elod bless the girls, home golden coglo insed pith OUT -.you'll, dreanss; Tbey ban niour -'" *sit wives, , 00Al1ialatads bantit the streams. • • They soothe oar pains, 1 m -—.- MI our brains - Whir s of summer hamm; ess the girts. God bless their curls, lAA Koss ow human Bowers. I= The 'wives, ail think, are quite as deserv ing as the girls—therefore the following is uspecktalbr submitted: G , od bless the wives, They fill mu. hives With little bees and honey, They ease life's shocks, They meniour socks, But —don't they spend the money'. When we are sick; They heal us quick— That is, if they love us; If not, we die, And yet they cry And place tombstones above us Of roguish girls, With auny curls, We may in fancy dream; But wives, true wives— Throughout our lives, Are everything they seem. Ornitural. Get a Home and Keep it. A leading object with every young man should be to secure himself a per manent home. And for its great stabili 4-sy, it should consist partly in land, and „up to a certain limit, the more of it the better, if paid for. The house should be as comfortable and attractive as one bas the means to make it. It should be one that the heart could grow to. and cling around more firmly with every pasting year. Its owner should desire ava 'purpose to . keep possession of it as tong as he livqN and his children should Brew up feeling that there is one place, illgpl and stable for them through all ange. Aisecisans are altogether too roving W r Itlietr habits. W e build houses cheap and pull them down without regard. -*:. we sell out and move away a half *men times in a lifetime in the vain bini, of beftering ourselves. It is better to choose a homestead early in life, and then-lay plans with reference to abiding there. Even if oar gains be less than are premised elsewhere, a certainty, should seldom be given up for an uncer tainty. A bird in the hand is worth two tu the bush. Only those who have er.i.erienced it, know bow firmly a family becomes at tached to their long loved homestead. Ne-ehildren love home as well as those who have known only. one. As the young becomes of marriageable age, they should go out, one by one, from Ate old homestead, feeling it to be the e 1 alter which their own should be ee4ittbNitted, and know that this will re main unchanged as long as the parents - kve, trplace to which they can return, and where they will ever be welcome. A pleasant writer confirms our doctriqe thaw 6 Tbere is a greatgain . in being settl ed.- It is two-fold. h year accumu lates about the tanner the material by wlOich ktbor is lessened. s'he rough channels of labor become worn and smooth. A change involves (*:,,,Ttiat Joss, ai - 4 rarely is there a cor responding gain. Time is lost, labor expenifed, money Maid ; the wear and tear of temovil Is no small item ; and above all the breaking up of old associ ations it> often disastrous in the extreme. ,Paiauts and children become unsettled in their habits, if not in their morals. LS a man who has a home ahead keep it • let him that has none get one, and .labor to render it a treasured remember vice, to the absent, and a constant joy to these who abide in it." To all of which every intelligent, thoughtful per son must give a luarty approval.— Atnerivm Agriculturist. e Indian Meal and Corn Bread. A bushel of corn, wys a Michigan Far mer, contains more nutriment than a bushel-414mA but corn meal should not be and fine, 'as it will not keep se.. There 10, no grain that can be put to so many good uses and served up in so many different ways as corn and Corn meal. First we have the green corn, roasting tars and soup in the early, and the dried corn soup and hominy, the bal ance ofthe year. These dishes every good housekeeper knows how to prepere, being the most simple in the culinary art., And then by grinding it into meal, what visions of delicious eating float be fore the eye. First we have the corn cake, made of meal and water, and a 14010, it you are too poor to use eggs and Milk, mixed into a dough and baked on a griddle Then awe bread or pone, which .can -qj ly be made properly by about one lhOusekeeper In ten. Then mush and milk, and tied mush. We have never seen the individual that di , not like one or the other. Many fail in making good mush by not boiling it enough. When it is merely scalded it has a raw taste.. Then there •is a very food corn meal pudding, made by stir mg the meal into scalded skim milk till # it is as thick as . gruel, and when cool add ginger, cinnWeeo, nutmeg, salt, and sweetening to suit tbe-tarte., and a little fine Wt . suet, : ;Aid sense 'twins or dried peaches or a lime out apple. -It shoild bake an boteor saw*, *wording to size. This is irAond paling. And then see inagla ow many dishes corn becomes a ble stithlrrirlte mixture. Itis the pest-and most wholesome food that minecan live on, and should be on the table of both ric h; and poor more fre quently than it now is, in some of its many forms. , HUSS & INCHRAM, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law CM SOLDIERS CLAIM AGENT 3. Having been duly licensed according to Law by the government AS IS aroriaxv or ALL rte. SONS TRANRACTTNO PTCH St - SINESS. they ere fully prepared With all the suitable blanks and ne despary instructions. from the several De partments at Washington City, to prosecute with promptness and dispatch all kinds et War Claims, Persians. Bounties or Back Pay, due dtseharged soldiers. their widows, orphan children.parents brothers and sisters.as well 08 the bounty of one hundred dogars.dre discharg ed on account of wounds received or sickness contracted v hile in the service, in accordance with the special Act of March 3d. 1863. Also, the Bounty of four hundred dol lars to Veteran Recruits and three hundred dollars to raw recruits or discharged soldiers or their next of kin, as authorized by the Reso lution of Congress of January 13th. 1864, as well as all county or township bounties due them, will receive their undivided attention if entrusted to their hands. Leal. business of all kinds respectfully solicited.. Collections will receive their prompt attention. Mr. floss, who has been practicing with success for some time in the Claim business. most respectfully refers to that Wowing clatniants, who, among others, ' obtained Pensions, Bounty or Back P through his hands:; Samuel Rinehart, Rogersville. Greene Co. Pa. Wm. McClelland, Wayne6urg, do do Michael M'Govern, Jeffeon, do do Jos. Silveus. Rogersville, do do A. B. Smith, 111corit's P: 0. de do Thos. BarnharWreiv Freeport, do do David Jolagheatirl,:hite Cottage, do do JacobralVe, Clarksville, do do Jno.. dy, Jefferson, do do Wm:raft, Four Mile Bridge, do do Thos. Longstreth, Spragg's P. O. do do Sam'l. Coplan, Prairie City, M' Donegan Harrison Morris, Newtown, Greene Co. Pa. Thos. Roseberry. Oak Forrest, do do Rinehart B. Church, Rogersville, do do Wm. Wilson, White Cottage, do do Wm. Fox, New Freeport, do do F. B. Wilson, Waynesburg, do do Mrs. Lydia Morris,White Cottage, do do " Eliza Snyder, Oak Forrest, do do " Barbery Illasters,N. Freeport, do 'do " Nancy Hunt, Waynesburg, do do " Cartissa Meaux, Sparta. Wash. do " Maryabomas, Oak Forrest, Greene dis " Mary C. Silvers, Rogersville, do do. Office in No : 2, Campbell's Row, Wavnei. burg, Pa. Jan. 18, '65.-3m. OIL WELL PUMPS! OIL WILL Mil& TOOLS OIL WELL TUBING (Light and Heavy; Iron and Brass Joints.) OIL WELL PUMP RODS OF ♦LL KINDS. Brass Pump Chambers and Valves Wrought Iron Pump Chambers lined with Brass. Pump Tops and Finished Rods. E have nn hand and for gate. Light and Heavy artesian tube. Brasil or Iron Joints. We will guarantee our Lien? Tube to stand a working pressu to at 300 lbs, and the heavy I.nun Ihs to the square inch Wrought Iron Brass Lined Chambers, the same size. pipe, t* , ,r heavy working pressures We have just in troduced Tubular Wrunght 'ran Pump Rods, Flush Joints. made slang and use side its entire leng.h, and cannot cut the shies of the tube. MI kinds of armies connected With OIL vv - mmixJm!! I Kept s'onstaialy on hand Send for Citeuthr of prices. Davis & Phillips, OFFICE, NO. 110! WATER STREET, Pil tsburgh, Pa PUBLISHED THIS DAY! • COAL AND COAL OIL. BY PROFESSOR BOWEN. OL e Volume. Cloth. Price $2.00, COAL Arco COAT. OIL; nr, The Geology of the Earth. Reine a popular description or Miner• els anl Mineral Combo stitdes Ity Eli 13nwen, Pro fee:for of Ge. logy. This work should he in the hands of, and read by ail who take any interest in Coal Oil or Coal. Complete in one volume, bound. Price S 2 O. Published and or sale at the Cheapest /look ffntiq, in the World to buy . t r acrid for a stack cf hooks which is at I'. B. Peterson & Brothers, 306 Chesnut st., Phil'a., Pa. Copies of the ahnve. evil hr sent trelyalere, at once, flee of vstage. on receipt of the price by us For Sale by all. Booksellers. Feb. 15. 'O. Auditor's Notice ! GREENE COILTN'IrY, M. S. Commonwealth of Penreyl- 1 In the Curt of rom yaaja toe use of Thomas I mon Pleas. rr Paid 11. Meighen, Jas, Throck-I County, of Docent minion and others, 1 her Term, 1857, No. Thom us Hill and liEthias nopelerry. exertor.. of Seise raciest. Mathias Itoseherry, dec'd. with notice to Tette Ten n Int.. Anil now, to wit : rerember 21st. 1561, Duni.l Craw. ford, Esq.. app inter] audit. r to distribute the balance of the fund remaining in court after paying the amount dec.eed to tt.e representat ant. of Atkinson Heinen. Attest. stest. ttv he TEMPLEJL'3TIJ r. 1 will alend to the ittstiva of the above appoint ment, at the Treasurer's Office. in Wayiteshurr, on Wednesday, the Bth day of Matrh next. when and whereall persons interested can attend. if they think proper to do so. D. Clta %%TURD, Feb 15th. '65. Auditor. EXECUTOR'S SILL ----:0:--- IPnrananee of an ordrir of the Orphans' Court of Greene County. Pa .The under.ignod Executor of the last will and teatament of Morahan Springer, deed . will sett at oolitic outcry on the premiers on the lmth day of March nest. a valuable tract of land, situated on the Monongahela river. in Drinkard to., Greene Co.. Pa ■djniniug 101111,4 of Isaac Morrie, heirs of Griffeib ?Sonia. land Pornerly of Jonathan Miller. deed . and the M.,tiongahets river, containing ewe hundred arras more Ile Inca ; a large portion of the land is cleated, with a log house, barn and other buildings eracied tb.ireon. There in a sufficien , y of timber upon the land. an an abundance of omit TERMS of *AI.B ball of it e purchase mo ney atm the confirmation of the sale, and the remain &.r in twelve wombs thereafter. with titterer , * from confirmation. DA. T. SPRINGER, l a n. 4, IMO EXPcliter:kr% WAYNESBURG STEAM MILL. MAKES pleasure in informing his friend* and the ..1 traveling public generally, that be Amnia,. ei a b use WM. ROGERS Valtpattbrify inform his friends and or tido popular house of entattainment a Pl} r..,r cond. the public that he has leased the NEW STRAP dent in saying that ht. e 342 tender perfect Nal jAketinn . Min. at Waynesburg. Pa.. Ml6* t e will always be Eyery effort will be to meet the waits a..d wish foundnev ready to accommodate all atm am 0 C * of hia f ue3til • ' ihnne ., nOOO.. Grinding ~,,Ilikeklt Rand T . E will he furnished with the by water tnitla. 11.20g*NnIst ' 4.0 entnitatty l'Alin&s, . 100 the market. Aiupie and ~.irreei .48 heed. ()Mei!, - M . Otkrr can be left at the MirforAt lent stablittf. Ive us C 104 Ensiles rums. - Mae. tr..leatia Itbar, rtiOntrg.,Ayril 12. lent. a. r 0011911:011111 NOTWIL, EMI The tax payers of Greene County are hereby notified that the undersigned Com missioners will meet them in the respective township:, to hear appeals from the asses ments of the township Assessors, as follows, to wit In Morris tp., at the horse of E. Barker, Esq., on the Bth and 9th. In Rtchbill tp., it the house of Margery Bry an, in Jacksonville, on the 10th and 11th. In Alleppo tp., at the Mudlick School house, on the 13th andl4th. In Springhill tp., at Stephen Whites Mill, on the 15th and 16th. In Gilmore tp., at the house of Enoch Men nen on the 17th. In Jackson tp., at Peter Grimes Store, on the 18th. In Centre tp., at the house of Samuel Woods, in Clinton, on the 24th and 25th. JOHN P R ior„ JOHN G. DINSMORE, THOMAS SCOTT. COMIIIISSIONEBS OFFICE, Waynesburg PA., t February, Ist 1865. ) Commonwealth of Penn'a. Greene Co, SS In Om: Common Pleas of said cAunly, No: 4, Septenoler Term, 1864. Archibald GTOCIIIC l IBEI. IN DIVOR O F: vs) ) no w I,ecemb, 2 0. 1 6 6 4 Amanda Grooms. Alias Sulipeenea I'olllllPd alrl , l proof being made that defendant cannot be fount( in Fail county, the Court order publivat inn by the sher. accordinr to the Art of Assetobly, iu stich case made a nd.rovided. Lly the court Attest, F Tiotet.E.Protley. The defendant i.l th , above c; se wi , l take imrice that she is required to appear in tile Court of C o mmon of 'he con , ty of Greene. nn the first day of the next term, to wit : March 20th, 1665, to answer the petition or libel 0 f the plaintiff, Jan. 11, 1565.-It, HEATH JOHNS. Sieff. Greene County, ES. In the Orphans' Court of Greene counts, No. 3. June Term, 1P64. In the matter of the par— tition and valuation of the real estate of Wil liam Miller, doe'd. And vow to wit : Dec. 20'64. Inquisition confirmed and the Court direct the return of the Sheriff as to the service of the writ on parties out of the State. to be amended and to amend the affidavit to the petition, and grant a rule upon the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased, viz :lizabeth Myers. (wid ow,) and Elizabeth Mil l. residents of Came rem West Virginia, and Jacob Miller and Hannah Miller, intermarried with Jacob mincer, residents or A hcppo tp.. Greene coun ty, Pa., to come into Court on the first day of March term next, and accept or refuse the land at the valuation, or bid for the same or show cause Why the same shall not be sold by the court. Attest. J. F. TEMPLE, Clerk. HEATH JOHNS, hff. ja2s TETTERA tes'ament arg having been granted to ; the un de rsigned Mon The estate of J nel 1.. Sutton, deed, late of Marion township, Grerne eriunty. Pa. Notice in hereby given in aft personA knowing them selves indebted to s aid estate ti make immediate pay ment. and those having claims to piesent them proper ly authenticated for Settlement. MA RI A. It SUTTON, WM. U. ei UTTO Y, Exeeuters. jei-5 6w Administrators' Notice. T ETTERA of A dmisi ration. cum testament° bunt'''. j upon the enlale of John eott,Wil..lec'd.. having been issoeti to the un4ersie, ed. notice is hereby given to all per,ons having ch:ints avmst the calif estate to present them for aettl•mt la, an' all ppm-vs in debted to said estate are requested to 'mote Mime d tato payment. JNO COTTERELL, Jr. Feb 15. '65 Administrator's Notice. • lETTER . = of. Administration on the estate of . 1 - EO KING, late of Wayne tic., de , NI., having !wen grained to the on emptied. n eis hereby given to persons knowing themselves intlehte.l In said estate ts matte 11111111Pliinle pa) meta. and those having claims aeainsi the eatale to present t'!ent dilly adthemicated for seWeatent. PETER YEAGER Feb. 16. '65. Acm'r. Greene county, ss. In the - Orphans Court of said county of Sep. term, 1864, o. 21. In the matter of the par tition and valuation of the reel estate of John McNay, dec'd. And now to : December 20th 1.?.64, Sheriffreturn to inquisition approved and con firmed, and the Court grant a rule upon the heirs and legal representatives of said deceased to come into Court, upon the first day of March Term next. and chose or refuse the estate at the valuation thereof, or bid for the same, or show cause why the same shall not be sold. By the Court J. F. TEMPLE, Attest, HEATH JOHNS, Sittr. Greene County, S. S. jN the aplvin's Cou, tof sa d county, nf Veeenitter Term. 186 , 1. No. In he matter of the settlement , f the final account of Ezekiel 1if71 , 101 Admimstrator. Ile Bemis tt tt, of the F:state of Jonathan atton. dee'd. fited—see account. And non', to wit Derember. ISfet the court refer this account to A. A, Putman, as anditer to retort upon exceptions. J. F 'r F.M1'1,17„ Clerk, 0 C. The undersisned will attend to the (tulles of the above appointment at hi: otfiee, in A...ay .eshurg. on the 6th est? t March, 18r.5, n hen and where al. persons inte - ested can attend if they see A. A. FVP.II A N. Auditor. INIEE6I GREAT CLOAK NEE OF TIN ET. Pittsburgh Cloak and Mantilla 73 Market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa, . 1)4111q, I d i-. 01. e)Il and New York Fall And Winter .I, Fashions for lSni and 1865 now ready and nu sale at our Tale. , rooms 73 Market tkireet. V 1 e have now , in stock everything desir tide it , ll.tolies and MiS , PS riel, lelegant and Inshateable Fall and IA inter (floats, I Masques, eta' 'lurk, and etretilats, in t'hoh, Velvet. I and other heavy fabrics for wi•der wear, and having 1 purehased tarrely of CI Ills and tithe) . fahri.st e.,n,e I eight mintlis ago, a' 50 per rent below the ore ear I Inlets, we are able to 511 ii idtdies filaments 511 per cent 1 less than any other CI iak 11. , u-e in the United St tes And shall keep Mir 5100 L full and ftshionahle through- I met the ',canon. and shall offer inditreirents to I 'lye's of Ladies wear. not salivated in the United Slates. iCountry 54., e l iaii r, will And mg folly prepared to I fill their order. AVIIII dispatch. Ile , etillier 73,1tlarkti I !street is the only ext Ittsfre Cloak House 11 , the City. Sept. ii, 1564. . ,11. J SPENcIi:. CMS ! CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! ESPITt2 re2tSX NSW 11.M.ALD'Y And Reviving Daily New Addirois, Prntlinnotar3 CLOTH AND SILK Paris Cloak aul Shawl II GUNSENHAUSER, & CO, ea ATARZET STREET. irbittislartir all, Fl'4st. ADAMS' HOLTS, WAYNESBURC, PENN'A., Fsecators'Nd ice, JNO. 111 VEN Gal =*nl Store EMPORIUM JACOB HENDERSIIOT, SA-R5.,41) --Yer's ARILIJN z uY wOnzar e 442. 4rsturt I= SCROFULA .Allll SCROFULOUS DISEASE& Pram Eatery ;Ides, a well-known merchant or Oxford, Maine. " have sold large quantities of y our . Ssasaran- Tu.*, but never yet one bottleirlnch failed of the desired effect and full satisfaction to those who took it- As fast as our people try it, they agree there has been no medicine like it before in our community: , Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules. Ulcers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From Rev. Robt. Stratton, Bristol, England. " L only do soy duty to you and the public, when I add my testimony to that you publish of the me. dicinal virtues of your SARSAPARILLA. My Musk. ter, aged ten, had au a ffl icting humor in her ears, eyes, and hair for years, which we were unable to cure until we tned your SARSAPARILLA. She has been well for some months." From Mrs. Jane E. Rice, a well-known and much. esteemed lady qf Dennisville Cape May Co., N. J. "MY daughter has suffered ' for a year past with a scrofulous - eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothing efforded any relief until we tried your SARe SA pARILLA, which soon completely cured her." From Charles P. Gage, Esq., of the widely-known fires of Gage, Murray 4• Co., manufacturers qf enam elled papers in hash ua, A. H. " 1 bad for several years a very troublesome ha mar in my face, which grew constantly worse until it disfigured my features and became an intolerable affliction. I tried almost everything a man could of both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your SARSAPARILLA.. It immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might for a time• ' but in a few weeks the new skin began to form utider the blotches and continued i until my face is as smooth as anybody and I sat without any symptoms of the disease that 1 know of. I enjoy perfect health, and without a doubt owe it to your SA BSA FA RIL L-i Erysipelas— General Debility Purify the Blood. Front Dr. Boit. Sawin, Houston St., N. Y. • Da. AYER: I Seldom fail to remove Eruptions mad Scrofulous Sores by the persevering use of your SARSA PARILLA. and I have just now cured as at tack of Malignant Erysipelas with it. No altera tive we possess equals the SARSAPARILLA you have supplied to the profession as well as to the people." From J. E. Johnston, Esq., Wakeman, Ohio. "For twelve years I had the yellow Erysipelas ma my right arm, during which time I tried all the cel ebrated physicians I could reach, and took hundreds of dollars' worth of medicines The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors • decided that my arm must be amputated. I began taking your SA REA PAP.IL LA. Took two bottles, and some of your PILLS Together they have cured me. ' 1 am now as well and sound as anybody- Being in a public place, my case is known to everybody in Ude community, and excites the wonder of From Hon. Henry Mauro, M. P. P., of Newcastle, C. IF., a_ leading member of the Canadiein Parliament. "I have used your SARSAPARILLA in my family, for general debility, and for purifying the blood, with very beneficial results, and Seel confidence iD commending it to the afflicted." St. Itiathony's Pire. Bose, Salt Ehenzli, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. ' From Harrey Siekler, Esq., the able editor of dis Tunckhannock Democrat, Pennsylvania. "Our only child, about three years of age, was at tacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly spread until they formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded his eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any ap parenteffect. For fifteen days we guarded his ban ds, . lest with them lie should tear open the festering an d . corrupt wound which covered his whole face. Nev i ing tned every thing else we had any hope from, we began giving your SARSAPARILLA, and applying the iodide of potash lotion, as you direct. The sore began to heal when we bad given the first bottle, and was well when we had finished the secoud. The child's eye/mikes, which had come out, grew agai n and he is now as healthy and fair as any , other. TM whole neighborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From Dr. Hiram Stoat. of St. Louis. Missouri. "I dud your SARSAPARILLA a more effectual remedy for the secondary symptoms of Syphilis, and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess. The profesAon are indebted to you for some Of the best medicines we have." From A. J. French, M. 1)., an eminent physician of Lawrence, Mass.. who is a prominent member of the Legislature of Massachusetts. `•Die. AYER-My dear Sir: I have found your SARSAPARILLA an excellent remedy for Syphiiis, Both of the primary and secondary type, acid, effect ual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. Ido not know what we can em ploy with more certainty of success, wbe're a power ful alterative is required." Adm'ra Mr. Chas. S. Van Liew, of New Brunmeck, N. J., bad dreadful ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease, which grew more and more aggravated for years, in spite of evert remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the persevering use or ATER'S SARSAPARILLA relieved him. Few cases can be found more inveterate and distressing than this, aid it took several dozen bot tles to cure him. Leueorrhces, Whites, Female Weakness, are generally produced by internal Scrofulous Ulcer ation, and are very often cured by the alterative effect of this SA r.sae A ttitt.A. Some cases require, however, iu aid of the SA tespeAunta, the skilful applitation of local remedies. From the well-known and widely-celebrated Dt. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati. "I have found , y our Setisa ni Lt.& an excellent alterative in diseases of females Many cases of ir regularity, Leucorrhcea, Internal Ulceration, and local debility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, and there are few that do not, when itseffect is properly aided by local treatment." A lady, unwitting to allow the publication of her name, writes: " ny daughter r.nd myself have been cured of a very debilitating Leueorrhcea of long standing, by two bottles of your SA aserauiLLA." Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys• pepaia Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Scrofula in the system, are rapidly cured by tide ExT. SARSAPARILLA. Clerk ja2s•tc AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over the other pur gatives in the market, and their s"nerior virtues are so universally known, that we need net do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the lest it ever has been, and that they may he depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co Lowell, Mass., and sold by Wm. A. Furter and Wm. Creigh, and by dealera•ev erywlere "T 14 r ‘7 O . - La°. ( TwoTo Six BOXES oF Tire OPEO=I,O IDELLi WILL PEAZIPILLAND Preu.s.unrrLy erne ANT CASE oi Sperm - ttornteay Seminal Weakness, on Involuntary Nightly on Daily Loasetti DOWEVE3 OBSGLIALLY CAUSED, OE DEOWEVER. AG. ORANATED is crtAnAcrws; while they wall apee4:lY correetthose terri:P.o morbid conditions which spring fromthe prima . 7 cl isease, off rora secret vice. 4 TIE III() PILL is equally applicable to the treatment of every kiwi of &nava or Urinary IrritationtlucTnac:ty U , or of Diabetes, limaor" Duet , Deposits in the ntin; Kilky Di.lcitcrucc; Ilrammrtion or Weakness* t Ito Niel. eteys,eze. C'lergymen,lamysre,Students,amicll who follow seden:ary e , ;:upations, or whose - Brain. and Nervous Sysfens sr.) over-worked, aro peculiarly sub. ject to wea:zacs3es of tl:e Gr:Nrro-l - taxArr OEGANB. ThesoShollldD fnil to use TILE BPI:Cala nu. Persnns vi.it any one or moro of tho abo , :e di :orders, azo sure to have several, and some times most, oft he roan ownsa SYMPTOMS. Deranged Digestion; Lasso! elppetitc; Lost of Flesi; Constipated Bower; Eiffel and Hereon's, or heary elecp, with lu , riul cleeamc; Troa,' led Ereaning; Failure of Voices; Irregular action of tie Heart; Puetulous Eruptions on deface and wet; Headache; .elfections of the Eyes; Loss of Memory; Sadden flueAesof Heat and Bluehinge; General Weakness and Indolence; dversiots is Society; Relaxed Condition, or Diminished Mee, of tie Genital Organs; Involuntary Nightly or Daily Emissions; .Preluent dcsire to pass R ater, Withpeculiaratt,rulingsensaticme; Ne4zneholy, tte. Professional Opinions.—"l have used your Bpscirto Pius' in many cases of Spermator rhea, and with the mostpelfect euccese."—J. Mit- TTON SANDEZA, M. D. , LL. D., Brooklyn. "It is as near a 'specific' as any medicine can be. I have cured very severe cases with from SIX TO TEN DOSITA"—B. REIM, M. D., Ed. Repertory of ire. Science, Nett- York. "I know of no remedy in the whole dtateria Ifedica, equal to your SPECIFIC Po.t. in Seminal or Crinary Weaknesse.s." AtLooLmr Bruts, If: D., Prof. of Organic Chemistry and Physiology,* Y. Personal Opinions.—" Mr. Wine/Alger Is WORTLEY oe ALL cosrinsr.nce, and devotes himself enthusiast:ea/zit to these Preparations"—D. M aas. DtTE RUSE, M. D., LL. D., American Medical Gazette, Sew. York. "I have a personal Imotcladat of Mr. Wtscuts. rea4 HONESTY AND INTEC And Can assure the Profession and the public t Par.rsnevtons CAN elt/tELLF.DON."-JAS.E. }"„ THE SPECIFIC PILL Is not a Romeopathie remedy, nor does it contain Merrm7,lrmi,Cantharidea, or any injurious ingredient. Ur - Trice : $1 per box, ex boxes , (when ordered at enca) for $5. Sentby Mail. Sold Wholesale and Retail, at the Sole General Depot in the United States, by J. WDICHICSEER, 36 ;ohs Etroot, 27 T., LEGAL NOTICE. LETTERS of atimiristranon having been ranted on the estate of Joseph Ilutletan, late of Centre tp r I:menu eo . Pa.. to the undersigned all persons indebted Magid estate are required to make. imme diate Pit) weetrOall having claims to present Ahem properly authentkated for settlement. UZI"; III7FFMAN, ("entre tp. WILLIAMPUFF:WA ti. Jan ter MINTI if Vp. Adger". rohattlAkt. 1 6i — anam - Wrer &frrown,l fi OAK HALL ij FINE READY MADE CLOTHING '1 •. ! ,s E. Corner Sixth & Mar-i{ tot Streets. ii I / PHILADELPHIA. tiSpecial Department for CUSTOM WORK, II iiNo. 19. Sixth Street II hprli 13, 1864 ly, ISRAEL GOULD 121133 Dy 11111 ID IMPORTERS & JOBBERS OF Hosiery, Gloves, WHITE GOODS AND EMBROIDERIES, No. 28 North Tiatrd Street, ly occupied by J. T. WAY ar. CO. I inn J. RADA . . HENRY.). DAVIS, EI.T(IN R. GII.ForD, i 6.AM'L W. YAN CULIN June 1,1864. ly CEO. F. WAROLE. CHARLES N. RE vcrARDLr, JIBED At CO., Wholesale Grocery, Tobacco and Mina CIIIMISSII - Cor. Sixth and Market Sts., April 13,'04-Iy. BEIN GOODS JUST ARRIVED AT SAYER'S & HOSKINSON'S, AT SAYERS' CORNER, FOR FALL AND WINTER• rpllEY are offering the largest, best and latest styles of DRESS &US, Alpaccas, Coburgs & Wool Delaines In a word, we have a (u (I supply of the latest style of Ladies Drees Goods. Coltars and Sleeves, Em broidered Sets, Bonnet Sktrts, Linings, Dead Nets. Gloves, llosiery. best quality Kid Gloves, Tents and Ginghams. Balmorals and Skeletons. Trimmings, con sisting of Quilled Ribbons, Braids, BULIMIC Beaded Trimmings, and Notions of alt kinds, too numerous to mention. MOVR.NING Goons. A la•vr and full assortment of the most Fashienahle Mm thing I:nods that could lie had. Men's Wear.— nPnh Citsiineres TWePthi. J rall9, cattanauie e t. Flan nels. Boos and shoos of al! sizes, Hats and Caps, La dies'llats, 'lands and Nubins. • HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE AND 6RObERIES, linuserurnishm g Gno s, llotached Sheetines, tin hlencted Co.tou Table Cloths, fled Ticking and Window Blinds Ou• stock is complete in every line, and if our imnla want gond bargains. all we have to say is. that this is the puce to secure them. Call coon, as our mroto THUS SALES, AND SMALL PROFITS. Coine one and all, as we are going to sell the Guods as low as they can be had in Waynesburg. Mai k this. 12,'i•4. SAVERS ROSEIN SON. HMG IS OLIHOTER IS KW Tot v‘\_ I NFORMS the citizens of Greene county that helms given up the Iliguerrean business and resumed the same old trade the SILVER SNIT= BUSINESS. lie Is prepared now to repair (locks, Watches and Jewelry. in lite very hest so le, shortest 'unite. and on reasonable terms. Ile has on hand the very best Clocks for sale Stir/P.—Campbell's Rowe, next do•ir to Squire N'rbbs. Wayner.borg, Pa., May IS. P64-tf. R. DOUGHERTY, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, lt..apertinily informs tin. public that he has located in Wayneaburg. Pa., where he intenda to manufacture Carriages of Lvery Description. Front hie experience in the business, he feels confi dent his wark will give entire satlsfa••tion He will uae no low priced material. in any part ofhia work, and will note m plo y any but siirerior workman. All new work wilt be Warranted for One Year. Sliopon Greeue street, one square south of theCouri ouse, Wavnee'urg, Jan, 25, 1860—nn 34, BRiDGEPORT HOTEL.), At the bridge, one mile east of Waynesburg, SMITH GREENE, PROPRIETOR. TUE linder.dened hereby notify the citizens of Greene an:l adjoining counties and the DROVING and TEA VELI PUMA; in geiwr tl that he has ta i• en I: hare of this lintel and fully prepared to en. tertalii the :raveling public in the very hest manner Ile respectfully solicits a liberal share of patronage of the public. a Tote BM{ will he suppli•i with the choicest I.IQ UORS. The. Table furnished with the best the coun try ran Afford. The AT ;11LE will be carefully at tend, d to- call and try us. Jail. 13, 15n4. PETROLEUM BANK OF CREENE COUNTY. xv co wicin TS h.r.thy given th.tt the Odd Fefinsva Assnriatinn at IS Way nestrurg has filed hi the Attorney lleneral's Office, ref th , ate r.f l'enusv lvania. a certifivate that As ,, nvialinn desires to change ti e same into Hank of (SIM!, Dt.t . ol/ fit and Cu! ll..pu..it, to In. known by the name, wyle and tit'ss, of be PETROLEUM BANK OF GiF ENE COUNTY to he located in Wayneshore. Greene county, state o Pennsylvania. with a minal stock of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, wit.. the hrivilette of increasing the name to THREE ItUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARR, in pursuance til'a,, Art entith.,,l ••inpptetnent in an Act to establi•h Free 'tanking in Pennsylvania," &c., passed the 3rd day of May, A. D.. Ititi I. J. F. TEMPLE, Sec'y .108. RANDOLPH. Pres'L A PORTER. Treas'r. Lank Notice. -----0---- FARMERS' & DROVERS' BANK," Wayneslturr, , Pee. 17 th, '64. XTOTIOE hereby giNell, agreeably to the provis ions of the Act of the I.egis atu•e of l'enn'a.. 211 "Act enahling the Bat lis of this Commo ve .Ith, to berme associations for the purpose of vank lite under the laws of the United !awes ^ th,t vt n meoioe ot stockholders. the " FARMERS' & DROVERS' BANKI I ' hiss vrtcd to bee.llrre sodb for iii. purpose of Winking as aforesaid e and its directors !!ave procured the au thorny of the own ers of two thirds of its capital stock, to make and acknowledge then.. ry certificate of organization. tteti It ink or k ssociati •it to be called. the -Fanners' & Drovers' National Bank, of Waynesburg, Pa." .1. LAZgAIt, etsheir. Dee. 21. WAYNESBURG MIRBLE AND STONE WORKS -- , 1 - I,ISEASES of the Nervous, Seminal, 'Pripet) , and SAYERS A; RINEIIART 1 jj Sexual Sye , em•—new and reliable treatment—fit reports of the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—Sent by Practical Marble and stone Cuttersl mail in Beaten letter envelopes. free of eha ir ie. 'Ad o ) dress,Dr. .1. SIMON 110DGDropi How l s A mec i Third Deor ,rall of As neur/ throw e. ,' Moin at. ' *Oen R. N Rosa Ninth ortnten. Ph 11 1 4•4 eispt• 2, ..1, i A fefi 13. , 544r. haft LIAD IN GRIME COUNTY SEIM AT MUM PRIM ! 011 Found in Large Quantifies ! AT DIFFERENT POINTS. NEW YORKERS XV 3C) Philadelphians! EAGER TO MIST Ph iladelphia Dllrwhile "Oil on the brain" in the raging epieirm ic, and thoesande of dollars ye being invested in Oil Stacks and Oil Territory, many are reserving a portion of their capitol and. invest in COLOVERI2 \cli g U et the well known Clothing Euiporium of N. CLARK, & SON, r.• • ti 14111 MO 171R1212 CLOTHING, Bought when Gold was Tumbling. 11 1 from 5 to 12 per cent. a day. an advantage we will auaratitee n every purchaser. We have bought an immense stock of rends and are &drumlin.] to gen them at such prices none will hesitate to buy. Our stock of both MOS' 1111 BAYS' WHIR is full and complete. Coats of this latest Frocks, Backs, and the very popular business coat, the ENGLISH ifittliKlEG COAT. Over Cava of every grade nn i most 'ashionable styles Ileavy Beaver, Chiuchi n, Seal-Skills, aril the very beweet, the TIGER OVER COAT. Panto. t f every WlTiPtv RIIIIIED FANry. and PLAID cr• 14 81111EnE. Vests of e very et vfe,—the latest being the DOU gT FUR:\ ISIIING GOODS', NOTIONS. such as Pulse-Warmers. 11AVA %N.lAig3l% Garrote or Byron of all F. 11,19. A fine assortment or alWava nn hands. Mao Cloths and Caeiniers which we will make to order on short notice, Don't ruin the place—Jud Opposite Jos, Yeater's Confectionary, TWO DIM Ei 01 ADAMS' M. Nov. 30, '64—tf. CUMMINGS & JENNYS, GRAND, SQUARE, AND COTTAGE UPRIGHT Piano Fortes, 1•Tco. 276 X3i - c>sarcl - vv^a. - 3r o NEW YORK, EACH INSTRVMENT WARRANTED FOR THERE instruments hare now been for many yews before the public, ari•l hare from their &aperient) , of tone, hness of touch, durability, and eligarce of finish; drawn forth n.auy and very dearth's tommen• dations nom a numher of he most !) untinent mem bers of the tuasical profession. They ate now offered to the public at prices from 25 to 30 per cent. !ewer then any other instruments of equal qualities. The steady, increasing dbmand for those superior instruments. have induced the makers to increase their facilities for manufacturin[th• m, and they are now fully impaled to meet the demands of all, mull wholesale and retail customers. Oct. s,'64—fim Dealers in !manilas where these instruments hate not yet been introduced. desiriug an agency ktr them. wilt ha liberally dealt midi. Send for a circular. • Dec. 14. 3 mos. ST. GLAIR HOTEL tOENEE OF PENN a, ST. CLAIR STREETR, PITT4p.7RGH, PA . J. N. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR ire Tftis popular house has recently been thosnomh ly refitt►d and furnished. and now forms One of the most pleasant stopping ; ,;aces in the city. Terms mod erate.and satisfaction ivarratited. April 9.'63 ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. IN A DAY! where they are just opening their null from the Eutern cities and AND Traveling Shirt.. Dray/en. and Underoliirts, Glares, Wroul Sockm. • Purt•monies, Ties. Collarn (both linen and paper,) RATS AND CAPS .2 3 1k_ TOT 311.111 MANUFACTURERS OF FITE TEARS. Itto fad. CONSUMPTION. They immmiately inerenQe the Orme,* er4 dove/ the color t.t thopa le Liorni.ll hey subdue the chia, Bute Fever, and dinnniehi the Expectoration. Tht y died the night meet te, always, in fruit' serer to fourteen. laye. The appetite to at onee invigorated, stet the Patient rapidly gaine Xesli the eotqA and the dip - cult breathing' are speedily r4lfered Jibe sleep becomes calm and refresh itv ; the evaettatkeerefe lar and war:farm ALE. IHE GENERAL bYIiP• TOMS DTS A PPEAIt ITU A itiPIDITY TMAT EEL'ILS MAIL ELLOUS.—J. F. ChenrA444l:43lL Irth:o-11=4'44:(14=Jis , are an appropriate and e-ectrie rrair.oe cr•r) ills. order characterized 1-y aiiy wic or wore of the LiLlowing Cr SYMPTOMS: afi Difficult, Imperfect, or too Popid Brecthing, Cold. , ness e;/ the Extreuitie,s; Nivea o, Nur:sing Chills; flee c; Wasting of Flesh, Ealaruement of %he Gla37"ds, or Swellings; Couch; Lase of Strength; Twitching of tho nerves or or aectes ; Shootin7 Pain e through the Moulf.krg, C7,at, Face or ; Portia/ or Tota6 Lase of the Uee of the Limbs: Headache; Giddiness; Exce,tre Paleness; Fiche Sweet ts,LONff of Appetite, Heart-Buret, tepr - essiso. of the Stonzach a 14r, or Senking of litemoc.% before eating; ' ircok or Sour Stu - awe': ; Jrrcutelusi. ties of the Bowels; Sallow Con,ulegian; melds of the liver or Eidr•a ; Bct sated Grow", or Delayed Dentition, in cal Extreme Eltiii tirene4l to Cad; dc., as in the acveral s:r;i:s c( Consumption, In Catarrh, Asthma. Bronchil,s, Dye pepsia, Acrofula,,Yeuraigia, Paralyeis,(partiu her complete), ate., and ):special! y In i.:111,m. , e IN,- ordere or Uterine Irrcg la ritics, such as Pi cult. Painful, Suppressed, Scanty, Excessive, Pete _ad, Premature or too Frequeut llianetruode:on. W/NCHESTEn'S HYPOPHOSPHITES are the best remedy known to 'Medical Setae's, in every ease where the ph.steinn cornownly 1-Tescribeii "tonics," iron, IA iarce Goa i.ver 0.1, quiltins,"4c. Winchester's Genuine Preparation OF TER ITTPOPIZOACEEITES Is the on/yretiebis form of Vita itemedy,tin d is a: proved by t ; a Ledicat generally. L".'l!:.ik (J 0 TILER, .1% OR tta ItL Ycos - Lirirt.. u 1'ra..E.,..i:-1n 7 oz Bottles, sl—Six Bottles fer 85. In 16 oz. Bottles, $2-- - tbiree for .1.5. lire Wars free. Sold by nit res: , ectoble Druggists, and at the sole General Depot to the I:ttittcl States, by 3. WINCHESTER, $6 John Street, li. Y. In Pulmonary Diseases. the most *Ca tire treatment should bo pitrsusd during the Summer months, the period 'when most pat tents unterisely suspend tho use of the 1:e April 27, :61.1 y. Proclamation The greatest thane ever offere,' to buy good Jewelry at Low Prices 100,0e0 Wrt , lies, Chains, Lockets, Rines, 13ramileta, Sets nfiewetry GrOd Pens, ike. TO BE SOLD FOR $1 EACH, And not robe Paid for until you know what yua are to Certifieates 11:11111f11: an ankle and iii value are Os. ced in Sealed Envelopes and well mixed, one of whici will he se..t by moil to any address 111.1 receipt of price. Ore Certificate 25 ents. Five for $l. Eleven for $l. Thirty fm. S 5. Thera are no blanks. You most set the value of your money. Circulars with pantrharsk sent FREE address A. J. lIARPER h i 0.. Box 5219 P. 0., New York 229 ftria•lway. N. Y April 13,%4-ly • I LECTURE TO YOIING MEN. Just Published in a Sealed Envelope A Leelitre on the Nature. Treatment. and Radica, ore or Spermatorrhcea or scintnal Weaklier,' Involuntary En.iaeutna , Sexua I Debility, and linpedi. flea is to M arriag a generally. Nei V0112 , 1:e1 , d, COI/Mimp [ion. Ein'epsy and Ins ; Mental and I • lavFical lecapaa , egultine from i , elr-abuse, 61. r. By ROBERT 3, CULVER %EL., N. D., oldie ' Green nook."' S e. The world re.nnrelif2o author. in MIS adolrat•it, Eat ttn e, dearly proves Iron, be , own experience that the :Zeir - A1.11,e Invy Lt: I tli.ClUalty tet/Pnve , ) ll'ithotll Medi , hie, and wrliiol/t datrper,.t.t t;nr¢icnl nperatioliS. S. tinge, or COT. dials, or the ion of tn. itnife—ponning nut Tl mode of a cu,e, ;,1 once ,thiels, rke Mill and efievual„ by Means of Iviti,ll every guir , rer, nn Ilthtle4 What his condoion may be , nia'. cure IllittSelf cheaply, privately. and rid ;ea I iv. LE,LTURE. WILL PROVE A BOON TO TIrol!S Sent, under seal. in a Oath nenlnee. to any addre.a post-pool, en receipt of 51X CelOS. ur two poollll.2llllpa. Addlese , the publishers. 1'11A , z..1. C. KLINE & CO.. 127 Bowe. e, New York. Post Office box, 9.5611 .I , lfie 22, 1864.. ttc it. I ..tiiflieted Read. REA,J, • Illundieds whit consoling'. D•• Epfepsy. Palpitation of the • Torpid Liver, Palsy, trrita•- " ,, Y 01 The r ysteoi General or Loc 1 Vainsor IVrak- PP6B. Night Kt‘ eats. Dieliffiss o, eight. Fits of Despot'. dewy. Prostrio ion and all d a,es o t the Nervous volutes Her. , r am of tne titils.:E. of their several afflntioits. Vey t, sat results as it they Went c. us . es; anti s. nn refit I is num.! WHAT IS 'fliE CA USE OF THESE DISEASES, very ft ecinently 1 'I here is the set:rid—solitary 'cif-- abuse. practiced I.y flows-ands. t I , llllllellCed When P. at school nr ekewlore, it to k tit tip even during young inaithwot, pr.witc'og ovntal tito! nhysical pros traibm If continued, the,e ni calec et.tl even mad— ness are the result. If the video be conscious of the cause °fins decay, site c . Mt it, lie i.utrvrg llPfier those , terrible nocturnal and invo:untary emiosions weaken and shame him. till life lieromes grieYnuP 'rims place between ceri4ill decay and prematur a death and horrible sittfering, the wretched victim rush es to c 4 Ei.P•DESTRECI'HiN. or rinks to an untimely grave. if ire emancipates himself ',.eflue the practice nas done its wor-t and elders niatrin:Ony, losparriltre . is untrititful. nd his sei.se tells him that this is caused; by his early fothe,:. SUFI' EWING YOUNG MEN, Let no false mode-ty prevent you front esplainina• your case to one whose acknowledged position in the medical profession and respecta' ilitv iti pr vats life.. point him an a private counsellor. Think not to (IMP yourielf, and so tcmper with a faculty, the 'destruction, of whirls renders a man truly nulserab e. Come to Ur. KINK FAIN, contide in him as thousands have done Lam, y.m. In short. to be cured radically of all noms of secret diseases, and rninnes effects of self-indulgence appky to the most successful and exneriencinl llr. KINILE LIN. GEIMAN PIIVP(CI . Nrothwest corner of l'hirat and Uni. n :! , treets. between Spruce and Pine. a square and a half from the .nerchanis' Exchange, Philadel phia Itemember that Sraturr RER of the ITRETIIA rapidly re nu,ved by the a pli , ation of a neW therapEY -IVal age, t. mileu 0.1 by Pr- K. PA ChT4l:l 3 : , r P :who, 1, Vit:G. ac.. ifir wirded m whims, in any direction; put up eccure from damage or ettrio,ity. la - Pl , `'T PAID LETTERS addresTed to Pr. KR KSLIY, Philadelphia, will he answered forthwith. April 27, IBO4—V. r AIM Its loves and hates sorrows and an bol,ee aod feats. regrets and joys: MAN IIU ft, how I"s% how RESTORED; the nature. reattneitt, and radical cure of sperniatorritesa or sem inal weakness, involuntary emissions. sexual debility and impediments to marriage generally ; nervousness. m1,111,4)001 1 , fits. mental anti ply siva I incapacity, re euliine from SELP-1. rtUSE—are billy explained in the NIA RRIAGE (WIDE. by WM. YOUNG, M. D.— bis moot extraordinary book shoplift be in the hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man o woman who desire to limit the number of their offspring to their ci•cuIIWIIIIICeS. Every pain, disease, and ache iacitiental to youth, maturity, and old age, is fully explained; every partlettf of knowl edge that should ~ e known is here given. It is foil of engravings. In fact it discloses secrets that every r, should know ; it is a book that must he locked up and rim lie about the house. It will be sent to nay one on the receipt or Twenty-five eerie. in specie nt . postage stamps. A ddress Dr. M. YOUNG, No. 416; Spruce. St.. above Fourth Philadelphia. AFFLICTED an UNFORTUNATE,, no mat • 11E1 - ter what utay beyour disease. before you place your- , a, If tinder the etre orally one of the notations Quacks —native or foreign. who Advertise in this or anyother paper. get a copy of Dr. Young's f10.,k. and read itcare fully. It will be the metros of saving you man dot lar. your health. and possibly your life. Pr YOUNG can he consulted on any of the dim , tes- . es described in his publication, at hi. Office. Not 41$. Spruce St.. above Pot rib Philadelphia. [[-Office hours front Stitt 3 o'Llock da4y. T, '64 I S. 11. A; C. P. 31.1ARKI t r t. , M AMU FA CTURERS AND DEALERS IN BOOR, CAP, LE1r72114 , A N" all kinds of WRAPPING PAPER have ed from NO. 27 WOOD STREET to se. 3s snithdeid St , PITTeBUsall, FA. itroleash Trariefor Rags. N i rg ' /11W.14 Notice to the. Public,. 1111 E Cabinet buaineas will be carried on at the col 4 stand, by the undersigned, where all kiwis a Furnilure can be had and wade to order. 1 Marta kept in teadtw SS to attend funerals. AMOK mn,rprirt. glairb 16f4. REIM( CA GAP
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers