TUESDAY MOANING, WOV, 8. . BOROUGH OFFICERS. HurifMi-n. B. Kio. Ctein7nm Jacob Hhrlver, JurobWcnk I). W. rlark,oo. W. Sawyer, J. ll.Htrnup. Jnrlire of the retire XV. P. Mereilliott, )n.itabl'e J. N.Teitsworth. dWioot Director J. Winans, W. F. Tlun t'r, 1). 8. Knox, J. A. Propor, Jaoob blirlvcr. FOREST COUNTY OFFICERS. , President Judqe-r Jambs CAPaEl.l .' An'oriate Judges W. 11. Coon, J. A. 1'HOl'KH. . fihn-iff-K. I- IUVls. . JH.itrict Attorney W. W. Maioii, Trewure J. P. Hiooims. frothonotary, Kegiitcr A Recorder, f c. 3. II. AONKW. ( ,i hi m w i'o n r m A . Tl ROOT, Ii X J. K L MOTT, N. P. WllRKLKR. Ovtnfy fSuperintendrnt 8. F. Ronncn. Jury 'tbinmiMi'oncM Jab. Gilfilliak, A. Cook. Ounnti Surveyor S.1J. Irwiw. (broner JokIAH Winans. CtounfV rftor U. II. StoWE, Ii. Lh Hack kit, K.li Holeman. Member of Congress 11KA District Q. W. Scohki.ii. Afcife AV-norH W. A. WALLACE. Asstwbly John . Hai.u O. C. A A. R. R. TIMETABLE, OOIMU WORTH. Arrive. Popart. "fall l.lWp.m. l.iji. m. Uxprc 6.:7. 111. 0.40 p. ni. - OOl X Q HOl'Tll. Arrive Dijriart. E press 10.(U a. m. 10.07 a. in. Mall 8.1(1 p.m. 8.ip.ni. LOCAL AND MISCELLANEOUS. M. E. Sabbath School every Sab bath at 9 o'clock in tbe morning. All .are invited. 8. S. Bcrton, Tastor. D. S. Knox & Co. are doing a bijr business in tlio way of selling lurni. ture, but havo still a spleudid assort went on band. They sell cheap, and consequently soil a great deal. Tlio Venango County Teachers' IustUute is iu session at Franklin this -week, and is to closo on Friday. Sev eral prominent educators aro present, and wo have no doubt but tho session will provo a profitable ono to all in at tendance. "Wo were glad to see Mrs. Brett formerly of this place, but now of Ti- tusvi'le, iu town Inst week, on a visit, rihe counts her friends here by the score, and is always enthusiastically welcomed back by her old time neigh, bors. -On Thursday evening last a heavy frost fell in our vicinity, and on Fri- diy morning we noticed several boy coasting on the hills north of our of- t co. They made rupid progress down the hills, hnd lots of fun, aud remind d us that winter is close at hand. Hallowe'en passed rather more iu!ct!y than usual in Tioncota, this year. We noticed a crockery crate up against a lawyer's door the next mora- in;;, with his shingle displayed upon it, but be.'ido this we saw nor heard of 110 mischief being done. Mr. Barnes, of Oil City, favored us with a short call on Wednesday last. lie takes orders for French and American Confectionery, manufactured bv J. S. Adamson. at Oil City. If - J . those confectioneries left on our table by Mr. Barnes, are samples of what he can furnish, wo think our merchants .?an do no better than to patronize him. Hon. J. I). McJnukin, of Frank lin, is favorably mentioned as a candi xlate for Speaker of the House of Rep- rcsen tatives. He was one of the ablest and most popular members of the late Legislature, and will be a strong can lidate for the Speakership. Public examination of teachers was held in the school house in .this place on Friday last. School-ma'ams were numerous. Hard questions were .asked by the Sup't. aud auswered with rase by the school-ma'ams. Our edu rational interests aro all right as long as the teachers who examined liereare unmarried. We saw W. W. Diraond putting up a small building next his black smith shop the other day. By dint of inquiry we found that it was a coal Jiotise; and William remarked "right at us," that he "was going to have Jock on it because it Mas so near the J riiiting Ullice; llsrcatter all our Macksmiihing goes to Fagnndas. The following are tho names of tbe 1 iflicers elected at the last meeting of the I. O. G. T., and who will be in Hulled on Wednesday evening next W. C. T ., Dr. J. Winans ; W. V. T. Mrs. Kathturn ; W. P., M. Clark ; W, F. S., Mrs. Koberts; W. T., Laura Winans; W. M., Mis. Kiddle; W. C. Hev. Burton ; W. I. C, Jennie Mc iJary ; W. O. G., Tyrrell. Al. Partridge "sold us" a pair o boots the other day. e had to no nut of the fctore to try them on. Al j. ut three pairs of insoles iu them and laid us they were & good fit; also said (hat they wold keen our feet dry. We took the boots; broke ihem in com Jortobly in about hve minutes ; wo wear them when there ain't much of a rouJ in town; and Iiave hired an istra room in our landlady's house to keep then iu 011 court Httks. ' HHlm mrntim iiixmii Jt"!T"m A wjatch tinker, calling himself Theo. Dexter, mado his appearance in Tio'ncsta something lees than three months ago, and up to tho time of his his departure, did quite a flourishing business. However, he seems to have been dissatisfied with tho amount of Currency he was hauling in, and on Wednesday last "he folded his tent like the' Arab, and silently stole away.1" He took with him, to defray incidental expenses, a gold watch and guard, be longing 16 J)r, Winner, valued at $150, a watch of. Mr. Hackett's, worth, we suppose, about (50, a heavy silver watch of Nelson Cole's, and a number of time-pieces and considerable jewelry belonging to his customers. He is also under obligations to Mr. Proper, of the Tionesta House, to the tune of (51. lie left his jewelry boxes here, aud car ried all the missing goods away in his pockets, with the exception of Mr. Proper's victuals. This is the second tinker who has softly glided away from our vision, under like circumstances, and yet our hearts yearneth fondly for some one else to take us in. Where is the next lucky tinker? A social dance was held in Forest Hall on last Friday evening. Wo were not present, but understand that a pleasant time was had by those who attended. One thing we wish to men tion here, which, however, had no con nection with the dance, and that i this: As wo were passing, we heard some boys on the sidewalk, outside the hall, indulging in some very profane and ob scene language.. If the parent of these boys cannot bring them to know more about common decency than this, they should be interviewed by some cf our borough officers. Those keeping files of tho KEri'B Lie an will probably notice that the volume has been wrongly marked for some time past. XSy consulting the files we find that the volumo number was changed in the paper dated Aug. 23d. Before that time, since the com mencement of the present volume, it was marked Vol. III. Since that time, until we took charge of the paper, it has been marked Vol. IV, which is in correct. Exactly how this happened. we can't understand ; but it's all right now. Advertisers auU others who file the paper will mako a note of this fac Dr. Winner has cleaned out the -well on the Jamison Flats, aud it is now yielding five barrels of oil per day,- This well was put down last year, and yielded at one time 25 bar rels per day, but the production at length decreased so as to oblige the proprietors to shut it down. Dr. Win ner proposes to torpedo it soon. We hope it will prove a good well, as the Dr. has put down quite it number of wells during the past year, and has not made any very big strikes. We have received 'Peters' Musi. oal Monthly for November. It is un doubtedly the best Musical periodical published, one number contains mu sic to tho amount of a year's subscript tion $3.00. Its contents for Novcm her are: v Lord, Teach us how to Pray ; 1 sacred song or quartet. It you ve a Father's love for your Child ; song and chorus. I'm sitting by the Window Love'; song and chorus, by Will. S. Hays." Where art Thou now; song. English and German works. Soldier's Farewell; quartet for male voices, English aud German jvords. ; --Gentle Zephyr ; quartet for male voice. Bles sed are the Poor in Spirit; chant. Why do we Mourn departing friends; Songs of Praise the Angels Sang ; for Thanks giving. Sunbeam Waltz. Perle Do L'Amerique. King William Lancers ; on Prussian Melodies, containing 10 Mclodie aud 8 Signals. Sweet Sixteen Polka. Address' Fetere' Mimical Mouthly New York City. Messrs. Iteynolds, Broadhead & Co. have just received a general as sortment of Dry Goods, Notious, Flan nels, Furs, Blankets, etc., and have on hand the largest and most complete stock of Carpets ever brought to Oil City. The character of this firm is such that we rau recommend it to all who go to Oil City to trade. Messrs. R., B. & Co. don't advertise to sell below cost, but they will sell at reasonable profits, and treat all alike. In order to accommodate their in creasing trade iu Dry Goods, they are clotintt out their immense stock of Boots and Shoes at cost. Their stock iu this line consists of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes, Ladies' Misses' and Children's Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers of the best manufactures. Now is the time to secure good bargains, as they will close out this brauVh of their stock without reserve. Everybody needs Boots and Shoes, and ttow is the time to ?t thru at bargain. 31 -2t. Hull's Vegetable Sicilian Hair J'o- newer will stimulate the absorbents and the secretions of the hair tubes until they rcgaiu their original vigor. Try it. Flock. D. 8. Knox & Co. have just received a cur load of excellent flour, which they soil at $7 per barrel, Try it. ' 1 C'AKrENTF.ns, Blacksmiths, Saw mill men, Uil men, and other citizens ot Forest county, who are in want of any thing in tho Hardware line, should go to Andrews & Co., Tidioute. They have the largest stock in this section of the country. They aro making and repairing all kinds of Machinery and Saw mill castings at short notice 4-tf. D. S. Knox & Co.. have just re ceived another largo invoice of agri cultural implements, consisting in part of forks, rakes, scythes, hoes, frc. which they are selling at greatly reduced figures. 13-tf rixxos at Great Bargain's. J. C. Hull, of Meadville, Pa., is offering to sell the Steinway, Checkering, Bradbury and some other makes, at gre.itly reduced prices. Also Organs and Melodeons. 21 tf Stoves. D. S. Knox & Co. have now on hand an excellent stock ol Stoves of all sizes and patterns, Cook, Parlor, Wood, Coal, or Wood and Coal combined. Will be sold cheap. Dentistry. A. J. Stiles, Dentist, Tidioute, Pa., lias the reputation of being one of the most expert Dentists in this section. He uses all the mod era appliances for extracting teeth without pain, such as Chloroform, Ether Nitrous Gas, or the new method of Freezing the Gums with Spray. The most delicate and difficult operations of filling the teeth with gold skillfully performed. He also uses a new prep aration, "Os Artificlel," which sup plies the bone lost by decay, and is applied without pain. A long expe rience in the business, aud the large patronage given Mr. Stiles, is suffic ient evidence that his work gives sat isfaction. Office over Acomb's Drug Store, Tidioute. 17 ly. , Boots and Shoes. Just look at the stock of Boots and Shoes at the store of D. S. Knox & Co. Sure to give satis faction. Perfect fits. A. II. Steele, Cashier .Tionesta Savings Bank, has been appointed agent for the celebrated " Inman Line Ocean Steamers," at this place. 1 Any person desirous of going to Europe or bringing friends to this country, will dowell to call on Mr. Steele, who will furnish them with all the information required. You can buy your Furniture, cheap er and better at Ahrens new Furni ture Warerooms, Tidioute, Pa., than any where else in this section. Try it A srLENDiD variety 'of Furniture at Aherns' new Warerooms, Empire Hotel Building, Tidioute, Pa. 4-tf D. S. Knox & Co., Tionesta, Ta., are unw selling the best tea in the country for one dollar per pound, and everything else in proportion for the cash. Also, fruit jars, &c, iu endless variety. 15 tf Furniture bought of me will be de livered, freight paid, to any station do sired on the 0. C. & A. TL It, Geo. II. Ahrens. Jr., 4-tf Tidioute, Pa Aonew & Biggins have j list receiv ed a large stock of boots and shoes, ot every description, which they a'e sell ing at prices that defy competition 1 hey have also on band a Iresli sup ply of, coffee, teas, sugars, tobacco, cigars, rice, drieid fruits, canned fruits, spices, mess pork, ham, fish, flour. crackers, beans, pens, soap, candles nails, qiieeiisware, glassware, notions, dec, &c, which they are selling as low as the lowest, here or elsewhere, and are determined not to be under sold FELLERS' COAX. BANK AGAIN IN OPERATION ! ! 1 rpiIH BANK is situated in Washinir A Tp., Clarion County, seven miles from Tionesta. - I have en?Hi?Hl an experienced digger, Mr. liichnrd Williams, to operate for nie this fall ami winter; and am pre pared to furnish all my old customers, and as many new ours as may patronize tne, with good coul at 7 cent per bushel al the bank, or cents delivered at Tionesta. aui HKtivo that I can give VHtitl'aetioi J all, ami respoctlui:y aa asnareoi uirpuu lie patronage. W. FKLLEltS. HEGI&TKli'S NOTICE. Public Notice is hereby given that Ma tilda itobb. Administratrix of the estate of Daniel Kobb, dee'd, lias tiled iu tho Hegis tor's Olliee iu and for the County of Forest her linul account as Administratrix of the estate of the said Daniel ltobb, dtu'd, and that the same will be presented to the Or phati'd Court of said county for conl.rma tiou uud allowance on the fourth Monday ot D.H-embor next, ut, tho Court House in tho ImrotigU of TioneMu, in the counly aforoid. , J. B AtiNhW, Not. I, l7rt, &l-3 HULL'S MUSIC STORE. (Suceewor to IIULL A WHITNEY,) No, 107 Water Street, MEADVILLE, PA. 1 tho placo to buy all of the First Class PIANO FORTES, IT GREATLY ItEDUCEI;PRICE8. ALSO Organs & Melodeons 1 Ilnvinir tho cxdnnlvn Atonoy for Crnw- forp, Vonaniro and Moronr Counties for the following celebrated inukc of PIANO FORTES: Wm. Ttriidlmrv, Rtflinway A Sons, Chickerinn 4 Sons, C. Kurtxman'a W. 1 kmerson, Urovooteen, uller s Lo AND Whitney nd Klayton's United States ORGANS AND MELODEONS 1 . And having conirtantly In my store from Twelve to Eighteen Pianos. PartloK wishing to piirohfwo, will find it greatly to Uioir interoHt to purchase direct from me and tret a guarantee With each in strument for live yearn. Thee Organ and Molodeona are consid ered by good Judg to lie the best Kd Instrument made. Bhonld other makes he prefnred. I will furnih them aa low can ue oougin irom any one. fcTOOIX AM) KI'KEADtt AND ALL KINDS OF Singing and Intruction Books. GC1TABM, BANJOS, IOI.I.V -i, FLCTrB, PIFES AND HRVMS. BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS. FURNISHED TO BANDS VERY LOW. A good stock of GENUINE ITALIAN STRINGS Always on hand. Dealers furnished at New York priced. All orders or com munications promptly attended to. 4-tf J. C. HULL. Albert O. Hurr. Lvman Howard and Rolrt C. Beach, vs. .Samuel T, Neill. J. W. Fleming, ana all persons whom it umv Concern. In Common Pleas, of Forest County. No. 1. Dec Term. 1K70. JH11 in Equity to perpetuate testimony. i lie I'lainiins in me aoove Dili say. i hat they are the owners in fee of one hundred and fifty acres of Ijiml. or thereabout. situ ate in Harmony Townxhip.in said County, described as follows i Being part of the Tract known as the Uitchel Survey, bound ed on the north by land .of George Dun- lap, east tv lana now or formerly or J. Comatork, south by land now or formerly owned by J. Johnston and J. D. Neill, and west by mo A loom lurni, wiucii is part or Uie aame survey That the aui! tract or lana was settled and improved by one Ezra Uitchel, who itouame tne owner vnereot ny application therefor, and warrant and survey duly made and returned to the land o'lllre in 18.17, and tho settlement dues fully com pletd thereon. mat tue saia uitcnei, on tne ntn av ot December. 1815. by writing duly execut ed and delivered, sold and convoyed al! his rignt. title ana lntetest in tne land afore said to one Benonie C. Scott, from w hom by sundry conveyances tho titlo ban be come vested in the I'lnintilfs, and prays the Court That they mav be ut liberty to examine their witnesses, and make proof 01 several matters ana things Herein lore mcntlonod. una imrtu'uiArlv with reference to tho matters alleged iu the d and i!ih praragraphs of this bill. zd. That they may bo at liberty at, ana upon all future occasions' to read and make use of the said testimony as they may be adv'sed. Whereupon the Court order and docreo. i nut an appearance bo entered ny sum J. w. r lemlngana all persons wnom it mav com-em on or liefore the 4th Monday of December, A. D. 1870, and lliat a copy of this order and a statement of the substance and obiects of tho Hill be published in the forest itepuiilican lor tnree wocks tne last or which publication stiuii na at least ten nays neiore tlio sain lourtn .Mommy oi Dec.. 1870. BY THE COUK'l. Attest : J. It, Aonkw, Vro, SEASON OF 1870-71. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. Important ImprovemQnts. Patent June 21ut and August aid, 1S70, REDUCTION OFPUICES. Tho Mason ft Hamlin Organ Co., have the pleasure of announcing Important im provemenbi in thoir Cabinet Organs, for which Patents were granted them in June and August last. These are not merely meretricious attachment, but enhance tho aubstautial excellence of the instruments. They are also enabled by increased facil ities a large new manufactory, they hopo hereafter to supply all order promptly. The Cabinet Organs made bv this Com pany are of such universal reputation, not only throughout America, but also in Eu rope, that few will need assurance of their suiicriority. They now offer Four Octave Cabinet Or tmns. in auite olaln caMes.buteo.ual accord ing to their capacity to anything Uioymuko tor oU cucn. The same. Doub'c I'.eed. . Five Oe tave Double Koed Organs, Five Stops, witlt Knee swell and Trvmulaut, in elegant caso with several of the Mason una uuinlin imurovementa. 415. Tho same Extra with new Vox Humana, Automatic Swell etc., llftO. Five Octaves, threo sets Koeda, seven stops witn Eupuono; asplump.u Mi Ktruments. t'?. A now illustrated catalogue with full information, and repueed prices, is now readv, and wil be sent tree, witu a lesu mniiial circular, presenting a great inasso evidence aa to the superiority of thw-o in striiiiieutM, to any one sending his address to MASON 4 HAM IA N OKU AN CO., 151 Treino ISireet, Boston, os bM Broadway . .v . 3U-l '' la r J s g L ADDRESS To tho ITervoous AND 3D EBILITAT E 3D . WnoSRsiiffrrlnRshavn born pvotrnrt ed from hidden rauacs, and who so eases require prompt treatment to rendor existence desirable ; If yon are suffering, or havo nuflVrnd from involuntary disclim-geti, what ofTcct does it produce on your gon'.'nl health? Do yon feel wci.k, debilitated, easily tired? Does a little extra cxorlion produce pal pitation of tho hoart? Docs jour liver, or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequent ly got out of order? Is your lu ins some times thick, milky or flccky, or is it ropy on settling ? Or docs a thick sktim rise to tho top ? Or is a sediment at the lxjltom af ter it baa stood awhllo? Do you h:ivo spells of short brcathingor dispepsia? Aro your bowels constipated? Do you bavo spells of fralnting, or rnslirs of blood to the head ? Is your memory I m pared ? Is your mind constantly dwelling on this subject? Doyoufoel dull, listless, moping, tlrod of company, or life? Do you wish to be -left alone, away from everybody? Does any little thins mko you start or jump? Is your sleep broken or rootless? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your chock as bright? Do you enjoy yourself in society as well ? Do you pursue your business with the anno energy ? Do you fee! as much confidence in yousolf ? Am your spirits dull and Hag. ging, given to fits of melancholy? If so, do not lay.lt to your liver or dyspepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knoes weak, and have but lit tle appetite, and you attribute this to dys pepsia or liver-complaint? Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal di eases badly cured, and sexual excesses, arc all capable of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of genera- tion,when in perfect health, make the man Did you over think that those bold, defi ant, energetic, persevering, successful bus iness-men are always those whose genera tive organs nro in pcrfoct health? You never hear such moil coniplairt of being melancholy, of nervousness, of palpitation of tbe heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business ; they don't be come sad and discouruged j they ureal ways polite and pleasant in the company of l-i dies, andlook you and them ri,;ht in the face none of your downca-t looks or any meanness about, thorn. I do- n:it nie.v.i -those who keep tho organs inflated by running to excess. Those will not only ruin thoir constitutions, but alio those they do business with or for. How many men.'from badly cured dU cases, from tho elloots or sci:-nt.-uso ana cess, have brought about that state of weakness in thoso organs that has reduced tho gencal systom ho much as to produce almost every other disease idiocy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal alfuctions, suicide, and a! most every other form of diseass which humanity is heir to, ai d the real cau.io of the troublo scarcely ever ouspected mid have doctored for all but tbe right one. DUeasesof these organs require tho use of a Diuretic. HELMIlOLD R FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU is tho f;reat Diuretic, and is a certain euro for diseases of tho Bladdor, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Organ ic Weakness, Fomalo Complaints, (iencr al Dobity, and aU diseases of tin) Urinary Organs, whether existing in Mulo or Fe male, from whatever cause originating, aud no matter of how long standing. If no troatment is submitted to, Con- sumption'or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood aro supported from these aour'os, and the health and happiness, asd that of Posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. Holuibold's Extract llucliti, established upward of 10. AVars, prepared by II. T. HELM HOLD, Druggist, DM Dromlway. Now York, and 14 NsuUi 10th .Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Prick f 1.2.1 M IhU1o or 0 bottles for i.50, delivered to any ad dress, hold by all Druggnsta everywhere. NOXK ATtE fiFNUINK I '. LESS DONE TP IN HTIX KNUKA Villi Wrappor, fao-Binilo of my Clicini ;nl Warc- houao. and signed If. T. H EI.M 130 LP. 26-1 y Nc-liool Tax A'otlro. AT'rifT' Is nrrehv gjvn thnt tho School i i Implicate of Tionesta florouvh, of tax jf IKTil, lim-e lKen )'!wLin my hands for iVollectlon. In accor lciMiO with Iho Act of Assembly. In surh case tnaJo and provld- L'd, 1 hereby give m.tiefc that I will attend st mv storo, in TinncHui Jtor.iugh, I a , fr he I'lirjio ;e of receiving said tax, for two months from date. It is under Act of ilst April, 1X09, that all persons who shall be forx tlio oxiiirntiou ol I'.vo months from the dale of tn.i nolie, jmy their tax Hhall bo cnti'.ied t:i a tieduction of live per cent. D. S. KNtiX, Troiin-r Tlonosta Horo. H. D. Dated Sept. Ill, 1870. , W-3t. AGENTS WANTED FOIt . AND ITS Votaries, by Dr. .Ino- P.. Ellis. Tim most Mtnrtliiiir book of nioilern time 1 ho who'e snliiect laid lmreiind its liidtsHisncs! exposed to universal execration. ntte i in tlieic.terests of Civib:ttion, t'hristinui- tv and Public Morality. Scud for circulars and terms, f. In I il inhi lit Co., N. Y.. Cincinnati, Chicago and Hi, Lcuis. 23-3t I IVK AtiENTS WANTED FOH VOjIK Or SEW YOKK. OH liOt'IAti MFE IN THE CHEAT CITY. Wonderful developments among the aristocracy. Married Women exiOsod, Ac. fc, t'rice M.iil. Tho best llnok to soli published. T he best terms to agents ever given. Aililress, In. Y. iJook t o., H Nassau X. Y. 30-4t BOOJCS TO SUIT EVERYC0DY. fret Fortune Teller, f,0ets. Courtship in win Easy. Snots. Correct Etiquette, U'ictH. Ilridal Et.quelto, 2"icts. How to win a Hwpethesrt or Iovpr, 50, -t". 500 Pnr.los, oOets. 1200 Connundriiins, fslets. Correct letter Writer, SScfs. A mateur Theatricals, SOcts. Hook of Mysterious Disclosures, SOcts. Jloxing and Wrestling niado Easy, Wets. True Mnrriaire ( luldo and Hook of Nature, 50ets, Hooks sent postage paid bv return mail. Address, W. Courtney, 3 As tor Place, N. Y. 30-it 0?n WEEK OUVi female, in paid agents, main or a now manufacturing business at home. No capital required. Address Novelty Co., (Sneo, Maine. 28-lt Free to Rook Agents. We will send a handsome Prospectus of our New Illustratod Family Iliblo to any Hook Agent, freo of charge. Address. National Publishing Co., Pliiln., Pa. 2g Jt FARMER'S HELPER. Shows how to double tiie prollts of tho r A KM , and how larmers una tuoir sons can each muko f m PEIl MONTH In Wintor. 10,000 Copies will be mailed froo to Farmers. Tend nnine and address to Z.IEG LF.lt iftMi'CUMDY, Philadelphia J I'a. l-4t AGENTS WANTED FOR Til K LltiliT OF TIIE WORLD. Bonmlning Fleetwood's "Life of Christ," anil 'Lives of tho Apostles, KiivajiueliHts and Martyrs," Doddridgos "EvidcTices of Christianity;" "History of Uie Jews," by jompi'Iuis: "iiistorv oi an reiiirtous ne- nominations," wit)i"treatis and tables re lating to events connoctoa with Hiblo His tory, containing many lino engravings. The whole forming a compl 'to treasury oi Christian Knowledge. W, FLINT. Uu S. Seventh fst., I'liila. 29-H Acnrrs TTiatcl ht Years 'T, Wild Inflians & Raini THE LIFE Or CEolt.iJi. P. iii-Ll'l'.iS. who form a lovo of wild adveii'nro and a thirst for knowledge of tiie Indians the Cust'oiiiN, SiiorUf, Tiaditioiix, Wa:n, (ireat Hiiltnlo Hunts, ifv., ,Vc., li lt a homo of plenty in Ohio, .joined tho Indians, adopt ed their nioiio oi' li!o, married tiie bi auti ful W'ashtt lla, Lecuiisi! a Ureal Wnrrlor, Iluntor and Chief of itiO Lodges, wan ap pointed Lieutenant in the L. H. Uegu:ar Army, for meritorious .servlco with his liraves against hostile lndiatio. A book of the most thrilling intercut, a reality well authenticated. Truth stranger Hum liction isupcrbly illuntrhtd. 70 engravings, with portrait of the author, in full frontier coh tuni!. Price lov, SliouUI outsell any book exianl. tend ai oin o for tlltihtrutei.fr. re.u lar, tabic of contents, samjilo pages and terms. A. II. 1 1 1 III) A It i, Publisher, HHJ Chestnut hi., Philadelphia, Pa. Ui-lt. FOUT4D ! An unfailing remedy for all ltronchlal Dif-licultie-i, Koio Tiiroat and Dol ls' IDT. "WELL'S ' CACOLIC TABLETS also purify the blood, assist circulation and a.iresst decay, acting directly on the Mucous Membrane tbev sould bo prompt ly anil freely taken in all ejyiosiire or vio liintchango of wei llier. as tTiey will keep up tho circulation of the blood and thus ward oil' all tendency to cold uud Lung difllciiltioK. FOIt tVollMS IN C1IILDKKN WELL'S CAKHOLK' TABLETS aro a never tailing remedy. Try Them. bold by ail Dru'ggests. is-4t SAjeernen Wanted. Husinowt licnorublc. end ( ay given. fc). 80-41 No competition, lib W. KENNEDY. 8 S. 4(h St., Phila. WANTED AliENiS evorywhero to canvass for Johns. ('. Abbott's forth coming book, "Prussia and the Franco Prussian Wur." A live subject for a wiilo awako canvasser. Address It. 11. ltl'S SELL, HoHtou, Mass. 3u-H 100,000 Agents Wanted for HOW WOMEN CAM DUKE IHOKEY, and other best hooks in the market. EcKumev ,v Martin, l.'0a A'hoHtnut Street, Philadelphia. 20-4 1 AG KNT3 WANTED FOU "UD1ES0FTHE WHITE HOUSE." Standard and olhcial biographies of every unstress ol tho Prusidt lit s mansion from WashiugUiu to dratit, Sutierbly iilustra ted on steel. For circulars and terms ad dress National Publisiiiug Co., Njw Voak. 3u-lt $1,000 TO $2,000 SALAHY WE (JUAUANTEE TO l'AY TO IJOOK AUENTS of experience: or X larger commission than is oilored by any other Publishers. Ailents aro making J-,i to sjnuper weeli canvusbing lor our new illustrated Immks. V o guarantee Agents u halurv or a largo commission, will choice ol'twi new ami oopulur b sik-i and exclusive u'rruorv. vt e oner u rare ciiauc to energetic itien ami Nouie-i to mak money. Sis lira your agency direct from til p 'iliiishcrs. J. E. lU'ltH ,V 111., .0-41 llritior.l, Corn. Sl'liSCItlHK foi th It will F-i .'. Efiiei Vopubliora .TITDIOTJ-TJi TEA 8TOR E ! The pla?o bay overy var!oty of the" VERY Q5ST TEA8 AT THE L 0 WES T rRICES, la at the extensiro Tea Btore of H. T. CHAPTEY, whoro yon can always find alsrgo assort ment n'f tho lnst Teas at New York prices. A laigoa-ssnrlnient of Ureteric s and Provisions, uncquaied In quality and cheapness by any oth r steie In arren county, always on hand. Til? peoply of Forest" county vill sac money by purcu:wing their supplies at Ciis plwe. Hest brands of FA MIL Y FL 0 Ult, delivered at r y depot on the lineof the K." It. free. Store on Main St. no.ir (ho Depot. PIIOTOGRAPIi GALLEHY.! Water Street, ADJOINING THE HOLMES HOUSE, Tionesta, Pa., M. CARPEI'fTER, - . . Proprietor. Plcturos taken in all tho latest stvlre the art. 110-tf TO hf LI. Ill m 1SIPI LA It MIILkH. I CHINA UNITED OTATCO. INFORMATION for trie Pecpfe. roretne fouiliuhts. &o. Our RULERS nnd our RIOHTS. Chen pest . Bt fnmiy Ribles. ' I3-4t READ! READ T The subscrlberH having ro-rentcd the IUVIXK ORIST 91IL.L. Would say to their old oustomors, and the community generally, that thoy keep constantly on hand a largo stock of FAMILY HOUR of all grades, Chop Peed, Shorts, Bran, Oats and CVirn. With our facilities for do ing business, wo purpose not to be under sold by any establishment in thl. ii. !ou of the country, ami would say to the lum bermen and dealors of Porest county, that they cau bo SUPPLIED CHEAPER and more promptly than from any other point. Inimediati) attention given to all orders from a distance, E. JONES &. CO. Lots for sale! IX THE BOROUGH OF TIONESTA. Apply to GEO. G. SICKLES, 70, Nassau St., New York City. Dlt. J. N. rot ni Had P.i 1 API), of Tidioute. haa d to his practice after nn ub- sgneo of tour montlis, spent in tho liospl Inisof New Yoik, v, here will attend calls in his profession. othen in lurena lir-.ig storo. 3d door above the lunik, Tidioute, Pa. 4ltf W. A. INOHAM. l H. II11AOO. FUBISHLP.S, BOOKSELLERS, and Stationers, WIIOLiSALK AND RETAIL DtALEES IS) 11 kinds of School, Miscellaneous, Law, Medical ANLl MUSIC BOOKS. Depository of tho Piblo Kociotv, Stindsy tscuooi, ana nil ituiiious I udusiiiuh no cictios, - SO. 52 CHESTNUT ST., MF.ADVIU.E, TX., NO. 101 HUr-KItlOIt ST., CI.EVEI.AK r, o. Jnn. 10. in CHAS. II. SHEPAItD, (IENEHAI. UK VI. mi IN DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. CARPETS, HATS, CAPS, AND SHOES, NEW YORK STORE, Centre Strevt. OIL CITY PA. THEA-NECTAR. w--t J. C. LONG, Wholesale ami Uctail Iivalor in HARDWARE, AND OIL WELL FIXTURES, OF ALL KINDS, TIDIOUTE, IP.A. l'irit Ivvrr nVrc? Kxnhnp 1W, i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers