i amorous OYSTERS IX ST. LOUS. HOW A LUMBERMAN "WORKED OUT" SIX "TINS" IN ONE DAY. Job Gl vens is from the lumber region of Wisconsion, and until yesterday, says a St Louis paper, had nev?r eaten an oyster, It wasn't his fault, nly his misfortune. Job belonged to the truly rural, and some- j tow or other oysters had never came in Job Given's way. Fore some reason Job bad drifted to St. Lonis to find something to do and by chance he came yesterday morning to where an oyster dealer was packing oysters in boxes for Christinas or ders. Job stood looking on for about an hour, and then he said to the oyetermau : 'Say, captain, what have you got in them things?' 'Baltimore oysters.' Oysters, eh ? I'd lite H Iwve one of 'em.' 'One can ? 'JS"p, one oyster. I've heervd tell on 'cm. Pears to me I'd like to hev one mighty well.' The oystermau took Job Givcns inside and picked out and yster iiom the tureen. He turned it over an over on the fork, put his tongue to it, smelt It, and still he couldn't make up his mind exactly what to do with it 'It's all light, 1 suppose V faid Job. ''Of course it's all right.' Job put it cautiously to ids month, and finally into his mouth, and the moment it came off the fork it slid down his throat. Well, I'm darned,' said Job Given, 'if that arn't queer ; the critter didn't give a fellow any show. K.iy. Major. an't you stand another ?' The oysterman forked oui another to soe the fun, and this one Job took good caie to taste. lie taught it in his teeth, and there he held it, afraid to let go. At length it went the way of all oyster, ami Job said quietly : It's a big thing, !l its looks anyhow, bay , Colonel, how main's in one of fheni ins.' 'Fourjnr live dtwn.' "Is that a fact ? Say, 1 aru't got any money, but IM like la work out on of them tins." The oyster man w.nu aud s i he said to Job. 'Pitch iu. then, and earn your can.' After working a couple of hours, carry ing up boxes and doing the rough work. Job stopped and ask'.-d him for his tin. ll was (V-'U to him and then the trouble was to open it. lie had about as clear au idea of doing this as he had of reading Hebrew. At last they opened the can for him, and lie sat in the cellar pouring the oysters down his throat out of the can. They of fered him a lbik aud a plate, but that pro cess was too slow for Job wanted to know if he couldn't work out another tin, and the ovtitt'ttuon et him to work UL-ain. At ihe end of another two hours .lob, who had worked tuougii for t. men under the in-fj-IfiiTToYi T titling oysters. nki-d if !nr had :i.-:n J hi tin : and lie in-tk Lis s.-at iii T'ji' tfl!;r j-li'l oisj' "I't.r in-cnlnl n in .!hiii i he s:ime ti:iii!i. r as tl.-. t ; .;. All i lit si.d Was lit.ti t' : wt-lv 'big ll ill'. to ; tlutir io-ik." An I IK "of -! uti -u l i -1 :i Lii.g U'Xes ." .1 f I. It- k'-p; II IV'irk'lIU tlkv ! s:,-.iot lei ! i'.- X-r.i! : "I ; . :,'.r '." l:-'ini Ukii'.g his ':: it- !- i '. tr 1 p--.t:io i lie ' is .').vn iui-cana- oi.ius. tlir-..it. At lev.-t! o'i.i'.i-k List niglu i Job had worked almost ilurteeii Lours aud j had ix on t-nMer ht'wed away uud r his wait-tlauo. All that he said after every -au was, 'l tell you Geta ral" he had hre vetled tlio oyaterman all the way up from CapUiu ,theiu's the beggest thinsrs to their IckiIcs that ever I fell iu with1' Thre is a youu lady love iu tdwn who i o lDdoltnt that she dot s nothing but sit and hold her hands, aud when she gets tir ed t,f thi. Las a vt-ry acentumcxlatin!; lieau who holds thetu for her. A ruau iu Hartford has stopped his news paper because his name was printed in a list of advertised letters, and his wife;, hap pening to see it first, went to get it for him, and found it was from a youn lady, who complained that lie didn't meet her at Wor cester, as he promised. 'See," said a sorrowing wife, "how peaceful the ct and dog are." "Yes," said the petulant husband, "but just tie them together and then see how they'll fight !'' Rut if every man aud woman would try to hold together as they do to catch each other there would Iw more happiness iu the world. j An association is being formed in town : to take care of the orphans whose fathers J attend lodge and whose mothers belong to j reading circles. "Husband, where shall I get the ticking I fort)ur new bed ?" "Auy place, myd.-ar, j where you can get the tick." WLat can a man have in his jwx kct when ! it is emjUy ? A big hole. i A Memphis girl was mai tied the other day, aud immediately sold her piano, ' bought a sewing machine, and made her j husband a suit of clothes aud herself two ' calico dresses, and now fourteen young ; men are seeking the hand of her unmarried ; ftister. Wake MoNEr. A good-looking Irish man stopping at a hot;l to warm himself. , inquired of the landlord "What is the news ?" The landlord, disposed to run upon him ivpliei "They say the devil idead." "An sure,'' f tys Pat, "(hats news in dade." i Shortly after, he went to the bar, laid down some coppers, and resumed his wat. ' The landlord always ready for a cuNmrr, j asked hi iu what he would take. 'Nothing at all," said Pat. "Then why did you put down this tno ny?" "An' sure, sir, it's customary in our ! country, when a chap loses his daddy to give him ft fow coppr hdp him piy for . the wake." j 'Do you go to school how, Joe ?' i 'Yes, Sir; I had a fight to-day, t..' j 'You had ? Which whipped ?' Oli,. I got whipped." he replied with great frankness. j 'Was the other boy bigger than you t- Vo ho icaa littler ' ! 'Well, bow came you to let a littler boy whip you ?' ' 'Oh, you see, he was madilrr vor J van ! Samivel, Samivel, bevarc. Invars of the. vimrucQ as rtadi no newspaper. . Your j fatlier married a voman as read none, and you're the sad consequence. You're ns bignorant as ft 'orse. II ignorant people say its throwing money away to take pa pers, and foolin" away time to read 'etu. Which is the oldest tree ? The older, of course. .Who is the oldest lunatic on record ? Time out of mind. What man carries everything before him? The waiter. W. D. ME LICK, Druggist and Apothecary, At the olii established stand on Market Kquurc, SI MtlKY. PA. Keeps constantly ou liand a fall stock of well ieleet'"d DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancv Goo.1. COMBS, BIU'SHES, PEKFLM ERV, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS CLASS, TUTTV, VARMSII. nvi'STirrs. In fact everything usunllv kept in a well con ducted JDFLTJG STOP.E. Particular attention paid to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions and family receipts by the Prprialor himself. Snnbury, Pa., June S, 1ST.".. FOK Tin: HOLIDAYS. GREAT ATTRACTION. Toy. 4'title tiouTles 0irr. ftr. Everybody is invited to conic mid buy of the handsome assortment of TOTS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame building, adinining Moore Dissingcr's building. THIKI) STREET, SUNBURY, FA. Just opened a fresh supply of Confectinicri j of every description. TOYS OF AM, KIXUS oonbtunllv on hand. The best RAISINS, Flo:1, CURRANTS DRIED FRUIT. PIT HE NIG COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns Jc -Cakis, every te.ominc. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, &c. OYSTERS! OYSTE11S ! OYSTEI1S! Having fitted up a room expressly for serving op Oysters in every stylo, Ladies nud Gentlemen will be accommodated with the lot bivalves in market, at all hours dnrinif the day and vveninir. Families wilt be uppiieil at their residence with the best Shell or Canned Outers, as is bir:0ie, at the very lowest price-. Call and seeiny excellent fissnrlim-ut A goods and ascertain the prices. S. K. NKVIN. Dec. '.8, 187.".. A. M. MEIXELL, DKAITU 1 tinerlran and EuroHtt AH IIF.S. FIXE JEWELRY and S1LYEUWARE. PtriV-t-l Srctat'l- suit t: ilusiw. GOLD HEADED CANtX Witiehes ul 'i .f' welrv ijf;i'y K-p-re-i tout war rented. Market .Lpwre. M'M'-l'ltV. Pa. IVh. :;. lsT-.'.-tf. i M s i a i. i s i r ' i: .u t: v n. N-v, an't uttretive Goods, ir. ' :- J1- r-,-ip -t t WAT nHVOMW, JEWK! HI', SII.VKf! ;!-Illlhl lnht. ,. r,. ("i.-iclcs. lin na". I nyi-'-i. K-"-'- .. -vei K--t:-v t'' n r.. - Iii view nt i!ie Jt-ciiic ia tjl.l', have re duccd prices ..n our entire 'ifH-k of Fiee'irn inr chani.e in lr ;old Utr. and puienasers Y.i f.u. it to th.-ir ii,o iri to t.iuke their selection NOW. wlv'. tl.e ASSORT MENT IS'MlIETi:. t,-sl sent on approval ior selwtiou-. Artielen purchased now, f"r tht Holidays, will be pnck-eH and reta'ned 'Jini! such time as rieir ed. ROBHINs. CLARK fe KIDDLE, IVH ClIKSTNCT ST., PlIII.lOELI HI. lilK HI.; It A It It KK NIIOP IS THE SHOP OF THE TOWN and long has been ; ask history and she w ill tell you Men have trrown old In our patronage Babies on the!r unit hers' breast To bouncing boys nt play ; nd youths by maidens fair caressed. To stalwart iiicu with cares oppressed, And old men silvr gray. And among the honored and lasting impres sions of time, and the crash of revolutions in circumstances, we stand a living monumental memento of the iiiL'tnuity and perseverance ap pertaining to the identity of progression, plying our vocation with the highest style of art aud jierfection. and aspiiine to achieve the highest reward of merit attainable in our humble capaci ty, and the sentiment of respect and approbation which the prco-nce of superior appliances and es tablishment are niways wont to inspire. Always to please We shave w ith case Cut and comb with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing cur. And color the whiskers black or brown, To suit the people atout the town. Then allow n.c politely request you to stop. And not go past nor from nrouud our shop. To gel shaved on the ba-is of ability nor as some have done for our ureof the ballot for prin ciple sacred and right nor uuder the common secret and invidious guis'of enmity in complex ion ; for the cot of a man's coat, or the color of his skin, ought not to effect his usefulness nor his oualification. A fair chance is nil that we demand, to give the proof to all the Und. JAMES W. WASHINGTON. Proprietor. tan'...., Apiil .r.. 1L7.1; No. Ill, Market st. iHAi, S SAMS rpiiE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., 1 want nibble and energetic Agents in this eminty. The "VICTOR" Is a Lock stitch, Shut tle. Machine, with salf-scttinir Needie, best finish ed and mo't jietf -ct Machine ottered. An in crease, or ,O0 per cent, on sales or 1-! over lSil. For terms, Ac. Ad Ires s, VICTOR J-EWISG MACHINE C0..1.'7 Cli'Mni". St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Sept. 12. T;;.4iik. ;i:o. v. oBi.fr:, JUSTICE I THE PEACE, Rr.4i F.statk Ai.r. r. Mm A'.-nt fur the Piiiia l4..irillA Mitiai. Pkotkctivp LlfK lst HAM E C'OMI A Nr. Ileriltloil, .V"W""'.'yi'W'i)' ' vvniy, l'a. ALL LAIMS cnrnst,-d in his hands will receive prompt attention. 11 -radon, An;. J'J, "'. i mos. Asttoiindiny; OfTt-r. 1 in Value for 'O in Value for i ! r,t :, Value for H ' ?T2 in V.i'ne for : '. i'li- L.r.-lt i-it n.l la.is -e-illi;r hniiios in the -.irll, in all ilieir tn-.iaiy slid mtislie ei.-elleni-r, from tit-er..u;i ptoilrt. l lilt-.rni slf lTi Jfi liirl-es. 1'ri. e, f l A eicu. uiveu ss i rennum fo yearly iol..nl i In DFMOREST'S illustrated monihly MAGAZINE, I h- ntel Muicirini- of Anieri.-. b l-'if t r jer. liaTMi i .ireba-.l tl.ee-i5tlxi. st i oimo'is. ns" rilii ti J rel:it.oii of srelini'K 'be l::r..; t rirrltlltioll of si.y Votf'ii.e it. America. e Use det.-Trnined on msSi'iir :i ut'iinllelii'il "Her vt the J-is:ly t'illf'Ii:.), 'e i!.l l..ken Hllek".." AfleT ji im,i- iiolll. b I re in.r, f.ir IST4. f.tiv (lilll, ' nfter Jt r.iDie Thi.mi mni, Premium lor 1S7S. "M.ue, sweet Home," -'o-r Jf.ine TLonij son, t s i-niiu tor ts-fi. A: er l"c -'.-riii." b K. M. II. Im- Jta. i: fremiura fer is;7. feta t 'lin.tne .i:Ji ot sri. is julJy r.(Ul to au Oil I'mi.tiiif; w.inh Five Hm:.lr'd li..llr. l bs f'l'ronn." ar now r.idy, und are sent lij miil 011 rec-llit ef tlirsnbrriptioM furs.ther.or all of tb vrs, alnve, xTtrnisiird, sue on s n.Ii-T. jsmtsfe 10 .this ei tr, tihioh includes too i sei-. Or monuted ou cn vu uad sliciier. in rVjml Z inch gilt franiea. wjtb Ani" ')" Cenir (irimuients, thtve yards ot crimson onut, and ckt, t'J ei-rm fueli. 4.Mit-e W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, fe'Jt Broadway, New Trk. HAImiOKF. LOCH HOSPITAL D u. JonNSTfx, Phvsician of this ct-lcbrated Institution, has discovered the mott certain, speedy, pleasant and cfTectnal remedy in the world for all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. WeakncB? ot the Back or Limbs, Stricture', Affections, of Kidneys and Bladder, Involun tary Discharges. Impotency, General Debili ty. Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Lane;nor, Low Ppirlts. Coufnsion of Ideas, Palpitation ef the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sijjht or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affection of Liver, LttDifs, Stomach or Bowels these terrible Disorders arisiui; from the Solitary Habits of Tenth those secret, snd solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song ot Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysres, bli;;htin tht ir iao.t brilliant hopes of untieipntions, renderim; marriage, Ae., im)sis- fiKe. lOUNG MEN especially, w ho have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely prave thousands of yonnir men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who mii;ht other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thnnders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the livtntr Ivre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married Perrons or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procreative Power Impotency), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Orjranic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any othrr Disqualification, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentle man, ami rontiiiently rely nnon his skill as a Phv. f iciar. OUGANIC WEAKNESS. Impotency, Loss of Power, Immediately Cured and lull Viiror Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage Impossible is the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young" persons arc too apt to commit excesses from not beingawarc of the dreadful conseiicnees that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject wiil pretend to deny that the power of procreation Is lost sooner by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent? Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, t he most serious and destructive symptoms to hot h bo:iy and mind arise. The system becomes de railed, the Physical aud Mental Functions Weakened, Lim-b of Procreative Power, Nervoim Irritiitillity, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, liidiircst ion,. Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Erti'iie, !i-h. Consumption. Decay ami Deaih. - a ci le wakran ; s:i in two days. IVisons mined In he--, th by unKvirne.l preten ders v,ho keep ihtui tiidinjf month after month, takimr poi -nous an ! injurious compounds, hoiiM -ii'i !y immediately. IK. JOHNSTON, Aieti.ljeT- t!.e l:nl C)l''gi' of iureoUS, Lon don. r;i;i '.i:ai-,1 from one of the most eminent College in the Uu'.ici! StateE, und the greater part v. h'e ir-has b. eu Sei:t in the hospitals of London. Pris, Phildulphia aud elr-ewheie, has etli cti d s-.'ine of tht raoBt iisio!i:ihing cures th:'t were et-'r known : many trou-iied with ring ing in the head and car' when aoltep, great n rvoufiuss, brins alarmed at sudden ohi:Is, ba-lifulnert., with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with dirangenientof miud, were cured ini!!i-liatelv. 1'AKE PAKTICULAIi NOTICE. Dr. J. inldiesses all those who havo i;jurrd thiUseies bv iinpioper indulgi nce Had Solitary habits, wMc(! ruin both body and miud, untitling them for " Hlier buxiness, btudy, society or inar riii zv. TliFi-t i:re soiu of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, via: Weakuers of (he Back anJ Limbs, Pains iu the Baekuwl Head, Dlmn-ss of Sight, Loss of Mus cular Power, Palpitation of the Heart, Dy-:ep-y, Nervous liritability. D- rabgepicn; of Direr-live Fllll-t iel ei .! Mebilily, "yv. of "on- e'liii) tion. !.c. MknTaii i l l:e IcartVi i5i is on the li'ii; i are much t" 1 dreaded Lo- of Memory, Cou t'usi.n of i le..s. D.'pp.r-ion of Spirits. Evil-ForelM-.dhigs. Avirto.j to Society, ty;If-llistnit, Love of Soiiiud ' '''!!! -V -.. sot... .1 iU". evil p'-' .ili' C'l Hot .j ; :i. . . ni msi now :i.ij. wl.it in ti:' Ce ir .iee'iiii::;g beiulh. : i.-i.r. Ii. weak, pale, n -ron-' hiving a unsuiar api :ir:t! ec i...,,: ... eo'.ili :::i-i -vinj-t.-ei. -e ("i-iii'S- v. : ii.J . :-aiiW I' '. el , ' ie : -clvc l-v ; ' , ( ;:i .Vot.e, li.i'-ii 1. evii ..or .iiions, --r it -!-.!. the i-i.-li . . -l:tiv i'.-! . i. ..... i , i ii ie-: .: I. r.-isdefs ti;-i.r';-4f-;:L-jio- -. .... .i.-ni r-.y- i i: I ;-i I -re-tod ; i i at-:-.. V." -i :. -i .tiii' . ... in ll- 1' .''-' '-.: . ; ?:ilr, ji. -;.tr.i-g r-f I i patetit, sli'-lllU he s:;i.i. le .'. I: n .-.1: i-ri rj. ' l- ujovni. :its ol I::- , l. i: inn ii--i of -lcviating from tie p-nli ol tl :m': ai'.d iudulgiiig in a -ertain secret h-'bil. u I. jrMiiis vtT bef-.re v-iiit.-i;, p'ating V.AKKIAOE, r. rt-ci iU ii . sot: in! mind und body are tht: most i.eces-nr i. quisitee to promote couuuluil hapi i;es. . Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a we.iry pilgrimage,; the prosject hourly darkens to the view; the miud becowes shadoned w ith despair and tilled with the melan choly reflection, that the happine-- of s no' her b-conies blighted with ourown. a CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided and imprudent vuturv of pleasure tlnds that he hus iiuhilx-d the seeds of this painful disease, il too often happens that au ill-timed sense of hame, or dread f discovery, deters him from applying to those who. from education aud rei-pcctal-ilitv, can aloue befriend him, delaying tili 'he constitutional symptoms ot this hiirri.l disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated s.iie throat, dieejbed nose, uoctural pains in the head and limbs, dimness of tight, d. afuers, uodes on the shiu bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, aud the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a jK-riod to his dreadfiil suffering, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It is a melancholy fact that thousands DIE victims to this terrib'e disease, through f illing into the hands of Ignorant or uusklllful PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Poi son, Mercury, Ve., destroy the constitution, and Incapable of curinjf, keep the uuhappy sufferer month aft:::- month taking their noxious or In jurious compounds, and instead of being restored Ui a renewal of Life Vigor aud Hoppiucps, iu des pair leave him with ruined Health to ii;b voi his galling disappointment. To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges him self to preserve the most Inviolable tiecrecv, an1 from his extensive pun lice and observations in the great Hospitals of Europe, and the first It: this country, viu : England. France, Philadelphia and elsewhere, is enabled to offer the most cer tain, speedy and effectual remedy in the world for all die:.r.es of imprudence. DR. JOHNS I ON. oFFifE. NO. 7. S. FREDERICK. fcTKKET. fiALTIMOKl!, M. D. Left hand side to'iug from Halt imore Btrcct, a few doors from the corut r. Fall not to observe, name aud number. l-if" No letters received unless postpaid and containing a stamp to be used on the reply. Per sons writing should state age, and send a portion of advertisement describing symptoms. There are so many Paltry, Designing aud Worthless Impnsters udv. rtising themselves as Phvsicians. trifling with and ruining the. I.ealth of all who unfortunately fall Into their power, that Dr. Johnston deems '.I necessary to say es-s-cially to those unacquainted with his reputa tion that his Credentials or Diplomas at way hang in hi office. ENDORSEMENT OF 1 HE PREf-ji. Tht many thousands cured at this Establish-m-'tit, yc;r lifter year, and the numerous im portant Surgical Ojterations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the representatives of the press und many ot her papers, notices of wlicb have apt-cared agaiu and again before the pubm-, tMdef bis standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, Is a sufficient guarantee to the affiiced. Shiu diseases speedily cured. March 1. li. M MttHV .VIA It III. i: YARD, fr'onrlli Slrrrl lit-low Hiirkrl, srx I U I5Y, P K N X ' A. T !IE uii.i.Trinm J has rt turned from thever- ntont .Marine tjue.rnes wnn oo ions in Marb'e for .HoiimneiitM, tiirave-Monesi, &c, Ac. He has bought at such figures that v-'i'A allow him to sell better stone, for les money, than heretofore. The best 8utli rhtnl Falls Marble, which is better than Italian. Rutland is now sold as low as the Manchester. Those who need anything in the Marble line, for Monuments, Orave-Stoues. or other purposes, will find it to their interest to call and examine this lurtrc stock, as better bargains enn b secur ed thuu buying from parties 'huckstering' round the conntry. All lettering will be done in the neatest and most Improved stvle. W. M. DAUGIIERTT. foitibury. Jan. il, lol. A ;ol Chsnre for a Cook Slove ! U. J$. REED'S i .STOVE AND TINWARE BTORE, Third St, opposite the Central notel, Sunbury, ANY person purchasing goods to the amount of 3 00 at retail prices, for cash, will be entitled to a Ticket for the. drawing of a first class No. 7. Cook Stove with all the fixtures, valued nt $W, warranted to give satisfaction. Notice will be given of the place and time of drawing through tb3 papers. Buuburv. July IH, UTS. ianvz mints. MtltOK STORK! CHRISTIAN NEFF, Second Street, oi)posite the Court House, SUN BURY, PA., Respectfully invites the attention of Retailers and others, that he has on hand, and will con stant !v keep all kinds of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, Consisting of Pure Brandies: Copiiac, Cherry, Ginger, Ilochelleand Otard. Whiskies: Pure Rye Copper-is.tilled, Monm gahela, Apple aud Nectar. PURE HOLLAND GIN! Wines: Cuampague Wine, Sherry, Port and Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Rum, Brown Stout and Scotch Ale. STOMACH AND BAR BITTERS, Atid all others Liquors which, can be found in the city markets, which will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed as represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on baud. t Orders promptly attended to, aud public patronage respectfullv solicited t NF.FF. Sun Vary, July S, lSC.fi. ly. tVITKR STOKES. RYE WHISKY, 4.00 a gallon. $ 1 1.00 a dozen. YELLOW SEAL SHERRY, In large bottles, $11,00 a dozen. t.ol.D SEAL BRANDY. tiS.OO ft dozen. APPLE JACK. JAMAICA RUM, SCOTCH WHISKY. CATAWBA WINE. OLD PORT WINE. CHAMPAGNES, SEGARS, AC. II. V A, C. Van Koil, The Wise Merchants, 1S10 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Oct. 24, lSTli. Hbcclhiirous. br. J. iValker's California V ine gar Bitters arc a purely Vegetoble preparation, made chiefly from the mtive herbs found on tbo lower ranges of the Sierra Nevada mountains of California, the medicinal properties of which are extracted therefrom without tho ust of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause of tho unpar alleled success of Vinegar Bitters 1 ' Our answer is, that they remove too cause of disease, and tho patient recov ers his health. They aro the great blood purifier and a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorator ot the system. Never before In the his tory of the world has a medicine been compounded possessing the remarkable Suallties of Vinegar Bitters in healing i eick of every disease man is beir to. They are a gentle Purgative at well as a Tonic, relieving Congestion or Inflammation of the Liver and Visceral Organs in BilioJi Diseases. The properties of Db. Walkee's Yutboar Bittim are Aperient, Diaphoretic, Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Anti-Bilious. B. II. HcDOSALD . CO., SrugglaU and Ottwrml Agents, bu Frucuoo, Cillfbr. BUS mini sor. YVulunfftoa aud Chvltoo bu.. New York. Mi ky all DrniibU d4 Dealers. iron in the Blood MAXES THE WEAK STRONS. The Perui'ian Syrup, a Protect ed Solution of the Protoxide of Iron, i.t so combined as to have the character of an aliment, as easily digested and assimilated u-ith the blood as the simplest food. It increases the quantity of Xaturc's Own Vitalizing? Agent, Iron in the blood, and cures t4a thousand ills," simply by Toning up, Invigorating and Vitalizing tlie System. The en riched and vitalized blood per meates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secre tions, aud leaving nothing for disease to feed ttpon. This is the secret of the won derful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhoea, B oils, Xcrvous Affections, Chills ami Fevers, Humors, Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of tho Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, and all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or ac companied by debility or a lota state of the system. Being free from Alcohol, in any form, its energizing effects are not fol lowed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infu sing strength, vigor, and new life into alt parts of the system, and building up an Iron Con stitution. Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy, from weak, sickly, suffering crea tures, tu strong, healthy, and happy men and women; and invalids cannot reasonably hes itate li 'jive it a trial. : - ti:l each bottle has PERU VIAN CVR'JP Uoa n in the glass. Iiimvlilfts Free. SETH W. FOVLE L SONS, Proprietors, So. 1 Milton Plnct, IJoston. B O M 111 I ' l: U C O I S T 8 GLSI.IIAII.V. ARTHUR'S 111 uhI rat oil Home MAGAZINE. rfritfht, rboprfnl.urnmt and progressive, the "Horn" Ukm runk Willi tlio Imi? )-eriodicalKof the day. It irfthe rheat-8t Arrt-cin! Mugaine iu the country, and more tb'iroUKbly identified with the j eojde in tueir ncial and domestic liTo than any other. T)f llC"TCCTHr t A" TrtTTO tn rll OlOOJ iV 1 lUllO im- unitable deliiicnuir of lionie life and character, has n artical in every bumlT. WINDOW CURTAINS. A new ae- rila ntory by T. S. Arthur, will tie nituiueiu-eil iu the January iiuiuber of the Home Magazine. "MY GIRL AND I." S.rS:.? chatty iiapera, lively. aennibl and g.'xi, to If commenc ed iu the January number. m'TTTDTPU'C NeweM Patern for ladies' J 1 I fj IV 1 j l O and cliildren'a ilresnea are Kiven lv special arraiufenient every month. Hy mean of tlieae peteriia, every woman may be Irt own dreaa maker. rIIL', r1!)!' HoUhFHOLU MahAZINE Of lilJj VIJlIjAl America Kives more reading for the price, and a Rrcater variety, suited to every mem ber of the family, young and old, than any other maga iue puHiidicd, VT rtT) T A lok ou Flour Culture, from f IjUIVA Li an original manuscript. Iy a lady of refluemeut aud experience, will be given during '.'s74. 'DT? t un, ,ni" no,,'' a magiiiflcant 1 JjAJI.J steel eugraviiig, the KngUsh copy of which sells for $15, is sent free to every sulcril r. 2 PA A Tear is the price 01 -Arainrn muirni DU Home Magazine." It la for rule by News- pfnnu. (Cabinet OiiMiix. dewing aiacuiues. Books, 4c, almost given amy as jiremlums for sub scribeni. Bend for Pren:iiim list. Canvas-nig agnt wanted everywhere. 15 cents will procure a specimen copy of ''Author's Illustrated Home Magazine." Send for on". T. S. ARTHUR & SOX, Philadelphia, fa- G. W. KEEFER. C. W. BASSLEU. Fall Goods ! Dry Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, Grot'eries, Oil Cloths, Glass and Xails of efery variety, at one low price, At Ecefer k Basslcr's Store, Comer of Fourtli and Market Streets, STNDURT, PA. All kind of Grain taken In exchange sanm as nsli. Call and see ns. KEEFER & BASSLEK. Sunbury, Oct. 31, 187. m:v uoodn, u ixtek ntyi,i:k of every description and variety Rocli as UreMH.tiootlM romprisiiig al! the novelties iu fabric and shade. Woolen Wood, i'aney Goo1n. Full Assortment of Notions, wliieli are being sold at the lowest Cash Prices. Also, Groceries and Provisions, pure and freeh. qceexsware, glassware, and wood and Willow Ware, Nicest Brands of Flour constantly on hand. A very large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PA PL II, both glazed and cammon, always on hand. BOOTS AND SHOES from the celebrated hand made Boot and Shoe Manufactory of Watsontown, for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. READ Y-MADE CLOTHING, of all sizes and of the latest style. FLOUR. A constiiut supply of western white wheat Hour a speciality. Tlie public are invited to call m.J examine our Goods iree of charge. Our motto is "Quick Sales and Small Frotits," and to please all. The highest prices will he paid for all kinds of country produce. By strict attention to business and keeping nt all times the most complete stoek, and selling ut thelowest prices, we hope to merit a f jII share of patronage. REED BROTHER & SEASHOLTZ. Sunbury. Dec. 3. 1S73. J VTMm tipaor In Recr oI Tor tho AnVEBTISEMENT OP 1 PAINE McCORMICK'S 3 HARDWARE ST0R K $ llwrkrl St., Suubury. l'a. March 2!, IS7:5. ly. 8S - p c c "i - C c n 2 3 C v 5 o n " 1 T ST a " o "'2 ? H c r r r j Tailoring! Tailoring!! CHARLES MAinL, RESPECTFULLY inform the citizem t tat. he has just received his Spring and Summer lioods, at his TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, in the Mullen building, and that he is prepared to make up all kinds of (JKSTN' AX I) BOY'S SU ITS. of the. latest styles. Having had much experi ence in the business lie desires the public to give him a trial. Clothing will bo made up iu the latest Palis and American Fashions in the most satisfactory matwier. a12,'73. CHARLES MAUI L. Vlt'K'J Floral .uiu FOR 1873. 200 Pages, 500 Engravings, and Colored Plnte. Published tjuarterly, 25 cts. a year. First No. for 1S74 just issued. A German edition at the same price. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. Saimfartrtrs. , SEW tARPEXTEK SIIOlC The subscriber having erected a carpenter shop on Front St., below Fine, (Frylir.gs addition,) is prepared to do all kinds of carpenter work. REPAIRING OF rCRNITntK AND JOBBING promptly attended to ou short notic WALNUT PICTURE FRAME3 a speciality. All kinds and sizes made to order. HOOK AND f I1KAP. CALL AND SHE. The patronage of th citizens of Sunbury, are respectfullv solicited. C. WOODCOCK. Nov. 28, C:u. Whoa, January! COME ONE ! COME ALL ! ! THE subscriber having erected r Blacksmith Shop, on the lot adjoining the Oil Mill, formerly owned by Morgan S; Muer, on Fourth St., Sun bury, is prepared to do (jirnrr&l Rlaeksmitiiing. on the shortest notice, and in the best manner. Custom work promptly attended to. HOUSE SHOEING made a specialty. The patronage of town and country is respectfullv solicited. PETER WILVER. Sunbury, Nov. 7. 1S73. tf. 9IA('I1I.K NIIOP AI IUO. FOUNDRY. GEO. ROIIRBACII & SONS, SunlMiry, I'eim'a, INFORM the public that they are prepared to do all kinds of CASTINGS, and having added a new Machine Shop in connection with their Foundry, and have supplied themselves with New Lathes, Planing aud Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, in a satisfactory man ner. Grates to suit any Slove. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build inus, of all sizes. BRASS CASTINGS. &c. Ornamental Iron Fencing I 'OK GRAVE YARD LOTS; VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already ivlehratcd fur their su periority, have been still frirtlier Improved, and will ulways be kept on h.iMd. Al.v, THRESHING MACHINES. SuiiLury. May '.(., is?l. U MBER AND PLAMMl MII.!,!S. TbV.l Si vert, adjoining Phil.-.. .V; Eri.- '.. V... two v;-!iiro- North of the f cotr;:' H'we'. SUNBURV, PA. I Hi A T. CLEMENT. 15 prepared to furnish every description ;l lum r.vr rcpiired by the drina"nd- f V.i' public. Having all the latent Improved machinery for manufacturing Limber, ht-is ih-w reaily to till or ders f all kinds of FLOORINti, SIDING, IXRS SHUTTERS, SASH. BLINDS MOULDING!, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Si-iowl Work. Turn ing of i-vciy description promptly executed. Also, A I.AIJl.r ASSORTMENT (T i'.ILL LTMBEIi. HEM LOCK and PINE. Also, Shiflglea, Pickets, Lai be, Ac. Orders pnnnptlv filled, and shrpj-ed bv Rii'rroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. decl'.l-f.Sr J. F. LERGH'S hfy rt i tn tn t i rt n t it v fi K K I A It H. AN i J il iL 11 1 U U Ull U x ii Jki iv i yj r- ESTABLISHMENT. CHESTNUT ST., SUNBUSY, PA. VniKi.Ks cr am. Kinds m wi: ti Oiinri:. The latest styles and the best workmanship. Samples mat '" seen ut tlie shop. Give him call. Snnbury, D.c 7, l?i. ly. iAM ENGINE CFOBMERLT "WOCD St ULLTX.) STATIONARY S PORHBLE Steam Engines. The Uest & 5tot Complote Assortment iu the Market. The- F.nrinea litive al;iys maintainol the rerf liiphe-t -andiirl of excellence. We make the manut-irt lire of Eairincs, Boiler and 8ir MUla a STxrialt y. "Wo h ave the larRtwt anil mostcomplete works of the kind in the country, wiia machinery specially adapted to the work. We keep constantly in process lar?e mtmDers or Enirim, hieh we furnish at the very lowest price and on the ahortest notice. We build Enirmes STieciallv adnpteil to Mines. Maw Mills Orist Slilla, Tanneries, t ot ton Oins, Threshera and all clauses of mauuf.icturinsr. We are now bmldinfr the celetrrated Lane Circu lnr Saw Mill, the best nai must ceuiplute iw mill ever inveiitcl. We wake tlw maniifactnre of Saw Mill outfits a apeial feature of our business, and cau furuuh emplet on the sliortest notice. f t)ur uira in ull nines is to furnish the best ma chinery in the market, and work absolutely un unoled f. ir b-au t y of d wiim, economy and atrength. Ucnd for Circular and I'rioj List. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. VT1CA, T. THE PARKER GUH. SEND STAMP F?R CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN,CT. KTOVK A 'TIM ESTABMSHMEXT. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, VA- ALFRED KKAUSK, Proprietor. I SIT'. KS-OU TO SMITH 4- ftKNTUKK. J HAVING .iirehased the above well known ej tablishnie'it. Mr. Kniu-e would respectful ly intorm the public that : now lias on band a lari-assortment of (.()() K I x; STOVES, S;ie--rs CHk Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, which arc so arranged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to lieat one or more rooms. HEATING ST 'VES of dillerent kinds at very low prices. Tinware of Every te'rijioii kept constantly on hand. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done at short notice REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil aid Lamps constantly on band. Japan ware of a x.nils. Store opposite Conley's hardware storo. (Jive me a call. A. KRAUSE. apl24-ly Send for Illustrated Catalogue and examine our prices before purchasing, as we claim to sell lower than nnv other establishment in the City. REMEMBER the NUMBER, 1236 RIDGE AVENUE, Philadelphia. SB -a' . -. ; 'v.-jXl-- 5.;.. PEXXSYLVAXIA RAIL. ROAD. PHILADELPHIA A ERIE R. R. DIVISION. WINTER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, December 1st. 18T3, the Trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road Divi sion will run ns follows : WESTWARD. B u Halo Express leaves Philadelphia, 12.55 p in " 4i " Harrir.burg, 5.05 p m ' Wiliiainsport, 9.20 pjn ' " i; Emporium, 2.15 a a " " " arr. nt Buffalo .50 a m Erie Mail leaves. Philadelphia, 10.20 p m " " " Harrisburg, 3.05 a m " " " Wiliiainsport, 7.30 a m " " " Lock Haven, S.40 a m " iS " Reuovo. 10.05 a m ! " " an &t Erie, 7.20 p m I Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia, 8.00 a m " " " Harrisburtr, 1.30 p m " ' ' Williamoport, 6.20 pm " " arr at Lock Haven, 7.35 p m Reuovo Accomod'n leaves Harrisburr, S .25 a in " " arr. Williamsp't,12.55 p m EASTWARD. Buffalo Express leaves Buffalo, 3.25 p m " " " Emporiniu, 9.00 p m " " " Williamsport, 1.10 am " " arr. at Harrisbnre, 4.50 a m " " " Philadelphia. 9.10 am Erie Maii leaves Erie, 11.20 am " " " Renovo, 8.40 pm " " " Loek Haven, 9.55 pm " " Williamsport, 11.10 p ra " " arr. at Harrisbur, 3.05 a m " " " Philadelphia, 8.00 am Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven, 55 a m " illiamsport, 9.30 a ra i " " arr. at Harrisburs 1.50 p m i ' " " Philadelphia, 5.50 p m Harrisburg Accom. leaves Williamsp't, 0.50 p m " . arr. at Harrisburg, 10.50 p m " " " Philadelphia, 2.50 am Mail East connect east and wet at Erie with L. S. & M. S. R. W. und at Curry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R.R. W. Mail West with east and west trains on L. S. & M. 8. R. W. nnd at Corry and Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Elmira Mail aud Buffalo Epress make close connections nt williamsport with N. C. R. W. train?, north, and at Ilarriaburg with N. C. R. W. trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Snp?t. KEADIXG UULROAU. W I X TER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, NOV. 10th, 1S73. Trains i-ave Harrisburg for New York as fol lows: at 5.30 and S.10, a. m., and 2.00, p. m., connecting with trains on Pennsylvania Rail road, and arriving at .Jew York at 12.35, 3:50 and 9.45 p. m., respectively. Rctuniiniiiir : Levc New York at 9.00 a. m. j 12.50 nud 5.30 p.m., Philadelphia a 7.10, 8.15 ' a. in., and 3.30 and T.15p. ni. j Leave Harrisburt: for Reading, PoUeville, ! Tainaiju i, Minersville, AshUmd, Shamokin, Al- leutown and I'hilade!;tiia at 5.30 and tt.10 a. nt., ' 2.00 and 4.05 p. m.. etoppiuir at L banon and ! principal way stations ; the 4.05 p. in., train-cou- j necting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Colum- bin only. For Poftsville, Schuylkill Haven aud j Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail- I road leave Harrisburg at 3.1HJ p. in. j East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read- ; ing for AUciilowu. Eastnn and New fork at j 7.30 and 10.35 a. m., and 4.(m1 p. m. Rvtnrning, leave New York at 9.00 a. m., 12.50 and 5.30 p. in., and Alleutewa at 7.20 a. m., 12.25, 2.10, 4.35 and S.55 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., connecting at Reading with train on East Penna. Railroad, returning leaves PottH ville at 4.35 p. m., Mopping at al. stations. Leave Poltsvilie at 6.01, S.05 and 9.10 a. m., and 2.30 p. in.. IU-rndon at 10.H0 a. si., Shamo kiu at 6.00 and 11.02 a. m.. Ashland at 7.13 a. m., and 12.20 p. in., Mabanoy Jity at 7.53 a.m. A 12.54 p. m., Tainaiinant 5.15, 8.35 a. m., and 2.15 p. in., fur Philadelphia. New York, Reading, Ha; risbiiru. Ac. Leave Poltsvilie via Schuylkill and Snsiiie baMiia Railroad !t S.t'. a. in., for HarrisUurg, anil 12.05 p. in., for I'int-rnive and Treinont. Pot'svill - Aeeoiniliodation Train leaves Potts vi.le at 6.1 0 a. iii.. passes R.-ading at T.I'd a. in., arming at I'hHadriphi;' at 10.10 a. in. Return ing leaves Philadeipl'.i.i :.t 4.45 p. m., passes Readini; at 7.'." p. in., r.rrivieg at Pottsvilii at ll.oo p. m. lVp-t.iW'i A'-c.iiini.-lat;on Train leaves Potts tiitvn at It. 45 a. !!!., returniiK, leave- Philadel phia ( Nir.lh and Green,) at 4.:i0 p. m. t -imM.i Kailrtuid Trains leave Reading nt 7.1': i. in., m.d 8.15 p. it-., for Ephrata, l.itiz, L.niianii r. 1,'iiiumbui, Vc. ; n lnr:iini leave Lan caster at S5.20 a. in., and 3.11 p. in., and Cdnm- bia at .!.) a. m.. and ..20 p. in. Perkioineu Railroad trains leave Perkiomcn Jir i tion at '.Mioa.m.,2.25,2.55 and 6.00 p.m.;rc tiirninjr. leave Pennsbuig ut 6.00 and 7.25a. ra., 12.1 t and 4.15 p. in., com.ccting with trains on Reading Railroad. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phoe nixville at 9.05a. in., 3.05and 5.50 p. tn. ; return in, leave Byers at 6.30 a. in.. 12.40 and 4.20 p. m., connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Colebrookdale Railroad traius leave Pottstown at 9.40 a. m. and 1.05, 6.20 returning leave Mouut Pleasant at 5.50 and 11.25 a. in. and 3.00 r. m., connecting with trains ou Reading Railroad. Chester Valley Railroad trains leave Bridge port at S.30 n. hi. 2.32 and 5.33 p. m.. returning, leave Dowuinutowu at 6.40 a. in., 12.20 and 5.40 p. in., connecting with trains on Reading Rail road, On Sundays : leave New York at 5. 30 p, m., Philadelphia at S.OO a. m. and 3.15 p. ni., leave Poltsvilie at S.00 a. m., and 2.35 p. m., leave Harrisburg tt -i.'M a. and 2.00 p. m. ; leave Alleistown at 8.55 p. m. ; leave: Reading at 4.15, 7.40 a. iu. and 10.15 p. in. for Harrisburg, at 7.30 a. m. for New York, and at 9.40 a. m. syid 4.10 p. m., for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School aud Excursion Tickets, to and from nil poitits, at re duced rates. Bassrage checked through ; 100 pounds allowed each Pasener. J. E. WOOTTEN, dattrid Siup't. RE.titiNo, P., Nov. 10, 1S73. ItUUK AGENTS FOR OK, ! LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE, j 1Y THOSl. W. KNOX. j 9 Its Page Oelavo. 13U Fiu lOngra vingi. j Relates Incidents and Accidents beyond the Light of Day ; Startling Adventuies in all parts ! of the World; Mines and Mode of Working j them; Caverns and their Mysteries; Down in the Depths of the Sea ; Nights in Opium Deus ; Life in Prison ; Mories of Lxiles ; Journeys through Sewers and Catacombs ; Acciaems in Mines ; Underworld of the Great Cities, etc. For circulars and terms to agents, address the publishers. J. B. BURR t CO. Rartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. A.. EMS WANTED FOB BI LLS and BEARS of NEW YORK. lltj Mttthtie Hale Smith. I V,rk COfl Di'l irn P.i"-si Prnflisptr Tllllslrfitprt- If you wish to know how Fortune are Made ami Lost ; how Shrewd Men are Ruined ; how Panics are Created ; how Stocks are Bought and Sold, Read this Book. It iclates the biographies of the great leading speculators of New York, with a history of Wall Street and its operators during Ihe past 200 years. For circulars and terms, address the publishers. We send an Elegant German Chromo, mount ed and rcadv fir framing, free to everv Agent. J. B. BURR Ac Co., Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, HI. A. V. WALTERS. MONUMENTAL SHAVING PARLOR and BATH ROOMS. HAIR DRESSED BY MACHINERY. ri?"Dint forget the place on the East side of Tiimn Stuhet.-i few doors Soiit h of Market,Sun bury, Pa. Uraids. Switches, Curls, and all kind? of LADIES' HAIR. Work made to order either out of combings or straight hair. All or ders left at the residence of A. V. Walters, corner of 4th st. and Shamokin avenue, will receive prompt attention. A Specialty in CHILDREN'S' HAIR CUTTING, cither at their homes or Shaving Parlor. A. P. WALTERS. July 5, 1ST3. tf. Kuaint, Iiucrr and Knriou Is the valuable book we give to all- Full of facts figures aud fun, 64 pages. 50 pictures. Mailed fortwostawps. Address G. BLACKIE tt CO,, 740 Broadway, N. Y. N7.4w. STPk PL ATFORM Silver Lustre, Highly Ornamental. A perfect protector to put nudcr Stoves. Ask your dealer for it. Circulars sent free. Address STAR PLATFORM. 0 Beekman St., N. Y. N7.4w. AGENTS wanted for the Centennial Gazetteer of the United States : Showing the gigantic re sults of the First 100 Years of the Republic, A book evervbodv wants. Send for circular. Ad dress,, ZEIGLER A McCUnDY, 518 Arch 8t., Phila., Pa. N7.Bw. mm gritallnral. SPARE THE HORSE. Ob, teamster, spare that horse, How hard he tries to go, There's load enongb for two, Don't strike another blow. Give him a helping hand, Or ease the load, I pray, And he yonr kindness will A thousand fold repay. How patiently be toil All through the heat and cold, A faithful servant still, Though wearied worn and old. Poor, dumb, unconscious brute ! And yet be seems to know, Caressing of the hand That deals the cruel blow. What an Imploring look, And what a knowing eye, And yet without the power To ntter even a cry. See how be writhes and shakes, While smarting with the pain, Oh, cruel driver, paase ! Don't strike the brute again. Humanity, at last, Brought to a sense of ahume, Will punish those who give Unnecessary pain. Oh, driver, spare that horse, How hard he tries to go ; Thert't load enough far ttto, Don't strike another blow. Diseases of Hogs. For mane.cholera and worms in hogs the Planter and Tanner gives the following method of treatment : "There are but three diseases requiring treatment, which are mange, cholera and worms in the kidneys, commonly known as breaking down in the loins. For mange, wash well with lye soap, and then pot li quor. For cholera, if you know the dis ease, as soon as you see the hog begin to droop and try to vomit, gag him, and give hi ui twenty grains of calomel made into a pill. If you have been in the habit of giving your hogs spirits of turpentine, at the rate of one tablespoonful to the hog, put it on corn, and you will be rarely troubled with this fatal disease. If the first dose of cal omel does not relieve in twenty-four hours, repeat the dose. I rarely have to repeat it if administered in time. We sometimes see hogs dragging their hind legs. This is caused by worm iu the kidney, and may be easily cured by giving a teaspoonful of tur pentine every morning for three or four days mixed with corn. Hogs which have been feeding on acorns are most subject to this disease, and should have the turpen tine at least once or twice a week while feeding on this mast. Every hog feeder should keep a bottle of the spirits of turpentine and give it occasionally through the year ; he will find it of great benefit to his hogs. I have practiced this for twenty years successfully. It seems to be a speci fic for all hog diseases." Look over the Seed. Selecting and assorting seed required fur next season's crop is good work for loug winter evenings and stoimy da vs. When the spring comes there will be no time to select the best ears of corn, or assort beans and potatos, or clean the foul seed from the wheat, rye, oats, and similar grain that is to be used for sowing. Vegetable seeds should also be looked over, aud if there is any old stock ou hand throw it away or test a small quantity, and learn whether it will vegetate before it is loo late in the seasou to oittaiu a fresh supply. Many losses oc cur annually among our farmers and gar deners in consequence of their neglect to get ready in time for spring work. Culture of Asperagus. J. S. Col lins, of Moorestown, followed with a capi tal essay on the culture of Asparagus. It was regarded as a very profitable crop un der ordinary circumstances. The discus sion which followed turned chiefly on the proper depth to plant ; some would plant six inches under ground, and others one foot. So far as we could judge, the diffe rence of opiniou resulted from different soils. Wc noted that all who lived in light sandy regions favored deep planting ; while those who worked heavy ground seemed to favor the more shallow depth. It was universally conceded, by all who participated in the discussion, that there was but one variety cultivation alone making all the difference in the size or qua lity of the article. Low vs. IIioii Fruit Trees. An Illi nois fruit grower, who has 12,000 apple, and from 4,000 to 6,000 pear trees, find that "those with low heads, of the same varieties, show at least two-thirds more fruit? as large or larger, and as high color ed as those with high tops." To test the matter he cut off in certain rows all the limbs from four to six feet from the ground, and in others he encouraged the limbs to start close to the surface, and in the latter case neither thinned or pruned except oc casionally to lop away a too lusty shoot in order to preserve a symmetrica appear ance or evenly balanced head, and the above is the result. Chic kes Cholera. An Indiana lady says there is no such thing as chicken cho lerathat it is lice that kills the chicken, and adds : "When yon see them go mop ing or sitting about, refusing to eat, catch one and look at her head and under her wings, and about the oil bag, and you will find huudreds of lice. Grease them with fried meat grease and they are well." " iioiseiioeik' Dutch Sauce. Put into a saucepan one tablespoonful of flour, two ozs, of but ter, two tablespoonfuls each of vinegar and water, the yelks of two eggs, and salt to taste ; put over the fire and do not allow it to boil, but stir it constantly until thick ; if it happens to curdle, strain the sauce through a strainer, add the juice of half a lemon, and serve in a sauce-boat. Oyster Patties is Butter. Make a batter with the yolk of one egg or more, according to the amount of ousters you in tend to prepare, a little nutmeg, some beat en mace, a little flour and a little salt ; dip in the oysters and fry them in lard to a nice light brown. If preferred, a little parsley may be shred very fine and mixed with the batter. The batter may also be made thick er and formed into the shape of a patty, or put a small tin mould, the oyster, being dropped in and covered over, and the whole baked as a pudding wpuld be. Otrman towA TeUijraph. Renovating Old Feathers. Expose them to the sun in an old mosquito net (or coarse corn sacks will answer) until per fectly dry, shaking them up from time to time. To get out the dust, they must be tied up in some convenient place in the yard and well beaten up with the hands or. a stick (the person standiug to windward, of course). If a lace net is used, feather may be as thoroughly dried and sifted in this way as can be desired. Fruit Cake Without Eggs. Two thirds of a cup of butter ; two cups of su gar ; two cups of raisins ; two cups of cur rants; two cups of sweet milk; two tea spoonfuls of cream-ot-tartar ; one of sodi in the milk ; six cups of flour ; one nutmeg one table-tpoonful cinnamon, allspice cloves, each; half pound citron improve it. Bake slowly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers