THE 5UNBURY AMERICAN. M VCIO.1 USD KV KRY SATURDAY BY ' EM' WILV RT, Proprietor, loors A Plsslngor's BulldJug, Market Squars, At 91.50 In Advstnoe. II nt pstld within 6 Month) 92. 6iAtcrptiom tnktn for tin 4han tU Monti. CoxwaotM) with tbit establishment Una pxten lvtNEW JOB OFFICE, containing variety of un and fnnr.y type equal to any establishment n the Interior of lbs Btote, for which the patron- t of lac public ra reectrully solicited. s professional. A., -... ATTORNEY AT LAW, jib ACtixi JC3TICE or the PEACE. Nrt Door to Jade Jordan' Resldonoe' Cheat, ut Street, Sunbnry, fa. OollMttou and all legal matter! promptly at yided to. JEREMIAH SNYDER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND .CTING JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Conveyanolag.the collections of claims, wrltlnes, ad all kluds of Legal busluess will bs attended i carefully and with despatch. Canoe consult 1 In tbs Enifllnh and German language. Office irmerly occupied by Solemon Mallck, Esq., op ait City Hotel, Bitubury, l'a. Mareh 89, 1873. ly. A. BOTDOKF, JTe Attornoyat-Law, GEORGETOWN, Northutnbnrland Co., Ponna. Can. be oonsultnd in the English and German tnguage. Collection attended to in North niberland and adjoining couutles. Alio Agent for the Lebanon Valley Fire Insu ium Company. mil 15 rll. II. It A ST., Attorney nt Law, SUN- BCRY, PA. Office In Murkot Square, idjolslug the office of W. I. Oreenongh, Esq.,) rofcssloiial business In this and adjoining coun ts promptly attended to. Sunbnry, March 10, 1878.-1 y. W. C. PACKER, Attorney at Law, Sunlmry, Pa. i jvember 0, 1S73. tf. DkTcHA.S. 31. MAnTIN PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, i Nuubtiry, lnuu. Ofllco ou Front Street, next door to Haas A j gely. OrBce Hours. Until 8 a in. From 12 to 1 p in. j out 6 to ti p m.,nd alter 0 o'clock p in. j At all other hours when not professionally eu iro.1, can bo found at Drug Btore, n Third St., uto Clement House. aug8,j-.i.-ly ; I II. HOY Kit, Attorney nnd Counsellor at Law. Rooms No, 'i U Secoud Floor, Ighf Building, SUXHL'RY, PA. Professiona I sines iittcinlej to. in tbo courts of N'ortlium j -land aud adjoiuiug counties. Also, in the rciiit and Oittrict Courts for llio Western Dis- ! at of Pennsylvania. Claims promptly collect- j Particular attuntlou paid ti rasnihi Hunk-' ilry. Consultmlun eau be bad in the (ier- I in lannurtu. marS!),'71. j II. KANE, Attorney nt Law, BUN j Jt BURY, PA., nflici In .Vnsser'B Buildinc j irthe Court House. Front Room up stslrs ive tbe Drue Store. Collections made la Nor- j imberlund and adjolulnir counties, lunbury, Pa., June 8, 1S7"J. I ii. MARKLE !' CO, Market street, SUN BURY, PA. dealers In Druirs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, ss, Varnmhes, Liquors, Tobacco, Uigurs, ! ;kut Books, Dairies, &c. ' I'. WOIiVERTON, Attorney at Law. Mnrket Square, SUNBURY.PA. Profcssion 'nisiiif s In this and adjoining cotctles prompt- ! ntteiiJed to. Y II. MANSER. Attorney at Law, 6UN- L BURY, PA. Colloitlons attended to in counties of Northumberland, Lnion, buyaer, iiliiur, Columbia and Lycoiniiijr. nplUl-6'.t 4ILOMO .M VI.K K, ATTOUN hi AT LAW, l'.-a at his residence ou Arch Urcet, one square j lb of the Conn llone, car tlio Jail, UN RY. PA. Collections and all professional I iiics iiiiimptlv attended to in this and adjoin- J CfUitii s. ('onsultalions can be had in the i r:ua:i lan.tiace. July 27-187. j w. ziKiu.nit. J- T. noiiiiiuc ii. I;i.Kn a- rohrrach, j ATTORNEYS AT LAW, j iQIce In IIanit's BulMlns. lately occupied by j lire Rockefeller and L. T. Rohrbacb, Eq. j 'ollectlona and all professional business i niptly alleuded to In tbe Courts of Nonhuin- ! laud and adjoining counties. )ee. 2. 1871. hotels auo iicatannmts. TJITKI) STATES HOTEL, XV. F. J HI TCI! F.N, Proprietor. Opposite tbe Do- PHAMOKIN, PA. Every iittention given to I vellers, and tbe best uccommodulious lven. j ill 5. 1873. tf rrANIIINVTON hoi;ne, c NEFF V Proprietor, Corner of Market A: Second els, opposite the kiurt House, Bunbury, MavSS '70. ELEGIIENY IIOt'NE, A. BECK, . 1 V'-. CIO A Ul.l Bfaaar ,ve cifhth, PHILADELPHIA. Terms, 3 . day. He respectfully solicits your patron- I ;. Jauo'73. j rATIONAE IIOTEI. AUQUSTUS j I WALD, Proprietor, Georgetown North'd inty, Pa., at tbe Stutiou of tbe N. C. R. W. lioice wines and cigars nt the bar. 'be tabic is supplied with tbe beat tbe market ' irds. Good stabling and attentive ostlers. ! LI MMI.IS REST At' RANT, LOU IS HUM MEL, Proprietor, Commerce Pt., BHAMOKIN, PENN'A. laving Just refitted tho above Saloon for the omodation of the public, Is now prepares to i re jls friends with the best relrCHliments, nun dl Lager Beer, Ale, Porter, and all other mull irs. frjnsincss $arbs . RHOiDB. 1. I'ACKKH UUi IT N. RHOAn.S A CO., V KETAII. DIALERS OF THRACITE COAL, BUNBURY, PENN'A. OrricE with Haa9, Fakei.t i Cof, rders left at Beaa'soltx A Bro's., otllce Market et, will roceive prompt uiiention. Country torn respectfully solicited, eb. 4, 1871. tf. ANTHRACITE COAL ! "ALENTINE DIETZ, Wholesale and Retail dealer In every variety of NTHKACITE COAL, UPPER WHARF, BUNBURY, PENN'A. .11 kinds of Gralu taken lu exchange for Coal, lers solicited) and Blled promptly. Order left 1. F. Serin's Confectionery Store, ou Third A, will reoieve prompt attention, aud money elpttdfor, tbe suine as at the oilice. DENTISTRY. GEORGE M. RENN, Simpson's Building, Market Square, Blsuiut, Pa., prepared to do all kiuds of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keep coustautly on hand irge assortment of Teeth, aud other Dental terial, from which he will be able to select, I meet, the wants of bis eustomers. .11 work warranted to give satisfaction, or else mouey refunded. he very best Mouth Wasb and Tooth-Powder I ou hand. lis references are the numerous putroaa for om he has worked for the last twelve years, lunbury, April 21, 187S. U4LI CO A LI COAL! GRANT BROS., Shippers ud Wholesale and Retail Doalers lu IITE AND KED A8H COAL, BUNBURY, PA. ( lower waur.J tVSoIe Aiceuta, westward, at the celebrated ,vfl:-y toal. Ja lMW ..JL.I.IJLJ L,i. -tatllehedL In I 1RIJE 91 50 IN ADVANCE. Hcb bbfrtiscmcnls. NEW COAL YAKD. THE undersigned having connected the Coal business with hid extensive FLOUR t GRAIN trade, is prepared to stipplv families with tht VERY UENT OF COAL. CHEAP FOR CASH. Egg, Stove and Nut, constantly on hand. Grain takes In exchange for Coal. J. M. CADWALL1DF.R Bunbury, Jan. 15, 1870. tf. NEW TOUACCOrAAr SEGAR, AND . 1SUUS1I STOKE. , . . r,. South side of Market street betweon ti iinl 4(li ' ' SCNBUKY.'PA. ' ' " i Justopenod, aa euilre nsw ttock of allkJoiliof TOBACCO AND SEUAUS. Scpara of every ffrade. ' Tobacco of every varie'y. npes, both plain and Uucy. BRUSHES I BKUStiESU BRUSHES li t A lnrpe assortment of Brashes direct fioirrtho manufactsrer at greatly reduced prices. ' Ills line of brushes are a specialty and mauy new kinds never before introduced Into this market. Also, Paper Collars and Cuffs lu great Tarlety. A large assortment of all the popular Pongs of the day. Call and examine my goods and get a list of prices. . ' . i nKNRY I'KTKKY. Novembers, 1874. ly v H.T.Helmbod. j KKAIINEY'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, Is the only Known Remedy for Bright' IHs ease and TiH r nrpnt nvnry rvr. nf lifsbctcs tn which il raw be-n Riven, kriisiiuu uf the Neck of tho lllatldor and Inllsoimntion nf the Kidneys, Llcorslloa of the Kiducys and Hhulder, Iti len tloa of llue, IMsuasos of tho Vrontate Gland, rllons la the lllsdder. Gmvul. Brick Dust Deposit, and Mucous or Milky lliwhurvs. nnd fur En feebled aud IK'licotcOonstltutiiiuscif both Sexes; attonded with the following svinntoms: Lou of 1'ower. Loss of Momorv. lnfaculty of Breotli ln(i, Weak Nerves, WnkefuliMss, Tnln In tlm liiuk. Flushlnecrf the Bod v. Erunilonou Die Fare, 1'sllid C'tionteiisuce, ljissinido of Did flysiem, ctr. I:sed by jHTsons In tins deeHno or chnnirv i life; after coDHnemont or labor pains, bed-ei-' tinz In chlldrnn. etc In many affections pm ullur to ladles, the 1.x tract Bachu ts unequaled by any other remedy As In Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, puln f illness or Htippresfiou of Customary Evacuations, L'lcerstod or Achlrrus suite of the Uterus, Jaai eorrho's or Whites, Pterllitv, and for all coin plainu incldont to the sex. Jt is prescribed xiensividv by the most eminent Phrsuiuss mul Mldwtves for enfeebled nnd rtelicoie constitu tions of both saxes and all sites. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT nCCIU , Cwrrs fiiuatf Aririnq from tnimidtnctt, ff tbiu of IH'iinatton, Ktc. In all their stiller, tl Uuloexpeuse, little or no change iu dint, no In convenience, Jiacl no exposure. It causes a fro quent desire, and elves strenc'.h to nriusti. IlieroliT removing Obstruction. Treventiiu; sul UuriDK Stricture of tbe Urethra. Allsymt! Pain smd luflaininatlou, so froriuent in this class of dia oases, and expelling all polsouous uatter. KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BVCHP, ft .00 per bottle or six bottles for .V00. dllverxl to any address, secure from observation. Sold bj, druL'gisIs overywhere. Prupsrl by ' KEARNEY t CO., 104 Dunne 8t.. N. T. to whom all letters for iuforuutiou should bo addrssswl. AVOID QUACKS AND IMPOBTERS. No Charg for Advios and Oooisltation. Tr. J. B. Pyotl, tfradusleof .hfftrmn iMifial Coltet, Philadelphia, author of rcvursl valuahltt works, can be consulted on all diseases nf tha hcxual or Urinary Organs, (which ho has madv uu c.pecial studv), elthor iu mule or fsmsie. no matter from wbal causa oriKinstlni;, or of bow long standing. A practtco of Mu years euabln tiun to trest diseasea wills auccoss. Cnrve guar anteed. Cliart-cs reasonable. Those at a dis Unni ran forward Imtur describing symptoms, and mcloaiiut siaiup to prepay postK- Seud fur the tn fltitlHi. Prioc 10 cents. J. B DV0TT. M. IL, Physician and Surgeon, SH fiuauo tjt., Jiow York. February 8, 1873. ly. SEASON All I, E GOODS. . SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES at MIns Knte Itlark'H, Market Square, Suuburv, Pa. LADIE'S DRESS GOODS of every style and quality. White Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions and Trim mings a specialty. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Everybody Is invited to fall and see them and buv cheap, jduy 3, 1873. SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, A full Hue of BONNETS AND HATB, trimmed and nntrlmined. Flowers, Rlbbous, Collars, Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, NeCKlies, and a general variety of MILLINERY GOODS selected with great care from the leading Im porting houses In New York and Philadelphia, at MISS M. L. GOSSLER, Fourth Street, helow the S. V. R. R. Every effort will be uiado to please tbObO wao favor her with their patronage. April 26, 1873. THE PARKER GUN, StND STAMP FOR CIRCULAR PARKER BRO'S . WEST MER1DEN.CT. March 29, 187S ly. J. F. LERCH'S CABEIAGE AND WAGON MKIKGggj ESTABLISHMENT, CHESTNUT ST, SUNBUBY, PA. Vehicle or all Kikus made r Order. Tbe lateat stylet aud the beat werkssaashlp. -Sample niy be teeu at the shop, sjive ulut eeil. Bunbury, fcc. 7, 1872. ly. SUNBUllY, 8cU) bbcrtlsments. y y SPRING AND SUMMER UOODH Junk Oponed at the Store of Itocd ltrOlhr tV SciinIioIIi, (successors to 8. O. Read ft Bro.) COMPEISLN'a OF DRY GOODS of every description and variety such aa DreNH Gooda comprising all the novelties tn fabric and shade. White Good), Fuucy Good's. ,-Flll Assortment op Notions, which arc bciug sold at tha lowest Cash Prices. .? s ALSO, GltOtERIKS AND TUOVISIONS, '' puio and fresh. O.UEKKSWARR, GLASSWARK, AND WOOD AND WILLOW W ARK, Nicest Ikruida of Flour constaDtly on hand. A verr large ASSORTMENT OF WALL PAPER, both glazed and common, always on hand. BOOTS AND SHOES flom the felcbrated hand made Boot and Shoe Manufactory of WaUoutowu, for "lIEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. JtEA D Y-MA 1)E CL O THISCS, of all cizesnnd of the latest styles. f l our. A constant supply of western a bite wheat flour a speciality. The public nro invited to call and examine our Goods tree of charge. Onr motto is "(juick Sales nud Small Profits," and to please all. The highest prices will be paid for all kinds of eanistry produce. By strict attention to business and keeping nt all times tbe mont complete stock, and selling at lliolowcst prices, we hope to merit a fjll share of patronage. REED BROTHER & SKASIIOi.TZ. Sunbury, May 3, IS?;!. rj o J. Si r. O 3 -) M z o ft 3 o s s . 2. . m n 6 - p rs in 'jo -2 j - r. v. v m h J C 5 n 7. f WASHING MADE EASY! A Waul long felt at last supplied by the Improved "S I t CESS" WASHING MACIHNK ! ! With adjustable Washers, recently added, in creasing its utility 50 per cent, invented and pateuted by B. M. SMITH, York, Pa. It cleans all kinds of Clothing better and qnicker than any other Wnsber. It cleans per fuctly and without Injury, any article from the finest Lace Curtain to the heaviest Bed Clothing. It will cleans a half down Gentlemen's Bhirts, badly soiled, In from 5 to 8 minutes, including the Colltirs and Wriblbuud. The steam being confined In the Washer, the clothing while being washed is also bleached. Over 800 Machines were sold in York and Lan caster Counties and over $70,000 worth lu this Slate and Ohio, within a year s giving satisfac tion. Tho celebrated Belf-Adjusting EUREKA Wringer is attacked to the machine. Iu from one to two hours a large Family's Wash can be don and rinsed, with less than, half the labor required by band. ItiuolDK In done In thin Maclilue thoroughly and rapidly. We ask do cue to purchase w Ithout first trying Us merit. SraoLE MaruiyBS, 18. With Wringer, 25. rcF Address all orders to IRA T. CLEMENT, Manufacturer aud Agent, Suobury, Pa. BuDBurv. April 28, 1873. nCILDEUS Beud for our Illatrald Cntalngu f new books on bolldlug. A. J. BICKNEI.L Jt CO. a3,'T3.4w. S3 Waircu si., hsw Ijr. A.vWTut trTyir"TSttrfTi5tNetJ PA., SATURDAY MOUNING, RALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL D R. JOHNSTON, Physician of this celebrated Institution, has oisoovcrcd the most certain, speedy, pleasant and encotual remedy In the world lor all DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. Weakness of tho Back or Limbs, Strictures, . A- .. ... . . ... . . - ' Ancciinns ot ivuincys unci Jiinaner, inrolun tary Discharges, Impotcncy, General Deliill ty, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Coufasion of Idena, rnlpltatiou of the licurt, Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness or Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affections of Liver, Lnngs, Btomnch or Bowels those terrible Disorders arising from tho Solitary Habits of Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than tho song of Byrcns to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, Ac, impos sible. lOUNGMEN especially, who have become the victims of Soli tary Vice, that drendful and destructive hubit which annually sweeps to an iiutimely grave thousands of young men of tho most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might other wise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked to ecstacy the living lyro, may cnll with full conliduuce. MARRIAGE. Married Persons or Young Men contemplating marriage, aware of Physical Weakness, (Loss of Procrcatlve Power Impotcncy), Norvons Ex citability, Palpitation, Organic Weakness, Ner vous Debility, or nny other DlsqualiUcation, speedily relieved. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentle man, and confidently rely noon bis skill as a Pa v sk'lan. ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Inipotency, Loss of Power, Immediately Curod uuri tun v Igor Kcstorcil. This Distressing Affection which renders Life miserable and marriage Impossible Is the penalty paid by tbe victims of improper Indulgences. Young persons are too npt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful conscqcncts that may ensue. Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those fulling into improper habits thun by the prudent I Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system heroines de ranged, the Physical and Meutal Functions Weakened, Loss of Procrcatlve Powor, Nervous Irritability, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of tko Heart, Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death. A CUKE WARRANTED IN TWO DAYS. Persons ruined in health by unlearned preten ders who keep them trilling mouth after mouth, taking poisonous and injurious compounds, should upply Immediately. DR. JOHNSTON, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lou dun, Graduated front one of the most eminent Colleges iu the United States, and tbo greater part of whoso Ifo has beeu spent in the hospitals of Londou, Pi is, Philadelphia and elsewhere, lias effected some of tbe most astonishing cures that were ever known ; many troubled with ring ing in the head nnd ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden kohuiIs, bashluluess, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were cured immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. - Dr. J. addresses all those who have iujurrd themselves by improper indulgence nnd solitary huliils, which ruin both body uud mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or mar riage. Tiisk ii ro some of tbe sad aud melancholy effects produced by caily Lablts ot youth, via. Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Pains In the Back nud Head, Dimness of SUht, Loss of Mus cular Power, Pulpltation of the Heart, Dyspepsy, Nervous Irritability, Deriingeneut of Digestive Fuueliuus, General Debility, tymptoms of Con sumption, Arc. Mentally The fearful effects on tbe mind arc much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Con fusion of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil Forcbodings, Aversion to Society, Self-Distnist, Love of Solitude, Timidity, dec, are some of the evils produced. Tuousashs of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, Posing their vigor, becoming, weak, pale, nervous aud eii'H'.'intcd, having a singilur appearance about the eyes, cough and symp.oms of consump tion. YOUNG MEN Who have Injured themselves by a certain prac tice Indulged iu when alouc, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, tbe ellccts of which are nightly felt, even when usleep, uud If not cured, renders marriuge impos sible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, Hie darling ef his parents, should be snatchci from all prospects and enjoyment of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging iu a certain secret habit, buch persons must before conteiupluliug MARRIAGE, reflect that a sound mind and body are tho most necessary requisites to promote oouuubial happi ness. Indeed without thc6C,tbc journey through life becomes n weary pilgrimage ( the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despulr uud filled with I he melan choly retlcctioa, lhat the happiuesa of another becomes blighted with our own. A CERTAIN DISEAs-E. When the misguided uud imprudent votary of pleasure liuds that he has Imbibed the seeds of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education uud respectability, cuu alone befriend him. delnviuir till the constitutional symptoms ot this horrid disease muke their appearance, such aa ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, noctural pains iu the head und limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones aud arms, blotches on tbe head, face and extremities, pro grossing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horiid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sutleriug, by seudiug him to " that Undiscovered Country from w hence uo traveller returns." Il 1 a melancholy fact that thousands DIE victims to this terrible disease, through falling Into the, hands of Iguoranl or unskillful PRE TENDERS, who, by the use of that deadly Pol son, Mercury, A:c, destroy the constitution, aud Incapable of curiug, keep the uuhappy sufferer mouth alter month tnKing ineir noxious or in jurious compounds, and iustead of being restored to a renewal of Life Vigor and Happiness, In des pair leave him with ruiued Health to sigh oyer his galling disappointment. To such, therefore, Dr. Joiikston pledges him self to preserve the most Inviolable Becrecv, and from bis extensive practice and observations in the great Hospituls-cf Kurope, and the first lu this country, vix : England, France, Philadelphia and elsewhere, is enabled to otfer tho most cer tain, speedy uud effectual remedy in. the world for all diseases of Imprudence. DR. JOHNSTON. OFFICE, NO. 7. 8. FREDERICK STREET. Baltimohk, M. D. Left band side going from Baltimore street, a fuw doors from the corner. Fall Dot to observe uame aud number. 1-sjT No letters received unless postpaid and ooutaiuiug a stamp to bo used ou the reply. Per sons writing should state age, and seud a portlou of advirtlsement describing symptoms. There are so many Paltry, Designing and Worthless Impnsters advertising themselves as Physicians, trilling with and ruining the Leullh of all who uufortuuutely full luto their power, that Dr. Johuslou deems It necessary to say es pecially to those unacquainted with hi rcouta tlou that his Crcdcutiuls or Diploma always hang iu his ofiice. ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. The many thousands cured at this Establish ment, year alter year, aud the uuuierwua iui- Jioitant burgieal Operation purfarmed by Dr. luhnatou, wiluose d by the representative of the press aud mauy other pa purs, notice of which have appeared again aud again before the public, besides his standing a a guuUeiuau of character and responsibility, is a sutlicleut guarantee to tbe .dfUctrt. obiu diseases speedily evrtc. March 1, UTJ. ly JUNE 21, 1873. DOWN IN THE MEADOW. We strolled down the meadow ouo morning lu summer, And gnthcred some blossoms that grew hy the way, And hoard In the low lands the browu partridge drummer Beat up his browu soldiers to drill for tho day. Tho robins were gay, and tho black-birds were merry, And blue-birds were carmling softly yet clonri And tar away, up In the limbs of n cherry, The sou n J of a mother-bird's talk we could hear. The ulr was nstlr with a Jubilant choru, For till things scorned glad In that lnld-snm-mer inoru There whs sunshine behind Us, and suushlne be fore us, Atid .Fujisliino ou wheat fluid and rank rows of corn . We Htoppcd by the stile, whoro tho fragrant sweet clover, Held p to the morning Its clusters of red For a kiss of the sun, ns a girl to her lovor, Lilt up her sweet check with her wishes un said. We stood hand in band, and looked out on the meadows That glistened afar In tho glow of the mom, And noticed the shifting and tremulous sha dows Tho blithe breeies made iu the rows of tbo com. "Did you hear what tho wind said I" I asked of the inniden Who stood by my aide, with her hand in niv own. She answered, "Ah, no! for the breezes are la deu With, loo many whispers to hear ono alone." "I heard, love," I answeied) "they said, 'See those lovers, Thi-y walk through the meadow with hearts full of bliss) Their secret tho wiud-nlinph most quickly dis covers ; 'Tis told iu a look, in a word, In a kls.' " She blushed, and I saw all the roses grow paler With envy and longing. Shu lifted her eyes With u shy, feigned "expression that could" not avail her ; I knew that she felt neither fear nor surprise. Then I klsed her, nnd lo ! all the winds full to singing Soino merry, glad soug that was almost a psalm, And down deep iu my heart was a melody ring lug That chimed wllh all nature iu iullnite calm. itii isrrllantoiis. Nkw Ankcdote ok Lincoln. Xew anecdotes of President Lincolu aro sutti cioutly rare, but hero is one which is au thentic aud characteristic, whether wo consider tlie President's goodness of heart or the naivettc with which it found ex pression. When Col. Mulligan's Chicago Hegiment lay in caunp away down South, one of the privates, call hiin'iarney 1 , iu a moment, of pnssion and intoxication. Blubbed aud turr!Lir . i.i n,m,v,i ISatucy was one of the hard ones ot the command, and il was a matter of no sur prise when the court-martini sentenced him far this last and gravest of Ifm many (flonces, to bo shot, aud lixed the day of his execution. Meanwhile, to the surprise of every one, including the surgeon.", the wounded man began to recover, and was soon pronounced out of dauger. Public opinion took the usual turu. It was thought a pity, alter nil, to shoot a tiuc young fel low, such as Harney was in his belter mo metits ; besides, he was ono of the boys, had been horn, like them, In Chicago, grown up with them, and fought with theru. A movement looking to a petition (or the culprit's pardou -vas set ou foot, iu which none joined more heartily than the wounded man and the which, but yesterday, wus for lynching Baruey, now yearued to save his life. Uut the General commanding had approved tho finding of the court martial, aud only the Preeideut could interfere, aud the regiment was en- c imped away from the telegraph lines. So that, though the necessary documents had been forwarded, backed by strong recom mendations, there were grave doubts if the merciful message which Mr. Lincolu was ccrlaiu to scud, would reach tho camp in time. An express was sent to the near est telegraph station, thirty miles awfiv, to carry the message with all haste, auii nil wailed impatiently. The night boforo the fatal day arrived. Harney was to bo shot at sunrise next day. No reprieve had arrived, and reluctantly the adjutant prepared the necessary order, detailed the tiring party, ariauged for the parade. Night wore ou. It is snfe to say that not au eye was closed in the camp, and every ear was struiuud for hoof-beats from the east. Past midnight, one, two, three o'clock. There were movements iu the gray eastern sky : the brilliant south- ei n stars paled ; it was almost dawn . 1...1 . :t .... 1 .. Suddenly, a faint sound was heard as of a shout away to the cast. Tho excitement became electric. Men rushed from their tents, half-d reused, and gathered in anx ious groups. Tho olliceis were hardly less excited, and mingled wilh them. Then in rapid succession we heard challenge and reply, as the advancing party passed sen try after eutry theu the tramp und splash of hoofs, and at last burst into view, llio loug-looked-for messenger, overfd wuu i.iiui iroiu ucuci 10 1001, wan unit woiu out, ins horse pauting ami travel-Blamed and btuised ; they lutd ridden thirty miles ......... .n:..;nl.. ...... . ......l. .1.... .....v.. ulni. oiiivv iijiuiiii4i, wur 4 uuuo iii.ii ncto 01 111 cea of mud and water. The rii'.ur held his way straight to tho Colouel's tout and delivered his telegram. It read thus : Washington, , ISO-. Colonel Mulligan : If you havent shot Harney 1) , don't. A. Lincoln. They hadn't, and they didr.'U Jehko and the Mikado's Palace. The palace of tho Mikado of Japan, at do you Ask ' said one at last Jeddo, which has been destroyed by lire, "Hecause," slowly euuuciated Mr. Clo us ir ported by cable, was an immense aud mens, "I am ouo of tho editors of the x- . . .. .... .. 1. . . .....1 I, ........ I ... ...n I At... magnificent structure a city witiitn risen tho Vatican, as it wero of Asia. An of ficer of tho British army, who visited the city last year, says : Juddo is aa enormous wooden lowu. Youcaurido in it for tweuty milos ; youfMr. Clemeus that was neat," "willy as can't ride through it iu eigul hours. It coulaius millions of inhabitants some say three aud a-lialf ; but I fancy that number is too pveat. Now aud tbeu il is burued down, built up agaiu, and can, if noeded, be carried oil' bodily aud put down some where eUo. Beiug all built of wood, the wood cuu be takcuduwu aud re-erectcd. Every now aud again you come upon lire prouf houses the mote readily see a by us because a good slice of the lowa had not lone before beuu burued down narrow, I twtoricd, square boxes, that resist the ro very welL u Jiiueio ts rcjicakJ 1a every i New Nor leu. Vol. 5, No. 12. i Old Nerlrn, Vol. 8S, No. 29. street. In Jcddo you pass through niilo and miles of nhops through hundreds nnd thousands of jieople threadincj their way through the uarrow atreets. Lillle boxes of houses mapped over acres and acres, oy er miles aud miles of laud the sea on tho enst some higher land on tho west; the harbor, a bit of a sham, InckioR in depth, jealously guarded by isolated fort islands ; the Mikado's summer palace, embosomed in trees, a little lo the south in tho town ; the Mikado's great palace a town withiu rt to somewhat tolho west ; tho recion of the princes JJslgrnvia adjoiiiinjftho great jialnco, with broader streets and sep arate "compounds ;1" Weeuo, Osaka, Ta ka Vanm wbal a Jiivo of life is there not here Wkarino a Nkw I'oot Tho Dan bury Xiv: says : It is a little singular bow well a puirof boots can be made to litatthe stoto. You may not bo able to get your mm uiuy pun me way uowu ino h nt tlio first trial, but that is because your storik- J ing is sweaty, or yon haven't started right, aud the shoemaker suggests that you btart j again anu stami up to it, nud he throws iu a little powder from a peeper box to aid you. And so you stand up, and pound down your foot, und partlv trip yourself up, and yourt-yes stick out in an unpleas ant manner, and every voin in your body appears to be on tho noiut of bursting, and all the while that dealer stands around aud eyes the operation as intently as if tho whole affair was new and novel to him. Wheu your foot has finally 8truck bottom, Htom, mind stove, mere is u mini impression on your iimk you auvc stepped luto au opeu out tie removes it Ly solemnly observing tho ho never saw a boot fit so e-ood ns that You may suggest lhat your too presses too bard against the front, or that hums of tho bones in the side of your foot are too niucn smasneu, out no says that i always the way with a new boot, aud that the trouble wUU-ulirely disappear in a.fe w days. Thou you take the old pair under your arm and start for home, as animated as a relie of 18l all the while 6-oling that tbo world will not look bright and happy to you agaiu until you have brained that shoemaker. Y'ou limp down the i.ext day. and smile all the while with your mouth, while your eyes look as if you wero walkiug over au oyster bed barefoot. - Wheu no oue is looking you kick against a post or some other obstruc tion, uud show a fondness for stopping and resting agaiust something that will sustain your weight. Wheu you get home at. night you go for those old boots with au eager ness that cannot Ik; described. jjd tho re marks that you make upou learning that your wife 4i its disposed of them to a widow woman in the suburbs, are calculated to immediately depopulate tho earth of women and shoemakers generally. timorous. Justice in A Hurry. An iucideut al- ' most unprecedented in the anuals of courts of justice occurred at the Surrey ( England) Seseious recently. A mau named Wil liam King was put on trial, charged with tT. 'uTaS to'Ki.iVTur.'li'.ltl!!. E?. the course of the morning; Mr. Cartrtul', tho officer of llio court, directed, him to be called upon to surrender. Norepponfe be ing uiMUo to the summons, Mr. Cartridge, iu 11 somewhat sharp voice, called oul lu the court : "Is William King hero V" Thereupon a respectably dressed mau in the body of llio court responded : "Here I am." Mr. Cartridge. "Go into tho dock." Tbe jailer (Mr. Cook) placed the mau in the dock. Mr. Marshall (the clerk uf the peace) then aid : "Prisoner at tho bar, it is charged that you, on the day of October, did wiilful- 1 ly auu luloniously steal Irom tue persou ol John Harrow Prisoner (who was trembling apparently with fi-ar) here tutto voce to Mr. Cook, tho I.. ..r "Please, sir, its all a mistake." The J.iiler :-"Oh. there's uo mistake : you listen to the indictment." Tho clerk of ttiu peace, having read the nunc 1 mem, hskcu, iu tue usual lorm : "Prisoner, how say you-are you guilty or not guilty Prisoner. "If you please, my lord, there is sotuo mistake." 1 The Clerk of the Peace. "We shall see that presently. Aro you guilty or not ' guilty V" I Prisoner. "If you please, my lord, lam ' ajuryinan." j This ituiiouuceHieat wa received with a roar of laughter Irom a crowded court, dur- ! ing which the uuhappy juryman was liber-1 Why Clover Improves Soil. Pro aled from hia unpluusaul aud souiewhat j fessor Voelcker thus explaius the action of dangerous position. i clover in increasing the feitility of soils : ,, ,. 1 1 1 . 1 j "All who are practically acquainted with How he got it s b.vt.-Iu a new lo- , ie ulljrct tnU9t have swen that the best cul magazine, the Globe, published til Huf- ,. . woAaeaA be b,. tire. lit If iu I 111 till liuHiir riiiiiiiiHi'iiiiH tw AI:kr 'ivmv i,.- lii.u-h.i iu n,ui ,-itv ; "... - - " j .mi lunii u:vcsico niaicis iimiu iiiaii -u. . ....... .1 ... . .. ., r .1..... . 1 u 1 Clemens, uud assuredly 110 man could be more pitiless iu his treatment nf bores. He was vigorous iu his denunciation nt that class of jcojilo who ainilcwi'y aud impu deully 'intrtiWe their consiai.t presence iu an editorial room, Ouo incident will per haps Ix-ar relating, showing bow he once rebuked a parly of uudcaired visitors. Arriving at ilia ollieu one evening, about 81 o'clock, be found il full of ikom, all strangers lo him. They had appureully taken full possession of the room. Some 1 ... n.,,1 sum.' h.( ih. ie t'. -t mum t lllu t;lbll UIUi ,.Vl.ry chair iu ,le r.,mu waM 1 . .... . - . .... . . occupied. With look of dis.-iist Mr, I Clemens hesitated for a uioiiii'iil iu the 1 doorway, uud then iu lux peculiar t ,. I thai said : "Is this the editorial room Ljcpress V" "Yes, sir," prsuiipHy vhbru d the us seiublagu. "11 111 1 Is it customary for fin: outturn to sit down " question,-.! tf,e liuinorist. "Yes," "ecrlained," "to be btire," were tho replies of the ptuzled smokers. ' hy u "o"" "" to have a seat." In au instaut tsvery chair was vacated, aud the uieu, some what abashed, attempt ed to laugh tlie matter oil' by saying, "Ah I usual," etc., etc., but there was something iu the joker's eyes that quickly told them that he was iu uo joking tratuu 01 miua at that momeut. Atler that tho loafers were rather shy of Mark Twain In one of tho cities of New Hampshire, some years since, a man named Ll y was elected mayor, aud very iinportaat he thought his position. During bis term of otHou a fire company sent word that they should visit tbe city aud remain several , -" ' 7,. Z 1 , n-i. - n.i . 1 ; ..1 , 1... V"J - ADVERTISING SCUEDULIS lOLfakrtW WW j Ttmkcttfrqnarc , 1 q 8q. fiqTJ Sq cl Wootjllol true week l.oo. S.oo. u.fWj n.wi fr.oo, loo 15.00 Two woe.! i.aoi 3. no- 8.sol 4.00: .oo'ii.ooi.o"ri Three 8.00 8.50, 4.50, 4.00, B.00 iri.cO'AMtt Four " 4.50. 4.ft0i 6.5 6.00 10.00 i.vooaaca Five 4.75, 6.0W 6.50M T.OO 13.00 17.00 as.00 Blx 8.00, 6.75j 7.60 Twomo's 3.1W 7.60; S.501 9.00 15. IHIHX) 1,0.00 Three" 8.6oi g.OOi -6Mf W.OOiO.OWfj.WO.OC Six " 6.0Oj .O0ill.(Wiij.00iaS.t)O85.00iriO.WJ Nine " .0ir Hl.00 18.00 15.00'SS.OO 40.00 76.00 Ono Year S.OO ia.tH) lf.(Ho.iK40.00 00.001.00 ward entertaining tho nrcmnn. He want ed to show the hospitality of the city In Its most munificent form, aud proposer! that collation should be given live etrangers. . "And what," asked oue of the firdwracn. Aio you propose to put on live table lor tb collation V"' "W e will give them," said his honor, id reply, "hot colleo and sardines." Ono of the couucil thought that sardines and coffeo were hardly up to the mark fot tho hungry Jlrcujcn. "I know bett.-," said the mayor, in nd angry tone. "Sardines are hearty, ami will be just what the men need." "Perhaps," said au aldertuaa, "his horii or does not know what sardiues Hi's." Tbe tnayc r spraug to his feet, angry all over. "I know," he .hcwtcd, MwW sardines are well ns you do, or any other member of the board. I've eaten enough of-them in my lUo They aro oasily jMeparod. Just tnko two pieces of hread, and put ft piece of ham betwoeu them, fltl then your sardiue is mude." , His honor sat down, amid a roar of laughter. He'd got things, such as sar- uiuts ami sandwiches, knitter mixem up ill his miud. Kgos. A story is told or a nei gro iu Virginia whose master threatened to give him a flogging if ho boiled his eggs hard again. Xext morning tho egg camu to tle table still harder than before, "YoU rascal." alimiiAil ll 1 1 ,v v- j va riniji 1 . I "didn't I tell you loem those eggs sail "Yes, massa," said the frightened slave, 1 ''an' I got tip at two o'clock dis inoruin', : an' Med 'em live hours' au' it seem to me 1 nebbcr kin get dese eggs softer V" Dur ing the war one of the northern hotel keep ers was on a visit to Norfolk. The eggs j caoio to the table boiled hard. "f,onlf hero," said the hotcl-keepur, "Sambo, theso eggs aro boiled too hard. Now, take my watch aud boil sotuo three minutes by it." He gave tho negro his splendid gold watch. In about live minutes tbe freed niau returned with the eggs aud watch ort tho same plate. Tho watch was wet. 'What have you been doing 10 my watch V asked the Northern visitor. "Why, its all wet." Yes, sab," said tho ugro." "1 biled do watch wid do eggs. All right dig time," Sywnkw Smith once coiutueuced a charity surniou by saying: "lkuuvolence is a sentt meut cotutnou to human nature. A never sees II in distress without asking C to re lieve him" KECII'ES, kC. Salt rim tiik Throat. The followiug suggestions from an Eastern exchange aru worth putting on record for the good they may do : I In theso days when diseases of tho throat I prevail, which is not only distressing to yurscives, out 10 in use witn wiiom wo are "'""K"' contact, the following remedy win ue lounu ueneiiciai : ist r ail wo were induced to try whut virtue there was in common salt. Wo eomuieuccd by usiug it three times a diiy- niorning noon aud night ; we dissolved'a largo teaspoonful of 'fX'lV'U'.'." SH'1 in half tumbler of cold wa iuo's.1 efielus.,ull,'il, we gargrod our throat Tho result hns been tuWrc meal time. ti r wo were free from tlie iiHUiiIVLLho Win- colds, to which, as far as our memory Ell j lends, we have always beeu subject, but t the dry hackiug cough has entirely disap j peured We alliibute it entirely to tho salt 1 gargle, and most cordially recommend it to j those of our readers who arc subject to dis I eases of tho throat. A CiiiiAr Disinfectant. One pound of green coperos, costiug sevcu cents, dis solved iu one quart of water, and poured down a wator-closet, will elfectually con ceutraic and destroy the foulest smells. Ou board ships aud steamboats, about hotels aud other public places there is uolhiug so! irioe to purify the air. Simple greeu coppc- j Ui.'i,?(!lvVd undur buU, iu ft" th1V'l wl11 1,oltl w.-lt:r. will render a hospiU! lor other place for the sick, free from un pleasant smells, r or butchers' stalls, usu uarkcts, slaughter-houses, stinks, and i w,,eru" ume- urt! "onsiv6 puma gases, uis I : r. 1 1. .. if -:ii .. iu a lew ilays tlie smell will pass away. If a cat, or a mouse dies about the house aud sends forth 11 11 otlensive gas, place sotuo dissolved copperas iu au offensive gas, place some dissolved copperas in art open vessel near tho place where the nui sance is, aud it will soon purify the almos-' jiherc . . . 1 lea croP8 01 V",ver fwn for seed. 1 1 enmu lo the conclusion that tbo very best preparation, the best manure, i is a good crop of clover. A vast atuouut, I of mineral uiauure is brought wilhiu mull' '; of the corn crop, which otherwise would j remain in a iockcd-upoudUiou in the soil, j The clover plants take uitrogea from Lb atmosphere and manufacture it iuto their' i own substance, which, on decomposition : of the clover roots uud leaves, produce . 1 abundance of ammonia, lu reality, the ; growing v( clover is equivalent, to a great 1 extent, lo manuring wilh Peruvian guauts, I and iu Ihis paper of initio I bhow thai you i obtain a larger quantity uf mau lire thau iu ; the largest dose uf Peruvian guano which a farmer would think of applying. It k 1... ..r..n.. 1. ....... 1 : . , l;l. j -j j - J tbe ouo uoxier consideration that positive , .... ' ...,,. I proofs are giveu, showiug tho corroctucss ' f !... 11: .... . .1. j I 1 .. 01 luiciugcui ouecrvecs iu 1111s ucia. Soil kou SwEliT Potatoes. Tho au-' thor of a circular on sweet potato culture ays : The quality of the swt potato greatly depends upon thu soil H is grown iu. Oil' oHr common uplands of a light, clayey tcx- tore the short and of a Hght color and ex- oiklhuit quality. New land, if dry, pforlti-' cos bountiful crops of line potatoes. In' our loose prairie soil they grow long and of a darker color. Wet or Very rich soil pro-' duces plenty of vines aud few liiUcrs. la' all cases tbe ground should bo well worked aud finely pulverised to a modern?!: depua. If worked very deep the tubers grow long aud stringy. Wheu thu ground is warm' uud moist, and your plants are ready, throw two furrows together with 1arje plow, aud form high, sharp ridges three icct anart. eo'iui' un and iown hill. If the ridging is dime iu dry Weather, and two' I furrow are throw u Aogether, the centre of the ridge win be dry dirt, hot Tit to plow t 1 .. : I . 1 . ..i.l 1 : i il. 111 uuiii sci auu M3iiicu uy miu. 11 in oil iu the Tidge is quite moist, the planting, may proceed all day without waterirjj i prficrly doc?.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers