The Somerset Herald. J unci. CARD. SlMKltfKT. PA juuc it, is:;. Llh. Hlralu The lolluwin? ',,l r . bunded uu' thi inoinins. and vou are reipi.-strd to publish the same. Tlrt i'.r.-e will U- rt "" l,r"I"r ''"" Yours UcsjtifSfiill'. Ik.m Mkvkur, Chair- lbp. f'o. Com. 1enm. Meyers, Kq., Chair. Hep. Co. Com. . ,;trir: At the recent primary ela tion, I w as lioiiored it h the votesofamajorityofthe!allirou.!lHeason arc naucnii". iv. Kcpiihli.-ans of this comity, for the noinina j lion for Con cress. This result, although, "Tatifvintr to me , . w as cntin?ly nnesiTitil, as I was not a candidate for the office, was not announced as wich, and knew nothing ..( the niovemel.t 1 have my namepr.-s. nt .d to the vot.-rsat the i ! lion just h( Id, un til so short a time preceding the elation. that it was impossible for me to conteract The ticket w ere printed and Vircula- W-d without inv know ledge or consent, and I was only apprised of it at a late hour Thun,lay evening pmtnling the dec- ti.i, I conldhut wait the result, and " make a puMic explanation of the matter. T fud satisfied that h larire numlxr of ihose who ist their votes for me, did so under the K-lief that I was a candidate, and now for the puqiosc of preventingany mis understanding, and with no disjxisitioii to jivail myself of what was so freely accord d me, and desirous only of promoting har- mony in me pany, i reiin.iuisii me r.... 1 have under the usages ol the wrty, to ap from fine and pr.isecution i.y Having a snug quarters we tonneriy occupied, woum not j,,, known anything almiit the eon cmlVn-es, and that the conn- j statement of the of their n-sixH-tive , Hugh heartily over our pre-stnl niakeliill ; lni(1 nm, c(iM , ,,ave IM.t niy p.,,-,,,,.,,! i -.-..iiimitt. conferees to meet ! distri.ts advertised. Ul the olli-rs of the . establishment. Our t-nginc Baxter i n my house and lot. A mechanic "never n .-ommitt. apjH.., co. . r. is in. I : . tmvnlli ,K. ,m th,.ir puni. . ulW ,n . c-al house ; our large improv- ilMt.lul:,1Un!r by Uking a ncwspaiK r. the (vinfcrec!. from the other counties of ... Cd Cottrell & Ralxink press and a Gordon J " J ' ' tin. iliorii-t nnd that said cillfertH'S lie re - ' - - " lieved from any obligation to suiijiort nit as a candidate. I amirofoundly grateful to the Republicans of this County for their fre-.jti.-nt manifestations of confidence in me, but no act of their do I prize more highly lhan their voluntary and generous supMiii at tiie last election. I j.-s-ttully, j June l 1.2. . II. KooXTZ. ' The weather is putting head on wheat. Pi UK cider vinegar at Davis &. liros. Lamps and Glass ware, cheap, at "Peo ple's Drug Store." 'hi rxs. lulis. buckets. Iwskets, rope ic, nt Davis & Rros. C. A: (i. Hol.lerbauni have now the larg- -t mid !est selected st. k of gooils in tow n. A choice lot ofToliaeeo, Cigars. Pipes. Ac. at "People's Drug Store." .Tl sT received at Davis i Rn. a splen tlcd stock ol'toliuctu A: cigars. Cot- Tlios. A. S-ott. the irr.-at Railroad kin?. ha irivcn f'JO.IKiO lo Wilson College, at ChaliilH-rsbiirg. Tin: grass has prown Wonderfully durinz the last ten day, and the hay emp is as!; as we rould desire. I.oT. f'ne new lirown silk umbrella. Tin- litid.-r w iil U- handsomely rewarded l.v r. tiiniinp; the same to this olliee. A jrran.l pie nil- will la held at New Dal on tht-4th of July. Jk1 niitsirund :i s., dinner proini.-il to all. i Cam. and nee us, wc are not hard to find. C. il' U. llolderluuiu's store is in the cen tral part of town. Kkv. WHETf-rvsE ut the I wittier. in cni-.Tcifjtem. w ill hold aeniee in the Reformed chan h on Thurn '.nr cvenlnpr next. The first w ater mellons of the seas, in made their HpiMiinim on Saturday of last week. Coi NTliT pndiK want.l at tlie Kara- it v (JriKvrv A t.-eil store ot I ok A: lieents ui Maine Criers Street. StTIoXKKV. Envel.l-s. Pens. Inks. KLuik r..ks, A,-., at -Pi-ople's Irruj;" Culled fruit by the halfdoen or dozen or full i-asi-at C. F.Uh.wds A. Um.'s to suit :dl. Pr.ui-t MV.uv. Notions. Fatu-y C.nkIs. in jn-at variety at '-People' J rtir Store. warrsnteil ni to stand fin-. 1 Foil Su.i: a largest in Ii of hair, elm lies. , .iir. tiaith. nail and jiiiint brushes ut "P.-o pic's lruc Store." Thk Live Grocery isnirain up the wants .'fth. ir etiftotiiers : a full line ot'ehoi.t- pro- 1 ii-ri.-s. la-si brands of tobaci-oand i-iparsin t.iw n. As we were uot sufi'en rs by tl.e tire, we ittVor l,r,r. nnd lu.tti.r wtm-L ..t ilri. Vsls ic.. t.i the public than any other , turned, inward and only nvpiires a heaij to linn in t.-wu. C. A: G. IIoi.UKUBaI'M. make a well formed child. The infant is a a . stout, beartv, fine haikimr feiimle, and if it The . rohl enters to-dav on itstwentv should live.' w ill d;ove a wonderful curi. lirvi year. It Ik now full iflcd-cd and jut , "i'-T J '"' h'li0 niies..faur in time for tl.e NovemlK-reh-c- 1'ni fr,,,u tl,c. P"l"'r f ti.... ine more vote for Grant. i R ' IH-rlonmil rm f llie t .inemaujrli double child, nnd it Mtr- ,, .... . .. I the severance oft he headless uttai h- i.K-T quality 01 su-ars mni.Ni., or , UirrcII eH-:ip tor cushat the I lie Live .i rv in the liseiiH-nt ol'the n-sidem-e of W. .1. i'.a. r. TU,.l.tU.-r.l. I.w...... .....t fboie 1 ' : " , .,,-.,,1 ""- .....v oicir irra..,, tntre 3 i.iio.K- in. ir .me mm uii aon-r in iiui.reni section' d theState. K. II. M uc-ii a i.l. uf the "I't-olile' Prufi Mure." U-;s leave to inform Ida friends and in.iiiv patrons, that he is now r.wly to of br a choice lot oflrcsh T.alN t the usual prices. Thf. first iiie-nie of the season was held by someofoiir Voun a-ople at I 'ine prove on Saturday, ait hough the day was not very bright they report an uniisiitil ' piy and festive time. We are creditably informed that the re i i-.-ij.ta for and Irc-j-Ia on the. r.rinch R;iil I toad f..rlisi iiinn;li aiiinuiitcd , to .inisidcniblv more tM. thoiisind .'.ollars. An. orthe eaniinsw of the bran; h road " .--ptiliir theadtlal running exia-liscs nn-, I..: .i-i t: . . . .i i :. ' . I'll. Ml II I 1 1 Jllllllllll III 111! I 11.11 HI r I II llii. . Mcul in thorough order. rejiuir and iu lirst lass li.lncATiov The Mount Ziou'a Evan p lieal l.utlM-rMii Chun-h in Jenner town 'liiji will Ik- dcdieati-d on the 31 th of June Father (. rist fr.j Aluaia. and Iter. Snv ler. from Indiana, are exjK-tie.1 to lie jm:s a... ... I witi.ii oi ta.iu-s imve us M-iurn uicir IliiuiKs to Mm. A.J. U err. "i i larrtsburjT. lor tme of the haiKlsmiest ".in nl it it hms sent to the MilTcrcr n.K old Witt '. but new ones. 1 Voi-i.d you la-licve that we have oik- 1 liuudreil and thirty t-ulmcrilicrs to the . r.iU hi this town a not more than ' live liau- yet jaid fMr v-ar an Wrip . t"'n. Tliii i feimr w h" by the ' uire are u in, 1 ; r?,n'l "!l"d at th Family Gro-' nrJ rrM-acirrnf.v!!. i. i a w i Mum jjiu- i-0nrreofty.A- unit- M Maine ( r,, slr,Ti ftur braml c.m. mIi. .A. ii "im niiu IMI'II a 1(11 "'l 11 I III Illl corn, mill 1 1 lard. vincLTir. , -ynij aumir, eorr.-e, eann.-d fruit Ii, 1.iIk- ci rars, tic, Ac, Thc C.Kjta Stoxe of th. new l liurcb, at, . . ; -uiuu-im . - several IHIioee. I Vnumiltoe. Vtaresorrv l- ...o . : -' mj Ulfl klf lli kail 1 lii,t Wa- Me t Z el-Ji?" ' fuU .nd U- 1 1. yvinir riJ ii ""'""! mg ton. r;. Wl'Jllt''r U,e l'UT kiDd V 1 1 Amis Denrison F. iZT.i . , : . 1 J Mm .rli,.ti . " Cl'""' om .,tt,.ti- . . i- iiieMore i i... ,, , , - i.uwivn. Uii.i" ll" i- IWtai.d ::,"r:uV-wr.u' C.,I.HnIlippl. S;. J. Baer, ; Val. Hnoo iUhTi: HZrm "te'J. Aliller, ; UenJ. Ixiwrv, 002; J. JIouae lot. 117 1reei V" ,he oW Countryman. 41. 1'oor House Director cr .re Ibuiljw Ilf?"0 Ji4b 504 ; J. II. Snyder, 1,- same spot on 11 I . w bu,nu nr tU ST7- Auditor-Jacob J. Speicbef , 1 . 405 ; " iu UMt H,se" ground, jtwe tvist, 7T0. Coroner M m. Collins 2. M art of our former who were loud in th.'ir complaint, dcch.iinin;: the out crop would If a liiil'iro, have lately (hanged , their time. Qt itk a bail Moiin visited dillVrctit por lion of Favcttr county last week with ter rible ctl'i'ct, doini immense luimaire to the crow inr. crops., corn, and the gar .l. n rt- lil rally vitt to iwy. TncK hivin;: i progrrssiuir finely ou tin- lied ford . Bridgeport Hail Train arc now rnnning repnlarly to Bur falo Mills, ten miles west of Dedford. , It is liroposed to have an excursion over l lie nwa to llridjn-jiort on l lie 1 A 4th of Jill v. K. It. ou the ! The Bedford sprmn soH.nciiou iue :.. ti,... -r.. ni nn-scut from seventy- . .1... Ifttl. five' too,1P hundred visitor slopping at the V1)rj,ms Nsinlin;; house. The prospect Ga K(iiiKMKST bracelets are the latest '. ' ... -.1 1 .l. l...lw:' nnvrltv 1 ll.v are ih;hxi -n mo .now J J , . , . ill ins o- l l - sent mul then locked on by a small irohl key. How nice. The Secretary of the Treasury lias or d. re.1 the sub -Treanrer at New York to call in fl.:iot.tHH three per cents. The in i.ct mi Hun tlm-e iter cents will cease on j j ul v .list. 172. There are 5.0110 muni- rs j from 3.S114YH.V. inclusive, and 10, (MM Irom j 3. W to 4. 150 inclusive, j ". ,?t U:l,,U. ; Tin s,r,.." Thoush the l.uildimr was l.urnt to i1h jrrmtnd and all the machinery it is again lit tun opimu.ui iii lull M r. N'.nih CascWr has now a well selected ! stock on hand and is prepared to manulact j ure any article of tin ware shortly after re iccipt of order. Sime of the townships in this county, as will lie seen lv our advertising columns, i..., , .,1 if.n tnanilate of the law, and ; ,. e save.1 tliemsj-ives ' . t... r r...i.,-..r. ,n.ic t.,i. llo I IIIS Jl. II. lilt nil IA 11 I l"m ""'V tl) (KH.IIV 1,,-r new store room on Main j Cross Street. U-low the "Rft House this w.N-k. She will oix-n the largest stock of! I Millinnen-, Fancy C.ooda. Trimmings, I !t;loves, liose. Gents Furnishingtioods iVc. j i ever shown by beror ever brought to Sun- j 'erse.t and will Ml the g.mds at lower i pri.vs than ever. FAV.vGli(KERY. C.M.kand Reerits of lC Feed Store, have ovncd out in the new buildiiisou Hugus' corner on Maine t ross Street, also occupied by H. C. Ih-erits' shoe I store. In addition to "flour grain and mill ( fi'1-.l. they have,' a full assortment of gro ceries, provisions tobaccos Ac., fresh from i the city. t reasonable pri.vs. Lveryliody t call and see for yourselves. They are now running regularly, three passenger trains jier day, on the branch road. One leaves Somerset at S. 20 in the morning, connecting w "nh the Express west and the Continence accommodation cast, re turning to Smierset at alsmt o'clo. k. An other train leaves at 10. 20 connecting with the mail trains cast and w i-st, returning to SunrrA-t nt M. :!. The Inst train leaves here at i. :JH returniii!: at nlxiut H'm-la-k. We are unable on aenntnl of not reviving all our tvx- to print the time tables but lioe to i i so certainly by next week. Pil.iT.Mii!rilY. Persons that have not i visited the enmndfl. air Pin itopraph Uoonis. 40 Sixth Street, of B. L. II. Dablis n-eent ly, will find all inereased pleasure in doinsr so now, and to tliose wishing pieturi-s ol y "'vie. wc earnrmly adne their wring l':'1'! pietures iH-lore pureiiaMiitrrise ! w hen-. As an Artist and PU.orpli.-r he, anil his pictures in naturul ni ss are siierior to any we have ever s-en. The Crayon and Pastel mrtrail he w as the first to iiitnuliu- in this eity, ami pi-ople have only to lk at them to ee ul onee ; tlH-ir irri-at superiority over all others. J C'Fi.EnttATiov. There ill Ik a criuid ' Celebrtition and pie nie in Ilurjart tirore near Confluence on the 4th of July, under auspices of gentlemen who are able I and coiiijietciit to j;et up an entertainment to please all who may ilesire to Sk ii.i lue Nations birth.hiy m the leafy prove. One : ol ine ta-si nanus in uie eiuuirt iu .-en mn T 1 nve 3 order V hrK ' kt.rn S riKM-r.Hl,,l s.. thit all who i ! il- ivi li trl '-triri tl tiiitMstie riii leive ' mav wish to ' trip the tantastic, ran . . . . . 1 that wish jfratitieiL , in . : i ..... ; All are invited lo at- tend. 2-1. 15v the C'oiniuittee, SiAfK Twins. In Coneinaus;h Isir oujrli. alnut two witn njro, a child was lsirn vi hich bids fair to prove a p-cntcr cu riosity than the tvlebraled Siamese tw 'lis. The "infant we sjH-.ifc of was lairn with a duplictite part ol'iiM-lf attache.1 to its Isxly above, the. navel, but while thin duplicate in n IT iillH'M. W. 1 1' t III VHaJV. IN.1 ia. ; f.i . :. 1 11. ... .v.. 1 L i CJrZu t i is onlvonefinefcron each hand. Thelanlvis . M . tw..n,v.f,mr ,,mr,. , Co.. ' Jlodirol. ' I . ., , , ! j Oaktohia J? wientific w-jrctaliltt pre-1 1"""" : " r'"' .'. ' ' tt,tvc Uuin lastor ii, and is j.ieajsitnt U ! take. It t leaiises the svsu-ni in a most re- ,,ll;lrUi,t, manner disrew or .r,:. i ,... n1,i.,., e,.Mi;. have failed. Il is --rt:nn to sunersiih' failed. It I'ills. Castor Oil. Xarootic Svruna and all ; other unrsralive and excittni nie.licine. The Castoria contains neither Minerasl, ! Morphine nor Alcohol. Bv its einolient, i soothine eftW-t, it assimilates the food and liroduiva natural sleep liarticularly adapt-1 inir it to (Tvinir and U-ethinir children. It cures Stomach Ache. Wind CoHic. Con- i st'uiation. Flatulency. Croup and kills Worms Mike vour Int""it -n.I for it i r:- : "Mf. "V... I ".; ne wni ai nj s Ke. i n, v . ion ...u.-. ; - have it. It eot but ritlv centa ottle. IIkixi.iM'o. ti. Tkxtii P. K. t". V. I'ecr Sir I At a re union nf Co. "i." 10th P. K. O. V.Jn lici.l In Mercer in lat Jane, It nf resolved to boU , the m-rt re-union at StotH-lioro. Mereer eounty. Pa. , ou the Jainctown ami Franklin Kallroad. on Fri- ' iiar Inn -JBtk. miU tliat tb entire fvriuient be In. t . vlt,Nl lrtu-lte with a view to maaina the re- """" lt. irini.ntal atlalr. ! Hon. John S. MValmoot. the brvt Colonel of the ' j lo mnif nt. was clio-cn orator of the Jay. with ll-m. j lion. V. M'fraclicn a alternate, and Crcneral A. I 11, i..i, M-i-tm. .l.h.f-.JJrfll..l ...i,. .-. ... . u....-... .... ... . : J. Wamer. hitorian. ' j m motion. Captain Sl.ipler Tanner an J Vhit j ler were aiU'-lMed a IVmimittee of Arranifcment. ! and memlicr ol the Kcrtuwnt detdunme to attcml j the reunion fluaild at i,-c an write to eoaimittee v" ' KLOABliA, j M.-reer. Pa.. June 1st. Secretary. ; j IKMlTIC StW-! The Lioiit ix,: Machine. This Machine has lain i known for fix years past, but no effort has ! iKfii nuulo to push it. until. lv n-awm of pujh rinr toanviliini: yt-t inwnxvd. TIktc! Iti i tlt rtnn.fiilirlli . Iii'inr tai.u-va ; ! cntistruetioii ain a ll.Jw c JlacJiinc; and ' i" do twice the work. It will new finer and heavier pools lhan T machine n the market. ! It has all the power of a L,re Sintrcr, ! while it runs a li?ht and uui.l aa Ui 'il cox & Gild. - . . , Tl. ; r... ..,..,.1.:.,.. : n... ... .. . iitaii tit iiir ll uii iwt- ii iti i will oarc co tin trial with it. .... ..... " It makes the Lock Stitch, alike on laith idea. H. W. Siiwhnan X Co., . (Jcncr.d ; Aren. So. tM Sixih, lMftstmr-'h. I In lieu d"a talmhir alatement we irivei iwiow Uie Uital Vote ol eacli lalldulalc 111', V..,.. 1-1... v" n;: ill1 yiiwi C etwia. 40: W. II Koint7, l,:jiHI. State Senator -tJeorfre i. Walker. HIT: E. I). Yntrv. I..,s4 : J. W'cllcr. W4. Constitutional Convention j J. It. hvilie, 110. Awemblr J. It McMH-! 1. n, 1,4 !" .. ' : "u"'"ll""i 1,2 1 ryri. Oootl, j i . L. T I .1. . - . ' F. ScIh-II. 1.871 ; K. t)iuiBinclm. W; I Al. N-hna-k, 1.2H4. Sbi-rilf Oliver Knejijier, l.S22:'?. W. Pile, Jltf : Oeo. I. Knee. 004 : L L. Statler. I Iti-o-i..' P.-,1. t T u-.....- . '. "-I" ' " """lu" ! r.r: iA ' V i...u , n. r.llis. iuj. l oiiiiiiiw.ion.-r AltOI T HORACE. AhU ' Orrdfy Cumpm'n Sniff. A iH.Ltail chicken flew on the fence, rJtnn. ClIArrAQl A ! 1 1 He chcaml for Ure'1ey--he hd ihinsisc Ch.T-rhip fh'p, fit AITAqi A A Vitfgcr chitkoa flew on the fence, . Ckphp-tlir, fHAPPAr 1 ' :' And went for the chicken that had no sense, Ch.'ji thapxhap. ('RArrAOLA ! The 1 inl it all chicken got whipi-d so ipti. k, Vhiip tJuip rhnp, CRArPAO.UA ! He tell from tl.e ti m at dead as -tick, S -Clmp-rlmp-ttuip, Ciiappaqua ! t,i . Nomore will hecheer for the Old White Hat Clutp-eluip ehnp, Chappava ! Hisliom-sArcnumlicrcd by tlielhoinas-nits. Chap-chiip rlutp, Ciiai' ! , J.i:UtiVe CourietJvvrtml.' ' Coal. TIkmc in want of fl fir any purpose, steam generating, lime burning Ac., -m 1k supplied at Alex Sttttzmaii'a (fonnerly the John Nefl'i lank, south-east of this Borough. Mr. I.ivis, a practical miner from Johnstown, docs the bringing out, and the plalti.nn m now tilled with licaulil'ul lump and pood ronrh coal. Ko slate .lug clean. Li-ave ymir orders at the Foundry. C-fTV''0.''' Thk Smicrrjct JlmM r apM last week, handsomer and iHtterifpisible, than ever. We welcome. It again as an old friend. Sulitlwrg Jniepeudi rl. We arc glad to notice thnt the Somerset IleruM is again in the field tattling for the right. Its old ofliee was totally destroyed in the great lire then, and the 'lb-publican party ousrht tlrerefore give one of its"7.eal- ous supiirters a h.-lpiing hand. Terms J-i per ami urn. Jjftrinloirn ilnu Ur. . Wr welcome the return of the good old Republican journal, the Somerset Jl. raid to our tn Me. after a suspension of three weeks, in eoiisequenee (,l all the materials havini; l-en eomtdetelr destroveil in the late terrible courlagrnlion. The -.litor ; says : "lur iPnils who remeniiK-r tne i half medium in an adioininc old w.hkI- i . - . . . shed; our compositors, with lluir stands are crowded into a Uid-chaml-cr. .d the baUiiee of Kir material is scatten-.! miscel laiicously over an acre lot." Notwith standing all this, friend Scull ei'ts out a very ni-at paper superior, in tail, to I la old JltraUl.'- JIulidnyhur'j J!njiUr. Tuf. Somerset lb raid nwi.U. . its a-ar anec last week for the first time since the lire. It Is now one of the handsomest pa-H-rs in the district. The energy displayed by its publisher is commendable. Iiissuh scriliers should one and all pire snbstnntial evidence of their syiupnthy and friendship by paying for their iaper si-vera 1 years in advance Ciiautberiibttrg RcporiLry. Resiscitated. Tlie Somerset tt , , iTIWI ot June 5tli has lut-n reti-ive.1 at tlii oilier, looking us liridit and new as it' no aeeiileDt lmil ever hefullen it. It was entirely burn ed out liy tlie lute tire, anil oliliil-reil to lit mi entire new ofliee, but rith 11 tlie ilnw luelis or.lIi4tmcc I n mi in.i rkrt, rmimliibotit trHiisKrt:iti..ii nnd tlie want of a suitable olti.v. it wan only buvpeiulcil tlirec weeks. We ronjrratulate our tiieinl S ull n liis en ergy and suneeiifi in tfettuijr wtectHisl'ullv in to working tinier a'ain. We Ikmk-liis iw ' : .:. ' . ' , V . 7. ! ....... - ....... ... .... ..-..m; u. bui. , srription list, and all pay in advance. Iti uas liule as they ran do to show tlu-ir np- j tofrrapns rontameii in the letters, preciation ifa goml tilitor . JScdford Jti- j ()f tourse nearly all the ni. ney and valua (pirer. bles wereretunuil to theoners, but nuieh . , i needless delay, many rlinriA- of dishonesty J HKN.merset II, rout a-'tun limke it an- : ..i.. mi.rl.t i,r.. i... .i :r ...... .. imiRinee and is as neatly primed and st.ii v Hs if it had never jfone through a terrible ! destnietive lire. Mr. S till s enertrv and , enterprise d.-serves the ereatest pniise and unlimited jitttronae. We rxt.-nd him our di-eH-t symjaitie und hope he may speedi ly recover. The Jh Mtirrot is also on its feet JIUIllll, and d.icsn't kiok ver' Ki.lly scared tlnui;h wc hoK- it will 1m- by tliellth of Novetnlier. Cumln-rlaiid CirUinn. SiMKttSET II ERA l,n. Our old friend. En. ScrUf the editor of Uie SiniersN-t Jl.r ' old, w h.Nst- estublishlilellt by ! fire, by his cnerpy and snap Jwas ciiabUil I to end the Herald ont Inst week to Iii.a tnili- scriliers betu-r lixikinp and uKre lnten-st ; inij than ever. Wc congratulate the pco- ((f s,,,,,,., omMlv lmviuS su. aIl,(. .lll.r?,ip ,,n(J feari advo-.ite ol h tin f cur ri.t linlitirHil Iirimdldoa naAtr si-HTT w ad 1,10 Mu"$ "'e U, 'm,,'iPn "r?:ln 'r ll"rt : ,l""V,' fyc the Jhmld may U- tak-1 a.".,, "' t v, ry .woman und : .1. , s.,iii,.rnt mttntv e tber n-nor i 1 ......... ... .-- ' i water can quench the spirit nnd real of snv j of old Westmoreland's sons. Otruidmro nt. c.vii.-.. 1 11....... ti,:. i SoiikKsET ilKKAI.I. 1 his paiwr Thk ha a-tiin made Its apja-tir.ine. The lirst niimlH-r since the i; (ire was issutnl last week. The new lit raid is very like the one w hich was totally destroveil ou the mcmor- ..1.1.. ..:.i. ..r 11.... t..... 1 .u. terrible ordeal throu-h wluch the lie mid was matie to nass. and the manv disa.lvan-' . 11. 11 'i'? - s under w hich it is even now lala.rin-r, . - '' Proprietors de rve ?r.-at credit for the han.lsoine imjior ivliicli tliry have aain hrou'ht out. The editor" Kiys : '1ur frk-iuU w ho rciiM-mlier the snufr (marters we formerly ouciiii-J. would latijrh hearti ly over our present make-Miift establish ment ur-ngine a Baxter is loatd in a coal house"; our larse improved Cot- rell A: KalKiK k press and a (Ionian half nil . 11.K1011K miw mill n iniiviiiii nun i.,.';,.. ; . ..i;:: . a i .i,, ,.! 1111 oiuiii 111 an wujtiin tuts, 'ivi w vsnmiii 11 , our omijxisitors. with their Mands, are; erowtl.-il into a lied ehamla r. ami the bnl- j n.w f,.,,;,,." ; rut ( tIu, r(H.deiice of uneeof our matenal i vntu ml mistrllnn- Vui. ;iiU-rt, on Main Street, mid eonsid eotisly over an acre lot, testing the iratience ; ,.1,,. to its rxternnl tit.neaniKr. of our devil sorelv, in his oonslant nt-areh i aft,T jj or niissin": articles." No! WOn.lir UK'" ex.-Uiins. "How are miirhtv fallen!" We trust thnt the fi ri mill- wirin mantle tiii.r. uiilj ,, ' quarlers. Jkdford 0a title. ' . ... - - The New Ikon Wore. The site for 'he new iron M orks provcd to lie ereete.1 in this city I.y the Baltimore and Ohio Bailrond (miiuny was decided nnon res 'crday, and the jrround measured off for '" erection tl the buililuif:. It will la-, as we st:itel yesterdav, on the nor.h side of 'he rolling null, and ol" the dimensions al- ready pven (1W0) feet. The erection , of the works will Ik.- under the sum-n sion . Di.vS.1, F. the .tl...Ln - - - r- - - - mi Mitii-viiiiin fiiih-i iiiii-iititii ii'.iiiiii'' mi tlio rolling niill work? here. Tlw.;r...n- f..r l!... i.n. n n C, . a.f ny, iiiiit.iiim a ' IIIWUNUIUH njl descriptions of mer hant lmr iron, screws, nuts and IkiIis, is now iK-in j nianu-; lai tutvii at tin- i-Ai. ni e tirKs oi .vii-ssrs li-er. &r f I l.iladcljihia. and Uie ma- c hines will be of the latest improved pat- j terns. The is i ,.xpectcd, will lie commenced next iuonih, nn,i :.i iM. .rri,,! , roninletion as cnrlv- ... ' ' .B 1.1 1 A e loei ennui anu iruiy piau ina inese additional works are to lie 1 oca led here in our own licautifiil '-Out-en Citv of the' Alleirhcnies." an Pretiident Oarrett lui' U-cn iileased to christen our town. The :a reorpmizeil for the ensuing year some wisdom disiilaved bv the manaeim-nt in!t'mcaj?o. The followinjr W the' list of of locating tne works ncre is amjue jirooi mat CumiK-rland jmsesses manv advantages for fl0 eurtyslul rntKn oflarge iron nian- ufai-turiu j-establishments, not eqiinletl by on v ntlier i mi nt cast or west on tlie treat i;n". nfilm lloltiinore nnd Ohio ILiilwnv yew. . ; J I PHiiwfpTnr Oi,d am kw,-In tlu j earlier history of medicine in the treatment ! ' 'f lunjt disei, of which Consnraption ia the chief, the hilowoihy of nrre consisted iu weakening and dcprvsaiiig the evsleui, j o an to keei down the rajad intihition 'Hi, like a torrent, threatened to tear; the constitution to tattera. To lind llirs tdit, it w not nutvsKtry to ransawlc tlie ann- iv. - s an.I lairo over the vo Ullii-S t hat llion (1 I t-ron the bliehes of antique li!mrie, as j lb. i r livln imionet lis those whose m . f .a i:t . . memories will bear them Wk to the times when it wan comiiam. aud few, if any wir-. vived kucIi unreasonable trmtmcnf The means of cure now in use. of which I'n- Kkvsf.k' Lcso CVrs fiiruif an important ; in, rt i- in r ilitterent Iroin Uiis. an.I i r . - . . , . .i. : r infli-au ori.rin2 iioaTianQwenKcning ie i. noweraiif nutnre on the contrarv are nil- libit,-.! tiv tino tl lot I VI them Ul). lnidcnce would dictate that whatever the disease , much will lie. gained in take i euwnue h. ioui-d wiu in xiiih-.. m lajtc ini? htmntr of earlv and correct trent-' nient : especially w this true of a disease of; . . 1 A- T 1 F. .1 . . T la . . . - a...HiMMii(inN X I Tl.e new plan of trtment pttrsncl by, Dr. Keyaer lia tmireetled In dome of the uaateiUeniecae.aimieol which are pub-1 (I. Huhed in bin treatine on T-bronic lanr di- ...: i. .m ... .... ..l!l.... "eiiat, WHU.U uui w ui 4.uj '"it our community, that live in per hoi lie, or 4 Imttles Kn 5. II yottr ; ilnii'Hsd baa tint imt h. s. nil tullr. Kcvwr. '. s not cot ft, send to 1(7 Libertr street, Ilusbursh. ami lie will r -- -- j be. fi.rwaril it bv exi.ress. rflcf honni fori examination from 10 A. Ji until 1 T. M., II. V. Sipe Ls building pcnorul l.rokirs and from 3 until 6 P. w nnd wn 8titr.lay f.offlcc in this place and experts to run an night umtl 9. . : - j. , . i cxtenmve ljusincss in this line. Messrs. Geo. Parker andjriah Zimmer man, are busy erecting a large shanty, on tlicnite formerly occupied by lioads' lami ly prown-, iu the diamond, for teuitorary store rootas.? . i ? l - - , Cactio, Krrrv -enuintt box of IM.McLAXE'.S LIVEK 1MI.LS l)erHth siuaturo of FLKMING HUOS.IIltrtWrirli, l'a., nnrl their jitivatc V tilted States Utanii.. "Take no othor. V'Th. nturkcl I, full of imi- tatlon.r. V;' " - " - i .. ' Messrs Seiirock & Knepjicr of this pl:M-e have taken ent h-tters pntent for the , "Na tional : Family Medicine Chest'' a unique and rient little -case of Family remedies. Just 'the thing that should be in every household. . It seems wonderful tons that noone ever lho-.tght of it liefore. . It issim- ply depint; fVuroek. & Kneppcr arc the sole proprietors. . h , . : . - TiiJirollouuiu istlH-exiieiiemeofame- chnnic coneemmg the benefits of a news twioer"- l ea years atro 1 lived in a town lit lndi - . !i . I ana. - n reiurning noun- one nigm, ior i am a carjK-nter by trade, I snw a little girl leave iny door, and I n.-kiil my wife vIk she w:ts. She sniil Mrs. Harris had sent her after their u.-w.papcr, which my wile bail borrowed. As we Kit down to lea inv will sn id tome bj name : i would subrilK- for the newspaper; it is sa much toinlorl to me when vou are avav from hoine." I would like to do so," said I. "lmt vou know I we a pavment on the houc and lot. It will 1 nil I can do to meet it." She-reidied : "If you will take this pa-K-r, I will sew for the tailor to pay lor it." 1 subscribed for the pajn'r : it came in due lime to the shop. While rest ing one noon and looking over it, I saw an advertisement of the county commission ers to let a bridge that was to le built. I nTri,nKi to ln0 , on l rltnirtHl jotl i .,i.i,i , ,, ,,.. r,,r .....i ! j -i,, ii.- .i ilu iiwTtM-r If I hid! n4 ip fr tIP newspaper 1 would ! Thasks. Wliercu the meniln-ra ol the SluVii ; ' ,. I.,1,wh ,,,., ' j .if Rcr. Tiiinllnnn. hvt kln lly ilonatct a very lil- j j ,.'.,. ....'. . . . .... ' .... j .Uy Schwa. 6 tbt .unM! .reicimt the lilimry whli h whf dci.troyr! by the late ttcftrnctire tire. thcrt'fure, Knolrrd That wo hereby txprtw mir Kinlllu-lt, U rt luni our unlrivneit Ihmtiki. lo tlx- airllen wIhi have .tiit twMiitl ulHSritliin. ami tu Riv. Tum llosun I-h 1 ! inti-roiit lie li:is maiiili'sO-'l lor our I 'lmrcU ami Swl.lialh Svliuul. nn, ir hi unllrln 'Btnjy aal cUnru. in oar tichnll. '. A. SMITH. W. II HI FI-I.H i-.. ,. . ....... i iiiVi-i M. Hi iLUKHIIAI'm! 9 Dihkct Voir Lktters Ca REFl l.l.Y.- xi. M.-..-J n. i ........ i i. . I A .Pllt Jll(WI,l a., a LiUII lllllll till' i Hif4 year there were wnt to tin. Ditul J-t-: ler t ifllee nearlv three million letters. SIs- ty-eidit thousand letters could not Ik- forwarded owinittotlic earelessness of thr writers nniitins to pive tho nnty or State ; four hundred thousand failed to Iw sent beiiH the writers to put on i stamps, nnd over three tliouanil letters were put in the jxist ofliee without ajiy ad-; dress w hatever. In the letters ulaive nimi- ed was found over '.li.tHiO in rash, drills , l.,.,Vc t.i, ,..i ri-i oyi - - , '. ' 1 "en-was over thirty -nine thousand pho- ,,,,,1.1 i. . lit.t ,ni ,...e..ii ...,.i i,,bm .i, Ilro.,,t;,m ia,ti,..tii.i,i'ii..n. in i. mil .1.1,, n.n.llti.ui lu.r..r.. ,l,.iu,.;i. injr them in the post-oftiee. It is more than iwobable that nine-tenths of all the com plaints, lotsbes and delavs whieh are laid l. the PoKt-olIiec Department; nre in retili ly due to the carelessness of their w riters. . i 0- last Fri.Liv t-venin us Mr. Vineioit i Pnrshall, of German township, neeompsm- ied by his eldest daughter, was leaving this ! place in a two horse litipcv, iiiteinlin to ' drirf home, niakii)!' the lurn into the 'Me-1 1elIandtown rnnd. near the residence of : I Major Clark l!r-aliiiir. one of the limn lie- i mm detached from one of the horses, there- i i j'ndcrinj: them unmana-reable. Mr. I Purahall nlleinpted w ith the n-malninz line ' ' IA turn 1hl loirij In In lliii fi-nr-o lint in I . ... , . nr . ... . t niukii " 1111. I iiir iiiniifiiiii'iiifii'Mrriiiiiiii' with iCt-ir heads Toward town. He at tluit ; mompnt jull,lMil fnm ,,.Lirlo nml : U!rhl the horsis, but thev had liccome so i .1 ... i iritriii. niii liiai lie WMSiinaoi. uinoiii ineiii. breaking loom from him and rtinnini; over him, ci.UMii de injury to his per son, and throwing; l,is daughter from I In: h'ljsrj", fortunat.-lv not li'irtin-r her. The . r J .. ,1.. ... . . ., loirii 1 lion roil Willi fill tlioir l.irio in It n diretlion of town, and incr.e.inz a "break er, iinniediatelr wi-st of the Wi-sicrn Dridjxe, one of llu- horses fell, breakiii"; 1. lell lore leg just IH-Iirw tlie knee joint, cans- j A , ' , , , V, n 1' T011?1'1 MIU a UuK. Mr- 1 a!ia' .a..a j ....... ...... ..... ....j. ... 1119 ; friend, returned to the McClelland House. ! lit. r..n i.i... n liiu ilTilliriili.r Ilil.n U'llli TOO hi. 11 i,t l.ia i , V. Ti , ? .nr::an.l strife sli.mld 1 Kinishcd : Mian, ami ine loii.iw iji ua iia-v artivcu j Hatch- at home. (renin. Jrnnrr X HuqiIh. Mr. Henry Sijg-, of Sijx-sville, litis i-om-incnee.1 the eret.tioli of a fleam niw mill. .1 . 1 1 e f i I .1 . on the lune lands ol Jlichacl Sim-, north ol The new l.tiildini' now lieinir crex ted bv John L. Siix-. in the rear of Laus's Blacks- tnilh stand, he intends to iiv? ih a shi. The turn out ut the Primary election, on j Sattittlar the 8IB inst., was exer-Il. nt. tuite an interest wtis maiiifete.l by ditl'cr ent psirtics firthe sucees-t of their "fitvorite candidate. Mr. T. Blair Moore, airciit for the ' W.h1 Mower and Kittpt-r," w hich are manulac tnred at ll.xisie Falls X. Y., has one of hw Machines on exhibition in front of the Hotel. AVe understaiid the Mount 7ion Church f , ' " Kl lno -;,0"nt "n 1 hnrdi, Htcatcilfournulesnonliwestol town, is to ,ii,(.jU t t)ie worshi of Go.1. on Sat- day next. It is exjwcted one or two able ! . . ..i:iu...eis ni m-jir.-cm ai nun i-.iiie io . . . . ,. . l"1" 'I'" me iKiucaiory services, j,,,, ufruulll f,!llmene.-il l.uild- i-a new ww mill hist fall, ttiiiiplc-U-il it H,mc time-. and U now ninnina it. j Mi work on their PLiinintf Mill shops r.iiiidlv j i.v.wrt l.. l.,.vo it !.. lull ....e.,i;.. :..! " "l-iiui..... 1.1 o icwifcivs. Their steam ensrine is tin and ri - aily Ir use, an.I creates no little excitf nxut with the young America's of town., 11 1 he Lnu.u Sal!iatli bcJiool ol tins plaiie lici-rs ol the same : President K.-v. Chaji- ...ii . . i g t t i . l ii ; .-iija-riiiicininiits, v. jictz, .i r., join: j was wen nttentieii. Aiuiressew were made Cole ; Treasurer, Josinu Friuik : Ss-m-tary, j by D. I). G. C. T. Smith, of Glade Ixljre, H. S. Fleck : Librarians, W. It. Dietz and j Ilev. Mr. Fxlgar, of Somerset, and several John I. Ankeny. The alten.lancc- uj to , brothers from l;ile City Ialfre. On mo the present time has been cood. mitl nil lam. Convention ndionrncd to meet t lt..r. f. - em to le delermineil to inakeli pl.-jis.tntH interesting and instructive. I The rontnu-t for ImiKlhi the new j - Ib - am Church'' h:islK-en a-warded to our! townsman, V. B. Enon. ' It is their inten-: tion to make thisonc of the finest strnilureS' in the north of tlie eouuty. j !. . - .. , .v i. w m khicc. a aieciin) oi ims, eil euiereti uie law oiiice oi J. ll. .nil- ler tsij. ami sioictne ura-Kct. v 11:11 tin-, told Snlnhicf ix rcsultinjr ffrtn Iho Uachinff , of Taniuuiny. ,, , . .. . .. ; 0 vE 4(fllj(. nt.att-st farmt rs of our valley J u Africlin uiHl awl ho nert-r t.adi lea- , ,,ni frrmi Ciret ley; ' I - irr one - wmiinn. " n..n .. ., a Ar i... ii,,ni,..hfiA,l" hni..i i. .1-i.n ."c uuii . -, UT under the 8&a10W I iireeh-V 1111 llie n,b.ritv am onietlv traitinirfur tlie vianda b -i- --.- -- i-- - --- tola. - pn-jwreuat uie enK niiic iMiuinore.; Convention vimi.i. mi"i, .. ....... mi ti.e pro-ivct before them. . " - . t- . Tl!E ri.nt rains hare CTi-atlv improviHl i - " tI,e ror. t , I hk new cunrcii at -uui nun litis iH?en - .li - at (l, it in a neai autibiiiwiniiiiiii siruci- ure.' - . .... . . TIuth nrn"two noun!iiIl 1;ath ...... , , . 1 am .Ttwlinir a w-linliiinm In. . : t.i! . e i. ilucneeon thecxmiinunity. So niotc. it ever Nomi-mrl 4 Inssis or the Rrrrmel Church orihe I'nilrd Males. Kkformed Ciu rcii. ) FiiosTiirno, Mo. ) This is a new nranixiitioii. It grew out of the old Westmoreland C'hihfeis, w hich li;i.s lh-cn divided, and with a part of St. Paul's C1;ihms now constitutes three new Clasfis, icsH--tively tailed Allegheny, Wesl in. ireland and Somerset. r,J1"K'r'? ot 1 j ISiSS eastern border of th:i fi... : - i. . :.. .. r 11 . I in- louiiaiioii ui iiir iiiD is as louiiw s: River to the line of and thence along the rtler of that county, --hall lie the lioiindary lietween the flassisof Westmore land and the new Classis of Allegheny, lie-twc-n w hich and the St. Paul's Classis the lxiuudury shall lie.lhe lower line of Mercer count y, Pa. ; tluit the Classis of Allegheny shall hold ils first aiunml meelini; in the first Reformed Church in Allegheny Cilv l'a., on the first Thursday in June, 172, I at o'clock p. m. ; that the Clnst-is of I Westmoreland shall hold its annual mei-t- I ing ill Hie liciormeii v niireii at nlt m, on the rlr-t Thursilay in June, US72, at IS - ! ot-ha-k p. m. ; ,1'"l1th.0 u.'rntory of the i present estmorclan.H hissis, except Cam- 1 "" ".' "- ""' "i ' it Wnl.., CI:isslS of Salllleri t nml lli.r si it tiled the Classis of Simerset, and that it lie direet'il to hold its first annual meet -ing in Salem Cbureli, Frostlmr. Md., ou the first Thursday in June, 1M7.', nt 7 o'clN-k p. ni , and that the II, v. Win. l:up fireside at ils organization. J hiintiLiy Morning, June 7. I According to the actum of the Pittsburgh ! SvikhI, in session nt Hreenslmrg, Pa.. (c- ! toi-r, gnmiing me division ol l bissis i x-titiied for by the Westmoreland CLissis, i the Ministers and Klders constituting tin the Somerset Classis assembled at the alsiv place this day. Rev. Wm. lblpp preached the oM-iing seruion by upioiniiiicnl of the Synod, mid took the chair during the organization. Rev. II. Keener was chosen Secretary pro t-m pore. COW l M ATION. (iioiictiTowx, Ki.DnuAiHiCo., C.vt.., June, (Sth, 1S72. f Hon. Ed. tvtitt: Dear Sir: Vour note of the loth till, was received a few days ago. Please find inclosed ostoflice order lor $20, for which please f-ive ine credit on subscription to your invaluable JlentUl. When vou get started icain con tinues.inlufg my paper to the same ad- dress, as it is it,,, for me to get along without it, it lx ing a welcome vwlor with i , ' i',-,,.'.,,,..! of thi destruction, by the following kindness of an a copy df the fire. ol" my native town. Sunday ; and through the unknown friend, was sent I Jhrinorrnt, contuinilig lull particulars of I the sad fate of that once beautiful Soincr- set. The citizens and siuTcr.-rs in that sad : affair have the sym)atl;y of an absent ! 1ii.mtt,.r itn l,otij.2 1S -..ttii r..nnn 1,1c. : memiiersiii Willi llie cilizens ol your no- memliersiiip with the citizens of ' '"'c town. If the business portion of the : tow n has the pluck and energy displayed !'' UtM Co., Somcixt will s..n" U- nerscii again. Polities in this section lire somewhat lllixnl, lll.-re In in"; n trreat liltinv sorehead Hepuhlieans ; and it is very liitlieult to form any opinion, with any iieeuruey, how this State will po until niter the nomina tions are mad.-at Philadelphia ami liuili liu ire. If the lialtimorc Coiiveutioji make no nnininatinn, and intlor-e t.reeley and IJrow n. it will In- a ruse no k in mbri. It is really alniiMn;: to see how some of the leading Iemoratie orLtms take to the ! lauierot ti.liuoiiisiu ; i.ut iiey say, -any- thin? to defeat Urant and his thitv in- ud ministration. Should old Horace Ik; elect ed President, ! don't believe he would tol erate the buildinpof blacksmith shops and slid iles in proximity to one another, as they ur apt to pet burned. The fanners in this section are all wcar i;T bright liices in anlieipa'ion of po.Nl crnK, and, jiuli;injr from present indications their eecltiti.ns will not lie bliphlnl. truly, k. VoimI Tciulrs i'unvciitioii. The (iixl Teinplai-s of Somerset county ,ll( t in ciiiventioii at Dale City, on Thtirs ,:!' cvcniiv.', may :jiitu, is;-'. I ). D. . - T- Smith, of . lade IjhIjp, called ,lu Convention to order, assisted bv the ''Hwin duly el tied ol)i crs : W. V. T., ';,a -Mathews; P.M. Fislu-r: K. S.. ' A. Ilonler ; Cluiplin, '. K Masters; '-. Chri-die llo!r-liu ; G., Ella Koontz ; S., ('- M. Kinl. y -. It. H. S., Alice Willielin; -. " . Wcrnef ; A. S ti .Aliie 1 On t I '. Al., .;nj)ll 1 .Hi V. fA..lji'r.if T-,,., r ......1 v v 11 , 11, 1111 nil- j -- M-'n. were encourapn. A inoti.-r, was od'.-red and adopted to have the sessions of Friiby allern.K.n and ev, ..iti.r 'ri.r'...,....:.. i r-- - I'liunnirr mi iv.cs.i- lutioiis rcpurtcl the following which were liii:i!iiiiiuu-ly mhiptixl : Wiikkkas, We lielicve thai TeniHr hHce is promotive o! civilization andClnis tianily, ami that liipior is spreatliiis disease und putiH-risiii, and iH-rvertinsj tin- apiie tites anii.iiL' the is utile, should no lon-'.-r l- .'alize.l. Therefore, we, the G.aal Telil irs ol Somerset count v. in Convention '' re p.e.ijre ,-s to ui.ll.iich !n ""' w',rk ''"'".iiiTiox, and io,iiv 11s -oil .-H-flllllieills ; r ,,.-, Tb-.t .. ,.,,1 , 1: :. i.iotctti. 1 nat, as an onler, tlisM-nsioii , ... .,m I n. .. ..,.1 . sinic snoiini ne isinisiicl iroin our , mid-t and fraternal feeling characterize all our Intercourse. Htmtad, That as our order has Kin . instrumental in lila-raluii many lr.nn the claims of drunkenness, we hohl it the duty j of all its members to chcrUh and )iiiiHift it by attendance on its mi-c!iii;'s and strict j oW-dienee to its laws. lit'.ilred. That as we are a reading nco- jile. temjK-p.ince men and women should 1'atr.miiu.' leniHTanie JournaU, that all may lie k.-jit alive to the jiroirrcss and rood works of our noble cause. I Wiif iiEAs, We Ulieve that on the sub ject of tcinjieraiice there can lie no neutral "round, s it is the handmaid of religion. au'1 'he siifcsruurd of a free pi-opl a moral antl reliirious duty of nil m.-n to stmiiort it whether connected with our order or not. Therefore Unwind, That we earnestly recommend the t ailing of a convention .if tcnija-ninee JK'.))le, and -sjn-ciitlly request the attend tince of ministers of the jiosjiel, to lie held at an early day to discuss im-nns to ertidi-t-.ite this, our national cause., The jieiijile of Smu-rset Co. will, on the third Friday of March, ls;:j, lie (tilled ujMin to vote for orapiinst li.t-nse. we recommend I ul l ie H I' T ,f tbin Convention iipjxiiiit a prominent bndher in me onler, w Iio is to lie ciiainiuin. to or2:in i te a county committee by aiuxiintin one I brother, or ti-iiijcraiice j.crsun in each eh e j lion district. lifolrtd. rh;it in the awful conflagra tion which laid the Intuit iful town of Som erset in ashes, and renders so manv fami lies hoim lcse, we, as inemliers of thin Con vention, deeply wymiwithize with them in lueir aniicti-m. v . A. JHIKDEH, W. V. HICKS. J. tt. HAYXES. Com. M. Fisher, of Pale City Lodtre. was recommended to Grand Lo.l'e for I), D. G. . C. T. for the ensuinr term. The public session of Friday evenin" .. . . ... J ,n lin, on Thtirlay nnd FriiLiv. Au-rust Stnii and 30th. lri',2. Cti.MMJTTEE. MAI.IIIKI, t H A V Kit t'A.M BKI.L. At KenBervillc Som erset eounty Pa., Jnne 6th, ITU. by Kcr. (I. I 'hap pen, air. Iyiui '. t'raver mid .Mi Catharine X. l'auiitM'H. iii:i. SH At LIS. On the lull inst., Frankiin P. Shau li. of JenacrTp.. aa-eil SJ yeiir. 2 month and IM day. I It RECEIPTS AND EXPEXDI- ture of SoUK-wt Towalifp School Hitrict, e yearemllna Janelr.l. Wl. Tax rateeitcht - r tlie yearemtlnff Janerl, mill on the dollar. KECEIITS. tiro, anmnnt f duplicate... 4.iTir .s ' jmai r ii mi- ra i a. ma . . H.i.di I . l!ri -' .ion ; - Colleetor'. eomiaiwioo. Net amount of tax received 34U.3H Amount of State approprialiou ree'd. 2Tv.:i llalianee .in hand Iroin uut year l(la.7 1- nun adjoining dtru-t and otln-r oarcei. ta.m SU7K.W EXPENDITIEES. Paid lo teacli.-n. " for fuel and eontlntreuelca... " Secretarict lalary " for buiidin Total eiiicuditurc- tal.uu . 7j.W -4SJ47.SS Bal nr on band. June W C. Jl SHAVER. Secretary. Ann AliTrtir)iU'i)t.-:. THE (fn EAT ' Musical and Gift Carnival, BY Dodworth's World-Renowned Band t 'nli-r Hit linrti-ii i.l ; M of New York, JOTW.. t .uiiriln SO mtnilitrs; A I 'n t lit I J n?n i ! Smic, SI e s. J ks x i r. V s 7. a x it; .M li.k. KlMOIKMO, Tlieili.-linxul'lie. YlolfnUt n.l I'innlt: AO'lutlierrtatarti iiH-luilin Mb. I!kt. tliv n-nownttl Comet NIlft: In Fall Field, KocIioHer X. V. July 3l, 41 ii ami Wh, 1HTA I'nilorthe Mammoth Tont, nol lat ftamm by Mr. P. T. Kurnum fir lil two eoiuliinnl uliuwi, tM'iiiif I lie In riri-l caiivni. tint III the worl.l. Three i met rt car Ii tirst tlirtatlays. the lart .lav two cimi-.Tta only, liy all the city IniikU. July if, 3-i, ainl 4ili. .lour iK.-n at 10 A. u. 2 P. M. ami 7 P. M. .1 ii I v ilh. Itnoni on. n at . v and? p.m. Thi Li-t day the ill-trilMH.,n will take pl:u-e. Till i!l l tlio IJinr.-Kt Mu.-i-:il .'aniiv.if ever (riven In New York Stale. PRIZES, $175,000! !i-n lTl -kt-t ll"l l. r' wilhout any l:.--rve. Tlirw Kilts the iimkI Valuable. K in-, Kii-.i!it mii.1 t'osily ( iimmI.4 an.l rriiH.-riy. TICKETS OA I.Y OA F. IMtl.l.AK. iierson imn-haslna one lli ket may liMt-inc the ioii.nstir ! these worl-I renowneil iirizcK: The Upon! CnrnlvalHIx-in.Ilitud. 'ml.ina- if tliene mati hlt M tenmf ; llnmuiu'f Hln-k Team. I lie Inle -ul. Ki?k' Ora v Team ami Titlim;har Slcn'li'l lllriayii l.iriiiinu I he fix lineal h-iTH-s in the wrll. The Elegant landau ( each, mailt for the KiniK-ror of Oermanv. ami a UHI.I Mill .NTEll 1IA11M.SS. The Magnificent Parlor and Itedroom Set of Fumiture. for the Graml Duke Alexia, The Miniature Steamboat "rrovideiiee." Maile .if Silver ami Onlil. for the late CoLwl Fii-k. Willi a .llu.'ieal nitarhcil, whleh I'fciyi" eiK ht tunes. The licautifiil W kite Trick Policy. The Mammoth Ox Weiginir 4,000 Pounds. Au iinmeiii numlierof Trees and Plants oftlie Rarest Kinds. In a-Miiion to theiM- liiatelileni. a.traelion arc in numerable other, eoiisisiin of S,lenii, Kurnl lure. Jewelry Solil llron.e Articles, JMajolica Ware, ami many other article ot bijauttrit ami rertu :Sewiii! Alachincn, fiuno. Orvan. Har-ne.-seii, TruiikK ami Satchel. Oil Pitintiiixs ami every variety ot I'.irl .r .nlonimi ut. Kurs. I'arria tfc., .'lir nn.o. ami Silk Imtspcii ami Fattems. ele.. I etc. In a woril. there arc the uniuiralleil numlier ot t:Xl gilcmli'l L'inn Tiilueil at 1T.'i.ohi. to he ili-tril-iilml. nn l every hohler f a ilollar ticket utaml.' a lair chance of liecouiina; a rich man. PLAX OF U1STHIBITI0X. ! One humlreil ami M-venty-flvethoo-iaml numliers I representing the iiuuiImt ol lickela iaeil. will be pla-l In (im wheel, and eanl iuxcrllieil with the uaineol the Kill will tic placeil in another. Fruui thee wIicIk. a nutiilier ami a ii tl will I drawn i the nuint-er drawn in i-ach in- : i "tauee taking the silt drawn at the auie lime. All order f-irtiekutK I.y mail must bcadi!re!ed to ; OKOIIUKH. KLIS. Manaxi-r, !! iii-iti i:. New Vhhk Statk. 64 lii rnui sri:i:i.T wer ' 1 .Miner, ial Huil'l- lt N'"" J-: ix UAXKurrTrv. f Pennsylvania, rs: liLaoK. June 15th. tsT-i. ""-- The underda-iicsl herebv uive notu-e of hi an pointinrnt a ainecof Hcnrv J. Miller.. if lilade - in the county ol Somerset and State ol Petinnvl- i'.,ni.t m iti.t'n i.i,t .li.ii. k,. i.. iuun A.i....t.;.i . i.,.L,. m:-. i. ......'..,,;.. i... i.. l-ourtul iai.t l'itrit. ' SAMt'KI. II. fil'LL. I The lollowina: named irent leiuen. well known and JjtBiau'a Pilk IIlmkot fail to cure. I; i pre june lU-3i. : pniniim-nt citlten of Pittsbur-'h ami Allegheny : jred expreIy to cure the Pile, and aotb ing else. V I. 'I ll ll'sl :llII1I., I - 11. I Ulllfl All I 11 fi. liri - 1 J'er- , ers lesiiiiiii-riiarr on me r.iine 01 mil'imia ILin-Llev. bile of liml hclvalb V Townshiti. di-'d . having bien grantiil to the undersigned by the pp-r authority. thoc imlebted to it are notiUed to make Intuiediale iayment. and those having claim against It will present them to u for settle ment and allowance, at the late reldence of the di-easeil on Satuplnv the pl dav or August lST'i PKTKK HI KltHLKV, KZK.VS. liKKKI.KY. June 19 Ijteeutor. o KPJIAXS' C0UKT SALK. plian' I 'onrt of Somerset county. Pa., aud to me direettd. there will lie exsed to public sale on the premise in lillnl township, on Saturday, the l l'h ilny of July, iktj. the billowing real es tate, late the pniiM-rty ol Alargan-t Iong. linra- eil. viz: A tract of land situated in said township. I contuinilig l-'3 aefe. adjoining land of Abraiu 1 1. Jomi .in-w. .mi a tinier. j,w.,-n ; ki,,l,, nml iu lierM ulmllt Ml aerv eliaee,! lo..r i wliieh n re In meadow: then) I a two-torv fniin : .lw..lltn,. hnim a Imi Mrn nnil iilhir out litiil.tin.ra i on the iiremic. " - Tkkvs. Kightecn hundred d.dlarsto lie paid on : continuation of ale. nnd the balance in two eoual aunualgiuyuient without interest, to lie secured hy ludgiiHiit:" 10 Js-r eent of the 1. soil to lie pal l a soon a the proierty is knocked down. Sale to coiiiiucnix at ii o'cloi-k a. ui. of said dav. A AM i.N VIIX. June IU. Adiuiiiitratir. IlIa'KIPTS AND KXPKXIiITtRKS OK 11 Jenner township Sehiad liitrMit lor year end-' ing June l. Is Tax rate, lu mill on the . I. .1- lar ol valuation. FKt'KIPTS. linaisainouut of Implicate C.-.ej 'Jl IjcfT KxiHieratbin 9 40 at t'ol. eomtniion 2' ler et Ts 4s " I'ncullccted taxes iSoT RS Ki-eeiveil 1mm State appropriation :ta '.ti other source ldl ij Total amount of Kecei)t. EXPKNKITt RI-S. Puld 14 leathern 1f jier month each for 4 miMitha... vl,.rla l0 l'a id 1 teacher at Jeuner A Itoad b. a-r month lor 4 tin ait h Paid br new bnildinaii ' outstanding- debt o fuel and eiaitlnirencle Socrctary'll salary " Treaiturcr' nularv Total ainouiit of expi-n.'.lture Italnnee In treaurv IU UH WIA.Nll. " JIIN.VS.I. Secretary. .".s o ; ANKF.NY. 1'reeident. i junt-19. " WELLS' CABE0LI3 TAELETS" For COUGHS, COLDS HOARSENESS. Thec Tablrtt preent the Acid In ( Combination with other ettleilnt reiucdlc. In a popular form, ror the cure of all Throat nnd Limit l.isea.-. lbiurse neand I let-rat loa ot the Thmat are immeiliate- ly relieved, awl tntemeiit are constantly tieliur ent to the proprietor of relict in ease ol Throat ilimcultieaol year nnndins. ; t'auti.-n. lamt Ik-deeelve.1 Iit worthlc imiia-! tion. th-t only Wells' Carbolic Tablet. Price ! liie iK-r l"X. Send for circular. ! JOHN il. KKLI.t 111. IS Piatt St,. N. Y. Sole aiceiit for the t'. S. All KNTS WANTED FOK I P207. F0WLEE.S GEEAT VCES 11 W lili Kl sl 37 ' 16! .15 '. M UU i-U UU i On Manhood, Womanhiasl. and their mutual in-ter-relaiiisi: Ive. il law, jaiwer. etc. Send for ieciiucn ma-.- and ireular. with i t.-nu. Addn-, NATIONAL l'l liL.lSIU.Vi j t'O., Phlla., Pa. j JUW i j.;-, leacheri, students, and uthert Wanted at arents tor Will The rleliet. raciest, mot taacinatinir. intructive ' and laiiih ppivokina- Iwok ifsued tor year: ae-1 ktiowletlireif uiierior to Mark Twain. I p!cn didly llluftniteil. elea-antly InhiihI. and very ehcAii. Au-eiit rej.rt arand ucc.'s. Sample pake. ias- 1 eial tc mil It '-Aarents' PiN-ket t'oniHiuiou'-free. Addre. HI KBARD HKOS-, Til Sannom Street, Philadelphia. OI K VICaliSTIO.X; or MY JOLLY MM SECRET. Dio Lowia' Last and Greatest Work. Till invaluable common-arntw Rook bould be read by every man ami woman ia the eountry. Three-lourth ot all the icknee in our uiklst laay lie avoided by a knowledge and practice of our '-Jolly FrleiKl Secret." The imt eminent au thoriiiea in the land heartily recommend it ft it irreat e.aumon-ene, racr-huinor. hrewd irliiuej ot Mankind and In vivid ami pithy atyle ol ex prtnion. Aneiits wauteil to make money fast. write tor Illustrated eirrnlar. tertun, Addrvsa OKI). M Al'LKAN, Publiher. 733 SanAiiu Street, Philadelphia. I a powerful Tonic Hueeiallv adapted tut uae In ' SprinK. wlien the languid anil debilitated yteui . r . . " iLaui.T; win aive Tiur to the feeble, irencth to the weak, animation to tlw : dejected, activity tntbelux-ih. rrMtothe weary, i quiet to the nervooa. and health to the initum. , i, ..twHunuKiiiu imni, miihii, icmnilllK , iv me un-iiicai aiwi nrit-nTiiic penoiiicwia ot Lgynthm . ami Pari. iacc the lnot powerful Uink- nnae I tr ier known to Materia Medlca.and ia well known in Ita native eountry a having- wonderful eurm-1 live uuaiitiex. and haa lam luna- nw.l aa a .mriiw. . in all eaea of Imparttiet of the HlouL Ileraihiv- racnt irf the Liver ami Spleen, Turoora, Uniy, t i-ovenT oi tne kioou, jieoiuty. veaitaeul the - Inteati'nca, Uterine or Vrinary Oraana. I nn rjrntffl' ntrtntiinm nn Twnirnnni xb 9. mi)(i armiiir ami noonanimr. uk nmn-i rkn kiod taken Into the atomach. It aimllate ami difiuaei itaelf tbrouirh the clreuUtion, Klvinjr ' Filiate, the bowel, qalet. the aervea. act. ' direct!? on tlw accretive orwaua, ami by it power-! b ini Tonieanu resioniiK euecta, produce nealtriy a .i. fk. -w. Jl i... . ' JOHN O. kELU ajrti. Ii Plait St.. New York. 1 . ' ... ' Sole A irent tor the Vnited State. I Price, One Hollar per JJottle. Scad fur Circular, I AV? Aih'frliio-mtnlM, AOKNTS! AfilNTS! "aoKXTS! Sen'l for .low.Tlptive circular ami -perliil terni ror ! the jcrt-atet cuiuaiuu Imok iuiliFheil. Ecflellaa's BtmAlicaiisn in Aurlca. Owing- to the irpcnt r--Ht i-i I excitement, will sell for the next iix mont hs like wil.l hre. Is the iiwt reilahle boiik in the market. J. M. STI iHAKIi . '.. puliliHlier.. TV. Sannira St.. Pbila. KK.NNE11Y S HKMUM-K OI.NTM LNT. The proprietor h:u. i.y the a-ji-t- anc ol Kuilnenl r-hy.U-lanj. ami , rl 'hernials f-m-teileil in the ! .itifiiicina! tirorn-rl leismtnlneii in the ' Oil. I'iteh ami KeHiioftlie 11. ro-loc-k Trer, ami .itituin.-.! a valuaMc irepnrafliHi to le appltek a a Salve r Plaster for Khc aiiialiftn, 'r-UK l'ain or Son-tic" of tin- liack.l 'heKt or Stomach, File!., Salt Kheiim. Si-urvv. Sori-i.. I'leert. l.iulon,.Sore I 'ni,' Froet - Itltex. 'hlll'lain'. Sore Hrcat and Nipple. Klnsrwiirmi.. t'halinic ami Skin Iilfeaara of In-; flatninatury nature. t'HAS. A.1 till LM11.V Aiicnt, 7 Sixth Are., New York. 4 f ma.le from M ct.. Call ami examine, tit aJ I auile lu-nt iim li Samplea lu-nt (ijelae free) f-r iu eta. I ui) k lor 10. K. U WllU'iriT, 101 : llutt retail uick lor tin. K. 1 l hat ham S-juare, New York. AtfeniH Hauted f.r the Autohioicraphy of HORACE GREELEY i or Recollection of a ury I Jle. liluflr.Ueil- The: Lite ami Time ot no icreul a I' ami KelOrmereannot fail to lntrrct every true Anierl j can. Semi lor wimple eopy. K 11. TRKAT, ' I'uhli.-lier, Ml) linwlway, N'. V. I ISVCH().MANCV, OU SOl'h i X CUARMI.M1."- How either ft- ni.iyf:i. einate ami irain the love anil affection." of any ier- Km they chooee. Instantly. Thin iuiple mental ae- Uirement all can, free, by mail, for 'Vcti.., j loifeiiier witn inarriatre (niiii, r.irypnun . n-acio, i liream, IlinH to l-i,lii . Ac. A ijueer. exeiiln Inrnk. T. V 11X1 AM it i n., l-iihli-li- er, PhilaJlelphU. WAEREN EANGE. T-iu-r mirviiH tv iwt luri i I Il 1 1 KtJlIJ.n A.n. IA1. I. ffciuMe Klcvate.1 Ihcn. Wartnlnn (' Rn.llln- lloor. Femler Ounr.1. iinmpliiK . Shaking- Urate, l.lrect IlraR. ITI.I.KK, MARKKA k ... CM Water Street, New iork. GRAND CONCERT AT CITY HAX.L, iiTTSitrit;n, PA JULY 4th, 1872. $30,000 WORTH OF PROPERTY To be Given Away. .-too nKAiTiiiL Bin.niNu t.wr AT OAKEALE STATION. ; TICKETS 1.00. At eonclui' of the foneert. tlie Manairer will dL'trihuteauubuililiiiirlotstiithe ticket m l lei-ln the uual manner, but honestly ami ttnari tally. These lioU la-limn to Mr. S liiunii. ol l'itt buriih. Pa., whose title to rhe same is in-linput-ble. and Ix-inv ituutel convenient to the city, will make excellent ami plca-eint hoinc fur the work luxman aud mechanic. Thee lt are incrcaijiitf in value daily. A rich ix-l.t vein of P.ituntin on t 'oal nmlcrlles this pn-ta-rty. A c-ul imnk ia oiiened and iti icmul working .inter. Thi Uotk. i which irive full acecw. to tlie eiail underneath, will ! lie alien away Willi llielv t on wliu h it h ituatel. , The coal, valued at ll' .-.-nt per burhel. i worth ' 1 : . LJ.I I .. , I.- .". J '..I....... II .! (u a ! . . .i . uate.1 ou thii1 proiierty. and with thc-outhuil.liiiL'. will lie itiven away with the 14 on which It i built. Oakdale i well known, thriving ami propcrou town, and at present contain an Acad - ; euiy. Female olleite. Malt Hon.'. Potolnce. K.t- ; pive .iiiieT-, ui mr. .1 ... iii....ii,v j .lwelllnira. and taken altogether. I a dcflrable j : place lor ltlutriou working men to settle. j ' ' Patau To the xetter up of a elutiof , ' thirty, a han.lotne Silver ntch will I itiven. Ti the ifetter uii of a cluhof twenty. Five I icket will i ' lie viven. To the setter uii ot a club ot ten. Two I Ti.let. will Ik- irlvrn. To the irettcr au of a elub I of sli. I Hie Ti. ket will lie given. vines, laic n i .1111 leri ,.,,,,,.-, .. .... . ",W'H "r inr .ee-i. hu.i o,,,.. .n imt-h- l.ri.Su, 11. l.iru-. mom Hill.' nl Pilt- 1 .-.. - ' ' V, : ,.. :. . 1 nir-n ami r'rcsioeni ol ine .Hecnanic s .-.avilig 1 It. nb IWiHiu(nSinnrtv State Printer- U Vlnn-t ; .,n Purc-ll. 1-slitor and'PublNher ol the WeeMv I Alirror. Allegheny I 'ity. Pa.: fob-nel Samuel Kit-1 gore, t'-ounty Treasun'r. As to title to said pn.s ; ertv. refer to II. s. Hoy I. Attorney at law. fj Unint Stp-et. Piltbiirgh. trKoldiK H. SHAXAFKI.T. OeiH-ral ."Manager. To wl.oin all c.umnnicatii4i must l-e a-ldrecti. Ireucral oihce. i 1 hipl Avenue. Pittsourgh. I Person remitting money inn.t sen 1 by liegi-ter- ed letter or 1 . O. opler. June li BOVARD, ROSE&CO.,!A8ent Carpets. OUj CLOTHS, MATTINGS, it Stair Rods, &c, Sec. Pull and Carefully Selected Sioik. IIOVAKl), KOSK & CO., -.i Firm .vvtM'F. IB8TTSI5r.twII. June li-'Ti. IM. Agents Wanted FoUTHE Florence SEWING MACHINE J r Wherever the FLOKKNCE Machine ha tieen : Intrilueed. it ha met with the streatest uov. i It in the on It machine mak n-r fourilinenni lteh. ' e. ami havi'mr the KeTersible Feed. The machln- ery 1 iert.-ct. ami tne motion ive. It run '" V - ' "... ""wrse or nne lan- 'K'- 1 he llciniuer wi turn wide or namiw leni. auii icni iieauiiiunv. A II aiiacnuient ico with the niafhim. or iiiffnnati' ii aiIy to or mliin -fie HECKERT&. McKAIN, o.HSIlh SI reel, PITTSBURGH. Pittstnrgli Kirbieized Kantel Works. ! ctjLjmeeis old,! VJ3 Lilierty Street. Pittbunrh. Pa. Alo. R A NOES, OR ATIf . Ac, and particular attention pa kl to F I KNACKS, Public ami I'rt- I vate Uuildinj;, June l'i-TJL j TAT EM EXT of Settlement of the Suiervlors of Somerset townjliip, Iiir the I year cn-linif April Sth, 1S72: Amount of tax levied, I. PhlUippL - H. Siutiman. " " ' 11. I Vviumr. " J. larr, : 39 : 4-SJ ! I i7 : ti 3T Amount of t-n.!ed. II. PliillrppL - - " H. Stmzman. " H.-U, J. Uarr, : : t 3WT 3 ' 4 JB 09 ' Ul a . u i Amount dm-the lownhip for la;i. : ; fnaii foruu-r yr. M 0a u 31 1S 39 NOAH S. MILI.EK. J SIMON CHI ill PENNING, ( IS A At! . HARKON, V. M. Suavub. Towu.bip Audlti r. j Towneblp Clerk. jei utfkTal TEErir!! 'DENTIST, i DALE CITY, Ooerl Co., Pa., ArtlUelal Teeth, warranteil to he of the Terr het ' lllllitv 1 lt.liL. .n.1 ll..n.lM., L...1 lH .A. lM-ttvle. PartU nlar altcntion l aid to the pnt- ervatli.n of the Batumi teeth. Th.e wlblnir to con full aie by letter, can do o by eai-hvunr tamp. Adilrew a above . lepi-r' i . . . . . ..... j s TKAY COW Cma trenlna C. Harrlnr, to Some dnaoa the premice of Jonathan ' ..awraet towm-hip, NrM e.K. ( . 1872. a while ami Mack td P ' lth May. 1872. a while and Mack iottd cr ott- ami the rixtii ear crujitml ; k m jiwi.i, ami nr.. J CYKl S SHAVER, Ta. Clerk. t. cirrk. :. :r'srr.r. .' ji nr. pwi vmuiQin pit ie., i.,. ......... - eonvjleto lint of i VEUEEABLE. F1EI.D and nj-tWEB SEEPS. IletioM .now ready, and will " oe to J1T ad.lreea. Al, IM. lulus r-- ami nam sou i . L.u 11..1. u.,.ii eoi I L.aer. ior Wedding. Part lea. Ac., arranged in beat atyw te ' . . . 1 . T . , .....) onler. JAMES M. BENN LTT. See.lman. apl IT IX! 8mthBekl 8t., Itttsbunih, Pa. WINDOW SHADES Minrtlln H eon. IMI I IAJ) Fenton, Tlio 617 Chestn ' a-" in Store, ami oi.lnx .lailv FOREIGN ANID DOMESTIC Dress Fairies, Silts, Stalls, aa EMBROIDEEIE Kinlirtielax all the N'.erellleii of the Scum. off.-r eit market irH-e. Cheap Farms! Free Homes! ON Til KLIN EOF THK IWIOX PACIFIC KAII.KOAR A LAN IMi KANT I V lt.0KMM)0 A rcs IX THE I!- Farmin-.r anil Mlnenl Lin t" In Annrii-H. 3,0tM),0H A ens in NehrusLa IX THK UKEAT I'L.VTTK V A LI.K V. THE OAIMIKN OF THK WKST, NOW FOB SALE. Thee lamtn ar.i In the central portion of the l ulled Slate, on the II il.uree ol N'Wth Ijiti tuilc, the central liiHi of the ar-'at teniwTat'-z-ne ol the American f-ontfnent. ami tor trrnii vvowin? ami dta-k ruining uuetir.tkfMii hy mi) ui u L nu ! Slate. CHEAPER IN I'UIl'E, more favor:ihlc terms irivcn, and iuor eonveiiienl to market than cau he loiiml elewhcre. Free H-imeteailB f r actual fellK-rs. The riet Ktion for ,i 4i iet. I roomier en.i.ieit ut a ti-Mneieifti oi iw acn-e. i I'u it aissrs in Puh'Ium. r ia,i. j Semi lor the new ieerlitiTea Pamphlet, with i new niaix, in Knxlii-li. lienuan, Sweil- l.-n atei iianHIi, mailoi irve everywhere. A-liln- O. F. DAVIS. Lao'J I'omuilitf toiler, T. P. 1L K. Ihnaha, Nehrai-ka. i UT A HI.K Si IA Ft INT A INS. $U, $.'.0, $75 AM Kio HKiD, III KAIILK ANIM'HKAP: ShipjieJ reaily fir .: Manufacture.! hy J. W. t'HAPMAN A ViK, Ma.lion. Iml. j 44 Scn.1 f,.r'ircalar..a j (lici.rir:itedl-(o.) C10I.rMi:iA FII5K ix.srit.vxcK f-OMPANV. I OFFt. Eia" AD DlP.El-roIill. S. S. IMwilcr. I"re"t. II. V. il-.ii. Vlcv--l'ref t, Herh't Thomaa. Treaa. J. . Frueautl. Sec'y. .1. II. liachuuiu, co. Ui.irle. Itobt. t 'rane. Win. I'ultou, Ja. Shr-nler, J. S. Strine. M. M. stri. kler. K. T. Hyon. ror In-uranco or A'encie, adilrec J. F. FHfKAI'FF. See. ' ' JOHN HlCkS, Axeut, Siuiernet Co. 1 Rare Chance for Agents. All K.NTS, we will pay yon 4ii per w -ek In e.h if ymi will enrage with' n. at osi k. Kverythlng tuiln.-ht-'l, and eiiien.- id. A-ldrc-s F. A. KLIS & CO.. f harlotte. Midi. I t tik.Ni. U.l.Mr.R . J V II t S A (Jl I t nuke more moner at Work for us than at i ,,, tnin-i ele. P.uine liifht ami pernianenf. 1 particular live. IK sTINnoN k. Hi., Fin Art j publishers, Portland, Maim-. IT (J PIANOIO. X. V. PKllK C-.(W K . i?. NO AOKXTS. rircular fr.-e.OJ'U REWARD i ill I Hill! For any ease of Wind. lilccilnir. V A J Vi 1 V ItrhiiiK or I Ice rated Pile that ; S,,I n 1 uraggl.-lil. f rice Jl. j I . t I.- t y c-r. r, . . r i.i- m nr,.ii ..i r.i'i. .10 nooa 01 u im knowl- f edge to all. Sent Irec for twotainii. Addresa 1K. BOXAPAKTK kit), I'lneiueati. Ohio. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY All solllers who enlisteil between May 4'h an-1 August th. lw)l. fur three year, and never 1 ceived anv laiuntv. ean now obtain the .-a ine by 1 dresing u. Also, all th ise who tailed 1 lor the aJdiiional l- untv ol fcliO within the time limited. It. F. ISHOw'N fc. CO., lis SuiithUeid street, Pittidiurgh, Pa. . . - . . Wanted for Life and Times of JAMES FISKJR. ! fontain biographic of Drew. Van lerbilt. Uould. ! Twee.1. with a financial history ol theeoun- j try lor the last Ihrce vears. and what Oram knew i al,ut KlaM-k Friday." Irter Ksi tugei. pri.-e I .Atr;, -,k co. n st., A eentury of Triumph nve rdisprp-ia. liver ilia- ease. t.wel eoniplaint an-1 various febrile and n.r- outii.or.ier. 11a tiumortaiized the Seltier spa. I and them virtorie are now repeated throughout 'thi hemi-phere by s KrrKuvtsi-ENT : SKl.TZKa APKKiicaT: eontaininu; all tlie element ! and pnaiucinu- all the happy re.ultsol the tireat itt-mian pnna. SUL1 BY ALI. UKIUGLSTS i THOSMfFADDENJu. LS'J'AwPinSSURCH Sold Only by A Rents. I A Book for Everbody 01 nnn !g $10X00 Per Month. The intantatcai uveeM of thin Kek b. not "rni?e, although it it having unprecedented nalc. Tltl-I iri np tv;rs tiici.iidkt " J .noi uai..i, !BY HEfflY WABB BEECHER H a work which the readlnR- public have hvn waltinir for with avhlitrr all ortand nf i tuen welcome it heartily a a t,k to Im read. , Scholar, the t'lerar. the Pre, ami thejieople ! rea.1 it eagerly, enjoy it thon.uirbly, praiee it sin I cereiy. , The point tr the Atrent TT Cl'I TCI to liiaiw u. that it 11 k l'i 1 j I I I .More Agents wanted. Intelliirent men and I women may obtain lucratlv empbiviiient hr talt I Iikc an aa-encv. Full deis-riplive t mularl mail.-.! I Inc. Verv ;ilw-ral term to t'anvaa-s-n. Applv ouly to Jl B. F K ! i .. VT. Park Place. N. .': 11 iiromiield atreet. Hotoa. Ma. Ti W. Wahincta rtreet, C'hiraa 11L TOWA an d NF.Tm A SIT A L 1ST id s FlK SALE BY THE Biirligoii & Ho. River R E. Co.iTIIK KnsT roir Millions of Acres 'n Ten Years' Credit, at jiereont Inlerert. No part of the rincinul due for two rear. .n.l ' thence only one-ninth yearly till paid in lulL I Prnlu.-t will iiay I. Lin.1 aud improvement '. within the limit ot thi icnen.a credit. I ' Metier term were never ottered, are aot now i lttS'Srtle.Ur. are upp.l.M I I arratl: auy wlhinn to iiaiui'v other to emigrate i with them, or ut inn a colony, are hiviteil to ak lorall th-y want tod 11 ril.ute. Apply to.rKU. S. H ARRIS. L.nn.1 Coinm'r. ! F-ir bnia IjiihI at ISurlinsrton. Iowa. I And l.-r Nebra-ka I.att.1 at l.hi.-.l-. V. b. I """ - K lt "VI 4.X RY. IM)! p , . ell itii,.ui iiiw -(iu aov ,-;ii.,',il, i. k .iii-I TTel lie t-,r t.i 1 1 1' u U'lliiV-.-.iv.l1 n'tliir,- ll i KCOCOAINE : -TBlBt MA1K The Best Hair Dressing and Restorer. Millions Say " BURNETTS COCOAINE." . . . . t ;A TOUT UrUfiTfiflSt MaSlt. June i. TiXECVTOKS' NOTICE I j " -1 " - J ( been aranled the umieriirneil by the proper auth- flt-v- Botl1' h'r'3r K'vo " lh ,?,','t,, 10 ' to make immediate ntyment, ami lhoe havina; elaiuia aaaliwt it, to preaeut then, uwy autaenti-1 cated for cttlement. Ui tlw underitned at tbelat reafcleiieeof al.lUMduBSatardaVJuWUltli.lsrA ! wi " ""i"VV. : OH IRHF. 1.1 UT. , unirn . t NOAH UOH.V 14 Execntor. M irl liinertii. VA.V III A . G- 1872. mpsoii & Co., ut Street, rk, NHirto nwliilr lircM fn'Miihc Alntitai f tif F 3 Scarfs, White Gs, Line: tilt), S JL.JTT LACES; e-l lo the tr.wle l-y the i' -re i,r i-u La': ..: ih- l.,w H V T C II I S O X A C O .M:tnitf:i"tnr r. Aeut an'l iM-jN-r in Iron and Woodworking MACI LI X lOU', STKA.'rJ SM':I8S, Horirontal ami Vcrtie-il Stcim F.n-'iro. II " lieltliiv. Parkin;; ami M'.-rhanical Sujipih I'OKXEi: VIHU ST.. It SKIliXIl A V F.N 1 K. PITTSBURGH, Agent F-r the Hutil'ion S-.eani i',v nior. K:a,il'i Patent Steam Pump. Hi U r I 'm Oil aid f.ilorf- F.n'yine. fni.-n -I Sli.iic i''i . Kineiy V lie..'.-. j A pkohtaku: ISIli. i LIGHT EUt'AL TO OAS. AT ONE EH WITH f-OSTT Ccnnot be rxytoitj. . cktnirj or irui. I wclf. I Men ilclr!nir a ProhtaMo Ihi.-ino.. eim --iir-i ' the Exc!nive lii-.'hl fur the ale ot I t Pati-n' i I'arln.a Ja l.inl.l I turner anil Oil. lor 'ount:e.i or Mate. Wn'e for inlormution or ca I on . M. H. HVOTT. No. 114 South S.-COH.I Strei t. Phila-lelpoia. Fa. N. H 'HI Kill F.S turriHliMl wit ti I iianleli. r ami Lampoi every ilecript Ion. -JS jier cent. cheat.. er tlmn at any other e.-.a'.u-iiineut m the cuiitrv. A rrrr ATT TrnTi tti ! xx uii n 111 trji jsu. I We defy all other agent to .c a Kewin Machine eipial to onr .VKW ItKMlMiTON to ! 1-ll.K -UHOP FKKli Semi tor simple ,,i 1 work, cirenbr. ke. ! (UhMlV P.KOS.. W-ern Al-'I. I .v. j sixth vir. . i-i rstn m. h. p.1. "A gents wanted. apr'Jt i DEfflLER BROTHERS, V26 Su:r:iKiu.D Stuixt. Vm-Ki k it. M.tiiufsW iurT.- ot i ni anil in seeethq wil And Dealers In j Have cn:stanrly n hnnd a vrv larg. -ri k ot tpeero' Tea Surd Spire t.'addic. WO,n5 Ff x.r. b-e t'hest. V aier tti, ler. ! 1'lotl.e Wringer. IJir.l I 'age. A.-. J-piprt'-turs of the let. rated I Patent Adjustable Stove Shelves. J Whole-ale an 1 Ii-t.iil. I'ri-e low. nj.-il Sawi ei. luaiCK. Turuer i .Ll, cxrr. rep- k. IM. re, l'a. Stol V) TIIK FAIIMKUS (if SOMERSET COUNTY. Th. ot : nkful fr.r p:i f ir r. w s,UKrrc: e'.uutv. i r 1T . r t,.;he .' iySift HcllMi Reaper and lier, ! , j . I.. ,,,. i.iiiii .. iii ,1 113 . n.'!.- fer the toliowing nauul gefitltUK-n, or anv ot h. rs : wboarc n-ing it for releren,.: Uia Hcr-hiicrger. Kiklick townb;pr A. J. B"oe. Summit town--hij,: Ld. Knin.n l. lir.iher. ; valley township: '.. Walker. St lir- r.l t..n-l,M,- illl','"a s"' rsei I- wnship: AUx. V. ; Mant"n- Jcnti-r toe. ti.l.ip. , : The Farmer8 favorite Grain Drill. Th.- only pi. r.''' ! noum-e-l . l,v t tlr.ii;i I.-iil in ; .ri.;: ir 1,000 Practica.1 Farm ere. Refer M .Ta.i.h Horner. ' .I-nner town--li id-auah, fv,nier-i town.-h;;.: H.irrv liav f.-,. Krtii- '" -wu-nip: 111. it.,nicr. sunm:it t vVli- ' "hip: s. Flickinrer. F4J,ii. l; town iiip: I 'rtpt. W :n. -Uaurtr. itueuiahonin towi;-l I i TKLKuKArir fi:i:i crrna:. 1 YVtn.-h ex.ii all otto r- r.ow in u d.r ham liwer. from o. I to .. ! CiJoiioi Separator. The perfect c Icbrited f Ir.i.'ii k.t.. ir.itor and 'leaner in the State: fr.,tu two to r power. Keier to liavid Ijvan. S- nier-e' t. wu-hi;,: Jen. ry Keim. Klklick ti.wn.bip: Aaron l:i-:ner. Hr.,;:i-er-valley t. wa-.'iip; ivter llcu-hlv, hna herTal icy townnhip. AIX. HlUiSi; HAKFS. IHK-VSHKKLtKM. STKKL I'lJiWS. i.r And a I 'm.'.--. pb-ment. 1 tlie lat-t i;npn,vo. Fan.:in in- .111 Kituls !Coi:iirs on II;ni.I. No trouble- to explain the pri.-t: .-I w.irkin-. . I any of our inaehim. nr to a-ive a refereiH-r t ho mot tboroni:ii uinner iu the county. Ail ma.-hiiie aold by n are waminted. nn,i ct erv machine irnarantecl to u-ive ilJ-luct.,n Person wi.l.i; t boy wi.l i.leae c-:ul r ad drew, a ahove. numU Jw. IJiKiEIt Ji FoI.NET. IN THE WORLD! THE AMERICAN St IJ.IIKKGEI) D. iu' le- Act iii. Nun-Frei i ir : F05rK POP! The SlinpW. M-t Powerful. ESe-ttve. Inirt- Me. Uelial ie and l'heaiet i'nmp in nj. I m le ali of Ina, an 1 of a few in,i.Ie ,.rt, It will a..t Frerre. a no water remain iu the I"I ' not in action. it ha no Ww'lier or sum jia.t.mj. mth.-ra.kT ami valve am ail ul irou. i, .... i. ...,Jr ..i .. " ' It wilt fon-e wafer fp-m to i f.i : in i tic a.lael,.n4 a few feet of m-. It I 1C""1 for wanhhi BuuxK. U iud' W. w.iu r- inz f lardcn. Ac. It fuml-hc the pnn -; and. Met wjter. h.-e.;u-e il I ida.v-1 in the (jutloiu "1 the well. Ti:uas: . iu. u I'uiup. : pij--. j1 !!. t I": Iirif'T -in -- in i.irif.,n. weyanh k. pi.-.rr. S I.- Aent tor rHuer' I ,..m.. Pa.. Mir lt. I l H.MI.MSTKATolfS XOTK'K. f.tatc ol lleiiry lr:..j-jw. la: i d.-vvnel: of Si'tiii-r.'i ,. uutv. j li-tter of aduilnielrai a.n ai tl.e above eat.- liar : ini lK-en icrjute-l to tiic un.b-r illicit. u :ce i here i by irivcn to tboe in blne I to i!',akeiiniiHtliate,ov ami tli." bav ma claim aain-t U will re ' ent them, duly nut hen: ii-a r e. I lor cti!cin"nt at tie j late rru! of mi I i-vwal. en Naturdav. Ju'v I Uth. 1ST-.'. Ll. 1 J. IJ iN' 1. I May xrtb. !7 jel. Adn:inirrati r. o RUINANCE 'F SoVKhSfT lior.OCt III. i STlo1 34. That the paiement en all t.le paf ; Ik atreem of akl N-rn-h. except Main Street i hall he put down tea teei wnlr. to Iw ei ntrucN-,l In the in, n ne r and of 11 ma'cri-kl directed in I See. 17 f tlw wniuiaiie- of uid horonirh. et.-e; in eae where per:i aa:h.ity 1 aiven by liie ' Hunre an-l Town of Mid lion uxh to make then otlrw lee. I L.C. t'OI-ltOKN. A. J. 1'OI.POr.N. Secretary. uura... , I , I SALK. ' , ONE HALF OF a . ! 5ClW finfl C a TI?! lell 1 1, " T T!2 """" 7 .,,. . , . r . w T wW Sltaateil in the r.ro0!rti of I mtf'vm, . m- onliuid Maintv. Pa. fur norticular. a.Kre jea J. s ' iTT, Touatown. Weniui'd co.. P.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers