W At crista; 1 1 par. Since tlx- introduction of mowing und reaping1 machines, the work in harvest is comparatively light ; howe ver, ev rv fanner who has cradled heavy wheat or mown lodged grass, in company with duraMe and skillful workmen, must know something almit excessive thirst, and what n dreadful punishment it war in those circum stances to work half an hour or even fifteen minutes without water, through whose cooling and refreshing influen ces alone he would be cnaUcd to con tinue his work, and also that at such work he would require water every huur, whereas at more moderate work he could do perhap-i with two drinks lietween meals. ' The principles that apply the master are equally applicable to his hojve. Their thirst is increased in proportion t' the scerity of the work and the temperature uf the weather. Hence the necessity and duty of the owner seeing well to the frequent and inijM'i ative wants of the mi,,,, (though dumb) animal, whose life, whose com fort and fntnre usefulness depend so much upon the humanity of his pres ent ma.-ter. It was stated that a lior.-c watered but three time? a day would not sweat so much as those watered oftener, which was therefore used as an argu ment in favor of that practice. Ad mitting the truth of the above asser tion, it docs not follow that his coin fort is promoted, nor 'ct his power of cuduranee increased thereby. No good driver would think of speeding his horse without first sweating him thoroughly. For does a man feel comfortable in the harvest field until his garments become mist with per spiration, which can-ies off the sur plus heat, thus controllingthe temier ature of the body, and to a great ex tent neutralizing the effects of the sun. .Men working at furnaces drink freely and perspire profusely, without w hich the skin would actually burn off them, end those who do not per spire cannot endure the heat, and are obliged to sock other employment. If, therefore, a horse ceases to sweat from aoM iice ot moisture in the system, it :.i- . : .1. is 1 ue most positive proor lie needs tour Hours a iay, ou win hh, 10 ; does imt seem to la-jiuking run at us: I Te -I ih(.ri llepnblican" move water ; that he is in a suffering audi digest your U-cf letter within three j j,,, js a ri.r!rVIll.n atid follows his ' , , ' i f,' wi;Io IP,l'V( 0 ., dangerous condition, and. every' mo- days. Have you ever noticed that j ,lmill of Wllmins oa(11v. He ad- '.V ' xlC V..mwrilt?v as ' promis- meiit it is kept from him is only ad- j .i: . 1 . . 1 n ... . - du.gliiel to the flame, which would ill a short time of eontiniteil rvertinn terminate ins existence. As often i said, a horse may look well and ap-' pear to do well with such treatment : nevertheless his life, like that of many men. i shortoiied and rendered mis erable by irregularities. In ihe absence of other proof, we think the following facts sufficient to no e ,.iir poMtion. namely; that in the lomr da vs or summer, farm horses should h ive water at least five times a day. When a horse has worked two or lhree hours and fees water or hears its peculiar sound so grateful to the thirsty animal, he will look, and often call for it in a wav ouite as intelliiri - ble to the human and those familiar with his habits, as if lie were to ex - press Ins desire in plain English. And again, give him his liltertv after working three hours, and he will go directly to his trough and supply the demands of nature. Now when his thirst is so great in moderate weather with three hours' exertion, what must be his condition in six or seven hours one of those sultry, oppressive days we frequently experience in the latter part of the summer. It is true horses are sometimes in jured by water, but it is when they have licen too long without it and when their respiration is very rapid. Nor is it strange under such circum stances he would drink too much, when man endowed with reason will do the same. It is no uncommon thing in harvest to hear men say. I don't feel well, I worked too long without water, and when I got it, drank too much. Our practice when traveling has ltecii to ride or drive slowly a short time b, Tore watering, which we would do as often as we thought the horse was thirsty, and in the evening we would go very leisurely after water ing a mile or two of our destination, thus bringing the horse into his nig'it's quarters in good condition. lo Jin We Snmnrr ItrUkn. To iiinke mot ln-er, take a quantity j w' re among the institutions of Lon .f sarsapariia roots and sassafras I 1", a tailor, rated to subtly half 11 hark anil some Imps ond hoil till the strcnirth is extracted. To three gal lons of the litpior, after it is strained, atld one quart of molasses ami a cup of yeast. After stantliiifr in a warm place cijrht or ten hours, strain airain and lottlc. It will lie fit to use the following day. For frinirer lieer, take one pint of molasses and t wospoousfull of ringer, put into a pitil with iHtilng water; when well stirred together, fill the pail wiih eohl water, leaving room for one pint of yeast, which must not In put in till lukewarm. Place it on the warm hearth for the night, ami Intttle in the morning. For spruce heer, take three pouuds of suirar, four iralions of water, one ounce of ginger, a little lemon, ami a I part ot lionev in three of honing tT, flavor it with siiites, and addinsr a portion of ground mult, mid a piece j v . . . . i ? .11 . l u loast sieee;i in veast, allowing the w hole to fenueut IMKht Bud nicrwlion. I5V im. lIO lewis, m. n. Very intimate relations exist Ik' tween the sun ami digestion. Pijres- little essence t.r spruce to give it a fla- lowing form in the ChcMvr l.mrantj ' c - - " -s -man snouin ct er ine 10 muriin vor. Stir all together, warm it a tri- a great many vears ago; ' In the i " tnlH.,t-..iipnsiiigtlie cabbage llsi,an,l ,y that I vas crazy." This n ..it. .7 i. I-... i-t- i .i. .t... Cole, caullt oWer. brOCCO ll. iVC.. "Call- o, t,.. lin-l..!!,,! nn.l ,.l..vitTn.r ue ; uuo a cup i go,Mi vears. v lien reiirn oi vuecn i-.ii.aoeiti, wic tautus j niu.- u ... ... -ju.. ...... - feri.icut-d, bottle up clo'se. itctitioncd her Majesty that a regiment I ls ",M,,.V "' i;rol'('r iii.' for himself to his fuirproportions he sapl : Mead is made by dissolving one might U raised, composed entirely of J1"" '"'"J hea.I or ball that is f.tvmed j "You can't blame me, nuulaine for . . . . . .:. I , . - , . . ... , l.v t he left re f liriitTtrr el. i.i 1I1-..I .0.0 .. 1 tion and assimilation lee.,iues week when she heard this news; but thank- j aud imperfect if the man t.r animal is'ed (iod that she had neither man or not daily disposed to the lirect ravs ! horse." A search for such an ,..,. i of the Min. Mr. P.. one of our incr-! chants, came to se mo about ins stomach. Dvsitepsia was written all I over his face, was shown iu his move- luei.ts, and heard in Ins voice. The conversation lift wren n.-; was essen-, liallv the followinn- i M r. P. "Doctor, if von will excuse ' a street vulgarity, 'I am played out.' ' Villumargo, in his "Collection of lire-! '""'"sr t 'ah t.thcr, one of them ex I can't digest. I can't work" I have : ton Iialladn." tells us that to this day i "Two tailors! Are we dis- h.st my courage. I fear I must stop." J l ll nie aoout vour diet. " "If you will excuse me, I know that ' ; . . ll i . ..... . 1 im an ngui. i nave studied the I no Mio- right." i ject end 1 know mv food Is all "How about vour exercise !"' ! 1 nave a nine gymnasium in mv - requireK,,-,7,v tailors to make a man; i More, and exercise and hour or two ' and in wmie parts of (Jcrriiany the ! everyday. I sometimes tire mvself; huiiiImt is thirteen. In Silesia, I out with these exercises." " i through sonio unexplained peculiari-' "How alwut your sleep?" !ty, the twelve fraetions required to " hy, Doctor, I goto lx-d every j make a man ore said to lc button- i night with the chickeus. At any rate, j makers (Knopf inachrr), instead of I am always in led by 9 o'clock, and! tailors. ' l rise iy t o clock in tho morning, i take a bath, a jtlaiu breakfast, and go ! to tuy coucting-rtMini. Once in tlie ! forenoon and once in the afternoon I exercise ou mv gymnasium half an hour or 60, but 1 am getting worse all the time. lent it curious? My wife thinks I must have cancer in the Ktoniach. Nothing Beems to help me. I veil the most pbysilogical life, but my digestion grows worse and worse." .""About your counting-room; is that liffht ? is it sunnv V ' "'o, that is one nuisance in our More. 1 he store ..i ... !.., 4 li.wuitiiit ;nr so very dark we haveto use gasnear- j i.-.,n ii. I ti,o. ; Mr I.. that explains .'. VW")faSuw vou don't mean that ; j . i i !r but I suppose It would le nettcr n . the eoti ut in ?-room was sunnv 'Whv, Mr. P., no plant or animal ! .mn iliirest in the dark. Trv it. Plant! a potato in your cellar. Now watch; itcarefiilli-. inhere is a little liirht. i that potato will sprout and try to grow Hut Burround it with the best of ma- mire, water it, do the best you can a few tjrosrhrn in jii , - , for it. only keep it in the dark, it can- exclaimed gratcfu v, ; i Iiae made not diiresi and grow. See how sic- a manofnic!'" H mt'laiW make der and pale it is. Now oj-en a in-! a man" in dowinanotherpartof the cellar and to their credit notice howthe poor hungry thing will i I5t then this S.ves the honor to stretch that way. Or give the stalk (Jcnmuiy. an arrangement wl.uW a little twist and s-e how it will lie j lam hiifrurfi versions of th. t- d;. down. It has no strength to rm it-, not .n.lor.. Here ,s one ,. the u -sclfairain. No matter how much of,s,ons: ' In 1 . 42, on .,: ! -a.. . p the U.st food and drink you g.ye it, . p bed for alms at a fas h.oi, . . .. U,l .1 it can't digest The process of diges- shop ,n London, ,n u Inch so., e -tion the great function of assm.nla- iieymen were employe,! J I .s nit r tion cannot go 0.1 without the sun-1 esting appearance o, ned the hen ts , ' ..-1... ,v M-Stti vonr i.vei-lbmt of the L'ciitlcmcn ot the clotli, w no SlllIH It " J v"' i- I ,Bl,it; if your counting-room were in j a flood of sunlight, you would be i. n.i .. .. .. o ni.iiii 1 IK'llIT III i"i i"i ...1.."-"- Mr. P., did vou ever go into the coun-! try late in the Summer ? Of course ' you have been. Well, did you never n..ti, bereeramis!rrowin!rin or- el,r.ls tbt the .mi t under the trees is .....11..P tln that outside and - awav ! from the trc-s? The land is actually j richer there. For years the leaves, 1 r 11 .. ...1 .i..; . ..,i i..itiili. 1 .......1;..,, ,1.;- tl... wheat is only half 1 size and never fills well. Now, what is the difficulty? The sun shines on j it more or less. Yes, that istrue, but j that under the tree does not receive, as much sunshine as that away from 1 them. That which is thus partly in, the shade can't digest so well. Why, j sir, if you will move your counting-j room upstairs, in front, and stand where the sun can have a chance at von. even though it is only three or! , 1 . : 1 1 1 the onlv grapes that Wome perfect-1 1 .1 .1.4 .1... ....1 lv tiim- and sweet, that the only !eac lies that take on those ltcautifiil ' red cheeks, and oner mat iiiciou-, . sweetness, are tho 1 j I .a ... . Tiiat are ou uie , outside, entirely uncovered iy the;...;.. ..,,,11:..,,.. ,.r ..,iin.,- t,(. leaves and perfectly exposed to the ; ,,ntr;v,,s t- brin in the nine tailors, sun? (od's laws are the same in the 1 j somc j,ia,.t.s n. jtroceeds to inform animal world. It is just as true thei,ls aft,,ra Kn-ll, a certain number of only girls with red cheeks and sweet distinct bell-strokes are made, to de breaths, the only girls who ltoconie fully ripe and sweet, an those who baptize themselves freely in (Jod's glorious sunshine. Ilon't vou see good many pale girls in your stores, girls with a Noodh ss, half baked sort fa race whose walking, hose voice whose whole expression is devoi.i 01 spirit ami lorce 1 hose gins are in ! the irrccn state. Look at their lip ' and cheeks ; they are not half rije. Send them out in the country, let them throw awav their parasols, put on their little jockev hats, and live out in the sunshine three months, and I would give more for one or them in any work requiring soul and spirit, than for a dozen of those pale things that live in the shade. A pale wo- man he makes a very irood ghost, but not much of a. woman. I in. in fli.iniljcr'f Journal.) TAILORS. Who first said that nine tailor make a man? Ami when di.l he wiy it ? And why is this kind .f jilurah ty more needed with tailors than with any other handeraftsmeii? Investi gators of the oriirin of tU sayinir, odd 1.. .lnor.1 .Knn Tt 1 cli 11 11 1 111 'S ltlltl I t ir i i j.i"iiii: iiii t queer words, have not lett tins panic - ' . . . ular sul.ieet uniiotieed; and, if tliev ha n failed iu furnishins doeisive mi - " . .. - swers to the alwvc four questions. they have at any rate, accumulated ahuntla.it testimony rdiowin-tl.e wide - spread familiarity 'with this joke. The modes of nilvin- it, lv wits, retailors of wit, and inventors of jokes, arc almost endicss. A pentlcmnn ae- eepted a challenge froiia tailor: thev metftii the field of fijrht, when the frentlemaii said to the challenger, "Where are the other eiirht ?" In the dav-swlieu the trained or train hands J .... . . 1 IjOU-' man to the baud, asked how thiseouhl ! done: he ailSWered, "IiV St'Iltlilltr four journeymen and an apprentice. Orator Henley, who was not partic ular concerning the source of hisjokes, provided ho eould make, a smart hit with them, once said, as "no man puts . new cloth upon an old garment," a ; tailor cannot he a man. Carlyle, in , his "Sartar lU'sartus," says, "I Iocs it j not stand on record that QueeiKFIiza-, .i..i.u-iti.m r.f, In'th, on receiving a o .i,.,i ..Mil. o f eighteen tailors, address them with a "IJood morning gentlemen. loth?" And did not the same verigo boast tint he had "a cavalry regiment whereof neither horse nor man could lie injured ; her regiment, namely, of tailors on mares ?" This slrv of the cavalry regiment was told in the fol that (as there never was known to be . . ,p a:i i...r .- a regimeiii oi xanors oeniicy ine I should all be mounted on mares. In coin- valiantv, and were cverv one killed, j Iller Majesty was greatly affected ! dent in 1'roude or Miss Strickland i Id probablv not In? rewanled with j w. wou tuecofH. Xor is this curious joke (whatever its origin) confined to England, jt . is met within manv forciLni countries, ; Koiiiftinicx varieil u'itli niiotltcr mini. : r instead of nine. The Count do la ! tho jasents of Prittany have nfamil-: iar Mvins-. "vn il faut neuf la curs i lwur faire tin homme "-preeist lv our - ... ' 1 . I a a . . lormula wincli seems to IK' accepted in all tho four-divisions of tho United j Kiii.r.i.,,,, i llanoier it MH'tiid ; Now, what are we to think 0f ajj , this It must have had ome origin. Xo saying or proverb, Ptory or joke i traceable into several countries ox- pressed in various languages, and 1 -i; e . t kept alive for some centuries, could have sprung into existence without a ; cause; and we ore left to Peculate ! whether the cause, whatever it may w- their cratt. to rroaoroaa into t landers. - r, - -i supposing vou aa nisuiic numuu ; mm The Oueen assented. JMic ordered! 1 h riioi v tunc itie i-vtiiieiii i j i.leted, equipiHd and drilled, review-, 0 Tf .' .ncrly worked at the houses ! ed bv Elizabeth, and sent off to fight ; of tl"'ir, pn"tiiTs, where they often i the Queen's wars in Flanders. They I ' ' " caooaging, inai is, roiling I rushed to the front in battle, fought j "l.fro,)d cloth with the waste or per- have been, was purely accidental or ! room in siting." In a Paisley chiirch dcsigncdly concocted." 'yard there is a tombstone wiu Urn One pYnhination .presented ill mill-! iiiscriution. "(Jeorge Mattlev, la ,ee we haveltiplied form, is based upon the phrase, rt cverv wav "Make a man of him that is, ting-room is derinu' some substantial service. In IHieuish, Prussia, the story somewhat in t Im followin; is told r way: '"inc tailors were working together :.. .. ,..,,r.,rl-il.l,. n ,nin' the season was mid-winter, and all with- ..a . .1 ... -...1 1.;fr..i ...Til I ; oin. w it s Mm, rtn, mm ..n.. v.... ; j A poor, hungry ill-fed tramp knocked ! at the workshoii door, and solicited j oui as mcci, snou , mm i.nwi v...-- , at the workshop door, and solicited j elms, savin? that he had walketl many elms, savin? that hi a mile, and was wuiinlli and food. faint for lack 'l The kindly ta.l- ors not only shared their meal wit 1 j him, but sent him a way rejo.cm.. im ., I'll' immediately contr.nuted nine shdl.ngs ; for the relief of the littlo stranger. i it 11 1111s caiiiiui, " i" . . . , I ... purciiase.i iruu, mu 1.1- ..1-..,.. a profit. 'I ime passed ..n, and wealth and honor sin. ed upon the. young tradesman ; so that when he set up his carriage, instead of troubling thi Heralds, t oiiege mr a crest ne pa.nt- cd the following motto on the panel : ; "Nine tailors make me a man." As ....c -...- - ...... far back us 1(2, in a book called (.ramatical Drollery, one of these stones made its si lied form : appearance, in a ver- "Tlierc i. a nnvrli w'nHi 1i;i !tin if ul-l, Aii'l many wen havt likcm..' Ikj-ii mj iaiM, 1'i llif tl imtv. lit i.l'lhe 1nyl,r trM. Nine tvli.r'ii ku 1 ni.iWe n ittsti. tlit'v Ittti l.r lliclr iivilll I'll utiriiMlv ll t ' vc : A ilrniKT omc fvll into M.vfrtif ; Xitic liiil'ri..i.lti(-il thfir eurs4- toirctluT tlt.'ii. Tu -t lii 111 up, a 11, 1 uinLi him a 111:111 nucti." l!ut perhaps the most novel and tin- expected attempt at an explanation is J jj-hvthe workingnien a chance, (irant V one contained in a monthly magazine j little linger is worth a dozen of (iree t wo or three years a-ro. The author ! l.i c ii'..n..- .7ey. . . . ,i,.,.s t!t. well-known phrase. . 1 - ...11 :ls .1... ,.loa!ls ,,r ,.. imlj amj r, fur11 ; ..To t,,u a hIK,n on a and. ill connection note whether the deceased wasa man, woman, or child; often the number were, nine for a man, six for a woman, ami tnice ior a cniKi. i nesc strokes ! on t1(. t.lmr(.l,.l)t.it were listened -to .,, i eounted by the parishioners or ' vii,ia?1.rs l0 Li ar.l then. ; and then the km li at conclusion was said to told," or counted. 15v ,legres this idea became confused or lost, and : the participle "loii d was relerred to a supposed intinite "to toll, instead ol its natural inliuitive "to tell.' or "count." So much (r this little bit of LTammar and ctviuoloirv: and now ; frtu. tailors. The strokes "told" or j counted at the end .r a kn. il were j (ut.cor,ii to the theory m.w under ( consideration ) called, from theirollice, ' t. llers Thvn is, liowi vi-r. ;!uotlicr s t uf oll jkii, whu'li oomos ..cavity on the IfraU'rnity in nranl to honesty. In hypnir times, tlie tailor Avas wont to trot the hoiiM'S of hid eustiuers, v.lul , '"" Prmoi.t ..f cloth wl.iel, tlicv liutl liurcliaseil: the lat an.l Miial! euttiiifrs were acknowledged It) he lii. lienjuicite; hut he was constantly lie. eu.-ed of ajiiro)iriatiii!r llicr ixtrtioii: of the 'loth. Si!ii-tiines tin' tailor ..... i ... L,., tn .v i.iru ,.. .lit .tt ni...i. ; - - ..... .-.i. .. materials which had Ik-cii furnished : ".atv.ii.. .... ., .....t .c, . ...isitcu :. 1. . . . IaI. I . . . a. ........... .... l" "ni; ' "'""r"""' ;u - ' " ''' ",lr,, ,i i ' ' j ,.ltt,.r t- I" '"l when ; i l'"1 tailr was-i.nns.ially a workni iti ; ! 11 vinr the needle for a customer; the j If hushands are to he mistaken in ' '"i''T or employer, if there were, me. j -Dolly Var.lcn-' dresses as was an 1 hein a draper, and often so tailed, j unfortunate husl.and in Philadelphia, I" Flanders, there is a sayinir which 1 the sooner the fire is quenched the ,,lM'rilt,,;i a 1, nt to a tailor from all Letter will it he f--r the pea. c of .-oci- ! "th'rs, as an 'honorahle deht," onejetv. The hushsHid in tjuestion one ! tliat Ui l'51"1 111 a hurry, as ; ni-ht missed fiv.ni the supper tahle his t'10 ,r'litor has already found some wile Matilda, and enquired of his lit- : tli,'a"s ,r ,,lll('r to l"'.v himself, par--tie hoy whither had .-he jrone, and ; ii.,u,-;r I,. .11,- m.. . I . . , t... ,i. ..,,,,.,1 . nviij . ...i.-iiii-i r.t i in one ot lus plays. , ....rjr" , ' 'f in nine vrars. tlif tiiutli .:irt ol lit l.iil. : Ho would Ih.-iuik' lime t.vcriMii.l.' an almost appalling example of the results of repeatedly dividing by nines. A cruel old saying is, "Put a tailor, a weaver, and a miller into a sack; and the first that puts his head out is a thief."- The tailor's tnlilmiji- have not escaped the wits. The word seems to have originated in the wrong- !ul appropriation of cloth, above ad v rted to. Put then, whv "cabbage?"' What does the wold mean? Some Hunk it may nave come irom "canot- age, a kind of smuggling; one traces ; it to "cablesh, a name in some coun- r.. ir.,Ti. r-.tt n... un e-i .11.11,111.-, it mi in. n i.. in.-- to i 111 ..I you n nick ana not ny cnoice. i nu-i lips, in his "History of Cultivated 1 cjrctalilcs." tells us that anions the! another; insomuch that "ihe cole has cabbaged," has ad.-tinite meaning in connection with the growth of the vegetable. Ileadds: "From thence aros'' tho can't work cpplictl to tail- . ho stories about taih.rs are numer- ('"s' iosiinini in many cases cvi- ,1'nt,.v wV rrr tho purpose. Af- tor the battle of Waterloo, when the ir ai .'" r''lx "''! communi rati,)" ,M tw',''n Kniflantl and Franco ; two master-lailors from the West End lwo luaor-iauorsirom the est Mid P'"1 ov';' aris to pick up the j . cm m u poo noiei i u"' wrueroa oreakfasL HlOIltS, messieurs, tout """J the obliging garcon. Upon which vereil already?' The lute Daniel j w v " u,1,ul ssm-a large iiieeiing 0,"'c in a I"'''li building, was inter- 1 1... . t r I llflll I lr aS ll. . 1 a a-i t. . . i.w 41,. ... a. .I.i, "'n n- uuuut.i , wll() protested against the conduct of j a ma who obstinately lK-rsisted in' """-' "P. uu lnierrupung me v"'u' f those who were Kitting, "I'ray.letthj worthy gcutelman have wav" O Conuell : he's n lI.,'r' a",, wanU to rest himself." "a".v ut ollcc 'nought down the O,"u'xiou! ilivilual to his seat, tailor or not Dosbois, in Lis "lie- ruoil ue lions Mots," tells a story of a tailor who grew rich, lived in style, wisl'0(l the world to forget what he nal ''''. a,Kl l'tt a favorite and I , it . l a 'rta'1'1 seat at church. A lauv , on one occasion, asketl ll lie couiu Lill(v IliaVc. ro'om for ,Kr IIc dis. courteously refused ; whereupon fIio remarked, "I forgot: you have lieen accustomed to take up a good deal of zeoiir, lTOi ;" beneath the muuc i. . ren-ipnir of tailor's shears, ami iH-tee. the blades of the shear.- is a i.i.ioi : 'tour's iiierise,- ration. or nllowanee, i, ac oiomu: to an ohl saviiiir. a stuali portion ot a meal left fur nim id iiia.'ini rs only imc-nmUi pari of the.unnthy rcpun d for a man ' i i-t Nrrn: ('i,;,,, 77,,, the le-ltlillg Hciuncralie organ ! the .Notinwe.-i. savs : "As a pi-'.sideTtlii! candidaie Mr. tirecley hits no j.ositive strcn-rtli nmon- Hepublicaiis, i:nd is a cause of ratal ' division among IVmociats. While there are thousands ol i.ep.ub lieaiis who will vote for neither (.'rant or (ire, lev, there OK! Mill terp: mii.i bers tr I i.iociats who will nl vote fir Crcelev, though the , !, ciion of (irant le the ci-itaiil alternative. 'I he daily accuiiiul.i'.ing evidencts of this fael'are such as no rational man can iirnore. Mr. tJrcclcv has utterly failed to unite theoppositioii totiranl : he has succeeded only in rendering the disunity more jiroi.oiiiied ami ir reconcilable. As a presidential can didate for the deposition he is already had. His election is anionir tin; th(i js that an! impossible. This is inevitable conclusion to which events are already come there is no longer the least u.-e there is noh.nger any degree of wisdom, in hoping or arguing against this unalterable fact. The nomination of (jreeley at lialti- the election of (Jrai.t. lh r possible meaning more means . u ,ui av' candidate he is out h(. ilion t0 (Jrailt of the question. i Henry Ward ileecher's strong en dorsement of President (.irant troubles I the Liberuls exceedingly. They can not answer his argument, so they put on a depricatiug half-pit ing air, and I pretend to wonder how one so gifted ; can be so misled. Tor a loval administration, to pro- tcct the iiclto. awe the rebels and ..... 1 - 1 ...iM.titJ .liv ii.ilK 111 till tll'lllllili. can ranks, now threatens what little vitality was left in the Heinociatie or ganization. While (ircelcv's nomin ation has utterly failed to make any impression on the llepubliean masses, and the party is closing ranks for the great struggle, it h.:s fallen like a bomb in the Pcmocratic camp. A fierce war is now raging- as to the policy of the liaiiimorc Convention one wing insisting that defeat is in evitable unless Greeley be endorsed, and the other ninntiiiniiigthat to nom inate him invests sure defeat: What 'nl . to .In is the "-real nucsiion. in. , (.,,n v,.,7t jn couldn't sc. light, and said nothing. Meanwhile i tl ie war goes on. .outhern He for (ircelcv's I moeracv are elaiuoroii- ...;.;,, U.reateiiM.g to bolt if the i :,..,. '.,.-,.,, t;,,n ,,,., ,.t vield to their commands. Voorhccs replies that not one half of the Hciuocratic party in the North can be gut to vote ior (Jreeley under any circumstances. The New York JI17if endorses Voor- i,'! ' . nnd replies to a I'tica mutton- head, who "iliden't exactly nrr, Ac., in this w iso : "Very well. If you don't under stand why "Hemoerats rmitu,! si. port Horace (Jreeley," let us make the matter clearer, pemocrats trill ,il support (Jretdcy. Is that plain V Every day'a devilopment makes it nmre clear that the Cincinnati (irinnii onstration, instead of the Ilepublicait organization will rend to piece the Ilemot ratie partv. IftJiveiey is en- Idorsed at lialiimoi-e the North will . u.'i.'i,. . . . . . . ,(itjf nilt ,.ni,)!(.(, n,,. mhih , ,, lm,. That, a-t now, seems to ' 1 l(. the inevitahle upshot t.tthe wind JUSl Ul lliai Jllt.illlt III till- uoi'i i'l" :hu ami a ladv entered. Ihe hiisbantl observed a wild look in her eye, and also noticed that she was attired in an outlandish style, having on, as he savs, a dress with sunflowers ami cabbages, and a lot of snakes squirm ing around for a back-ground. Rising the man said : "Madame, whom do wish to see!" you, and then said aside, "Poor, she i. erazy." That la-t remark settled the bu.-i-liess for him, as the weird female made a Wold reach and tijriitlv jrrasp- ,.,1 his Adam's apple and choked him Ulltii his face assumed the color of a lnu.r 0f the Commune. After she '.! .joved a surfeit or eht kiiiir her !. . . . . . ' i iiusi aii(l sue noppeu inio a ciiair aim 41 vvjt, t0ars eoiirsnig each other down l1(.r checks, she exclaimed : -Tlnf I J,on1,l ever V.vo (o h urtno: j,nv tililt know that vou are rcallv ,i10 ,nothcr of these interestinr chil- dren, will you have the kindness to retire to the sanctity of your chamber and peell yourself of that piece of fur niture, chintz or window curtain, or whatever it you call it" "Window curtain, chintz !" said the spouse; "why it's you that is out ol your head. That' lol!v Vaideir, and a very pretty pattern, too." "Madame, replied the husband, we may be out of our head, but if that ; is a Dolly Varden we are most deei- i dedly out of pocket. Why it looks a cireiw , WOman at voui dross, and the idea of a WOman at vour time of life.' "My time of life !-' " cs your time of liie. The next "Certaine-1 thing I suppose, you will be practie a. Phcure," j u.r the trapeze act iu the back vard. Whv it is cnoucrh to trivo a man tin dclcriuni tremens to look at it , Who ever. saw. such a pattern I Jt s a fluS, wall paper run mad. on look exactly like a Japanese tea sign. And now just bounco out here with tliat i.t.0j,.e nut tie nag, or w.ar(. fh. l,abv to death." . i . em vou will There was an ominous pause for a moment, aad then theehlest daughter said : "Why you ought to Im ashamed of yourself, father. I t's all the style, and I am going to have one, too ; all the girls have got them." Thus spoke Maria, the second el dest daughter. "Any more?" gasped the husband; "are thfre any more?. Hadn't the baby better have one ? I guess I'll get one myself. How they do make up for pantaloons? Ha! Ha! Ha! (Demonically). Let me. have a Dol ly Varden. Let me clutch it. IJring me a pattern of monkeys sealing lamii posts. How would a Chinese puzzle look, or a map of Fairmount Park ?" Mivr'litiicoiis. EABWAY'S READY "RELIEF ClKKf THE WOHST In from Ono to Twenty Mlnutos. HOT ONE HOUR op.or rtaJit.ir ilih iv. ritwm t.t d Mty en Itwulhr flrrfar.dH T'li Only Jnln Urmciiy. tl,ii TliurttlT .lop. UH moH cicrottatln Ijwiis I Sui Suit, mi d cure Co.,eol... whrfocr uf t ic I w!" stnnSch, WoweU, or trfucr giiuda or organ., bT 'VStrKoSk ONE TO TWEXTT MINUTES. tin n.hU'-r Imw Tl..lrnt nr f jrxuctatlm IhO Jialn l!ie KHKI'MATIO, lUil rldil.ii. lullrra, I rippM, Iiixvou j,,; or iirurtratvd i,h ll""" nay Mirfcr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Wil l, AFFOUD INSTANT KAbE. INFLAMMATION OK THE K1HNKYU. lNH.AilMATIoM OK TUB BLADDEU. INFLAMMATloM OK TIIK i:oWKLS. CONdKSTION OK TIIK T.UNGS. 60UK TIIUOAT, MFHeri,T IIUKATHIMI. I'AI.I'ITATION OK TUK UKART. isrsTcnti'S, ciiouc. ineinitKiaA. CATAUKII, INFLrEXZA. KEAPACIIK, TOOTTTAellK. NA ltAICIA, KltEUMATISJI. coi.n ctnT.t.s, tr.v,F. chii.i.h. 'lii.'ftnilir.t,iun.rilio Urnily Itflirr tntlieputor .'irn I..tc lliu i-in or uutituUy imIaU wUl utfuid stum w t ciif.rt. Twt'iiiy ,lrop !n hot a I'imMrr of w.lrr will In a rcw r...i.i.-!.t, c :rc CRAV.I'A I'AS'.IS. SOUK STOMACH, )l K. II I III HCK IlKAIiAClIK, PlAlilOIKA, i.v.-kmki:y. oi.ie. uino in Tilt; liowioa, u. 1 all INTEItSAL TAINS. Trnul.r fhoiild bIwuv. canr rlll of RnitwT' lS.'mly lirlief witii I."'". A few drui In atw lll Cr.-vait MCkiu-Mi tit i:i.i from elmrire i'f wttlr. ll iM c tur (km French UraiHlr r Kitten a. a .lliiuiliiut. I KVICIt Ai Atl'K. FEVrtl AM AOL'E oir.d f.ir filly e. nt. Tiim U r.M a r.n:.-iluil rnrviil In tdis world tliU wlU enrw Fercr 1 Acne, and nil 4hT MalarlulM, llilloim, BoarltU Ty 1I.. I.I, V.IIiav. at,di.,l.T Krvi-r iatil.il l.y KAIW'AY 8 I'll. LSI Mi quirk n 1CA1IWAY.S KKADK KEUtLh-. I illy cul I'tr bUl.c S .Id by Hi uu.. HEALTH llEAUTY I ! STIMNO AND ri'IIK r.ICIl I'.l.fXtn-TXCnKASS ok ri.i:sii ami w hii.a t-ci.kak ckin u liEAf l lr'L'l. lU.Vll'l.KXION bKC D UED 1 0 ALL. DR. RADWAY'S' SARSAPARILUAN RESOLVENT II S M MK TIIK ;:osr AsToNISHINO fTRES: .so ol ii K. Ml l.Al l!' ARK TIIK CHANGES illi: Itol-V IM'fKlilS. CMlF.lt TIIK IN FI.I'ESCK or Tills YUCLV WOMitHFtL MUiIClNC, THAT Every Day on Increaso In Fle3h and Weigh; is Seen and Felt. fUS C ft FAT BLOOD PURIFIER. I.-itv i!rt.p of ll- SAIiSAI'AKU.I.lAS KESoI.V 1..N 1' ..iiiiiiiinli.ntf!! ,l,r,.it:h tit lilotnl, ttwrjt, L'ritif, i.i.. i .,..T tni.li n' il i'li. . "f tlw fvrtcin (lie of life. f.,r It n-vain. the wui.-i i.l'llii: li'Mly with new and w.utid lirilciii.'. hcrt.lul.i, Mt.l',. CotisutiiT.tl.tn, ;bli1uUr lliw. nm In til.; i'l.rr: t. Month. TUIUOK, Jiotln In tito Ol iii.U ni.d ... r art. of Hi' ITiUni, "r tyM. Miuiuuti Ii,c!.:tr.. f.. i.i ll.o t-tt and lite ors f-rnn of S!.ln ,li.M-;.M-i. Kitirfinn l-ovpr r-nr. Hrald llnul, liitiK Vom S.tlt lUu-utn. Kryaipelaa, Acne,lilack Si...t Worn. lu tlic ll.li. Tumor., Cancer, in tl Wm:. Ii, and .11 ikn.lt.i nn.l fuinfnl dlrliarel, Mrlit h a,, lx uf Kjirriii. r.n.l nil imtl. of til. lift lirmct l.lc, .re within th furntive nn.Ff of thU wonder of Mod-t-m Chfinl-trv. a.1,1 a f. ar will rov to any I.... ii umhk it f..r itli. r ol ll.-su furiu of Uitxuue lu irt. it, power to riirtl. in. IfThe MtUnt. .inllv U.mlii redn4 bf tn. antfl and d..conilt.tili..n that U r..utli:ually .n.'rwltir. wtc cttli. in arrftlur IlifiM- waittrs. and rt'palr. the name with WW inatprill tna.le fioln hfjllliy blood and UlU tht li KS A I' A 111 1. 1.1 AN ill and 0' N..I only d..c tl.o .iAf.iii.i! Brwi-Trrr nrrl all known rented Ul mienti. in Hie cure of clitmiic, Serofa 1 .-a", ConN-,itit,l..;..il, and Mtin ui-waaci ; but ill. Iheuuly I-oiitiVf curt for Fihlucy aVItlnl(lcr Complaints, rriniry. ati.1 Womb dljwmi, fintvel. Iliatrtes, llrorwr, M..j.;.aeof Water, lticoiiliiu-uce of rrine, llrlftlit'i Dut i :ie. Allrtinilnura. nnd in uU c:ie where there are Itrlrk ditsl tit polt or the water l tlilek, cloudy, mixed with .ttlxlauee. like the u l.itn of an er, or thread, like white wik. . there I. a nu.rl.id, dnrk. I lli.m. ...earalire, and w hite Itonc-diiHt d potnti, and when there 1. a pricklhic httrniiif: m-n'Uion hen paii w ater, and pain ut lite Moall of tin- li-irls and aluut; the Loin., l'ricc, l.oo. WORMS. The only taowu and anre Kcmedy for it ui i i, jfttc, cic. '"unior of 12 Ycnr' Growlli Cured by Undiinj Kcsolvcnt. Ii.vi.tr. M.u., Joly 1., It. T. Rittw.T lli.r lirt! to.ria. Tine in Ihe mwln ta4 Uiwvli. Aii tlw l.MTt wi4 "Ihtr.n. w plp lor it." I truA ry lltinr tl.il M rt-n!mnn!d ; I ttt nrlLira W!p at. I mw v.r kMoKenl, an ut.Misbl 1 would trv 11 ; bat hMl B. frila In It,' It-wut. I Ul .uiferal f t tn, le trt. I Utuk ill tuntlel ef tit. Kleent, .il on. b... of IU.lw.v'1 rill, .lid Iw. U 11m ot vnnr Krwlv Itt-Uf i .nd-tberv U r.t . attni uf Utnor lo a e-a or' -il, .ttd 1 f-l twltrr, .niwtwr, uid ha.;ir IhM 1 har. ftrtwrlr. y-wu Tt. rt loiu, wm in U. irn .tHeeT la. lK.ll,e.er lb. rrt-ia. I wnU U.il to )a fuc-la. bw.til a) ,w . . H4uk .. if , "-.;.nvaii p KsArp DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE FILLS. prfiCllT tatfelcM, fVpiritly coctfd with mreet pirn. vre rcrulale. purify, r'eansc1. an ! rtrr.fthn. Koi wa Ki'lf-ir th" mrect all ii;Miidi M ,r tli Stt mach l iver iLt.wta. KidiifVA. liliJJfr. Kvrvous Ihaease l.TuliuJie, t'oriHlipatiuii, t'o.-tivtrm-N!, Iialiiicstion, ltvsiitf -in, TtUlouwit'.'w, Itilloii?! Fcvt-r, of Hie Uu t i i.VrV-lUU nil i'.iaiPt;i-.i:.t-TJi uic it." i r r.'ra. Warranted to tfftct in-ilivecLire. 1'urely Veeeta rf.ntlr,inrno merciirv. niliipraI.ord'KttrW.nidniir. CZT" obw-rve the foltowinjc vnijitoiua muilic trum I r.itirtMa( Inwwtt PilM. Fvllarw of tb B!vl is the We4, I K-iliiwu or VWixht in ih SlmM-h, Sar lwtftiUk, f ittklor m r inllrinw ttt 11m lit of thm hUkRaMrll. ft lUrfila M IM tlM. Huni.-J ud TrB,-uH Breftihintr, Ktulirinic at Uw lirt. 'bvkin or Stirf-.iiir S-fution hf m In Lying FtMlurr, IimMto( V.t:ii, U-U t brfnr lt S citt, Ir'tvrt ani Pull Vnn m lhr llrt. IVflrianv-v of rpr.mntkni. Vfll'-wtuM. f tht 8k 1 St..! ria in tb SiJ, Ciur.(t LituU, ud tittiaica i liia t itt, banat ta late tirt. A ir-x of nAI)VrATS riT.LS will fire tl.t rr- tiit: fr.riual! lie tM.Te-n:inoi di-or.h-ri. l'rice, a j ceuU II KA 1 -FAI.SK AND TKl-K. P-nJ ont Mter (.ii.ilo ItAI'WAY it (.. Kt. 7 MuUlrn Ine, Kew V m la., ltii'ui atatiuu wurUt tLuuiid wul im yuu. I V Knives and Forks, jV "K-V BPOOJTS. BCISSOHS, V kV AXES, SHOVELS. LOCKS, V Hinges, Nails, Files, etc. I'iO ivar(jBmt;i l(U.miiiiui i "iuiiB"I ru r Ti ip ai Tfitii t nuiiitUkiunnL iwbw, g i mr riitoovnun, r. .wV C.- t.l.t. I. Birth . X v-v.. . .j '(V Btreeta. jotix 111 1. in: r. J..1IN o noDtCTg. JOHN DIP-KPT k Ct).. Xt). 240 MAIN STREET, .1 0 II X S T O W X , P E X X A . Wo n.-ll lrnf no:.'..ti:tllo in nil .:trt. ol the Vni toil Stiitt'i. an) t'ana.lns. tin.! in Knrt'iifn nmtttrieit. liny O.'lil. '.4iir." im.l (iuviTiinu-iit li.rn.lii at bitrlii-st miirkt't i.ri.i-.. I.tn ntoiify t.n niipriivej tx-uritv.- 1 trail.-' tirt'l t-htvk. on otltt-r Imnk. r&ttlt. .'Mi.iit-y rix-tin-.i ou lt-i.ili.:tj aMc-i.u tit'tuanj latere' at the i-tttr of Sir per cent, per A ;:u inn paid on Time ltepoiU. lAcrylliiiii: in tlie l:.:i!klni I.ino retcivc. our j.r.'tti.t attt'itttt.n. Tlumkltil In .u,- tricn.is an I ruytiiuicr.-i fur tlnir t.art iwttninnt'. tri .-.lirit a ci.titintiani-c t.f tin' s:iiin un.l invito titlir-nt talto linve Luiiiiiey. In unr lino t.. ixive tis a trial, nurinir till, that wo fltAll at all titni" ilit all wo o.in tn iivo ontir.' entisfnotiun. Kol.JI 7 JU1I. HIIIKliT fc. t't. Qii:.i:it iiorsh-. Ciiiim:i: Ninth ami C"niit t Sn:i..r, P It I L A D E L I' H I A H. W HAXAtlA. VI. 1171 rr.irU-iiT. STANIiAKI. AMEKICAJf BILLIARD TABLES. Kvorjtiiina iKTluhil.-iir In IiiIIiar.1i lit l.iwc5t jirioos, lllu.-lr.iU..! t'.it.iliu- kiA l.y mall H. VV. Coiiender, New York, s.i-Tvs.-.r to rilKLAX i roLLEXDEK, TfkiS 1IIIOADWAV. Incorporatea ly Act cf Leplatura' CAPITAL $100,000 PEIVILEGE, . . . $500,000 I;f pi),itors scrurcd by Kt-al Cslate iavssl-af ills exclusively. Six Per Cent. Interest .Paid to depositors on the compounding principle. ti-A'(elii,Hii ilireHrti lo the liberal pro' tltiuu fir u-ilhilrairiM'j money drpnmUed. It ran betltme in small amnuHt; W1TIIOV1 xotici: ri:H the in: ran iron. Ail rmiiwiiiinYdflom rrrciio prompt rrpUj. JAMES T. BRADY, FrenitLnL DAVID CAMPBELL, Treaturtr. I H I E Mi&tlhmrou. Viacffar BllUr are not a vile fun Dnuk made of Poor Rum, Whiskey. Proof Spirits and Refaat Liquors, dnctnred, spiced, sod sweetened to plea the tasle, called -Tooic" Appetite," "Restorers," &c, that lead the tippler o to drtukenoess sod rain, but are a true Medicine, nude from the n a tire roots and herbs of C'Alifoniia, free fr-ttn all Alcoholic Stiaulants. They are the (Ire at lilood Purifier aad a Li(9 frn Principle, a Perfect Renorator and lariforator of the System, carrying oT sll poisonoai matter and restoring the blood to a liealihr condition, enriching it, rcfrreshtng and htviorating both mind and body. They arc easy of adminifttratim, pronipt in their action, certain in their results, afc and reliable in all forms of d incase. No Person can take the Bitters accord ing to dire-lion, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poiaon or other means and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. Drstiepnlft or I ud I cent Ion Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightneas of the Oaet, Dis sinefts, S'mr Krneutioits of tlta Stomach, Bad Taste tit the Mouth, Itilious Attacks. Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of the l.unzs Pain in the regions ol the Kidney, and a hundred oilier painful symptom, are the olfeprinx i-f Dyapemia. la tlee complaints it lus no equal, and one buttle will prove a better guar; antee of it merit i than a lengthy advertisement. For Female Coniilalsstet in young or old, roamed or single, at tlie dawn of wonunhood, or the turn of life, tliee Tonic UUters display so decided an influence that a ni.uked tiupruveuircnt is soon percep tible. For Inflammatory and tarornl-e Rli ess mat lain and (iout, IyfteiMia or Indigestion, liihous, Kemiitent and Intermittent Fevers, Disrates of the lilood. Liver, K id nrv and Bladder, tliese Hitters have been mrvU stacesfn. Such DiMaiei are caused by Vitiated H'c-od. hch is eueraliy produced by deraoje ment of the I.-jetirt Organn. Tliev sr m Ueittln Pwrsntlve ne wall na A ToulCf wwsc-vsni'' aino the iecutiu merit uf act me as a powerful azetit ut rrTievm (.'iHiKeMitm nr Itiflam- mat ion ol the L.:ver and Viscer.il On;an ami in nitions Diseases- For ttklu Ilenee, Kriipiions, Tetter, Sale Rhettni, I'.Iotcties S;i, Pitttplei, Pu-ttiilcs, Doits, Car iHincies, King norms. Srald-lleaJ, Stre Kyes, Kry siie!a. I:ch, Scurfs Ii4iioratMinsfif tlie Skin, Humors and lJi-ftcase of the Skm, uf h never nanic or nature, are literally duj up and carried nut of the system in a shi.rt time bv tl.e " of these Hitlers. One bottle in such caet wtll CiMtrutce ttie tmnt incrcduious uf tbeti curative effects. Irn use I lie A lllnletl It loot! whenever yon find M impurities burst im; (UroMh the skin in Pimples, i.rui:iii-t, ir Sres; cleanse it hen yta find it ob structed and s!n&:ih in the veins ; cleanse it when il ie ful ; your feelings will teil you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health ol the system will follow. Cvrnleful tlionsniiits proclaim Vinkaai Hit ters the most wonderful luvigoraut (b it ever sustained the sinking system. Pln Tope and other U'ermt, lurking fn the svstem of so many tliotnautls, are elfcdually de stroyed ami removed. Savs a distinguished physioU ORist : Tii-rrt. it-tfiicely an iiiriividiiai u-jmn the face of the earth wlns lly i-tetenipt from the resnce of worms. It is not upon the he-i-hy elements ol tlie txioy that worms cxiti, Imt ifton ihe diseased humors and slimy deposits th.it breed these living monsters of disease No system of M diciiie, no vennifuj;e, no antlrelmm it ics, will bee the system bom worms like these Bit ters. Meehnnlcnl DUrssrs. Persons engaged in Taints and M merats, such as Pimnlwrs, l yjic setters, Gold-lie.iters, awl Miners, as they advance in litit, wtll be subject to parairsis of the H'el. To guard against this take a dse of Wai.kkr's Viniu.sr Uiti fbs once or tw.ee a week as a Preventive. Billon, Ketsiltteut, ami I wtertsslMcat Fcvrrt, which are so reva'ent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohm, Missouri, Illinois, Ten nessee, Cuuilx-rlawl, Aikaasa. ketl, ColMadN Uraios, Riu (rjiide, IVail, Alabama, Muhile. Savannah, Koan oke, Taine, and nt.iiiy others, wi;h their vast tributa ries, throultrout our entire country dunnz the Summer and Autumn, ami remarkably so during seasons of uuusuii licit ami drvness, are ui variably accompanied bv ettensivc dcuin-enrcnn ol the stomach and liver, and other at d omnia I viscera. 'I'ltcre arc always more or lees obstructions of I lie liver, a we tknes and irritable slate of the stonuch, and great Unx of the bowels, being clogged up with ritiaied accumulations. In their treat me ut, a purg.itive, exerting a powerful hifluenre upon tliee vaiious orpans, is ecntiilly nercssary. There is no cathartic fr the puriNe equal to ln. J. Walkbk's Vinsgab ItiTt ftRs, as they will srteedily remove the rUrkcoiorel viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time sinnuUttng tlie secretions of tlie liver, and generally re-toriii the lie-ilthy functions ot the d i treUive or?ani. Scrofula, or Kits' Krll, White SweUinrs, Ulcers, trysipelas Swci.cJ Neck, fJiler. Scrofulous Inflaminannns, Imirlfnt luflaiuinations. Mercurial Af fections, Oid Stnes, Kruptions of the Skin, Sore Eves, etc. etc. In these, as in ail other constitutional Dis eases, W'At.Kca's V t nbc a a IliTTaes have shown their great curative puwers tn th; most ous:uute ana imraci abie ca-es. Or. Walker'eC'nlirorMla Vlstesiar Bittern set on all these cases iu a similar manner. !y purifying the Itlood lltey remove tlte cause, and byrcsr-Jving away tlie etfects of tlie inflammation (the tubercular deposits! the affected paits receive licaltit, and a permanent cure is effected. Tha proerllea of Tim. Wai-kss's Vinacaa rttTTEBS are Arietit. Liahoreiic and Carminative, Nuintions, LaLitive, lmretic. Sedative, Cornier-Irritant. Surlnrittc. Alterative, ami Anti-Uiliona. The Aperient and mild Laxative properties of Da. Walkbk's Vikrgab Hittkrs arc tlie best safe guard in all cases of eruptions and malignant fevers, their balsamic, beaiing, and soothing properties protect the humors of the fauces. 1 heir Sedative properties allay pain in the nervous system, stomach, and bowels, either from in flamm.it ion, wind, colic, cramps, etc Their Counter-Irritant influence extends throughout the system. Their D-nrettc properties act on the Kid neys, correcting and regulating the flow of urine. Their Ami-Itilious properties stimulate the liver, in the secre tion of bile, and its discharges through the biliary docts, and are superior to all remedial agents, fur the cure oi Lid "His fever, rever anu Ague, etc Vtrtlfv the ImmIw a it a. I last disrsH bv pnri- fvinr ail its fluids with Vinkgab ISittbbs. No epi demic can take hold of a system thus forearmed. 1 he liver, the stomach, tlie bowels, the kidneys, and the nerves are rendered disease proot by this great tnvig- Ann Uirectlous. Take of tlie Hitters on going to bed at night from a half to one and one-half wsne-glassfull Eat good nourishing food, tuch as beefsteak, mot ton chop, venison, roast beef, and vegetables, and takt oat-door e a rose. 1 hey are composes. pore-y vegcv able insredtents. and contain no spirit. J.WALKER, Prop'r. R.H. McD03IALDeVCn JJrupgists and oen. Agia ran rranasco, -cai. and cor. of Washington and Charlton Sts., New York. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. JK.MrS XUKSEUY, HARNLDSVILLK S M KKS 7T VI PA., The suhtt'riher Informs Ms frieruls and the pub lic that he Is trow devoting his i-ntlrc time to bis The Unit tine ever ."tarftsl In Ihemuntr, ami I pr- wre,l iu lurnt.-ti i.imuiihiv all Kiutif ul Fltl'IT -VXD UKXA.M EXTAL TURKS, Vines and Plants. HIS roXNBLTION WITH kxoxs riTTsuuncxuHSEity The (unrest anil nnt emnnlete In the I'nitetl Stntt'f. enalilt'ii him tn icuantntoe tu III" euMumerti Xtm eliuleext varletie ami tlirinieot rrowtk. Hl liriern are lower than ever lie fore. Hi retwlra la not tn lie nutilone hr antr In the State In ir1ee nr quality. I new unit will I matle frttudl He will IKTMinallv Mllclt onlent thi fall, but onlen al ilrrml tin nUtve will he promptly attended to. t;nti ineui in rtirty. HAUUISOX H. K EM PH. s ol riiL, WITH A. H. Franciscus & Co. IM?(iRTEn8 A5 PEALUtS IX COTTOX YAItXS, BATTS, WICK, Twine and Ropes, LOOKING 0I.AS.sK8, rUK-KK, FA NOT BAHKKT Wooden and Willow Ware, tc, MASi rAiTrnEna akd jnaauu or CARPETING, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING, RUGS, &c, &13 JliirUot Street and 610 Oonimeree Street, 11 liladolpliia. June lt)-ir. JX STOYSTOWX. The nmleriilfrneil, proprietor of the Diamond Hotel, nu the aoutheattl eornorof the IHamuod, ke Intr imlurexl Itr hi many frienda. would aar lo toe trove linx puhllc that he is now prepared to receive ami hotpltnbly entertain all who nay irlre him a call. Ill" hi4tP0 will be cvndneted with the beet order ami luruiith tt&e aocominnilathina. Stoyi-town, Pa., April 17th, Wi. flKAIX CUADLES. The under T r I irucd In miw enraa-ed in maklns nnwarda ol ItiO drain I'ratllea, uf aa Improved p.tt.m, at- llitr the Klinrp irniuo l npjier rw yino, wnirn u me bert mannrtieturcd. The enullu will beduttiilm ted tlirouirh the county between the lat and !AKh of J une u it. Perwma wishinK to urchaae will Ond them lor aale al all lite jirineipai DwiDeaa placet in the rouutv. A iaiye number are made rvadr at the mauuikrtorv at Ih-rlln. Prica apr. 17. liwi. f. uai, Uerun, fa. B. O. KEI . J. fX LIV ItHUOOD. JEIM & LIVEXGOOD, ICAXIsZSRrv, SALISBURY ELKLICK, P. 0. SoxEUftET ComTr, Pesji'a. Draft boattlit ami auld, and eolrecUou made on all artaof the country. Intvmtt allowetl on time deposit. Speclnl arranirments with GoarUlant and others who hold moneys in trust. Jan 17 II T . HABVEY k CO., J . BITTER COMMISSION MEBCUAXTS C7 EXCHANGE PLACE. BALTIMORE. Liberal oash adraneet a enntynmanU and returns promptly made, Boot and. Shoes. JOOTS AXI SII0E8. Ilnrry C. Heerltw Remicctliillv innimu Ih. til.Ma r cm.m mA the public generally, that he baa jtut replenlnhed NEW SHOE STOKE, In the New Building on Main Crosa Street, WITH A Sl'LEXDII) STOCK OF OOODS Htight In the Kastern eitlenat the loweash vrkvs, ami la preiared lo rural the public with e ry thlK nerUlniuK to bis Hue uf btuliK, AT VERY LOW 1'KICJuH. W. lll I . . t .... .... -".p ramgii; am nanu asn M nrrnar u to make to wrder as abort notice, BOOTS SHOES FOR Men, Women and Children, Kinbrarina- every line of 8 rut class (roods la mate rial and workmanship, from the tiny slipper to the broadest tread Iirw.h Tk. i. i in V ' . ed with " SLIPPERS, GAITERS, ROOTS, RALM ORAL, RUSKIX OF CALF. MORROCCO, KID AXI) LASTIXO MATERIALS.' And uf the most fashionable styles. He will Insure a ood lit ami give satisfaction to all who may give him a call. ... ureparvu to mrnlsh shoemakers wltk a eotuplrte assortment of SOLE LEATHER, KIP, CALF, AM) MORROCCO. A Lao. Lasts and Shoe Flndinna . a. priiVs!17 kld' Wnk-nwl1" beaoldattbe lowest eash fuT hiiUlLD',C ",f IreJ"'riD dene on short mitlee. -.mtMr. k."l',n law ami good sttrk. by i w . possiOMj prasea, aad bv fair apr. , 7u.tf. M.U. BEEBIT8. T W. IIAVIS k KRO S CHEAP Grocery and Confectionery, SOMERSET, PA. Wi!f.lM l..c. i i. ... .. 7"; . hw owpie oi inweomma nlty that we have purehaMtt the Urucerv ami :. t-f kju-rv Li a L . . ' . . --- .- ... . . .ui-pjiri. xjhi.. uiHiosire ine BrmH House, and have made valuable additions to the alremly hue stork of Ooods. Wa sell all the best brand. -t runs, AND MEAL, trrEE, TEAS, BIOAKS, KICE, SYRt PS, MOLASSES, FISH, SALT, SPH'ES, APPLES, FLAVOR INO EXTBACTS, DRIED AND CANNED FR11TS. ALSO, IfJALOIL, TOBACtXA, t'KIABS, SNirr, ii rooms. M CKETS, Tt BS, Itc. All kinds French and eommoa CANDIES, NITS, CRACKERS FANCY CAKES, PEBFVMERT, AND TOILET ARTICLES, COMBS, BRUSHES, SOAP, lie. assortment of Toys, Ave., for the little If yoa want anything la the Oru-ery and Coav LrtiiMnr lin.Hll Davis' Cheap Grocery, OPPOSITE THE BARNET HOI SE. nov. aiy. Boots Slioes, HATS AND CAPS, Leather and Shoe Findings. J. II. ' Zimmerman Takes pleasure in calling the attention of the cit Ixens of Somerset and vicinity to the fact that he has opened a store In his residence on VnUm street, where there will always be kept on hand a eonv piviv MWOHKai Ol Boots and Shoes, IK Kartell, taml hiine manafmeture, a Urre and HATS AND CAPS, And a great variety of Leather and Shoe Finding Of aU kinds. There Is also attached to the attire a CUSTOM-MADE BOOT A SHOE PEPARTMEXT, Ith N. B. SNYDER as eatter and ntter, which akioe la a suUtcient gaarantee that all work made ap la the shop will aut only at the feet of nuuxa- ra urn iw only toe neat material will be asad sou ine Bent Workmen Will Kaa snts.U.awf Tk- k.Ii - .ufw.ll- ifu'vi. a u i rut n iv atf ) rvnan utiiiy tnrlU.) kna-n ...I ....i'ki, .i.-L ww wi saaava vabsimihbj sal nura. SALE AT S7.000 OO, raTABLI 4M0 1st October, ISTa, 5ow 1st January. J47S, fpOO 1st aprti, ami awu a year tnereaiter, WITHOUT INTEREST, A Farm of 229 Acres, Hariris: two New House. New Baak Bam. mod Orchard aad Suirar t!amp. well timbered and well improved, within half mile of North Fork Rail road. Posaessioa 1st ApriL 1873. Oood paper will bo takes tor the flrst two uar- ments. Possession Ibr euttina: Umber vlrea aa uc aa fl,Hi it paid. W. J. BAEB. Somerset, May t, TX QROUSE & SHIRES. Mitnudcturfrfiof all rratU of OIGABS, BEDFORD, PA, Attcntloa partlcwlarly asked of Jobbers. arordera solicited by E. H. Mart hall, dnimlst. Someraet, Pa, A. OENTS FIND LITERATE HE, AatT A!U tMJUU i. tka haat salllmr book ever effered. It etanbsaea the hasaor of aasodota, the wledusn'of essay, the mfbrmaUoa of history aad biography, the awoet aeat aad arrandear of poetry, the exttulalt charm of lasie, and oin aoaaiiiui umnrauons. iolld readlaa- IterravermomenU: pleasant pic tures to Illumine quiet boars ; and gems of eoaf ur th social circle." Aa tnal wntea, "Sow 117 oopsa tail wee I ; will U MO Uda moath oaally." . Our new sxt eta tt reaeosHae does away wltb objeetkmt to tho aasiooas. Particulars rro. A val uable present to Trr new A rent. INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHINO CO., mji V3 aod 4 Liberty btreet, New-York; 3IUc?laneous. c. r. OAM. ED. B HO AM. rpHE LIVE OROCEPvY. C. F. R H O A I) S A C O. Reepeetlnlly aaaoaac to lb paMU that they bar Iene1 their (Truce ry tn the Imseiuent of the dwel line; hoase lalely occupied hy W. J. Bacr, now the Washlns;t Hotel, ami ars aow dally receiving fresh snppllcsof erythln In lira OR(X.ERY AND CONFECTIONERY Lino. Oiv as a ealL f mr nsly are of I he very best tiallty. We will emleavia; to please all. We keep all the best brands of FLOUR AND MEAL. COFFEE, TEA, SL'OAK, KICK, SYR IP, MOLASSES, BA KINO POWDERS, WASH1.VO ItjWDERS, SODA, 1NDIOO, HA POLIO, ALL KINDS SOAP, EX. LOO WOOD, EX. W IFF EE, VANILLA, LEMONS. SPICKS, ALL KINDS TOBACCO, ClOAUS. -SNl'rF, CANNED FKCITS AND VEGETABLES. ALL KINDS DRIED FRCITS AND JELLIES, STOVE POLISH. S HOE-BLAC KINO. CANDLES, CANDLE A LAMP WICKS, BKOt IMS, BKl'SHES, Bl'CKETS, TIBS, BASKETS, ROPE, ALSO FISH, 1L. SALT, Ac. FRENCH A COMMON C IsT 13 1 K S , NUTS, ALL KINDS, OR A CKERS, FRUIT BISCUITS, SUGAR JUMBLES, SPILED JUMBLES, GINGER SNAPS, PERFUMERY, Wet and Fancj Articles Generally, MMIIEI THC C LAI'S, IN BASEMENT OF THE LATE RESIDENCE W.J. BAF.R, EStl. Nov. IS, Tl ly. THE HIGHEST MABkET PRICE PAID FUR ALL KISDSOFCOVSTBV PBUDll E. . O. KUK. W. W. K SABLE. A. I-. DAVIS N. KEIM A CO., SUCCESSORS TO Sfl'TZ a AN A KEIM In the SOMERSET FOUNDRY. Bes; leave to say to its Patrons and the Public that thev will continue to supplv whatever is needed in their line bv Farmer. Bnihler. Housekeepers. Carpenters, rilackstnit ha. Miners. Millers. Lum bermen ami Manufacturers generally. STOVES FOR COOKING AND HEATING, Of t.V most desirable kinds, whk-h have never, as vet. failed to giv entire satisfaction, are always kept on hand. PLOWS Of th vatiiius patterns best adapted to the wants of oar Fanner, warranted to giro satlslactfc. The Urn number already in use throunhout this and the adjoining counties, and a steadily Increasing- demand, are a sulBckat guarantee ol their maritr. CAR WHEELS, For Mining. Lnmberina-. Railroad Bull.lltiK. Ac., of th most approvcrjiatteni ami best material, made to order on short notice. GRIST AND SAW MILL IRONS, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS, BEVEL-WHEELS, MILL-SPINDLES, SAW-MAN DUELS. ANTI-FRICTION ROLLERS. IRON BAILING, BALCONIES. BRACKETS. Window and Door-Sills, Th "Hi Direct, and th "Parker Re-ae(k Water-YVheels, HOLLOW WARE, STOVE PIPE, PLOW-CASTINGS . For all th different Plow used la the county. We an th authorised agenta for the sal of SPEAR'S ANTI-DUST PARLOR STOVES, la this county. W sail, at manufacturers' prices. THESPRAOUE MOWER, THE BUSS EL REAPER AND MOW EH, THE BEST STEEL PLOWS. THE BEST HORSE RAKES, Ami Agricultural Implements generally. W Bon to merit a eoottnaanc of th patronsK lo liberally extended lo this establishment. Our price will be fair and oar terms liberal if. o. KEIM a CO. jan. N, Tr. Mixcdlanemii; P K 11 " F F J' K V ' 3 HIGHLAND FARM, KKARKOMEKSET, Pa.. I Pwl-TW-uith .rl TRTTIo Pn4 If R ATT DRAUGHT HOUSES, ai.Iikkny rATTi-E. rfrsw HA IS II KKHi C'HKSTKlt V. HITK WS, S OTSll SHKI'lIKUif lXiJS, I1UA3IAI1 A!ri I Ilka- k UitkiAHTCo Oaxk JHICKKNS. STALLIONS FOi: Wr2. Stuyu U-kUi Ut AirU; LimIp July iJtht BRACK L K I C EST E IiS 1 1 1 1 C K, InijcrUrtl fnfn Fnit;!-tnl, -r ,.-. full 7 hrwi litn wi i-.'h-. whi-n fn jmuii om-Hli'-n. lyjfl ij.,un.li- it tU k. with .ilrn'iitl a-ti-.i.: he i nuiMi'Lrrtl hv all nnnftnt ju-it the H 'i-tviiam ut -Jr-uNt norw in j i iiiiur (vanui. n in ftiaiii'in r?nia hTt h:u .Iiiirt to every uiurkei io the ,uuti-v, aHs uiuiHtiiiic rut' fn-ui to 1ji, sri! inur-: (n.ia ifK t' A -ur hi at Inly hurifiK to-en mtUl tor "fOJ. In We-4tuitn:lual County, tm.. wa" rmei nr s mil rvi tme year oii. ItUck iai-icc.trr-'iiire w tt; Uj that oelrtyrtel Irict-tHr-liir Hn, hU tlmn by I-Iuht-r: )er4ti Uin ly ymrnvr'a lliiht. LrUxtrtnr9bm llr wp X'H. by that Lir'aiu-! -'--rit -tt-r h. H-f,. the wmiuTofelitit AterU-ulTural riaci. HnU Hr- rt h tin ut wttri if.si hy that iMtel Irhy -thire hor Krtil lllam (r:iii l;nn hy that b tvre MtMutt lls.y. which wu8 the iire oi Bin; lirayitian. Ltfb :. lerhir HtnV iatn wh rt hy that rtl hrci Lri. ee-4trrhire hretl tunr HlMrk j0-lrwm.rTnMn. whirti w--rl hy that n-al hp.wn J-wf-ttnhlri; h-.r--i l 1 Ia'U'-i'T. whh-h zt '1 Kta,ii.n thnt tr.iT-iic. the riiiuie rcaici. Uhl J'icnter w tft hy I Wihi liluck Lt-'j:. whii h jurrveit uuin-ri at fly. fruinta ewh. Iiuu-k by hl lKThyhii, which fc'nil at live uium each Mare hy t.ttl rTijti.m. but. lcnii jco itfi fr liuuranre. A LII AM BRA. Out hy MMilleton. he by Ky-nlyke'i HamMr-t. r,i mi, he hy ANIaliah, h by .M;iiiitiriii'i. he t-T Inn,. Meatriiii-cr. m hy rauk lit rw, lie by 1,hk iV laii'i iihik liawk. lie by Antlrvw Jack-m. ht; f-v V-.ui.-4 llHftiuw. he by l:up. Arabian (iraud iia ?haw. I a tjeatirlfui Hjit, wfih a ."injill jitar. p-rfj- r; I lirni anl t-!iir-r, A ett-efatlfiit ol nwh kt.y Ir-ttiii-f tiUt, iieo.in nl tmt Uwv i.p ttiat -.r. lhl tnrflinif action of which he now giv n; ororni-m. lii- iire t-k the hpt oriLtiuiu at - State Kair. at Klmira. N. V., tn an the llore h-r Uiuu K'-uiUto-n. trottinif tn 'ZrM mi. nw ftanlf at -" In.tir:ine ; aiir-l Ky!vk Humble ton i an. in theater, tran? d-unty, IS'. V. at 4t-iu Ui-ur.incv. lcrnic rNJii Hr I nu run . hurting kwith a mare tefre tfhe I known t with hstfl. f-irtci the lii."iirancr. All accitint an-i caj-rn at the ri.k ol the uwiirt-r. aa r,a-,tuni'e tor uian ir--ui a o Lnauce at r i mutable rate?. A HjK-cial reraiim wil! be ictven by tne f.r th-be-t colt of I,keHtrThircj ct. u a flue ridit.,! saihlle: Prthe lK--t tillv. tho servioeof the ht.r-; ami tor the thinl bc-H vAt or hlly. the i kioi Stock Journal for one year: to be iecitiel at mt comiut t'ouuty Kair. ii hcM : mi I it nt. thto tn lime will tie aiin'.am-e-l to ciue on eany m i-;.-her: to te ileci'k-tl ty three n"iittnt nuixv. ap3 Ht LhY OW IS TIIK TIME! ;)! KllI.IAlilsK ACINIS. TOSKIXTUE New Under Feed Wilson Sewing Machine IX TH ISTf T XTY. H.-t Machine in the V.rM. U't wlim M i chute iu oiarkft. 1'riee. ftiJl'lt. ,w Wr:T tcn wurrritv i.-r r-:ir-. Ai-iv tTnimr-nrif. : to ;mitii KKRKsrKK. mar i X.i. li .piih Street. Httsbur:;h, a. r .VXDS AM)IriLIIN(I LOTS BiiiMin-x l"ts in the Borough of Somerset, EIUiMr situ ite-l, and Wsi Mineral anl Mr M In turii.u ih.;! .in ot S.mi:r"-a o.unty. for ON ACCOMMODATING TERMS A rti n of the lam! are Improved Farms, Others are unimr.rove!. I.l.M E-STl XE. FIRECLAY. II:t)iHEaiiJ sruXEcoAL. Are l..iiii.l i n ..in. of tin in. of fit ir iinality a:, i iniiiititr. 'ir terms, iu-.. rail on or adtlrcs l. WEYANR August 'ST. "Tl-tf. S-nier:. I'a. 239 REMOVAL 241 AIMUITIIXOT, SIIANXOX&CO.. Have Rcra.-vr! to Tiii:in M-:w r.rn.riNd. x.i. rJ MIII JCTV STKKI.T. Urite WoJ Street, PITTSBURGH, AnJ open with AX ELEGANT STOCK OF IDIRZ O-OOIDS. Notion. and Small Wan -. SELX. AT LOWEST EASTEKX PEICES. Bayers arc invite.l to call. . A RBVTH XtvT. W. T. flHAXSOS, J. O. Ji.ril Fell U 3 umi q.aiu:ett Lumber Company, OAKKETT. SOMERSET CO., PA. Earnest. Delp & Camp. FKOFKIETOKS. WHITE TIXF. YELLOW FIXF, OAk. UE.ULUCK. AXD CilKSTXTT Lt MISEK. SAWEf AMISH V KI SIIIXOLES. AX1 I'LASTEUIXU LATH. Building Lumber "Cut to a Mir- at short notice. th-.lcr frm lumlvr dcitlcrs t..ronijilT filUtl at wholesale prices. au. 9. Tl-tf. A. H. FRAN CISCUS & 7 Co., 513 MAKKET STREET, PH IL A PFLPH I A. We have opcncl for the Snrtnuf tra.lo, the Iar-.' est ao.l best as..riel stock of Philadelphia Carpets, Tahlc Suir an.1 FhiorOilChith. Winth.w Sha-le. a n. I Paper, Cnrprt Chain. Cotton Yarn. Hn tlnif. Wa4liliui;. Twine. Uirks. t'lui'k.. Ltokintr-la.ses. Fancy Rickets. Hrvn.ni. ltakcis. Hu-kota. ltrushes.1 hithes Wriiiirt'rs.Wuilenanl Wil low Ware in the I nit cl States. i ur lartre inTae in bnstness enable to sell -it low price ami lurnt--h the tet quality of KVNAt SOLE AOEXTS FOK THE Celebrated American Washer, PKICE, j iO. Ovt-r 1.,000 5tild in Six Moiuhs. Terms: Carpet. BOdav. All other kimI, 3U day. Net. F'-b. a. G HEAT INDUCEMENTS. Persons wantinn firt--la.ti Fruit Im t i"0 ami Phtuts slmuld call on H. H. KEMP, HA UN EDS VI LLE, Somerset County. Pa. Yi.a ran pnr hao or him at lower rates than uf any other party. Feb. MANHOOD: HOW LOST, HOW RESTOREI. Jut publishe.1. a new e.11 tiou of lir. Cnlrerweirs Ci lebrate.1 Essay on the rmdicml rare (without n.llcinc)ofSiiermtorrKca. or SemiiuU Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Los es, Impotence, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to .MarTinife. etc. : also. Ctiuui tion. Epilepsy aad Fit, lutiuccd hy self UKluljcena". or semiil extrava-an. aaPrice. in a sealed enrelob. only cent. Th celebrated author. In this adintrahl essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' success ful practie, that th alarmlut- eoluwuaenit of self-abu mar be ra.llcallT cured without the ilan vertias n of internal medicine or th aplicatK ut the kulle i pointiua; oat a mod of cure at one simple, certain and ertectual, by means of whkh very sullerer. no matter what nls eomlltkia he. may cur himsvll cheaplr, prirately and rtutt- f"9-.. . a-This Lecture should lie in ttw nanus ei youth ami every man in the land. , . 1 ' . k. . 1.1.1. mmLm tAlBVat' dresa, post-paid, ua rcoelpt of sis , or two lo Alan, Dr. Culrerweirs "Marriaf Quid" prW cents. Address th publishers, CHAS. J. V. KLTNK it CO.. 12T Bowery, Nw York, Post Utile Ho . X
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers