f " .7 f r THE SUNBUBY AMERICAN, w ruBusmcD btrry Saturday bt EWL WILVKRT, Proprietor, Moors A Dlislngo-'s Bnlldtag, Market Square, At 91.80 In Advance. It not paid within 6 Months . Snbtcriplion fat for Ut$ than Us Jfonthi. Cormitoittn with this establishment Is an oxton- slvoNEW JOB OFFICE, containing a variety of piam and runcy type equal to any establishment a the Interior of "the State, for which the patrou age of the public li respectfully loHcited. Professional. APT. BRICE, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, ajtd aotuio JTJ3TICE or ths PEACE. Next Door to Judge Jordan'a Keatdenco, Cheat nut Street, Sunbury, Pa. Collection and all logal matter promptly at tended to. JEREMIAH SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND ACTING JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Conve;anclB,the collection of claims, wrltlne, and all kind of Legal business will be attended to carefully and with dcapatch. Can be consult ed lu the finfjllsh and German language. Office formerly occupied by Solomon Mallck, Esq., op posite City Hotel, Suntiury, Pa. March g'J, 1873. lr. GA. BOTDOBF, Attorney nt-Law, OEORGETOWS, Northumberland Co., Poaua. Can be oonsultod In the Euglith and German languages. Collections attended to In North umberland and adjoining couutlcs. Also Agent for the Lebanon Valley Fire Insu rance Company. mhl5 Til. It. K ASF., Attorney nt Law, SUN- BUKY, PA. Ollice in Market t-qnnre, (adjoining the otllce of W. I. Ureenough, En).,) Professional business in this and adjoiuing coun ties promptly attended to. Sunhurv, March 18, l8T3.-1y. V. C. PACKER, Attorney at Law, Sunbury, Pa. November 9, 1872. tf. " DR. CHAM. M. MARTIN, PHYSICIAN AX!) SURGEON", Niii.hur.v, t'tmu'n. Officio on Front Slireet, next doiir to Unas A O.llue Hours. Until 8 a m. From 12 to 1 p m. Flu Ji 5 to tl p m., and al'tr U o'clock p n. At all olhur hours when not professionally en- puirel, ci'ii be found at Drug Store, on Third St., uevttn Clement Ilo'jse. augH,'7i.-ly j 8 11. DOVER, Attorney ami Counsellor 1 nt Law. Rooms S. 28 Second Floor, ! Bright' Building, SUSBURT, PA. Professiona I business atlenlel lo. In the courts of Northuin 1 IimUuI and adjoining corn-ties. Also, in the i Circuit unl Dittriet Courts for the We-tetn Dis trict of Pennsylvania. Claims promptly collect- i tJ. Particular attention paid to tare in Sank- ! runtcy. Consultation can bo had in the Oer- 1 man language. mnr25,'71. Til. KANE, Attorney at Law, SUN Jt BURY, PA., office In Masser's Building umirthe Court House. Front Room up stairs ofe the Drue Store. Collections made in Nor- ; huir.berland and adjolnlni; counties. Sunbury, Pa., June 8, 1872. JG. 9IARKEE fc CO. Market Street, . SUNBURY, PA. Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, Pocket Books, Daisies, Ac. S1VWOEVERTON, Attorney at Law. . Market Square, SUNBURY, PA. Profession al buinei-s In this nnitadjoiuliig counties prompt r ultcuded to. HD. MANSER, Attorney at Law, SUN- BURY, PA. Collection attended to lu the counties of Northumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. aplUMI'.l gOLOMOX JIIAMCK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offii-e at his residence nu Arch street, one squnra mrili of th Court House, near the jail, SUN t'.L'RY, PA. Collection and all professional niNiness promptly.ittitnded to In this and adjoin ng counties. Consultation can be had in tlio ler.nan language. July27-1872. i. W. ZIEM.KK. L. T. IIOnnDAOII. ZIEGI.ER tl- ROIIRKACH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ofllee In Haupt's Bnildlns, lately occupied by ludga Rockefeller and L. T. Rohrbach, Esq. Collections and all professions! business jr-mptly attended to lu the Courts of Northuin- lerlaud and adjoining couuties. Dec. 2. 1871. i . . . 1 . LfPtSTf otcls anD (stnnrants. UNITED NTATEN HOTEL, W. F. KITCHEN, Prnprwtor. Opposite the De ot SIIAMOKIN', PA. Every attention given to ravellers. and the best accommodations given, vpril 5, 187S. tf ITTASHINGTON IIOI'KE, C. NEFF , V Proprietor, Corner of Market A Second j ilCCVB, ItUUUQltQ LUC VUUIIi XlUll", PHUIIUIJ, a. Mav28,'70. I.EEGIIENV HOI'NE, A. BECK, t. Prnprioior, No. 813 and 814 Market Street, bove eighth, PHILADELPHIA. Term, $2 r day. He respectfully solicits your patron ga. Jantt'7i. I VrATIONAI. HOTEL. AUGUSTUS WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd j ouuty, Pa., at tlio Station of the N. C. R. W. j Choice wines aud ciirurs at the bar. i The table is supplied with the best the market j fiords. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. i rjlJIJIEL'S RENTACRANT, LX LOUIS II U M M EL, Proprietor, Commerce St., SIIAMOKIN, PENN'A. Having just refitted the above Saloon for the rcomodatlon of the public, 1 now prepared to :rvc jis friend with the best refreshment, and een Lager Bear, Ale, Porter, and all other malt uors. U II , L L. L- -ggSgB .nsiness tsnrbs. '. I. RHOID. t. pa-Ker bias TTT N. RIIOADN alt CO., V V RETAIL DEALERS Or NTHRACITE COAL, SUNBURY, PENN'A. OrricE with Haas, Faoklt A Co., Orders left at Seaskolti A Bro's., office Market reet, will receive prompt attention. Country istom respectfully solicited. Feb. , 1871. tf. AXTnRACITE COAL ! TALENTINE DIETZ, Wholesale and f Retail dealer In every variety of ANTHRACITE COAL, UPr-ER WHARF, SUNBURY, PENN'A. All kind of Grain taken In exchange for Coal, rder solicited and filled promptly. Orders left 8. T. Navln's Confectionery Store, on Third cat, wiU reelsve prompt attention, and money celptedfor, th aiu a at the office. DENTISTRY. GEORGE M. REXX, x HtmptonU Building, MarkH Square, BcMBrnr, Pa., prepared to do all kind of work pertaining . to Dentistry. He keep constantly on band large assortment of Teeth, and other Dental aterlal, from which he will be able lo select, d meet me want of hi auatomer. All worn warranted to giatlsfactioo,or elsa money refunded. The very best Mouth Wask end Tooth-Powdr pt on hand. In referem are the nameron patron for nom ba ha worked for th last tweiv year. Suubury, April 31, 1872. OAL! eOAlM C0414GKANTBROS., J Shipper and Wholesale and Retail Dealer In HITB AND RED ASn COAL, STJSTJCRY, PA. (lowxb wmar. J 1-irT" Role AglrW,-wetward,- at the .eelebWei seryClav Coalr J 19-1 SUNBUBY ISntfiUlliahed In IS AO. I PRICE 91 50 191 ADVANCE. ) cto Jbbfrtisfmcttfs. -u KEfSTcoA ivva no. ' THE undersigned having connected the Coal business with his exten-lve FLOUR A GRAIN trade, I prepared to supply families with the VERY BENT OK COAL, CHEAP FOR CASH. Egg, 8tove and Nut, constantly on band. Grain taken In exchange for Coal. J. M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, Jan. 15, 1870. tf. NEW TOBACCO AND SEUAR, AMD BRUSH STORE. South side of Market street between Sd and 4th SUNBURY, PA. Just opened, au entire ucw stock of all kinds of TOBACCO AND SEGARS. Segnrs of every grade. Tobacco of every varle'y. Pipes, both plain uud faniy. . BRUSHES ! BRUSHES I 1 BRUSHES I ! I A largo assortment of Brushes direct fiom the manufacturer at greatly reduced prices. His line Of brushes are a specialty and many new kinds never before introduced into this market. Also, Paper Collars and Cuffs lu great variety. A in rtre nssnrtmeut of all the popular Songs of the day. Call and examine my goods and get a list of prices. ilE.NKS I'ETERY. Novembers, 1873. ly aV V.H.T.Helmbold. TIIA.TJK MARK. KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Is thn ouly Known Remedy for Bright' Dis ease and hss cured every esse of Diabetes In which It has beon given. Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder and Inflammation of the Kidneys, VTcetation of Mm Kidneys and Bladder, Reten tion of Urlns, Diseases of ho Prostate Ulsnd, Btons In ths Bladder, Gravel. Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky Discharges, and fur En feebled and DWIcato Constitutions of botb Sui. h, aUended lth the following symptoms: Lo-s of Powea Loss of Memory, iHuirultr of Drcstti tBg, Weak Nerves, Wakefulness, rain In the Back, Kiushingof theBfxtr, Eruption on the race, ralUd Countsnanee, Lassitude of the Sysieiu, etr. C'sed by persons In the decline or chain,').' u ' Hfe; after conuDftnnt or labor pains, bed-wn ting In children, etc In many affection peculiar to ladies, the Ki traot HarJia is uneqnsled by any other remedy Aa in Chlorosis or Ktlenllon. Irrcgnlsrlty, Pain fulness or Suppression of Customary evacuations, t'lcerat'id or Hchirrus state of the l urus, Leu eorrhota or Whiles, Sterility, and for all com plaint incident to the sex. It I prescribed extensively by the most eminent Physicians and Mldndvcs for enfeebled and delicate constitu tions of both sexes aad all age. KEAIIREP9 EXTRACT BITCH l', Oirei fUttaif Atlrtnf from fmprudtnttt, TliMu of OUHpaUm, Etc., la all their etARea, at little expense, little or no change la diet, no In convenience, and no exposure. It causes a fre quent desire, and pives strength to urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra. AllnyiiiR Pain and Inflammation, so frequent in this class uf die cases, aad expelling all poisonous matter. KEARNEY'S EXTIIACT BHOH(t, tl.00 per bottlo or six bottles for fS.no, dallvrm so any soarves, secure irum uwwm.ihiu. miw i flrUKiBetsevervwhere. Prepared by i KJtARNKT A CO., 104 Pmuie St, N. T. to whom all letter for Information should btj t addressed. i AVOID QUACKS AND IMPOSTCR. Ko Obarge for Adrlo and Con solution. r. J. B. Iryott. Oradnateof Jifftrton Ittdltnl CntUeti, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can be consulted on all disease of the Sexual or Urinary Organs, (which he hss aiade au especial study), either In wale or female, no matter from what cause originating, or of bow long standing. A practice of 80 years enables blm to treat diseases with success. Cares guar anteed, diaries reasonable. Those at a dis tance can forward letter describing symptoms, and enclosing etainp to prepay postage. Send for the u-U lu U-attK. Prioe 10 cent. J. S. DT0TT, M. V., Physician and Surgeon, J04DuaaBt.,.wYock. February 8, 1873. ly. HEAHONAnLE 0ODN. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES at JIIm Kate Black', Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. LADIE'S DRESS GOODS of every style and quality. White Goods, Fancy Goods, Notion aud Trim mings a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Everybody I invited to call and see them and buy cheap. May 3, 1S73. NFKIVCi MILLINERY OOODM, A full line of RON NETS AND HATS, trimmed and tintrlmtned. Flower, Ribbons, Collar, Cuffs, II indkerchltfs, Necatles, and ra general variety of MILLINERY GOODS selected with great rare from the leading Im porting bouses in New York and Philadelphia, at MISS M. L. GOSSLER, Fourth Street, below the 8. V. R. R. Every effort will be made to please those wi favor her with their patronage. April 20, 1873. THE PARKER GUN. END STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BROS WEST ME RIDEN.CT. March 99, 187S ly. J. F. LERCH'8 WmARRIAGK AND WAGON MAKINGgSS. ESTABLISHMENT, CflMTNUT ST, SUNBUay, PA. VinictM d iix Ktndi Mati to 0Ae. Tb latest style and th beat werktnanshlp. Sample may Ue eeea at the ibos. fllve him call. ... Sonbnry, Dec". 7, 1873. tf. SUNBURY, cto Abbcrlismcnts. KIM1INO AND SUMMER JOODS Jnat Oprnrd at the Store of Reed Brother Srawholtc, (successors to 8. O. Reed A Dro.) COMPRISING OF DRY GOODS of every description and variety such as DrfNK Woods) comprising all the novelties in fubrlc and shade. White Cioodn, Fancy (Jood. Full Assortment of Notions,, which are being sold at the lowest Cush Prices. Also, Groceries and Provisions, puro and fresh. Qceknswark, Glassware, and Wood and Willow Ware, Nicest Brand of Flour constantly on lirtnd. A very largo ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and common, always on band. HOOTS AND SHOES from the celebrated hand made Boot and Shoe Manufactory of Watsontown, for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. BEAD Y-MA DK CLOTHING, of nil elzt!9 and of the latest styles. F L O U U . A constant supply of western white wheat Hour a speciality. The public are Invited to call and examine our Good tree of charge. Our motto is "Quick Sales and Smnll Profits." and lo please all. The highest prices wilt be paid for all kinds of country produce. Ry strict attention to business and keeping nt nil times the must complete stoek. nn I selling nt llielnwest prices, wo hope to merit a f ill share of patrunngu. REED BROTHER A SEASIKM.TZ. Sunbury, May 3, IS"!. 4 S 73 M r. 3 9 a. a . 2 ;:f a S -3 n 2 7; 2. - - 3 'A; M . o 3 3 . "! tl 53 m 25 V. H re Cx3 WANHINCi .MADE EANVI A Want long felt at last supliedby the Improved 'Ni l CESS" WASHING MACHINE ! ! With adjustable Washer, reeently added, in creasing it utility 50 per cent, Invented and patented by 6. M. SMITH, York, Pa. It clean all kind of Clothing better and quicker than any other Washer. It clean per fectly and without Injury, any article from the finest Lnce Curtain to the heaviest Bed Clothing. It will cleanse a half dozeu Gentlemen's Shirts, badly soiled, In from 5 to 8 minutes, Including the Collars and Wristbuuds. The steam being confined In the Washer, the clothing while being washed is also bleached. Over 800 Machine were Bold In York and Lan caster Countle aad over 170,000 worth in thl State and Ohio, within a year t giving satisfac tion. Tbe celebrated Self-Adjusting EUREKA Wringer Is attacked to the machine. Idtf In from one to two hour a large Family' Wash can be done and rinsed, wUh less than balf tbe labor required by band. Binning is don) In thl) Machine thorongbly and rapidly. W ask no one to purchase without Bret trying It merit. Binoli Machines, 118. With Wringer, I2.S. tSf Address all ordess to IRA T. CLEMENT, Manafactarer and Agent, Sunbury, Pa. Saneirr. April 26, 1873. Dt'lLDERaS Send favour Itlasrraied CeUJogw fif new hook oa balldiog. A. J. BH KNELL A CO. 9,'7a.4. Zt Warrcu-t. New Yorlt, .mm PA., SATURDAY MORNING, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL D It. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, has discovered the most certain, speedy, ploasaut and effectual remedy In the world for nil DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affection of Kidneys and Blnddcr, Involun tary Discharge, Impotency, General Debili ty, Nervousness, Dyspcpsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, A flections of LI ver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowel these terrible Disorder arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitary practice more fatal to their victim than the song of Syren to the Mariner of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, fcc, Impos sible. ' lOUNG MEN especially, who have become the victim of Soli tary Vice, thnt dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweep to au untimely grave thousands of youmr men of the most exalted talent and brilliant Intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senate with the thunder of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the living lyre, may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Piocreatlve Power Impotency), Nervous Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or any other Disqualification, speedily relieved. He who plaecs himself under the euro of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentle ninn, and conQdcutly rely unon Ills skill as a Phy sician. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Impotency, Loss of Power, immediately Cured and full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage impossible Is the penalty paid by the victim of improper indulgences. Young persons arc too apt to commit excesses from not beiugawnro of the dreadful conseqcuccs that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation Is lost sooner by those fulling Into Improper habits than by the prudent 1 Besides being deprived the plensurcsof healthy otTxprinir, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. Tbe system becomes de ranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weakened, Los of Procreatlve Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Conhlitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CURE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined In health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trifling month after month, Inking poisonous and injurious compounds, should npply immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Burgeons, Lon don, Grnduntcd from one of the most eminent Colleges In the United States, and the greater part of whose ifo has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has etlectcd some of tbe most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ring ing in tbe bead and cars wheu asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden soands, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes w ith derangement of mind, were cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injitrrd themselves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ill in both body and mind, untitling them for either business, study, society or mar riage. Tiif.se are some of the sad and melancholy effects produced by early habits of youth, viz: Weakness of the Buck and Limbs, Pains lu the Buck ami Head, Dlmneva of Sight, Los of Mus cular Power, Pulpltution of the Heart, Dyspcpsy, Nervous Irritability, Dcrungemeut of Diirentivc Ktinct Ions, General Debility, Symptom of Cou Bumption, Ac. Mentally The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Los of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forebodings, Aversion to Society, Sslf-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, fcc, are sume of tho evils produced. Thousands of persons of alt ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous und emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, conghand symptoms of consump tion. VOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice Indulged In when alone, a habit frequently lenrned from evil companions, or at school, tho elleets of which are nightly felt, eveu when asleep, aud If not cured, renders marriage impos sible, and destroys both in hid uud body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, tbe darling ef bis parents, should be snatched from nil prospects and enjoymeuta of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and Indulging in a certain secret habit. Such person mi'st before contemplating MARRIAGE, reflect that a tound mind and bdy are the most uoccstury requisite to promote connubial happi ness. Indeed without these, the journey through life becomes a weary pilgrimage i the prospect hourly darkens to lliu view j thu inlud becomes hndowed with despair aud tilled with the melan choly reflection, that the happiness of another becomes blighted with ourowu. A CERTAIN DISEASE. When the misguided end imprudent votary of pleasure tinds that he has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too olten happens that an ill-timed svtise of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from educutiou and respectability, cuu aloue befrieud lilin, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noctural pains lu the head and limbs, dimness of sight, ucufucss, nodes oa tho shin bones and urms, blotches on the heud, face and extremities, pro gressing with frightful rapidity, till nt lu.t the fialate of the mouth or the bones of the nose full n, aud the victim of this awful disease become a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to hi dreadful sullering, by sending bim to " thnt Undiscovered Country from whence uo traveller returns." It Is a melancholy fact that thousands DIE victims to this terrible disease, through falling Into thn hand of Ignorant or unskillful PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Pol son, Mercury, &c, destroy the constitution, aud incapable of curing, keep tbe unhappy sufferer mouth after month takiug their noxious or In jurious compouuds, and instead of beiug restored to a renewal of Life Vigor and Happiness, in des pair leave him with ruiued Health to sigh over his galling disappointment. Ta such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledge him self to preserve the most Inviolable becrecv, and from bis extensive practice and observations in the great Hospitals of Kuroiie, and the tlrst in this country, vlx : England, France, Philadelphia and elsewhere, Is enabled to otter the most cer tain, speedy uud elfectunl remedy lu the world for all dlseusr of Imprudence. DR. JOHNSTON. OFFiUE, NO.. 7, B. FREDERICK 6TREET. Daltimoki, M. D. Left haud side going from Baltimore street, a few door from tbe corner. Fall not to observe uame aud number. t-?No letter received nales postpaid aud oonlalning a stamp lo be used on the reply. Per son writing should state age, and lend a portion of advlrtlseiueul describing symptoms. There are so many Paltry, Designing aud Worthless Impnster advertislug themselves as Physicians, trilling with and ruining tbe health of all who unfortunately fall luto their power, that Dr. Jobnstou deem it necessary to ay es pecially to those unacquainted with hut refuta tion that bl Credential or Diploma alwujs bang in bia otllce. ENDORSEMENT OF TnE PRESS. Tbe many thousands cured at tkis Establish ment, year after year, and the numerous Im. portant Burgseal Operatlou performed by Dr. Johnston, wituessed by the representative of the prca and sonny other paper, notice of wbleh have appeared agaht and agaiu before the public, besides bis Btanttlug aa a' gentleman of character and responsibility, la a aui&cleut guarantee lo the afflicted. Sblu diseases speedily cured,. Marca 1, 1673.-1J AMERICAN JUNE 14, 1873. Editor') Tabic. The June Number of ItARrp.n's Maoazinr opens tho Forty-seventh Volume Under most brilliant auspices. The number contains sixty seven engravings, nud all its illustrated articles, with one exception, relate to our own country. The May number contained a very pleusant sketch of a yachting trip among the .Azores. In the current number a beautifully llliitrntccl ar ticle, by II. 1). Jarves, on "Cheap Yachting," gives pen nod pencil pictures of tho Interesting localities about Buzzard's Bay. The beauties of cheap yachting are graphically portrayed by the thn writer, who shows that the expense, of a de lightful yachting trip 'necd bo no greater than that of board nt ordinary, unfnshlonnblo wnter-lug-plnccs." Through Mr. Los.lrg's pen, and tho kindness of Dr. Thomas Addis Kuimct, of New York, who has placed in the artist's hunt. his rare pictures from the celebrated Lord Rawdon col leot'on, we have a very interesting paper entitled "The Marquis of Hastings In America." Fac similes are given of these pictures, which givo HCcurnte views of Boston and New York a centu ry ago ) of the Bunker Hill battle-fluid Just ufter the conflict t of the burning of Chnrlestown t and other seems and iucidents connected with the Revolution. Miss Constance F. Woolson contributes a very entertaining paper, excellently Illustrated, oil the "Wine Islands of Lnko Erie." Among oth er things, shu tells the thrilling story of Beall's privateering expedition. A Very characteristic article, giving the dctnils of a tour In the Harz Mountains, or ''Toy country" of North Germany, with nearly tbiity novel illustrations iffR character and scenery, is contributed hy Henry Blackburn, formerly Editor ot London ,SVcirfr. .Miss II. R. Hudson contributes uuothor Illus trated poem, "To-morrow." Poems lire also given by Bayard Taylor, William C. Richards, and Carl Spencer. Tho Editor's Easy Chair, though not yet re sumed by Mr. Curtis, contains somo very "grace ful reflections suggested by the four-hundredth birth-day of Copernicus. Tho Edi'.or's Library Record is a valuable cri tical summary of recent literature. tsccllnncous. J3 THE VAMI'IKE. Tit VNSI.ATKD FIIOM TtlK G HUMAN BT T. BllAAV. It was in the fall of the year 18, and I was slill au old student, with high aspiring plans iu my head and the dream-god of future fame iu my heart, Tlio bustle of the capital disturbed mc, nad iu social pleasures had no attractions for nu Dur ing tlio day I frequented, diligently, college-lectures and hospitals, and at uight I often sat studying over my books until daylight. Iu the same way as I had here tofore beeu absorbed with predilection in the mysterious history and writings of the middle ages, 1 wus now enticed by the his tory of nature nud its phenomena, of which philosophy and physiology have not yet found the cause. The vacatiou hail commenced when I set out on a trip to my old home, for recrea tion. Tho village, which is coucealed among the mountains, is, even yet without tiuy railway connections, and I concluded to walk with kuapsack ou my back the distance from the ucarest railway station to my home, several miles. It was noon when I lull the train, aud I only expected to reach the end of my journey toward night. The part of the country through which my way led was very rich in forests. The leaves already commeuccd to tall ; bin thu foliage which was left ou the trees dis played the most beautiful colors in the golden rays of the autumn suu, nud the nir was filled with fragrant odors. With extended chust and uplifted head I walked ou with elastic step. Xaluro it self, which 1 had forgotten while studying natural history, rcfrcshtd me. Toward eveuiug a strong wind drove the clouds together with great swiftness. Heavy nt'.udrops commenced lo full on the leaves, and then all delight and every radiance was wiped away from earth, a dark gray sky hanging over the half naked trees a iicl fum ing meadows. I was soon dripping wet nud glad to reach the small city of It, which 1 only noticed among mist and rain and quickly growing darkness, wheu I stood before its ancient walls. I looked around on the deserted market place for the hotel Tho Ked Lion, where 1 hud once waited the stagu-coach on my way to the University. A light was burn ing iu iho doorway, und while turuing to ward the siltiug rooiu my eyo fell on a bill Willi gigantic letters posted ou the wall : 'Jor the first time iu this city, to-morrow evening, tho grand spectacle 'The Vam pire.' Admission, &c.' 1 went directly up to my room, changed my wet clothes for a Sunday suit, tho only ouo my carpel-bag contained, undsatdowu uear the lire. When the waiter brought iu my supper ho laid a theater bill ou the table iu trout of me. Taking tho paper in my haud I asked hitu 'Since wheu have you a theater in JJ- V" 'We have always, had a theater, but uol always a theatrical company. Tho present director, however, isdoingitgood'buKiuess. The gentlemen of the court never miss a performance, aud lust Saturday all the olli ce r from 1) came over to ace Mta Ijeouitu iu her great part of Louisa Miller in. The piece which will be given to-inor-row evening is said to bo expressly written for hor. I could not help smiling. 'The Vam pire' was, without doubt, an old English mulo drama, which 1 recollected aiuco my tirst study years at the college. 1 looked over the bill. Yes ; there were the Euglish names to which the director had added short, characteristic explanations. 1 read : Sir tiiuvillo Lillburue, a nobleman of very aristocratic family, poor, but i roud and jealous. Marsden.lhe Vam pire, a phantom-like fiend, who renews his life by sucking the blood from other persons.' 'That is her father,' said the waiter. 'Whoso father 1" 'Miss Leonila's father ; a good old soul, but somewhat weak iu his legs.' '1 she a very lovely girl V 'That elas is.' He turned his eyes iu rapture upward to the ceiling. 'Hut alas, she won't stay with us much longer. A geullctuau from the capital will arrive here to-mono w, and it is said that he haa en gaged her Cor the Koyal Theater. If you 'Enough,' I interrupted hlra. '1 wish you good-night, sir.' 'Good-night.' It did not stop raining. The water ran dowu in the gutter near tbe wiudow. From time to time the storm turned to ward tbe house ; it gioaued and cracked outside iu tiki hall, aud the shadows on ray bed-curtain, moved backward and forward. I could uot sleep. The theater bill had giveu my thoughts a peculiar direction. What it superstition in the history of Vam pirism V What is (ruth ? Llvreg persons fancied themselves attacked by the dead, who sucked their blood, until they were aruicted with illueas aud died. Tbe news pncrs announced in the 17th century that iu Ktrtiia and 1'olantJ vampires h id bceu Kfew NerOsi, Vol. 5. o. Il ! Old Norle, Vol. 8!, Xo. 2H. seen sucking tho Mood from men nnd beasts in plain daylight. (Upire or vampire means in the Slavonic language blood sucker). Tho most wonderful and adventurous stories are tDld iu Hungary of a certain vampire by the name of Michael Caspcrck. A whole city in (irecco hud become frantic with fear for vampires. Kvcn in India is this tradition of tho vampires known, and thry are called Tisachns.' Those nnd others similar thoughts came in my mind. I meditated on tho pi rent ship of vampirism with zoanthropv, when men fancy themselves changed into ani mals and act according to the logic of this irenzy. It wns nlrrndy Into when I woke up. Tho r.iin fell dowu in streams, nnd the waiter brought uin tho tidings that my clothes were not dry yet and tho bridgo near D had been torn nway by tho boisterous mountain stream. I could not, in this slate of nlfuirs, do ony better than lostny in the Ked Lion. At tho dinner tabln 1 formed acquaintance with "the gcnllcmau from tho capital,' who catno to lake nxvnv from thn ironil filirnii nf II 'the pearl of the theater.' He was oua of tho othcial agents for tho Royal Theater, who in this dull place found even in mo a grateful listener to his jokes and theater and city stories. lie invited me to see the Iterformnncc with him. It was already late when we started for tho theater. Tho stagr was lit up with tallow candles, the scenery poor and threadbare j a mouldy air lllled tho whole building. Tho performance had already com mencod when we entered, but what did wecaro for tho plot We came only to see Miss Ioo nita. 'That is nn nppiration !' rejoined tho agent, when she left tho scene. He had measured her capacities at oneo with the eyes of a connoisseur, and rubbed his hands with satisfaction. 'Will you engage her ?' 'At once,' ho replied. 'A quarter of nn hour after the performance of this stupid juece sho will he an nctrcsa of tho Iloval Theater. Wo shall of course ho obliged" to take the poor old man in the bargaiu.' The poor old man was leonila's father, who had just again niado thu most pitiful exertions to do justice to his part of a mys terious fiend. 'A ruio,' proceeded the agent, nlluding to iho old man, 'hut ho loves his daughter so enthusiastically that he exposes himself daily to the anger and scorn of the public, iu order to act on the stage with his child.' All I recollect from tho whole plot is that in the last act the 'very lovely girl' was to be sacraflced to tho Vampire. ' Sho was all alone on the stage when tho curtain rose. After a short monologue she stretched out on a bed, and now a short pause, and her father, the Vampire, rousi. appear. Ho appeared, and never until my last hour shall 1 forget the Impression his ap pearance made upon me and every one else. Was it possible to produce such a death like mask by means of paint and mimic V llow shall I describe the lead colot or rather theentiro lack of color, the hideous, deep, hollow eyea aud the creeping, noiseless step V I thought myaelf dreaming nud cast a hasty glance around me, but every wncro I met tho expressiou of horror. Children clung to their mothers, who were not less depressed. Powerful men covered their faces wiih their hands, and even tho iron hearted agent shuddered with terror. Not a breath, uot a sound was heard in the whole house. Deadly silence reigned ; nothing could I hear but the hasty beating of my own heart, while the Vampire stole 10 me resting place oi lite girl. hy 1 was so horror struck when I saw him 'ap proach her I could not tell, but I felt thai l could not turn my eyes away from him. I would have given a fortune had I been able t cry aloud, hut I could not. I seemed lo be under tho spell of a sorcerer, nnd hung with every nerve on the actor who now bent over tho girl. A moment later, nnd she ju.nped up with a shrill cry, staggered toward the footlights, aud fell down. Xo. that was uo longer acting ! Only a deadly stricken person can cry nnd fall in this manner, and there, there from under her head gushing' a dark streak blood ! Thu spell was broke n ; with one leap I jumped over the balustrade, and tho agent lifted the wounded girl up nnd carried her into her dressing-room, whero we gave her all possible assistance. 'Where is her father ?' I naked hastily, while trying to stop the blood which was running from a ghastly wound in her neck. 'He must not escape." One of iho actors ran o(T, nud soon came back with ihu surprising information llmt her father was lying unconscious iu his room. 'What do you thiuk of it ' I asked tho agent. Jle was not the man,' ho whispcrd to inc. 'Ho was not dressed yet f r thu lat act.' v Shut all the doors ! I cried out. It was too late. Tho 'other' had al ready escaped. For the poor girl it was also "too late.' The wound had proved fatnl. A sharp Inquest placed thu innocence of the unhappy lather above all doubts. Ac cording to his own declaration lui was in his room dressing for iho last act, when suddenly a form Mood before i.im iu the exact costume tlf iiis part, but with such a horrible face lhal be fainted for fright. Thu murderer was uot discovered. They suspected, however, a colleague nf the old tutor, who had solicited eiuit:t's haud befote she weut oil the stngu.and had beeu refused, bill hu had left (ieruiany long be fore the murder took place. Telegraph lines wero not so generally established ut that timo. Several Jfears ha.1 .tcl bv iice this terriblo incident hud taken place. Fata and diiiappnoiiitmcitl had driven mo to the city of Vancouver, iu the statu of Oregon. Vancouver, nt the present dav uolhim; but a shadow of what it used to be, was at the time a ftourishins city, for the gold luiues in Upper Columbia had uot been dis covered yet. I was gold-digger, doctor, uowspaper editor iu ono word, advuutur er, like all the rest. Or.e eveuing I was t ailed to the sick-bed of a dying man in tho howl. The waiter did uot think it worth the while to show me up, but contented himself by giving me a light aud the num ber id the room. Vhca I bent over tho sick man, with the light iu my hand, I ut tered a cry of horror : tbe countecauce of the Vampire ttared at me. 'Who Is here V be sUcobeJed ; 'what uo yotfwautf A 'I am tho doctor,' said I, collecting my self at Well as possible. J do not want a doctor, I ueed a priest,' he gfoaned. (t was'hislast word. The siruggUV of death eloicd his mouth! a i) vftimshD jjci i Km: its 10 Lines, or iiWjI 1 00 Word', make n (ti" 18., l.oo. 2 8.,' .oo 3.00 8.f.t!i 4.50 6.00 O.T.'i 7.fio S.Ot D.oti Oft.i 4 .So Urol Wcnll 8.001. " 11.00,1? v 1K.0U-.U0O 15.0028.50 i7,0 2S.rq 18 007.60 o.ooso.w V 5.00 40.04 ho.t.UDO.OO 1 5.001,76.00 co.coi.oo One week e.r.i. 8 8. Mi 4 4. SO: 5, 5.5n, B.lfcli 7. .no fi.no Tiro week s 1.60 00 8.00 07 0.00 ,00.10.00 00 13.00 OOlS.fHi ,00 15.00 OOfiO.OO Three " Four " Five Six " Tffo nio's Three " fix " Nine Ono Tear S.tXl U.WV t!.7S a.oo a.2.- 8.5o: S.tKfc 7. SOI 8.50! li.oojist .ooua.oo .OOII5.O0 ,00;40.00 ;n.tvj: ).tK) tO.Otij IS.Oo in. la.tHi; lA.IHMSJO, This man had carapod tho Judgr., but notjusticu; for his guilt and' conacionc had followed him across the ocean. OVere land Yokr. 8 timorous. I'aNlilouiable Mluging, Kll l'orkins has been making somo fash iouablu call on some of the shoddy upper tendom, and gives a lively account of his experience in the Ora hk. During the call hu was treated to somo music, served up in the latest stylo. Wo make nn extract from this part of his letter, tho accounts is so touching : "Io, Miss Julia, do sing us thnt dtfjtin song about the moon do !' pleaded Au gustus. Then Julia flirted up her panniers behind , coqucttishly wlgglo waggled to tho Jtlrtoo and sang : When tlier tnnoit boon is ml-liilil ly be-hentu in; O'er tiler ca-h:ilm and sl-lil-lent e-e-c-n, Its ra-dyunee so su-hoft-ly ntcn-Hcaui-Ing, Oh, ther ben. oh, ther-heii I thee-hiuk llof t'uee-hee, I thee-hlnk, I thee-hlnk, , . I tlire-ii'e-lio-hvhvlii'he-hluk bof theereecee ! I "neautiful. Miss Julia, beautiful I" and we all clapped our hands. '"Ho pleaso sing another verse It's per fectly diyinc, Miss Julia," said Eugeno Augustus. Then Julia raised her golden (dyed), head, touched the white ivory with hot Jewelled lingers and warbled : When the aur-hmi i brlyb-bi hiht-ly glowing O'er the su-heno so deaf-hcar to meec, And awra-beet the Viee-lilnd is blo-bo-holng. Oh, ther-ben, oh, ther-hen I thee-hhik Hof Ihee-hee, I thee-hlnk, 1 I thee-hlnk, 1 thoe he-lii lieheliohclie-hlnk liohuholiohoVibo holioho h-o-f tbeececeeceeeceee !!!!!! "Beautiful ! Just tot) lovely !" All About Hit Iron Fence, A Dnnbury man started for Greenwich, Friday, to see an iron fence for we don't know, and it really makes no difference. ' Ilo went. He wanted to o olt ou tho 9,50 train ; so ho hurried homo to get ready, His wife nnd a vicious outside woman were cleaning house, and it was some liltlo timo before he could get his society-suit ready. In thu meantime he opened tiro on tho largest half of a custardpie, holding it in his hand, and dancing around yellim for his things. When she brought his over coat he set the pio ou n chair to put on tho cont, but iu his nervousness stepped on tirrii end of a long-handled whitewnsh-biusli which wns balanced across a pail, and tho other end Hew up and discharged about a. pint of the awful mixture over the sofa,' wall paper, and his pnntingaud Indignant wile. Sho made a remark, and he contra- dieted it. Then he sat down in the chair' where the pie was, and got up again willi a howl that would have melted the stoutest heart. She wauled him to wait while sho scruped olf thu surplus ; but he wns too mad to converse in word of more than oue syllable, nnd started for the depot, and. boarded car removed I he olfeusivo lunch. Ho got to Orceuwieh all right, and lookeil. at the fence. We hope he admired it. Then hu started for home, but missed tho -train ; und, as the next train whs au ex- press und didn't stop at Greenwich, ho was obliged to walk to the drawbridge at Cos Cob, or stay in Greenwich all night. So lie walked up there iu the rain ; but didn't mind it much, ns he had an umbrella, and the pie was pretty well dried in. When ho got to Cos Cob he stood up on a fence to look at the scenery, nud swear, when a sharp gust of wind look olf his hat and car- . ried it across a bog lot. Theti ho sUJffpei dowu on the other side too amazed to ex press himself, und another gust of wind cam nlouged and turned thu umbrella in- side out. A brief conversation here ensued between himself and the umbrella, nnd he aguiu started for the hat. When ho got up to it, he kicked it arotiud several times, and then jammed it dctvri on his head, and started oneo more through' the bogs us the train drew up at the bridge. It was a terrible struggle, as the bogs wero. uncertain ; but ho strained, and coughed. 1 nud spit, nnd howled, and swore, and it did seem as if he would catch it after all. When he thought ns he stood on that fence nud watched that train sail across tho bridge, uo human being can tell. An hour later he npeared in Stamford, wet through to thu skin, splashed with' mud, nud with an expression on his facu that would have scared a hydrant. Back ing himself against ho depot, he Blood there until near mi uight, aud then went -up on the owl train to Norwalk. falling4 4J -bleep iu the meantime, and narrowly es caping being carried by tho depot. Here . he took the freight for Daubttry, arriving at home just before daylight. His wtfo wns abed, but not sleeping. Sho lay there torn by forebodings and harassed by sus- pence, rerhaps he was dead, nnd lying on the cold ground iu the rain. Then sho thought of his lifeless body, and groaoed ; nud thought of iho pie, and groaned again. She knew his knock the moment it sound- cd, and, rushing down iu the costume ap propriate t't lltut hour, she threw herself., into his hair, and hysterically shouted : "Oh! j ou old rascal! come iu here l"' A German peddler it tho inuoceut au- thor of a problem of which wo beg the solu- i lion : lie was asketl it it was not heavy -! work carrying a big pack around day after ' day. "Oh, yes," be replied, "it vas heavy," Well," said tho omrist, "d you tuike much?" "Veil, I dunno; sotuo days (, make nothing, ncd odcr days t'Vict; tv i much.' "CaITINO" it. Yillago t)anae 'Looie ye here, Hodges, that butcher's boy, drat I hitu, 'a bin aud set his dog at my cat, au' ; the poor thing '11 be skearcd for a wotk I" I Ilodun (with a grinj "but I can tell ye. I summut wus than' that. Sirs. Crown.' foliy .. Spigoit, o' the Lamb, hay' set her cap at : the young miller, ou', martf into, he'll hjva a tartar h r life. Why we uro led la tnTer that David and Joshua were intemperate men t liocauw , David, wheu he went out to meet tioliah. : on th field of honor, "took a sliug, and. Joshua previous to his attack on the walls, of Jericho, "took a horu," and gave i "rcglaf Wow out.' Jen old" fanner nancd Ami, returning, from market a llttlo boozy, stopped for a nap. Awakiug at adght a litUs bewilder- d, hssohloquiiiidUius Am' I Arul or am I not Atuiv if I urn, Aral,, thou- whera . am ( ; if I am nut Ami, then who it H' detfttj am IT'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers