19 rUHLTMIED EVEKT . TUESDAY, BT EPTI DfTSoe In K.iox'a Bulldlrg Eln Street TEHMS, 12.00 A TEAR. Wo SVhRrlpMarra roeoived tar shorter period man throe months. Correspondence solicited from all Darts of tho ununtfy, r No.iiotlce will b Ukoo of uuouy iiiuio iiii in 11 1 1 it minim Marriages and Douth -notice inserted grails. . BUSINESS DIRECTORY. TIONESTA LODGE, NO. 477, ; i. o. o-. rc: ! U II Teeta every Wednesday evening, at 8 ll-L o'clock. ' . W. E. LATHY, w. a. M.W.TA'tE.'W.B. KSWTOK rETTIS. MILES W. TATK. PETTIS A TATE, " Attorneys at laWj : JUm Street, ' ' 77AXS2V4, JVt. Isaac Ash, A TfOUJfEY AT LAW, Oil City, Pa, Will prnctice In the various Courta oi ' rVinr.l All u....t.. . .... ... of Forest . Homily. AJ1 business rn trusted to an cere HI Jy . ATTORNEY AT LAW AND SO: TOR IS BANKHTPTCY, Tin KoroBtCn., Pa., w!l! practice in CI t ' l - nl L. fn SOLICI- Tionesto, KoroBtCn., Pa., wul praoi ice in Clarion, Vcnnniro and Warren Counties. oICS ?n Him Street, two doors above .Lawrence's grocery Rtore. tf. W. W. Masor. .T -t ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Elin Street, above Walnut, Tionesta, Pa.. C. W. Gilfillan, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Franklin, Vo nnngo Co., Pa. tf. . - t noimcs nouse, TIONESTA, PA., opposite the Depot. C. 1). Miiliic, Proprietor. Good Sta bling connected with the house. tf. Jos. Y. Saul, PRACTICAL Harness Maker and Sad dler. Throo doors north of Holmes Honw, Tionesta, Pa. All work is war- runted. tf. . - Syracuse House TIDIOCTK, Pa., J. A D Maoeb, Proplo tors. The houso has been thoroughly refitted and is now in the flrat-clasa order, with the Iswtef accommodations. Any nformaiion concerning Oil Territory nt this point will bo choorfullv furnished, -fy J. &D. MAUEE, Exchange Hote, T OWER TIDIOUTE Pa.. D.'S. Rasis. XJ iikki. A Son Prop'M. This house having leon retited 1h now the inostdoxirabloHUip ping plttee in 'ildiuuto. A good Billiard ltooni uttnehed. 4 ly National Hotel, TRVINETON, PA. W. A. Hallenback, l'roprietor. This hotel is Nuw, and is ,ow ojien as a flint class house, situate nt nc Junction ofthe Oil Creek A Allegheny River mill Philadelphia A Erie Railroads, nmisite the Depot. Parties having to lay ver trains will find this the most conven ent hotel in town, with'tlrst-class accom modation and reasonable irharges. tf. Tifft Sons & Co. "a NEW ENGINES. Tho undersigned have forsule and will receive orders for tho above Engine. Messrs. Titll Sois A arj now kciuiltiiz 10 mis iiutrKi ini'ir i-;- llorse Power Engine with 14-Horse Powor lioi'.er pectiliarly adapted to deep wells. ' )! Kli'KM t l)incan A Chaliiint'H, doalers In Well Fixtures, Hardware, Ac, Main St. next door to Chano House, Pleasantville, and ut Maustou House, Titusville. tf. K. it RETT A SON, Agents, Job.n. K. H.illock, A TTORNEY AT LAW and Solicitor of A3? I'atonts.Ao. wis r rencn si reeitopposno ' Iteed House) Eiie, Pa. Will iiiactico in 'thetevoral State Coiirts and tho United States Courts. Siiei'lal uttontion given to aolicitir pntents for Inventors ; lnfrinso nonts, ru-issuo and extension of paUmU iMveliilly attenilea to, Keterences: lion, James Cauinbell. Clarion: Hon. John H, MeCidmont, Franklin; H. L. A A. B. . Iticlimuud, Moadvillei W. E. Lathy. Ti niebtc. 2 7 Dr. J. L. Acom,b, PnYSiriAN AND SURGEON, who has had fifteen years' experience in a large end successful practice, will attend oil Professional Calls. Ollico in his Drug and Jrihiery Store, located In Tidiouto, near '1 ul.outo Jlouse. IN HIS STORE WILL nE FOUND A full assorlmont rf Metliciuos. Llouora Toliucco. Ciirars. Stationery. Glass, Paints. Oils, Cutlery, and lino Groceries, all of tho 1 .U quality, and will be sold at reasonable rates, II. R. BURGESS, an experienced Drue. 1st from New York, has chargo of tho Store. All prescriptions put up accurately, tr. W. P. Mercilllott, Attorney at Law. JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. . AND KEAIi ESTATE AEXT. TI OX EST A, PA. 27-tf ' ' JOHN A. DALE, PRUT, OHN, fROPlB, VICS PHIT. A. H. STEELS, CASHR, iSAVINQS HANK, ' Tionesta, Forest Co., Pa. This Bank transacLi a General Banking, Collect inland Exchanire Business. Drafts on tho Principal Cities of the United Statos and Europe boughtandsold Co!, i anil Silver Coin and Governmen! c.urities bought and sold. 7-30 Bond converted on tho most favorable ternis. 1 nturcst u"lowed oil time deposit. Mar. 4, tf. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 Walnut St Phila. Incorporated 1794. Charter Perpetual luARIHE, INLAND 4 FIRE INSURANCE Assets Jan; 1, 1809, 2,S48.323 39 t2O,0O0,n!0 losses paid since its organiza tion. WM, BL'ULER, Central Agent, Harrisburg, Pa. MILES W. TATE, Agent in Ti onesta,' Forest Oonntv, Pa. "Lottia have Faith VOL. III. NO 30 . w. nowr.Asn, ai.kx. mcpowbli. J. W. ROWLAND & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS ' AND DEALERS 1I lientn Furn taking oodst And Agonts for the Colobrated Grover & linker Bowing Machine. ' LIBERTY STREET, NEAR DOE ; FRANKLIN, PENN'A. 2 2ft if. . . . ZECHTSTG- &c XiUJJU, WHOLESALE GROCERS DEALERS IN FLOUR, Aails, Tobaecot, iegar$, Gaudies, ' . Z. Canned and Dried FruiU A Large Stock constantly on hand. PR3f PT ATTENTION given to filling orders. , , , , ... Prioes as low as a? Market west of New York City .Opposite Court House, Liberty St. FRANKLIN, PENN'A. My . 1 W.AXiLLIS I M r R o v E D M A G I C 8- V IMPROVED E D M A MAGIC a i c B ABM ! TIT FERKINS S07Boimopri- ctors, Frank lip, Pa. 44 JONES HOUSE, , clarionpenn'A?1. ' S. S. JONES -Proprietor. STILL AHEAD. ' OUR GREAT BOSTON', D OLAR STORE ! Wo trant (rood reliable agents In every part of the country. By employing your timo tq.form clubs and sending us orders, ou can obtain in niosi noerai commiss ions either in Casli or.. Merchandise, and all soodx sent by us will bo oa represented and wogusrautee satisliiction to every one ilculing wUb our Bouse, Al-ciUS mniSiO eoueci ten cents ironi ov- rt-Jf customer and forward to lis in ad vance, for Descriptive lists or the goous wo sell. . Xlt-holderaof -thaClieoks, liave tlie clim-Us have tho privilege of either pur rliasiug tho article thereon described, or o exehatiLnnir for any article mentioned on -our catalogue, nutubtrtng oVe.TCO differ ent articles, not oftoai wnieii an no pur- cliuseil In tho usual unuiucc ljr xat same monev. i Tho advantagoH of first sending the Checks are these a w o are constantly ouy. in ir small lota of very valuable iroods.whlch are not on our catalogue, mi l lor which we Issua checks until all are sola ; dcmkics in evnrv club- we nut chocks for Watches. Quills, Blankets, Dress Patterns, or some other article of equal value. We do not oflvr a single article of mer chandise that can bo sold by regular deal ers at our price. We do not ask you to ouy kooiis oi us uuiess we can sen mem chcapor than you obtain them In any otli er way while tho greater part ot our goods aro soia at aoout Ouc Half the Regular Hates Our stock consihts in part, of the follow ing goods : ? , Shawls, Blankets, Quilts, Cottons, Ging hams, Drcsa Goods, Table Linen, Towels, Hosiery, moves, rtKirts, .:orseUi, se., o. ' Silrer-Phited Ware. Sioons Plated ou Nickel Silver, Dessert Forks, Five-Bottle Plated Castors, . Brittannia Ware, Glass Ware, Table and CavgtJwUery, 1" great variety, . - Elegant Frcnoh and German Fancy Goods. .Beautiful Photograph Albums, the newest and choicest styles in Morocco and velvet Bindings. . I. Gold and Plated Jewelry of the nowost styles. We have also made arrangements with one of tho leading publishing houses that will enable us to sell IU lateat and stand ard works of popular authors at aloiit one, half the regular price : such as Uyron Moore, Burns, Milton, and Tennyson's Works, in Full Gilt and ('loth UmUiUKS, and hundreds or others. These and every. thing else lor ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE. In every order amounting to over fViO, accompanied by the cash, the agent may retain f'i : and In every order ovei f loo, ft. 00 may be retained to PAY EXPRESS C11A1WJ1S3 """COMMISSION TO AGENTS. For an order of .".0 from a club of thirty we will pay the Agent as commission 33 yards blcitcliod or brown sheeting, good dress pattern, all wool pants pattern , or fa.u m casii. t For an order of toO, from a elub of sixty we will pay the Agent tib yards, brown or lcaciieu Hiieeung, Hunting case watcii,'aii wi?nl shall, or 7.00in cash. " Fo." an order of (100, from a elub of 100 w vj it! oav tho aircut 110 vard fl ward wide, sheeting, tplujidid sewing machine orsllcasn. SEND MONEY BY REGISTEBEDLET TEM. For further particulars send for catalogues. Address. .Geo. A. Plummer & Co., : (Successor to Harris A Plummer,) 30 and 40 Hanover St.. Boston, Mass 2334y. .. VINEGAR mado from Cidor, Ac., in 10 lious wi'hout Djuks. Bend 10 cents for Circular to F. Cromwell, Conn. TVTEWSPAPER ADVERTISING, 1 New Book of DM pases, irice M ets bymail. American Kew Co., V, y. 24-4t that Right makes Might; and TIONESTA, PA., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER , 1870 The First Duel. - It was scarcely dawn when my valet knocked at my door. Two cards were in his band. Drowsily enough I cast ruy eyes over them, and saw the names of two members of our club. A discussion of the previous even, ing with the Marquis do C. returned to my mind, and although secretly wish ing myself out of this foolish aflair, I begged these gentlemen to excuse my not recciving'them, and invited them to call that afternoon at three o'clock npoH George J , one of my oldest friends, an officer of African chasseurs, on 7cavo at Paris, in order to meet de B , my other second, and ar range tho conditions of the" duel. These gentlemen gone,'flJoseph made my toilet quickly, and I hastpned iO ueorge to explain my aflair. 'My dear friend," he said to me, "as this is a fint duel, here ia my opiuion : You are very young, absolutely with out excuse ; if you meet him, good ; if you beat, better yet." "I must write at once to de B ,' and go to the smith's about my swords." "No need of that. Go to the fenc ing hall to get back your fighting hand and legs. Practice an hour, not more or you will do too much. I will let de B know. As for the swords, there are mine, which are lucky." I smiled with a constrained air, and pressed his hand. A significant grasp, convulsive energy, to bo found only ndcr certain circustances. Then I hurried to the hall, and spoke to my fencing master, who in view of the itu- protance of the case, exercised me for an hour in counter of quarto, retreat ing with feints from the arm. I left the hall in delight, armed with the benediction of my fencing-master, who pledged his head that I should wound my adversary. Going to Durand's, I practised all the way counters of quarte with my cane, to do honor to Cordoloi'8 teaching, I could think of nothing but my duel. I wanted to talk of it to everbody. Had the Mar quis de C, against whom I had no grudge offered the fullest apologies; I should have refused them with spirit. At Durand's I found George and do B . We all three breakfasted to gether. The whole talk was of duels. Of course George recounted to mo his meetings in Algeria, from which it ap peared that one is very seldom killed in cold blood with the sword. I coolly declared that I would drink the blood of the Marquis, at which George laugh ed outright. I asked myself if I should send him also a couple of seconds. On the whole, no. He was very fond of me; beside, I suspected I was becoin- littleing a too much of the bully. These gentlemen left me in order to meet my adversary s seconds. I went home. A little nervous excitement. I was short with Joseph, who did not know what to make of it I got ou my horse as usual, and went to the Bois de Boulonge. Every one spoke of my duel, which began to be noised abroad. I put on my most indifferent air, and listened politely, I talked and bowed a great deal. Charming, the Bois. Magnificent weather. Autumn toilet the prettiest possible. Two danieuses of the ballet-troupe stopped their victoria. "leu me, said little V , "are you really going to fight the Marquis de C to-morrow ?" " l es. Don t mention it ; it is not public. To-morrow morning with swords." "Ah ! my poor Gaston ! Good luck." Her jet-black eyes smiled a caress that charmed and drew me. 1 loi low ed the carriage at an easy gallop. She regarded me with a softened air. The look turned my head add I began to think it a fine thing to have a duel Perceiving George at a distunce, on his Arabian, I moderated the pace of my thoroughbred. George joined me, "You will fight to-morrow at .four in the afternoon, at Vesinet. The ar rangements are all made. Keep cool during the affair. Your antagonist is nothing remarkable, but he has had three duels, and fences pretty well. We will go to the hall together to-mor row before breakfast. "Very well," I replied laconically His last words had somewhat damp. e(l my enthusiasm. I was less pleased w ith the prospect before me. Never loss, J epl up appearances, aod per in that Faith let us to the end, sisted in being extremely gay.- I tried tn bo witty, and roado bad jokes. Georgo was thoughtful and silent From time to time, however, I saw a smile cross lips. I imagine be under stood tny flow of spirits. On returning I dined with Georgo and do B and afterward, whsn I proposod taking a box at the Bouffes, we all went to the theatre together. The conversation was the same as in the morning, though even more per sonal. ' "Your adversary is taller thanou," said George to me. "You shall retreat but keep your sword aimed at his body as much as possible, and if you see an opening, stretch out your arm, but don't lunge." "Buh?" said I, laughing; "let us have supper, and talk of something else. To-morrow will be timo enough for .H thr.f- I mean to enjoy my last nizht." That was-the iburth or fifth time that I had spoken of my last night, ast evening, lost dinner, allusions in. questionable taste. "You will oblige me by committing no follies, and taking yourself off to sleep early this evening. Do B and I are going to talk awhile with you, and see you to bed, and to-morrow at ten I shall come for you to go to tho fenc ing-room. I remonstrated but to no purpose, and after tho play we all went to my apartments. . We lit cigars, chatted an hour, nnd then my friend went away, leaving me alone, face to fuce with myself, and the prospect of the morrow. , . ;- Naturally I desired to set my affairs in order. Hardly had I begun to take out the arious papers, bills, inventories, and letters, when I saw them fcv, such dis order that I pushed them all back pell- mell into the drawer, without the cour age to examine farther. So I simply wrote a short letter, in the most tender terms, to my mother, bealed and addressed it carefully, and left it on my bureau. Then I went to bed, and, contrary, to my expectations, was able to sleep. My last conscious thought was this : Who knows if to-mor row evening 1 shull seenns chamber once more? Who knows if I ehall cvor again lie down upon this l ed ? On waking ti.e first thing I saw was George's head beside my pillow. ". In a second the thought of ray first duel Canlied across me, and I felt a sort of oppression at thj heart. Then, after the first hand-clasp, I examined his dress, black . coat, light trowserS, pearl-gray gloves, I was sure he had intentionally avoided the lugubrious toilet common on such 6ccasious. He preceived my impression. "My dear fellow," said he, "it is no longer the custom to go to such a meet ing as to a burial ; it is a simple prome nade." I rang for my valet. "Joseph," said George, bring your master the stiffest starched shirt you can find, with a turned-down collar. Then get me his oldest pair of boots, i no matter what." Joseph seemed surprised, but return ed a moment later with the objects designated. George examined the shirt with scrupulous care. Good. That will do. Now take these boots to tho shoemaker, and tell him to cut off the heels close to the sole like this. Go, and be quick." I listened in bewilderment while this was passing. "It is important," he explained, "not to have the heel catch and make you lose your balance when you are hand ling a sword. Beside, you want your foot firm, but not pressed too hard. It is sujierb weather. You aro really fortunate. You can fight in linen trowsers, which is much the most con venient dress." Decidedly my friend George took gigantic proportions in my eyes. With out a word I put on the things he showed me: black coat, black waist coat, white linen trousers. A few minutes more and we were at the hall. George appeared very well satisfied with my fencing, but renewed his re commendations of the day cfore, to which I listened with all my ears. "That's it, stick him in the arm as you advance, good, capital 1 When you quit your adversary's sword to at tack, disengage, and lunge, below his hand. Well done! There that's dare do our duty as we understand if-LINCOLN. enough, no need to fatigue yourself for nothing." . We went for the doctor ; a common friend and oil college comrade. A good liver, with a frank, inerry face and jovial eye, and ready to do any thing for us all. He took his caso of surgical' instruments, slipped it into his pocket aside that I might not see. Lint, some bandages, . a few little phials, and a bottlo of pure water, which he gave to the coachman. All three of us break r -ted with de B :. The meal was with occa sional moments' of -unu al gravity. Spite of the carelessness of ray 'char acter, I was-afraid of1 making a fool of myself. When, jio one saw me, I stole a glance at the clock ; obviously the wailing at once excited and ener vated me. : What I dreaded was neith er wounds nor death, but the unknown; in a word that inseparable emotion of a first debut, which has become, pro. verbial. I felt the need of locomotion, of occupation, mental or physical. ' I gave way to abrupt, nervous move- mejits, hard bursts of laughter. And yet Iwa3'.lafra'd' We talked a great deal, arjd it vi".3 noticeable that when ever the conversau'0" wandered away from the palpitating p.'cscnt one us in voluntarily recalled it. . "Tell me. Doctor," I said to'6CUla- pius, "Do you consider four o'clock .V1 the afternoon a good time to fight T' "Assuredly," roplied. L , tran quilly ; "you have no uncertainties and tremors of too early rising; you are at your ease; digestion is effected, and that allowi the)performance of an operation." Against my will I shuddered at that phrase, perfovmance of an operaption, uttered with so much placidity. To turn H off" I went to1' the : piano. Just then the footman came to tell us that our laudau was at the door. "Come," said George, "we have no time to lose. We havens till to go for the other gentleman who will take us to Saint V 'p Park. That is where the affair is to take place ; nobody will disturb us there. Come on." I took my hat quickly. 1 had the honor of being the first outside, but in the depths of my heart I am afraid I likened my friend George to tho most accomplished of torturers. We got into the lnudau. . The other gentlemen were nil ready, and went on before ns. The way was long, too long. To me it seemed interminable. Trout the back scat I gazt l at the landscape, smoking all the while with an absent air. Opposite me was George's pale face, his black mustache emphasizing his manly countenance His tyes never lost sight of rho, and now and again his hand energetically pressed mine. Beside me sat the doctor's good comfortable figure. In the bottom of the carriage were the light swords, with curved guards and large hilts, easy in hand, not too long, nor so flex ible as easily to turn the edge. I felt a childish delight in unsheathing them as we drove along, and seeing how they glittered after the grinding and sharpening of tho evening before. Then I pressed my finger over the point,- as an epicure passes his finger over his lips, nud, in spite of myself, I secretly found them a little too well pointed. t At last the end of our route appear ed. As we turned to the left I precciv- d the park railing, at which some thing seemed tighten suddenly about my heart. But I lit another cigar, aud went on smoking with the greatest ap parent tranquility. The carriages stopped. We had censed to talk, involutarily our voices had become boat so aud hollow. I put my head out of the door, and George jumped down. Tho other gentlemen parleyed with the porter, who opened the gates. INot a soul was about the cliuU:au. The first carriage paoceeded slowly along tho alley, conducted by the porter, cap in hud. No one spoke. The alley was narrow aud shady. The gates had been closed agaiu. Nothing now was beard save the wheels turning slowly and grating with a shurpsouud on the irravel of the garden.. We turned to right, thou to left, with fre quent stoppages, as if following a fu neral procession. I bcut down to the doctor's ear, aud whispered with the greatest coolness, "Do you know if the family vault is still some way ofl f lie looked at me in astonichmeni $2 PER ANNUM. pnd burst into a peal of laughter. George's head Lad appeared at the carriage door. "Get out," he said to me. De B took the swords, and we jumped out. I still smoked my cigar mechanically, because I felt in abso lute need of tho Occupation. The car riages remained at a little distance. The foursecouds greeted each to other and talked together some moments. The ground was measured, I looked at the doctor with a smile. : "Bah 1" he said to me, "it will go off well enough." With a 6tealthy glance I observed my adversary. He seemed exceeding ly indifferent, and was also smoking. The seconds tossed Up some pieces of money. " George came toward me. "You have lost the sun," he said. "With my lock, you might as well havo- tried for the moon ; I should have lost all the stars of the firma ment, one after the other." . "And you have lost the swoTds. You will have to fight with your antag onist's. -Well, takeoff your coat, and don't forget what I have said. Above all, keep cool' All my self possession returned ; my heart beat rather hard, but I delibe rately took my place, lit up by some rays of sunlight, and threw, off my at, coat and waistcoat. My adver sary .and. I stood .face to face, three paces tpaVw measuring each other with tho eye. Thai certainly tho moist trying moment of ill , Perfectly cool, I stooged to turn up, one after the other, the bottoms of my trowsers ; then I tightened the waist band bo as to support my hips, aud, pulling tip the shirt, puffed. ' it . out around the breast, in order that the sword might catch there without enter ing. . v .. : i . George came up and extended to mo one of the swords which he and another' of the seconea had just measured, then, crossing the weapons, he utlpred the preparatory. ( "Begin, gentlemen 1" , Like a man accustomed to the sur prise of the first moments, my adver sary retreated a step. Tho blades be came eoniowhat engaged. With the corner of my eyes I regarded Saint V 's rod gloves, brand-new onea, which dazzlcl in the sun. .The Mar quis advanced two stcps. p.nd then at tacked ino with a : rapid disengage menta. I parried, retreating quickly, and sent him a riposte which made him in turn retreat. There was no other sound than the clashing of steel; in the silence was heard the gasping of our laboring Lretists; we were both exhausted. As for me, my heart beat terribly, and my profuse perspiration gave tho effect of complete submersion in learning to swim. All at once the Marquis exposed his shoulder for perhaps a second ; stretched out my arm and felt a slight rcsistenc 1 ; the point entered. I drop ped thes. 'ord as if it had burnt my hand. "O, pardon me, sir 1" I exclaimed. The first momeut, quite involuntary to, is too beg pardon, as of some one whom you have accidently hurt. The solvation is very like that caused by treading on gentleman's foot. The blood gushed freely from a pretty deep wound ; the shoulder and arm stiffed ; the Marquis, supported under a tree, smiled rather gloomily. I put on my things a little apart; I ruiifct own to a certain pleasure in re suming my coat whilo contemplating at it distacc the group formed by my frieud the doctor, probing the wound aud bathing it Willi Iresli water, the Marquis reclining on one side, and Suint V bending over him with those eternal red gloves which kept up a shining like tho morocco of lop- boots. Georgo carefully wiped the swords and sheathed them. Then ho came up to me, his mustache biting in a stuilo which he had the good tasto to swal low; his hu eyes sparkling with plea sure. "Bravo, my little Gustou !" ho said in a low voi e ; now, my boy, go and shake bauds." I mudo no objection, and approach ed the group just as the Marquis de C was saying to Saint "I leave it to you Saint V ,with queen of spades second and two trump, what should I dof Rates of Advertising. One Square (1 Inch,) one Insertion....! 1 64 OneS'iuare. "- or. 9 month 3 0O One Squnro " thrco months... 6 00 One Square M ono year 10 00 Two Squares, one year.... 15 00 Quarter Col. " 30 00 Half " ...fiOOO Ono " ' " 100 00 Bur.lnoss Cards, not exceeding one inch In length, W per year. . Legal notice, at established rates. . Tiiese rat' are low, and no- deviation will be made, or discrimination among pntrons. The rates otI red are such, vs will make it to tho advant-eof men loL bn ines. in the limits of the circulation f the psner to advertiso liberally. "My dear boy, there Is no doubt; play, of course." ' "Good 1 I have been in tho wrong, then. Well, that is odd, my dear Saint V -, J should have given." "Will you permit me, sir," I inter posed, "to offer my most humble apol ogies T" i'Not at all, my dear' fellow," ho re plied, extending his hand ; "you were perfectly right ; the play was the true game." I confess that, on returning, the sunset, to my eyes, assumed the most exquisite tints. My heart was full ; I was conscious of an extreme need of expression, and gayety perhaps even more unnatural than that of our de portment. Nothing but George's side glances restrained me. The incidents of the duel were dis cussed. ?'Do you think, Doctor, the poor Marquis will have a long time of it?" , "Pooh I Fifteen days or threo weeks ofaBling." "Did you notice," Georgo asked me, "Saint V 's sublime calm ?" "My dear fellow, I noticed nothing about him but his red gloves." Many times since, I have had couple of gentlemen come to ' rouso me, with their cards, at those early morning hours sacred to the rag-pickers and the washer-women But nev er again have I experienced the sen sations, at once full of fear and fasci nation, of that first duel. Never have I felt the enervation, the impatience, the feverish excitements and the heart throbs of my . first expedition to Vesinet. ' -Senator Carpenter tn a recent speech at Milwaukee, said : I was standing by one of our Wisconsin reg iments when being mustered oiit, it fi nally broke ranks in tho streets of Milwaukee. I shall never forget a brief conversation I heard between a citizen nnd one of the soldiers who had just stepped out of tho ranks. After the ordinary salutations, "Well said said the citizen, "well, Johu, you must have seen a good many tcugh eights." Yes," said John, "I would not sell what I have seen for a hundred thou sand dullars, and I would not see it again for a hundred millions." t A certain genial, bald-headed gen tleman, while in Paris, went one day t tho Zoological Gardens. Tho wea ther was oppressive, aud ho lay down upon a, bench.:; Pro3biitly ho went to sleep, and was soon awakened by a warmth about his' head.' An iniatu ted ostrich had come along, and mis taking his head for an egg, settled down with a determination to hatch it out. The night of the storm boat ex plosion at Oswego, a guest at one of the hotels requested to be called at five o'clock in tho morning, and on being aroused by the explosion, with a rat tling of windows and wash pitchers ho sprang out of bed jiromptly, calling out to tho the supposed porter. "That will do ; you needen t make such a d d noise about it. -An elderly lady, in Connecticut, who lost her purso a short time since at New Haven, declared on its beiug restored to her, that she would not at tempt to interfere with tho reward that was stored up iu Heaven for the finder, by offering him money. A considerate person that. A gentleman puid a pretty com pliment to a beautiful German lady at Newport, by telling her she resembled the Prussian army, "How so?" she asked. "You aro winning," was the reply. , "I'll commit you as a nuisance," said a policeman to a noisy loafer, a few days since, "No one bus a right to commit a nuisance," was the apt re ply, and tho fellow moved on, An ingenious blower proposes to make ladies' chignons of glass. The idea was doubtless suggested by the fact that those now worn aro apt to cause paues in the head. Three skoro years and ten iz man's furlo, aud it iz enough if a man kaut suffer all the misery ho wants iu that time he must be dumb. Mrs. Partington says the sun has been ou tho equinox for a fortuiht, which accounts for the uuclcucntable uess of the weather. Tew freshen a salt mackerel, tow him one summer behind a steam bote. Josh Billing?,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers