Wht lores gUputticmv TUESDAY MOANING, DKC. 27. BOROUGH OFFICERS. 7?iiri7r.M D. f. Knok. (Veiio-imm Jacob Shriver, Jacob Wenk D. W. Clark, floo. W. Sawvor, J. R.Stronp. Justice of the Pence Vf. P. Morcilliott, (mstahlt.i. N.Toitsworth. Hchool Directors J. WiiioiiH, W. F. Tlun tr, P. 8. Knox, J. A. Propor, Jacob Sbrivor. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. President J ntlficJ amkh Campkbi.Tj. ylnmrirtte Judges S. It. Coon, J. A. P Hot Kit. iSherif'V.. L. Pavt. JHstrirt Attorney W. W. MASon. IVcViswrrr .1. I. Nkkhnh, ' J'rothnnotnry, Ucgistcr it Recorder, Ac. 3. B. Aomkw.' (Vimmi.MioiK-)- A. Tl. Koot, IIexs. EL LIOTT, N. 1. WllRKI.KK. County Superintendent H. F. Ron nun. ury CV)mmi.ii'oner Jas. Uilkim.ian, A. Cook. Cbiini Nurveynr S.P. InwiJf. Ox-onVrr Jomiaii Winahs. i Omtify Amnion 11. II. STOWK, L. L. IlAl'KK.TT, 10 I.I ilOI.KMAN. , Member of Congress With District 3. W. ' Scokiki.o. . if A'mofr W. A. Wam.ack. AtiewOly John . Hai.i.. 1' V O. C. 4 A. r R. TIMETABLE, tioiNa NonTif . Arrivo. Depart. l.'jn p,m. l.ijp. m. 6.:t7p. in. 6.40 p. in. ooinq ftocrir. Arrivo. Depart. 10.04 a. in. 1(1.(17 a. in. 3.10 p, in. ii.UU p. m. Mall Hxprcu. Express, Mail LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. Notice Special. R. J. McQuillen's connection with this paper lias ceased, nnd ho 1ms no authority to collect nny monies due tn"o institution. Advertisers and all -' others indebted, will make a note of this Tact! ' . Rev. Uurton will preach a "New Year Sermon" in the Presbyterian eliiin-h on Sunday Jnnunry 1st, 1871. ' 'Mr. Wulcott ispninjr to torpedo his well ns soon as the torpedo mnn can get across the river at Trunkey vijle. There will be fifty-three Sabbaths in the year 1871, the first and last days of the vear bciny Sunday. Minister's salaries will remain the same. The Purshnll Opera House, Titus- vtlle, was opened Monday eveninjr.lnst by Sherry's New York Theatre Corn jinny, to an overflowing house that city and the surrounding country being largely represented. Wo are now prepared to chronicle deaths from drowning, in consequence of the dangerous ferrying, and having no bridge. Those wishing to get there names in the papers in this connection . should take uuc notice and govern themselves accordingly. The papers notice the fact that man fell dead the other day while directing a letter. This may be a warn ing against directing letters, therefore . all persons should lake their envelopes to the printing odiee and luwo the address printed. N. R. Job printing neatly executed at the Rki'I'blican cilice. . --Tbc river, at present is almost im passable. The slush ice filling the channel, and rendering tho passage impost iblo in anything else than a ca noe, and extremely difficult and dan gerous in that. Now is the accepted time for the agitation of the bridge question. According to tho Iiouseville Bui htittt V. II. Johns, of the Oil City UetjUter, U now making preparations to start a daily paper iu that place, It is to be a morning paper, and will appear about tho sl of January. Forsomo reason best known to himself, the Register man has neglected to send ua his superior compilation for some weeks, and yet we survive. Some swindlist addressed a long letter to us, culling "Di or Friend,1 and saying we had been recommended to him'ns a person to be trusted, Ac, and stating that he wanted to eel I us some counterfeit Greenbacks. Hebeg gcd tlmt we would unt expose him, and . wo ain't going to do it, simply because we have lost the letter and his address. AVo are poor enough, but not green enough to invest in little games of that kind, and furthermore we don't feel uble to p.iy expressago on a box of saw-dust for the purpose of deceiv ing detectives. Try s-ime one eUe. -Operations are going on at Ross Bun with unubuted vigor, and operat ors are confident that they will find oil in iinving quantities. We hear eon- siil'.'rnble grumbling uhout the high price charged by hotels and boarding Iidums. These are the words of one whom e heard "uiriiig l.is opinion :" "We are developing territory which they dure not rUk their money iu, and they seem hound to cripple our (juun ces In fo e we get our wells down, by h rging us ruinous prices for board, and every necessary of life." This is too u.ueh the case in developing re- srious. liinl wo hone soon to hear of more moderation iu our oil district. Our Job Pre3i. December 1st our Job Press was shipped from Conneaulville, together with a box containing Roller Moulds, Ac, and the balance-wheel. Wo re ceived the press about tho 7th. The box and balunce wheel did not put in their appearance. We waited until lost Tuesday evening, alter having tel egraphed along the route the press had taken and receiving nosatisfuetion.nnd started out on a tour of exploration. Wo found the box at Franklin, snugly stowed away among a pile of furniture, boxes and barrel, where it would pro bably have remnincd until Gabriel played his lust trump, had wo not res urrected it and personally superintend ed its transportation to our depot. As regards the balance wheel, we learn ed thus much : It had been received at the J. & F. Depot at Oil City, and tho gentleman who attends to the transfers of freights to the other depots informed us that he had sent it over to the O. C & A. Ry. for shipment. We went to'thc gentleman who receives freight for the above purpose, and he informed us that tho wheel had never been received there. IIo would, he said .investigate tho matter thoroughly, and if the wheel was found would ship it throng1! on the fart freight Thus tho matter stnuda. Vve are ready for business except we want the balance wheel bad, and cannot get along without it. When we will get it we haven't the slightest idea. Per haps It may mosey along hero about next fourth of Julv. We aie worried We arc out of temper. We are dis consolate, and probably feel as bad as as though tho wheel were part and parcel of our existence and we could not naviirate without it. We an wailing only wailing," with a number of orders to (ill as suou as the blasted balance wheel comes to hand. What woii'ler is it that we can not get out a paper with as much good nature, be nevolence and charity, peace and good will toward men, particularly railroad men, us was our wont: uur muse seems to sharo our agony, and in f rccklessmoinent perpetrates the fol lowing : Our heart is sail, our fnco is long, Our troubles without number. Our appetite Is aus ker s.'.pict An J strung? our eyes to slumber. Subscribers view with pitying eyes Our phir. in neb elongate !, And sympathy In leu.Ur. tones - Is freely demonstrated. Yo Cods an.l lil'le fishes! how Unearthly bad we feel. Why don't the railroad men produce That wheel tho balance wheel. AVe neglected to notice last week the arrival of our young friend W. II May, who is engaged iu business on his own hook, in Louisville, Ky. Ho has been there three or four years, and we havo no doubt will do well id his busi ncss there. Also, Miss Sue May, came home from tho Beaver Seminary, bringing with her a school-mate, Miss Patrick, to spot. 1 the winter vacation. We hope the) moy enjoy it hugely. Also, two daughters of Dr. Hunter are home from the same school, to spend the holidays. We Lope they will all carry hack with them pleasant recollethns of this vacation. Last, week after w had gone to press we received the first number of The Sunday Moriung 2exv, published at Titusville by W. ;. Allen. Jt is well gotten up, and if another paper will pay there, we think this ono had ought to. It proposes to be indepen dent, or neutral, and says : "In poli tics we shall not dabble, any further tliuu to maintain a healthy opposition to all measures calculated to disturb the industry and prosperity of this section. Op Titusville, and FoitTitus ville, the NeV8 will endeavor to bean exponent of its best interests. N long, dry, pointless editorials will be inflict upon its readers. We shall al ways give Local News the preference, as being best calculated to suit the popular taste. A young man living less than a thousand milc3 from tho "Nursery of Great Men," got into a passion the other day and used some profuuc language. We ill call him Nathau icl Wilson his given uame m Nuthun iel, and IuTta culled "Nat." for short. The other day he received a letter, and after examining it, he caved aruund ... ii i ii ...i.:- .1.- dreuuiuiiv, swearing ue wouiu wuip hid man who wrote him that letter. "Why," said a friend, "what's wrong with the letter?" "Well," said Nathaniel, "he has directed this Utter to 'Nat' Wil son." "What's wrong about that?" inquired bis friend. "Why," roared Nut. fairly foaming with wrath, "the d d fool bus spelled it with a G !" Do you want to make a Christ mas or New Year present cheap? Cull at Hilbronner's uud exuuaiue 1 their euperior stock. Te.ich.oi8' AnnI liuiitutu. Tho fourthannual Institute of For est county will beheld ut Tiotiesii;. C iinmcncingonTue8day,January 24th, at 10 o'clock A. M.( and continue in session four full days. Teachers are requested to make all necessary arrangements to leave their schools at the lime, and give full and prompt attendance. The law requires you to do so, and it is hoped that every teacher in the county, and those intend ing to become teachers, will attend the institute during its entire session. Thursday the 20th will be called "Directors' Day," set apart for discus sions and questions appertaining to their intercs t. ' Directors and friends of cJujation, wo cordially invite you to TwVor us with your presence and aid. -V- Iustructors and lecturers will be cm loyed, and neccessnry apparatus pro vided, to make the.institute, it is hop ed, both beneficial to teachers, and in viting ft She public. ' S. F. RonRER, Dec. 17, 1S70. County Supt. Hilbronner's, Holidays and Hap- r. 1 .1 ! Tl. .. ptness. v ait auu see meir numi,.; goods. E. L Davis will sell at private gale, cheap, six good wo k horses. They can be seen at David Htiy't tables. Jewelrv, a large amount just re ceived at llilbronnei's forthe Holiday trad . Duu't neglect thii opportunity of buying good jewelry cheap. Hall's Vegetable SicilianIIai Renewer is a splendid dressing for th hair. No other like it. Try it ami judge for yourselves. Holiday Goods at Hilbronner's Callj and ex- going cheap forcash. ,i mi ne. Carpektf.rs, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Jil men, anu oiner ciiizens oi Forest county, who are in want of any thing in the Hardware line, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They are making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf. Fob Sale. 150 acres of laud No. 3142, iu KingtiKy townf-hip, Forest County JL.y chase, will please address the under signed, stipulating the price they will give. James Bleakley, Franklin, Fa. Go to Hilbronner's for all kinds of Holiday Coods. They sell at low figures. Ton Sale. At this office, a schol arship iu the Iron City Commercial College. Must be used by an individ unl living in Forest County. Will be o - sold at a discount. 32-tf. A. H. Steele, Cashier Tioncsta Savings Bank, has been appointed agent for the celebrated " Iumau Line Ocean Steamers," at this place. Any person desirous of going to Europe or bringing friends to this country, will do well to call on Mr. Steele, who will furnish them with all the information required. Motive I havo this dnv Boll! tft .T. J. Fisher. my entire sto'k of goods, varea and merchanilise, iu Tiouesta horough. All persons indebted to me for goods, or otherwise will call aud settle immedi ately and save costs. W. II. Butlku. Tioncsta, IV, Nov. 25, 1870. 3G-3t. For Sale. A superior Rifle, silver mounted, and well calculated for game found iu this county. The price of this gun is $30. Call on, or address i. P, Thomas, Tioncsta, Pa. Furniture bought of me will he oe livered, freight paid, to any station do- ..'.i ;. nt. i ,.i,wi t;i J. Ahrenb. Jr., 'n bv the hoot) ol' Tidioute, Pa to oppose rjabbath School every Sab- bof po 9'0'ciock in thb morning. All are invited B. S. Burton, Pastor. Fon Sale. The house and lauds known as the "Christie Properly," lo cated at Irviuton, Warren Couuty Pa., are for sale. Ttrnw cash or approved security. Apply to John A. Dak, President Tiouesta Savings ihtnk, Tiouesta, Pa. A 61'LENhiD variety of Furniture at Aherns new AYarerooins, Emjiire Hotel Building, Tidioute, Pa. 4-tl You can buy your Furniture, cheap er and better at Ahrens new Furni ture Warerooius, Tidioute, Pa., than any where else in this section. Try it. I W .- i i. i' F i.i.,k. A..'ii i 'A I'A ltll.ll by a simple remedy and Will send tjio ni'-eii-t free. ..Irs. J. C. LEUULTT, Jcrs,y City, N. J. A -fcits, tnnle or fe- JJl'Jv male, in a now muniilrctiirni limitless at home. No capital require'! Address Xovei.TY Co., Nuo, Me. iUI-4- Salesmen Wanted. Iltisincss honorable, eral pay given. B, KI-4t No competition, lib W. KKNNliDY, 8 H. 4th Ht., 1-liiht. 10 MADE. FltOM 50 C TS. Something urgently needed by everybody Call and examine, or siur.plo sent p 'srago paid .or 0 els that retail easily lor $10. K. Ij- Woleott, 131 Chuihrm H i N. Y. 30-4t 100,000 Agents Wanted for HOW WOMEN CAN MAKE MONEY, and other hoRt books In the market. KeKinnev Martin, I50 Chestnut Htreet, Philadelphia. Wl-4t STENTS WASTED FOlt Sexual Scienc Deluding iMai.li oil, Womanhood am. Cltoir mutual interrelation, Love, it., !Vvm, power, Ac., by l'rof, O. S. Fowler. NoTrt'ffir circulars and sbe Im.ii iB'-ex, Address, NATIONAL rUULISniNG CO., I'hiladjlpokt, I'a. 3(1 Jt APCNTC wauted for lleadlev's Ncv.-, HULll I O Frewh HOOK "Haered Heroes and Martvs." Written In the Author's liappiestHlvlo, and surpaxsing his formor work, wliii' h have sold by the lOO.oOO. With Originul Hteei; Kngravings from de signs by our Artist who has spent lliree vear in Bible I.iumIh. Tho Clergy and he Pross are loud in its praise. Agen' -.o making monev rapid , t. 11. Treat 'i., Hub's (i5l !i'lwa'. v. U'J FARMER'S HELPER. hows how to double the profits of the fan- nnd how farmers and their sons can each imko IOO Por Jloiidi. In winter. 100,000 copios will bo mailed ree to f'irmers. Send inline and adore' o ZI12ULUR& MuCU UUY, Philadelpli:r 8 O'CLOCK. 30-ii. TM1IS IS NO UUMBUtl ! 3 5 CENTS 1- liv sending with age, bight, color of eyes and hair, you will reeeive, by return mail, a correct pletnro of your future husband or wife, wun name aim oatooi marriage. Aiuireys W. FOX, P. O. Urawer No. 3i, Fnllon- ville.N. Y. 30 4t LIVK AGENTS WANTED FOR WOMEN OF XEW YORK, OR SOCIAL LIFE IN THE GHAT CITY. Wonderful developments among the aristocracy. ?!rried Mmnen exposed. Ac., ef-c, Trice faa. The bc-t Hook to sell published. The l;Ci lerms iu em but riven. Address, N. Y- Dook ;o., Ho Nassau St., N. Y. -" AGENTS WANTED FOlt Tl I E LI C! UT OF THE WOR LD. iiontidning Fleetwoid's "Life of Christ," m'J aart7rl,hfA?laSlS, -ftVKWHtWW hristmnity j" "History of the Jews," by Josephus; ''History of all religious De nominations," with treatise and tallies re lating to events connected witn mine His tory, eoutttining many tine engravings. l lie wnoie lorming a compieiu ut-"u',T ChriNt'.an Knowledge. W, FLINT, IM S. Seventh St., Fhila. o6-4t UETTINOVP CLUBS. GREAT SRVISG TO CONSUMERS. Parties enquire how to got up clubs. Our answer is. send lor Price List, and a Club form will accompany it with lull di rections, making a large saving to con sumers and remunerative to club organiz ers. The CSroat American Tea Company, ill & 33 VKSEY STREET, P. O. Box 5043. NEW YORK. iiti-4t HSoiiey Quickly Made hv 'activo men and women Betting sub sur'ptioiiH for the great religious and lit erary weeKiy xno .urjBimu union, un ited by IIENItY WARD DEECHER. ITavimr in its corns of Contributors tho ablest tuient of tlio land. A charming Mcrlal story by the world-lamous author ess of 'I'lielo Tom's Cabin." lust bexun. Evcrvsubscriberfor 1871 receives,tlie paper for ei'irht weeks, and the people's iuvorite, Marsnall's Washington, (alone worth ,) I Irco. I Ins ' ,,.. iiiinmiiillud eoniL'M'a- I tioi. iu liikie- Kke wild lire. "? 1' ing well, niiiiiv making from J10 to J30 a duv. Now Is the lull vest times act w isely uud quickly. There iB positively nothing Unit will pay you so won. i opy oi paper, irhaptor ol story and rare terms free, ad- tri fcs A. II. 11 LliUAltu, -iou cuesinui e., Philadelphia. 3U-4W w T A NTEL A J ENTS To soli our new iUustrutedilookof Travele OVEItL.lXI THROUGH ASIA. BvCol. TtTOMAs W, Knot "rp,V, nliisivu valuable exposition ol the countries i fAluski; Siberia. China and Russia as they are to-day. Nateliing our Richardson's "Beyond the Mis is ippi," and Mark Twain's "Innocents Abroad" In slyle, Ac. Send for eircuiar and suo our extra terms. Address AMERICAN PLBLISIIINO CO., 311-4 w Hartford, Conn. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual MARINE, INLAND & FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jan; 1, lRflO, 12,318,32331) (tin 000,000 losses paid since its organi.a un. WM. I1U11LER, Central Ageut, lit Hurrisburg, I'a. MILES "V. TATE, Agent in Ti ouesta, Forest County, Pa. Hrtm H. V. V, Ij A It 1 . , TIDIOTJTE,PA. WATCH MAKER & JEWELER, x Ard Dealer in WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing done ia a workmanlike manlier aud warranted to give satis faction. 4-ly TUB WORK mxtly executed at IhisolBo : reasonable wtes. ADDRESS To the Norveous AND 3D EZBIXjIT-A-T HI ID . WIIOSTCsufrerinirshavo been protract ed from hidden tauscs, and whose coses require prompt troalmcnt to rendor existence desirable ; If you are suffering, or bave sufTored from involuntary discharges, what effect does it produce on your general health? Io you feel weak, debilitated, easily tircdt Does a little extra exortion produce pal pitation of the heart? Docs your liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent ly got out of order ? Is your urine some tunes thick, milky or flocky, or is It ropy on settling? Or docs A thick skum rise to tho top? Or is a sediment at the bottom af ter it has stood awhile? Do you hare spells of short brcalhingor dispepsia? Are your bowels constipated? Do you have spells of frointing, or rushes of blood to tho head ? Is your memory itnparcd ? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Doyoufeol dull, listless, moping, tired of company, or lilo? Do you wish to be left alone, away from everybody ? Docs any little, tiling nmko you start or jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your chock as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the same energy ? Do you feel as much confidence in yousclf? Are your spirits dull and flag. 1 lnr Mven to fits of nreliuK'hol v ? If so. 0'.'BI k, - do not it? It to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restitis nigl.M Yortr lnr-k weak, your knees weak, aill have but .'it tlo appetite, and you attribute this to dys pepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal dis eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of producino a weakness of the generative organs. Tho organs of genera tion, when in porfoet health, make tho man Did you ever think that those hold, dofl ant. energetic, persevering, successful business-men are always those whose genera tive organs are in perfect health? You --. - ,iK wtin nnmnlntn of bebllT melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of the heart. They are never afruid they cannot sueeeod in business j they don't be come sad and discouraged ; they arealways polite and pleasant in tho company of la- die's, and.look you and them right in the face nono of your downcast looks or any meanness about them. I do nat mean those who keep the organs inflated by running to excess. Those will not only ruin thoir constitutions, but also these they do business with or for. How many men, from badly curod dis eases, from the effects of self-ubuse and excess, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that has rodueed the gencal system so much as to produce alniostevoryotherdisea.se idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide, and al most every othor form of disease which humanity is heir to, and tho real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected and havo doctored forall but the right one. Diseases of these organs renuire tho uso of a Diuretic. HELM HOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of tho Bladder, Kidneys, drove!, Dropsy, Organ ic Weakness, Female Complaints, (iener- al Dcbitv. ami J -v Organs, whether existing in Male or Fo- male, from whatever cause originating, aud uo matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to, Con sumption or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and tho health and happiness, ad that of Posterity, depend upon jiroinpt use of a reliable remedy. Hulmbold's Extract Bucliu, established upward of l'J A'ears, prepared by II. T. HELM HOLD, Druggist, b'M Broadway. Now York, and li4 Smith 10th Street, Philadelphia, I'a. Pui i:-$1.2. per bottle or 6 bottles for $d.50, delivered to any ad dress. Sold by ull Druggostsevory where. NONE ARE OEVI'IXE UNLESS DONE TP IX STKL KNO It AVE I) Wrapper, foe-smile of my Chemical Ware house, and signed II. T. U ELM BOLD. t8 1y Tutsi let Mrc Years "Kg Wild Indians Plains, '1 HI-1,1 1-r, in- (i l-.iit i'. i.i.i.n,,.. who lorin a love of wild adven'uro and a thirst lor knowledge of 1 ho Indians the Customs, Sports, Traditions, Wars, Ureal llutl'alo Hunts, ttc., Ac., left a homo of plenty in Ohio, joined the Indians, adopt ed their modo of liie, married the Is-auti-ful Washtelln, beeaiiNe a (ireat Warrior, Hunter nnd Chief of 100 lodges, was ap pointed Lieutenant in the I'. M. Kegniar Army, for meritorious servieo with his braves against hostile Indian. A liook of the most thrilling interest, a reality well authenticated. Truth stranger than 'lift ion Siiiperbly illustrated. 70 engravings, with Kirtrait'of the author, in full frontier cos ume. l'riee low. Should outsell any book extant. (Send ut once for illustrated circu lar, tulilo of contents, snmple pages and terms. A. H. IIL liliAKIl, Publisher. 400 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, I'a. 2rMt. CIIAS. II. SIIEPARD, OKU ERAL DEALDIt I If DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, AND SHOES, ClUKKXSWAIli:. NEW YORK STORE, Centre Street, OIL CITY PA. $1,000 TO $2,000 SALARY WE GUARANTEE TO PAY TO BOOK AOENTS of exicrienee; or a largor commission than is offered by any other Publishers. A Scuts are making $10 to J-liO per week eiinvasMimr for our new Illustrated books. We uunrant Aeents a salary or a large commission, with a choice of twt new and popular hooks and exclusive territory. oolbir a rare chance to energetic men and women to make monev. rsecuroyour airencv tiirnct from ii. ...li.it.., T 1:. l.i-f.i, w I .0-4t Ilartiord, C'ocn. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY VIRTUE of sundry writs of Vendi tioni Exponas, Alias Fieri Facias, and Fieri Facias, issued 'out of the Court of ("'minion Pleas of Forest County, nnd a Testatum Fieri Fa"ioH issued oiit of tho Court of Common Pleas of Venango Coun ty, and to me directed, there will bo ex posed to sa'c bv public vendue or outcry nt tho Ci erf flmse, in the Borough of I h.lli ..Tl M'!. Y, T'KC. 'O'h. LsTf. at M'H k p. in., th.? u .'lowing docribed ,.-sl csiHi.', lo-'.vi! : ,1, s.. .' -siu, vs. II. A. Iinrt. alias I -i. l-:i. No. Ill iv'. I nil l'vt' .!. S. It-Mil vs. I ! . A. Hurt and '. Dale alias I- i. Fn, No. l.s i'ec. Term, 'STO, and -nilbirt McKinley vs. II. A. Hurt. 'i l'i. t'"- ,'"' Term Ib71 McChIihoi i Osincr All llir liet'eiiilan'h' right, title, interest in.'.! claim o, in and to a certain tract of laud situalo in Harmony township, Forest county, I'a., bounded on the north by the county line and Fagundus, on tho east by John Lamb, on th-j west by Duuhip. and on the south by J, I li'iniiiLT. Containing i02 acres more or less, about (H) acres of which are im proved, with one large frame house mid three tenant houses, one saw mill, tun large barns, oil derricks, engine houses, if v., thereon erected, and an orchard there on growing. Also All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the Borough of Tioncsta, Forest county. Pa., bounded on tho north trrelA-lll'gn(nrir,'Vinii?(tllft MrJ"t..lm of J. B. ApiK'W, and on the cast by hind of J,:nies Dawson dee'd. Containing one fourth ot a!! acre, more or less. Willi one frame dwelling hnUJ" about '1 by 'M feet, two stories high, and outbuildings thereon erected. Also All that certain piece or parcel of land fcituate in Kingsley township Forest county, Pa., bounded on tho east iy lands of Wheeler iv Dusennury. and on the north by lands of Wheeler A I'liisenburv, and on the south bv lands of H'hecler if' Msen- btirv.and on the west by hinds or v Heeler A 7useiiburv. Containing 10." acres, inoro or less, being parts of Warrants Nos. 0U1 and .Mil". Taken In execution and to bo sold as the property of II. A. Burt at the nulla of J. H. llooJ und Gilbert McKinley. ALSO E. F. Jones, vs. M. T. Babbitt, and R. McOill Veil. Ex. No. 34 Ah:. Term, IS70 Ijtthy All the defendants' right, title, in terest and claim of. in and to, a certain pieco or parcel of land situate in Harmony township, Forest county, Pa., beginning at a white Oak on the bank of the Allegho ny river a short distance above tho mouth ed' Jones run, thence west by hinds war ranted in the name of Samuel Tullstt to the centre of Jones run valley, thence up the valley of said rtm to tho north lino of the lot, thence east by lands of enry Bazar to a post on the bank of the Allegheny riv er, theneo down said river to the place ol beginning. Containing one hundred acres moro or lea:', being tlio eastern part of a lot of ground surveyed on a wnn :!"t grunt ed to Willium ilaJir December i'l ITDilund iioieiiini 10 Alexin uei iuci auiioiiu Taken in execution and to bo wold as tlio proiieity of M. T. Bab ut and H. MctJill, at tlio suit of E. F. Jones. ALSO A. JT. Steele, Cashier in trust for the Tio ncsta Savings Bank vs. Bennett .hbs and J. A. Ado, Fi. Fa. No. Xi IK: Term, 1K70 Mercillott All the defendants right, title, Interest and claim of, in ami to cer tain pieco or parcel of lanil situate ill Jenks biwnshlp. Forest county Pa., described us follows, to-wit : Part of tract warrant No. f.MI, sulidivision No. 5. Containing one hundred and twenty-seven acres ol land, inoro or less. . also All tnu oen'nuaiiis rc;m, ime, interest and claim of, in and to u certaiu piece or parcel of hum situate in Howe township, Forest county, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to-wit ; Part of trad warrant No. ait'."), sulHlivisioii No. -:l, bounded on tho north by warrant No. 2K1J, on tiio east by sulidivision No. 41, on the south by Miilidivisioii No. 4s, and on tiio west by" sulidivision 42 subdivision num bers being part of tract No. 'Jima horetolore mentioned. Containing one hundred acres, Inoro or less. Taken in exi-cution and to be sold as t' e nroii' iiv of ll illicit Mhbs, ut the suit of A. II. Steele, Cashier iu tritbt lor tho T:nnc-ta Savings Bank, ii run Cadi. F. L. DAVIS, SheriiT. Shi'i ill s llii', Tioucstu, Pa., Jxc S, '' ;!."-.; i. "VV ALLL I I M p n o v K D M A O I C IMPROVED MAGIC IB .A. r: ivl ! W. II. PERKINS fc CO., Solo Propri etor, Fraukliu, I'a. C3 r m V f n -3 rq o S3 86-Ct TRY WELLS' CftBOLIC TABLETS An unfailing remedy for all Bronchial Dif ficulties, Coiil'Iis, Colds, lloiirsene-". Asthma. Diptheria, Dryness of tue Thrrt or H ind Pipe aud all 'Catarrhal diseases. The wonderful modern discovery ol Csr bolle Acid, is destined to beeome n-i of the irreatcst blessings to Hum kind in Us application to disease of the throat and its great curative qualities in ail affections of tho Chest and Lnnes. Ir. Well' t'arholle Tnblcls, besides the crest remedinl ng.mt Carbo'io Acid contains other inirrdicnts iiiiiveraliy recommended, which chemically eoiiibine rodiicing a Tablet nore highly meilic r. al ami i etler adated f ir diseas.-. of tb throat than any preparation ever b'.'fiv.e of fered to tho public. FORCoUOIIS AND COLDS, Wells Carbolic Tablets arc a B17RE CUKE. Try Th-m Hold by Druggists. Sti -lt Local Agents Wanted. vant a I .oca! Agent in ' . vn and Villa te in 'b" ' v. to iiinvass tor S-ir:-- ': . tho WkstKmm W'-u.... iL'iiitbvn' ?".J l'r-!.!-i'l Enirrvin1.' ishcni .',.'- cry mibserilier. 1'r .u ;i - $10.01) can be candy u ... A liberal rash coinui-.-.f i Send stamp lor Y'1""" '' n! lowed I'rire Circular Address, Juiiic I :. I Hi Boston. Mass, DR. JH.A.T'a CELEBRATED COUCH REMEDY n AS been used durinrf the hist lib' in year hy thousand of pe pie tor the specily cure of throat and luim ilisc . It has ben thoroughly tested the von tiio Ti and the eoplo have rend. -i ti,. o-erdict bv piotioun 'inur it s "At i; M i l 1'V. 'I HiiUol i.H and Ell'I-'.C'l I'. i, I VK!Y the best Medicine known i' i i.'-iuj I urn. romplainls. Every p r "t, . r.'M'i-y i:;e all'ic:ed witli either ol t! ' t..iio .i ces, should n-e this pb a hiu icni"iy without delay, invi their voices will so. .ii nimgle With hosts of oth ers in rt.ee miiiendiug ii elllcacy to th. ir utliictc'l tieighbors aiM li-'emN, tiuV Lf: JIuU Lottfjh J;.,ii'l! :l c.irn SrSf" Vie Hull' Cough lieu'Jjj it ouft Croup or llaUlen. tecTCoe JLill Coiifh KcmcJy it n'f. i Aslhma una J'hthttie. JaJf Use Hall's Cough IlemcJy (or Jz- iarrh. "' Use ITaWt Cough liemcdy it atremj- then the lung, fai" Cue Hall's Cough Remedy for Ln.n ; iV jurymmmmammimt Honr&cneiM. Cue Hull's Cough Remedy il slreiig then the voice. t&Uie Hall's Cough Remedy for Whooping cough. It will greatly moilify the violence or this disease and shorten its' tedious course one half from its ordinary duration. Beware of eoiinlerl'cils and bae Imita tions, call lor Dr. P. Hall's Celebrated Coic-di Remedy and kco mat li s writu u signature is upon tho wrapper and direc tions. 6THOXO TK.STIMOXY. We tho undersigned citizensof Erie City and vieinitv, have used Dr. P. Hall's Cel ebrated Coiigh Remedy with griiitsueei.-., iu curing diseasee of the Throat and Luui: and take pleasure In recomiiiondinir its u-e tlio attllcted as a speedy and punctual remedy, fully worthy of public contideu. . James Thompson John Mclhor'i Kr John A Tracy John W McIauio John W Hays Joint It Cochran John R Diimars John M Warren John H Browu S 1. Forster J W Hull Orvlce Smith C Dumais II O Boot, irdwon King, Dan;."! Minor, C B Wright Matiiu'W iiiunilton J W Ryan J MiMiney J W Culver Wm II Mav A M Turball E A Bennett Rolsarn Cochran Daniel Hoar J Robisoii W F ltiuiicrneclit P E Burton Alaiisou Sherwood W 11 Cooper Joseph Deemer Hcuj Orant Lucius A Hull Thus M'Kee W M (oillajlier Chiis W Kel o DP Ensign D Shirk Richard itees . T Ciisn Daniel Iluver C K Kibh t M Mayor J L Long J Hobuisoii 24 Hdas it i'.ni'li C U Howell J Kulshiirv . , Si. LD IN Eft IE ONLY BV P. l!.M MuiiutiicMircr aud so. e propr i-t r. New Buildiie.', Stalest. Pli.i I PER BOTTLE. Sold t.v I', s. UN' CO., Tiouesta, I'a., and by a:'i ut. :. ly. w PROCLAMATION. WllKUKAS, ThcH ilii.rable.l am- ' .1'.. bell, President J mine o: ll.e Co in oi t . moll l'has and tjuarlei t -s ;. n . in an-, tho county of Forest, h:i- i--iu-l , cept for holding a Court of i,..iniii.ii l'i and Quarter Scsstoiis, iVe.. at T.eiiC- ia. : r tlie l.'ounly ol Fcrest, t i-'i.iiii' im-c ui : fourth Moiidav of Dee. uei, !'in.' He 'itilli day ot Dec., 1"70. N. lie is Ua i. Ion riven to the Coroner, JiMiiccs "I Ine I'.-a. e and I'oiisuibles oi Mialcoii'U . !'rif liu-s be thou nn. I tin re in their prj--r . i-a,.. st ten o'cIim k. . M.ol r-uLu lay. nil Hen !n cords, iiiiiiisilion.s, rxaiuiiiii. ' an.! i ..tiler icuicinbrances, to do m - n.-' v. U -b to tlieir otticcs aplM itain t. I"- .1 'i c. .. ,i.i lliose vi bo are In mud in ns- i. . in. e i . i i weenie auiiinsl the prisoner II. ai are j .-i !,... be in liie nil I ot I'orcst r ii' t - ut ua v iheii and llielo to prosecute . a :ii : I ih. in sliall l just, tmi ii .... . . i. y I, n. I and seal tills I'.HIi dav ' V i. ! i ,i E. L. DAVIS. S'. '. 1 M p K o V K 1) M A (J I C JONES house:, CL.1RION, PENN'A. a S. JONES - l'royriotcr. ESTRAY. CI AM E to tlio pici.ii.-.. . .Iu- m:'.-.-!)1' r. J in Oreeii lowuii.p, six lui -.1.:' i. 1 -1 of Tionesitt, on Menilav. .Nov. .. ! ! ,i Kkim i K Bri.i. about i t yetr- ! I, H. a h ll in Ibe b it ear.. 'I'lmaii" i i . . '.un ed to tsiiiie forward, prove ii-;...i. .... charii uud take linn uwa. , "i' Iu1 i.l le dixposed ol uccui'dim; to law. PiiTEK Vvl N.iK. tl'il. NobiMi'i z IV: 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers