FALL, of the LARGEST mm and Assortment of Gents Furnishing Goods, T ever ottered in this place at Popular Clothing Store, Comer Third and Market, SMBURY, FA. DIAMOND SPECTACLE WATCHES & JEWELRY. if SI N RESI.Nti AX Corner M-irket anl ST 1 EAI.Ei; v Y.i,.. WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWKLKV AND SILVEilWAIIE. p e g t a These I.ciiws are mtt tittfutrt u t- tl front Minute Crystal Pc'ohlcs. nniled by ftihiou, aud derive their uaiiie Diainoiul," on account of their hardiuiis ami brilliancy. The scientific principal on which l hey nre omi'in tcil. pn vctiis all liuimcnti: and wuveriii"; of Sight, Dizziness, A.c. peculiar to nil others in re. Superior to Scotch or Iirazilian Pi iiblos at less than iittlftlie price. Tlicv are mounted in the iiucst manner, at our own mauufaclory, in all styles of (otld, Silver, Sit 1 1 . liiibbrr and Shell Frames ol tiic best jiiu!iiy. Maimlucturcd by The Spciict r Optical Mannlin tui iu Company, i Successors to J. E. Spencer Co.. iu the Optical leprtrtti)cl!!. j c .v Y u:: r.r.d New Haven. 1 or Sale only by Sunbury, IV, May lil, 17:!. i:ook AGISTS i w '-ia'y for M underq noxjisrx) LIKE BKI.OW THE : in iiios. w. I' 1:1 ex. All- 9I J I'iirrrK Uetut o. Ill ) l ine !. nl. in 1 ins. , , , ' Relates Incidents and Aeci.letil o-.-iouij i ue i ii Light ot Day s Startling Adventures iu till paits of the Werld i Mines and Mule ol Working I liein; Caverns and their Myntc.ie. j Down iii the Depths of the Sea ; NUiits in Opium Dens j Life, in l'ri:,au i Merles of Exiles ; Journeys through Scweis and I 'alaeomln ; Accidents in Mines J I'lldel ol id of lllc. tin at Ciliei,, ite, l or circulars an d I'-rui.i to agent-, address the ptiii'ii-i.eis. j. li. 1.1;::: .- ci. it ntfi'i'd, Conn., or t'hieago, Hi. .u;:: i., .van,ii:1) 1 mi 11L I.1.S and BEARS of NEW YORK. .In.'.'w-f ,. ,S', .,. Neaily f.'iOO.tavo Page-. Profusely Illustrated. If you wish to know how Fortunes ate Made and Lost i how Mnewd Men are Rained ; how 1 l'aui.-s are ('real, d ; hoii Mocks ue Bought atnl Said, Read Cds I! ink. It iclati s the blogruj hies id the great lea-ling . p. -ealalnr. of New York, with a hi-!. ny id Wall .Street and its operators during the. past g..'i) year. For circular und terms, address the puhli-hta s. We send an Elegant Unman Cbroui,,, mount ed aud ready lor framing, free to every A-cnt. .1. B. lll.'RH .V Co., Hartford, Conn., or Chicago, 111. H'l. tr'AltM, M A CO., No. 22S South SECOND Sticct, below DOCK, Philadelphia. WILLIAM I'AHM.-ON, HENRY HARVED. NELSON PL iai, W. W. ( REAC1I1ERS, Manufacturers of First-Class I'l'RNl rvi'.E. Prices reasonable. please call and cxaniiuc. CKAWrOltlk IIOI SI', Cor. Third und Mulborry, Business Centre, Williaintport, Pa. D- B. ELSE .1: CO., Proprietor. June is;u 1873 1ST 'A C a c ELIX WATCH. timom, Thit.l Streets', IN c I e s , I (ton rail tie; tml K:-.!e Ktalt'e. flll.H'IT VN DYKE has opened 1 Veterin ary liuaiiiing and -ale Stable. Hoarding horses that are well will l.e kepi indifferent -tallies from lhi.se that ao- sick. Strict atleitlion nil! he paid to all lu-i-is neil or sick. I wid cure all bad vices in the hor-e. all di-ca-e- of the month, all disease- ,, 1 In- re - iral ory organ-,, tli.-e.tse of the stomach, liver, urinary organs, feet and legs. Al-o tliscii-i s ol the land, 1 yer-, and all miscel laneous di-easi. All nrgiial cac.-, such as lllecd'ing.' Nei ing, llim clitig, Firing tenotomy, lapping Hie che-t ranching, Mc.. Ac. A'.so, Trolling Inns -s t.aiin-d for the co'irsc. Stable ... u ,,1 ( i ii'.-inl 11. .t .1 WII.M VAX DYKE. .1 ui v li',';i!. lit. JIUTCHEK V ! IU;TCIIi:itY ! ! .MetsM-Mi. ItKl'Fl'.tV A liOU lilt, 'llii.d Mr.-et. iq.i.nsite Central Hi let. SIN til RY. l'.. -? I'l-'.l c a ita n I 1'ie vi ry choicest l'0 AMI VK.il., . id flesh Itr.DF, Mil which is r'i'i.1 al the lowc.-t iii had at" all hours during the day Sunburv, I'a.. June S. 1ST'.'. ' Meat can' be MtAjii itv .Mtitai.i: Yimi, I'oitrlli Klri'f t IseloM Murket, s i; n h c it y, p k x x . rpilK undersigned has reli.rue.l from the Ver 1. niont Marble Quarries vviih 5t( Tons of Marble for fsj'v, MuiitiineiitN, Orut c-Stonc , i Ac.. &e. ; 1 1 i' l He ha bong ''I-1 aliow him les llloliev, tin si,,(i i.,,..i lie ha bought at nu ll figures that to sell hetli-i stone, tor in heretnfor 1 he best Suthoi'lantl Kills Marble, which is better tliun Italian. Rutland is uow i sold as low us the Maueticsti r. 1 Th-ise who uecd auythiug iu the Marble Umv l for Muntinitu'.s, (liave-btoiies, ui filler purposes, 1 i w iii liud it to tltcir interest to call and c.tnurino' i this large slock, us belter bargains can Le secur- I id than haying from parties "huckstering' round i tue count ry. j All leiteriug will be done la tho ucntcst and i uuisi improved style. I W. M. DAVGHEUTY. Simbiiiy, Jan. 11, 178. national $cto Jtfclicrtismcnts. A. I. H AM DUS. MONUMENTAL SHAVING, PARLOR ami BAT II RO OMS. llAlU DRESSED BY MACHINERY. JtVDont forget llin place on the East fide of Timtu Sriini:T,a tow doors South of Market, Sun bnry, I'u. Hr.-uds, SwilchcH, Carl?, nud nil kinJs of LADIES' HAIR. AVork made to order t:ither out of coinliins or straight hair. All or ders K 'ft lit the residence of A. P. Walters, corner of 4tli si. find !Shiiii)i)kiit avenue, will receive prompt nltention. A Specialty in CHILDREN'S' IIAIU CUTTING, either at their homes or Shaving Parlor. A. i WALTERS. July 5, 1S73. tf. j7. LERCH'S CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKIXGggg ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT ST., SUNBURY, PA. Vkiikixs or vt.i. Kind maup. to Oiuir.it. The latest styles unit tlu- best workmanship. Samples may be win at the shop. (Jive him rail. S'.inb'iiy, I),e. 7, 1;.T2. ly. o 7T PI o B o a' o o V ' PS O O o p . p. p -j o c KJ rt- r-r-M d si d so ! S ft w xl Q d ft' ft L 4 J Xu a: s r ft a; 5 o 0) j EVP j j ft ft5 jr. ft N m r H 2 ftl 49 HI.ATCllLKVS IKPBV7.D CDC IM i-'.R Wi'J IVMP Tasteless. Durable. EMlcic.it and Cheap. The best Pump for thu lea-t inoncr. Attention is es- ; peeially invited to B atchh-y's 1 Patent Improved Brat ki t and New Drop Check Valve, which j can be withdrawn wiihuit re moving ibe pump or disiutljing the joints. Also, the t opper Chan. lur, which never cracks or scales, and will outlast any other. For sale by Dealers everywhere. Send tor Catalogue and Price List. ( II AS. (1. UI.ATCIIl.FY, Mauu- i j faeturcr, 5o0 Commerce '-Js' I'hilad'a. I'a. Std.ly j A CENTS WANTED TO SELL Ol '.t NEW . Improved (lover .Machine, i Address ! B1RDSELL M VNl'FACTfRlNti CO., (ireene.ist'ic. I'l.uiU'.ia Co., I'n. Aug. M, 1S7H. 2inos. ! ctKvrr.it or a'stii actiox. Everybody is invited to come and buy of .tho ' baudsoine assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES ' at ; SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, . Iu frnnie building, adjoining Moored Dissinger's building, THIRD STREET, SLNBI RY, PA. j Just opened a fresh supply of Coiifectioneii ;s of every description. ' TOVS OF'.itLI. HIMtS constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, I CL RliANTS .V; DRIED FRL'IT. PUUKJtlO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Bans & Cakes, every inorulng. FANCY CAKES, BISl'l'lTS, CRACKERS, &e. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Having tlt d up a room expressly for serving up Oysters In every style, Ludies aud (ieullenieu will bo uecoiiiiiiodateil with thu best bivalves iu market, at all hour during the day and evening. r'umllles will be supplied ut their reside ucu with the best Shell or Canned Oysters, us is desirable, ut the very lowest prices. Cull ami sceuiy excellent assortment of goods and ascertain the prices. 8. r.XEVIN. Dec. Id, 1871. tncous. 1307. RIGHTER&GASKILL, 1307. HEALERS. IN American ant Freudi Window Glass, Crystal l-diect, lliautli Plate, Colored, '.F.namcltd mid Ornamental Olsss, 1307 Market Street, Philadelphia. January It, 1S7.!. ly. UXIC.A. (Fobmerlt Wood ft Mans.) STATIONARY & PORTABLE Steam Engines. Tho I!it & Most Complete Assortment in tho Market. Thrj Ensrinra lmvo nHv.iys maintained tho vrry liiKlit-nt (iiiTiditiit of rriivUrni. Vtn mnk? the miinufiii'tui" nf I'nuini'", l)iil.M und HiwMjll.. .Iicr.inlty. Via li ive tlu'lurjot nnd motcomplet works of tho kind in tlut ooiintry, iih nucbinory ji.rmlly inlniiti-d to tlwwork. AVu kii:p iimittiiutly in prowiw large nnmber. of Engines, which we furnish at tho vury lowcut prici unit on the nhortet. nolifo. Wo build tiwinwi imcciiillv a liiptpd to Millie. Saw Mills, Orist Mill., 'i' inni rii'i, ( uiton Uiiw, Thresher, und allchuiws uf in liulfitoturintf. V .i mo now IniMinff thf ci.'li bratod Ijno Clrrii lnr s.iw Mill, th-' Km and uunt reiuplctu saw mill tvi'r inviMi'i' 1. Wo ni.ik.- the mun-if.K'turo of Paw Mill outfit, a MKfli'il f "jn of o ir tiu.nniM, "uiwl cim furnish oiituiih,f!i,'i ili''Hhun,,Ht notit'O. Our aim m all i'n.'!i i. to fumish tho n.fc ma chinorv in t!w mni l."t, and work ulwiluuly un tHHiil'Hl fort.-'nuiy of di'iiimi, iei mouiy uuduti-euglh. Send fur t io-uliir and 1'rioe Lint. UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. VTIC.1, sr. Y. A fmilolc Stoek of Oioli-e Scl-c-lions in every Dfimrtiiieiit o I'orrtl at prices, rtur- iiiK the Kiiiiimer wousov. Mhi.e muklii '.iiltor Hf ions. '.fM mmm JKWKLKY, TKHLlX(i SILVKK W.ilclii's, Plated (ioods Cutlery, loeUs, Ilron.CH A t':'.ey (;uilK. July l:, t:ii: mu KAititi.it kiioi' IS THE SHOP ()- THE TOWS and Ion 1 bus been ; hi.-toiy aud .-he will tell you I Men have grown old in our pairouage 1 Bullies on their mothers' breast , To liounelmx boy at play ; And youths ly mai'lous fair t.irefse.l. To stalwart men with cares oppressed, i And uld men silver gray. Ami among the honored iftns of liine, and the er: lUul listing impres- : sWil n volutions iit : circumstances, e si. m. I a luing monumental ineiiienlo of tlK iiifenniiy and persevi-nrnce ap- ; K pertaining to the identity nl piogression, plying 1 our voeatioa illi the highest style of art and H perfect imi, and asp'uing to achieve the highest jj reward ot mi ni altainalile in our humlile capaei- , i tv. juid the s -1 it i 1 1 1 1 1 . t of re-peel und approbalion i which me pi iscneeoi superior appliances ana es j tahli-hmeiil arc always wout to Inspire. Always to please ! We shave u i1 h ease j j ut and con. b with taste the hair ; Shampoo the head with soothing cam, And color the whiskers black or bruwn, j lo suit the people about the town. Then allow me politely request you to slop. And not go past nor from around our shop. To get si nveil ou the basis of ability nor as some have done for our Use of the ballot for prin- j ciple sacred and right nor under the common , secret and ini ion i for the i bis skin, oiigl invidious euise orenniltv t romnlcx- lit of a man's ,-nat, or the color of gtd not toaMeet his usetutu'SS ntir his qualification-. A !". ' nice is all that we detnalld, to g ' ' h 1 - In till I he laiid. .1 W - W. . AMIINUTON. Proprietor. S'cliaiv, Vie i .i !". . No. HI. Market -t. I. I I 15 S T It K! ' TIRISTI -. : N'EFF, Seeon I M ret I, r-ppn-ite n.i Coit'rt House, Sl'N Hl 14 Y. IM.. j I'.cspcclfullv iiiviies the ..t eiitloii of Retailers mill others, thai he has on band, and will con stant Iv keep all kinds of FOREU'JN AND DOMESTIC I.Igl'ORS, - Consisting of Pure lirandics: Cogniae, Cherry, ! (linger, lloehclle and Otnrd. i Whi-kics: Pure Rye Copper-"istilled, Mo'"Mi- ! gahela, Apple and .Nectar. i 11 RE HOLLAND CIN ! Wines: Cnaiiipagae Wine, She.riv, Phil 101 1 ; Claret. Crab Cider, Champagne Cider, N. E. Itti'ii, Blow 11 Stout and Scotch Ale. I MO.MAl 11 AN1 UAH 111 I I l-.KK, And all others Liquors' which can be found in the city markets, u lih li will be sold at Whole sale and Retail. Every article guaranteed nS represented. Also, a large lot of DEMIJOHNS and BOTTLES, always on hand. OiUeis promptly attended o, and yubllc patronage respectfully solicited C VF.KF. Siiiihnry, July C. lsii'.h ly A Jool Cliituee lor ai Cook Stove ! At J. It. REED'S STOVE AND TINWARE STORE, Third M, opposite the ("canal Hotel, Sunbury, VN Y person purchasing goods to th? amount t.i Oil at retail pi ices, for cash, will be entitled to a Ticket for the drawing of a tlrsl class No. 7. Cook Move wilh all the tixtures, valued at :il, warranted lo give satisfaction. Notice will he given ol the place und time of drawing through the papers. J. B. REED. Sunbury, July IS, 1S78. l.OCAl, OPTION. Now its the time lo I'oriu Your eltibN. FINE OLD RYE WHISKY. Fully Four Years Old. 81 per gallon. Or, iu large bottles, secure ly packed iu cases, 11.00 per dozen. VERY FIXE PALE SAERRY, and RARE OLD PORT WINE!?, ut siuno prices. GOLD SEAL BRANDY, Very Choice. flS.OO tho dozen.' fScnd Iri youif ordera, It. A A. C. VAN HlillV Xo. 1810, CHESTNUT 8T;, Philadelphia. ' Apiil P., lt73, t jr. STEAM ENGINE Utto Abcrtiscmtiits roiMtitv. - (5EO. UOIIIJIJACH & SONS, Nun bury, lVnn'n, INFORM the public thnt tliey nro prcpur.n lo do nil kinds of CASTlNtiS, nnd hnvlni; added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, und have supplied themselves with Now Lnthes, Pinning und Muring Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they urc cuablcd to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that inny be given them, la a satisfactory man ner. Jrnte to Malt any Ntovn. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other build lugs, of all sizes. BRAbS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS j VERANDAHS, FOR YAHDS AT ItKSIDENCF.9, AC, JSC. The FLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, have been still farther improved, nnd will nlways be kept on liand. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. Sunbury, May flu, 1871. W. D. ME LICK, DruggiHt and Apothecary At the old established stand ou Murkct Square, St.MllUV, I'A. Keeps constantly on hand a full slock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, I'ERFUMK.HY, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, VAItMSH, 'ftVEMTlTFH, In fact everything usually kept In a well con ducted DHUa STOEE. ! Particular ntlention paid to eoniponnrtini; Phy- J sirians prei'rrif itlnns and family receipts by the l'riiprlator himself. i Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 1873. -This ,jjsiee is Reserved i'uT tle A nvKtn im:vikt or PAINE & McGORMICK'S II A il 1) Y A li K S TO li E .llurket S1 ., Kunbcr.y, lr. Send lor lilu-liated Catalogue and examine our pi ices betoie purrh-i'ing, as w e claim lo sell loner than anv other c-lahlishiiienl in the Citv. KFMEMBElt I he Nl'MBER, 12110 111 1X1 E A V EN I E, Philadelphia. JAM KM II. tlrlsKVITT, i T VTTORNEY AT Jilff AND j l'sm:n Status Co,imissiom:k. otllce Willi S. It. Hover, Esq., in Brighl"s Building, Sunbury. Pa. Aug. 22, '78. ly. is roVr. v Ti.v i"STAi!i.iMiMi:vr. ; MARKET STREET, Sl'NBtmT, PA. J " ALFRED KRAI'S E, Proprietor, si'i-i ussoit to smith 4 iir.s riir.it. J nAVIXti luirchased the above well known es- ! tablishnienl, Mr; Krause would resieetful- ! ly in tot in I ho public that he now has on baud a ' large assortment of ' COOK I X(i STO V ES, Speer's Cook Antl-Dusi, Regulator or Revolving I Top, Combination, Susquehanna and others, ! which are so arranged as to be used for ( oal or Wood, and lire warranted toperfoi ni satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of all kinds put up to ; heat one or more rooms. IIEATINU STt'VESl of different kinds at very low prices. j ilniiure of t'.wery lecrit ion kept constantly ou hand. Rooting and Spouting with the best material, done nt short liolice. REPAIRINO alteniled to with dispatch. Coal Oil ni il Lamps eonstautly on baud. Japan ware ? ofa A.nd.-. Store Opposite Conley's hardware i store. Hive me a call. A. KRAl'SE. 01)124-1 y H V. A NO N A in. r. ;oiN. SPKINU AND SUMMER STYLES at Misos Hale Hluek'N, I Market S.iiiure, Sunbury, Pa. LA DIE'S DRESS liOODS of every style aud quality. White (ioods, Fancy (loods, Notions and Trim mings a specialty, TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Everybody is invited to call and see them and buy cheap. May 3. 1873. Ii ol Ice to TreHpuMHem. ALL Perseus are cautioned against trespass ing, or hunting and shootiuK ou thu premi ses of the undersigned, iu L'pcr Augusta lou ship, Northumberland couiuy, Pennsylvania, without permission. Any person violullug this uotlce will bo dealt with uceording to law. (iEOROE GAUL. Up. Aog. tvvp., Aus. 8, 1373. i . zJr?? M!MI!l:it Attn pum.vu mili.n. Tlilrd Street, adjoining Phlla. A Erie R. It., two Squares North of tho Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. MA T. l?LEMEm IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber rc'inircd by tho demands of the pnblie. llavlnn all the latest Improved machinery for ninmifiicturliig Luuber, he to now rondy to till or ders f all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS SnUTTERS, SASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDA8, BRACKETS, and ail kinds of Ornamental Serowl Work. Tin Ing of every description promptly executed. A1m, A LII(1R ASRlllTVl:.VT OP HILL LUMUElt. HEMLOCK and PINE. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, Ac. Orders promptly tilled, and shaped bv Railroad orotlierwise. IRA T. CLFiMENT. deelll-tWil KEEP IT IltXIsY. Thb Rki.iaulk Fajiii.y Meoicixe. DIARRHEA, Dysentery, Cholera, Suinmc. Complaint, C-amps, etc., quickly cared by tho use of JARDELLA'S Compound Syrup of Blackberry Root and Rhu barb. Aft old, well tried femody, cutlrely vegetable, pleasant to take, qniek niid certain hrctfeett can be depended on In the most nrueut cases t may be given to the youngest infant as well as to adults. It contains NO CAMPHOR OR OPIUM. It Is a pleasant extract aud rcadilv taken by children. Il hus often saved life when physi cian had despaired. Keep It In the house nnd use In tluic. All we ask for it is a trial. Don't let your dealer put yon off with something else. Buy It. Try It. Sold by Drtigiilsts and Store Keepers throughout this State. Prepared ouly bv HANSELL .V BUO., June 1-1,'73-Hiii. BOOO Market St., Philadelphia. THE PARKER GUN. 1 r-a. :,'"',i I"'"---VS,- V . ,s., v A-.L .-i - ... 1 r.ND 6TAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRtfS WEST MERIDEN,CT. March -H, ;:;.iy. lr. J. Walker'n I'aliloruia Vine- par Bitters aro a purely Vegetables preparation, made cliiofly from thunativ'o lierbs found on tho lower ranges of tho Sierra Nevada mountains of California, tho medicinal propeitiess of which ;;vo extracted therefrom without the use of Alcohol. The question is almost daily asked, " What is the cause ol the unpar alleled success of Vinegar Hitters Our answer is, that they remove tho ruusti of disease, and the patient recov ers hia health. They aro tho great blood purifier mid a life-giving princi ple, a perfect Renovator and Invigorutor of the pystem. Never before in the his tory of tho world has a medicine been compounded possessing the rcmarkablo qualities of VrxEUAii Hittf.ks in healing the sick of every disease iniiu is heir to. Thev are a gentle l'urpativo s well as a Tome, relieving Congestion or Inllanm.ntion of thu Liver and Visceral Organs in liilious Disenses. The properties of Dk. Walkkr's Vinkuar Hittkkshio Aperient, Diaphoretic, ('aruiiuativc, Nutritious, laxative. Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Altera tive, and Antiltilious. il. li. .HcDoxAi.n &. Co., IiruitKisUi awl 0.-ut-r Aurub, Sau KrancisO'i, Cklif-r-Uia. jiuu cor. Wiuiliiuitttiu Uid C'hsrltou 8U., New Vur. Sold by all UrugffUla und IK'alortK THE GREAT REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION which can bo cured by a timely resort to this stand ard preparation, as has been proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the proprietors. It is acknowl edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is otl'ered to tho public, sanctioned by the experience of over forty years. "When resorted to in season it sel dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, "Whooping Cough, Influenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore ness in tho Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. "Wistar's Balsam does not dry up a Cough, and leave the causo' behind; as is tho case with most preparations, but it loosens and . cleanses tho' lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the causo of tho complaint. rnKFABtn bt BETH W. F0TKLE 4 E0N8, Boston, Km., Aud sold ly I'tegfuu and Peulrrs (vncrally. iViIfiWiiiyiiirtiV; KEAI1U IMIEKOAU. 8 U M M K II A 11 RANOKMEN T. MOHDAT, Al()UST4th, 1-57-J. Trains leave llarrlsburg for New York as fol lows i nt 5. .10 and H hi, n. tn., and 'i.W), p. in" connecting with train.. ,.u Pennsylvania Raii road, and arriving at ..ew York at la.as. 8 50 und 11.4.1P. m., respeetlvelv. Retarnlnlng i Leave New York at 0.00 n. m 13.0U nud 0.iX p. iu., Philadelphia at 7.1)0. 0 ifi a. in., and 8.S0 p. m. Leave Harris burg for Rending, pottuvllle Tamaqun, Minersvllle, Ashland, Slmmoklu, A lentownand Phllndelotiin nt 6.30 and 8.10 a. ni 8.00 and 4.05 p. in., Hopping nt Lebanon and principal way stations the 4.(15 p. ,., trn ,0. ticeting for Phil.nlel)ihlu, Pottsville nnd Colum bia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven nnd Aiihurii, via Schuylkill nnd Susquehanna Rail road leave linrrtshnrg nt 8.40 p. m. East Peiinsylviinln Railroad trains reave Read Ins for Allontowii, Easton nud New Tork nt 7.80 nnd 10.8.1 n. m., and 4.00 p. 111. Returning leave New York nt 0.00 a. m., 12.50 and B.itO p. m.. nnd Allcatewn at 7.20 a. 111., 12.23, 2.J0. 4.W nnd 8. f5 p. in. Way Pawenger Train loaves Philudelpl.U ut 7.J 11. m., connecting at Readlug with train ou East PetitiH. Railroad, returning leaves Potts ville nt 4.aj p. m., stopping nt nil stations. Leave Pottsville ut 0.00, 8.05 and u.10 . m.. nnd 2.80 p. m., Iteration nt 10.00 a. vi., Slmmo kill nt 0.00 nnd 11.02 a. m., Ashlnnd nt 7.18 a. in., nntl 12.20 p. in., Mabannv City at 7.58 and 12.54 p. iu., Tiiinuqua nt b.IJI, 8.W, a. 111., nnd 2.15 p. in., for PhlUvdelplra, New York, Rending, Ilarrisburg, &c. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susiino hunna Railroad at 8.05 n. m., for Han islnn-e-, and 12.05 p. in., for Pincgrove and Tremont. Pottsville Aeconimotlation Traill leaves Potts', ville nt O.OO u. 111., passes Rending at 7."i) a. in., arriving nt Philadelphia ut ln.ln a. in. Return ing leaves Philadelphia nt 5.15 p. in., pa- Reatllni' at 7.40 n. m m-rlvli,., .,, n,,,... ;i 9.20 p. ill. Pj'ttstown Accommodation Train lei ves Potls towu nt 0. 45 11. in., returniiitr. leaves Philadel phia (Ninth nnd Green.) at 4.:J p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Rcad'ui" at t.30 a. 111., andC.15 p.m., for K.firata. l.itz, Lnneasler, Columtiia, A.e. : returning leave l.an caster at H.20 a. 111.. and S.liOp. 111., mid Coi'.im biu ut 8.15 a. tn., and 8.J;I p. m. I'erkiouit 11 Railroail trains leave IYrkinii.on Junction at '.t.llda. in., 2.55 and fi.aj p. in. ; re-","','.'-"''' 1,'"VI' l'r'1''' b:ine 111 C.Otl and 7.40 a. m., nun i..u p. in., eoni, eelmg unhlrain t,n 1 Reading R illmad. Pickering Valley ltailmad tr;ins have Pine- nixville nt ll.d.'ia. in.. 'i.Kmiid 1 y.. m. : n f.un ; ing. leave Hycis at ll.lio a. 111., 1J.4i a. j.-:t, ,,, III., connecting with trains on Rending liailrw-il. I ( olehroi,,,.tie Railroad trains le.ie I'oitsti.An j at '.1.40 n. 111. and 1.05. C..20 returning leave Muni. I 1 Pleasant at 5.5a and 11.25 11. in. nn, y.tvj p. m ! roimeeliiig 1th trains on Reading Railroad. I Chctrr Valley Rilirond trains leave liridge- pon at si.oii a. hi. 2.40 and .Villi . leave Don niiigtowu ni T.tKI a. in., j p. disconnecting with trains 11:1 mad. 111.. ret ill ning, r.'.lio and 5.4D leading Rail- j Ou Sundays : leave New Vork at! Uil p. 111. rinl iilelphiu at .(.'0 a. m. and 11.1 p. li' iVl PoltswMc nt '..on a. m. !larti-liurg ; t a. .10 a. n. Alienlii 11 a( Lli'i an l k and 2.1.. 1 p 111. leav, :i!nl 2.1KI p. 11 S a", p. tn. ; ! i" 1 15 p. in. f'.r ll.i ink. el I I 1 i 111. 11:1 ! 4 1 .1 1 lag it 4.ia. in. and M al a. in. lor i".i lealiiu 11 a. i 1 al '.'.-l a I'lli'.a l.-l-,.:ia. Ai- , fur ( '1u11a1i1l.il in i. Xtllenge. Se. -iei. Eveiir-i.iti Tick, t-, t and I'nini all 1 1 11 Ml I,,',--. Hagg.le 1 V I I I . I . -1 1 1,1-1 t'11 ell.. el inn. . d i::;i N a! In" t-1 eh P.;. I'.. V.'COTTKN. lli-M.is 1'a . ig-ist t. I ,7:1 vi: ' YI.V.tM I i; A it. i;o.n. I'lllI.ADi.l.l'IIlA ,v l:i:il-: 1!. It. 1)1 VISION. ST.MM Kit T1MK TAULi:. tn a'i I ntl. f Jsnn ' iv. ,lii! 2' tli. ls;,l. tl,i Trains on the Phiiadeli hi t.fc F. ;,. ;;.m i;,,.,,; ,., ; si. 1:1 ill i nn as t'ulliiws : WKSTWAltD. I'.rie Mai! leaves Philadelphia, ' .unliiirx. Wii.i.oi'.s;..-!, air at iaie. laic Ex J !,..n phUadelphiii, Sniil.ni v'. 1 1 ."ia ;i ni t. 1.."' .1 in 12. in p ll p hi W; -., la an al 1 li a t : 8.0,' a 1.1 1.15 1. :a T...5 , in 7.2 " a la 2.1-5 p I'l I . ' ati p tn l'..Vi a in H. 15 p ni I I . 110 a nt 1 l.ii.i p in I . 2a a 111 T.l.i a 111 .i.i.'i p 111 7.55 .1 in '.'.an a lit li.no p 111 7. 75 a III '.'.IM a in 11.1 lit 1.1 i:;;r, a Mail ieav.s Phi-adeiplaa, " Mlllli.il'., ai r .,1 l.,,ek lb. '.en. r.i Lxpre-s leaves Philadelphia. Wil.i.iui-pi.i-t, " utilmiy, " " Reno', o, art. at Niagara Kail.-, EASTWARD. Erie Mai. lives l.rie. Win! ain-poi t, ioiiileiij, " a it al I'hilad.'iphia. I'l" i- Evple-s leavei. Erie, Wiiiiauisport. " Saniiinv. at i at Phila1ielp.11. 1, i'.i.n.ia Mai l,-.,ve- Lock Haven, " Willi -mi-poll, Snnbnu, " an al I Iii 1 ni.': 1 iii i.i . ti.i'ij p 111 7.15 .1 ni Niagara li ,ess .cavi - Niagara Tall- " " " lienovi-., ;;. in p m ' " Vv liliain-piilt, 5.15 p in ; " ' " S 11 n I 11 1 y . il.;::, p m " arrat I'hiia.lelplii.i, '2 2d am Vi I'ast l-iilim cts ea-t and Wi-sl at El ie w ith I.. .V A M. . R. W . and tit (Vrrv and I;i .,,.n lh nil Creek .ti l leii -ny R II. W. Mall W, si w ith . a t an 1 w, -I t ; ..in- .,11 1.. ,s. A M. . U. W . : i. i :.t l. ii.a t.e, w.,1, :;. I a, k mi I AiU-jh. i.y 1! Iv. W . Which c n-ie-i.i aei e-:st ae-l v,,--r i. t:, 1 1 a in- mi 1,. s. tt M . s. R. W. eii .. i ! . -t ... n I al I'l.riy wilh O . I . ,v .". I!, li M . Erie Aceoiiiinu it i a-l at Corty and W est al Con v and li u.,.-ioii w uh ). r. ,. A . K . R. W. Eltiiira Mail an I Ni ,g.n., I'i-iv.. n .k Ci'ii'ii-cli ins at w i. .iaiii-pi.i t with N. (', R W. train-, Ian I h an I -oui h. l M A. BALDWIN. ;.-i, M Sin lun ille. itiileloii V t1 iike-iburrv It. It. I'einiu. It. It. t o. Lestsee. SUM M FR ARK NtiEMENT. On and after this dale 1'as-i iigcr train- on the i 1)., IE ,V W. R. R. will run as lullow.- : W ES T W A R D . EASTWARD. I.IIAVI'. New York, a. m . I r.vv :. v. M. liaio Suuhiu v, il:'.'(i Ham Danville, 7ai2 '.1.25 ( alta w issa, :gs loa'5 llazieton, Wins I'. M. )'. M. 1UKI Bethlihein, 12:10 2:40 Fa-lon. 12:85 11:20 Plli'.!lile! Ilia, 2:1.) 11.57 New Yoik, air. :50 Philadelphia, 1 Easton, lhllllehem, llazh t.iu, Cuttavvi-sa, Danville, i Sanhury, arrive Train West ni l iv ing tit .-"anbury 11:57 p. m., I make close eoiinections nidi tiaiu- on Phiiaoei j phia iV Elie R. R. for Milton, WiHiatnsporl, : l.oek llav-n nud all point- Wist, Flinira and all points North, al-o with Noithern Cciitial Rail- way, for llarrishiirg and Baltimore, j ; -,'" Nov and elegant ci-iulus inn Ihiotigh he tvv.eii Sunbury and F.asiou. FRANK THOMPSON. Stipt. 1). II. ,V W. R. R. Si i'T' Orncj:, Wn.i.iAvisi'ou r, Pa. ( May" 1. 1ST.). , A. M. MEIXELL, nr.vi in l iuerieaii uutl lluropeau u .t : t m:s. FINE JEWELRY and SILY ERWARE I'erteeletl Speclaele uutl lije t.liiMoeii. GOLD HEADED CANES. Watches nud Jewelry ucutiy repaired aud war ranted. . M.i'rlet fi.iwe. SUNIlt RY, Pa lb. a, isra.-if.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers