' ' I """ " - - -1 41 3 f : i 1 '" Jt rTBLTSIED EVERY TUESDAY, BY w r. DUNN, Wilt In Knox's Building. Elm. Street. TERMS, 2.00 A YEAR. No Subscription received for a shortor period tlian throe months. Correspondence solicited from all p of the country. No notice will bo ten " annonymous communications. Marriages nd I,cttth -,ic08 '"""tod gratis. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONKSTA LODGE, NO. 477, X.O. Or. T. Moots every Wcdnosday evening, at 8 o'clock. . . J. WINANS, W. C. T. M. CLARK, W. S. EWTON PETTIS. MILKS W. TATK. PETTIS A. TATE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, jLlm Wrtrt, . TIOXESTA,rA. Isaac Ash, a TrnnNPV AT T.AW. Oil Cltv. Ta. i WH practice in the various Courts of Forest County. All business entrusted to ail earn will roceive prompt attention, lttly W. K. Lathy, I TTOTtNEY AT T.AW AND SOLICI f TOIl IN BANKRTPTCY, Tionnsta, knri tn.. Pa., will lu-actico in Clnrion, Venaniro and Warren Counties. Olllee on Elm Street, two doors above Lawrence's . roeerj- Htoro. tf. W. V. Mason A TTOHXEY AT LAW. Ofllce on Kim t (Street, above Walnut, Tionostu, Pa. C. W. Gi'.fV.lan, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Ve nango Co., ra. N. Ifc Smiley, A T 1 ORNEY rtT LAW, Petroleum Con l'O In the Courts of Forest County 20 ly Holmes House, .'HMOXF.STA, TA., opposite tho Tepot. X C. I. Mubie, Proprietor, uooa ia . liliiiK connected with the house. tf. Jos. Y. Saul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad dler. Three doors north of Holmes House. Tionosta. Pa. All work is war ranted, tf. Syracuse House, T1TTTlTT'l.' T T .tr 11 f IflffP Pmnlfl. J. tors. Tho house has been thoroughly ..... I 1 . ... llwkrilnuii nnln. ....t.L .1... Ki.nt ,xt uLiwiiiuinrliitlfinH. AllV ' nfonnatlon eoneerninK Oil Territory at IlllS DOlIll Will UU CUVVI Hill mi iimnvn. . .jv J, Ji D. MAGEE, Exchange Hotel, t nwrn ttdtoi;tE. ra.. TVS. Rams Li dkki.ASos Prop . This house having Iwen relited is now the inontdeHiraVileMtop pini place iu Tidioute. A (jood Itillmid Jioo.'n attuclicd. 4-ly ' National Hotel,' " ' TUVINETOX, TA. W. A. llallonback, . Proprietor. This hotel is Ni:w, and U w open as a first cla-s liouso, situnte at oe lunetion of the Oil Crock A Allei;heny stiver and riiiladelplila Krio ll:iilronds, ppoNite the Pepot. Parties having; to lay ver trains will find this the most conven nt hotel in town, with first -class accom modations and reasonable .hnrces. tf. Tim Sons 4 Co.'s NEW ENGINES. ThounderslRnod have for sale and will receive orders for the above Engine. Messrs. Tifft Sons A Co. are now sending to this market their 12 llorse Power Engine with 14-Horse Power .Holler peculiarly adapted to deep wells. OKKH'Ks at Duncan A Clmllaiit's, dealers In Well Fixtures, Hardware, Ac, MainiSt. text door to Chase House, Plea-santville, sndnt Mansion House, Tltusvillo. . tf. K. 1JKETT A SON, Agents. John K. Hallock, A TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of xY Patents.No. 5H.i French strect(opposito Jleed House) Erie, Pa. Will practice in thesiveral Slate Courts and the United Htutta Courts. Special attention given to solicltl- patents for Inventors : Infrinco- uiontb. ro-issue and extension of patents ,ncreful I v attended to. Keterenees: lion, '.mines ('iiiiinhrll 'Clarion ! Hon. John H. Met'almont. Franklin: H. L. A A. R. Richmond. Meadviile: W. E. Lathy. Ti- onesta. 2 7 Dr. J. L. Acom,b, nilYSTCIAN AND SURGEON, who has i had fifteen years' experience in a larpe and successful' praetieo, will attend all Professions! Calls. Otllce in his lrug and '(irocorv Store, located in Tidiouto, uoar Tidioute House. IN HIS STORE WILL BE FOUND A full assortment of Modicines, Liquors Tobtteo. Clirars. Stationery. Glass. Paints, 'Oils Cutlery, and tine Groceries, all of the UkisI fluidity, and will be sold at reasonable I Kilfl. 11. R. BURGESS, an experienced Drug gist from New York, has charge of the iiore. All prescriptions put up aocuratoiy, it. W. P. Mercilliott, A 1 ( u r u r n t Ii w JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, AND Itllll, FATATK Aa:xT. TJ QXESTA, PA. 27-tf JOHN . DALl . PRE S T. OHN A. PROPtR.VICIPntST. A.H.tTCtLl, CSMR TIOISTIBjST-A-SAVINGS BANK, Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa, This Rank transa Ui a General Banking, i 'niiuetlniT ami Kxi'baniro Business. Dimis on the Princiiial Cities of the 1'iiiiert Suites and Europe bouirht and sold Colli nii,l Silver Coin and Government Securities bought and sold. "-:' Bonds converted on the most favorable terms, Interest allowed on time deposits. Mar. 4, tf. XOTIt'K. TR. . J. N. BOLARD. of Tidioute, h XJ returusd to his practice after an ab Hence of four months, spent in the Hospi tals of New York, where will attend calls in liis profcsMon. ortlce in Eureka Drug Store, 3d door above the bank, Tidioate, Pa. 4ttf JOB WORK qcatly executed st t-hisoffkw at reasonable rates. FOREST M Let Ua hivo Faith VOL. III. NO. 37. GREAT EXCITFMENT ! at tho'Store of D. S. KNOX, it CO Elm St., ionesta P. We are in daily receipt o tbel arg tatand MOST COMPLETE atock CJROCKKIES ; " and rnovisioxs, EVER BROUGHT TO THIS M AIKET BOOTS & SHOES I TOR TUB MILLIONS! which we are determined to soil regardless of prices. AND House Furnishing Goodu, Iron, Kails, Machine tools, Agricultural Implements, Ac, Ac,, Ac, which we offer at greatly re duced prices. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! ! of all kinds, PAULOR SUITS, CHAMBER SETS, LOUNGES, WHATNOTS, SPRING BEW3, MATRESSES, LOOKING GLASS ES, Ac, Ac, Ac, In ENDLESS VARIETY. Call and see, tf D. 8. KNOX, A CO. DEALER IN IMOS ORGANS, IKECCEO AND Has csl Instruments of all Descriptions, PIANO & ORGAN STOOLS, SPREADS, &c. Old and second hand instruments taken in exchange for new ones and lull value allowed. EVERY INSTRUMENT WARRANTED. Ceuler Street .... Oil Cltjr, ra Nov. 11. tf. H. V. CI.. A It It, WATCH MAKEn a JEWELER, Aid Dealer in WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Repairing done in a workmanlike manner and warranted to give satis faction. 4-ly ESTRAY. CAME to the premises of the subscriber, in Groon township, six miles southeast of Tionesta, on Monday. Nov.ilst.a Daks: ItiuNULB Bill alxut two years old, with a s it in the lelt ear. Tho owner is requir ed to come forward, prove property, pay charges and hike him away, or ho will bo disposed of according to law PETE EH YOUNGK, 64-3t. euros k Pa. i JVfcV. 1. UU WITT lALMAOK, The most Popular Preacher iu America. Agents wanted everywhere, male or fe male, in sell this urcat work, is better than Mark Twain, and no trouble to sell. 't i ..,!? Jd r wruis ana illustrated li pane uirifultir, Evans, fctoddart A Co. Pub Ushers, No. 740 Sansom St-, Philadelphia. 03-41 I iru Tle Republican Office rrirps eonstantlv on hand a larce as l ...rimaiit ot Hlaiik Doeds. Morlnak'"". Subro?nas. Warrants, hommons, Axi., to t soU ctsirp f"T csi. tf. that Right makes Might ; and in TIONESTA, PA., Brot llarto, in Overland Monthly. PENELOPE. (SIMPSON'S BAR, 18.ri3) So you'vo kem 'yor agon, And ono answer won't doT Well, of all tho derned men That I've struck, it is you. Sal I 'yer's that domed fool from Simp son's cavorttn' round 'yer in the dew. Kem In, ef you ri7f, Thar quit I Take a cheer. Not that you can't fill Them thoor cushings this year For tliat choor was my old man's Joe Simp son, and tuoy don't make such men about yer. no was tall, was my Jack, And as strong as a tree. Thar's his gun on the rack Jest you heft it, and see. And yon cotnc acourtin' his wlddcr. Lord! where can that critter, Sal, bo 1 You'd fill my Jack's place 1 And a man of your size With no baird to his face, Nor a snap to his eyes And nary Sho! thar! I was foolin I was, Joe, for sartain don't rise. Sit down. Law I why, sho I , I'm as weak as a gal. Sal 1 Don't you go, Joe, Or I'll faint sure, I shall. Sit down anyu heer, where yon like, Joe iu that cheer, If you choose Lord, Where's Sal ! QUALITY HILL. Mrs. Woodstock sat in tlie middle of the room, with her feet on the round of the chair, and her ringers in her cars. "I like to hear thunder well enough; I don't know but what I do. I am not any afraid of that. But I be scart of liirtninir." said she starting as the heavens blazed over with a sheet of flame in instant dory, with a crash and roar that fouud its way through her fat fingers,'and through two wads of pink cotton, bursting on her ear like the trump ot doom. " Mercy on me 1" shrieked Mrs. Woodstock, "that struck. Now you may rely on it, as sure as you're a liv ing creature, that struck. Mr. Spouoru s old sorrel horse, the only living creature in sight, made no reply, but kept on nibbling away at the white clover on the green uetore the door. He only turned his back to the driving rain, that flew from west to cast, so last and so heavy, it was more like a bank of fog than moving drops of water ; and gave a passing shiver when the rain-fuU changed to hail.and rattled down in stones as large as bird's eggs, But Mrs. Woodcock was above the blind trust of the beast; so, pale and trembling, she pressed her hands tight er over her ears, and looked at a spi der's web in tho darkest corner of the room &i steadfastly as if she were sit ting f r her photograph. The thunder growled itself to sleep at last, the lightning flashed its life away, and the sun broke out like a sud den smile on a baby's face. Still the unconscious Mrs. Woodcock held on to her cars and gazed at thn spider's web until the outer door was flung open, and the chore-boy shuffled in. He was a hempen-haired, butcrmilk eyed lad of fifteen, who was either half-witted or balf-crazed possibly both. "Ho ! Aunt Prissy," he cried, "what are you keeping Independence for, the day after fourth ? It has all come off clear as new cider and vou are wasting your time sitting there like a 'statute.' You better be mending my panta loons. As he spoke a sudden sunbeam dart ed through the western window, and flashed athwart the corner. If there isn't a cobweb right in my kitchen !" quoth Mrs. Woodcock, ds libt.ratrly putting down her fingers and feet and going for a wing -a gray goose wing that hung by a strip of red cali'o on a nail behind the door.,,. Oh r You eoiue, Urson I W here did it strike ?" lie continued, appear ing to discover tl'.o grinning boy. "I ho hail struclc everywhere, par ticularly on Dr. Seacrest's grape vines. haven t heard af the thunder struck at all. not even on some folk's ears," returned Orsons who was mainly com posed of a pair of overgrown bare feet, blue cotton frock and overalls, a set of broad white teeth, and a weather beaten hat with wide slouching brim. "Yor. don t mean to say the doctors grape vines are hurt essentially, do vou T" Queried Mrs. Woodcock, deaf to the unpertineuce as sue iiaa Deen to list the thunder, "Don't know nothing about no es sences." replied Orson, who was foud of long words, but not clear as to their use. "But 1 can tell you one thing, though. You ought just to see the doctor s new grape vines he set so miiuW hj. The leuuoiis d ynnntr grapes are fairly chewed to bits. Yes' in. I don't expect five hundred dollars in gold would put it baok to where it w as an hour ago. "How you talk!" gasped Mrs. Wood cock.who liked to have things happen and the worse thev happened the bet sho liked it Sb m a kind-hearted R EPUBLICAN. that Faith let us to tho end, dare do our duty as ve understand TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1870. soul, but something to talk over was worth as much as her dinner. "But it is so?" she continued doubt fully, "Really and truly, Orson? Now speak the truth, just ezactly as it is." Orson had as much idea of truth as he had of geology. "Yes'm, said he, getting bolder, "The doctor said to me, Orson Larcly," said he, I wouldn t have this damago ment done to my vintonage, not if you had offered me a five hundred dollar bill right in my hand." And then he looked as sober as anything, and walk- ed straight into the house. I law A I KT.:CV, .11 1 U 'l -I'D U J'L II T, 1.1 dow, and she was crying like fury. r You ought to take a look at it your self, Aunt Triasy, if you don't believe me, he continued, in an aggrieved tone. . ' Mrs. Woodcock did not believe him entirely, to be sure, but there might be something worth seeing; so, after a little reflection, she decided that it would bo handy to have a dose of salts and senna in the bouse, and sho might as well step up to the doctors, and gct.it then as any time. 1 here was no need for the grass to dry, for Mrs. Woodcock's chocolate and the white calico, guiltless of a panier and innocent of a trail, did not even brush the broad plantain leaves and the fairy speed-well blossoms bor dering the well-trodden toot-path that led from her door-step right into the world ; and her heavy calt-ekin shoes squeaked to scorn the idea of "wetting through. So she tied on her log cabin sunbon- nct that had pert calico bow pros pecting from the top, took her crook ed handle umbrella, to act the double part of supporter and protector, and set out not to seek her fortune, but to seek somebody's misfortune. I ho way to Dr. bcacrest s was across the gicen, away from the black cotton mills, down by the river ; away from the street of fctiff while cottages, where the mill operators lived ; away from the enmmou place, two story dwellings clustering around the church, the store, the blacksmith's shop, and the post office; to a bit of level -slightly re moved from "The Hollow" by a dop ing hill. Here were scattered a group of houses where tho doctor, the mill owner, the minister, and two or three prosperous farmers lived. Lived, so the Hollow people said, "stuck up" and apart from their neighbors. But this aristocratic isolation was all the work of the Hollow, for as Mrs, Woodcock often said : "Folks can choose their own place in the world. It they have a mind to hold up their heads aud be something and somebody they can be, or they can be nobody and nothing. Either one." Accoadinglv she held up her bead and made nerself somebody, equally in the kitchen of Mary Duffy, the the Irish laundress, in Speck Lane, at the lowest dip of, the Hollow, and in the parlor of the spactnus mansion that crowned the brow of the "Quality Hill.' So now she went up tle wide, flower-bordered walk leading to Dr. Sea- crest's stately doorway, with . the ,8. surance of a welcome guest; and zap ping confidently on the open door, stepped in with a little nod and cour tesy, as much of respect to herself a of deference to Mrs. Seacrcst ""d her laughter Miriam, sitting sewing and looking tranquil as though no storm had ever passed over either vineyard or spirit, ' m , "Dear me ! Is it you. Mrs. wood cock? How you startUd niel Come in. We were speaking of you nut a half an hour ago," cr'ed Mrs. Scacrest, who was a lively roraiai woman, as round and flushed s a poppy ; and al ways sitting in tha suushine, no mat ter what clouds Jiere might be in the sky. Mrs. Woodcock came in. "Unite a shower we hate had." said she, drop ping upon a velvet sofa Willi an air ot being very miien at nome ou veivci. X uoto-4, s I 4ame. ainnfr. nr. iiui bert's oats are beaten Hut, aud J shouldn't wonder if a good deal of in jury bad been done by the hail." "Very likely," repled Mrs. Seacrcst, serenely. "The hailstones were very large. Hut it has come on neauuiuiiy now, and the air seems so much purer for the storm. Some people wight have felt rnt aside at this bvt not Mrs. Woodcock. She perceived that something Jay under this placid suriaec, and never ocg troubled Ay excess of delicacy, proceed at once-to senti out her blood-hounds. "llw was it here?" said she, boldly. " Anything damaged about jour gMiiuds." "The dahlias, some of them are bro ken off didn't father say ?" responded Mrs. Seaerest, appealing to her daugh ter. "And. I think, some class was broken in the hot house. The doctor has just ordered a different style of bash, so theso aie out the way just in time." i Everything was always fish tha. came to Mrs. Seabrest's nest. "Tisn't that," said Mrs. Wood-'ock to herself. "Something hcavie than hailstone is on her mind." So shestartcd'another rt "Heard from Earnest lately ?" she ?ked. "Not very long since," repliod Mrs. Scacrest, carelessly, but with the fuint est shadaw of a shade slipping across her sunny faco for an instant. "That is it, eald the visitor, inward ly, nodding approvingly to herself. For it is not everybody who would have had the skill to touch upon the sore spot so soon. But before sho had decided on lief next question, Mrs. Scacrest spoke again. "We are expecting bim home soon, Mrs. Woodcock with bis wife." "His wif'el" cried Mrs. Woodcock. Even with her discerning forethought, she was not prepared for this announce ment. Ernest Seaerest being yet a junior in the State University. Miriam looked steadily upon her work with a flushing look of painful annoyance, but her mother s tone was as blithe 58 ever. "Yes said she, "Ernest is young, isn't he? But, after all, he is as old as I was when I married. Our chil dren take us by surprise, coming to be men and women so much sooner than we expect." When do you look for him themr faltered Mrs. Woodcock, too much bewildered for her usual aptness of questioning. , "Almost any time; 1 snail not ue surprised if they come to-day,"answer-ed Mrs. Seaerest, not able to conceal some nervous dread. Not a dread that the married pair might arrive before Mrs. V oodcock should go away, with her long eyes, deep ears, and broad tongue 1 Oh, no I Mrs. Woodcock would have scorned herself with coutemptuous scorning if such unworthy jealousy had crossed her self-assured mind. So she sat, and sat, and sat, and sat, while Mrs. Seacrett sewed, and sewed, and sewed, and sewed. Miriam, evidently unable to bear the slow torture, soon found an errand to her chamber, and fouud no reason for returning. "Wasn't your son s marriage a little sudden to you ?" asked Mrs. Wood cock, as soon as she had collected her ideas. "Somewhat. But it is so much bet tcr f a young man to settle upon some one yonir lady rather than fall into a habit of flmW," replied Mrs. Seaerest. with a cheerful ttsraction "And I have alwavs been in favor of early marriages. Where people want till their habits are crystalized, it is much harder adapting themselves. Mrs. Seacrest's sentence was brought to an untimely end by the stopping of enrrinrre at the eato e doctor's carriage, too, with the doctor himself to drive. "So it seems she krew all the time they were coming '9 dy. though she made it so vagtio ami mere a wan, as mv good ature would have it, in the mid-' of the home coming, said Mrs. woodcock, aiterwurd, in relating the story lo Mademoiselle r Wide"'. Mtdemoissalle Widger was the mil- Ijjer who lived only three doors from Woodcock, and said "mon Dieu, to appear like a Frci.ch woman. Sh was equally tond ot a cup ot tea and adietiot gossip, and made ail Airs, Woodcock s bonnets tor nothing. "So there I sat and saw it all," ror. sisted Mrs. Woodoock. "Anu what do you think Mademoiselle, but Ernest came in with a lady on bis arm older than bis mother." "My wife," said he, "and vou might knocked me over with one of vour feather poppies. There was never such a surprise in Throck morton before." Mon dicu! cried Mademoiselle, with a little foreign scream. "Did you lenrn how it happened f "No more than the Heart,' ropneu . . ... Mrs. Woodcock, solemnly, "Mrs bea crest tried to pass it oft' with her smooth it away manner, but she couldn't de ceive me. I could see she had hard work to keep her feelings in. But there she poiiMl tea and rnssed the cake to that old thing as smiling as the moon. She i such a hand to cover up, and maie as though every thing is just right that happens to her." "So yo" Bla'J to lunch?" queried Madoiosello, helping herself to a third cup f that beverage lrom Mrs. Wood cock's round black pot as she spoke. "cs, they asked me, aud 1 didn t wait to be urged. I thought it would bo a good chance to see the bride, how she looked, and how she appeared." "Well, how was it?" asked tho mil liner between her sips of tea. "She appeared well enough, far as that went, if she hadn't seemed old enough to be bis grandmother. You know Ernest ' muster young looking for his years and I dou t suppose he is a day over twenty." "Mon dieu! But didn't you have any surmise how it. happened to tuko placf t" pursued. Mademoiselle. Well, I supposn she must have been vorth property," return Mrs. Wood cock, who, like a wise ganeral, never acknowledged a defeat. "But for all that, I don t commend it in him, and I bad as lief tell him so at his dinucr - table." While thus the hidden affairs of tho doctor's family were beinj ditim! if-LINCOLN. $2 PER ANNUM. and stirred up in the Hollow, as a hen stirs among dead leaves, on the Hill they were being carefully covered over .1 J .t 1 . T1 I .1. t- J T. line uie losi xaoea in uie noun, n was never the Scacrest fashion to parade the family skeletons like fami ly jewels. So they ate, and drank.nnd tried to look at the elderly bride with out shuddering. But her age was not the worst of it. She was homely. And her homliness was not the worst, she was stiff and un attractive in manner as well as person. And it was hardly the consolation that, perhaps it should have been, to per ceive the unlimited fondness that the boy bridegroom had for his aged com panion. For it is really a comfort, though a sraalll one, to see our friends chafe under degradation. Accepting slavery with contentment makes the captive twice a slave. However, the less the family felt like saying sweet things, the more they pressed tho sugared cake.the ice cream and the strawberries upon their new member. IJut all this tune there was something in the back-ground wailing to be brought forward, and it was the bride who had the courage llrst to touch it. "Ernest," she began, with tho dom nant air of an elderly aunt, "an cx planation is due your father and moth er and sister," she added, glancing sharply at Miriam, who was fairly sea sick with disgust, and sorrow, and mortification. "Yes. Lily, tell them." answered Ernest, looking at her as though she were sugar candy. The idea of calling that old, black, greasy thing "Lily 1" "The truth is, then, said ijiiy, turn ing her withered face away from Ern est as though it cost her an effort, "by the uncle from whom I had my money, unless 1 married belcre a certain date, I lost it all. And a kitiHtnan, who was heir-at-law, was very anxious to iu. lierit it. "The old cur wanted Lily himself," interposed Ernest, "and he thought, if ho got the property, he Would be sure to get her. At any rate, he was re solved to have that. This was why we had to be so secret." Mariam fairly groaned ; and even fairy-hearted Mrs. Scacrest dropped her napkin-r;ng on the floor, and came up from htooping for it with wet eyelashes. Jo think that Ernest had sold himself for this woman s gold I So Mrs." Woodcock oown in the Hollow was right after all. But, as though she suspecled the na ture of their thoughts, Lily went on : ' I had some trouble in persuading Ernest," said she, looking at him fond ly through her blue glasses, while she patted her gray curls and settled her cap. ("I knew you had !" ejaculated Miriam, inaudibly.) "He had a fool ish notion it would be more heroic to take me after I had lost my property. But I had a right to it, and I wanted to keep it." "We had a jolly time, though, dodg ing old Drymar. He is about discov ering now, Lily, that he isn't so sharp as he thought ho was," said Ernest, bursting into a joyous laugh that no body felt the heart to join in. Then he took from his pocket the marriage certificate, dated that very day. It seeu.ed he had tclcpragl""1 his father to meet him aud his wift-at the fetation not more than Uv,MiiUutea aiiei w. had becomo bis wife. . "We had to turn, pretty sharp cor ners to keep out of Drymar's way," continued Ernest still chuckling. "He thought he had Lily safely locked in her room while he went for a justice, thinking he could frighten her into a marriage with him, or at any rate.keep her away from any other man till the day had gouo by. But Lily was better at nicking locks than he thought; and sho came to me, ror thing, bo out of breath and frightened ! Ernest 8 voice grew tender and piti ful at the thought, and ho took Lily's hand in his with a caressing gesture, "I have loved her ever since I have been iu college, and she knew il, but we had to keep it to ourselves on old Drvmar's account. And I was dying to marry her ; but I didn't liko the idea of marrying for money exactly. How ever, there wasn't auy help for it then, mother, you see. Drymar was her le gal guard'aii until she married, or was of a certain age. So chum and I fixed her up in a bridal dress, and here we are I" Upon that, the irrepressible young bridegroom got tip and kissed his bride, then led her from the ruoni,say ing over his shoulder : . . "We will bo back directly." When ihey were gone, a sorrowful sigh bubbled out of the mother's soul. "Poor boy 5" she said, "bis heart is all right, and I cannot blame him." I "I blame him for Julliuir iu love with j bis grandmother in the first place," said Mariam, severely. "And her having money makes it more horrible. I It seems so sordid, even though we may ' know better." Almost before she had done speaking they heard Ernest's step on the stairs ami d his voice in such lo jving, huppy tones, that it sent a fresh paiu through , the listeners. j Then be appeared with his bright, curling bead and bis sunny eyes, so like his mother', lint with hiss raw, Rates of Advertising:. One Square (1 Inch,) one lnsertIon....f1 fi UntH'junr, " one moniii a isj ' na Wquare ' three months. ..'ft 00 One f'liiars " one year 10 00 Two Squares, one year 15 10 Quarter C'oi. & v ralf " " fi" w One . . " " W 00 Business Cards, not exceeding one 'Inch n length, $10 per year. Legal notices at established rate. These rates are low, and no deviation ill no made, or discrimination anions; patrons. Thft rates offered are such, will nutke it. to the ailvrtntniioof men dot t business in the limits of the circulation of the paper to advertitie liberally. instead of thn wrinkled old bride, a fair-faced, blushing girl with a shower of golden hair, and all the beauty and happiness on her sweet face. A lily truly, beautiful and pure. "We had to hx her up that way, chum and I, for fear old Drymar would meet us," cried Ernest, with a burst of boyish delight at the astonish ed and relieved faces of the family ; and it baa been such fun to watch Mirriara this evening. Father and mother kept it better." "Moudicu! Do you can that lit tle creature old enough to be Ernest's grandmother?" whispered Mademoi selle Widger to Mrs. Woodcock, lean ing over the pew, railing on the nest Sabbath, as the Scacrests came into church. Mrs. Woodcock took ofT her glasses, wiped them, and looked again. "Mercy on me! And I sat as near her that day as I am to the minister now! How a body's eyes will deceive them!" sho cried. Harjicr't Magating. A Strange Story. A Washington Fpecial dispatch to a New York paper contains this para graph: The Secretary of the Interior bos been called upon to decide upon th authority given him by the Jaws of Congress in regard to the return to l i" r i . !- itrriQa oi negroes rccapiiircu irom stivers by the United States, in a case whose lacts are stranger than hction. In 1859, the Wanderer.a slave-trading vessel was captured by a United Slates war-vessel cruising among the est Indies. The cargo of captives was found to be in a horrible condition, and on that account the commander of the cruiser took the Wanderer to Savannah, instead of waiting to make- a northern port. bile lying there the slaver was boarded by a desperate gnng, by whom the the captives were retaken and scattered immediately through the South, so that they could not be found again by the Government. Since the war a part of this company of negroes has gathered at Mobile, forjicd a society by themselves, pre serving their native language and Jiv ing apart from the freedom about them. They are said to bo industri ous nnd thrifty. They desire to be sent back to their native country; but Secielary Cox, before whom, the ques tion first came, did not see bis way clear to provide for their return, under a law thaj. never contemplated such n case, anil Secretury Delano is embar rassed in the tntne way. The circum- ' stances appeal to Congress, if tfaw as it stands is insufficient he little band is of a tribe called Yorcubans. Rev. A. D. Phillips. returned mis--sionary to Africa, y addressing a on gregation of colled people at Mobile two years ago, happened to recite the Lord's .Prayer in Yorcuban, in the hearing of some of tiis company, who, hearing their native touguo, came aroaud him and mode knhwn the cir cumstances of their capture and subse quent history. It seems they were traders of iiifluen-e and high position in Yorctiba. Ttey were captured by Dahomeys and placed on the Wander er near Porto oo. It is also repre sentpii '" ""y 'her freedmen de sire to bo returned to Africa. A Sensible Yountf 4an Tho late Col. Colt was himself . practical mechanic. By his will twv. left to his nephew an immense fortune. At the time of Colt's death the uephevr was learning his trade of machinist in his uncle's shop, working dilligently in bis overhauls by day, subject to tho same rules as other apprentices. Ou his uncle's death he became a million aire ; but choosing a gurrdlan to man. age his property, he continued at bis lttbor and served his apprenticeship. Now as he walks tho rooms of his fine bouse, or drives his handsome team ho has a consciousness that it bis riches take to themselves wings and fly away, be is furnished with tho means of get ting an honest livelihood, and mny make a lortune lor hunseli. ntwasa greusy mechanic and is not ashamed of itagain. Labor and it accompanying dirt are not dishonorable nor degrad ing ; laziness and its almost necessary evils are disgusting und destroying. Dirty bands and a sense of independ ence are to bo preferred to kid gloves and a consciousness of being a mere drone in tho human hive. Tools rust from neglect; wear out from use. Neg lect is criininul ; use is beneficial. So with man's capabilities better wear them out than let them rust. The amount of cash required for tho North (iernmn army is about one milium dollars per day. As the war bus lasted not quite lour months, so far, about one hundred and fifteen millions of dollars have been expended fur pay. Olive Logan threatens to "strip off the mystery that surround'' the girls." A ooteinporary in an all'rigl t exclaims, "For goodness, Olive.dou'l!" -A lifo insurance policy in the Washington costs something because It i wnk a msl JI.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers