °that painful symptoms, aro tho offsprings of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate the tor.;- pidliver and bowels, which render them olatevudled efficacy in cleansing the blood of all impurities, and imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eitintionti,Tetter,Ssit Dheum; Blotchco, Spots, Pimple,. Stistules,riolls, Casi boucles, Ding-Worms, Scald-Read, Soro Eyes,/ elan;itoltrSeuria,-Discoloratiniabilro - Shbi;Dianons and Diseases of the hkba, of whatever name or nature, aro liferallytlng up and carried out of tho system in a ) short time by the use of them Mum. Om bottle la ceseavall convince the most Inereduleits of their' curative effect. - - Cleans° the Vitiated Blood whenever you !indite ImPurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Erap , time or Sores ; cleanse It when you dud it obstructed and sluggish' la the reins; cleans* Outten it is foul, and your feelings will tell, yint when.. Beep the blood pure and tho' health of thoeystemvallfollow,-- L---- -- PIN, "S'A L'E and. other TVORDLS, lurid= tho ,system of so many thonsande,oroottratually destroy ed and removed. ror fall directiorui read O OG - rt . ii -1 1 ,- fli - tOtTr - i - Ca --1 pug:a—English, German. French and Spardnb._, J.IVALICIIR, Proprietor. E. IL .31eDOICALD & CO., Druralota and Gen. Agents. San Francisco, Val. and 92 and.% Commerce Street, New Tork. 1.0"^O: D 'ALL DMIOGISTS AND te.tillZCEt. Ayer's Flair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural: Vitality and Color. A &min which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving g the . hair. Faded or grays hair is sows restored to its orig mat color, with the gloss and freshness of youth, Thin hair is thick. _,, t g fircired, and bald mess often, - thoug,h not always, cured .by its •use. Nothing can restore the hair whin tha follicles are destroyed, or: the - glands, atro phied and decayed. -tut such 'as re main can be saved for .rsefnlness by this' . application. Instead of fouling the hair tith a pasty se4it: ment, it well keep , it clean and moron% Its occasional use will prevent, the hoer from turning gray, or falling of; • and (masa:Neatly „ prev . eat baldness. Free from those - dektermm3' substances which make some preparations dangerous, and: injurious to the hair, the ''Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing Contain. elso can be found so desirable. neitherng ton,oranadye r 'its, tarts lon not g soil on the white hair, giving, it a lien, glossy lustre and a gmte.ful perfume. Prepared by Dr. L' C. Ayer* Co., PBA , OTIOAL AND ANALITICIL :011i*EIT4 LOWELL, MASS. ii/OZEI U.OO. PEI TCAVED A PENNY MADE SAYS THE OLD ADAGE. Well, how and where is the place to do it ? wherever you., can use your money to the best advantage ; and pcAultir opin ion has long since given the palm to - STOVER dr WOLFF, • • for keeping the best and cheap est store; • est store; all they want-is for buyers to call and examine their stock and convince themselves of what they say. Our stock consists of fhe following articles: Ladies Dress Goods—Suva es Alptiecas, - • • Reps, Mohairs, Poplins , Armuns, ' Deainee; ° English Velveteens' Opera Cloths, Ipellants, d:c., MEN'S lirtAß.---Clotis, Doeskin Cnssimeres, Cords, Sattinette, Cottoruides, • Linens, Tweeds, &c., &e. LADM9 CUSTOB-MADE SHOES, in Lasting and Morocco, cheap. 43-IEL CP Ci I=t, 33:1115 We have bought large, consequently cheap. All oar goods have been bought at panic .prices, consequently we are enabled tcpn-• dersell those who bought before the decline. ItEfl.Call - - and see; and we will prove to yon what we say. ALL * kit:DS 'OP COUNTRY PRO DUCE BOUGHT. AND SOLD. June 29, 1871. STOVER & 'WOLFF. .'~" ! ~ Js - ,Sr,~a;- ~ ',~~~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers