jSnnbttrg mtritan. SUNBURY, FEBRUARY 13, 1S74. Railroad Time Table. AtlKIVAL AD DEPA11TUR1S OF TRAINS AT Sl KBl'UY. X. C R. W.. South. Elinira Mai!, 1 1.15a m Erie Mail, 13.55 " Buffalo Ex. 2.50 " HarrUbursAe. 8.10 p ra P. & E. R. R. West. . Erie Mail, 5.15 a ra Renovo Ac. 11.10 a ra Elinira Mail 4.10 p ra Buttalo Ex, 7.10 Bt'KBUHT ASO LKWI8TOWM K. R. Leave Sunbury for Lcwistown at 6.35 a. m., unrl 4 'JO I). 111. Arrtvn nt. Suiihnr from Lcwistown at 1.35 and G.55 p. in. BI1AMOKIX DIVI6IOS, . C. R. W. 1.EAVB I ARRIVE Express, 1 1.45 a m j Mall, 9.30 a ra Mail, 4.30 p ni Express, 4.00 p m An accommodation train leaves Sliamokin at 7.K1 a m. arriving at Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a m. Rcturiue, leave Mt. Carmel at 7.00 p m, arriv iuif at Shamokiu 7.30 p m. PASVI1XE, IIAZLETOX & WH.KESBAKKE R. K. Iave Sunburv at C45 a. m.. for York. Re turn at 4.10 p. in. Accidental Insurance Tickets can be had of J. Shipman, Ticket Agent, at tbe Depot. Hlnlrr A rranff infnt for the lOSt Office at Nnnbur)', Pa. VOL Open front C.50 a. m., to 8 p. m., except on Sunilayi. TIME OF ARRIVAL. AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives as follow : From tbe East at 5.15 a. in., 4.10 p. m., " South, 5.15 a. m., 4.10 p.m. " Wert, 5.15 a. ra.,11.15 p. m.,4.10p. m., Xorth.1.50 a. m.,11.15 a. in., 4.10 p.m. Sliamokin, Mt. Carmel and points on that Hue, 9.25 a. in., 4.00 p. in. Vails close as follows : For tbe East, 5.45 a. ui., 10.50 a. ni., 4.50 p. in. " South, 10.50. m., 4.50 p. ra. 8 p. m. " West, 10.50 a. m., 8.50 p. ra., 8.00 p. in. " North S.50 p. tn., 8 p. m., Shamokin proper 11.15 p. ra. Sliamokin and offices on that route, 4.20 p. in. Mouey orders will uot be lsued after 6 p. tn., on Saturdays. 3. J. SMITH. P. M. nisincss I'orals. The Improver Gkoveh & Baker Sewing Ma chine. These celebrated machine are offered At the most reasonable rate. For particular apply to D. G. KCTZ, Agent, Feb.22,'73.-ly. Upper Augusta township. Caroline Pauls, dealer in Musical Instru ments and Sewing Machines, Market street, near Third, Sunbnrv, Pa. Call and examine the best Organs, Melodeons, Sewmg and Knitting Ma chines in the market. Alway on hand the Es tey, Silver Tongue, Smith' American, Mason & Hamlin Organs. Order taken for all kinds of Pianos and Musical Instruments. The Peoples' Favorite Sewing Machines ; Domestic and Gro vor & Baker. Person purchasing machine from roe will receive instructions. First-class Knitting Machines for sale. Don't suffer from cold constantly contracted by poor Boots aud Shoes. W. W. Miller, of the Excelsior Boot & Shoe Store, keeps on hand a supply which are not surpassed anywhere, for beauty and durability. They are dirt cheap.and no oue need lament about wet feet by wearing those selected from hi Urge assortment. His stock of gum shoes Las not been equalled in this part of the couutry. Call and see ibeui. Evert Boot and Shoe in Miller' Excelsior tore is made of good material, and for variety no establUhmeut excels his. Hi stock consist of the most stylish, and a he is constantly re ceiving additional Btock, the latest style can always be found at his establishment. He has Ihojlargcst stock outside any city which he Is sell t panic prices. chaffer's Clothing Evporium. This esla blithnicnt, on Third below Market street, ha been, during this wlutcr, a scene of industry not equalled by any other establishment in this place. Constantly, from morning til! uigbl, hands are busy in making np garments of the latest styles. ?Co wonder there is tuch a rush, for when we take into consideration the excellent goods, and the spleadid fits, made by Mr. J. F. Schaffer, it i not at all astonishing that everybody goes to tiis fine merchant tailoring establishment. The beauty of S. Fanrt's hat arc only noticed when put upon the heads of individuals. He has now a larger assortment than has yet been seen in Suubury, which are sold at the most moderate prices. Call and see them. Since the strike in the coal reglous has ended, another large lot of new furniture has arrived at the Masonic Buildings in this place. The more that is brought from the city at such low prices, aud disposed of by Mr. Roberts, agent, the bet ter it is for the poor. A whole et of new furni ture will cost no more than a single article cost year ago. Money saved is money earned. So buy of Roberts, and you will save money, and get good furniture. The Store room of D. A. Finney is constantly reminding one of a bright summer day. The brilliaut display of goods, of the best quality, comprising a general assortment of Dry Goods and Groceries, Notions, Jewelry, Boots and Shoes, or anything that can be found in a first class store all new aud and worthy tbe atten tion of purchasers. ioczl Sffairs. WASTED. Canvassers in every town and township to procure subscriber to this paper. A liberal pcr lentae will be allowed sufficient to make it au t.ject for any one who desires to make some thing during these panic times. For further particulars address the proprietor or call at this office. Persons wanting Business Card printed will Snd at this office an assortment of superior qual ty and printed In the latest styles. Cards or en velopes printed at the lowest rates. We are requested to stale that James Beard, tq., will be a caudidate for Justice of tbe Peace n the East Ward, at the ensuing borough elec ion. Scpden Death. Mr. John Logan, a well zuowu former rir-idcnt of this place, died sud lenly at Danvilie, ou the 4th Inst. His remains vere brought to this place for interment. E. B. Haines, the 'Historian,' has lately been tivorced from his wife No. 1, and was married to vifc No. 2. We may soon expect another hislo y from Haines, probably on divorce and mar iage. As an advertising journal, the "American" is ot excelled, as it has a large and constantly in reasing circulation. As a means of securing the rade of Northumberland county, it presents ad antages which no live business man can afford i disregard. Enow. Enough snow fell ou last Friday to lake 6lcighing good, and in consequence, the lerry jingle of the sleigh bells have been heard i every direction foi several day afterwards. A Series of religious meetings have lutcly ccn heldn Purdytown, by the Rev. J. J. Milli cn, with great success. Oi'R citizens have at last secured and stored a uflicient quantity of ice for next summer's use. Henkt n. Conhah, of Upper Augusta will ike charge .of the Fair Mount Hotel, at Purdy nvn, on the first of April next. Prof. Williamson, of Purdytown, Bold his rc dence, lately, and being of a progressive mind, now engaged in the erection of a double house i that part of the town. There is but one prisoner )W. in our county jail The editor of the Democrat took a sleigh ride few days ago. Since thcu his office has been sieged by persons who desire their little bills tiled. This is a curious world. We uoti cc that the very able pastor of the Lu eran Church in Scliusgreve, the Rev. M. Lu jr Shindcl, formerly of this place, has accepted all to take charge of the Lutheran Church in inrille. (lis Excellency, Gov. Hartranft, Hon. J. B. nn, Deputy Secretary of StaU, and Geo. E. flman, Esq., in the Tieasury Department, at rrisburg, Lave our thank for favors. Death of Rev. Y. J. Ever. Rev. Wm. J. Eyer, Pastor ot the Lutheran Church at Catta- wissa, and brother of Col. II. C. Eyer, of Selins- grove, met with a serious aud distressing accl- dent, on Friday afternoon, that resulted in his death on Monday moruiug last. The deceased, who was 71 years of age, went to water his horse at his usual time. Some time afterwards he ma- naged to get into the house in au almost uncon- sciou state. He was covered with blood, hi Jaw broken, and his face aud body bruised and mangled. As he could not articulate a correct and detailed account of the cause of his Injuries could not be learned. The presumption is, how ever, that he had fallen under the horses feet, as he was a heavy set man of full habit, and of late years was subject to dizry spells. The deceased was a man of excellent character and standing, quiet aud unobtrusive iu his manners, and al though in affluent circumstances he remained with his little flock during a ministry of thirty- five year. His sad and melancholy death has cast a gloom over the whole community. His re- maius were interred in the cemetery at Blooms- burg on Thursday, where he also had preached to a congregation for many years. His funeral was attended by a large concourse of friends and rc- lations,who sympathise with his bereaved family. Bund Tom. The entertaitment given in the Court House, on Thursday evening of last week by that wonderful prodigy, Blind Tom, was bet ter attended by the elite of the town than any concert given here for many years. It was one that received the highest appreciation of the au dience. It also showed that a good Opera House in this place could be made a paying institution and that money iuvested in such an enterprise would greatly benefit our people, as well as the owners of such a building; and, a Mr. AVar- hurst, the manager of Blind Tom's concerts stat ed to us, "that we have decidedly a better loca tion for the erection of a paying Opera House. than any other town in Central Pennsylvania." The best troupes and other cutertalnmenls are now passing by our town on account of the want of a Hall, who would give us first class en tertaiuments. We hope that this want will soon be remedied by some of our enterprising money- ed men. Let such an improvement be erected as will compare in appearance and iu other respects, with similar establishments in our sister towns. The best artists will thcu viit our town, and give us 6Uch entertainments as will instruct and improve. Several suggestions have already been made for the erection of a suitable building, and we hope that efforts will be made at once that will accomplish such an improvement In our place. Mcnicipal Nominations. The Republicans of the East Ward, assembled in the school house in the north-east district, on Tuesday evening last, to put in nomination candidates for borough officers in that ward. On motion, Dr. J. G Markle was elected President, and James C Kershner, Becrctary. The following persons were then nominated : Assistant Bureesses C. J. Bruner and J. G. Markle. Councllmeu J. C. Irwin, II. K. Goodrich.Juo. Bowen and John C. Miller. Justice of the Peace James Beard. Constable George Oyster. Before the nomination of School Directors, Mr. J. C. Irwin ofkrjd tbe following which was adopted : HcMolitd, That it is the sense of this Conven tion, that tbe candidates nominated hereto-night for School Directors, shall, if elected, use all ho norable means to have a change in the system of examination of scholars for the different grades of schools. That the Committee ou examination sliill consist of not less than three teachers in stead of of oue a is now the case. School Directors Jacob Fetter aud M. P. Scupham. Street Commissioners John Smith and John Lecser. Overseers of the Poor George Harrison and Sebastian Boughner. Judge of Electon Jacob Cable. Iuspector of Election Philip II. Moore. Assessor Tho. G. Cooper. In the West Ward the following nominations were made : Assistant Burgesses John Haas, snr., aud Wm. T. Grant. Councilmcn Chas Seuseubach, Ed. M. Bu- chcr, Henry Clemcut and Benjamin Hendricks. Constable Samuel Bright. School Director John Younginan. Street Commissioners-Norman Haas and Sam. Hendricks. Overseers of the Poor Fred. Merrill aud Wm. B. Martiu. Judge of Election Alex. Mantz. Inspector of Election Samuel Ncviu. Assessor George B. Renn. On Wednesday evening a meeting was held at the council room, to nominate candidates fo borough officers .- There were two candidates for Chief Burgess before the meeting Samuel Faust and John Bourne. The former received 22 votes and the latter 109. Mr. Bourne'! nomination was made unanimous. Win. I. Greenough was nominated for Second Burgess by acclamation. Peter W. Gray was nominated by acclamation for Town Clerk. For High Constable, Solomon Mautz received 78 votes and Charie D. Wharton 31. The for mer was declared the nominee. The editor of the Democrat has, it appears, le come affronted at the Commissioners' clerk, be cause that official didn't feel disposed to let him pry into his private business, as be was accus tomed to do, during the existence of the 'Ring,' and is now making mouths at Mr. Gray, through the Daily and the Democrat, showing his spleen in a small way by hurling little;' and g' at the official for curtailing hi curiov predilections. Personal. We had the pleasure of visits in our sanctum, of several brother editors within the last week, whose pleasant countenances will loug remain green iu our memory. Among them was Jere Crouse, editor of the Middieburg Po$t, a staunch Republican, aud who wields a mighty influence in little Snyder. Jerc Cook, editor of tbe Franklin Itejtetitory, one of the finest look-' ing, aud best eouductcd journals iu the southern part of this State. As it was Jerry's first visit, we will Inform him that our latch string is al ways hanging out. May his shadow never grow less. Johu J. Autcu, the fitly individual, of the Watsontown ICecord, called, and never did we see Johu so happy. His face was radiant with de light. He was chuck full of yoakt. In fact he looked as though he had just partook of a square meal at the Clement House. Hook and Ladder A special meeting of the Good Intent Fire Company, will be held iu their hail, on Monday eveuing next, at 8 o'clock. Punctual attendance is requested as very impor tant business will be transacted, ami action up on the By-Law tukcu. Chief-Justice Thompson was a printer, and nearly all the great men of IViiusylvauia, from Frauklin's time down, finished their education in a printing office. It was their college. An ap prentice is wanted at this office, Daily, of Satur day. We are anxious to see the great men who have been produocd in that office. Is itthe'devil' whose place tbe wanted apprentice' is to fill. The members connected with the Presbyterian Church at this place, have raised the salary of their pnstor from 1,000 to f 1,200 per auuum. The nioet picturesque route from Sunbury to Philadelphia, is over the Philadelphia fc Reading railroad. No route presents such magnificently romantic scenery. The road is under the best management, and is one of the safest in the country. See to It. Another old friend hatk gone to his last resting place, is an everyday remark. Yes, we shall never see him again. Now, this last sentence can always be avoided by cmplor ing your friends to visit the Portable Photo Gal lery of Mr. Bartlctl who never fails to give you a life-like picture, which cau be carried In your pocket that you may look at a correct likeness of your friend whenever desired. Mr. Bartiett takes tbe finest pictures, and will put. them in the latest style frames nt a moderate price. Call and sec his specimen and be convinced. Judge Rockefeller lias been presiding in the Clinton county Court during the past week iu place of Judge Mayer, who Is now in Europe. 1 The Supreme Court, on Monday last, afflnncd tlc cage 0f Win. I. Grccnough vs. The Fulton Coai Company, which case was tried in the Court 0f Common Pleas of Northumberland County, ast August, and a verdict rendered in favor of tue Fulton Coal Company. The case involved tne title to coal jaudB in Coal township, this COunty. Mr. Greenough claimed the land nn jer a title aCqjrc j through a treasurer's sale in igOG. wuen jt wag 60,j for taxes, but iu the VoUri below, the verdict was that the treasurer's gaIe wag informal, when an appeal was taken to ,ie srcme Court, which now affirms the dec! sion of t he Court below. The lands are supposed to be worth over a million of dollars. The case was ably wotked up, and closely contested by the attorneys on both sides. Attorneys for Gree nough, Messrs. John B. Packer, and J. W. Coin- ly. For the Fulton Coal Company, Messrs. F B. Gowen, S. P. Wolveiton, and Hon. G. W, Woodward. The following list of names, published in the Daily of Monday last, comprises officers of the Court, Notaries Public, Justices of the Peace, fcc, who have taken the oath to support the new Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, pursuant to an opinion of the At torney General, before Lemuel Shipman, Re corder of Deeds in and for the County of North umberland : Present Judge William M. Rockefeller. Sheriff Samuel II. Rothcnr.el. Prothonotary Lloyd T. Rohrback. Register and Recorder Lemuel Shipman. District Attorney John K. Clement. Prothonotary Supreme Court Northern Dis trict J. A. J. Cummings. County Surveyor D. J. Lewis. Chief Burgess, Suubury Sol. Maiiek. Notaries PuMic I). Rockefeller, Enos Tilden, W. L. Bogle, Emanuel Wilvert, G. W. Stabl, W. C. Kapp, A. Caldwell, Wm. W. Evert. Justices of the Peace J. M. John, A. N Bricc, Abraham Shipman, James Die lien bachcr, J. Snyder, Daniel M. Schwartz, XV. P. Withing ton, B. M. Bnbb, Thomas M. Pursel, D. J, Lewis, F. G. Van Nostran, C. K. Weikel. John I McEliecc, N. C Purdy, Thomas Barr, Charles Hottcnstein, John Miller. J. M. Lcnker, A. T Ludwig, Wm. Berghouse, Martin Gass, J. Farus- worth, George A. Wykolf, A. S. Wagner, An drew Nye, James D. Barr, M. F. Nolan, Jerre I Hiiemau, Jacob II. Kauffman, B. F. Miller, I Frederick Fetzer, John Tressler, Jonathan Rishel, C. M. Lehcr, James Taylor, J. R. Hil bish, Wm. II. Irving, Win. K. Erdman, John Caldwell, Heury Z. Baker, B. R. Cuthbert, J. W. Hoffman, David Witmer, George W. Coble, 1). C. Smink. Burglary. On Sunday morning, the ols.t ult., about 2 clock, the residence of Mrs. Grilliu, in Milton, was entered by two burglars. Mrs. Griffin was absent from home, but her son John, a lud of sixteen, and his little brother be- ingawakened by the uoisc, lighted a candle and taking a double barrel gun descended the stairs. One of the rascals heard them coming and jumped out of the window, but the other being unable to make the window, John stepped back to take aim, and In so doing fell over a chair. Before recovering himself the fellow escaped. Thus by the bravery of her son a widow was saved from loss. Miltonian. Watsontown Bank. The election of eight di rectors for the Watsonlown Bank to serve dur ing the ensuing year, took place on the 2fith ult., resulting in the following Board : A Pardee, S. Caldwell, S. Rumbach, S. Schuyler, J. B. Lcin bach, Joseph Nicely, Jr., Martin Powell and P. D. Schafler. At a meeting of the Board, held on the 2d inst., the following officers were elected : President A. Pardee. Vice President Samuel Caldwell. Cashier R. B. Claxton, Jr. Teller G. W. Rambach. An iucrease of 20 per ceent. of capital stock was agreed upon. K 'atnoiitutcn ficcord. Music. The Musical Convention in session at Freeburg, on Friday the 30th ult., formed a Mu sical Association for Central Pennsylvania, com prising thirteen counties, viz: Snyder, Urlon, Juniata, Milllin, Perry, Centre, Dauphin, Leba- noa, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia, Ly- coming and Clinton. 1 He following gentlemen were elected as its officers : President F. C. Moycr, Freeburg, Snyder. Vice Presidents Hugh Hamilton, Mexico, Ju niata ;" W m. Moycr, Freeburg, Snyder; Hon. J. W. Killinger, Lebanon, Lebanon ; Prof. Parry, Danville, Montour, Rev. A. J. Heller, Wil liamsport, Lycoming ; A. S. Shcller, Lcwisburg, Union ; John A. Weaver, Pine Grove Centre ; A. II. Kuecht, Beech Creek, Clinton ; Wm. II. Brat ton, Lewistown, Mifllin ; Sol. Mal'uk, 8unburv. Northumberland ; George F. Moycr, New Bloom- field, Perry ; W. S. Conner, Bloomsburg, Colum bia. Secretary Prof. I. W. Nile, Bloomsburg, Columbia. Correepondiug Secretary Prof. Jacob G. Meyer, Aaronsburg, Centre. Piscatorial. A bill lias been introduced into the Stutc Senate to prohibit fish baskets in all the waters of the Slate; also to prevent the tak ing of fish, from sunset on Saturday to Sunday at midnight, except by hook rod and line ; also a bill to prevent the catching of fish, within three years, in streams stocked by the Commissioners, and to prevent the taking of black bass, except from the first day of April to the fifteenth of Ju ly, inclusive iu each year. List of Letters remaiuin.r in the Postofllee, Sunbury, February, 11th, 1S74, Charles F. Brown, Johu H. Bovd. Peter Cobel, Robert Crawley, Paul Dewitt, Kdwnrj Enty, J. F. Gauger, Elizabeth Grove, Bridget Goodman, Flemmington Hauten, Josiah Henry, Mrs. Har riet Robb, Mrs. Maria Kriechbaum, Mrs. Julia Kersteter, H. C. Lippcncott, Joseph E. Lclb, Charles Miller, Miss Annie MsCollough, Joseph M. Pursel, I. R. Rishel, Michael Ril.-y 2, Reed & Son, Eaniel Reitz, 2, P. Shisslcr. Jacob Thills, R. P. Voigbt, C. W. 'Vcaver. J. J. SMITH, p. m. A Long Sausauk. We have frequently heard of long yarns, but the following, copied from the Daily, beats everything in the sausage line we have ever heard : Ki.ias Bkosioi s has presented us with some fine sausage and pudding for which he has our thanks. Elias has a reputation for bis superio rity ill this branch of his business. He says he made oue link of sausage forty feet long. " The hog that he reduced to sausage weighed 450 lbs., was 15 months old, and was purchased from Mr. Charles Eckiuau. Bar Mketink. An informal meeting of the Attorneys was held in the Court House a few days since, when it was resolved to hold a meet ing of the bar of this county to take actlou in reference to the present contemplated construc tion of this Judicial District. A meeting of the bar will be held in the Court Room on Friday, February 20, :S74, nt 11 o'clock a. m. All the attorneys in the county arc urged to attend. A.S. Bhicc, Secretary. The following notice from the Upper Dauphin ltej'nler Is appreciated from the fact of its cma nuting from one residing in the home of our youth : Tbe Sunbury American has enlurgi-d to un eight-column paper, is printed on a new power press, and looks handsome. It is the best local journal in Northumberland caunty, and always contains au epitome of the latest important gen eral news. We ure pleased to note Ibis evidence of neighbor Wilvert's prosperity. The following complimentary notice taken from that solid Democratic paper, the Blooms burg I'vlmitbian, was written by an esteemed friend of tbe senior editor of this paper, and as we reverence our Senior associate, we. highly ap preciate the very flattering notice from his old friend : The most decided newspaper Improvement we have seen hucly is that of the Sunbury American. From a small ill-shaped sheet it has been pro moted to a large, handsome one. The name of an old fricud whom we encountered often iu tbe days of our boyhood editorial life, and founder of the pajKT in 1840, still stands at the head of t lie editorial columns as editor, but we believe tbe more active duties fall upon Mr. Wilvert, the publisher. The paper, as it ha ever been, is a good oue of Its class and a credit to its party and cotiTmuuity. It commcuccd life as a very conservative Democratic paper, but is now Re publican without being conservative. If such a proceeding could have the power to restore youth or years a tilt with the senior would again be indulged in, but alas! inexorable time can not yield to puny blasts ! A Distressing Cough causes the friends of the sufferer almost as much pain as the sufferer himself, and should receive immediate attention. Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry gedily cures coughs, colds, influenza, sore throat, ifcc. It will always relieve Consumption, and in many wcll-atleeted cases is has effected a perfect cure. communicated. a Aard to John Auten. Notwithstanding that John Au- ten, editor aud PROPRIETOR of the trotooniown record is considered one of the wittiest feUrtf that ever attempted to conduct a sheet as important as the vatsoutown record, some of his wit is re markably clumsy. Iu some of his effort he re minds us of a man we once knew who had the poorest idea of fun, in our opinion, of any man we ever saw. What do you tpote he did John why, in order to amu his circle of friends he hit one of them over the head with a club all to make fun and he was utterly turprUtd when he was denounced its a dunce. When John transplanted himself from the green fields of Chillisquaqne to Sunbury to learn the 'art pre servative,' he presented rather nn unprcposses ing appearance promising but little, and every body thought him nimply a dunce. Now, in this jwrtickeler, John has disappointed every one,inas niuch as he has proven himsclftobe ajfratdunce However, there are still some hope for John in the ediliu line. Iu our opinion (as oue of the profession) we believe, that if this transplanted sapling lives to reach 100, and, in the meantime, is well jnanured, he will be able to write some thing like a readable article but this all depends upon tbe manure; however, we may be entirely too young to judge, but our 'heavy friend' con curs in what we 6ay. Go on John, aud you may yet reach the 'pinaclc,' &c. That such may be the result of your literary efforts is the sincere wisli of your "venerable" friend Jacob. LIST OF JUKOKS. LIST OF JUKOKS FOR ADJOURNED COURT, MARCH 2, 1872. Joseph McAlister, Northumberland. Ed. II. Russell, Watsontown. John S. Yeager, Riverside. Joseph Boidorf, Lower Mahanoy. Johu J. Martiu, Northumberland. Frederick Gilbert, " Jacob Hunscckcr, Lewis. A bra in l eager, Point. William Shaffer, Jordan. Daniel Hamur, Upper Mahanoy. Jacob Lcisenriug, Northumberland. John S. Peterni.in, Milton. J. K. Troulman, Jordan. George Ilornberger, Cameron. Joseph Kreichbanm, Lower Augusta. W. Vangaskiiis, sliamokin borough. Solomon Kitter, Cliillisquaque. Josiah Zerbc, Sliamokin borough. John Hetrick, Washington. A. K. Troutman, Jordan. S. Hetrick, Little Mahanoy. William Daly, Mt. Carmel township. D. M. Brautigam, Northumberland. Jacob Ebcrly, Riverside. Isaac Vincent, Watsontown. Isaac Martz, Lower Augusta. John Emcrick, " " George F. Croue, Zerbc. John Bingaman, Lower Mahanoy. David Hiikert, Northumberland. William Hull, Rush. Peter Voris, Cliillisquaque. Francis Lerch, Sunbury. Absolera Fiev, Sliamokin. Joseph Deppen, Ml. Carmel township. George Retires, Washington. LIST OF JURORS FOR MARCH TERM, COMMENCING MON DAT, MARCH 9. 1874. GRAND JURORS. William A. Miller, Riverside. Charles Pardee, Northumberland. Samuel Martz, Sunbury. Eli Kerlin, Anthonv Gauger, Lewis. Daniel Rishel, Coal. H. Tye, Mt. Carmel township. Elias Spatz, Lower Mahauoy. Peter Uorrel, " Phcnius Moycr. Delaware. 'cter bmith, Washington. eter Baslian, Turbut. James Smith, Sliamokin borough. Jacob Renn, Lower Augusta. Jacob Ilummc!, Sliamokin borough. Charles Martz, " " Ambrose Taylor, Coal. William Reed, Sliamokin township. Daniel Knoebel, " " George Adams, Sliamokin borough. Adam Druinhclicr, Washington. C. Troutman, Jordan. Elias Bycrly, Lower Mahanoy. H. Y. F riling, Suubury. TRAVERSE JURORS. Jacob H. Rhoad, Zerbe. George M. Wagoner, Mt. Carmel borough. J. R. Boughner, Sliamokin borough. Edward Edwins, Mt. Carmel borough. Audrew Newberry, Suul ury. Mills Gray, Coal. John M. Iligans, Coal. Thomas ). Duff, Sliamokin township. Richard Fruit, Turbutville. Johu Dockcy, Lower Mahanoy. Isaiah Campbell, Sliamokin borough. Abram Punert, Sliamokin township. John K. Erdman, " " A km. Deppen, Jackson. Hiram Price, Sunbury. - - Edward Hancock, Coal. Mathias Strinc, Miitou. Heury Smith, Suubury. Samuel Muteliler, Sliamokin township. George Vandeveiidtr, Point. - F. Martz, Coal. B. Bidelsp ich, Point. Win. Herp, Coal. H. H. Doinsife, Little Mahanoy. H. V. Lnngsdorf, Jackson. George Harrison. Sunbury. W. P. M'Clcury, Milton. 8. P. Gaskms, Lewis. David Witmer, Jordan. Win. Feastcr, Point. Charles 8. Miller, Lower Augusta. John Farnswortli, Upper Augusta. Daniel Helm, Sunbury. Isaac Boyer, Sr., Lower Mahanoy. Edward Leigh ow, Point. W. S. Montgomery, Turbut. John Downey, Sliamokin borough. Thomas Woodruff, Sr., Mt. Carmel. A.J. Stroh, Sunbury. Richord Culji, " John S. Newcomer, Turbut. Charles Boyer, Cameron. Henry R. Bousrhner, Sliamokin borough. I a n ii-1 Weaver. Sr., " ' Thomas Rishel, Chillisquaqne. Johu Spatz, Jr.. Lower Mahanoy. Thomas Burr, Watsontown. PETIT JURORS. Edward M. Bucher, Sunbury. George Fetter, Northumberland. Ramos Wolf, Sliamokin township. Mat'uias Smith, Mt. Carmel township. Johu N. Evans, ' " Stephen Helluer, " " John Reagan, Shamokin borough. Jacob R. Clark, Lower Augusta. Richard A. Boslley, Northumberland. John Duttinger, Shamokin borough. Peter Stroll, Lower Augusta. Samuel Haupt, Zerbe. Win. Duukcibcrger, Little Mahanoy. Adam Lenker, Lower Mahauoy. Jell'. John, Mt. Carmel borough. Wm. K. Erdman, Shamokin borough. John Kcmpcl, Mt. Carmel townebip. John Falck, Upper Mahanoy. Samuel Fryiuier, Delaware. James Gibbous, Point. Johu F. Geist, Upper Mahanoy. Win. Shartle, Jordan. David Wilson, Delaware. John Clark, Sr., Sunbury. Josiah Fasold, " Jacob Witmer, Lower Mahanoy. Levi Botdorf, Little Mahanoy. Isaac Bobb, Lower Mahanoy. Franklin Jones Northumberland. Charles Baucb, " John H. Dewces. Shamokin borough. Felix Kcrsletler, Lower Augusta. Joseph Hutchison, Lewis. Thomas Blue, Northumberland. W. R. F. WeiHier, Sunbury. Win. Pcgg, Rush. JURORS FOR COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, COM MENCING MONDAY, MARCH 23. James Farra, Suubury. Michael 1). Paul, t'pper Mahauoy. Isaac D. Emcrick, Lower Mahanoy. Timothy Downey, Coal. Reuben Weiser, Jackson. Jerre Leinbaeb, Lewis. Wm. Retires, Washington. Isaac Kremer, Upper Augusta. I). 1. Drieshach, Lew is. Win. L. Dewart, SunUury. Josiah Newberry, Point, Stephen Teniplin, Sunbury. D. R. Ilensyl. Zsrbc. Daniel P. Caul, Cliillisquaque. Andrew Forsyth, Zerbe. Thomas Ilogan, Mt. Cariuel township. Peter L. Frey, Turbutville. Israel Seolt, Til'lnit. Joseph Berk. Northumberland. John Yoeiim, Zerbe. Paul Dewitt, Lower Augusta. John Rowncy, Mt. Carmel borough. Wm. Baker, Lower Augusta. Wm. L. Moore, Sunbury. D. A. Reiininger, Northumberland. Charles Wiuterstine, Suubury. Henry J. Syptier, Turbut. James Grillin, Chillcsquuquc. Daniel Erdman, Shamokin borough. Wm. Gilbreath, Milton. Zaeli. Hogendobler, Milton. Daniel Hottcnstein, Turbut. Robert McKec, Delaware. John Howartcr, Shamokin borough. Andrew Overpeck, Turbut. Wm. Ross, Lower Augusta. Children ollen look I'ale and Kick from no other cause than having worms in the stomach. BROWN'S VERMIFUGE COMFITS will destroy Worms without injury to the child, being perfectly WIIITE,and from all the coloring or other injurious ingredients usually used in worm preparations. CLRTIS fc BROWN, Proprietors, No. 215 Fulton Street, New York. Huld by Dmytjiitt and Chemist, and dealer in Medicine at Twenty-Five Cents a Box. July 12, 1873. ly. SPECIAL, NOTICES. Thirty Years' Experience ofan Old A'arae. Mrs Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrnp Is the prescription of oue of tbe best Female Physicians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never failing saieiy ana success by millions of mothers and children, from the feeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity of the stomach. relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, aud gives rest, health and comfort to mother and child. We believe it to be the Best and Surest Remedy in the World, Iu alt cases of DY8EN TERY and DIARRHCEA IN CHILDREN, whe ther It arises from Teething or from any other cause. Full direction for using will accompany each bottle. None Genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTIS A PERKINS is on the outside wrap per, com Dy an Medicine dealers. July 12, 1873. ly. To Capitalists, To Men of Medium Means, and to all Wishing Homes and thus Avoid 1'ayingKents. . By reference to the Watsontown Jlecord an Sunbury "Gazette" will be seen a full and more explicit description of the property I offer for sale, either in lots or bv ttie acre. But what wish to more particularly bring before the pub uc is i uc LidcuAL ltujia on wnicu ttiev are offered. I will SELL LOTS from 9100 to K500 and Lands by the ACRE from $00 to 1500. according lo inc location. Terms : Ten per cent, of the purchase money down, the balance in tunc and amounts to suit purchasers, from ONE to EIGHT YEARS, with legal interest iroin day or sale. - The streets and alleys will be opened as fast as lots are sold, so that all may be approached with case. All persons who are uow paying rent can have an opportunity of securing a home for less mo ney annually than they are now THROWING AWAY in rent. Any person wishing to see the lands or lot will call on me, when every opportunity will be given them to have a fair chance to see the supe rior advantages presented to the public. In addition to the lands above reierred to, I now offer for sale THREE DWELLING UOU SES, situate on Water street, in Watsontewn bo rough, the one being the large and commodious Brick Dwelling now occupied by me, all of said dwellings having the necessary outbuildings for immediate use. For further information call on or address J. M. FOLLMER, Watsontown, Pa October 31, 1873. 1 yr. HOUSEHOLD Why Will You Sutler T To all persons suffer ing from Rbuematism, Neuralgia, Cramps iu 'the limbs or stomach, FAXACE.4 I Bilious Colic, Pain iu the back,bowels or side, wewonld say, the Household Panacea and Family Liniment AND its of all others the rem- ledy yon want for inter nal and external use. It jhas cured tbe above complaints in thousands j of cases. There is no -mistake about it. Try FAMILY it. Hold by all Drug i gists. LI.MMEXT. July 12, 1873. ly. E1CROKS OF Y OUTH. A sentlanim who suffered for yean from Nervous DnluhtT, f mnature Decay, and all the effects of youth ful indiacretinn will, for the sake of atttTerixiff hu manity, mdu tree to all wno need it. the recipe and di rectum or niaxniK tne simple remedy by wmcn He was cured. Sufferers wiaUinK to profit by the advertiser's experiuaca can do so by addreeiiig in perfect confi dence. juiix u. oiiUEi, i cedar St., new iforK. Nov. 21, 187S 6ni. The Con Tessl on ol an Invalid. Published by a warning and for the benefit of Young Men and others who suffer from Nervous Dehilitt, loss of Manhood, etc., supplying the means of self-cure. Writteu by oue who cured himself after undergoing considerable quackery. and scut free or receiving a post-paid directed cuvelop. Sufferers are invited to address the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Juue 14,'73 6n . Box 153, Brooklyn, N. Y. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, lmviiiir been permaueutly cured of that dread dueane, Couauinptiou, by a simply remedy, in auxioua to make known to hi fellow n iff rent tbe njeuus of cure. To all who deaire it, be wiU send a copy of the preitcriptiou uat-d, (free of charge), with the direc tions for prepanuK and uttiug the aaiue, which they wiU find a aure Cure for Conxnniptioii, Asthma, Bronchita, tc. l'artiea wishing the WMcrif ticin will plaae address - Itev. E. A. WILSON, I'M vuu bt WilUamaburgh, New York. Nov. 23, VCi-6)a. , . Patent Right of a Patent Sash Tightener or AnM-Sasn Rauler.forthis county.forsale. .Address SAMUEL W. UAWLEY, MEDIA, Del aware county.. Pa.' Feb. 6, '74-4t. &9 vbt$xihtmtnts. Notice in Divorce. Martha Straub.by 1 IN the Court of Common her next friend ! Pleas of Northumberland Peter Bixler, vs County. Pluries Subpcena for a Di vorce. No. 155, March Charles B.StraubJ Term, 1874. To the Respondent above named: You are hereby requested to appear at a Court of Common Pleas, to be held at Suubury for the County f Northumberland, on the second Mon day of March uext,to answer the complaint of the libciluut in the above stated ciue. S. H. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Snubnry, Pa., Feb. C, 1874. 4w. Philadelphia A Rreading Railroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. Decemhek 8th, 1873. Tiiains Leave Hern-don as Follows : (Scndats Excepted.) For Shamokin, 10.40, 11.00 a. m. and 8.55 p. in. For Mt. Carmel, Ashlamf, Tumaqua, Pottsvllle, Reading and Philadelphia, 10.40 a. ni. Tiiains fok IIeundon, Leave as Follows : (Sundays Excepted.) Leave Shamokin at 8.00 a. ni. 1.50 aud 3.55 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m., Reading 11.15 a. m., Pottsvllle, 12.10 p. m., Tumaqua, 1.20 p m. Ashland, 2.35 p. in., Mt. Carmel, 3.21 p. m. Trains Leave Harkisbcrg, as Follows : For New York, 5.30, 8.10 a. m. and 2.00 p. m. For Philadelphia, 5.30, 8.10 a. m.,2.00 and 4.05 p. m. Scndats. For New York, 5,30 a. m. For Philsdelphia, 2.00 p. m. Tn ains fok Hakrisburg, Leave as Follows : Leave New York, 9.00 a. m., 12.40 and 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 9.15 a. m. 3.30 and 7.15 p. in. Sundays. Leave New York, 5.30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, 7.15 p. m. J. E. WOOTTEN, General Sup't. Reading, Pa. Jan. 30, 1873. COURT PROCLAMATION. Notice la hereby givou that the several Courts of Com mon Pkas, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, nnd Orphan Court, Court of Oyer and Termiuer and General Jail Dolivury, iu and for the county of Northumberland, will commence nt the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock A. M., on MONDAY, MARCH the 0th, 1S74, and will continue three weeks. The Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland are requested to be then and there In their proper persons, with their rolls, records, Inquisitious, und other remembrances, to do ttiose things to their several ollices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Com monwealth against any prisoner, are requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him as shall be just aud not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punc tual in tin ir attendance, at the time appointed, agreeably to their notices. (iiven under my hand nt Sunbury, the 29th day of January, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and scventv-foiir. SAMUEL H. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff. FOR SALE. VALUABLE property in Purdytown on the Cattawissa road. New house 23 by 50 feet V: stories high, finished In the best manner from cellar to attio, 10 rooms. Lot CO by U00 feet, planted with choice fruit and shrubbery. Also a well of good water at the door, and all other conveniences of a comfortable home. Thsre Is also on the lot a good stable, smoke house, coal and chicken house, and other outbuildings. Posscsfion given by 1st of April next or sooner if desired. For particulars apply to T. S. SHANNON, 3d and Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. Sunbury. Jan. 30, 1874. ADJOURNED CORT. Pr oel am ut i on . WHEREAS the Honorable W. M. Rockefel ler, President Judge, and his Associates, for this District, have issued their mandate for an adjourned Court for Northumberland county, to be held on Monday the 2nd day of March, A. D., 1874, being the 1st Monday of said month, in Sunbury. I therefore give notice, that all per sons interested, to be nnd appear at the place aforesaid at 10 o'clock a. m., of said dav. SAMUEL H. ROTHERMEL, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Sunbury, Jan. SO, 1874. Itb sbbtttismtnts GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, Philadelphia TAILORS and MILITARY CLOTHIERS Military, Band & Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sen free on application. 'Ours being the leading house on Military work we feel that we can offer inducement which can not be attained anywhere else. Jan. 23, 1872. Auditor's Notice. In re of the account of L. 1 In the Court of Com T. Rohrbach, Assignee mou Pleas of North of D. S. Herb & Co. ) umberland County, TT1HE undersigned, appointed Auditor by the -A. Court to distribute the moneys in the hands of L. T. Rohrbach, Esq., Assignee of D. S. Herb & Co., to und among the creditors le gaily eutitled thereto, will attend to the duties o his appoiutraent, ai his othce in Sunbury, Pa on SATURDAY, the 14th day of FEBRUARY 1874, at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, when all parties Interested may attend if they see proper T. H. a. K.ASE, Sunbury, Jau. 21, 1S74. Auditor Building Lot For Sale. NINETEEN LOTS, 25x100 feet, fronting on Vine street, in Sunbury. Price $125. Also thirty lots, 25x137, fronting on Spruce and Pine streets. Price $18 per foot. Also eight lots, 25 xiK), fronting on Fourth street between Walnut aud Spruce. Price $450. Also 21 lots. 25x110. fronting on Third and Spruce streets, between Walnut and Spruce. Price $400. Also 5 lots 24x230 on the north side of Spruce street. Price $600. Also 10 lots in Cake'own. The above prices do not include corner lots. Persons de siring to purchase will do well to call soon. Terms easy. IRA T. CLEMENT Jan. 23, 3m. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. The property of Samuel Gossler, deceased, sit nuteon tbecoruerof Fourth street and Sliamokin Avenue, in the borough of Sunbury, is offered at private sale, on reasonable terms. For particu lars call on, or address PETER 8. GOSSLER, Sunbury. JOHN Y. GOSSLER, Scrai.ton Pa. Executors Or on M. C. Gearheart, Market street. Sun bury, Pa. The above property if uot sold by March 14th, ill be sold at public sale to the highest bidder at the Court House, in Suubury, Pa., at 1 o'clock r. m. Sunbury, Jan., 23, '74. CHEAP MUSIC For Advanced Piano For singers and young r layers. luinuia. Pianist, desiring good mil- Send 30 cents for Peters' ic t a low price sbould Musical Monthly, and Ton send SO cents for a copt of will gut M worth of New "LA Ckeme de la Cbkue. i Mimic. Every number oon Every number contain, tain. 4 to 8 wniL and 4 or from $'2 to $3 worth of good i lu.trumeutal piece by music by auch author, aa ucu authors a. Hay., Stew- llpllrr, Luzt, vom, Kutie, art, Tuumion, uanki etc. Kiukel, etc. Published monthly ,50 ct. Pubhabed monthly, 30 eta, cer number: $4 a year. Iper number, $3 per year. Pearls of Melody. A splendid collection of Piano mimic of medium diffi culty. IJ in board. ; cloto aud guilt S4. Addren. J. L. PETERS, S'JO Rroadway, Box 5229, N. Y Jau. 23, 1874. Cm. APPLETON'S American Cyclopedia. New Revised Edition. Eutirely rewritten by the ablest writers on every sub ject. Printed from new type, and illustrated with Several Thousand Iiigraviugs and Maps. The work originally publiaeod under the title of The New American Ctclopjluia was completed in 1H63, inc. which time the wide circulation which it ha. at taiued iu all part, of the United State., and the signal developments which have takeu place in every branch of science, literature, and art, havt iuducedthe editors and publiahera to submit it to au exact and thorough reviaion and to ixaue a new edition entitled The Amebicaj Ctclofjkdia. Within tbe uxt teu year, the progress of discovery in every department of knowledge ha. made a new work of reference au imperative want. Tbe movement of political analra naa kept pace with fhe dincoveriea of acieuce, aud their fruitful application to the industrial and useful art aud the convenience aud rrflueinrnt. of social life. Great war. and conae queut revolutiona have occurred, involving national change, of jiecnliar moment. Th. dvafwar of our own couutry which was iu it. height when the last volume of the old work appeared, lias happily been ended, and new courfle of commercial and industrial activity ha. ben commeuced. Large acceHHious to our geographical knowledge ha v. been made by the indefatigable explorere. of Africa. The great iolltical revolution, of the great decade. with the natural result of the lapae of time, have brought into public view a multitude of new men, whose name, are iu every one' mouth, and of whose live, every one curious to know tbe particulars, ureat battle, nave been fought and important aeigia maintained, of which the detail, are a. yet preserved only in the newspaper. or iu the transient publication, of the day, but which ought now to take their place in permanent and authen tic history. In prepciiug the prewut edition lor the pres.. it na. accordingly been the aim of the editor to bring down the information to the Litest possible date, and to fur nish au accurate account ot the most recent discoveries science, of every fresh production in uterature, and of the newest invention, in the practical arts, a. well a. to give a suociiict aud original record of the progress of political and Historical event.. The work ha been Dcgun alter long ana careiiu pre liminary labor, and with th. most ample resource, for carrying it on to a .uevwisful termination. None of the original stereotype plate, have been used but every page has been prluted ou new type, forming iu fact a new Cycrop?dia, with the suuie plan and com pass as its predecessor, but 1ib a far greater, pecuniary exeuditure, and with auch improvements iu it. com position aa have been sugeste i uy longer exeneuce auu enlarged knowledge. The illusttralona winch aie lntrouucea lor tne nrst time in the present edition have been added uot for the sake of pictorial effect, but to give greater lucidity and force to the expliuation. iu the text. They embrace all braucbeKof science and A natural history, and depict the most famous aud remarkable feature, of scenery, architecture, aud art, a well a. tbe vinous processes of mechanic and manufacturers. Althoug intended for instruction rather than embelbshmeut, no pain, have beeu .pared to insure their artistic exeellen cy, tbe coat of their execution is enormous, and It i. believed they will find a welcome reception a. an admirable feature of the CyclopaJ dia, aud worthy of it high char acter. Tbe work i. sold by snbscrlption only, payable only on delivery of each volume. It will be completed in xteen large octavo volumes, eacu containing w page fully illustrated with several thousand Wood En- ravings, and with numerous colored utnograpuic Map. Price and Style of Binding. In extra cloth, per vol.. $i,00 6.00 7,(10 8,00 111,00 10,00 n Librany Leather, per vol.. In Half Turkey Morocco, per vol., n Hall Kussia, extra gut, per vol., n Full Morocco, antique gilt edges, per vul., n Full Kussia, per vol.. Three volumes are ready now. Succeeding voluntas. until completion, will be ixsned once in two months. ' Specimen page, of the American Cyclopedia, showing type, illustration, ect., will be sent gratis, on pp.llcatiou. First Class Cau vanning Agent. Wanted. Address the Publisher, D. APPLETON, it CO., J19 i 451 Broadway, N. Y Dk. C. M. Mautis. Geo. W. Bloom NEW DRUG STORE. No, 13, South Third Street, Clement House Bullflini, Suntury, Pa. DR. C. M. MARTIN & CO, HAVE ju.t received a fresh lot of Pure Drugs and Patent medicines. We have also a full assortment of DRESSING AND PACKET COMBS. Hair, Tooth, Nail, Clothe, Shoe aud other brushes. TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. PINE EXTRACTS, POCKET BOOKS, KNIVES, AC, AC. REED'S GRAND DUCHESS COLOGNE, the sweetest perfume 1h America. Iarittiau, n Kill Glove .VaUffa, warranted to clean perfectly the most delicate ghades without injury to the kid All the leading preparations for the lluir, KEUARS, THE BEST IN MARKET, Pure Wine nnd Liquors, for medical purposes, PhysMnns Prescriptions and family icceipti compounded with care. Thankful for past fuvors we hope by fulr deal ing to receive a share of your patronage. September 11, 1S73. 9IauhoI t How Lost, How Restored Just published, a new edition of Dr. Culterwell'. klkbhated Kshat on the radical cure (without medi cine) of Spermatorrhoea, or seminal weakness, involun tary seraiual losses, ini potency. Mental and physical in capacity, impediment, to marriage, etc., also Couaump- lou, Knilepsy and nt., induced by .eil-ludulgeuc. or sexual extravagance. I DPrice in sealed envelope only six rent. The celebrated author, in thia admirable essay, clearly monatrates from a thirty year', successful practice. that the alarming consequence, of self abuse may be radically cured without the daugerovt. use of internal medicine or the application of the knife pointing ont bv means every sufferer, no matter what Ilia ouuditiou may lie, may cure himself, privately ana radionlly. This lecture sliou III be IB the lianas ol every youth and etry uan iu th. land. Sent under soal, in plain envelope, to any auureea, post-paid, ou receipt of six ceuta, or two postage tamp. Address tne muinuers, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE, & CO. 127 Rowery, .N T. Host Office Box, list Jan., 24, 187t-ly. . j In order to make room for the magnificent stock of Spring Goods now being made to my order, the whole remaining stock of mam - QGmwm, Gents Furnishing Goods, HATS AJND CAPS, EEWSfKS, fee. will be sold out at a reduction of from 20 to 30 per cent, at Popular Clothing Store. Corner Third and Market, SUETBURTT, PA. &i.r35.. -a T-a a r- " ' rj the American public t rears. It has "never vet p'-nV-t satisfaction, and nan :i f'.vl ;.! the panacea for all ex ". ; "s. Cuts Burns. Swellinps. . i'ru'ws. &c. &c, for Man and y fi- 'ilychouhl he a ir.s:le day. M'.'.ii i Hetst HAGAI'S Magnolif A FEW TV1.l'.'. Pure Bloomiiv It i. Purely Vegetable, an 1 ita o-v felt at once. It doe. away w:t.i t . ance cauaed by Ileat, latigne.a vi : and remove, all lHotcheaand 1 m. and unsightly .poU, Dnv,. v-. Sunburn, and by its f but p mantle the laded cheek w.th ..ert'ul YCTJTT" ' 00M AUD BEAUII. 1 "i-y rtoeea. Depot, 8n!d 1 11 faa 1 ... CRUMBS vri A r e polish, far better thatd I H they give a liner glog ny other in existence." tnao any oilier ponsn. COMFORT Yield a brilliant silvery sheen, with less than half the labor required when other polishes are uted. CRUMBS article, making no dirt I (f the parlor without the nor dust when used. u trouble of removing COMFORT furniture or carpets. Has no disagreeble sulpherous or strong acid smell when prepared for nse, but are pleasant and harmless. CRUMBS A . t . T . 1. l. 1 Q and in a form morel j H sticks ; 1 stick is suffl convenient for use thanl cient for any stove. ny other polish. thus all waste is saved. COMFORT Are the cheapest polish in the market, because oue bos at 10 cents will polish as much surface ! as 25 cents worth of the old polishes CRUMBS Iluve just taken thevn 1st premium at tbe Iu-I I H several of the best of dianapolis Exposition, the old stove polishes COMFORT But Crvmbs or Comfort of yonr storekeeper, If be has them, or will procure them for you ; If not, send us one dollar, yonr name, aud the name of your nearest express station, and we will send you ten boxes, and samples of Bart lett's Blacking and Pearl Blueing, free of cost. Chxvbs or Comfort can be had of all Whole sale Grocers and Dealers In tbe United States, and Retail Dealers will find them the must profi table, from the fact that they aro the fastest selling article of the kind in the market. U. A. tiAfllLtl t S LU. 115 North Frout St., Philadelphia. 143 Chambers St.. New York. 43 Broad St.. Boston. Nov. 14. '73. Otn.eom. Executors Xotlce. ESTATE OF GEORfiE WAUENSELLER, DEC'D. NOTICE is heieby given that letters testa mentary, have been granted to the nmler signed, on the estate of Georgo Wagenseller, late of the Borough of Suubury, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased. A'.l persons indebted to iid estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and those having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. GEORGE HILL, Executor. Suubury Dec. 20, 1873. 6t. Talmage, Sp u rgeon. T. De Witt Ta'.mnee is editor of The Christian at Work; C. H. 8pnrgeon, Special Contributor. They write for no otherpaper in America. Three magnificent Chiomos. Pay larger commission than any other paper. No Sectarianism. No sectionalism. One agent recently obtained 330 subscriprions in eighty hours absolute -work. Sample copies and circulars sent free. Chromos all ready. AGENTS WANTED. H. W. Adams Publisher 0 Chambers street, Ner York. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE OF SUSAN FERTENBACII. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of admin istration have been granted on the estate of Susan Fertenbacb, late of Jackson township, Northumberland County, Pa., deceased. AU persons Indebted are requested to make imme diate payment and thoae having claims to pre sent them, far settlement. AS M BLASSER. Adm'r. Lower Mahauoy twp., Dec. 26, '73.-6t, without tLLj liniment. The money- t funded nnless the Liniment I as repre sented Pe nre and pet the rennine MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. Fold y all Druggists and Country Stores, at 2"c . 60c and $1.00 per Bottle -.tice si vie, she of bottle, ice. than. Qr.rk DOLLARS A TEAR made with onr splendid Combination Prospect aa. It represents Sample Pages and Style of Binding of 50 intense ly interesting and nsefnl books, that SELL in ev ery family. Bent thing ever tried by CanTessers. AGENTS WANTED to make permanent base ness on these orks. Send $1.50 Tor Prospectus, the only outfit needed, choose territory and com mence at once. For Illustrated Circulars and Lebera'i Terms, address JOHN E. POTTER A Co., Pnbs., Philadelphia, Pa. Feb. 8, '7-4w. QITQ A WEEK TO AGENTS. Fastest O selling articles out. " Three valuable f amplet for ten cents. J. BRIDE, 767 Broadway, N. T. 4w. STAR LIMIM WARE. Table Shields, Plate,.. Water Pitchers, Tea and Coffee Stands, Ac. Send one dollar and receiv prepaid a sample of this elegant and useful Plate Tabln Fnrnitnre, ronnd or oval. Every family needand will bay these goods. Agents are making money. More wanted ladies rd gentlemen. 4w. STA RLI MINA WARE, SO Beekman St., N. N. pSYCHOMANCY, or 80CL CHAKMISO.- Bow X either sex luay fascinate and gain to lor. anal affections of any person they chouae Instantly. Thl :m;ile mental acquiredment all eaa poaMU,fr,by snail, for 2fto., together wita a marriage guide, Egyptian Ora cle, Dreams, Hint to Ladies, Wedding-Night Shirts, kc A queer book. Addree. X. WILLIAM A Co. Pub. Phil. uec. J, t.i.- The Highest Medical Authorities of Europe say the strongest Tonic, Purifier and Deobctruent known In the medical world is J urubeba It arrests decay of vital forces, exhaustion of tbe nervous system, restores vigor to the debilitated, cleanses vitiated blood, removes vesicle ostra tlons and acts directly on the Liver and Spleen. Price tl a bottle. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IS Piatt St., N. Y. J16.4W. For Three 3-eent Stamps We will send Tbe Auboka (a pa) er size of N. T. Ledg) for 3 months, aud as premium auy oue of the following artiolea : On fine rhrnnm 1 Hi. ..twttmr ,,"K 1 An 1 , .1. u , . . : 1 ' L A . . . 1 . to THE AfllOUA PUBLISHING CO Spriugneld,! LADIE'S COMPAXIOtf. An article long desired and sought for by .very lady, t jw luriwuminji, Auarwa fc. 5,-7.4w. iihS. C. BIKBT, Hanover, Ps. "CAMPnORISE" The Great Discovery for the immediate relief A cure of Rheumatism, chronic and aente, Sprains, Bruises.Pain in Chest,Back,or Llmbs.Stitr Joints, 8trains,GlanduIar)8wellings,Innammation, Nse ralgia, Bunions, Catarrh, te. It will not grease or stain the most delicate fabric, which makes it a luxury in every family. Try it and be con vinced of Its great merit. Price. 85 cents per bottle 25 eents. REUBEN HOTT, Proo'r 203 Greenwich St.. N. y. 4w. 825 FURS I FURS! FURS ! ' 825 Wholesaxb asd Retail. LADIES', GENTLEMEN & MISSES' Fioe Seal Sacques, Fine Astrakhan Sacques, Fine Seal Turbans, Fine Lynx Sets, Driving Gloves and Caps. The Largest Stock of Rockes in the City. All of whiob are offered below cost of imiortation, at the old-established and reliable .tore of LOUIS GERBER, 825 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. 825 English Walking Jackets made to order. DecllMw. -7 LF.T COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS. AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, TJse WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS. riTT VP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. For ooiu oj nrugglsis. 11 T. w I m m m ; g. I Dm. J. P. Fttibb. Wf mrm, sarm. I maaatei at 1st VJnirmitTof Penaala Is 1S33. aa after 30 tic UMHnn. rrft4 lr.-itler' Vesetab rrap. I rruraatM it aa lalailial. i rfsetai Jr. Filler's Vegetable Rasamallo Mr. far Mara, SJ- SWT ina Hnsimsstsaiiaa. Swot. la, this Jh AeriLlRT- F. A. OSDOUIUI. Hary P, Au. Tl OfTBM wT Cwi tr it, and win aisfTaaoawri. tngnaRCT ThniMarp.D..Krmi!kford.Phila.lUT.(: H. winf.Mdia,Pa. Rt.J. 8. Bqeaaaaa,Claiwt.Iewa.ItT. lasnFauaCtaarch. lw,Pfcikv,Jrala. t Kewasd faraa Hw FnUa.,a. Afflicted iboold write Dr. fitter.) Batorr ramp mat A garaals.,si.tia aneis Sss.go.WawelMri,taatttyA)W drcrta. Cores all Hnners from the werat 9erfwta tt a common Bloteb or Ptjatple from m h six bottles are warranted Iq cure Salt Khrnm or Tetter, Pimples) on Face, Boila, Can. aneleeHErv.lpelas) fun tle Cm Plaint. U so twelve bottles, warranted fc ma Cie. worst Scrota tons Swellings ami Rare sj Patna n Bones and xre Ttrast ea ed fcy FoIasoR la Blood or wajeunal trwitm. vt. By its wonderful PeetortU vroperrte. it wilt cure, tbe most severe recent or the worst linrerr.r Coug h, in halt the time required st anr eJ-rr. medicine and is perfectly safe, luownins: rou x Soothing irritation, m retterta sorenc.. S....I TrUii.ru5fJ!"lv B. V. PIERCE, OT. UToxld'a mspenaajr j, tutWo, n. t.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers