Sunburn American. V . U. HtSStR, i rJ , E. WILVERT. S ""orS- SUNRURY, NOVRMRKRd. 1s74. The Hesvt.t and the Cai'sk. -"When j the. ncota of the battle is cleared oft, it. i j thvnvs advisable to purvey the Held of dis-j aster' to ascertain the cause of defeat. It j horse-power. We alr.o 1cm m tocoma.ive s."eros to be a deer. of Providence that all j engines, vj;. : faii-d Mates. .2:' err thin roust chauio, the material and im-' Rines: Great Britain. : 1 ram-", 1.- . . -i !..:. i, w-celv rtid. i material, am. .itnuf.'., ...... j ., . t,....o ti,.n';iii' from the i many to the few." It is worse than folly , . ' .i. t. ii....vf tifiv.. lieen Ij Support: Lli.ll. II", J-.....V .. ...... successful because their principle have i r,Wf.1 ns thev have not. for the u'xa "t'i 4 - last twenty years, had any fixed principles except, perhaps, the seven principles of (he ! live loaves and two fishes, or in other ! words, the spoils of ollice. There are tr,oi ,-,..,rT.a v.-hv this candidate or the other might not have done better, and blunders ia policvare often only seen after ,he election. Eut this sudden change and universal upheaval of parly torouguont 'tie L.U10I1 CIUM K w"lu 'i, v.'f general than the petty local causes of the day and hour. The great panic which .-oinmeneed more than a year since and oppressed not only this country, but most of the countries of Euroiie, was the gnat upheaving ajfcuL. It overthrew the Re publicans because they were in power. E -ould not overthrow the Democrats, as they were already so low that many of their lenders advocated the abandonment. f the name. These things must he sub mitted to a fchorl period as the patient Liu?t hometitr.ej! submit to the most nau seous of medicinen. The country which . .. ... , r : i.i : !,a.i neon rescued iron. ruu u the Eepuhlican, has neveroeen sop.ou.r- ,u;s asunder Republican rule, and a folter nvond thought.'' will soon restore them to power, as the Democracy unwashed with all their sins of omission and commission i'reh np'in th'Mn. can never rub' ft i- coun trv. Tun Eatf-x Erst i.t-. The icturns arc slow in pelting in. The lat-'-t accounts receiv.'il before gojn to pies-, indieale the result in the State as very clo-e. Gen. Ecutb, it is already conceded, is certainly defeated. The Legislature is also in doubt, aud wc may lose the United Sates Sena tor barely by one majority. The Con gressional delegation, it is probable that the Democrats have elected 'cv. ntecii members, and the Republicans ten. The Democrats will have lifty-two vote in the Forty-fourth Congress : The Legislature, as far as a'cr.-ralncd. will stand as follows : Senate. House. Total. Republican, '.'7 -" IVmocrat, l'-'-l -r Democratic majority on joint ballot,!. At Pittsburg, early Sunday mornini:, burglars entered the house of Jacob Tell, and after carrying off the silver ware and .; her articles, fet fire to the house. Mr. TV 11 awoke his family, aud a" escaped by , i'jmpimr from the windows, excepting Ids son Joseph and the wrvant girl, Margaret Lynch. Joseph rushed down stairs i Jirough the Carocs, and was dangerously : V.irned : the gir!, who slept in the third ; story, peiislied, and. her disfigured remains s svi-t found after the fire was extinguished. ' ' " . At St. Paul, Mine, on Sunday nigh', .femes Lick and his wife were at-ackfd on ; tr -nt by Geo. Lauchtenschlager and j G.v,W V.nrp ,. Ui, f... I.ickwa; hiiied on the spot, and Popn and his wife 1 1 . tiien turneii upon j.ick. j ney kii.icm'u bim the ground and laid him fare down ward in a small stream, while Popn stood upon him to make sure that he should lie drowned. Approaching footsteps frighten ed otl the murderers, and Lick was pi.-k' d 'tot of ?he water insensible. Kt- KlXX IN Cl' MUr.JM.AXD (.'I'.-N I V.-- O.i evaturday night W. F. Sadler, t!ie R--publican candidate forjudge of the Courts, and M. F. Thompson, Republican . candi de'o for District. Attorney in Cumberland ,.- ..--. f r.t ('r!r!iirr n-r il ot a f t "wart.'s taTrn at Mechanicburg. taking y.,' , u;v-r r.r-.d feeding their horses there.!," Du-ing the meal the landlord was annoyed : J()-jn n r ua:.,r. very much by the dogs iu the stable-yard, 1-' r,ar,j,.'li:ii,v t ., but did not imagine the vi::ainy tnen oesug 'erpet rated. 7'f hni'.t (o,- iivt) trhih . V,: liit yJmft ti.:tl t'7 V, hiut'j ranovt'l, rcn J (,(! ih- fwjH'.nU if t'C effrrmc tofa'h .'..''...'.-.v. ii'.n r' iiiO"! frfnu (hi .fV.s '" .-"a' arb'iii -jji' ,'("'?, and the two Re publican candidate, af'-r l.i'ching up,'". stuu'd toCarlis'r, not dreaming that po litical hat" could put their lives ;u peril in ' in Infamous a marm.-r. n they drove in "J- the darkness until moment wle-u cluft? should fail, the horses no away, and 1 wb:tt ever fate was reserved for them should overtake then.. Whet, about a mile and a half from Cat lisle the catastro phe arranged for th-m by their political enemies fell. The. shafts dropped on the j itorees lice's ; tia y p'unged and ran : the I We .lie lemin-led by the changing sea erriage was overturned and smalie.l ; ; s.0ns that it is time to pao-J i:i "iir daily tVie gentlemen were flung out ; and one is : vocation end o!b r thank- to Almighty (hid limping about home covered with painful for the n:er.-ic and ahundative of the y. :r bruise, while the oth even unto death. r lie6 on h s If.! hui t There is a pro'p" i' tri'-fihiiiort, of we- plcg znd wailing, among th" Siints ojt in i tak. .Nineteen ?.formoti h-:v-' i,r-n ir.d'.e'.d t'.-r pa'vgimy by ttie Cr.tnd Jury of Judge M'Ki-ar.'s Cxurt, and the iob b only fairly c.-.mtnenrr.;. The a't y ' i alormed at fhl su-ddrr. com ing down of the law ttjK.n the 'jeco!iar i ts ititution,' and rushes into figu'es to show what a tremendously expensive and griev. ous piece of business it is liable to prove. It says faere are over i,vj) p.-eygamisrs in the Territory ; each htw tore." wives ion an average:, and cac'n wife !:as ;ou an a v r- . -i u:'1.. If 't 4t,. ,,w.,i .. aCl l.aiec 1-ui.aitiu. ii t-o , convicted and imprisoned, '"the courts," i says "wii! have about them ::.U'i0 crying women, and U,(0 crying thi'.lren." That ri!l be a melting season indeed. Rut it may lie hoped that a few salutary examples wil! prove. suClcient to mend th,. Ctah marriage code, aud the Iwohoo may '...!.'--tb?u tlie .Y ks tliir.ks. The total receipts "f grain by lake, at! Rutlalo, for the month of October, foot up T,0l,0o7 bushel", against v'.s70,i;', in the ' -ame nion.ii i: year. Tla- receipts o, however, show an increase of about t t weny thoonand barrels over th" rore'.pts of the corrcpnonding month b.t year. The total receipts by lake fron. the beginning f.f the season up to last, fattirday. amount to -IO,'-l,of,S bushels, showing a falling on enmiKiTiul with the recfints last year, of rinh. mi been au .". ?n for F-niucoftal adopted ? cb ir their churches. The vote by i SA B, divided l total S " ccrcmon dicKtes ... , ...1 4 1. ,,1. : l.n. 1 .. i fr. . , I. . ... . 1 . C. . . . . . - .1 1.1 : ! . Il. , I'll I'.llll'l. 4'! lO 1.1 l'1'l '.VI 9 f (.('. l ll , " . t .. ... - . , rr.. '1 J IDU tHUlT .call nusnc;. -ih"""1 lourtn auu 1.11:1 are :u rue wvz ....u e tiait i.s- tnoir mo-toimi-i;, .1 .m. s, ,i..-i i o- . t i Thf. riots wrm ras v su'mresse.l. One 1 ttie re-election ot lion. t... 1. inwins, ,,,n..; ,..,i,,,( t ..,.t ,nv h.,r l,nlf.s..'..,i ,.v..r..i unusually dull oa-i unpro.itno. . buredarr cud highway robocry : are! tne ' , r(. ,nr, ,., as j.nsonrrs ot war to ne - -" '".'"". ...t on,nvl ..!!. h?iv -md two ! over G. C. Cab.- 1. Conscrva-1 ..... .: .... 1 :.: - 1 1;.... i.k., ! nil witnesses ). laVn "Min fr.lflP. oi.O, r,.l l ,tt . i,nr.-,:i.' ',.:! :i i ,' "n'T.i'C , ,n,., ,.,l.. .l, .,'! -i't ill l ie even' f !.!- ' ..:. j Th ,.', tn 1?ihmr.ri wno tl, ! uu.ii..t,.oni V..,. ri AVU toe - ' -e ,,,,,...;,....,.-. - . , , , , , . , x. , l ,1 .(.TOPS I, I Ct I . W . J. .. . v ,v .-j . , , , ,.w.;..,i nf tbr. Pmt.Rtant. -- -r .. ' lir ' '"" ov M.ihrilii 111 He 1r(S-rn " ' ., VT.. ., ;i v ,i:,..i..,.c ,..,r,.,.i 1 Tl, h-IM i,f I'.w. John S. Glendennin-T a stiail be ia Church in session ai xew xors, ; l-""'"" l"; .. , , T i , , .., : tn ;.,.. 1 mitv .mes Remibiiean by l.oOO maiority. i from any poi tion oi tl.e State. The pen- tor tne seiiuction or mary x omeroy in jer-. tu,u j ..... ,1 ?..-v.:- 1 f nn a K o n qn ; . x r.ra s k-f. . 1 o wa. ! ji :u 1 u 11 ittiii' 01 j.o.i.,.. j r. . - - . .. . . . . , . , , .. i ' ...... 1 innirn anonsnsaT an rnua.isuc .nion- o. . , - ...... . r 4- .. .. , ninrnw) i. htf rui ' n n t t ahaent th total s-j. ; Srr.AV I'ok'sch.- :! statistics com j plied !y tlus Prussian Matistieal P.iw-au ' seem to show thai while our Arai-rie.ii. ' free-traders are 'umci.tinj: vi j the decay f Atii"i'i(-;n e.nirr:;' rrr, our country is i really ora- of the fa-emo-i nation- tit 'h j use f lt .mi":. Thu-. in stationary em hic i i th comparison stand thu-t : Cniled Mates. 40, engines 1.15.71 1 horse-power: England, 4v0 euncs power ; Frame, -7,'v'il tO-., Mi lior'-e-CRJl'itM-. "i''.o"T fix?. Total Mr-am engines, ttoth to iarv - nnil l.vom olive. .". ''.''''( oorse-po er in the United State.-, and .1 .,'. I.WJ in (.real Rritaiu. It is only in ocean steamers that we a re behind, viz. : ''real l!ri s - eaine;, J.f2!.lHl lonna-e in-, st'-imer. 1-:1,M0 tonr.a-" : ("Jermany, '2'1" steamer?, 171,0?,'' tonna-. . , Eefore l-'J the account will stand vry dif- orrnt :n n,f,iu steamer time, on land we r it... ;.. ti. indisoutabh' preme in steam power, b, m:r r.0a,iJio b -i s ahead r i:ng!and. -JJ ;, "r:li:r,,:u1 ,,.;, wa, rtvrt,trat,(1 a,Vv.mden. Mo., on Nit a r! ay. rday. The Chicago and Sautn-westei n 1, which runs betwe, n Davenport and t ra L avenwrth. s'opped at Camden as usual ' f.r s nr.p-r. All the employees left it ex-. cent the hatsa'-" 'nan, woo remained in ni car. and while they' and the passengers v.-er eatimr in the hotel the robber, who had been waiting for the train, look pos sesion of it and ran it n distance of four railed. Th. v rus!i-l into the hagu-at:" and attempted to oteti the exprets sare, hut could not do it : could the hat. iage iuan when they bid. him do it. for he had not the kev. Toiled in this, and f.-ar- oi' o(.oi!e (roni town, the rob- mg arrival , . tl ,.,.1tin., fly - fh;r,,,!p. ' . summm:!.-on Turn: Thavkls. The SqUines in the Allegheny Yalley are mi grating extensively. They are seen swim- min;; the river in large quantities, and pur suing an ta-te'!v course in ol-dienci- to some my-t.'i'iou- impulse. The migration extend as buv down a- Verona, where they are plenty in the liebls .and neighbor ing woods, having come from the other side of the river. Great nismlxTf are slain by tb.e hunters, and the interesting littl - a- a tures are destroyi'd without mercy by tiuir enemies. Sucii an imr'ien-e migriioti t the gray sijiiirre; has not been since IS-Jt'.. Hd farm-is s ay that ie.-tiiat .varus them of ;!. s ; vere winter an i .. scar city of t'neir food, .and they migrate wh--re they will have an aLuuda.nce of pn . i-ion. -r better chances of geltinj !. . - A csch-mtre of pistol shots tool; place b 't ween Governor Kell vg and Major E. A. Ibuke, in New Orleans, on Thur-day. It appeals that Kei'ng, ncco:npa:i;.-! ! y Judge Atocha, was goint; home in a cab, which stojiped for a moment at a street corner. Imrbe approached the cib and Kelloir extended his liaud, which was seized by Eurke, who attempted to pail (ie f;0Vernor from tlie cab .am! beat him wjt, lvhiji. Kellogg drew a pisto; and nr,-d, the shot barely grazing'' Eurke. The !att r 'hen fired three, or four shots, b. tr-ick nob.Mly, and the cab drove mi. $urj;i. was arrested and taken to the Cen- j,.aj station, but was n h a-"d at the p., tanee of At-M-ha. who w. nt to the u- tiou for tha at the Governor's requ--t. o.. cONC;RISMEN ELECTED. 7(( V( -( (iv7(,,,(, );.,,.;,(,. T,,e op(m.; , a,; R,.ar!. c;u, be . . , . r judged from our returns, a con cot 1st of the members of " Stale yesterday : Dis. Republican-. I. Chapman Frcern J. Ch-r'e- O'Neilh 4. W. D. K. 'lev. Detno-rats. a-;-: .1. R -nd:, Ii-' Robbl:. do ',. Vt'ash. 7. Alan I tw:isio. nod ';.' Hp-tcr '. 'lyir.'- '.'. A. Hcrr ' V Wil'iam ! F. D. Cf .In. s 11 t,.', o. Sohieski Rom. s. ni .!-. 17. IS. 10. 20. v. S. .-'ronger. :. IXJVI M.ii-I A. M:;ekev. 21. ! o Gen. J. s-. Xegl'-y. Col. T. M. E.ivr.e. J. W. Wi ":iee. Gen. Hurry Wbll. j. Wid e. C. R. C'lllir. Til AKSjiE Vl;. thf i i:"' i.AMATiox o; Tin: r::r-nFN OF TttK FXI I !"! - I A X 1 -. .. to ". re of tree Th'' blt"--i' -CV'Mi!:!. Ill ni'l- tinue lias r man. Icie-e. 1 " "' .oUCoS.l bsafed to The faith jded to th-: lab of the hiH' 1 i.e ;-io; nit.; re: ! if. rnal order 1 ith .-tin. r p-.w rr- b .mi : i. tied, :i:o I: is l:::i:g that a. -t: c-a.-e fro''! "''r aeeu-o.n; , from the t tj iii...'l of o-ir j unite in vl..i.d.faioe-s f ' : the paM an 1 i'-r 'be e. . feelings t'ovaid earl, (--h-; I NoW, tb. r.T 'l'e, I Cog!, "I- w :t- ;t( -.-, ar: lues 1 "nd' lug tie .;, ih".-; 'U of v:,j..ra,:;,., ;, v. g the I 'nil- d S':l':-. '' ci'.irei.- : . ;i--. mble i: onimer.,1 t ad heir v.-peetive v. i h- .:., .lav :.p:-. their . 'liae. s j.iae. s : woi -I:.;.. I ..or .1 . , o', tbar: ,.'-s I, e: in. l ey .!: '.. 1 'AW. lei i. livor ..f Al ::.!! p -.litical -p-.t-'!.-, u with - ' my mighty C cont"n:i"'.-. an ob-i-re .tod pr.. In V.ill.e-- w letlid :.:.d i'.. ;, 1 !'. ri the -e.K ., tbr I i::le! Stale" 1" oe a'lisi D'.l" :!:" city of; I' ' I'i'dO'. . Wa-b,!i.-i ri, on the L'7 ih ti 'V -. ,i' ,. . .;i ,v , ; :,,i '"'' ' ill" 1 ed !'. Guam.. A San I r.ii'.e; eo woman who has s; ' j i,.,mi(ls has been exeeedingly o'lfattm - al :,, j,or selection of theia. The f r-t ran av;ay from lar, and is now a high detect ive officer among the Mormons : th" second ,v.lfi i f .r rnurder ; the third was , -,, rt the i.ei.iir n'iarv f-r forgery : tlie ' Missouri, Ohio and Indiana, the great coru and hog producing States, indicate a de - crease in hogs and a fair crop of com. ... . . . . - . . ... . . , i - 0 t... 1 001 - - 1 iv,.., . n.i.i.1. a v.. w i. , ... - " . ' " ' ... 1 - ni'.w. - --- r-- , inree t'lues. aim live in .4 o"Ji-oii-uo.K'i-. . ... fir highway robbery. - tun- viob-n-e. PETt-iivs rrtoii Ttm imkimii!:. i most orderly ever known and tiie best feel-! THE orilEit ci.Kiit. at. AXDAL. in their proper . .-. h.,t,..l ,.; .,,r'n : . M-o 0 tiro lioii 1 lie an . si s ,'f.f',e r ;.i f '., n.l I M,f I'ur. ' ..iu : "w-u.-iv ...... , f- I ... ; at their wril. ii:xi-:r?l. ?K IT! There. arr ;:.): .0 ' 'a!i-ili-j teetotalers iti the l'r:it-d Mat. s. : is computed thai tiief.' are over 13. OiVi p.-.lyganiists in '"tali. An organized gang 'd' burglars have been operating in Soin rs.t county, N. V. That wll-prcwrwd autumnal centle- tin-' are ,U eg ibinmei man. e; w leev. Mr. Tullivant, a wretched Illinois farm-; er. will have oulv .I.Vt.OO'i hushed of ce; n ; tlnij year. New ,;:t';-v h.:M .-'l.."'..K!.'A':' :tive:rd ia cratiherry eirt'ire. and is uoia la hicrea tb.e amount. An ii'-irnni'-nt f r mear'uriiii'; iiistanee piy fL,-.l,.u,j ;.jt been iitventcl by a I l- ;,.p,,.,.n TV; .-:nn.-i were injured and ?ev,.r- nl ,,. ., riliiroad ac ident j.,t ' in Iowa. n faih.-r of New York whip-: i n var- of :e;re. until he wa t SUIlil!! - set!. JW d 1 ti n ib!e heera'. it. The colored people ofUeorcia own pro p. rty to the airgreale vahte of S!',d'27.7'A'. and p-,y taws to the amount s l!o.lo-. It i- aClrmed that toe .overnnvn' :3 nuallv da l'rauded out of a million do' ui- ir- pv t j... ,va-h--;l p.ta! stamp-. A tru-v":n of i. ad ore i.-, supposed !" hav been t!tick at Newburypor'.. Mass. Lari'" pi. ee. nearly pure, are lx-ing taken ('I.. Dar'.itvuuh Coil.-.- urew out of a sooooi cstahli-bed for the idueation of Indian .hiidreu. It l.-.w h-ss Indian mi-wi: its Student-. Pr.-p four.ii tiud er. :'.. ih .1 wit o 1 1 i 1 . '. and '!:;'. Phystci itiu . hie ...ral'.sb: ,, lie-re. 1 n.-.o'itii.-:b.i; tbev (.'::'.ii'orni . iieeu.alt'.U ,;i ion..,i by eating fruit put ' up in 1 a.i . an- c-t ' SUtlleieu! 1'.. Th new :; .1 ni'.-u-i' or m- ..: i: prepare li'na au't da; .'..i.riO.i hi ii .it.lV for e ito.dation in l ready di-plaeod co.i too.- . Tie UeW . iC Company in we Id, holds I ouutri. v.en.l. f.oo. ta '.0 l ha 'C' at ot gra:n. ti, after : r:let"rie I.adv I was not c :.' "i; ..." i ma' th" . II-. i hi lelo'e-i ,i!id le reli'.ld- to '. 'alif'.rt'iit ' ;"!' 'I.e hat.g- It'll aro mm ,J !,1 La to S' tr, wi nt' v ith.-rnited Lai.- Yice .otiated the Ml, M:r:'t'f . l:i-; .'rip. 1 1 goner! wa New a-"'- i - : i . ii Ruga.!..!. Mr. Ki- ; e ti.t.-a:.-! a: i s Col i.' in v. L'- - ; r.liei, ri' in our - ;i in in of marked ability, and at 'Aa-bii!'.''-iu 'o he of Ian-.-. :. wi:i r- abl gr. ii; - t vi; v .' c.r'itrv r.e r-pn-s-nts. Nuu.ei o :-, mi!; - and bn-toric- iu the New Engb.nd :ai-s ..-j rep u e d to Ijc. reducing their hours .f labor, tuar.y rmmitrg hall" am! two t birds t at..-. Infortnation received from s"Uth-w, M.-rn Nebiask:: show- tint thousand-, of people are in a "tarviug eomii'ion. owin. to tin oi .as-'eo.iK'r tb v . -i a ' aai. Mine. J. nny Lind Goldsrhiiiidt ami h.-r husband will p-rn'..incm!y r. -:.b; in Wies-bad- it. having a-c ot.-d the r,"- of leu Ji rig Proi" s.o- a1 tie- K'leni-h .'tea''.'"'; ; Mi-;.-. W. D. j.1 i'ji, a .V C irg1 - . of Mam. -1 Mint:.. ..tie oi th. tb-: ! eo'l'i .', '..:! O'ien.-e ..f la ' r .!-. The F.'-tni:-l to Lave ino!'e i ba born.' on the -...! will nee.-sit ite a 'I in- Rev. Piiib -.ruber I'm; n ( ). t. g7: ', .ia- p:t i ! n; iv ks ha decide. ot a hi neiit. :i::nai-. salary .f -tU'-kj a ye-'r from !'ii:i.ob.pbi;i, sal ! lo be to an Mar aud one o s-.:ary iv.-r :vman in 'bis . oli'Te'I -litry, o ' f-oia N I'.V .v ': !w-d ,: ! G. W aie 'I '. e : r -..!, 'II.:.; oil ' ? ::t. :nd e o . w r l n.:.: . ni :i 1 o s a a ve 'a-- It His arms ar. t'-:-t!v I a-m. m.-iit- ; t'lle! Kl '.le- :e tot be tut e I 11 indie;..!;.' .', i- ti e lb-- mi'b r tl.e . having : Th'- , r.-e v. ('.!!!- x, ' Th-.,,:.. I i'l. -bi'-.'. '.. ;! I O- .- 1 ! .la:.- ( 'it y. was ' 'o:;..M-f-- te.- -. bid. This v.l: L-.k- ti'.y ' former one '. rri'oria! law. x ti... -ai r'-ma 1,1. e ey ; i ; oo . , .! a :i!il-U'.;i ia: .'e W 1 1 la:- llailwiiy is ;'!. id ode-la! in - t :: v d iar-: r ,,,e,.;.r :,, tr... the I:.r. . the Li: tb-,1 Wo!'. : . ) a tligging a L-C.e.o.o.)., )'., tb..! .'I'l' r:" vei, :;:cb: s :'r iu .". st re - -i -animal, the v n.irrow ebaiin' I'e.rd Oiie" p- i:i: riMiro I : -no a full inch iu I of e .ndai ve: rlo-elv b"-e .. : e:i" te!yv i i i :i'r-.-n l.ieli'iy Alio tit !'! -!'. i : o i-ii:!:! b :. ougb whi . Tb..' ! -"' tiers y !.;:ui i: till- ina! i .a;.--, f an " -l'i" wh.i'-h ich to trailer Illo-l 1 ! :. (. ::- -. dim v.. . I!:- w.-r or air . re.-' i e .' Sale -.m.'-ttu.-.i !0 '..' ll I-H'-'.Vo i , . -. ;ba'. the In- ; .-:Mg. Many of r b v.l ca pt uri d ; V il I'l' .1.1 : il.l 'e t W'!V ' ,, 1.' :,. -uneud. r at. the a -hi. t'.. R-'f Tree v. h.te'.v can- llt.l jH. :1 ih. ir I tn it.-, w : u n ' on : sal violating 1 eieao-. y w. i i . .v. rum- n: :V , '"'O!. I from mi--. ,n. a ii.::- , mi-'-l !Oi:-:e;:. i.t !"r ! ii'' i'j.. tr...p-' ;.'! iu : 1 ii - ! in. ia'i -. a nd : crimes i "in- 'ive j.ur-uit .re daily g-1- liiig near-a ' incm. 1 n y are aiming :"r 1 th,.;,. , rvati"iis io the hope that they Vl ;;i ,,,,( onJy 1 sab- there but that 1'in : will as n-'.ia f.-d them, though th.-y with 1. t'l'b r.-e!-::n with the blood of ; whites, af'rr a whole -timmer's bm- ., .... ... .r:,, , Tbr. chiefs win nroonbiv 1 , every sixteen im.a...o,iLs, v.m,.t. h. , York, where there i. no prohdetory law, ! they average ore or foU v-t wo. s news. Vermont. in il,am. '.i., .mo ... - i.eLuro; iroaj thirty-seven towns in ( 'ongrcssd'.rv-d dist rirt . time, gi-.e Ia ami-' .1. b. -. .".' 'ermont j t" . iv,d up to this j ie )a!i-;i an. o.-J'i ; J !el,aee. Dei.ioerat, Eoland. i'AiT. nd 1. !:..". Tiie;v are , ;,!. distrii-t, and a plnral'tv tiop. IVnuisoii !. hv a !avu"' inajori' v. V.T.-COX Mii.-.v.rjcr:?-:. Nov. '5. ''- l'i. u' u bt IN. ! e l 'e: that ti:a tr.'p:iM:ean-: have', .-ted Wi in the Tir-'t (.'on-jre'is'-uial di-tricS, 0 in the Second, Magoon i:i the Third. el! tsh in the Seventh, and McDill in th- Ki-hth. ; The Democrats elect Lyn le in the IVnrib, and Ih.trchard in the Eifih. The Si-cth h-tricl eiose an. doubtful, with tie ,n. le- hit chan la.vor o! i!inaaii. tre-t'g probaliiiity 'hat th..- publicans will have a mah.ri hah'.r in the Le.dslati'.j-e, thus on i eenril; a Eepuhlican United States Senator. There is little doubt the lb-publicans will have a ie.a;eiire ia tW '-late, a'-laree. Missorui. L.'t t ;, Nov. - Th" ( lectien here pass'-d e'.I' .jiiietiy. An iiiiU-ua'iy lare Vote was i Til led. hut owing !; the b iil;!:! of tile t. tarn-i t it will la: Ver oeie-ro tb.e tr.r licit At tin's bonr. 1 1 ' one precitic1 in from. Advices from iti to indi"::t" the n - . i'v has been hear, are too in- '.et but. the :m.:U .MARYLAND. R.m.ti tMi:r. Nov. :t.--The lir: ward- of this eiiv, comprising the Third : di-t v.. '.., ve ( )"Eri;'ii, i 1 . m. ) :.Jk:" : Sutcs i'R.'P.;. l.s't! ; O'TSricifs u;a iori'y. -l.-t'id. Tie1 i-aieiiniiij wards, from the Tenth to the Tw :;!':. tb, exclusive, ex ing the Seventeeulli '.fird. comprising 1 Fourth di-tri'-t. g;v'n Swann (Dan.,, lo! ; Cox (Rep.'!, ti.SK) : Swain"s ma- ccp the 10.: jon'y. . .hilled . 1-' ! Th e Kiii-i .V: lite ' 'a. ' f 'II' ll Willi ;n- i-:.!:!e ! leli- (Dai'.s !,.':! 1 : Ih.'. !:!e majority, .''-! I M.IMA-' iA I"i!! I IX I Iyt .i.;-!!fi:v, Md., ?;.v. Si in Wie.eoie.) e...;:ii v ve 'J'h 'it" for ' 'etigr.-s. 1 .'. ' mai' : . i I : i v l s. ilisiricls D. m. i. DLLAWARR. V.'n.M.'M. ;'us, Nov. -. - -As th. - ewunting does not romnaat'-e until the polls rinse, the r; stilt wiil n-it iv- Liiov. ui.iil midiiight. Four distii. b.vud tro:n-!iow Republican !.--.- compared with the vot.- of 1-7:'. -.!; ii the Slate went Ih-pub.ican. t:t:: vitk t x ;Ko!:'.r.Ttv."x. ( Jeorg; -to wn giv. s Coehraa, D-mocrat, Guv. : !". 1 h n-ajority ; Wt hiatus, I'.-mo- b pr-st :,t- 1 1- n :uor:ty. eourtt v - Lewes ir..i li',''.b V1---C Hundred give t. octiran. J 'eiaoe'-at, tor Governor. S m:r ;r;ty : lbia ns, Demo- era, 'or t oi:gr.--s. .' : 1 1 : '. : r : t ' i . New (. !-;!.- eoi!i,! N'tflh .'vppotpiiu;- mink i rn-ij. rity fr '' ebrau for Governor ; Viiiiauis, . morr.r., fir Cor.-gre-;.. " majority. mi: ni.Tfitx- -'in.!. !x "Mi !.i:r: . ,V:i,-'iii,r.', D-d., Nov. R turn arc stdl inc iit'.ih-te. hrit tii.- indi. ii'ions .-'le that a!! not a R I i.-mrra?ii ami ii '.-.el in the Ii, .... d C.C: ai.oti or Gove! U elected. n Tin: VOII: IV -KM.IKIi. i:.U "i:i, Deb. Nov. Cochran. I'''" "rat for Governor, 11! maiori'v; Wil- n lliims, 1-emoerat. to.- Congre-s. ll'.t, ma- ' 'r't v- T JIN NFS-- EE. MltMi'HI-, .Nov. 1 .it.' ...eetloll WftS nu.-ua,!y quiet, a eon il.-rable tad- eg off from the Augi:.-i vote. The Demo- rat- claim a majority tifOoO in the ciiy. an-i Con e! ;i of (,'ol. C.i' i v Young to r. -s ny majority. n;s co!iipei.- or. R r i.e'.vis can :eu tie' tiistrict m by a ma.e.r.'.y of :;.,.!0. His defeat1 is ai'ri-tuted to tbr civil rights bill and the , conservatism oi Col. Young, many Rep'tb- I;.;.!!!, both v.hi'e and 1-lack, having work ed aud vot d, for the laMer. '! nr s t.v: j: i..M 'ti i r.v g.V-M :y thf DF.'.tO. Tie.- vote throughout the sta'e is at least one-t'o'-ith h-ss than in August hist . The Democrats cany th- State by from go.f'o:) to d'.i.Oo-i majority, electing tie ir entire Congrcsiiouai d.-leoalion, .-xi-e)t in the. Fii-t and econd di-trie;s, wbieli ;ire tlouniiu:. .. an oiao. iie:, t toe i -C: " ; I l- tore wi.l b. lar-.-'y 'ernoerfitie. Young, I uioiaat, in the Tenth Coiigr.-.-sii'.na! dis-iri-t. will have :t.."l;o majuritv. (.'aid we!!, I 'eliioelil!, is tleeied iti the Ninth Coll- gre--ion;i! tiistrict. and Whltichorn, Demo crat, is elected in .",.(.. i'l ma ior'.tv. Seventh di-triet. by N1IW VOl'K. N fv.- Y..i::-t. N'.-v. : p. m. election di--i, i id, Til'.leU bur di-'tricts i ni. luiiiori'il an.: ...: ti iet - in t hi- city -.rive oil! i'i.'v . i i. i.; ,. i wo nun.: re! ;n .1 ,! OUt tie b'l ot' New Yell, i give :l : )..-moerii- !i-o g tin of i :n: it. von-: ix : i ll Ni.e Youk. Nov. -Ti e v..' y . omplete is as IxlloVi.- ; I',,.- ( eivo-v-r !::. 1 ."","! -T : o i For Mavnf- i. bhiuo. ..7.T"'.1 : : Oiiemiorfei-, W - .. bm-s. .,r Hayt :.. td :!'. ; i ii i : ii i: a- i : Ni:w Y:i:i;. No v. It. ;.' tfp. tota city vote coi'ivied i- : Governor Dix, R-p., t . I T : I !!.. '.H'7. Tild-n, MICHIGAN. Di.Ttan r, Nov. :;. -- An tuni-i ;!! , heavy vote has ii po'hd throughout. t!iis Stat.-, lb tin ns shov." eoii'.idci'.-.ble Demo- , eratie g lins. The proposed new cor'-tita-I ! 'K ovcrw'nelmingly deh-a'aal, though it ; i re.! raved a. larger V"'e than wa-. generally i ; 'vpa et'-.l. Th. batloiis are that Wil- ! hams, Democrat, is 1 1 i. to ( 'ongress in the the First distiict : Potter. Demon, it, in I'oiirth, and Dnr..ud, 1, iu the i: th ; Waldron. Reputiliean. m the Third; i t "Uger Re; ub!ic:::i, in 'be : 'i-n'h, and Ilubbeli. Rep-iblicito iu the Ninth. The Fifth di-trict is claimed for Williams Re publle:in, but is roii.-idrred doubtful. !) '.v '(". Mh. H Tlrivl ;:lrirt, ( :i a i TANti'w.A. Tiiui., Nov. .'!. --Dnb-l'll, D.-mecrat, i., el. etc.! to Congrcs in the Third district by three or four thousand majority. Ri. t'.ni'-s.t far indicate a gen- ral 1; inocr;it!'- gain in tne tiistrict. morning indicate RhOtH) Conservative ma - im tht,, ru,- r:ii,.-nn i t hof ,-t o.i l.lliotl.u. ...ill 1." .Hv uts.l.t,..! e.,,,.,,,,,,,,!,,,!, I I . 1 1, f.,,,o ..sf I a el nae lit it f:t v. ,r:i t . ... ,., .... . ihil:a.v, -ov. .2. -luriiit IH . j.r; trvuu.j - . ....kv.v. -j t-- - in the S end district each go out of' the city with ovi r ('.,(' H) majority, and their , i t'lrcuon is ii i in n as i.i'iumi oy nit- v uu- scrvatives. The C rvatives also claim , !' " Fiur!h district, i ::i;d Moor in the e!lH.;in of Lev spacer ja the l'i' pjxth Congression ,.i,.,.t;n ,,f Darr -1: :-'! i iet, cooeedtrig the' a. in t.iie Third. Tia (' ':ervr.t MiitiiKtei "ard tb.e . 1 " a nr:: for State ,:"! i Tronsmeras ; tain. 1 from, inelndinr ' li 'ean v. n parishes heard , "iv Monenreover i : I !."ow ea i i;e ..i;servaii vea laaun ' ten of the eighteen State S. tiators. and at 1eal tnomherr" of the I!otie. The elect . twelit V-ihree Ivepres! ntatlVl'S fret'! this city, (-'omphle oilieia! retui ns nhow a De mocratic, maiori'v of oi!;.t in this Caddo! , a,;si,. Two precincts of liossier parish e;ve a Democratic majority, have been heard from. Xo others -,)V- -N 1 orl; ; lWiiiiH'i.ii.u.a..:': v.w:,n:im"U wis e i'.'''i the following private despatch : .. ;:v, ();:i.r:.xs, ,,ov. ,j. e nave car- ; ried the State by a large majority. Tha i colored i-ople in large nula rs voted free-, lv f..r the Democratic and Conservative ; tickets. -ibso:i, Elba Moore, Spencer and j Jiarris aud James lUiftlngton.' The J.evy are .-. rtainly elect, d to Congress, aud j Jfrrcld says tbat.Aycr is undoubtedly de-ja-obably Ereattx. The election was most ; f,..,ted by Turbos. Dem., forConeress. The quiet .and p.e.aecable. JoHX M EXKllY. ; Eepnhlicans have elected so far '.'" State 77e ':iy.i i-fi'lri. .to.; 1.'. L: :.;xitr -. ; Kpreutatives and 2 r-eiiii tors, and the X ;:'.v Oiu.r.AXS Xov. . - Additional re- , j,..r,o,Tats H Representatives and tl S.-na- l.ii! ns are to the ( oi.s.-i vattves. The indications are that they elect liveCon "nssnien and the Mate Treasurer. The 1 !eni- rats e.atin election r-S tVS metn- it't be I . Lris'ature, besnir a GF.ORCI .',. A Lit.. II 2 I tM. Of.!.! I A! ..IMA. At-ofSTA. Xov . :i.-Th.M.iectiondid!sot ' ,-eived very few vote-. All proinin-nt Re- :ibiieans "in the Kighth district e:idors. Mr. Stephens, who may really be roiiMder ed us elected to Conurt ss witb.out opposi tion. Chatham county gives Hartrbige, Democrat, about I, ?)) majority. The De mocratic majority in the First district i estimated at IhOOO. Xo rem-rts of di'-tur- oa nee.1-'. ': II!" KF.-l I ; Til K sr.'. T.NTII ni- leij-itri ri.. VfcrsTA, Nov. Chandler, D..m., iti IMYb, and McMillan. Dem.. in the i,.. ill. d;-!rici. are ei'-etta! to (.'..ngre i)V ge majorities. The result in the Seventh ! trict i dot:btftd between Dabney, 'he re- j ;ir'.nee, am! Felton, Independent. : ii I).;o .'cr:;t-. Felt on ah ad so far. , !i a: I .'en. , aoea.C. :n lac I our: : .-tre-t. I rm: !t!:-t:ir simmfo rv. A i "... t - ; ,, ha., Nov. 15. Ibouu', Denie cra's, carries the is:h (list ri.-t by a large maior'ity. t'ook, Democrat, carries the .1 d! I by a handsome majority. Candler's in the Fi::i district is estimated at d,'W.l. i'elior, I odipetident Jleiaocrat, buds Dabuey. tb.e regular nominee, 1 ,000 majority. In tb.e Seventh district the re turns include news (run stronghold-, of I . : n can. . s. Mills, Rej ubliean can- .1:. late iu tie- Fifth, say he will contest ' .'iili'ller's seat. .la r...''.'.f"' Ih ,Hs,-ti I.hyt;;- 1'ndK'A - ', oo,7v Ve;,! Fio, ii!a .oi' K-so'-Hi ru Al'oL'si'A, Nov. ;h Returns from the Fir-t. S.-cond ami Third dis'ri.-ts imiicate !'.. ili.i..iiin i.f I Inrl riil.n- --iiii'Ii :in.i Cook. LM,;-.-,-,'-. (Vol: is ele: ed bol,d doubt. j Decatur county gives a smali 'Republican r..r wt, T'!. roimtv ijL-rclof.'rc thorough Republican, has gone Dninorratic. Hartrblge is certainly elected over l.epuiihe.iu, m Hie r irt uw- trict Hartridg' .- maiority in v cv.iah is i Mi:u!iiln g u;) returi.? Iroin all portions ! ()f(;,J0rg.a so far received theie ap'eai- to h. doubt of the eaction of at. undivided Democrat i'" delegation 11: . lection has (ilu. f,,0 ,,t orderly that ha8 ever 1 . ..o-.,.. dace ;; She tat No disturbances r'p.irfed. Returns from Florida arc meagre and nil satisfactory. Nothing detlnite can he ob tained to-nigh'.. Finley, Democrat, i- pro bably eb eled in th" First district. .,,.1 !.,i,:, eis- Return- I; oai i in . .. ., .,, . , trtel lnoicate laat iietts, iiep., win oe tie- f.,Ued by -j,..i-o vot. -. Hamburg, S. C, ven Cb im-erliiio. Reo.. -Jo' to .,( maioVitv. In i t-er-onai aitt-rciitiou one n.ero was -.abbed. but not seriously. Mil'.tf.ry wtu-e stationed iu the town, but Le-r.- wak i.o o.-e.i-..ei i r i i'ter:-r;.:e. iELINOlN CriH'AOO. Nov. 3. Ill-turns from this cl.y ana couniy inoic'iie uie ciec.ou o: me : . . : ...... .... .a ... - n,U'i 1 h'li'.oi MdUiO L'Giai' v U'JKCl i i,,;V' i' -rjr he i t .a.i'1 maiority, thtttgh 'Vaid in Srtiond, and Fanvel! in tb.e Third district, both Republicans, for Congress, :1re re-eli'.-ted by small maiotitii.'s. Casilefeld, Democi-a. .or Congress in toe 1 irst d;s- 'net, is.rlect.,1 by a fa.r majority. Re- turns -fhrrith..S.ate at large are very mea - g: e, but ii.oicate that much sc. etching was .lone. In some towns and counties l.iere are renortc: tun uepUDiWiin maioriMes. aim in otht is considerable Demacratx- gains. Returns indicate the election of Clement, C tb." ilighteen'h dis? rici . ARKANSAS. la; ii.!-: R( k, Nov. :'.. -Th . '.'.. -tion Ina. pa.;ed o'.i wl'bo-.i' tli-tui b:t;:ee. A full vole was polled. The vote in this city i- el'.-e between William W. Wilskirc, De morrati:;, and Wm. .i. Ilyncs, Republican, for Congress. The chances are that Ilynes eairies Pulaski count v. In Faulkner coun ty Wil-liTre runs largely ahead. D.tnoerats claim his election by :i large majority. No reports from other di-inct. A LA 1'-A MA. ..tit. i: in; i n tT.rti:- i:i:i-.n; r: i. M'XT.oM!'i:V, Nov. The el.etiou w:is epiiet. and n'Mlistuib-antt' o: any kind lu re. Tl.e vote of thi ( ity is s''0 less tiiau ,.: 1 .!.. !. .,. jit is. (g, ami it. is ciiiiii'-'i it t. en. i!,ni. j't - mocratic gain, A ditficuity in Kufaula re- . suited in the killiug of five negroes and j wounding of six white men one of the !at- tar faia'dy. Return-are very meagre, ow- t. the great length of the ticket. At ill i .i.-e.eti '..., .ii.'.i .' v...,....., v, dilliculty took place b.-twein the town mar- shal and a citizen, which resulted in the mortal wounding of the latter. two coi.okfi) men KILLED ix mow L e. M'U'.ii.E, Alii., N. rt.-The city and comity of Mobile have gone Democratic by about 1,200 maiority. Two riots w.-re r;med bv neurtH'S atlemtiting toiescue ne- 1 returns are two meagre lo teiegrapn. i 111s I ritv will 1iotv a 7 r nionrn t ic rain of v). elicit nutieula" excitement in this city.; . t , ,.,..' Clfi Oai,r. cn,,,., 1,,,1'tia t.itt ,' W-lstl. Vr ' ; I"1? " , . ,; ... r.lsmn o, TV, Wcs j Jueu..s A.vrei, ativices report mat a t- to eat, because they can get nothing else. Ahixan er.I.M,a icns, many negn.s vot- .r o G a on o4 T o se iigrn e j occurmJ oa the ulu iu Bm ' York, sur- ,ng for bun. In Hancock eounty the ne- 1 - ' ' on, Ik Ay raoutll oftUe Kio Salado, he- rounded ns it is bthc riche9t agricultural eroi s tiom.ceiterl .'(store,! oviii ie! iv.e.d . List retlll t.s O. lii.s C.IV ail. I .UOoL, 10,-tOO , . , r, 1 .-:.. . . . J. . r '.,.1, i.. ' ... .:. . Gaston. 10.400. Mr. Gaston leads on these!1? !k "Wl" " and jjardeniUR laad 10 the world, should be ii.ue-'.i iii ' . "'ii i"o o' 000, -m,l 1. i- 01 !i oi'n.i n i;eiM : a m;mo;kati'' roxoiii-:. ..-ioxai. ;aix, MoxtooMEKY, Ala., Nov. .'!. Enough j u;i ih eu neeive.i 10 ussuu; u:v eieciion oi , lirakfml, Diin., to in p'a.-; of, I'. ll.. am. A Democratic ;;ain. MA.SSACIUrsETTM. ot !;i:;;s"A"ui:i.r. i:a i: rttv. '-):. Ho.-TOX. Xov. .1 0;;c liundred and twelve towns give Talh-.i. -IM'.il'; ton i'7,, a2.iiuf, ia.n year' : .nd (ia:j- !;- This and e - " " -' '''- iacbvw Eo-to?i. Vore.-!er Fie-i incinuo j.osioti, w ore.'!.T anu : J. :)' ('.!. The 7V""! -jlf , citr.eed. s the te.te havi' been eeeived to indicate with con to Ca-itoa, a. this city will tri'.v him a re- ' sideraWe wrtainty that ail the C'onserva joiiiy of from O.Oi'O to 7,'WU. This seems live candidates for Congress are cleceth to be the perioral oninion, though the elo-e ; vote may change the result. !a-10- XEWSfAVKIi ASsKItTlOX... Eostox. 10 I'. M. The Jonrn-0 ives the vote of 1",S towns, viz : Talbot, -i ;,- CiS ; (Ja-ton. fo.SlS, with Eos ton not in-; c U e.i. and COnci'tleS H.UO'J maionlV to ( i ( oistnn in this city. It says : "I'nlesstho back towns come up nobly before morning, tl; result will be the election of Gaston au,i ,he defeat of all the Repuhliean candi- (t.-,(.e f,,r Congress cxcrit, II. L. Pierce. E. tor-. eiltOItGF. T. JIOAU ni:-EI.F.CTF.i. lio.iTox, Xov. .'5-11 P. M.-Gooi-i Ho.', r carries the Ninth Conrcsloi': r. liia- trict ny I'm i m:i i l.-j7- '.vas 7.jS t. Hi- ;iei-'!V m (.ASTOX's MA.IOHITy KSTIMA7.KU AT o'OO. .' Eo-tox, Xov. :!.-EeV.:ru3 from 0:i towns give Talbot oS.'Jt'S, anil Gaston oo,- , returns anoni o,wo, ana .n an sme ms ! election is conceded, with it probable ma jority ot lrom o,""iU tos,'-oii. i rost selec tion in the Fourth district is claimed, hut it will be very close. Rutler is badly beaten, Thompson hav ing a majority of Id'oL wnh only on ; small (own to hear from. Williams and I Alexander aru also defeated by small i:i;i- r jonttes i Ve IS c. feat.:-. nth di:.!rict. Later returns do not change the results ,i , ' . .... . 'T-.. ; loresnauoweti :n earner reworie. iiit.-iun.-s i i anu ?:iiem are in a uiae ui t.M.uc;- . , . . - ..c : . ment Dontires. leii-riugmg ana guu nnug ,i .., .,,! with Deo- -and toe streets are tlir.,i.gc.t wk.i peo pie .-heeling and otherwise expressing their joy. In Eoston the crowds have dispersed, atistled with election news arid astonished at the result. RHODE ISLAND. PiiOVlWiNL K. Nov. o. Eenjamin T. Lames is elected to Congress in the First district and Latimer W. Ealion in in the S....-und district, both Eepablican?. There wa.s a light vote. ONLY A OFAKTEIl OF TIIF. VOT KS IX TI!K DI-TItU TS (. AST. pi:nvii)EXC i:. R. L, Nov. th The I I'.rcl Congressional district complete, except Rloek Island, gives 15. T. Fames. Republi- can, '2's2, and Wm. 15. Reach, Democrat, S-2I. Tb.e Second Congressional district complete gives Ballon. Republican, 2,'JtU, am! Kodmeu, Democrat, 1,-71 the result hehi weM asur"d at tlv beginning of the ai u ne.i .i-.u.. . campaign. Scarcely a quarter ot the votes of the districts was po.leh. SOT U II CAROLINA ( II Alt LF.STON, Nov. . . . t : , it is impossi.ue to approximate the result in this state. Iu Ch irle.-ton, Green, Fusion, beats Cham - herlai.-i. Republican, by over 5,000 maton - ty. The Conservatives are contider.t and claim two Congressmen. The election was 1 '!KU"'1 ,! O'-1- iifavv ( OXsEiiVATivE oain- ix tue state. . . .. , . CllAKl.EsTOX, S. U., g.ov. 6. J ' is probable Green's majority in Charleston will reach seven thousaad. Returns from all quarters of the State exhibit, a heavy Conservative gam. 1 he result tor tov- : ernor is in doubt. Xershsw, Conservative, ... ...:... t t,.n cmom-oiiw i . rwia.uijr, auu . ....,., ! probably elected to Con-rest, in the Charles- ; ton district. .Mackcy, r usion, oca is i.uus, j Republican. Small", colored, is elected ! from the Fifth district. Rainey's election : Iron the First district is iloubtiu.. YIRGINI A. v. 'ni. Ti e voiiit-r a., ..Nov. ... im ollUg -IV li.-ht here, the ne -nx-s rs- ; Re I1MOXD, ' is comparatively .... x ti : i i. ..ixj o...., j -. ! ;.i;....... , Inr.. maforitv in Richmond for , i" v j j (eilbert C. Walker over Rush Rurgess for Congress, anil insures his election a t. on- servative gaiu. .1 FidViK'j o.f t'i thf . 'und F.-!r. RrrnMoNP. Va., Nov. :j. -The whites i have polled an average vote in this ; c:tV) buL lhe colored vote has fallen , j,rt!atly. Some of them voted for Walker, . lhu Conservative candidate, while a good R'cnMoxr.. Ya., Nov. :j. -The whites! . ni..,iv voted for Robert A. Paul, colored. U()!nn):itc-d after the withdrawn! of Hon. J. Ambler Smith. The Conservatives are i r - IT... T jubilant, and claim an overwhelming vie- : torv. uiariv fixing Walker's majority over ! t T?.,.,m;,.., !ni',.!,m,.n.I-t1 TSvl ' ---- to ueiurns uorn ua.i piec,.Kis . c 1 . , . . , . . I in the city sliow a Conservative gain oi I V) over (iovernor Kemper's vote last No- ( vember, wiucti vote will 0e use,! in making ,l,..f wbie! con.pansor.s. Th-.s wih doubtless vtnty the expectations ot the Conservatives. ,. Kemoer's ma-'oi'v was over' , ,. , , ,. ,..',: iV 'm .,.;vrU : l,ti0l. Straggling letuins uom Jlt C.nels . in tne mini t tl.e tiistri :!. show o.'iins fr Walker, although the vote is not so large. 77i" .-io'i'-oi',,,,.- ',) fi; It'll i' I'tA. i'-h-. ni. int.iM., ii, .v. o.-!:n.l .UM.allyf the,U: of large size. Then far from the Congre-iona! districts are t , , , j .struLnwitl i nreciousst. mes, ! meag.t!, but servative, iu ntlicate that AValker, Con - toe Third ; Tucker, i ; servative, in the Six'li : Harris Conserva- f ll.., S'.,.'ll. II, I, ', e,i-o . ii.e, to n.e . iH.ii.i , ...,,-v,i : five, in the Kighth. and Terry, Couserv.i- j live, in the Ninth, are undoubtedly elected, , Walker's majority in the Third district will run over g.ouo. million s tuajority ! m Lie Lighth district, ovei IS.iroour, In. It- It , , - .... I is probable that t tier. Republican, is re- i elected over Douglas in the First district, . The Second district is doubtful, with proba - j bilities in favor of John Goode, Jr., Con - ! servative, over Piatt, Republican, present 1 incumbent, and Norton, (colored,) Intie- pendent. Hon. W. II. Stawell is re-elected , in the Fourth district. In the. I ifiii (lis ity are ucatly reto'cin over . " ie majority which ex-Governor !ef.n elected bv from this dj. 111c nauasoine Walker ha trict, which has been repiesentcd by the Rrpnllieamt inee (he reconstruction of i.i" iaie. Lonsviu.K. Nov. '..The Cvnr -n't ' says i elane' .-dio'.v the. election of a full Denn'eratic ( 'on'res?iona! deleeatiou from Kentucky. All KAXSAs'. .1 f'-tii.-i! rrdire T7'7oia. i.: i i i,k uk:k. jnov. i. - nougn returns AIUZOXA. 'lie Imlepenilijit Drk'j'i.i': EltrieO. ...vX 1 r.AXCU-CO, ..hv. 4. A oespa-Cii from Prescott. Arizona to-ni-rht e-irs the ..t.,.;;,,., flr s,.Vr.Q Tr.,Ur.,..1..v.t .h.u,o digress, is generally conceded. ; WAsIIIXGTOV TERRITORY, sax I-KAXcr-ro Xov. 4. A despatch . frolll T:ake Washington Territory, snvs ! .u. r t ki.-. f".. Congress, is elected by over "000 majority. MINXF.SOF.-.. .wore vat'oicoa' to u iii.:'ivv.ii,j. l-tn t,,ti).l,' 1., Pi ,.f,',V,., St. Paut, Nov. 4. Eeturu3 to-night. are favorable to Republican candidates for Congress. Kin is certainlv fleeted in the Third District by a small majority, possi- b!v mo, and Straight, Rep.,' has' carried tl,; s.,,11,,-1 District: Nothing di tlnite w . known regarding the Legislature. sjm:tii A.Mi:i:if,. 15;5tt!e iu Stiu'uos Ayrc?. Moxtkvideo, Nov. 2. The result was uncertain, though (he Government claims a victory. Mitrc'a forces re-ired and effected a junction with Riha's troops, and agaiu marched towards Huenos Ayrts. A rlecisive battle is ex- j pee'ed hourly. Pott-ville, Pa.. Xov. I. Last night i several stables were burned at Mahanoy ! . City, and after the tire was subdued a dis- ' i route ares between the members of the ' J various tiro companies, which ended iu a j ! riot. Pistols, billies and all kiuds of avail- ; j able weapons were freely used. George j M .:. . rr. :..r n.. :.... ..,i . ... I uo,v ivino- at homa io u. critical con.lition. j th(. hM CT-m near his hcart. Daniel j T ,,....... ,,.ho ;.. ;R ,h,ni0,t shot Maior. .'i .,') . uie, v-.iie. i.ii-'ej.. rt.i a.i'n. unu j WOj):iot -n the eck by' William Major md dangerously wounded. Dougherty was j arrested on a charge or shooting George j'Major, and William Major for shooting Dougherty. Others were wounded, aud the c-:e;'ement throughout, the town runs hign. - Correspondence. ' . . v . . . on: xr.u vorh letter. Xkw York,-V. 3, S71. j j i-oliticai. dp.f.sSKK of ACTRESSES cr.EXUEXXiXO aDULTCHaTIOX I weathkk r.i'MXESs. j . m. tttp4T . .. ,. . .... , . , . ( Tlie feeling in political circles is waxtrjg . ,, , t,K,;Mn t .,rlv ,n. -;th ;n TniHnn.., in October, is alarming the Republican bodies ! in New York, aud the hardest possible Work i : (x-inrdone to save the Emuire State from j the vr.isp of ;1)e,ie Democracy. In , tb (.;ty th(; waters nre bc-;n;? vexed fear - ; futiy Mc,.linp arc beil)g hM every night, rroccssions are moving through the streets j evei.y diiv aud monev is biiin 6pt.ut j;ke j water. ickltam, toe lammany iiemo- i cratic nominee tor Mayor, is a tolerable do- cent man, but he has the taint of Tammany I. . . ... . .n V,,, n It, anntu on '"" iJ iii.iw o i.u, r i ! are anxious for his defeat. Ottendorfer the anti-Tammany candidate is the pro- prictor of the Stoats Zeituny, the leadtug Deraocrrtic German paper. Salem II. I ales, ttie K-puDticau canuiuaie, is one oi i tlift editors of the Sncntii'1: Amertcatu j - . i V icsham Will be elected, though Oltendorfer's candidacy will take a very I large Democratic vote, as he ought. The decent Democracy will not support Wick- ham, not because of anything objectiona ble, in the man, but because of his sur roundings. The good people of New York are very properly averse to auy mau w!io , , , ., . e t 16 barKt'd b' ,he for TfU11- 1. .. I.... ...... r., Aoin,. ,lr. : many lias uui one uiutiu in iuw eiu .,,! h;nmi,,r thp rertain sentience 'b-r-anu Pmm,tr 19 tne ctrla,n 8t-J,H,ut of a Tammany triumph Hut though Wickham will probably be elected, it, will be by a greatly reduced ma jority, which will help the State ticket iu ! it.,, rifv. Gen. Dix lias a hold uuotl the ,a of the cU u ia probaW y that f , q( Ol.cnaorer votft U (;,r 1)ix. L(.t us hope. The election o j TiMtfn W(uId a tUsaslcr to the whok Tha elections in Ohio and Indiana ...... tf nn. ., ni.nhnW ,,., lie hole ana I , : .t,.. i nni.'ciiei.'in tiii ii: ii i i irn; 4i " 1 1 1 ; ii . i :it i- in. lhl t ;i"--' r- , were .leaner, oy question not oo.u.e.t. u ttie-r inti ure. Rut tbev went to the country ,.,:. virtories.becHtise. Ifemoerats , .,,t tr v. v.,ri- .i,,,i,i .wo. ! were elected. If New York should elect n . . ... .. iV'tuocratic overnor, n wouui put uie ; K . Uci(lM , on the track in lSTO 1,,,,...,,. ant, tw5ce tl(, .m.t WOu!d he lenuiliiti to achieve succe !?ut we shall , coi, -hnU S!... In a recent letter I referred to the rcmtl - neratioti actors and actresses receive. The utvaw auu jc. t:ut ... 4.aBvsiUu v. Janauschek, the i .ri'iunti trageciiennc, inatie a bit. of interesting reading, she has one cross which has only twenty-eight diamonds ,. , :r..rr,i nn,l niipni',il.! j IJl,(IAlV iUIJUI.ll ii-J.L w iaa 'in tatre ear-rings that cost 8'22.0.H. S!is has a ruby pia worth S7,0'X). and a pearl pen- i tlant worth S-V'O, antl another diamond J cross worth ?li;,fK0. Then the great ac-1 tres--- carries with her sixty-six dresses, which is about one-third of her war.lrobe. And that the style may bt! understood let iay ! it he known that there are many of them fir j j wincn sue paia .-l per yaia o:a .o. uie ; ...a.-,.. . n ,1,,,.,, The dresses cost her from j ?(.(l0 t() jtij, ,,n,a,. What do you think 1 )f thal 1((j(.r p,.,,,., a. per day ? This . mn.,' whi) ,iocoraU.s her' person with .-,,, ,ir(.fi.?,.s and S20.000 diamonds, plays ; pL,r!l:lj3 t,re,, hours each day. People pay j .j -,, to br seatg to sco her aiul sj,"e ; lives t!ic life of a princess. Things are scy ciiy is uraggmg us siuw ijjgiu aioug. I 1 r ie ,. . ,' Much unfavorable comment is being made I upon th manner in whielt th trial is being 1 1 conducted. The counsel for Glendenniug seems determined to admit no eviderjee against him, or at least just as 1 ttle as pos sible. They threw out the statement made by the poorgir! upon her death-bed. There has been indecorous wrangling and the bit terest kind of personalities. The defence is making an effort now to show that the girl was of bad character, and especially' untruthful. The result of the trial no one j can tell, but the people have already made j up (heir verdict. They believe the state j ment of the gir!, and in any event Glen j dennid? is gone. It is a pitiful eis.e. AiULT;:r:ATtox of ?irr.K -fool. It is possible that there may bo honest milkman somewhere under the canopy, hut theydonotlieeinXcw York. The Tribune. some two years aio. investigated the milk trade, and happened to tread upon the toes i Ofo milkman nampcl fianonT. FWdinT!- grieved by the publication, Ganong sued for 10.000 damages, and the trial took place last week. It was a bad thing, that trial, for the milkmen. It was shown in court that all the milk sold in the city was adulterated fearfully that to every two gallons cf milk not less than one gallon cf water was added. This reducinz the milk ! with water ;3 tue ic,a3t objectionable form ; of adulteration ; for while the people do ; n( prCt the milk they pay for, they are not : ..3 L c .- ii... i . i mjuieu iorein orueieierioussuosiances. Eut, unfortunately, the poor are served with an article that can scarcely be called milk. There is a little milk in the com- P'UDd- bat Pcious little. K is a pity York couW DOt bo under a despotism f-r just a year, so that this matter of food could be regulated in some way. Watered ! or manufactured milk, stale, half-rotten, j vegetable, immature and tainted meat these are the articles of food which the poor of thi3 great, miserably-governed city I are fed with, and which they are com pulled so miserably nrovideil as it is with food. I Th(J rich cari) of cnur9Ci get aI1 lLat tfcey want that is good, for they can pay for it ; but in the absence of stringent control, the poor are ai the mercy of the hucksters, who combiue with the middle-men to fleece them, and they are compelled to take the refuse, and that which age or bad handling has made unsalable, and unfit for use. Na poleon never allowed such things in Paris. I don't like Napoleon, but a year or two of one in New York wouldn't be a had tiling. Down would go the rookery tenement houses, and, I should hope, up would go the villainous hucksters, who sell stale veg- . , , , , , ... ami comnounuea mnt;. j TIIE WEAniER ! is as delightful as weather can be The j days arc warm, but crisp, and the night? ! are cool and delicious. New York has a I beautiful climate in tue autumn. j ncsfXEss j pa9 at ast rPVived, for which all New York : ;s thankful. The country merchants art j buying with some considerable liberality. ; aud things are looking up generally. The ' v,'c,t is buyiD" cautioua5J bat a11 ,hin"f i considered, things do not look so bad. O ; course, no one expects the rush of formei j years in fact, the merchants here will b ! satisfied with whatever may come to them , The wheels arc moving. They creak am groan and agonize, but they move. Let th I paople take heart. The country i3 no i gone to the everlasting dogs, nor is th i world to come to an end to-morrow. A i least so we fee! :n New York, and .NeT i ..... , r ., I otk is the heart of the country. I PIETItO. j The season for coughs aud colds is ra , nid'v annriKiehinrr. nnil evf-rv onn shouli l J -i e, ' " J ! h nnn.n.rf irfheeL- ihr first cvmnrnma j as a cough contracted between now an. j Christmas frequently lasts ai! winter j Xhere is n(, rotljetiy then Johnson' j Anodyne Liniment. For all diseases c j the tbroat aJjJ Iangg it &hoM le useiI in , tornaiiy and externally. j Lung fever, common cold, catarrhal" fe i ver , .ann nasal discharge of a brownis I , .- , t . L . - . t- 1 cott.r in uorses, may do cnecKeu zlu ouce o i liberal use of Sheridan's Cavalry Conditi j tion Powder?. ... I 'i . - a. -"" -wx . JJ S Sa S a frivaie Kesicence On Fourth .Street. SUNBURY, PA. The baiidinir arc nearly new. halt n the : lot. The pro , ot fonrlh anu Fei j bait.l several new The property is located on the corac :uu treot, anu there is r.x.iii t new htntses on the lot. T, nf nvmdit. wi ! ! h m:.r ln 4V r, I'l t ......... r. .......... ..... 1 i"im"'" .m...!.,. or any other tin sines.,. Ad.iress or in per-on to'L WILVEKT, Sunbury, Fa LADIES TASS NOTICE ! Xf Millinery Good liave just been opeacl at the store of MISS. M.I,. GOSSILER. Fuartti street, low the Sbarnokin Vullry H. I SrNBURT, PA.. , whri ot Mn!!,,wy gnn.u 0 the laic 1 New Vork nri'l Ph!!-i.:-ithiii stries are edw otf ! r"r h"!.. HATS, BONNETS. : Lsees. low;:.?. Ra. or. Ft nt hers, i rrmruiOir Notions, I (jlovcs. Ilattkerie!, auUverjkindcf goo. ; ,!l!y fKB 1 io a Miilinerv.ore. Ladies er? invite.! to oa'.l anil see t'ae immevs rut:;. t'IKE! FIRE! j For sale a rrootl Hanil Fire Kngine ; Brs: j rnincs : ciin i.e worked as snotinn or sup'ie ! from nmli Hoy earf S0o feet gnm hose r ' ntl in ;o'! n-orkiug nrtter, for r.e and pr.rtict . ,.s,.. ,,,lrr- H. K. F.OODRICH, Machinist, Sntibnry, Ya. Suatirtry. Nov. fi, 1ST4. ot 3IISS L. SIIISSLEK, Murkft Square, Sunbnry, P. j nf ' Hats and Bonnets, For Fnll ami Winter wear. Tk, Ali.ihtact cl..t,l,ia nf KlbKrine nnil .TT '. n . j of MiI1Inery KOO(ls aiwaJ9 in glore, ; f;ENT?, xf.CKTIF?. IIANDKERCniF.FS, ,t. ,. ,. ,...,' fail and see them. j c oi KT rlMHL.inATIO.i. Noti ! i- hert-i.v rriveu ila.t. the several I'onrts of Cor men I'leus, (!ener:il Quarter Sessions of the Ff ac ami Orphans Court, Court of Oyer and J ermin i.n,! (ieiit rii! Jail Dctircry, in ami for the ronie of Noitlounlifrtand, wiil coraimaiee at the Con Hons, , in ttie Imroiigli of Snnlmrv. at 10 o'cloc A. M.. en MONDAY, NOVEMBER the '.M. IsT mid will continue three weeks. The Coroner. Justices of the Pence and Const hies in and for the connty of Northumberland a reiiuestp.l to he then anj there in their prop. person-, with their rolls, rerortlft, inquisition morances, to do tnose inius t offices nppcrtainine to bp done. Ar prosecatiu'r In bch.i if ol the I on acainst any prisoner, are requeste J to be then aud there atteudin nersonn to prosceate againot hir .-t anient to depart without leav Jnron are requested to be punt tluir aueuuftnet-, at the t'ua itppoiutft .men iinui-r my u.mni. uiiuui.,, mc .-1.1 u:i i of October, in the year of our Lord one thoua a egh hmid'rP(i and wventv-fonr. MvrFT, V. ROTHFRMTL. WtertT: my baud at Sanbury, the 8th da
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers