lout figrartmcnt. oouaT.-o.)tift couveties O❑ Monday, the 20th day of March. Notice to Pensioners. Persons having obtained pensions through the hands of Huss St lughrain are requested to call at their office, N. 2. Campbells Row, immediately and make applications for the payment of the same from the 4th of March to the 4th of Sept. 1365. Waynesburg, March 8.11, Donation. The members of the Rtptist Citurch of Waynesburg and other friends will Idease cept my sincere thanks for the wholesome donation, amounting to SSG, tendered me on Saturday es-ening, February 18th nit. It was truly an agreeable surprise,. Nl.ty the liberality of the kind /loners be rewarded, and may they all realize the e,:riptrira, truth : "It is mote blessed to give than to receive.' F..INIT.TEL IiEND ALL. McConnell's Map or Greene County. We learn from a triend in Philadelphia, that the new map of Greene County, pub lished under the auspices of Jo •EPII L. Mc- Comism., Esq., has already been ivgraved, and the printing anti coloring is now pro gressing rapidly. Our friend, who examin ed and aided in the correction of the proof; sheet, declares this a most beautiful end accurate map of the comity. We learn, also, that it will be ready for sale and sooner than was anticipated, owing to the energy with which it has been pushed for ward. Persons desirous of obtaining early 'copies of this map can obtain them at this office in a few days. A large edition of them will be in Waynesburg next week, for such as may desire them. Price $5. Wall Paper. A splendid stock of wall paper of five hut:- Bred eitferent patterns is now for sale at W. P. Marshall's, N0..87 Wood street. Mr. Marshall has recently received a new and 'enable addition to his stock of wall paper, and the assortment is now so complete that for beauty and variety it is unsurpassed in the city. Those who desire to wrchase wall paper during this season would do well to pay a visit to this establishment. God bar gains may be had there, and a house can be neatly fixed up at the very lowest cost to the proprietor. The stock now on hand is being disposed of at the most reasonable prices. A gold article, especially when cheap, cannot fail to reconunend itself to the public. Call early. ITS LIBIRMAL general rate of interest is ,ix ip.r rant. ' c a.\ able anunally. This is seven and three-ttnth4, payable se:M anton-illy. If you lend oumortgage, there must be a seartthintr or ltix.t.ers' fees, ,tttaintr , dotitts and delt.:.s. an I on V, 11!) Iny BY TIMOTHY TITCOMB, JI. Lav;.; r,,turned to ye.; "tdy tin- sante kind of Bitter-Sweet Papers. "We grant that hunt- is no bar to st - 11• . :(, tior tare a sanction for impertin,nee." —Z or G. Says the old adage, "actions speak loud er than words ;" hence, actions are the clearest illustrations of the manners of a community. This met we shall specially --devote to the subject of manners,—the manners of the ladies. We shall present a few PAsymme SCENES, taken from rcq/ ,life, of which we shall merely sketch the outlines, permitting our readers to fill up the pictures, coloring them here, shading their off.there, and brightening them up yonder, as their varied tastes may dictate. Scene the First.—A church in Waynesburg, densely crowded,—(a rare thing, by the way o—a Knight of the yard stick, a Col lege student, a follower of Faust, a C:Alege professor, and Timothy Titcomb, seated iu a pew near the stove. Eder Miss Lime ! juice, Mrs. Flutterbudget, and Miss Vanitv . painted, powdered, gloved and muffed, and march straight towards, the comfortable seat occupied by the five gents, which, of course, is completely full. Vacancies sufficient for .one person, occur several times as they pass up the aisle, but they want to sit all to . gather, and to accompltsh this, they care not how much discomfort they may cause, or haw impertinent they may seem. Miss Limejuice leads —she always does,—she has discovered who occupies the seat, and itliuws that it she goes on that far the seat is sure to be given them And she does go en! ; : and stopping at the pew-entrance, her looks and air all demand, "Sim y ." Messrs. Merchant, Student, Printer, Profes sor and Timothy vacate the seat apparently very graciously, ((tot so graciously either it you knew all their thoughts,) and get seats wherever they can, or failing in this, find tho dour. Now it's all right to give ladies scats, and no one but a boor wonld fail to do so, but what - xe object to Is, their great presu napt io n in passing by seats unoccupied, and the air with which they demand—fix• they do not"ask— tor the more comfortable and favored places. Scene the Second.—{l train - of cars, stopping at a station for passengers—mod erateLy chiefly with ladies coming ,froin a " Woman's Rights' Convention ;" -hoops, fionnces, fans, muffs, bandboxes and poodle-dogs—eery prominent. Enter, an old gray-headed man, a mutilate I soldier, in his "coat of arms, - one sleeve of which.is empty, and a consumptive ,invaild:! A glance at the new-comers, as they pass along to Freon e s ' iiCat,. and a ipreacling-out liflee'cipiajtitieurs,but that i.: all. No lady kindly to - either of them, "Sflare this 4Seat with me," as she removes her carpcit .beg and places it under the seat or on the .rack above. We know that there are many r noble exceptions to this rile,—indeed, the writer of this paper has had occasion to observe much true politeness from the la . dies on the cars; but this is but the excep :sties which proves the rule. 55tires iJte Third.—Court room in Waynes- =ming ,lecture by Prof. —; - seated quietly, lecture begun ten isifestili town brilliantli lighted. Enter Yes Tittlataitle arid ipita. Ilighhead—bows and buttons, sprays and sprigs, collars and curls, glance in the lamp-light, and silks and satins rattle and rustle, as they svreap for- ----- • ~- ward to the Most prominent ,seat they can I Oil intelligence. - ' his parent or guardians,• shall on cocvic i I . find. Everybody is disturbed; and looks to , The activity in the Ohio Oil regiOlis non, be dishonorably dismissed fromthe , see who is coming in, two or three minutes lin wises to be great this spring, anti service. Principals who put iii insuill- ..? of the discourse is lost and yo I are irritated companies are alrt-ailv in line of b att l e , dent substitutes are to b notified of besides. Bat bow car,.::.be helped , They and rea,ly for a charge on t h e . enroll. the fact. in order that their places may be propetly snpplied, provided that no mus' st make a "senntion"—ani flies- do, b Itand rocky baillers to the lien deposit's hen :itli Morgan county is pronounc- -: :••• - hoe be oiveq to •noet , rir - ti ••Is • I b t 1 a.. 11.1.,_ VS 'Lim it is one of (I;ttguet. What gentleman Lvet ed by e \II Eirkreeti oil seekers to :11,ound thirty d'e.st In addition to the other interrrupts an audience in the vtat,? r.,,en . - u , i , inwfal penalties of the crime of deser , in this new mineral wealth, and it Mr. Pompons, whom I very touch dislike, i aa / omi t,.. V enan ,-, 0 Peiii,„‘l tion frum military ( r naval service; all . . - would not do that. N:loit iii iits prOtillt tit 01 ' Frtilll the Persons who have il serted who shall Scene the Fotrth.—A sti,,t t ro-simz ,n Mor ,, antown H ~ , , t i j its , 4 - i i,h, r t h e 1 ,,h not. returu or report themselves to a Waynesburg—very muddy., wide enorr.:ll t tr. 1,, %h h.g. interensting items : Pr,avost Marshal Within sixty clays, two persons. lkitsF, Coquette and Miss Flirt; I li ntry Millet sold, a .f, w days a , z, ,,. shall be deemed awl taken to have N ul meet two gentleinen, holh in ,_,„.,C i te,•,... Goat; a tarot of three hundred iieros on \Volt' mitalilY relinga:t-hed and fosteit•-(1 their rights of citizenship and their right to mi „ - Fano. - t C h r , e v e l, k lll l , ,;el d i , t N I - 1,1 1 1 - 3 , ne t k ) 11 1 1;1 , 1 . , fall "one behind the other" as ,f,,r 1.160 y-five 1 Pattie!: ainl hi vono citizens ; and all persons Who says ladies should du,---[lidless march .Veitifi- , ~ • ,- , t h ou , -,hall hereafter desert on being enrolled. . others of rittstauttotri. I-t lilt ill forward. I,ro rtiity , es'. A collision Mum- it.• sliall depo,rt fiorn- the jurisdiction and sand dollars bus been olTered and r yf u ,.. vent,---to prevent it gents 1.1 it o'r in mud. ed for a I,•irm of tour hunt red „,,,,.,,,,, on go lie, 0111 tilt. limits of the Vuited How much ladies do arrogate to them-elves ' w olf cr,2e t l s . s. This is reliable. 'States with intent to avoid the draft sometimes'. We will how let the eurt,nn Th e L item ,, t i on „) p e t r ,,l,i um c,,,,,. duly ordered, -hall he liable to the pen " iident drop, and slot o , it these impertiuencel ',tidal pax". is opu icing on Wolf Give's. „ i d :title of this taeti,tn, and tile pr2s some persona practice mei, ly because they putting down nine wells. T in „. „ re is authorized to issau his proclamation :oi, are zromen , hopiog that they will shut them said to have found oil sonicth it he Ivied pa,., l 1 , alrealv INC- who will re. . at a 100 feet. turn and strve ou' LI, 1r original term. out from their lives. 8 tIIW of them are more • i 4 . c Patrick, Stme, Hollister & Co . o f Thin act is to taut t •., , i. 1i um and after ser;ous. some more triia, hot theY all a , ree ' in one particular, theft are io p01, , e. ,;Pittsburgh, put four wells i 0, n at as passage, aul no,'ll 1 2 therein is to operate to step art from, or interfere once on their' property on Wolf Creek - We have a word, lad a %Nord to Say to This with, or postpone the ponding draft of Lomptaly have one well thiftv • Fanny" in 1, t iy to her last the glottis asslgnal theref Te. - The bill article. W ' t igjit feet deep, from whie'l a bacrel or don't think 7/0:, Sldr t%•:' P'. of in rMill Y IaOI e has been taken, nod it o ill sooa repeals the Viird s, 01ioll of tha present things in our paper, t, Nil'. h :on Lace al- be t,, sto l, i enrollmeut law, which atilhorlzts Gov tempted to ier, , k. or else yu 1 aa-( . , d 1 not Lave The Standard Company neat' town ernors of States to send reel uiting written as 3on lace done, .ou the Brown Run. ire preparing to I agents into the rebel States A word of e \ploy-10,1in rcgar,l to the stiii lurthor devel ti• ilLui• wells and are: -- • - '— - '-- - - -- L title of o •:- last artiele. Pet h alas some FA- Vittwg ‘ l . ) wil new one's They l'r°-; MARRIED, p , ) , e to pump 'ma,. well, 'Atth the aid of B. Frarn L.: Duke. Eso ,on the 2f2ml of glisit leading peop'e did not un lei •-a and ;t. I Ie eti rope. in 3 ti i , tv. Pitts, WILLI k \.I SICKLE`4, and ~ It was in Lrat'a, IN hat ap,i.tars at the head of I AVe %I si tea 1111 ir Wells a Few daa s Mt'' MX TI G AIIEr E 11-WeShl• GJUIJ".L./ ':- i11.4'41/ this paper in rnglish. l ai ,,, au 1 s ax some of their oil in ta , Iss m it p. `" l t .. , ‘ i i e ' s t \ l / 7. 1 ,` 1 ' 1 n . le i e n I I 3 :4 1 ' ,. : ef F . 1 1' .. . t y n. q .7 3 . 1 : 1 5 T E . Ttittie lm Its ire n ,v, ~. ,: I air a,oao ih 1 Bitter-meet At'ict --Mare:, :•,, , ,I, 18,.,1 It w v••• sill us hi ,, h as t:533 per k i I d 'it ~ ~,.. , , , „ , it 7 `, G '' iUI .11 1' .I'l 1 CO 1 •11' . W t ''. • ' eels in ‘n 'lna .• A , ----..........--- 1.1 , 2 ay.•l!s. and is c m-iil_Ted ftS ~ )1 I zt • —' "' ' —l-3 e , - N Ugln" '`"^- i- in `'i 111- ii'in A' , 6, 1 V Facts about the 7-30s---Thd AL:van- c a n be foand alivw lie:e. tares they offep. The oil e:: , ..t , ;tient in W‘st Vir ini t - DIED. 1- :I' , el ly i ire 1-o, an 1 ,is tllz 111 1t 'e iie 'aroma, 1:1 tch add. jroin tole to Ottec per cent 7. its i t 1),! ' 11l --, :110 treat.':', .:. t,v (_;1',2.:t'," ,, , N ~ e n, ' ::: 14, 18'11, \l'm t.,:vt Cook . lliirt the 1 „11 ix oi ,iil • eeki i . t,th ,t oil e,a9,l_ VEY, '''il 01 S 4l,l qei a ll'v , 11l the I,S,h year a_c irtlnt„; to lioi I its krtt .1 on utter prop 'my ti v l) it ste, it . go „'.lt 1a n this “I his ' , l e ' tittmtist is papt.lre tttoint antetery b 2, c ,upon. ml, t in , r ( 1 u l ‘ el ovt iat_t•l i, N i 1) ita...t lr t n . l .,! 'II , sa'olei, of t h's nroice was born in to e tch [ n ap, whi a may ui • cut rar pi: s •Li w h., WI e, —I L , . ,l'.'l le aka r ~.lid. The , C,tlitre tp , Ili'eene eft. Pa.. and at a veivl v- ~, ~, ~ ~ y s, „ r s , 1 , , , : ~L I. Id ..‘ l ,, , iily pro; l ( 2 f life, gaveave evidence o f u nus ual , ' 1 - 2 ',- ' ' mental ability. Chile quite young, his scan) n, 2 , y chan,,,o , g hard- by w hole min,' seemed deeply impresu , l with the I e , u , iti iv-. led u.y Ira is 11 IVe been, it -: necessity of a preparation for death, and hat'- i sold two or three times within the past ; ing been blessed %%NI fious parent 4, and throe months—doable the cost pr i ce at 1 other friends IA ho felt an interest in his .pir- each -a e. Co o'o L ri, s ts a re no '1 o f t h e itind as eltare, he teas - dote( ted to Jesus io , Moo that West .--- 1 ,, ih . : ihehuies elitist as the oily 11 , 11).a of sfoation. In his i "i, It I twelfth year lie I..r,,lessed to have realized a' a% it liin her b wilers oil territory quite as' ,atisf,c,,,y evidence that. G Il.t . tot Clni' t'. \ nTh.ib'le : I ,' , t"nt I ' l all.'t* otlwr " , t, ett!. to sake, hahailpat domed his' sin , : and the s ' ame st) nothing of her great in'hei d ic-i yea rhe united himself \vitt' the Smith Ten- c oll . c , ..„ (loch, in o;tr opini o n, I A its e x I mile B tptiq C cm( h. in winch he remained a cee ,l t h e , xp ,,,,, „,,,, of the In ~.,t , :.,,,_ i y.nu i by and faithful member until the time of hisdth i M when they v ode to be develop-l ea. 1 ed. The oil land purchasers are nu -I i in t' , -P•inti of 166`e, lie entered the, rihntous, but th tir pa-e'ris es at e not ' e l ''''' ,) "'burg Co metre, with a view,. of secnr- ; lane, a% ith a Il•W exceptiotis.ing a liberal education, preparatory to fu- , The'''. 'tare lisefulne.zs and by the r u,i,l I,l%ance, purchases are coulined to Wit ti "W"0" : that he ;mule 11l the ii:c ri'sitiOn of . kno.xl-1 Ku ii; iliii, sod t-, , ia , one or lii o thtt 'L r; i e d ge , l sh owers that he possessed a m i n d o f C )l.ntlt 3, amounting, m the ag2,r , i.- oct very high oiler. In the Pill of the same to many Lions Inds 01 acre, of the e h o ;,_ 1 year, vt hen the eastern part of the state he-1 est ,milawl mi.teral laud; within the' e'line dl'lturhy3 by rebel ensile: , . and serious b , uttletts or out' State. ."- e units ,, sialii apprehensions were entertained lint those , e.,,ct( :, „,, , itods NA tHllil extend to Pit tsh•ii th and other that these lainis ore to be 's ' important places vt esi .Aai ) 11:-• t oung heart de‘t I Ted in the spline. N ulneroll , mo% ed by the love of 1:1-; comltry, nth?. fired , l'i ties ale Pn 2 -I ) ."in '4 to i'‘ , 2v , -lop theo I by heroism, cr., -...- I Lim vial' se'• ertl kin look in hit s it•ini. The Ohio, the , deed .pmts to leave Lis fond students and I.it'i-t r,:el Ge it Kma .•. - aIN, tile Elk 'He'll- , :nil go te leis c' i ,' oefeine.l and °tiler sir- tins wid sw,cmtwith en- ; lAtt`l. the P';' "I".'t f ' II .' l'e‘. ''''' '1:1' e ' l ' Hhe„, awi their :iiiptutenances, wel ,e , i et a ned , t. ,he t:•,'l ~. a, i 1 , 1 , ,,r,..,1 fit, t•NuAlt_s until 111,- , (11(1, . tuL- sessi,a, \-.11, , n he have every rea , ,iin to bet e‘e flout }secs- ,,,,,„,.„,,-, , e ,„„,. eat uola_ation- " ' Tne Milo •, in g• Winter nod -piin , v.:- -he darkest ptiio 1 in , ) , ir ii-tor%. And it teas : the th.st ,inie of our r.r'an'gy s 0w...c, r, :hat our dear 10 li :)1 ',.] !:'l' 1 ` , .'..1'11e hopressed dial, it a, is his 0 .ty to pat kith home and all kind tiie;ll-, i,„ I it the risk of life, and For the Ilesl,eng:er AII,OI.T_TTE SECMITY.•— Nef;l'l•' till IC' - tive creTir-3 are 11 a ba- , e.1 (0.1 sectiri ieg, Mak , : a- , Cie best aii,lstronz-st C;111 `11:1ke. If it were possiltle N) eenterrmi ,t e t he livan cial failure of the G r'.e•utuett', no ball;':; wonla he any sater. It molev la lettuetl otl individual netei or bona and it:toga:re, it, Will be payable in the same eurreucy as: the Government pays with. and no better. The Government never has failed to tneet• its en-' gagements, and the national debt is a first mortgage %mon the whole, prooerty of the Country. NV:ille other• spode ihictur.t . a trom ten to fifty. or even a (parer per cent, Ci.v ernment stooks are al ways coniparatively firm. Their value are fixed and reliablv, be yond all other sunrities; for while a tho,,sand speculative bubbles rise and Inrst, as a rule they are never below par, and are often above. : , ;. , . - c iron t.he Govern- nmney tv!!'111 ! limy:, aryl le,. 9f it. If (.1 i.ivo.t yea have no troub'o. MEI banker o'otr:.n it c:larLf . e. To earl/ note or bond pou.-;" Or interest tickets, 0,—.? the expira tion of each succe-site Toe Loll er of a note has simply to cut o! k,: conpfmns, present it to tii. ilear,i‘,:t. lank oi Qoverninelit Ag,opc.,y, and rei . .eivo his inter , st: ibe note itself need ni 0, - , be presen Led at oil.— Or a coupon thus payable y ill evei%y where 'u egnivalent, whon due, to money. you wish to borrow ninety cents on the dollar upon the notes, you have the highest securi ty in the markc't to it with. If you wish to sel', it will bring within a fractioa of cost anl interest at any moment. It will b., very handy to have in the, house. convertible into a six per cent. gol.l - bona. At the expiration or three years a hol,ler of the notes of tha 7-30 Loan has the option of accepting payment, iu or of finding his notes in a six per cent. gold interest bond, the principal payahle in nut less than five, or more than twenty years twenty years from its date, as the G wern ment may elect. Thee bon is are held at such a premium as to inake this privilege, non worth two or three per cent. per annum, and adds so much to the interest sane class , issuel three years ago, are nna• selling at a rate that folly proves tha correct- ness of this statement ITS EXEMP MTN FROM STATE OR MUN'CIP TA NAT , •7 7 -1311 t, az4i4le livn all the advantages we have enainerated, a spacial Act of Con gress exempts all bonds awl Treasnry notes from local taxation. On the average this ex emption is worth abort two per cent. per an man, aecor.iing to tl e :a' e (.1 tax ci n n - vit,ns parts 01 r!,• IT IS A NA t 10:NAL SATING BANK.—While this loan presents great tolvantag,e to large capitalists, it offers special . eu o to those who wish to make a slfenna investment of small way the best. St'ing's Is ink; for every ins.i tution of this kiwi most.. somt.ll deposits profitably in order to ply intere,t and expenseA. They will invest largely as this loan, is the best investment. 13 from the gross interest which they receive, the:, must deduct largely tor the expenses of the Bank. Their usual rate of interest allowed to depositors 6 . 5 per cent. upon sines over $5OO. The person who invests diretly with fhe government 'Will receive almost 50 per cent more. Thus the man who dep o sii s $lOOO in a private Savings' Bank r. ceires 'dollars a year interest; if he deposits the aim in thiS National Savings B.thk he re ceives 73 dollars. For those who wish to find a safe, convenient and profitalde means of investing the surplus earnings which they have reserved fur their old age or for the benefit of their children, there is nothing which presents so many advantages as this National Loan. THE HIGLIE , T M.frirE.---The war is evi dently drawing to a close, ha while it lasts the Treasnry must have money to meet its east, and every motive that patriotisui can inspire sho itld induce the people to supply its wants withaht G,vernrnont can buy cheaper for cash in h,ind thin on credit. Let us see that its 'rants are prontpt lv and liberllly satisfied.-- S Y. Err)? 01 . e„,•,1;111,. , n1 hiii :t•; it p•i:scl is folio : I.l.t.!c9Cter niu:rterel into c,r naval ice. whether v,.l.uiteer , ..., substitute;, representa tives, or otlyrwisc, shall b e credited to the State and to the Ward, Township, Precinct, or other enrollment, sub-dis trict where such ners:ms below by in-.- twit I..sidence, if such persons have au act:tal residence within th:e United States, and Where inch persons were be enrolled, if liable to enroll ment, and it is ina , le the duty of the Provost Marshal G,neral to make such roles and ,g:ve such instructions to the several Provost :Nlarshals, Boards of Enrollment and Austerin 4 a,; shall be necessary for the faithful en forcement of the provisions of this sec tool to the end that fir and just ciedits shall b.,‘ u;iven to every section of the country ; provided that no c:edits shall be given except for such men as have heen aimialiv mustered in. ne third section provi !es that in conti min; qnotas hereafter crelit shall 1),: given to the several. Statvz , . and sub-districts. for all inf-tt furnish d trout thin respectively, and not hereto fore credit:d during the pre-4ent rebel lion for aoy period of service of not le:3A than tlirec nt mths, Ca culating• the ntunl), , r of days for which such servic.,± was furnished, reducing the ;; : n no to years provided that such credits shall nut he qpplied to the call for additional tro ,ps ma le by the President on the 214 day of*McAnber, See. 4. N.) person of foreign birth. wino has re,ided in the United States ears prl•ceding his arrival. at .tht, Notes of the - 21 exenipt c:ce. , 111,;10.:1 (kat', :di 11.1•.11 i r, , mtlinlig section provi les that the mo.'wring is ot sub , titute , hall be 'e in favor ot the principal. and t x-mpt 'Mtn from . for the term fa. which he was dratted. Assistmt Y. ovo-t G. , ;tels are to he appointed by the Pre-hient., and char 'eable with thy, duti. s int - urine:U:l'e het wceo the I'rovo , t Mar•lial General :ma the lb,trict Provo:t : any per,on who has been or intyl)... , draft( d for one year, but who has furim,hed an accept able snb-tittne for three year. .11:111 le jex.k2mpt f•T this period of time. •Tit 1--ha 1 not he lawful iw any person to en ga,e in tie lit , ino,s of l rJouring n'- '01 . 1(8 or sahstitutes fit' money or profit without havian• first obtained from the Secretary of ‘Var luthority in writing. p.tt ty i , •to fih proof of his lnya:tv at:( 1 good c:iracter, and give bond to the ali:ount of i 4,50,000 that he \-011 Ciitilfully observe and obey the laws aml regulatioas in firco governing the lobtaitung of recruits or sub , titutes.— Any recatiting agent who caus,N to he enlisted any inane person or convict, for person under indicf.m,mt for felony, Lis to b, ounisheil by flue onrnem ; and any oftior knowingly tritsLermg iy d,:se •ter .1.T;; - 41 - 12 for persons in a condition oCintuxioa,ion, !or nnv minor with ,- rit, the consent cf Tha EnroHment a I its coml.ints to (to all he could to save it. And in Kutch tolloying, though so mint• and inexperienced he started, entire ly- at o n e , and twutiteered in the United States service. Ile joined company I, 11(3:h Rag., Pa. Yids. This company was com manded by the excellent and brave Capt. Ttorgart of Pittsbar-li, Pa. Shortly after its formation, this regatent was ordered to the front and placed iu (ben. Hancock's di visi-on, and s;itreited severely many bard and well contested battles, in seven of which, Win. C. Hat vey, nobly bore his part. At the ch of one of the most stub born contests, Cue ad the superior o frf eers , surprised at it's unflinching bravery, asked where he belonged ! Captain Taggart im mediately replied, "I am happy to say h e belongs to Co. I and is one of my bravest men." liortly :after this he, was appointed Stewart of the rekdmental hospital, where by a faithful discharge of duty, h e . t .• eunrei l the conlidence and friendship of all concern ed. And it is evident, from the various let ters of ofti iers and friends, that he was a nniyersal favorite, loved and highly esteem ed by all 11ho formed his acquaintance in the army as well as in the community at home. After remaMing some four months in the hospital as Sfeward, he was taken very sick, an d as th e s:,inptons seetper to indicate danger, he was immediately sent to the 7eneral hospital at C.ty Point, At, those places everything was done for his restora tion to health that covl,l be dime tind e r any circumstances, but all tailed, and it was thought best to remove hhn to Washington City, D. C The attempt was made, but he died on the way. His body teas taken to Arlington Heights. and interred there ac cording to milit,ary order. His parents and friends, desirin':g . to haVe his body returned In his former home for final burial, secured tie s - s•aace of the Hom Lazear and Wildain A. Widney, tin'unglk whose efficient Kindness it leached the place of destination, Cameron, on the 27;h tilt. 0;1 the Sib -I;ath fo lot ing . the retii:thw of this loved-one ;; rte imerred in the burying ground of the fio•lth Tonmile IJ,tptit Citorch. attended hy th e far t :est concourse of weeping rehUiVe;', and it n:Hit IliZin2; friends, ever convened in this place on a foiteral occasion, PITTSBURGH MARKETS. MOND IY, March 6, 1865. GRAlN—Wheat sal e s ,et Red was held at 1,;;0. 1 2.00 and W fete at 2 10. Oats were Bali ; note sales a :300 bush. from store at 83,;86...; B trley was without any special nu event ; market dull, and prices unsettl ed. FLOUR—Among the sales we note the f0110wie:-: Fxtra Family, 100 bbls at $10.75; 50 (10 at 11; 25 (10 at $10.0; 1.i.0 (10 at. 10 50 a 10.7 ; (10 10.50a1.0.85; 70 do 15.80; ;es 100 bi(hehi• sepertlne at 8 25 per bat.- GROCEE.IES— The grocery market is d ;: ,; (a I y i h sales ill a jobbing way quotations. BU 1' i ER-1s iu pretty good ~pr o y, and the iii, - Lrlzet is, in colisequalic, a shade easier, though pr:-es unctringed. We notes ales cf rt,ll at for fair aml 40 for prime. EGGS—Continue ect:irce, and, with a good demand, tliu market may be quoted tir,ri at, 38.m40 pc, NM rx)m:n - z lcpre . . t It freely, and The me,-ker, We noze s • • ••:' 0:5 10 MEI Al'PLES—Sßacly to 9 t:• E. rEni At 4,50a5 11- 1 :Ai 1,1 To bur Subscribers. Oh account of the withdrawal of the Senior Editor from Messenger' establishment, it is absolutely necessary that the ontstandiug accounts flu. sub- seription, advertisitp4, shunla he immOiately settlea. Oar patrons therefore, whatever their indebtedness ntust protui)Cy settle \VIII they sr witlio,At a day'a delav, tllO ur the office. tv:iicl.l nnmerons aria lame, um~t be raid arrl paid promptl:, sufficiout C, S, 7-3 O. LOAN, ail%horitv of the : r etretarr the 7,:tyl undrsi;:;:rl,l 1:3=1 n5.,1,11t0,1p.;•r, .Igonry for of Tre.lS'Ary 1'.11,13 be,u ink seved and Cd - EE. tenth; p , •r L - ent. inters, anunn. ki.cr‘n tht SiViii-TilillTY EArii. It:ZSeNt , ieli are is-ref wider d't:.• 15 , ;1, and are payable Cu t ., yn r t t I:.tak t: :tit currency, or aro onnver:ribla o? 1..11 t,! • !, ME t:ie ar,u ri pr,,fit hum, !,csuli.: czcmp•iaa frn.n Fate and ,nnic,pinl bank or ba,,h,r The interest am,Junt) One cent per day o» a VSO not c Two ccn:s •° Ten ~ <• lore! denopoit4ilirlLE ii3n1c,11,1,-;!! progylpt'y inn,' .1)c.! tt,,,r, su!, , The only Loan in Market nev: the U.lve,!lil:Jeta, and i! is confOell!,y ipPezcl hlt lte -pnior advati:aes ‘viil trahe GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE, Les 9 than o.oo,tiLo p:o;,a!,ly Le disposed of within the next to or 90 da , s, when the mgt.: , will umloubtedly command a premi um ae ha; been the Oil e.. 0.1111 the subsclii,rows in othifr lu miser that ci!',2 . I,s of ever; to,vn u the country ugly i. aff , nit-d t frr IPAive. Least. tite Name t P:tv.tze ,t coantry 11:.sf? re,eraN3 a::;t_cd io r•c ivt_ slit.t.criptiott,‘ at par 311 WhC:ll!lir..y ;1.0, C C an d %‘j.,!.! only arc ! f Pr ;,!.cy Subs,ripti.2l will Le rece.ved by Cue first I) 1 0C Wayii,s burg Al.irch 5 . 1665.-3.:1 KIOX I; ET itARM lad STRAWBERRiES. GREAT AGECIR ULTURIST. TT is claimed for tills new seedling. that it I , of an- J. = ze Kest pleducti‘enr., as hieh as 201 hor- TICS, 111 iny of them ‘veietitioz 1-ver toi otioi,•,. eat 11; of hrt:4ht uloss , i ran—qi Cloy icn:e.l. and a first if:l.s bone, Vor die av,,oot of is 11.11.ohiction, ti iv ins I har:ii•tor an I i‘' . l4eSS tie p! , 111 , . sue. and ch:tr.c . er ofnre innt. al it c.iher i.ttr ar. W. have 11.1n.:111. or Mr Judd his • nitre .it“ck of 111.111'S Gar sale. are Low 10 ftirOl,ll dive, at the foit.,w -cc..., prices t 1 plant `2 i I tuts Oar stork of Fgtracv herry Nara, this iil!lr , lll—n c'ti !log (:,,Nell Seeded (the he-t e:4l - 13:), Itere3,l ;led (hq,h size and prtelevtiv.le..;:s) French's :iee,Oie t r. 'I le Is (3 (al. \V aso.CA and all ether Okslr this kil'els—e , the largest anti •eel. We have steer e beers!. Sirawb.erry Plants by Mail r , 1. I Ag - iru'inro4,c r:rfl. , l 1(4. -;2 Avrl,o',uri,t. In (:01.1c0 Ne. de,1,12 lor 3 ALJ cu - uri.t, 10 (;01(1 -0 Seed, 41, 12 itu-st•N 12 Fu Linn t, !, 12 rch - , 1•0 i le. nlt2,ll ‘r71,1'!.:1 , -; .21 S'eeel,.l, .21 11114. 1 h'11;11,1, 1 , ..-rt•lC,S,,,ftro:, 1-;i:1. - .)•, I.chl.ii,g's Wh . For For 1'11,6011 of O r,V nil I 1111 . 11' 1)111^r 1i111 , !.--nrtr Solecr 11,11. ut,,,le a! cu '1,;,, Sc' ,ur ii:.is tiated (!alt:l9gite. Our ...hies are grown in the PpPn r,ii. frmi the I•cst ocheal ug wood taken from our (iNVII are grenily sop •riiir to tlii.bp. glow° ;rioter with ahrir ro-ts cram ieti rare alit vizP, , ll=, have remark:Oily good roots. and give entire when ni.tnted. Whirl, is Cie Tim tisi Of giini! vine. Vie tree iat 'urge lie foliow int. 1 ' • )/il , ware. Hari xa'a , v ny: Taylor. I.;:ginethrs. , , IT-r -twnlotit, A ilvtl's .111 h id, Ile' reel, !Qua, l 4 rae:la Atti:lo4lllr, Hilt! all , I,llable k I[l. ' SPBEftRIES. i Our c v, l;OVI is 1111 , 111111,, I, if f. , 1 , 1111,1 anti include, Cie larzest t a lt . p t „i „f great tx tut n. r,1,10. Yry early :and V 1111:1',1, Im;serj. al. vory pro , iti, t:ve :out time Soltollooe. very Ireatiti• if.,l tool good. J, 1111, v try brw: lttui and go o d : It~inc - nary?,tinust laver. Fiart,, , tata. one ut the very near_ Improved ldnek Cart, hardy and very Philadelphia, Alien's Ilardl, &c. Blackberries. New Rochelle, Don nester and Nov man, in an . )• A Mars!) We !rive token Fi...la! paten ' V/ tir ' , est varietiet ef Cu :rants, ond have-a very large f ri,crry, tartest and hest for Jelly. White Cr we, hest White.. very fine Victoria. productive and latent. Short Branch productive and ery good. Via.- na iti o j.,,,, Very large and best rigidity. GOOSBERRIES, ASPARAGUS, AND LINN.EIiz, RDUBA RR, 4.c. Sen , l for rithlogue, (nrl4,sing eiamp, our S-cd store norticullura I +TO A trricultitrat AP arti , ais lir:tonging to surh an e..tahlislitnetit ran be of the bust quality and on the MOO. tavorab:e terms J. OX, No. 29 Fifth street, Pi tsburgh, Pa. March .9,..1563 DAILY MAIL LINE 71E".1ZWQ.c 4 " 4 ")M-ZE - TiT 1 n r l l P : I;•1 V 3 ri,AlA!nz. on, Pa-every day at 3 c...1,,ck, A I,pt :ye% every niLNr. v. 13 u'el.wk, Ar.j, ur al ‘Valilf 1 traf in lion , fir TI.A 1 ()Acii riir ra.ll.c. "A hint t.o the wie. Pi ciOn 5-2 d Six cor 1 3W'Ji‘3, =I " " SI.Go Elam “ SIOUO " $5OOO :=ubsc!/' Lre ‘N ..1 ec- rtsp. , li.l:,:e —ry JAY CQOKE, 't. - B,cair nos ia,:vr, !'hil•dclphia. 75 !" , )irair.A $l5 NI 120 1 100 ‘• 25 00 3 ( , 05, ••125 00 I 5 01 :0 0 •, 20f) GRAPES. rutrants. No. 29 Fifth Street. ZMEI!EMIII ra,n , t^i r! W y V/OTOTIV 1 VICTORY THE SIEGE IS ENDED. WE 'WILL NOW TAKC THE "QUARTERS." 100,000 ROLLS (Jr Nrw WALL PAPER, AJU DIFFERC.Vir.?AIITOINR. (010 y think of • It For I;atoi or KtleileilWl, or Cllittry, froth, CoSI;) , to the Vl'indow :nod nII cohti kim:a '.. 1 mmvuition AIM:\ Cr." 11111h,,11 X4l , 1),1 At the location, No. A 7 Wood Sirret, four doors lwlow lli. Humid Alley. Come Lath —roine any time. W Al: rER P. M A ID7-.11 % 3rc It - IEIII a, IP FILI Clr 18 43 . McElroy, Dickson & Co., (LITE tVLt S )7s; & MyLI,RO:7 111101,1:SALE DRI GOODS, 0-2 1h.17C ST.M.:EV.-0, irlrElroy, .1 MO ?‘1 .--Rm CT ci 'AND AUENOY W E AfEN JONE 6 (ADEN, A gt.-1.,f.),-; the purchalle and gale of Oil LnnOs.-- well ...Leaftea 11111 , 10 i: OCk, ~_.:•.a ;It :‘,,w ai: Bali i PAH I 1,1, , •01 . !I .1 Cr\ & ISE MEE= For Sale or Exchange MB I r in cr;•,s or, f r sa'e ,r (dip, Inmis w ;1.,s cot.thty, s,ver; I lrs , .t.•• of 1:.:; , 1 • I,..wa' a-id Kansas f '65 L2gai Notice. tilalolll ii%11.41 , ^1 frarr• 1 , 1 ,0 . :0 It• •000 , i ZENW.4 .11 t: W.lstnisgto, tp,, notice t, hereby 14,e , , to Faill fISI.IIO 10 110011 , 111011 , el, p h rirditic 01 0 I pl• - ' Elf t.:lll , tilticat,ti 110 Fel• 1 , 11)111 , RT 11(1 . D. ZE.PIiANJAI.I J011:0 =MI CLEVIENCER & HAYS, SADDLE & HARNESS MAKERS, .s.ltarszt rzt, a, rmitir A. 741. -1)- TTAVr;r: Pummel rt,91,...Ai11!!!: fna -f 1i . e.1, ILI* . I I! to a; ti 9111 1 ,.. all kin.!, 1 t vf si; ~ r id GI.: ti-4 3 tral List cf Cau - ,c3 for Trial at Eare:), Term, 1255.--First Week. Sl:rieer vQ Stepialis No 135 Dec. Term, 15.54 shrteer vu 1-r.lei rtephenS No 1;44 Dee do IKSI v, )y 0 :•'..tt :IA "4 vs Admit: No 43 itscpt tlo 1055 1. t 4:. NA- '..:():1•,•4 & VCO:r No 117 slept do 1556 ~ ,:tsit v. 1.1,,tv, - .ta No 83 lone do 15•67 II )1/k vs utt s 21.Cm'es No. 12.; Sept do 1839 \‘':::,at &wie vs 13a)..1,1 No 131 41+ c do 1859 , 1.• , 11. s $1 , :ollei:i No 162 Dec do 1639 J. , ;ty v- K- et ro 6 t tept do Pito •••,,,tt t..., t. •.z:. It: wit No z 7 I sue tio i ,,. ..1 T'Cllit vu S liit , No 15 June do Htil ii.wk VA SUoi! No 34 June do ISCI '..,, lute:y ti: N. 11.1n:Vt.ln No 76 De.. do 1861 la_ .a .to lit' liltineilart & Lantz NO 31 Mardi do 1862 S t.e Vs :Sallie No El June co 186:1 Moil .v vs stodtt No 49 -ept du 11562 , gd,,:o v. I.anle No Pbl se..t do 1`..62 -..,u li vs 0.,L11 et 7.1 No 61 Judd do 1063 l 110 pm in & Wtfe v:A 1:1,h N.. i It, o.; do 10 , 63 1., .z'3 Ex'rs v. Lalll% . 6llCir , (Eq , llq) Na I M. T 'u4 Senad Week-• First Division usl vs OOCIWOLIgII No 41. Jane Term, 18)4 It . ssrt % s 11og,/,1 et di NO 118 1.),c do 18'2 4.arisson vs s one No 113 Dec do 1351 kinorom vs [teak No 131 Dec do 18.14 t;..r% er We &Co vs Jou Lindsey No I June do '59 G,,roun vs L"Clit N t IG3 June 'let rn r 859 I nvlur f r use vs Ste % art No Pi Sept do 1850 Catn;,b. it ;,‘ Cie:lVl . l1 . 4er INO th; nept do 1350 Deli's AonCis vs Bell No 116 Sept do 1850 .I.trussor tp. vs Ginn et al No 2.1 .1111. e do ISGO At to -tr., Cs cars vs 1 utter No 93 June du 1860 I'.un' - 11 for klurohy Wilk! va T.. 2. tic B. E t;,ott No 116 Sept do 13E0 S'econri Division. for Murphy & w.f . ! %, 1 r & Fuouipseo No 117 Fie M. Term, 18 1 '0 wu Itit,lllrt No 35 Dec do 1,`.01 \I !!, , r f ,r tu, , e v•I Nl . Nottly's Adia'r , No 29 June T. '6l F t< D 11 kuk v- et at No 51 Sept Tel to 18til r;a, tt,'s vs L,,:1.11y No 142 2zept do 1561 rdou vs W4lllli No 19 1!,51 5t , ph..7.!4 s w,re vs Lautz No 28 NIA rch do 1-62 !oar on vs Ittinehait & Lam.: No 33 Starch, do 19,2 me v S t'oe No 21 March do 1862 111.'1 Cordon No 10 June do ltd 2 1.,r k itk'Se• Ar. Snyder. No '.s;March Ex•rs to flradeo No 32 , ept do 1, - .61 !: t.ey v..lun r Ink \o 29 Ucc i.o IttA ' F. TEMPLE, P;oLly. L rrrollnnot:my (41C' At Pril ate Sale. I=lll , 11 , 74 11 PUVie. El I.t•t weer ~, t v and the first of Apri nexi, to , 9 t.e , ttoi rea,miablc tt.r:iis, the lot I lowine property t Two setit oC HEAVY TIMBER WHEELS with rt :et - A - triaciwo. a firer rate Jack for hoisting tot , sets of heavy breech hands, two sets of to I hrtt--k ; ;Id flirt tt log chafes. M tret I, '65 -if .108. G. GARARD. List of Applicants fsr Tavern Li cense for March Term 1865. Borough of Waynetzhurg \Val rs , n. JefrereOn.. t, Maplet,wn. lt chhill tp • I einVy, il. mi ton House, Wavne,3l.n7g, I'i, JA...•11 Pen Mar.:at IStI an, Jacksonville. Nlt. Apd'icant, of Tavern at sa:d Term, ie , t oirttf, 111 , Prilthonotas ; ds the .titan Uitigt be avert tact, li,ree rceoks proceding J. F TENII'LE, Clerk. 'l5. Nomicra. would respectfully inform my frien throughout the County, that I at now a :tome, in Waynesburg, and have arranged my visits so as to spend front the first to Or. twentieth of every month at Waynesburg, thii, my customers may depend upon. Very respectfully, S. t'. vArroN. 'ii arch f'to,ll" k.,145. 111' v , rine of a , of wen. ex. jeatied out (lithe Court f ::Om nn PteaS of cieene county, and to me di rected. ?lyre wnl n^ eXpOir d to public sale at the Court House, to 'ri/al nesburg, on APJAIDDAT, 20th DAY OF N .112C1i3 nest. at I o'clock. P m.. the re , nl:ty. All Om right, ['tie, pitereat and ct&ua of .1 L. M'Cottniall, of. in and to a cerain 7 - ta ;et land in M r:Nn township. C.ceenn cm/ ra , . do; la it.g iarets,.fThos. liolden, Adon, !I.rti ye' 'tither., thing arre=, More. er 4J0.:, y-five &case nr‘vhi,h are rteare:t ejt.itte,i tee,e3.; r,a 4 log tzweEing 1.-,g earn, in ,ne slaWe atlai other wit bui;l4.l4:a and rate apple ot , ..tard 01, the rkiea) 8 ,y yid otlatti fruit tr-Mr. • • 9 I ' M ryACIMIAII IP tele propPrt7 ni Amoe Wise ‘1 ,0, 1 , 41 , :'- $lllOlO •11 , i of the common. f .? — T; as nal .:7• :.c.: L.. law c.f G,O ~• HE ~ re\ OM kenn'a MO MMMMEM BEEII I= 12!IIIMIll =I Stephens, Miller & Co. WIIOI.EBALE DEALERS N FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC; II 4),Y GOO !ifts, NO 346 W. BALTIMORE ST., Between }toward and Eutaw Eta. 3Z3 1.2 "1" I DS C:10 333 17. R. g TEPHEA 4, Late "Aeries. Stopliono it Co. M. A. M ILLEA, do do. J. A. RiNinttS, do Thrasher, Avows 4. Ce. AVM. L. I.o.P:krt do in. Farmers' ;• Drevors' Beek, Waynesburg Pa. Jan. I. leso.-I.f Orphans' Court Sale. :;tine of an order of the Eirphatie Cattill rePtre , the undersigned directed therm «.11 h •• xitused to public sale, on the premises Etna te.l 111 A G:iteue: co., Ps., on S3,turda.,y, March 18th, 1865. The followin.; described real estate, late the property n , f Daniel Evans, dee'd . viz Purport No. 1. accoiding t.t. the putition or sail( real estale, begin mn,,, at. a M-in's tr.e 111,tice by lands of Jacob Mil ler and Cc() lirelrow. N. E 7, E. 240, per. to • pain, thier:ce by lands of .I.)lin Henry, N. 103 per. to a post, thence by lands of sJ p e. W. 70 pct, to a post, !bemire N. N. '2 , 1 per to a p, plar :rye thence by lands of Man'l. stetvait 170 per. to a Rork Oak, thence by lands of fi,.,l.llillerman, 24. 1:14 1 4 per. to the place of be containteg One lionired and Forty-Eight Aorea and One-Half, On ohich is ersctul a large two story brick dwelling 14 ,, ,t0t ar l 1,1 ,- I,en. a lug Ftabie and other out build , • ;1,-re.4 hlch are cleared and in a good •-t,;.. . of ration, and a large apple orchard prw!uz.ne 6p,ire Ilea. a Cued ximng water, u fine ~f Icxtor possibg L1111111..i1l said form, and re garded a' good oil lands, with surface indications. and II ,tion iwo and e half leiles of the Balt/unary ni d boi 121 d rood. Aid. a so, purport No 2, ac cording to tne ildrovion of the said real estate. begin in 2,1,,p1e by puipaa No I, thence by lands of . Tli,,s ritropc, Gun. edroo., and ethers, 6. 130 per. to a post at corner of ;impart No. 3, thence by pn p irt No 3. W. Ifie !eiriihes, to a stone in drain. ',tin:, be rum:lnt No 4. N. 31, W, 91 per to a walnut. t en"- t:Name. N, 41 per , W. 27 pet to an Ash. th-nct , N W. 25 per. to a stone, ther.ee N. 12, W. 56 per. to a thence by land of G. Uinermaa. -2 it , p at aufbeginninglso acres, on which W or ect,...? log stable and other out üb,iit. 150 acres of which are cleAred , sort In a g,),,t1 sidle of cid:tea:inn, an apple 'pregame.? / 4 ll , ,octt:prtitg of water, and o: fine stream of water Maas: ing t 01 11E. said 11110. It is also regarded as good oil te.. i , r, tridicatioos, and wasiss I 1,..!vs train the Baltimore and Ohio Rail hood. TERMS OF SALE C to rernairt in the land during the manual, th, w ~f s•'id dred.. the intereft 'hereo bi be ?Ili , ' vo her ant , u.illy and regularly by the pas -11,0 o dote of :he cohtirmat ko, of nth.. the one h-of o: 1;o+ r..1.11in log two third% to b« pr.:•l ott the rqe finuane gal.• , the t eaintie in CrA TEAR 'ht./To f l'oere,t nom dal. ofsilotiomiop. • i.oron MILLER. , DANIEL. EVANS, A. l ..is•t4 of Dan'l Evans, Cr.. deed. WEI Register's Accounts. to be presented use Weduesdaji, 2 - 141 day of March Term, MG, Ortm S. Was neviiTC-ht Feb. A. 464. 14C ralt:F. id herr aiveu to ell oreditord. leitatneed 1 1 4 ard,• and tarter pere.)n. Interreted that the tin der.pated k.xecutord, hltt•ctostrators, and Ottierdltaaa Ls. Regi3terN Ake, and o o‘, b preeented to the the Orphaned 4:-.lrl. 4,1 110.1 wiihin and f,r the County of Graeae. Mar' h cnatiruiarion of ea. E'El; KROW N, ' r,„. , ,-„t• litfop; adruaiietrufix.ne .1. I I, A c , ,lnt W A flareol ad mr of ;ar.f. P, Barnet, dec'd. ~ f sm Leonstc sk.d Sul Fold: cc ad incs of Davit rI-Cf p i oa, ac(,, oo t of Geo 11.610m:on and leeee Hill, giro of T*.o. Hush Illcr.q d€r'd I lo.t id McLuilooeh. Eau of Autt..lty Cooper i.-^r,4. vim'. of David lic.ner. deed A t .:..t..f .1' S. Cra.vi,.r.l, guardian of 'Merl. Swaim, s.uurr child, of Pan'i. Swan, i:re'd. Atco..itit .1 Ro✓.ert ZIIS111111711:111 ais,l 114clitia) Cies r±, of ultra Cree deed, For Spring of 1865 ! -- -0--- WALL PAPER, WINDOW SHAM, BORDERS AND DECORATIONS. ANIZ every article in the . raper Hanging line. nit ti , w btrereif to the trader and buyels generally at r• i the 11.ve.nt. nossilMe prices Call awl gee at JOS. R. lIUCHES & BRO., No 107 Ilii4et S4teet, bztween Fifth and Liberty Strgit. Fitiabwitt; ----;-; ----- Administrators ; Sale. rilllE undersined, administrators, with the will tinted, of John entterell, late of Jefferson, in purzniance .4* a power contained in the will ,if the 8.10 wii I tell at public outcry, on the premises. Saturday, larch 4th, 1365, A farm containing about ISS acres, situated in Jeffer to.. three miles south of the boroug4 of Jellemon. adjoining lands of 11. C lloulsworth Wm. Kincaid arM others. '(his farm is welt adapted to tillage and grazing, About One Hundred Acres being Oland, And inn state of Ennii rultivatinn It is well watried 'and has an abundance of excellent timber and iv locate:o In a good neighbor hood, convenient to .choolp, milte , ke The prove monis are a otnali fttinie dwelling house, lua barn and blacissniitit ,shop. , TERMS : On third n eay nf.ale, one-third in one year, amyl the renta•ning thitd in two year- 'from day of Wit. JOHN COT rERELL, 301 IN HAVEN, Aetrer . a. of Jno. Cotterell, deed. _ _ reb I J '65 PORTABLE PRINTING OFFICES, For the use of IVIT.TIONANIES, T-,-,--. 4444, ... -4 , .4‘...-- 1 ~,, r - A ND all Rosiness and PIL Professional at I n who wish to do their own printing, neatht and cheapl 7. Adapted to the printing ofilland ,e,' bills. Circulars, leaden., Labels, Card and n.at I Newspapers. Full instructions scum pany each °Mee enobling a boy ten years old to work theets sur.resefulty. Circulars sent free. Spec inco silent rlt' Type, Cuts, Sze., 6 cell r. Address l RIM'S COMbe NI Park Row. N. Y., and 33 Lincoln St., Boston, • Feb. Iti, CHANGED HANDS. • OOTTERAL & TAYZOB LT AVE purchased the Ornce , Y_SPfire .forrtter l 7 IA "word by Joseph Voter. Mr. Taylor Neel:wen — hand a gnarl FllPpiy of the very hest SUGAR, our- FEE , TEks. RICE. m()LAssEs. 6Pa:rm. Cu_ BON Olt„ LAMPS, LAMP CIIIMNIES, SHOE FINDINGS, ace., der., and. In fact. EVERY THING usua' fy' kept in a first class Grocery Store. '"A , farce supply just received. Store In the new Brick building Avert clffitinyeells Store, Feb 22,'6'. Adagaistrator's Notice, IX7II,EREA6. Leiters of administration en eta re IV tate of 1.. bei.ter Driver, tats at :Nevis tp., have been tanked to the Inbeesihert.. all pert.n• indebted to oatd estate are receePted v. • wake immediate woken& dakiklied%6elrtal glOhn s d. Wands eaitiort Om imams at said deeedeaderd! mai • anima tha state vriitmit eels,. JEREMiair Et PR ACC, vER, a.dotinton , 03.3/ trotted: —* ;. 7 : ,-1341111 / ErT Efts .t inist rar!n u 'l ,, t+.oif. .Eft stepheos. deo" , l beet asty , tAbE , it. 11..gmar ~ f Greene county, to , ma , • a m4e414,-. Feb r eh, '64 r.l F.. - - A. them duly alvlle.•ticate.. for m .3.ett!rien,), Feb 1 ' .. 41 1.41441)4 c 7 7 . r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers