sVilowing 'suggestions of the pity Advertiser are timely sad important I wii4 be agreed by all hands that the eotmetiption should be conducted itFab absolute fairness, and it is im- Pirtlfailbet the fact that it is thus combated should be made palpable lio,body. We desire to angge3t therefore, to those who may have it to eliergll3, the adoption of what we is the ,Breach mode, namely, to mai®e putdie.< the whole list of per. Atop ,liable to conscription in each distrist, and at a given day draw,a ettilberlor each person. The con solliption will then include as many es allay be *necessary of those who baatens m e, draw the smallest num bers. In this way -everybody is Bare Viet the chances are equal.— ' Whet the plun is to put names (not nambers).in the wheel, se was d one' in At ease of the draft last fall, there is room for the public to doubt wheth erlill the names were really placed in the box to begin with. No anala ghe etl n ouieseigy arise i 4'se 404 W t •••• - Al Warmer Without Arms. W. M., Beaticainp, Onondaga. county, NeT.llcorfif, wiiduktir_ Ankericau Agri culturist an interest ing account of a farmer =, 1, ,, ,, ,, , burn without *ng t.the Char - itablitor support, hestrnmenced early to htlietegiiiika r flis Vir4ol# was a telt and chifilipAreo p ikant limb, and after ward a shaggy colt. He took good care of thswillklitsidhis stock, a little at ajMnfunitil As licampe a prosperous Anew. Ifivins tto hands he learned to use ..itio . titeeriwiricit.were Wager than eouitiiti. , • Mat ege were able very flexible,• and 4 l4"priOaCe he aiixenabled to readily germ moat operations with ease. He patitoundtaticilliiitrown clothing, shaied sad feed, limutintitted lid, own cows, tad took , tin niiielTabois of the farm. - Era w evil _,.deirs, dutmt he eoatd L i ,„ . t,t ifearaspowefility but , , '":,., , otkott a the , , eh. , lairs. "Ile would I like 4. ram, orseise an offending u, with kis teeth, and shake him with dot lem e li4WlP#Ol l T A 4fedifle e% enty I likellurfit .•-•its. 'vin marrtediamaa.tiosec_ V . O OfLiVANIA Zoo; et iMISWir noway vAltillpslol4oProprie isme 10, 1863. RUBBARD LrairT MOWE IT' b ,• r_. TN again presenting to the public this superior 1 er, and prides) Us salgarat• Med oulison ..f illfirabe sucesse we have sot seen equalte daring many years experience kik ranaellicumfing Agricultural Implements. Upon its Bret introduction on the public, it at ones took posi tion among the very best machines, of its close. Bur 4the blur years take existence it has gained steadi and rapidly in pnblie. favor, and we believe that. to day, no Agri/cellars* implement of any class enjoui so ilit kodertitelf4Cilltirerr a lp g e r se m 9 mf o r i t, Lwevielioa an fled success, iiisit under the most Cavor " araVil. 'WI* ihust suaisinUistarers,,the close ap. proximo' a talierfectiors obtained by the litchin. in ISM would have been guilelessly satisfactory, and they woulfshege Opp poutegesti to have made all fu ture Mier.hmet primaself like them. Indeed, we have secisi , of:hpittort ,frem purchesersof the Ida chine 11Be Idea thid "the pelfection of Illowinet Is reached in the LITTLE HUB BARB.. ~ . , ,,, imprers4". But vin *lt 0 4 prwasso ~ (; s ,_: . t be ewer Oitisht mike i , ' w wo• bed e. 41, worked '* • * Arad to • Add tliets—il b . they. ~ bly increase the expense of manufactur ing tho Machwan now con fi dently say that inis.!ass . sir sows* Ilus JIM fl*d .... IfeEnlit Blau, ire., r;ddrese or call on ,Etatit h Ei.t. .. .fturr v atelilti. , , ureer. a 7 at ingwn co , l'i. The undenrivied would!' ease filr the information n ' iftette....._*ftesouladetehnit we have omen th e t•Munbard billuatalwoe at *oak, and we isie.inie to leate that is our opinion it is equal, if not superior to 141 y Mow ing 111111010 trojuote yet seen..ho, pL i veri light draft, fffftfbakineed t ittavitqw two we W4 out We - amities' Reek. and does its troth weir. even with a 'very slow 11/19640"1406101. • MOS. P. POLLOCK. W. DENNY, HEATH JOHNS, W. T. 11. PAUtEY. Juui'e; bL 41pgrPs Notice. faille WO tier &eche rdeepty, will meet the tor JiY if" m the several townships, in sahlwsoui i , tor Ibe.purpose. of receiving all taxes !Of • . dithip. at the - bouts of4ilthrti Smiler in ;Jaeltronville, on Wednesday and Thursday, July Ist mid 2d 1663. - • Jaekilion towiiskiii, it the house of Peter Grimes, on *outlay, 4q in 6, JBB3. eltue risidernsitill*at the house of Enoch Hempen. qat Temeitny. July 7, 1863. •'lyiriuE dl township, at Steven White's Mill ih'ednee day, July 8, 1663. Alleppn i townehip, attire harm of Augustus Miller, ha Theusday, July 9.1801 Franklin utwnshitt. at thethouse of R. Strosnider, at Bridippost, on Idonduyjnly 13, 1663. . 7. 7anetburgirortmgh, et the Treat trees alfice,ou 1861. Tid enemy', me also requested to meet me in their own townships, its I well not receive taxes whilst on duty in another towmphip front any man out of his r wit township. aid! persons paying their Stets taxes on or before the lig Ai> of Allow put. will be eistitleti to an abate ment of live per catgut on the amount thereof. All Idennantile linemen m i n rated on or before the Ist of August next, will be left with a Magistrate fur JOE. R. RANDOLPH, Treasurer. Tag.eunge's Orricr. Kay It 1663- e THE UP - TOWN . GROCERY. lIIMEMI STROSNIII6I & MENTON IHAVlNOlturelltined the stock of Groceries lately bsiourig; to Green 4k dtinsuider will continue Ike. business at the old stand They will m a few days be iii receipt of a large assortment of f IP:risme Groceries sioAl ,Provisions, Frahm. Confectionaries', Notions, &c., dec.. which Obey witl sell at the lowestprices Mr cash. own Mod. Ehrwee, Butter, Eggs, and Country Pie r/wee ;enmity idwaye cup hand. Mewls 4th _. STRAY NORSB• 0 r ... toe finhpretuiere i)t the subseiilier, living in Itnekinionan tp.. Greene Co.. on the 29th Clay or 311 lay last, a al AT 1.110,1. PUPplilled to be six or 4 asvea yawn 'al 'N un around. Ile had oa su old t w o& oo d oak dales when first fi tUlllll. En teral! opens tbe tow clerk's. book according to law. The owner Is 11E10 In Collie forward, prove proper ti. pay charms all 4te the : Horse away. ridlune 17, 111611:41 -, JICSile PUNSON - -. -_- ~-. Admivaator's Notice. 14 16-1111114. tifferasiout on the estate of John 11. lititrism, Weed Jefferson. %sane county. hay ing been dianted to the undemignesl notice is hereby wen to all peradniiinteing ehtlins inzinst said estnte sent tharpettlemend, and those indebted to riff same are sated to mak? immediate payment. J. vir.rAwINSON, Tidin't. :.June 17. '63. 111F1 IfflGlll3l6, &dui's. !MAI maw. /'IAMB to the protein* rd' eke oubseriber, living in W as hi ng ton towpanig,Attoene Cuusty,. about th e itSd of-g r ay, nine Mood. ocgood year li ng Sheep, un **sped mil nu nutriis. ir,guawd upon the Township aw e bk - apootlVONhirle owner requested 10 come fonv_ris, mas e r t y . pay rbergei* and tone thew 7 inte - dlicN *WAND. Are 17, Ma. - am:nom g N ATHANIEL CLARK, the Clothing Merchant has aaeoeiairrd his ilea; ALOPiZO .1. tiIAIME, in Company with hinsielt, in the Clotting business. This is the place to get your SPRING and SUMMER Clothing If you want a Suit, Fancy suit. or one for business, you will find nu retablishnient the place to purchase Our business Iltitise is directly in of the Court House, in Allison's building. Conte one and all shoulder to and we will lead you home again with your lull ofcheap and fashionable Clothing. The have made a very slight advance in oar usual low prices. Now is the time to get good bargains. We expect to on a CARR Laminae, and will be enabled to sell at very short profits. If you will favor us with a call we will uae our in shawl us you our goods, wite.her you desire to pur chase or not We ask nothing for showing goods.— tko come along, and see us, and we will greet )ou with a smile upon oar and do our utmost to plsase you. We have made ar rangements with one strike best Merchant Tailors in Pittsburgh to manufacture goods to order, which they wit Forward P tel in as as soon as utanufaettned. So that persons de al g g ood" "made to order" can have them wade in the latest style. Our March s -,. r,. , i~a.+_s~~~. a~.a.:.rR.~~t~.~.,1 MELODEONS! PRICES, VIRUS° FllOll $45 TO S3SQ, • Elegant Deserlativ• Catalogues illostradog eaeb lostromesal, sett free by mail an applied*. Address orders or owersariestkies to elsber GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., Buffalo, N. Y. CEO. I. PRINCE & CO., 87 Fulton St., New York. GEO. I. PRINCE & CO., 43 Lake St., Chicago, 111. HENRY TOLMAN k CO., W. F. COLBETEN Ak.WES BELLAK... ...... A. DOUSE, BALMER k .11.. a S. NORDLIEDIKR... EU MIMI LIST. ' • Flee Octave, Dootde Reed, F to F. The octavo. single Reed, F to F leour mei a not Octave, C. to F Four Octave, C. to C OUR LATEST IMPROVEMENT: PRINCE & CO.'S GRADUATED SWELL This Is sm entire new idea, and its want has been spiked by all an genbited with Seed Instruments The old Swell could never be made to operate gradually : insiant the pedal was touched for opening tt the change would be bashustaneous and abrupt. Our NEW SWELL is coustrueted on scientific prineiples, and we ere saddled, by our not riug sourly and experiments, that It is the only tine by whichthetoneof End Insirmands may (*graduated from a mere whisper to Me fa power of the instrummt, and vice versa. The volume of tongs also very much hammed by this swell, and is now all that we eoukt desire. r This. In connection with our DIVIDED EWELL. Iwhich we pat en:din 18551 will be added to all the Melodeons which we manlike tsar its thefuture, and widiont extra charge. .. _ Oni ober bonne in our Mekdeass is the IMPROVED VALVE .thR PALLET, being a crecthinstim of cloth and leather, prepared reithready forthe purpose. This valve we have used for the past three yearn, and we Ind it to be the very thing that has been so long needed as *substitute for the India Rubber Tithe. which has been in woo ever theeMelodeons Imre be naumfalmcd, and which has awed me much trouble by the dissolving and sticking of the India "Rubber. All of our instruments are now finished with this improved valve, and we can recommend them with confidence. lePersons unacquainted with the Melodeon and its itheory, will bear n mind that we are the pioneers and leading numulacturees, not on in the Unkind States, but in the world . We commenced the manufac ly ture of Melodeons In the fall of the year 1847, and slues that time . Slabbed and sold Thaw hmernementeane raw heave merglirta- lbe Coked suiceitad . Canada, but abate lerrpe, Ask, Attica, /o ath AmMue. and the we l t =menitetwe 40 Ow ip e lettate have the mug liettiaing of the estirantion in which they are beid„ At all lu- Amaral Exhibitions they have invariably been • • AWARDED ITHE HIGHEST ir PREMIUM Whenever exhibited in eompetitirat with others. shall bike plea. mein b . :ammeter by Mail tat our own expense] lulu. Eleasated Cat eddeb evaylnetramem we anmufactate it fully dumbed gi Z e Illustrated by eletpurt engravings. ' t Cam' AU Melodecat ott ouronanufacinm either'sold by us or deadereeLieurdbill Mass or immeshed be perfect in every respect, and should any repairs be necessary before the expiration of live years flue the date of sale, we hold ourselves' ready end willing to make the same free of chinge,provided tbe ... ittjunr U not caused by aurident or design,. : i Now qre OUR MANUFACTORIS - CONDUCTED& • • As we are the pampas and biding matmthetheers of Yekideosian the world, we hovveey, of course, the advantar of seeathig the smirker ofthe hest assehaaics in the bastneos, end sel7l2a ef eue wcamee Jame been with us since we commenced them= UM of Melodeons We moldeiruone but the most thorough mechanics, and bava mum lalgrittOpmentkrefn the establishment. F week is divided into thirty-Woe Maud brartArefs; - earh work: man bee his owa pad to perform, and is newer allayed tochingerfscue. lee brooch to soother. _ . The different parts me separately besected. and paned frogione almoner to add to other parts, until the Melodeon Is complete. ' • The delivering of materials and berpection of work is attended by: gist, thageneral fine roan ; second, a foreman of machines ; third $ foremen and Impactor of hint* ; fourth. • ammo in alb Verniabile. VdiVm U ;M. a superintendent of the reed department. • at ialties of the foreman are manna, It being his duty to select =oat Meek, to earetully watch the making of the different parts, etritien. r "g reep eveevauly balanced. an be d. In ,to have an eye to ever a sserything • e have mentioned the others to show that the utmost care Is taken 1 savory deputise" • One, Maze DEPAITX/Itrelueh tithe good tandityol the Melo eitiO perfect nuni dm depends on having —pipleatEards It is necomay to have the dtloi9 te Imirfflinn;stanla. Plane. as wall aster WO the utmost care hi sekedug metals, and using mcmcpropor. thew for Ohs eamillnekka °flied mend. The mgdeintsadent elf this &punned hat brach ial so dote - NI commeneoment of this badness. and. Whig a practical aorbeemo" erbirrsted.ioved and porketed all the roachinery krintaidtm Dar meads, mat theare !Wileake In cang . 1108nanctory._ rpm itie 'het 111/1 of fads ale •MebtlalM for te liweerty. minim mahlwartweell often& we very altestreeehas maces tor drain. or arlehations from imionbenneal to s our with whet Mose sadly ; but as me never sell any part of oar Instrument separate, no °""dedbee=girifligke—ial AG* it way thee le 'sew locum the fastramte NI {0 bleak a IlVed• OAT eau b 7 harnithlir as which it b.e -awe a r byzatrtrll l l ll 4t ir t free Crllynnti tiinnlinith ollo- ° hi prini towns of Oa VMq,l l llolllelnuvi....... AMeneedtbst Yo . Glelk Xe , r ail lt • Olen . Nevi rk. GEO. A, OlitEiGE at OIL, tek lake Pt,, Cideeg% or we.. ^l4sabare Viteleek AVMs Right Dress Front Shoulder Arms Present high paces caused by traitors in Arms Carry Arms Right race. CELEBRATED 111 11.015.114t00D (RddWrathitUbil.i*gMobi4elApernil Patented September 17th, 1861. TWENTY IENMJSIAND.I rilkg loaNza OF eSNN is BT. mum srsairrs. P1TT8347R914 PA. J. N. ANDERSON, PROPRIETOR Irr This papithir house Mar sweetly hen thorough it refitted and furnished. and now forum one °film most pleasnnt stopping places in the city. Terms mod erste, and satisfaction warranted. 'April 8. 'O3-Iy. `fill kintsburg '§usiness 6atils: taeltrtaltM. 1MM - undersigned would inform the citizens of Waynesburg and vicinity, that they are prepared to take Photographs and Carte De Visites, Those wishing anything done in our line would do welt to call sons, as the arrangement is but for'a short time. Particular attention will be paid to CARTE DE TISITES, MELAINEOTYPES, FERREOTYPES, A ISIBROTYPES, &c. We arc also prepared to take life size Photographs in water colors. Pictures of deceased persons taken almost life size from small A mbrotypes. 'IAA S & WIIITE, April 8, 1863. Near Sayers' Corner. R. DOURIERTY, CARRIAGE MANUFACTURER, Respectfully infitrms the public that he has located in Waynesburg, Pa., where he intends to manufacture Carriages of Every Description, From his experience in the business, h t feels confi dent his work will give entiresatisfaction Ile will use no low priced material, in any part of his work, and will not employ any but superior workman. All new work will be Warranted for One Year. Shopon Greene street, one square south of theCourr tome, Waynesburg, Jan. RS, 1960—n0 34. MARBLE AND STONE WORKS SAYERS & RINEHART, Practical Marble & Stone Cutters, Third Door East of the oourt Souse, Main street. WIER . E they have, am' keep on hands a large and extensive assortment of fine and ornamental ' 1; 6 • MARBLE WORK, ~ tri c , such as monuments, tombs, tablets and grave stones, of every variety and style. Particular attention paid to caning, which will he done by as good workmen as can be band anywhere in the business; as one of the firm has seen practically engaged in the business for twenty-five years, and the other eighteen years. They fluttei them _ not be surpassed in point of skill and re west. Persons wishing anyining in we it furnished to any place desired at any other establishment iii the country. to per cent by purchasing of its. milling work done in either marble M SA VERS & REV CHART. May 20, 1.857—n0.2 The undersigned would respectthlly inform the rub tic that he is now prepared and inane acturing CEtal=s3lX:LE3t uch as BUREAUS, TABLES, BEDSTEADS and every thing in that line He also wishes it understood that he keeps a Hearse and wakes coding, and is pre pared to attend rails in town or country. at any hour. SAMUELJEWEL. Waynesburg, Oct. 26, 11081 - 11MKA LODGE, No. 538 I. 0. IP EET its Waynesburg, In Allison's Hall, opposite 121. the Court llouse, on Thursday evening of each week, at 64. o'clock. Own/: tm N. WORLEY, l' G. f Seorr, Titus. N. G. 1). R Boss, V. G. J. F. Temn.g,Se..ey. W• A. POIIT•R, Treas. NOV. 6, 1862. Boston, Nam Cincinnati. 0. Philadelphia, Pa Thetrett, Mich .81. Louis. Mo, TWW/#O. C. W ALI. persons indebted to the subscriber, by note or Book Account, are requested to call and settle by the Ist of November next. All acCf ants unsettled at that date, will be lett with un racer Mr collection.— word to the wise is sufficient " This is the first public fall I have made on any customers for un y since I commenced business. Scpt. 3, 'O. GEO. lIOSKINSON. 111 E undersigned will still continue the manufacture of all kinds of Furniture. and respectfully solicits a utittuance of thepatronage so getierr.usly extended .ano. .)rders !ator's store. WATOBEB AND JEWELRY S. M. BAILY, Maki strew, one door Best of the old Bank DWl(ling, keeps always On hand a large and elegant assortment of Watches and Jewelry. ' irrltepalring of Clock*. Wedeln* and Jewelry wil receive poorapt eaten! en. Maw. IS, 18Q! Cy . DUNN & 140 - WNEY, fi Vbrdi itiddierd. de Isom hand CooMem dad ' Outings , in d Matt* . 1.14 THE LATENT STYLIt WAYNESBUhG AND FASHIONABLE NITIJR E GANIER & CO., fully inform their friends and the pu e now on band a good assortment. A.BINET WARE. kept in shops in this part of the coon best materials, and b to the best work- keep a Hearse, and are, at all tunes, d promptly to funerals, either in town an wiry 24, 1850-1 y LOOK AT THIS. SETTLE UP. FURNITURE. NS will he furnished with the greatest possi ELI ATEN. t ept an be lift at the . (Jan. 27 71 r l /, 3l r;rvir 347 D UN 1111113341 L CASH PRICES OF STAPLE DRY COWS AT Minor & Co's. WAYNESBURG, PENN'A Good Fast Colored Calico, 16, 18 and 20 cents Domestic Ginshaass, 9.5, 28 and 30. Brown Mastitis, heavy, 25 to 371. Bleached Muslims, 2010 35, best yard wide, (Atilles, 18 to 37. Good Stout Kentucky Jeans. 50. Beat do warranted alt wool filling, 60 Heavy C.Aton pant atoll, 50 •. Linen " heat, 374. light Cotton " " 25 to 33. rIMIE undersigned would respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have now received and opened, at their old stand in WAYNIESBURG, P•., Another large and carefully selected stock of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. Consisting of a taige and beautiful assortment of Ladies , Dress Goods, such as ISOZ A MIIIQD ES, CHALLIES, DEI.AINES, DELAINES, DE:- REGEs. &c A large lot of JEANS, TWEEDS, SATINETS, and CASSIMERES. A beautiful as sortment of SUMMER BALMQRAL SKIRTS, A large Stork of SPRING SKIRTS. Bonnets and Bonnet Trimmings, In this department, we have spared no pains in select ing, and we flatter oursetves we can please all of every taste. BOST'S AZ* tiIOSS For IVlen and Hoye wear. BALMORAL and CON GRESS GAITERS for Ladies' together with a very large lot of MOROCCO and CALF SHOES MICALXILMO NAT .49:ErtM, GLASSWARE, HATS AND GAPS, QUEENS WARE, GLASS and NAILS, and indeed everything kept in a first class store ! Irr Remember we give the highest market price for all kinds or Produce. five us a rail. May 2U, Ibb3 !MINOR & CO. • GOOD NEWS TO T 11 E SEEDY & "SEEDY !" o cipm. HAS just returned from Philadelphia with a large and well assorted stock of READY MADE 'CLOTHING artd the verdict has gone both that the place to buy 11-04g1.3E 0 FOR CLAILIES.22E; the most fashionable and iliirab'e clothing is, emphati cally, in !be EAST END of _ALLISON'S BUILDING, opposite the Public r`q•tare. where he has Goods on exhibition, and where he will he constantly found, ready , to accommodate his costumers. Tisai.kfal tor the liberal patronage heretofore extend ed I . Ile hopes to merit its continuance by his us ual custom of QUICK SALES AND SA•LL PROFITS. Waynesburg, May a1,,,1861. BANK. fiA NIERS' & DROVERS' BANK, Waynesburg, Pa! C. A. BLACK. Pres'L J. LAZEAR, Cashier DISCOUNT DAY, WEDNESDAY. Sept. 11, 1861-Iy. STEAM GRIST AND SAW MILL FOR la AL Ma WI 1 rINHE EXECUTORS OF WILLIAM ARMSTRONG dec'd, will oiler at Private Sale, the. Steam Mill, situated on Modify Creek, I:unaberland tp., Greene county, Pa., about a quarter of a wile from the Monongahela River, The Mill is a first-class one, nearly hew, Iwo run of stone acrd can be run by water power a portion of the fear. A romfor able Frame Dwelling Hauge, A tat of ground connected with :the property The Mill is'conveniently situated In a rich and fertile sex ;ion of the county, convenient to market, and has an excellent run of custom. For terms and further par ticulars, inuuire of the underrigned. RUSSELL ARMSTRONG A LFREG ARMiTRONG, Executors Cartnictotets, Pa.. Get. 29. Itt42-Iv. A LECTURE TO YOUNG MEN Just Published in a Sealed Envelope. Price, Six Cents. A Lecture on the Nature. Tre..tment and Radical Cure of rzper.oatorrluel or Seminal Weekness, IN• voluntary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and hoped'. *MAUS u, Marriage generally, Nervousness, CI Ifltinip- Epitelmy and tits; Mental and Physical Incapac ity, resulting trent Self-Abuse. kc—Hy ROBT. .1 I'ULVERWELL, M. D. Author of the Green Book, ke• The world-renowned author. in this admirable Lee lure, clearly ',loves from his own experience that the aw lit consequences of Self-abuse may he effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations. boucles, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at one certain and effectual by whit b every sufferer. no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, pri •ately. and radically. THIS LECTUKS WILL lIDOVE A TO THOUsAtIDs AND THOUSANDS. under seal, to any address, in a plain, sealed lope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage um, by addresing. CHAS. J. C KLINE AL , 1'27 1841kery, Nom York, lost (Alice Box, 4586. itch 4, 1863. CBES, JEWELRY SILVER-WARE. .1E undersigned would respecifidly invite your teution to his well selected stork ..f Fine Gold v ver Watches, Fine Gold Jewelry, of every kind r riety of styles—comprising all of the newest If et beautitul designs. Is", SOLID SILVER WARE. , al to COill—and the best make of Silver Plal re. Each article is warranted to be as represent. 'atches and Jewetry carefully repaired and satiaf guaranteed• lACtIII II A h LEY, (Succeseor to &serer ¢ Kerley.) No. 612 M.taarr Street, Pitths It 11, 1963.-6 mos. or Rats, Mice, Roaches. Ants, ;to, Moths in ,Furs, Woollens. .octs on Plants, Fowls. Animals, up in 25c. 59c. $1 00 Boxes, Bottles, and Fli and $5 sizes for HOTELS, INSTITUTIONS, "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poi-ors." "Not dangerous to the human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." Sold Wholesale in all large cities. I by all Itsrootirra and RETAILER+ everywhere. !ESCARP: !!! " of all worthless imitations. that "COSTARS" name is on each Boa, Boil nil Flask, before you buy. " Address HENRY R. COSTAR, INCIPAL DEPOT 482 RROADW•Y, N.Y. Id by Isaac Hooper, Rheruick Clark and othe sesburg, Pa. y 6, 1853,-6 m. Adininistrator's Notice• lEWERS of administration "de bonis non" h ing been granted by the Register to the undertn . ed upon the estate of JOSEPH McNEELY, dee'd, I of Morgan tp., all persons innebted to the estate t' call and make tormelliitte settlement, and thong heel claims against the same will present them prodtrly . thentiested for settlement. - Hay 27 • 'ln• • JOHN MeNHEIS. Aden'r 147 rcogth Street. Pi tillnirlll4 r D. M. DARE, MD E. L . HOC KEW! M I I.** MOM zrossonir, _ A.* 1-3 P. 111. 6-8 P. '44Dist* • • n 411.1111.4- , 0 0137 1 ;t: Ikon. ..11avia11ar. at a 110111 GRRATiALR :' • SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, AT saran* 11:; , t i vira JUST opened and ready for inspection and sale, one ul the largest :nuttiest selected STOCKS OF GOODS in icy line, that ever came to Greene coono. The only place in the county you can have a good choice. The limited amount of goods kept on hands by other persons throughout the county, in my line. often com pel persons to purchase articles they do not like,'or go without. This inconvenience may be avoided by giv ing me .A. .2&.1.0 - 1-8 ! as I now have on hand as gond an assortment o f good as can be found in other Shoe er Hat Stores in ad joining counties. I will a. l! the I dlow Mg articles s very little advance on old prices. Take particular NO TICE: What I.say I mean and inlellll to do, as I Imva bought largely and have bonght low; being in the city when gold was down to 40 per cent, 1 will sell accor In addition to my BOOTS, SHOES, BATS an CAPS, I have added a splendid tot of Ladies' gloves, which, for variety and beauty can only be appreciated y examining them. 12/ILaillra t ;Sa l t Misses' line, Chi Wren's Hose, Suspenders, Neckties, Collars, Portmonies, Gentlemen's Socks, Children's Hats and Caps. Nun Bonnets, Blacking, and Blacking Brushes. In fact, an assortment too numerous to mention. Thankful for favors, I as!c, respectfully, a ron tinuance oldie saute. J. C I.IO.III'CAP Waynesburg, April :5, tra63.-3na. GREENE HOUSE RE-OPENED. Great Bargains in Dry Goods AND CL OTHINC I WILLIAM A. PORTER HAS just returned frcni the Eastern cities with the largest Ftnek of GOODS ever loom:tit to this place, which was bought low and will be 2.11111 at about old prices. for Vasil or Prodio.e. Ile invites particular at tention to his large iituck of BOOTS AND CLOTHING ! WM. A. will he found at the "Greene "nat. ;" Joe will remain at the old room up town. Call soon at either stand. Wayeeeburg. Der. 17, 'O. ODD FINS SAM MSMATin c) mg lINV*I - 5,1 4 MA Chartered by the Legislature Mk 27, '62 J. F. RANDOLPH, President; J F. TEMPI.F., See'iy; WM. A PORTER. Cashier, MANAGELI.—WIIII. Dar is, It. W. I)ou • ney, Worley, 1). W. Braden, J. L. McConnell, Josiah I'or ter. 0 - All Business Couuuu•tiratious should he ad thessed to Witt. A. Porter, Waynesburg. 11l revile coon. ty, Pa. Coltectiune promptly attended to. Loans and Disrounts made. Business clay every Thursday. Dec. 3. '112.:d , SADDLES AND HARNESS SAMUEL IWALLISTER, Saddle, flames,' and Trunk Maker. old Batik ltd. Main street. Sept. 11, 1361-1- TOBACCONISTS. HOOP ,A 4. & HAGER, Manufacturers and wholesale and retail dealersin l'obaern. Sagan and Shad: Seger Cases, Pipes, k.c., Wilson's Ind Building, Main street. 11. Mil ly. utee' Nanbing, DAILY NAM HACK RUNNING REGI'LARLY BETWEEN HYMNS 1111 111 C IS LEM. THE undersigned respectfully informs the generous Public, that having the contract for the carrying of the mail between the above poirte, he has placed upon the route two new and commodious Hacks fur the ac commodation of the ;melding CORIUM oily, One wilt leave the Hamilton llonse, Waynesburg, every morn ing, tiundays excepted, at 71 o'clock, and will arrive at Ricer' Lauding in time for the Boat to Pittsburgh, the other will leave likes' Landing at the same time and arrive in Waynesb u rg at noon. No pains will be spared fur the accommodation of passengers, TIM °THY D OUG lIER, Proprietor. August 7th, 16131. no. 9. *JUG n Es & 0 LIVE R Grocers, Forwarding and COMMIVIISSION MUM= ABMS Rices' Landing, Greene Co., Pa. Are prepared whh the lvrwtst and best Grocery and Forwarding 1111111115 ill the "“r:, for all goods on eon. sign men I. and also GOOD WAREHOUSES, on the bank of the elver. convenient for boats to land, for storing all kinds of produce, for shipment to Pitts. burgh, or tne Eastern cities, on the meet reasonable terms They hope by strict attention and long experienee, iu business, to receive a liberal share of patronage. In addition to the above, they will keep on hand gone assnitinent of FRESH GROCERIES. front the head of ni.rket, at wholesale prices, to accnni 'iodate all who will favor thew with their patrgnage. Apri 11, lbeitt. S. & J. SEDQWICB, Grocers and Commission !Merchants, . RIC,'ES' LARDING, IJA The above gentlemen give notice to the public, that by the death of a former partner, the late firms of Stro snider & Sedgewicks, and Sedgewicks & Co., have been dissolved. and the business connected therewith must be settled witit them; and hereafter the above business will he continued and promptly attended to by the above firm. Also; Leather, Shoe Findings, &c, as well as a good assortment of Mill Saws will be kept on hand. All up Coulthissiou must be paid before the goads are removed. March IL 1861—tm39—ftm. ORB cornrow, SS: I N the Orphan's Court of said CYninty of pt ember Term, 1802. No. 1 110 the matter oPthe settlement of the atconnt of Alexander Patton, Administrator of Isaac Teagarden, dec'd. Balance ik armluntants hands, 1.127.118. And now to wit : September 16, 1862. the account confirmed, and P. A. McConnell appointed Auditor to distribute balance in the handy of account ant. By t e Court. (slut D. A. WORLEY, Clerk. 1 will attend to the duties of the above imp° intnient at the office of McConnell & ltudtaah , in Wayper• burg, on Thursday, the 18th day of July, 1). 18.53, at the hour of !o'clock. P. M . o said day, at which time and place, all persons interested are requested to attend. It. A. bIedIO3INICLL, June 17,1883. Auditor. • Administrator's Notice. EWERS of administration having been grained to la the undeisigned Upon the mud. of JAMES C. BUSS. deed, of Franklin township. nobles is hereby given to all persons having claimer against the estate to present them properly autirmticatrd for settlement, and to those indebted to the same to realm immediate payment.' " Jane IQ, 'O2. Wilt, BRADEN, Adirer. Administrator's Notice. 4.000000.0 Glees. foamy to tiNt he~y seiliertir Mow bevillll4l4ll l lo l o6ll 4100 M 111.~111sse flawpsikorr. .NlO essitHilp Wrier°, '63. /01101rEar1fi1t, *batiummit BOOT AND SHOE AUCTION. iriallaura AUCTION NOUSE, Fifti Street. MU°lie Hall, Pittebarzh, Parma. IT A :g i u N ui G eL uP VTl e l n k i i n nz e n ei ne o n r in a, , ver l on l a r Tli e r n o nn n- Boya and Children's Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, would call the particular attention of Couniry Mer chants and dealers to the stone, guaranteeing that both in regard to PRICE and QUALITY OP GoODS w - e can give better satiefaction than any other house in he West. One call we think will suffice to prove the correcting' of the above assertion, as we are continu ally in receipt of goods direct front Boston. Pittsburgh, April 8, PITTSBURGH Mourning and Housefurnishing DRY GOODS STORE COOPER dls CO., 75 Market street,.Fittsbtargh. CONTINUE to devote their whole attention AS in years past, to the sale of MOURNING and HOUSEFURNI3IING DRY GOODS. In their NOUR.Y/NG D E P.4linif ENT will be found at all times, a full assortment of Deep and Half Nlaiiriiing Dress Goods, Shawls, &e., &c. In their iiOUsEIiPEPINT? D E P.l R7W E will find Sheeting. Table Linens. Pillow Case Mastitis and Linens. Toweltings, Quilts, Napkins. &c.. &c. We invite peisons visi iit.g the. City to purchase either of the above class of Goods to give us a call. us we keep gdod Goods and are determined to sell them at the lowest Cash prices. April tt. R. R. BULGER. Manufacturer of every description of .1P X•T ir .IEIL , NO. 45 SMITHFIELD STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENN'A A full asaortlllll.llt of PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED FURNITURE Constantly oil hand, which I will AO 1 at the lowest price.; for rash. Aug. I. 18111-Iy. WAIL PAPER, NEVER, OR NOW, IS,THE TIME TO BUY M°/!LY'.IOWL.: The price is steadily advancing in the Eastern Alarkeis llla YE on hand 100,000 Rol.a of Wall Paper to be eoI i this Spring. new and beautiful fdylea, and ; Id prices, also I) CURTAINS, PLAIN AND GREEN WINDOW PAPER, dzu., and e‘antine fir vourselves. Wlt olesale Dealers respect fa ll)• requested to cal! and ex ornine our stock and prices before Nu -having else where. THOM AS PA LM ER, No 91, Wood street, b4.tweeu 4th and ylii S. tiod door beluw Diusuorttl Alley Pittsburgh, Arril S, '1;.3.-3tit. • 81 #4l , 4 /1 &3. 1863. Nttki, NOW OIL NEV.E.IEL IY4 T, 21111111111 g Again beats all he %Vest in STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICE, Wall Papers fiord. la, Decorations, Testers, Curtains. Latudocapes Fire Hoard Plitt's. etc., of Foreign and Domestic 111311 13i111:11.1rP, for sale by W. P. MAR:CHAU. April I, '153. 67 Wood St.., near Fount Pitts. P l / 2 1 =sin HOWE SEWING MACHINE. INVENTED 18.15-IMPROVED 18G0. ADAPTED TO Al.l. KINDS OF lIIANUFACTUR- INU PURPOSES swag 'Equally as well on into- Hats, Cloth and Leather. CORNER OF PENN & ST. CLAIR STREETS, PITTSBURGH, PA. April Id -Iyr. A. M. M'GREGOIi, AGENT ET- NICZEOLAS IZOTEL. oiiiNErt GRANT AND 4TH STREET PEMBUR(3II, PA. FLU L, Proprietor. April 4. NEW MING GOODS. SECOND ARIIIVAL AT J. M. BURCHFIELD'S. Flamed All Wool De ',airiest. for 3&. New itt3k Figured Spring De Laines, Traveling Dress linods, Poplins, A ipaccas, Silk Cloaks, Shawls, Dusters, Bleached and unbleached Musli', Irish Linens, ighirt Fronts, A lot ut old very cheap Pittsburgh, April 8; 1863. J. & H. IHILLIPti4. Nos 26 and 23 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. MANUFACTURERS OF FLOOR 011. CLOTHS, TRANSPARENT. GREEN OIL CLOTHS, FURNITURE OIL CLOTHS,, WINDOW SDADES, TABLE OIL cl,OlllB. CARRIAGE CLOTHS. .also, dealers in Leather &kin'', Lace Leath er, Indira; Bather Belting,'Hose Steam Packing, Tithing, Wheat Drills Tubes, Clothing, and all other articles made of Indian Ilizhber,„4-c., 4-c. Wholesale and retail linyers will tied our stock large well selected, and at the lowest prices. April 21, lelti2-Iy. P. REVIVER. .1. S. RE YSIER. U. D. REYMER. RZYMER & BROTHERS, Wholesale Dealers in HUM tIVIN). Nuts, Confectionery, Sugars, Vire Works. ALd alio Allanuractortos of all Vatietieoat Fine Cream Candies, Chocolate Creams, Gum, Jelly and Licorice Greys, Jellies, Syrups, Nos. 126 AND 128 WPOD STR6I T, • 1101 , 6 FIFTH. Apiil 8,1863.-61 u Prrnounon, PA Young's Eating Saloon, CORNER VIRGIN ALLEY .All SMITHFIELD STREETS, Whets OYSTERS and all the delicacies of the season will be served lip in hue most palatable style. ELI YOUNG. Corner Virgin and Alley Slantbile st Ylltsbargb, Orr. 14, 'M. S. B. iic C. P. MARKLE, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN BOOZ, 0.11. P, -Tgarizsza, AND all kinds of WRAPPING PAPER have name ad from Na IT WOOD OMIT to No. 33 Smithfold Street, PITTSNURGA PA. Caok Error Trailer°, Rail NOT. 1014/ TWA. C. LAMAR, A T T AT Lam' , NO. el 01141 NT STRUT. WITTSBURCH. PA. Sept. 11,1861 16.! ~~~~~~ P 14110 86 Illassisesektured at ALBANY, N. Y. WHIZ BEST AND NOSTDURMILNJNISTV_MENt made.,asi Selling at Rstrsassin L.. Mow. Qd suit the nines. STYLES, WITH OUR PATENT INSULATED IRON RIM AND RAW -AND OVERSTRUNG BABE!, Containing Ev ry Real Improvement These instruments are faraupertot to any other Piano Fortba made, for durability, purity, and sweetnen of tone. perfection ~r elastic touch, and for keeping in tune. FULLY W ARRA X TED FOR 5 YEARS ;r l Send for Descriptivelitre, giving prices and' every infurnainion, satisfaction guaranteed, or and exp.-mitts refunded. JWARDMAN, GRAY & CO., Albany, N. Y. July, <h, I Elrr2.-TY HOWARD ASSOCIATION, I=blxilea7cilolpliift, X:NomaxLeb. Medical Advice given Gratis by the Acting Suwon. Valuable REPORTS on SPERMATORRHCEA or SEMINAL. WEAKNESS. and other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES eta ployed in the Dispensary, sent in sealed letter envel opes, free of charge. A ddress Dr. J. SKILLIN 110IIGIITON, Howard Association. No. 2 i.;:ott.h Ninth Stmet, Philadelphia, Pa Jnowtry 14. 1863. Vittst urg. STEINWAY & SONS' Pa infix', T FIE BEST PIA NOS IN THE WORLD. WARRANTED FOR FIVE YEARS. WE would respectfully direct the attention of eitf. revs of Waynesburg and vicinity to the van anduniversally admitted superiority of Pianos niade by STEINWAY & SONS, New York. The tone of these instruments more nearly resembling the "human voice" hi the prolonged end singing quaL ities of their sound ; and they combine in a wonderfb. decree POWER and SWEE7'NESS. Both for bril liant instrumental performance, and as an accompenh mean to Vocal music. they are altogether unrivalle‘.. We Challenge Comparison, and we WS,. rant them superior in every respect to anything e/4 in !tie shape of a Piano Forte Sold at New York Factory priers by 11. KLEBKR & BRO. No. 53 Filth Street, Pittsburgi. Sole Agents for Steinway's Pianos for Wester", Transylvania, Eastern Ohio, and North Western Vl* g.nia. IL KLEBER & BRO No. 53 Fifth Street, PIA tabiargh, Pak% Sole. Ascii to for the "Carhart harmoniums and No lodeons," for Western Pennsylvania. Eastern Ohio anti Northwestern Yiraiuia. (let. '62 lii KNABE , S PIANOS =l3 WILLIAM KNABE & Co. FIIIIE above Pianos iron[ their Factory porseve an - Clap I superior and latest improvements, inehadhsi AOII.9I , 'YE TREBLA, Overmiong. Improved Fall Iron Franke, Felt Ay* Hammers. &c. TUALIMAO. one of the most eminent planks hitt world. a:.ys "I have great pleasure in certifying that I have tried your Pianos, and end them equal, If not sumrior, to any in this country. Among their great qualities, which distinguish !bent, is the mum, of time. the agreeable and easy much, and volume ulf tone. Wishing yon all the success you an highly dro. serve, I ant, sir, yours truly. 8. TIIALBERG." U. Gummi the well known composes, Wilmington. Delaware. says that ••they cannot be surpassed by say in the market." 11. ViEr.vra:urra writes :—"I was delighted on hear hie the clear and full woe of one nt sour first dal. " ja - The above Pianos are warranted for five years For sale by CHARLOTTE BLUNI&„ No. 43 Filth sireet,3ll door above Wood et.., Panerooo's New Building. [Jaw. 2Y. 18611. ;RIMER & WINN'S "Sewing Machines," NO. V FIFTH ISTREhT, PITTSBURCH, PRMikau. Awarded the First Premium at the UN/TED STATES FAIR, FOR THE YEARS 1858, 1859 and 1860. UPWARDS OF 80,000 MLCHINES sold in the United Statike, MORE THAN 20,000 SOLD THE PAST TEAL We offer to the publia WHEEIJER & WithSolll Improved Sewing Machinery ALexe REDUCED PRICEN with increased confidence of its n erne no the beet Sad 1110:if useful Family Sewing Machine now in nee. h dors equally well oft the thickest and thinnest Metes, makes the lockstirh itororsible to unravel, with the ww. Beath(' advantage of tieing alike on %nth sides. forming no ridge or rhain on II:e, tinder side—is simple in mint !al-action mo re speed% iu movement. and more durable th an any in ber machine. We rive Bill insittictions to enable the purchaser to sew ordinary seams, stitch, heat, fell, quilt, gather, bind and luck, a!l im the same UlRCilille, and warrant it t'or three years. Circulars *mantling testimonials from ladies of the highest notating. East and Wen, giving prices, will be furnished gratis on application in person or by letter. Sewing Machine Needles, Silk, Twist Cotton and 01 covistantly on hand. WILLIAM SUMNER & CO. Pittsburgh, Oct. I, VENITZELN 8.1./NDSI, G. P. wErrz, First Prentiuui and Excelsior 1111TIAI lICTIITI ER THIRD AND MARKET ST., i WAREROIIIII/N FIRST FLOOR. Pri - Esitirmitt, PA. FIUIOSE wishing to ittrui f h thei r bow ies w ith ve t o 1 lino Blinds Ofibr lloSl' EXQUISITE AND ELABORATE FINIEII. Wilt find it to their interest to give mra call before porritasiogclsewbere. My work is got up by the Ma* tuvriuutics. Every sUeutkot is paid to the wallas •C rustonaent. PRICES LOW. ALL WORK WARRANTP2 OLD BLINDS ItEPAIDED iStATLY,reinhdeled„ fa desired. to appear the same as new, of the LATiter gTY LE, without extort il)11. Those having Dwellings, Churches DT Pnbilc IntUft hies to furnish with Bibulat & Revol v big or Stationary Shatters, Would save money by giving me a aidt, Corner of Third and Market street. GRORGE P. wsaTz.• Oct. I. 1882dy cQBATICOPIA SALOON NO. 7 FIIUI Street, PITTSBURGH, Pd. FRED. WEISS, PROPRIETOR; Osteber ' I . ►J El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers