A; The Sunbury American Is PrBi.isHF.D Every Fbidai, ei ESI'L WILVEKT, Proprietor, Corner of Tlard SL,and Market Square, feUNBCKY, TA. At One Dollar and Filly Out If paid strictly In ad vane; $1.75 if paid within the year; or $2.00 in all CMten when payment in delayed till after f cpiratlon o: the year. No subscription dlecontuiued uutil all arrearage are paid unless at the option ol the publisher. iHwt leiiw are hiciult ai.hkr r 10. All uew ubseri1kiis to the American by persons livliu outaide of the County of Northumberland, must be ac ciuipauied with the t'AhH. This is made necessary by the iliflicully rpMifiioil in cil'iectinf: uuiiaid fmbwirip tion at a dietauco. Rates of Advertising. One irch.ftwelve lines or its equiralent in Nonpareil type) oue or two iusertioiia, three insertions $2.00. Space. 1m. 0m. 3x. 6. lY. One inch $i.Ko $3.00 $4.(W $S.UO 10.00 Two iuehea 3.00 6.00 7.00 9.00 15.00 Three inches 5,H0 7.fJ 9.0 12.00 1.0J Four iDcfaes 7.00 9.00 11.00 17.U0 23.00 Quarter Column 10.00 12.00 14.00 20.00 M.OO Hall coiamn. 15.00 14.00 201(0 30.00 60.00 One column 3U.0S 34.00 4U.IH iw.uU luuaM Yearly advertisement payable quarterly Transient advertisements miut be paid before insertion, except where parties have accounts. Local notices twenty cents s line, and ten cents for every subsequent iueertion. Cards in the "Business Directory" column $2.00 per year for the rst two hues, and $1.00 for each additional AMERICAN ) 1- JLJ tU Istabllslied In lwio. PRICE I 50 IN ADVAXCE. SUNBURY, PA.. FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 30, 1874. , New Series, Vol. 6, So. 31. tOld Series, Vol. 35, No. 31. HOSPITAL, I'liysician of this celebrated Institution, lias discovered the most certain, speedy, pleasant and effectual remedv in the world for hI! DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness ot the Back or Limb, Strictures, Affections of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun tary Discharges, Impotcney, ?eneral Debili ty, Nervoueiress, Dyspcpsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confttcion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nope or Skin, A flections of Liver, Limps, Stomach or Bowels these Urrible Disorder srieinir from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, hiiUtinn their inoBt brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, &c.,impos tible. VOCNG MEN esifcially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to rti untimely grave thousands of younc men ef the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thundera of eloquence or waked to ecstaey ti e 'ivmtr lvre, mar call with full confidence. MAURI AGE. MarrW Persons or Young Men contemplating tnurrlaire, aware of Physical Weakness, (Logs t.f Procreativc Power Impotcney), Nerrous Eli-Stability, Palpitation, Orauic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentle man, and confidently rely non bis skill as a Fhv ician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS. Impotcney, Los of Power, immediately Cured and full Vipor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Lite miserable and marriage impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. You personBare too apt to. commit excesses from not beinpawarc of the dreadful conseqenees that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sootrer by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent T Besides bring deprived the plcasnrcs of healthy offspring, the most serious and desl rnctivc symptoms to both body and mind arise.- The system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Lots of Proereative Power, Nervous Irrilabllity, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a WaMing i of the Frame, t'or.gh, Consumption, D'-c:iy and I Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DYS. IVr-ons ruined In health by unlearned preten ileis who keep them triflinc month after mouth, li.kin; poisonous and injurious r-oinjmtiuds, should apply immediately. DR. JOHNSTON. MiiuInT of the Royal College of Surgeons. Lon flon, Graduated from one of the mrt eminent Col'egfs in the United States, and the greater j-srt of who-1 ife has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the mot-t astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ring ng in the head and cars when asleep, great oervousnecg, being alarmed at sudden sounds, jaehln'.ness, with frequent blushing, attended .oinclimcs with derangement of raiud, were cured mmet'iatelv. TAIiE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all thoi-c who have injurrd heniFclvts by improper indulgence and solitary mbits, wLieh ruin both body and mind, unfitting hero, lor either business, etudy, society or mar iaire. These u'e foine of the sad and melancholy fleets produced by early habits of youth, viz: Veakuess of the Back and Limbs, Pains in the 3ackand Head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Mus ular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dysjicpey, v'ervou Irritability, Derangement of Digestive "mictions, General Debility, Symptoms of Con unipiion, ic. MrsTiLLF The fearful effects on the mind re much to be dreaded Loes of Memory, Con iwion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil 'orelxxlinifs, Aversion to Society, Self-Distrust, ove of Solitnde, Timidity, Ac., are some of the vjls produced. Thousands of persou of all ages caii now .idire what is the cause of their declining health, jKing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous nd emaciated, having a singular appearance bout llie ejes, cough and symptoms oieou'utnp- OI' YOUNG MEN '.'ho have injured th msclvcs by a certain prae re indulged" in when alone, a habit frequently arued finm evil companions, or at school, the tlects of which are nightly felt, even when sleep, uiid if not cured, renders marriage iuipos ible, and destroys both mind and body, should pply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of kis ountry, t he "darling "ef his parents, should be aatehci from all prospects and enjoyments ol fe, by the consequence of deviating from the ath of nature and indulging in a certain secret ab:t. Such persons mlst before contemplating MARRIAGE. efieet that a sound mind and body are the mot1 eeesB.iry requisites to promote connubial liappi c. Indeed without these, the Journey through fe tiecomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect onriy darkens to the view ; the Blind becomes hadowed with despair and filled with theme'an lioly reflection, that the happiness of another eeorr.es blighted with our own. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and imprudent votary of leasure licds that he has imbibed the seeds of his painful disease, it too often happens that an 1-liim d 6ense of shame, or dread of discovery, eters him from applying to those who, from duration and respectability, can alone uetnenc im, delaying till the constitutional symptoms ol bis horrid disease make their appearance, such ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose. no tural iains in the head and limbs, dimuen ol sight, eafnebs, nodes on the shin bones and anni-, lotchrs on the head, face and extremities, pro cessing with frightful rapidity, till at last the alate of the mouth or the bones of the tioe fall n. and the victim of this awful disease becomes . horrid object of commiseration, till death puts k period to his dreadful suffering, by ending :im to " that Undiscovered Country from whence io traveller returns." It is a melancholy fact that thousand DIE ictiras to this terrible disease, through falling nto the fcands of Ignorant or unskillful PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Poi on, Mercury, Arc, destroy the. conbtitution, and neapable of curing, keep the unhappy sufferer aonth after month taking their noiious or in urions compounds, and instead of being restored O a renewal of Life. Vigor and Happiness, in de? :;ir leave him with ruined Health to sizh over is irallin? disariHiintinent. To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges him- e'.f to preserve the mot Inviolable S-ereey, and j rom his extensive practice and observations in . Ijc great Hospitals of Euroie, and the lirst ir. i his country, viz : England, France, Philadelphia nd elsewhere, is enabled to oner tnc most ci r . '.r;. speedy and eflectnal remedy in t!ie world ir nil dire'i- s of imrirudence. DR. JOHNSTON. oITi'T, NO. 7, S. FREDERICK STREET. Cai.timohe, M. D. .eft hand side goiugfrom Baltimore street, a few loors from the copier. Kail not to observe name ud number. letters received unless postpaid and outainint a stamp to be nfed on the reply. Per .ons writing should state age, and send a port ion if advirtisemcnt describing symptoms. There are so many Paltry, Designing and vYorthlcfS Ioipnster advertidng themselves a "'liysitians. trifling with and ruining the health f "all who unfortunately fall into their power, hat Dr. Johnston deemB it necessary to say es wi.illv to lhoe unacquainted with his r.Minta ion that bib Credential or Diploma always nr.,; in his office. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. Tbe many thousands cured at this Establish uent. year after ye:ir, and the numerous im )ortnt Surgical Operations performed by Dr. ohuston, witnessed by the representatives of the lress and many other papers, notices of wlrf'-h rave appeared again aud again before the public, esides his standing as a gentleman of character nd refpoiisibility, is stitUeient gunrantee totbe ifflicted. Shin ditteafs speedily cured. April 3, 1"T4. ly 1,1'NHER AM) FLAXIXU MILLS. Miii J Street, adjoining Phila. & Erie R. R. Spare North of the Central H"tei, SUNEURT, PA. two IRA T. CLEMENT, 1 ? prepared to furnish every description of luin- j ualtimoke lock jr. joknston, Having all the latest Improved machinery for manufacturing Lunber, he is row ready to fill or ders f all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOOR! SHUTTERS, SASH, BUNDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, sad ail kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LARGE A9SOBTVTST OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Order promptly filled, and shipped by Railroad t ottterwtoe. IRA T. CLEMENT. ecm.eH:1y Jrofirssional. JOSEPH N. ROMt, ATTORNEY and COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Herndon, North'd county, T;i. All business matter in the counties of North umberland, Snyder, Union, Perry ar.d Juniata promptly atteuded to. Consultations can be hud in the German and English bingnas. :t pril 17. 1S74.-K. " EDMUND DAVIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, PENN'A. f'ffiee in Haupt's BuiMint', south side of ftxr-k-t street. june5.'74.-iy. A. NOIIEK. ATTORNEY AT LAW tMl rOVSTY SOI.ICtTOU. Office on Front Street below Market. Sunburv. l ra. Collections and nil legal business promptly attended to. JANES KEAKO, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, in Haupt's building, South Esst Corner j of Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. Si'rciai. Attention Paid to Collections. JAMES II. MrOEYITT, Ai .TTORNET AT XJAW AND 1:sitki States Commissioner. ODlce with S. i B. Boyer, Es.(., in Bright's BuIMiog, Sunbury. j Pa. Aug. 22. 'To. l.v. j . IIRKT, lY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, and acting JUSTICE or TTIT. PEACE. Next Door to Judge JorJu?!' Residence, Chest nut Street, Sunbury, Pa. Collection? and all legtl matters promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH SNYDER," ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND ACTIX JI'STICE OF THE PEACE. Convcyancing.theeollcetions of c!aim,writings, and all kinds of Legal business will be attended to carefully and with despatch. Can be consult ed lu the English aud German language. Olfiec formerly occupied by Solomon Maiick, E-o,., op posite Cilv Hotel, Sunburv, Pa. March '., 17::. ly. G. ItUTDORF, Attornev-at-Law, GEORGETOWN, Northumberland Co., Penn.i. , Can be consulted in the Eniriish and Genii;'. 11 ; languages. Collections attended to in North- i umberland and adjoining counties. A No Ageut for the. Lebanon Valley Fire In-n- : ranee Company. mhl5 j ril II. II. KASE. Attorney ut Law, SUN- j JL BURY, PA. Olllcc ia Market Square, ! (adjoining the office of W. I. tireeuo-.ib, Es-j..) j Professional business in this and adjoining c oun- ties promptly attended lo. Sunbury, March Hi, 172.-ly. W- C. PACKER, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. j November?, 1872. tf. j II. HOVER, Attorney and Counsellor I nt. Itw. Rooms Nos. 2 A '.' Second Floor, Bright's Building, SL NBURY, PA. Professioua husiuess attended to, in the courts of Northum ocrland and adjoining counties. Also, in the Circuit and D:trirt Courts for the Western Dis trict of Pennsylvania. Claims promptly collect ed. Particular attention paid to rats In Jiank-rupt-'j. Consultation cau tie hid in the tier man language. tiiar25.7. L. II. KASE, Attorney at Law, SUN BURY, PA., otllce in Masser's Building near the Court House. Front Room up stairs above the Drus Store. Collections made in Nor thumberland and adjoining cov.atie. Sunbury, Pa., Juuc S, ls7"J. SP. WOLYERTOX, Attorney nt Law. e Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. Profession al business in this ond adjoiuinir counties pronipt v attended to. Hit. MASSER, Attorney at Law, SUN- BURY, PA. Collections attended to in j the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder. : Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. ap!10-S;t ' OLOMOX MALIC K, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, iiuec ai nis resiueuceou -ircu birei-t, cine im; j nortu ol tneLourt House, near me jan, fu- i BURY, PA. Collections and all professional 1 business promptly attended to in this and adjoin- j ing connties. Consultations can be had in the German language. July27-1 . ! C. W. ZILT.l.KK. I.. T. UOHRl'.ACIt. ZIEULER V ROHRBACTI, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office iu Haupt's Building, lately occupied by Judge Rockefeller and L. T. Rohrbach, Esq. Collections and all professional business promptly attended to in the Courts of Northum berland and adjoining counties. Dec. 2. 1S71. Dr. A. C. CLARK, IN Mrs. Donncl's building, up stairs, above T. II. B. Kate's law office, opposite the Court House, Sunrury, Pa. June 1-. 1S74. C mo. pd. (1 B.CADW ALLADER.Market Street, T. SUNBURY, PA. Dealer ia Drujjs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Books, Dairies, &c. D' R. V. M. MARTI X, Offlcs in Drug Store, Clement House Biock, Office hours : from 11 a. tn., to 1 p. m., and from G to t p. m., at all other hours, when not Professionally en gaged can be found at residence, coruer of Front and Penn Ftreet, SUNBURY, PA. Particular attention given to surgical cases. Will visit Patients either in town or country. Jjotcls nub Itcstnnnints. i ClLE.MEXT HOISE, Third Street below ! J Market, Sunbury, Pa. 1 HAD. S. SHAN- j NON, Proprietor. Rooms neat and comfortable. Tables supplied with the delicacies of the season and the waiters attentive and obliging. Suuqury, April 21, 1874. lK.tWFOKI HOI SE. Cor. Third an 1 Mulberry, Buv.n-"; Centre, Williamsport. 'a . D. B. ELSE A CO., Proprieior. June. 211. 1873. U1 XITEO STATES HOTEL. W. I. KITCHEN, Proprietor. Opposite, the De- pot SHAMOKIN, PA. Every attention given to j travellers, and tbe best accommodations given, i Apiil S. 173. tf -ITTASHIXUTOX HOt SE. C. NEFF VV Proprietor, Corner of Market 'v Second Streets, opposite the Court House, Sunbury, a. May'J,'70. J.. Proprietor, Nos.S12 and 814 Market Street, above eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Terras, ti per day. He respectfully solicits your pat rou aire. Jant)'7'-. v ATI OX A L" HOT KU. AU(i iHtI s I WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd County, Pa., at the Station of the N. C. R. W. Choice wines and cigars at the bar. The table is supplied with the best the market afford. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. H I MMEIjTkESTAI KAXT, LOUIS HUMMEL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SHAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having just refitted the above Saloon for the accomodation of the public, is now prepared to Kcrvc jig friends with the best refreshments, and fresh Lngcr Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other malt quor. jushwss (farbs. W. S. RltOAKS. J. r-ACtrR HAAS WS. R II O A OS A CO.. KF.TAIt. riEALEKS OP ANTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Office with Haas, Fagelt & Co., Orders left at Seasholtr. & Bro'e., office Market treet, will receive prompt attention. Country ustom respectfully solicited. Feb. . 13T1. tf. AXTIIItACTTE COAL ! T ALEXTIXE DIETZ, Wholesale aud Retail dealer in e?ery variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All kinds of Grain taken in eichange. for Coal. Orders solicited and fille'' promptly. Orders left at S. F. NeTin's Confectionery Store, on Third treet, will recievc prompt attention, and money receiptedfor. the same as at the office. COAL! COAL! COAL! GRANT BROS., Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in WHITE AND RED ASn COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (LOWER WHARF. J Or'tee will reeTy rro?T:rt. Attention. I DENTIST KY. GEORGE M. 11ENX, j In Simpson's Building, Market Square, i Scsbuky, Pa., j 7 prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining j JL to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on hand j j a large assortment of Teeth, and other Dental j I material, from which he will be ,ible to select, j and meet me wants of his customers. j All worn warranted lo give satisfaction, or els the money refunded. ! The very ben Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders i kept on hand. : His references are the nnmerous patrons for j whom he has worked for the last twelve years. I Sunbury, April 21, 1st:. NEW ( OIL YAKW. rHE undersigned having connected the Coal i Jk. bUrlt iiiess with his extensive FLOUR el GRAIN ' trade, is prepared to supply families wit li the j VERY BEST OF COAL. ( HEAP FOK C ASH. Egg, Stove and Nut, constantly on hand Grain ! taken in exchange forCoal. J. M. CADWALI.ADER. Sunbury, Jan. 15. 1870. tf. v SIAUIRY MAItltl.E YARD. 1 Fourth Street ltelow Market, S V X B U n Y, 1 E N X ' A . T HE nndersisrned has returned from the Ver mont Marble Quarries with 5J Tons of Marble for Monument, rHve-Slones. &c, &c. He has bought at such figures that will allow him to sell better stone, for less money, than heretofore. The best Sutherland Falls Marble, which is better than Italian. Rutland i now 6old as low as the Manchester. Those who need anything in the Marble line, for Monuments, Grave-Stones, or other purposes, will find it to their interest to call and examine this large stock, as better bargains can be secur ed than bnying from parties 'huckstering' round the country. All lettering will be. done in the neatest nnd most improved stvle. W. M. DACGHERTY. Sunbury, Jan. II, lS7o. John seacixy. p. vv. rr.m'.r STEAtI PEAIXIX4. MIMA, MILI.F.RSBURG, PA. NEAGLEY& PEKRY, Manufacturers and Dealer in Flooring, Siding, .Surface Hoards, Lrith, Stripping, Shingles, And all kinds of Sash, Doors. Shutters. Biir.ds, j Mouldings, A c. ! Hemlock V White Pine Bill Stutr, and all kirid-i of Building Material. J Stair building and rhurch v.ork a t-pecialtv. March Ui, ly. " J COX LEY, HAC'KETT MATEER. I DEALERS IN ' H A 11 DWARE. j CUTLERY, IRON, ! OUXS, NAILS, j TOOLS, CLASS. ROPE, PFLLEVS, PAINTS, OILS, PUTTY, VARNISH, SHOE FXlSTJDIJsrCrS, i i iiri: r.r.i tin., Fishing Titeklc. Ammunition. A full line of goods at low pi ice.;. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS P!e; e call and examine SION' OF Till: ANVIL. SK MxrUet Street. I SIXBIRV PA. Juue .", HELP IT HANDY! The Reliable Family Medicine. j DIARRHEA, Dysentery. Cholera, Summer j Complaint, Cramps, cte., o,niek;y ct'n-d by I the use of ! JARDELLA'S i i Compound Syrup of Blackberry Root and Run- j barb. An old, well tried remedy, entirely vege- I table, pleasant to take, quick and certain in ' efTcct ; can be depended on in lb'.- most urgent i cases; maybe given to the youngest infant as I well as to adults. It contains ! NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. j It is a pleasant extract aud readily taken by ; children. It has often saved life when phjoi- cuius had despaired. Keep it hi the house and ; use in time. All we ask for it i-a triai. Don't , let your dealer put you off with something else, j Buy it. Try it. Sold by Druggists and Store , Keepers throughout this State. Prepared ot1v , t,v hansel:, a bro.. juI0,-Cm -000 Market Street, Philadelphia. , 89,000 IX GIFTS. XO POSTPOX EM EXT. A Grand Gift Concert. A GRAND OU T rONCFIlT 'ir.f'v r.veu at Hiiubury. '0 lent 1 vi! ; I tht Indcpen WASHINGTON' KTLAM ITItK COMPW V, f)'i TUVHM'AV. EKliJ'.r AMY Si, lh7... t i 1' bh the tirketi i-Tt i.ll KM l;for( Unit time, Lm j ih;e notice vail he given "if the Mm-. j A full Drawinc Orfaiii. ; OwiiiK t llie 1'auic-, uiiU in onier to mt thr r-rn rul 1 w mh uinl etperUtiiMi it the I 'lMn - aiet the ti, 'k'(-hoMe ! for the full tayTrt lit of I lie ,rH r.'!iinnti. .!, the liian- artiieiit have .-tertiJi.' J ti, j...i tl" i it and J lirawmr; to the tiate h1-a mTh:i a. The ohieet of thm ellt-n-riei- i lr till ) lr.l". .1 w enriiK a Stejim l ire Kukhi, vhleh v, H i mi naviintapc to u,-irflili'in t.'iwnit aer,"".iH ly mil. frr'tu the fact tht It will le au iN'h-jx-cilerit '.liii:iny. Ali'l hh we have uevr t.-: il.it tu iliHi barife our duty wheu callej nr mi. e r.-rt.-Miily will L- at le to m.-i iutih-'h more pood with the a.il of a Htenmer. There ie lio lecitlllll lillieteel; lare nd imtall town athia thirty inie'h -f Hunhary, all of wlueli iau l reached ! ralLromi, then iiftordini; the facility of ariNtiiiti ae of tho-e .l ,ivj i, 1,-hh tiitri an hour'a t!u-e; v luie at tii hii- time oer t'v n v'ill not te UTij'rot-:ted. t lur proj'-et lietii Uti.iiiMe !,., .e feel -inndent that all the t:e!iei will t !n- id 1;. the tiii above u-:i.ed for drawh:. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST .'" t.U'TS: tiSI T. nUAN'I" i;!i r or tV") hoo ;imi "hIO " :aa (int ! loo 10 OlftB (it $-.U.OO 1,0,10 411 OlftH Ol Xi.O l.ooo liKiOlitsid I0.1H) l.ooo 1"J (ilfte ol ft.o i 1,iKio ;KI Gift of '.'.O" i,nr !,0l Gift, of l.il l.l.MI Total i:,(-i Thi- enten'riee is no individual ppeenlntion, such ns houee.f lotB arid furniture j-ut up at fabulous ricee. ; 'i'he holder of u auco'H-fnl tleket v. 1 1 1 receive lis GIFT In 1 CASH. There will lie '-'o.OoO Tickets ot Adininhion to this Con cert, at Jt.CI each, and at the tiina al"ve stated the in SH giiis will he iliatrihuted. IT. AN" OF mSTRIfcl'TION. Tweuty tlioii-aud numbers, rei re-eiitiiiR and corrt s j.oudni!r will. luoe on the receipt issued, will he p!-ed iu one wheel and ear.ls enclosed with the names nf tho ' Iremluuis in sealed Iw.e, will lie placed in another. 1 rom these wheel, a utimle-r and one of thealove nam ed inscribed mrds will lie tiU.ru airuultaiieouBly. T he uuruler so itras.il from the one wheel secures the pre mium designated by the card taken at the same time from the other. Tliis operation will lie performed by a bllud jwrson, end continued until KiK'iteeu Hundred aud Fifty-Heveti rremiun.s are exhausted. It la evident that by this process, irand or fuvortism will be impossi ble, i'.very perm holdiin; a tiekei will be entitled to admission into the Cotieen. All OiitsPaid ia CASH without discount. Money can be sent for Tickets in registered k-ttets, or Post (Iftire Monev Orders, or by l.lpres." at our Xlfk. li desired. Tickets will be seat by Kipreas, C. O. I). The following fcciitiemeti have kindly eoiisentf d to set as Trustees for the above Out Concert : H. I'. Wolverton. l'.si).. Director I. H. a:id W. 11. li. ; Geo. Hill, Attorney at : Hon. W. I.. Hewart, en menitier of CoiiRrees; Wm. 1. reeiiouh, Ksci., Direc tor First National Dunk of Huubury; John Unas, l.s)., ditto; Ira T. t'limeiit, I .TiiiiL'Tiiian ; Wrn. 'T. tlraut, Cosl Merchant, Sunbury. The alsjve natn.'d gentlemen are hihiuinded and honorable men, who would not hud their uutnes ud pi'-e thei- ss'-tance t anv miworthv idiject. SAV'l. N. IIKNUKICKI, r.). M. KKNN. WM. H. M1L1KH, I.KVI hi AKHxI.TZ, lTiII.Il' M. SHINI'l'.r., tlomrruttee. All conirjimicutietis cheerfully answered. Add-ess, In ail case. N. S. F.NOLK, Correstionditig Hecretary. e.,,,i,-v. Aiies' "t. 1B". ,JeI) )rlirt5i:ij. PIIK SITXRURY AMERICAN" The Iirycpt and Most Complete liKhractit Kstab- IN THIS SECTION. NEW TYPE. NEAT WORK. IMPROVED PRESSES. KILLED WORKMEN. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. -rF.icF.s MonEiiA rn.- HOOK, CARD AND .101$ PRINTING EXECUTED IN THE BEST STYLE. ' BUSINESS CARDS. WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, SHOW CARDS, HAI L TICKETS. BLANKS. HANDBILLS. MERCANTILE LETTER HEADS. f NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS, ENVELOPES. CARDS, HECKS AND DRAFTS, rr.o. DODGERS. PAPER ROOKS. RAM M). MANIFESTS, f IP.CULAF.S. Event !:ii;g lliat is neede :d in the printing !- Tiarlfiicnt vl'! lie ey.vr.icj with rrouintliefh and ! at low price-. All arc invi' d to call and ex.i- i mine o;:r i;ii'. No trouble to give estimates and show goo, . We tball cheerfr.lly do this to all, who call for tl-at purpo without charge. "Orders for ib it .script ion. AlveTtii.il! .lo'i Printing, thciikfully received. A Mre-s LM L WILVERT. Proprietor, SUNBURY, PA. C1 'v TI,E 8 IJ X Hi; R V A MEIiKJAN i' Tin: JJL'S TAD VEHISlXd MIWJILV !! tl" Ccnir.il part of tin IT CIRCULVrF- In one of the Most Thrifty, lnte!lig ti'. s.nd j V. TAI.TMY SFCTIONS OF rENNSYLVANI . Sample copy of pnp'-r i of charge. TOY COXFECTIOXEKV STOE. Everybody b invited to fi.nie and buy 'f ''b hp.ndsonic assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONFKIFS nt SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STOEE, in frame buildine, r.dloiiilnir McsreA- Dissin r-.r's hulldlnre. THIRD STREET. SUNBURY, PA. Just opened a fresh supply of CoBfeeiinnerb of every description TOVS OF ALL I.IXON coii't:tntly on bund. The best P.AIrllNS, FHJS. il'RRANTS DRIED FRl IT. PURE P.IO COFFEE, TF.A SPICES, fresli Rread, Ruus fe Cakes, every t.iorniiur fancy cakes, biscuits, crackers, .v-c. orax;eks, lumoxs. FRESH FlSn EVF.'RY PAY will be sold at the. lowst i.-atcs. Tbe belt ofilol(TC !, ',, cotintrv's fla" Amman shad win i dered at the residence ( sustained the honor uv the country s ua r.,..eer,...rin on . r.t tmm. u .i-e!f otrntrf,!.. of purchasers In any part of thc town. Call and see the excellent assortment of goids nrj iscerfiin frlce. the :ni Ki;. No graceful shape like a Grecian urn. But upright, downright, stand the churn. Broad at the base nm) tapering small. Above it. the dasher straight and tali Witidowless tower with Hag-staff barf . Warrior or warden, nobody there ! Fatdiioned of cedar, queen of llie wood. Cedar as sweet as girl in a hood Hiding her fiee like a blusli-rwe b:nl. The dasher waite knee-dep in the cream. As cattle wade in the shady stream. And flat id the foot as a four-leafed clover, Just wait the. touch to tra.pie it over. Beside the churn a maiden Moods, Nimble and naked her arms and hand? i Another Rath, when the reapers reap. Her dress, as limp ;is a flag asleep, I faced in front with a puzzling cheek ; Her feet are bare as her sun-browned neck ; j Her hair rays ont like a lady fern, j With a single hand she starts the churn ; I The play nt the first is free and swift, i Then she gives both band, to the plunge and lift , A short iinick splash in the Milky Way j One-two, one-two, in Iambic play I A one-legg'd dance in a wooden clog, lwneingajig id a watery hog A soberer gait at an all-day jog Up-down, up-down like a pony's feet. A Bteady trot in it sloppy street, The spattering dash and the tinkling v.nh Deaden and dull to a creamy wash Color, of daffodil shows in the churn ! Glimpses of gold ! Beginning to turn '. Slower and slower deader and dumb j Daises ond Buttercups ! Butter ha come ! What thinks (he maiden all the while ! j Whatever she thinks, it makes her smile, Whatever she docs is only seeming, Spinning aud weaving, wedding and dreaming, i ' Ah. clpirms nrp hi.l til the iru-.,t,o rr,Ll ..... .... - ..... ... ...v - (-""J And more come out than the churn can ho'd No butter at all, but bonnets sown With gardens of flowers and all full blown ; A clouded comb of the tortoi-e shell. ! Ah, it U a beauty and she a belle ! j A grape leaf breast-pin's restless shine ( Is twinkling up from the fairy mine. The dasher clinks on a bright gold ring, ! .Morocco shoes, like a martin"? wing, j Come up with a gown of flounces ri'k j Some fairy lost in the buttermilk I Ribbons of blue for love-knot ties ; To match th-j tint of her longing eye :-- j Ribbons of pink anil a belt of gray j Rippling along in a watery way. j She looks at herself in Fancy's glas. ' And sees h?r owu little figure pass i She closes her eyes and looks again. And sees, as she dreams, the prince of mr-ii She closes her eyes, nnd, side by tide, He is the bridegroom and the the bride '. Ah, never, my girl, will virion burn As bright as those iu thu cedar-churn ; Ah, what have we won if this be lost : The blessing free and the bliss at cost ! .Scrilir. itttscflhitfOH. XASBV TAKES A XEW TIRE. OEPAR- IfflW THE DEMOCRATS ABANDON OLD IS SUES. . The Rev. Petroleum V. Nasby has come j to life again with the detutJcratic revival, j j and addresses the following letter to the , ! Toledo Blade i Confederate X Hoads j ! (vicb ! in l)f,Huti uv ICntol.j ;, J October .'1, 174. ) j I hev bin a long time convinst that the principle t rubble with the democrisy wuz fori ol a lacK 01 progrcssiveniH. o . j ability, el I may so spcaK, to enanges iu ! the requirements uv the times. Dimocrisy hez allu;; bin in a rut, and it never km git on to glory, in my opinynu, till it gits bisted out uv it. I determined that the Cioss-lloada, at leest, should be progressive, aud should be progressive, and should take the lead ip makin dimocrisy all that it ought to be In short, 1 per posed to inoggerate a new deparcher, and bring the old party up abreast with the live ishoos uv the day. To this end I consulted with Deekin Po- ! gram, Issakcr Cavctt and (,'aptaiu MclYI ' tcr, and they agreed with methat that wuz j as my wile reasoned, "tnai a urcss wmcn ; this was made a nospuai. tmeuay one oi , ,v!i, no," muttered the major, with a I wat ought tobe.d..ne,andthitnotimeshood j wa. worth sixty dollars should cost as these officers dragged himself to the win- j c,arei a, ir t ho hrr.itng f the building was j be lost a doin uv it. Ever prompt, I scg-j mudi mon-1- make it up ;'' and with this :, low, and under the impulse of the moment ; a subj(,K tfvn tv,d "cnf rclv sl'np-d hi- t-sti-1 thai wo git together that very night, i reilectiou I consoled myself. So when I j my sister asked if we could do anything for min(K' n the back room at P.ascom's, and draw j i));,.rj this proposal to take this ether dress j them, and he answered gasping for breath, j ,So )H,.h th, iit.tll.T ,-,.r yol, ext.l.tiii ! ' a progressive platform, which shood go j , !imdamc. I argued that, if he charged j that a little chicken soup would save their j Vm a.r(;n ...... r tlljnk l haV(. t lho fortti to the world as tbe priusipples uv the progressive dimocrisy uv th; Cns-Rciids which vc shood live by. But t.V ill-luck wich hez followed me all my life, a.id hez well-nigh brot my gray i...ieo orrnw to the crave, wuz close be- liuiia iu 'i ' - " hind me on tbis occaahuu. At that af- tcrnoon 1 wuz cnt for to go to ectssion villn to serve on a joory to try a nigger for hog steelin, wich of course cood not, be put oil" I told Issakcr, the Iteckin aud Mc IVlter to git together nnd draw up tbe rc solooshns and send cm tif county paper ' to insert. "Make cm stroug ami jieupcry. I sed. Avoid the musty lioshus uv ";c ,lea(1 tin st. and strike out suthin Mew : nd start- s..t eei.Kivo wild nut vouf - in i. uu , - i ,.iv,., in accord with to-day. RememUtir . , ..me ... .i.ue.awav with 1 1: SSuuIt,,, new. Head r . . ,.,",......,c ,.).;..! I . . ... . 7 ... : ..TIa A A IT (in SIH II 1 Illll 1'' L Wl . 1 .... hmiL' iM.If I 1 tll (III llflll" JJl'l. I ' Utuu u,,tft ...;.. than veu thev arc." i ..." . . SecessionviUe and tried the nigger. We didn't waste any time on evidence or any- ' thin" uv '-bat sort. Nor did we leave the , i We brought him in guilty, and to ,c tl e county costs hung him at ...kc. 1 ol home the next morning, and went I to Issakt V immcjet to son w it thev htd done. t "Did you draw up them ifsolooshuns V" i 1 akt. "We did,'' r.w: he, "and send them oi., and they nre in print afore this time." "Are they progreh'- ?" nk' 1. "Yoo bet '." sed he. "Did you ignore ol I ishoos? Did you draw a ?potig: ovr the past, and arc they foil of live, new ideas ?" They are." lo "hero m n ronv tlv- Vm. u,.iniim i uioiv uiu - Whereas, It seems ez tho the Corners IieU ' a c;ljj t0 rU.., j tl,e front rank uv the pro irisive! men uv to-dav, and n - Whereas, Tlic Corners believes in pro- ! gress, turns its back onto the dead past, and ignores the dead ishoos wich liez Here tofore !e it Resolved, That the dimocrisy uv the Corners believe that the war uv 1812 wuz justifiable, and hereby return their thanks to tiff! heroic eoljers and salers who so nobly ; that desnrit Btruggle. j , , That, tbe reoloo?hens v 'OS " ' meet our hearty approval, tho we aint jest vrat they tvuz. llesolved, That the late war "agio the South wuz conaeeved in sin, and wuz a blow Slimed at the only chivalry this coun try ever hed, and that the results thereof wuz brot forth in inikity. Resolved, That Afrikin slavery is not only jusliueu by the noly sknpters, but is pirs. Jones, "which is for the Vancien the norma! thine; for this or any other ! res ': ! country. Resolved, That wc brand the Emanhi pashen Proclamashen cz emanaliu from a gorilla, and the Constitushnel Amendment i abolishcn slavery ez a fraud which we are j not called upon to recognize, j R solved. That a nigger is a inferior be ; in' and that whoever asserts his rite to any ekaiity with the proud, sooperior Cau cashen race is a fanatic and agitator, and I ou"ht not to be allowed to live in a free country. J Resolved that we deny the rite uv the I nigger to vote, and brand them ez urge it ! ez enemies uv their country, j Resolved, That we hold stedfastly to the j doctrine of states' rite9, and rite uv seces- sion and the rite of each tatc to covcrn ; iteu-lf as it dam pleases. Resolved, That the laws agin mnrryin j nigcers should, for the perteckshin uv our i young ninn, be more rigidly enforced than i ever. ! Resolved, That all legislashen agin the I liquor interest is uv j I could read do longer. I dront the ; paper and nashed my teeth. j "Is this yoor idee of authin prosressive ?" ; I asked. "Is this your noshea uv buryin i dead ishoos ? Ia this yoor idee uv gettin i into the van uv public opinyun and bevin I sum advanced noshens ?" "It's all the democracy we know any thing about," sed Isaker, and Deekiu Po- gram comin up rcmarkt that he hed stood j onto sich a platform ez that ever since he ; hed voted, and it wuz good enufffor him. It wuz no use to argue with them, for j they are iron-clad. I merely remarkt to i em that while they wuz about it they ought to hev resolved suthin about the stamp act, Hampden's opposition to ship-money, the ! Punic wars, Alexander's invasion uv Asia, ' and above ali thiugs they should hev pro tested again the imposition uv the Egyp- i aliens iu requiren the Israelites to make brix without straw. "The trouble with them resoloo8hen3 is," sed I, with a witherin look at etn, the subjex is to recent." And I strode hastily away. The resoloo- j shens wuz in priut, and will go North. Yoo can't git them old noshens out of the head uv an old dimocrat any more than yoo kin keep cm from drinkin corn whisky. It hez alluz been my misforshoon to hev assts to deal with. Heaven help me, how much I hev to endoor at their hands. Pktrolium V. Nasby, (Which wuz Postmaster.) MKS. JOXES' EFOXOMY. My wife is a jewel of a woman. The dear creature lately came home from a i shopping excursion in the most extrava-' gant spirits. ! "I have made finch a Iwrsain to-day :" : , .. "i t..e t.ought such a beautiful i . ... , ..I I dress for only sixteen dollars s o iit I to myself, even if I get Madame Flourish to make it up, it will be economical. ' Now, Madame Flourish was a French i,njli.-t; who had lately come from Paris, and had really great taste, but was most extravagant in her charges; and I never heard her name without a shudder. A few months before, she made up a brotado for Mrs. Jones, which everybody said fitted beautifully. "It looks as though you were born in it," enthusiastically declared a friend, "aud it had growth with you." P.ut my pleasure iu contemplating this j master-piece. 1 must contess, was some-; be a Hospital,' we saw, -it is so ur remov-; f() comn)it himself; "I have built it." what diminished when the bill came in, to ed from active operations.' j' Exactly ! Clad to hoar it," said the the tune of fifty-nine dollars and eighty ! 'It was thought she answered, 'that the ; a.T(.n "Have you made any arrange rents, for making and trimming it. How-: mountain air of the glaue3 would be mora j n"ens" for )STlta,r th,, new building ?' and ever, "it wasn't so astonishing, fltter nil." i favorable to recovery than elsewhere, so j , 'ooktvAnxious in the same proportion, her bill would b-j onbj a little over thirty dollars, which struck me as not excessive ; and accord ingly I made no objection to the sugges tion, but. lighting a cigar, s.nt thinking Uiout Mary Ami's many virtues, nnd cs - ; pccially her knack for economy. Iq about a lortuigtit me isress came home. It was a pretty, oiue auair, uuu Mrs. Jones really locked like a summer cloud in it, as she floated about the room, displaying it iu every aspect, and expatiat ing upon its merits. I thought to myself it was the cheapest dress that 1 bad ever seen, and as I smoked my cigar, I said mentally, "Ah, Jones, what a happy dog you are to have a wife with such a knack ii . rv r 1 ! for economy : , ... r. iv. :.;n ,'n My i wo aaj. -u . .... . - i wife owned it first, r.ud 1 saw her tw j a very long face as she ran her eyes over i, However, she rallied immediately, an rallied immediately, and hnoiie-i the missive to me. I glanced over a, " .rtt, tw. etrvr.n nn.l ip.'in rutin" tile hrotli. i " .... ..H-i u. ' ;.! I. "1 rtv-live dollars for mukiug a dre.s that cost on sixteen ? Surely, -uaiy -i:u, iuc; mu-i. .. mistake liere?" "Oil! no, my dear," .!;. said, briskly. . . 1 1. f niinp'lt elvfu ! "My '""ocaac, jou m, n . .i,..; i to iu:ikb m... clieajicr. "15:it this dress cost only sixteen," said I. e .i 1 .... .1..., ', dm I 1 Tiie cost oi uie nm", j u'-ai, 0..1. ! replied, smiling benevolently at ray igno ' ranee, "has very little to do with the cost i of making and trimming it. "Tho dickens it hasn't !" I began. "Hush !" said my wife, playfully putting her hand over my mouth. "Johnny, dear, yon mustn't swear." And, taking the I lull. S hi? commenced going over it item oy i item. she said, "is the charge for ' Here. , ..i :. f... fln;n ,J j masting urew-i..." , sewing it ttigciiici, icu uuii.n. urc,"' she continued, appealingly, "that's reasonable : for it takes just as long, you know, to fit and sew together a cheap dress as a costly one 1 it's the time that Las to be paid for. Dou't you sec, dear ? I was forced to nod assent to the fair logician, though it was with an internal groan. "Tiinn hem's the linincs. buttons, and ' other small items, five dollars, which is oiner low, Tery low. consiuer now tueso mai. low, Tery low. tnrs count np. Besides it takes. time to go about matching the buttons to the dress." I could not gainsay this, either ; but I said to myself that there was thirty dollars still uuaecouuted for. and that it would "puzzle a Philadelphia lawyer" to reconcile this sum to any r;)tinn:tl bein?'s notiou of economy. There's thirty dollars left,"' resumed "T!ie what? ' 1 exclaimed. "The Valenciennes, with which th" sleeves are trimmed." "Oh ! that very common looking lace !" said I. "Common looking ! cried Alary Ann, her eyea sparkling. Then she laughed comically. "That shows what you men know about laces. Why, Johnny, dear, it's real Valenciennes, and very cheap; and what's more, I can use it on some thing else, after the dress is worn out." "But why put real Valenciennes, as you call it, on so cheap a dress ?" I naked, in a tone of vexation. "It's that very Valencienues that gives the dress such a stylish look," said my wifn. "Everybody knows it's a cheap material, and it's only the trimming that redeems it. All that I require is a Valen ciennes collar to match it, and I shall l)c complete." I could not speak for amazement. I was dumb, not merely at this 9trange no tidn of an economical dres but at the utter unconsciousness my wife had that there was anything extravagant about it. She availed herself of my silence to expati ate on the beauty of Valenciennes, laces in general, and on that which trimmed her dress in particular; and warming with her subject, made it iinally to appear that we were under infinite obligations to Hadam Flourish for the opportunity of paying this bill and buying a collar to match her Val- j enciennes. Mrs. Jones was so earnest and sincere, that I thought it would be a pity to oreaK Her charming delusion. I resolv ed, therefore, to smoke second-rate cigars for the next six months, and indulge the dear creature in her wishes; and she looks so lovely, and seems so happy in her new dress and . collar, that, to confess the truth, I don't resret what I have done. Nevertheless, as an abstract proposition, I still hold to the secret opinion, that pay ing forty-five dollars for making and trim ming a dress that only cost sixteen, doesn't exactly show a knack for economy. A Lote Story of the Rebellion. We were sitting in our room at the Glades Hotel, in Oakland, Md., one day with a charming lady who had dropped ia on a visit. One of our windows looked into that of another room so placed by the position of the main building that half of its interior could be secu. We were look ing at and admiring a little chubby, blue eyed two year old. white as snow, who j was pulling a bouquet lo pieces, and toss- ""u mo iiaiw.'Ud, Ul ClUJipiIlj; IILT III- tie hands with delight as a train went thundering by. 'Thf-e roon,'ei.i fair visitor, 'have some very tender associations for m.' ,!iyso."we"1 , . i .., e answered, during tbe warthej ..... . ..c.i T :... l u.. .1... greater piiL ui llic uulci suicu uj mt; Covernixcut as a hospital, and we were crowded into few rooms. My sister and I had this. In that room where that little beauty is were two Union officers, oue sick of the fever and another of a wound. It was hard to tell whether they were slowly dying or slowly getting well. I never saw such ghostly skeletons to be alive. We were 'sccesh" and not modest about it ei ther, but still our hearts ached for the poor young men, so ill, perhaps dying, far from friends and relatives.' 'It bothers one to know how this should i;,-,.a Chi,-tn n-pre r.iri m those il.ivs ' A 1 , V. " ...wuv..v " " --- J an army is hard on poultry. The men will work all uight, after marching through the day, to secure a few chickens ; so that j i when the hospital nurso and physicians ! ; jiad an unlimited supply of luxuries in the ; , way of wines, potted meats and canned ve-; . tables, cj witnout anyiuiui: ireau. ; I 11' . 1 .VnA a lout Vi I lra ri a warn ri I 1 in i We knew where a few chickens were hid in J a cellar, by a neighbor, and we coaxed one out of the owner, and after a deal of vexa- ! tious trouble for at every turn we were met by a fixed bayonet and an insult we got the soup ready, and as the guard in the hall would not permit us to approach our patients, my sister attempted to hand the j bowl to the officer in the window. Just as he was feebly reaching for it, and she ! stretchiug herself half out to give it to him, j a harsh ugly voice below cried aloud, Look out, there-poisou .' he nearly i drooped herself, soup nnd an. Drawing i back she hesitated a second, and tneu she , . . . .... ,uu" . ... Z". . Oh, , . I T, , 1 n 1 I lir I ooiuer. i neu a. it that way; I'm not nfraid,' and waste she gave him the soup. It seemed to re- j tJ)e a!?L.nt 9ai,l : vive them, and they continued steadily to j nyfhat arc you S(t-m., t1 w;t.i, this, ma improve, as day after day we supplied;., ,raj;e :x ;,,noin;,ut f.r boarding-house them with chicken broth until the cellar 'of it v., was empty. During this time we sat at the j ilf )h nt. thc ma-)or as j.c tarefuMy window talking, and we sang to them j mu.hr(t he ?round, and looked innocently sang 'My Maryland' and all the Southern aronBK aa ;ce.i10nse." sougs we knew, until they were well cn- j nWhat ?., aoreamed the aent. ough to leave the hospital and return lo du- j t.Itv n i(.P. bouse," repeated the major, ty. They both seemed sorry to go, and j Waliiy. forced on us a quantity of hospital store j T,J(, la3tS0Pn of that ageut he was apply -and some coffeo.which last wc needed sadly. the lagh to !)i3 ho,gl alui tearing out Then one gave a ring and the other a j of ie .Lborhood at a man'elous peace. a brooch, as tokens ol ttieir Kinu ieenng.' 'And did they never return ? we anked. One did not, for poor fellow, he was killed in the very next battle in which lie was engaged. His companion wrote us aud the writer insisted upon opening a cor respondence with my sister ; and soon his letters grew into love letters, and after a time they were engaged. Nearly a year subsequent to this our patient got leave of absence, and came on to be married. He put up at a hotel, and will you believe it, our own brother who was in the Confede rate service, and knew nothing of my sis ter's affair, led a band of guerrillas at night into town and captured his intended brother-in-law from his bed. This not only deferred tho marriage, but deprived the young West Pointer of his promotion, that hatl been promised for gallant nervier in the field. It was really aggravating, for exchanges had almost ceased, and it looked as if the lovers would have to wait until 'this cruel war w:i over' before they could be united.' You should hav! appealed to Abraham Lincoln to ivi' a manied brigadier for an j uniivi-rind lii-utpuant.' 'We did better. Procuring passes we Wt nt throngh the lins", and appealed t i -kfi Davi.o. .loif said he would put my brother's priwiner in his sister's keeping. Tiicj- have ben happily married these ma ny years. lie is a brevet brigadier-general now, and it all came of our nursing the en emy ia that room.' Here is the foundation of a drama supe rior to thit given by Beucelant in 'LVUe 1-amar.' The Good Old Times. The tradesmen before the Revolution were a different race from the present. There were none of them ashamed of their leather aprons. Faded buckskin breeches, once radiant in yellow splendors, checked shirts, and red flannel jackets were the common wear of most workingmen. All the hired women wore short gowns and linsey-woolsey petti coats. Calf-skin shops were the exclusive property of the gentry. The servants wore cow-hide. Tooth-brushes were unknown. The better sort were content to rub the teeth with a chalked rag or with snufT. It was commonly thought effeminate for men to clean the teeth at all. Not only the roystering cavalier but the quiet citizens were fond of a certain bravery in dress. Men wore cocked hats and wigs, coats with largo cufft and skirts, lined and stiffened with buckram. The coat of a beau Lad three large plaits in the skirts, wadded pro fusely to keep them smooth, with iow col lars to show off the fine linen cambric stock, and the largest silver buckle on the back of thu neck. The shirt was ruffled to the waists. The breeches had silver, stone, or prtste buckles. Gold or silver sleeve but tons, set with stones, were generally worn. No cotton fabrics were then known. Stock ings were of thread or silk in summer and of worsted in winter. Surtouts were never worn, but they liad cloth great-coats in stead, or brown camlet cloaks, with green baize lining. Iu the time of the Revolution many of the American officers introduced the use of Dutch blankets for greats coats. In winter gentlemen wore little woolen muffs to protect their hands. It was not uncommon to see old people with large sil ver buttons on their coats and vests, with their initials engraved on each buttou. The ladies all wore large pockets under their gowns, and white aprons. No color but black was ever made up for silk or sat in bonnets. Fancy colors were unknown aud white silk bonnets had never been seen. The use of Lice veils did not commence un til the present century. Ladies' shoes were made of silk or russet, stitched with white waxed thread and having wooden hecLs. The sole-leather was worked with the Hes'a side out. Subscription balls became very fashionable soon after the Revolution. No gentlemen under twenty-one and no lady under eighteen was admitted. The sap per consisted of tcaJchlayslY'marr;e(i managers. They distributed places by lot and arranged the partners for the evening The gentlemen drank tea with the parents of their partners the day after the ball, which gave the chance for a more Instinsr acquaintance. Useless Eloquence. A young man who was ia Danbury on Friday, in the in terest of a new heating apparatus, heard that Major P was building :t new house, and speedily hunted up the veteran. "I hear you are building a new house." he said to the major. "I ain't exactly building one," said the roii,ir. in a tone of a man wlio did'nt care article you want, eomoimag economy, iieat, and cleanliness. We have sold thousands of them throughout the country, . , , . r of a 6: ,Ie foUure on . , f tho hoaieT to rf0 all that is claimei for it. It is th sum total of every exceuelu.e vet produced in the numerous ,jeviccs patented for heating buildings, ana e . . . w 9 & a I am quite confidant that I can demonstrate to you the superior advantages which this ieater er)i0V9 above nil nther?. Whpre i I , w i10U,R , " .)n Esses ?trret," said the major, ; 4.SumK)se yu jump in the carriage with j m amj takc a ,,.;.,., (.vr tVr. I h'uM : .;, ' , j, .. ; The mai.r ctistnted, ifn.l getting hi . vercoat h(. :!),(lllltt,l th. seat, with the ,lotvful niui t;;,-,l;.nt ngetit. and tl thev drovo i (),. ()a u. W ! V (!lf. Vnl rrl,,:( dly went i jbe ?nanv f:, V(,r.,,ie points of the ad- ; n)irauje heater, :md was much gratified at :- , :.nr)r,,3,;OIl i1(. KV ,vi.icnr'r made on : . - . - - i " - nis compan.ou. ' . . ..... Arriving in Iront oi iiio new minding, :i j lare nml rati,er unpretentious structure, The Republicans and Conservatives of Jefferson parish, La., have made a compro mise ticket. Phelps, tbe New York defaulter, has been sentenced to fifteen years in thc Al bany penitentiary. Lieutenant Frederick Grant and Miss Ida Maria Honor were on Tuesday joined in wedlock at Chicago. The Secretary of the Treasury says that the American gold dollar is the proper standard by which to compute the relative value of any foreign currency. IF yon want to take the census of the number of children in tbe street beat a drum. To ascertain the number of loafers ftnrt. f trKf debt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers