Sunburn Inurinm. SUNBUBY, FEBRUARY 19. 1875. Railroad Time Tattle. 1KUIVAL al OEFAUTUKE r TK.US3 ATBl'SBI UY. N. C. K. W. South. I I, it E. R. R. Wist. Cric Mail, 12.35 a m , Erie Mail, 6.30 a m Southern Ex. 2.30 n 111 j L'k Haven A. VI. 00 n. Philii. Ex., 41.45 a 111 I Klmii-u..Mail 4-30 1' ra Day Ex.. 2.l'5 p m Fast Line, 7-10 p m M1AMOKIN DIVISION, X. C. It. W. LEAVE I AKKIVB Express. 12.01 p ni Mail, 9 25 a m Mail, 4.25 p 111 Express, 3.55 p in Au accommodation traiu loaves Sliamokin at 7.10a 111, arriving at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a ra. Keturiug, leave Mt. Carmel at C.15 p in, arriv intf ut Sliamokin 6.45 p m. Lackawanna fc Bloomsiukc. R. R. Trains, leave Northumberland ns follows 'J.45 a. in., and 4.40 p.m.; arrive t 10.55 a.m., and 5.45 p.m. I). H t W. K. R. Trains leave at 6.55 a. m. and arrive at 3.S0 p. in. Accidental Insurance Tickets can bo had of J. Shlpmau, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. Summer Arrangement for the I'ost Ulllee at Snnbury, I'a. Office 0 fwi 0.50 a. ., to 8 p. m., except oh Sfitulayn. TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. A rrlves as follows : From the East, nt 5.15 a. in., 4.10 p. in., 44 South. 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p. in. " West, 5.15 a. ra., 11.15 a. m., 1.S5 p. rn. nnd 4.10 p. m., Noith.l.OO a. in.,11.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m. Shamokin and Mt. Carmel, '.'.25 a. ni. Sliauiokin proper, 4.00 p. tu. Mails close as follow : For Hie East, 5.45 a. m., 10.50 a. in., 4.50 p. in. $.00 p. m. " Soul h, :o.50 a. in., 4.50 p. m., 8 p. in. " West, 10.50 . in., 3.50 p. 111., 8.00 p. ni. " North, 3.50 p m.. 8 p. 111., Shamokin proper 11.15 a. in. Shamokin and offices ou that route; 4.20 p. m. Money ordem will not be issued aftef 6 p. in., on Saturday. J. J. SMITH, P. M. The Election. 'flic election ou Tuesday last passed off very quietly in this place, yet we re gret to slate that the elocliou laws in reference to furnishing liquor to voters were not strictly complied with. In the West Ward several per sons were noticed under the influence of an over dose of "citizen ticket." for which some candi date may be conscientiously, if not k-jial'y re sponsible, when he takes the oath of office under the new Constitution. It is certainly to be deplored that temperance principles set so loosely upon some persons where an office or Some Bullish object is in view. The vote iu this borough was light. Several tickets were in the lieid, and considerable iutcrcst was manifested. The Republican having nominated a straight ti'-ket on the suggestion of our neighbor of the Democrat advising Democrats to "stick to the ticket." But as this 'mrougli is largely Republi can, the Democrats adopted different tactics than they were advised to do in Democratic districts, with the expectation of waking political capital, and formed what they termed a "citizen ticket," upon which they placed some of our most promi nent Republicans. In the West Ward, particu larly, the most strenuous efforts were resorted to for the defeat of the regularly nominated Republieau candidate for Justice of the Peace, and as the citizen candidate was also a Republi can, every effort was made to deceive Republi cans and get them to support their candidate. Some of the Democrats gave their support to the regular Republican nominee, who believed him most entitled to the office, while the wire pullers kept up their deception, and elected their candi date in the tood old Democratic way, liecause the Republican candidate was poor and did not have any money. Rut two Democrats were elected, cue in each ward. The balance are all Republicans. The following is the vofe poileii for each can didate : A Chance. It will be noticed by an advertise ment in another j.qrt of this paper that the large Furniture St re, in Masonic Buildiiijr, has changed hands. Messrs. W. P. Roberts fc Hos- termau are the successors to R. L. Raudcnbush. Mr. Roberts has conducted the establishment for a numbci of years to the satisfaction of all who have dealt at that establishment. In the future the public can expect still further improvements, as Mr. Roberts is a practical mechanic and busi ness man, and knows the wants of the people. His fair dealing will bring to the new firm large additional patronugc. The new firm intend not to be outdone . by any other establishment, and will keep constantly 011 hand the very linert and best furniture thai can be bought in market. Btcgs V: Bkothek, Floral and Vegetable Seeds, X. Y., is one of the best and most reliable houses for vegetable and flower seeds in this country. They also publish an illustrated Ma gazine, quarterly, at 25 cts per annum. Jackson Township. The following officers weie elected In Jacksou township, on Tuesday last : Justice of the Peace. J. R. Ililbush ; Consta ble, Adam Miller ; Judge of Election, II. I). Bower ; Iu6pcclors, E. P. Reiser, and J. B. Boh ner; Assessor, Samuel Zartman; School Direc tors, Geo. Malick and SimouBohner; Supervi sor, Alex. Snyder, and Henry Wcntzel : Over seers of the I'ooi. X. S. Drumheller and Peter Uohuer ; Treasurer Isaac Tressler ; Auditor, Da vid Holshoe. Godkts Ladys Book for February is a perfect beauty. Full of magnificent fashions plates, engravings, splendid readiuir matter, reciiics, fc' The Book is now offered at S3 per uiiuuiu with 1 a handsome Cbromo thrown in. bend lor it to L. A. (iodev, sixth and Chestnut sis., Philadel phia. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT itisincss locals. O r ., . . w a A Per Duvat home. Terms tree. AuarwM Q') OZv O. SxinsuK i; Co., l'urtluud, Maine. Kin. TJi, lHi.i. Jy. jtcral ffairs. Geo. W. Coble, Esq., at Hernden, this county is authorized to act at ngenl for the American in that place, iu receiving subscription, job work, advertisements, and receipt for all bills lie may present from us. enter Jou Bourne.. Sol. M.ilirk. BIKGES3. Eust Ward. 1H3 113 Bourne's majority W SECOND Bl'KGESS. Wm. I. Greenoueh 29 TOWN CLERK. Girsre Iluclicr Joe V. Morgan r.ueliei'8 majority. 214 SW West W; rd. 187 11 313 121 HIGH CONSTABLC. SoL Manlx. . . J. H. Miller.. 259 4ti 213 130 2U Clover wanted by G. B. Cadwalladcr, Central Drug Store, Sunbury, Pa. Abijaii Bow fx, formerly of. this place, died in Minnesota on the 1st ef January last, of heart disease. He leaves a wife and two children. The railroad trains bad a hard time last Thurs day aud Friday getting through the snow drifts. Musical Entertainment. An eutertainment will be given by the Georgetown Mutical Asso ciation, in Bingatunn's Hall, on Feb. 2oth, 1875. The proceeds to be applied to the purchase of au organ for the Lutheran and Reformed church at that place. A cordial invitation is extended to 'the public to attend. Tuk overseers of the Poor of Danville visited the soup bouse at this place to see the plan on w hich we dispense charity to tramps. They ap peared highly pleased with the plans, and expect to adopt the same mode of keeping the poor in their town. The distress iu that borough among the resident poor is very great. Mantz'a majority WEST WARD. Assistant Burgesses VaL Peilz, 15; Ira T. Clement, 135; J. A. Bujd, IKS; W. T. Hrant, ICS. Two liiplicst elected. Conucilmen Charles tiarinffvr, i!sl ; Charlm Seusen bach, 313; W. C. Pucker, 3H5; B. Fruiik Bright, 104; W. W. Moody, 171. Four highest elected. Justice of the Peace A. S. B Ice, 200; Alex. M.wtz, 112. School Directors J. B. Crsii:ger, 171; W. 8. Khoada, 288; Peier W. Gray, 162. Two higtiem elected. Constable Samuel (li-i-Tinger, 84; Jauita Van Dyke, 120 ; O. W. Siroh, lli Vun Dyke elecled. Street Commissionci-a Heury Z r man, 1'2B; Win. T. Ei:Khiuiu, 111 ; II. A, Kteier, IH9; Jeremi:di H.iidge, 189. Two highest elr-itxl. Assessor S. Faust, Sr., 311. Judge of Election Ch.i.: M. r.iu, 141; W. V,'. Horn ing, ISO. Iunjieetor of ELfliou J. D. Jain-s, 12; 8. Fanat, Jr., li0. Overseers of the Toor Fred Merrill, SK'.i; Sjjmiiel Mautz, 177; A. M. Cover:, 1'.5. Two highest elecled. EAST WARD. Awiistaut Burgesses W. It. Miilei, 173; Julni Boweii, iS:t; John U. M-rkle, 134. Two ivighes' eK-c.ed. Conticiliimu J.nies Kirehue!,l 7S; W. I'. Kobe its, 107; Huuter Jiw berry, 1O0; Aid. lfeover, 278; iorge B. Cadwall-der, l'."4; 8:tmuel liyerly, 143; H. F. Me,ig.., l'.ll. Four highest elected. School Director M. P. Sciirhain, 209. Constable A. Newlwrry. 63; William II. Bright, 10."; j a-orM Oys-er, 103 ; J. F. Ktrby, 25. Oyster ehcied. I Hiitet Comiuissioueia Ira llile, 1J1 ; John U-eaer, j We uolice that Ira T. Clement is hauling building stone for a new house, to be erected on the site of b'.s present residence. . .... . - , ,, ,. gt; Smitiel S-iviJe, lo h'ghest elee'ed. Gkavti Hor wi 1 le given in Lyon Hall, I ' ' , , , . , , c ! Assessor ThoiuuBO.Coiiier.l.C; James Beard, 121. 011 Monday evening, the 22d inst., by the Sun- , lUiio. -Dauiel Beckk-v. 101 : Jacob Cubls, 17. We received the following Hues last week from .1 correspondent Iu Luzerne county, who says: I saw in your last issue a small speech spoken by a scholar at one time, for which he re ceived a flogging, aud the teacher paid for it. As our school district of Black Creek township !.n which the directors are contrary to what is 1 ight, 1 thought I would write a little poetry con cerning them, aud use yours as a chorus, with & very slight variation. If you will publish it in your paper, it may be of much value to other sections of the country which maybe iu a simi lar tlx with us. Klaek Creek School District iu a Fix We are now in a tix Leaving it all to six For selecting us a teacher ; Although it may be right, U is a very poor sight To have such n miserable creature, cuouus. Oh, Lord of love look from above, Upon us weary scholars, We've hired a fool to teach our school, And we pay ber thirty eight dollars. When next we meet the ballot box, Be sure you vote (or none whu knocks Against an ortb-xlox preacher. To have permission iu the house Aud rot so sneaking as a mouse Come upon us a teacher. O, Lord of love, look from above Upon us weary scholars ; We've hired a fool to teach our school, And we pay her thirty-eight dollars. We would not reject If we could ever expect Themselves to lurnUb the honey, Which now they impose Right under our nose And ask us lor the money. Oh, Lord of love, lock from above Upon us weary scholars ; We've hired a fool to teach our school, And we pay her thirty-right dollar. J. B. Smith fc lino., have ngaiu reduced the price of Boots & Shoes. They are determined to keep to panic prices. Their stovk is all the la test style, an I made tip of good material. No one should neglect to buv now, while the prices ire down. They are gentlemanly in their inter course with those who visit them, aud being good judges of hoofs mid shoes, the best cat; be had at their Excelsior store, 011 Market street, Sunbury. No one denys that Simon fc Oppenheimcr keep an immense slock of ready made Clothing. Nor will any one deny that they sell them chea per than elsewhere. They sell rapidly at small profits, giving the largest benefit to the purcha ser. Every style of clothing for men and boys can be bad dirt cheat). Their stock of furnishing goods is immense. Mrsic'AL. J. P. Keefer has lately removed.his excellent musical instruments into the buildiug on Fourth street, below Market, nearly opposite the City Hotel. Any kind of Musical iustrn tacuts of the most improved styles nnd make are kept in his establishment. Parlor Organs, Pianos of the best mmufacttire in the country will be found at his store. He is also ngeut for the best sewing machines now in use. Another new lot of Furniture 1ias just been received at B. L. Raudenbush's store, in Mason ic building. Cull and sec the new styles before , purchasing elsewhere, and learn his prices. The light miming ''Do,neatic" Sewing ma chine, on accouut of its ninny points of superi ority, hus a better domain! than any other manu factured, and takes the lead with the public over machines long regarded as the best. Also the new Groveu and Baker sewing machine not sur passed by any other. Orders lor these machines will he promptly filled by Miss Caroline Dalius, agent. rrtor Orpaat Miss C. Dalius is the agent foi the sale of Parlor Organs, Pianos, and all kinds of musical instruments. The very best instru ments are furnished on shoit notices at prices to suit time". Call or addicsf, C. DALIUS, No. i3. Market St.. Sunbury. Ice Ckeam Freezers. A newlotjtift received by H. B. MASSER. OF COOK STOVES AND RANGE! 'MM FkT 132 -SCT EH5. "W 9 At an Immese Reduction in Prices, for Cash. February 19, 1875. Cw. Estate of J. D. Zautman, Dec'd. Administrators' Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad minlstrati Oil hnvrt hepn orur, t.H tn thu nt. dersigned on the estate of J. D. Zartman, late of the Borough Of SuuburV. Northnmherbind nmn. ty, Pa., deceased. All persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate navment. and those, bavin. r claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. Ceo. W. Bmitu, adm'r. Jane Zartman, adrumis'irix. Sunbury, Feb. 12, 1S75. Ct. In the Court of Quarter MrsiouN of the Peace of Northumberland tounlj. "VTOT1CE is hereby given, that the following -i- persons have liled petitions iu the Couit or Quarter Sessions oftho Peace Northumberland, for Tjvprn. R L.lllruiit. mil Liquor Store Licejses, and that the same wiii be preseuted te the said Court on the eighth day of March, next. TAVERNS. Sunbury old stund Milton McEweuhVille, bor Ml. Carrae! The Confession ot an Invalid, Pub lished as a warning and for the bcnelit of Yonm: Men aud others who sufler from Nervous Debili ty, Loss of Manhood, etc., supplying the means of Self-Cure. Written by one w ho cured himself alter undergoing considerable quackery, and sent free on receiving a post paid directed envelope. Sufferers nre invited to address the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR. scpt4,74-C!ii. P. O. Box 15;, Brooklyn, N. V. CKROKN OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who sutlered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the cfte-clt of youthful indlscrelion will, for the sake of suiTcriiig Immunity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and direction lor making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Stirrers wish ing to profit by the advertiser's experience can do so by addresi ing in perfect confidence, J'lllN B. )(i)KS. dec.23,'74.-Gm. 4? Cedar St.. New York. bury Cornet Band, which w ill be the best of the season. Tl.e members will pare no efforts on their part for the com fort of those attending, and will furnish better mni than has been fur nished ct any time to parties in this place. We hope that their efforts to get np a grand hop will Its appreciated and well patronized by our cill ,n and neighboring towns. Inspector of r.l-c!.oii W. U. TburMou, 113 ; I hilij) H Moore, 1R". Overturn of the Poor K. T. Drunibeller, S5; George Harrison, 2-H7 ; Sebastian Bousrhuer, 308. Two highest elected. A tarty of youi.g gentlemen from Baltimore, recently visited Northumberland and this place mi tens:ire trin. In it letter to the Baltimore 4. W. Wilvcrt&Co., near the Court House, j fnm SortnUnlber,aIl(1. thty e,rt... ,bem keep the bcH brands of cigar and tobacco. j . delisted with the hospitalitl and atten tion shown thera by the citiicus of both places. The wr'ter says : A nsr.w camp of P. O. S. of A., was instituted at fceven Points, in Lower Augusta township, on the evening of the 30th ult. The members of neighboring camps participated in the cere monies. It is called Washington Camp. No. 31, P. O. 8. of A., and starts out under the most fa Torable auspices. The following officers were chosen: Prest., W. II. Eistcr; V. P.. J. F. Campbell ; M. of F. r ud C, Aaron Roher ; R. 8., B. F. Kelly ; F. S-, Einl. Reed ; T., Oidcou WolT; C, J. 11- Beck; I. (., Dauiel Zartman; O. ., C. Reed ; P. P., Juo. Duukleberger. Heke is something that should be generally known. It is said that bed buss will lire a year without air or food, if placed in a hermetically sealed bottle. Persons w ho desire to keep their bt-d buss over whiter without feeding them should make a note of this. Killed ts tue Railuoad. Mk. Jesse An. Mils, traveling engineer on the P. V E. R. R-, was run over by a shillci engine at Harrioburg, ye-terday, aLd kiiied instantly. Mr. Audrus s resident of this place aud highly cfteeuied a-s a citizen as well as a master mechanic. His ioaiains were brought here in a sjieclal train for intermcut. He leaves a wife and two child ren to mouru bis loss. "The people of both Northumberland and Sun oiiry are plain and unpretending people, kind and full of hospitality. They receive you with a warm shake of the baud and a cordial wel come, and it is nil meant. The ladies arc ex ceedingly pleasant aud model housekeepers. They rise early, attend to the affairs of the house, wish you a pleasant good morning, and when the household dulies are completed are teady and willing to give yon their pleasant company, cither for a sociable chat, walk or ride. Wc were cordially received upon our arrival bete, most handsomely taken care of, a ball was iriven iu our honor bv the gentlemen and ladies J of Northumberland and Suubury.and a banquet j served os at the latter town. Our sleigh ride lietween these towns was charming, and we had a clear sweep, which was doue up in 2 40 style, across the Susquehauua." The writer seems to have mixed up things and events between the two towns, as both the ball and baniuet were given at Sunbury. Doctoks, like lawyers, necessarily thrive upon the niisfortuues of other. They are not to blame for charging fees lor their services. But were op!e to keep their feet in good coudilion, wearing such elegunt boots and shoes as those furni-bed by J. B. Smith fc Bro., at the Excel sior Boot and Shoe Store, Market street, Sun bury, Pa. Tue iudebtness of the Borough of Northum berland is f 7,Mj5.'J2, but then that is not a first class borough. Look at our aggregate debt t87,. 772.R1. JuiKiP. Painter of Muncy, has been elected President of the Lycoming Fire Insurance Com pany. Judge Painter is a native of this place, father, Tlio. Painter, having been, many .years since, Sheriff of this county. The selection if Judte Painter to preside over thin sterling a-ompany, will give entire satisfaction lo all w ho IIU' the IIIHIl. SeveuR Cold Stkono I e. The continued cold weather is rental kabie. The month of Feb ruary will be remembered as a cold one. On the htli the mercury stood at S iu the morning, 1! de degrecs below Ecro ; on the S'lh. 4 degrees below . tu the loth, 8 degrees below ; on the 15th at 0. and on the lfitb at 11 btdow. The ice crop wil of course be heavy as well as good. The coidei lite weather1 the better and more solid will be the ice. In the Polar legious, ice cau hardly be bro ken with a hammer. Iu Russia, at St. Peters burg, the ice ou the N'eva, lias sometimes beeu fashioued into cannon by being turned on lullie and bored out. A six pounder in size, was sutti- ientiy strong for a charge of lour ounces of powder which projected a ball through a two inch board, the walls of the caution not being over three iucliCb thick. A Handsome gold chain was presented last week to Mr. J. Andrews, traveling Engineer of .the P. & E. R. II., by the Engineers aud Clemen -if the Eastern Division. Mr. E. J. Israel made . the presentation speech, and Mr. Andrews ac cepted the chain in a few remarks, and invited the parties concerned to a collation at the Cle ment House, where pleasantness prevailed. Mr Andrews may well be proud of his present, com ing, as it does, from those who guide the iron . horse, and control the power thul wields the des tiny of the world enduring all the hardships pertaining to their dangerous business. In choos ing Mr. Andrews as the recipient of flietr gift, . they have shown their respect for a worthy supe j'ior, and a desire to reluaiu fresh in his memory iu the future. Ol"K neighbor of the Daily certainly ought, not complaiu now if the Republicans did not support his ticket. Th-y only whipped his candidates with the same weapon he had chosen. We no ticed last week, iu one of his paragraphs, where lie called upon the citizens, Irrespective of party, to elect his candidates, aud in another paragraph, in the same papr cautioned his Democratic friends to "stick to the ticket," to organize for t qe next campaign. The Republicans naturally took the bint. Dai n biMy Jake. Jht Mm ittuler dime. Notice to Debtor, Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted on note or book account to the undersigned to settle the same. The books aud papers are left iu the hands of W. P. Roberts for a short time, w ho is authorized to make settlement. B. L. RAUDENBUSIT, Masonic Building, Sunbury, Pa. To detect adulteration in tea, burn the ashes. Pure tea. of any grade, will uot have over five per cent, of ash, while the adulterated article will yield as high as 45 per cent. Dathj. A much more better plan is to buy none but the best tea, as it has double the strength and greatly superior in quality. Cheap tea is always poor and dear at any price. The same may be said of groceries. A correspondent of the Lykeus Reg.tttt, (Dauphin Co.,) writing from Washington Square, Feb. luth, thus notices the sleighing parties visitine that place : 'Formerly sleighiim was considered of very little importance here. The present winter, however, our place has been doiug exceedingly well. As near as I can learn, ail the neighbor ing towns have been represented by parties, as weil as Newport, Perry county, aud (ieoigetown, Northumberland county. As (icorgctown had the m'jst aristocratic party, it must be the pre let.iliie place of ail others." A roSTorncE has been established ut Klingers lowu, Schuylkill county, ivilh E. M. Umhollz as postmaster. Klingerstown is directly on the line of Jordan township, this county, and across the line from Gratz, Dauphin county. We were much pleased lately, of the splendid arrangements made iu the American Hotel, by our friend W. A. Hambright. The whole house has beeu reuovated. The parlor, dining rooms and bir room have Ju.t received fresh paint aud new papering, which gives those rooms an air of comfort seldom found in hotels of country towns. Cleanliness pervades through the whole house, and the tables abound with the best of fare. The good taste displayed by the present proprietor in repairing of his house is au evidence that he looks to the comfort of his irtiests. The Ameri can Hotel is couductcd with no pretetisions of display, but more for the comfort of guests who will find its tables with the best fare, the bar with the choicest liquors, and the landlord an accomiuadating gentleman. Election Notice. The members of the Union Park and Agricultural Association are hereby no tified that au election of officers will take place, in accordance with the charier ofttbid associa tion, for the following officers, lo wii . A Pre sident, a Vice President, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Librarian, nnd an Executive Coinmitte, on the 2d Monday (March 8. 1S75,) of March next, between the hours of one and three o'clock P. M., at the arbi tration room, Sunbury, Pa. A full turnout of all the members is requested, as the. success of the association much depends on fall deliberation and interchange of opinions of its members. Sol. Mai.ick, President. P. II. Moohe, Secretary. .; Oh, once more for the goo I old days That gave ns many different ways In getting a co'iipelcut teicher ; When the parents all together came, And each his chalk put to a name He wauled for our teacher. -f Oh, Lrd of love look from above Upon us weary scholars ; We've hired a fool to teach our scnool. And we pay her thirty-eight dollars. List of Jurors. GUAND JLKOKS March Sessions, commencing Monday, the rttb. Wra Bradly, teached, Mt. Carmel twp. Henry S. Byerly, farmer, Jordan. Emanuel S.-Browen. farmer, Jordan. J. M. Bartholomew, liycruan, Snnbury. Edward M. Buchcr, clerk, Suubury. Charles Coltse, merchant, Northumberland. Martin G. Brymire, teacher, Zerbc. Mark C. Bowiby, machinist, Buubury. Samuel P. Crowull, bricklayer, Shamokin. Samuel Courts, miner, Coal. Eiias Dockey, farmer, Lower Mahauoy. Win. II. Gilgcr, teacher. Shamokin. Jacob Hunsecker, landlord, Delaware. Robert Hays, farmer, Delaware. Wm. 1). Irvin, blacksmith, McEwensvillc. Charles H. Kloik. farmer, Upper Mal:anoy. Daniel Manges, farmer, Turbut. John Snyder, farmer, 'fur but. Wm. Smith, farmer, Upper Muhanny. John G. Smith, farmer, Jackson. Daniel 8. Sherwood, farmer. Point. Adam Schuyler, farmer, Lewis. Samuel F. Wert, carpenter, Lower Mahauoy. Martin Yerge, fanner, Lewis. I'ETIT J t nous For week connueucing Monday, March, 8th. Jermiah Adams, farmer, Washington. Henry D. Bower, merchant, Jackson. Duncan C. Campbell, farmer, Rush. Thomas Dearmond, farmer, Delaware. Wm. Durham, farmer, Delaware. George F.rdman, farmer, Shamokin. Michael Emerick, farmer, Joidan. George Evans, merch tnt tailor, Milton. Landis Fry, laborer, Sunbury. John II. Gable, merchant, Sliamokin. Pal rick Giibbon, engineer, Mt. Carmel twp. Andrew J. Ilellcr, farmer, Turbut. Nathan llaus, farmer, Upper Mahanoy. James Harris, grocer, Milton. Jacob Hepuer, farmer, Lower Mahanoy. Bardard 1 la very, mason, Mt. Carmel bor. John R. KrocK, farmer, Delawnre. Adam F. Kerstetler. laborer, Cameron. Levi Liuu, fanner, Wutsontown. John Liudower, shoemaker, Lewis. Michael Martcin, engineer, Mt. Carmel twp. R. L. Montgomery, farmer, Lewis, Win. Mack, fanner, Chillisquaqtie. James R. Miller, farmer, Milton. Siincn Metzgar, farmer, Delaware. John G'Keef, miner. Mt. Carmel twp. Charles D. Oberdorf, teacher, Uppon Augusta. Edward Pallet son, operator, Shamokin bor. John Rigney. miner, Coal. Win. S. Rhoads, clerk, Snnbury. Eli Reed, mason, Shamokin. Peter Rangier, farmer, Turgut. John R. Raup, Jr., farmer, Lewis. Win. Ryan, farmer, Rush. Patrick Ready, laborer. Coal. Benj. Roe, miner, Mt. Carmel twp. Daniel A. Starlzel, clerk, Shamokin. Daniel Swank, shoesmaker, Sliamokin. George Slrine, boatbuilder, Miitou. John Smith, street com r. Sunbury. James L. Sehooly, agent, Wutsoutowu. David Strause, gentleman, McEwetisville. Daniel Thomas, carpenter, Shamokin bor. Andrew Tinbrook, farmer, Leis. Aron Wilkcrson, farmer, Lower Augusta. Heury H. Wolf, carpentrr, Lower Augusta. Win. Wagoner, farmer, Wutsontown. Geo. Zimmerman, fanner, Upper August. Trial List for Adjourned Conrf, February 22, 1S73. First National Bank of Northumberland vs Tur but School District. Same vs. Lewis School District. Same vs. Rush School Distiiet. Same vs. Chillisquaqtie School District. Henry Keefer vs. John Downey. John Bowen vs. Daniel Druckentiller. Jacob Renn vs. Same. Sumc vs. Same. Susan Walt, adm'r, Ac. vs. Jacob Peiffer. William Meugas, adm'r, Ac, vs. John D. Strat ton. Titos. Baumgardner vs. John Cruikshank and au. Emantiel Conrad aud an, adm'rs, Ac, vs. ('has. Garinger. P. O. Campbell vs. Aaron Oliphant A an. Hixon fc Biruic vs. George Hill, Ex., Ac. Edmund S. Doty vs. Jasper Slaymaker. Dauiel Mengas vs. John R. Cooner. Ace Yamell A an. vs. Nagle A Eshbach. Doretha Matilda Douty vs. I). C. Clarke, jra T. Clement vs. Joseph Baclier. Michael V. MeOce vs. M. L. Savidge Wm. V. Silverwood, adm'r, dir., vs. Peter Smith A un. Lesher A Miller, nse vs. David Heiser. Cook A Pardee vs. Ira T. Clement. William Fisher vs. David Waldrou et ul. Trustees of State Hospital at Danviibi vs. J.iuies Toole. J. A. Cake vs. C. A. Reimensnvder. J. W. Cake vs. The Philadelphia A Eric R. R. Co. Walnwright A Co. vs. A. P. Marr. John G. Mantle vs. John Kay Clement. O. S. Campbell, adm'r, Ac, vs. David Adams. Henry Olio vs. The Hanover Eire Insurance Co. Martin Fahnestock vs. S. A. Savidge, William Savidge. Thomas Reber, receiver, Ac, vs. J. H. Jenkins. Sylvester Flick, use vs. J. II. Hurley, adm'r. Wm. L. Dewart vs. Beat Valley Coal Co. Don't nE I)isoot'KA;Ei. Suppose you have 'tried fifty remedies' and received no benefit, is there therefore'no balm in Gilead V Verily there is. Your liver may be congested, your sto mach half paralyzed, your nerves quivering, your muscles knotted with torture, your bowels constricted, your lungs diseased, your blood full of impurities yet iu one week after commencing a course of Dr. Walker's Vinegar Bitters you will feel like a new creature. Feb. 5 4w. TO COXKl'MI'TIYFN. The advertiser having beeu periiiiineetly cm 'd of that dread dise Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known t- his fellow sufferers the nie ins of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of Hie prescription used, (free of charge), with the direr-lions for prepar ing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis. Ac. Panics wishing the prerriptif-n will please addre Rev. F. A. WILSON. 1!1 Penn St., Williauisburgh, New York. ilcc.2.i,71-6iii. Christian Nuff Henry Haas, J. A. Cake, Samuel Weaver E. T, Drumheller W. A. Hambright, jr. James II. Jeffries Charles Garinger William Reese A Sou Charles D, Cox' F. O. Donnell, jr. Mary E. Huff Henry E. Lutz II. J. Reader. Joseph J)cppeu 1 Itoinas hcott Thomas Welsh Edward C. Herb Catharine Johnston Churles F. Hess George S. Burr Julia Ann Johnson George Eckert T nomas J. Stamm Amanda E. Logan William II. Boyer J. A: Weaver J.ired II. Howerter John l.nt kin Jacob Kobei Henry Simmoiids Mary Timmmcs J"hn Nicholson W . F. Kitchen John Nolan William F. Roth B. E. Adams Andrew Herb Thomas Gillespis Henry lfnyilen William Furrow Daniel H. D.eisbaeh, U.K. Wetzel William Johnson John B. Gilbert WaVmito Ji'hn It. Cooner M s. John W. S.i ton "VTOTICE. In accordance wit h the provisions ii of an Act of Assembly approval the l'2l h day of February, A. D. 1S74, entitled "An Act regulating the publication of applications for legal or special legislation," notice is hereby given that application will be made to the Legis lature for the passage of "an act authorizing the erection and construction of a pocket in the West Branch of the Susquehanna river at Eyster's Is land, in Delaware township, Northumberland county, Pa.," for the purpose of harbering logs. S. M. MILLER, OSCAR FOUST, WM. F. SHAY, J. P. STARR, J. M. FULLMER, J. H. GOODMAN, A. T. GOODMAN. Watsootown, Feb. 5th, 1875.-41. Adjourned Court. "YTTHEREAS the Honorable XV. M. Rockcfei W ler, President Judge, and his Associates, for this District, have issued their mandate for an adjourned Court for Northumberland county, to he held on Monday, the 22d day of February, A. D. 1875, being the 4th Monday of said month, ana to continue lor two weeks, ia the borough ot Minbury. I therefore give notice, that all persons interested, to be and appear at the place aioresaid at 10 o'clock a. m.. of said day. SAMUEL H. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, Jan. 29, 1375. new stand old stand old stand ADVERTISING : Cheap : Good : Systematic. All per sons who contemplate uiukiiifr contracts with n s papers ior the insertion of advertisements, should aeud '15 cents to Geo. J. Ituwell & Co., Parn ltow, Sew York, for their PAJIPHLLT-BOOK (ninety-seventy edi tion), containing lists of over 2000 newspapers and eati- raaieff, growing tue cosr. Advertisements taken for leading papers in many .States at tremendous rediio- iku irotn iaibiinbrrs' rates. Gktibkbook. Jan, 8, 1875. ly. Northumberland ' $" rpr QjMperday. Agents wanted. All classes ') JLw V5Uof working people of both sexes, young and old, make more money at work for us, iu tlieir (iwu localites, during their spare monents, of all the time, than at any thing else. We offer employment tint will pay banilsomely for every hour's work. Full particulars, terms, fcc, eent free. Now is the time. l.ou't look for work or baisness elsewhere, until you have learned what we offer. G. Stihsox & Co.. Port laud, Aiaiiie. Jan. 8, 1S75. ly. 4 new staud Shamokin bor old stand XEW YORK TRIBUNE. "The Leading American Newspaper." ' THE BEST ADVEBTIS1NG MEDIUM. Diily, JlOayear. .Semi-Weekly, $3. Weekly, $2. Postogo Free to the Subscrilier. 8peciman Copies aud Advertising Hates Free. more, only si. oMtaga paid. New York. Weekly, hi club, of 30 or Address Tht Tribums, J.-in. 8, 187S. ly. old stand ' new stand 'Jnydertovtn old stand J t.rbiitville bor old p;an! Spiral. In l'piT Augusta iownhip, on the 11th inst.. Col. ELISI1A KLINE, aged 8S years and, 11 mouths. The deceased was one of the oil pioneers if the township iu which he tedded, and enjoyed the confidence and esteem of ail who knew him. He was act ive'in everything Unit )KTtaincd to the advancement of his feliow men, and was gene rally in the leail wherever he connected himself. : in his younger days he took au act ive part in po litics, military and church affairs. About the year 1926, he was elected Colonel of the 45th Re giment Pennsylvania Militia, and was an effi cient, ofiicer. Ili was elected CommUsioner o: this comity in which o'hee he g ive entire satis faction. He resided In Upper Augusta during his w hole lile, and was a mau of good mind, kind disposition, and highly respected. Among his neighbors he was the mediator and peacema ker. In the Church he was a devoted member. j and was looked upon as a leader in the cause of i Christianity, and his advice was generally taken iu matters pertaining to Church affairs. In his declining years, he was conscious (hat his labors j were appreciated, and that praises would follow j bliu to another ami better world. Ed. I On Januaiy 23d, iu Rush township, URIAH EWa.NK, aged U years, J months and 2 days. I Oa the 1:2th of Februar., EDWARD NEFF, son i I William and Carrie Israel, aged IU ttius. 1 and 7 days In Northumberland, Jan. Dth, of dvptheria ANNA GROVEK, infant daughter or Evan D and Anna M. Hughes, aged 1 year, 2 months and 11 days. SI.MURY .11 A It H F.TS. SfMil liv, Feb. IU, lS7o. Gkain Wheat per bushel f LOOM l.'-'O prime while 1.12f 1.U5 " Rye per bush 7r.f'.a " Com " 7ifaSO ' Oats " Sof'iOD FuifK Extra Family pr bid !i.00(a,-7.X Common 5.5iifi.7.i0 Buckwheat 4.00 " Fci:i Corn A litis Chop pr lltoib 1.5(lt '2.t:(l Shorts A Mixture l.BlKd 1 1 175 Potatoks. Ac New per bushel Stif't 7"i PitovisioN llatn per lb WiOi.'iH Shoulder jr lb 1 t IS Bacon pr lb lort;!-' Beef, retail pr lb HOi '-Jo Veal, do do lOOjj IS Dried Beef pr lb U.V'i.'IKl Pot l.TKY Chickens, dressed pr lb I'-JtAilS Do. live weight lOfd.ia Bt TiKit Prime per lb :!"0i:4( F.:r,s Per dozen 'MOn'.ih Charles B. Hover J. B. Becker Jared lletininger Daniel Lalsha John Downey John Boyd Michael llaiey Charles ilaiiman Jacob Hunsickcr J. G. Smith John Albert I. O. Bill in ai Nathan A. Laudeus'.agrr Elius Shaffer Jacob M. Wc'wt Elius B. Kissisrer Ellas Fagely J lines B. Brass J. D. Reitz Franklin Surge Anustus Wald Kei lie A Wiest Eiias Byerly Abraham Rotbermrl Francis McCarty Peter McDonnel Murv Scott Thoi'".as Tobin Michael Graham Edward Muldowncy Putrick Hester James Ratltrty Peter Lciseiiring G. W. .Mifflin A U Henry H. Conrad Joseph K. Maurer Emanuel II. GeKt Enders A Sturr Nathan E. Kebrcs Thomas Foulds, snr Henry M. Rhoads Benjamin Knauss Thomas Foulds jr James Cooper P. II. CHrrau II. B Weaver William Foulds Cameron twp Cbiilisjilai;ue. Delaware Jackson old stand Auditor's) Xotice. (Estate of George Weiscr, deceased.) riHIE undersigned, appointed Auditor to report JL upon the exceptions filed to the nccouut of J. Weiscr Bassier, one of the executors of Geo. Weiscr, d eased, and to examine and restate said account, will meet tlu parties interested at his office, in the borough of Sunhurv on Satur day the 20th day of February, 1S73, at 11 o' clock, a. m. JNO. KAY CLEMENT. Auditor Sunbury. January 2'J. 1S75. It. ICstruj of u Hour Vlg. CAME to the premises of the subscriber, at Ma rion Colliery, Mt. Carmel township, Northum berland County, Pa., on, or about the 2d day of January, 175, n BOAR PIG The owner or owners are requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take It awav, otherwise it will be sold nceording to law. FREDERICK HEBER. Mil. Carmel township, Jan. 8, 1875. 2ms. JorJ:in Lewis Lit Mahnnoytpo stand Low Mahanoy tp ' Mt Carmel tp Sb.abiokiu tp J. Harwell. ' Up Augusta Up Mahanoy Washington Zcrhts KnsTACRANTS. Sunhurv bor old Milton Mt. Carmel bor NorlhtimhiIaiid o stiind Shamokin bor Coa new stand :':frl5sf mmts. F.fctMte of Andrew I.ronu, dec. OTK'E is hereby given, that letters of ad ministration have been granted to the un dersigned, on the esttite of Andrew Brown, late of Upper Mahauoy township, deceased. All per- I deceased. B. F. Bright Jacob W. Bright Geo. W. Hotbnan Jacob Critzer FrvdcricK Woif Jacob Klyuier Nalhauie'l Hulh Margaret Brogan Win. Vandyke Michael Schlader James Mahnti Lewis Hummel Richard G. Tyack John Scbiibo Andrew Jana.-ky Barbara Hennio Dennis Dorncy Mary Devil t Will in m A. Fis-Rer T. H. Swiizix L. J. Delate- . George W. Aitui:in Christianna Rahmcr Louis l.ehe 4 Richard Wild WHOLESALE LHjCoK STOUKS Cyrus Brown Milton bur Michael Horan Ml. Caniiid.bor Edward A. Dawson Chiistian Nelf NorthumberlM Samuel K Latsha Shan iikin bor George McEiiece George W. Starlzel Gideon Adams Shaiunkin borough old Strine A Kromlich 4 Thomas Latighliu ' Patrick Qninii Coal tp 4 Ristel,Siuith A Co Chillisquaqtie new stand LLOYD T. KOIIK'rJACH. Clerk. Clerk's Office, Sunbury, Feb 11, 1S70. Wa'sontowu l 'atneion Zet be "VTOTICE to the Heirs and Legal Kepresent-i-tives of Charles Heilmau, late of the bo rough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa.. sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payim-nt, nnd those having claims to present them for settlement. WM. BERGHoUSER, Administrator. Upper Mahauoy, Feb. 10 1875 Ct.pd. Furniture Ware-Rooms ! KOHKItT aV IIO!STi:itMA., (Successors lo B. L. RAUDENBUSII.) Mawouic ISiiildiiiK, stjnsrBxm, pa. WILL SELL CHEAP, AN KNILfcS VAKIKTY r 1 XJ It 3V I T tJ It K cf the latest styles and best material. CONSISTING OF Parlor and Chamber Suits; LOUNGES, TABLES, CHAIRS, STANDS. Bedsteads of all kinds, Cupboards, Shuts, and in short everything usually to be found iu a first class Furniture Store. Special attention is given to Undertaking in nil its branches. Coffins and Uikial Caskets ) or AU. RI VI.ES CONSTANTLY O.N IIASO. j All invitation is extended to all to come and ! examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ROBERTS A HOSTERMAN. Snnbury, Feb. 19, 1875. Estate of Hiuau Bkvbakek, Dec'k. Administrator'! Xotice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministration have been granted to the under signed on the estate of Hiram Brubaker, late ot the Borough of Sunbury, N'orth'.iinberland coun ty, Ph., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate pay men, and those having claims to present them authenticated for settlement. Geo. W. Sxitii, Alin'r. Snnbury, Feb. 12, 1H7". W. TAKE. NOTICE That an Inouest will be held on I ..rii ir. .-.i... t a :.. I lie yi ciilir-es in i.ii.iiius i leu ui:t ii . net e.t?-rii . ill the borough of Sunbury, county of Noithutnbei Itiiid aforesaid, on j WEDNESDAY, the 2 lt:i day of FEBRUARY, . A. 1). Ib73, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of that I day, to value anil divid-" certain real estate of said deceased, to wit : a certain messuage or two lots of ground, situate in the borough of Sunbury county of Northumberland, and Siate of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit : fronting on Market street, and bounded on the west by an inley, on the north by land of Mrs. Rosettu Dewart, on the east by u lot of Scbiu-tiaii Iloupt, deceased, and being .one hun dred and twenty feet, or thereabout, in front on Market street, and two htindrei. and lift)' feet, or thereabouts, in depth : whereon is erected a one and one-half story frame house, aud stable, being a part of oullot number thirty-seven, on tile general plan of said borough, to and among his heirs aud legal representatives, if the same can be done without prejudice to, or spoiling the wboie thereof, otherwise lo value and appraise the same according to law, nt which time and piuce you nre requested to proper. S. II. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, Jan. 20, 1875. l. SIIF.KIFF'.N SALES. T3Y Virtue of certain Writs of Fieri Facias is A.) sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, and to me directed, wiil be exposed to sale by public venduo or outcry, at the COURT HOUSE, Sunbury. Pa., on Wednesday, 3d day of March, 1!S75, :it 10 o'clock iu the farenoou, the following pro perty, to wit : Two certain lots or pieces of ground 6ituate in the borough or Mount Carmel, county or North . , ninbeiland, and State of Pennsylvania, known ; and designated on the plan of said borough an . lots number fourteen and fifteen, in block num t ber twenty two. each containing in front on Oak . ; street, twenty Bve feet, and extending back that ' width one hundred and lifty feet to Apple alley, '. with the appurtenances erected on lot number , fourteen, cousisting of a frame dwelling boose, 4 with tore room, and a stable, a carriage house erected on lots fourteen and fifteen, and a frame : dwelling house with store room erected on lot i 1 number fifteen ; as the propertv of HENRY t TKEGELLAS. ; ALSO, ; A certain tract or piece of land situate in Low i er Mahanoy township, Northumberland county, ! Pennsylvania, bounded on the north bv lands of 4 : P. S. Bickel, on the east by land of P.'S. Bickel 4 and I. II. lassler, ou the south by land of I. H. ' j Ressler, nnd on the west by the Susquehanna ri ! vcr. containing two acres and one hundred an-! ; sixteen perches, with the appurtenances consist ing of a steam saw mill, lath saws, one shingle I mill, one office building, a blacksmith shop, and shingle shed; ns the propertv of DAVID 8EI I LEH, D. D. SNYDER. staiKi i ' ALSO, j A certain lot or piece of ground situate i: I borough of Sliamokin, couuty of NortUumber- land, and State of Pennsylvania, known and ! signaled on the plan of said borough ait li t number five in block number sixty-one, fronting ji Snruce street tvventv-five feet, and extending ' teick that width one hundred and fiftv feet loan jilley ; as the property of N. S. REITZ. ALSO, A tract or piece of laud situate in Lower Ma hanoy lowm-liip, Northumberland county, Penn sylvania, bounded northward bv land of A. Gon- sert, I. Y'crges and Samuel Trego, cast'ward by laud of George Long and Daniel Michael, south ward by land ot Benj. Phillips and George Bord ner, and westward by land of George Bordner, containing ninety'eiglit acres more or less with appurtenances consisting of a fram bouse, a stone bank barn, spring house, aud other build ings ; also a certain lime stone iot situate as aforesaid, adjourning lauds of Jacob Mediae), David Iltiin, and others containing one fourth of an acre more or less, whereon are erocted two litiie kilns ; as the property of DAVID SEILER. ALSO, A certain lot of piece of ground situate in Lower Mahanoy township. Nothuiiiber'and county. Pennsylvania, bounded northward by land of the Sn-quehiiini steam saw mill company, eastward by George Street, southward by lot of John Phillips, .ml wcUwatd by Staw berry alley, with the appurteuances consisting of a two story frame dwelling house ; as the property of DAN IEL I. SNYDER. ALSO, All the light, title and interest of Elizabeth Gehrig, in and to the following described Real E.-tite,to wit: "1st" all that certain lot of ground, situate tu Turbut township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, known as Davis and M.irr's addtion lo the borough of Milton, brand ed and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at I he southeast corner of lot number twenty seven 4'27,"' iu the plan of said part of the town, bounded eastward by Chestnut street, southward by lot number twenty-nine "29," sold and con veyed by John E. Gehrig, in his lifetime, to Sam uel Mertz, westward by an alley, and northward by lot of M. Shearer, to the place of beginning, and known on the plot of said part of town as j lot number twenty-eight 4'2S,"with the uppurte ! nances consisting of a two-story frame dwelling ! bouse, Ac. 2d. All that certain lot or parcel of i ground situate on Front street, iu the borough of Milton, county and State aforesaid, bounded j northward by a lot in the occupancy of the bo rough of Milton, eastward by Front street, southward by a public alley, and westward bv 1 the West Branch of the riyer Susquehanna, with the appurtenances consisting of a twn-storv frame dwelling house, :t one-and-a-half story frame dwelling house and n stable, as the prop erty of ELIZABETH GEHRIG. ALSO, BY Virtue of certain Writs of I'luiies Fieii Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland county, ami to me directed Pennsylvania, known and designated in the plan of said addition as lot number nine, bounded northward by an alley, eastward by lot number eight, sonthward by Spruce street, and westward by lot number ten, with the appurtenances con sistiugof a two-story frame dwelling house; as the property of PETER WILVER. ALSO, By virtue of certaiu Writs of Venditioni Expo nas issued out of the Court of Common Pii iis of Northumberland county, and to me directed, will be exposed td !c by public vendue or outcry, on WEDNESDAY, THE 3D DAY OK MARCH. 1875, at 10 o'clock in Hr forenoon, the follow ing property, to t. it : The right, til Ie and intei of John MeJCee of in and to (0) certain tracts t pieces cf laud, situate in Delaware township, Northumberland county, Penn'a ; 1st. adjoining ot H. flower, Simon Melzgar, Thomas WitfeMat Moore nnd bing.imin Hoffman, t"0UMBg one hundred aud seven acres, more or 1-.,' the appurtenances eoiisisfin" of tn-.i.storv 1 dwelling house, barn, and other bail lings." (3i. at'joinitig land of Simpson Smith, Stephen Kil-s. It. Jictv.-e. ami Kobert McKec, containing on" hundred and fourteen acres and two perches, niorft or Ies. with the appurtenances, consol ing of a two story brick dwelling house, bain, and other buildings. (3d) adjoining lands of David Stahlnecker, and Andrew Armstrong, containing seven acres, one hundred and tbirtv nine iierehes, more or less. (4Mi) adioiniog lands of James Everett, David Stahlnecker, and niiuie- iiriusirong, anu otners, containing two hundred and five acres, one hundred and oue perches, more or less, with the appurtenances, consisting of a two story brick dwelling house, two barns, and other buildings. (5th) adjoining lands of Samuel M. Miller, G. C. McKee, and David DeitTeubacher, containing seventy-four acres, one hundred aud fifty-flve parches, more or less. (6th) adjoining lands of Samnel-Whit- mer, t. t.. McKec, Philip Wir.terslei.i, Win. f. Rink, and Samuel Caldwell, containing ftftv four acres, sixty-one perches, more or less. witU the appurtenances, consisting or a brick dwell ing house nnd barn, nnd other buildings ; as the property of JOHN McKEE. ALSO, A certain track or pteoe of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberlaud coun ty. Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at ft chestnut oak tree, it. corner or tills and Solomon Miller's land and oti a line of another piece of land belonging to John Foy ; thenc by the same south eighty-thret degrees west vat.v-eix and tliree-tentb. peithes to stones ; tbeuce by the same or part o:' this s.-tuie piece north .eleven degrees, west one hundred and five-tenths to stones ; thence by land i ot Jonn Dunkeiljcrger north tighty-nine degrees. beginning at stone, a corner of this and Eiias Ressler. and oa 4 line of Robert Flemming's land; thence by land of aid Eiias Eesslef. noutb tes aud three fourth degrees, ca fifty sis perches to a post gd tlones ; thence by lands of AaroH WiersB", south eighty and a fourth degrees, west thirty oie and aeven tenth perches lo stones : tlience by land of Wesley Clark, north ten ;.nd three fourth degree, west arty six ichts to a stone ; thence i,y laud of George K.eUcr and Robert Fleming, uortii eve.-ty-nin i uttA ;. hall' degrees, west ,tlai;fy lw. and onet'twli pvreUes to the place of bejdiituiig,-, containing uika acres and sixty-one perches, morcorleV: athe properly of JOHN L.SHIYE. ALSO, That certain blocker square number twelve (12) in the amended pl:mf Faux' additieii to Riverside, in Rush township, Sorlhumberland county, and State of Pecnsylrania, described as follows : bounded on the east by avenue "C," i. the west bv avenue B. on the north by Fourtl sXree.r. aud on'th-s nth by Wrick number lUir.-tee-n (IS) owned by J'nnid Lcy, a ".contiithhur m acre nd t wo liHDdrn! ami li;'; -eight teiil:li acre, fceloy '. h;i!idr-l .fv t,tm-s P. lliti' ',l..tii;,ji.ay;l nighty -tU:i:i--fee? atel nirm4 vo Uundrefl t-el, on avenue..,. VMsfc-jtWd M1 etgniy-tiirec foci, mt lot !t:KSid LirWi BEKtiyU, with tiotVu lc lnxitl. .ALSO, .,, ,. , th'.'o story iraipie dwelling" Ai! that cert:.. 1. tweutJiaz fuet by house, containing i em eighteen fc-t deep, sai ' ,.,, ',- .;.rirelv ut wood -Hid s 011 -"ePurn t&r entirely ot wood, ana s. . . - . , -w - . on and f. i:;n:iei H. BE lit F.d:i!U:..l L Bergcr, Terrtj Milton borough, on the s. east of the P. dc K R E., a vloua lot Of grouud rs IUC a . . e. -n(J U of Swiwr. bounded the west by W OWRer or t Ac. ; as tlte propt-rty of r . At . ' puted owner aud contractor. ALSO. All those two certain frame dwei ImhifcT situate in 'JomiAi Priestley's addition to Its bo rough or Northuniherljiud." desciibed a.' followg to wit : ail that eerteit two story frame toewo age or tenetnent, situate in the borough ami county aforesaid, fourteen A) feet distant frots the east side of h Dacvillw road and eigll (S) feet distant from tbw north side of A' str-tt, containing in front twenty three (2S) feci, and in depth thirty-thrco (33) reel and a two story fr.:ra kifciten eightecu (13) reel by sixteen (16) feet, located upon lot number twenty two (23) in said Pneleyr ad dition to the borough of Northumberland 4lound ed on the northwest by the -Dauvilh? road' on the southwest by A street, on the southeast by i'ouliniu's alley', and on the northeast by lot number twenty "three (33) containing sixty (40) east sixty aud ght-tenlh -rct.e t0 a stone ; t tVt.t i fri)Ul on Fltld t(Klli, and two bundled ar:d thence bv lands f rolotnon .Wilier sottth twentv and one-fourth defuses, east ninety-six and two tenths perches to the place of beginning, contain ing forty-one acres acd twenty-one perches, strict measure, with the appsrtenances. consisting' of a two story frame dwelltsir house, and k irn. ; as the property of J. F. LEliCH. ALSO., A certniu lot or piece of ground situate in the township of Upper Aug-ustaTeeat2!T ot Northum berland, and State of Penr.sf Ivii.i, t.oc-uded northward by Market slrcei,, award tnd southward by land of John 8. Kaniid west ward by lot or Enos Shipe, conUkiuic i f. idth about thirty feet, and in depth about '.,(& bun- nvu 'J05) in depth on 4A' street. Also, nil that certain two story IraoM messu age or teneuieut, situate fourteen (14) feet dis tant from the east side of the said 'Danville road' containing in front twenty feet (30) and in depth twenty eight (2S) feet and a two 6tory frame kitcheo sixteen (16) feet by twelve (18) feet, located npea lot number twenty three (23) in 4Priestley's addition' to the borough of North umberland, bounded on the northwest by the said 'Danville road.' on the south wt by Iot number twenty-two (22,) hereinbefore described on the southeast by Touimin's alley, and on the northeast by lot number twenty four (24) con taining sixty (60) feet in front, on the 'Danvilio .irH rr ;,t. ti. .. ! Road ' and one hundred and ninelv three (19X1 two-story frame double dwelling boiiic ; a;iLr I feel in aepin ; as me property oi ra i r-tt vau- property of DAMEL WILLIAMSON. i stand iitiui n you iniiiK I will be exposed to sale by public vendue or out- , cry at I he Court House, Snnbury, Pa., on Wed l j (OI liT PROlLAn VTIO.V Notice j Is hereby given that the several Courts of Coin I mon Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, i and Orphans Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer I ii. t c. .,,1-.. i t ;i it. ii,..i-v I,, ,,,,.i c... 1 1, . of Northumberland, will commence ut the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, :it 10 o clock A. M., on MONDAY, MARCH lh and will continue two weeks. The Coroner. Ju.-lices of the Peace and Consla- nesiiay, l lie .ina nay oi .March, lio, at 10 o clock 1 in nie ioieuooj, me loiiowiug property, lo wit : j The right, title and interest of John R. Bough j tier in and to all that certain tractor piece of land ! situate In the township of Shamokin, county or Northumberland, State or Pennsylvania, bound ; ed and described ns rollows, to wit : Beginning j at a post, thence by land of John Martz north three degrees and twenty two minutes, west one . hundred and eighty-seven perches and nine-tenths H'.h, 1S7.", I of a perch to stone on south bank of a small I stream ; thence by land of Melvuia Barton south sixty-eight degiees and fifty-five minutes, east tiles iu aud for the county ot Nortuiiinberland are j eiglily-six perches to a stone ; thence bv land or requested to be then and there iu their propei j Daniel Sclilagel south two degrees am! fortv persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, i cixht minutes, cast one hundred and tighty and other remembrances, to do tho-e things to . seven perches and nine-tenths or a perch to a their several offices appertaining to be done. And (post; thence by land of Samuel Hales of which all witnesses prosecuting in helm If o' the Com- (this i a part. north sixtv-ehtht deirieea and fiftv- i nionwealth against any prisoner, are requested J five minutes, west eighty-four perches and thrce- aun cointiian.ien io oe men anu mere intending tenths ol u perch to the place or beginning, eon in their proper persons to prosecute against him j tainirg one hundred acres or land, strict mes as shall bn just and not to depart without leave sure, with theapi ui teiiances consisting or a two at their peril. Jurors tiro requested to be ptinc- . storv frame dwelling house und frame barn ; as ttial in thtir attendance, at the time appointed, j the property of JOHN R. BOUGHNER. Given under my baud at Snnbury, the L'oth day 1 ALSO, of February in the year of our Lord oiicthouand ! A certttin lot or piece of ground situate ia fj. eight hundred nnd seventy-rive. Hendricks' addition to the borough cf Sunbury, SAMUEL If. ROTHFFtMEL. Kberif. i i., , eouMtv of 'n.-!t,!in,her!.ind. an I Ste if ALSO, All those two certain contiguous lot of ground situate iu the borough ol Mt. Carmel, Northuui berland county, Pennsylvania, known and de signated rn the plan of said borough as lots numbers twelve and thirteen iu block number forty, bounded northward by lot number eleven in said block, eastward by Apple street, soath- ward by r-ourtli street, and westward bv Oak street, each of sahl lot containing in width twenty-live feet, more or less, on Oak street, and one hundred and fifty-feet, more or less, in depth to Apple street, whereon are erected a largo carpenter shop extending over said Jots- numbers twelve and thirteen, fronting on Aiwdc street, a dwelling house fronting on Fourth street and a dwelling house used as a furniture room fronting on Oak street ; as the property of MI CHAEL GROODY. ALSO, A certain lot or piece of ground situate in the borough of Wutsontown, county of Northumber land, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded north ward by lot or C. 8. James, eastward by Mam street, southward by Eighth street, and west ward by an alley, containing in width fifty-five feet, more or less, and In depth one hundred and sixty-dve feet, more or less; ub thu property of CtlKiKllA." GKLrili. ALSO, A certain lot or piece of ground situa'te in Dewart, Delaware township, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, known and designated on the plan of said town as lot number eleven, bounded northward by an alley eastward by lot of Andrew Nye, southward by Main street, and westward by lot of Edward Faber, containing in width sixty feet, and in depth one hundred aud twenty feel, with the appurtenances consisting or a two-story frame double dwelling house and other buildings ; as the propertv of MRS. S. K. KAGENBUCH. ALSO, Two certain lots or pieces or ground situate iu the borough or Shamokin, county or Northum berland, and State or Pennsylvania, known and designated on the plan of said borough as lots numbers four and tive in block number twenty two, bounded northward by railroad or Inde pendence strcit, eastward by on alley, south ward by water street, and westward by lot num ber three, each containing in width tweuty five feet, and iu depth otic hundred and sixty feet, with the nppurtenances consisting of a two-story frame carriage manufacturing shop, blacksmith shop and carpenter shop ; as the property of JACOB H. H EL WIG AND WESLEY VAN GASKIN, trading as Helwig A Van Gaskin. ALSO, BY Virtue of certain Writs of alias Venditioni Exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas ol Northumberland Couuty and to me di rected, will be exposed to sale bv public vendue or outcry, at the Court House, iu Sunbury, Pa., on Wednesday the SJ day of March, 1S75," at 10 o'clock, in th forenoon, the following property, to wit : A certain lot or piece of ground situate in Piper's Addil ion to the borough of Turbutville, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, known and designated in tbe plan of said addition as lot number six (6), bounded and described as follows, viz. : Beginning at a corner fifteen feet from the centre of Main street, thence by the same south forty-fonr (44) degrees, west fifty (5-i) feel to a corner; thence by lot of John V. Martin north forty-six (4(5) degrees, west two huudred (200) feet to an alley ; thence by the same north (14) degrees, east fifty (50) reel to a corner ; tbeuca by lot of Charles McClain south forty-six (46) degrees, east two hundred (200) reet to place ot beginning, whereon is erected a two-story brick dwelling house aud other build ing ; as the property or EMANUEL ARTM AN. ALSO, ' A certain lot or piece or ground, situate in Turbut township, Northumberland county, Penusyivunia, bounded northward by lot or John Giant, eustward by Lincoln street, south ward by Second street, and westward by an alley, containing in width fifty-four feet, and in depth one hundred and fifeen and one hair Teet, with the appurtenances, consisting of : a two story frame dwelling house with an addi tion, a woodshed nud bog pen ; as the property of JOHN F. SNYDER. ALSO, BY' Virtue or certain Writs of Levari Facias, issued put of the Court of Common Please of Northumberland county and to me directed, wiil be exposed to sale by public vendue or ontry, at the Court House, iu Suubury, Pa., on Wednes day, the 31 day or March, 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, the following property, to wit : All those two certain lots or pieces of ground, situate in Cruikshank's addition to the borough of Shamokin, county of Northumberlaud, and known and designated ou the plan of said addi tion as lots numbers fire (5) and sis (3) in block numbered four (4), with the nppnrtena'ii- ces ; ns the properly or IIK.1K1 OTTO and CORNELIUS OTTO. ALSO, All those certain lots, pieces or parcels oi' ground situate, lying and being w:thm the bo rough of Mount Carmel, county of Northumber land, being numbered and marked ns follows, in general plan of said town, to wit: the whole of block No. 4, lawn JNo. lo, ana lot o. 11, (ele ven) in block No. 22, lot No. 12 in block o. 40; as the property or DAVID HEISER. ALSO, All that certaiu piece or lot or grouud situate iu i tic town or Ml. Carmel, Northumberland couuty, tV.ina., being lot marked on the map or plan of said town, with the number 22, block 51, bounded and described as follows: on the cast by Market stieet, ou the south by lot mark ed with the number 23 in said block, on tbe west by Orange street, aud on the north by lot mark ed with the No. 21, containing in width ou said Market street twenty-five feet, and extending back in depth that width 150 feet to said Orange street, with the appurtenances excepting and re serving therefrom all mineral coal, iron ore and other minerals, lying or being nnder the surface of the said lots or piece of ground to the legal owners thereor with the right to dig mine and enrrvnway the same; as Hie property of JACOB RAINER. ALSO, All those certaiu tracts, pieces or parcels of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, North umberland county, Pa., bounded and described as rollows, to wit : number one beginning Hi stones, n corner ot this and John Fleming's land, on line cfland belonging to Ihe hairs of Felix Maurer, deceased ; thence by land of the said John Fleming, north ten degrees, west fifty is and five tenths perches to n In the public road ; thence by the same north eighty and three fourths degrees, east fifty eight nnd four tenths perches to a stone ; thence by land of Rebecca boughner, sonth eleven degrees, east fifty seven and six tenths perches to stones ; thence by land of the heirs of Felix .Maurer, deceased, south eighty and one half degrees, west fifty eight and lour tenths perches to the. p!uM of be ginning, containing twenty aorea, aud one hun dred and twenty sU perches strict measure, with the appurtenances, consisting of a two story frame dwelling hqusc and barn. Also, another trucl situate Iu iba same town ship, iinindd and (iesotb-d n follows, to wit ALSO, 4. wo story frame dwelling bouse 30 feel in front n satd Tuckeyhoe road, by 20 feet in depth, located fcpon a lot or piece of ground, situate in the Imroujgb of Northumberland on the north east side of -the Tackcyhoo road, and ttirty fret front Eighth street, being 30 feet in front on sai.l Tuckeyhoe rant, by 240 feet in depth, was con veyed by Northumberland Cemetery Co. t J. Hine, and by J. liim;o Peter Vandlitig ; as the property of PETER VAi'JOLIXG, owner or re puted owner or contractor. ALSO, A two story frame dwelling htw -e, twenty feel front on by twenty eight feet decp,!ocnlc.l upon a Iotor piece of ground sitn.-rte in Northum berland borough, in front on north '.rest by Wa ter street, northeast by hinds of .Jo. PritijiJoy. southeast by Northway, southwest by LinJ. t.f Dr. PITestley ; as the" property of GEORGE CASH, owner or reputed owner, and Peter V.iu-dUng-COftlractor. ALSO, A two story frame dwelling house thirty four feet front on Broadway or Front street, and six ty feet deep on Julia street, and a stable two sto ries high on back, or east end or tot fronting Fort Augusta Avenne, twenty Cwo feet on Fort Au gusta Avenue, and twenty feet deep, being n frame stable,id buildings arc located upon a lot or piece of ground situate in Cake's addition . to tbe borough of Sunbury, on the corner ol Broadway or Front street aud Julia street, north by lot of j. W. Cake, east by Fort Aagnsta Ave nue, west by Broadway or Front street, aud south by Jnlia street, as laid out on the plan of J, XV. Cake's addition to Sunbury, formerly known ns the Samuel Stehley property j m the property of MARTIN WALLS, owner or reputed owner and contractor. ALSO, A two story frame bouse twenty two feet by thirty feet, located upon a lot or piece ofground, situate in the borough or Northumberland, Nor thumberland county, Pa., being part or the wes tern end of Iot number three hundred aud thirty two, as marked in the plan of said borough of Northumberland, bonnded on the north by lot of David Evans, being part of same lot, on the east by lot of David Evans, on tho west by Church alley, and on the south by Hanover street ; as the property of WM. J. GASKINS, owner or re puted owner and contractor. ALSO, A two storv brick house, twenty five feet front ou Market or King street, and fifty feet deep, said building is located on a lot or piece of ground situate in the borough of Northumoer land, county of Northumberland, Pa., marked and numbered in the general plan of said bo rough as lot un ruber eight, bounded aud describ- . ed as follows: on the north by King or Market street, east by John Dunham lot, being part of same lot nomber eight, west by depot alley, and south by John Dunham lot, being part of said lot number eight ; as Ihe property of WILLIAM STERRICK, owner or reputed owucr and con tractor. ALSO, All that certnin lot or piece of gronnd situate, being the western half of.aud lying in West Shamo kin, county of Northumber'd, S.ate of Pa., known, designated and described on tbe general plan of said West Shamokin, as lot numbered three, (3) in block numbered six (6). the said western half lying on the north ide of Mulberry street, being eighteen and three fourths feet front, and about oue hundred and fifty feet ia length, upon which is erected a two story frame messuage or tene ment ; as the property of JONAS TREGO. ALSO, All that certaiu lot or piece of ground, situate in the borough of Shamokin, county of Northum berland, aud State of Pennsylvania, known and designated on the general plan of said borough as lot numbered fourteen (14) In block numbered one hundred and ninety one (191) ; upon which is erected a two atorv frame messuage or tenement; as the propertv or'REUBEN HOLLENEACH. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of grouud, with the brick messuage or tenement thereon erected, situate on tbe westerly side of Second street, at the distance of three hundred feet north of Mar ket square, or King street, in tbe borough of Northumberland, in the county of Northumber land, and State of Pennsylvania, containing in front or breadth on Second street, sixty reel more or less, aud extending in length or depth of that width, two hundred and forty feet, more or less, being lot No. 214, ns numbered on the plan of said borough, bounded southeast by said Se cond street, southwest by lot numbered 213 in said plan, northwest by an alley or street, now open, or to be opened as and for a public road or street, and northeast by another lot marked and numbered ir. the plan as aforesaid, No. 215 ; as Ihe property of HENRT G. LEI SENR1NG, Trustee. ALSO, All those two certain Jot or nieces of ground, situate in tbe borough of Shamokin, county of 1 Northumberland, and State of Pennsylvania, and j known and designated on the graernl plan of j said bourottgb as lots numbered live (5) and six j (6.) in block numbered one hundred and ninety (ii,) upon wnicn 19 erected a two story frame messuage or tenement ; as the property 6f RUGIl CULTON. ALSO, All that certain lot or piece of ground, sitnat ed being and lying in West Shamokin, county of Northumberland, and State of Pennsylvania, and known, designated, and described on tbe ge. neral plot or plan of said West Shamokin. as drawn or made by Beaton Smith, Esq., engineer, as lot numbered seven 'T in block numbered ix 'b', with about twenty Ave- 425' feet front, and one hundred and fifty 150' feet deep, upon which is erected a two story frame messuage or tenement ; as the propertv "of JAMES T. GET TER and MALES A GETTER, bis wife. , ALSO, A certain building located on a lot or piece of ground, situate In the township of Upper Augus ta, Northumberland county, bounded on the north by extension of Market street, east by lot of Adam Rcun, now an alley, south by nnd west by other ground of said Seasholtz, said buildings being as follows : The first used a a blacksmith shop, one story, with, a basement, twentyiwo feet fronton extension of Market street, by thirty two feet deep, and about ninety six feet east of the Gut ; then east of black smith shop, a platform fifteen reel nine inches connecting the other building used a carriag and wagon shop two stories, twenty two reel front oii exteusion cf Market street, and forty feet deep ; as the property or JEREMIAH 8EAS HOLTZ, owner or reputed owner and contrac tor. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold bv S. H. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff. " Sbsritr Office, Sttn'uiiry, February 12, 1875. Adminislrtttr' JVfttiee. "OTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad Xl miolslration have been granted to tbe un dersigned, on the estate or William B. Lonsdorf. lato of Jackson township, Northumberland county. Pa., deceased. AI! persons indebted to said estate, are reqnwsted lo make Immediate payment, and those having claims, to present them duly authenticated for settlement. -ADAM KEMBEL, Administrator, Jnckson twp., Jmh. , 173. !.!,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers