Rates of Advertising. One iuch,(twelTA lines or its rqnivalest in SoDprfl typ,,) one or two insertion, $J,50; thrw insert ions fi.0O. fiPACH. 1m. 2m. 3af. 6m. It. One inch f2.60 $:J.U0 .4 t.00 $10.X Two inches 3.W. 5.00 7.0O9.0O 15.00 Three inches 9,00 7.00 9 .00 12.0U 1H.0O Four inches 7.IW ,00 J1.00 17.00 25.W Quarter Column lo.oo 12.U0 14.00 20.00 WUlO Hnlf column 15.00 1S.00 20'IJO 30.00 60.(M fins column 3O.0O 36.00 40.00 60.01) 100.14 yearly ail wroHeuieutu psyable quarterly Trsnnient advertisements must be jui.t before insertion, excel where .arcies have acconnts. Local notices twenty cents a line, a::d ten rents for every Rulineqnent insertion. Card iu tha "Business Directory column $2,00 per year lor the first two linen, and fl.DO for each additional line. Good barrels and butts must be in de mand while you live. Go and learn th cooper's trade, and when yoa have made a perfect barrel bring it to me.' The young man went away and learned The Sunbyry American Is !', ri.i:!n Kvi uv Fimi.w. i v i::i'L YJTXVUnT, Proprietor, '?.('. ' Tlur-l St., mil .V '.? ',"'"., i'-!-.i r;v, Al ti- Dollar :n! Kitty ! !! 'If' alt.-; !."''! i -.M ' :.:'.. : .I '-.'.n p j.i . s ..!! t i :iii .!.. r i . riii-r i- -,: : l- 'Lie I ... Y . ,. : 1 .1. ! in . t- ..- s. -. ' ' U V SUXIIURV. FRIDAY MOItXIXG, JANUARY 1875. New Series, Vol. , No. 42. Old Serfe. Vol. 35, Xo. 42. 1'V.tsttiliwtiiMl ill 1MO. t vnti s: M 5 .inv.i''K. IT ft f i -"ti l'ii!-:i nf ce'a'tr;ite.l I list ;'. lit :oi,. li:i- (Ji-i-i.vrn'il tin' 111"-? c rt-iin. spo- lv. pe:i -snl ;i:i 1 cti'ect'tnl remclv in tin- world lor it-I-:.SF..S K IMl"Kl !iK.Nt'K. Weiik'iess ol tlie B:ick or l.'.ml.s. Stricture-, lice! inns of Kidiii-v- an J li!::l.ler. Invoiini . . . - ......... 1 i .: : Uvv lii-cli;irrc'i. Il'i oiencv, i.ra i.n 'v.' Ni rvou-ncss. Pvspep-y, l.ati:"ior. Low .-iril-, .'oHfision o'l" Ideas lit:i t iti of the Heart, 1 111IK 1TV, 1 nvili:,:il-. I ..mm-.: .. i:-.l.-..... lli-..ic of" ihe ile:l,l 1 'lir.i..j. NY-o or SUiti, AlV.-ctioiisoi'l.ivcr, l.mi'', fci .inacli r rYw.'.s tlK'-o terriWe lisor.J-r r : -": ti LT IVoTM 1 1:0 Solitary iI:i',i!sol" Youth tli. r-l n ti.I c.ilitarv practices ni"ie fa'.:tl ' '!i,;r . . . " ' . I.-. ....,., M.,vl.i.. of .,:i-:i.:.ins. r -ti.l. T-.:- marrum-, At., iti.,..-- i(H-n:mkn 1.. . . 1 li.. ii-t i '11 o! Ni, :- T ii lee, inai ciea.iui ;iui u- -1 1 . . -- .1.. 1 14..T .... I . ...'.I'.' l:illlT .1 ,l,:rl!,1 W i.llllt v :.:! !no-ii:i'.'v sweei- in mi ntitiiiielv travi! thoiisands of voting men of the mo-t " -aite 1 1 I'.-nts and hrilliant intellect , w ho hulIi. 01 her-wi-e have entranced li-tenin' Si'iiates v.il h t he t h::ii!ers of co.n..i.ee or wak-vlto ecsta.-y the i::n" !vre, mav ca'.l with full o.miidenee. mai:i:i'.k. Married lVr-ons or Voting M n c.inte'ni'lat'.n laaniaei', aware of n.y-i ui Weakne--, ( i f I'rocreative I'o'ver Inipoteney ). Nervous .- i t : ! '. ! it v, I'a !j' at i .n. Organic Weaknets, Ner- miiis Iiehiiitv, or any other IM-piaiiiieation, -eeililv rc'irvetl. 1.: i. -.i ..rtiv a 1 w 10 in:. iiiiti iii uiii. 1 til ' 1 - ,v reiiL'io.-y emtide in his i,m..r .1 uctl.- 1 i:,..ac I contid'Mitly rc.'y ii"oti hi ik::l a-a l'i.v. ieian. OUHAXIC WFAKNF.SS. Iiao.it. 'icv. l.o or Touer, inimc liat. 'y n:ej ""n.Vs1Mr!''JnTAtuUi.i.-wia reiLlers Lite iai-erallenud marriage Lnpossit,;, :itheiena'ty ;aid l.ytlie victims of impn.i.er Iitttitt-tii'es. 011111: person are too a: i 1.1 oimii.h . m . . lr.'in not ln'itijrawarp of the dreadful eonseqenecs that mav n-ue. Now. who tii 1. let-stands ! 1- sul-ie'et will pretend to dei-.v that the ; .,w. r pi ocriti ion js 10,-i hooie i' ,ii..sv ' 1 - ' n; toper habit than by the prudent ? besides i ...,- ileprivcdthe pK-asuresof he.-; it hy oll-prm-, ; In-mo-t serious ami d'-s.tnictive symptoms to bot 11 bo-Iv and Jnind Hlipc. Tin-system becomes de- ti-ed. the l'ln-iral and Mental Functions akciieil, l.oss ot rroereauve ro-.ver, .mn, i'-iii.Llii'.itv. lv-f I'sia. ralt.itation of the Heart, J !:i'es;io"n, Constitutional De!,iiity, a Wast'UL' ot t he Flame, 'oldi, Consumption. Decay and it, ;;h. A ('IFF. WAKIIANTF.P IN TWO DYS. Persons rui 1 in health by ur.iearued pr.-trn- i. i s v. ho k.-ep th' tn t r i -I Iiiir iij-iit h aft'T month, ,,k;n p..:-onous and mj.nous compound, j s ;,.i u a'i in.. ii. i . 1K. .lnliNST;N. I , t : , ' . r ,!' the Loyai t'oileL''- of Sui -e.-on. I.oii- !!, .ra.i.:.,t.'.l f'oiit one of the mo-t e.aii::-nt i :',r in the nited State-, and tlie L-r,-a-,-r ) :,lt of who:e ife lias be. 11 sH-nt in the ho-p',;.i; . f Lou, Ion. I'ris, I'hiladeij-liia ati-I c'sewhe!'-, i a- ctV.-r-ted s..me of t!,-mo-t k-toni-hi:: c'-,r, -T.iat were ever known ; many trouble:! with ritii tr.a inliie head an t er.rs when a-y,-p, i-iv.it i .o.i-ni , bein: alarmed at sudden -onn.N. ..o-tl'-.l':iie-, with frciu.-nt bln-hin'. :i', '-ne.- d -a, -t;!:!,-- v ;!h d.-ral','"eui. Itt of mii'd. w.-r.- .-u-e' i-nme diatelv. I A K I" l'AK'I ! 1. LA !! No'i K K. ' 'r. .!. :'..!,!i'.-se a, I tho-e who have miurr : e iM-. ive by improper indulgence and solitary Hri'ht "s Fni'dinir, s I. N 1! I III , FA. I rn..-i..ua 1 o :!-. which ruin both body and mind, tintiitiiii; t.-ivine attended to. in tin- courts Noiihuin ,.r it!;, r lei-in.-ss. t tidy, -or-.-ty or tu :r- o. rl.ind and adbiiniu? i-ouet:,-. A!-o. in the i ..... V, '' and .'I'.Ni-iVM'ourt for the Westetn !. 'I mik are some of the sad an.l melancholy : tri't of F'nncvl v.tnia. 'l.-iims protuplly colle. t-!i.-.;s produced by early ha',;'. - of youth, .: ; f.,J. ':irt i.-ular att.-nt ion laid to e.i... A'.i. ' ., km - of i he Hack and Limbs. Pains in tin- r..f-.. ousulta: ion e.m ha I in the Ct- k. mo! li'-ad, Dimness of Sii-ht, Lo-s of Mi;-- ' man ' l.in-'Ma-.-. m n J.".."7 1 . :-, .; i I'.iu. r, I'K!)ntation ot tin-Hear:. Dyspej-y, N.-n..i, Jrritabiiity, ler:int'otneut of D:t:eMie ; T" II. K SF.. Attorney at Law. SVN Fuiictions, tieiieral' Debility, Symi toms of ( .m- , 2. IJl'IIV, FA., ode- in Ma-er's Fui'.dine . :mj i .on. ,v-. .near the Court llo'l. . Front K-.om up Mails Mi j vt IV The fearful effect on the mind above the Dm- Store. Coll.-.-tions uia !.- in N"..r-:,i.- me. h to be dreaded Loss of Memory, o:i- ; thumb.-rland and adjoining: camte-. : ,n of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Kvil- : Sunbury. Fa., June s, 1-7.'. i -i. bodii.. Aversion to Soeietv, S.-:f-Ditru-TJ Love of .-ootud", 'i imiditv, ,V., are s..me of t!,.- Q I'. WOI.Vi:itTX. Att .ru -y at Law. . ieoilu.-ed. " O. Market S plare. Sl'NlH'F.V.FA. Pro-".-- iou- 'I ii. -, M.s of ..-r-oiis of all iie.-s can now ui bii-ine-s in t his and a, '.joining count ie- j.i ompt v, hut i- the cause of their decKniui: lie.ilt h, I y a I tended to. i..-: - their i-.'..r. beeominL'. weak. t ale, nervoil- . i.ud ema ialcl, l.avir.u' a singular appearance ;,!,ii! the .a, -. eou-'uand -ympto:uso!con-ump- " " ' Vt'l Ni; MKN ii-. d th niseivcv l.y a certain jrae- tee iudu'L-'-d in wh'-n alone, a hal.it lie,Uei.t !y . l.an.ed f'i. mi evil conil'auioiis. or at se!:.-.o!, the .11. -is ,,1 which are ni-htlv fit, even wh.-n ' : -: ;. and it not cured, render tnarriatre inipo- m -. . n l il. -ir.iv- both n. in i and lj.lv, Me'iiM ; ; , iv i)i :u.-diat.-".y. ' ' u 'n.: ,( pit that a V..UUL' man, the lop of l-.k ..:::lrv, t he ilarlini: "of bin parents, should ': : atchl-i-. from all pro-pcets and enjoyments t , I , bv the com-cjueiiee ,,(' deviating from tl.i' Jatho't nature and indul-ini: in a certain seen t I r.i!. mi, i, perron mi-st b, f..re cnt.-mflatin- yiAKi:lA.K. l il.'. i. that a sound mind and body aretl.e mo-t v . -s-ary re,juisit'-s to promote eoiiintUial liapj'i- : lnd. ial v.itiioi't these.the jourm-y throu-h ! b one a weary pilt ima-e ; t lie pro-pet 1 lv ik-i,.- to the i-W; the mind becomes . i. lowed wit ii d.-jair and tiil.-d w iUi the no Ian- -tio;v reflect ion. I hat the happi'n- of atiotleT ...lies !,!i-ht. d With OU.--0-.;.. A C KF.TA1N DISK ASK .IAIN DISLAS1-. Wh-n the mi.-L'ui.'.e.l and nupruileiil votary of l iea-nrc tind that lie ha imbibed the seeds of t iii- pa in lul disease, it loo often h.ii-n that an i i-tiiin d seiie of shame, or dread of dis. , Aery. nt.is him from KpplCui to those who. from t ,a ation and resn.-c.-tabiity, can alone befriend b.m. d-lavitiL' till the constitutional symitonis o! t his honi.) ii.e;ise make their appe nam o, such .-.ulcerated sore throat, disea-ed no-e. iioi-tuia! , -lllis ill li- IH .l.i ill. lillO.s, .lllli.I- -i", o.afn.-". node on the fhiu bou and arm-. ldotc,c...n the head, face an 1 cxtr-mit i.-, i'to- ; ins :n i ii' lead am: inn. inii:i- oi -:-ai. i -- ::i wit ti I II-in I u I rapiuu v , i ' l alate of the mouth or tin- bones of th- nus.-fall . . . i . ... . . ... .1 . ' in. iii ,1 il,, victim of thi awful dlse-isc beeoiues . :i iiorri-1 object of commiseration, t:li b'.iih put :i eii..d to hi dreadful sulierin-. by sciidin-; iiini to "that I'lidiseov. r--' .einti I: i n uii.-u- -tra-.clicr ret urns." It i a melancholy fad that tlioii-anl- Dili Mi-tims to this terrible di-e i-e, throuuli fallini: : to the h-uiils of I'iiorant or un-ki ilui I'KK 'i KNDF.FS, who. by the u- of tiiat deadly I'ni n. M.-rcury, V;c., "destroy the constitut ii.ti, and m-apablc ,,t euriiiL', keeji the utihappv sutler.-r t i. .nth aft-;- month t:ik;iiL' t li'-tt lio ion or in jarious com octid. and instead of beiu re-lore, ' t-i a ri-neV.ai ot I. lie i-'.r aim uappii.c-s. in ue-. f .. ir leave him With ru.ned Health to sj-h ov-r Li L'aliiu ilisappoint lit. '1 o such, therefore, Dr. .Ioiin-tos ,'.-,!-. s him-.-: to preserve the mo-t Iiivioiab'e Si-, r.-ev, and t. om !.i cxeu-ive ua tice and obs-. vat ions ia tiie .jreat llosjiita's of Kit rope, and the tir-t i:: 1M- cunt ry. viz : Kn-iiand. France, Philadelphia : ::.! cl-cv. hi re, i enisled to oif.-r the most c. r 1 .1 a. -in-eilv and elfeetual remedy in the world t .1 all ,;is,-a-i of inilTudence. HI!. JoitNSTON. ! !, F. N'o. 7. S. I I'.I.l iFI'.ICK STKKFT. r.Ai.TiMoiir, M. D. ft hand -id.- -.en- fr.ua Baltimore street, a f-w i'ooi-s I'l-'iu thec.uuiT. Kail not. to observe name : nd i ntn'-r. ZH No ,tt-r r-e-ived tinb-s po-tp:ii,I and C .mtainii L' a stamp to be use.', on the r-p,y. 1,-r-soii- w r:t in- fiioiild -tale a jf, and end a portion ! adviitisem. nt t.'cii!.inir symptoms. Tie re are so many Paltry, Dcinin:: and Worthies Impn-t'T advert ifin th-mseives a J'hysi. i:n. 1 1 iilin-: w it li and ruining the. l.ealth d '"all who unfortunately fall into th. ir power, that Dr. Johnston deem it necessary to say ;-- eeia'.'.y to those unacquainted with hi ret.uta li.in ti'at 1.:- Credential or JJii-liHii.! always !..m in 1.1 orb, e. F.NDOLSF.MFNT ol" "I III". I'UFSS. Tin mat.y tlion-ands cured at this Ktab!i!i in, ni. y- ..r ato r y.-ar, and the nuineroiis im- -oit ant S.ir-'eal Ot-.T.itlons performed l.y Dr. .l-.hii-toii. v. 1 1 n - - 1 1 by '. he representatives of t he ; r, sj :m, many oil er pap. r.-, notices of which nave api'i-ai id a-a in and a -an before the public, l.eid-s iii- stand. ni: :s- a treat U man of character and .-c-poiir-ii.ility. i - a sutliejent LUaraiiiee loth r. l!!;el.d. Shin ilireas,-- s lily cured. pi:i ::. 1 lv MMIill! AM I'iAMM; 1III.I.S. '! lii.t Street, a.lj.iinln.,' Phila. .V Fal- L. !!.. to r-nii.iies Noll h of t he Cent . a 1 llol-i. sFNI'.t ii V, FA. ;.'.! T. Cl.EMKXT, T piepaied to furnish every ib-scrlt'ti. in of lum .1 l.'-r required by the demands of the public '. i.. i!- all the latest improved machinery for ..iiuta.-iuriinr Limber, he is no-.v ready to :..! or ... is ! aii kind of i !.n iiiiNi;. sidin'i;. Door.s siu'ttf.i.s, .sH. I'.LINDS MoVLDIN'iS, VK i: AN DAS. BHA KLTS. .. -. 1 a'l kind- of irnaiiiental S. row 1 Work. Tuni j,, o! .v.iy descrii.tioii icon, ptly executed. At-o, A u;:.,c a -soi;tvi:vt r hill LUMiiiu:. KI M L K ami PINT.. Also, Shin-'u'-", Picket-, Lathe, Ve. Order proniT tlv li'.ied, and fhipied bv Failroad Pa I K T. CI.KMF.NT. ?3rcfcssicr..t! J sa.fi! s. i:i.i. T':"i:rv mi.i f : " n i i .s. at l.;vc; ;"o;. I'.-i ry coiiiity. V.. A'.i t!iii!i-- matti r- in tin' f.miit io of N.ntli- niiiliiT'aii'!. Sny.liM. I'nion, l'-iry an.l .luniata jnompt'y iittrmlri! t.. oii-ultatioii-i can lie h id in the 'o'nn:m ami J.i:i:;:-Ii l.muaL'i". apiil J 7. IsTI.-ly. , y 'DMl'Ni) DAVIS. at1'h:m:v a i law. .-I N1U UV, l'F.NN'A. ( tdiee in 1 1 1 11 't " I'.iu!!;!'. at !i si.. of Mar-ini.r..Tl.-'.y. k' ' '""''' sr v. att(i':nfv at law M ' Ot MY MlI.l' Tlol!. , '..licet ,os ami ten. I.iis.ne- r.P..11 Ill'-mlr l to. ..wri!,..iif ITTII'.'VPV tT I. W .... .- - onirp in iTriu:". s liiul.UMj. int 11 I'-'-l ,,r 1 of Marke' Si,iiare, SmiMiry. Fa. Si-i: 1 u. Atti"ntio r.Mt to t'oi.i.n Ti"N-. A'lT'HINT.T at Law and I'viTrri S: TT- ('tiiln--l.ri. !iii-f with i. Uover. K'.. in itntn? 1! IiFmu. Stiiit.iiry. Fa. An-. 1 v. A. x. iticcci:. ATTOKN FY AT LAW, ............ ,c , - i? , am A-Tis.. .11 .-IK K r Titr. IK At F. , N.-vt I)o-r to Jud-o TordanV Kesidenee. li-st ' tint Street. Snnhiirv, Fa. ..lleetions an d a',1 l.-zat matter : romptly :t ten kd to. ; JEREJVIIAH SNYDER, , ATTOF.NF.V A'l LAV.". AND 1rX jrVTIfi: T THK li:.l'K. C.iiivevane'mir.thooolle. tio-.i- of ei.'.im-.'v: ;tiu ,,, , " ".-,,' ':.",, a,.., '',,.1. ran be cm-il!- ' cd ill the Kuult-h and b lau laiiL'iuye. 'iiiee form(.r;v ,.,.,,-.,, ,,v Soion.ou Ma lick. K.-i.. "i- ((tju. y .,, 1s,n,i,!lrv. I'a. i ' r,-i, - s;:;. lv. " j . ' " . f- .. ITIXC:F. v . .Mtornev-at-i. iw. i ;KtIKiF.To'VN. , Northuiubi-ri and F y v. .:. Can be con-.iite I in tie" I'.li'':i-!i .in,! li.-rni.. :i laneuai'.-s. Collections aiten h-1 to in N'oitii- , iitnb.rkind and adjoinini: count ies. ; Al-o .L-ent for the- Lebanon Vai'.ey Fir-- Li-'i- 1 r.i tic- . iii pa ny . i'i.i'.. I. tl. It.tSi:. Attorn-y ril II. It. KISL. Attorn.-y v. Law. M.N X, IU'i:V. I'A. Ollice in Market Nit:ire. (adjoining the o:ee of W. I. t.ieenoa -n. K'.. ' Pr.des-ional ba-:i.-- in t.; aTn! a 'join;' - comi ties promptly attended to. Sunburv. .March in. I7.'.-lv. VV. G. PAGSCER, Attorney at Law, SunbTxry. Pa. -r ;i. 17:. tf. O It. IJOVK5!. fo:-n-y and Conn. .r 0 at Law. Koonis N..-. - " n l Floor. TT II. .lIASSKIS. Attorney at Law. M . II, 1UF.V, FA. Collect inn attend d to it the count ie of Northumbcriand. Fiii-ni. Miyder. l.aw. SI"N- Montour, Columbia and Lyeomiti.'. aplpi.r, I O JOI.(t(X .'I ll.lt K. ATToUNKV AT LAW, 'fih at hi residence on Arch street, one .Uare north of the c'ourt Hou-e, near the jail. sFN- Ill'KV, FA. Collections and all prof.- i .rial biisims proini't ly attended to in thi- and adioin- in:: counties. Consultations can be hid in the German lanu'u. rjr, .IalVJ7-ls7.'. zir.'.l.M'- I - " !:"! M' H ZI I'.ti I.Ki: A ICOIIKtt it'll. ATT'iHNKVS AT LAW, li;!iee in llaupt's I'.uildiirj. lately i.eeupi.-! by Ju.le Kockelein r and L. I . liohr'.aeh, .-'. Collections and all pro fes-ion.i! fni-i.e-s- pr m;.tly attended to i:i the Cmrt- of North-.ttii her'.a nd a ml :n'..ioi!:in'' count ies. D '.. lil. - - Ir. A. V. fUUK, J. Ml-. Dotiuel's buiiilinu'. up -tails, .-.hove T. 1 H. II. Ka-e s law oll.ce, " p .s.te it.- Court Hou-e, Suuhnry. '.i. .lui.- I .'. 1; t. i'. mo. j.d. f II. CA FHV A I.I. IH1K.M irk. t Si-, ( . KJ m sFNlilFY, I'A. Dealer in Dniir. Medieines, Paints, ii;;., Ma - - . Varnishes, Li pior, Tobacco, ;.. n-, Fo-k.-t !5ok. Dairie :, .v. T""le tAIM"l, Ollice in I XJ Store, Clement House Lioek. HU bo It. . II li;il, l.'tUee In ll,ll' I'll f..., II , t,i In 1 . . .,, f.'i.i.i .'. f.i 'I ... " " ' ' i '" - r "H other hour, wh.-n not Pi .if.-s-iona 1 1 v -n- aire.! can lie loumt al to I e i n-e. on i'. -stunt Street. sI'NLl'ltV. FA. Fuiiciiar ,-tt-n!i..u uiven to surgical cases. Will visit P.,t;.t:t-eitli-r in town or countrv. hotels aub ilcstunniiits. -i.i:mi-:t not si-:, -i h.r.i sn-.-.-t i j Market, Sn-ibmy, I'a. THAU. s. SIIAN- NOV. I'lopri.-t. I! i en- in-.it and . i of, ab.e. a. Ill Tab; supplied with the d-iif-aeies ,,f t! ind the w.iit.-rs attentive and o'. i sunqurv. April ','1. 1 7 I j T 1 I 11. IP I II l. IIIM . t. J KIICHUN, Proprietor. M.p..-ite the De- pot SHAMOKIN. I'A. F.-rv a't'eu'ioii -iv.-n to tr:;vpI!iT-. ;iiul ti.- Ni-T n ci-, c.iiiio In t inn- l';v-"i. A 1 r; 1 .. 17.1. TI' MSIII;T0 HOI Ml. C. NF.I-F Pro;,; ietor. i'l.ri.er of Market .V Second Stre. t. oj.vo-ite tu- Co-art Ibei-e, suid.ury I'a. ' M iy-s."7'i.' VI.I.IK-IIKV Y IIOISi:. A. P.F.CK' Proprietor. N'os.sF! and H Market Street, above ci-htii, PHILADFLPIIIA. Term, p. r dav. He l .fi t l ii ;i y -oli-it your j.at ron- .lanii N'ATIIfNAI. IIOTIII.. AFlit Tl S . WALD, Projirietor, ieor-;eto-.vii N'oi'ih'd ounty, Pii., at the Station of the X. C. 11. V. t lioice wine and cisrars at the bar. 'I In' tiibleis supplied with tlie bestthe market nt'e.rds. (iiHi.l st.ildiiit: and attentive o-ti'-i-. II I II l i: l.'S ICEVI' A l it A Ai T. LOI ISIll'M MFL. Propri-tor, Commeree St., SHAMOKIN, PKNN A. H -.lje; lust, refitted the above Saloon for t'n accomodiition of the public, is now prepared t' scrvi .lis friends with the bet refreshment, and fresh La-r H-cr, Ale, Portei , and all olb-r in-i It qtlor. w. s. r.noMis. J. I'm k i i: n , u j s. itiiis .v ro., Ki.Tvii. nr.u. tin m ANTHllA 1TF. COAL. SI NiiFKV, PFNM'A. Ill I I. E WITH IU. FaoI I.Y V ., Order left at Se.-isUoilz .V liro"... ot'b e Market I r.-et. will receive prompt at'.-ntion. Country ll-tolll respectfully soiieit.-d. Feb. 4. IS 1. tf. i ; in I ; ANTIIKACITK COAL '. TAI.I'ATIXK IIKT7.. Who!.-.., IJefail dealer in every variety of vthi:acitf. coal, t pi-fk yvhapf. . ,-VUt-VV PFWI St tt-'i'i . . ,, , iinds of Crain taken 111 cxchiinLfe lor Coal. . i solicited and filled promptly. Order left I All 1: Orders :,t s V v.-vo.-c 'on feet ioncrv Store, on Third' tr. -t. will relieve l.roinpt .It'elltion, and iiioncy ; reeeiptedlor, the iiinc as nt the ollice. . - , c ,,,..,.. .....a-i' ,, Tl.inl -.ml o,0,o' ,IOS" r-,,TI' '" 1 . nusim-s ..l-.ii..; i , m. cp. WVFonn, Proprietor. frr.VMSTKY. 1; 1: Din; v. m. in: NX. Ik S',,1, .:!: Jii'iJ'lhl't, J.',-7f S-lfirf Si nhi kv, I'a., Ii ri'pnrcd to do all kind of work j'crtaiiiiuir to Ii-ntitry. IIo kcpp con-tantlv 011 liaml 11 larc assort ii'iciit of Tf tli. ami other Pent:;! material, from which In' will In- iililcto select, ami imw itie wants of his customers. Ail woiK warranted to -ivc satifac;ion? or cl,e the inonev n l iiiidi'.l. The verv ln'!-t Month Wash an.'. Toot !:-low lei s Kej'l on hand. His references are the numerous patrons for vh. en he has worked for the last twelve years, Sani.nry. Aonl JMs. '. WAX CitM. VAU!. fliK inidersiirned having connected the Coal 1 !.n-'ui. s- with his eten-ive KLOl'U V (iKAIN 1.. ,.t-..T:.ir.-.i i.. .iii.nii- rn,ii;ii- wiih the 11. in. . I " 1 " II. 1 1 thv lti vniKioti,. ibs:ai i'ok si5. F.::ir, Stove and Nnt. constantly on hand. (Jrain tal-en in 1 xeii.ine lort'oal. .1. m. cAnw.LLAii:i:. Siml.iMv, .Ian. 1".. 1S7U. If. Ii:.r.clIi.rrtt.u:L':.. SI XI5I kv .iiaickm: Y ll!. fourth Slrt'ot !'! larltel, srxr.niv, i'ex.va. rpilK nn.ier-'um d lias ret irn. d front llie Ver- 11! M.irhie (Jnani'S with 511 Ton- of. Marl.;..- for troiuuiM'tits. ;rao-Slo:M-i, t Ac Sri: ... , ' IT.. 1, . l.oii,-1,l if Biieli ti 'llles that 1 uil! nllow l.itn to sell hett cr Mono, for '.'rJl l' -s money, than heretofore. I he best : il ( . 11 11 11 1! ' 3,ulliorlaiil ran- Aiarnio, -.vhieh is latter than Italian. Itntland is now so d as low as the Manchester. Those, who need iinythinu' in the Marble lin, for Monuments, (irave-Stones, or other purposes, w ili tiuil it to their interest to call ami examine. this hn-ee stock, as better bargains can be -ee'ir- . "'l tbati biiyinc from parties -.neksteriiv';' roi-.nd , .... ...... ... . ,,, - All Jettenn- will be done n the t.oatot ami ""-t !'I"-v-i ...,,,,... J " ' S.-.;tibury. .Tan. 1 1 , 1 s7:k JOIIS M Al l.tlY. Ii- W. I KI-.HY STP.W II,4IXIX JMM.S. MiLL!.i:s!in:;. fa. ni:a;li:v & pekuy, Manufacturers and Denier in riutirin, Siiline;. Surfaw r.oa:.'., I.atli, ; And ;'!! kill,:- of Sash. Door-, Shut,, a-. Hand-'. ; Mo'lhiilies. tVe. j Ib-mlock .V White Pine Hill 5: -Itl'. an ! ail kind ! of iiuilditiL' Mat- rial. I Stair building and (tr:n-h woik a s;-eeiaHy, Manh Kkly. M.v. ii Kr.TT a !iti:i:k. DFALKUS IN II A Ii D W A II K. ;r'n.i:i.v, iko.v, ;rxs, xaii.s T )()!, koim:, m.ass rru.Kvs, I'AIN'TS, 1TTTV, OILS. VAI.NISII, shoe nisriDi jntg s, t i i in i: r.t i.tiv.., fishing 'I'iii-KN'. Aiiiiiimiiliii. A !-:li line ofirool- .it low j.iiee. no Tiioriii.i' t ) ir( v i ; n ids- !'!' i e cull ;.;..-! . v.: :i.':n- -s!. Ol Till: ANVIL. MAIII KY lA. .L.ne "., 171. ui:r.t it ii wiiv : Tin- i:lia!lc I a in ill ."! iinc. D1AKKIIKA, Dvateiv. I'hol.-ia. Summer ,' Complaint. C-am-.s.Ytc. ,,uich:y cur. d by ; the u-. ot dAFDi'.LLA'S C, .mpound Syi up of Bl.iekl.ei i y Uo.it an I Kiiu- ! h.ub. An ol !, w.-i! tried r-m.-dy. entirely v.--.-- i t ib, pl-a-ant lo take, quick an I c-t.:l:i m it!-.;; cm be depended on in the mo-t ur-nt ca -- : maybe ".i.-n to the y.ei.,.-t infant a- v. a t o a.lult -. It contains No CAMl'HOi: Ol! OPICM. ii i a ideas int cyti.i. t and r.-adilv fas-u ( :i:e!ien. II h i- o-l-n -ae I ot.- Wlien n -! can had despair-, t. K-ep it in the l,,.n-e ti-.- in tine-. Aii we a-k for :t is a tri-i'. Don't l.-t your dealer put you oil' with som.-tiiln-; el-.-, liny it. 'Iiyit. Soid by Di u-j-.-Nt :ii,d st-e.i-Kt"-: '. hron-lioiit t Iii St r. . I'r-p.ir- I o,,lv bv ' HA N'sKL!. .V lll'.O.. iul'.',-:;ni L''i"'"l Maikct Str-i t, Philadelphia. S!I.IH) l ..IMS. i'osu'oxhwmvt. A (JraiMl Ciill Conceii. A i.li iMi . II 1' .Si J I.T tii- I :t.i, j . ii il'ASY, V, sal Si. l iN s i I M I On THI liSi.AV. IT.Iilif i;y - 1 1.-- I !. .ii. tie- i ire . :.li :-,,'.-t I. tii ,1 tile, be ,'i - I, "I 'Ie I. !!,. A !i-uvi tii: arti;iii. I -.v;i;jr O. Ill- I : -!; ;. I ,1 ! ..' t-T il-. 11, il ,..,MI., -Ii, . ,i' l,..- iie, -in. I :.. -i.. , l ii ii t la- i lll-ii, .. .: . 1 t-e l.il's hi:: : l,:ll:i -I I -: . , 111. .-: !),. ;.e:ier::l 1 a : a i. t-:i.,i,lei .. i.ioi.-. ... ' in- ii, ..ii . :!,. ..::,-..: an.l 1 .1 :. I ! I- l!i- 'J:;V:;Vn:':r.a,e,::,-:..i-.,.. , .... .-i,.,:..ci -sn.iiii 1 ue i.aeie.. .liali ui l.-.ia iel.:o,t:i;.,- t.. li n.-vii..m.i ..ns a.-i-ess.).!.. l.y lioni in.- t.i, t 1 ' .'. ;- v. n: t. :ai I a.!-,,,.,!- i ". n.,.,.,; . --'t n - -a- t' ti ,.."n . u ;. v, . :i t.i- i .'. ',1:.. ; . ...It e v ie -n i-.u!i ,1 in - , ie !,, .l.sii In,,. ., I Is I:,. 1. .. I i,,, -I niia i-n : nel.s i.l Sue! .::. I ".in.;,,;, II. ;n Ml.e.l.lii: j 1. 1 1 y li 1 -mull 1' ' I . - v. .! !, ,i..i v.i, -.,.-:, I--,.,...,., i la tlie l:a-.ilt :.se...li:..- a..;. ': ta l: 1. i -s tliai- mi i.i ..ir s 1 1 1 ni' ; uif .-.' I .,- s un.- .in,. - . ! ,M- II" : I i a ,1. I'll' II I -i i-n ' l i t a- t mi.- :iiH,ir naaii i ;,! il ., v, il -. i in: i ui.i.'.wiNi. is . i.isi or i tn i.ni i.i: wo i.ii i' li . Sl.""" I '.,1,1 1 1 :!! -i . Il li.tts l,l .1. HI 1,1, HI J ,1 .. Ml I .1 M H I I .'"HI t -.'.., .iio'l--,1.1 1 oi I. L I'S i, l,s ,; I 1.' Ti li.-i- I i. .-nl'-r;,r:s.-i n, , i ieh . i l n.il p..- in.itain, hu.-Ii an l',;s h,l I ,,1-til'illi- ,11 III, at l::laile,i" li, . s. I. r . : a -a ; nl ta!,. i will n-vm- l.-iillTiii rl!. i w Ai u- -.'-i..""; Ti. ... -s -t A,tiinssj..ij i., i hi-. r,,ii. ;;: il,,.', , uli, an, I ::t the tllli- J.n.,f sl..t. ,i th,. T ...' .a in i As I i,::: s -wil I.' .list I il -at. a. I I. AN ni' I'l-i i:ii:i i piN. t 'I v. ,i-;, th, a ; in, I I: ,rii! : h, r. -r. .-"elitii.i; aiei err. . . l.,,ieliiiL- ".in tla.s. ..a tlie r.-r ii t- l-ni. ..t, v.'ll I,- I.-.. . 1 z:::r; t :r;:';nl,'l'.'i:r !:,';;;;:,;;!...'-: 1 1 'i! i t if v. h i 4, a it iiiiitp-r rtitil 'iw I t he u-xiw- t;nu- : i -i iu-i M.H-ii imdI-- ki Ii hlkt II MllHlH.UH-OlMlV. 'J h" i.uiaU r irAv.li in .hi tli-ii w)i4-.-l -..'ir.- t fit- n- ; l.UIIIII ll' .J'il.T.1 II "X Ml'" I .O'l I'",' 'I "I rilll' 1111' . Ir-.m '.tli- r. I t.iH .-t.i.jmii will )-rtoriiM- l.y ' hln. 'I 1'i'ixm, c.nit;iiii ,i unil I.l;rli1c( n H tlli-li t-.l au l"!t-' . n I'lcfiiitnii- ii- i f. tti-'- 1. Ill- ivi-lriit i ti.it l. ; hi- i: 'w -'-', i t.i i i t-T in-t i-in v. ill f ;iiini-i m j:.t.i ' ii - f . All ...its I' .i.l i'. t sl 'Ai'i'.:i! l!M'..mt. i ... .. . II.... M" UV (Mil It' II Kb' I i i h I i III n i-is.i.ru I'U'i in I ', isi i ui a-.- xi . in v i ii i i.-i ,,i lo I . x i ,r. -s at ..oi- x i - k. I: .1. -ii. -I. I a -sets will I-- - nt t, I . v j o-i -s. I . i. I'. t l i..- !-,i,.v.ii,,; -. n'i. in. n have kiintl.v i.iis.-iHe.l ' a. t :,s . rii-r.-.-s OT tin-aloi iltt I'-liei rt : S. p. Wolvrrtmi. !!.. Hioel-r ih II. and V.". I:. I:.: ii. ,i. Mill, Attorney nt : II V.-. I.. l.-:ill, .- ( , i..r..t r..i,-i.'-: Yv.. I. ir.,i,,ie,, K-t., lure.-- , i.i In -f N.;i,,ii..l I iai li ol Siml.i.r ; .lohn Haas, la-.)., T-,,'"!;'"'-. "' ' ( a al !. I. licit. Minnill V. "j lie m no.: iiaiie-t v nth in. a n lii:;liiii.iui' d ion! i,,,; ili,i, ,, ,, v i... v...,i!,i iu.t lend tlinr iihiih-s an.l -.-1.. ;,n mo..itiiy ..t.-et. s ri. s. Ill M.11ICK ''V' ,',N. l.i.v'l s'i;.sh'.i?. l lltl.ll' XI. HHIM'I I., (.numi ti-. Ai ....uuiuin.-.i,..,, cii-inellv :.sw-r red. A.l.lr, -s, ,.,,.),. ... S. I .XI. I.!, , r. s)..-al,ii. s.-er. t;.ry. - ' ' : ; , : rpJJJ. .SfXIHiK V AMl'IMCAX A. ; t Tj(C Jj,rfrt ntti JIOHt I'lWtplc - lisl.mctlt ! I to F.stnb- IN THIS SF.CTION. NKW TVFF. NI". AT WOKM. IMFKoVFl) i'lIKSsTS SK1LLF.D v.-.,;::; MKN. m:im.ks ii:ttiii t.x iii.e.i.d. re iMMi-K-; mouki: 'n:.- r.ooK, caim) and .ior. r;;iNTixi; F.XF.t t"l F!) IN TI!F. 11KST sTYLF W FDDI N; CAKDS. ! isl'I INti C ALUs. SHOW I'Aill'S. I! LL TI' KKI. i ; I'.l.ANKS. I! AND1ULLS. MFFCANTII.i: LF.7TKU IIMMiS. NUTK IIKADS, FILL I!F.A!i, t ! FNVKl.oi'KS. . AF!iS. ' HF.i KS ND !i: Ai'IS. i ')'.' ) I il.'. M x! !'. D'H.i;i. us, FAFF!! liDoae. M MI MS IS. i iF' i i. i:s. Il. ijtliiu- I'l it is li, edc I in the p.iiiiin de partment v.,11 be executed with pro!-; t Ii --s an I at low pii.-e. All ate invited to call and e.i ; 1. 1 me our hamj... -. No tiou'-e to rr e ' -t a i it,- Mi.I show -.,.,!-. We .1 rfr.Fv i- thi- '" all. who call for th ;l p-n-.j-e. without . a I " I i,i,-i . t .- -. :i.s ilp;:...i. VI-.-: .!- l':ii'tin-'. thati'sfully receive I. ! 'le- DI'L WII.VF.KT. Proprietor. t NIII LV. I'A. -A.C i iT'i t : un :;llt Is TIM hf.st iv i:hisix; mi:dh;m In t h- ' '-'lit r ii p .: .f the Ma'-. I P I lit I '!. TFS In ii" id" tlw Mo! Thrifty. Ititi'liigcnt and w i: i. I II MICTIONS op PKNVSVLVAVH. Samii - copv of ch.ir'j'e. d" pi. pel sent to .III v addre-s . tv .'onfiu'tiomh.v stki:. Kv.rvh'niv U inviI-! I n.i:n: :tu! -'tv i-f ll:f irinUsoin' assortment ol 'JOYS AND CONFIK TIONMIHllS at a I j SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, Iti tr I 11. f I 111 I lli 111 '. .j.!iot"inL' Moore .V DiiiiL" i , . .,.v,.rl,v I . . . i ! , In i THILD SlKFI-.l. sINHILN, I A Jut op-lied a In-sh u i'iy of Confei tion.-ri ) eveiv .tescriptiot.. .... i-ivlC: TA S l A I.I. lIMe ., , . laivj l- IUS con-tantlv on hand. The best '.,,,.1.p ' ' 1 ' 4 riU!AN'TSt DIJILD r LI II- vrnv. jjio (.oi'FF.i:, TKA & sri( l-. -.... .... t . h i;r).. Hun t Cakes, i -verv liiornmL: ' ' icy CAKFS, P.ISCFITS, CK M'Kl-.US. Ve. KV-KHS. i.i:ios. FF-Fs-II FISH EVF.KV DAV ; ..... Tl, I...-, ,.r :Wil l: sola Ht. me lows, ,m.-s. . , .... ... i .,!W.J SM will be. delivered at the residence of purchasers in any part of the town i .. ii,. ..ra'lm.1 nsinrtmi-l I PU1 l llll-O r .' .v'lj ---.- (. all and fee the excellent aseortmi.-nt of L'ooils nlld a-eporfl'TI Tir'ee-. iii;ii rm: sow. Ah me, my garden lie under the snow, The shroudins:, dtiftiii"; snow : Fach flower that I reared has bowed it, head ; Its swe, ( bloom withered, its fiat:r:iuc i!ed ; I fn loved them, living, and inocrn them dead ! Dead limb r this winter; Lyin-- Deneaili it, still and low. Dead ! and I loved theni so ! I!ut the sun bv and bv un it the .-now. Tl-.e liiterin shroud of snow, j And the beautiful bud and the stately tree : Will shed their fra''t unce aiin for me, And my heart chall b.; jrlad when my eyes shall see My treasures from under the sno.v. That my yearuinir love hath chciih.-d so, Kise f.flr in the summer pluiv ! (ill's balden lit-s undi-r the shrotidine; snow. The beautiful, sheHoriirr mow ; Atui the bud that lb- look from your hand and mine, ; Are but waiting the time when His voice, divine, Shall bid IF sun on the garden shine. And warm to life in its L'low 1 lie precious :;crms lyin under tin' snow, Thitt He took when we loved, them so ! x j iioi i tiiz: sin.m.itx. 'i:, the weary, o!einn sib -ce if a l:i,ni' without the children! oh, the stt.ui-e, op.esive stiilt.ess. Where the children come no tiuir- ! Aii ! the lonu'inj: "f the sleepless For the soft arms of the children ' Ah 1 the lonin for the face Fe-pitm thro-ih tin- oven :l..r Kai.i - one b.r e'.i ;n:ore ! Slrau-e it i to wal-e at mi !ni-ht And n-it h-ir t!ie children br-ithin--;, Nothilin but the old clock tickim'. '1 iekiiir, tickitiL' by tin; door. S;i-.in-;e to see the little I'.resst s Haniiii up there all the mornintr ; And the jailer ah ! their palter, We will hear ii n.-verun'ie On our mirth-for.-akcti floor! '.Vh.lt is honi- Uit'llo lt the ' llieil. II ' " l is the e.irth witliout in verdure, nd the sky without the stinkliiuv ; Life withered to the cure ' So we'll leave this dre try d' sert. And we'll follow the (, .oJ Shell;. ,u i o tie- vener pa-ture vernal. Whet.- the lamb.; luve "Koi.e Uvfore" Wit ii !he Shepli-td ev i inure ! Oh. the '.Veai V, o!elllll silence of a hou-e without til- chil.'.reu ! ! 111, t 'ie rt rat:-", oppi csiVe ' ilille. W!.,-e vh- eiilldu-ii cme no uene ! Ah! t In- loll-.I.U" of t he si- .-j,',. ha !".- lb- sol i a i ins of th- eh: ..ii ! Ah 1 the h.UL'ine for I'.c face 1 -;": n tkrou-ii I h-.- o en:u doo: i'.u-.-s enne lor evei alore : , jvhscclhtncous. uiiat aii. i:i '!';:. v sai. Fioin tiie Detroit Fiv I ress.j Hi- lilli! been Itlis.ntiv; Ifotl! tiie ' I'ntnllltte' tor ScVi rul days. :itn! C'lcvclaiul Tom, I'oi t Huron IL1K Tall C'1iu.-:ici, atui tlie n si of tlie bovs wli. r.i-rc want to L'd tlrunk with him, couldn't tiiiikc out wlml hii'l happen cl. Tht-y htnln't In itni thai llic-it- wa a Wi-ririiit otit for l.itn, h:i'l never known of lii.s bt iijo sick lor a ilay, :;nd i.is !!'.- fioin the o'il haunts pnzzli il tin tn. Tbey w re in the' liii!i-in-l!if-U';ili saloon yeu'o r- day tnorniiiL', neurly h:ilf :i (l"Zeti of hem, drinking, smoking aud pluyiti-; i ards.u hen in .vulki-d I'gly s:it.. Thcif was diej) siltnrc for :i niotneiit n they looked at him. Sum had :t new hat, ; h:id been shaved clean, had on a clean col- ' lar, and a white shirt, and they didn't know- him at first. When lliey saw it was u-;lv Sun they ntlcrcil a slioji ami leaped up. 'Cave it: that hat '' cried one. 'Yank that collar oil!" .shouted another. , Let's ro'.! him on the floor!" sc:t':!mtd a third. There was soitn-ihin-; in his In.'!; and iM-aiin; which niiou' him ln-si!u!i'. The whisky led had almost faded from his face, and he looked sober and ili-;tutied. His f. -attires expn sstd disgust and contempt as he lo'.ke.l arotltid the room, and then n venled pily as his eves tell upon the red eves and bloated tact s of the crow d before him. 'Why. wh it uiU ye. Sain ':' implied Tall 4 'hicao, as thi-y all Mood tin re. 'I've come down to bid you oood-bve, boys !' he lepiied, n-uiovin hih h:it and drawin-; a clean h.-tridhcichicf from hia pocket. 'Whrtt ! I lev l turncii preacher !' they f:!l()llted iu chorus. Iios. ye know I can lick any two of ye, but I hain't on the ti-rhl any tin. re, and I've put dnwu the ia.-t (hop i f whiskey which is ewr to go into my mouth ! I've switched oil'. I've taken an oath. I'm join to he decern !' '.mil, be joii crazy ':' asked Port Huron Hill, com in;: nearer to liiru. 'I've come down here to tell ye ail about it,' atis'.vcred Sam. 'Move the cha'rs back a little, and give me room. Vc all know I'vo been a rough, and more too. I've been a drinker, a lighb i. a gambler, and a loafer. I cac't look back and remember hen I'vecnined an boin si dollar. The police Iict; chased me around like a wolf, and I've Ken m Jul and the workhouse, and the paper.- hai bed that I'gly Sam tvaa the tenor of the Pototiiiic. Ve all know this. boy, but ye liidtFt kno'-v I had an old lied her." The faces of the crmd expressed am;ize mi nt. 'I never nit-n!:.;!!cd it to any of ye, for I Wiis neglecting her,' he went on. she was a poor old body, livitm up here iu ll;'.- alley, and it the neighbors hadn't hilp- rd her to fuel r.nd food, she'd been found dt nd Ion-; ngo. I never helped he: to a cent - didn't see her for weeks and weeks, and I used to feel mean about it. When a feller goi'ti Lack on his old mother lie's -gittin' putty low, and I know it. Well, he'n dead - buried yesterd i v ! I was up there afore she died. She Sent for lie- by Pete, and when I got theie I seen it was all day with her.'' 'Hid s . sny nnythinj: V asked one of the boys as Sam Levitated. 'That's what ails me now," he went on. 'When I went in she reached out her hand tome, and says sic: '-Smitn-l I'm gojn to die, and I kuow'd you'd want to see me afore I passed away '.' I sat down, feeling queer hke. She didn't go mi and say as howl was a loafer, and had neglected her, und all that, but nays she: 'Samuel, you'll be all alone when I am f;oni I've tried to be a good mother to you, and have prayed for ! you hundreds o'nights, and rried about i you 'till my old heart was sore !' Some of the neighbors had dropped in, aud the wo men were crying, and I tell you, boys, I felt wen!,- !' lie paused for a moment, and then con-1 His prejudices fairly overcome by the tinned: I pleasant tit illation of 'irredeemable rags' 'And the old woman fluid she'd like to ! in his hand, he drove the party to theirdea kiss me afore death came, and that broke ! Filiation, hitched and blanketed his team, use ritlit down. She kept hold of my hand, and took his seat in the house to await the and bye-and-bye she whispered ; '.Samuel, 'hour for retiring.' you are throwing your life away. You've j The room was not larje, the company got in you to be a man if you'll only make ! was, and the roaring cotton-wood fire loon up your mind. I hate to die and feel that j shot the mercury away up into the nineties, my only son and last of our family may go j while the perfume from the assembled sous In the gallows. If I had your promise that j and daughters of Ham grew stronger and you'd turn over a new leaf, and try and be j stronger a.s the sound of the fiddle and the good, it seems as if I'd die easier. Won't 'caller' aroused to increased animation the you promise me, my son V And I promis- j movements of each succeeding 'set.' While ed htr, boys, and that's what ails me I .She died holding my hand, and I promised to (pit this low bus'mebs, and go to work. I came down to tell ye, and now you won't see me on the Potomac again. I've bought an ax. and nm going up in Canada to win ter.' Theie was a dead silence for a moment, aud then he said : ' Well, boj-R, Pll shake hands with ye all around afore I go. Good-bye Pete good bye .lack Tom-Jim. I hope ye won't lling any bricks nt me, and I shan't never fling at any of ye. J t's a dying promise ye see, r.nd I'll keep it if it, takes a right arm !' The men looked rellectively at each other after ho had passed out, and it was a long time before any one spoke. Then Tall Chicago thing his day pipe into a corner ami said : 'I'll lick the man who says Ugly Sam's head isn't level !' 'S;U I !' repeateil the others. I'll omlti;; AVI fe. HOW SJIK HEM'S HEK JIl'SUAND I'NUKIt DIKLCL LTIFS I'ATIENC K ASH Sl -N-S1IINE. She is a little bit of a woman, all patience and suu.V.iine, and I'd spoil the best silk hat that money could buy for the privilege of lending her my umbrella in a rain storm. She's married and she's got an old rhino- ceros of a husband, lie inakn it a prac - lice to come home tight nt eleveu o'clock every other night, and has ior years, and he can't it rnembtr that she ever gare him a cross won! about it. When hts falln into the hall t.be is waiting to close tlie door and help him back to the siltitig-room, where a good fire awaits him. S(ie draws off his boots, unbuttons his collar, helps him ofF with his coat, and all ihe time Me is say ing : "Poor Henry ! How sorry I am that you had this attack of vertigo! I am afraid that voit will be found dead by the roadside some night.' Wl.azzcf mean by verzhigo !' he growls; but she helps him nil with his vest, and p'.easiitiy continues : I ii. so "lad you u'ol home all right. I hope the day will come when you can pass in. uv of your time at home. It is dreadful how your business drives you. "Whaz bizshness whaz yer talking I'o'it . lie lei'iies. . I'".r one - how hot your head is !" she coutioUi "i. and presently he breaks rtmvn and we-ph and exclaims : ' Viz -. u r zic's a "oise wearing zelf out 1 "hatt's c iti - whisvi wax dead '.' Next ti.. lining she never refers lo ihe sv.b- ject, bu pbtasantly inquires how ho slept, I and if his mind is clear. His boots may! ! ni:siriir, rind l.e yells out : Whar-n thunder"' my boots !' Mlight here, my dear!" she replies, and ' she hands them out, all nicely blacked up. ! If she wants :i dress, or a hat , or a cloak. at, .1 lie yells out that household expenses i i...ti...r l.i:i. u.w. 11...-..P 'cl.:.' l.lril ' " back. .... .... ,,l ....- ti.lia t..oi ll.af it... ....olil Ic.v, married a " site will writ' uiirrcssman, or declares that t her mother and ti l! her just how it i.s. 'That's so. mv (1. ar- , , , times hard,'! , . . . ,1 i:oustiis) oi uimii nc acs iiu uii.i w.c uu- siic s.iys. and she gets up Ut as good a 1 ..... ,, c. , ;., , ,, married simply for the want of a proper in- diunei as :l he had left, her bfty dollars. I l- , ., . . . i troduction to one another. hat an ab- lle may c ittie hmne lii;ht atsuiiiier lime, i . . . . . i .i . surdity! There is not a womon nor a man but she is not shocked. ne remarks that i , , . , , .... , i i - i of any aiie who might not lmd a suitable it is an unexpected pleasure to have him , . 7 Tl , 1 , . , , , partner bv useing the proper means. The home so cany, and she pretends not to no- ' . - . . ' , , , , , .. , . ' fact is, lhat atlect ion is smothered, choked lice his stupid look. Me sees three chairs , . , , , , , , r . , , . , down, subdued and paralyzed by the forms wheat there i but one, and m trying to s;t ; - , . ... . . ... . .. .. .. land conventionalities of this etiquettisli down h.-strikes the Hour like the fill ol ai ,, . , 1 1 - j . i . world, '."society' attaches a sail and chain 11 '!'',''" , . - ., , : to the natural feelings of the heart. The 'U l.azer i.iw zl.at chair w:iv I.T .' he , a , , ,. l.ur sirl w.th her bosom iTinning over with veils, ami he replies : ' , .,,-...! - , , , , . . . ,i i iiurest love tor a worthy object must take M.-s- ,...-t ".nl.. ,., I u. Mi-n.-l I L-nt-w vol! ( - , paud would stumble !' and she heins him up l.riiiL's him a stioiig cup often. j.,,- i-'v,. a ol.,...,L,uo o, !! i ......., colli whether ciime sh- never thought of j I'iai.Kiii' ii i sen mo'', ii i:i .i tii.ni ..i.o"r,'c l . . ' him and saying : 'Now, t:n n, you'll either gel up and i . . i - i , t- .. : .. .. ..!...; it n ...... . ... .11,1 iieiu me i, ies or incie un i uu ;iu muii-.i mark that, old baldhead !' 'No blic didn't resort to any such ban; and tyrannical measures. When daylight coni'-s she siijis out of bed, makes two tires, ...s -,-.,,.,.. ....... ., him, bhe whispers : l -:.-.. ..... ...nl ..ri.i.f tl.., diCliVP !.. I... 1 i.... i......t .... ....,- ,11 HI , ,1.111,11 LIK V ill.. i morn 1' He's sick sometimes, and I've known , . . . HlOU- I". M l . . s ... .. v..i-. s thai .vo::mn to coax him for two straight; . . , , ,. . . I of happiness are lost to ooth sexes every hours to take the doctor s medicine, turn - , , . t t . ' i year, simply because parties who wish to over his pillow twentv-two times, keep a;- ,,!!.. ,,. ' - , . , marry are not permitted by etiquette to wet cloth mi his hea l, pare hiscoius down. , J rpl ..p., , , , , ., ' make the fact known. These unfortunates an. 1 tun wish that she had a quail to make , ... . ,, . ...,. 1 ., might very properly say to the happy mar- hiin some soup. , hen he gets into a fight U) U(e down town ami comes home with his ears wilh Btone9.Thi9 niay 1,,',-en up and his nose pomted to the north- j .(js h o ns ,y(,r east, ihe iu.uiires how the hor.se happened T ? ' 1 . ' ) (. ' 'iff .'"'t r. to inii away with him, and .she says she is so thankful th i? he wasn't killed. She has ! - I an excu.--.! for aia thing, and she never ad- ; i.r.AUN" A Tkaue. I never xk at my mils that any one but herself is to blame I OMl ptoel composing rule that I do not bless about anything. Lor' bless her I hope ; mycclf that, while my strength lasts, I am she'll sho into Hf av. n and never be asked i uot nt the mercy of the world. If my pen a (pi Mion. ! is not wanted I can go back to the type- case and beshure to find work ; for I learned l the winter of IsV.T-lW. while the wri- ; the printer's trade thoroughly newspaper ler was ;i resident of Nebraska City, Ne- j work, and press-work. I am glad I have braska, a young mau from Missouri a pro- j a good trade. It is a rock upon which the (esse! 'negro hater' who had taken re- ; possessor can stand tirmly. There is health fug.: iii the 'youngest State" from the ter- j and vigor to both body and mind inanhon tors cf the bush-whackers in his own, was j est trade. It is the strongest and surest part proprietor of one of the two livery j part of the self-made man. Go from the stables ot" which tho town had boasted. .cademy to the printing office or the arti I ne cold winter evening he was approach- j san's bench, or if you please, to the farm ed by a squad of 'colored citizens,' and in- j for, to be share, true farming is a trade, term-at d as to the charge of a four-horse and a grand one at that. Lay thus a sure sleiuh and driver for a party who wanted i foundation, and after that branch oil' into to e,) to dance some eight or ten miles whatever profession you please, down the river. He did not relish the idea ; You have heard, perhaps of the clerk ..I ailing in the capacity of driver for the' who had faithfully served isttphen Girard 'nk'eei s- himself, and, as he had no hand 1 from boyhood to manhood. On the tTventy with whom he was willing to trust his only first anniversary of his birthday he went available team, he tudeavored to bluff i to his master and told him his time was up them off by naming an exorbitant sum, and he certainly expected important pro cash in hand, as the answer to their query, ! motion in the merchant's service. I5ut and was not a little nonplussed by the Stephen Girard said to him: prompt 'All right, Sah Hal) 'em ready at 1 'Very well. Jfovr go and learn a trade.' Im'f pin seven. 1 fere's yotf mnnfy." 'What trrtnV, sir? human nature could stand it no longcr,and just as he had finally determined to go out to the sleigh and roll himself up m his robes for self-defence, our John was approached by the master of ceremonies, and asked, in a very pompous manner, 'Would you hab any objections to go out in de odder room aud sit by de tire place ? De bidie ohjtct to ile smell oh be host on ynui- cto.sr.' The alacrity with which he complied was only equalled by the gusto with which lie told the joke on himself, always adding, 'served mc right for driving de gemmen, any way.' Ton hino Eloquence. --They have a very rhetorical magistrate in Detroit. An Indian was lately arrested for drunkenness, and brought before hini. "Child of the whispering forest, son of the grassy plains, it grieves my spirit to sec you hen,T said his honor. 'Only a few more i moons will come and go before j'ou will be ! gathered to the happy hunting grounds of ! your brothers gone before. You are an ! aged tree. Time has shorn you of your I strength. You can no longer chase the wild condurnngo and follow the roebuck. The butl'alo grazes in front of your lodge:, and yourarm is not strong enough to draw the bow. The rumbling thunder and the sharp lightning make you afraid. Once you could not count the camp tin s of your J tribe, so many did they number ; now there j is nothing left of your tribe but yourself, I two old army blankets, and a shot gun with j the lock out of repair. Son of the forest, why is this thus, and what do you mean by coining into my trapping grounds and getting drunk ?' ! 'The white chief has spoken many wise words replied the Indian, in measured tones, resting one foot n the spittoon. 'My race has fallen like the leaves been j washed away as water washes out the marks of chalk. J. stand alone. .My camp fire, has gone out. and my lodge is cold and has no mat. Kawnee Kekick has tears in his eyes when he looks to the West, and no longer sees the smoke of the camp-fires. Our great chieftiaus have fallen, our war riors are dust, and the wolfe utters his lone some howl on the spot where stood our big ' village. I am'sad.' j 'The red man may go,' said hia honor. i "I cannot give you back your dead ; I can- j not cover the hillsand meadows with for 'St . .1 :i 1 c , , 1 . I. . i atzain ; toe wuu iox aim ueer nave souiiui. ' deeper glens, and no power can waken the warriors whose whoops rang from hill to river. Go back to your lodge, beware of lire-water, keep in nights ; vote early and often, an 1 be virtuous and you'll be hap- itf.issoK n udtitui:. ! ; KEFi.KfTifs or r.u iiki-or ani maids. Time whirls us along the downhill of life with the velocity f a locomotive ; but ; we have one comfort we can make love i on the road. What the negro preacher i-. . J , 1 .r W'nlnn i rt I ,1 eni.l l" 1 . . - I'orlinm O.ll.i O. 'ilb.4lA IUi(l Ul. CtllVJ. V. tJ,., .11.1.41. J ' he find a weaker place, dere he creeps in.'' There ii a warm corner even in the cold est heart, and somebody, if that somebody cin be found, was made expressly to .iii it. ' ..J, 1; .,. as much pains to conceal the fact as ll it ; , ' , , . . , , . were a deadly sin. and heaven had not im planted within our bosoms the tei.derspaik a I..,.., .,. l. ,v...l , U,l,:, l , t lilt WilM-T SW l il- uv -rit.s - -"-' natural? No, it is artificial. Why should . . ,, . , . , , , ... j mumetable marriages be prevented by chill- I ia.T nllog aml ,,au:.iticl, y Nature is modest " . ' . . , , , Dill sue IS Iioi. a suiieiiuu uji (nunc Look i at the birds. There are not bachelors and i old maids among them. The hearts that j flutter under their feathered jackets follow the instinct or love, and they take to bill ing and cooing without the slightest idea ; ,liat (.,IirU-,5j, Hll(iuld ,,e a ,;irioaI afl:,Ir. ; j thih. for()ni (;lchelors nml J disappointed old maids, and lonely widows j ami widowers among the unfeathered any tli.io tin. f.i'itlw.rp.l l,io,,I J I ),e:r5 ; the trade, and in time brought to his o!J ! master a splendid barrel of his own make. I Girard examined it, and gave the maker J two thousand dollars for it, and then said to him : 'Now, sir, I waut you in my counling vooni ; but henceforth yon will not be de pendent upon the whim of Stephen Girard. Let what will come, you have a good trade always in reserve.' The young roan saw Ihe wisdom and understood. Years ago, when the middle-aged men of to-day were boy's, Horace Greely wrote : 'It is a great source of consolation to us that when the public shall be tired of us as an editor, we can make a satisfactory live lihood at setting type or farming ; so that while our strength lasts, ten thousand blockheads, taking oirence at some article they do not understand, could not drive us into the poor houBe.' And so may a man become truly inde pendent. An InisiiiiiAN's Wili In the uame of God, Amen ! I, Timothy Doolau, of Iar ryuowndcrry, in the county of Clare, far mer ; being sick and wake on my legs, but of sound head and warm heart-Glory be to God ! do make this my first and last wili old and new testament. Firet, I givs my soul to God, when it plazcs him to take it, sure no thanks to me, for I can't help it thin, and my body to be buried at IJerrv downderry chapel, where all my kin and kith have gone before me, and those that live after, Itlonging to me arc buried, peace to their ashes, and may the sod rest lightly oyer their bones. IJury me near my god father and my mother who lie separated all together at the other side of the chapel yard. I lave the bit of ground containing ten acres- rale old Irish acres to me eld est son Tim, after the death of his mother, if she lives to survive him. My daughter and her husbaud I'addy O'Kegan are lo get the white sow that's going to have twelve black bonifs. Teddy, my second boy, that was killed in the war in Amcri kay, might have got his pick of poultry, but, as he has gone, I'll leave them to his wife, who died a week before him; I be queath to all mankind fresh air of heaven, all the fishes of the sea they can take, and all the birds they can shoot. I hive t; them all the sun, moon and stars. I lave to Peter U llatl'erty, a pint of Poteen I can't finish, and God be merciful to him. We thought that everything that it was possible to say about 'hash' had been said, but here is another contribution : A cer tain hostess, whose table is noted for its uniformty of dishes, has a brisk daughter who electrifies iier ma's boarders with the foil owing parody sung to an accomtiani ment on a new fifty-dollar piano : 'While beefsteak and venisou cost lots of cash, be it ever so grisly, there's nothing like hash ; the scrapings and leavings of no use elsewhere, when mixed altogether make excellent fae. Hash, hash, eond meat hash ! I?e it ever so grisly, there's nothing like hash ! A stranger from home, hotels dazzle in vain : O, give me cheap eating house food that's more plain ; the waiter who gaily re-echoes my call f r s. nice plate of hash or a single ilihball. Hash, hash,' etc. IItT ox Sleep. To literary men, preachers, journalists, and brain workers in general, the following hints are exceed ingly worth attention : The fact is, that as life becomes concentrated, and its pur suits more eager, short sleep and early ris ing become impossible. We take more sleep than our ancestors, and wc take more sleep because we want more. Six hours' sleep will do very well for a plowman or bricklayer or any other man who has no exhaustion but that produced by manual labor ; ami the sooner he takes it after the labor the better. I'ut the man wlrise la bor is mental, the sm ss is on his brain -snd nervous system, an.! f.r him who is tirwl in tie; evening v. ii h a day of application, neither early to bed or lorise is wholesome. He needs let tiug down l the level of repose. The longer interval between the active use of the bi.iii and the retirement to bed, the better his chance of sleep and refresh:in nt. To him an hour at';- r midnight ir- probably as good as two hours before ii, and tv.ii then his sleep will not so completely resior;i him as it wili his neighbor whoi physical ly tired. His best sleep is in the early morning hours, when all the nervous ex citement has passed away and he is in ab solute rest. Can AxyOxk Tem. ? Can any one tell why men who caEriot pay small bills, can always find money to buy liquor, and treat when happening among their friends? Can any one tell how young men who dodge their washerwoman, and are always behind with their landlords, can play bil liards night and day, find nlways ready at a game of cards ? Can any one tell hosv men live and sup port their families who have no income and do not work, w hile others who are in dustrious and constantly employed are half slat ved ? Can anyone tell how it is that nine-fenths of the mothers are so ready to sew for the distant heathen, when there children at home are ragged an.l dirty '! Can any one tell why four-fifths of the young womon prefer a brainless fop under a plug hat, with tight pants and a short tailt d coat, to a man with some brains ? Crniofs Habits of Indians. Among the curious habits of the Iudians referred to by Mr. ISaucroft in his great work upon the native races of America, we find some singlar facts connected with childbirth. In most cases the mother remained alone, or if attended by an old woman, the latter confiued her attention to singing or calling the baby from afar. Sometimes they pressed the infant flat, so as to squeeze out whatever filled its little stomach. It was then plastered outside with villainous pastes, and its inside stu.Ted with abomin able mixtures. Tattooing, lip-pierciug head-flattening began at once. The In dian mother nursed her infant for cue or two years, but infanticide was common in the case of fema'e children. But the most curious custom was that observed by the lord of creation. This gentleman feeliug it iucombent upon him to suffer also, if not likewise, took to his bed, directing all the attention of the nurses toward himself. He simulated the pains of labor with grant and groans, while the mother performed her household work as usual. "Just,"says th' rnnvrtg woman, "like n man all owr e i.ttelle. - "I C:f V l-c. 11. 1.T4. ! '-' -i l-iir-e. ...ei"t -f . 1st.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers