1:3 r.m. - 7. -- 74;x4g) aPtottn Stumm 1 I 116111 r, J 01101416 meteors. JAS. ,sentiment not to be appalled, corrupted or =omised. It knows no baseness; it cowers to ng_or; it oppresses no weakness. Destructive Sly of devothno, it is the sole conservator of lib arty, labor and property. It is the sentiment of freedom, of equal tigirts, of equal obligations--the lam of nature pervading the law of the land." WAYNESBURG, PA. Wednesday, July 1, 1863. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS. YOB. GOVF.B.EOR, HON. GEO. W. WOODWARD, or randamrou FOR JIIIMS OF TIER 11117PREMZ corsT, 'WALTER H. LOWRIE, Olf ALL.LEGIELZItIi 06111ITY FOR SENATE, COL. WILLIAM HOPKINS, fkr Wiai6llloTON pOUNTY 'DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET, ASSEMBLY ; DE. ALEXANDER PATTON, =IIE7I PROTHONOTARY, JUSTUS F. TEMPLE, = TREASURER, JAMES 8. JENNINGS, ll= XIIGISEPOL & itr.OORDEB, PETER BROWN, py iihigioti TT COMMISSIONER, ,JOHN G. DINSMORE, or RICILWILL ?P AUDITOR, JQI4)I CLAYTON, OF MOIGAX TN VOOlt 110IIIM DISZIOTOR, siI4.XIBL FULLER, or WHITZLIP TIP NO PAPER NEXT WEFI. Next week being "Fourth of July Week," we shall issue no paper. This is according to our terms, us well as Tory congenial with the feelings of our "office boys," who always expect day of rest about the "fourth."— We hope they may enjoy it to the full, and endeavor to cherish the Mpirit of our revolutionary fathers, op well as a recollection of what they did to purchase our liberties. THE EIZEGFJOY. :Now, that the State has been invaded 1:1 a bold and ruthless foe, and mills have ,been made for troops to drive him from our soil, let every good citizen lend hie essoziple or influence to the prompt rais ing of the necesdary force. Encourage all the efforts making to organize Companies. Go yourself if possible ;—if not, get your .neighbor toturn out. Do not delay. - No time is to be lost, if you would save the' Capitol of our proud old Commonwealth from the despoiling invader, and our fields front devastation. Let every man do his duty, and do it at once, and the enemy will soon be driven out of the State.— "You can enter the service of the United States for six months under the late pros; ' lamatione of the President and Governor, or you can enter the Departmental Corps, tby which you can pursue your usual av ocations when not required for the imam ,diate defence of your own homes and fire sides; select as officers those in whom you have full confidence, and on terms more favorable than have ever been offer ed you, secure the protection of the Na ,tional Government, and a provision for lour families in case of your falling in a battle. "Or lastly, you can join the State Vol unteers under the last call of the Gover nor, when you would be mustered into the State eervice for ninety days, and on your arrival at the place designated as rendezvous by the Adjutant General will be supplied with arms and clothing and subsistence." 'VOLUNTEERS FOE THE THREE MONTHS' BERnOE. .:Our friends, Lieut. L. B. McFora, Sums beam and B. F. Wilcox, of this place, are raiding a Company for the three months' service. We trust they may meet 'with encouraging success, and that they spay have the hearty co-operation of men of inituenCe throughout the county. We hold, with the li!oston. Post, that "the para mount duty of etery loyal citizen is to do "Akin his power to defeat Lee , to conquer and disperse his army. The lute% of the country demands that the invader shall not only be repelled, but subdued. This is the great obligation resting upon• the Administration—upon the army—upon the people. Let it be the chief aim and pu mp* of the Administration, of the ark and'of the people, until:it is *coma - • OIOP The - irlitaki mops will be large iq this boliliq• MM. CON if MUM HARR/ORURO, JURE 19th, 1863. COL. JilatillOS: My Deer Bir,- , -We lett Pittsburgh on Tuesday last in company with Brother . Mcßrimat (of that sterling Democratic journal, "The Mercer Regis ter,") and other friends, and reached this place is the uses! time, barring a deka -44011. of BAR hour OR two f'rom an accident .to a local freight train west of Altoona, which made line-cut steaks of a steer that , opposed its advance,—tearing up the track for several rods, and damaging the loco motive and tender considerably, and one or two of the ears, but injuring nobody se riously. East of Altoona we found &good deal of excitement prevailing among the people concernija .the threatened rebel's raid, and the shouts of the assembled tttii litia or "squirrel-holsters," greeted um at almost every station. We reached the Capitol late at night, and repaired to Herr's hotel, but found we could get no accommodations, as the house was over flowing with guests; thence to the "Jones House," where they agreed to teed us dur ing our stay (and did "that mitre" on the fat of the laud,) but could promise us no bed. Telling them it was rather a shabby I way to treat one of the family, but assured we could do no bet ter elsewhere, we "turned in," and at the suggestion of the landlord repaired to one of the par lors, where we found a vacant sofa, which we occupied till morning, much to the re lief of our weary body. There were some three other sofas in the same apartment, and we were surprised in the morning to I find our fellow-lodgers to be that gallant soldier and accomplished gentleman, Col. Davin •Cmotagni,.of Pittsburgh, and other acquaintances from Mak city. One of them roused us at dawn by relating the joke of the Irish volunteer who, in one of his frequent searches for vermin, was accosted by a comrade with, "And is it fleas you're hunting, Jamie ?" Looking up indignantly, Jamie promptly respond ed, "Divil the bit, sir I it's lice I Do you take me for a d—d dog?" After break fasting or. fresh shad and divers other dishes unknown to your market, we saun tered out in search of our Greene county friends,—found PAULEY, Judge GARRARD and PATTON at Omit's, and a host of other, old-time acquaintances at Buehler's and Brady's. At the . former we encountered Senator Buciratsw, Governors PORTER and Metes, Hon. Jxo. L. Deirsorf, and other prominent Democrats. We were much pleased with Mr. BUCLALEW, from a brief conversation with him, and do not wonder his friends predict a brilliant Senatorial career for him, lie is courte ous and unpretending in his manners, of middle size, and with a mild, thoughtful eye. A preliminary meeting of the Demo cratic Editors was held in the ball of the Senate at 9 o'clock on Wednesday morn ing. Hon. Geo. SAxermosr, the veteran Editor of the "Lancaster Intelligencer," presided, and on taking the chair delivered an excellent speech, a partial report of which You will find in the Patriot h Union. Col. Sauderson'is quite venerable in ap pearance, but his natural force is unaba ted and be wields a ready pen. He is at present Mayor of the city of Lancaster, and was a candidate for Govercor before the late Convention. Oa the assembling of the Gubernatorial Convention, the Editors adjourned to meet at 9 o'clock on Thursday morning, and many repaired to the Hall of the House to witness the deliberations of that body. The day was consumed in organizing, set tling the claims of contestant Delegates, &c., and it was not until near 9 o'clock at night the Committee on Resolutions re ported a Platform. But when they did come, the Resolves were adopted with np roarious enthusiasm, and I am persuaded will receive the hearty endorsement of the Democratic masses. They are patriotic, and conservative of the Union; but bold and decided in their rebuke and condemns. tion of Executive tyranny and usurpation. The Resolutions adopted, the ballotings for Governor began, and continued till 11 o'clock, when the friends of Hon. Wa. H. W ITTE withdrew his name and cast their votes for Hon. Geo. W. WOODWARD, which nominated him. Judge LOWRIE was thep nominated for the Supreme Bench by acclamation ; and after the transaction of some other unimportant business, the Convention adjourned sine die. The applause following Judge Wood ward's nomination was absolutely frantic and deafening. Old men mounted their seats and threw their hats in the air, and young men huzzaed till they were hoarse. Never have we seen se delighted an as semblage. A Ratification Meeting was immediately organised, and capital speeches were made by Messrs. Witte, Clymer, !flights and Searight of Fayette. The Editorial Convention re-assembled at 4 9 o'clock on Thursday morning, and remained in session several hours. A Dein ocralle State Editorial Association was genii's!, and will hold its is meeting at Lancaster in a few weeks. it is expected that this move will result in material ad vantage to both the party and fraternity. A host of good fellows have set it on toot. I am indebted to our amiable and eicel lent friend, Aactcom HEIM, Esq„ for many kind attentions during my brief so journ here. The 'Squire is as good-look ing and goodenatured as ever, and a great favorite with his brother Clerks in the Surveyor General's office, and indeed with all that know him. He is pleased with his position, sad is discharging its ditties with entire acasptability to the Depart. went. That steadfast and veteran Demo unt, Taos. FARIALT, Esq., of Allegheny county, the pleasant and courteous Mee imager of the °Nee, le the 'Squire's room mate at the ".Penneilittinia " gad will keep him on his best behavioma With SOMMUOINI Of hi4 l 4 fitOtdo 441, per dearColemei, YmOtimartglik ft. 11111111119 TON NOMTIRLI , We Willie pleasure of weeetiog/asstar OWEN, Esq., the Editor of this outspoken and fearless Democratic journal, at the late Elitorial State Convention. Our readers will remember that the office of the "Monitor" was entered by a mob •n the 20th of last month, "and its entire content& destroyed and pillaged," "This act of violence," Mr. Owens states, "was incited, organized and assisted by the an archists of the place, w bile a gang of drunken soldiers were made the iustru• ments of their cowardice and treachery.— The conspiracy was organized for weeks previous, but it was agreed to -wait for the return of the "nine months' saw" in order to shirk responsibility and falsify the char acter of this Abolition brutality. A lie publican sheriff was appealed to for protec tion, but said he had no authority and re fused to interfere. The marshal looked on with gratification, and in the evening pronounced an ,approval of the act." A few days after the perpetration of the infamous outrage, an immense gathering of the friends of Free Speech and a Free Press took place at Huntington, speeches were made by a number of distinguished Democrats, letters were read frornothers, and over $l,OOO realized on the spot to ward the re-establishment of the paper.— Subsequently the amount raised was ma terially increased, and a large number of subscribers obtained, and in a short time the "Monitor" will make its appearanee in a new and elegant dress, improved and invigorated by the persecution and law , less outrage to which it and its Editor have been subjected. Long way they both live to denounce the Wrong and vindicate the eight I THE STATE °DETENTION AND ITS NOMINEI. No Democratic State Convention ever made more acceptable and judicious noin illations than the one recently assembled at Harrisburg. The Delegates seemed fully impressed with the grave duties and responsibilities before them, and were ful ly equal to them. The success and har mony of the party were with them para mount to all other considerations, and led to the admirable selections which were made. Men were very properly regarded as but the creatures of a day, and as of little account but as they embodied or rep reseuted great truths and principles. The press throughout the State has re ceived the nominations with every mark of satisfaction, and but reflect the popular feeling on the subject, The Pittsburgh Post expresses its gratification in the fol lowing decided terms:— "We congratulate the country—we con gratulate Democrats everywhere, and es pecially in cwr goad old Pennsylvania—on this most happy nomination for Governor. Our candidate is one whose private life and whose political record are alike pure and stainless! He is prominent as a ju rist, on a Supreme bench comprised of men whose calm, and just, and sagacious decis ions have remained unimpeached during a time of the most. intenae excitement ; even during a terrible rebellion. While obloquy, and slander, and reproach have been freely visited upon almost all men in high position, the pare integrity of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania has never been questioned. The unflinching devo tion of Judge Woodward to Democratic principles in the darkest hours the party Las ever seen, is known to all wen ; an.l whenever it was proper for him to mani fest his party fealty, it has been done in a manner equally firm and undoubted. Like all sound Democrats, he is for the Consti tution and the Union, and for waging the war pail) both are restored. Two brave soldiers of the Union have their homes at his fireside, and one has suffered all that a man :An suffer, except death, in the cause of his country—while many more of his name and blood are in the Union armies. No 'Democrat can hesitate to give. his warm ' est support to Judge Woodward—he is worthy of all we cap do for him, and his election is once." Another cotemporary remarks of the nominations that they defy criticism and almost render praise superfluous. Their singular excellence extorts acknowledg ment even from political opponents, and leaves little to do for the ticket except to hold it forth in silent challenge ofi popular respect and aeaeptanee. It is alike honorable to the two distinguished candidates named and to their party, that the nominations sought them and not they the nominations ; that their pre-eminent merit, instinctively forbearing to invite recognition, found in the Convention the intelligence to perceive and the virtue to proclaim it. And as they owe nothing either to personal solicitations or to the efforts of particular friends, for the proud preference with which they have been freely honored, so will they enjoy the rare felicity r ot entering upon the canvass un committed to any interest that is less lofty and comprehensive than the principles of their party and the honor and welfare of Pennsylvania. It is not often, we regret to say, that gentlemen of such irreproach able character are named for public office, or that nominating bodies make choice of them with the signal unanimity and un prompted spontaneousness which marked the selection of Mr. Woodward and Mr. Lowrie. When, therefore, men who are singularly and altogether deserving of the confidence of the people, are proposed for the highest civil trusts, the people have a double motive to elect them--the first is, to place power in the hands of those who are peculiarly well qualified . to exercise it wisely and virtuously for the general good: and the second is, to encourage party Con, ventions in nominating the fittest and beat men for public station. There can be but little doubt that the very excellence of the Democratic nominations will compel the oppositioc to be more select in the choice of their eandirlatee than they might other wise have been. In that event, we shall have the rare epentaele of a movie in which the admittp4 pertalual 4'404W" of the respective nominees till preclude, perhaps, much of that, wrptched discuesiop rojehconshitsin the mutual tradaction pt individual character, and permit tae itis!!ii thmi okoSek!ii OR tars oe the poiitit Rlll4iottiPlei isfolTpd ia the wales. 14 1 0 lettere iteputtil4tani own Itig they plasm; had omelet the canvas ex they will, the Democracy feel themselves to be so strung, both in their principles aid is their ticket, that they will go before the people asking only for free speech, afree press, ands free bailor. nom FISHING. Among the cleverest and brightest litds we fell in with at the late Editorial State Oon vention was our young friend SMITE of the "Fulton Democrat." A polished writer and graceful and sensible talker, be may expect to find himself "somebody' erne of these fine mornings. Among sundry other Soot/ traits and tastes, SMITH has open , chant for trout-fishing, and thus dwells, in a /ate paper, on the delightful recreation : "We confess to quite a passion for in veigling the speckled beauties from their native abodes in our clear rippling moan min streams. They are to be found iu abundance wherever a brook, fed by pure cold sprioge, wands its way through the 'Mos of the mountains which surround us, unless some barbarian has located a saw-mill or a tannery at its head. To get them costs, however, a little trouble and pains•taking, and the inexperienced fisher is apt to become speedily disgusted with the sport. He don't know how to get his hook into the stream; don't know what to do with it when be gets it in; and if, by chance, be finds a fish fast, is almost sure to hang it high and•dry in the branches of the trees above his head. Creeping through a laurel-thicket, in terspersed with trailing green-briars, or straddling 3 tuge monarchs of the forest, I prostrated by slow decay, or by some rude ' ;rioter storm, or stumbling, with uncer tain steps down the rocky bed of the stream, is apt to try one's patience and muscle; but still despite all this there is a decided charm about fishing for moun• tain trout. They are such game little fellows, look so beautiful as they lie in your basket, all flecked with gold, and de gustibus non disputanduw., are such deli cious eating. There is something, too, in the surroundings to lend a charm to the pas time. You get into the grand old woods, deep into the mountains, -far off from the busy haunts amen. Yoa can kJ/ow the stream far up into the quiet recesses at its mountain home, until you can easily step acro s it, and you lose sight of almost every trace of civilization. Here, in the pure white sand thrown up by a gentle eddy, you may discover the sharp, cleanly cut tracks of a deer, which has come down there to drink, and gone away unscared. In these wild recesses, amid the excite ntent of the sport and admiration of the . scene ofquiet beauty around you, you may easily cease for a day to heed or thank of the vexation of your everyday life. Even the war and politics may he forgotten. We have a love for tronting, and quite a knack of catching them. On several auspicious occasions, this spring, we have filled a ten pound creel with the delicious beauties. The feasts they have furnished us would tempt any epicure; the sport we have had would h tve inspired the pen of genial old lzaak Walton." NOT EXEMPT FROM DRAFT. The impression has extensively prevail. ed that persona entering Om nut months aervice in this department would be ex erupt from the approaching Draft. By the following dispatch from Gov. Tod, of Ohio. to the newspapers of Cincinnati, it will Die loan this is not the case. This Department including part of Ohio, as well as of West Virginia and Western Pennsylvania, the outgiving of the Secre tary of War on the subject applies as well here as there : Comaisus, Onto, June 17. To the Press of Cincinnati : The following is a copy of a dispatch this moment received from the Secretary of War ; "nor. TOD :—The men who volunteer under the President's recent proclamation will remain liable to enrollment and draft, but if dratted they will receive credit kr the time they serve under the special call. [Signed] EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War." Recruiting Commissions are not issued for the six months' service ; all volunteers will proceed in squads to their camps of rendezvous awl there organize; the wishes of the men thus organized as to who shall he their officers will be respected. DAvro TOD, Governor. say- Our friend, Col. ALEXANDER of the "Clarion Democrat," a member of th last Legislature, (and an excellent fello' by the way,) pays the followingssmeritt compliment to the Junior Editor of ti "Messenger" and Dr. Patton : GREENE COLINTT.—The Democracy Greene county re-nominated Dr. Alexan der Patton for the Legislature, and James S. Jennings, one of the able editors of the Waynesburg Messenger, for Treasurer. Dr. Patton was among the most active and it dustrious members last winter. He proves faithful to every interest entruited to him and at the same time he enjoyed the cor Silence and respect of all who had tl pleasure of his acquaintance. He will back again by a sweeping majority: Friend Jennings has been complimentel as he deserved. The Democracy of Greer now organized, with a ticketboth popuh and worthy, will goon to perfect the Irol by giving more than two thousand of majority. THE MASONIC! OELEBBATION GBEEBssoao, We were not present at the Maack Celebration at Greensboro on the 24th ni timo, but understand it was largely tended, and passed off pleasantly. Fraternity turned out, in large numbe/ from aijoining counties. The Address J. A. J. BUCBANAN, Esq., on the occasioi is spoken of by those who heard it as chaste and eloquent effort. A 3.4.PANEfiE SILK Our friend and predecessor on the tri, editorial, W. P. IL rAISLICY, Esq., has of of these noted Bucks on his farm* in Moi gan tp. The fleece is light, but the testa, of the wool exceedingly fine, rendcringttia breed of Sheep valuable and much sought after by wool-growers. Giesa. Hooker Superseded by Gen Meade. A Washington special says:--There bp,s been a change in the commander of the Army" of the Potomac. Gen eral .4ouher tisl , fed to be relieved, and the reineo was granted. Gener al Meade 'bag been assigned to the command. There are various as. cooetaan eirentOoto Ufo the !ea r AT Ow *air- lag DEMOOtAIinIINIVIIS Ifi Lutz. i COI. A.IZZANIPER, of tht Clarion Demo ocrat, has been re-nominated for the Leg-1 islature. His twig and consistent service of the party, not tetra than his ability and effi ciency as a legislator, render it a deserved compliment. A. P. WHITTAKER, Esq., the spicy and popular Editor of the Venango Spectator, has been nominated for Register & Re corder of that county. B. P. lizyrats, Esq., of the "Bedford , Gazette," is also nominated for the Legis lature. APPOINTMENT. JUSTUS F. Tars, Eel., has been re-ap pointed District Deputy Grand Master of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of this county. Mr: Temple has filled this position several years to the entire satis faction of the Fraternity, and they will be pleased to hear of his re-appointment. OLAR IL DAWSON. Our friend, C. Dewsort, from the 86th Reg't Illinois Voltinteers, and for merly a citizen of our county, has been disci:mimed on aecoust of d iataimaity, and returned home to Suaehvine, 111. lie en listed last August, and went to Nashville, Tennessee. It is thought he will recover. Noble Conduct NORRISTOWN, June 28.—At a meet ing of the leading manufacturers of this place and vicinity, they resolv ed that all the works stop and re main closed as long as any of the rebel forces remain in the State, and at a town meeting held this afternoon a committee was appointed to raise money to pay wages to all who leave their employment as long as they remain away. Over 4610,000 was raised on the ground. Five hundred men leave for Harrisburg in tle morning. GOOD FOE GREENE. A company of over 100 men &one Way cesburg and vicinity, passed down the river on Thursday evening, on the boats, to Pittsburg. They had been recruited and organized in a few hours after Governor's Proclamation reached t, place. Captain M'Fann was in comma' The company returned home again Saturday, having enlisted for "the ems geucy," . and Gen. Brooks, conaideri that there was no imminent dangi thanked then► for their prompt respoth and requested them to return home, a keep up their organization, so that if th► services are needed on the bordef, th may be prepared. This shows how Jai are the Leaguers' charge of disloyalty often made against the Democracy , noble little Greene. In the company of over 100 men, all but about a dozen are Copperheads, as their opponents delight to call Democrats. We may add that while troops are no longer accepted for the emergency, yet all who volunteer for six az ontha are promptly mustered into l the service.—Brownsville. Tunes. For the Meesenger A CARD. Messrs. Jones & Jennings :—I ask the liberty, through the columns of your pa per, to return my sincere thanks to my Detnccratic friends who supported me at the late primary election. Although it was not my fortune to be successful, yet as a Democrat I award to'my fellow-Dem ocrats the privilege that I enjoy of voting as they think right, yet I believe that I have many friends that voted against me that will award to me all that is due me at a future time. Believing tLis, I, as a Democrat, stand pledged to do my duty as a Democrat in carrying out the true prin ciple of Democracy. Resting content and gratified that although I was beaten, I had the honor of having a support at home, for which I feel thankful, and shall respect my friends in Greene. Very respectfully yours, JEREMIAH STEWART. MARRIED, On the 16th inst., by the Rev. A. J. Collins, Dr. T. W. R oes and Miss C. M. ZOINICRMAN, all of Richhill tp. , Greene Co., Pa. mirLong life and joy to our good-look ing friend and his bride. On Thursday, 18th inst., by 4ev. H. K. Craig, Mr. JOHN &ABOUT &Ha Mimi Lu sts Timm, all of Graeae Co., , On es TL . y, the 186 inst.; l "tr., D. B. Camping. Mr. Jo***u tAsielist4 Wei Canitent nn Ifirsountoli. itH • Morris % Greene Op., P. • e • Proelankatiou of the Co •error--Mkooo Three Months' Militia Called Vvr. Governor Curtin has issued a proc lamation, calling for sixty thousand militia for three momtke,itniess soon er discharged. .-_ OUR QUOTA Of THE 60,000 THREE MONTHS' MEN. Greene county is called on to furnish 480 men under the Governor's call for 60,- 000 three months' Militia. Fayette's .quota is WO, and Washington's 950. Let the patriotic tens of Little Greene prompt ly furnish her full complement. The Lost 'Found. DR. S. S. PATTON has returned, and is now at his room, prepared to wait upon those wishing any thing in the line of Denistry. July 1,'63. city- Grover & Baker's Sewing MACHINES for family and manufacuning purpose are the hest tu use. A. F CHATONEY. April 8 1863 -Iy. IS Fifth St., Pitt:hurl; Ph orLtoNew Hat al. d Cap Store.— WM. FLEMING, Nt... 13n WOOD Sow PI77SAWR.7H, P 4., has estalikbed a NE ' HAT .4.11fD CAP ROME, and persons visiting the city will find it a Ann class establishment. fitted up in the latest modern style, with every convenience for doing a Wholesale and Retail Trade. A large stoat of every variety, style and quality of HATS and iliaPd kept constantly on hand, which will be sold•at the very lowest prices.— r.Fleninig is a Practical flatter, and guarantees satin action to purchasers. Oct. 1, 1802-Iy. BANK NOTICE. 174.11 1 . 1 `kg'ittu 01 thvevA}ARMAGAti) GDrei county, Pa., will apply to tile Legislature of the dtate, for an extension of charter for the term of fifteen years from the expiration of its present tens. The location, corporate name and privileges, and amount of capital stock to wit: sue hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be the same as under its present charter .* By order of the Board, J. LAZZAR, Cashier. Waynesburg, Greene county, Pa., July 1,933. Adniliibtrator's Notice, y ETTERB of Administration on the estate of JO dEPU MORRIS, late of Jacssou tp., dec'd, having been granted to the undersigned, notice is hereby giv sa to all persons having claims against said estate to present them for settlement, and Slice indebted to the seine are requested to mats immediate payment. July 1, 1863. JOHN SCOTT, Aana'r. IN ths Chphasits *?Dort of said County of September I Term, inti 4, bo. G. In the matte: al lhatietdeurent of the final sienna tof lion. Benjamin Ross, adminis trator of Win. 11. Sus, AWOL BolialiCe in accountants hands, 52302,16. Aud *loot, to wk., eleptentber, 0, 1884 aceouut con firmed, and J.J Ellutraun, &sq., It u ralted •UlditOf to distribute boluses in hoods of Ad übskrator. By the Court. Attest, D. A. woauty, Clerk 0. C. 1 will attend the duties of the above appointment at the office of the McConnell ic Iltafftuan on Wednesday, An(. 19, at which time and place all persons interest ed can attend. J. J. HUFFMAN. July /, '63. Auditor. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE: LETTER/8 testamentary upon the estate of ALFRED LOVE, dec'd, of Jefferson town.bip, have been grunted by the Register of Creche County to the under signed, all persons having claims agai set the estate are requested to present them for settlement, and those indebted tit said estate are requested to pay the same. MARTIN .1. LOVE, July 1, 1863. W•LTER LOVE, Efm. sinaaz NOTICE. T ETTglial of Administration upon the Estate of JOHN STEEL, late of Dunkard township, deed, n otice is hereby given to all persons Anon ing them selves indebted to said Estate are requested to come forward and make immediate payment, and ail those having claims against the Janie, to present demi du !y authenticated for settlements. JOHN iireE4ElE, June 14, 18611. Adailiiistrator. Lewis Day's Statiosery Packages. NO HUMBUG! HERETOFORE Pa9kagerof Atatinnery have been considered a humbug from the legitimatise, We usually made of iltry inferior paper, &c. We have just examined one of Lewis Day'. Packages, and And all their articles of the very beat quality. each parkaze containing : 18 sheets of good writing paper. 18 envelope,. sleet pens I pen holder. Price, 15 cts. Put up and fur sale. wholesale and re tail, by LEWIS DAY, Bookseller, Waynesburg, N. B. Agents wanted for the sale of thee, Packages. June 17, 1863. 0. 0. F. CELEBRATION. JEFFEESON, June 15th, '63. At a regular meeting of General Greene tdge, No. 493, I. 0. of 0. F.. it was re lved to have a proeession in fnll regalia of e Order, at Jefferson, Greene county, Pa., t Saturday, the Fourth day of July next.— 'e therefore, respectfully invite the different tdges throughout the County, and 'adjoining ounties to participate with us on the occasion. COMMITTEE OF INVITATION. J. T. Moredock, A. D. Rush, B. B. Smith, G. Hou!swarth, S. Smith, H. Davis. June 17, 1863 NIPLIOR, isativganato crat, • 11. 1.7:11/ 11,-.1 be public are cautioned against the SPURIOUS at ' of LYE for making SOAP, Ac., now offered for The only GENUINE and PATENTED Lye is made by the PENNSYLV ANIA.SALT MANU rTURiNGCOMPANY, their trade math for it be 'IIIAPONIFIER.DE CONCENTRATED LYE."— , great success of this article has led unprincipled ties to endeavor to imitate it, in violation of the napany's PATENTS. All manufacturers, Boyar; or Sellers .if these Spur ins Lyes, are hereby notified that the Company have .utployed as their Attorneys, GEORGE HARDING. Esq.. of Phila., and WILLIAM BAKEW ELL, Esq., of Pittsburg . thatall Manufeeturers. Users or Sellers of Lye, lit Sutton of the rights of the coutputty, will be proseeu at Duce. a SAPONIFIER or CONCENTRATED LYE Is by all Druggists, Grocers and Osuntry Stores TAKE NOTICE. The United States Circuit Court, Western. District Knosyhernia„ No. 1 ut Kay Terra. to 1901, I. suit of the "Peuneyhmisia Pak Planulacturing Connway," vs. "Thos. O. Chase," decreed to the Corupury, on Nov. 1.5„ 1864, the exclutiva right granted by a patent °wood by thew for the ribthotillicir. Patera( dated October 01. Mg. Perpetual anyuarstiOn awarded. 1.4 •111 , 4 2 . r '7l SALT KANIFACTIIIINS SS Ica ixr WatelK Street. lotilletteiSla. Vitt St. rymbouret Map 27. 1862 E -OR ""ar's gnaw'. Shawls 1 Shawls DRY GOODS Lace Points Lace TO:Ots Lao, POillta Lace Pointe L Twin e:23 A. BATES', 112=1 Lace Shawls Lace"Shawh• ' lia. lame Shawls simvioes 1 Ptaeciii el FIFTH STREET, Bacquei Circulars VITTSBIIRGLI Circulars 117Coun try Merchants <Circulars suppked Circulars i DRY GOODS D. Cak1E1.311431.131- gib Ciabt Wholesale Dealers is Foreign, Domestic & Fancy r : N . 2@ao4 and small wares, lie. 90 Wood street, PITTSBURGH, PA., Cthe samemtion•of the trade and (Magary Meg. chants especially, to their Imes and complete stuck of pods. comprising ell articles In their line._ Purchased eackwisely.for cash begone the mama ad. vance in prices, which they now offer at a very snail advance to Gash and ion sine buyers. Dame tattoo. J , tataßmrsmitry. AMIN RICIIMIDOON. Pittsburgh, Aprti 8. 1888.-askos. COO t NVESON & MAMMY, woaD seuser, - pIT BURG 11, OFFER THEIR, STOCK FOR Oniii 31Pb MIL 3lt 14111 W N/E4F. 18.3, AT THE 1-. 1;717 NI la IC. MARKET PRICE. March 25, 1863. JAS. P. TANNER, N0..56 WOOD STREET PITIVIENURGH, PA. OFFERS FOR SALE 2500 CA B II/5 or . cdoprer and newest Pyles of BOOTS AID :1 WOOL AND FUR RATS, Palm Leaf and Leghorn Hata, lIChODS, BONNETS, Ac. • Bought before di. recent heavy adivastes, WWI will be sold at $ hare embemission of prollist, mod My trout Fifteen to Tort:say per eels& Wader UMW. utssetorore Prieto., This ls probably the largeit Mock to be ammain any house east or west of the mountaios. Buyers wilf.promote their interests 4y pugehming s and they are invited to call. April 0,912,21 a. 110W4A1151311.11M6 F:SRNISHING STORE. GOODS FOB TAM MC 3C '1 6 0 3EI MI le Tin Ware, Wooden Ware, Spice Boxes, Cup Tabs, Slaw 4'utssal, Hair Sieves, Mince Knives, Silver soap, Chau/ohm Skins, Skewers, Gridirons, Lesion Squeezers Washes,' Saskets, Jetty Moulds, Wash Basins. CNIP Maps. WIT* arms, 11;aal Seuuks, Stove Polish, Saha Wasboos. ftorther N , Spoons. MU S*, Wash Soares Stew Pans Sauce Pass Waite Irons Bird Boareers Fish Kettles Fry Pans Ham Ballets Fa rina Boils= Graters gig Belden. Larding Needles Fleur Pails Pudding Pans Water Films. Bread Pans Pie Plates Butter Ladles lollies Wrgagpore Iron Golder, Voodoo *Deena Step Ladders Butter Prink Keeler. Wash Tate, Clothee.Linca Soap Cups Scales Toast Forte Cook's Salve Sad hews Bread Buses Meat Poems • - Scoops Cake BOIrill„ &G.. 14. FOR THE DINING ROOM.---SILFIS PLATED. Call Bella = Nut Nam Fisk Naives les Cream Mares Syrup Jugs Cake Knives Crumb Knives Salt Stands Napkin Rings Fruit Stands Wt. Baskets Batter Knives Forts and Oppose Soup Ladles ladles Gravy Ladles Illtlr Irsris Cbildren's Cups Mostar Spoons Round and Oval Salvers Pitchers: Bouquet Stands Goblets GUT/Xi/Y. Ivory Handled Knives . carvers] Cocoa do do Fonts Stag Square alton English Tet do Trays do Csusek W imam Fork and :noon Trays *snob Toys Dish Covers Dish es Hash Bisbee Coffee e Wine Strainers Cofee Spirit Coffee Spots, Nut Cream Table Kate Round Welters Bread Baskets Coat Serewag Niue Coolers Rallis illtinpiwws Refrigerators Water Ceolesn&L. FOR THE OHAI4IIIEIt. Toilet Lars Water Carrlant Foot Baths Glutaber Beekela Infant's Oaths Bowls and NNW. Namara Brushes ' Gad Shades. Shaving Atoms Nurser? Shades Bronze Match Holders Piarilla Flower Stands Illotlfte ik=i, Niuse=rigerators Mame klinlispase WILL *O lt USW. miscsizAzirsotra. I Ibrary amp. b Vorisoor Allase: leans Plat Wotan - ( amp &Ova Way Peeolhasehr Asti sverythom potshot: Vela 1111041.1.114.0 6 • • TO he obteisel at Tessoa:olo peel. ilossirr *TORS of ILAT actlailtalimil k somort: rust Door bating. Znolimme riiikbau s tout. la, WO Ly. - 1111 13 2 liihn ika ya I Sample* Banes 1 Orgead* 0 11itadki Orpindise Orrandim. 1111110 r iiiii rlf i fl Drees Geed, Drees Goode Cantu, Chflitur [loop Skids Hoop SkbOm Hoop SWAN I hoop Skins
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers