m ! j el , I j j I j I I : 1 i 1 j rYf c ! X i! 1 5 l C ? I WE WHXTMER & CO.. Invilc an examination of their immense new stock of t I URFMGOODK,bf!il norlineiU which I hey are selling at price lower 13'L.AC'AK AlvPAtiAH j 3p4 examine before puniiasino; t'lsewheiv. our Alpacas ronw in priors ; from 2.jVts. toSI.OO. jAII Best Makes of Prints, lO Mentis BEST BRANDS 1 varI wile. 1" J3k "Oi TO in tin WM. Sunhnrv, 0, 17-1. lm. ST0T3S i The Largest Stock of HKvt's ii vle, at the leLaipsilfiStAssrtl&CMJissi J. 13. EEKD'S Kew Stove an Tinware EstaMistaM, ffirt Street opposite Central Hotel, STJNBTJR .Y. PA. Mv tock oonsistji of thf following AND COOK Jlt'gulntor Cook. --n- V: '-. Iron Kii)'. ( .-itHntii.il, r.u.l a varit-ty of !.h , r Cno: Stoves ami ; Tian-;efl ahvaj a o n j hand or proiir?l to order. Alr-o a large aortinont of repairs of n!i kitil for tin? Coiuhifiaiion uv. Regulator Cook Stove. f have the largest assortment of Stoves cv.-r ?vvn in Stinl-ury, that will be sold at prices to suit the time. Tiiiv ai'i' ain.1 Sh'etiro?i Mare of overv ilescription in large quantity. AIho an asaortmant ot Cleveland noiM Roofing and promptly attended to. The public are amine my stock, and be convinced that Sunbury, Sejt. 2.", 1H74. GRAND CENTRAL CLOTH Corner Third and Market Streets, .! nv!i aud reiidy for i"pett.n rt imrnTi-.- ."!'!.!: of - v 1 !' '. TTAJLiLi GOODS. Fariiioaable ami Well-Made CLOTHING for I-atest Style of HATS and CAPS Enormous aortnv Ererythirrj New, Fashionable and Stylish ! j Largest Stock with One Hundred Miles to sclwt from ! The moRt Fashionable CoikIs :i'viT on linn l ! i Everybody, Kich r l'oor, can lr suited and fitted ! i PRICES LOWER THAU Nobly i able to tmderse.il us 1 We Menu business, nnd v.i!l r.r .vi ii! wi Vt cordially iuvite everybody to fjivr u u etofL of New au KaehiotaMe '!otii'.ri!', flcnt'r; i u t ('WncJ. rompetiti'iu bere or clnewl'pre. No zQaf ni're-refi'''-(5 ur.tl?r i He tr.t'iid td do tin; .e.uli:g i.innewi in our unv oorsii.ei ut:,Jl.r, Y. ., Sejilcrrt'i'T 11, i'.i. 9 s. 1 c. B a ft 5 . e " 1 ' s 39 er W. D. MELICK, iDrugght and Apothecary. IN WELKEU'S BUIJ.DIXC. Uarket Street, SIMIl HV, I'A. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Druggie Fncy OfKMls, PAINTS, OILS GLASS, Pl'TTV, M. conttastly on hand. Particular attoBtion pld to rompoMiidl-.nr phv- ! Iclani precrlptlotit and famliv receipts. ' Pntiti'irT, ApHl 17. 174. OF MUSLINS, an - l P21. .'-nt. OF - 1EC"- T. rountv. WirmrEK & CX). ! . ' ! S T 0 T B S i Toiiitlv. ',' t)k !:!t innnvcl PAKLOlt Mornitij LiL'ftt Par- I lo: ite iiii'l ; !. it!-;.- Ilt.Mtcr. !' j D-ii-ht ! !'ilniit Horiio. ; iij.i 1 iw I S'lrll ;fi Cls Utirur-i s. Ei-"." Sli)i"-. Etc., i:tc j - vploivo I Spouimg respectfully invited to e:ill and ex I am eellin"; the cheapest. J. ?. KI'KT). t Men and P.oys ! for Men nnd I toys ' nt ''; r.N'T'S FFINISHINf; C()f)I): : : ! AT AKY OTHER PLAGE. 1serl . euE .tmi e M'iinr- !i- ei.nri':ii" itinl piniiiU"(rut ! l iinii hi: - !i m- :;! ' ir-, TrmiV .v.. j ! ! . .. :! rn'i- m.m j :it.or'. t-v :i i-r o'. nn in.-,.. WM. A. H.ELLER, 'oriier Third nnd Murl.ei Street, Sunbury, Pa. I'ortner'v lf-r.feMi tV. New Millinery Store. i -i;vi-1 tt'.elr Milliti'-rv Miir:' into t!ie j 'hi;-- ''..Miti ii'liiotiiiii; '.elllemoyi'i V M'-vo j tore, i.n Market reel . wln-r; lln-y li.ivo j i ! c i ..vri-. 1 i , .t' ii ! nt -i-. -'rf iti-'iit oj FiiNhioMMblt 'Iilliii'r l.ooih, t ! 1 1 T; 1 ' ' I ' - eivthiinr Itellll'iT 1: 'T'! i'l :'. I i-to.'-k'-'l Miuhiety e-tuhli-Oimeiit. Their -t-i'-'tt i I entire t.-h- ...ml i ..:i-;: ot die litt---1. ! Sr; Yurk and Phtladi'phi.i SvVs. j DHESS MAKING ! lt' ;i'.i il ,t e), . 1' I'tfll- t ioii. IN PANT KOUKS IX STUCK. i i Ternir, reus iti:ili!e rtii -:'t!-l iet: in ;tn .-iMtitecd. M'uttins: i-tid I'itlirc t'.rteinle.) to, :?;! C.'iiY.rm".-. 1 :;tid i ' dl in" I" .!.; lo oi J'-r. MISH I.. WKKSF.K, ; s. !"TK:. CEMTRALDRUG STORE q.b.Cadvllader j In the place T'i buy pure and freb j I MJ.DiCI.N'ES, ina:(;s. ! PAINTS. OILS, ! f;i.,--s, PKHFPMEIJV, : 'notions J(;.II j TOBACCO, LKiL'OIl t . 1 for medicinal purposes, and all other arti- j ' t ies usually kejit in a find-clans Drug Store, j ! Special attention paid to compounding pre- j Bcriptaons and family receipts by competent druggists. ' I Bin prepared to I'liriiis'i in i;U:itdiiies to suit ftireUtifers i'iid at I'hllatleljihia priw . j AI,C1N'F.I) I'LASTEi:. j 1'HIi.ADKI.rillA I.IMK, riMSHIN! SAND, IM.AM'FKINU HAIK. '.it'Ktid. I'.omi.n, Uosenr!a and I.i-biu'n CEMENTS, Land Plaster for Farmers, Timothy and Clover j i Herd".. Also. Garden Seed- of all liindi. Aall : and get a Rural KejiiMor for 174. (iKO. B. CADWALbADFit ftinhnry. Feb. ., If74.-lv. SintntitiU. ......... ...... .... ...I isisiai. im i:mf.ts. w and attractive Goods, !u overt Department ! WATCHES, j DIAMOND", JUWEI.Kl, silvt.i: PLATED Wit'.r.. ! Cutlery. Clocks, Bronzes, English, Fmi'-li ilermsn Fancy (;.-o,'. n 1 j j In view of the decline In GOLD, we have re duced pricet- on our entire Stock of Foreign r.: r-chaiid'i-o to k Inr lioitl ltut s, and purchar-eis will find ii to their tatere.-d to make their selections NOW. while the ASSORT- m r.NT is complete. Goods sent on approval tor selections. Articles purchased now. for lh! Holidays, will be pneked and retained until sue!: .time ii" d'--ir-e S. ROI1I5INS, CLARK & bTDDLK. 1134 Chestnut St., PniLAir.i.PHiv ; it vn i oii:xi.c. of siki; hhi SIMUFI! I.OOOS. nf lery description and variety m-h IrOHH ootls -oiiiirisinr; all the novelties fabric and s: -. IYlI. AsST'imiKNT "I" NoTK'Sr. i v'l'ioh are heiiiM e"U I'.vet C:;h Vv' A,.o.(;KuIr,AN;PnovI,oN, j pure juul fn L. t Jl" F KN tf '.V ARK, (LASi1V.Rr, ANT) '.Vf'fip and Willow Ware, Nif.-i JJranos f Flour constatitlv on h;i:nl. ' A very l.irs ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPEU, j huth flnzpt! ii nr? ro'umnn. :iHv:i vi on hunJ. ! IJOOTS AND SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. REA D Y-MA DE CL O TlUXff, cfall sires and of the latest Ptvles. F L o i; I," . A eoimtant supply of we.-teni while wheat Hour a speciality. Tlie public are invited to caii and examine our Good iree of charge. Our motto is "'Q'lick Sales and Small l'rolit"-." pud to please all. The highest prices will be ;p.i 1 fir all kind-" of country produce. By strict attention to but-hirso and keeping at all times the most complete stock, and nellinir at thelowett priwi", vre hope to taTH a I i.l sltnre ot REED BROTHER . SEASHOLTZ. rttinbnty. May 7. I lfi3jBjlMrt- s Sugar, Coffee, Syrups, Soices, Canned Goods, Queens, Willow and Cedar Ware. E Z 7, o a. o o O Cement, Salt, Fish, Phosphate, Land Plaster, Harrisburg Cider Mills. i GEO. EVANS. E. '. MAIZE. t Geo. Evans & Co., TAILORS and vy.v writ I n v py II 'I'll I Ir II V ! MiilV 1 illl I llUU i HU'illO, i .Military, Hand iV Mre urbanizations j promptly unilbrtui'd. ! Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent ; free on application. j O'.ir.-i I." inir the l'-i.liii' hoiii-tMiii Military work. we feci th:it vo rnn offer 'ni'irf :nrt w!i1 i pnt t? iittniiu'd Miywliere eli ; Jan. 3S. 1 Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAinL, I'SPrCTFL'l.i.Y inforinR tin- r-'ti:-!.-" t i-r A lie li:is jtit-t received lih Spring hikI Siiiiimer (.oN. TAILOR SHOP, on 1 oiirtli Street, lie'ov.' M nket, in tin; Mullen kin-Is ofllie latest slvl -.-". Ihivinn h:xl lnin-h experi- i cr.ee in tie- I::Mtios h ef-:res t In- .litu , i L';ve j him i tri;il. j . -i .rit t I.. .... .1.., 1 ti. I ' l-illllll l,l i". 111. Ill' 111' in i , 1- liIH Bl ll(ll j And Anirrii'iin Fa-hloii- in liie k t qt mti-f:u(nry ' manner. nr.'.".:;. iiai:i.!s MAiin.. ; '1871. PALL MILLINERV. IS74. ! 1 !"(",,, -t, ,( with if real t.-iste :tnd cue h:ivi- invn ,' oiii-ncd lit Mi" 1.. SHISSLEU'S Store, j j Mjn k-t Square. SI IH It Y, I'A.. ! ! ;li the new fhajn'S in i HATS A N I) 15 O N n i: T s . ! Kili'ions, Flower?, Fe-nhers. tVe., and nil kinds j of MiHin- ry (ioiMls. t Fnnev (jixx!? of every ileseriptioii. liocneti, j end Hats trimmed in the mo-t evju-ilitimw man- , . . ,-,,.' net- with I lie iltn;o-t pti'eirioa. A full ! ii-.i; of j h.di-f- cap-- i'all nr.-i examine. .ef.r imn-luts- , ittS clwere. MISS ?Iflr?!l.'.R. I i - . . I I IIS III mitt hi I' nillilier.y .0t ; i OTT D C CT fA " B B I Ci la i i ' t I MIS M. L. GOSSLEK. i 4 On Fonrlll St., tielow S. V. II. II., j M Milltl, I A., lias inst opened a lull line (f Ppritof Millinery 'itxidp. The 1 ite?t t-t vle of ' Hatsand Bonnets, i Trimmings, Handkerchiefs, l.ndic f'ollars (ilovep, and Notions peiie- rally. Particular attention ralll the ladies in th county is directed to nrr iissoritiifiii, as ikt hik-k i i:irrr tlian ever, and jrooils old cries pT. Snnhurv. Miv 1. 174: mm 5"HisccII;tncon5. y M IIIXF SHOT WD IKO. FOI MIRV. geo. itoinniAcir & sons, Suuluii'. IVnn'a. IW'FORM the pp.liil'' lh:l ihcv are prepared to X do all kinds ol' t AST1NGS. -md having added j tt new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have suppiii ,i iht-melves with New Lathes, Planing mid H iring Machines, with the latest improvement. With the aid or skillful mechanic, they are. enabled to exceufenll orders of j NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, - ttg may be given them, in a FiitiBfartory man ner. Grate to unit any Stove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or ether build ings, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS ; VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCE, AC, AC. j I lie PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still further improved, and will always be kept on band. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunlmiy, May 20, 171. I AfiENTS AVAATEW a-IsokTELLITALL Dy Ma BtmluniM of SiM Lakx City, for t& ynrt the wile of a Mormon Hurh Print, fn- irouucuon nr Inw Mme. ihJ ttorj of miu'i iprlcnce Ure bve the "hutdtn brm." mytenw, Mcret doiaga. Ho. of the Morrnou t " v kU-awaXx woman thtm." Bright. Pure end (tax), it te the tut new bnok out ecluAUy if with cood thlnce for all. It U popular every th rvrrv ltoi nrTmituif !! AtKr hnnb, ihw lr, nx. MinuUre ear Jvd rptxtl u" mioent wonun rniiorM it Ererybod wanu Hi mad mtnU ere ttlhng from I O to to diy I tiuUl OiofamH now in prat I We weot 5.000 mart tnufr satnti MOW mn or women end we will mmil WwtSt frr to thoee who will cunu Lerpo KAmphlete wiUi full pertfcuUre, ternie. etc. mnltree to i Atlurttt A. U. Wvaiuiaozu.i ft Cw., lUilloi J. tuau. Flit'K Kjniitlf! to yyentp. TiAItk.v (.o51I".inatI"n Sr.f.BLt-u, with Chn-ni'ji. SenJ ijtur. Deajj & ('i., New Bedford, Miinh. (K t. It., 4. WYHllv I'rtl ti i ;....... - - i,.. i'.r j week, day or f veiling. No rap!: .!. WV k. th! viinaWe l'ack:i"e ot srooilx by iu3ii fn .-. Aililr-8 with six o l! r.-fiirii ntii,:.. M. Vol so, K.l. dc- v:r.vi-h St., N. Y. Oct. lfi, 4v,. HAVE YOU TKIF.I abe rot: WEAK, NERVOCS, OR DEBILITATED? Are von so laiigiiM thai buy rert;0!i rf j::ir- moipi.f uu efiort thru you if.-l malile oi inukin;; V i nen try .luruoetra, tlie noiiilertui tome Ktr.l invii-orj- wm-nnaiiyon tn iwmiv .rj!t! ks tthort tiriif, only t.. let !ho Hutt'rT to a l.iv.vr iI jMjscry, hut it 1 j Vft-iuMe t,u, -.m-h a htpntthv tnti;- t-.tl,- -u.W h.-:t. or . ti ii'I" JK-'lllN'i ai;1 rp,, il ; ! : i .i; i I no", r . M4 , liOi.r.OWAV K '., I'iiilatW Ijih-i., la. ri:,4... F.VEUYIiOlfVS mvx physic ia. By ' tii.J-.S.N. M. I.. A r.:.i.;;iir:.-. :.; !!!, e. OV'-r "(I Kii'ir.niii!:.-'. Low i rice, i iiir cjicist took , . or'ItT in on" ,r.Jt- v.'anti '.'. I'i'-ci!;-!-'. i T? j ; H. V. MrKIN.NT j i (..;. S,. !,-., .-(.. -,:: ... " I , T. iO. iiv. : A'VM'Kli- (.il 'IISk.' liie IW-t ('!.,:: l-r.j.. t , tiortrv J'.'.vk?:;!- on. .nui'le J-uck ii'-, itd!i,L f;.. ' Ui I'lvulj-, ii-.-. .1, j".j;tjlf, ;i,7 liiintLuv Nevr ; Jvl- O.-.. 7j. .v. fa f.i:yi:oi;y-s own imiymc iax liy C. W. Ci.i:i .:., M. It. reaniiicent lohini of I x-vo pa"H Ue n.n: nil ilir.xtnited ami virrbutly hoi.uii. 'o'ltii n natter jut aituMnl to the v.ant9 of ' every latilllT. I Iver 2') ei:(rravii:gi. Ol:e cstnt told ; n.i ,-..t.i,v in one v.oek, aiiotlirr 3 iu tlireeil.ivs, ai'ii nn- i AGENTS WANTKI) Z)V. ZJZZ , frn'. A'i lreax II-. . . VtKl!:.fl JL Co., 7i"i ' s.;i -, ,. ut., l'l i!... Oct. lfi, 4tr. W ATKISS M;V St YI.ffl'IA0!V. I j. ii:..i- :n:.l Hi n-ht, ete the brut niiile. The touch j fUmir, ti.- tone j.mvrr. tul, j.uie arttl evci through the ! ri'.:r- -.Mi', yet mellow BU'l meet. a ' . a a . . . i iiiiirr!! oiirenn vprgaiiM j he treilwl iu tone or l m;!y ; they lery e..i:i- ! t-etlt i tit- l.ol..rtO roj IH n Zut Io:!t;itjon o: the ! lftl?;i?i Voii'i i Warriititfl tor 6 e:ir. 1 i i.- s eitr.ufly low for rash . -r wit e.i.-h, hii'l I'jlitr.o.-in iiioiithlj i-uyni lit. Sei-ouil- Ahh.ri.1 dif.-oi:"i"ti.1"'rtt..VrtiJt'V:: .Ar-,-"' Wunted. J Kt-h.x.ir. l.M,rf. h, ft.; llli:Bt'aled C" -j f .7 1' T ' i ? T f -3. HO!i M il IVA n.ES- ,. SON, 4-1 l!:.,.tw,v. N'-v, V..ik. 1". O. l!oi S.T. . )... ,-. 4v.. W ANTKI) AliKN I S lor the "Kilo : t d Lti h.i'loi.ii Oi Ir. l.tMrir'"!,!!;,'," Co'i'I-Ietf, yittl:i-l:c. i, I r Ml hofik. j l'ri.t l"Ult"t to the time.-. AdU-. '. U. I'.fSS) I.I,. I pnl.li-her, K.wfon, Mji. . i. -. 4-v. Aljeiit-i W.ilit"cl For lroi'. FOUI.EK'N I.KFAT UOItH ' iu 5 ' -iiihouil, Woifaimili.tod and tti ir Mutural 1 ttter KIt:oi!f ; I. (,-, ItM J.ii'vs, I..r, . nth a ,- k-!1- snU t'!'!! to Ak' Ji.h, ai.d bf" h it ht-Un fM'rr rl.'n i oiLt-r U-.-k. AtiOifn. N VT . N K 1. i'L" KM .11 N i ) i CO., IiufaUltL:i;i. I'm. ot. -Ca. i I'or C( )L'G 1 IS. COLDS, 1 10 Mi SEN KSS, AND ALL TUllOAT DISEASES, IT-.o RKM-V FtltltOI.U T HI. 1. 'I S. j l'l T VP ONLY IN HI. I K Itnxi s. I A TRIED AND Sl UE i.EMEDY. S'-il.t ty Iti-nfuietp. O'-;. ; HALTiMonr: ! kyk ami;aic isrn i tk. JULIAN J. rlil.sOI-M. M. I rrof"f-f'f Kve mill 1 nr 1 . in tl; I i-i v.r : .if i Md., j Hn?i-i:iN iv ( HAi'.a):. ; T1j.. Iiifct4tilt.. Hi, -!:; i;i oni r fi - la: i''.t .linl j ri !..? dwflliiijft 1:1 th- 'l Htdrinu-tt. 1 .L..r.mi?.lv t-iv roi.venj-n. r lo.' tb-. -..'l'-;;-r from 1 i rul j Karh .it.-nt ): ; el".;-!!:! : j lij:- i', i-i ' --i-iv- I wry ;tttiitluri if 0 tt ...! '( !. ii! n f J lit' .H'tV'OIi v. !l la 1 :u : .:(!-- !.i ij- 1 ii.! !l l! ! e, I at vn (rnt (otii-ijMjni f l t tit Hiri, t7i.. Ii y tLoHw 1 ci-:at i Ui'oU, wjj.1 uu ;;:; it at u' i . m r h.t at h j T.i-' dr.,r.:ix .uiormittiun v,,M j I;' . tttr 1 t. JULIAN J. (..Jlis-jl,!, M. L. Vr;iiiklin St.. H;iitimoie. Md. .vt. 'it 4w. j POSTPONEMENTS IMPOSSI HI.E. I ILL lit V Flr-f lortj;H!io I'rrmiiiiii lll ok thi; . v. isdi'stkiai. r.xninrnoN (., Aulhoiiied ly the Leinlature ot the Sn.-e !' N. V. 2l l'rrmiiiiu Irawititf, Vet: 7. 1SI. 3l Sori'H Itranins. Jan. 1. IS7I- I-VKKV IIONO wslllie Kediviueil with u Vrru.iini . a-t j 11 eitiialrut for Iutpri'Hl. j AI'ITAI. I'KK.tllFII. AIOO.OUM. Ailrirexu for liolids hud ii-.l! ilufo: r. ati-.l:. ! MOHc;r.Tii f, imrxo .1 .. r;tmn.-ti A-rent. w i'.r.K i:ov, n. v. j J'. O. lUIAV. r l: . ' ),-,. V,! . THE JI ISOX A HAM I.I ltA'CO., 1 rt,o,ip:f t.if Oir- . Hibet Me.luli and lip!oiii:i. oi l..ii.,r j at j-t,i.i, 7:l, uud I'mtih, '67, nov ofter lniel af,.-rt- ' n;t-!it t'lthiut tr;;at;fi in the wor ld, llo-ind:ti"r ui'iv Myleh v..-th iiiifrov-lite:it, no" ::!;.' r e!i;sivci i,.r e:ii-ht an i '"orTlllv OIK ijlh' CO 1M v Ptr.; oi' t ..;. j . ( ' Ml tht- i innut :,ivorutle P'en oilv..-'l. ItnTTiF r it -. I with privi- If f i-i pliri hio-lt. to ,.-t a-i . Jj'l o I f:e r.,,n;ry. t t irsl ii.viiieiit 9.i0 or niw:nl. Ithistnitt ,t CtjtLili,ri:eH i jod ( iifillnrH, with lull l'.tr!iei:h.r's i-enl li- or. Tctno'. A.l li-.-is MASON k HIMI.1N OitOlN ' n.. ItoMon. New Vork or h:r:i;.'0. tlr:. i'.v 'ATr.I)-AClETM for the l;.-t sli iittf Article, iu tho world "J.OO wi. th o -i.uii.Je- oivi-n i uwi-.y to thOHe v.hu Will Iw.-iout, le.e-4t-. I. ItMltf. A j i).. Tt'.T Uroa'lvroy, N. V. '!. ;i. I v. FIRST .KAI) ( I IT COX'KKT. AT AI.F.XANOKIA. VA. AOVFrntl K 2S. 1S71. LIST Of OIHS. i iV-iitl Cash llift i'H'.im.i I ttii'mt t'a"h ift ."-ii.UOO 1 .r,-.ii.l Cusb Oiti -J.-.,o.in 10 fjsil (illtH, f td.lUlO ei.,-11 II'IJ.IKK.I I". ( ,ih (ill.-', ."..oo-i ei'i-h 7...1M-0 i ..,i h (.;;ih, l.O'KM'io-h i,o"o j 1IK Tliph itH, Otl enefi .VI.ihki t l.liOM'aHhOitth, UK) each lOo.ooo j l.irK) fat.li OIOh. :-')ca-h in.imi -Hi.OOO Ca"h (.iltr, .-'letoh tfhi.CtiO I -,171 Cash Ci.'i", kiiiii:tiB( to .il.nftUXKI I XI'.nilF.K OF TICK FI'S. lOO.OOO. ( V.hol- Tiek-t t'20.00 j Halves JO.oO j i?;!h!i".;f 'rV.-'li 'V.,V,.o,', S1 I Ki"h'h of eui h ''.'ii,on jv t,-i- 1 ' Mo.,,fli.T r.'rualV tlui.i'-ne AK-irh.iho,.'eh ItiO.lO j Tl.j t.,t,l i.otl.- I-. -H..I. ttn, !...-:!'(,,! -ti,-tv. J rj- iht I.stlttire ol Vienna and !ie rneu-1 Couit i ol I'runi.'i 'o,. -ri iWiHef hy a tiniml uiit oiii-.rt to e- j t:;lih.sh KU'l eiijov; a Hoiik iur ti'e )KI, ltiflmi. ini'.l li.-t-tltllt"? I. allien ol Viet.inu," t ilotlliw iie--. the S'ltner ,.,. of I'rvsiileut Jnmis Mndioti. liovnivoH a limct, Kii ieiii'-f, Ji'ly 3. 1x71. ); uiTor'li toe jilt-.-imire to bav thut I :itn v.-eii liefjutiiut- , j a drue Fiuiioili.v of the .lonteher I't-raiiin Hu-.e.-tiM- AsHoi'ialioii, who reHidt iu the ieiniiv (l my Ii. line, i n't i jtet their intelhrein.-e atnl their worth and hii'l- it-imtHtiou its teuthlrien. yfl well tie t'llhlie coii- r-t. eee. inflnetice aiul niiataotisl tcetitii l.liemllv re- IAMKS I.. KKLITIl. (J..v. Viijinl. Ai.ix'Mch, n., Jui M, 1S74. ' I romcirnd -1 an iiis o! honor .-mil ii:tvfrt. i:ui IhI't entttled to tile .-otnuli inv oi tlie r-ublie. It. V.'. HIUIHKS. I'. H. Jnile Kioi;"ii I'j i.of V . I tlr. hi r reteriieeH hv jH-rtntl-HiOU : H:h .eeIleIly (lilh-it I '. Walker, I l-Oovel nor ot Vu. : Hon. rlotert 1'.. Withi : h, l.ieut.-Oov. of Va.mxl (.'. S. S..'ti..r ; S'iBiorti .ni'l MeriiltorM of 1 oiifreHH ironi a. U.-iniitimeeK tor tieki-t in.iy l-e nide l-y eipr. ?- puiii. loht-oftiee niouev-ordMr on W.-ithiiiiftiiti, l. t;., or ,v registered ,'vttet. "l'or full partiruhir", testimouialp, ic, Sruil for (,'ir cttlar. AiI'treBS, HON. JAMES BAKBOUR, Pr.ES'T M. F. II. A., ALEXANDRIA, Va. TTri:oV'?e aeri, wected fverwhera. let. 4tt. '.V 0 (0 I 5f . . -f 'T''- ' 'ri'y-.;. v Dr. J. Va!kcrs California Vine gar IJittoi's ai,; ;i yun-fly Vegetable jii cp.ii alion, mnde cbirHy from the nativo l-ej-i.'S I'tuiiKl on the lower ranges of the Sierra. Nevada mountains of California, the liU-dieinal ropeities of which Pre extracted therefrom without the tie of Alcohol. The question i rdmost daily asl:?d, " What i i the caaso of the unpnr iilk'led success of Viki-.; ar Kitteks 1r Our answer i.s, that tliey remove the cause of disease, and the patient recov ers his health. They aro the sreat blood purifier and a life-yiviiig princi ple, a perfect I.enovator and Invigorator of the syyteni. Never before in the, his tory of the world hn. a medicine been compounded poosossins tlie rcniarkablo qualities of Vinegar IUttuks in healing the sick of every diseuse mail i-i heir to. They are ;i renllo I'urcativis as well as a Touic, relievinz Conprestion or Inilamtnntion of tlie Liver and Vi-vernl Organs in Hiliod? Diseases. Tlie properties jf Db. Walker's Vinkoar Hitters are Apork-nt, Diaphoretic, Ctirminntive, Nutrition.-!, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, C'otinter-Irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. Grateful Thousands proclaim Vin egar Bitters the most wonderful Invipor iint, that ever sustained the sinkine system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not de stroyed by mineral poison or other mean?, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. Uilions, Remittent, and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so prev alent in the valley3 of our great rivers throughout the United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan pas, Ked, Colorado, Brazos, Kio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea pons of unusual heat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensive derangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon theso various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no rathartic for the purpose equal to Dn. J. Walker's VrsroAi; Kittees, as they will speedily remove the dark colored viscid matter with which the bowels are loaded, at the samo time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the hcnlthy functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar. Hitters. No epidemic can take hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Head ache, I'am in tlie Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks. Palpitation of the Heart; Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the offsprings of Iyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertisement. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings. Cicero. Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitre. Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affec tions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin. tinro'cwc ftr etc. In these, as in all other constitute. . ,.-.-..J, hai,. j Vinegar Bitter-; have shown their great curative- powers in the most ob stinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory and Chronic Ilhenmatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Blad der, these Bitters have ro equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard against this, take a dose of Walk er's Vinegar Bitters occasionally. For Skill Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Rheum, niotche.s. Spots, Pimples, Pustules, l!oib CiirbniieleR, King-worms, Scald-head, Sure Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs. D;.;coloralims of the Skin, Humors aad Irlsirascs of tho hkin of whatever name ir nature, are literally dug up end carried out of tht; yysteni i:i :i short tinio by tho use of these Hitters. Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in tho eys!en of so many thousands, are eHectncUv destroyed and removed. So ystem of medicine, no vermifuges, no on tLf Iminitics will free the srstem from worms like these Hitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or .'.ingle, at the dawa of wo .luauhood. or the ta.ii of life, these Tonic Bit tors di.-piay so decided aa influence that im provement H soon pereepliM,!. Cleanse the Vitiated Wood when ever yo-.i find its impurities Imrsting through tho skin in Pimple. K'niptions, or Sores: cleanse it when yo'i Imd it, obstructed and slusrgiidi in the veins; clean-e it when it is foul ; vonr foel'inm wid tell yon when. Keep ton Mood pure, r.r.d the health of the svstera will follow. H. II. McPOXALD A CO., I):r:.'(.'its amKIen. Apt.--.. S.m Franpisen, Calhoniia, nrdeov. of Wahiti:;tn :;'id t'hnriron S;,.. '. V. Sold by nil Dmu-ui'H ! Ii lrr. I Children olleu look l'ale and Siek from no other imuk' than havinrr worms In tin stomach. BROWN. VERMIFUGE C'OMITTS will (le-irov Worm' wit hout injury to the child, being perfectly WHITE, and froni all the coloring or other iujuiious ingredient usually i'-e,l in worm preparations. CURTIS & UROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street. New York. S'.i!.J by IfrwtijM ami t'ft ''"", f t'etUr i Jl.'urfiVi'f (ti TwKNTV-T'lVi: Cl NTS A BOX. Julv 12, 1S73.--1V. " W.AT IIF.S. .niHF.I.RV A Hll.XV.K WAItll, John V. St r .oii. VniiT Third ."inl M uke! Sts. Slllllmrj-. 111. II A:-? eompletcly r- iiovatod his Store Room, anil opened ihe largest assortment of VAT( IU1S. ( 1.IKKS, .IKWKi.RV. SOLID S1L- F.R AMI PI.ATF.D V.'ARIl. ever exhil.-iti'd in lhi; part of the State. Every thing iu tin' ,ti-Ti !t line i. k.'i't in store. Silver-'. Ki'iteelelK. King V liaiiix, of i v. tv (! ;ei iption an i of the fun t ipirility. P.irlief.lar attrntion paid to rrp.iirins' :il lu'. loeks. Jeivelry. Ac. it.Ml: JF.WF.l.RY made to order. S'i:iJ ;:re. M.-reh '.. 1-Tt. ,1. . nniKti's I ill proved Sliile A ulve l'or Stalioiitirj hikI I.oeomo livc Fiiginesi. n A VI NTJ within tlv ho t few years completed the invention of a Steam Wide Vale tVsi'ti oil for the pnrpoe,.l ot" removin"; the pressure from the valve it exists at jwsent, we will warrant lor ri months and plat e one in any Lo comotive, nr.y Ocean Steamer, any Inland Stea mer or nny ot her stationary cneine. It is simple, cheap, cli'eetive and indestmctalile ; and saves fuel and machinery. It moves it weight only. No alteration in any part, of the machinery is re qnlred to apply it, and the time occupied in Mib stitutins; it for the ordinary 'D' valve need not be over half an hour. JfIt Is indispensable at the mines where hoist ing is done. With this valve the enjrinn can be reversed without 6hnttin' off the steam, thns saving time and avoidiucj labor. This valve can be moved easily with one hand when surrounded hy any amount of pressure. Address J. YOUNGMaN & CO., Sunbnrv, Pa. Snnburv, drme P. 1S71. ilailrc.T! PEXXSYIfVAXIA It A II ROAD. rnii.ADEi.rniA a, erik r. r. wvisiox. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, June 23th. 1874. the Trains od the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road Divi sion will run as follows : WESTWARD. I Kai Line le.-ives Philadelphia, Harrieburj:, Sunbury, ' WilliamsDort. 12.55 p ni 5.00 p m 6.55 p m .50 p m 10.00 p tt 11.55 p m 4.25 a m I5.S0 a ra 8.35 a in 0.45 a ra 11.10 a m 8.05 p m S.00 a m 1.30 pm 4.20 p m 0.20 p m 7.20 p m 7.20 am 10. 10 a m 12.30 a m 2.05 p m 3.10 p in 4.20 p m 9.15 p ni 'iirr. leaves at Look Haven Philadelphia, Mail Harrisburfr, ' " " Sunbury, ' " " Williamsport, " " Lock ilavcu. " Renovo, " " an at Erie, Ehnira Mail leaves Philadelphia, " Hanisburir, " Sunbury, ' " " Williamsport, " " nrr at Lock Haven, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia. " " " Harrisburg, ' " " Sunbury. Williamsn't, Lock Haven, " " Renovo, "4 arr. at Kane, EASTWARD. Philadol. Express leaves Lock Haven, " " " Williamsport, " ' " Suuburv, " " nrr. at Harrisbur?, " '; " Philadelphia, Erie Mait Ieaves51rie, " Renovo, " " " Lock Haven, " ;' " Wiiliainsporr, i: " " Sunbury, i ' arr. at Harrisburu', ' arr at Philadelphia, Elinira Mai' leaves Lock Haven,' " Williamsport, " " " Sunbury, " err. at Harrisbnrtj " '; " Philadelphia, Niatrara Express leaves Kane, " " ' Renovo, i " ; Lock Haven. 6.20 a ra 7.43 a in D.:!0 a m 11.45 a m 3.35 p m 11.20 ;i m 8.20 p m 0.35 p m 10.50 p ra 12.40 p at 2.40 a ni 0.40 a m 0.43 a m 11.00 a m 12.4U p ni 3.05 a m C.:;3 p m 9.00 a m 4.05 p in ;' '" ' Williamsport 6.50 p m ': ' " Sunbury, 8.40 p m " ; arr. al Harrisbursj, 10.55 pm " " " Philadelphia, 2.50 a m Maii East connects cast and west at Erie with L. S. A M. S. R. W. and at Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R.R. W. Mail West with east and west trains on L. S. & M. 3. R. IV. and at Corry nnd Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Elmira Mail and Buffiilo Express make close connections at villiamsport with N. C R. W. trains, north, nnd at. Harrisburg with NT. C R. W. trains south. IVM. A. BALDWIN, Gcn"l Sup't. I'hilMleIhiu V Readiug Railroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. U;z 15th, 174. Tim ins I.rrivr. Hr.Kvnos as Foi.i.ow- : (Si nhays T.xr r.i'Trn. ) For Shatiioki,). 10.40. ll.O.'i a. n. and ".40 i. m. For Mt. CarmebAsIilan,!. T.tmti.t, Potvi;ie, Reading and l'hiiailelpliia, 10.40 i:. in. Trains i'hh Hi:i:n:)on. I.have s Fi.!.wi) : (Sl NDVS FxCFl'Trti.) Leave Sltamokiu v.:. s.do ;,. m. i.."0 an-i ::."5 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, 0 15 a. in., Rending 11.25 a. ni., Pottsville, 12.10 p. m., Taniao,tM, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p.m., Mt. Carmel, 3.21 p. m. Ti:ains Lkave llAKRisct no, as Follows : For New York, 5.25, S. 10 a. ni. and 2.00 7.40 p. m. For Philadelphia, 5.25, S10 0.4 3 a. m.,2.00 and 3.50. p. ni. Scsoats. For New York, 5,25 a. m. For Philadelphia, 1.45 p. m. Tr.AtNS for HAERisr.vaa, Leavb as Follows: Leave New York, 0.00 a. m., 12.40 and 5.30, - 7.45 p. m. Leave Philadelphia. 0.15 a. m. 3.40 and 7.13 p. m. Scn-oats. Leave Now York, 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. m. Via Morris and Esses R.R. .T. E. WOOTTEN, General Sup I. Roadini:, Pa. May 22, 1ST4. Northern Central Railway. On ind oftr Dvc. I, H73 trains oa this rond wi!! run as tc-Iiowf : LEAVE SOUTHWARD. Kenova. Klmira Buffalo i.euw rrit :-uii W:lrhiuLO.'l S."S p IM rtiiUiniore ILLS p m Philadelphia ln.ai p m Aecom. lail. Expres.4 4.48 am ll.:iSaiu S.2S a m 1.4." p m 8.00 a m 11. sr, p m Siiubnry.,7. . . 4.15 p ta 7.10 p ni 10.20 p m 7.15 p in !.00 p ra Arrlw al : Willing; ..)i-t. . . 7.10 Am 12, r.lmim..'. V..:) am.. Buffalo s.aOpni .. Krie 7.'jtj n m .. i p m Ail daily rvepl Sundav I : Kuflaio" r'niira Mail. Ilrn'.-'r; Aecom. Erie Miiil. 11.20 a m I-'sTiresr. Erie Uaflilo Ehnira Wiiliaiflei'or: J.M p ni 5.4 " a m t. " a in 7.: a iu 2.4. p iu 6..V) (i ia 11.10 p in 8.4H p iu 12.G5 a ra I.ltf a ni Stitiriiirv '-'.CO a m 1 l.l.i a m i-n;t at ; II;.rviiburi. ... Phils Sell. hla . .. H-.hinore W:i?h ii,;ton 4.."0 a n I.' p in in..-,o p m 3.1K a m 9.10 am .-..j.-. p m -'..Viara Mini n.40 a in ri..j p ni J.M a 8.40 a m a in p m 0.Wn 10;ttira All ia Sunliitrv- djily -xrpt Sundav. A. J. IASSATT, E.8.YOCSa, " T. Gt'CKEK, t.ei 1 Manager. i:n Pass. Ageut. Sup't. NEW GOODS for SPRING AND SUMMER tit. Minn Kate Black's. vlarkct Square, Sunburv, Pa. L A DIE'.' DRESS GOODS of every style auct quality. F.NCY GOOD3, NOTIONS AND Trimmings a specialty. ToLET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Thelac-t nssortmcr.t of Ladieo' ijoods. EveryMy is invited to call and sen them and bnv rhea. Mav 8,874. viti:r stores. rye whisky, id) a gallon. 11.00 a dozen. i'ELLOW seal sherry, I large bottle. 11,00 a dozen. GOLD SEAL BRANDY. JlS.OOa dozen. APPLE JACK, JAMAICA RtTM. SCOTCH WHISKY, CATAWBA WINE. OLD PORT WINE. CHAMPAGNES. SUGARS, AC. T. A A, Van lleil. Ti:n Winb Merchants. 1310 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. I Oet. THC 1(, ItARHFR SHOP IS THE S)P OF THE TOWN and long has beeinsk history and she will tell yon Men hagrown old in our pafronr.ge Babie?).thelr motiiers' breast To be'ictig 1k- at play ; An:l""is by maidens fair caressed. To Iwart men with cares oppressed, Anhl men silver gray. And onir the honored nnd ! itinn- ;m,.ra. j sious cinie, and Hi" crash of revolutions in circuirncep, WlS stand a living monumental I memeiof the ingenuity and perseverance ap ! pertair to the identity of progression, plying I nor :Iotl with tin. K...l,..r :..t,. r " 7 dijic oi ii! i, aiiu ! rcwar merit attainable our humWocS- j ty. aire sentiment of respect nnd approbation Hiiiiii i-'i -e:iee oi superior appliances mid es- j t;'b!int are alwavs wont toinmrp I vuys to please j ihave with ease J . and comb with taste the hair ;. j itnpoo the head with soothing care, 1 color the whiskers black or brown, j suit the people about the town, j Thiiow me politely request you to stop. Ant go past nor from around our shop, j Toihavedon the basis of ability nor as i some? done for our use of the ballot for priu i ciple-red and right nor under the common j secret invidious guise of enmity to cotnplex j iou ; lie cut of a man's coat, or the color of j his shught not to affect hi usefulness nor nis qtcations. A lair chance is all that wc demao give the proof to all the laud. JAMES SV. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. .-uu . .i;ii,i , i-.-.; -mi. t, Market st John ri.t . 1.1.1 John M. SrnoNorr.. A S(IIOOlR. mid Street, Womelsooi'.k, Pa. FOR N AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS .'INES, BRANDIES, GINS, je Old Rye Uliike.v. x Whiskey, Cokmai.9, Ac. All Ls sold ganrractecd as represented. Ordcnmptly attended to and public pa tronagecctfnlly solicited. SELL & SCHOXOUR. 2d St., Womelsdorf, Berks Co., Fa. Teh. 74. ly, gtiotltnntl. Desirable Qualities is a Pio. Of all the desirable qualities in a pif a vigorous appetite Is of the first importance. A hog that will not eat is of no more use than a mill that will not grind. And it it undoubtedly true that the more a pig will eat In proportion to his size, provided he can digest and assimi late it, the more profitable he will prove. The next desirable quality is per haps, quietness of disposition, and blood is de rived from the food, and flesh Is derived from the blood. Animal force is derived from the trans formation of flesh. The more of this is used in unnecessary motions the greater the demand on the stomach, and the more food will there be re quired merely to sustain the lital functions and the more frequently flesh is transformed and formed again the toucher and less palatable ?t becomes. This quality, quietness of disposition combined with a small amount of useless parts, or oftil has been the aim of all modern breeders. Its importance will readily be perceived if we assume that 25 per cent, of the food is ordinarily consumed to support the vital functions, and that Cue slight additional demand of only one sixth more food is required for the extra oflal parts and unnecessary activity. A coarse, rest less animal would gain, in flesh and fat, in pro portion to the food consumed, only half as much fat as the quiet, refined animal. To assume that a rough, coarse, savage, ill-bred mongrel hog will require one-sixth more food than a quiet' refind, well bred Berkshire, Esses or Suffolk Is extravagant. LnjuiD Mast-he. Notwithstanding the ac knowledged necessity of hnBbr.odiiig all the re sources of manure on the farm, it is not too much to say th.-tt fully fifty per cent, of the vir tue or soluble portion of all the barnyard manure made in the United Slates is allowed to be wash ed away by drenching rains and the melting snows of winter, and be borne along with in numerable branches and streams until it reaches, the ocean. It is only necessary that a cursory view be taken of four-fifths of the barn ami stable yards, hog pens, &c, of the farms and al most every neighborhood to substantiate "the above assertion. And what seems still more re markable is that all this loss should be borne with so much indifference when the means to preveut it are so simple and easy. In order then to guard against so seriort3 a drawback, barn yards should be made dishshaped, i. e.: lowest in the middle, and in addition to the other mate rials usually found on every farm, be well sup plied with earth from the hollow or depressed places ia the woods, (overlaid as tbey always are with superabundant accumulations of rotten leaves, &c.,) scrapings from the lanes and fence corners, pine shatters, &c, in fact every sub stance in the shape of vegetable matter that can be procured, to absorb and hold the liquid is it accumulates from the filterings of the ferment ing mannre in the barnyard. But this not all. There should also be a shallow well or cistfrn dng immediately outside the barnyard, the bot tom of which fchould be "puddled" in order to prevert its cou'.euts from sinking, ..r what is better, (and indeed absolutely necessary where the undersoil is not of clay formation,) the whole interior of the cistern lined with brick laid with eemeut, and into which any superabundant accumulation of the liquid manure in the barn yard should be conveyed by means of a small drain or culvert leading from one to the other, aud the same hauled out as often as may be and distributed over the most convenient grass land and vegetable garden, or in saturating compost heaps, as may be desired. Were such precau tions adopted generally there can be no doubt that miil:on3 would be annually saved the crvuu t ry . JiaU'oiiore A merlcmt . Lawns should never be mowed late, but a good mass of soft grrts be allowed to grow and re main, to protect the roots during winter. Tht lawn wiil become green much earlier in spring for such protection. This is beiter and incora parably neater in appearance than covering witl a coating of coarse, offensive manure. Ameri can lawn mowers drop the grass as cut, and no thing is carried off. Hence the gradual increas ing richness of tha soil from vegetable accuniu lations, and one reason why old lawns arebette than new. It is better to make the ground a rich as may he necessary before the lawn ia sow od. ttnd tv A.lil whatever tout be) needed aftei wards in the shape of finely pulverized compost guano, or superphosphate. Comitnt Gtntlttnot A b-i!Oitics. Frosted grass does not tend t dry up cows. Apples ia moderate quantitie: have no such tendency, but on the contrary ma; be fed to advantage especially sweet applet W A a .... r loiaioesaresamtodry tip cows also nothis is more absurd, for they are an eminently milk producing food and when small potatoes at not boiled and fed to pigs, the cows ought t have then. Pumpkins are well known as ex celient milk feed. The seeds, however, ar diuretic ia this tendency and very likely rcdue the qnanity of milk. Rural Xew For.ttr. j HOUSEHOLD. Mr. Editor: As I enjoy reading your mo ; valuable paper, I thought to add to iu domesti column, by way of sending you occasionally som j tried receipts such as honseKeepers prize, j Ptnn-Tan, N. Y. MRS. w. ir. o. 0OOD JOHNNT CASK. j Beat up one egg with one-third of a cup of sn J gar, add one tablespoonfu! of melted butter, .-.n, ' on pint of sweet milk, two and a-ha'.f cups o . ! meal, half cup of floor, tcaspoonful ofeream-of I t.irtarand half teaspocnfnl of soda. ' grandmother's cincerrread. I Cup and a half of molasses, cup rich soni : cream, teaspoon saleratus. tablespoonfu! ginger : mix a little stiff. ! UERMAM TOAST. i To one egg, beaten well, add one cup sweet j milk or cream, season with a little salt and pep. j rer. Cut in slices stale bread, and dip in the j milk to moisten, and fry In butter on a griddle. This we think is an estra nice dish for breakfast. ror TEAST FOR WAKV WEATHER. Two qnarts water, twelve potatoes, a good j handful of hops ; press the water from the bag j of hops when the potatoes are done, and masb fine; add one tencupfnl of white sugar, a hand ! fill of gait, tablesnoonfnl nf .;.,,.,. . . - , niiuiu through a colander and boil a few minntes ; add yeast to raisn when cool ; no soda is required to make this bread. This yeast will keep in hot went ner t.ntil it is used. fltOWOER OR PifAI.II.I.l. . To half a-bushe! of nieely chopper tomato?, which must be s.pi.vA'd dry, add two dozen on ions chopped fine,oue dozen green pepper, chop ped, one box of ground mcstard, one large root of grated horseradish, nearly a pint of salt. Mix thoroughly and pack in a stone jar and cover with vinegar, making a hole in the centra tl hit the vinegar go to the bottom. M il ED TOMATO PICKES. , 10 ',,! f!!"n ofsIi tomatoes that are jut turninS wh,tc ilnl h:ve been scalded iu salt and "" - --""le.ri'.i io inaKe tliem a little tender,mix : a uioiespoouiul ol ground pepper, one of maee. j one of cloves, one of ground mustard, one of cin- n.inion. four of white mustard seed, two nf !,..,. I seed or celery salt, one pod of green peppers.four onions cnoppeu line, naif pint grated horseradish. Mis nil together and put a layer of each alter nate ; add one pound of sugar nnd cover with vi negar. GrniiM'vim Telegraph. Yeast. Mrs. W. A. Tower, Lexington, Mass., took the first preminm offered by the Middlesex Agricultural Society for the best "unbolted wheat flour bread, and made the following statement concerning the yeast nsed : "For yeast I tak four mashed potatoes, one can white sugar, one cup flour, and pour on this mixture nn. nuart ! scalding water, in which a handful of hops has j been boiled ; then add on pint lukewarm water, j strain flnj jct -A r;se pTr niht." i i eit fE roKnrtEI) pcDDtm-Take onepirt j of water, a large te3tnp nf sas piece of Dntter size of a large egg, a little nutmeg and essence j of lemon, and bring to a boll. Now take a IH j tie flour, or corn starch, (which is best,) well j be it into a paste and thinned, and stir gradually ' till of the consistency of cream, or as thick a you iike ; then add a large tablespoonfu! of vin- J egar or brandy. i Plum Pudding. Beat four eggs ; stir ia them one-half pound of flour and one-half pint of new milk ; add one-foarth pound of beef suet chop ped fine, one-half pound stoned raisins well floured, and a few currants, with a teaspoonlnl of salt. Boll the pudding four hours briskly, and srir with wine sance.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers