~..., . • . . . _ . . . . . - . . . , . .. . ... . . . . ~„ , ~ •. . .. ,- . - ' - . . . • •. . ' . , . . '. ' + • i . , ;..' , :_r`,: . : o". ,:-2. , - ' ' ''''.., -1 , ' , -• : , , C% bi d -. Ck .. , hil -,' ..- '„ . , , .. .. .. . • . . _ . • • - - • • ' . . . , . .- '., ; ! , ,„,. 0.4..... ', ',': • : '; ' '-• .. r.;:, ..; t b.: v.)l' ;:, ; I.- t1;1•;. III( .• ', •; , ' , . 1: • . . ::'; -. .1 ft>. 1 ~ ..tt . •,i . Ali 1 - 1111 - . ~ ,; r. .1., • , -, - - ',! 1 . -.,. • :-...- -;:- :-,,..... , - - ..:.• ,- •-•,. • .. ..,, 7 ' ..,' ' '-. - . '... : ,; 7 , •‘i ' .::i..! ix 0,..: : .• ..,0..... , ~..., ,f, ' „' , • 1 :).:, ,i _ ~,•: ..,A , , ' • , - . ... . '. . . . , : ; , ' 0 , - ,,' ...: -11:,- .. -• ' • -,• " : '•!,." .',* ' ,4* ' - . ~ -. . . •• • •• -. '_.• ..• _:: L. .........121: :ii:i.• ,',' ~1.'.t., t.r0... :'• f. •i , .• , f.'l •w;„ I: r,i i..., „:. . .. , . - BY W. ALMA: VOLUME' .24. r i 't actp • `..• AA B:.NIBERSON,*I%..D.,' • PHtge./4,?1T spappr, -*WAYNESBORO', PA, • ! ..• - offite ailhe Waynesboro'- "Corner rug :Store." • Drug 29:---tf. 33. FR A. IsTT 0", Has resumed the practice of Medicine. QFPICErr,In the Walker Buildiinv-near 'the Bowden-house:--NiglitleallS- shouid-bc- Made at his residence 'on Main Street, ad joining the Western School House. July 20-tf • JOIIIN A.: IIIYSSOIIIO, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, , • lIAVING been, admited to Practice Law atthe several Courts in Franklin Coun, ty, all business entrusted to &is care will be promptly attended ,to;- •Post 'Office , address 3 . fercersburg, Pa. . 1; IPEITRiscH. I ' ATTORNEYT - WAYNESBORO', PA, / t •-- " ; Willgive prom& ond:0 Oseattention to nli business eiitruted to his car next door, to' theißoirderi House,•i t tbllrnllcer , _ Day() J - CDSMPB3 ..IDOtgifixA.S, :AT'IIoItNEYATI4w, ..?1) • Practices - in the several Courts of Franklin and , adjacent Counties., , ' - Estate - 'based:Ulla scild 7 ;.:and FirelnsUran . he effeeted - zon reasivable terms. December ICI 4871, • ! • . - lux • PA.. • ." •••-i *' • • '''''s•• , .. ,- e..7:0...0 7 . 1 • - •!;s , • • • • .. • ' - ExpeiTeii66 - 1. firTeriti4ryorql insert iya; f .sets of Teeth at'priees to, bait, the thiles. • Peb. 16,1871.- • . Aft =tt.f . , - . Sift IlAtt FORNERI OF 31EASBURG ft:EFERS - lus - pssiona servrees o - e 'IL/citizens af"Wa - vjaeShariY Aiiid Tin. Smith:ti n liaS•relitiiltiished an exten siyeprietlee'at,ll,lefeershtng, .Where lie has been * . thrbitiin'epthi,'ongagcl,foi alzumber of . ybatt iri:the_practiee of his ,prOfeesion: 'He has opened•an.Office in IV.II - ynesboto',, at the.resiclenee_ofljeat o'Bescire,,.„ his, NlieTe..he,can fonnitht all tittles •when not p4ofessionalbr envied. :JnIT 20 , 1871.—t£ • • t•-4 13. R j:'8,11,0 L-T 8, , WAYN,ES - BOUO', ,Can be found at all at his office where he is prepared to insert teeth on the best i basis n use and at. prices to suit2the times. Teeth extracted, without pain by the use of chloroform, eather, nitrous oxidegas or the . freezing process, in a manner surpassed by . ,none. ' , _ , We the undersigned being acquainted With A. K. Branisholts for the past year, can rec., ommend him to the public generally to be Dentist well qualified to perform all ope rations belonging to Dentistry in the most skillful manlier. Dis.q. B. AMBERSON, I. N. SNIVELY, 'B. A: HERRING, J. M. RIPPLE, J. J. OELLIG, - 'A. a BONBRAXE, T. D..FRENCH. - Sept, 2.9q] miLL.MitY GOCAIM TO' THE LADIES! MRS. C.. L. TIOLLINBERGER has just received a full supply of new Millinery goods. Ladies are invited to call and examine her stock. • npr, 20. ' Z. 0_ "JE3R.A_OICiaIiT PHOTOGRAPHER, S. E. Corner of the Diamond, WA.YNESBOI2O', PA., $j 1S at all times a fine assortment of Pic tures Frames and Mouldings. Call and s ee specimen pictures. June tf. _p o , DEALER IN W A TCH -L5 $ AN.l,9^, iTZ Tr-V.4 r t 883 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. • .Watches Repaired and Warranted."9SU tiaiN'ewelry Made and Repaired. - Eia July 13; 1871.-tf. NUM AND CONVELEONG. •lIE undersigned Aiaving had some' ten years experience as a pracLical 6urveyor is prepared to do all kinds of surveying, laying out and dividing up lands, also all kinds of writing usually , done by Scrivener:.. Parties wishing work done can call on, or address the undersigned•at Waynesboro', Pa. feb 2—tf 3 • A. 13. STOLER; • 33_A_Al3MIR,I.NO-1 ►TRiE subscriber informs the public that he -11_. continues the Barbering business in the room next door to• Mr. Reid's Grocery Store, and is at all times prepared to do hair cut ting, shaving,s hanipooning etc: in the best style.. The patronage of the public is respect fully solicited. . r Aug .23 1871. W. A: PRICE. NEW MALLENERA STOSEI AIMS. RATE G. STOVER announces to the ladies of Waynesbbro' and vicinity that she has commenced the Millinery bus iness in front room next door to the 'Hard ware Store of S. B. Rinehart, and has open ed out a. full line of Spring and Summer Goods, embracing all the latest styles. Ladies are , invited to call and examine her goods. - May 11-tf CONCAVE CONVE t: X spectacles, a ALEX- LEEDS. - 41irds. . . —The_harp at_Nature-s_alliera_strung Has never ceased to play ; The song the stores ofmourning snaff ,Has newer died away. ~• , • -=—A-nd-,praxer-isinadeTand-praiee'Tis—giver.ti By, all ;things near and far, The ocean lociketh up: to beaten . -" Apd.'4oOra" every; "' Its waves are kneeling to .the :strand, As kneels the human knee e . . r Their lilait'e.loAT: lioivfng to' thesitnd, • The irleSthbed of 'the sea They pour their glittering treasures Their gifts , of pearls they lying,. Ancl ill the The green earth'sends her incence up From many dmountain shrine ; From folded leaf and dewy cup She pours her saciid wine. The mist above-the momint; rills • ise wu i e as wings o ,prayer The altar curtains of the hills Are sunsets .purple air. • The wind With-hymns of praise are loud, The thunder organ of the The drooping tears of rain. With drooping head and 13ranchei crossed The twilight forest grieves, Or speaks with tongue's. of Pentecost From all its sunlit ; leaves. The bluesky is the temple arch, Its transcept earth and• air, The music of the stary march The chorus of a prayer. :So Nature keep . s the reverent frame With which her veers be un Editor .Record.:-It seems to me that thelidends of the-South Mountain R. R. Co. are unduly, exercised over, my 'article published in the. Record of the rith ult. In that article "think I represented*litir 'lythe 'ciaints oktiie rival.Conipanies and the;.obfeetions that,l had 'heard. made to each. I did not state these objections on my own authority or youth for their truth. What I stated as my ,own opinion and as facts which ,I believe ,wouldnot be dia.- puted is as follows : . „ "1. 'The measured distance from Way "neAiiro',to.Tinrrisburg,by the Miramar "is 60,miles. the South Mountain, "(admiting the distance from Waynesboro' "to Pine Grove-to be but '27 'miles,) it "is 651.. , . . "2..1t is manifeatthat the' cost (per "mile) of a road from Pine Grove to Tray "nesboro' it exceed that from Shippens "burg:and withmhigher grades." , ' "3.. It is Manifest that a road through "the:Valley would accommodate a larger "number of people and do • a larger lmsi "ness ;„ and, by connecting with the C. V. "R. R. ,at Scotland or Shippensburc b , "would afford easy access to the 'County "seat. ' "4 The Miramar asks $llO,OOO from ‘‘the people of Washington', Quincy, Guil "ford and, Greene .(not including the Mont "Alto Furnace) while the South Moun tain virtually *nuts $150,000 from . the "borough of - Waynesboro' alone." , And that thosi facts were of themselves suficient to decide the question.., • :,My opinion in relation . to the probable cost of theSOUth Mountain extension - and the steepness of the: grades required. to overcome the summit, was , - based upon the statement, of a man who said he ' had linnied - throulth those Mountains for thir ty years and was familiar with the ,; route pfoposect and there wasss:rtainlyn; strong pre6dinption that'that portion of the line through the Mountains Would • be more costly than a corresponding line through the Valley. " Hy statement that "the South Moun tain virtually wants $150,000 from the Borough of Waynesboro' alone" was- bas 'ed upon information that none of these bonds could .be sold in Quincy, and but a stall portion' if any outside Waynes boro." • • In comparing the relative 'value of the stoc:/.1 and Bond scheme, I intimated a doubt as to the soundness of the bonds. It .rpay be I was in error in this. I bus ed bay opinion partly on the company's report of operations last year, partly on the reported fdet that - the road is built wholly or nearly so -with , bonds, ,and I 'did not believe its position in relation to travel and traffic:such as to make it a paying road, even with - the Waynesboro' extension. • That was a -mere matter of Opinien and I shall, be very happy to change it 'when it is shown to be errone ous. . I had not the least desire or intention to "misrepreseut" the' South Mountain CO. and I pertainly "fabricated" • nothing. Islcithing.is gained in any business by misrepresentatien„and in this case the facts are, in my opinion (and I thiik in the' opinion of the majority of the- people) so strongly in favor of the Miramar route thatmo misrepresentgtion is required. Afew words in reply to "Busing." 1. . It is true that three lines were run through Cumberland Co. and that it has =MU :I~.i' ~ ‘A , triti . poeht,. :Icflw;E'S 0&S1IP. BY J. COVUITTIER Take up the.solig.the shig n a er..b7gns an, .voices s The prayerless heart of man itiEtithilueouci ' acting. COMMUNICATED THE R.,R. QUESTION. • - •• • - %VI , J 1 ;,, !: • , 3 „;.; ; • r . ./I. 4 3PARCIELT - NEvirsrp --DEVOTD - T0 LITERATURE,-LITERATURE, LOCAL : AND GENERAL ;NEV7,S;• E_ T_C . .• : • A f'Z'N*.; ll ,qttN • , • •': , , , ,• i, ' ; r .:-. ,' , WAYNESBOIto')VRANKUEN-'‘COUN. TY - .1. PA :TIE . , ..; '" •!?...:, '' . . ~.;.. - i `'not been` detefiitiin . ect(eiccel'ptat onepoint) upon which the rolid'will be located. The objebt -- of - ese threelines and of no definite 'location till required was first to ascertain t e best and seciitidly the better To se'cu're right away and inb scription§: 2. AT.corarCilor constriiiffirg - Miramar,road through Cnraberiand„CO.. has been awarded, groand was broken .on thb 29th'ult., the contractor' now - at Work and Says he can complete the. road IlirOu_gh . _,Cumbeiliiiid7 - ett., inside o,ti months• if required.. •.• 3. The Eastern terminus has not been defaately,fiXed because there Was no im . mediate necessity. ftx . it, and iv leaving the . point in doubt. larger 'conditional subscriptions have , been made by differ points' interested. 4. By the, line . reco'mmended by . the Engineer the diitance from White (about 2. miles from .ilarrisharg) to ,the Franklin Co. line is 37i miles, from that apoint_tniWaynesborc4.2ol:miles,_total_sB - and none of the lines ,(except that by Dillsburg which has'been abandoned) will much if any exceed•thatdistance.• I give the above on:the authority ,of the president of the Company: • • 5: - If "Business" can' 'find' any. finer country, either in this valley or elsewhere than that traversed, throughout th by he MV Jy Jriirriar line, , his ju g ment of land differs greatly froin• mine. Nor do I think his statement tat "the vast body of iron ore lieS on the South, sideof the-Mountain" will 'be cd-insided - in by many. At any rate thelorelegalready_ opened on the North side and immediate ly contiguous to.Miramar will afford more ore than the road can transport- or :the market demand. B. A first mortgage haiing been ex ecuted on the South Mountain Iron road, as now completed, I had , supposed that any subsequent mortgage upon , the whole property including extension would necessarily be 'a 2d mortgage. In this it seeems I was in error. 7. The "men who represent" the South Monntain Co. are doubtless gentlemen of the highest respectability and would not )f-Bourse-reeo_maLemLaEseeurity-the.y___Aid: not believe to be sound—but they do not offer to guarantee these bonds and if they should turn out to be mistaken in their opinion their respectability would scarce ly satisfythebondholders. It might be' pertinent to ask what por tion of the4reient bonded debt of. the Company is held by these. gentlemen and what portion of the new proposed bonds: for extension 'they will take. , "Who represents Miramar" "Business" asks. .11Tell, 800 citizens of Cumberland County 'Who have subscribed enough mon ey to, grade and bridge the road through their county 'and 'at their head a: wealthy Citizen, who Chas himself subscribed largely and is abundantly able to fulfill all his engagements. These men believe the road will pay and they havC , tested their faith be taking stock themselves.. A few words reply, to "R. G." and I am done. 1. "R. G." a'. article is upon the whole fair and candid--,though I suspect there is a small ethiopian in the fence, who is not quite ready yet to exhibit .himself. But is riot "IL G." a little too precise. When I said the Miramar proposes to build a' through line from the Susquehanna to the Potomac; is anybody. ..misled ? "Susque hanna" is. not quite correct ; but Whitehall mile.this side is- practically 'the same and since the road must at present tap the C. V. R. R. somewhere this side themver, it makes no great difference whether it be at Bridgeport, Whitehall, or 'Shiremans town: since that article was ritten Me chanicsburg.has.been suggested as a com promise with .the C.. V. in relatrimii. to a proposed Dillsbur,„o. branch, but - the;" mat ter has.:not been decided: : Did I say, "the Miramar propose for .the sum of $160,000.t0.-give us a ;through line from the , Susquehanna to the Pao- MaC ?',"(I have not the' Record of the , ' , 3 - d ult by me') That' I confess is a loose state ment, but could anybody suppose that I meant anything more than that the .Mir axtiar proposes to build a At from river to river and'ean doit, if the people will S'ubscAhe the' necessary amount of money. to grade and bridge it. They have clone this in ~Cumberland Co. and the road there is a fixed fact, if the people of Frank lin' will subscribe:inlike . proportion' the road will be extended thiough that county .and so on to the Piitomac, ..1? did not of course "mean that "the Company would guarantee a road from river -to river for 8169,000 and 'I dont think anYbodywould SEoinderstiiiid it; especially as the people are well informed 'as to what ;the Compa ny does. .propose. , • 2.:The:Southern Pa. R. R. Co. issued believe) Ist Mortgage bonds to the a mount of $25,000 per mile. That was certainly inereilian to•'. pav for superstructure and equipment,-yet ,the 0. ,V. R. R.'took '5300,000 , of those bonds.— So the whole' cost of the road betweenShip psnsbu4and Waynesboro' riright be cov ered.bY ISt MOrt. bonds "(as proposed of the South Mountain)andallbetaken by the people, but it would be bad policy as L stated. 3. Citizen says, "It clahns to be strong ly supported; by the Penn. and the Read ing R. R. Co's and to have the promise of substantial aid from them." ' Well I understand from the President's Report that the COmpany does claim that. "R:G.' thinks this aid can, be obtained' but only on the usual terms. Now what are the usual terms ? These : The lessee puts on equipment* and runs the road (which it can probably d 025 per cent. cheaper than the Co. could itself.) It , charges the Company the exact, cost of At and 8 per cent. on-the value of rolling stock —everything beyond it turns over to the Co. Now what is there unfair abont that?. Could a Fore favorable arrangement pos sibly be made , ? In the, case of a road lik. the Miramar which probably • :do a large business from - the start;- and' ['whose bUsinmswill increase- , year by. year i is not such an arrangement better even than a guarantee of 8 per dent: on-the•stockl. Re member. that•the --net earnings- of the C. ,V. R. R. are now 18 , 1- per cent.- on: the YoTe - if - 1d and - nd ,uole cost •of roar .. equipment ant increasing yearly, .': • ;.• ~ *1 -I - •1: . "R. G." may say - that the stockholders are owners. of_ the.road.artd.shiTuld run it, but•niay not the owner of apropertyman age it through,an agent--4. is true that the lessees would probably' be-bondhold ers and "their interests ' are in a 'Certain sense autagomstical to' those of the stack holders, but their interest would 'be 'also to do as large a 'hash:less as Pessible for the benefit of 'their main line'to4hich this ' is a feeder. The only' way, then, for them to cheat the 'stockholders would be by de liberately falsifying the' accounts and'rep resentingthe receipts as smaller, or the expences greiter.,,than they really, ,were, lut_is_this_to_be_presumed ? - ' .--, , — Besides - itwould - not - butasy tO • do'• this without detection and the Co. might make provision in the leak for some check, such as the right to appoint some of the officers, the right to examine books or both andl presume the' laiv' would in any " case' give it a remedy.if it had reason ' to suppose its interests were being,sacrificed. h - r - ,bie,' le objett — ofthrough,lines• mak ing terms so, favorable with feeders, ii for the purpose of encouraging the, people to build them.. _ _ - 4.• "R. G.",.4itya the.l‘liramarii au f lron Co_witk an_ei nstic_chartei_that_give's _it power to build railroads anywhere 'and "issue an unlimited amount of stock, not only for railroads but for extensive lands and dear knows what." - ' The charter gives it power to purchase ore lands and connect them by a: railroad with any existing R. R.' in the state,. , but it can only have one R. R. While the charter is broad, it is not the. intention of the Co. so the Prerident informes . me, to do more than what has been 'proposed, viz : —to build a R. R. from a point hear the Susquehanna' to the • South bouralry:'of Franklin Co. near WayriesboroL-Lof:coure listutkluddersi_iftheyttldirL—theLe . hatter too liberal can take measures to restrict its powers: • • The ;Southern Pa. R. R. cite& G." is no criterion. That, example need not be followed unless the 'stockholders so will. 5. "R. G." Says, "the simple ques tion before us is whether we will take $llO,OOO of Miramar stock or' $150,000 of S. 'M. Ist Mort. 7 per cent. 'bonds—and get one of these roads. The one will 'sure ly pay 7 per cent and of the other let each one ,judge." answersllo, , ,,ooo'lrom Washington, Quincy (not including the 'Mont Alto Iron Co.):, Guilford and Green toWnships the extensiohofMir amar to Waynesberp'—will slso,ooosub scribed by the sanie 'partieeinsitre the 'ex tension of the S. M. R.'lL:to Waynesboro'? Where is - the other $450;000 to come from? „I - low do pit knoW 'these bonds "will' stire ly pay per ,cent." ?- - BeCaiiSe - they call fOr that. amount. on.their face.? Since the road-is reported•to• .be. .built entirely (or nearly so) with' bonds;"it is'. evident • that it must earn (net)' 7 per cent.,onitS whole cost (and Something lesidss for 'sinking fund) to make the bonds sound. Now has not the Mirainar least as good a chance to earn 7 per Cent.. on its'Whole Cost 6. "Citizen" didnoi say that South-Moun :Min route was impracticable ite.. He said it Was so .reported. According 'to the sur vey just completed, It • seems that the -re port was incorrect: .7. 'Unless I have been - miss informed the S. M. their agents 'ir 'friends 'set up this' "man of straw"—, Jay 'Cook's endorsement 'of, the. ..bands.' Since the COMpany does not offer suell endorse ment, the question. as !It& whether , ' Jay 'Cook and Co. would endorse them is-not in order, informed'thsit Mont Alto Iron Co. ;were asked to take $l5O, .000=-Of the bonds—and hence 'so• stated. 9. I did not intend to treat - . "Farmer's" proposition for ,'road from the , "Vestern 'Maryland; via.lWaynesbore. to. Marion, or extension of . the "Tape, Worm"' with disresPect. 'I think either di• both , roads would be excellent - outlets, for Waynes boro',.-but simply to, depreciite thY, dis cussion: of projects which weie • not before and thus diStracting their minds and risking the Success Of roads that were practically ; before them. I think ' the "TaPaVorm".:will be eitented soon er or later and , without the help of Way nesboro, lint' it will. be some time•first.— ' As for, the' other; While it Would- be an ex cellent conneetion; t I think from agener, ' , al knowledge of the country: it would he -very costly. 10. 'have not time or space ~ to discuss the ,"Narrovi Gauge" question— I will simply say, that. fmm what have . read, I "strongly approve luelt fodd:s'underlome circumstances, as<for example us an'. out let for Mining 'regions or' through ,sparse lysettled aectiMis of - the', West where the .wide, gauge, would, not, pay. Through thickly settled countries or .for general I•traffic I think the wide gauge preferable. • • I '_sad' and I thtnk truly, that"the riar row.gauge is not "such a road as the com munity require s, or will accept if it can• get a ode g a uge." If filLeonnecting roads. were narrow, it would ifes;ils they are not, as transhipment of .freight is troublesome, expensive and involves delay, and as a wide gauge would undoubtedly pay a good re turn on its cost, why not have it ? . The closing 'remarks of "R.-G." are excellent and meet my'' hearty 'approval---1. assure him that my "Fv.r" is in ,perPect 'order, and I have no other desire than that the respective merits of the rival lines shall be fairly and truthfully , loClTlZEefore„tqthe peo . Lots of young ladies don't Got , the names of,their best friends ; some do, clot even kliow.what their own I,nr..ics may he a yenr hence. I SD'Air; MPTFAIBER 14, 1871: DEATH OF PHCEBE CAREY.: Our readers are more or less • familiar with the names and writings of the sisters; Alice and' Phoebe Carey. Alice died a bout six months ago; - and :Phoebe follow ed her on the 31st• ult.".:(l' in: -.at ,Neiv- port; whither she ,had been rtaken by her frieuds in hopes of regaining her impaired health: In a lengthy 'and:. terristing notice. of her life'amideatlii the TribAke :_relates_the_fol I owing_leautifuL and instructive ; incident in connection with. the - hymn. written by Jars 7Phcebe-- a - favorite in many ,- .christian, - families— entitled: ' NEARER, HOME. -One sweetly solemn'tbought , Comes to me o'er and o'er: I'm nearer my home to-day Thanoyerl've been before ~ h.: • ' .arer 'my Father's himse, • Wheie the many mansions be; Nearer the-great Nearer the cvetal Sea ; Nearer the bound of lifO, Where we lay our burdens down; Nearer leaving the'ciross; . . Nearer gaining the, crown. , : . But the waves•of that:silent sea 9 w i e ore-my-sag i t , ; That brightly the other side. • ,; Break-Oa a shore oElight.• lt,my mortal feet have almost gained the brink • If, it, be - gin nearer home Even to-day thar4thiek Father, perfect my . trust,. Let niy spirit feel in death That her feet are firmly set 'On,the Rock of a dying faith 'A gentleman in :China, _intrusted with_ packages for a young man from his friends in the United States, learned that., he woidd prObabli be found in a certain gambling- house.. He went - thither, - but not seeing the young man, sat down and Waited' in the hope, that, he might . come tv-bcdlam-of-neisesi men' getting angry over their 'cards 'and frequently coming to blows:riNear. him sat two men—one . young, the other 40 years of age, They . . were betting',a id drinkini; in a 'terrible way; the older one giving utterance continully to- the 'foul est profanity. Tiro game's had been fin" ished,,the young man ,losing each time. The third game had just commenced with. fresh bottles of brandy; 'and "the young 'Man laid lazily back in 'his chair 'while the' elder shuttled his cards, avid the.young man looking carelessly about the room,. began to hum a tune. He went, on, till ationgth he be g anto sing, the hymn of Plieebe Carey above (Dieted.. d ,` The words," says the writer of the story, "repeated in such a vileplace at forst made , me' Shudder. A Sabbath School hymn in a gambling den l" , But while the young man sang the, elder dropped dealing the cares stared at the singer a mo ment, andthrowing the cards on the - floor exclaimed "Harry where did you learn that tune ?" ""What tune?" "Why that tune you'v been singing." : . The• young man said he did not know what he had _peen singing, when the elder repeated the ,words, 'with. tears in his eyes, and 'the young inan'said he had learned • them in a Sunday school in America.. ."Come," said the elder, getting up, "come / ,Harry, here'S'What Won from . you go - and -use' it•for'some good purpose. As for me ,as Ged - searme; I have played my last game, and drai k. niy last ,bottle, ' I have mis led you, Harry, and I am sorry. Give me your hand my boy, and say ,that, for old America's sake if for no other, you will Ault. 4his infernal business." The gentleman who-tells the story (originally published in the Boston Daily AT.ews) saw these two men.leave the' gambling house toiether, and , walk away arm in arm, and 'he remarks : "It must be a great source of joy to Miss Carey to know that her lines ; which have comforted so , many christianhearts, have been the means of awakening in the breast of two tempted and erringmen,:on the other side ef' the globe, a resolution . to lead a better, life.— it was a source of great joy to Miss Ca rey, as We - haPpen to . know. Before us lies a private letter to an aged, friend in thig city, -with the printed story enclosed and containing this comment : "I en: close the hymn and the story for you, not because lam vain of the notice; but be cause I thought you would- feel apeculiar interest in ;them when you knew thehynm :was written eighteen years ago (1842) in your house. I composed it in the little l back , third story', bed-room, one Sunday morning after coming from _ church; and it makes me very happy to think that_ a nyword I could say , has-done alittlegood in the, world." - - - learned counsellor, in . the middle of an affecting appal in court on a 'slander suit, let fly the folloWing flight of genius : "Slander, gentleman, like a boa constric tor :of and immeasurable Proportions, Wraps' the; coil of its unwide ly body aboutitk unforttutate victim; and' heedless of:the i3hrieks of agony that come from the 'inmost depths . of his victim's soul, laud 'and reverberating as the mighty thunclei that, rolls in the heavens, it final ly breaks its 'unlucky neck' upon: the' iron wheel of public opinion, forcing him to desperation, then to madness, and finally crushing him' in the hideous , jaal.'-4mor tal death! Judge give me-a chttw of to.' bacco !" - - -- - There is a ladrliving in-Lincoln calm tv, Tenn, who was married at _the age of eleven-years and nine months; she . is 44 - years old, and has had.l7 children.-.-- Her oldest childispll years old. She is the grandmother of 26 children,- The District Schooliqaster.., Thereii one thing. in' this basement worlds t 1 .1 always ; look upon' with• mint feelings of pity and respect.. • , There iz one marlin this Worldto whom I aiwayi" take - npli 'my hat, and, 're main_uncoreduntil he gits- kfely by,: andthat is the_ distrikt schoolmaster. When I meetlin;t "look on-hiin„ as a marter just returned.from the stake ,of , on his way ,to be cooked. , _ile_leads_a_mortionesome_ andlein gle life than - an old bacheloiamtamore anx us one than an old made.. „ He iz remembered just about as long' and affectionateli as, a' gide board ix' by ,a pack pedlur: ' " ' . Br he undertakes to make his schollars lut , ' -him the 'chances are, he will neglect their lurnin, and iff dunt lick um. now, and then pretty often, ;they will soon him. The distrikt schoolmaster ain't 'got a friend . = the fiatside of the globe. The put water in his hair die, and the school cumittv' Make him work for lalf the Mon ey a bartender gets and boards him round the neighborhood ; where: they, give him rye cefly sweetened.with molasses to diink and codfish bolJi three tiniel a daY:fif vittles. t] pashunce -uvithe-ancient-Jobl-Job-hadtpretty-plen ty uv 'biles all over him, .and no doubt they were all uv one breed:. , Every young on - hi the' dietrikt 'is a bile uv a different breed; araLeach 'young. -one needs a different kind uv- poi -to. gefa good head on him. ,„ • *, • Enny man who has hept distriktschool ten years, and hai bearded,Mtuid nabor hoods, ought' to Major general, 'and .have. a penehun fur the rest uv his natu-• ral days, and a hoss and wagin-tu-du-biz goin around in. 740* Billings, , Facts About Life. It is .singular how much, method has been discovered in the , sceming irregular-, ities of life. Things that appear the most casual occur With•wonderful order when the aggregate is taken into account. Take; for instance, the - height of - nian. What influence, has it on longevity ?.HOW can we.know whether we arc fortunate' n this respect?' Facts show' that one's height does affect one's-day's, and tall men live longei than short ones.' • • , -r. Marriage, too,, .affects, longetivity, -fav orably? Yes; ,married men live longer than single men. One's profession has an important relation to life: Thus, out of one hundred of each of the following pro fessions, the number of those who attain their seventieth, year is, among clergy men, 42 ; fiumers, 40 ; traders' and man ufacturers, 33 ; soldiers -and clerks, 32 ; lawyers, 29'; artists, 28 ; professors; '27'; physicians, 24. Thus it appears that those who heal us kill themselves more rapidly than otheis. • The average duration of life is 33 years. One-fourth of the born die before they reach the age of 7 -years, and the half be fore the 17th year. Out of 100 persons only 6' reach 'the age of 60 years, and on ly 1 in'l,ooo reaches the age of-100 years. Out of 1,500,000,000 livin,g.persons, 330, 000,000, die annually,_ 91,000 daily, 3,730 every hour, and , every minute ; and still the• population of the earth: increases. The• known tongties which meu speak a mount t0‘3,064.* ' • '• It seems from these facts that the :two. great „events of life are being born and dy ing. After the turmoil, rest. The wise neither ,grieve for the dead nor for the living. ~ • If the memoryer of,au iujuryischerished it is not forgoteu. _ , • /7:mother's prayer will draw up from tlupdepths of the pea: , , • A mouse can drink no .more that its fill from the mightiest river., On some countenances is written a his tory, on -others merely a date.'•• ' Grieve not that men know not , you; grieve that you know not men. A fathers blessing cannot be drownded in water nor consumed by fire., el'iondoners say that 'one:third of popu lation of that city neer, saw a -grain • The disposition to do - st bad deed is the most teitiblevunishmenf of the deed 'it does. - ' The superior "man has a dignified case without pride. The mean Min 'has a pride without-dignity .c • ' .Few.men are wise enough to prefer the blame that ii . nsefni to - them to the praise that betrays them. • . _ God neva...yet kindled a:fnot, and made a .costly lamp of a, ntan, to prolong epochs of darkness. • -,The three thiiThgs most difficult are, to keep a secret, to, forget aiviujury, wad . to make good use of leisure: Sim DEori.eo or - Curly, :--4te who steali a million is a shrewd financier: -He who steals 'a half million is a• de faulter. , • . He who steals a .quarter of million is an irregular financier. He who steals a, hundred thousand' is a rogue. He who-steals, fifty, titiOusitia is a knave: But lie Vile' senli*pair of hue.ts - or' a 'oaf of bread iii'aseaundielef the; deadest dye, and deservs intareerationln prison. New Ha woman sets a hive in her , kite • ud Zs uSe' troubled with flies nor im . ! =Ell NUMBERI2:.: zx anti *t • , poibriasfer by the'rianie - of GOOda wherChe is bi a, hurry, i,girs'himself XX In Millihukee; when a, lazy mAny , ' is -- unit — ght - nt. -- workitheyi - suylvismeadlin,l with industry." . . : 4 matron says there 4 more love in a flour barrel than iaall the roses andweed bine "that ever An, exchange says that Toni Thumb likes whisky: His wife has one: consola tion-- he don't hold much, Why is a donli,ey that cannothold his head up, like next • Monday ? 'Because its neck's weak. •, Out west a trunk factory:was, changed into saloon ., The keeper merely made, a D out of the T in the first word of; the . J ' ' al! • clrouth has • • s great in Mame, and the - grasiroppe Bey t ing the 'meidowe are as a as ledge, aaa,l the vase hoppers nO on- crutches:: • druggist In New Iltimpshire 'threat ens the local paper , with a suit for put ' e f tisemP l 4, of grape p4ls. - . . We frequently hear of Generals captur ing pieces of artillery. "What's the use - of - capturing - pieces - " , says Mrs.- Parting- - ton. "Wby not capture-whole ones ?" "Are dos,e bells , rinpng • for . Are ?" in quired Sinion of Tiberius. "No; indoee " answered Tibe ; "dOyab got plenty of fire and de bells are 'now ringing for water. barefooted, bare-headed little boyar- tonished a worshiping congregation a few- Sundays, ago by rushing into the church and exelaNiing,,.."ivliere's my papa? The gigs re out "You'd better look out , for our lions s feet, a little wayi up there," Said'a cot* try, boy to 'a traveler. "Why.? ". asked - the stranger. - "Cause • there'i'n :fork in: the road• up there," :was the _truthful In a small,t,onn not Mani ;miles, from here, a Jew kept.a small store. 'and with all a little eccentric and had great aim'. sion to being teased, and as a consequence a neighbor' 'othismiade it , his business to tease and berate the Jew on.all occasion& This neighbor ,was also close-fisted, and generally drove, bargain as hard as any Jew out ofJerusalem. Meeting this Jew in a crovictivliefe he was rather a quiet lookevon, thomeighbor eninmenc r es by, asking if any..-one -knew the best Way of killing a Jew, none • Inowing, ,. ha ventured to say-the eit plan, Fa 4 ,NYhPr4. dealink, with :them was $0 habitual, ly give them the ,full price , asked ,for their goods 7 that such conife continued 'for three moliths"would kill anyof them Ofieinoiso for not asking 'a- greater .Price,4•44 - 4t Chia they all had .a : hearty , :1aug 1 ,4044 the Jew. says `,`lsigighbor„.l ,guess y0u...110 7• er kills many Jews that Way' does. 'yeti?" , This changed the laugh to the - other Side, and the neighbor, has lint, hehrd the end of killing Jews yet. A'eelebrated professor, thinking to per plex lin. unforttuutte pupil ,oue gay put him. the following question :, \ , ',`Pray, sir, ean,ou tell ineliow 'bug a. 'mail ean live withbut hrb.ins?" '?'' : rro 'which the pupil loOk hag up in the face of interrogator; • promptly but , , uneßect edly rjplied : • „ • "How old may you be ;profes sor?„yoursele. • _ . An Indiana min Claims to'!" have 'suc ceeded in, playing a, thorough ,confideuce game upon• the potato bugs. , He plciated a grain, of corn in each potato hill, anillis the corn carne.Up first the bitgs thOfight it was's' Corn field and started 'for' other scenes. - ' • • It is said of a tiniu out that; if a man wanted a' letter, he would be com pelled to hunt , up - the - rstmaster, , ..4nd 'would verylikely find him in a field plough ing. Ou inquiring it. there was anything in the Pnstoifiee for him the - Postmaster would stop his teim,..sit down '-on • the ground, and removing his hat; take out 'the letters deposited there, ,running them Over to ,see 'whether there • was one for the uPplicant. -"I declair," - he would Some tim.es remark, "this post office ' ~ b usiness is incresuzingso that .1.. shall be compelled to buy • a bigger hat !" r.A . 7ninister. was on leis way to church .ope;suuslay morning, and saw a boy ou the river bank fishing., My boy," said the clergyman, "don't you know itis wicked•to catch fish en Sunday ?9 ' •••• - "Guess I hain't sinned much yet," SEr.. the boy„without taking his eye from. the cork, "habit had a bite." - • • ' Mitiister echigliect and went'ext. While talking a few days ago'abcktt,:: a lady of his acquaintance, a friend °Lours remarked that she was 'so, 'graceful ; that she walks about the, rWe "like dsylph." An Irish gmitleMan who` as preseat,ind who heard the' -observation,'atmarked, "An" would you have: her, ;thin; csupe.a bout like a crab or a 'cat ? Shure, ,' what could she - do - but walk -like Acrailf John Sinit.l2l.iann übiquttcni and many as ever. In, looking over our. exchanges, .we. discovered that John recently drown -7:414 hiinself in New Orleans; died In; n. ; was 'hanged Cot • stealing Littlo- trecl,.; Sodded to deatli neck.by a fall in Bos tun,: and. was Arun ,ever ;by, ,it .rai.4s:# in ObailesOwn., • ' $2,00-Pint:Mtkq .. 1 t 'l,l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers