(11‘1,CtI'7r7P.:4 .'r.'*sl:',:ffYZ7"2:7r • . „ MINN '3~-W-:~~:BIR. VOLUME,:24. professional Qtards. '4. B. AEI:BERSON,' N. D., PHYSICIAN-AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO', PA.' Office at the Wajrnesboro' , "Corner Drug store." [jane.29-rtf. - .1) B. FRANTZ, Has resumed the practice of Medicine. OFFICE—In' the Walker Building—near - the Bowden - HouSe: Night calls should be made at his residence on Main Street, ad- , joining the Western School House. July 20-tf JOHN A. IIYSSONG, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, , HAVING been admited to Practice Law at the several Courts in Franklin-Coun ty, all business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to. Post Office address Mercersburg, Pa. • WWe -D TRI o,lll s , * ATTORNEY AT LAW, W.A.1731E511011.0', PA,. • — Will give - prompt and close attention to all business entrusted to his care. Office next door to the Bowden House, in the IValker Building.. LinlY. .JOSPII DOUGZAs r _ _.ATTORNEY-AT-W*W, • WAYNESBORO', PA. Practices in the several Courts of Franklin and adjacent Counties. N. B.—Real Estate leased and sold, and Fire Insurance effected on reasonable terms. December 10,1871._ D. A. STO - CTP_PM - DENTIST, GREENCASTLE, 'PA -Experienced in Dentistry, will insert you sets of. Teeth at prices to suit the times. • Feb. 16, 1871. ----- 70133 St A (FORMERLY OF 3.IERCERSBERG, PA.,) OFFERS his Professional services to the ' 4 citizens of, IVaynesboro' and,vicinity. DR. STRICKLER has relinquished an exten sive practice at Mercersbur g , where he has been prominently engaged fora number, of :years in the practice of his profession. • He has opened an Office in Waynesboro', .at the residence of George Besore, Esq., his Father-in-law, where he can•he found at all times when not professionally engaged. July 20, 1871.-tf. A. K. BRANISHOLTS, RESIDE T DENTIST, <•.• . k en a WAYNESBORO', PA., . Can be found at all tithes at his office where • he hi prepared to insert teeth on the best "basis in use and at prices to suit the times. `Teeth extracted, without pain by the use of -chloroform, eather, nitrous oxid egas or the freezing process, in a manner surpassed by none. Wejhe undersigned being acquainted with A. IVl3ranisholts for the past year; can rec ommend him to the public generally to be -a Dentist well qualified to perform all ope rations belonging to Dentistry in the most .skillful manner. Drs. J. 13. AMBERSON, I. N. SNIVELY, E. A. HERRING, J. AiLRIPPLE, J. J. OELLIG, A. S. BONBRAKE, T. D. FRENCH. sept 29tf ] MILLINERY GOODS 4' TO TILE LADIES ! .I\IRS. C. L. HOLLINBERGER has just received a full supply of new Millinery goods. Ladies are inrittxl to eall andesamine her stock. apr 20. o_33R,A.cmnimm, PHOTOGRAPHER,. S. E. Corner of the Diamond, WAYNEsnortb% PA., 11 - . LS at all times a fme - assortment of Pic o ■ tures Frames mid Mouldings. Call and pe specimen pictures. June tf. C. A__ S. 1.7702.171, DEALER AIN: WA POIZES AND JR 'MLR Y s , 883 WEST BALTIMORE STREET, • BALTIMORE, MD. 11ErWatches'Repaired and Warranted. - a 1 Se Jewelry Made and Repaired.`el July 13, 1871.-tf. SURVEYING AND CONVEYALCING. THT undersigned having had some ten years experience as a practical Surveyor is-prepared to do all kinds of Surveying, laying out and dividing up lands, also all _kinds of writing usually done by Scriveners. Parties wishing work clone can call on, or address the undersigned at Waynesboro', Pa. .feb A. B. STOLEII. BARBERING! rpm subscriber informs the public that he J- continues the Barbering business in the room jlext, door to lUr. Reid's Grocery Store, and.is at all times prepared to do hairs cut ting, shaving,s hampooning etc. in the best style, The patronage of the public is respect- Tully solicited. Aug 23 1871, NEW MIIIIIINIERY STORE t itirits. KATE G. STOVER. 'announces to .1,1: the ladies of Waynesboro' and vicinity that she has commenced the Millinery bus iness in front room next door to the Hard ware Store of S.' B. Rinehart, and has open ed out'a full line of Spring and Summer Goods, embraeing . all the latest styles. Ladies are invited to call and examine bet goods. May 11-tf fIONCAYE. ' INVEX spectacles, at V • " • ALEX. LEEDS - Beautiful morning of light, Cloudless grace of the sky, Waters bathing the sight, Birds with their minstrelsy Singing gladness of day,. Making the fugitive sweet,— Till a red leaf drops at my feet, And summer has vanished away ! The maple-tree swings in ether, The ripples are washing the sand, Winds give the waves a white feather, And they fling them back to the land ; The black ducks watch their play ; But the crowding swallows we see In the scarred old jUniper tree Say, Summer is wearing away. Shadows lie dark on the hillside, Sunshine lies Warm on the shore, But the Golden Rod' waves in his pride And-the-clover blooms no more ; Gone are white blossoms of May, There robe is a,purple leaf; , And the corn stands ripein his sheaf, For summer is gliclin_ .111V8 . Turbulent ,mornings of prime, Joy of the first rude endeavor, • Dawn of a blossoming time, Ends no October can sever The violet days are done, ---But-thelily-flames-in-hisstrength, _ And the balm of autumn at length Shall he grand in the setting sun. Those early years! those early years! Of childish hopes and childish tears ; How sweet their cherished mem'ry seems Of guileless hours and fairy dreams, When erst a child in careless glee, I sported round my mother's knee. Those olden lays ! those olden lays! The joyous tones of other days; How oft their mem'ry o'er me steals, And youthful dreams of life reveal, 'When o'er my eye of earnest blue ICo cank'ring, care its shadow threw. Those buried loves! those buried loves! 'Time's fading treasure aptly proves; Whate'er my change, as life decays, The thoughts of those far happier days, Shall cling, through grief and gloom, Till I shall rest within the tomb ! • Silver threads are gathering in your hair ; and you are growing old, and you often sit in the twi-light and think of the times that have passed. You think of that Wednesday evening, long, long ago, whe you stood out in the maple grove to the east of your father's house, and saw the young lady walk down the road to Squire Watson's corner, and turn into the lon,,(riane which led in to his house. The golden and parti-color ed leaves were falling from the great oaks and maples which stood on either side, forming a rich, soft carpet for 'her feet as she walked along. It was one of those mellow autumn days, wheuthe entire world seems to be wrapped in a soft, summer haze, and when one loves to sit down: and ruminate on the past, and dream bright day-dreams of the future. You were only a boy then. Twenty summers hadpa.ssed over your head, but as yet no trouble had come to you, and felt as free and as happy as the merriest bird in the air. You had your gun in your hand and your faithful dog Rover stood by your side. You were just retur ning from an afternoon's hunt, and you felt rather proud of the game you had shot. As you looked again at the young lady you felt a strange sensation at your heart. How beautiful she appeared, as with her jaunty hat and crimson coat she passed a long. You fancied that she . glanced up into the grove where you stood, as if looking for you. You felt sure it was the young ;lady who had been engaged to teach the vil lage school, for you had heard that she was going to make her home at Squire Watson's, and you knew she must be on her way there now. • You went home and put your gun a way, but could not stop thinking of the young lady. You thought she formed such %pretty picture as she walked a long under the soft luhze which Seemed to have gathered around the great branch.: es over her head, and you. wished that you could have been an artist to paint it all just as it looked to you. W hen you went to sleep that night you dreamed of her, and you felt almost ashamed of yourself for going the next day up into the' grove, and ading in the same spot you stood before, to look down the' lane and imagine that. she was passing along as she did the day before. You remember the time when you, in company with other "big boys," started to school.. It was the day after Thanksgiv ing, and the wind was roaring in the val leys, and . the leaves of "sere and yellow" were . flying before the angry gusts. You remember how bashful you felt as you went in and received the kindly greet ing of thefairy-like Julia r and how ill at ease you felt the live-long day. You won dered how a city lady, just your age, should know so much - more than you ; and then, after consulting Tom Blake about it, you accounted for it by saying, that she had W. A. PRICE ----41,-FAXILY:NE*SPAPER==-1/EI7OTD TO LITERATURE, LOCAL AND GErtERALIi*Fs;.ETC. *eit : ct FORESHADOWS. THOSE EARLY YEARS BY M. L. MATHESON. Disallatnits LOVED AND LOST. WAYNESBORO', FRANKLIN COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY : , SEPTEMBER, 21, 1871. • been going to ,sehoolrall her. life, whilst you lived in ,the'country where they had but five.or six month's school in the year. You remember, too, how kindly Julia assiited you in those "hard sums," and how encouragingly she alWays spoke to you, when you became discouraged over the dry studies of arithmetic and gram mar. You. remember how she always spoke to the scholars in a sweet, kindly voice, which always sounded a great deal sweeter when addressed to you. You some times fancied she cared more for you than she did for the other "big boys," and the thought always sent a gladdening thought to your heart. Ah, you loved that fair Julia ; but, like many another, you loved'and knew it riot! You remember, too, how you used to get out on the play-ground at dinner-time, to play your usual game of ball, and how you used to watch the lower window of the school house to see if Julia sat there, as she sometimes did to witnes's the game. When her bright faoe was at the window, you always played better, and never fail ed to send the ball away up among the top of the trees. You remember the great tall oaks that stood in front of, the door, and how she used to sit at their roots, surrounded by _h er _ sc h o lar f , and sim*Romeg 'ftivd_oldsong,_ or tell them of her city home. You were a big boy, an'it wasn't proper for you.to be one of those listening groups, yet you often turned from the play ground to look at them, and you often wished that you were one of the little folks, so that you, -toormight-sit-at-her-feet-and-listen-to-her sing those sweet songs, and tell those beau tiful stories. You remember, too, how you used to go to the brick church that stood on the hill, Surrounded by those towering oaks and locusts, and how you always -watched and waited for the coming of the Squire's car riage. And then when the carriage came, you went up the broad steps and into the house, and waited again for the Squire's family to comein. You did'nt care for either of the Squire's daughters, but you kneW that the pretty school ma'am would be with tlie - m, and you always felt a little flutter at your heart when she came in. You remember the exact place in the pew where Julia sat, and you can see the squire even now, as he walked down the broad aisle carrying his cane under his arm. When the hymn of praise was sung, you heard Julia's voice alone, and felt very uneasy when she sang from the same book with the Squire's son. You thought she should have had the Wook all to her self. - .You are growing old now. Silver threads are be , rinnin to weave themselves in your hair, Yet you havealways remain ed true to your first love. You haveseen many other girls, but somehow they were not as Julia, and somehow you never car ed for them. A tear steals down your cheek, as you think of the morning she left the old school house under the hill, and bade a kind a dieu to all her scholars. You think of how she. clasped your hand, and how her voice trembled as she said "good-by," and then how still she stood, with your hand in hers, as though there was something more she should say. You can't forget how she again came up to you• before she got into the carriage, and said "good-by" again, and told you you must not forget your friend and teacher. Alt, she loved you then ! as truly and deVotedly .as you loved her, but you did not know it. Yott could 'not believe that the grand city lady would care for the poor country. boy. You sit and think, and the tear some how will run down your cheek. You wipe it away, that another follows, and you cannot keep your mind from running a way back to that last winter .of yout go ing to school. You often wonder where Julia is now. You heard that she married a farmer, and went away to the West to live, and that is all you ever heard of . her. And then you wonder if she would not as willing be a farmer's wife here as away out in the uncivilized West.... Thus you sit and gaze away down the misty aisles of the past, and you become gloomy, and you wonder if. there is no pleasure, no enjoyment at all in this wide world fir you. You have heard that "every cloud has a silver lining ;" but no silver lining has yet appeared to yoUr great, angry, frown ing cloud. Ah, well ! "Tis bettei to have loved and lost,' then never to have loved at all ;" mid so you believe, and you pray in your heart that the kind, sweet-faced Julia may nev ei know a want—that she may be happy on earth, and that when the cares and vexations of life are ended, you may meet her on the other side of the jasper walls of heaven, where no farewells are said, and where all is. peace. and joy and love. . Useful Information Salt stimulates digestion. Pineapples irritate the bowels. Ripe currants will cure diseases of the bladder. Dry react and rhubarb wine will cure dys pepsia. Sunstroke is caused by a sudden check of perspiration. Lemons will cure chills and fever, and correct a bad liver. Onions are the best vegetable known to correct bad blood Ice cream produces acute dySpepsia in consumptive patients. • Canteloupes eaten freely will cure dys entery and cholera morbus. Cracked wheat boiled or cooked as rice is a good diet for dyspeptics. Gooseberries contain astringent quali ties, and are good in diarixes. • Mush and iailkis the bestdiet for those desiring-an increase of avoirdupios. • S , ?enoticc oftkic devil in hUmorous column SMEM Just Their Way. "Comeback sir, come back sir, Recollect:from to-day When I tell you to leave me I mean yonto stay." ' That's so, who 'ever knew a girl now-a days to say what she Meant ! Keep com pany with ;them a whole year upon a stretch, then ask them to have you and see how they'll act. Ten chances to one if they don't open their blue' eyes' in as tonishment at what they term • your pre sumption, and ask you"what in the World you mean." Why they never thought of - such a thing as marrying; not they, "why what ever put such a preposterous idea into your head ;" what had they ever d'one to allow you for a moment tosuppose they cared a whit more for you than they did for Mr. Smith over the way, or Mr. Jones around the corner,andyet mark my word' if you are green enough to still persist in your suit, it will not be long before they will tell you with seeming'reluctance, that they will think about the matter, when in truth they had thoright of nothing else for at least six months and wondered when you would offer yourself,callino• you in their hearts "a slow catch.", Aer they had kept you on tender-hooks until you have become tired, and you have about mate - uiryoirrmind - to — let - them—go-and devote yourself to some other fair one, and . conclud you will ask them jast once more, they will simper out "yes" with as, innocent an air 'as possible. Bible Now in Bible d , s it was'nt so, not a bit (Ct.__ The ot,w_omares_conduct..-was an index of r heart, when for instance the Father o Rebecca asked her if she would go vi 1 the servant •of Isaac ! she replied at once "I will go." Had she been a daughter of the nineteenth century, she would have said : "Oh pshaw ? go with him, what'll I go with. him for ? Why no ! Isaac must be sick !.Go with him ? why of course I wont !" And then, she would have gone with him. Oh these girls ! Letters of Recomniendation. A gentleman advertised for a boy to assist him in his office, and nearly fifty ap plicants presented theraSelves to him. Out of the whole number he in a short time selected one, and dismissed the rest : "I should like to know," said a friend, "on what ground you select that boy who had not a single recommendation." "You are mistaken," said the gentle man ; he had a great many. He wiped his feet when he came in, andelosed the door alter him, showing that he was careful.— He gave up his seat instantly to that lame old man, showing he vias kind and thought ful. He took oir his cap when he came in, and answered my questions promptly and respectfully, showing he was polite and gentlemanly. He picked up the book which I purposely laid on the floor, and replaced it on the table, while all the rest stepped over it or shoved it aside ; and he waited quietly for his *turn, instead of pushing and crowding, showing that he was honeskand orderly. When I talked with him I noticed that his clothes were carefully brushed, his hair was in nice or der, and his teeth as white as milk ; and when he wrote his name I noticed that his finger nails were 'clean, instead of be ing tipped with jet, like that handsome little fellow's in the blue jacket. Don't yuu call those things letters of recommen dation ? I do, and I would give more for what I can tell about a boy by using my eyes ten minutes than all the fine letters he can bring me." • Down the Hill. The evening of every man's life is com ing on apace. The day of life will soon be spent. The sun, although it may be up in mid heaven, will pass swiftly down the.western sky, and disappear, What, shall light up a man's path when the sun of life has gone down? He must travel on to the next world ;'what shall illuminate his footsteps after the nightfall of death, amid the darkness of the journey ? What question more important, more practical, more solemn for each reader . of our jour nal to ask.himself ? That is a, long, jour pey to travel without light, without a. guide, and without a friend. Yet every man must perform it. The time is not far distant when all men will begin the journey. There is au evening star in the natural world. Its radiance is bright and beautiful, and cheering to the benighted traveler. But life's evening star is in good hope of Heaven. Its beaty and brilliancy are reflected from the sun of righteousness, whose bright rays light up the evening of life, and throw their radi ance quite across the darkness of the grave into Inimanuel's land. It has illumina ted the footsteps of many a traveler into eternity. It is of priceless value. A thousand worlds cannot purchase it ; yet it is 'offered without price to him who will penitently and thankfully receive it. FRIGHTENED TO DEATEL-A Kentuc ky man• who attempted to cross a high railroad bridge at Sheperdsville, in that State, on the 24th ult., stumbled and fell between the ties, but, fortunately, manag ed to grasp a tie with his hands and there hung dangling, with 100 feet of sheer fall beneath him. He was utterly unable to to regain the top of - the bridge and he hung on with a death grasp until his cri es brought assistance. Lifted from his perilous position he was led off the bridge and sat down for a few minutes, apparent ly overcame by the danger through which he had passed. Then he got up, as he said to go home, walked a few steps, and fell to the ground dead. Physicians, who carefully examined his body,• say that there was no bruse or wound sufici eat to disable him, much 114 s cause death and are of opinion that his death was caused by fright. A belle at Saratoga boasts of baying had twelve offers this season. PabliBhed.by If4itest Liquor Drinking. • The people - of the United: States, ac cording to Commissioner Wells, swallow ed by retailirr a single year, $1,574,491, 865 worth of liquor poison. Of this vast sum, New York guzzled- $246,917,528 ; Pennsylvania $152,653,495, and Illinois $119,993,946. This is the direct cost of a'single year, in which poverty has been general throughout the country ; in. which thousands of families have. suffered for necessaries' of life ; in which large numbers have died - of starvation and ex posure. ' Indirectly. the cost has been im measurably greater. It is summed up in blighted hopes, saddened homes, ruined fortunes, brolten hearts, debauchery, degra• dation, dishonor and death. Every pris on in he land cries aloud against this frightful evil ; every insane asylum has its raving maniacs ;*every brothel and gambling hell bears witne,ss to its deprav ity ; every penitentiary isa monument to its effectstlry gallows "its tale of ruin tells." And et the great,_ unthinking wor rives madly-along, guzzling, riot ing, impoverishing, ruining, drinking up their substance, filling the land with criine , and sorrow, and wretchedness. Yet so it is ; and now — we officially—informed that our own country, boasting its intel ligence and civilization, drinks $1,574,- 491, 865 worth of retail liquors in a sin gle year. _ This is a curious world. Two .months ago one B. F. Simmons eloped from St: Paul with a married lady, both of them leaving families behind thetti. Both were in "good society." Both were execrated. The other day,both returned. The woman was met with reproaqites and epithets.— Old friends cut her on the streets. A di vorce was denianded by her agrieved husband. She was voted an outcast. How about Simmons ? Simmons was a man, you see, and that makes a difference, you know. His wife and weeping friends wel comed him with embraces—the poor, mis led prodigal. His cronies laughed with him gaily on his gallantry. That night he drove around town with his family be hind dappled greys, and bowing and smil ing patronizingly. Mrs.—no matter about the other name —the other reprobate—is literally spurned and driven from her home by all who knew her, while her paramour and the e qual criminal has not even for a moment lost his business footing, and is just as much the favorite in society as ever. For he is a mau, you know. Why is 'this thus? It is wrong. One of three things ought to come to pass. Either a woman's lapse from virtue ought to be regarded with more charity, or else the man who drags her down ought to be held to an equal punishment—or else polygamy ought to be:established at once, and Brigham Young elected President. It i simply shameful hat women should be punished ten times as severely as men for the same sin.-- Pittsburg Dispatch. • Adhearance to Orders. • Old Captain Tarter, who was in• com mand of the Betsy, . many years • ago in the ,Pacifie, was a most uncomfortable, man who governed his subordinates on the/ knock-down-and4lrag-out system.— . - He was even more hated - by -his officers than by Jack on the forecastle. One day he and his second mate had been at high words; and after the storm had blown over,. the old man Was going down below, as was his . regular custom, for an afternoon nap. "Brown !" he 'called to an officer, pur posely &lopping the handle to his• name to humiliate and exasperate him, "do you know how to hill a hog ?" "Yes, sir, I suppose I can manage' to muckle one." "Well, kill, that hog !" pointing out a particular one in the heard. And down went the captain to his siesta. Mr. Brown called -a couple of hands from forward. and ordered them to Catch the porker and drag: him along ;to the cook's chopping-block. "Carpenter !" said he, "bring me your broad-axe." With two powerful blows the pig was decapitated, and the head and the body thrown down separately in the scuppers. "Old man didn't say anything about dressing the pork," growled Mr. Brown, as he went at again. Some two hours later Captain T. made his appearance. He looked to see the pork hanging by the gambril, neatly cleaned, but Couldn't see it. "Brown, did you kill that hog ?" "Yes, sir. There he is." The captain looked, and turned upon Mr. Brown livid with wrath. "What do you mean by such work as that?" "I obey orders, sir. ' You asked me if I couldn't kill a hog. I told you I thought I could. If le isn't dead yet I'll try him ano'ther pull !" TRAITS OF THE TIMM—The New York Express has a sententious and pointed ar ticle on the baneful love of luxury, " dis sipation, idleness, dress and show. It is this that makesofficials corrupt, merchants bankrupt, thousands of wives, and sons and daughters shams and creatures , of fashionable folly. They sap the lifeblood from old time integrity, and lead the na tion in the way of old Rome, in the palmy days of the Patricians. What is needed is simplicity of living and simplicity of life, in the government, 'in the State, in the city, in the church, in the family, and in the hearts of the whole peo - ple. Who ever beacons this way points the road to not only a better but a happier existence.' A bitter jest is the poison of friend al)ip. ~~~ . The following gem of thought, from the 'pen of Samuel Longfellow, comes to. us without a title. "The golden, sea its mirror "spreads - Beneath the golder skies, . And but a narrow strip between Of land and shadow lies. "The cloud-like rocks,:the rockliJce clouds Dissolved in glory - float;; And. midway ohhe rudiant flood, Hangs silently the, bog.-r, "The sea is but another sky, The sky a sea as well, AndWhiCh is earth,and which the heavens, The eye can scarcely tell. "So when for us life's evening hour Soft-fading Ethan decend, - May glory, berm of earth and heaven, The earth and heavens blend. "Flooded with peace the spirit floats With silent rapture glow, Till where earth ends and heaven -begins The soul shall scarcely know." SONG FROM G(ETHE. Many thousand stars are burning Brightly in the vault of night ; Many an earth-worn heart is yearning Upward with a fond delight. Stars of beauty, stars of glory, Radiant wanderers of the sky ! 'Weary of the world's sad:story Ever would we gaze on high. The Philos#Oheeb Stone. The eccentric brilliant. John Ran dolph once rose suddenly up in his seat in the House' of RepreSentatives, and screamed out,‘ at the top of his shrill voice: "Mr. Speaker! Mr. Speaker! I have dis covered the philosopher's stone. It is— Pay as you go," and you need not dodge sheriffi• and constables. "Pay'as you go," and you can walk the streets' with an e rect back and manly front and no fear of those you meet. You won't have to cross the street to avoid a dun, or look in tently in a shop window, in order not to see a creator. "Pay as you go," and you can snap yotirfin,gers at the world, and when you laugh, it will be a hearty, hon est one, and not like the laugh of a poor debter, who looks around as though he was in doubt whether the laugh •was not the property of his creditors, and' not in cluded in articles "exempted from at tachment." Pay as you go," mid you will meet smiling faces at home;,—happy, cher ry-cheeked, smiling child.rga-7—a conten ted wife—a cheerful hearth-stone. John' Randolph was right. It is the 'philoso- . . pher's stone. • . INDIA RUBBERlNExN4usimi.x. — The belt of land around the globe, five hun dred miles north and five hundred miles south of the equator, abounds in trees producing the gum of India rubber. They can be tapped, it is stated, without injury: and the trees stand so close that one man can gather the sap of eighty in a . day, each, tree yielding, onn average ,three table ; spoons-ful daily. Forty thousand of these have been counted in a tract of country thirty miles long by eighty wide. There is in America and Europe more than one hundred and fifty manufactures of India Rubber articles; employing some five hun dred operatives each,consuming more than 10,000,000, pounds of gum per year, and the business is considered to be still in its infancy. But to whatever extent it in crease, there will still be plenty of rubber to supply the demand. . REDtE3i AND SAVE.—He is a hard hearted man who will not allow the most degraded 'a chance to work out redemp tion. Many an erring mortal has died in despair, cursing his race; because, when he fell, there were hone to whisper good counsel to him. Be-forbearing with your brother. If he falls, help him, up. The sternness of the sober class of the world has driven many a drunkard to despair. He finds himself shunned, and no one to woo him back to sobriety, and he drinks deeper, feeling that none cares for him. Cold . heartedness is the very worst medicine for this class. Hold out your hands to' help, persuade, encour age and be patient, and you may redeem and save. LrrTLE words-,are the sweetest to hear ; little Charities fly farth est, and stay longest; little hearts the, fullest, and little-farms the,best til led. Little hooks sire the most read and little songs the dearest loved. :And when nature wotild make anything es pecially rare and beautiful; she makes it little—little pearls, little diamonds, little dews. Agar's is 0 modal prayer, but then it is a little one, and the burden ,of the peti tion is for but little. The Sermon on the Mount is little, but the last dedication discourse was an hour. .Life is made up of littles; death is what remains of them all. Day is made up of little beams ; and night is glorious with little, stars. . —Nothing so momentous as principles. As sure as August Shows the work of the farmer, so sure the futurity will show the principles tbou Art "cultivating now. "Buy then the truth !" buy it at any cost, •for .any amount of labor, sacrifice or talent•-.-- iuv it, and when thou host it, sell itliot ! Sell it not for pleasure, for prosperity;sfor fume or for life. Get holy principles, and thou shalt get the pinions of an • angla which shall bear thee above all the clouds and storms of earth, into the sunshine'and calm of eternity. Pay no attention to slarulerers or goa. sip.rnongero.; , . Xeep straight* on in your course, mullet their Iniekliitings die the death of neglect. • . , . $2,00 - PER YEAR NUMB LB 13. Wait nn d•. utor. As the mind must govern the hand, so in every society the man of intelligence must direct the man of labor, 6."i'6y is a rooster standing on a fence like a silver half-dollar? Because it is head on one side and . tail on the other.• • P IP' One who wishes the world to knoW what 4 ' he knows about farthing, says the best Way) • raise strawberries is with-A, spoon: • . Our devil says when he gets g r ip ,on the girls he is hard to get loose, ',look out girls. . - .. - Do au call this a trunk'?" _growled a baggage agent. "It only needs a lighten ing rod to be mistaken for a:boarding ho. e." The Columhui, Ohio papers.don't have any editorials nise i the alleged cause be ing that "the thermometer is up. to three shirtcollars a minute." Why. do men not wear corsets ? Because Joiiah, having surrounded himself by whalebone for three days, found.. that he could not stay. A dark'd who preferred being killed in a railroad . -h-up than in a steam boat explosion, gr his reasons as follows: If you is run Ober by de cars and killed; Ivy—dare you is; but if you is blowed up .de biler—whar—whar are, you ? 'A Gentleman, on getting so - dtt, retirine , from the store without the usual little cer-: emony which follows that operation.— "Recollect, sir," said the polite proprietor, "If you loose your pocket-hdok, you didn't pill it out here.' A Peekskill paper has receive&the fol lowing admonition : "Mr..Editurs,What did you print my family matters in your papur for for it is none yur biziness if my wife did have.twins I pays for them and youl get your hed punched you had best tend to your own biziness." A lady had'a custom of saying to a fa vorite little dog of her's to make him fol low her. Come along sir." A would-be-wit stepped up to her one day, and accosted, her with,., • "Ii it me, madam, you efdled ?" "Oh, rio, Sir," said the 14; "it is an other puppy I spokelo." • Why are you likb an annual; my darl ing ?" said a saucy lover, winding his arm around Harriet's waist. "I- cannot say. Why V' "Because you are handsomely bound.,' "Indeed,r said Harriet. "Why, then, anr Hike alaw - book 2" . "I give it up." "Because I'ni bound in calf." ae —A distinguished ex-Goveror of Ohio, famious for story-telling, relates that on one occasion, while .addressing a 'temper ance meeting at Georgetown, District of and depicting-the misery caus ed, by indulging too frequently in the flow ing bowl, his attention was attracted by, • the sobs of a disconsolate and seedy-look ing individual in the rear part of the room. Oa going to the person and interrogating . him, he was told the .usuar tale 'of 'woe— among other sad incidents that, during his career of vice, he' had buried three wives: The old Governer, having buried' a few wives of his own, sympathized deep ly with the inebriate,. and consoled him as much as was in his Pewer. Said, he "The Lord has indeed afflicted you." "Yes, yes, he has," and,pausing a. moment, and wiping his nose, he continued : "but I don't think the Lord got much - ahead . of me, for as fast as he took one,' I took a nother." We should, all have our flowers of time bright spots in our life today, and, if pos sible, brighter mammas m• expectation for the .morrow. ,The widow of a man who. died , in' Iron ton, Ohio, oft,f4elirium treMens,, has re 7 covered $5,1)00 damages from the man who' furnishedthe whiskey. The wall 4 of one of the buildings de stroyed by the lath fire at- Williamsport, Pa., fell the 22d ult., and crushed to death two little girls, sisters, named-Mutz ler. Dr. Franklin recoaunends'a . young man in the choice of a wife, to select her front a bunch, giving as his reason that where there are many daughters they improve each other, and front emulation ~ acquiro more accompliShments mid know More and do more than a single child spoiled by parental fondness. Life. rolls' on like a torrent. ~Tlio more than a dream ; the present, when we think we have fast hold it, slips through or hands• and mingldt -With the past. And let ns not, vainly imagine that the future will be of another quality it will, glide by with the same rapidity. Some of you . May hair() seen - the 'caves of the Ocean pressing each other to thoshore. You then beheld an emblem, rof human. life. MUTUAL HELP.—The race'of mankind would perish- did they cease to . aid each Other. From the time that the mother lands' the • ohilds head till' the nwinent when some, assistant Wipes :the death damp from the broW of the dying, we can not exist without niutual help.). All, thre-'=.' fore, that need aid, have a rzght to ask it from their felihw mortals.— =la, one :who holds the power of gruntingit, can; refuso it without guilt. 4 4 F'Wfg.75',
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers