i - Publico uoi j. ks Sosisrsst Herald f v"c,neJ"T Morning - "'Tnail in '!'"'--'': "!lorwl', hi. mini, n I 11 irnin? at 2 (l0 ! utmi. ii 1 fclT!i.t ' 1 ,,i0ll,,,Urs l-tlnK to "'rlaWHO.. not .,Wo.;u,..,.-.r V"1 . - ,.n oil'' lOSIOaieV IW - iI.tj r'-m f t;,f f,,n,.r an 1 ill. 1' f iit ni.v i il ft kJvAll u 1 ioU lb Herald )merset I 1.. M I . .1 t ,!.. .-I'.H" :l f 1.1.1 A 11 1 i..,.:!ief- 11:. ini- ' Ad.irw. ESTABLISHED, 18 2 7 Printing Company, JOHN I. SCI LL, Hiimik'H Manager. I v,-.i 1.1. wl'l continue to practice 1. liiK itrolcsi-'ioiial servi- . . ,.f Somerset and Fa7r.m11.lina ! r . .1 iiiacr. VOL. XXI. SOMERSET, PA., WEDNESDAY,. SEPTEMBER 25.1872. NO. 15. JtirIican HARDWARE. n.'v. UiMCrllitiiPOUA. niOLESALE I'litru ...'.iiiti.K- KH)NT. ATTORNEY' AT j " ? ... -in ,.Ke i.roinnt attcn- ; t-4'. I . i.,...r.t 1 41 M to ins !.- ... .- -- - j 4 irtlOC Ill ." "' i jy 6-11. I ... ,,, , irvkl U tenders ins pro.o.. . . H. Hl.1 ,"v?:' ,, t Somerset and vteiu- ,5 n .- - " '; " ',',', .Lr we ..f the Bar f iiKli. a"'-'1 tan. 1. 7u. u-... I 11: l, i.irninienllr located j li.-r ill !rl" 1 . . . HAM ARE AND CUTLERY. I L'.Uin-.ltl..-T:..-ll tti his irl-f -tim. John F. Blymyer 1263 Liberty st., Pittsburgh, pa. A full and mmiilrte Stiwk ff A xn, Shnrrlf, ! Si-ythin, Snth. Saws, Irk, Hl- , gc, iuiiF. una I!a rc-..H.!ied Ms rtniv ui.ii r II. 4iir.Kii .1 lw 111 NilWl KHU in tlic Ucwnttr". otticc. :mii. s. ,-..i.:mkn. attkn!:vs at ",ii,.m-t I'. ni l.-n.-e l ' ' ' JlUJf. tilj. . . . . - . mv 1.' T T V W , ... ....I ......i.. S..m.wl I'll.. Will ',1 I U-HI.-0. miru.-lcJ lo liin-are itli 1,1 v. mug. Few Doors Above the Old Stand And i.ll.-r. to MururtunH-ni and Irii-nd; a full lino ul iri"i- t the very lowest irii'fl. II ard ware of Every Description, iBIacksmirhs' & Carpenters' Tools, -at:-! "1 ATTOKVKYS AT will pr:irti'-- in rm I t .1 H. U HAKIt, i i ,.inrr.l. 11. . V. . . All l.ilOlM'lill I.U- in will lo i.r..iuj.;ty ati.n iol t"- - I.1 vu 1XIIJ.IXS. l'KXTlT. S-micm-t, l.inoe in tl..- Ht lrt ;f u(. irtalr. ,n :it .11 tllmi- -u- I work, "i.-li u fillinir. mrul.tinir. c- cri.il, iiircrlcd. All H-r;iti.ii wr- TT V CUM. fc..-.. I III. t 1 1UU.M.1 A 4 A. ..'-'' P . i. i. ill i.n.uiPiU t:.u.l i.iull l ,. t.. Iiim. .:(:.-. i;i l.i .Ulllfl'!. .Muiu-y :uK ;inv.l in r..llccii..n i.U iui-, iu Mil iu xirt. t. UioX, SAILS AX it CLASS, Mocx! on Ware of All Kiii!, COAL OIL LA MI'S, Agon!? ff i:a;m: fim: ivoiiks; (lualiijr of Files rXSl RPASSEII. s i: x n sa m I l i: o n d k k s. OLD FILES RE-CUT. M-! V. M. IJKACIILY'S, 'FXKI!KATi:n W.OOD PUliGE! ,i K1MM1I- ATTOUXKY AT LAW. S. mi. m l iinU .i..iiiiiii; .-..uu- i..rul t4 '-4 li: v. H m -urt rS TT F M lU Ll- A 1 I.Flt-M.1 A I 4. 4 . liiui.l.' :iii.' i ' 'i''".. 4--i. " " ' . . .... 11. .,... ll 11-11. i - - - J. M l 1!" T,. I p.l!!lv inf.inn tli- I u'i I tlii w-'ll Vnown li..l. l iii tiie .r It if1 lii in't-nti-.n to k--i m ii- .H h will (TiM- :il:s.:H-tiou to l,"...r I..m vltn iii'-iren-oMii. COAL OIL, CIUMXKYS, A:i.l ivtT.-.l.iii Wi.-azi.$ tu tin- K-.mp trade. W111TK LKAII, "! I i !..-: f 11 I,.' I.n- )' J ..,..! S-1.1 a . i f,: ' fj;i s : i i i : i JOliX HILL. I LlXSKKliOllA, VAKX1S11I-S, LIHSHKS, r.M NTS IN (UL AN! I'KV, AND VI YLKS. ATTOUXKY . 1. I'ii.. will (Iiv . .. .-iifrult-l to hi: ei.uutiri.. Orhi-e on t iiion sirvot, r. ii.l.-iii- of td. S' uU. J- AT LW, j prompt i.. ihioiho D , , KTr pc' r.rnr 1 N r,FN' FR A I ;in? Ill ..IU,'m-l Ullil I 1 ! il I L-1VJ UVVLU ll, V44.4, 1.hol .p)PO- -u. i tim u lMivul.'lnii and ItentiKt. Herlin. w ill icive proiiiti aucr.iioii i. H.i , r , to hi" re. i iltn e one !. wesi .;t the i II. .u-.'' urae as wiipli-d liervtoion- ' j MusT. j .MII.LLJi, filt.-rtwt-ivc v.. urneih In SiiunLfvillc. liac ' .-.ilrd lit S-lii'TM-l t'T the pme- J rl i.n l.-i It is ;,r..l .--l..ii:il wt- t SouiTt.fl rn.l viciiii-y. ..p lorm.-rly im-upi.! l.y '. A. .-all le r.insulte.1 t all tiin. s. i.p .1. -I' to' enirnie.'u. . 'i' . pn-uipT ly ui.fwcr- . U :i ly. A lanro. pLik-U ul Table linlvex and Forks. INK'KF.T k.NIVI-S 1.. in- : i'i ' : (ii id. ( In III' uii ,-. W (..Tl1 iVi H NS. MIL A IiS -.1. ,- I li WiSTLETIlWAlTI-- ATTUli.NLY m l.iw. Shukta t. l'a- l-roh-l""! l-u.-i r'.-'h-' !:iiny l..U!le mil iua.m.ui. n.i. o .1. l.uiisFK. ATTOnXLY AT LAW. S.-liorM:!. 1'. i'.CKLHSdllLL, LYONS k Co. j Lam r.vcu i!Ki;s & nr.ALF.iis in ani sfissfi:s. rti!:ci::..MN lini:i kktit.i!. tit., .e! T.w-iMT w i'.h many aril, les i nuim roiii. to luen-ti-.!i in an mivoriis.-iii.-iit. He it ihl.Tiutued t soil at the vory low. si pri.-v.. ili.e him a i-alL June ' mm gla; Mantle mid I'ler Looking UlafA;f JuJ Pi. lure Framed Sie,-tality. b viHiHMi;LtT.ririm i;. '- ) M K K S I"!' I' L A NI N G -M 1 LL ;00D & JONES, LIFE INSURANCE For Business Men.! Tlifo Rrmrdp lian xen In nxc ovor tvrr.tf yrert r.i''lo ly the i'n.lsim. It h m wA. fnikil lu a fia cafe U rvMvt if nut I'Mirtly cure. It n4iiifu!arly rnuiiU'DJeil in the fo lowing SICK HEADACHE. PALPITATION OF THE HE A HP, LI Y Ell COMPLAINT. nilEUMA TISM. SKIN DISK A SES, LA NO Vllt CIRCULATION, Ar.. Ui any ilfranir.'Tnent of the Wood. In nil Hreac8 jM'cu.iar to Iriniilt - it fi ft rurc nnd Soremgn Krm rty. In fhort. It bolnar Rrmrdy nctlug thntuvh the (trculuiton of the Wood yi all the imvruiiit or zav. anil oiuunctorif of tlw tM)y. il will cure nl-un-5t any cira' le dioasr. Furw.lcl.y MKYKKS H AN" A WALT, IJcrUii. P:i.. anj by dcukrs in ':ituily Io.lUim every wlifrv. July ft 71 . IKISKirS PATKNT J SKLF KK01 LATIXU j Grain Separator, i CI.KA XKR & 13AC.G E!I, I And Improved jTriple Geared 1RSE FOWER At a tiinf like thr jnwnt. when InNir if inrer. j it ii iiitiN.rt:int thnt tnniierfl who re infrctMl tlit.it 1.1 irive attention ttmrv imf intvi-nii'itt tlmt will tfiitl to thfir it'ltrf. Iu tin; tiiwr SfjBirntor the j hminT will not only ImJ a (rirn-Hy l:itxr-rtavinx ' uiachtTie. hut a. " j Great Economizer, As can lie Ptil't2ntiated ly thousand? who n;iw have them In siirresdful oiMnTitina. As . Til KFSHFK, It ireiual to the Jict : As a t'LEAN Eli, it It snjvrior to any other n:a- ehrne. Il is the iiy maeliln that ran, by ns orcR4 thin, thoroughly tl:ri'9li auJ eleiiKrain Sit fin-market. KE1M fc 1! AY", Klkllek. S..mer t o., I'a., arc the suit atjrntt. and Sam'l Horr is not. a:ilVT SFKKCII or HON. I BUCHEB SOPE, AT rniLADELPHIA. Splpmlid Ylniliratlon or Ueu. Hart mnft. n . pp-iian-d to do ail kinds of planin: ii.l.u". unit;; "I I'Uii.in: niaterials. and l.iininx.l. v. i;.t:u:i:-I!')Ai;i'1NO, -ll AXl) IHXiKS. WINim'.V St L'txHi-FKAMl-S. KXETIAX SIU TTLIiS. IlltAC KETS. ive. iMivil.ii.4r e. noraliv used In housi l.liii-1- All kln.:. 71 4 - r . in. ...... ... . neraliv used In hous.. rh done to ord.T. ;miI) ft .itixi-s. ff .v sii:i:i:t, someuset, pa. ir. ; r. i in-d to inannfaeturv all kinds of V.i;OXS, SLLIGHS, &. lie will also .ritnitly attend to l utthc Uli-T MATi:iiI VLwIlI IuhI. ALL AVOUK WAUltAXTEI). :k done In the Litest anl m..t approved at the OWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. it-. !. 1:nvh 8th. S A. 1 KS, )f all kitvl. lie earelul to l uy miy the if. ii.ine. sVjilos r,-paired .n.nintlv. ' "Als.i. l!:iL"aLre llarrows. Ware. Trucks. Itiipn..'.! Mom-v drawers. Ate. - FAllilUNK'S M'lKSK k (H. 1' SoooiiJ Avenue, ll!trouro. "Tho Eescrve Fund Policy." ISM Ll 11Y Til E BERKSHIRE p I i O j JUST Q o o u a ! o AT LIFE INSURANCE CO., i A. f. KIPPER'S lNl-!)i:i-()KATKlil-i.M, Strun-s Sjm t-Ial l'mlortSon to Every . Policy Holder. For example: Supie you are thirty-flvr years f aire and take a "Keservo Fund 1'olii y" at or diuarv lile r.t.-M. ne annual Myin. nt will Insure you I years and 3 days. Two annual payment wiil Insure yon 4 yean and 12 .lays. Throrannmiliaymcnta will Insure yoaOjftara and -7 day.. Fix-animal iwyin.uts will iusuro yun 10 years and M days. Six fiitni tl luyio-ntF will Iusuro yon 12yars and 11 dav.. 15! w o GOODS, NOTIONS, in o f-r B o p et- o o o a in P 13 P. Q 13 This Protection AppIiestoanyAge, An 1 is expressly stated In every Policy. Ti! i. a nv a nt a ; e t F sr :ii ru Tix"Ti x. sGROCERIESJg Ml , iouiictc. lie sure to rail ar.d see, and lie eulivine- 3 vd, as there are too ni.uiy uril. lvi kept fur I rnameratim. C? i i-H ! C3! DITtiMTE SOMTHSKT 1IOIKF., Sl'MHRBET, PA. July 17 A. W. KXErPF.n. M:vnlis, stkkx c CI'NX1N(;HAM, l'!IYKIAX AXI slliia.oX. LAY ANSV1IJ.K PA. 1 '.. "71 6m. ! Thi is to rt-rtify that mr late lin'lmnd. Daniel j 11. l'honi.son. was injured In the hTkshire Lite Iio-uniiH-et'ompuny, 1'ittsfiel.!, Mas... lortl.wsi, I Iien-ml.-r l'Jili. 147. pnrniluin pnyal.le iiuarterlv. 'That two iavim-nt' were made iip to June lw'h, . 171. tii.t hr.li.-d (M.iIht l:nh, lour inmiilis after f tie tailed to make his uiyni.-nt. ! The usual proofs f death were f.inranle.1 to the I Vitnpany. and the full amount of the pi-tiey. lw i the two quarterly payments due at the time of his 1 death. wa jwld to me hv their 'k-tieral Affent in I'hiUd.-li.liia. W. II. (Jraves. at their ulUce, S. W. comer t'heslnut and Elevnlh Streets. (Siime.1) NETTIE THOMPSON, W. H. reene. late of New Y'ork. insured a lew vi-ars sinee in the llerkshire IJte InmiraiM-e i 'om- liiiov l..r iLl Issi- l.m owiior tu ndslortune In ln-i. . iks was unalde to make any ayment to the t. p 4 T t 'oiupauv duriuir one vear and live m.inths prior to i 1 lit. I I - I ' ln deo-as-. 1 hare this 1ar iM (at the New O xa P trr m 8 T3 o 01 Mr. rrcniilritt and Fcllnc-Cili zchs: I rogwt cxtroiiiPly tuat I aji- ppar In-fore you upon this cx-casion ex- cwilinjrlv rrostrutiHl. I have boon very ill, and I nmv porhaps lie uiulr the nt'cessitv. bfftire ffoiir' vt-rv far, to crave the indulgence of takin?; ?cat upon a chair. It will scarcely be expcctei! of nie to-nijrht, after the exhaustive, eloquent, logical and con vinein discussion of national ques tions that vou have just heard, that I should attempt to enter upon the great subject of national politics. .Moreover, to-day there has flashed across this continent, making glad the hearts of loval men, from w here the broad Atlantic meets its eastern shores to where the blue billows the great Tacific dash and break and di! away a speech more logical more convincing, more grand, more irlorious than ever was uttered bv rhetorician or orator from the plat form which conies from the monn tains of the I'ine Tree State ! (A plause.) Ah ! my fellow-citizens, it tells vou to-nijrht in thunder tone tlmt the Greeley bubble has bur.- I laughter I ; tnat the bastard move ment has collapsed, and that all that remains is to burv it in some " blood v chasm" so deep that the Augul of tin Resurrection cannot awaken it. Cheers. White caps usually dis appear in Pennsylvania about Octo ber laughter ; you don't see any them afterwards; but the frost come earlier in Maine and Vermont, and the thin? has lieon sadlv nipped in the bud. rLaughter.l Ami now, forsooth, this great party this com lunation of the erood and virtuous and patriotic of the land, that was to move on irresistibly to victory this great partv is m mourning. And when that distinguished citizen of Pennsylvania, that model reformer that magnificent sjM'cimen of political virtue and high personal character, Alexander McClnrc hisses, heard last night at the Continental the news from Maine, you ought to have seen him chew his tooth-pick, Laugh LT.J Iiy, tliey are ready to give up without another blow. They are WDrse scared than the I'utchnian was at the time of the cholera. I hiring the cholera excitement, when they had lists of the names of the people that died of the cholera, a fellow rushed into the Lrdnr oflice one dav and said : '"Docs ycr keep here dor list of der people dot don't die of der chol era V Laughter. . "Yes, sir.' "Den dis is der blace where I gits der list !"' "Yes." "Icn let me see der list.' It was shown to him. "Xow will ver read der names ; I want to see if Curl Hobensacken is der." So they were read along. There stood the Dutchman. ly and by he said "Well, if dis is not the funniest ding you ever see, bv tamn ; dat is my name, Carl Hobensacken ; you see dat I was drunk, and I got scared, and think I had der cholera and (lit I was dying 3"' Laughter. Xow I say that this great party is worse scared tlian t. arl llooensacken was. Laughter. But, my fellow-citizens, it is nothing more than a vote from those great Commonwealths, as the Attorney-CJeueral has said, proclaim ing to the jieoplc of this great coun try, and to all other lands, that for four years more a faithful ruler and an honest man and a true patriot shall control thedestinies of this great Republic. Applause. I passtheni, as you will naturally c.xiiect of me, to the discussion of the question involv ea in our Mate canvass, i ask vour consideration briefly to K f KMI-S XI KSLKY, 11 A li N EI S V II. LI', SUM KliSET C ., I'A., The soVerilier inform his friends and the nut, lie that he is Bow tievutim; hit entire time to hi. The first one ever staried in the county, nnd Is pre wired In lumisli promptly all kin d. ol (i n.hsite St. fharl.-s Hold.) W.itili STIKTT, I'lTTSIU nCH, ' York onW of the i 'omiiaiir. -J7I Dnntdwar. comer , ot I.n iii.1T" treet). three thousand two hundred I "'"I ninety-nine dollars, this lieinir the lull amount one i I'A. his widow, alii r dedui-iiiiir the overdue nay and int.Ti-st. T it T-rt v"Tin- .iters of (JllCnWare and JlaiUlfaC-! Xc w York. Man-h llih, -u. Snjierlnt.-n lent. tiirers of (ilassv.aro. i waiii: nnd. Ijmnl is -crcl to manulaciiirt-all Irad (ho Following C laims l'al.l. Fist of O UX A M L.XTA L TII i: KS, Vines and Plants. II IS 1 1 IN N IA Tit N WITH KXOX'S IMTTSr.UI.d XUItSKItY ' am siikkt n:ox waiii:. Tin. largest and m.jt complete In the I'nitcd I States, enable, him to ruaraiit.e to hi. customers the choicest varieties ami thriftiest irrvwth. His Iirh-CM are lower than ever IM-Iiire. 11 i rcolve I. James Jolee. New Y rk Mty. ai.bou, tiarment I lo 1 nuulone. l.y any in the Stale tu price or overdue 4 m -tit lis. j quulllr. Thes words will lie Biaiiefroai! lie will F. II. '. llainie. New Y ork City. &l.uM, ir-1 lvrn4a"y "'licit orl.-rs this la II. Init orders ad ment ovenlue4 moulks and idays. j dm-se,! a alxne will be prolully attended to. MB. tt. M. Hart, f -nicaxn, ill. iju..iiuu, payment I inem in early. . dull i-juii. and sui.pl ail kli In 1. ul IIoiiko I'uriiUliiit"; ;mm!h iiy kept in j;,,, shoji one d..r west of i-er s store. Main txeet. S.m-rset. Pa. -' 1- 'J- NDAH I ASEilEEIt. i overdue 7 month, and 16 days. I ji. r. .-u.Mire. jtoeion. .iam, sjvou, ymcm overoue a mofiins ana l. .lavs. I James 11. Aduir. New Mamiile, Ind., $1,000. Jmvment orenlne 1 month, and 7 nay. lioniaril '(fraly. iH'troit, Mich.. 40.000, Jiay ment over-lne 2 rears, lu months and 11 dava. Jonc. It. lialmak. Utelil.urir. M.siC (il.OOO, payment oreniue Z year., 1 luonth and 2 days. WKlCHlLI)fc MARSHALL. Arenls. June l'J-"7i Somerset, l'a. II AKRISOX II. KEMPH. I I.i:, lUtOOKS : CO.. ! Tho ImrirnvArl oduce Commission Merchants. i r-. . .. ....,..,r. LLIK11U 'j.yy..j lAtlilrl t, X). 4t AMHE STIiEET, I r hn-lness suictly IVmiuiisskjo, not Specula-Sl-clal alimiion glvea () THE SALE OF BUTTKK. ' rt., J M. H .l.ernm. Spmenvei. liewiL M. D. N Uier & Uk, Meyer. Mill. . """ Meyers a Anawali, H..flin. "T J,r"k. 1're-idem W trtcrn Na I ! -i , . ' oi iiMiiin.Te, 71 li UK -M:w FLoi'i: mii i. T1-e new rumt Mm lum lhe Mg lhf "i-i i.:xxisox MILI' 'Ortl,. 1 V run " il 'UIh," Somerw-l is c.in- " . ', ,u' ""t Improvo- ' "ta.irk?r,"J "u"'h'- -' kind ol w.Tk. ii 7 t I" Li 11.1 ..r all kinds of emir, VALEMJNE ft AY. I New Draw Feed, T-OCIC STITCH. There are snt fsdnts In a Sewing Siaehlne that la.licsilesiriiiKtopun-h.se, rhonld take lutoeon .ideration, iiaim-ly: Lluhtncs of runr.lnr. 1-jis of Manap-ment. '.ii.a-ltr to do the Work KequlreJ, I neilom from Noise, and Xou Liability to ret out of Order. ; We claim that the IMPROVED EIXIITIC JsiSM-sm-s all tlieae 4uliita. and that it is TII E VERY lik-ST r-A.iivriL-sr machine Now Manufactured. And we ivdlrlt an examiuati.tt of II. Ajrents want ed in every eouuty, tu whom we will give the oit lllieral terms. EAHJX JlliOS., 19 nth .re.,Pl!ishnrKh, Pa. gOL I II L A. H. Franciscus & Co., YVITII iwrom-Kiui axn na alecs is COTTOXYAllXS.BATTS.WICK, Twine and Ropes, LOOKING GI.ASSFJ, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS Wooden and Willow Ware, &c, MASTS' AlTt'CKlUI AKD JOBBED. OF OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, KUGS, &c, 613 Market Street and 510 Cutnmcree Street, lhiladeliia. June 10 tf. JX s ST0Y.ST0WX. SOME OF THE CilAlUIES I that have leen made against our can ' didatcs ; and if I have the physical I strength and your jiaticueti will jus- ! tifv it to n bfit-f discussion of the record of the Democratic ticket the renowned and patriotic and distin guished Iha:Ie-"R. J5uckalew. One of the first and principal charges that has been made against the Republi can candidate for (Jovenior is that he is the candidate of the King, the Treasury King, the King that con trols tlu politics of Pennsylvania, the King that is under the lead and do minion and power of that man, who j if we are to believe all that is said aoout lum, must ue a demon incar nate Simon Cameron. Applause. Xow mv fellow-citizens, 1 have never been an admirer of Mr. Cameron; have never In-longed to Ins wing of the party in Pennsylvania ; but, on the contrary, as ninny of you know, have always licen identified with what is called the wiag the same that the President of this meeting has belonged to (referring to Mr. Mann) what is known as the Curtin wing of the party. Cheers. I want, also, to say to you, to-night, just here, that while that distinguished War Governor of Pennsylvania is lying dangerously ill in New Y'ork that the reports which have been put in circulation about his being opposed in any way to the National or State tickets are lies cut out of the whole cloth cheers, nnd that if he were able to raise his head from his pillow he would hurl them back with scorn upon their authors. Applause. I say I have never been an admirer of Senator Cameron, and have never be longed to his wing of the party. Dut some things I know about the manner in which the nomination of John F. Ilartranft was brought about Ap plause. In the first place you will remember, my fellow-citizens, that for months, for more than a year, previ ous to the meeting of tho State Con vention, Gen. Ilartranft 's name was prominently mentioned in connection with the Gubernatorial nomination, and that county after county instruct ed delegates for him, to represent them at llarriburg. CAMERON OPPOSED TO HARTRANFT'S NOMINATION. The week before that Convention assembled I happened to be in the city of Washington, in the discharge of official duties. While there I was present at a caucus held in the Com-1 mittec room of Senator Cameron, in that the nomination of John F. Hart ranft the next week at llarrisburg must be prevented. In that couclu sion Senator Cameron concurred, and it was decided that he should proceed to llarrisburg, and use his utmost efforts to prevent the nomination of Hart ranft for Governor. He started from Washington,' went to llarrisburg, found the majority of the delegates were instructed for Ilartranft, and that he had no power or control over them ; then left llarrisburg and came back to V ashington before the Con. vention was over, and reported that the thing was done and that he had no power to prevent it. Applause, Yet they say he is the candidate of the Cameron ring. Here is one of his principal backers, who was there upon the ground (pointing to the lion Wm. B. Mann, sitting near him), and Morris Coates, of Philadelphia, was another, upon the ground : and von know that county after county, auti Cameron, sent delegates instructed for Ilartranft, and that county afti county recognized as Lainerou sent delegates instructed for Jordan. THE EVAN8 FRAUD. Now my fellow-citizens, tho next charge that has been made and I dismiss this charge about his bein the candidate of a ring with-these re marks, liecauso I will have to. hasten the next charge that has licen made against General Ilartranft is that he was implicated In the Evans fraud that ho nttempted to steal from the Commonwealth " of Pennsylvania $300,000 iu the form of commissions for collecting the war claims of the Commonwealth against the Govern ment of the Luited States At thi point the speaker was interrupted bv the passage of a procession, and the discharge of fireworks outside the building Keporter. In regard to this charge; the largest portion of what were called claims were presen ted at ashington In-fore Gen. Hart ranft came into office. You will further reniemberthat there is no such thing as an account of a State against the Government 6f the United States There can le no" claim against the sovereign except what the sovereign itself chooses to allow. The United States Government chose, by an act of its Congress, to provide that would, under certain circumstances, refund to tho States the payments which they bad made for expend. tures during the war., lou will re member that it is 90 part of the duty of the Auditor-General to audit anac count between the State and Uulted States, and that there could be no ac count, no writings, no . papers, no vouchers of any kicd relating tot war claims of tlie Commonwealth against the United States on Ole in the Auditor.General s ptSco, or that could bv anv posibilitvfDass through his hands. X'ow you will hear in mind moreover, that these vouchers, which were asked for in the oflice of the Auditor-General Here again the speaker was inter rupted bv a procession and fire works. Keporter. I was about to remark that it is claimed that the vouchers subsequent ly asked for from tho Auditor-Geuer al would furnish the account against the United States. They were vouch ers of accounts which had been set tied in the Auditor-General's office between citizens and the State, ant filed away, towards which the duties of the Auditor-General had been offi ciallv discharged under Act of As sembly, and which he had nothing more to do with. When the Govern ment of the United States saw prop er to allow the claim to be made against it for moneys disbuised by the State, it also provided that Tlia un.ler.irmO. nronrietor of the Diamond Hotel, on the sxtut beast ounier of t lie I liamund, le Inir indaed hr his many friends, would say to the traveling public that tie U now prepared to receive and hosidialily entertain aU mho way jrlve- Mm a . , t,- C.M,ae uAB f 4jlft rn. .;,.. Tbern call. His bouse will t conducted with the beat luc "uu- 'uu "I apHOI. iliere order and fumitu due acoomniodations. 1 were a number of prominent politi- st-vrtown, Pa., April i7tis72.tL,ClSTEK' Mians there, and the conclusion was would recognize in the settlement of the claim the Governor of the State, or a duly accredited and appointed agent. In accordance with that pro vision, an agent was to be appointed to present the claims to the Govern ment, to obtain the uionVy, nnd pay it over to the Governor or into the State Treasury, and the Auditor- General had nothing more to do with it than you or I. Applause. That was the status of the claims at the time Evans was appointed Agent un der an act of Asseiubry by the Gov ernor ot ttie Commonwealth. He made out the claims and presented them at Washington, and received the money, and paid it over what was paid over to the Governor, and the Governor paid it into the State Treas ury, and all the Auditor-General had to do with it was to ascertain by ex amination of the accounts of the State Treasury if the money paid had been properly credited to the Common wealth, and if it was there iu the hands of the Treasurer ready to meet legal warrants drawn upon the Trcas ury. This was the status of those claims when it was accidentally dis covered that a large portion of money had been received by George O. Evans which hud not been paid iuto the treasury of the Commonwealth. Immediately after that discovery the State Treasurer and the Auditor- General applied to me, as their counsel, residing in the city of Pitts burgh, as their private counsel, to know what remedy they might have and how they could force this man hvans to disgorge the money. I dir ected that the State Treasurer and the Auditor-General should settle and adjust the account upon such data as they might lie able to obtain, and that they should call him to account and demand the payment of the money, that they themselves stated and certi fied to be due. Accordingly the ac count was settled, and he was called to account, and the money was de manded. What then? Why, he left the State. When he was gone, they came to me again to know what had to be done now. I advised that a When this requisition Lad been ob tained, officers were sent to New York, but failed to ascertain the whereabouts of Evans, when Gen. Ilartranft and Mr. Mat-key came to me again to urge something else to be done. I found authority under the United States Government, as an at torney of the United States, to pro cure the interference and assistance of the secret service of the United States to ascertain tho whereabouts of Evans, and succeeded in finding him and procuring his arrest. Applause. Ho was brought back to the State of Pennsylvania and disposed of, as you know, on a hearing at llarrisburg. At that time I was sick lying in bed, and couldn't attend as their counsel. They were represented by Hon. Wayne MacVcagh, and the State by Attorney General Brewster. To my great surprise and amazement the charge Iteforc J udge Pierson was en tirely different from that which I had advised and had intended to perform. He was discharged, but the civil suit remained. Now mark, my fellow citizens, during all this time, UENERAL HARTRANFT NEVER MANI FESTED THE SLIGHTEST FEAR, and recollect that he had it in his power to stop the proceedings at any moment. If the Auditor-General and the State Treasurer had differed the State couldn't have proceeded to re cover the money ; if they differ the Governor is umpire, and his decision is final. If General Ilartranft had desired to stop the proceedings, if there had licen anything in his trans actions with G. O- Evans that impli cated him in the emliezzlenient, all he had to do was to differ with State Treasurer Mackey, and the whole thing was squelched in an instant. But no, he was firm, vigorous, un yielding, persevering, pressing to the lust, demanding that the State should have justice, nnd that the money vif tho Commonwealth should be paid over and placed in the vaults of the treasury. Applause. One step further. They charge that he bor rowed $7,000 from Evans. So he did and he paid it back and redeemed his note like an honorable man, and I bear testimony here to-night to the fact that though George O. Evans was his creditor for $8,000, vet that didn't deter him from bringing Geo. O. Evans to justice. Applause.. He paid him the note, and paid him the interest, every penny tf it, for every hour that he had held it iif Jjis pos session. And rmW can you s1-sany-thing in all this that reflects discredit upon" General John F. Ilartranft. anything upon which these charges can be based that arc daily reiterated in the Liberal and Democratic press ? But I shalLhave more to sav about it before I jfet through. TIIE'MANAGEMENT OF THE STATE TREASURT. I pass now to the next charge, that General Ilartranft and Mr. Mackey and the Treasury King have been peculating and using the public inoiit'V in the Treasury improperly. In the first place they allege that it is entirely wrong that these moneys should be distributed about the State, deposited with various banks and bankers throughout the Common wealth. Well, it may be wrong I have nothing to say about that but our forefathers, as far back as 1811, passed a law which provided that all irtsoiis who held money due to the Commonwealth should deposit in such banks as might bo designated by the State Treasurer as far back as 1811. And again, in 18o", the same thing was re-enacted, and it was pro vided that the Auditor-General should, at stated times, examine the accounts of the various banks and bankers, to ascertain that the money may have to -be an examination of your books and accounts." Well, Mr. IMackey, assisted by his friends raised the $105,000, and placed it to the credit of the Commonwealth ; and it is there to-day, to my personal knowl edge, every dollar of it, ready to be drawn upon any legal warrant. Applause. I came on to Philadel phia to sec what could be done to sc curo this claim, or any part of it, ont of the assets of Mr. Yerkes. I found he had made voluntary assignments of what property he had left to a lawyer in this city, and I discovered that before his failure he had given preference to a large number of banks and bankers in this city some of your very first bankers and some of tho largest and most powerful corpor ations in this city, the First National and the Kensington Banks, and Mr. Drexel. Xow my dutv as counsel for Mr. Mackey and Gen. Ilartranft. who had nothing in connection with this deposit of public money was to direct them what was best for them to do. I knew if I went iuto a Court of Bankruptcy and instituted proceed ings against l eikcs, to force these people, that I would be fought at every step. 1 knew that lerkes' books and all the account and data would have to be brought into the public tribunal, and passed through the hands of the Marshal ami the hands of the Kegister in Bankruptcy, open to the inspection of all the cred itors. Did that make them hesitate ? a moment t Did I hesitate J I went into the U. S. Court and filed the pe tition in bankruptcy and provided the proof. This money was the personal indebtedness of Kolx'rt W. Mat-key, every dollar of it, and has all been paid to the S.ate every dollar of it ; and is there now. Applause. What I say can be proved by any body who examines the record. There was nothing illegal or impro per in the transaction with Chas. T. Ycrkcs. Applause.. There was nothing improper or criminal in either Robert W. Mackey or J. F. Hart-' ranft. But thev say there was an we are paying that off at the rate two millions of dollars r annum by the taxes collected from the corporations. A voice "Just what Grant has made England pay." Now, my fellow-citizens, look at that. At the same rate of pavmeut in nine more years Pennsylvania will hare clear and clean books. She won't owe a dollar in the world. No other State of the American nation to-night can show such a financial re cord as that Go look at Xcw York, which has been under Democratic rule. Laughter. Contrast our condition with theirs. Ah, my fellow citizens and yet they talk alout speculating with the public money. Well I Lope Mackey and Ilartranft will go on until they get the whole debt paid. Applause and laughter. It is the kind of speculation that I like just like the whisky that Gen. Grant drank during the war. Now, my ftllow-ci.izcns, it is not necessary that I should revert to the I.filliartr in il I ..tv n. .r"ifl r.f tltr T-.l.i. F. Ilartranft. There is one thing he I "."J.T w i . . a . .-..!:?. ..ti i their "1 ishing Crcc 11443 11. II, It'll lit I..J K yr 11 ,4 Villi; Ull j over the State of Pennsylvania ped dling books and documents to prove that he is a loyal man. Laughter and applause. Yes, they are paying the State debt ami Grant is paying the X'ational debt, and paying it raji idly, too. I used to think that tho Xational debt was a terrible thing ; in fact, if I had owed all that money I would have gone into bankruptcy. I j used to think that it was a terrible thing, but some time ago I read an ac count of a store-keeper in some little town in Ohio, who paid $20,000 a year for eggs. Just think of it ! and I began toculculate, if all the store keepers in Ohio paid so much for eggs, that Charles R. Buckalew fver .orig-. ,? ' inated any measure of great. inicrstv; i or usefulness to his country, or that he ever ottered one patriotic, on honest and patriotic sentiment I defy them to produce it. As for his votes, he was always with the Cop perheads, and he was a Copperhead of the Copperheads. He voted with Garrett Davis constantly and consis tently, uniformly, all through his Sen atorial career. He voted to Impede the Government during the war ; voted to pay the slaveholders for the liberation of their slaves, and voted against every measur of reconstruc tion, and now comes into this Com monwealth and talk.) about his loy tlty. Why, I told you, and many told vou in Philadelphia during the ,(war at the Union League 1 1 out e, OI ., .' , 11.. I t 4k 1 1 n :u tnere wouiun. uc iw i Copperheads but would claim, after j the war had ended, to be a loyal man. every -one of them ; andourprediction has come perfectly tnie. Charles K. Buckalew wa nothing but hig "snake," and ho remains nothing but ! a big "snake" now. I have neither the time nor the intention to analyze his record. At that time I was living ir? Clear-field county, a county rery much like Columbia county, whero it was very hard to live during the war. You know that in Clearfield county they continually resisted the draft, and that finally troops had to be sent there to enforce it and make the people obey the laws. Well, they tried the same thing in Columbia count v, and with about the same re- ! suits. When the troops were sent to enforce the draft in Clearfield county, you all know that Bigler hied away to California, and that Wallace put in a subr-titute laughter, and they do say that he was a "nigger' at that. Laughter. In Columbia hat they called Creek Confederacy" and the "Xorth Mountain Camp Meeting," and they published a book, and I have it, and will produce it, containing the proceedings of the Xorth Mountain Camp Meeting, and the Chairman of the Committee on Speakers is Charles R. Buckalew. Applause. And now he is going about Pennsylvania, talking about his loyalty during the war. To any man that doubts the existence of that book, I will be very glad to show it. I will leave it at the headquarters ot the Republican State Central Com mittee, where any man can see it I make no statement about Buckalew which I am not prepared to prove and verify by irrefutable document. Now this is the loyal man you are asked to vote for, that some Republicans, some "Liebral" Republicans, are willing to vote for the coming election. Mr fellow-citizens, it has como back in Pennsylvania to the condition or things that we had for years, and years, and years during the war. There is no difference now between and can furnish the roosters tllCse men ancl tLe oM Copperheads. gratis. Now let us see about Bucka- oa niake them anything else. lew. r-Ttll us about Forney. "1 Bat i 1 know wt arc toia uiai we ougni to considering how many stores there arc in Onio, how many old hens there must le cackling in all the States, from the Atlantic to tho Pacific. Laughter. And 1 concluded that our national debt would be paid if we would onlv turn ft over to the chick ens laughter, and that it would be account kept in the books in the ini- j paid the easier now, lwcause the Dem- tialsof M. R. W., and that they re-!ocrats have no more victories to crow presented stocks bought for Mr. i over, Mackey and for Air Partranft. Just at thnr timo nno ff trie firstr. triiiirrc T did when I came to Philadelphia to von know all about him afreadv. j forgret it and that we ought to bury collect this monev was to ascertain I there is no. use wasting ammunition i lt avvav Imrn dceP m 901116 "Woody the state of the" accnunts bet ween ! over one of Andrew Johnson's dead j chasm" or some other sepulchre, Mackey and Ilartranft I saw the ducks. mlllola "f T U" " o,..l I inonired 1 tuiiiaio .. v. ii . unit m. iii.piiivu what they meant "Why," said Mr. Ycrkes, "they mean stocks that I had bought for Mr. Mackey as a favor, and if I made any money out of them I would pay it to him, and if I lost I would say nothing about ii." I spoke to Mr. Mackey about it, and asked him if he had authorized this thing. THE FORGED AFFIDAVITS." no said he didnt give any authori ty, and that he didn't deal in stock. Mr. Yerkes, in the presence of Mr. Kemble, said the account was iu no way included in the proceedings in bankruptcy. But they say that is not all. Here is an affidavit made by Charles Yerkes that he did buy stocks with the State money for Ilartranft and Mackey that they were sjeeula ting in State funds. I say to you to night that Charles Yeikes never made any such affidavit and never signed it. (Applaure. I sav to you BICKALEW. Let us see a little nliout Buckalew. He is a Reform candidate. He is a man all virtue. If he iselected, there will be no speculating with the public money. There will be no money de posited in the banks. Well, I don't believe there will be much. Laugh ter. Everything will bo lovely Let us look at his record. He has been m office about twenty years, and likes it In point of fact, a fellow does get to like it. I like it a little myself. He gets a hankering after it. Well, Buckalew likes it ; ltr twenty years be has been in office. He is one , of the reformers. Well, he is a Re awar out of sight, but I say it is be yond the virtue and forbearance of any ordinary man to do this thing, and it will take a great deal more of the grace of God than I ever had yet for me to to it Applause. I am sorry to say that Perhaps I ought to have it; but still I do say that though I can forgive it I can never forget it, and it will take more of the grace of God and pare charity than I have ever yet got I have said that I lived during the war in a country where Copperheads abounded. We used to go to the postoffice for our mail, and when I would look out of mv window and see the Copperheads all with smiling of whole cloth, and I have ment to prove it here in my hand. At this point the sjtcaker exhibited a letter. On July 18th, 1872, Charles Yerkes wroto to General Ilartranft this: "The affidavit which they have made out has not mv signature to it" And on the 27th of August,. 1872, "I have been extremely sorrv that j f l. .-....I T ........ K1,k fV,i a liatu nvii, .n x: 11 44.0' , 01 4114. 11 u.iu t- vou to was dulv placed to the credit of the 1,(5 writes Uiu9 atul ine ,eUeM ro Commonwealth. Again, in 1S57. it f roa.lv- to lc produced, with his own was reiterated. Atthat time the bail , signature ami in nisown nanu-wrmng of the State. Treasurer was only whenever any one wants to sec them, $0,000. Two years ago. at the in- ,ur ! ,avc Pot iaem- LtvPPlausc J stance of Mr. R. AY. Mackey, the nresenf ineiinilienf. it wns inen-ased tn ', -vftnm.il ,.d id.. mM..s v...... rnn,,n. tion of mv plans, to assist V.""',WV, 4-4- " ""O 4V4...4- . - structed so that monthly returns were y uie mgemous.y comrivru aru- reauired to be made to show the state : clos amI ,al,H0 statements, mat nave of the funds deposited belonging to bcen Polished in the papers. It is the Commonwealth. Now, mark j J"? carnPst dre tH lleviate all you von. there is not a sino-1.. l.nnk in Hos have suffered by reason of matters in Coinmonwealth that has to-day $500,-1 mf offit'e- . 1 wi take every opivortu- 000, or anything like it not oik!. So "n? uu," what security have you for the de-j . , , C has. T. l erkes posits made? AVhy, first, the bank Aim tnat s not an ; ana i say nere 1 . - ' :i.a 4i.ni . - .1:-. itself; second, the personal security of i .' 13 " the .tate Treasurer; and, third, the tant, ann tne nour is not iar aistant, bail of half a million of dollars. Is whpn lt w, Xh! demonstrated that vour money safe ? It is safer than lhls man. connected with some bogus ever before in the history or the I '"'"ft'-. " '" State. Our forefathers were wise ini tlDS men wholesale murderers ah making this provision relative to the j ovr the world that this fellow is a money being kept tlepositeu in van-r 7 l-i i ---j. ous banks of tho Commonwealth. ! a.nd !f lu; want3 se anybody for YYV...U I.OV4. ,r ; ti, voi.it Islander. I am reatlv for his ci.. to- .rvi.tv yvri uia i v i ' I. aaa . uv- HUii.; . - of the Treasury at llarrisburg, sub ject to loss by fire and burglary, or would you have it disseminated among the banks in the State, in use among the people ? But they say that too large an amount is kept on hand. AVhy, my fellow-citizens, the interest has to be paid semi-annually, and the State debt is being reduced at the rate of $2,000,000 a year under tho ad ministration of John F. Ilartranft, owing to the manner in which the taxes are collected from the corpora tions. fApplause.l But, they say, That may all Ic true that may all bo true but look at this Ycrkes matter. Look at that There was deposited with Yerkes $1 05,000 of the public money, and Treasurer Mackey and Ilartranft speculated in stocks ith the Stale money." , THE DEPOSITS WITH YERKES. "Oh, what an outrage! Let os look at it. Irwin went out of office and had a deposit with Charles Yerkes, then a broker in good standing, of $2.r)0,000. Mr. Mackey had to take criminal charge should be made! it just as lie took the deposits with against him, that a warrant should be issued, that a requisition should be taken, and that he should be arrested and brought back to the Common wealth to answer a charge of embez zlement, but which was afterwards tortured into a charge of larceny as bailee. Applause. I wrote the in formation and directed it. My clients went to llarrisburg and submitted the documents to the Attorney-General, who coincided with me, and obtained a requisition to procure the arrest of this man. In all this Gen. Ilartranft was the most vigorous and most ur gent and the most diligent prosecutor that I ever had as a client in twenty years of practice. Applause. all the other banks aud bankers throughout the State. Bnt he thought the amount too large, and immediate ly commenced to draw it down, and drew it down, month after month, as rapidly as could be safely done, to $200,000, and to $165,000. Then Yerkes failed just after the Chicago fire, when he came to me as his coun sel and placed the claim in my hands for collection. : The very first thing I said to him was, "This is an impor tant thing for you. You are liable for this money ; you and your sure ties, and you might just as well make it good now as at any time. AVhen we come to collect this money our claims may lie contested, and there former, something like Lowrv, is a ' faces- 1 8 tor m.v ma" Oh.no! Reformer. He is a very hone'st man, I knew what had happened just as and went into the Legislature ten well as if I had seen the papers; the years ago. Heowned a large amount ,,rare J3 in Wuc haJ met wh some of real estate, the purchase money j disaster, had gone down in some fight, and the taxes on which were not paid, t antl fr the time being the flag of my and he hadn't the monev to pav them ; country was not victorioui. But m ir 4 l ,i. j wbr-ri T rt-pnt tn tri ilrinp anil LutboJ i . . . . e ,,) I wiui. lie niaveu nine rears in me -"v.iu here to-night it is a forgery made out . - - . t , those same Connerhe.da ihn 1 1 ."..'il 1 1. unii . , uiiu.i o. mai , ui few .4 . - rr 111. IIIM (1- ; - , , .4. . ", i : irith fanAa Inniv miAii.li Ia 4.1 ..I. year, ami paiu ior tnai real estate ami , " ,l" -"o wSx. c vie uui, had $100,000 to spare. Laughter. j of a cbarn. thcn I knew that the flag Buckalew is a Reformer like this ! of republic had floated out tri man. But Lowcrv is honest. I ' umphantly in the face of the foe, and . - . 4l .4. A. I 1A 1 not would intimate that he is not'lual lnc succcssxui reoei nosis naa il.. l..ltrw - honest. w'c" onven oacK. ippiause.jf Indeed, I hold him up as an exam-i Can 1 for?et it? Can I forget it? pie of great honest v. He is Me-' Uan you forget it ? Oh, no ; none of Clure's right bower. ' Laughter. :.vou can forget it. nor can any of you Well, Buckalew, when the war broke ! votefor Charles R. Buckalew in the out in 18C1, was in South America, i coming election. Buckalew con in some sort of a diplomatic oflice. j nected with the Fishing Creek Coo. He came home iu a few months after ' federacy and the North Mountain the war broke out, and, the first thing, -.aniP -lceting : Uh, my fellow- he made a speech on a Democratic oc- citizens, it is uue to tain aoout Tor casion, and I am going to read the ' petting, though we may forgive the beginning of it verbatim et litrrothn. I nien that trailed the flag of our conn Saul he : - AVhen I landed in New j try in the dust all though the war. York I heard that Abe Lincoln was j Applause. And it is also idle that elected President of the United States. ' these men should expect us to forget and I felt humiliated." Humiliated ! ! how Genera! John F. Ilartranft car think of it ! think of it ! Buckalew was i "ed the flag during the war. Ap humiliated because Ale Lincoln, the ' plause. hen in a few days th rail-splitter of Illinois, was elected . gallant soldiers come from Maine, President of the United States; vet ! wLere they don't forget from A'er he is a Democrat of the Democrats ,110,'t, from Oregon to meet in the and a Reformer of the Reformers. Smoky City, they will bear testimony And vet he is going aUmt the State : to the manlines. and patriotism of asking workingmcn to vote for him. General Ilartranft, who leads the Humiliated because Abe Lincoln, the j vanguard of victory. He ean't be rail-splitter of Illinois, had been elect- l'"- Beat him ! AVe'll drive them ed President I thank God, my ftl-l into their holes on the second Tues-low-citizens, that we live in a country ! Jay in October, and they will feel so whero it is possible for the humblest niean that they will pull their holes and the lowest in the land to rise to!'" aftcr them. Laughter and ap all the higher and nobler positions, i plause. But now, Charles K. Buckalew, Dem-1' He had teen men from all the ocrat though he may be, has yet to I AVcstern districts as jurors during learn the first frrand fundamental I the last eight weeks; he had talked principles of Democracy, and that is t tlint th rirnna of uncut tlmt o-ntVii-r: on the bow of honest toil are jewels . C0UM not find it in forty-six coun fairer far than the brightest gems in ! tics, and they would roll up a major jhe crowns of princes. Applause. ! J Ilartranft and plunge it down Ah ! it was no disgrace to Abraham ! over the Alleghenies to the Eastern Lincoln that he split rails in Illinois. slope larger than any other man eve Applause. It was no disgrace to , t in the State. If Allegheny don't Andrew Johnson that he was a tail-'give seven thousand majority for or. Laughter. The Lord knows! Hartranft in October you may put that if there had been nothing else ! e down as the poorest prophet that but that to disgrace him he would i ever made a prediction. I have been havn.H e-reut man to this dav. i here for several days ; I have been laughter And it is no disgrace to i sick ami seen but few ; but I have Ulvsses Grant to have been a tanner I f,een looking for that defection; and applause, and it is no disgrace to : find it is only McCIure and Forney! V -ri'ri . . i t -x-. i M 'tuen mil Films v ' That's arwinf Jieury nson to nave ui-i-n a .uiiia.-,"4i.. - . . . .J . . , , . , . i n ,.t ; r.;..o "TL eobb er. l he trooa ioru Knows tnat i u i i11" morrow At this point the speaker was in terrupted by cries of "(Jive it to Forney now." AVhereupon he replied, "He's a dead duck." (Applause and laugh ter. PROSPERITY OF THE STATE I N DER RE PUBLICAN RILE. Now, my fellow-citizens, they al lege this ; the misuse of the public money. I will be glad, if I have the strength, to discuss these matters with you, for I know a great deal per sonally in regard to them, and what I say I can prove. They talk about their . speculating with the public money. Let me tell you here to night that the finances of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania were never in as creditable and prosperous a condition as they arc in to-night. REDUCTION OF THE STATE DEBT. AVhen the Republican party took possession of the State of Pennsylva nia, the Democrats gave us a legaey of 42,000,000 of dollars of debt For years and years it had been over forty millions of dollars, and never, under a Democratic administration had it lieen diminished or decreased. Oe- . nit li i h.m alwvuf tfiA .!.fojtirm the in Kcpublkau ranks. He That's about "How about For- if Buckalew was humiliated in 1SG1 j ney ? ") There is no use of wasting by the election of one rail-splitter, j powder on liriw much li will lw rnuiiilin ti'il in DEAD DUCKS. 1872 bv the election of a fanner and a I (Laughter.) The Attorney shoemaker. Well. Buckalew came era! can go back to Oregon an home and tret humiliated. Thev do: them on the Pacific coast that say he often got humiliated. I think will get tired of counting ihorn wpro two oi-rnmns last winter, i majority here. in tue senate, wnen a certain ".-1 .,7eL..,1 Ar,A4.w .nil a rtront Refor- - 1 , ' l. IF . I .4 V . .'A mer snored away during two wnoie; rnuugii. n iuri mougiii n m. Gen 1 tell they Grant's The speaker then, amid cries of go on, said that he baa spoken long to easionally, when the AVhigsgotin.it; sessions of the Senate, and when, if make a speech when one was sick, - . . . ) . . I " . I l 1 . l. 1 it... La.l 1..IU. n,. Vkw. an.) 4W it would go down a little ; but, as soon as the Democrats returned to power, it would go up. Laughter. AA'e took possession of the Government, and from forty-two millions of debt that the State owed, it has gone down to twenty-seven millions. And of that twenty-seven millions there are to-night in the sinking fund ten mill ions, ready to bo applied to the ex tinguishment of the debt when the proper time arrives. Applause. Thus tho debt is practically reduced to seventeen millions of dollars, and l, ..a nr,t ruini bated be ouirht to . tnef hau better come up ana try . have been, for all his disciples and He submitted tLc questions to the friends that surrounded him were cer-1 people for decision. He knew the tainlv humiliated. AVell, it happened j prosperity all over the country was that "when he returned to Pennsvlva-i not to be frittered away by electing nia that the Democratic partr was in 1 such a man as Horaco Greeley. The power in the Legislature, and that he ' people are determined it shall remain was elected to the U. S. Senate. He ; in prosperity, and the October sun, took his seat in that body, and I defy when it goes down on election day, anv man, any admirer here to-night j will look upon the victory that will of "Mr. Buckalew, to point to a single he achieved as a blessing to as all. paragraph or anv sentence which will (Long continued applause, show on the public records of the The meeting then adjourned with government f this Commonwealth cheers for the whole ticket
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers