Chamzmon of the World. For some time past, says the iK'troit Free Press, a Canada negro has beca walking around the Central Market and 'blowing' hovr many mtlouB he could eat in a given time. II was known that he was pretty heavy on melons, and the American darkies had to take a back seat and bide their time. Thursday evening a sieamboat Gremau called 'Black Betsey' stored off here, where he lives, and he happened around the market yesterday jut when 'Tall Jack." .f Canada, iras blowing the hardest. 'Talk ing 'bout luelluns,' sung out 'Betsey;' 'bout rating melluus! Why, sir, I Lia t at more melluns than any two niggers ia Kennedy !' The terms were soon arranged, each contributed half a dollar, and the dol lar, bought eighteen fair-sized musk and water melons. They were carried over to a shady spot on Baitea street and divided into two piles, and it was agreed that the on.; who failed to eat his uine, or who quit first, should pay for all. Both men took eff their coats, unbuckled their straps, and went to 'business.' 'Talk 'bout eating melluns !' sneered Betsey, as he ripped one in two and made about six raouthfuls of it. 'Yes, talking 'bout melluns umph !' re plied Jack, slinging away a heap of rinds. Neither of the contestants paid any atten tion to water melon eeods, eatinr them down, and the interior if a musk melon was raked out at oue handful. Neither faltered until after the fourth melon, when the Canadian began to pick out the seeds and go slow. His friends rallied him, and he got into the sixth melon as Betsey fin ished his Heventb. 'Whoa! boy! what Ri'sje! should the crowd, as Tall Jack looked despairingly around and nibbled oace or twice at Lis seventh. He managed to gulp down half of it, ami then leaned back against the fence, slowly pulled out 50 cents, handed it over and remarked : 'Somehow I doesn't feel like eating melluns to-day !' Betsey tossed away the rinds of the eighth, bit open aud went through the ninth, and as h reached over and took the largest one from the other pile he yelled, 'Melluns ! Melluus ! Tell 'em to keep tlat ntrwet-car-team out 01 de way f does linds !' O.NE-I.txAiKn Pants and Cavalry I Boots. A onf-lei'-. soldier walking up j Mi ft!f"t. wn sc-os'ed bv thing t -.viJh the tisu:ti 'S:i! VOU 6miC- : ?' Krterit;g the store the ve- ti-j-sa v.-.ts Hji;.'ti t" inspect th: hrg- otuck, ):.' h;iv:t iO.;ke.i through the array of j i; :it ;ii:J vo: !id trousers, he turned to j wtyini'hut he f"U"'-. no'hing there tlmf .; would x'i'l hi'.TS. i Y I!, vat von vauH V I 'I want pair of one-legged panuloouB.' j Von dat all V Vacob, you bring me oue j of dem ow-'eggrd p:;rt ot ddt pile in de j comer. In a few lumuten Jacob returued aiid ( Aid that the last pair had been sold. , ., . , i Mean while the partner next dour who . ,' ,. . , ,u .i,- . hud b"en l:temng through the thin petition, . , , , , he. one-legg' d cripple, yohu.' he whispered to no attendant, j cui rae ou ue wi ueia gjuy ulu. .ua l.'.rti up quick..' vy inc traio iiiii caa oeeu uone mc u- dkr hobbled out of the firit etore o!y to be iv.-iijhed into the second. Again he went through the icHpcrtion of odds and end. und aj;airi drtaandd one-Vgged trou- j r, iatimating th-.t hw didu't bcliirve the i trarfe h:id tfiem. j of hat one-ied jviats. 1 acJJer Mo- j ul you t.- f me'oae of dcta oue-lepd pray pants in dot -:1c in d v.iiJow.' Th! nvwly al'xrf i trouwr weir produc- cd, and the'wagpihh.Boldicr gave hitaaelf4; up a Vt. But h- wprad them before 1 him, he became conneiouf , as Uia to' o.-a-, 'rr. of aonieihing wron. : Mein Gott 1 Fadder Abraham 1 Yohu ! j Sf"' n,s" Y" hAf " Another of rh South itrfd dealers had j what he culled artaj brogaua acd cavalry j boo!. Au ex-soldier purcnafa a, puu j the latter one riuy day, hut returned to ; the etore in a tew minuu-s, compmiQica ; that the tolos wr of pasteboard, and hat' j already coated to a pu:p. . Vot you ras doe tuit den booU ?' " j i 'he dealr i 'Why, I walked two or three b.or- j Yalk! You vulk icm wan cavalry toots !' ) Kr.A.SicK.-uTrTrf-r-- j curt bad the rollowiu- her day : youn woman of tweti- "iora rietaia. out and balanced the. riia "rj ti smile i: languished oti :he 'JU.'n- .' ail.e'l a lnvir twenty ''yiV j- "nur- i !?Iciinr, I believe ?' he ! lo A' . tr:i "icniin, fir, hh anaw.-red with i rwlul how. i ud you were wcr ' -Sick,' th'; interrtipti-i. r;tliin hit , v with his front teeth out laugh- j ie ahook a1! orer. at the etranse . .' "id the three old women b!-w te:r no . , ... .... in a doubting tciirjix-r. n;ur,- uri b;B Honor, "rarc--y a ' c man, traveling toward the -r.-'t ofhiin Ul-. n j you ghr;jM an "k to decei , s 'I teJlyoa vag wcVr.c,,' -he re plied. Flemir,:, fchaU ,;;iv,. v ,B vc it wnydays.' he Stjn . . j doit aiorn in sorrow th: iu arjrer. Your fal?t ! J-ur giganiic ,p! your w:nk8 Rud j milea can tuake no , icu on rcCi Mi yet I Rneve a littfe Ih. onp wIl0 .j, ; "Uch an lament to ...ctVf v!(uM u, flat.. . . - : . - ' lauhu, anu weave She fell down in a Ui f r.r-.W I I 1 ? . -w as le olT-vr I in-t imrn lujo li;t corn 1 . cr. t'Ui wtiea i uc went to throw a pail of s,er fn bWi j he leaped up and c!awel nt hi nfmo cry. inj out, 'You mitral.'? fld tsv,xv will you -o f)r to ,:ukmt j lady ? I J 3. A ii.i.ri.rK want au t::v y"in Indies to band toe'.hr arid nr y, 'No lips hail touch tny lips that have tou--t-d a b'lttle." Rather rou'h thin on ti e f-Hnw. hat were brought up by hand. j 'Woman is a delusion, naadame !' x-; claimed a crusty c'.i bachelor to a witty J young lady. 'Acd tmn in always hugging pome delusion f-r orher,' ws the quirk re-' tort. j It i singular how pio-.s s:tw elo'.hcs ! maiepeopus. lor a whole mouth after the Misses Flirt had got new mantilla they are at etiureh three t;mrs a day. ' Wkeh a wido-r in any neighborhood t her cap for a man, thera isn't one chance in a million f.r any youa wotsai :o win, even if she holds the f..ur aces. A InTTrKmcT Call a girl a youj wifceb aud she hs pleaded ; call an elderly wouiaaan old wikh and her indi ruitlon know no hound. WM. WHITMER, & CO., Invito an examination oHLeir inmiome new stock of IIRFsl CaOOItS, best aMortrueu( which they are Helling at. price loner Ihaa eifr. BLACK ALPAC AS. Call and examine bofoiv jurehasinjr dfti-whorv, our Ali'inns rane in prices from lV ctP. to $1.00. All Sest liaises of Prints, BEST BRANDS 1 vard wM 10 m ie Largest, liest Assortecl & Clieapest it; ra IE in the WM. Sunburv, Ot. 0, 1S74. lm. STOVES The Lar't't StooJc of Stove in etvle, at J. B. BEMD'S New Stove asS Tinware fflaHstat Tiirfl Street, opposite Ceitral Hotel, BITIsTjBTTK.'Y. pa. My f-too'rc counts of th fol lowing l Vli vvl. HeguUtor C'k. Cn:r. b:tial:oij. p.i;.-:-. Ir. r: Ki:;.. '; rv.-M::;.:. z ! a Inrge variety :" er C.wk Stovee ni32e always hand or procured to order. A!io u larse asortment of repair? of If M . r"7. wliPH 1 1..! ! T ViOl'ffc t1A 1ntift ourtflini-.n (.llntA. ..-. ;..-i.. i . V 1 1 1 1 l 1 V fVi'lt H"lM i ., , ., . ., , . ,. ; be Bold at iirieen to uait the times. I mnr- ?nd Miitiron w;iiv ol even- , . . . . description in laive quantitv. i i . . AIho n aseortinent of Cleveland non-ci'lo-ive l.amT-. Hoofing and Spouting (promptly attended to. The public are arnme my mock, ana te oonvuK-oa mat Snnbury, Sept. 2", 1S74. WM. A. KEIjIjER'S WM CENTBAL Corner Third and Jl... r., u.vll r,aiy . ia,.L.?:.,u FALL ra..!,, ,j Wnli-Msdi- CLOTHING La't "ry! of HATS and CAP Etiorrno'io nsnii:riri Krarytkicx .Ww, Fa-hi-jr.aVs r.nd Stylitih LarK Stock rilh Oue Hundred -p;,,. FashiocaW- fiood.i alrvnya on hand ! Evervb'uly, PRICES LOWER THAN Xob'vv ! Rle t' ur.'iorpell ui 1 V; niP-AS butiin.'FK, r.rni , ','t i- We eft!i."y :ji!e erytin.1v In irive of New -r-! I'M-hio'i ('! !i;i, .. in . Ht.jr 'uft r,l""J- We i:.te :cl t- ,1.. tl def iiuieti! ! i:. r So ri.rn.-r a rr I x e K 3 ar 5r J. C - T if;. s. s W. D. MELICK, I! I p r.f " Drneeist and ntirfirv drusK'?t- a U1IU Ull IHI ) , j ! nrj prpp;,,.,. , f,irt,;Mh in ,;!!ati,itl,'S to et!t IN WELKETUf BUILI'INC i p"n hxstrs and at Pl.iliidWphm j.ritfs, M , ' j CALCINED PLASTER. Varkrt Htrrrt, WIMII RY, I'A. ! PHILADELPHIA LIME, nrtrrnn i HMSHING SAND, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, j plastering hair. Dreg-gats' Taw y Gomis, ! rrt!vS Rw:n Kwendak acd Uhluli l'AIXT- OILS, GLASS ri'TTV. &C, CEMENTS. tosst-inJ.T on ban,' LbUi1 l!liBtcr for farmers, Timothy and Clover t . Seeds. Also, (inrden tWds of all kinds. Aall rartleulur nt!-utAu pai to cotipouiidW- pbv- ,,nd get a Rural Register for 1874 slhiBS proscriptions and fumi'v r-celTH. GEO. B. CADWALLADER. t:iiNnrv. Anr'l 17. lfT4. ' ' Snntury, F-b. . 1H74.-Iv. MffltMMHr, OF USL1NS iiikI '2l '.v-its. count v. WIIITMER & CO. STOVES i ihe Cut'Niv. i)f i)i- !::t.'( !imv)v Moiniui; Light Far- :-ier. I.-::::ut .ii.-.:it l!r!i ii Li.-.' ..I ofj .11 t i'X Move; rtc, Etc. ai! kindr: nr the 'oinirii'tinn and respectfully invitcii to call and ex- 1 am sell 1115 t Ji cheapest. J. It. KM. I). CL Market Streets, DTH STORE, - I.r:in:i:- so.-k of N-w GOODS. for M.:n nod H.Va ! - f-r M-a and ll-ty 1 - f GF.NT,,J FritNISHING ;(lis j ! Milf 1 1 select from ! P,-h p(or, cat: be suit.V. and fitted ! j AT ANY OTHER PLACE. ; if-erl. i ii Tii-,: ice;l . Ac., ill Thir.! A. HELLEfi. .1 y. t '-trit 'i'i. unhin 1 .r:.:--r:v i'.-r.-.t-: Pa. New Millinery Store. Mis.f.., h. a s. wrin: Harir.-; r i:iov'i! thtir Miliincy M.k- i:.! the '.ar 'v.i'.Jiiij ailjoininjr .H.-moyi htovt lit'ire, mi Maiki-t b ri-r! , w ! -ri- tin y lav? !-.-t fiTV-n.i :i J.irijf tj J i l-':iT!t a--or !.i--nt -if I'HnliiOKablt .Miliinery Good. emtiracin voiyHiii-if tinv.ull.T Kr"t !:i n v.Kil utoc-kril Miljiiiriy c--mi..iitim -tit. T!i'-ir t !t in i titire iw-w inj Nw York and Philadelphia Styles. PKES MAKINT. in ail t:-v-.. i'. v-jrc!;.-" '1'-1 rcciv- urti.-ai:ir jtt-n- INFANT UdV.F.S IN STOCK. Ti-rms I -imo-.i.i'-Ir ;.ml t:ilisfuet!o:i :it.te.;. CutttbS H-id Fit tint; :itt.-n1-i in. i.nd Cl.-V-enV auJ IJny :c:L.t-t; rn r. Ml.-iS I.. WKHf.R. V!.r- :-. V.-K!vr. J'vr.'.i-.ry. At': ;T. 1,74. CENTRAL DRUG STORE Q.B.C'ADVLLADErl Is the plaei- t-i buy pure and frefh j MEDICINES ; I'AI.VTS. Diiros, OILS rl.AS ri'IIFIIMF.KV. . . ' TORACCO, LIOUOR fur medicinal purposes, uu a'l olhur art t- j cks usually kept in a timl-class Drug Store, j .Sp-( i;il a'tention paiJ to compounditig prc i scrintiona anti familv rcc-itits bv competent erranftlf. IXCSl'AL, IXWl CEMENTS. New aud Mfractivi Goods, In ev-Ty Department WATCHES, PlaVONP0., Ji:WKLT, Sll.VEK avrj I'LlTKI) WAKK. Cutlery. Cireks, Kronze. English, french .'.H G-rrnan Fancy Woods. In view of the decline 10 GOLD, we have re duced priors 011 our entire Stock of Korean cliaiuline to Par old Hate. und 7iurchi !erK will find It to their intfwt to make their eeirotionn NOW, while the ASSORT MENT IIS COMPLETE. Grind mil on ?pproval for selectionn. Artlr!e! purchased now, for the Holldayi, will tie p:ic!i'rt mid retained until sufl: tim.? !. desir ed. ROBBINS, CL.VRK A RIDDLf, 1124 (,'HK'T,rT St., PiiiLADEi.rm' GHAMD 01K.IN(i OFII'HIWiiud Nl Ti n Kit ODS. of evyr? deKcriptiou and variety such r IreNM VoodH eomprisiLg all the novelties in fabric and shade. Full Assortment of Notions, which are being gold althu lowest Caih Priees., Groceries and Provisions, pure and freBh. qveknkware, (rlassware, and wnod and Willow Ware, Nicct Brands of Flour constantly on hn:id. A very !ar;;e ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPEH, oth irlaz.'d end cmctnon, alv?iiv on h:ii:r!. HOOTS AND SI10K8 FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. 11 K A D Y-NADK CLOTH IXO, oi'.i'! i7i'i R'ld of the lati'f! Ftvlc. F L O U K . A c.-nstvit f-tij p!y f w.lcra Mte ''.:at ilonr a epcciiility. Tlw p'lhiic are iuvited tn c...ii arid i XHtiiice our Goois iree of eharg". ."ir :.iotto ie '"y'lick Hale nr.d Bitim!! I'rolitf," nuA to p!eae all. Tir.' highest pric-o trill ?.e ;a!J tor c!l Siinil- of country produce. By strict attention tj hiiiinp ;,nd l:ce'in' at nil ti:nc the moit couplet i Lick, r:ud reliit:r at the!owet.t p: iceii, we hi; e to ueilt a f jM shar-- ot piftrotinge. ia:rn '?!:oTur:-: . eFASHOLTZ. r-a:i'-.:ry, May 't-74. 9 gcnrrtuwi, iserv!&!W$&imi&x I I Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, WiMow and Cedar Ware. E CO o o o O S. X it a c C si v. Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. (fKO. F.YANS. i:. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., ! 01 J Market Street, i'liil'fdelphia, TAILOliS and I MILITARY CLOTHIERS. 1 Military. Hand it Fire Org:in;;'ati"Tis . promptly uniformed. i Samples cf Cloth, with Photographs, cent free on application. O ir teiLK tt;e lejiU.itf hot!B on Mil it. ry v.-.irk. we f.-cl th:it wi- c::r orf.r lnducc:n'"-t -h can not fn- attained rnywh'Tf '!. Jan. S. 1ST-.'. Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAIHL. HFI,ECTKVLLY Infornir .!. . ;t:.-.c:M r : i tiii lias ju.f ri-criftl hip Nprlu hii1 Mumrtier 4ool. ::t l.i TAILOR SHOP. : ou Foutth Street, Iwlow Market, ia the Mullen builiiine, nnd th::t l;. ii iret;;ir'I to iuike uo till kin 1. of UKXTlV A.D Bl(( NI ITN, ofthi- l itest fyjc. H.i vine had tuurh exjieri-oc-- in tin- buitif-.-! lie ucsir.'-) tin-putilic to i;ivi? v.:n : tr;ai. Clotbinp will be idd- v ia th latcrt Put: rid Atuertcnn F!)lni in the mt taliefurtory rcaaui r. ay:. CHARLES M.MUI. 171. FALL MILLINERY. 1874. "teil vitb jrrriit t.tete .-.ud care have; ieea t Vim L. 8HISPLF.RS 8for", MHrkt-t KquHi-r, KI'.BIRV, I'A., tt.i t!i: n'W thajiee la HATS AND RON NETS. Kibliotis, Flowtrn, IVnthcrs, .tr of MlUiiiTy (joode. K.iucv Uuoje of every 'irforiptiou. Huiiiiete i and HaH trimmed in the must fpc Jltinus iiihii- 1 1!T wit li t h ittmof rreri('inri. f:il i-.f ti;. - '.nJ. i -..!,.. i ..r. ...v... v . -r-- . iiiej .i.uiiiin r mm I'lUi imn- I'MHbioutable .Mllliucry GoIm JUST OPENED! MISS M. L. GOSSLEII. On Fourth St., below S. V. It SUNBUKY, PA., R-, H.i.' just ojn-ned a full liuo tf Spr::; Millinery Good-. The lat-jst styles of Hatsand Bonnets. Trimmings, Hundki rchii-fs, I.sdles' Collurs, (ilove-i, and Notions gene rally. Particular attention of al the ladies in the county Is directed to her assortment, as her strxk is larger than evi-r, acd goods sold cheaper. Sunbnry, May 1. J?74; ifiiscelbncons. K. K. FAGHLY & CO., rwpcetfully inform i.'.!ic that tliey huve comromeed the ntaenf:: .- of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. &C- at tlie new (fhnp recently erected by J. F. Lcrch Corner of Fourth and 1 heMi-iut SL'NBURY, PA., and .iiliL-it a I'nir tiare of Putroaae. April S-m. J. F. LF.P.CH, 8r.y't. '.V ril J7 Q RETAILKI AT IJjillJ Imporlor irlcc, iiY THi: Great Atlantic an! Pacilc Tea Co. 28 Fifth Ave, Iittburg, In. Thin ie an orgimizatiou of capituliitU to IffPOKT AI OISTKIBUTK TIMS for on sniull jirofit, iv!np the i?.onfnnr all prof.ta ot' niiJdlfun. ViV roiitrol a l:irf part of the HeM Tet lnoulit to thin cjiititrT, which arr Kt-Id by ourNWc. IVivi; buyirt? of other d Galore do o to tliir uv,u d ft dvsniHK". Our Iiouhcs iu Chin and Juau have the very U-t farilitlf of solTtji, which pive Uii prcat ad tautatfos. VV have eMaflich'1'! ntors for dintrihutlitfr - ur tea" in aJl th princijiil citit of th L'iiitd SttiK. We give to our cuetoiuet n a Boatitllul Oil Chromo. (taken frora the richest gems of American r're.n r fat) v.hich. U bought at pictnrts eior Ao'ild mat much more thiuthp price of the T-.i. Th-i chrnrrOHarB a preut to our ciHtomorm. All goodrf Bo d Warranted to ylve -.wvfecL Htfriictioti ur the moui-y ref uudi d. ;reat Alluntlc V la ific Tcat o., 'J.j I'ifih ve., TK:ttslmrK, Oct. Tv. 4-v. CONST NT F.MM.OYMKNT At h:i Ti.'.o or FaniHle. pr wt-t a war rauleii. No i -Itnl required, lfcrticulam and v.iInaU Frupl nt liv. ..i(liKH with t -vtit Htdn-.j t ' Wiil:rT:iinii; N. Y. " h t. yu, 4.v. makylam) eyf. am ear ixmti- h;ti: 66 X.CIiarleHStreet, Kallluiore, nu. Gwortf' ulii)ff, M. D., Late Prof of I'.yo a?id Iar S;t-f-:ry u 'he Wanhinfc'ton l"ni-n:;., Uarcou to uhorfe. Tt;n arz haidfKmie reirtMict tt the I;t C hurle1- Car roil ha mu lttteit i:p with all the impi-cvcim uti udopi d iu th latest Scho!f ot Kurpe, for tho fpeoil treat . . ).iu r ,M- 0f ijiHeas.Tn. Api-1) bv letUT to OEOEOE M. D., Huiegn In Charge. Kt. 30, 4w. Aur.NTft WAMEr for the Peopled Jinia!. Four m(Tiuhcient Cliromo fr. Th mont Ulrttl ofiVr eei made. S-nd 3 c-nt ntamp for circiUr aud Hinoj !. P. W. Zie-gler L Co, Arch t.( Ph!i. P. Oct. JO, 4w, LIFE OF IU. LIVINGSTONE, A new book, cnmpU-te authentic and rliahl, or-ntiiir.-Li rij.'initiyB Krd (IScc-Tie iM th vnids Ali r:, . l! npidiy at Inw ;.riiv to ?he tmt-n, aisu the MeH-inh, t-y Kv. Wlo. I-T. "WJw-tt, fvr ail dt'iioniHii:- oi.p, au exofllrint work iHin-d m a haTic..m Htyl. ur Eumilv libl)4 are nneqtilh-rl f'-r Htylen prices AGENTS WANTKI),!;.:;-.:: r:il rrril". ''Ar .i'....k. IV v I'ul I'll- ''.. -lll:;.- d!r-!nf, i-a. r ; FIRST C;RAI til FT COiVCKKT. Montpelier Femals Humane Association. AT ALEXANDRIA. VA. OVKmttr It 2S. 1ST I. LIST Of GUTS. 1 Grand Caih Oift 1 l.ind Canh Out 1 Grand C'atjh Gift 10 Ca8h Olfte, $lu,000 eilt-h lr ( '.mi it:M. f c.ii .v) '.h Ou-tH. I.ijOO -ao!i I'M C'rfHh tlifTM. ft) l ilOLl l.iiyWMhttiftH. lnocacii l,ll "nuh Gllti-, Ji1ci-h JO,Cl !: G;V'r, 'A! i i.c ,- l(V),i vl 1iN,11 T.i.lHKI J.IiMI .,Mll' 10-1,-MlO 4on,il 12,178 Cafh Olflo, aiao.i.:iiig I.ii,iki NmiJER OF TIC KF.TS. lOO.OOO. Whole TirtH" ija.OO HalTrn 10.00 Quartern .t0 Eighth of each Coupon 514 Tlvkcte tor I.Xi.oo Tlie Moctiislior F--mal- Iluiahii Ae)C!nt:cn, c! rtr- nd by the I.-giWatu-( of Virpiuia au! th Circuit t'ouri .if Inii' C,. iri'n)ii-. by a Grand Gilt (Vn--rt ?o bli.h anrt enilu a "Holiif I.-r L- Hid, Iisinn, and Di-Hlmili I.adl-'H of Viiviiu,'' :ki iluut.:f---t Itn-lony'! rt-Hiil of I'D-fnli-iit Jarrit-p Madum. Onvt.i'Noa'n iiF-rir:;, ItiriiMo.N'E, Jul;, :, Ki. It affonin me j.ltanurc lomy that 1 aua v.t.!l aoiuaiut. M with u lar;" tra.ioritj of th,' 12yntf.:Ii.r miil- !IuixiuriP AiMjf)tkfit wfao r'wd(i iu the Vt::iiity vf my uini . tiid 1 attpMt tbfir intrlhnr and th ir worth ami iiD r-tuf atioii as pi-ntU-tni-n, im wei! a." th j.tihii'; cou- id'-tica, iiiflutrirt' aQd fltlbauial Dvaus hb r:J'.y r- i r'S.'j:t-i aioui; th m. lA'IKS I.. KKI.r R, Mas-. Vjr(rt.iia. Alhanuhiv, Va., .Inly t, 1HT4. - I coiuniri.d them a i-iitu of honor t.ud iui i-'rit... avi f:il!y erif 11 to th'1 ouiihdi-iiw of thr rubhi-. ' ' " n. W. Hl'GHKH, I . H. Jur! Kait'ii Inet. ol Va. K-lhcr r..fiT.Mi. - k liTJ-;",'-' )! ) !'' tuir.-., r.-nhrt-ijTy of r . ; Fii.u. ISnl -i t K .VitbiM., I.l.lit.-liov. of Va. ana V. .S. Iv-uator i-L't-i ; irntitori aiid Mi-ni).-i;ri t' l'onjrr1i, from V... hrtiiitiHtirffc for ti-.-ai'ti' m:iy hi rudt by eipr-- j ,-l-ald, i'HtjitliT nuu'y7tl(T ou Vr.nh'nftoi:, P. r.g t by rtfritervl !rtt--t. For tull i-artfrttlaro. tfVimouiaV, Av.. k-ik1 f-.r Cl: cular. All!'. HON. J AMI'S HAHI:'.i!'i:, I'm 'T M. y. i. a., ,z , i am k'a, Va Hfliahle ntii Tatitrd .eryli-it. i.-t. ;., 4tv. AQEST3 W1STED FOR THE TRUE HISTORY OF THE BROOKLYN SCANDAL Tl ieiatuj.K ud ntarthtjir a.ncuui m xnftdft in thm wr rt crf&LtK the xnuat Uituitc diii iu thr ibiudN of the etptV to oUiiii it. It kjv the whole inner hiMury o; the .rrit h-mid.;'. and ! f he miiy full fcud nthtric Ai.rk cu th Kuhicc. l: nflh al H:iht. Svud for tmiB t A ut- and a full dr:-i.tntu ft th work. AddrcRH 4Jtal I'itMikLuji-; r'iiiJa. Va. 'c(, :n, t .T. AG EN Tii WANTED! TlvnH" Awarded for HOLMAN'HUPW lI'torIlll IIIHIM, 1'kfOlilutt- t rations. Addresn for iiicr.! -ih. A, .T. llil.M AN .V O 9:0 Arch Hf., rhiiii. Off. Z 4w. lor COUGHS, COLDS, HO MiS'K-SS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, IT-o WKLLN' tKIIOI.K T.4RLKTK. PL'T VPO.VLV IN HI. I K luiXKK. A TRIED AND SUHK REMEDY. hold Ly r.rnif:. e.-t. v. 4-v. JSTCHOMANi'V. . r SO I" I. :i.UiMIN(i." How either hm mav f.,innt-' in th i-r at I STectionn of ny jirrroti t- cn.'use iiiainutly. 'ill irnple mentnJ acLlrednri si! mu jHitvenii, i.w.b, umil, for 2.V., t )Cftl.r a Bmn.'f K'id". KM't.-mi I'r;, cle, Dr-iiaii Hititf tu Ladies. Wf-dd.Tifc-Nijht -diiH, kc. A queer bock. Au Jrr T. W1I.UAM & o. ritb. Fbih-. K AGEKT9 WASTED rw cosJELL IT ALL Br Mra. 8mkenn of Salt Lak City, (ar a im tlx iia et tUmtm Hxh tritn. la- iroaMiaa Mr. Kts. itj erj of mas'. pri.DO. lav. bare Itl. attiiicn U 't " Iniy.tonM, mckI doio-a, rtc. of th4 Maroooa a I and Oowt. it U la. hot aw tact ami. actoaST trrrrnvw wiin rooq UUIW. lor ail. u u popaiar t. wiw rvaryDoaj, ar. 1 ai owUclla alt athar boo4. larvr tm .rr- radorM it Evwyfcadv waau it t aa4 aerau ar. MlZof from ! tofta day I ffJAth tawatn n.u m prf.' We want iJSi mart frtulv axrau NUW-biii or wucocii aad ay n will maa Vault rre la Uux aazaahiMa with full MTUculan. 4Atiwt A. 1. Wcaiuijruroa ft Co it. anurw :er4,CBBB. FKEE sample to agent i. JIi;r.itJt-Booa, with Chromo". Co., N-w Bedford, Mai-e. I-UlIlV t'yWBINATIIS o. t. WPFK FOK ALL at borne, iiiii or ;V.:ia'-; fx- -r weei, day or evtfnint;. No cai-iiai. e -e!id iili:; arauge of gfoodrt by mail frt-e. ..idi-ea Mih :r rent rvturu a'auin. JI. Vt tMi, ITJ, Grretiwio'j t., . V. t)et. 10, 4 v. IIAVF. VOl' TRIKII r,r. Tor WEAK, NERVOUS. OR DEBILITATED? Aie ou ro languid that any riertioa re juir.. uivtei-f an fiort thHn you fetfl capable of uiubIdk Tfcwu try Jnrubelva, tlie wonderful tonic hij j luvinors ir, viUieh aete no beniUrially on tile .ecn-UMi .:r(fati rn M inn-art vir;ir to all vital foli;eH. Ii :m no al.-ohiiUi; :i'J eti.-er, whi.-h eil'.i)':'t lor a abort nine, in!: to let the Hiifferr f:U ! a lv.. r t pj:b r, hilt it l h tvetjl.Je n.-l.", rti'.tlv cn 'iie iner and ej-leMii. I ivgu3i.t.i tbe lejwele, p-.jets tbe liere., ti.l tfiveB en 'L a healthy tone to tliewhttlr eyerr. - xn tuake :ue u:vi!l:.l fe.;l llae a tiew I eiauil. ltn Of ernti.u in uot iniiit, bill i.. rhRruclritd lu tjrc: :i:i,rY; the patient eij ri.-n.a no -n.!d u iliav;;i., ti.. njurked reaulta, liut Krada:ly fL'l)ls "r"id tlw.r tei,., tkr th.- .ir.'.'.. Air i a.:, ntiy a at awn .' ii lkO lit" aim nutt Mi iliac very, b;t 1..-. Ik'Cii loiij; ue. i witii wonderful reuiedu.1 reeultn, a. i.t m j ro nuuiio.l by the jneaical ail'boriti-H, ''the m-.-st i owvrt .il t jii:- and hlttrnhte hi'iei.'' Ati jvur ; "J;t;i-i tor I. K.T sale K lINSTt'N, H'lI.J.OWAV A CO., l".w. I'bilad!ihia, l'a. KVEKYBOHV'N OWX Pll YSIC I AX. lly C. W. OLEASON, M. D. A mafjulC-ent volume. Over 2J) KlifTvin?e. lw fntt. ne a.'ent took 11X1 order, in oiui wwk. Age.nU wauled. Cireulara fn. 11. N. MrKINNFV ti C.. T. San -otu St., I'hila. Oel, 16, I. VANTKI AiNTS tor the Heat Blliti(r I'ne Sta- tlone'T I'a. lHife nr.t. 'vn.j I'acli e, j imt-panl. fur 2ot". C'.'ci.'.ar. f:e. J. LMf;F, 7t7 Broadwuj, Ycrl. Oct. lii, w. KVF.KVIIOF.V'S OH. PIIVKI(1A ly C. Vi. Oi.ichon, M. D. A mairuini'nt vohimo of 4MS octavo pages tirautilully illutraieJ ami vlrautlv bound. Coutainn riatt;r juat ailaf til In tbt win In of ivy fsraily. Uvrr '0 fiipraviiigii. One agent old ion copl lii ono wl, unnth-i :m iu tliri dav, and ail- A GEMS WAITED di" A4'lren ht oucp. !i. . 3!tKivet A Co., 7-2S Suiitwsiii t., ThiJa. Vt. !, 4w. WATKRK' SKH NC.4I.E PIAXON, Ii;arr aud nprlRht, arc the N?t uiadf. TUe touch elaatic. tLti tune joAt.reful, j-ure and rv-i tlirouh tbti enlire cale, yet ui"llow and pivrvt. Hte" t oiKprle Organ rat b ncr'.lnd In tone or beauty ; tbry (It ly com-j...t;t..-n. The Ceocrrtn Slop is line Ii.-ir itiou of the liUIDM l Vi:ic;'. Wai-mnte.l for 6 yer. li-icr extre ruelj lov-for cash or frt rah, aud biUu.e in monthly payiuentH. Mocond hand iitrunuuU at great baiyalna. AeutK Wanted. A lilieral diiicount tu Teachtna, Minuter?, Churches, Hcboo'ui, Lodges, etc. Illustrated Catalotjues mailed. HORACE WATERS' A PON, 41 Broadwav, New Turk. P, O. Box Skj7... O'. 16. 4w. 0 taf- : V -V3 V. . r Ir. ,f. Walker's California Vine. gar IJitlPI'S are a jnnely Vegetable preparation, inadeehicily from the native herlis fiiuiil on the lowor ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal propertir-H of which arc extracted therefrom without tho use of Alcohol. The question is nlmvt tln.i'y asked, '' What i the cane of the unpnr alleled success of Vixkgau Birr eks ? " Our answer is, that they remove lh..' cause of disease, anil the patient recov ers his health. They are the pre::: blood purifier a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Iuvigoratc r of tho system. Never before in the his tory of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable qualities of Vikko ar Bittkks in bealin tic sick cf every disease man i heir to. They are a gentle Purgative as well as a Tonic, relieviuft Contention or Inflammation of the Liver and Viijceml Organs in Bilioas Diwases. TLe properties of Dk. Walker's Vixboar Uittkks are .Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative. Natritioun, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Atiti-Biliou. (Jrateful Thousands proclaim Vix- KGAB BlTTEES the most woudnrfu! Invipor nnt that ever sustained the sinkir.c svstem. Xo Person can take these Sitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Lilious, Remittent, and Inter mittent FeTers, which are eo prev alent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkaa, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Bio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entiro country during tho Summer and Autumn, and' remarkably 60 during sea sons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by cxtensiv derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon these various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is iio cathartic for tho purpose equal to Dk. J. Walker's Visegae BirrERs, as they will speedily remove tho dark colored viscid matter with which tho bowels are loaded, at the same timo stimulating tho secretions of the liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its uuids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can take hold of a svstem thus fore-armed. Jbyspepsiaor Indigestion. Head ache, Pafn ia the Shoulder, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizzinesa. Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of the Heart, Inflammation of tho Lungs. Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. 8crofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affec tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eves, etc., etc. In these, aa in all otiier constitutional Diseases, Walker Ytxegar Bitters Lavo shown theii great curative powers in the most ob stinato and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of tho Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad der, these Bittera have no "equal. Such Diseases are caused by ltmted Blood. Median ir al Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, aa they advance- in life, aro subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walk er's VrNEOAR Bitters occasionally. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Ealt-Khcnm, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pastulea. Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worm, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, fcenrfi', Diseolorations of the Skin, Humors und Diseases ef the Skin of whatever camo or nature, lire literally dog up ond carried out cf the system in a short tiaie by the use of these Bitten?. Tin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the eyiem ff so many thoasard?, are effectually destroyed arid removed. Xo (yctera uf medicine, ni vermifuges, no an thelminitics will fr?' th tystcci frora worms liko these Hitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo- I manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bit- j tew display so decided an icfl'.ieneo that im- : proremeat is soon perceptible. j Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when- ever you rind its nr.paritiea burntin through j tho skin ia Pimples, Kmptions, or Sore; i tUiaase it when you it obstructed and i 8lncgish in the veiass ; cleanse it when it ie J foul ; your feelings will t'.'ll yon whi-n. Keep i Iht blood pure, ond the health of the synfin will fallow. r. ii. Mcdonald k ., tr-iriBt nad Gi n. Auts.. lnn Ccliforru. ur.U ccr. of WanhL-ipt'.-a iiail t iiiuUcn S:.. N. Y. : aiulil by nil IruuKl M unit Drulrr. i Children otton look VuW aud Mirk ' i from mi c!N:r i a"f-.' t'u ;i !.r.v!r. :;i the i utofiurh. i HKOWN'S VF-MMirUGE COMFITS j will il.vlriiv Vt'orrn without inlnry to the child, bciriL' perfectly WHITE.and t'roi:i all tUe uolorini; or other injaiions liicretlients equally r.3ed in worm preparations. f'L'RTIS & BROWN, Proprietors. No. 21.r) Fulton Street, New York. .Wii b-j DnujQisit and Ctrmifta, a'n Jsai'ni ti .V.itWni' f Tw'kntt-Five CrT a Itox. July 1873. ly. . H ATCHES. JEW KI. ICY A SILVER WARE. Johu IV. Strvfiixoii. Corner Third and Market Sts, Nunbury, Ia. HAS completely renovated hi Store Room, and opened the largest assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SOLID SIL VER AND PL AT FID WARE, ever exhibited in this part of t lie State. Every thing in the Jt wcliy !ii: is krpt in ftire. Mlvrr- Ware. ItraoeletM. j RiiiS V Chain, ofeyt.-y C.i ..rii.tioi ;u;i of the llm-st quality. I'aitieular attention paid to repairing AVnt lies, loekH, Jewlry, dr. II AIR JEWELRY mad? to o-.! r. SaiHiiiry. Ma rfh ., 174. J. Younciu:inN linprovtMl Nlidts Valve for Stationary and I.oromo live Euginew. HAVING within the last few years comp'.i te.i the invention of a Steam SliJu Vale dcsiRi ed for the purposed of removim; the pressure frora the valve as It exists at poscnt. 'we will warrant for sii months and place one in jtnv Lo comotive, any Ocean Steamer, any Inland Stea mer or any other stationary engine. It ii simple, ebeap, effective am! i'liiestnictahle ; ani saves fuel and machinery. It mores its weight only. No alteration iu any part of the machinery is re quired to apply it, and the time occupied in sub stituting it for the ordinary 'I' vilve need not be over half an hoar. 5-eIt isiudlapcusableatthe mines where hoist ing Is done. With this valve the cngin can be reversed without shutting off the steam, thus saving time and avoiding labor. This valve can be moved easily with one hand when surrounded bv r.ny amonnt of pressure. Address J. YOL'NGMaN A CO., Suchurv, Fa. "nrbnrv, Ji?ne 12. lK7t. PEXXSYLVAXIA KAIL ROAD. 1'niLADEI.PHIA A ERIE R. R. DIVISION. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, June 28th. 1874, the Trains jii the Philadelphia & F.rie Rail Road Divi sion wtl run us follows : WESTWARD. Fhsi Liu'; lciivea Philadelphia, Harrisburir, " " " Sunbnry. ; " " '' Williiimsport, " " 4i .irr. at Lock Haven Erie Miiil leaves Philadelphia, " ' " llurriabur, ' " 4i Hunbiiry. " " Williamsport, " " " Lock Haven, il " Rcnovo. " " an at Erie. 12.55 p in 5.00 p m 6.55 p m 8 50 p in 10.00 p n 11.55 p ia 4.25 a iu 6.10a m S.oii a ui 9.45 a m 11.10 a m 8.05 p m S.00 a ro 1.20 p ra 4.20 p m 6.20 p m Elmira Mnil leaves PhilailelDhia, " " " Harrisburg, " " Sunbury, " " " Williamsport, ' " arr at Lock Haven, 7.:J0 p ia l.spress leaves Philadelphia, 7.20 a m liarriiburg, 10.40 a m " Sunbury. 12.30 a ra " " Williamr.p't, 2.05pra " " " !.oek Haven, 3.10 p id " ' " Kenovo, 4.20 p m " nrr. Rt Kanp, a.15 p m EASTWARD. Philadcl. Express linves J.oeh Haven, 0.20 a ro " " " Willaimsport, 7.45 m Sunbnry, " " arr. at Harrisburt;, " " " Philadelphia. Erie Mali leave Erie, " " Renovo, " " Lock Haven, i'.M a tn 11.45 a m S.3.") p m 11.20 a ui 8.20 pm 0.35 p m 10.50 p m 12.40 p m 2.40 a in 0.40 a m 9.45 a m 11.00 a ra 12.40 p m S.05 a ra 6.35 p m 9.00 a m i " " " Williamsport, 1 " " " Stiubary, i " '' arr. at Htrrixburif, j " " arr at Philadelpnia, I Elmira Mail leave Lock Haven, " ' " Williamsport, " " " Sunbury, j il " - arr. at HarrisburK ' " " " Philadelphia, .MSara Liprets leaves Kane, " " Renovo, 4.05 p m " " " Lock Haven. 5.25 p m v niiamsport t.50 p ra '- ,; " Sunbury, 8.40 p ra '- arr. at Harrisbnrif, 10.55 pm " " " Philadelphia, 2.50 a m Mail East connects east and west at Erie with L. S. & M. 8. K. W. and Ht Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R.R. V. Mail Wert with east and wett trains 03 L. S. & M. 8. R. VV. and at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Elmira Mail and BurlUlo Express make close connections ut williamsport with N. C. R. W. trains, north, and at Harrisburg with N. C. P.. W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup't. Philadelphia d: Reading Railroad. SUMMEK ARRANGEMENTS. .Ti;;;s 15th, IS74. Trains Lsjvr. Hf.kndon as Follows : (Svsnsrs Excsi'TEn.) For thamokin, 10.40, 11.00 a. m. mi.i .0 p. m. For Mt. Caime!, Ashland. Tarnation, Pottuvllle, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. m. Trains ior Hi:kndon. Leave as Follows: (SfNDM-S EXCKI'TEW.) Leave Phamokiu al 3.00 n. m. 1.50 aud 3.55 p. In. Leave Philadelphia, 9 15 a. ra., Reading: 11.25 a. m., Puttsviile, 12.10 p. m., Tamat 11a. 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p. m., Mt. Carrael, 3.21 p. m. Tiuins Leave H kkibckg, as Follows : For Ne'v York, 5.25, S.10 a. ui. and 2.00 7.40 p. 111. For Philadelphia, 5.25. M0 9.45 a. m.,S.00aBd 1 o. ..(, p. ni. SrNDATB. For New York, 5,25 a. ra. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m. TllAINS FOK II AltKISBt ltO, LZAVE AS FOLLOWS : Leave New York, 9.00 a. ra., 12.40 and 5.30, 7.4" p. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m. 3.40 and 7.15 p. m. SrSDATS. Leave New York, 5.80 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. m. Vi.t Morris and Essex R. R. J. E. WOOTTEN. Gtntral Sua' I. Reading, Pa. May 22, 1S74. Northern Central Railway. , On and oftor Dec. 1, Wi trains 03 this nwd will run u follows : LEAVE NORTHWARD. Leuvo Krife Renova Elmirc Buffalo Mail Acrom. Mll. Etprres Washington 8.3S p m 4.43 a m 11. M s m Baltimore 1 1.13 pm S.'iSsm 1.46 p m rhiLululi'liui liVJOpm 8.00 am 11.06 p m 3,o m 8.2.1 t 1.30 p a 6.0ft c na 1.IMJ p In Huubury 3.2U a m 1 1.10 a m 4.13 pm T.19 p m Amy at : Wilharcivpcrt ... 7.10 a m 12. Si p m 7.10 p ra t.00 p m r.iiaira ii.ouam ig.'jOpm Buffalo s.30 p ra Erii 7.W p ra All diiily eii-i.t Hunday. Leave: Buffalo Elmira Harris' Erie Fijirtpe. Mali. Aooora. HaiL Fr:e 11.20 a s lloffi!) V.SOpm 7.30 am Klmira 6.4S a m tllpig VilLiHji:.ort.... 1.10 am V.'JO a m 6.&0 p tu 11.10 p m Sunbury 2.60 a m 11.13 a m 1.40 p m 13.33 a at Arrive at : Harrmuuru .... I.SOin 1.30pm 14.60pm 3.03am FliiUduli lim. ... U.10 i m i.ii p m 3.30 am 8.00 a in H .'ittniore 4.40 a m t.30 p m i.ii a m S.40 a m W :hiiirtou 10.U3 a ra 8.30 p m 6.13 a m 10.33 a m All piu Sun'miry d&ily eicept Sunday. A.J. BASS ATT, E. 8. YOCXQ, T. Ot'CKEIt, (ieti'l Manager. iifu'l Pans. Agent. Bupt. NEW GOODS for SPUING AND SUMMER at !riM Hate IlIaek'H. Market Square, Prcnbury, Pa. LADIE'S DRESS GOODS of every sty n-.ia FA NCY GOOdKoTIONS AND Trimmings a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. The line-it assortment of Ladies' zoods. Everybody is invited to call and see them and buv rheap. May S, 1874. W1MKR STORES. RYE WHISKY, 4.00 a gallon. 11.00 a dozes. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In large bottles, $11,00 a dozen. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, 13.00 a dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA RUM. SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAWBA WINE. OLD PORT WINE, CHAMPAGNES, SEGARS, &C. II. A A. Van Beil, TnE Wise Merchants, 1310 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. O -f. M. THE KINO 1IAKBER SHOP IS THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long has been ; ask history and she will tell yon Men have grown old in our patronii je Bsbies on their mothers" brear-t To bouncing boys at play ; And youths by maidens fair caressed. To stalwart men with cares oppressed, And old men silver gray. And anions the honored and lasting impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutions in circumstance?, we stand a living monumental memento of the iucnuity and perseverance ap pertaining to tho identity of progression, piyicjf our vocation with the highest style of art and perfection, and aspiring to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation whtrh the presence of superior appliances andes-tabli-hment arc always wont to Inspire. Always to please We shave with ease Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing car, And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people about the town. Then allow rae politely request you to stop. And not go past nor trom around our shop. To get shaved on the basis of ability uor as some have done for our une of the ballot for prin ciple sacred and right nor under the common secret and iuvidious guise of enmity to complex ion ; for the cut of a man's coat, or the color of his skin, ought not to affect his nsefnlness nor his qualifications. A fair chance 1 ull that we demand, to give t he proof to all the Innd. James w. Washington. Proprietor. fiarhrrry, April 5, 1S7S ; No. 91, Market St. John H. Srxt. Jons M. SowoNorn. SELL A KC1IOXOIR. Second Street, WoaiLsriORP, Pa. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS WINES, BRANDIES, GIN'S, Pure Old Rye Whiskey. Applt. Whiskst, Cordials, &t. All Liquors sold gaurranteed as represented. Orders promptly attended to and puVllc pa tronuge respectfully solicited. SILL 8CH0X0UR. S i St., Womeisdorf, Berk Co., Pa. Feb. "7. 1?T4. ly. grimllnral. Wastk Ghounds. On thousands of farms throughout the country there is waste ground enough, if brought under cultivation, to pay the taxes and cost 0 cultivation. There is much more than this on many farms, but we are speaking now of old cultivated lands gen erally throughout the country. These waste patches are either grown op with elderberry or blackberry bushes, or weeds, or they are low spots that are too wet to cultivate at the proper season. In either case, there Is no better time to reclaim them than the present. They are on!; nuisances on the farm, and should be re claimed it for no other reason than the owner's reputation. Feuce rows are often so grown tip with briars and weed as to render the fences invisible, and have so encroached upon the land oa both sides as to render a wide strip utterly worthless. In such cases use a good stout brush scythe, and cut away the growth ou the side of the fence. Then move the fence on clean ground and finish the cutting, after which the bruuh and weeds can be gathered Into piles and burned. Now plough the ground as deep a yon can and for this purpose oxen are better than horses ; har row until the surfuce is thoroughly pulverized, and sow it in buckwheat, for there Is no bettsr crsp for eradicating weeds. We tried this sev eral years ago, from a sosgestion we saw in print, and can testify to Its efficacy. If the ground is low, and grown np with worthless grass or rushes, the remedy Is drain ing. This can frequently be accomplished with very little labor. We have one case in mind now, in which a farmer, by our persuasion, thoroughly drained a. swamp of aa aere In ex tent, in three days' tine, and it is now, and has been so ever since it was reclaimed, the most productive acre of the farm. And yet he had lost the use of it for twenty years, Just from want of a little consideration. Ex. Poll Evil Remipt. A correspondent of the Western Rural says : " Probe the pipe to the bottom ; take equal parts of corrosive sublimate and white vitriol, about what you can pick upon the point or a small penknife. Pnt it in a thin muslin cloth, tie a thread around it, put it down the pipe with the probe, letting the end of the thread hang out at Ibe top ; repeat this once a week for three or four weeks, nntU the pipe comes out. If properly doue I will warrant a cure without the use of the knife or causing a stiff neck. I have cured many horses, both for myself and others, and cevsr had a failure. Young horses are' particularly worth the trial. After the pipe eomes out there is nothing to do but keep the parts clean with soapsuds and wa ter. Colts. Many will new be wean ing their coits, and they should remember that it is a trying time for the young thing, and it should not be required to shirk for itself upon a poor pasture, or even a good one. The lots of its dam's milk should be made up, either with cow's milk or ground oats, barley and oil-meal. Horse breed- - t ers lo not surficientlv anrreciate the value nf . oil-me-i!. This is an ensily digested food, very rich in all the elements to grow muscle and bone. Give the eolt cne-half pound of oll-mcal railed with one pound of bran, and he will not suffer from weaning. 1o't Boxiww Tools. A farmer can ret ia ; no habit worse than that of borrowing tools, and j for the following reasons : First, one who owns tools does not like to '.end them, and he thinks less of the man who borrow ; second, one never will come to learn how to use borrowed tools nor to keep them in order ; and third, he who borrows nevr can be a good farmer. It is tree that young men just starting may be allowed to borrow some, but he should not establish the habit ; or, one may borro a new implement to see how it works. A man who borrows is not likely to use a tool as carefully a if it were his own, and, as a consequence, he does not do careful, nice work. What can a man be think ing about when be borrows a steel plow, keeps it several days or a week, and brings it home, ae will be most likely the case, so dull as to be nn Bt for nse 7 The owner can only take it to the shop and at bis own expense get it sharpened. If a nau lends tools to one there are several I Haichbora who aim will want to hnrrnv ! nnl i, : .. . ... . It is, a harrow, for instance, may be going rouad through the neighborhood all the season. It ie every way desirable to cultivate what is callei "good neighborhood," bnt this cannot be done where borrowing is practiced. HOUSEHOLD. Om Rbcbipt kor Cruino Mat. To one gal lon of water, Take 1 lbs. of salt, H lb. et sugar, yt o:. of Saltpetre, 4 or. potash. In this ratio the pickle can be increased to any quantity desired. Let these be boiled together until all the dirt from the sugar rises to the top and is skimmed off. Then throw it into a tab to j cool, and when cold, pour it over your beef or pork. The meat mast be well-covered with pickle, I and should not be put down for at lease two days j after killing, during which time it should be ! ,p?a!'W w,ilh P"l "Itpetre, which j rerao,,es surface-blood, Jfcc., leaving tfc r meat freeh and clean. Some omit boiling the I &Me' UD fin ' to answer well, though the i operation of boiling purifies the pickle by throw- ing off the dirt always to be found in sait and ' sugar. If this receipt is strictly followed, it will ; require only a single trial to prove its superiority over the common way or most ways of putting don meat. Gnm-tntotn Teltpraph. Rheumatism ad Goct. A medical corres- pendent of an English journal says that the ad i vantages of asparagus are not sufficiently ap i predated by those who suffer with rheumatism . and gout. Slight cases of rheumatism are cured in a few days by feeding on this die. Freckles. Small ronud freckle can be re ; moved by the application of chlorine ter i every night and morning, allowing it to dry in. ! For the more dense ones, chloride of liue, one : to ten, fifteen to twenty parts of water, accord ing to tae sensitiveness of tne skin. Whea usiug the stronger solutions, merely touch the spots with a moistened camel's-bair brash. Appl Tree Borbr. This is the season of the year to rid your trees of this destructive insect. The Instient of the fly is to deposit its eggs Just below the surface of the ground. As soon as hatched the young grub enters the tree and eats Its way upward nearly with the grain of th wood. Its presence cm easily be discovered by the wood dust it works out of its hole as it as cends. The best way to get them out is with a sharp chisel ; cat away the bark, and have a stout wire to probe the hole, continue cutting ia the track of the grub until found. I this day took six out of one tree twelve or fifteen inches up ; nver bnt one worm occupies the same hole. They will destroy the tree in a few years if not taken out. I find that about one-fourth of my trees are in fested with them. The trunks and large limbs of frnitVees should be washed with soap, or a solution of snl-sodc. If soap ie used have half soft soap and water. If sal-soda use quarter of a pound tu a gallon of water. If stronger than this there is danger of killiug yonng trees. Sal-soda is cheaper, and qulto as good as soap. Wft Boots. The Agriculturist gives the fol lowing advice to farmers, who, next to fisherman, are apt to get their boots wet through : " When the boots are taken off, fill them quite full with dry oats. This grain has a great fondness for I damp, and rapidly absorbs the last vestige of it from the wet leather. As it takes up the mois ture It swells and fills the boot with a tightly titling last, keeping its form good and drying the leather without hardening it. Ia the morn ing shake out the oats and hang them ia a bar near the fire to dry, ready for the next wet a:!;t, draw on the boots and go happilv about the da v work." ' To Cokcial Bid Tastes. The bitter tast of quinia, colocynth, aloes, quassia and other hit ter medicines, is said to be instantly removed by 'tewing a piece of licorice.! To Diioriss CaSTOR Oil. Rub two drops oil of cinnamon with aa oncceof glycerine, and add an ounce of castor oil. Children will take it and ask for more. Rbmiot for citocr. Half a teaspoon fat ef pulverized alum la a little molasses. It b a tlai -ply remedy, one almost always on band, and one dose seldom fails to give relief. If It should, re peat it after on? honr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers