tlcct tocirrj. XHEI LAGER. I Oer night va dark as anyting, Ven at mine door two vellers Hug, Uud say, wbeu I ask who vas dure, "Oil oop und git and deu dey schvare Zwei lager." I uyji, " lis late, schast Itiif uiiue bouse Und lon't pe tuaniug soocb a nowne !" Dey only laughft ic in der lace Und sav, "Pring ondl, Old Scbweizerkasc," Zwcl lager." I dold detn dat der beer va oudt, But dose two shap set oop a schoul Und id no matter ift va late, DtU dry moost half "put on dor sc'ulate.' Zwei lager. "Oh, go nvay, ual is goot poys !" Mine moder says, "nud sehtop dor noise " But Mhill dem Tellers yelt avay, Und d'.s vat a'.l dat dey votiln hv. "Zwei lager." Vat wakes vou gome T" tnine laughter said, Ven becples ail vas in dcr pcd ; Schnst gome to-inorrow, ven you're uhry," Hut dim Ira plackgnards st'iill did cry, Zwei lager.'' "Vat means you iy moth ding dcsc X I go uud call for der bolcese," Hays bebnere'.fritz, who lifts next dour, Dey only yell more f In-fore. "Zwei lager." "You schust holdt ou a liddlc vhile,' Says ruiue Katrina, mil a schmiie; 'I vis doee sluip you bet my !ifi', Si dey don't ak of PfciflVr's vile Z'.vci lager." lion riglidt avay tl)j g-t a -vev Ov good und echtroag old Litiiburg cheese : Und put it schust oulsiUe dcr door, Und uou she didn't hear h i more Zwcl lager. ntnorons Max Adelers Uivalry In Cbape. I learn from a newspaper tbat 'a Kausas widower was tarred and aud feathered the other day because he didn't wear deep en ough mourning for his departed spouse.1 This reminds roc of the contest that has been raging in our village between Urown and Jones. Both of thein lost their wives on the same day, aud after the funerals, Brown appeared again in public with three inches of era on his high hat, while Jones only had two. Jones was so much afraid people would think he didn't mourn for bis wile as deeply ns Brown grieved for his, that he added four inches of crape to his hat, whereupon Brown, apprehending that people would believe thai be thought more lightly of his loss than John Jones did of his. put eight inches of his crape on bis hat. Thet Jo!?es determined not to be outdone as a niouruer for the dear departed, put on so uiuc'a more crape that it extended con siderably above the top of his bat crown. Wherecoon Brown became excited, and, cntting the crwn from bis old hat, he dove tailed it on bis new one, and svvtvthed it in crape to the summit. Jones was unwilling to display euvy, but the memory of Mrs. Jones was so sacred to him that he enve loped bis bat in pasteboard four feet high, and wrapped it in the blackest crape he could buy. But Brown feeling that bis love for Mrs. Brown demanded energetic action, bought fifteen feet of stove pipe, jammed it down over bis bat, bandaged it with two hundred yards of crape, and once more appeared on the street. Then Jones sent to the city and ordered a bat eighty feet high, craped six inches thick. It was sent bon e from the freight office on a dray, and the next morning Brown knocked off. murtied the widow Metcalf, and resumed business in a straw hat. Jones is having bis mourning bat cut up into lengths, and he hoped to be able to fill bis bets with them if his side lost in the election. That Mischievous Young Ekotii i;k.' The moral to the following, told by (he sufferer, is too apparent to mentiou. Young ladies will here;ifier run their brothers out wbeu gentleman call. Jim, certain I wished somelody would spank the youug rascal. We talked of bills mountains, valleys aud cataracts. I belicv I said waterfalls, when the boy spoke up aud said : 'Why sister's got a trunk full of them up stairs ; pa says they are made of horse hair.' The revelation struck (error unto uie, and blushes intq the cheeks of my fair com panion. It began to be very apparent to r.ic that 1 must be very guarded in what I said, lest the boy might in bis remarks at un called places, in fact, turning my conversa tion to him, 1 said be ought to go home with me and see what uiee chickens we had iti the country. Unluckily I mentioned a yoke of caives toy brother owned. The little one looked up and said : Sister's got a dozen pair oflbcm, but she don't ware 'em only when Bbe goes np town on windy days.' 'Leave the room, you unmannerly wretch !' cried Emily ; 'leave quick !' I know what you want me to leave the room for,' he replied ; 'you cant fool me. You want to set on tbat man's lap and kiss him like you did Bill Jones the other day ; you can't fool me ; I jes tell yer, gem me some candy like be did, and I'll go. You think because you got the (Jrccian bend your smart. Guess I know a thing or two. I'm mad at you, anyhow, because papa would have bought me a top yester day, if it hadn't been for getting them curls dug on yer! You needn't turn so red in the face, 'cause I see the paint. There nin't no use winking with that glass eye of youru, for I ain't going out o' here now. that's what's the matter with the pups. I don't caPe if you are twenty-eight years old, you ain t no boss o' me.' An old lady in Lock port recently achiev ed eminence by carrying a quart of popped corn to a donation party, and'eatiug two doeen fried oysters, a pound of crackers, three slices of fruit cake, half a mince pie and some apples, aficr which she was threatened with a Spasm,' and in the ef fort to prevent it, the sacrificed all the wine there was in the bouse. She attends donations regularly, and does a good deal for the church in that way. Twice one is won I' rejieated an urchin iu an absent-minded way. 'What ! cried bis father. 'Have I spent so much money ot your education with no belter results than that? Twice one is two, sir!' Well, dad !' replied the young hopeful, I "will admit that you are right from one standpoint; but, with all due deference to you as my paternal progenitor, I must beg leave to maintain that, when I win two one-dollar bills on a hoaec-raef , twice one i won !' a maiden lady, suspecting bar female servant was regaling her beau upon the cold mutton of the larder, called Betty ,and inquired whether she did not hear some one tpeaking with her down stairs ? 'Oh, no, ma'am,' replied the girl, 'it was only me singing a psalm!' 'You may amuse yourself, Betty,' replied the maiden, 'with pitaLn, but lets have no hiins, Betty. 1 have a great objection to himnS Betty conrtesied, withdrew and took (he bint.' H. US BS I Tlio Remington Sewing Maciiinp. has fprnng rap'dly iuto favor as possessing tin; qualities namely : Light run nine, smooth, iioiceless, rapid, durable, with perfect Lock Stitch. It is u 8hiiitl Machine, wills Automatic lrop Feed. De sign beautiful a:id contrite- tiou the very bivl. GOOD AGENTS WANTED. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Address REMIXGTOX SE WIN'O MACF1INE CO., ILIOX, X. Y. IS ft AMU OFFICES OF REJIIXGTOX COMPANIES. 281 & 283 Broadway New York, Arms Mudfc-on Xew York Sewing Atachines. Chicago, ":;7 State St., 8. Machine aud Arms. E. Remington fc Sens, Remington Sewing. M Co.. Remington Ag'l Co., 1 ILIOX, X. Y. December IS, 1S74. :i mu. WM. WHITMBB & G0.s Invite itn examination of their immense new stock of II KICKS ;00SM. best MMMortincnt whi-!t they are HellingMt pi-Jcew lower thau ever. BLACK ALPACAS. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, our Alpacas range iu prices from 25 cts. to $1.00. All Best makes of Prints, lO Cents. BEST BRANDS OF MUSLINS, 1 yard wide, 10 and 12$ ceuts. Tlie Largest, liest Assortefl & Cieajest LINE OF ?: I? M TJ B in the county. WM. WHITMER & CO. Sunbury, Oct. 9, 1874. lm. In immense quantities, have been received daily, for the last two months. Over Coats ! Over Coats ! ! fvr Men aud Boys, endless variety, and at astonishing low prices ! Dress Silts, Business Slits, UNDER CLOTHING ! UNDER CLOTHING ! from 75 cts. a full suit up to the finest ! SHIRTS ! GLOVED ! and Gents' Furnishing Goods of ert:ry description. for Men and Boys, in immense variety, aud of the lateot styles. He invites everybody to call nnd examine his slK. Astonishing bargains will ba offered and goods will be sold cheaper than they have ever bven in this town. Nobody is able to undersell ua ! The place to save money during these hard times. The place where honest and upright dealing is the standing rule. The place where you can find the largest stock and beet assortment. The place where yoa are welcome, whether j'ou buy or not is at GUAND CENTRAL CLOTHING STORE, Cor. 3d & Market Sis., .Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury, Pa., September 11, lS. Formerly Ilererelder'i. mnn. SHOUT rilOSl'OXKMKST DA V FIXr IFl I.L lUNTKIHLTIOX. I lrt Grand Un C oneert. MGHtpelier Female Humane Association, AT ALEXANDRIA, VA. 91 ARC II 29, 174. LIST OF GUTS. 1 iiruml Ctsh am 1 tiOlI.d !! iilt 1 Oraud C'aili i:t IU Cub Olfn, IO,i(e-li... 15 Cash Otftfi, .VK' :li... , .... 0",O"rt .... :i",uoo loo.tmo " IJO.IKXI 30.000 loo.nuo 30.000 400,000 60 C'Ktltl tiiitR, 100 Cjnii Oifm, l.tXKH'anbtlift, 1.0IW h Ulftr, JU,lK) t'aali tiifla. l.umeacli.. .KKienoh 100 each 60 -arb JO eacti K,l,8 Caab Oifla, amounting to $1,000,000 NinBEK OF TICKETN, IOO.O0O. PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Ticket! Sfli.00 Uaivea 10.00 gnartar 5.'- t.ightiia of each Coujuu S..1I S Tiikela for , Icki.oo The Moiit)lier Female IIuuia:r AHN.KUtion, rhartur ed 'f tbe Iit-(('.aUture of Vngiuia aud l In- i'iiruit Court of Orange j,. jiroor b,v Ori.d liifi '"iiiTt to ea t:!llili and eiidow a Home for tin- old, Ii.lirm, and Deu'ltuie Lailn-a of VirKiuia." r.i lioutjel!(T, tin ortner reaideuce of Prealdent Jaiuea Madioii. (xjviiNoa i on ice, UiHui.s, July 19T4. It afforda we .leaauie uaar that I am 11 mi:ulii! ed with a large luajoritjrof tbeotiireni of the MuM-ucr Female Humane Aaaociatiou,who mide iu the vicinity of my home, and I at 1 oat tueir iulclliKiice and their worth aud high rcpuutiou aa geutleuieu, aa well a the j.uh'Jc confidence, infiueuce and autau1ial meain lih-raji; n. lirewtited kniony them. JAMEK L. KEEPER, Oo. V,: si... Ai.FtANriHiA, Va., July H, 1H74. 1 cjni'iiend them aa geute of hou.r und integrity, and ftih entitled to the confidence of the j.ublif. R. W. Ht'OllEK, L". H. Jude bat 'li Dia'.of Va. Further ret'ereucea ty permiaion : Ilia E''ll'jcy (iilhert C. Walker, Ex-toverm,r ol Va. ; Uou. lUbe' t E. Withera, Ijeut.-'lov. of Va. ana I.'. S. Si-nat'r e!:t ; Heuatora and Meiubera of Couren. Irotu Va. Rcmittaueea for ticketa may lie n-arie by etj.r. ta pre paid, poat-otn inouey-or.ler ou Waeuiugtoti, l. 1'., or by registered lettet. For full irticulara, teatimonial', ftc. end for Cir cular. Addreaa, HON. JAMES MARliOl R, Paal'r M. r. II. A.. ALEXAnnxis Va. Reliable ageu'a wanted every where. Jan. tw. TEAS RETAIKKI AT Import em l'rlera, BY THE Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. 221 Market utreet IIurribur(. Thia ii an orKanixation of raitaliata to iipoktam distIciblti: tkas for one araall profit, aating tha aonaamer all profit of middlemen. W contiol a large pari 01 tn Heat brought to thia country, which are aold by onraelvca. Peraona buying of other dealora do ao to tbeir own tlu advautKge. Our house in China aud Japan have the very boat farilitiea of aelecling, winch gi ua griat ad vantaife. V hav estaalisheU stoiwi for uiatritiuting cur lets in all tbe priiici al citiea of ih f'.ntl Stites. W giv to cur customer a Rrautital Oil hroraw, (taken from tha richeat gem of American aud Foreign artist) which, if bought at piotur stores, would cost murb mora than thapnea of the Tea, These chromo an rreaeut to our euatoinar. All gjixlssoid Warranted to fiv j erfec:.ati'at-tioti or the money refunded. ret Atlantic PaelOr Tea t o., 2J1 Market trwt, Harrlabuig. Jan. 'i COUGHS, COLDs'lIO ARSENESS, ! AND ALL Til ROAT DISEASES, j 1 Hn 1 WELLN CAKKOI.IC TADLETN. FCT LPOM.Y IN HLL'E 1IOXKH. 1 A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY, j FREE i rjNDLi-Boo, wiihC'lir'.'iiioo. Bead stamp. I .rr, Isw ttlford Mm. Hu. ri, 4w. K. V. I Rsminctox No. 1 Machine for family ue, in the third yoar of ils cx'iKtcuce, has met with a more rapid increase of ratio of Rales than any ma chine In the market. Uksjinotos No. 1 Machine for manufacturing and family use, (ready for delivery only since June, 1871,) for range, perfection, and variety of work, is without a rival in family or works-hip. Boston, 'SS3 Washington St., Sewing Machines. Cincinnati, 1H1 West 4th St., Sewing Machines. Utica, 121 Ceuesee St. Sewing Machines. Atlanta, ('a., DcOivc's Opera House, Marietta. St., Sewing Machines. WnRliington,D.C.,.7n seventh St.,S. Machines. WM, A. HELLER'S, SOMETHING FOR YOU. Sriid tIUIi and el it. Addim, f. I. IUhmt, 75 muiI 77 Kuuu ti'i, Xe w IU k. Jan. 22, 4w. A PWTv' W K "V T 1? for the fnatrat wll AUfilMO A j 1 Tj book ever pub- l:t.iid. Sud tor fr:ri:eu pi:i;Ni ti1 our exira fe-nii. to Aik-iiU. WATIOXAL l"l I.J.1SUIXU fO., Phiiji bll.l'HlA, Pa. Jtu. T2, 4w. EMPLOYMENT. AN 1 A rilHl.KTf oi l I IT hknu l a'.t We aur a auitalile pnnoa in every neiutiburboud to take onieia and deliver Rood for ttnlil:a!ied f. (. I. Mal of ataj.) aud laiu'ly K'Wlin' nil kinds in eoin.;ant uae and wear. The old est ". O. I. Lonae in Amc: ica. Siles over half a million Eon iu 1874. I-akuk 'i .u I av to tbt- iC:B!i. A ral chance for ai', i:"'!";, at your homca or traveling. No. nak. II you go lo oik v." will rend you free and ioai paid a line of ani-ij la and a con-i l-'c out lit. Addi-eaa I at once :mil wcu.e your territory. H. J. h ALL L V.O., . X. Howabi. ki arT, italtimoiV, Md. Jan. !H, 4'. i Rifles Shot-guns, Pistols, Revolvers, Cf any and Every Kind. 1 Soul Hump for CutiloKc Add.-esn Chkat Wihfhn ,' (U- ami Pwroi. V..Hk-, I'lTTSHflitiH, PA. ' l"b. 5, 1H7.-.. 4w. ! MAUYLAIN'I) FARMS AN1 HOMER, 10,0110 ACTKKK. 1 X.vr lailrojU. lK-'ation licalihy. Titlea f.oodrt. Ad ! tlre-a WM. S. lMlxiEEY, AttoruVy, iH-ntou, Maryland. Feb. .", lKSS.-lw. Oil t 1) I I.' V Tol a ims mill I'Ickh. No black lOllillVl aiuiihr needed. Money ha.ed, and Pickn ulwaye anai-)-. For ilium rati d circular addrcsa The Tamil Co., Kiroudrburg, M..uro I'o., Pa. Feb. fi, Tj.-4w. T ( W i V 'M'ly niMr by fellinir Tkak a! Imi pbt-H-iiIil mw' Pniriii, or iretting up clulw in ! towuH and coiimiy for the oldt Te Company in Ante ' rica. Ori:it-Nt iiiducem'u.H. Scud for circular. CAN JOX TEA CO., U ('ii-iinbcrs street, N. V. Fi b. K, '73.-1W. IIAVK YOU TKIi:i JU.1 AKC rov WKAK. NEKVOl ?, Oil DEBILITATED 7 Are m nv Uiigiiit! thai any exertion TOfjitirM mor of u fft'.ii Hi an you fs I ahle of making 1 'iU it try Jiiiulvli, the womlfrful touit and inv,g.ra ttir, uhk h act n m uftnaUy o the iwretive orgaus a to iiii)uri iar to ail vitJ lortf. It ih iio ai"jtio'c aj'itizrr, which ulimuUtrfi for a hort tiinr, only to let tin- BUilerrr tail to a lower dej-th of in is fry, Imt it if- a .cjfiahh1 tonic acting ilirwtly on the liver aii'l ,1-f!i. It rtau!at- ih bow fin, quiets the nervi, and gives FUch a healthy tun: to th v. hole ffystein an to hoou make tb invaliU tWl like a new jf r-wm. Itn oj-raltiii i n.rt vioUuit, but in churactcrizMj to i;tutlfiit'Ki; th ali-nt eftiferii-iicrtt no ftudden t han0", no niatrked reiitt hut gradually hi trouble "J oM their tt-nta, like the AraU, Ani nileutlj tai yway." Tain i no new tnd untried diwovt-ry, Imt haa ln-eu l.'i'K unr-d witu wondt rtul renidial reHiiita, and in ro iiiiiitntd 1-y the liifjlifnt nirdit-al authoritcH, th moat soweriul t'-tiic and alien. alive known." Ak vimr drti(K1Kt fr tt. For .! (.y .T(illNHToXf HOlJiOWA V ft C'4)., .t '7:.--4t. i'hiUtth-li hia, JUST OPENED ! The Fall and Winter style or I.APIK8 UK ESt? fJOOLM, Fuey (roods, WO01.KN noons of f.vf.kv description. k Xmm Vm" of No,io" Ladles goods a specialty. Gents' Gloves, Neck- tics, Hankcrcbiefs, Ac. Call and see the immense stock at MISS KATE BLACK, Market Square, Snnbiry. Snufcnrv, Nov. 13, 1874. aSltniJifmlnru. pineal Qvcv Thirty-four Competitors 33W.'?KIWtDElPMft FURNITURE ROOMS ! The undersigneil bens leave to In form tbe citi zen of Northumberland comity, thiit be haa opened a FIRST CLASS FDR SITDRE STORE, Ou .Market Mreet, oppnsiite the City Hotel, in Nunburj , Where lie Ueeptt on hand a larcc assort iiient of Consutiui; Ii; part of Walnut Paklok Sns, BfHEAUs. ClIAMliEltiSF.TS, BEPSTEAD9, Cais Seat Chaiks, Wasustasms, Wt)or SfAT Chaiks, Lounges, Rotkino Chaiks, Mattresses, Dining Tables, Cupiioakds, f Extension Taiiles, Book Cahees, Marhle Top Tables, Fanct Brackets, kltciieo furnitfke, looking glasses, . esc, cic, Ac. He will n!o niiiiinr.icture lo order, on short no tice, any ailiclc in his line, if not in store. He is prepared lo oiTi-r superior inducements to purchasers. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. Call and examine his stock and prices and be convinced. JACOB HAUPT. Jan. 2U, 1 S75, 3 mos. mAt iii.m: shop a.m iko FOUNDRY. GEO. EOIIRBACH & SONS, Nunbury, Peun'a, INFORM the public that they are preparea to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes," Plauing and Boring Machines, with the latci-t improvements. With tbe aid of skillful intfbanicx, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be triven them, in : satisfactory man ner. iaratew to suit any Store. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build lues, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, C, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improved, and will always be kept on baud. Aluo, THREPII1NU MACHINES. Sunbury, May UO. 174. Q.tllltlAGES, IIUGGIES AC. H. K. FAGELY & CO. rcHpectfully inform the public that they have commenced the manufacture of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, &C, at the new shop recently erected by J. F. Lerch Corner ofFourth and Chentnnt Sts., SUNBURY, PA., and solicit a fair share of Patrouaje. April S-Ctu. J. F. LERCH. Bup't. STAR GLASS WO It KB, NORRISTOWN. PA., MANUFACTURES a superior Quality f Window GIafs, single and double thick, Ground, Correlated, Obscured and stained. Shades of all patterns ; aU glass warranted not to stain. Orders solicited. J. M. ALBERTON. October, 2 1874. :uios. isctllnntons. C5 O o r. -3 S 2 2 2. a P n s 3 Co b2 r3 V 73 o c c 50 a WATCHES, JEWELRY MILTER WARE. Jbn W. Mtevenaou, Corner Third and Market Sts, Knubury, Fa. HAS completely renovated bis Store Room, and opened the Inrgest assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PLATED WARE, evpr exhibited in this part of the State. Every thing iu the Jewelry line is kept in store. Silver-Ware, Bracelet. Ringa A ('haiiis, of every description aud of the finest quality. Partitular atteutiou paid to repairing WateheM, Clock. Jewelry, e. HAIR JEWELRY made lo order. Sunbury, March 6, 1S74. i LADIES TAKE NOTICE! j Xew Millinery Goods ' Have just been opened at the store of MISS. JW. L. UOKSLER, Fourth street, below the Sbamokin Valley R. R. SUNBURY, PA., Where all kinds ol Millinery goods of the latest New York aud Philadelphia styles are now open for inspection. nATS, BONNETS, Laces, Flowers, Ribbons, Feathers, i rimmings, Notions, Gloves, Hankershiefs, and every kind of goods usually found in a Millinery store. Ladles are Invited to call and see the slock. ICS t co ft rVvV III .5 - a iHcrtantilt. inVUSUAIa INDUCEMENT. New and attractive Goods, in every Department WATCnES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Cutlery. Clorks, Bronres, English, Frem-li and Goruiiiii Fancy (looila. ..IJHT " a In view of the decline in GOLD, we have re duced prices on our entire Stock of Foreign mer cbitndUc to Par Gold Rittes, and pnrcbhsers will find it to their intereft to make their selections NOW, whilf; the ASSORT MENT IS COM PLETE. Goods tent ou approval for selections. Articles purchased now, for the Holidays, will be packed and retained until such time as desir ed. ROBBINS, CLARK A BIDDLE, 1124 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHL, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens t ial he has just received bis Spring aud Summer Goods, at bis TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen building, and tbat be is prepared to make up ali kinds of GENTS' AND BOY'S SUITS, of the latest styles. Having had much experi ence in the business be desires the public to give htm a trial. Clothing will be made up in the latest Paris and American Fashions lu the most satisfactory manner. 12.'73. CHARLES MAIIIL. Maize & Schwartz, Successors to Geo. Evans & Co., 1103 Market Street, Philadelphia, MERCHANT TAILORS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS. Men and Boys' suits made to order in the latest styles, of the best cloths and cassimcres in mar ket, at prices suitable to the times. Military, Band & Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being the leading notice on Military work, we feel that we can offer inducement which can not be attained anywhere else. Nov. 27. 1872. WITHOUT EXCEPTION, The Cheapest in Town. WINTER GOODS of every description and variety such as Twrrr r t.'V iIili j n Ufir,J wuviyo, Drest Goods, comprising all the novelties in fabric ard shade. Full Assortment of Notions, which are being sold nttbe lowest Cash Prices. Also, Groceries and Provisions, pure and fresh. Qceensware, Glassware, and Vooi and Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAl'EK, both glazed and common, always on hau l. BOOTS AND SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. HEAD Y-MADE CLOT11IXG, of all sixes and of the latent styles. F L O U K . A constaut supply of wt-stern white wti'-at flour a speciality. Tne public are invited to fall and examine our Goods tree of charge. Our motto is "Quirk Sales and Small ProtiW and to please all. The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of country produce. By strict attention to btisineas and keeping at 11 times the most complete .-took, and sellins at tbclowest prices, we hope to merit a f ill allure of patronage. REED BROTHER & SEA8H0LTZ. Sunbury, Dec. 4, li74. rWilfilll1il1''l'ir-"g Sugar, . Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. OS o H n 1- ui o K 5 ; . - c - s -i u Z w 8 t O t 2 ee - i' a o tr " c 5. w T5 "OH - o s as j B -a W V. S w E r. va tX) o o C 02 Z ol Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. Fall and Winter Stock OF 9IILLIXERY WOODS. A larce assortment of Millinery Goods, Hats aud Bonnets, trimmed and untrimmed, Plumes, Tips, and Feathers of cTey description, Flowers, Ribbons, Velvets, &c, just opened at Mit.8 L. & S. Weiscr's, on East Market st. Also, Dress Trimmings and Notions , Yak, Lace , Bead, Trim minir-i, Yrinires, Ac. Ladies' Gauntlets and Kid Gloves at 75 cents and upwards. Sunbury. Nov. 131S74 COAL! COAL! COAL! GRANT BROS., Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (LOWER WHARF. ) Order will receive prompt attention. A. NEW IDEA. 70 cis send to the NEW YORK & ORIENTAL TEA COMPANY will insure by return mail, one pound oxoellent Ooloni;. Yonnir Hyson. English Urcakfnst, Japan or Mixed Tea such us is usual ly retailed at $1.0 to 1.50 per pound. It is a fact not generally known thai by a rr cent arranrmeiit of the Pol Olllie, small ijuan titles of merchandise are now conveyed at charges conideiably less than Um.-e of the rxpr-.s com panies. Tins cod on one pound i'l being 8 cts only. The New York and Oiienlni Ten Company is taking advantage of this extraordinary facility and is supplying its customer!' iu t!! parts "f the United States with the liuct Teas ever imported at Wholesale Prices. Reasons why you should order your Teas from the New York aud Oriental Tea Company. 1st. Because the Company deals only in pure unadulterated Tea. It is well known that im mense quantitlesof so-called Tea," adulterated with the leaves of the Willow Hawthorn, and other trees, aud even small stones, particles of lead aud steel lliliugs, besides coloring matter, are sent over ihe country aud sold at enormous prices ns "Tea !" The buyers of the New York and Oriental Tea Company, can, by a new process not generally known, detect the presence of i-dulleration in all its forms ; and the Company will continue to maintain the high cb racter it has hitherto sus tained, by selling none but Genuine Tea. 2d. Because our command of capital enables ns to import largely lor CASH, and tlms to sell cheap. We buy all our Teas at the Ports of China nud Japan, and thus save mauy inter mediate prolits and charges. 3d. Because we have inaugurated a new sys tem of business, originated a New Idea. We save the profits of tbe middlemen and give them to our Customers, by Bonding direct lo any address, the fiuest qualities of Tea at Wholesale Prices. 4th. Because as the Great Need of the Times j Is pure Tea at a low price ; and as we are deter- to help us by sending on your order at once. Sre our Price List. Oolong (Black) 40, 50, CO, best 70 cts per Hi. Mixed (tirccn aud black )40. 50, 60. 70bes: SOc. Japan (Uncolorcd)CO, 70, 80, best $1.00. per lb. Imperial (tirceu) 00, 70, SO. $1.00, 1.S5 " Young Hyson (Green)Vl, CO, 70. best 1.00 " Gunpowder (Green) 1.00, best ?1.'J5, ' English Breakfast ( l!iack)t', 70. $, best ?1.00 257"P. S. We have a special quality of very Oolong and Young Hyson at $1.25 p'.-r pound. Any of the qualities delivered free by mail, and safe delivery guaranteed on receipt of price. Please Note We deal in nothing that is un sound, injured, damaged, or adulterated in any respect, even the lowed qualities in the above list, are perfect in their degree, clean, pure, aud uninjured In everv particular. afWE WANT ACTIVE AND RELIABLE AGENTS EVERYWHERE, lo whom special in ducements are offered. The business is honora ble und respectable. Young und old, Rich and Poor, Male and Female, can get up clubs aud act ns Agents. Send for circular and begin at once. Address, No- York fc Oriental Tea Co., 3W Vese- Street. Y. January 22, 1S75. lm. 4. CENTRAL DRUG STORE Q.B.CADVLllADER Is the place to buy pure aud fresh MEDICINES, DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, PERFUMERY, NOTIONS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, - LIQUOR for medicinal purposes, and all other arti cles usually kept iu a tirst-class Drug Store. Special aHentiou paid to compounding pre scriptions and family receipts by competent diu;,gts. I am prepared to furnish in quantities to suit purchasers aud at Philadelphia prices, CALCINED PLASTER. PHILADELPHIA LIME, FINISHING SAND, PLASTERING HAIR. Poitland, Roman, Rosendjle and Lehigh CEMENTS, Lan.l Piaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover tweeds. Also, Garden Seeds of all kinds. Aall and get a Rural Register for 1S74. GEO. B. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, Feb. 6, 1S74.-1V. Dk. C. M. Martin. Gpo. W. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House "Mlfliiii, rotary, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO, HAVE just received a fresh lot of Pure Drus aud Patent medicines. We have also a fall assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth. Nail,Clothe,Shoe and other brushes. TOILET AM) FAXCY ARTICLES. FINK r.STKACTV, POCKET BOOKS, KNIVES, C, C. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the s'veetest perfume iu America. I'urisian, a Kid Glove H sih, warrauted to clean perfectly the mot delicate shades without injury to Ibe kid All the leading preparations for the Hair, MEGARK, THE BEST IN MARKET, Pnie Wine and Liquors, for medical purposes, Pbysieians Prescriptions and family leceipts compounded with rare. Thankful for past favors we hope by fair deal in); to receive a share of your patroua;e. 8epemher 11. 1873. W. D. MELICK, j Druggist and Apothecary, j IN WELKER'8 BUILDING, i Market Street, SIXBURY, PA. j DRUGS, CHEMICALS, ! Dru.ifritts' Fancy Goods, PAINTS, OILS. GLASS, PUTTY, &C, constantly ou baud. Particular attention paid to compounding phy sicians prescriptions and family receipts. Sonbnry, April 17, 1874. Manhood : Hew Lost, How Re Mtored ! Just published, a new edition of Dr. Cclvkk wei.l's Celebkateh Essat on the radical cure (without medicine) of Spermatorrhea or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Im polency, mental and Physical Incapacity, Impe deincnts to Marriase, etc.; also, consumption. Epilepsy and Fits, induced by self indulireuce or sexual extravagance, &e. I-tfl'rice in a sealed envelope, only six cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable Es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' suceBsful practice, that the alarmin-r conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dancetous nsc of internal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing ont a mode of cure at once simple, certain, and effect ual, by means of which every sufferer, no mai ler what bis condition mav be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. Hf-This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post-paid, ou receipt of six cents or two post stamps. Address ttie Publishers, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE, & CO. 127 Bowwy, N. T. Post Office Box, 4588 Jan., 24, W-ly. f"T y. -'T SEfiil CAV- A 5. I'F.WNYEVAM A RAIL ROlD. PHILADELPHIA 4 ERIE R. R. DIVISION. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, Nov. 15th. 1874, the Trains on the Philadelphia J: Krie Rail Road Divi sion will ruu as follows : WESTWARD. Fa-t Line leaves Philadelphia, 12.55 p 10 ' " " Harriiburg, 5.00 p tu " " " Williainsport, 9.15 pm " " Lock Haven, 1 0.1)0 p " ar. at Buffilo, 9.00 a m Erie Mail leaves Philadelphia, I1.55pm " " ' Harrisburg, 4.25 a m " " " William-port, 8.5 a ci " " " Lock Haven, .45 a tn " " " Renovo, 11.10 am " " an at Erie, 3.05 p m Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, 8.00 a m " " " Harrisburg, 1.25 p in " " Williamsport, 6.20 p m " arr at Lock Haven, 7.30 p m Lock naveu Ac. leaves Harrisburg, 9.15 a in " " " Williamsp't, 2.05 pm " " " Lock flaven, 3.10 p tn EASTWARD Philadel. Express leaves Lock Haven, 6.40 a ni " ' " Williamsport, 7.55 am " " arr. at Harrisburg, 12.10 am " " " Philadelphia. 4.15 pm Erie Maii leaves Erie, 11.20 a 111 " " " Renovo, 8.25 pm " " " Lock Haven, "J.45 p ra " " " Williamsport, 10.50 pm " " arr. at II irrisburg, ' a in " " arr at Philadelpuia, 0.50 a in Fast Line leaves Enioriuui, 8.55 p ji " " " Renovo, 10.40 p m " " " Lock Haven, U.55 v m " ' " Williamsport, l.lo a m " " arr. at Harrisburg, 4.20 am " " arr. at Philadelphia, 8.05 am Day Express leaves Lock Haveu. 11.25 a m ' " " Williamsport, 12.25 am " " arr. al Harrisburg. 4.00 pm " " ' Philadelphia, 7.yo p in Mail East connects east and wed at Erie with L. S. & M. S. R. W. and at Corry with Oil crcen ana Aliegneuy W. Mail West with east and west trains on L. S. A M. S. R. W. and at Corry with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Erie Mail and Elmira Mail make close con nections at Williamsport with N. C. R. W. trains, north, and at Harrisburg with N. C. R. W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Snp't. Philadelphia A Heading Railroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. Jancaky 17th, 1875. Tjuiss Leavb Hern don as Follows : (Scsdats Excepted.) For Shamokiu, 10.40, 11.00 a. m. and 3.40 p. m. For Mt. Carrael,AshIand, Tamaqua, Pottsville, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. tn. Trains tor Hebsdon. Leave as Follows: (SfSDATS ElCEPTEI).) Iave Sbamokin at 8.00 a. in. 1.50 and 3.55 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9 15 a. ru., Reading 11.30 a. m., Pottsville, 12.10 p. m., Tamaqna, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p.m., Mt. Carmel, 3.21 p. m. Tkaiss Lea.vb Harrisburg, as Follows : For New York, 5.20, 8.10 a. iu. and 2.00 7.40 p. m. For Philadelphia, 5.30, 8.10 tf.45 a. m., 2.00 and 3.5C, p. in. Sl'XDATS. For New York, 5,20 a. m. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. in. Tn aiss for Harrisbvro, Leavs as Follows : Leave New York, 9.00 a. ro., 12.40 and 5.15, 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m. 3.40 and 7.00 p. 111. 8trsrATS. Leave New York, 5.15 p. 111. Leave Philadelphia, 7.00 p. m. Via Morris and Essex R. R. ' J. E. WOOTTEN. General Xvp't. Reading, Pa. Nov. 13, 1874. THE BEST PAPER. TRY IT. POSTAGE FREE ! BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. Tbe Scientific America now in its SOth year, enjoys the widest circulation of any weekly newspaper of the kiud in tbe world. A new vol ume commences January 4, 1S75. Its contents embrace tbe latest and most In teresting information pertaining to the indus trial, Mechanical, and Scientitlc Progress of tbe worl I ; descriptions, with beaulil'ufngravinS, of new inventions, new implements, new pro cesses, and improved industries of all kinds; useful notes, recipes, suelion8 and advice, by practical writers, for workmeu and employers In nil the various arts. The Scientific Amekicax Is the cheapest and best illustrated weekly paper published. Every number contains from 10 to 15 original engrav ings of new machinery and novel inventions. Engravings, illustrating improvements, dis coveries, aud important works, pertaiuing to civil and mecbauical engineering, milling, min ing and metallurgy ; recotds f the latest pro gress in the applications of steam, steam engi neering, railways, ship b'lilding, navigation, telegraphy, telegraph engineering, electricity, magnetism, light and beat. Farmers, mechanics, engineers, inventors, mannfactnrers, chemists, lovers of science, teachers, clergymen, lawyers and people of all professions will llnd tbs Scientific Americas useful to them. It should have a place iu every family, library, study, office, aud counting room; in every reading room, college, academy, or school. A year's numbers contain 833 pages and seve ral hundred engravings. Thousands of volumes are preserved for binding and reference. The pratical receipts are well worth ten times the subscriptioa price. Terms, 3.20 a year by mail, including postage. Discount to clubs. Special circulars and specimens sent free. May be bad of all News Dealer. PATEVI'.S. In connection with the Scien tific American, Mcssr. Mnnu & t'o. are Soli citors of American and Foreign Patents, and have tbe largest establishment iu the world. More than fifty thousand applications have been made for patents through their anency. Patents are obtained on the best terms, models of new inventions and sketches examined and advice free. A special notice is made in the Scientific American of all Inventions Patented through this Agency, with the name and resi dence of th" Patentee. Patents arc often sold in part 01 whole, to persons attracted to the In vention of such notice. Stnd for Pamphlet, 110 pages, containing laws and full directions for ob taining patents. Address for tbe Paper, or concerning Patents, MUNN & CO., S7 Park Row, N. Y. Branch Office, cor. F and 7lh streets, Washington, D. C. VICK'J FOR 175. PibLisitED Quarterly. January Number just issued, and contains over 100 pages, 500 en gravings, descriptions of more than 500 of our best Fi-owkrs and, with directions for Culture, Colored Plate, etc. The most use ful and elegant work of the kind in the world. Only 25 cents a year. Pnblished in English and German. Address, JAMES VICK, Rocester, N. Y. Dec. 13, 1874. Jons II. Hell. Jous M. Schonoir. NELL KCIIOXOCR, Second Street, Womelsdokf, Pa. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUOP.S WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, Pure Old Rye Wlifeke-, Apple Whisket, Cordials, &c. All Lienors sold ganrranteed as represented. Orders, promptly attended to and pr.Slic pa tronage respectfully solicited. SELL & SCHONOUR. 2d St., Womclsdorf, Berks Co., Pa. Feb. 27, 1874. ly. Cbildren often look Pale and -SUU from no other cause than having worms in the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, beinsr perfectly WMITE.and from ail the coloring or other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. CURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. SvU by Irniftjitt mul Clumiitu, ami dealer in Medicine at Twf.ntv-Kive Cents a Box. July Vi, 1S73. ly. 3flsS L. SIIISSLEK, Market Square, Nnubiiry, P., Has just recieved a larseaud elegant assortment of Hats and Bonnets, For Fall and Winter wear. The choicest shades of ribbons, and all kluds pf Millinery goods always in store, GENTS' NECKTIES, HANDKERCHIEFS, &.C. Call and see them. jjrinilloral. Resovatiso Old Meadows. As soon as frost i out ont of the top of the gra&s Held you wish to reuovate, say tuny hi March, take a heavy, fine, close-ret tooth-barrow aud go over the Held, tearing the lop of the turf all to pieces, which is then easily done, a3 the turf is very tender. Then sow what grass seed you wish to grow, roll the surface and give it a dressing of rotted stable manure, comport, guano or superphos phate, a required, and you will have generally ju?t as good, if not a butter growth of grass than you wiii ;et otherwise. The advautage of this is three-fold ; you get a large crop of grass the foiiowiug July, you save tbe expense of plowing, and you save seed iu restocking tbe field. If there be small stones in the land, all such should be picked up previous to sowing the grass seeil and rolling. Xew York Tribune. Fall axd Spring Masubisq. A writer in tbe Garden argues tbat if bind has clay enough to retain marial particles, mannrn does best ap plied iu autumn ; bnt if sandy and open, a gar dener or farmer bad better delay the application of manure till nearly planting time in tbe spring. For garden purposes all manure bad better be rotted before it is used, and it is desirable 10 heat the mat with liiue when slacking, or in some other way, to kill tbe seeds or weeds and the eggs aud young of many insects. Never plant iu manure or elsewhere a germ you do not wish to multiply. Make at once what repairs may be needed, and supply any deQcieuciea that exist in this re gard. Do not allow stock of any kind to be ex posed to the severity of tbe season. It is cruel and impolitic ; aud the expense of shelters is very small, eiute temporary sheds can be readily contrived at trifling cost of time and labor. -n experienced farmer tells us that a sail bos in constant reach of Cattle, without mixing it with feed, and a constant supply of water, will acep their stomachs sweet and prevent epidemic aud disease. It has been tried with great suc cess. Fakmer8 wishing neat and attractive 8alo Bills, should leave their orders at the America O'bce, where tbe handsomest and best bills ar printed. Call and see for yourselves. Maryland game, including wild ducks, is estimated to be worth $10,000,000 per an num. HOUSEHOLD. A Laundkt Secret. Tbe following recipe for doing up skirts will be found of use by many housewives : Take two ounces of fine white gum arabic powder, put it into a pitcher and pour on it a pint or more of water, and then, having covered it, let it stand all night. In the morn ing, pour it carefully from the dregs into a clean bottle and cork it, and keep it for use. A table spoonful of gum water stirred in a pint of starch made in tbe nsual manner, will give to lawns, either white or printed, a look of newness, when nothing else can restore tbem after they bave been washed. Ego Bread. Take one pint of fine, white In dian corn meal ; mix iuto a smooth batter with warm water. Add three well beaten eggs, a spoonful of salt, two tablespoonfuls of melted lard. Bake in a shallow pan, and, just before placing in the oven, pour a gill of warm water milk on the top of tbe mixture. It requires more heat to bake Indian meal than flonr. Apple Fritters. Make a batter, not very stitT, with one quart of milk, three eggs and flour to bring it to a right consistency. Pare and core a dozen apples, and chop tbem to about the size of small peas, aud mix them well in tbe batter. Fry tbem iu lard, as yon would doughnuts. For trimmings use powdered white sugar. To Cuke Hoarseness. When the voice U lost, as is sometimes the case, from tbe elects of cold, a simple, pleasant remedy is furnished by beating up the white of one egg, adding to it the juice of ne lemon and sweetening with white sugar to taste. Take a teaspoouful from time to lime. It has beet: known effectually to cuie the ailment. To Make German Toast. To one egz, beat-jn well, add one cup of sweet miik or cream, season with a little salt aud peppsr. Cut iu slices stale bread, and dip in tbe miik to moisten, and fry in butter on a griddle. This we think is an ex tra nice dish for breakfast. White cashmeres may be washed to look like new if cold water and white soap are nsed. They should be rinsed in cold water, slightly blued, and ironed before they are entirely dry with an iron not very hot. From tie Germantom Telegraph How to Cook Codfish. Miuy people know ing little about codmti and perhaps only having eaten them when spoiled by cooking, bare but a faint idea of their excellence when properly pre pared for tbe table. I do not like this fish in warm weather as do some people, but wbeu win ter sets in aud I can obtain good specimens, caugbl at what may be called at sea, there are few dishes to be compared to it. Wheu rightly boiled such a fish exhibits tbe flesh separately from tbe bone iu solid flakes, that retain their white curvature after they are distributed by the carver. Even the scraps left from such cod are never wasted, but can be made into a palatable disb, by rcmoviug the flakes from tbe bones and skin before becoming cold, and wben wanted piaffing them in a stew-pan with what is left of the sauce, then add a dozen or more fresh oys ters witb their liquor, and it these do not mois ten tbe fish enough, and it requires to be only moistened, add a spoonful or two of melted but ter. Warm carefully over aentle fire acd where onee thoroughly hot through set aside. Get your disb, warm it, and surround it with fine mashed potatoes, in the middle of tbe dish place tbe warmed-up flsb witb its sauce ; crumble over the fish grated bread-crumbs, and set in a hot oven for a few minutes until nicely browned on the top. It will prove a most desirable dUb Fresb cod cut iuto slices two inches thu-h, dressed plentifully witb egg and bread-crumbs, and fried a light brown in plenty of lard, is really delicious. At least so think some of our best families and even fastidious epicures out here In Massachu setts. Sausages. To SO pounds of meat, (not so fat,) chopped fine, add 2 lbs. flue salt, pint of sage, 6 01. of black pepper ; warm and mix with water. For those who like highly seasoned food, or sausages at least, here is the best receipt in Yankeedom : To 50 pounds of meat add H oz. of allspice, 20 oz. of salt, 3 oz. of black pepper, 2! oz. gin ger, 2 teaspoonsful of cayenne pepper, 2Jj z. saltpetre, 1 oz. of sage. Boiled Indian Meal Pudding. Mix well to gether 2 cups of Indian meal, 2 enps of good fresh buttermilk, cup of water, cup of beef suet, half cup of sugar, 2 teaspoonsful of soda, 3 egg9, well-beaten, and any fruit you may fancy, either fresh or dried ; put in a tin mould and set iu steumer over a kettle 01 water and boil three to four hours. Serve with sweetened cream or with bntter aud sugar sauce, flavored to taste. Fruit Pudding. One bowlful of nice thick cream, 2 egirs, teaspoon saleratus ; mix and roll it nearly an inch thick, I lien spread with fruit and roll np and boil or steam in a s ick for two hours. Eat with cream and sngar. CottauE Pudding. Two egas, half cup sugar well-beaten together,add five tablespoons melted butler, stir well, then add cup of sweet milk, teaspoon of soda, two of cream-of-tartar. 2? cups of Cour ; bake in square tins, and serve with sauce made as follows, which is nice for al most an; pudding : teacup of sngar, teacnp of vinegar, teacup of water; set over the fire and wben it boils add a tablespoon of flonr and bnt ter rubbed together. Tapioca Pudding. Put eight large spoonsful of tafioca to three pints of milk and let it become milk warm and soak till it becomes soft. ttv;u mix with it two spoonsful of butter, three eggs, well-beaten, half enp of sugar, balf a nutmeg aud bake immediately. Excellent feol or cold. Steamed Pudding. Take about a quart of buttermilk, add one teaspoonful of salt, oue of soda, and If in the season of berries I add nearly a tcacupful, if not I slice and pare one or two apples into my dish, then thicken with either flour or corn-meal as thick as it will stir easily with a spoon ; then I put It in a dish and set in tbe steamer over my boiliug diunei to cook ; it wants to cook from one to two hours ; eat with sweetened cream or bntter and sugar, whichever is preferred.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers