SUNBUR J UNE 2l7 1873." Kkllrond Tlmel'able. IRIIIYAL ASD DBTAIlTOBBOf THAWS AT'tmHlTlT. N. C. B. W.. South. Erie Mall, monro F.rlo Expross, 40 " Mall, 11-15 " Sing. Express 8-20 p m P. A E. R. R. fft. VMI, 6.20 am Mug. i.sjrpsel2.4D pm , Klmlra Mull 4. IS I Erie Express, 6.55 " DONnURT AND LSWIHTOWN B. K. Leave Banbury for Lewlstowo (it 7.30 a. m., And 4-20 p. M. Arrive at Snuburj from Lewistown fit 1.60 ind 7.45 p.m. BHAMOICTTf TMTTMOW, H. C. ft. If. ' MATS' 'anbury at 5.45 am " 12 S5 p m abkivk At Sunbur 0.25 a m " 8.65 pm " 0.00 p m 4.40 p m DANVIIXR, BAILBTUM & WU.KI8BARHI B. R. Regular passenger train leaves Sunbury for Dnnvillo, Cnttnwlssa, Hatlctou and intermediate, ut 0.45 a. in. Rctnrnlng Icavo Haslo ou at 1.00 p. ni. Arrlvs at 4.00 p. m. t.ACKAWA!CA AND Bl.OOMnl'BO R. H. Leave Northumberland at 9.40 n. ni. and 4.50 -. m. Arrive at Northumberland at 10.85 a. m. and '..05 p. ra. Accidental Insurance Tickets can be bad of f. Hhlpmaii, Ticket Agent, Bttbo Depot. iummrr Arrnngrtiiciit Tor llic Post Ollloo at Oiunburj, I'a. "jfl" Open from 0.80 a. ra., to 8 p. m., txctpt on Sunday, i TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Arrives as follows : 'nun the East ut 0.15 :i. m., 13.15 p. m., 4 p. m. " Smith, 0.15:i. in., 12.15 p. m. 4.10 p. in. " . West, 0.15a. m., 12.15 p.m., 4.10p.m., and 8.20 p. in. " North, 0 it. in., 11 n. in., 3.5S p. in. Hhnmokin, Mt. Oirmet and points on tlmt lino, U.15 a. m., 3.50 p. ni. Mulls close a follows: 'or tin? Fast, 5. 50 a. m., 10.50 a. ni., 7.35 p. in, " South, 10.50 n. m., 7.!I5 p. ni. West, 7.!i0 a. m., 10.50 a.' in., 7."5 p. m. " North 5.50 a. in., "51! p. m., 7.35 p. m. Shaniokl'i proper 12.15 p. in. Miainnkin mid ofllces ou that route, 4.20 p. m. J. J. SMITH, r. M. local ffuirs. 1'oHAni: on Cous-tr PArsns. On the Diet .ij" ol July the new postage law (joes Into effect, i i. . lilies the payment on all regularly issued :!i .i iiilou"! sent through the mall. This refers i; t is circulated within the enmity where pub- '.. i licieioforo free) ns aell as those without ..- county. The postage on weekly newspapers jU-t. cents per quarter, of three months, but sub-rib-.'ri may pay ten cents for t o quarters. If '.ii-y desire to do so. It would be advisable not ) pay for a longer period than nix months, ns, l nil probability, one of the first nets of the cxt will be a inoditicatlou of the law, t least as regards thu circulation of papers In le county w here published. All copies of thu nwricait received through the Suubnrv toat, of ec, alter July 1st will be chained postage. Wc lercfore desire all persons row receiving our i per through that channel to give us notice here they desire it left for tlu'm hereafter. A umber now receiving; It through the poM olllce ve in town, and to till of these we can seud it v carriers, if they cull and leave their address. ( icons living In the country, who cannot be rve.l by the carriers, can tret their papers at lis ofllee, or any of the stores, If they desire to ive the postage. All subset ihers to the .lmert iii. residing within the county, paying one year i advance, will have the amount of postage de leted from out advance rati p. Ari'otvinr.NT. We me happy to learn that nr young friend Geo. E. llolfmaii, Esq., of this ace, Iris received un f ppoiirtmejit us cleik in .e State Treasury Department. .Mr. Hoilninn i younjr man of ability, and bus every requi te to make un efficient olUcer. TlK'b. Mc'CoSNXIX ANl MlCIIAIX MONTOOMK- t" , two gay lothnrlos, w Idle on a spree on Mon ty lat, took a horse, ami (uy front Ira T. Client, and diove nroiind the towu. At la't K-y were "hooked" by an oftieer, and takeu be re Ksqu'n e Hi lee who committed tliein topi i 'ii. After several hours they were relieved by liint' f 1" daiiuices. Soda Wateii. Vine Soda water mixed with Lett syrups, one of tho most rcfrcshim; inks i!OW iu use, is one of the principal attrac ts at Ir. C. M. Martin & Co Drug Store, on liril stret-t. Mkssrs. John L. KiutB and 1avii Knv, have siiuie-l the biikiiigbiisincss at the old Fry stand i Spiuee street. They are good workmen, and serving of patronage. A Live Ai.i.ioaToii. Our citizens were cnter lued on Saturday eveuln-r, on Market Square, a man engaged In selling uu oil remedy for ins, which he. said was niumifiu-liued from the -p of the Alligator. lie lnsH a live speci'.nea of at amplilbenui brute, with him, which measur- atout eight feet lu leugth. Kii.lsd os the Railroad. Scott tstuKh, n man on the N. C. Railroad, a resident of this icu, was kil'.jl at Ilirii.-burg. on Friday last, -lie nssistiiig in coupling ears. Ho us a U'lg man, and highly esteemed by the eltleub Sunbury. Hr.rHi.NUD. Tlie many friendsof A. K. Tiske, q., will regiet to lea in that he has resigned the iiliou of geDcrul superiutcudaDl of the Nortb i Central railway, to take effect on July lot. . Fiske has, during his connection with the lroads In this section of country, made hosts fi lends. A more eiUdeut railroad man is uot be found anywhere, and It is a source of much urcrn thut the prcat railroad interests of the tiou are to lose his services. He was highly eonied and respected by ull w ho were brought business coutact with hlin. JTe lias ac ted a promiucnt position In one of the most iminent Iron companies lu the State, and be A hereafter 4ie located near Pottsrlile.Pa. That will perform tt.e ftutlrs or his next positlou the satlsfactlou of ttiose concerned, Is evident m thu fact that during twenty years' connee u with railroads, he Wits tUisent from bis post l three weeks. We regret hrsriug of bis rclg dou, aud iu common with his friends, wish u uuboticdod prosijerltjr iu i iacw Held of or. h dden Dkatb Wlllloiu Laud.iu, a youug in sged about 18 years, well kuown In this to, died suddenly ou a caual boat, at Colum , ou Friday last, on wbleh he had been em yod. His uody s -brought homo eu Batur y, and his funeral took pluce on Buuduy from residence of hit parents, on Front street, s remaius were followed to the jjiave by a ge circle of friends, ar.5 atiout three fauudrcd idars belonging to tkr tufWau fiuoday lool, ol which he was a meWber. 3. L. Racdbnbcsu, Esq., Vho reside n Bny r county, was notified imrtedfaiely after the o on Tuesday, and came here on ike urine e iog. He returns bU thanks to the reen and liecs fof Mm services rendr tr ef ts to tsvs bis proporty. fits dtc-!r&stc-n ni be nappy Co lmo tUlt'?&f will b mil, snd thrt urrtltoiV, Vilji4V-'"'vred ss T4B Arrcst or TBI Piiblisiicr an Junior Editor op tdr " AMRRlcil."-'HaTlng resided In this plnca upwards of twenty years, and not bar ing had occasion to afP6' berore ttoy officer of the law during that tlms for any criminal offense, we were somewhat surprised on Saturday after noon last, when Informed by constable Bright that be bad a warrant for our arrest. Not hav ing had any experience in such matters, we In vited Win. A. Sober, Etq., to nocompany ns to the Squire's office to ascertain the charges Arriving at Justice Snyder's ofllee, we met the In dubitable Vboie" and "historian ' E. B. Haines, who has attempted to do up the towns laying along the Susquehanna rtvor In history, aud found that he was endeavoring to put us np In history as a libeller, and that lie had sworn out a warront for our arrest for copying in our issue of the 7th lust., an article from the Xuncy Lwni nary, which conveyed the Idea in a few emphatic words, that Uirinea the recont historian of Sun bury would never bo hung for telling the truth. As wc wore not satisfied whether tho action on the part of this successor of Josepbus, was a ew-di-clous movement or not, we entered ball for a hearing, on Monday at 10 o'clock. Vt'a were convinced, too, that if he had been actuated by proper motives, and In vindication of his charac ter, he would have arrested the publisher of the Luminary, the author of the article published in n paper near his home, if the wandering histo rian ever bad a place that could be designated as such. Seven cities claimed old Homer, dend, Through which, when livlug.he begged his bread. At the appointed time we appeared before the Justice, uud found the indlguant historian, with his counsel, the Sunliury Centenlnl historian, who opeucd tho case, and called Haines on the witness stand. Haines swore to a positive Inju ry of bis character, with a view to our convict lou and Incarceration. As we were not allowed to make a defence, we relied solely upon our attor ney, Mr. Sober, to plead our cause, under the law of tho Rate. Mr. Purdy, for the plaintilf, made a flaming speech in favor of his client, w hich was replied to by Mr. So'cr, hi n most able manner, to which all who heard him, will testify. Tho Justice tlieu reviewed tkeea.'e in a very impartial man lier, un I concluded by stating that after careful attention to the evidence of Mr. Ilaine, he did not thiuk there wis sulllcient in it to bold us for further action, nsd declared u discharged from further cntody. It tnny, perhaps, be well enough to state lo our rearers how this salt occurred. Sometime lu May last, our ofllee was one day Invaded by nn iudivdiial whose appearance, resembled that of tho anlnnil referred to In the Good Hook, from whkli a jaw bone wns taken toslaytiw I'hllli tlnes, and w li'eh Is mentioned in the same great book as having protested against the cruel llagc lation indicted by one llalanin, In days of yore. This Individual informed lis tlnit be was a local cditi r of the. irii7.'iimi.-Hi)-f C.'arellc anil Jlulletvi, and that he was hero to write a history of Sun hurr, giving sketches of all the principal busi ness places, Ac. and was not backward about telling us that it was our duty to lend our aid by giving him notices to induce business men lis pa tronize We told h!iu that n well written history of this pluco would be Interesting as a matter of reference, and if he. guaranteed to ful fill his promises w e were ready to give him en couragement. During the same week we noticed in our paper the fact of his pres'-nce and inten tion, and stated that we believed the work would be beneficial to the plni r. He canvassed the town, and n.a.le coutruru for advertising, &c. During his slay be frequently "bored"' us by his Incohe rent palaver, on the style of George Francis Train, when we came u the conclusion that there was .1 "screw loose."' After leaving this place, we happened to uotiec in a number of pa pers articles reflecting iin Haines' operations which were not of a Battering character, and as they w ere old and responsible papers, wo di c ued It n duty we owed our citizens to give them some kind of caution against Impositlou w hich Induc ed u to extract fiom the T.HKiiu-irj. We would advise Mr. loiiuei. to g n certifl catn of character from the editor of tho ll'il liuii;v"r or tliu CAirojo 7V.i.. If he will do so, we pioinise to lay it before our lead ers without delay. In the meantime we woul l suggest to hiir. the cnltlvutiou of tho organ of discretion, w hich might, perhaps, be more rapid1-developed by lubblng u little Alligator Oil behind hit ears. Magianiss of the iti'".fli says Haines is a scoundrel whom he will not allow to enter hl6 rooms, and says that is bis reputation wherever he has been. For the comfort of the friends of Haines, if he has any, we copy the following from the McKcan JfiHtr iu regard to hie operations at Lock Haven and ehe where : "Hainiis. Next to Geoige Francis Train, per haps the most irrepressible and unmanageable lunatic ou earth is E. B. Haines. ho would-be editor of a Democratic paper Id McKenn county of a year or two aito. People who may wonder if he has yet escaped the ravages of the" fool-killer may be surprised to know ihat he still lives. After a brief but exciting career as editor of a paper in Allegheny county, N. V., ho found his way into the employ of a Williainsport paper, which employment he varies by un occasional foray upou the neighboring towns. Lock Haven is the scene of his most recent devastations, and from the tope of tho Lock llavou paper wc should Judge that he must have fonnd a rich b irvcsit of urceuhorns in that place. It appears that be made the credulous I.oek Haveners be lieve that bo would wrlto a Vliioiory" of their city tl. it wmild astonish the world. They bo lieicd, bought, and found tlivmselves sold. The Republican is very severe ou Haines, but wc can not help thinking that any one who is irreeu en ough to be deceived by him deserves little pity. IIhokk Jail. On Tuesday niomiug last, two prisoner named Itaac Wctscl, (while) aud Ed ward Enty, (colored,) escaped from tho Jail at this place. Isaac Wetzel had escaped sometime ago, and was returned, wltcu he was, as was supposed, securely manacled. After their depaf ture was discovered, the Siseiift found that be had tiled off his hopples with a small saw, which must have been handed to him liy some unknown person. After being freed of his manacles, thcy ut up a new mattress, nud made a rope ladder hy which means they scaled the walls. Wetzel Is a desperate character, and was Incarcerated for the crime of rape. Edward Enty, the colored man, was confined for not supporting his family. Sheriff Uothermel offers a reward of 125 for the recapture of rach prisoner. We. hope that the Grand Jury at tho ucxt Court, will thoroughly examine the present Jail building, and miiUo up their minds to have a moro secure building erected, so that prisoners cau be securely held. It is useless to imprison any one lu the present jail. 4TH or JrxT at Nok nil mbekland. The citi zens of our sister boroogh, are making great preparations to celebrate our National Holiday In a patriotic manner. The committee of ar rangements are working hard to make it a grand success. A grand parade of the P. O. S. of A. will tuke place, which will be participated lu by a large number of Camps from different part of the Btute. Col. David Toggart will de liver the address, and we have no doubt, from our pei son al knowledge at the gentleman's abi lities, that it will be an able production. The Colonel is a pleasxnt s,waker, and bis especienca during the lute rebellion, aud aiuee, in tbe army of tbe L'uiled plates, located in Oregon, and lately among the Modoc Indians, will be of the greatest luteal to all who may be present. Milton AleiiKrrler, Presideut of the Order of P. O. H. tt A. !Q this fiLut. will utaA .4UH-. - A dress. Bevrral bauds have been engaged for the vcvuina. , mow Timing .car neignnors on tbe 4th ol yiit-- will uo douhz Ka Hullvhiixi - - 'etl.nt will bo made to make evcmblng agreea 'n -iiirs tig i.V .liv Tbr Pdpuc Schools. The Suuhnry School Board having fonnd it absolutely necessary to increase the size of tho publio school buildings, have contracted to build an addition to the north west school house, which Is to be completed by the first of September next. The Boaid bare also under consideration the Increase of the length of the school term to olght or blue months. The rapid Improvement of our town, and the correspondingly rapid Increaso of onr population as well as onr educational advancement, de mand both these improvements., We are glad to learn that a msjorlty of the Board are favorable to the project, and desire more successful teach ing; Tbe time was wbon people sent their chil dren to school only for the purpose of keeping them out of tbe street, but as that time has gone by, and parents see tho necessity of giving their chlldron a proper education, they desire them to be taught by tho best teachers. Good teachers cannot he procured for short terms, as they will engage, where they cau do better, by finding em ployment for a lougcr pirlod. That the people would be willing to pay a small additional amount of tax to continue our schools a few months longer, Is evident, when we consider that it will dispense with select schools, tho cost of which amounts to considerable more. Another good reason why schools should he kept open for nine months is that It docs away with the dlffl culty of organizing tho different classes at every commencement. I:i many Instances, lu private schools, a dilfereut class of books arc used, and children, about tba lime they begin to under stand their use, are returned to the public schools, when they are thrown back on account of the books In use there. So we would suggest that the Board do not heaitnte in a matter re sulting in so much good to the rising generation. Df.strvctivr Finn. On Tneday afternoon, about 1 o'clock, fire was discovered In tbo two story frame building in the rear of tho Masoulc Hall building, occupied by Mr. W. C. Roberts, agent for V. L. Rauder.bush, ns a cabinet mnk- tug shop, for the manufacture nud repairing of furniture. The alarm wns given, mid soon the streets were filled with an excited crowd hurry ing to the lire. Tho firemen were promptly nt the place with their apparatus, but through some unavoidable occurrence, they could not raise sufficient steam to check the Ore which was making rapid headway on the inside of the build ing, which contained luruiture, and light com bujtible material used in upholstering. The fire burst through the weather hoarding w hich plac cd the Masonic Hall building In imminent dan ger. The flames heated the window a and sash of the room used by the Danocrat and Sunltury Tailij,aB their ofllee, to sueh an extent as to cause great alarm, and preparations were made lor a hasty removal, ns did others occupying the same building. During tho excitement, our firemen did everything iu their power to prevent the t spreading of the tire in which they happily suc ceeded. Haling got snllleient steam, they turned two ftrcams of water upon the building, and In a few minutes they eilingulrked the fire. Too much cannot be said to tho credit of the members of the steamer No. 1. who, thiough their own exortious,saved the surrounding build ings, mid prevented a conflagration, as the build ing on tire occupied a position to cause one if their efforts to subdue thu flames had becu un successful. Drenched with water, they forced themselves into the burning building, amidst the smoke which rolled out in huge volumes from the doors nud wiuJous, ut the ri-k of life, aud I in less than twenty minutes, the ftro was com pletely subdued. None of oui citizens interfered with their arrangements, as was formerly the cute, nnd all ara oalisllcd now that our firemen can manage their own affairs during the excite ment of a fire. It is not known !.' the fire niiginatcd, sn no Arc had been used in the shop for several days. It was first discovered on the tir.-t flotr, l.i the south-wet corner, wln-ru a win dow had been hoisted by some unknown per- sou. The lost is estimated i t about fl.tiUO. No liiKtirauve. Thu building and furi.lturc were owned hf I!. L. Ro.i lenbUrli. Mr. Roberts, who Is ueli.ig us agent, lost nil his fine assortment of tools for the manufacture of cabinet-ware, which ions falls h i.y upon tutu, us lie is a poor man.'B. Wo copy the following from the Wat- soiitnwn JJfcurd of this week : On Salurdav inorniiig la-t, one of lli most outrageous nnd brutipl ran suet ions Ilia I perhaps ever occurred lu this county was prrpetrated ne-ir Sinking rsiiiinijs, Delaware township. The S-enc of the revoitiui; crilLO wt on the premises i of Mr. T. ,M. Taggait, u'jout one mile uortlieasl j of Dcwait. Ou the mornine mentioned, as Mrs. Tatrgait was m the bam . Ic07ug the calves, George (belter known ss'Hlordy") beibert calleil ; at the door and inquired whether Mr. Tuggurt j was at home, and on recciviug teutive an swer, he passed through tbe door aud adjusted the fasteuin on the inId'. Mrs. r. nntieipat- Ice tho ilciiirn of the beouiuliel, endeavored to make her escape, but was caught by him und before rclenslin; his iulnima.'i ud niuideroiis irrasn. accomplished his hellisi. iiurpose. Ttio . alarm was iriven uud a warrant Hiocnred for the arrest ofthc villian, and placed in li.o handx of ' James Cummiugs, consiable of Wau"oulown. In the afternoon and evening seircli sat liluiie ll dilferent directions, lu which many of the i-iil. j x-.-ns of the neighborhood puili.'ipatcd. It ir.W I Xhk btir-lnefs of i.'ie I'tiea (X. Y.) Steam I)n coutinucd on Hunilav, but no trace of the fiend -ins Co., in iu 1K57, under the title of was found. On this day a brother of the guilty J tu(, -,-hk1 nnri Mann ..Aujin I'nuiuc Co., nnd re- parly was arrested on suspicion ol being con- j piaiued u."dcr that uamo lid Vi?U when lh new corned In bis escape, but released altera hearing : Compan w.ts formed undei the iiamu of iho '. before Justice LmUlir. Many spiculations were I i,,.a ftVa, uuine Co., A. J. William Is I're- i indulged in as to the probab.u route takeu by j jj,.t . j,,,, j-'." iliinii, 'lieaMirtJ-j ami 8. V. 1 Peibert. Great excitement prevailed In Dewart, Bug", tsecrrtnrv. Hie couip.irv uive cmplov Wutsontowu end lu the neigliboilioo.l of the out- IR.j lo 1S!) ' rt budding ponable teHm ill- ! rage, liliu M'BU-.a a i-je i.-euiii; in uie mailer. that it' til brute fan lieiu captured and brought back Co Dewnrt or V; -.-r,tovn tsatuiday evening, lie WJtild have certainly been lynched. .Mrs. laggnrt 1 a respectable woman and en Joys the good wishes of nil who know her. J ber endcavors to free herself from Seibert she received injuii -s in her lace which auscd her much pain. Dating s .itar lay nilit and Sunday she was very pmirlv. but under tlie care of Dr. Harley, sin- is rai i.lly reeoverJiK?. At last ac counts fjeibelt w.i- Mill at Vi.'ee. Thomas 1Ii:i.m, ii'erj- mail, and driver, ofShu rookin, took a rough boM to tit graveyard atOs mun's Church, iu Itlianiokiu towaship, ou Mon day laft, and on their return, near I'.ixlnos, stopped to water his horses. Oc (retting intothe wugou, it upset and tlirevr out the driver, who was slightly injured. Mr. Helm became entan gled in tbe lines, und was dragged some distance, receiving severe bruises on his body, and a se vere cut ia the head. Mr. Helm was takeu to bhainokin, where medical aid was summoned. Wg hear a gieat many complain of the scarci ty of money, but we have beajd bo complaining about tho fine clothing made up ut J. F. Bchaf fer's raercliaut tailor shop, ou V'uUi street, be low Market. In fact, there ran be no reason, us be isoneuf the most complete tailors in Ibis part of the country, and kuowa his business. His custom is constantly increasing on accouut of the satisfaction he renders to every one who pat ronizes him. Man Hi-iiT. A mau named Jco. GUlmau, In the employ of tho L. A h. R, R., was hurt on Friday afternoon last while utteadlug to his du ties as brakemun on the switching engine. His foot caught in a frog on the track, and whilst In this position, a car passed over ono of his feet, crushing the toes badly the w heels of the car also passed over both legs, but did uot break them ; he was doing welt wheu last beard from. yorthumbtrU'td Preu. , New Railw at GciDtU'e received from Mr. Jacob 6bipmaa, ticket ugeut, At the depot in this place, a complete railway guide for summer eicursion routes over different railroads, on which tbs rates have bacu greatly reduced to ex cursionists. Those contemplating pleasure trips dbrtng tbe summer season, wl'l Cud these guides wiveniftil.. Court PROcimniKOs.-BuniwTRr, June 17, 1673. Council mot at 8 o'clock Chief Ilurgcs Ma lick lu the Chair. Member present . A. Cake, Wm. It. Miller, J. M. Cadwailader, John Clark, Win. L. Dewart. Chas. Sensenbach, Geo. W. Smith, Jarod C. Irwin, Val. Dletz. Minutes of the last mealing read and approv ed. i The following resolution offered by Wm. L. Dewart was adopted t Resolved, that an order be granted to Jacob Bartholomew or f24, In full of Interest on bis boroogh order to this date. On motion of Mr. Dewart, It was agreed that the fine standing open against Charles Harp, on Justice Pursol's docket, for disorderly conduct on the street be remitted t Ou motion of Mr. Dewart, tho following reso lution was adopted i Resolved, That the proposition of tho Sunbuty Gas Company to put up additional gas posts and light stroets not now lighted, as amended and explained by them, be accepted by Council, uud the Gas Committee are hereby instructed to cu ter into the necessary contract, subject to appro val of Council. On motion of Mr.1 Dewart, Market street be tween Fourth street and tbe gut, be Oiled up by the Street Committee with limestone spates and dirt. On motion of Mr. Dewart, tbo following pro position was accepted t Haas it Fcgley propone to fund all their bonds, interest, and orders, and also to assin their claim against the County of Northumberland, amounting to some $1,000, in the new borough bonds, tf Council wlil renew their leasts on tho whnrf for ten years, from July 1, 1873. Tho following, offered by Mr. Smith, was adopted i Resolved, That there he a good stone crossing put In centra of Market street, between Third and Fourth streets. On motion of Mr. Dewart, the following was adopted : Resolved, That J. W. Cake be authorized to lay a board walk ou tho river bank t provided he docs not uiuko it more than Ave feet wide, and he does it at Ills own expense. On motion of Mr. Dewart, the following was adopted i Resolved, That the Street Committee be di rected to f urnish tho necessary tlaggiug to finish the pavement from Wclser's ware-house, on Third street, to Edward Kisley'a house. Ou motion of W. 11. Miller, the. follow ing was adopted i Resolved, That Council pay Thos. Roach the sum of t'i't per month as policeman for tho bo rough of Senbury, as proposed by Mr. Roach. On motion, the editor of The Unity was autho rized to call the attention of the people to tho pavement ordinance, and state that all pave ments uot laid by July 1, will bo laid by the bo rough. On motion of Mr. Dewart, the Chh f Bur.'ess was authorized to let tho tape-worm doctor, now In bunbury, hold fotth lu ih streets ut such a price as he thinks just nnd right. Kills presented uud orj.-is granted: Geo. Harrison 7 00 Chas. Gitrinircr 27 CO Jonas Tyson IS 00 Sol. R. Shine 45 00 John Sliissier , Oil Martin Kinney 0 uo Jos. Arnold 18 00 Allen Hopper 52 5U ieo. W. Kiehl 41 00 David ll.irtz 25 .Ti" Isaac l.eeser Henry W. Biieher , Thomas lloldworth W. Harp Jacob Cowle John R. White Henry J. Burlier Richaid Houghton Wm. Landau F. Randalls Chas. F. Ivletler Win. Mnntz Geo. 11. Uenn (Muikcl Clerk) ..... Chas. Garitiger J. Lelsetiring (Recorder) Paine Sz McCormick 14 00 30 52 It) 25 22 75 S) 75 '.I v: 0 00 ! 25 50 10 5t I 14 25 I 15 1)0 i 5 50 14 00 I 15 00 ! 2 50 I 5 bo Christian Martin 1 Jacob Fetter H r i Gas Co t0 00 Ou motion, Council adjonrnr-d. P. W. GiiAt; Clerk. Mine Aci idbn-is. Daniel Hollctibach,a miner at Luke Tidier Colliery, had u leg broken and was otherwise sevcrelv injured, on Saturday Ust, bv a fall of top. We learn he Is in a critical j condition. Francis IVihlcr, n young innn, diiviiig nt the Uig Mountain Colliery, met with an accident on the same day. He was bringing out from 11 j drift four wagons of coal with a mule, and w .ts j coming down a road of considerable grade at a 1 pretty rapid rate, when the -pleader becoming . disconnected, caught in a tie nnd brought the mule to a ileal halt. !.V;V., r was standing lit front of tho wagons, and wii ai tlieye.iine iu ion- ; tact wltQ tno m;llC) was ond;y K(1,leeArJ. The : mule had both ofits hind logs broken. Shan.j- Utralil. Don't forget the festival of the Uuiibury Hlvi r j Cornet lJand on the 24th, In Lvon's Hall. j Amitui:h Mas IIi iit. Mr. Frank Wyiio who : took Mr. Giilinairs lace on tho road had his arm slightly injured the day after the above ac cident. It appears to be mi unlucky position. . Xvrthumlu'ltiml rrt. ' Worm's Mowers and Reapers, tho best in mur- ! kel, for sale by H. K. Gooniucu at Rohrb ieh"s Fotic iry in Sieibury. Thu rcpaiiliij of Reapers ; ucoeuded to promptly. juOI I.t. Dost' worry your team and puti. nce with a -poor nuichJLpe. Go to Rohibach's Foundiy and : get the Wosd Machine. Goodrich will show ynu what it will d ). IIVH airriellltural Cliitil'':, talloll,lrv llg:nes, i I lllui iluurftVed circular saw -uill with scr.w or , i,... K,., Ti.i.v uaku and fueui.-h cverythiug noulsiletoaceoniMi'l' em-ines. steam pumps, boiler pumps. &e. Tu i'iabiisiinieirt covers 75.0(H) feel of land, with m. o'diinc, boile r, and forge shops, irou founJiy. and p.i'crn shops. The works uie run by an t-U-lunsj cv.-'ue. and have built s.mic 2,.'mH) Vugim-n of all decii! "l "is, which have been scut to all p..tU of the WOJ id. Cviiuncrcial liu'tctiu. Tlie C'ouli'Ksioii ol ju Invalid. I I'ublisheJ by u wmii'in and for the benefit of I Young Men uud others wnosuifer fiom N'kiivoi s. Dxuilitv, l oss or Manhood,. ne., supplying the means of self-euro. Written or i who cured j himself after undergoing considerable ouuekery. aud Hunt free or recuiviug a i-oi-t-iuiid directed ) envelop, bufleiors are Invited U address the author. X AT1I AX1 L MATFAIK, June 14,'73 din. Boi 153, Brooklfii, K. V. '" Foil Loss or Ajtetitk, Dyiicpia, IudlguUkiu Dtprcssiou of BpirliH ami general Debility, In their various forms, Ferro TkOaporatcJ Elixir of Callsuy made by Caswki.i., Hazaiih A Co., New York, and sold by till druggists, U the best Tonic. As n siiiiitilunt touie for p uienis recov ering from fever or other sickness. It has no equal. If taken during the season it prevents fever and ague, and other intermittent fevers. On Wednrsday last, by the Her. 8. J. M.lliken, Mr. William Oaeusoi., and Miss Isakaii Ki i.a bktii Dkk.ut, daughter of the late Charles llriglit, all of this place. ' NiwitiitY JitititcrK. Flour and Crulii Slnrkft. Extra Family SlU tHl Red WUeut.p. bu.,tl.Sd Buckwheat, p. el., s.00 Ryo, " b0 Corn Meal, " "J-W Corn, . ,Sn Wheat Bran, n. bu. l..'0 Huckw bent " 1.0U bhorts, 8. 00 Oats, hi lbs. 41) Corn A Oats Chop, .00 Flaxseed, 2.-J5 Timothy toed, p. W. S.OO, l'roduce Mttrkrt. Potatoes, 7li lluius, IN Eggs, per dox., l&iTallow, 10 Butter, per lb., !2diCninui v Sriap, 8 Lard, " IS LlrUal Apples, 10 Pides, lOl " lVatluw li tbouldris, i SzEASTD. $25,000 in SPRING- and SUMMER GOODS now open for inr-pootion f Tlic fincht stock of Ludics' Dress Goods in this section, Hosiery, Gins, Triiiis, Shawls, j iiue aim Jiuco viooti.s, carpets ut Ifl i Jl T- . - 1 . A. Merchant Tailoring, HICHftRD SIMPSON, "Wc have addud Merchant Tailoring ; to our businc with RICHARD SIMPSON as Cutter, and will ai:innt..c complete satisfaction in this as well as in every other department. Mt4iiiAl-Atttf "Wckcfpon hand constantly, Ut Imported Skwixo Macmm: Niiedles, and will for ward If y V - Mt any address post paid on receipt of cash pried Singer all kinds, aud Grovor & lialcor.' ;0 cts. per dozen, all other kind, GO ctf. per do.'.en. Mile DoMoroitV Patterns lor sale. Sunlmry, Pa., April 5, 1S73. "mon. Plantallon BITTER IS PUWCXT A VEQETABLB PBEPARATIOJf, eonv pojodslroplyofwsll known ROOTS, HERBS) and FRUITS, combined wltte other propartlea, which lu their nstura are Cstliartie, Apsrtonl, hu trlttous, DlorsUo, AlMratiT and AntJ-UUllons. Tba whole is ToMrved in a suffieleut qasntlty of spirit from tba SI'tiAtl V AN 44 to kwea thua la aar CUmata, wbiohauAuatha LAKTATION h Bitters on of lbs tti dsstrsbls Tomtes and Oattiar airs ia lbs world. 'Auy are tnVsnJwl strictly a a Temperaiiicb Bittors only to b ud tu milcine, kq4 2wr ftcoortllng o irHKTat Thoy are ih hwt-nrhor of lh feU BS debiH ttUd. Tbey ftt upon ft diMwed tiTr. cud HtXtanUto to aaeh ft dKTM tint ft heftit&j ftutlou i t oac tuouifli, ft bout. Aft ft leaitxiy to vbich Vomn mw MpMClftlijr ftubjftct U U raperftftdiug ftrerr oLhur attmulmcL Aft prmg ana amuAMonio Shcv bsvs no rqusb Tuey ara a wild and gtfctu ImrasUfe as wsll aa Totuo. Xnr Iurirv tbs Blood.' Tbs a a planuid Appetiser. Thty niaka the wask Sirens. They purllr and In vigors ts. Huy cura lrssiata, Constlpauoo and tisadacba. 'ibf-yactas a spaclo In all spsclea of disorders which uuaprmlua tks bodily a tram Ui and bnak dewu tba annual ?ju-ita . repot, 63 Puk Plaoe. Sew York. . Muy 17, "unsi(nb!c iulc, VOTICE is hereby tlven, tlmt at ;i CoiW-: ble's hale, ou tlie loth n.iyof May, ls7H, i.f i tbe personal goods of Joseph W. Myers, in iho boioiih of bllnbuiv, tbe fo'.iou int; mii lea were - ureliHe,l by the liiiilei.iirne I .- I C'ookiiiL' slova and liviure, 1 t'u biwrd and coiiteum, fi Wlnu- ! soi Ch.iiis. 'J I'iim Tsblis, id yard Rue Carpi ( 1 t'loek, 1 Coal iiiu-kut, 1 until I Loinire, 1 It Tin-ware, 1 Kadiant IjLt room stove, 1 (ri:ee, fi j Chairs, 1 Rocker, 1 iiere tdl Cloili, -a5 vir. j room Carpet, 1 wool Tablo-elot h, 1 Looking- ' tiliiss, a Beds and Uiddine, I bV-d.U-ul, 1 Iinrm i S chest., 1 l)e?k, 1 11-. 3 Barrels, $ Tubs, 1 ' Trunk, I Meat barrel, 1 T. an die bed nu.l Ped-' ding, 1 Lamp, Si wooden Hiu-tuts- Tke.-e o-..! are left lu the keeping of til salj Joph W. j Myers daring the plennro of t ii" ' i-ne I, ' snd the pu!;j u:e w.iincJ i.ol to u.ed Jin with i the .line. 3. W ntVI.IVG A S'tiX. j Kiiiihiii'v, May '.bio. 0. AT THE L : .CJO" J".-" S'iA 0 coijeistinrc of prcat variety and jinec, irom 25 cts, . . lull ami complete assortment or uriUChiilLrj. 35 "TVTSSW "RICE In I A M 0 M 0 SPEC.TAC L E S WATCHES : , -4 CN BISIXe BY AS EX-UIX WATCU. ! C-).u.-r Mm!.-i;. v.'::A 'l'L i.'-l !tt,-, !, ; SUNJUi" RY, PA.., i l.m.i:'.: in ;WATC!!ES. CLOCKS, JKWKLKY AX!) SILVKHWA!!)- 1 lll'Se J., lie lirl". l' '.ll. ll' 1. II ucuUlli Tiio kcictitiii.: ivmvri'is ol' i'g r- jtM iiir t i S. U'l.ov nr.; :. Cnl.l, Stivi :. t i liieV re t-i .ti-. 'i.iiiinr lu 'ill .i . ..l..iAs ui h-jl I i".ai iiui', in, uo - .1 rin ii'. .( ;'f li lo''i M llllll-li Mantif.u E. Sitw.-er a'oi- I'l i i.. c '.. 'Jl'lT' :u;i!Hiry Ph.. M y 1. sritraj iso n.M)i'..ii. MILLINERY OoDS FOP 1S7J j T L'tiT opened an expensive asru'.u.i.ut of JJ ) 8TRVW. VIlt.TXERY AND FANCY O'X.TkS. , co?iiv-Mnc latesl and inot ultmrtite atylea PC.e.'V.t v. '.:. care irom Itio iHeni: in., '.- liii t.eti-.'s in New YoiU tt'id Pbiladciji 1 1, uiul leu lor Ibe pi-e' I sensor.. l.irtHONs AM) VUiWFV !u i"i..t variety, a i mi. r .i -.on i ent of ncrk- IteS, orinilt.tlth foi -.av-i-'-rim. 'HtlMMlV'JhCF ALL I IS I S. Glov s, t ',lt..ra, f ill'-, nnd eff.-y l'uhlonrV! UI llele of lu lies' Wrsr. Call u.ul tee tbe new stv'.es f f-nods at MIS? :.'.,hhslt.k. Maiktt ;li'ire, Siiiburv. t'a. April Hi, 1W3, per day 1 Acenti W.-i.ted! All li)) tU W W classes ot wm king peonle, ol e.' In sex, oiu: or oM, ni.-o uu jo moutyet 'in k us lu their spare i"-mi' i,t ;.i all the liu.c' lhau Ht auylhing eioi. farm ii'i free. Addu-ts, ' STINSOX A; CO., i- l-l 1 V. Pull -ll 1. i. '.It. . 0 ami salo at tin; STA STORE, - - y st vwy low pricus. Nobis. upward, Uii Cloth. "Window Blinds tlTariT'lf Ghamoiun Gutter. & JEWELRY. C'-l : ' . I. i. 111. ire by . IM'V Snreaos. X 1 t'l!;.ii. ll. fitld i ll . ! I'll il. till -,!;.i ' -,s ',' '1-;.. iii l:.i!''t!i;i pri-.-: I'v.ti ii i u n u t ir.: -i . :i best f I 'J: V. uiiti 'J iiiii.i;v. (Sjf .IS to v lit ll iv i ... illl.i ,(.' 11.! t ii. vsj.tis:;rsj H. sjs.vx.o. 7.2 mmm CALL .SPECIAL ATTENTION' To their Immense Ptnr k of 1'ort'lgit uutl Auicrloim V It I a: si u r , DIAMON1XS JEWF.I.RV, SlLVIll AND 8lLVtl-UlTl Wi'..:, r , Rronxrs and Fsccv f)oo.l. Forirti-g t't i'LL'vi.VNT Ai CiRTilKNT iu every DZ- 1'ARTMENT. LOW t'UICilS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers