Sunburn American. MJXltUKY, OCTOKK H 30, 1871. Ilailrond Time Table. r.n!TlL ! nrPAKTVREOr TUIVS attvki-rt. N. C, R. W., East. I'hiU. Kr. 'i.'-iO a m -!:u!ra M:il,11.40 a in :rie Mail. .'.0.1 a m ,'i:i;;nra II'-". .40 p m P. E. K. R. Wert. Erie Mall, .'.' a m MiiCnra Ex. l ?.2rt p m Flmirtt Mml 4.10 pm East Une, .M p m SI NBl'ItT AMI I.EW1STOWS K. It. j.cave jSuiibmy for I.ewistown nt CXi a. in., :.nd 4.: p. m. Arrive a' Fun'.r.ry from I.cwislown at I.r:5 nnd C.40 p. m. SIUVOKIS 1IVIMN, N. '.!;. W. lr.OT, AUH1VF F..prcs, 1. '. 4.1 p m Mail, !.-" a ni Mnii, 4.'.'1 p in Kxpress. ' P m An ne.vmiinod:iin train leaves Shumnkin at 7.10a in. arriving at Ml. t'.nmel fll 7.4H a m. K.inriic, leave Mt. 'urine! at t'.. 1 "i p in. arriv ing at Shamokin ti 4" r !n- J.UKWAN "V; U. K. TKAIS3, leave Northumberland as follows -9.41 a. tu., nnd 4.40 p.m.: nrrive at,:in.l .".4.1p.m. Accidental In"nnine Ticlcct ":in be h.i.l t .1. hipmtin, TVbet Agent, nt ttir- NnuiMier Arraugemeut lor lle Tout OUU-e at nnbiir, I'a. Ojfl. e -. .wi C1l) i. "i., to ! .-. trcd TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives ns follow : From the East a- .1.1.1 a. ra.. 4.10 p. in., " f-'omh, 5.1.1 a.m.. 4.11p.m. " West, .1.1.1a.m., 1 1.15 a. m., 1.-1 p. in. and 4.10 p. ni., N'ortU.l.aoa. m.. 11.15. a. in.. 4.10 p.m. Shamokin an.l Ml. funnel, '.I.''.1.1. m. Shiitiiokin projH-r, l.OOp. in. Mails rinse an follows : ,-vr the. Fart, ;.4.1 a. tn., 10.7) a. in., 4.50 p. m. S.Ol) p. m. South, :o.50 a. 111., 4. .10 p. in., S p. in. " West, 10.50 a. tn., .5Q p. in., K.00 p. in. North, S.50 p. in., p. m., Shamokin proper 11.15 a. m. .Shamokin and offices on that route; 4.V.0 p. ni. Money orders v.-ill not he issued nftef 6 p. tn., m rial tirda vs. J. J. SMITH, I. M. ftrcal Iffairs. John W. Coskap, of Shamokin, had his leg roken en Thursday last, in K!echners saloon. A PoLUNt.ER had a b-ir rut orl at IoensT. iap, n Tuesday of In.-t neeU, by attempt :nir to jump n a train of cars. Tee late viewers on the road over the hill it of this plaee, lnterseetin with the limestone alley road, in Lower Augusta township, report 1 In favor of vaeatiu-r the road. JNew Milliucry co.le are jus; bcine; opened at ic extensive store of Mits L. fioeslcr, on Fouith rrt, Sunbury, Pa. Ladies, go and fee them, id satisfy yourselves as to 5ow priee. s. -i i il V. Si' Kirs, of Hujhesville, ut one ne u resident of this plaee, and well known in Is vieiuity, died in Philadelphia, on Thor-duy Inn week, while on a virit to that city. . sth,il-.E pmty of thirty or forty em yees of the railroad bhops made a handsome naliin tf their fellow workman, Mr. Win. indie, on Friday last, on bit" 53'h birth day. . Brlndle stand lii:h in the estimation of the plc.yeef., and the gift? received will no doubt tppiccidt id. lie is mii iuilustiloiif man and ti'y ejt-enii d by all who knew him. Iahe But. Another rme of baseball be en the Hirb Boy; of Harrisbnrr, and the Led Nine, of this place, was played on Friday ernooa la.-t, on the ground of the "ComeC .1.. The iiijrh Boys iame off victorious Lv a re of 27 to C. Mr. Jolm Kennedy, of Flariis s, rutcliiT for the Picked Mue, was. struck he eve by a bail during the game, tnd was irtly disabled. The injury however, we learn, ; r.ot of a eeriou? character. The game was rv t:ciuug one, uud wa; witnessed by a Tcrv y. portion ot our citirenr. nr heavy hind trial between tull and Tyson, ntifT., and the Phihidelphiii A Rending Coal I I Iron Company, defen lwnts, wai de. ided at ini'hnri'. !aM week, in favor of the defend- . Il.e triol ttiTolT. A title ln larc-r txxiy nidc. eoLtuinlnfT rf)al i'nd iron. The attor- were Jeremisli S. Elaelr, nud FmicSs W. , ;!.e, for plaintiti-i, and Jamer F. G.nvcn.'.co. j f (l,'t;,;,aUe an t inxny would prolit by imi V.ward, S. P. Wolverton and Teorjc D. E. j rr!iWl n ;irg.- well-tilled for defendont'. nil. ikom Jail.- J'.ias Pare, committed ; a t.eatir.g his wife in aketown, and Philip ; :lip, one of the parties connected with the ,'llnir of the Ponies ill Ku'Ji township, a few i 1 1 1 1 -. ' ; l a ago, (, jx-d from the county jail on nday evening about eight o'clock. The turn b id locked the prisoner in the building bnt in their cell", and going out for a short time iid, on hi"; return, that the lock on the door line-tn the 1 ail vsrd ha! been forced ojeii ,. a wire. i.nrt the tv.nie named bad rented ; wall bv blankets together and by the ! or 8pme boards torn from the piity. Th r'.ffoir. r' n reward of fifty dollar-. V.J. .M'.iNtoER aud a young m.iu named foy, I so.iie dispute utiotil a young ludy at Shamo- J , ou Thursday last, v liich resulted in the lat- I stabbing the former. Tlie wounds we learn not eeriour.. W li'.lc there are (to many line ; 1 in.' vouni.' lasses in the ton of Mianiokin, it ; nmilar that cneyouug man fliould try to put. ... ...... . -a .i ih. ri.l nf ompeliiorouioitin; '"i5 , , , r.,:i- of tint-himself de pii.cbed all for the sake of onej1:y and Treasur-r 1 find the gro.s re-.pts of ting Iittr. . 1 0 I VibH'.on mount to the sun f S .,- i.anrt men ictc u - , ... , : - .. l.n,, r.p,.llr .ir!4 iUI. In llicC modern limn j-., .-j j so abnndant, there is no neccity for rr-oit-' to pistol or ',W.'.er knife. i'.i s m i.'.-- .uion vinx a. e...... . Br.!.'.- Simon A tlppeiibuimer mens sv as bees nt iiitnr ''! 1 i :,'-.-. c ,i,. Snnbnrv. They receive ' uoods almost duilv, conscii'tientiy Ihey have , H. ..." ,. .. T....B l.upn ' r...l. L- on hand ull the time. They have . , endl'Ts variety of P.eady-Made Clothing. , .erco its of cverv si.e, Cjtj jiity and price and in . r t evervthlcf to dresn a man from head to ..t-hats and' caps, collars, underwear, hose, . cklies, cat-, ven an.l psuts, at price to enit -rvtov. Ve- a I i-:r Sin r-K. n Monday evening. Dr. i lr ici of tbf Furojsan Ilousrfgave a splendid , ,,rK r to number ol bis frnds, whi' h was ; ,,..,. bv hi' Iriend.-. au-Jthir of the Iui ceensful effort". He k-T' a "xd bou-e, and , f iiu-d a b l of triends by keeping thingi the bt order. Hi- room arc wis iiuinriie.. ( il. let an.l tub!.- oti.' iii with itVesl:.b- J t .. tile I ..... e I. lit tO the derot. liu.f ui -. i . i ,.......r ,., .iron in til ull lionrs. aiipt IIIJ.JC.. IP, '. ..ware a ureal, wbe h vi .rn'Kbe.t ill the bent st Vie. 'f 111 ecllp-e of the moon, on Satuidav !il'bt, i:- the erense for a nuiiitrf our young m"n g eclipsed, the llltllolity of whotl. fu iled . .. . either the moon or the phenomenon ; but one ucknowld;;e1b Jt thev eaw star-. We also ain that eeVnal timid liub:.iid!! eveused thein hrsto thur better h.V.v. s.oii their r.tutu home ..,..,!. i I-..I' ,1mv. ou the vrouii'la of lln-ir .t l...... the .ilipse. But in roti.e Intauecs, i wLIcli the . ai.'ei were wa.lisg f..i iheir li-.-ee .r.p, tin V protested the imposition, r ctinc the orcouut "ivtn as incorrect., the moon living been obscured bv clouds at the time of be eclipse. I.Glvrr.. I in Fri biv !s-t I .1 .. .1 Srr.p.1 'if ' ' " . .. fin-. , ,p.,.. i..Sip.pi.pii' sod In i'oiDir ine t.."lic.i;;, -.. - ..mid, became iutovi- al'd. In the evening he i i- een at several taloot, . and appeared very j berul with hi moiif y. About 1 o'clock in ihc he came to i he I lnn iit House with r. he:.d bad'.V cut and bleeding proftrely Dr. t.n In iiretsed Ids wounds. Mr. Arnold stated hat. lie had been Liiorfced down and robtied of 30, but . ni;.! t,i,t i'lvi- any cine to the perpe! ra ms. Di f.u iTi..';. -The Vont .ndon M. F. c"irch .ot J... U.....I ,r ' ".',1.4. Jhe P.ev. John H. ine. i. ' 'tn-tating. -er'.ce, in tli-; at ' ; t !, ar.1 in the cxetiiug at T o'clock. All are invited to attend. At the same ph , on the Monday evening following, the P.ev. J. H. Vin 'cnt.D. D., ill deliver bis popular lecture on I bat It'iy."' Ail are invit'-.l to attend. t Tow . - A. '. tireenbauui, Fs p, of 'bica f.i. is ut, present on a vioit to Sunbury ,and he has b '.-en tendered tin Ceneral agency Tor the Sun ury rire lnmiruiice Company for the States of Arkansas, Illinois and Tcva". Mr C. i a go'nt man in that foe it ion, tin.l undeiitauds liis hu i-n-sihoronghly. With rnch men this compsr.y ii hound to :nccced The Homocide of last Weee. The Euiiuio Uiu Ilemltl of last week gives the following ad ditional particulars of the shouting of the man Kloss : Tom. Klo was shot and inr.tniitly killed by John Fit nn, in the room of the latter, at the tioardiup house of Jos. Hodge, in llclfenrtein, about .'! o'cltwk on Wednesday niornin?. Elynn pave himself up to Constable Slcig, who hand cuffed him and bronjrlit him toShamokin yester day afternoon. While they were walling at Timmis hotel f..r the " oVlnel; train wc inti r vicwej them and learned. THF SToHT OF TIIR CSTA1!I r ASC. I'KISOSES. Fljnnwasin bed sleeping soundly and was not awaro of anyone t.einc about uutii Kloss struck him. Flynn ny he has a very sore arm, having hnr'. it lust Saturday, and il b'-inc; i-owei-less he was unable to help himself. Kloss fol lowed up his lirst blow 'by .'Ver:il others and pulled Elynn out of bed : Elynn crabbed his hhot f-un p'.ofc at hand and lihan;od one of m.i. le.ri.-l mi Mnss. killin-' him ns above mited. Klo,i is reprerenn-d as l.aviut; b--n a man of ; , ,, , , 1 . i.. ir; i,.,, ::.1 vears of are, tail end sl,-uler. Is an Irisluimu, and it is said nan iwo nroiner nm. .. l:ir death in Malianoy City fome years f-ince : l.e was a miner ami worked lat at D-mtv villa. Flynu i alco a miner and worked at Douly vilie ; previous to poing to Belfentein he was engineer at Bear Valley shall. He is of lym phatic temperament, thort, heavy-set, and is said to be a man of iuicf demeanor ; tint his face bears the marks of Intemperate habits. He says be is C7 years ora;c though he would readily be taken for 3.1. While talking to him at the hotel a number of bis friends came in and (-book hands with him expressing their regrets at the terrible affair. Flynn eeemed dejected, was rather reticent and wan tvideutly much troubled about the matter. We could get nothing from him as to what provoked KIoss' attack upon him. He was taken to Suubnry iu the 0 o'clock train and will await hit trial in jail. And this will wake another chapter in the criminal record of our region. Hk;h School The following is the report of grades in the High School for the four weeks ending October 24. (Thorf marked with nn '" were absent sick): tirade. Demerits. Absence. pIO Itucher Edward Bucher John Bowser Charles Bush William Cam Wiliiara Drumheller Seran Farnsworth William Furniau Urban Gearhart Edward Hannnn Harry Hartman George Heckert Chnrles Heim Or-car Hill Ambrose Harrison Join. Jones Isaac Moreran Eugene Net! Philhert Rboades Wa!to-i Smith tieonje Snyder C. N. Savidge W. Vandyke Fdwar.i Varnell 'har!' s 47.1 81.1 ."iS.7 50.S ?9.v 70.7 4).H .M 74.0 .:; to.n bi.i b4.1 74.H H2.0 77.0 VI . I 57.V OJ.O f.2.-; 00. 1 1.0.1 4'f 0 1 1 I 0 i 5'.; o ' J,1 i' "' : r r .i .1 1 ". V4.7 r.3.2 Mt.7 'O.'i -f..7 V'.! "0.1 7'l.0 7'.'. -J. 7 72.1 75. r Awl M..IV Boyd Dsl y Bourne Li7ie Byerly Lulu Fnrnsworth Marv FriliLg Frstirts Follnicr tiray Emma Gentle r M-irv Mii-E Jennie Mrt7 Liriie McClow Margin MeClow Hattle Purse!! Flor.s Kenn Jenni--Sniith Mary Smith Nass'.e S.chweiilcr Lriiir.-. Scb icll-r Aiii'.i Sylvis Mn Simpson Mary Scashoit.". Auu'e Weiwer Amy Vonnp tiertrud.- eltlemover t.W tt o 0 -10 1 4 0 l1' 1 A Fi-fE t.i -lK. ren: o Metier. Fs... KrSinnsrr. Our friend i o of Ku h township, lias Just l.(. upleted one of the i.ih si mansion houses In that section of e.U!it r. . It i proTati I u" i-en :itian"-eil ind mo l complete Mimiing in me tnanshin, baxini' all I V- m'- :-rivrraent I.ttaehrd. Vf. MetVr t f l.e wrji iu U... s- Kutb, an In'- b'l.lttru. l-nc r. wii -comf.irf in -..Ivan-ed a-e. His ta-.te is ! enjoy . . . i i.t nWrt f-.r . f,rm proves liir- energ, mm comfortable and convenient country residence ,n a i".al. enreess as. we:i as m. v.- ..rovenieiits on his f.rm. He need never envy portion of riihct slatestuau or as , ' - .. .1.1 l.nrt.l..a l.rt 1 comfort than either, besides be tic enjoys more 1 l.r,..U..f t,t blei-ings of kind,'siTiou nun .- l"r3- f.rviU'Vir.'.' AttfvTIos.-Wc Lave made it a speclaltv In men's underwear. W ttave elect ed our toek with great care. A we or.y buy from man af.ieturers and imjH.rteri (wiU'ii no other denier ill tins coiimij therefore, s-ll at price at which otlierslcekeep e:s have to pav at first cost inthe city, till and evipinine our sh k and rricM before pttr'.aring uU. bere. MarT A Bro.. neit door to Prt 'f fiee. t si..'. Pa KU AMI A'iltl.l 1 tfhai Fun. Itaf- me plea- ur-- to announce to the stohont- luter.'s'ed i'i our organ ation. crs ni.d other nnon eanii:iatiou ot iiou of the books of tl Fcre- - . .v all iprmlums and other eTpen-s. The improvement on the Fairfiroundi are woitb at lea.t S1.000- 11 paid for, and the Association out of debt, f iking , thin-'s inn. consideration, l rongruiuir -e. upon our gran f.nan. '.a f tl. ccs. I ih-j f ti''es". rUii j,ns .e. u iuspi-nded ... V erv rc'pe.ii'iiiy, oi m'wu' iv - Sot . Mtt.K r, Pr"-i til. . . .... . . n r.'. UKf tiii BtKNti- Dov.-i. 'the ..l.tireen K'.-'e Breaker a'. Ml. t 'arniel, wa .V-niye t by it i. -"on lau Wedi.esiluy night. Ibeiliisup iv.v.1 to have origituite.l by incendiwr'e Mn. 1 KiNK .MK.-.r, 'ii.i'i'.ri'i-. hisfiie- i" hsn- ' tlUrv. tbnt he '.U fei vc up a .iTnl nni'per on : S.urj, rvet,in",the ,'l"t ii:-t. ""1' an I ;.,,.; ion to .ill. Rr.t.Miv. ot nir. 49.n Kf. r-ir.M ss,l v l- NI Vol t N TEF.K8. I he ri union oi iu-- - i inent, Pa. o!., will bold their next - -'"n ! (iunt.orj. ' ' P 1 their lanl r. uuion. prese wa.'ed, al . tit cl the orea'VHiii. Amon r the old otllci is oi ,,f I he n gltuetii i litig in Stinburv.we tlnd I apt. luui.l Oyster, uts. U m f . lletidr'Kl.". Jllm ValldVKC. J. fer ; II. D. WllHltOl., John II ;.,r.r.. 1,-1 f oliiirdiil"''' Clemen". I a Ur. advi-c eryb..iv who ant- my anvtb'.ng In 'be line of fur-, su. h as Is, mi'-csnnd rtilldretn' lurs. also f.r triuitis, '. ,,, o to Maiv .v. Bro. an-i ev.iii .ne i,.e i Ufore pur. hu- , hen-. Tle .r M is now in existence reariy l..o eri aio. undersold any other place, and ihey now I u b-tt. r stock tbau ever, which U all fi'std i , w, and cheaper than ever Isr-or-. Unveil eav.- from '.'0 to m per rent. Ladies' f-ti-m I S'J.'.O up ar t Call at Mail.s .V r.r....j.v doar to the po't f.fhe..-. stuuiniiy, I a. V.LKt Ha'iri.ood-, of every tter.cri f.on n, imitation". and combings, put up in any dese style. at Man . Bro., next i'.jo, to the P.f fiee BMNtri- Kn ot STI KI ANKS. They place wh"- ou can find a large assortmit prices, is at M..ri A" Bro . nerf ir ic post ofilcp. Sunbury, Pa. Siuwi.-i and ladies' . loaks, a large variit Mars A Bro., nert do-r to the po't oiTlen t.nrv. Pa. j F.t 1 1 of hats Market vr. Winti-k II vt. All the 1 cvyle are now open rt S. Fillister: on sijnare. Most beautiful ft ..lorn tiis window" which are sold cheap, emeu's f-.irnishin" rood" are upp'd at l-west pli'-ea. Anoiuik laii'e lot of new fuinit'on exhi bition at It. L.'iibush'n stor Masonic building. There is nothing in thef ure line that cannot, tie procured nt that ashmen!. Full f hamber suits, parlor setts, Bnd sit ting room furniture alwivs on blithe ow ert price?. List of Juror; For November-Term of the Court of Xoithum berland County, IS 74 : GUAM JI'KO!S. Sebastian Itoiij.'lmer, Siinbm v : I'd. Itrouse, Poiut ; Anthony Barber, Lewis ; Joliu Hieber, Delaware; I'nrman Farnsworth, Shamokin; Feter Foust, Wataontown ; John (iiffin. Chlllis quaque; Abraham Celst, I'pper Mabanoy; David Hertz, Sunbury : Casper Tharp, Coal ; Henry Hile, Mt. Cannel bor.; Jarld C. Irwin, Sunbury; John Kramer. Northumberland ; Abraham Kase, Rush; John Limit, Lower Maliatiey ; Codfrcy Miller, Shamokin; William M. Miller, Lower AuiCUhta ; Peter R. Menkes, Lcws ; Jolin Nar eonk, Milton ; Samuel l'eibine;, Shamokin bor. ; Jonathan Smith, Washington : I:ine Vineent, Watftontown ; Daniel Wagoner, Cameron: W. R. F. Weimer, Kuiihury. TBAVEKSi: J I IIOKS. David Adams. Shamokin; Levi Rallit, Milton; i;eo. C. llarnhart, l'oint ; r.enrvllle. Rubb, Lower Mahannv ; John lionrne, hnnbnry; Fraueis Uueher. Milton ; F.:l' r I'.rii-lit, Snnbury ; James Cnldron. Lower Ati;iii-M ; Jiwepb Caldwell. Mil ton ; EiioeM Co!, , Mt. anu.-l ; David D. C onrad. Lower Aniridia; John Cawley. 'lii!listi:iiTiP ; Chrhtian Diehl. : John Dale. Norlhum- l erland ; John Dnnlcle, Tr.rbnt ; I'norl. Everett. Watsonlown ; Samuel 1- pier. Se.amoKiii ; J .-iin- Un Ep,:ii!)1 . .,, ,;. Ki.n.I:. Ml. Car- me! bor; l'.lias Finely, .lordan; David try, Sliaiieil 'm: Sanrnel K. (.ili:ei, Shamokin: David Gatild, Delavaie : Danie! I ro-s, NoithmnlM'r land ; John tuli k. Point : Barnard Harvey, Mt. Cannel bor.: Benjamin Hetlner, Lower Augusta; Jeremiah Harvey, Ml. Cannel bor. : Benjamin Hov, Snvdertowu : La-vn nee ll'itf, Milton ; t 'on rad Iloftuian. Sunbury; P.i nj. F. JelVries, Shamo kin ; John KIae. Snyder; own ; John Kroutl', Milton; John Kline, Jackson: Win. H. Ke:n merer, Milton ; Abraham Lawrence, I'pper Au gusta ; Clarence McAlister, Northumberland ; Win. O'Keefe, Coil: Franklin Richards, Me Ewenville; Henry Roger', Jackson; Jacob Rider, Northumberland ; Win. Reaher, Shamokin ; An drew Kothermel, Lo. Mabanoy : Michael l.'oerty. Ml. Carmcl bor.; Henry Keed, Shamoliin ; Jacob Smith. Coal ; Geo. Seiler, Lower Augusta; Isaac Spatz, Lower Mabanoy ; F.mannel Seller, Shamo kin ; John Stitz.-I, Delaware; Jacob Shoddy, Delaware : Solomon Shipe. Sunbury; Jieph It. Shannon. Riverside : Jaeob Wagoner, Turbut vil'.e; Solomon Walter, Chil.'is'inaipie ; Elias Walker, Point; Peter Wilveit. Sunbury; Isaac Z.irtman, Jarksoti ; Henry Z'-rbe, Jackson. jttit .irt:oiis, for November !th, 1S71. Da;iicl U. Adaios. Shamokin ; Peler Bas'.ian, Tuibut; Solomon Gilman ; Washington; John Billman, Lower Mabanoy ; John Bcacbam, Point; Caleb ChauilK-rlin, Shamokin ; Jacob Cable,Sun bury ; Isaac Duitery, Mt. Carmcl bor ; Wm. W. Dleiil, Point ; Enos Kvi ritt, Watsontown : Sam uel Fov. Cor'. ; Samuel Fashold, I'pper Augus ta ; Philip Follmcr, Tuibut ; Peter Geist, I'pper Mabanoy; Isaac Harris, Lower Mabanoy ; Dan iel Kreamer, Chillisquaijuc ; Jatob Keyser, Chil liS'iuaque; Phiueas Leiser, V.'atsontown ; Jo seph Little, Shamokin ; Robert Longmore, Mil ten ; Wm. L. Moore, Sunbury; Nathaniel Martz, Lower Mabanoy ; David Morgan, Mt. Carmcl t.; Joseph Mvers, Chillisqu.Kpic ; Sam'l McMahan, Milton ; John P. Pursel, Sunbury s Benj. Panto, Lewis; Wallace Kussel, Lewis: Jacob Khoads, Mt. Caimet : Samnel Sterner, Cbillisqua.iue ; Henrv C. Shadcl, I'pper Mabanoy ; Harmon Snyder, Shamokin : Abraham Sterner. Lower Augusta; Isaac Troutinan, Lower Augusta.; Peter Wagoner, Turbutville. l l ut 'riiY for weeU conitnencing Monday, No vember IClh, 1S74. l.eoimid Bidleman, Milton ; Alex. Boyd. Sun bury ; George Conrad. I'pper Augusta; Jacob Crawford, Delaware ; Albert Dunham, Northum berland ; ChariY G iriuger, Sunbury ; Levi Gnt shnll, Cameron ; Daniel, Jack- on : Jno. C. Hopewell, Point ; P.ob.-rt Highlands, t'hillis mia.iiie; Solomon Helwiir. Shamokin; Silas Kirk. Watsontown : 5'efer Reeer,l"ppcr Angus ta ; Samuel l.ebo. Lower Augusta ; Abraham B. Lawrence, I'pper Augusta ; Nathan Liuibacb. Turbutville; John l evy, Sniibu.y ; Daniel li. Malick, Sunbury ; Henry Mn-cr, Mt. Carmt! 1 1 ; John Mcfgmvr. .Mi'.t'-n ; Samue l Mensre.- Lev!-; William Pardo, Chillisqnnqne ; JTeiniab Penny packer, Zcrhe ; Henry Keiinin"er, Northumber lan.l ; Isaac Repsl.-r. Lower Malmlioy ; William S. Reiin, Lower Aliens? i ; .lobn L .mli. Miiton ; I enhs Stout, Mill..:. ; John '-v.ei.-. r, ejlw; David Sinitli. t'j'iM Augum : iieo. p.. Svnlon. Shamokin ; Josiah Stniwser, Coal ; Jiibtiee Swank. Miliou ; I'avj er Sholl, Shamokin : Wil liam Waldron. Tr.rhut , S.-.:i.U"i, Shanio- Ml i L. 3ui.:SI i ' ha" ial.eii the s)-. i,. y for il. Butteriek A' Co.'e patterns, and bus. iwt f.,r Sale two thou-and rd the late-f rtylcs for 1 adie.-, MS'sei, Boy-, Chllil ren an.) Infant;. a!: i f r tvnCs Drsint; Gitu, Mnf.'L'ine; Ja.-ket and C-ps. Iron iiir A'" . .iu Appeal. J'llh-j , . :--l appeal to yr.u a:- nienr.f in teUirence. Are men respr.nsible or a. eonutable for that over which they have no cou'rol what ever ? I i:uo- vout answer. 1 he re pon'c will f.e no, never' Tien, nhv d leading I'emocran perecutc a mun bi cac.-e .f his birlb place. Xt the .Ieegaieeh,:o1' llC.U1j." f'VT.hV'cir.'Kri.i'!';,', was made a d.stiDct irsue. Many were the -urt-es mid vulgar remarks made upon that oceasi.ui. Oft was the question afkrd, '-why bend to Ire land to get a man to make laws for u? j" allud injr to Mr. MeFarlan 1. who was a canii'.diilute for Assembly. Now. wc on: not MeFiirlrttid's advocate, lint had he not. a right t present him self as a candidate, tnd a-k the sullinKes of hi:; fellow citizens as well as any other ? Certainly ' We coulesithnt we were utterly astonished to I g.-e so niauv Know Nothing Democrats as wen ,,rt.,,ent OIl that occa;.ion. Nor were they satisfied :,, 41 ;,..rA .. ...I UP. I V-rt at r. "Ill rt l.Ilt 11 Of 1 t :1 1 11 with tlinirs and sarcastic remarks, b;;t a certain Justice of the Peace brought n picture (ii. the New York Vra;hi-i headed "An Irish Delegate in the Convention." This picture, hideous, and vet silly in its conception, and lit only for vulgar eye, and the contemplation of inqrant minds, was exhibited in the street by one David Dietieu bacher, of Poor (livrncr notoriety, in derision of his friend, John McFarland, Fs'ir. Wc said we were not his advocate, nor are we his defence. He is abundantly able to speak for himself ; ret, truth is truth. II-came from his home iu the F.merald Isle "elected thi; as h'n home, and by honest industry has accumulated wealth, plaecil il in real estate, r.ud pay more laves than many who speak derisively, ami in terms, anything but gentlemanly, simply because h" was bom in Ire laud. And I auicreiliblv ir.toiined that a simi lar picture was exhibited in TcrhutviUc. N it a cr!m- to te born an Irishman ! Not mote so than to be born a 'ierman, a -' .otchman, or a French or an F.ngllshmap. iur birth place is a thing over which we have no control. Such ..b ject'.olis are futile, and a funtr" v.Vch attach. itself to little minds only. The Democratic party have . v. t, in t;..-. . h and song, professed to lie the Ir'n ml ol the poor and down trodden of every nut ion ; that thev did gladly welcome the oppressed of t verv clinic to our shore. We have fern their orators ; tied teare while trying to win the iinlurali.'eil vote to their ranks. h. ye bipucrll.-s 1 By ac tions are ye known! tmir ov. i. acii.ei. -ball creideinn Voll I When the Iiv inocracv ! l vcoiaing . ..ut.'. v ti.- minuted Ksi. Kelly for -herill, was not I., taken lo the daughter bouse and defeated by u rani; Hcpublican in that r.tron"; hold of u.o.'ern Demo cracy. This full they laid intuitu i on lio' th. lt liis political de.'lh bed be. au-e hr :ni ,, . ,i,i.i. Are they not now hltv circulating that the IJepublican candidate for ih-iiif Is an lii.h maii and n foreigner to damage hi- pt.npe.-is of 'lection. If lie is of Irish de-e. iit, he periled bis life (,n the battle lie'..) c,f t lie nation, and there fpille.t bis blood, au.1 i- wounded f..r life. He 1 a pali'.ot, .::. It.v--. hi . onn'ti- a- ..:! Ihe d"?.i eiidatits of I t elt ic race . r.n-ihcy being of a warm, ardeni t.-mp. ra ui' t.t . I ih. not wUh to (.rug Lycoming polite - into i m o iaii., btltwifch to U';e eTjinple". ne ir le.t.ic. v. hit h ; the best w.iv to airivc t the tri.tii. What h..'. -they done for us (f.r I claim, proudly too. :o be of S otch I ri- It descent I t wbv, win n one in wh'ite veins tlo s I r'.-h blood i" ".li' lied 'V hii matpv fr'.etol.. to be a t iU'ti'late. to" Is -a. tili".-! on the altar of pi-jiuliee iinaiu-t h.s la .'.an ! this s . ii iis of art' iitueut its.-d fir hi .! h ,i'. "Why go to lp larol for n ran to make Uv.i."' anl u v retched carVstur-- .ira '.n bv the j en il of some fifth clnr.s loafer of rr::;c low nveiitie of New Yoik city. J- thi -Alicie ot- nt vi. i. r n:;'i nient from ? Ofthe f.jrty iiipic:.-l ill It',, i- is .- t ,- i'i you tell us how maiiv (.1 the ii;li.. hi !, ..r 'if Scuiiditijvib tlsceiil f Wli p.w-i t. I ..-..r our Courts with so much dc'iiiiv 'h.nn -a.- are all proud to hail its friends fur t'v.ntv y. it . il.i aik him, i . he not a descendant id tho-e .1.--spistf. Tell US bow many ol th' j'Uhe ..four hnpreir.e Court ore ct the ;..un-- .nm'.i.. or lmw many of our twcnty-Eeven member- o I 'ot ;;v s are of the same blood ! Aienot bilh.l our L . S. Senators .f the same lace. '.'.'here have our leading s'nf-; -:u.;n, : l.ol.u , ijcrt'yineii, orators, hi-toi Ian and po' i -. - prting Iron: ; I need not answer this Ruction. Histo ry and biography docs it fur iiictuost ( tlei tnallv. What lias the Democrats done done for vent Nothing1 The Bepublicatis. in fourteen ycai', have done more toi those of foreign birth than the democrats did iu eighty. They have lowered the rates of portage one half, to you can convey l ews to your former homes at reasonable rales. Tiny have pafsed laws that after Voting five years consecutively, you cannot be compelled to show your paper of naturalization, thus shorten ing the time just one half. Also.they have pass ed . law that gives you who served In the aiiny, a ritht to go into court and your discharge will procure your naturalization without declar ing vour intentions of becoming such two years previous. They ussed n law giving vou, each j of you, a tract ol land of lbO ai res lor a home for you and your children, and many other things I might mention. Then, fellow citizeus, I appeal to your reason, to your honor, to your patriotism as a race of intelligent, thoughtful men, how long will you persist In voting lor a party who, after pelting your votes, will, after you ate a candidate, turn tlie rol.l tihonltler to you, nnd itafeat you as tin y did Fsipiirc McFarland, and attempt to degrade, you tiy the exhibition of n miserable, low-lifed. Now York picture. Being aware that, in this free connlry'of ours yon have the great and glo rious privilege of doing as vou please, be kind enough to let me say to you, do It, thought fully, comly, .and without passion or prejudice for old party tie-,, and nil will be tight on the Hit of November. VIDITTF. Dfliware twp , O. t .Vi. '",1 ok Tin: ami;kican. Mt. Caumel, Pa. ' Vi Kil'Uor .-However well "good old demo cracy" rings in the cars of us Irishmen, many are effused on account of the indignities east upon us this year in return for so much real manifest ed by us for the welfare of that party. This, In deed, is very encouraging alter having cast our minds and hearts into so many different shapes and forms, just thnt we might use our judg ment well in the interest of Democratic nomi nees' for many, many years past. Yet, after all our trouble, what do we hear from the party in thi-county f What do we see from the ray" of the lamp of democracy, reflected Iu many lenses, cool and keen, put forth as the plain, naked truth by a Democratic candidate in the columns of the Northumberland County Democrat, imme diately after Mr. Dagle, of I.oou't Gap. announ.-- ! ed hiniiclf a candidate for the Assembly. 1 he i .... . .... ..... 1 writer saysiaot strangers nave no ngui i hiku I for or hold office in this county. V.'e suppose, lie' 1 also include; the 'German7 dement when he a-.e; the word :'traner..' as the Irish and Ger : ill a ii. -4 are the straiigers who vote the Democratic : ticket in the counly. We do no! propose ! i speak tor the Germans f.r the simj.le reason we ' arc not c jiinl lo the ta -k. We will ,-ay, houcv ' i r, thev have riv. n good fclate.'nien, brave sol :.lii ! :iu 1 el.oico s. liolar. to the v.-i!d, and in j bii-ini in cIence in art. iu inu-ic, the Ameri- can people are not. alxive doiug theiil lionvige. I 'linn, it is a pitiable fipe.-t:ie!e, and a sa l root j of the falsity td' any candid uc who is born ; beneath the Hag ol this Republic to dishonor the ; simple dignity of his Ami ricau Sire by proclaim- j ing the doctrine of inequality. j tieueral Butler rend the downfall of slavery on ; the battered walls of Sumptcr, and I am inclined j to think it may not be saying too much to pre- . diet the defeat of Fomo of the Democratic candi dates of this county on the insulted faces of Irish ! voters on the Til of November next. I act on j the hint of manv of the thinking Irish in this vi- , cinity, who, though keeping patient,, say it is aunoving to hear one of the very party we vote with," and with whom alone vc expected to vote, speak in such a contemptible manner of foreign ers. I am puzzled to know what to think. Yet, like Melanethon. I think there was something hidden in the business. Again : when Mr. Me- j Farland announced himself a candidate, we are . told, that Democratic voters set np the image of , an Irishman going to the Legislature with a hog on his back, and it has not been denied by far mers ri'Oin that section. Friend, brother, Irish- ;. man ! Cin you thrust your bands under the : feet of snch a party, and help lift them up into i otlice. It might happen, but alluring anticipa tions will prove too brittle for many an Irish-; man at the nevt election. Remember Gallagher when he was on the democratic ticket, was the: worst beat man of all ; and now, let Irish voters , remember, Wilbini-toi,, for aught we know, was , the writer of the communication which draws : foith this letter. The finger of suspicion points to him. Il art not worthy to hold ojHcr ! Does : In; not know when this cjuntry llist raised her , ii....l,.r shout tor freedom. Irishmen by thou- sand-:, who knew its import, Cocked to Cue stan d.i'd of Wa"hington, and took part in his battles for freedom. Th cheers from Bunker's Hill were tward by Montgomery, and by Barry on the banks of the Tiffv and Shannon and they came and knelt down in Washington's tent aim .'r..'t,. nmk.- America as free as the ea-le which soared high above human power. Oh, shades of I the bleached, unburied bones of Irishmen thai have whitened the battlefields of the South! Can a Democratic candidate in the town of Sha ' mokiu, insult vou so Are the insults of With- ington to be hurled after the brave an.l lamented, i Thomas Francis Meagher,up the bloody slopes of I Fredorickauirgh. who, where, the iron h.iii of the Con federal ts came smiting each third man down, cri-d out in the wonts of Sal'MU Id. "Would that 1 this wen- for Ireland." Are they to be flung in the fare of one of In lrinil s nonic t. r.ons eon- deniiu d to die in I.ibby prison for the honor of ( the Star Spangled Banner, and whose dying : words were. "Erin, mv heart i with vou." No. : Iri-hinen, It eannot be 1 Do not vote lor an cue. ; my on paper intrenched behind a barricade of lo- j cal prejudice, armed with falsehood, personal ; slander", poi shafts of ridicule and e ; - bnnianitv hU urev. and self the object of hi' anbitinn. A3 self is the Tital poini. ne ',.v r,m ' his condition until rdf is toiictied, and hi", puny i efforts --Ink v.ith contempt riiitriin' in bis ear: on 'the Hh.f nexi inoutti. .n.t, now, a word to ! '.voil ineim ". br-'.v did Mr. V. it hinfon behave t si the W. B. A., on :l certain n-. ion, in Shamo I kin I on well reinember, no doal.i. Ou thai. ! day Mr. Withitnrtnn would unbind the 9word. and ! riu cur societv to pieces. Fleet hiuitoihe l.c'r.- latnre, and In', will niiblu.hinrly ignore the inte rest' ot the workimcnien. pervert t he 'p'.rit of I be. j principles of equality, and dishonor the trtrt re I posed in him by the hone-t. men who placed him ! in power. Wo'ikiiignien, this is the duty of the . hour vote for Dr. John, of Shamokin, who h r. siw-ivs. rep-, ted V..f? i'u'1 t- of the wort our mnn lie knows the burden" ol labor. II. kiiow our wants. He :niw tbc relntions t.ei ween the n;o : neve t pnncr", mid the laboring portion of the I carauiiiiilty. lie i- c italn to i'et a lin;c vote ,n thl rect'ioh, a-. Mr. P.elriier.'r.yJer a: in chn'.e. ' as a Democrat. The old. t D.-inocrati ay they j will i.ol vote for Wiibir.t ion. Hen. e Mr. John I is our ti.oiee, ft:- he ic a friend to the W. ii. . 'there i; another candidate, Amos Vastine. who I will ret nearly all tie- vote. j ii.;- h.iiniigh and I townshi;' ; I:" is t".re fol.e eie. (ei. n,t now lri 1 nt understand ea.-b ibef a ' hi I'm.".). We '.we ( I he mtie paMV .I'iV. Y.-t ' iw ' re-'po'ef i oursi ii' S. are aie-.t ' Sii imol.'ii. j --elve-. I's : acei..e,! y. 'il.'.i.t. of the rc rd of the man vou uru.ri :o uiipoit as ;l Deinoeiat in Sur".-V l.: con.'.ina ue.s your power, nnd yon; r. del. .hi-; r Will be ,n HI: ill AN' AH AN. business 2.Dtr:iIs. 4' li lt stock is too ;-ir:;e t" ruiimerjte all our articles. But we a' -ure. th- public that they can find even-thing and anything in our line. We also keep gaa ls whl h c.mtict be found anywer- .! in the v.tit... :-u(b as i.a.::e- ntnierit- ; j in.-t.ts, also j elilldrens i I d'.s.-ripl.iii. ! girls. a!-o f. ) children ami youths' I ninn fuiis s nai.s, an t other clothing of every j I II. ol-. tints and caps for boys and r ladi. -i. C.iine one, come all nnd i e'.amine the stock, at M'H V A Bp iie-t door ! to tli- post oi'.'ir-e. Sttnburv, Pa. ', Hoi -r: -.mi I.. .T locate I on oi. i i pi e sln-els in Minbnry,' will b- s. j apili. atioii t'i l Via r.llis". Term ' i i :t-. 1 ni' 1 Frits ! ! ' -- Tie ..I 1 i I l.e pr. heap. ' larr-t and t.e-t st-.f-l: of Fr.r.- ever seen in Norlbumb. rl.-T..! . o-inly, will he found at Marx A ta-M . .b.-.i- lotle- I'.. tillici-, Sunbui y, P.i. l' . in . Oi. s. Pl v ;.'.- -Some -l Ihe fii.f -t ton. d Pali. r r,:ati- and Plain., are ,,',d I by John ,P Keefer. No. 7'l Walnut it reel, bl ibis p'.aee. The f'ltiekering an.l Web. r l'ianoi , M i- ..n :i!,. Hamlin, o d an I Spimg's Parlor -; , eoii.t.intlv ou hand. Mr. Keefer l.cep; in. la-bet the be t ii:ilit y. and a'.! who bay of : him ."; be as-ip d o '.(' --et! me C U!:Clt he i I . it to I--. I A MtN IN tins--. IIC o) the l-.,i.!e't .p o) the l ot le t .p'.ta ' cle- in tic- world i- a human hi-hr; shatti-i cd an .Hi i bniken do-vn by ihe us.-of ardent ipirit . ! Ihc datuai'c miiv be n pain .1, the ruin 1. -tot fs-llect '.olir.dnea "-, by a course of Ill-it ll-.ost pow- ' i -i Fil ..f .'.'1 invigor.i.r-'. Dr. Walker's Vinegar , : Hitteri. Ib-v ar of tho-e tonic ," of v. t.i. 1. rum ' 1- an clemei.l. Ttn-r t a va I'isi-iS.- and pro , mot.- i . ' !'. Mi;., I . le.: Mil-; S..:-l l.t M .. .-1'-,-r. v. li'.. h .: : il . li-' III i I. 1.1:- .a i;i -...It . I. .l! id -li' at inn -, III 1 he !; in, 1 t,l-ll!l.!'lll. t !n eomp" v j.pii I . M.lssVr : .- i .1 I A;:i 11 II I . - full lit. -, -. in!'... - of an.l Kut.h.'i ' ..f et lo -el! t p tu 'nl ihe i'a.-'. ."le! '.il. . We .'I i r t.i' l. I., i-mc nvin.i-pl lliat .1.- p.. ),- nn I.i ' ' . ... ML .U ft I , Ll ' i 'A ii' l ' r tl,..!. ..: ib-: .t. d.-lr.-, sr.'. 1! I ni th. .1.: v. '. I i i s I!. ,.! .the im ltl.l:I P.. ..I . .i I I lie Ci .. . I., le I i liiiii i -;i; !,'. el.l.- l t.. ( fl!l:l i its . t1- I"'. v. lt.ilN' Il U I ' .Mll II A Iii'.. . I, -1 i:. n:; n: i ; . vY il. Mi i re le una ii. a it. 1 ....III .f 11. i M .,. I be Hill '. ii. m. ::. i:. Sl ti IS. i ts,' u- f I ii.' l.t i imu !:.,.! !.. " ch-tie, .ui a . .nn. t i.t' it ; many junlA ( siii ei. i.ritv. hss a bp-it. -r ilemand than an other iiiatiu-f.icttiri-.t, and taker, the 1--:: ! ttilli thepiibll-.tver inachiiH- Inn;', regarded a- the be ! . Intel. tin' these machines will le: promptly tilled by Mi-s t'ltritlme Il.'.lill ll -etll. y.i.-'p.r 'Sf-.!'r;-Mi-s '. D.ilius is the a vent, f.u the Fab- of Tai lor Oman-,, and nil kind nf luiliienl ini'-ti mneut. 'Ihe Very be.-t iu-tru-niei-ls at.- furnisla-d. I'ltrni-du d "H short noti.'.-s :i. tiriee . t,it times. Call -r adilre'S. f. KAMI'S, N.i. '':, St.. Sunbury. ' I in: l..rg '-t assortment of clothing uud tur t ni-hi:ig g.ioiis are seen at the lore of Messrs. I Simon .V M'l'i nheiini r, on Thiid ft reel, where any kind of sait may te- procured at the very 1..,i' T.ii'... Mp.tiv .if their irooils are sold lo other towns because they imdei sell every dealer ' iu this .eit Inn of country. The beauty i, that ; nil who deal with them ure satisfied with the bargains that are made and recommend their friends. Al! suits, are made up well of gno.1 ma terial, and cannot tail to give sat i.- fact ion. I. r (Hi .vi l-'reerei . A new lot last received t.v 11. I'.. MASSF.Il. 'I lit' CiiI-K.ioiis of hu Invaliil, I'ub Hhed a a warning nnd for the benefit of Young Men ar.d others who suffer from Nervous Debili ty. Loss of Manhood, etc., supplying the means of Suif-Cute. Written bv one who cured himself I after undergoing considerable iiiuekery,and Pent fn-e on receiving a post paid directed envelope. Siilr-rcTs are invited to address the author. NATHANIEL MAVFAIIt. fcjil 1.71 lau- I. O. Bov l.VI, Brooklyn. N. V. SLMtl KY XAUKETN. SfSBfiiY, Oct. 2'., 1874. -Wheat per bushel ?1.4()(Tt.l..10 ' pi line white !.50(1.C0 live per bush 7.i(d H0 " Corn " 7.r'i80 (luuv- " Oats " 506IGO Extra Family pr bbl ts.7.1fij.OO Floi'k- ouiinon U.50iH7.oo Buckwheat .1.00 Coi n & Oats ( :liop pr 100 1 b 1 .MOl 2.00 Fi-t 1. - Shorts .fc Mixture I..10W1.71 Potitoks. Ac New per bushel Midi7-1 PliiiMsioN Ham per lb lifii.'?0 Shouldcrprlb 14('i'lS Bacon pr lb 10( 13 Beef, retail pr !b 14(a'20 Veal, do do 10fel8 Drlcl Beef pr lb 250J-SO ., r 1 ol i:v ( liickens, dressed pr lb Mf' 18 Do. live weight 10(5 12 it Primeper lb..." ' WOCV) f Bt'T'l y.iu.f Per dozen 2Cii '2.1 flKST .! CjIIF'I' Ct. Kit 1. Blisr Female Hnmane AssocialiG a t At.rxA:ni:i., v . I.lSTOFfill'T s. 1 . iriiii'l I ':tfh iKf . . . ! c;:;.i;.l Cus'i lotl . . . I i .r..::cl C:.-h t .iti .. Li i:.i.'U uii:s-, yini-ui . :0I.I.H .'ll,INH 'i".,OI) 7.',lSl fdyfiu ."m.ieM'l l'XI.IIilO .Vj.lKtl 4'Ni.lsm eh. I". I ii fll tiiris, :si i:rnh (iifts, Iimi I 'a-h liiftH. i,ikhi v.t.h rifts, I.IHill I'usll lilflH, -11,1.1 ( a-h (litis. '.,111m ii h. . . I,(i"ni i-acli... r,iM. -n.-h. . . i!)Kaeli... r.:l cyi li . . . "0 faeli.. . '-'i,l"B (.Voh (iiftf, siiioiii.tlni' lo il,een,usi M I IJF.K Of Tit liKTS, IOt,000. W holP Tiekcts iW.uO Halves bun yuart.-m B.l"! KiK1!1" f,f 'si'li t'oajiiu '-'.0 .-iv-. Tiik.t" for lrti.'M 'I lie 7-?oritj-0iT-r r.aiule limn:iia' Asieiui:.'!:, eliiirutr . d by tie' ..-jiMl;ii ure tA r.j7i.iii :iuil tue I'ii'eait Ci.rrt ..I Onist'e t'o,. i roi - :i iir;iinl liifr '"oncert tn : s l:i'.;hs!. :m! i-isl.iw u "ttuiii.; io tlie l i..l, Jnriiic, :.l:d l'. -.Itl.c- l.:t.b. .4 nf ViitT!iii:i," :.t j.-l.-j. lte lurle.T .. '.si'-i ee o; I'reji.i. ut MuUiU.'.n'ocv- UFKier, Kii-a.-ros;:, July a. 1m71. It r.U'iirils me j!-.'..uur. tos.;y that t um well a.-.iiialm-til v.ith il lure. iiiaim-iiy .;' tl.i Mo'.ti -l;er ;-',.Tiia It liuaiaiie Ast.ofi:iti.'ti, who r si.!.: ut Tb.- vicinity uf my L-iiiie, au.l 1 airent tlieir i!,tr'iiit-ii,'e :.mlti!e:r vvortbaa. tseli r iitarion :.s eutl- in.-a, i;. v .-II ;i-i :! j uMien-n-lul. n.e, ii.fliu-iu-e mi.I vni:s..iii:;--! i'j.mi.s lilierally r. iit.'d aril'. 'i.r til. an. JAMKS 1.. Khl.l l l:. l. .v. Vireiun. At.t.-s M.Kt.., a., .laiv k, 1h74.-- ' 1 ci.tiureii.! rh.-in as K nts et honor and llil.yritv, :mu f'iU rutit! d to the illli'tni:ee'of the TJUl.Ue. Ii. W. IIt'(;;il:ri, t:. S. J.i.Ikc'n li-t.ei .i. Further r. ler.a.ees by jinnsmim: His Lxrelleary Cilln-rt '. Walker, Kx-fiovt iur of V. ; Ib-n. l'.i.l .-ert K. VVltberf, I.iet.-ti.'X. 1.1 'n. n.l I'. 6. S..thtt.:' el.'-: ; Senator" nu.l Merrls-r o: ('.rrets from Va, lleinittaeea l'..rtiekt rie. i.ia.le ly t r--Isii'l, Hst-i.t)lee Tiniiif. -t.i d. r i.e. .':'tl:jiieiiin, l.. or l. r .;i.-t. rc.l Utel. 'For full l'!tiei;t!-s. "li'ii.eiul-, &. ., s-.-inl l.e- 'ir e.ilni. s-, HON. J AMIS HAIlhOl'l:. f'Phs'r M. 1'. H. A.. .M.FXANi.Ri., li. beliHt'lu npents wante't ev.-rywbere. 1). t. ;n, 4v-", AOEj'TS 7AKTED FOS TEE TRUE HISTORY OP THE BROOKLYN SCANDAL Th' artean liaK revebiioun and nfai-thug bs.'l'nr-s ir.a.le in tl.i" v.e l. a.t r.atiiiK the :..: ii.!. iise .1. sire in the n.iml-! tlie to ol.i..iu il. 11 piv the whole iiiL. r liis:..r ol l!u ttrnu; l-iutalf an.l uitlieor:V lull u.ii.1 aiitli. i.ti. .)il: oMtl:e,ui,iTt. It r. H at M,:!il. h-..l tor i. nn- t.. Aeellt- an.l 4 lull Ueseriptlotl v..rl . A.I I -i' s! I 'll.l.'h.i.r. 1 .i.. I'bil.i. I'j. . . t. : in. .F"ie. WAN1LD! Diploma .Warded lor iloias': ii. '.v llotorlal lttle. 1ijo1iI.i t;at,..I.J. .,: i ... . J. It'll. MAN i ., :) At. b St.. I'L.L.. i . i COUGIIj-, C0Ll,110AIiSXLSS, ANI ALL TJIJJO VT DISLA.SFn tHll.LS' C'.U:OI.It' TICLLIV it i n iini v in n.vr. f.oxfs. : A TIMED AN D Tl F.MED V. ! :....l by Uriipgistr. th .. 4 nsv. I IiOtfANCv, oi M.'l l. HAHMlN-i. 11.. J .llll. r ! luaj i'. Jte ai.J tfi.a lll !.' ' . . . I all-, li-.n -. uj. . i-"li lli, uuocc ms'-u'i;. ' "e iu..i.thi.'.Ui'.Uui. at Jil.-n I-C3. .",frr...l.y i.ejjl, !. - '.. .j(.-etl!..-r v1;h iLarrisiid guide, I .f.'i-l'.aa "ra ..( iiiejiUis, UiUtk to Ij JH, ldii.(t Niltit biiirls,.. ,,., ,.,,. ,.i;r..f I V. il 1 i a l i ". pun. I Lib. ;' i.. . V. It. . .. ..-.T.,i 1 Mi I ... I'Ml" --1 - - - I... ,iule (.1 V,u.alu. i SI ... S V ceii .' 1 1' I a lit.' 1 '--o ' .ilal I- ...... ir.. ...1 .U:.l..e fcl.l.t.a ell. 1 T et . . 41.11 A't.t. -a. v.1.1. t. .-..! .:.,:, . i!o-. vi'iii.stii', .n". '. ..' i. ', ' ii lllVI. ieiri l.Vr. AXD Kili I.TI Tl'Tt. 6 X.'harJfn SI reft. Hull iraore.MiI. It. iilii.p, M. 1 St. 111 I lie I reT I' I ;' I I J. v :li Lil' l'' -11 ' til - .t . Sl.r"-. .11 III I li.i:S ' . I:.r.-e 1. .!..!. .Hie le U. tel. e. ol tl.e I., el. til. .ii. ..u il.. i t . : IU.1. . HI. lit. ..1 p a u u... ...... .-t . . .1 il:i.f i:i i :.!.S la I'll.' . vn -li l.' . I I '. M. ! '..I N'lS V..'.'. i. li Mr t .-ii.tlaa. ut l bi'.m.p. Ii,e. :elf. Selltl a e. nt H.ili:s V. 7le( I. r .v '., Ar.-li -t. r. i J.-urniii. 1 ..iir . 1.I.-...I orl. pp.. i r..r ;'ii.t -.1:111 le. . . t. ill, -, in n... i . ;i 1 1.. 1 1. i i.iri. of DIC. I.UINLVIONK. I,. bool.Cullll hie ..Pities. t.. atl.J n llabl'-, e l.ta.U- " li .s t-ii.iorp.iioiis ami ilea o. ::-s in ill.- h.I.U. I A:ri bp ' e.p. s. !:h I..p:.i!. ut - ri;-- . -PiPt t.'le tlntepi, :l.-o l;e I Mi i.-.b, I y H--V. VVm. M. VA'ih.t!. t'..i- ni! t.-j:. .Tiiii.i-.- ' 1I.S..P. ilU VP. Uellt -Alirl. iSllepl ' il II 2 .- t . -I -"-- IT 1 1 - - 1 U. Hnr l amilv flit. im .re in.. 'iiipol. l lor a,;. let. Ai i:e.i. A(1E.TS WATKIC..r.,' term-. A -llr. p- otwter fay l-.bli-hn." f .... li.ila .lill liia. I'... fp w-, t, ICETAI KI'.TA1I.KI AT A I:JX1JJ IiuporK' l'.Y TilF I Great Atlantic ani Pacific Tea Co. Kifi It Ac. I'illfclmrK. I'a. Ibis is at: oi amyiiti'.u i' c i,n nll.its t.i lMI'OICT V l ttlSTIIIKl Til I K. IS ::!L !: nii't H : n. ij iii n t! ..i.rt I'i-. i IifFo! IH'i't i. T, wii:'h t.i:;t ii .lor 11. St f.SM otirr. i es. 1 ..y . p l! . : i.,:,i il-i VI. .1,. a.t.i n.r J... ii:!. - Wt- h i v II. lie.-ail- 1 ':.v:-ri', ill'-:: : '::ei.'usl ...... - . :.! p if. - ..i f ,p . I'.i - i- .t. .Ii li, u. it:' I ti:..i ---p.tes. : , v Ileiiiililul Oil ritromo. p a.i.. I. f f. -ill tl.'' t i- i'. ii:- ! lr- ri.- :n at. i .III ..t , ..-t.n. siorr , .-: if f I .it ar ist-p ,, .1 I...:. Ill ..t 1( mueti ii:.. r.- th ai il.. i.n ot i!, . I ':.-., . lit. a i. s.-iit l. ...: . -i-l.-ni. r-. .le'"-i-- ...a w-..trs.-.te.i i.. , ... ..i ll-.' niimi y i -1 1 i:.i.-il. Ureal Allaiilic & I'a t i lie la o. tt. 1 ltlll Ave., 1 llt.-l.tlre, I'll. .-.. . 1 .:." Di:. ' '- M. M -.imin. li'i. Vi . i!i ' NEW DRUG STORE, No. 13, South Third Street, Clement House Wm Snnlnry. Fa. DR. T. .M. MAllTIiN f"f, HAVKjii't r.r.-ivrd a fre-h l.-.t .. Pure f !" I'.l.d I'.ltl lit niedii ines. V. e have -ils-'i a full assort tn--i.i ( iKF.5SIVr. AND l'Af 1. 1". i ( .iMI;;. 1 1 iii , T..i.lh, Nail, I lntlie,:-hi.e -.ii.J ..I :,.-r i.rn If. .-. IOII.KI AMI l'ArV IHTIM.Ke. i im: tiiKt. tj , i-oi.i, n r..'i.i:-'. f-sivt-, .. . i.'t ri's :r. nm orrm ti.onvr. the f'vt'i le I pi rf::ti.e in Auiei l. a I'arislit ii. 11 4Io' Wash. . -p. i nil.-1 i.t . h-.-iti piif.-t!'. He- in.. I .i.-'i. I .liihon! i:d:il'. I.iliie '.!.! All tli.'- leadln:: pt.'r- i-ili.-t- . t..r lh'- ll i r, si::aks. 'i vs. ursT rv, I'.'.ie i.ic anil ! i ;u. r.'. f '-r iit.-die.'it pnrf-i-p- . I'i. 1 1 1 "l ll 11-' I V '. 1 Ills Pie Sli I ci :!..! "1 iiiiinled il h ear. . ii.ktnj p.T t la-, i re. . n i hare ! I. !!'.. a I !, I"'.:.. w. l,,.j t. , i'.,ir IU III'" toilit iti i rit-if. of So: iii it .ii Im-1 1 and C'oiiul.t . I.i i. -of in- neeriui.t r.l" lii'ii. 1 1... J, i y :t nl U in. ilL!in:-.n, a"-i:-ic ' f I"-:t ;t nf ihivld Hit'p-r- i.siu and v'lb-. l'.-4. An.TU.-t 'ieiin. I. .7 .'. 'I the . of Itavi.l i'..!!ei m il. and Wife. ( I' is l.eri by tlveti, li. it Ih-i mp- iiiit of I'e.i.aliiill ib'ek.-V at.. I A III. Ib'ItlU.l'l, HS- .si.'iit. of e- lat. - if K.ivi.l leiiennaii i-.u I v. if.-, bus t.."-!i tiled in the ('i)tirt of fYunmtui i'!. aH of Niiitin;mb--i'land tnunty, and will be ju-esented ta sthl nurt for coiitirinatinii. on TueJ.iv the "! .lav ol N..v,-i,ih,-i. A. I. 1H7-I. i.. T. I'KllIUtAt'Il. ot ho-. i i ' S'inbaiy. Oi l. "i. X :;7 1. I'.O ds. 1. 1 n v it s t o i: r t CHI'.ISTIAN MIFF, I Second Street, opposite the Court lions.-j SUN- lit 111 , I'A.. KespeetfUily invites th.! attention of fti'tailcr and others, that he has on band, and will eon slant lv keep all kinds of FOTtF.KiN AND DOMESTIC I.K.l'OKS, Consisting of I'ure Brandies: t'ogniiie, Ch. irv, (linger, Kochclle and Otard. Whiskies: l'uro Rye Copper-Distilled, Mii.;i. eaheln. Aj'ple ami Nectar. PIT.E noI.I.AND CIN 1 Wines: Champagne. Wine, Sherrv, Fort ami ( hir.-t. Crab tider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Kuin, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTEF.9, And all others Lhiuors which ctfn tie found iu the city markets, which will be sold at Wholi elc and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMMOIINS and BOTTLES, always on hand. Orders promptly attended lo, and jpiiblic patronage repci tfully solicited ' NFFF. ''ni.lurv j-iiv 3. l?;? -,ir. Scto jlbbcrtisciiuirts. .1. :ifenl!l Uun. Andrew H. Pill. Krsuk. S. Mrr. I.IV. DIM, A ItIAHK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, la Haupt's Building, Market Street, SCNBCRY, aii".7,lS7t. Northumberland Co., Pa. f itnliooil : How I.nsl, How Ite. s.trril ! .1 ii: t. published, ! new .-dition of Du. Ci i.vek CKi.EnuTFi Ess.w on the radical euro (without medicine) of Spermatorrhoea or Semi nal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Ini poiency, mental and Physical Incapacity, Impe demenls to Marriage, etc.; also, consumption, Epilepsy anil Fits, induced by si lf-indnlgence or Sexual extravagance, Vc. 'Price in a scaled envelope, only siK cent'. The celebrated author, In this admirable Es-i-ay, cl.-a.rly d mon-itraf cs. frfim a thirty years" rueesl'al practice, that the at inning eoiibe qui nces .f self-abuse may be radically cured without ttie daneious use of infernal medicine or the application of the knife; pointing out a mode of cure at onee simple, certain, and effect ual, bv means of which every sufferer, no mat ter wliat hi" condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, piivately. and radically. ; '.:';l his Lecture should be in the hands of every v nth and every man in the land. Pent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, oost-raid, on receipt, of sir cents or two post st amps. Aiilres the Publish rp, (WAS. J. ( KLINE, A CO. 1i7 Kr.vny, N. Y. Post Oflice Bov, S8S .Jan., M.Vf-ly. r i.i: ri o x pkom. a n ation. I, SAMITKL H. UOTIIERMF.L, High Slierilt' of Xorthiimberland county, Cora niouwcalth of Pennsylvania, do hereby niako known and givn uotico to the elec tors of the county aforesaid, that an elec tion will be held in tho said county of Northumberland, on TiiOMtlaj, Hit 3l day of ov., 1S7I, for the purpose of electing- tl ;veral per sons hereinafter named, viz : l ne person for the office of Lieutenant Coveruor of the Comraonwealth of Penn sylvania. One person fur the office of Auditor Gen eral of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia. One person for otlice of Secretary of In ternal A flairs of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Two persons for the office of Judge of the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person to represent this District in the Consrt-ES ofthe United States. Two persons to represent, this County in the Gcucral Assembly of Pennsylvania. One person for District Attorney of Nor thumberland county. One person for County Commissioner of Northumberland county. One person for Couaty Surveyor of Nor thumberland county. One person for County Auditor of Nor thumberland county. I also hereby make known and give no tire Hint the place of holding the aforesaid election in the- several wards, boroughs, districts and townships within the county of Northumberland, :ire as follows, to wit : Sunbury, "West Ward, at the Court House, Sunbury. Ta.; Kast Ward, at the public house of E. T. Drumheller. Upper Augusta township, nt th public honso of Henry Conrad. Lower Augusta township, nt the public hourc of Peter Dunkulbnrrer. Northumberland borough, nt Ihe pnlilie I.ousiiol'G. W. Dniirihtn.. Point District, at the hn.ise of Mrs. .lohn "on, in the borough of Northumberland. Milton, South Ward, at the house of C. W. Sticker ; North Ward, at the public house of .1. M. Hull'. I Turbut townshi', nf tin? houre of Abra- ham Kissinger. Delaware"townhip,at tiio home of Jacob ! Huntdnger. i Chillisquaquc, at th houe of Charles ' Hartman. i Watsontown, lower room of Academy I building. Lewis township, at the house of D. H. Dreisbach, in Turbutville borough. Shamokin tovvnshin, at the house of T. ! II. Ner-bit. i i'pper Mahauoy townrhip, nf. the of l.m'l Geist. ,iltl MlhanoV tci-n-Kin i ..r ounid linker. Lower Alahanov, at the fit the hrilisl- houie of . ; Koadarmel. i lhi-h township. :l I.itiertv-Pol srhool ' htiuie. Jackson township, nt the hous. of John Albert, Herndon, I'a. f o il townr-liip, at the lionse of Job Don neyv. Shamokin borough, East Ward, at the house of Wm. M. Weaver; West Wnrd,at the house of Patrick Kairns. i Zerbe township, at the holism of Thomas Potllds, jr. Cameron township, at the house of Jared Hcninger, Gowen City. Jordan township, nt the house of Jacob Masser. Mt. Cannel borough, at the Mt. Carmel House. Washington township, at the house of II. O. Fisher. McF.wensvilii', at the lioui of Henry 1 K.-cder. Turbutville, at the houee of Wetel. Mt. Cannel township, at th" house of Michael Graham. Kiverside borough, at tin pui!i'- school t'.nuse of said borough. Stiytlt riown borough, a' the public hous of William Farrow. .'it all flection ia -re. i !":! held under II. s 1 -. of this 'otilim.nw.-alth, I I:m poll ("hall be open'-d at seven o'elr ' k i. :.. nnd c'o-ed ai -.-vcn olo -k I". !. '1 !:.' .jllllili. .1 -l..eii;,i:- M ill lal.e fin l;. I the f.illov. in": A' t .1 A--ettihlv. i:ppnived lite 1 .'th day id Miirch, lsi.C; -An Act leuulnlini: the mode f voting at al! elections, in I be several I e. iit'.cs of this C'nmiunntve.'.ltb :" Skitiov 1. VV it tmu-til by the fkmtt.: ii'e? ".-' .pj' y'.-i'.'.i'nf.i.'.avj uf the Ci.j.(.i&7.i"'U.'f.'i i. J'e'-usjl-. .IJii.i, in Uti.eraJ .l.s.'.'y mtt, ii'i.i It It'irby nnrt'd fi;lftt author !t.j of tht fame, That the .liiuli fied voter of the sever il counties of this I'oni general tmvnhip, boroujrli and special elections, are hereby hereafter authorized and re'iuired to vote bv ti. kefp, printed or writ ten, or partly printed or partly wrilleip. i.-vernl-Iv classified a follows: b.e ti.-k.'t hall em brace the names of all iinicy of i-onrts voted for, rin.t lo be labeled outside, '.tildl.-iarv ;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all Slate otti i sis voted for, and t- labeled "State ;" one t tel. -. t t- il! i-iiihiuee the naine. irf ult o (fleer voted I'.ii. iit.-l-i Isntr the odiei- of Seii-itor and luemlx-rs' oi A -.snhly, if voted lor, and l e lube'ed "Oiun ! ;" one ticki-t rhall einbrn.-e Ike natr.u of nil t'.v. ti-hip olfieers voted for.nnd bo labeled "Town ship ;" "ne ticket ? II embraee tlie ramc..of alt l.piKsiL-h o!iic.--R vot"d for, and fbill be labeled ' ii !.-t ;' and earli rttr, r.'-il! : dsp.uile-1 in :; ;!..! balldt bn:.-!. M '. '. 1 list, it shall b-i ihe duty ol Tbe ?iti'i'..t ; i i-ra! eo-inlles of thin Common wraith to r.ic -it i,t their rleeiion prn.-lamatinn hei-e.iii. r i .-e-r.i- t r.-. 'ion ol thi-. act. .1 AMI'S 11. K 1-1. I t V. ;1 ! lb-' II in-".-of Kepreeeat tt'.vi . II U ID KI.t MIMi. Speaker of tin- fb-n ilp. .. I ih.- li:, .I.e., th day of Mar. h, A. lb, ... : I -lie and - if! f hundred and -'itv--i. A. .. CL KTIN. l.-vft. nnd -t my hand, t my o(Ie in Sunbury, llil '.ih ih.iy of October. A. K. 17-1, and in the 1 1 '. 1 1 t .-,-n'nth year of th'- iiiib'pen.len.-e of ihe I. i. p.i.l St-ite-'. I I V i ir I. t l ti ll n r- no-; .hti i h , .:.. i . i -..-ii .-in. li !.. iiu.i... d io :ii. i. mt I elee.e.ti . !li. et v ll.t sjl.ill ht.1.1, ..r sLiill VV 1L bill two 1 lie L I::ive l.el.l any oiltC', ..ptpeiataivilt or .-titiloy-1 tp.eni in 'r liii.l. r the 1 i.i , net. I I these I r:ite.l Sf:itvs, ! ..r ..j fi.-- S-ut'', or oi tiny city, or eotitity, ..r oi i.tiy j t-i. ..i. ,i -1, ccitii.ii.sioa or trusl lu im city, I ..lily j-t uee ol i'.e p.-uie ;n,.l kl.tertnt -. notarir j.iil.lp.r j ,. i.pI j.ers..tis in t he lnilitiit service ..i ll'l' State ; nor slill i ai.y eie.-i.iii olli..s-r b:- eligible t.i any civil i.iliie t-t in- nll.-d nt mi .1. at v.-hu-h he shall s.-.-ve, sae only to I L.4-I1 -nl'.' or local ollj.t-.. h-1.v t'uv 1 t-r;-..le ot eltv 1. 1 e.Miiil'. .illic. Its shall I pr !.-. .vn,,f . ,1 bv ! g.-i,.-,-..ii'.v.; wiiii ai:h ijt tt ikiki) voti:i;.. i i ,,ii 11.;. le citi-i a tMe.ity--.iit- i.f a;!e, pi'ss' i:..- p- .jiii.luiitiii.nis, shall Is- eul.tlt-l to v.tte at ml .-l.-.-t..iis. I list lit- shall have liren a citizen i. the I iiifed St. it. s nt kasi month. Second lie shall li iv- resipi. d 111 the Slat,- ct-e year for ll, having previ-i.'isl-. Is .-n :i ituabtit-pl t-l-etor or unlive lwru citien of tin- state, be shall have remove-1 therefrom and return ed, lti.-u si& months.) iitanr.llately pn.-t-.iing tlieiie.-. tinti. I lard lie shall have re-cle'd ia the cleL-ti.m it.s-tin-t where he shall utter to vote at le-isl two mouth 1111 j.rcce.linjr the I'l.vlioit. I'otirfh If twenty Im'.i years ol sue or upwards, hi- shall have paid within tv.o j.-.irs a State or county tn, which shall have been usseMsed at least t mo tuoitth and peel at l.-ast one month U-t'ppre I be eleeluill, Si:c. 1:. tu all il.-.-tioii districts where a vacancy exists by reason of the liipitliricatiou 01 tbeoltlcer or other wise in an .-leeiion imard heretofore apjiouited, or where :iny 11. - .listrict shall lie formed, the judge or judges of thee. .irt ot common pleas of the proper county shalL ten days before any t? ueral or speeial election, appoint c.mipet. nt persons to t.ll ssi.l vucattcies and to condu.-t the iu said new district ; and in the sppoint t.f inspector in any election district both shall not Is-c! the same political party; aud the judge of elee shall, iu all cases, lie of the political parly having ihe ma tority ot votes in said iLtstrict, as nearly as the ssiil judge or judges can ascertain the fact ; nnd iu case of th. disagreement of the judges ss to the selection of in-pti-tors, the political ma jority of the judges shall se lect .mo of siieh inspectors, ami the minority judge or j. i.t. res shall M'le.-t the other. .si e. 7. Whenever there shall tie s vacancy in an elec tion ln.ard on the morning of an election, said vacancy shall 1 blled in conformity with exialiiuj laws, to wit Iu cuse the ixruon who Ukll bv received tbe gecoud bigheirt mimbrr of vote for Inspector alull not attend ou the day of election, then the person who th har received the second liiittnut number of votes for Judge at the ueit preceding election shall ct Inieetor in his pUu-e. And in oee the person who ha received the highest number of votes for I naperti.r flhall hot attend, the person ne. ted Ju.lxe aball appoint an Inspector in hia plaee, and in case the person eieoted J mit(o shall not attend, then the Inspector who received the highest number of votes shall appoint a Judge in his place ; and if any vacancy shall continue in the board for the space of one hour after the time ned by lane for opening of the election, the qualified voters of the township, ward or district tor which such officer shall have been elected, present at the time of the election, shall elect ooe of their nuuilicr to fill the vacancy. Hsc. 8. At the opepj'tp ni the -olls si ail elections it r:iiall lie the duty oi the judges of election 1'or their respective districts to ile-uptiate one of the ins.ectorsv wlione duty it shall he to lime iu custody the registry of voters, au.t t'i make the entries therein pe.iiired bylaw; anil it shall be the duty of the other id' slt inspertorii to rtreiv iinil number thi ballots jirerientea at i-iJd eJ-rv tioii. Mre. -.. All elecaiooH by the eitii. ua siiall lie by li.ll"'; eery bull.)! voted (.hall be numis-red in the orurr in v.iiieh it t-tiali lie n ceiy. il, i-.n.l tan nuiul)er rei-..rded by the cli rks im the list oi voters the uiiue of tha elector lrotii v,b..-nt r c .v.-.l. An.l au voter , ..tiiisf io : lll.irr tl. Rete. t.'le ..mi tl. k'-V s. st.1.11 .-a. h l.e r.ii.pii-re.i well the unrulier .i.rrM.oiidiii: -.-iIli tb i niltuU.r p. tiir iianie oi the utrr. .S;i ei.---l..r le:-. i wriif- lii?i lS.llle u,.ou 1-is t, or isi.isc- tile e.iltr i.. 1- willl.-ll ttieie.jli. Sll.t attt3.fl-a ll) 3 Cltl.rO 1.1 tite lllstiiet. iu ii.l.iiiiou t.i the .stlii Lott prescribed I.) L;w I., i taken au.l stilrficril .1 b election i.rMeerpa, they atwil ... ver.lly I SA...-U ..r uttirt.ied l.t l; li..wai-y sb-iil li:-v .p'et, unless required to do so as wii ii. -ptses in a .jii.licUl pr.M-eeitiug. All jiulyoe, hel-1 un der this act shall. tK-fnre (uterine iidou their duties, he j duly sworn or Httlrrued iu the presence of each oth.r. I 'I lie (ude shall Is? sw.irn by the minority instiector.if there shali Is- such minority iiiSieetort and in ease there be no minority inspector, then by a justice of the peace or alderman, and the ir.sectors, overseerB and clerks j sli:ill bo sworn b-th" jti.ip.e. I.Vrtifirmtf-sof such swear : mt? or uttirmiug shall be duly made out, snd signed hy ItL-e offto rs so sworn, and attested by the officer who ad ministered the oath. If any judge or minority inspee . tor refuses or fails to swear the othcers of election in the manner risinre I by this act, or if any officer of election shall a-t without being first duly sworn, or if any officer nl election shall sipai the form of oath without being du ly sworn, or if any judge or minority inspector shall i-rtir that any otli.-rr was sworn when he was not, it shall be deemed a misdemeanor, snd upon conviction. the officer or officers so offending shall befinet notes- I cfeding one thousand dollars, or imprisoned nc.'. r i.-eed- j Ing one year, or both, in the discretion of the court, SrpI'I.EMKST to an Act regulating Elections, approv ed the liOth January, 174. j ':c. 3. Iti all electious hereafter the certUWteof u- ! icralization, if gi-nuiue. shall lie conclusive evidence ot : I the facts mentioned then-in, and where Ihe person ot- j I ferine to vote claims the right on the payment of tsi, : I the receipt for such tai, if signed by the proper officer. j shall tie th- evidence thereoi ; if such does not produ.te such receipt, then the payment of the tax may be prov- ' : e-.t by the iith m' such peison, or other evidence, stating ! I i -ii, where and tovbom such tax v--;is paid.' j ! St e. 12. If any eb.-lion officer shall refuse or neglect : j id ri-'iniie such proof of the right of suffrage as ia pre- ' s.-rilieil by this law, or the lo T.-h:cb this is a sup- ' I plement, from any pers-.n offering to vote whose name I is not on the ht of assessed voters ; or whose right to ' ' vole is ehiilleiigcl by any ouslilied voter pn-eenf, and . t-liall adtuit such jierson to vote withotit requiring such prool, every fpermut eo onendjog nhsil, npou conviction, lie guilty of a misdemeanor, and sJiall Is- sentence!, for , every such offence, to pay a fine not exceeding five hun dred dollars, or to undergo an imprisonment of not ' more than one year, or Is.tli. tit the discretion of the court. Sf.ctiox in. As soon as the polls sbull close, ; the offlcers of election 6hall proceed to connt all j the vote cast for each candidate voted for, and ' make a full return of the same in triplicate, with . ,u return sheet in addition, in all of which the ; ! votes received by each candidate shall be sjiven j after his or her name, first in name and aain In 1 tlifairct, and shall be signed bvatl of said officers 1 and certified by overseers, if any, or if not so certified, the overseers and any officer refusing to sijrn or certify, or either of them, shall write upon each of the return hi or their reasons for not signing or certifying them. The vote, ai soon a counted, rhall also be publicly and fully I declared from the witidow to the citizens prei-ent, ' nnd a brief statement showing the votes reeeiTei , hy each candidate shall be made and signed by : the election ollleers as soon a? the vote Is count ed, and the same shall be Immediately posted np ou the door ofthe election house for information ofthe public. The triplicate returns shall he en closed in envelopes and be sealed in presence nf the officer?, and one envelope, with the nnsealeil j retnrn sheet, piven lo the judije, wliieb shall ; contain one it. of voters, tally-paper, and oath? nf officers, and another of said enfelooes shall b" j ' given to the minority inspector. All judges liv- 1 !nc within twelve mile of the prothonoturT's ! office, or within twenty-four miles, if their reil- I ! ilence be in :i town, village or city upon the line i of n railroad Ie.-ir'in; to the count v sent, slialt j t fore two o'el.vk post meridian of the day after i the election, nml all other iudires shall. b..-fore I twelve o" ( lock meridian of the second day after ) the election, deliver said returns, together with j return sheet, to the prothonotary of the court of i common pleas of the county, which said return she-jt shall be tiled; and the day andhnnrof tilintr marked thereon, aud shall be preserved fcy the prothonotary for public inspection. At I'i j o'clock on the said second day following any . election, the prothonotary of the court ol com- j mon pleas shall present the said returns to the : ?atil court. In connties where there Is no resi- t I dent president inugc, me associate judges snail perform the ilnties imposed upon the court ot i common pl..'3, v,hich shall convene forsaid rnr- pose ; the returns presented by the prothonotary 1 shall be op-ued by said court and computed by ' such of it officers and such sworn assistants as I the court shall appoint, in the presence of the j judtfc or judges of said court, and the returns I certified unit certificates ot eiecliou issued under the seal of the conrt as Is now required to be I ! done bv return Iudires ; and the vote as so con:- ; puted iiud t-ertitied t.hall be mude a matter of record in said conrt. Th sessions of the said ! court are cpeti to th fxabl'.o. Ami to. etwe. the ; return of any election district shall be misaing i when the returns are presented, or in casq f ; complaint of .a qnalilled elector undir oath, j ebarim pnlpable frrnd or mistake, and parti t etilarly t-pccifylinf; the itlle-cd fraud or mistake, or where fraud or mistake is apparent on the re I turn, tbc court fhail examine the return, and if in the Judgment of the court it shall be necessary to a just return, said court shall Issue summary process apiint the election officers and over seers, if uny, of tlie election district cotuple.Ined of, to bring them forthwith itito court, with alt election papers in their possesiion t and if any palpable mistake or fraud shall be discovered, il tthuH, upon such hearing as may be deemed ne cessnry to enlighten the court, be corrected by the court, and so certified ; but all allegations of palpable fraud or mistake shiill be decided by the said court within three days after the day the returns are brought into court for computa tion ; nnd the said imiuiry shall be directed only to pnip.itr.e trauu or mistake, and shall not be deemed a Judicial adjudication lo conclude any j contest, now or hereafter to tie provided by law; j and the other of said triplicate returns shall Im; j placed in the boT aud sealed up with the ballots. 1 Nothing In this act shall require the returns of ! election of township or borough officers to be ' made to the court its directed in this section, but ' ! all returns of the election of township and bo- rough officer shall be enclosed In a sealed cover, ' ; directed to the prothonotary of the eoui t of com- j '. tnon pleas of the proper county, nnd shall by j 1 some one of them, he delivered int. hi office i ' within three days uflcr every such election and i tiled tbciein. In connties where ther are three' ; or more judges of said court learned in the law, at 'east to Judges hhall sit. lo compute and certi ! fv returns, r.ulesi unavoidably prevented. If any ot" the said judge himself shall be a candi date for Hny office Ht any election, he shall not sit with the court, or act iu counting the returns of such election, nnd In such caes the other judges, if any, shall act ; and if in any eotitity there Hhall be no judge qiialilisd to hold the t-'aid court, tinder the provisions of this a?t, present and able to act, then and in every such ease, the register of wills, the sherilTau l county com missioners of Ihe proper county shall be and couMilute a board who, or n majority of whom. shall have nnd cereise .til the powers and per- ; form nil the d'.itict vested in, or required to be , performed bv the conrt of common pleas of such j j county, by and nnder the provisions of such j ; section ; but. noue of the said officers shall uct as 1 a member of such board when himself a ca it'll- j date for any office nt the election, the r- ; turn of which tlie sil t board i3 required lo j ...I'.nt i.Ti.l-; r the'ion ol ih' Beetlrj. I t -. - . . 1 When tv.o r.r more .ounlies ire . the election of any i.itlc r, t f.e . eo'inll.'i hii!I cacti appoint, a rp-i meet at neh time nnd place, .'is ri lo compute ttr.J certify the vote of All ..IllC.'i - pV. leC't for lit" I Iii- H. t rest '.iIcpI -i? lil.e iiffic. r- a,- p;i 1-pi.s. Whenever a pl:!a has I. s f'l'ivideil bv the autliori; i.-s el anv .iiiitee.i for itnt of iu.'h j urn jndjje to I iiirtd tiy law. I such distr'u t. hall be CpVih ! bv i istii) ; i or si.;:!i be ' ty, i ouiity, pi'vnhip or borough for thp s-ife-kieping of tli . t.a.i-it b...vcs, the jiitlgi- ,iint minorii V iif f.e.-l..r shai1, aTt- r Ihe election shall I- tiiiihed, rind . Ibe b illot-t'.-.v cr boirp'S .ontaiuitig the ti.'l:ei. I list c.f voIpts at.d other papers, have been .11 r. - lv bound with tape an.l sealed, and the sigi-.a : teres of jud;ei .;nj inspectors affivea thereto, f.'trlhwlt ti deliver thu same, l.igelbif with the re- inainin!' boxes, to the mayor and recorder of I city, or in countirs, townships or boroughs, 1 to such. per--on or persons as the court of com ! mon pleas of the proper comity may designate, 1 nt the place provided, 111 aforesaid, who shall then deposit the said bover. and keep the same to answer the call of any court or tribunal, author ized to Irv the merits of Such election. Whcti- I ever the election offn ers of any district phall re ! iiuirp- the election boxes of suel, dUtri.-t, to hold any election, which, by law, ;hey arc or shall be required -to hold, they shall keep thu s.uuu se curely in their possession without opening, until the morning t.f such election, and until they shall H'Veritliy ho sworn or affirmed not to dis close how any elector shall have vote.J.Jan.l after having been so sworn or affirmed, they shall open the said bux-jsand burn and totally destroy all the ballot!, and other papers which they shall find therein, before proceeding to hold S'.ich elec tion. St.:. 1 . The resiptc.iee as,ieHurs, ii...et4orj tip.l .ilslg.w of the 1 b-p I jit shsb each lot ye the power to d-l.iml.-Ier ..I'ths to sitj f tsk.u claiiipinir the right lo i assessed, ." tue right of Muu'mee, or. 111 ierdtoiiy ottpt r lii.ttt- r ir linn; r,.,jiU!s.,i to I e .,r intpilred into i.y an o! s:i:.l oth.-ers under this a.-t , ulid any ful false swearing by suy j.-yp.ti in relatiun to any na.t-U-r or thine, t-iiiiceriiing whieh th'-y shall la- lawfullv interroiut'l by miy oi s.;id oliii;ers or ov--ieer slin'.l le I rjury. si c. I'.i. Any person who shall, on the day t.i a.iy cU-iaioii, visit a i-illitig place in any eh-o-tiuti tttstrict at which he is not entitled to vote, and shall use any intimidation or violence for the purpose uf pre venting any elecfiou olrtcer fnm perloTmiug the duties retur-ii ot him by law, or for the ptirjmeol preventing any qr.alif.ed voter ol encb district eierciaiiig his right to vote, or from exercising his right to challenge auy 1-ers.ui tuft-rii!.. I. vote, hucb person shall ) tleemed guilty ot a misdemeauor, aud uisiu conviction thereof hall be puniehed by a flue not eiceediug one thousand dollar, or by iniprisooment uot eiceediug two years, or both, at the diserMion of the court. Any clerk, over seer or ele-ti..n officer, who shall have voted, unless re quired to do sons a witness a Judicial proceeding, shall Is; guilty or a misdemeanor, aud upon conviction there of shall lie punished hy a hue not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by iu.--risonment not esi-eedlug two years or both, at the discretion of tl-a ourt. " ' S. II. R'O.THERMF.L, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, 8unburv. Oct. 9. 18?4, STATE. Lieutenant Govpfnor. Arthur G. OlmstaL Auditor Genera!, Harrison Allen. Secretary of Internal Affair. JinhoTt Ti. Eeath. .H'irciAi:v. J ml tie l' Supreme Coutt, Kilwar.l Af. Taxson. COUNTY. ,r- John Ii. Packer. Appemlily, John I. Parker, FervSe J. John. District Attornej-, John Kay Clement. Comml-spinner, Amos Vastine. Auditor, II. 0. Ruckrnan. Purveyor, P:ivil RcK-kefeller STATU Lieutenant Governor, Arthur G. 01mtead. Auditor General. Iletrrison Alln. !v-vrftflr- of Internal .ll'aip!, Rnbert B. Death. JUDICIARY, Judge of Supreme Court, Edward M. Parson. COUNTY Congress, John B. I'acker. Assembly, John I. Parker, Jesse J. John. District Attornty, John Kay Clement. Commissioner, Amos Vasfirn4. A ml if or, 1. C. Riickinan. Surveyor, David RofkeP-ller. STATE. - I.ietiff-tiarif Governor, Arthur G. Olmsted. Auditor rtu r:il, Harris- or. Alleti. Secretary m" Inicinal ArTair. R..ltr-1-t B. Uftillt. i JNIWIAUY Jti.lire ot Siij'trniF: G.-iirT, Edwar-i M l'as.--n. CGUNTV Congress, John B. Packer. Assembly, John I. Parker, Jesse J. John. District Attorney, John Kay Clement. Commipsioiier, Amos Vastine. Auditor, R. C. Buckman. Surveyor, David Rot-kefoller.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers