a fat AtftWn" - - - "i rrgiwait n im 1 1 im rir i t'rr iin -f -mir tt" UmitairD Idiuvican. ' Editors. J, E. WILVERT. 1 sUXBURY, JANUAUV 15, lH7o. The late troubles ia Louisiana-so annoy ing to the peaceable ciUzens of the north, surprise no one I-int November a State election was held there, and the people of the North were led to believe that the constitutional rights of ail clashes and par IJamim.ozi.ku. The appointments made by the New Hoar J of Comity Commissio r.ors are anything but satisfactory to the honest portion of Iho lieinocracy, an. I it is ' nnriilv ni'liotlliced that the 'Hill"'' has " . j completely 'bamboozled its friends. The ..... I .. ... 1 I. WUU!C luiimr ;i ppeat t i" nave w h.uii Wihuil inertly time in our hist issue to announce of the fniiiin c- bill having been passed in the House of representatives, by the i! cided vote of I'M to H!, having pre- aiul boats of the transporting companies. At the opening of the trade next spring not over 22.2 per ton can be obtained, and from Urini, one from I5'envi!!e, and one j intimidated others. Subsequently, when : enee .Sledmuu, who had been ordered to from Iberia, who had not been returned j legislature, mot. they resorted to vio- j ivi, plterarv wulk fur a wIli;0 I1()Ue l()0 . i W'lwf" i rivimr tr.it ifrLr ii'twt wt a nlrnmnr. i 1 " by the returning board, be sworn in as -I" , .' - Snnu, as those who !;i in. tr. nr.-nni'P flm rrio in n..rCI,.,no.. ,.f I ff as ll'',; Will, fclinw i.i.h utU.rmg it is even doubtful if tint price can 1 .: oh- ; members, and they were accordingly sworn . j., fr0I nis .j., ,ul(i ,.e,.tnil, a speaker I industry will agree. To the titles of mag- viulv passed the Senate. It is hoped i lamed unVss the Associated Cany in by -Mr. V Htz and took seats upon ine 1 without observing tin regular forms, who j azine critic, editor and rssavist. Ids fri.-.nds that it will "ive "ciieral satisfaction to the Companies lixabei.it that rate as a mini- I floor as members of tin; House, .nioiti-v !.if,.r! ibe relief it is intended, mum. If ihev do not. coal will orobablv ! was uow made that the charges him with haying actually aided and abetted the ring. lie cla"un3 that his de fence of the city against fraudulent claims was will ally weak ; that lor five months he failed to prosecute the city suit3 against the ilouse. A motion j seized the presiding ..dicer's chair, in clear j added that of kiudtvt, truest gentlemen, j ring- in brief that the interests of the city n iii, r.,- ,1 I violatiou ol law. Here was as plain and' . . , , , , , -., .. , ' , ,. .n"UMj r";L,(" ! vi,)1)Mlt a , lVm ,,s U.l( ,)y wlu.,, ,,.,.l3 w'-'! ""- l-vays lead suit with toe demand a man not tainted in mat especial i " v 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 1. ii 1 111 it ( i 1 1 ft i fic irt'ii i lv voom! of gobbling up j It will undoubtedly add to the stability of ; go lower. According to the above figures j with its permanent organization, and ae- ; Xapoleonseia-cl the Ot.vernment of Fri -tee'. "u'era as it should, ami he added that of j cordingly the roll was called by Mr. Treze- ' Will- vvns .. r.,,.- r., )i. KJ .1 H'l ,H- PH. . -j . . .- i - it.. ,..i.! rt.o ,f it,., liri.nvi-nl. . mr curreiii'v in view o! the stead v atia'oaeli I l!ie men will rtill liave an M.ivan.-e 01 one 11IU,,11"IV. HV.,.lliV'l.'llli.-- I! J j r i i too nf ilw n.ri.vl i,f nmitlc!! Mioeic javnipnts. 1 hundred Der cent, over lSfiO and .Sol vant, me aeung cleric, am having concluded to make the b .-t of it, We give below the Act to provide for the i wages, while the coal operators at S-J.-Jo j declared elected Speaker and 1 relevant ..nil..,!. .im Kv.Vditor. the Kccor- ' resumotion ol snecie iMyments : ! wi'd only have an advaJi-e oftiity i.-r cent, j dork of th- House. Acting on the protest der, and the Kx-liecorder, a!! lit subjects! "J'e it tivrM hi the Setr end House oj to co"asc iu the work. Having first pre-1 Ji'jtnstuhtUce.f of the lrnhl SlulisoJ .lc- : m Cmi'istsx .-r.''i, J hat the Seere- in the price of coal. V.'e give th-se I;. oi at! parties eonee made by the majority the CJovernor uow ' ......l.i t e.i "-!. .1- ..i. ures tor tier :t:!i.ni.ation ; rerpiesieu me commanoing general oi mc sines agree regarding r.iem r. : deeartment to aid him in l-esloriie? order it appears that the hepuUtcans cuiieu to wiinoraw irom i;ic nan i M-nuM Im resnecled. and thercbv an i tmlr.l ! iViends to t-tauneh oid Demo-. . ... n . . , I . . . . . . . . . ' i . i r,. : l : 1 ! ; .... i n ml till I tli lr-(f:i 1 1 " r1 liriurl mi'inhiTft honest expression ol llie will oi ine peopie crats they carried tins point iv turowiug ; tary oi w:e ireasury is ucituj auinun. m-... ; - j be reiched. Both parlies appeared to be tll,.tu off their guard. As a few little mat- j and required, as rapidly as piaclicable, to ; We we'i- informed a few days ago that . of the house to proceed with its orgamza aaxious to accomplish this end. The elec- ,crs iaJ l0 be fixed, the lleeorder had pro- j cause to be coined, at. the mints of the j at the iron ore mines the highest, price now j according to law. This request was lion officers were fairly divided, and an an- : Illisns maii to i,!l all the positions, aud en- United .States, silver coins of the denomi- ; paid is 81. Iu a day, and a l uge number of reasonable and in accordance with law. peal made by both parties for the oiaintc ; teriuS into a coalition with the Ex-Editor, , nations often, twenty-live, and fifty wifts, ' men at some were working as low as SO ; Ucmeiube.nn.. vividly the terrible massa nancc of order. After the election was the 'little co-operative' business was easily j of Rtandar.l.value, aud to issue them in re- j ci nte a day. I.rt a free trade revenue tariff ; eres that took place m this city on the as held, the returning board declared a majo- accomplished. Iu the appointment of demption of an equal number nnd amount j be established in this country, and wages ; sembling of the constitutional convention .iw, ..rr. ni vnniiiefl with the re- vio.L- .i,,-,. . i-.vn r.-nwine whv Mr. i of fractional currency of similar deuomi- i must go down to within 20 per cent, of the in IstW at. the Mechanics Institute, and quirementofthe laws. This led to strife j swarlz should have bad the position. His nations, or, at his discretion, he may issue wages paid in 18(1(1 and of a serious nature, aud the telegrams an- 6crViccs to the King iu counting duplicates ; such silver coins through the miuts, the Jon. nnl. uounced apprehensions of an nlarmingcha-, sl)lt wnLll scrViug in that capacity before, ; subtreasuries, ami post-odicesof the I'uited j racter when the Ix-gislature should nuet. , which o-m; him a favorable siatidiug ; aud . States; and, upon such issue, he is hereby ; MHISi W. According to the report of the returning ; ti1L.n he had a further claim for the inte-, authorized aud requireu to redeem an equal board, the House of Ueprcseu la lives was ' rosl i,c took a year ago iu a 'little co-ope- amount of such fractional currency, until close, with two of a llepuplican majority. . ratj VVi transaction that trauspired iu Jor-; the whole amount of such fractional cur Tbo conservative committee denied this, ; jan township In-twcc-ii t ketion day and the : rency outstanding v.u be redveiued. aud claimed a Democratic majority. Aj- ; uniting of the ib. iuru .ludges, when Mr. sk-. That m mueii of section three prehendiug danger of bloodshed, General j Savitlge, cHii.iidate for county Treasurer, , thousand fivu hundred and twenty-four of Sheridan was sent to New Orleans to view ! aj .ytral other I'ej ublicau candidates, ! the Ih vised Statutes of the United Stales the situation, aud report to the Govern- 'mere counted cur by a little Democratic as provides for a charge of one-fifth of one ment, which report will be found iu ano- gathering in the vicii.iiy of Swartz's resi- per cent jiu for converting standard gold ther part of this pler, aud which is fully tlcnce. The Attorney, though it was sup- bullion into coin is hereby repealed ; and corroborated by the legislative Committee. p,.siij ii,at au Ex-Iegislator would not ac-, hciealier no charge shall he ma le for that Whcu the Legislature uict, by some pecu- j tTpt a j).,siiiou so far below his standing, service. li.nr hocus nocus. the minoriiy seized the ! was idti nd to i:ive Ids aid aud exticrieuce . Si::. :;. That section live thousand one Previous to this, in violation of so.emn tiiorougli business man, as if ambitious to pledges to the contrary, and in d-liutee. of! coa-plete the names of honoi by which a th rciuru3 of the Keturniii!: ili ii'.i, live ,,, t. , - , , . , 1 piiV.iio ci-.izen imgi.t be ktiovrn. lears persons were seated as inemo.rs who were . , , , not entitled to seats. Upon thee joints I,u '"'"Self laughingly as in there is no dispute. Accounts from both l';t! habit oi going into Wall street and Suoscqiienlly ; making t,n:.cy enough to live three or four years as he -.vaiUe.d to writing and spend jit all, then go to work hard and make n- !il i tul on the reuuest of the fraudu'enllv elected De mocratic Speaker the troops were called in. j another forluDC to use in. the. same way. Gen. De Trohriand, Ihu commanding ; He studies with 7m-S... and writes with sa- THE LEtHSI.ATV K WhlU K.I.U). siikimdax's AceorNi or IT. OJlicio! !ivji;i!c?i to (Sii- hM-i' 5 irj War. The following was received at the War icpartmcut to-day : I ' Vy Telegram." JhoilqH-nUi:-; Mililur;! Ihtusl'm M'ojoivt-i, ) Ni-:w Oui-KAXS, La.. Jan. 8, is". j lh cived '' a. m. I .!,) r.s' I believing that the nves of t'.ie members of j the legislature were or would be endanger ed in case au organization under the law was attempted, the posse was furnished with the request that care should be taken that no member of the legislature returned by the returning board should be ejected from the lioor. This military posse per formed its duty under the directions from the governor of the state, and removed from the floor of the house those persons who hud been illegally seated and who had no legal right to be there, whereupon the democrats arose and left the house, and the r'.Mua.ning members proceeded to effect an organization under the slate laws. In all -) t-iw 'I ! ll,l!J 'urmoii, in wiucn o.oodsiied was im minent, the military posse behaved with Tin: ( i.Ki!(t yj plaee. )f course bmith denies all the charges, and I her will be the usual fight over it The chief significance of this is the im plied promisj of the mayor that he will use the pr.ver vested, in him for the people and against the plunderers. If he docs it, he will be the most popular man the city ever put iu place. Hut I am uot going int'j ex tacies over it just now. I remember how I hurrahed over Ilavemeyer and how after- shows can ; ward I didn't hurrah so much. There is a fatality attending Iteform Mayors iu tul3 city, for the Ring seems to be all powerful and have mean3 almost Satanic for the corruption of men. But Wiekam is a good man, and I hope he may hold out faithful to the end. lie commences well at all events. THE WEATHER .; bet n told, begun iu gulden suuaet, wii.Ii his I is cold and pleasant. Business keeps up officer of the troops, proceeded, under or- j vor? atui noli,ju t)i'e C0U!llrv usurping members from participating iu c1uaI, ,he exluslsU stlc f,f (;rrek the proceedings. At this the Democrats translation, which distil like honeyed wine left the Hull in a body. Afterwards Gen. j along the palate, and show the purple and Sheridan asserted his authority, and tool; i j,()ia of tlie atUc crocU3 niu, their colors, command of the Department ol the l.ulf. v, , ... n, , , . , . ... Since then there has been comparative tl .lh,s Wwik' whldl Americana will ap quiet, aud, so far as we are advised, nat- l.l'reciale a generation later, a the English tempt lias been made by the Demerits to i do now, was done not in easy leisure but carry out tlieir :r,v0 ,1'tW." after the full tale of banking hours had ! t on. v,'. ir. 7;7.-)i rrani7atiou. silenced the old clerk of last ;,i teachiiiL'tne llins liow to cover up the lit- iiumhed and seventy-seven of tin; Ik-vised ; Uor, lIVy,;.o'ni, JK C: year, who, according to Ihe laws of thul te .icfecia ' that might occur about the Cum- Statutes ..f the United Slates, limiliui: Ihe : I have the lionor to submit the following great discretion. When Mr. Willz, the State was performing his official duty, ami imsSioi!ers t-fficc. Small favors are, how- . aggregate amount of circulating-notes of brief report of affairs as they occurred here , usurping speaker of the House, called for 'irevcnled his acting ; installed a Speaker , tvi;rt vcry 0fler. thankfully received. We national banking -associalious, be, and is ! in the organization of the state legislature : troops to prevent V bloodshed, they were of their owu, and swore in enough of their 'hope the income may be applied to further j hereby, repealed ; and each existing bank- j on January 4th, 1S75. I was not iu com-. given him. When the governor of the own contestant claimants to make a quo-, improvements iu out town, in proportion . ing-ass ociati.ni may increase its circulating-' mand of ibis military department until ! i state called for a posse, f .-r the same pur rum. This, orcoursc, created disorder and to the amouut received. "oles in a-cordaiice with existing law I o'clock at night on the -lib instant, hut I ' pose and to enforce the law.it was furnished nrmnil nnd the llenubllcans left the Hall. For Hip Janitor a tmoiuluienl there were without respect to said ablegate limit ; fully endorse and am willing to be held j also. Had thi3 not been done, it h my linn oi .ew uneans, among tlmm lishop V H- youn-er son studying Latin declensious by nier, who, during the rebellion, caused the , hi.s side, and continued loi-g after the house words "the President of the United States" ! hold was wrapped in sleep! He is one of to be erased from the Bool: of Common I editing a magazine like J'ttlminSa 3fi'Jihj Prayer, have published cards dciuochtory in the broad half day which lies between of the administration, a:i,i particularly of ! ollioe clusiug in Wall street and midnight, General P. H. Sheridan for styling their j and no one could ever say that he did "not friends, the White Leaguers "ban-' keep bis work with well iu hand. He car ditli." Not more than four months '; ried his business habits into literary work, ago, on the 12th day of September, ' was prompt, systematic, and eot throu-h very well, and the prospect is good for a fair late winter shade. Pif.tko. Tramps dug the cellar and quarried all the stone for the new alms house at Lan caster. No tramp cau get anything to eat there without first d dngan hour's work There are 219 inmates in the Pennsyl vania Training School" for feeble minded children. Of these 1-S are from this State wlieu over one hundred t-hitc ' with nn fim.nitu t,r it .!,;..!, .,,.t!,..- . ! and einhtv-nine entirely sunnorted bv the .......... ,,..,u.4iww u is (iuir,:it 1UUU ( " s and black liepuhlieans were murdered, i would have spread throuuh a ivhoie day, j tale 1 11,1 J- aye murdered, and the streets of New r-j Knd Lceu justified in calling himself wed! The Ilarrisburg car shops are again leans ran red with the blood of assassinated i tasked after that. I want to hold thi3 pic- j without orders. loyal men, the clergy of New Orleans were j lure up before young meu who are ambiti- i : . select, and probabiy were in their cloisters praying for the success of the assassius.but ous of iiterary siiccess. If they can grap-j pie with business seven hours a day, study j jlciu Afcbcrl.smfnls. when, a few day ago, they were preveuttd j and write five or six more for fifiee eu or i from doing a wrong, and sttlingjup a spun- twenty years, Hiey stand a chance of the ous government, these pious (?) men, head I good lliimis which the men who own them At this iunctnrc, a rcso'utiou was pas-d yeral worthy applicants, who were doom- rind m w banking associations may be or- responsible for the acts of the military as beuet that scenes of b:Oodshel would have ! ' 'rout oi me v.ainoiic, tpieop.i:, aua won iu the same way. The finest literary j iiiouisi wnuicn -ouin, set, up a nypo-: work the country has to be proud of, aud P. H. SiiKiiiuAX, Lieul. Gen. j critical howl, entered a protest, and de-j that which does it most honor in cultivated ! nounced the Government as iitlemptiug ! ein-les abroad. U-.m b.-... ,.-,.,! ...,.! i. ' j 7 - " u. 1 1 J dui,u V t iuia juuu.i'i, . .... - i ,ii ,, it. , ij . I ".-,-.-' - j -. - - fc by the Conservatives to call in Gen. De ' cj 0 disappointment through their want ganized in accordance with existing law ' conservators of the public peace upon that j ensued. Trohriand, and the United States troops 0f connection with the great 'olliee family. ' ; without upecl to said agregate limit; , day. During the few days in which I was vrcre ordered by the Sjieaker to suppress. 'ri,c bulauce of the appointments were and the provision of law for Ihe withdrawal , in the city prior to the l:li of January, too 1 - the tumult iu the lobbies. The Bcpubli-, eour:ht from material outside, to cover up and lv-di-tiibuMon of natioiiai-bank cur- cans appealed to the General in command, deception practiced against the more ho. rem y among the several stales ami Terri- Sheridan, for protection, when an order n(;t luon of the Democratic party. The teries are hen by repealed. And whenever, was issued to restore the old clerk to his triek haviug been discovered, it has creal- and so often, as circulating no-es shall be post ; to have the official roll called, aud j ei II i To 'rumpus' in the wigwam, and as iss-ned to any such banking -association, so the men not on it, ousted. The consei va- ( the members arc unable to give a clear and incr. asing its capital or circulating-notes, tivesthen marched out in a body, and re- i tisfactory explanation, there is a good or so newly organized as aforesaid, it shall mained out. Now, ihe question arises, was j ,.., j swearing, aud threats of expo- be the duty of the Secretary of the Trea- it encumbent unon the majority parly to , ,t10 OUjders who have been sury to redeem the legal-lender I'uited quietly submit to such fraudulent proceed-1 hoodwinked by Ihe "King.1" ingsr Policy might hive suggested, 7". . .. , , Yn u IlCigoitor ii i:ie w..toi, 1.1 m--3 i.ici itks to be let alone. We!!, us he has rreueial tonic of conversation was the scenes of hloodshcd thai were liable to occur on that day, and I repeatedly heard threats of :isassiiiating the governer, and regrets expressed that he was not killed on the 14th of Decembi r last. Also threats of assassi nation of republican members of the House, in order to secure the election of a Demo cratic Speaker. I also knew of the kidnap- .usurpation, ii is the same old rebel vea. i n-.on i!, twin .tio i n i...i.t t j - " I , UiiyUUdlj ilUU - j Let them alone in their persecutions aud j .stedman, -'alter hours," not in the leisure ; murders - let them lis u; : mints iu the interests of F 1 1 .13 . V S 1 1 1 X ;t . Kr .in .nn -. (:. .1 ('o:-i iri,o:itt'iif. Wasiiixctox, D. G. Jon. l;', 17't, (('. 'ib(,t : 1 t. iim r i . i i . t . . 1 The Senate finauco bill i Y i.eaguers aim tne w nire ; themselves a terror to editors aud success pas,, d the House on Tluisrday last without j M:Ul's then everything is as calm i fUi writeis by lianging round, beseeching amendment, and as it meets the views 0f i a-' bright May morning,-' but when the j Otters of introduction to this, that aud the the President will certainly become a law ! ili;'j!,ril.V val upon the strong arm of the . other mazine or uewspaper, and looking Slate govern- j 0f a lire set apart for such pursuits. There the minority ' js a ,;!;;. 0f youu men v. lio will not -fi into that is, let the rebel Democracy have all ! business because they fancy they have a ; the oflices, and the running of the machine i vocation for art or literature, and make VEGETINE. Purifies the Blood, Keoovates and Inyigo--iatc3 the whole System Irs .Medical Properties are ALTERATIVE, TONIC, SOLVENT AND DIURETIC. ftubmiesiou to lawlessness, but it was cer- tai.dv their richt aud their duty, as sworn , iue, ofiicen to seek the means of enforcing j ac knowledged thccoireclnei.s t the coarg their own ri-hts and those of iluir cocsti : ts we reltrreu against mm, ami ..as .... iJeij ii(J .(s sIch ,.,m!h(in ,.n( .. Wr.l rirrauixation OftllC lO.IV tO Cia-.ee. u.in. ...i.... ...v .-j...0 --e i - ..... . .. -i. ...... ..... 1. n ... bis inuueiiee to me rigiu vi in inr .'. u Corresponden? Vecf.tine is tnad'J excliijivelj froai ttie jtiieev of carcfulIy.Rciecteil barks, rotjta and herbs, ami so strongly concentrated, that it will effectual! eradicate from the bysteta every taint of Scro fula, Scrofulous Humor, Tumors. C'anevr, Can cerous Humor, Erysipelni, Suit Kheiitn. Syphi litic f.'ipusf?, Canker, Fuintnee at ths Munsticii. ainl all (iiscuits that arise from impure Mood. Sciatica. Iul'.:iinatury nud Chronic K!ioum;itism, Neuralgia, (iout nud Spinal ComiilaitiU, can only be rleetitaliy cured tbronh tlie binwl. For Utcers, anil Eruptive Diseases of the Si;ia Bu.-tn!es, Pin.plp-;, BIotclie3, Boi!s, Tetter. Scu'.t- ive lilem j head and Kiniiworiti, Vkoetine has neer failed ; ;o elli.'c' a jiermaneiil cure. Mates notes in excess only of thice hundred i !ing by the bunditti of Mr. Cousiuier, one million if dollars, to the amount of eighty j or tlie memt.ers-elrct of the l.egislalure. hy his .auction.. With but few exceptions j Government to pr.itect them in their ior u position which will at once jier centum of the sum of national bank ! Iu order ;o preset ve the peace ami to make it roinmand. d the support of the Kepubli- : rti. the cry com-s up of anarchy, and j euoug'.i to live on. . . - , . . t - i . 1 j, .. i .. T T r.. r. ... . 1... I .I., .i l- . . ...... i . . ... . ..... 7 J - T lll:r'.:ilIiiF.. 1 !li-sr !-.!. K'lr M'l.rv MnnT ...... r. I . . ' J . notes SO ifSUCU to any SUCH liliniiltlg-asso- ; li.e .i;iie jiour-e naiu ioi inu n'..ee.iu ..a- e.lli. mil in.; I ' htociOiS y.if.'-t'Hl"t ; t - n L a:il.lui 1 tui.i lllLDKK.N. ciaiion ns afore?ad, and to continue such sembling of the LegiMature, I leu. Emory, fnud o-fiim-i il. os..;c. Before the l ite i lovely, and peace and quiet reign m all ; 'ruu mild winter has proved a very sickly tes are i upon the requisition of the fJovernor, sta- ; election the Democrats promised the people j 1110 ouiiiein Mutes where l'etnocnicy ; all,i tlangeroiis one fur children and young issued until theie shah be outstanding the 1 tinned troops tn the ieinity of the build- ; j.od times and a return l specie pay-: rui!;s- v,V..iKei, ior tee cause is re-1 people, among whom diptheria and scarlet sum of thrre hunrireo million dollars of : ing. Owing to these precautions, the ' rnents, but when the opr. rtuiiuy was of- ",)VL''!- 1 he white and colored Kepubli-1 fevt.r mai;t! ravages known only to tlie slat ure assembled in the Stale House i ft. red. simply U cause Ihe measure was nro- j eanaiiue are ostraeisjd. leing lnlimmated, l,Calth officer iVinr n'pro f li--1('d ii i N v. ii ..... . , , ........ ..... . . The course pursued by the Conservatives, his p;.ckit conscience may prompt him, we fcUi.h ij.,,,,,,!,.,. r,lil(,a states notes, and '' I'gisl a White league" orj-auization, for the will let him a'. me in hisgh.ry. But should I n i)j)M, An(, )n ()il a!(t,r 1)e i wi(h past vear or Uvo, will convince ,all the Kepubucan jmrij get .u.-pouer ag.tm, , )f Jai!U.lt.Vi AllI, j, ,M,-ni ihieen Iiundied that assassinatiou aud wholesale murder , be mUil not comj'.iain U llsey saou.d not ,uhj ievt.n?y.H;II,.t Secretary of the the clerk ot the last House of Represent.!- i crats in Ibis matter proy. sthat theiranxiety must succumb to law and order, even if it , Heal l;im as tney wou.u a coi.sisuui ii..- . 'i rt ;itirv sm,n ,-(.,e,.m, in coin, the United : tives, proceeded to call the ro!:, as accord- for the prosperity of the country is pr-tend- ut any tiisturbance ol tne public i posed by the llepubhe-ins in Congress, peace. At twelve o'clock W il.iam iger-i, ! they opposed it. The course of the D.-mo- .t. ;t,r..r..,-..r. ,.f th flpn. r.iP her of the oarti . The substance, of -our Government. Had it net lecn for theire- ; ueigldxu-s complaint is that he did not re Ptuce of General Sheridan the atrocities of ceive inough ;ap, and that we had taken tki 1-llh of Sptembcr Inst would have beta '. ad vantage of our position, using it to his repealed. IfShcridau could legally j.ro- i disadvantage. We staltd distinctly in a cxed a:cord:ug to bis views, there would be ; former i-sue, that he had received as much peace in Louisiana, or some disloyal .lis- ; Bepublican patronage as we did, while the contents would receive their just dins. But ; party w.-. in power, without his denial, it is not unlikely his ardor will be cooled by when it was known that he bad done more .instruclions from Washington. Jf, vv. , to iijare the pat cy than any other diss.itis-. ever the Administration has made up its j lied person iu it. If our friends have given ,;. t.j suhtain the Kcll.22 adiiur.ist ra- i u mole iaiona"e man ne rect nni. mej i Mates lcg tl-tender notes then outstanding i in.' to law he was empowered to do. One . c.l, else, when so important a meivure was on their presentation for i"deniption, at : hundrttl and two legally returned members . hronght lmfore Congres-, ihey would have the oflice of the assistant tn asurer ;f the ! answered to their mimes : of this nniuber ; risen above party and ioir.ed with the lie- United states in thecitv of New York in ' fifty-two were republicans and til'ty were publicans in the passage of a law of such Jv1""' Iuisana they were foiled, hence and those who casually murdered aud persecuted by the Ku Klux j.;l!!ee at sucli returns as seven hundred and White Leaguers they failed to exercise ! dL.athsby dipthenaiu one week. St. Mary's tlie right of sulfrage, aud the election re- j jj. a" Episcopal school of the best or sulted ir. favor " f the Democracy. The i uer, for girls, n ar Burlington, IS'. J., was governments of Arkansas, Florida, and i lately broken up by typhoid lever, thirty cases oi vi!'ei mane ineir appearance among the scholars at one time, litis case. other Southern States were stolen bj' the n bels, and iu trying to play the same sums of not :es- than 11 it v d Mars. And : democrats. Before eiil"iiie; the House, : vita! importance to Ihe whole country. to enable the -et . tnry of the Treasury to Mr. I.. A. Wilt; had bi.-n selected iu c.iu- But, no, they opposed it, because a law prepare and provi.b- for the redemption in thi act authorized or required, he is au thorized to use any surplus revenues, Irom time to time, iu the Treasury n .t otherwise appropriated, aud to issue, ;!;, ;i::d dispose susiain me ive.i.g auiiiu.isuj- i ... ....... j oi, at iot !.-ss th-.n par. in coin, tiiher ot 1 Kiaudbv Ihe action of the lUiurn- i no doubt consider. d im worthy ol it, aud . (,tf (il.s,.ri!,ti(,ns ,)f .Ilils )(J- ,-,.,, (ion, am ing io.nr cus as the democratic if iniiie-e t.i' Speake r j proposed by Kepublicans. wliich would and Michael H.:hu as the republican nonii- ; assist people in their lued. ivn.wl rob nee. Vigers hud not yet linii.hcd anneunc- j them of political thunder. It seem that ing the resuii when one of the member, success of party is of more importance to Mr. Bii.iean, of l.-ifourt he. nominated Mr. them than a revival of trade and tiioperit y. I.. A. Will, for t mpo!ry Speaker. Yi i g is promptly deciand 'he motion out of which was caused by the use of river water held in foul ti-.tcriis ought to lead to thorough iusivtlion of the sanitary condi tion of boaniiug schools through the conn try, few of which will be found ouite satis factory in theii arrangements to a well bred or' were prevented from ruling any j physician. Principal and teachers have ih. ir denunciation of Grant. Sheridan and the lb-publican party. The rebellion of 1S:)1 was brought about because- the ....:a- longer. A plebeian, a common nil split- i too much care on their hands to notice that ter, was to lake, the helm of the ship of; the water tastes biackish, or that there is a w, , . . , llat odor iingeriiiiiabout piirtsol the house. State, and to prevent such an outrage on ! f ,?,; ..!.;,.,, .,. ..... ..' .ing is t . 1 .... - -'l ... ..'"'V... S.gl.O ,...,,., Ibis law. I am confident, wi!i ! i . eived ' ciuvairy aud Souiberu anst..eracy, lh- re- ptiieuced senso that sometl. iescriotions tif bonds of li.e I'niti-il ; H is promptly deciand the motion out of with fa Vol by the business int. d iu the matter of the organiza- ; had cause lor not giving our nugl.j r Vsi-.i, m de.nei ii.e.i in the .-ie! of Cori"r ss ?.!- i order at thai time, when some one put the country, as indicative ot the n., ill le no im- i as he uesireti. Uur seliisiiui ss tPK;S not so 1,.., - - , ... ... - . r.. - ...... - ... I.....1 i-j l,.t..il.,i tnovcincut iu Ihe conditio:! ol aiians . y iar c.ceeu oi.. n ..u ... ...... u- ........... 'opting ur.ucctMve lueastiive, piou'l duly f 'urt.tnll., cigiiteen hundred i iut stion, and amid the cheers of the demo- The theory that the conrjuered Cui.U de ralo Stales dioulJ be dealt vvitJj as '"sove reign Stales' was a great mistake. Military n. .:esit:ee have been ari.d;ig ever since the fourj'jusucoiistr.i'mii'glhe use of the strong arm of tl5 uatioii, without delicate Misce;i tibililicsof the Sittcs that wt re bayoneted into the Uui.m. The con'iu.ied Sintes could not Im trusted to the exclusive juris diction of those who had been in rebellion. It was logic of the war aud the demand of belief lhat we alone are cutiticd to a living ji this world, or that others shou'd yield much ot' a very moderate living so that we may live iu luxury. V e will continue to advocate llepublii-an principles whether our neighbor uoes or dcs not. We can not he'p his roaking, and shall h ave him to lite enjoyment of his sd.'isbllt ss. TlT coaij'i'evtiou ill I.oiisian.., wi'I be settled by a new el. i li.'ii t.i.drr tlie a:i-;iiv of t'oiign-s. t;.:R. 'J: -.Ml :.-!;. J ':. i 'Hite and se. ut v. entitled "An art to authorize ; cr.ttic side of the House, Mr. Willz dashed 1 iv r V with fa vol by the business interests o! the i sorieu to arms, nred on Mimier. nnd d e.i ; witli mailers on wmcn Jieaitn and lile de led their hands iu the blood of their coun- I l'tlJ(J- 1 ";lve known lever bred m a lash- I : . . ..... . . .. .. I ; I. I I. . I . . ... .. 1.11 L lit, U. 1.11. lilt'' lltfOl 1J1-1-:I 111, 111H f'I.MI.1 ,- f . i ,,,, , i IP. '.,,, .,,- o i ,c . .. ... t r I inn, mif ' poncy oi ine tovernnien;. rue iiamperci : 'j '-" -"j ..(.o.i.wu condition of all in.lustiia! i urttiils largelv i '',tUi& about a 8'mi,ir "suit, and only can the tefuuding of on to the rostrum, pushed aside Mr. Yi- i growing out of Ihe unsettled condition oi ; ,J;: prevented by dealing with them as like oualilies, pmileg. s, ar-d exemptions, J frs, seized the Speaker's chair and gavel, ! tleliuances will now Le r lieved, as deliui- i ' "' ridau suggests, treating tliem. wbne to tlie exam ntcessiu v to carry this ilet. S and declared himself Speaker. A protest Live action has been taken, and a solemn ! lH'r,'!?l ln l,,,,!-r cndMi course of assassitm- 1 i.ej national tlei.t,' with in!-, fuli ellet, and to us'- the proeteds i against this arbitrary ami unlawful pro-I pledge given that upon the thereof fur the puip ise aforesaid. And all provisions of law inoonist'-nt with the pro vision of ibis act i.le le I'et.v iejiea'e.l. l'as-ed the s-niau- I i. e. n.b. r '.. b-71. Atlesi: Gkii. . ('(miiiam, Seer'y. By W. .1. M Jo.i.i, C. ( k." day the I'uited Stale? arrival will r: of a nine i faith with its creditors. By referrence to the bill, .'a cope ii .n and persecution, as i ittiK.v i ;:" .wa and ilunng the past week the 1'resideiit re 'banditti." SINATION', I lam a vear riro to t:d;: tin: atatl. r in baud, but r.mmnn ense that the liCUrnx S choultl ' llwy IvfucK'J. The very 1 Mnorralic ntembel j tcino-r:lic Free Tntcle "IVj;s'"' Itcmliiici'iicc.. have the right of sumage. Here we have ! re t.w 'iuS..l- lorn ir Ms oa.-e ot cm-; In 1J(.() m-L .,. tI)(, , (,inycr,u.v j Wiliz, then again on another in , mui, ..ihmuio.::! or . - ,.,.,...., .. T.,l.. ' from ihe deinoctat ic side of the I m iv in "hi,i hum im it l l oviV i - ct '. eiimg was promptly mailt: ny me mem-: stat hers of the majoriiy, out Wiltz paid no a tentioti to these protests, and upon a mo-' By referrence to the bill, .'a copy of which lion from some one on the democratic side ! I send you for publication,) it will be seen ol the house declared oue Trc.evant nonii- j thai under the provisions of the third sec j nated and elected clerk of the house. Mr. lion, commonly called the i Trezervanl at once sprang 'biward and krkk I.A.nkinu i occupied ihe clerk's chair amidst the i clause, the people have a lull ; wildest confusion over the whole house, relief for any want of banking facilities, or setved fate of Abraham Lincoln Dropsv, Female Weakness, Leucnrrlin-a, arisinx from iutetnal ulceration, aud uterine diseases and (ieneial Debility, Vcoetixe act directly u;on tlie causes of these complaints. It inTigo rates and tregtbens the whole system, acts upon the set-relive organs, allay inilaaiation, cures ulceration and regulates tite bowels. Fr.r Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Habitual Costiveness, Piilpilatiou of the Heart, Headache, Files, Ner vous t-ystem. no medieine lias ever givea sacb perfect salisfaetion as the Vk;etine. It pin ilie the blood, cieauses all of the organs, nn.l pos sessts a cai'.rolling power over the nervous sys tem. The remarkable cures ctrcctcd by Veoetink haye indueed many physicians aud apothecaries whom we know to prescribe and use it in their csvn families. In fact, Yeoetine i the best remedy yet OJs covered for the above diseases, and is the reliable BLOOD ri'llIKIKr. yet placed twloa -ll.e public. PUEPARED BY R. H. Stevens, Bostart, Mass. What is Vecetink.' It is a eoinponnd ex tracted from barks, rocU ami herbs. It ia Na tures Remedy. It is perfei-tly harmless front any bad effect tipon the system. It i uouribin and Jtrengthenitur. It acts liir.cily nnoit the bl'tod. It quiets the nervous system. It give" yutl good, twet sbt at uiht. It i a great, pr.naeea for nnr itsjed fathe t and mothers ; f--i- bermaids bad too much tj do t empty the I it them tt.enj;tb, quiets their nerves, nti sloi s properly, and they were h it t: over- How carpels and vitiate the air ot the dor mitories. And this leads to a theory I lately heard about the uuheaithiuess ot .New York itself. It is last growing the home of intermittent fever, so much so that per sons of ceitain teuiperameuts cannot live there six weeks without losing health, aud reived four anonymous note, two of t!,t.( j are forced to give up living there altogether. .. ,. ,.. . i -i i Ihe cause has beeu laid to the fault ol sew- Irom La.t.m.ne. threatemng him w nh :s- er iUlll t() t:e imp,.rlett drainage of the summation if he does not at once recall the j 4,j,i marshes about loth street, which were tine of, built over long ago. bile giving this fact 1 .11 eC UUU ...-'.-v.. ..tl u .UUA'.U lULU 11. U Federal troops from Louisiana. ! llim kir.dlv s.n:i'.l that, he in i .,, , " , ... . . ., ... subject do not scruple to charge the ague mi'-isiti e i,i ; vrith i .od, as lie wi I surely meet the "de-i ,J - . -,, . , r ... i ?- . llll.tMJR oi , . . '....I llit.T 111 t - t lever flhollll: o.rr to lii.l In this ! ventilation aud ill conditions inside the fverwhelnu d rebeis ami the citizen of Afri- -aii tb sceut, astounded with his t-uddeu ci vil i..:;r,rtaiu:e, huddled logetber and t x- suau i.e. ..-.ai v in c::y;:i dared one Flooid elected sergeant-;; lie- omiuatioti inadeouate Mipply d' money in any locality, i eonneetion it may be staled that before the i houses. They say that Xew Vorkis large house, de- in lleautlmrity 'ih. r,. given to establish : above-men! ioned wa, made public a j b "? V boarding-houses and hotels, t-af.rm, rnvht-.k- r iu-reuae the npii-tl and cir-' "I'oroughlv reliable gentleman stated that lo say nothing ol families iu which the i .ii aims, , ik . i a... . oi iiicieuac it... i.ipnai ,ue. in - . : . most glaring neglect ot every law ot health her of ns- I filiation of those already exiting, to such : i!) 'onversatioii with a La.iimore Iaoy i i) ,s thc r ;0 n, vA tjH. exception. Houses Mie. i - . liected to supply ihe material fir "States." , e ,r,.lltfj At .'ti.di!t;." bet be .,!.. a a M.ldier, j pious V J'videjitly such Nate wnl r.ced looking ; ;1 j t.,,,. t,H, n. to be ciinplliiiei.ta aftcr. A much fimplcr raoMtod of govcru- ' -y. The very fa.-t that tiny ir-t up ililaiinw iug the coiupucred wtlion would have U-eU j t;n on the I it I. l .epiet!il..-r, and ov.-t turned inlnilitarv tlepartments nnd umbr martial '"' pvcrni...-i.t-a Uv th. y do not .b-..y, i, . - A this policy wss not taken, the ! - ' ' !...'( 1 It ( it 1 1 sr. re as f . v. c.-t. InMd J.:,bi.tei, ; Ollt-i h- l.:iliilel, I'l.l'.ii-rv ib'-, !... iiows i t c -u ... i whoxe name can be given ye.-terday .. . i.. .iv !.. In; lilllrr '. li-ir. Ihe but ,:.:,..: !.,.;,:. -.. rat!,.-. S1.....WIT ;le,t. ' Ibveuue Tarill, Mlel, athe I K niocraey are . . - . . , .. i i . t V.'Mti: L.--.ur -heubl ' ll"W ll.l Vol :;l ing. tlie wag. -s 111 tile com re- : ""..i uiticici tiiai it teti.ini niiiiiui: ' sistauts be aiiimiuted. Instantly a lare exunt the buMiiefs, industrial and com- .i (vj j munber of men throughout the ball, who : nvircial interests, of the eommuuity may ! n.orning, .-he expressed a wish thai "there 4 jn i i. ...i i ..,,. in,., l . o ,,.-..i..v'c ; r,.nir.. s r-.r no iosiiiii.-ieur vtitn.lv i w'us allot iier t ilkes J.ooth. as tbere was work tor linn to do.-' J lie gentleman ex- when had been admitted on various pretext's, ; require. no '. such us ronorters ami members friendsand of money may have contributed to the panic t . . . , , .. r . . . ' . .. i .. ..-i... r..o . ! nr."i;p.! toirtirisp :it xtirh entiim'tits; con- spi-ciaiors turneu uown tne lapcis tu ineir ; auo a prosirauou oi oie,ine, tun, untpte ; ! i - are built ou wtong principles and with their cellar, kitchens and dniing-rooiiis,aiid bed-rooms, their closets and bath-rooms passing the foulest air continually into the body of the house are as iruilful of malaria as if the occupauis lived on the edge of a swamp. Lomparativeiy lew even ol the wlu.w ol lnc reikis siioiiui nave oe n in .... . ,- 'lulls. I I.im' were ... .... . l lie iJcinoojHis oi J cnun ivauiii -liiiiun.c ; ... . 7r.1ucuiM.-u at toe ir.wncui ui- n-ni to y ;c ...1.. 1 Hickory t o'lwry, M. :iair, it ( given to I be negroes. - rho old cry, , . . ... .. ; b ioie the Ilepuoheai.s obtained r r J 1 .1,,, il .nnln .. inn. -I . ".T...I Witt. 111.' ! 1 'ruiverat arruicav , impartial stifiragc," ' tn l of the joven:tu' i.i, " 1 a. nfli.V,,! beiltr.l'f I .! ..(i. ! I . . r :i' 111. 1 had the fulloes of political wisdom in it. ; V."" , ""T, , . , . ? . uds of ou liut we have uot had in he conquered V ... ... , ... ., Sergtaut at-Arms.f the Ilousi : by putlmg .lillCO ITILIICl 1UU1U11 J luiv. ut vminiuMiji TJic Democratic remedy for this if to ... . ....... . i .. ..-rt l.- i.i. ! it.liinl tl.nl- W-v.iv.t io rfrtO 1 1 Ir : t T., ...... 1 ... IT,.,. 1.. ..... 1 e ii Imdi uopa nimtful 1 tu ri 'tn.l pimm h ti n-mri v is ilW ii ; irili'iS .til: uub "in i mvua. i - 0 ....... a 1 t : 1 1 .T .1:.. : tirst. rrilc holt-Is nnd If:imm--hfi3;t-4 iiuvp the wa.'es inid at ! bailees, on which were limited in "old , placed 111 the hands and under the C'm- i "inn i.iuroiu, ana mat uusjninie iu-, " ..f: " " nV" t .'lair. iu those vcars letters the words. "Asr-istant Sergeant at ttoi ot the people themselves, wiio are lt;e "-' ioiioiuir,M,.ii I I-.e con- j Arms," and the assembly was in the pos- ; best judg. s ol llmr own wants, and will at ; ind which thou- session ol Ihe minority, and the White ( once avail themselves ol tne means thus; laborers vote to j Ixasue of Louisiana had made good its j al! r!cd to .eeuie additional supplies of! bring i.ick again under the rule of ih too j threats of scizim.- ihe House, many of the money as their business interest may de-' lid I-rue J'ra le. assistaiilsergcantat arms being well kuowu inaud. 1 tie cry Yours fraternally, II. D. W. cracy The supeiintendi nt f that colliery in- as captains of white league companies in formed r.s tint wiieu th. ir pay rolls show- : of their ticket; and by tle.-t.iig. as the lit colleague of these Uvo Jlemoera- this city. Notwithstanding the sudden- c:ul lV) l()1,er be made against e.-tablished . cd that s om e 11'm. r- were making 'S a j ness of this movement the leading repub- National l!a;ik, I t one of the principles j vc-U o toni.ritcj work, Ihe proprietors ask lieans had uot failed to protest again and j t,j tlt. IM;W law i that parlies with the! I ... I .1... ll r,.lc ,.f 1? I , r . . . ... Iti;i...l al.l'll.ll.. ...... A'. .... -x. turn ti e faeti ms in I.oUiuna hrf.se ui.oii ... !. .,11..., I..t lb.- . titration of Govern. '" ", t"1'"1ll i"-'' i vi " . .......... 1 - - - r- ...... I 1... (l.bf..riiiii..Y 1 . r 4 r.-o 1 .T n ri t c ttt fl ITU'IIV 1 TT UM Ulliuva vy j'j'k-.,"-. ' 0101- j . r -t' m .11 .'.liir tul n wn kai nn f irn :iti- i tS tsti -Tminalioii. That i the oi.ly leiwdy i l,'C CSC,,"r:,J,'S !J,5!,1" "'',,,"""'i 111 ,,i"lu" j tht. M.t!,.ti bi-;, c.;aipa!t,l with other the minority, hut nil to no purpose they luive proposed. 1 he l'rt sident ,l lot- 1 . " . , , . .- .i . .,: I home. Ibis h the "rcf.rin" which the l llliea rtuitcr, uu,.et i.a.ii, .iiui. I.1..1..- lain Uie pcacf1. and lo d.) this must employ the military. Thin, however, does not de termine the quetlioo ai stake. It only postpones that pUbmeiit, and, in the JlEKCHKH-TlI.TON THE 1'OKT r-TKn.MAN DIITHKIII.V AND SCAiU.KT KKVKIt r.lloADWAY SCIIOOLS-DKFIXTIVK KLfEn I)eniocta.'v :ii iniroduci .1. ...r-nn . 1,,. tl.n ...i, .1 I rv Id .1 i ; iilitl.r ' ' - iiniiitiiii, ... , . . .- into heated and excited partisans of the contending factions. The white League organization, 'u by no '.in coitliiied to "Louisiana. It is a r.nii- orgamatr.n, cxb i.tling ll.rouuhout him if the prices ciiid not be reduced, as ' again against this revolutionary aclion of i requiite capital tan go into the banking; business if th' y so choose. If pai'.ies UOW ! doing banking under State law do not ac cept the proposition of the ('ovcrnment to engage in a legitimate National banking business, our people will readily understand Ihe reason, and w ill most probably deter mine that they are miuus the available to 'woik. I'u! this was not all. About thne ; fouiths of the meu could not obtain einploy j ment at the-e low wages, j After 117, when the Democracy de- st royed the tariff of I?:!', by gradual re- ! tluclions up b 1S:", wlej duti.s apnrox- and many of the republicans rase and left the House in a body, together vvith the. clerk, Mr. Yigei.-, who carried with him the original roll of -the House ns returned by the secretary of state. The excitement now very great. The acting speaker di- the entire Southwest, an.! t r.o little extent mated g'l per cent., the great crash oe- ! rccte.'l the sergeant al arms lo prevent the ; p,m.i)aM. I,,,!. p. place in the vaults of the ! . . . . - . r . . .. ..... .1 l I ' ' throughout the Sooth I by its leaders. It is claimed, even cuncd, and wages were even lower up to and il "k,i'..lt 111 .I II) j'-o--r. tiI1- 1 i: j'-IU. 'I It J' l:wk t li";nj-iii;iilo Ilnsc y-Vi oolsi-y, not b it it.. n. ... t. ...... in Ki'.ti ..n.l r.i 1 1 I T'l 1 1 . ! til I ( tUl T I i .1 IU I 1 1 i J ami egress or ingress oi members or others, and Treasury l secure the (erntnent several exciting seutlles, iu w hich knives . tj,e p,.,,), j iss,it; f notes. and pistols were drawn, took place, and j This important feature of the law lam for a few moments it seemed thai bloodshed ; i:lllpy t-j say was earnestly advocated last ' 7 , ' V ,V . ;a,l the llorder, and here an 1 lhrr. in the utry proceeding tn J.ou.,.ana U fore the ..ia....,":. ,t... , - . . ,1 I ."(IIIIIII.III .'.ir.in, UIIM IIO C"lt VII in l.. . . . . . . country i!pou the ;rtvnju f!iit -soinrthinr; , . .. ! ne nMo ta ljai-chc any other Kind. improper has x en done lo a "Vover.ii'ii i' ' ; ' 1 -' . y. ,.,:,i i!M;in-r and la!'orersof Schuyl ! a democratic member Irom the parish ol innate, and -Toiix J. r.t'i"Ki: in the . I i I'M 1 Oil I IUI tl VI .l.ill lom nil.. . . 1 , i i 1 . ' . j 1 : 1 : T i. .... ...... (.... ......... ! . . . .... S'.atr."' tve may av to tliem in all serious j ' - - - I k ii county that il r. 1 tinocratie L'ongresa uraanri, moseu umi u.e iniioati power oi i nous:', m iaci, i may Bai,uicy nut me oi- was elected which favored Tree Trade. I the general government he invoked to pre- : lgmators ol the tree banking uieasme,au(t to wouhl ensue. . l tins juncture .Mr. nupre, witer 1. a democratic member from the parish of i anyiniug iiKe proiter vei.tuaiion. xne ! passage smell musty, the air from a hun i dred close bed rooms pouring into them, ! while not a window is opened in the balls from October till May. Not a pleasant subjects to speak ol, but one of v.;al im portance, not only to residents, bui I ) pro perly holders in .New York, for it is seri ous question where to lind a healthy place to live within a dozen miles of this city. Ni:v vkak's calls the NKv may-I and the moel rigid sanitary conditions o:- tiik WKATHKli AND lu'stxicss. J must be learned anil enforced where so ! many thousand dwellers are crowded to i gether, or living in the city is not to be thought ol. I will say that families w ho keep well ordered, well ventilated houses lind nothing to complain of in New York more than iu other cities. NKW VKAK'S ( A LI.. The young swells of New York made their calls New Year's Day iu the regula tion stilf shirt fronts, white neck-ties, with waxed moustaches. It was as cold as Greenland's icy mountains, and the young gentlemen hail a hard time of it. I)espite the appeal of Ihe Temperance Union to the ladies uot. t oili i their callers wine, it strikes Xicw Yoi:k, Joi. l-. 187.'. nn: i;::i-.( in:i:-riLTf) xastixens. ' At last Ueecber and Tilton have locked horns in the legal arena, ami Ihe world is expected to look on breathless. Tdion gained the first advantage by having the trial of the case transferred from Judge McCuo to .Judge Ncilson, which both sides appeared to consider very important. Ueecber came into Couit alter the room was crowded, and took his seat. The news papers speak of him as unchanged in ap-i pearancc, but I know lielter. I sat within j proved by many an used person. It is tbe tfreat Flood Pnrilicr. It is. a iosliir.i; remedy for our cbildren. It lias reliev,'t .i:nl cure.-l ti.oiis.aml?. It is very pleasant to take: ewry eiiilj Ii3 it. it relieve ami pure all diseases originating from impure blood. Try the VtnETiNB. (live it fair trial for your complaints ; then yon will say to voiir friend, neighbor, and acquaintance, "Try it : it bar) cured nte." Yegi-.tine for tlie complaints for whiel. it is recommended, is having a larger sale throughout tlie rnit.l States than any other one medicine. Why." Yepetine will cure these complaint.. YAI.UA1U.E IXFOIOIATION Boston, Dc. 12, lstji). Gentkmeti My only object in aiving yon thia testimonial is to spread valuable int'ortiialiou. Having been badly alllietcd with Ssilt rihetui:, and the whole surface of my skin being covered with pimple and eruptions, many of whieh caused me gre.it pain :md annoyance, nnd ad vertised blood preparations, among which was any quantity of Sarsapariilu, without obtaining any benefit until I commenced taking thc"Y tint, and before I had coinidett! the. first bottle I ?atv that I had zot the ritrht me'licinr. Con sequently, I followed on with it until I had taken -.even bottles, when I wa pronounced a well man, and my skin U smooth and entirely free from pimples an. I eruptions. I have never enjoyed so good heaUU before, and I attribute it all to the use of Yeoetine. To beoeiit those af ttU'ted with Rheumatism, I will make mention also of the Yeuetine's wonderful power of cur ing me of this acute complaint, of which I hnvr sliirered So intensely. C. II. TUCKER, P:.s. Ag't Mich. C. R. R., W Yash:ngton street, Boston. Vegetine is Sold by all Druggiets.. Januarr 1". lm. Hon. Simon Camkkon" in Ihe three feet of him, and where I could study ft reat j,fll 1;;ni,ut ii(jUor3 musthave jicss, though in the language d' levity, ; "that is too thin."- The old t w ad. lie about j sovereign Stales is eimply oll'eu-ive. Any J snored sovereignty, superior to American j nationality, that Louisiana posset-n-d, w .is takcti nut of her when she was forced, at ; ' (be point of the bayonet, out of the lhr.ru ir.fcderncy aud into tin Union 'u j.ouldami. it is not :caue a sov but respec' the acomtiliHlinu iu d its ourttt se. 1 !, is a ftatidi-i i'iejis.r !) po; ular governaieiit. his face at leisure. He has changed. lie is older than he was a year ago older iu beeu consumed. For toward night the young gentlemen wobbled in a terrific man- whiob ih'' Democracy advocate as a parly, ! serve tlie peace, ami tiiat a commiuee oe ; tliem m a great uegree snou.u tne crci.t ih- ; nave mat:.:, i neie is iook oi aii.-ue.j, a tlll.y c,niplaiii. d of slippery side- the basis and wag s would l'o down, and i appointed to wait upon Men. DeTrobriand, j long for its passage. I stated in a letter to ' sort of worn, haggard expression that to .fe " h llu,r(, js no a(1(j t,)c d ovn ih-y will g and they have no power : tlie commanding omccr oi me t . . troops you last winter tnav no uuut.ee ..ni wotu.t j me was aosomtciy paumu. xiaun i ic : sIllW(,, hu linatiou to sleep that betok- Th- redm-lion of fhities in I stationed at the Mate-bou-e, and request ! tie passed uuiess it contained in.; pr .posi- j years older t o nis experience, ' . . . . ...... 1 t T i r a:.pea.anee far beyond what a year should j nor thl!y went from the doors to theif br.vc maiic. There is a Iok of auxie!3 a; SiiKr.m.vN's tb.taib'd stateie. ol , waidi'd to the viar Uiliee miowk nearly mu! .b'! s couiut'.lted in the parishes ol lol - l.'atisi.ina. f r purely p ip-a! icivons. i That this r. nifseti'.s the full number, no one American t ... . . . , ,, , . ! !; ., ii!fc.iii..l W a M(.l. Willi tlllCl Jl II1CT? J an t'te.ite ..Jiooiivu i . ., .... , 1 II FT.! I ll oi 1 . I . - ;.oi:s: -n III n.i- ... , . vercigti . , . - . . , . i . I 1.1 ill, .1,1 .,..-..,,n.. Stale iiai "jccu uam.ca in toe m, oui i liecans.' the Kellogg fiaild ha been miv tnined, and ihe tVhli leaguers wlo made war on the lllh of Scptcmb. r arc, iu our judgment, renpon:L"o for that, if it had not U-cn for the demonstration on that Moody day that ther? was a formidable mi i litary orgauiatiou in Louisiana, prepared j ii many nist.ii!"-? luio.rs exciK-u , j j.tIlcrali,. ,.,j...-;.y ju tj,t. nrst (,,. j was accompanied with two of his staff ofti- The Democrats true to the precepts taught ing of their glances, but it did seem el rcuu-tk, and ar- not g. m-raly kiee.vn. j ' u ,,,, ,.,r t)i; ,.oun!y u,,tj j M.r8. As Cen. D-Trobi iand walked ilmui i by th..ir predecessors of l'l, are bolster- I that Tilton had the best of the cue lul Ibis evidence n!-. i.e of '.be bhiodthirsly ; ,.,-, ; jsTC. units-; the present j to tlie SjK'akers desk loud applause burst ous in denouncing the Administration, j He kept Ins eye fixed o:i his ant ,,:;( ..fib,. U'lol- I..a Ml" :m'Ih !'.r 'irtil'.C- ... .. ., , . ... ii . I., ... ... , i , . inc. .:.t l ...l .;,.! ...1 I , I lt prevent it. I le-r,:.lti tion ol ftiities in I stationeu at me ,iaie-nou-e, ano request i tie passett uuiess 11 eo.uaiiieu tie: p. .pusi- years o.uer i h ios eAoeie-ov.:, ...... "--" eUed cshatisthin. And their tongues were 1-70 and 1-72 V v a combination iu Con- i bis assistance in clearing tin: looby. 1 he j lion advocated by these. gentlemen, ami 1 . jaunty 1 rank -M-mtou snows tne eiiects oi thick an,j tIltir i,rcal,jn, heavy iu short, g.e, .d all the 'lb mocrals except three, i motion was adopted ; a committee ,.( live, j am g-atibYd thai I was not uu.-tak-n in the I the M.ain. Uj the way, as Tilton came ha, they bu any wi,ureacWf i ,ilouW have an.l so-ne of the old Tree Trade Demociats J of which Mr. Dnpre was made chairman, ! IUV!,m;U,,,k ! t' court he piiused within a lootoi Ueeeb- : jn(,,,t, ,,., f.,:rly on the vorut t0 a I ...i. . i ., ...t ,:, . i ...;,ii...... ,i...;...r I w:. Rent to wait noon ( 'ien. Ih trobriiiti.l. ! . l iito I.uri-IAN.V imi,..ik-i.!' : er. and the eves of the two met squarely. : , , ,. , :.; 1 .... 1 ' ' 1 " " ; . .. , ' - - , luuuKUtu a ucu. i il) lis, its ii tie. .I..II1U , ...... u. ... .i :. i 1 ...,.i .....,, i ivM. n...f .(t;.,r !.!!. ,-.,lii-,.. bcii ;.t nr. c.'f.t lit v. mM br .1 i Oi-iiH I o int ernri t. the mean- ' i Ilie rt 'i.'liioii lioie.M!. I'll toe pauic.uiu j ' "" .ii""v... ...... ...... . r., , - - , . liiFt-'l TICK FI l'FS gol their glances, but it did seem to me ; ucounter. I -ihe resent lire iu i irib avenue in wiucn t n t.r,, f-..,;l. 1,,..,,. ".n.Tbt frmn i tv.r. ..,........,, Ct ! ll ........ T .. .... ........ .... lires.ellt to tlie li('!lKer S iler K lotei til.Iiiause Ulirsi ous IU denouncing me .vwiiiiiiisli.ilioii, lie hem tits ee i..eu uj iii3 ...na.'ii.-i . . , , , , , , .,,.:. co,i,tnj spirit of the While l..agu- ra'Is ;.:o. c- , ;l,.;tm rorlvs p ,., cent. from the democrat it: side id" the House. ; tJcucral heridau, and every .one dilleiiug without anything ugly or wicked in the ; lu'U ciul au.i'eirect. which show the fi- lioll 10 1 UlOll 1111 U. Il is toe nm ... -) . . 1 C, bv it... l'r. -i.l, Ii! ill fioiiiii,, i',.iii..'i .:..'' , j - - ... .... . i .... t . .t u ...if ln.k.iii. t'ii tii.ti 1 1 k i.r...., i-. ...... ,.u. t ..,..,'.-. i i , l-itto. :i te.t ins i : - u I'.vi i i s1 to oe on i tie l tent. i ' I hi. rti'l 1 I '1 ll'Mi ii I II y'ltlll..-. ,tlil 1 .. .. ' i - l-iii - f'l.i.iii - -i., - - - - - -zz I .... . , c ti . . . , , ol tne iiiiest, nouses are cariuny laui, so that the ends come m conla-t with Lie dues I..,.. ,i.. nU- , in imkIi os t.tisiuess. I army ouicer. .or. in, said it ns not, i tan. wnose mere iiteenee is .... . nn: iwui. ui uk i.i.u i.uni"i .rauu- ,r . ,, , .,, ,r.t c ens llir-m am! rtrenares r it: l. i imi, 'i-"' - , ... : . . . .. i - ! Iho i"w: M "'H' l: V.-. M lliili.l . - to overthrow tlie State government t..ut j . , . , . ... . 1 in ihiamsooj I , la., long in i.oii.r.i lud with much ni'.sgiving been ret ognizetj , t tins ;cemt i cy. that th.e action of l.ishop ( )i lara in ivmoy- ; - . ,- Nf i).-ee. Mr. Willz then, in I .ier of their .'oim.'. but so at once.'" butouce 1 llllie IllO. I. SIS, illl.l 111. .!.... i.i.'i ....... j - , . j n . r . , : . . I... rr,A. r;rani. Phil Shciitian. with: J" ' ' . . I is entirely controlled that u:e aeiliiu ot jtis.ioj.w j..ii. oi it.-...--.-Lis bayonet would not be in New Orleans , . ,,;if., fro,n th). au,,:ll (,f An now. and th. fraud of the leturnuig Wrd ; j,, . hil( ,, Wlis , f(l!1 would have l.en imi.b:,'. As (.in Mute , ,v.fh bw ami discipliueol the Wagners retorts l , they ouht no , anJ tli(; it Ft is complain. They who take li.e sword ; Uy shall jrifh by tho sword. j v!uKt:sry :1(.eiat;o.. while a n.emb, r. The Wistir furi.ace, Hani-br.rg. has re- PoUsvlile Las au oyrter vm which was , ,,,,...,,;,,. - -A' t . 1 . -..-. - . plainly depicted, as uy me M.-ui,nor j Me uivi chisel, a woman ucau, u.-v, m.u vi-.u-.. The oyster was froica, and when it began " lo tkaw, it shrunk giJ'Bcwlut, and then 1 presented the appearauce of a female corpse i Japan -the ilia of the bivalve sming to neive the ,. n.,rn.t .i.r,..i i Mcsuu Ireatv. reduction ol duties. This is tie: ea.i-e of! Ib-li. 1 Irobrlantl asKcii uie aetmg peaU- , with tbem in opuuon, wnne tnu itcpuon- t iook, nut wuu me e.picss:o.i ot a imtu win. . I . . . . ......i-.;.... . - . .1 I. : 4 i, i i. l 1 . : .......!f . . I... .... . 1. ,.t..t. I i the continued depression in business, and cr il it was no', pisioie i u- inui io piesei e cans usiam .ent-i ,u in ani ami m- ' .t j- ueueteo hhumuh to wi- .... .m. nm. .m" i every bu-dneK man knows it. and conse- ; or.ler without appealing to him as a I'. S. jm-t, nud are loud iu their praise ol Shcn- j ll-ccher's bearing was dpially undaunted. is afraid lo .push bis business, i army ollicer. .dr. n ntz said it was not, dan, wbose mere presence is an awe to; i ne result oi me tuai c.iuuoi oe preuici- Yeu e m -'. l no protection or aid from a I whereupon the general proctcded to the ; rebels. When a gallant and daring ollicer, J ed. lint from the fact lhat so far nothing I, 1. 11.1 1'...., .......au .n 1... i ... Il.:i t.. ll... r,',..it .,,.,1 l.i.lj I l... I..,,i it.f f,li.,tnfl itiou.tfi, ... t.rii. i 1 i;UiO r:d ' 'otl'TCSS. b-eause Wemocracy j loooy, aim .touieff.-o.- ,f.nir ! iiir j HKf nan: tun., nniira ri iiiniwiiui.iu i.,i utii ii. .-. ... vi .i.w.il,., .t j-. York Kite ! crowd, peace was a I once restored. Ou I them disperse they "stand nut .on the or- sume lhat nothing new will be. The public moncj-chang'-rt of ihe country, who are the name ol tbe itencrai Assemuiy oi me Ins bad; is turned tney uecome i-iv.r, .ttm hostile to Ibfi productive interests of the; State of Louisiana, thanked toiienil De-' and murder ni.;o-. and harmless wdiite ,.'.,; ,.o ' Trobiiand for his inter!', rence iu behalf of' Hepublicans with impunity. The Xntlou- We have still considerable protection to '' law and order, and the Cciieral withdrew, j Iir,,ulh-n.i, siieaking ollicially of all'airs home labor and home imlustry ; but with ! The republicans had now generally with- I in New Orleans, tells the whole truth in the the p.-.venl rateii or wages i is not nde- ' drawn from the ball and united in signing j following paragraph : i;. Kl,,.f.(.n wllh labor "o;u down i a petition to the Hovernor, stating their i "The Louisiana disturbance, in a nut- l Ml,.,, t 'l "... rr . . still .Tea ter ratio: and he I grieynueec, am! asking his aid, which pt ti- j ,hel!. is as follows : The Democmts, see- abroed l.t a lehuia ma:.nf.ieto,v lhat ItinsH . hta.,, of itrlw- ofiered by the c.peralors foi I tion signed by lilly-Uvo legally ret tuned j jg that a i;-ublicaa majority waa te- iCofwotKlensho,. ! ,cr. will still .tver.ge one hundred per j members of the .o,,e ,s ... n,y posses- j .JJ-" nH Zn nriv-r .l'f-'r-n'Mes Petv. n ll.b.a and ' eent. higher than h.' wages that prevailed Hon. mmedbitely, iuhseriuint b the i $t COIllnuli(.ttll. they kid- iui.,1 r .1. ....!!..!. . ... t, ti.,.rnii.. 1-Vim- net on o Mr. ills in rieclmg Ine cierk of i. (ir m,.,.. Kenublittan members. a r anticipated iu oiiMn-nee ol u . coal j the Old lloue, Ih. UiHieii i.iove.1 that two i ai',d convoyed them beyond reach. Three later otv,rctm? to Mr - me , ;f ...atmrt i frnm ,,, i.arish of D- Sot:,, one 1 is not reason to doubt the report that they in io ns nw sis -i .' in i .. .-..i ... , .. . w ill doubtless be treated to the same old scandals -the counsel will twist the evi dence each to his own side.the jury will get their wise head together, and disagree, aud that will be the end of it. We shall the material for a conflagration, at a mo ment's notice. The Stirncr mansion, owned by a rich Jew ish tea merchant, took tire last, year from this cause, ami the mother ami daughter of a wealthy and happy family lost their lives. The magnificent synagogue on Fifth avenue t-M.k lire from a red hoi nail heated by the fim, into which it was driven. As one cauuot with any nssurance ol success inspect every nan Kcport of "The First "National KnnU of Knnbnry, VnS "Report of tbc condition of "The First Natloiat 1 Bank of Sunbiiry," at the Boron y.U of Sanburyr l.i the State of IVunsvlvattia, at b close of bu siness, on the 31 ;t day of Dec, A. I. 1S74 : RKSOCBCKS. Loans and di-comit f'.'IH.TTB 8. U. S. Bonds lo secure circulation 200.000 CO I'.S. I'.onds to secure deposit 50.000 fK) 1". S. liond oil hnnd TOO OtluT stocks, bonds and inortsittires.. G."iO 00 Due from n-deenini and rescrv.; asrenls Due from other National '..inks Due from Sitate Banks nnd banker?... Current eX'-enses and taxes paid Checks and other cash item l'rotc.-t itceoiuit Bills of other National Banks , Fraeiional citrrenev. (inelndiii!! ul'.-k- -N) - Lciral-tertd'T notes i:.-..Mnpi;...i. fund with I. S. Tr-a... en.O-J' 74 23.; 54 ta.f.yy ss J.475 5'i 5,ms oo ;.70o o" 7S,tH:0 00 !!,0eO (K. I.IABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in Surplus Fund Other undivided frolils Nati. iial Bank Notes outstanding.. St.it-"! Ban'.; Notes outstanding , Dividends Cn.iil Individual Deposit I'uHetl State Deposit Depotits of U. 9. disbursing oilieer D.ic to otb-r National Banks One io Stat-; Banks atn! Barker.... -7C-2,r.i;i 4:1 ..?-200,(HX) W .. SS.UOO 00 ... i i.0C4 un .. l.-jtl.20ll 0-.i .'..VST It:. .. "k'.ISI (i!r; ... 2.-.1.40J i .. U0.072 W9 40 ... lS-Vl'.t .01 .. r.,ios sra.sii.-. r. STATE IF PENNSYLVANIA: COCNTT OF NoKTHV VfHi:LANI, Ss. I, Saniael J. Backer, Canier of tlie :it)'ve named hank; do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the be.-t of my Unowletlge and belief. S:gi'(.( S. J. PACKER, CasLter. S'tliscrihed n:id sworn to before me, this ?-tt. day of Jan., lS7."i. Sigaedl Kst'i. WtT.vnr.T, Notary Put!ie. Correct AUest : ISiie.I,. JOHN HAAS, i "" A.JORDAN. SDii-i-ctors. t; VM. I. C.KEENOCOII, ) gittilutry, Jan. l., ls7."i. f'strny or n It oar l'ig. CAMF. to the premises of the sub-riber, at Ma rital Colliery, Mt. Carme! township, Notthiii.i berland Cotinly, Pa., on, or abont tbe 'il day of Jatmary, iS7.", a BOAR Pill The ow ner or owners are requested to come know jut as much w hen w e get through j iit.a,i about the hw?e every night "before j forward, prove property, pay charges and take it as we tio now, and no more. . i , , ,. .. ,- -. i. .i,;,,i, :,,,; t av-":'t v, ntltenvisu ;t ill he sold according to law I fear me ; goitig lo bed tlieleelings wub w men t.mia ' '- rtrrciurK' rnTP tbe gnat nnd important question an to : people lay their lu,ds noon their pillows j FREDEiUCK HE HER. Mil. Cai-uul township, Jan. S, 1873. 2ms. mg. w liella r Mrs. Kliz ibe.th Tilton and Key. Ileniv Ward I.iceber were verv. Verv .... c ., , MA YOU VI KHAM naughty, wnl be cue of the conundrums i that never will be settl. d. i st:uU tlnt lw n:a' is ar" j deut prayer of evry good Isew i orker. ' - V( O i)A I,f'r l:. AKeti:-i'f.'. Aili-U'' l --v V-itJof w..rkin ii.i.nis u- tiik roicr stkuman. I am sorry to have to swak of the ill- ness nf the lieliijbtful poet, Edmund Clar-! the corporation counsel His tirsl act w as to remove Debt field Smith, Th Mayor lw.?le ,.f boll. ulii: iii,i oi.l, ni:.Bf itK:P iootiev a; worK tor it., ..i their ...vti i..K.-ilit.. u'lriM'.-t!:cir xiHtt-.its, oi hi! tbe iiii. tuiiii at a.iv thev We oner ctni-lorrr. 'tl tliiC w:ll p.i lie.l-ie.iiriy tin-e-.rv hour's w,..k. "U l-ariieniie-a, tiiiis, ice., si-.il Irtt. .Suv is tlie time. Ouu't look tor T'.rU er lm mm t's- b;t e, nntil yon have 1-jm.si what we eff. r. . Stinsoji & Co.. Port hi. M.t.i. . 1:s. ly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers