Sitntarg American. SUNBURY, APRIL 20, 1873. Railroad Time Table. ARRIVAL AD DKPARTCR Of TRAJN ATUHRCRT. I. C. R. W.. South. Erie Mnll, ia.50m Erlo Ksprcss, 8 40 " Mull, 11 05 Mae. Express 8.00 p in P. & E. R. R. West. Mall, . 6.S0 a m Ninir. ErrepBlvs.4(J pm Elmlrii Mail 4.8i Erlo Express, 7.01 SCKBCHT ASD I.EWI8TOWS R. . Leave Banbury for Lewlstown at 7.45 A. tn., unri n.inn M Arrive ;nt Suubury from Lewistown at 1.60 nud 7.45 p. m. 9HAMOKXN DIVISION, N. O. R. W. ARRTTR finnhnry at 6.45 a m " 18.85 p m At Sunburj 9.25 a m " 8.55 p m 4.40 p m " e.UU p m, ttAZLBTOK A WltKESBARRI R. R. Regular pa.scnter tsaln leaves Sunbury for Danville, Cattawissa, liHiictnn ana liuerineaiaie stations, at 8.45 a..m. Returning leave Halle tou at 1.00 p. rii. Arrive at 4 00 p. m. tlCKA ANSA Aft) BLOOMSBU1K) R. R. Leave Northumberland at 9.40 a. tn. and 4.50 p.m. Arrive at NortliumterlauB at 10.35 a. m. and 0.05 p. m. Accidental Ifflmrance Ticket can be bad of 3. Shlpinnn, Ticket Ajrent, ut (bo Depot. usincss JLotnls. Sewino MACniNP.s and Cottage Okoans. Miss Caroline Dnllus i the agent for the eale of the best Sewinir Machines In existence, via i 'The Improved Orover A Baker,' ana 'Domestic,' which are contaiitly kept on hand, and sold at reasonable prices. 8he Is aleo agent for the sale of the celebrated 'Silver Toneue Organs,' and tho 'Buy Biota Ortrmis,' and for the sale Of the Frantz A Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see them. Office ou Market street, cast of the rail road. Tub Improved Orover A Bakrii Sewino Ma cniMit. Those celebrated machines arc offered at tho most reasonable rate. For part'culars imply to I). U. KUTZ. Aitent, Feb.8V73.-ly. Upper Auiiusta township. HorsR and Lot POR Sale. A new House and I."t, Incited on Spruce strett, Siinbtiry, is offered r aiV on easy terms. Apply to John Wii.veb. Tub Wine made at the Vineyard of Geo. B. rouagmaii, near Sunbury, and now bjlnp sold liy him, can not be excelled for purity, excellence auJ cheapness. Aprl'. 20. St. The best place to invest money profitably is at in- Excelsior Boot A Shoe Store of Win. II. Mil ler. His line of goods are of the best, nnd many .i loc-tor hill will be sitved by buying the best j 1c Shoes & Boots in market. Miller has a i:u -c assortment which he Is selling at the lowest iri-;s, and a few dollars Invested In bis stock nviy save hundreds In bills for medicine. V Fine I,nrTRr L'it poa Sm.r. fine tauilcl "ni lot locate:! in Cuke's Addition, near the P. & K. Railroad simps, is otlcied lor sale on rea sonable terms Apply to fe22-2in W. J. Hi.aih, Sunbury, Ta. A VEitv large assortment of Spring and Sum mer bats of every style and quality, are now of fered for sale at S. Faust's hat store, on Market street. The best quality can always be bad at his store both of New York aud Philadelphia manufacture. Call and see them. Piwos and Organ. David Relmer, ngent for the sale of Unchla A Co's Baltimore Pianos, leceives orders constantly. Order arc taken by David Heltner for Sttln w iy A Sons pianos, as well as any other instru ment den'.ied. D:i,vi,l Keimer sells the Brace & Co. Buffalo or tr:m. the Smith organ, Boston. gliect music on hand, and orders promptly Oil ed by D. Reimer. 'Ihe ttachle Pianos ore used In tho State Nor mal School, Bloomshnrg ; by Judge Ellwcll, liloomsburg, J. II. Jenkins, Northumberland, and at the Sunbury Academy. German Periodicals and Newspapers printed In Gerinauy und America. Subscriptions taken by Oavi,l Relmer. If you want nnv of the above Instruments, or Sheet Mus.c, call on David Relmer at the Sunbu ry Academy. All persons wanting conn and cheap pictures xhnnld call at R. C. Smirk' Gem Gailery.whcre t buy can get nine good pictures for 50 cents. 11 '"nperly's old stand, Sunbury, Pa. mhl-tf ffocal 'is- gffai Hokace GhbEwET as a Mokal IIeuo. The Rev. Chan. T. Steck will deliver his celebrated lecture on JIurace Greiley, In the Court House, on .hi, Saturday evening, for the benctlt of the Soldiers' Monument Association. Mr. Steck hu u reputation for eloquence, and Is spoken of as one of the most forcible and attractive lectu rers of the times. Shad. Onr markets have been well supplied for weeks past with Potomac, and later with Delaware shad, ut prices ranging from 30 to 50 cents. Fresh lake tlsh nt 15 to 18 cts. per lb. Tin: continued high stace of water is supposed, enable many shad to get up the Sus quehanna this season, nud we should uot be sur prised to hear of some 3,000 or 4,000 caught at the fl.-hery immediately below the dam ut Ibis nlaoc. ' Wiifn a gentleman accidentally treads npon llie tr ill of a lady's dress which sweeps the uroiiud, ho is not bound to apologize. The lady, however, should make the npo'.ogy for maintain ing a nuisance ou the public highway. Fur it Pin ei'F.CT. The severe i-old of the past .'. r i vi Untly killed all the peaeh buds. 1 e-n- of a peach crop, In Ibis State, are . ; ) ii. ar,-1 .ye fear the plums have not fjred . i letter. Cherries, pears, and apples, ap- - i y h.ivt not been much affected by frost. i -, in many instances, have also suffered, mi the (.'uncord, the hardiest us well as the bit ."fail our wativo Varieties, have been but lltlfe, an I not at all in the vineyards of this neighborhood. Orn lady renders will have the benefit of a "rce exhibition of most beautiful Millinery ;ooJs selected from the leading houses of New Vork aud calling at the Milliue ry store of Mis Lou Shissler, on Market street. 'Ier elecllon i uot surpassed for beauty while .he assortment is of the most varied. The Pol ntta hats, directly imported from Florida, are v curiosity, and are admired by all. They are a eniiine article. Call and see them. Goon Ntw por tub Afflicted Tho nnfor- viii He victims of high heclot. Boot and Shoes, iri!l, no doubt, be glad to leuru that the tyrant ashioii, has ut last relaxed his cruel decree, und hat ladies nud gentlemen will be permitted to llspense with high heels, that fruitful source of orns and bunions. The ufferer will no doubt eel grateful for tills dispensation that relieve hem from a cruel fashion that has paused more a in aud uiieiy than ull other combined. The late freshet ha done no Injury In this lace. The embaukmentr aro iufllcleM to pro :ct us from nry Hoods, but It would bo well eu ugh to keep an eye npon them, and to make i em perfectly ecur, and W necessary, rip rap n m. The continued high water In the river is caused tbe water to rise ID a flchibcr of ccl- m from pne inch to 10 iucbes ta depth. Tbe cater oozes up from th bottom, especially i here there is a sandy soil. Bai.s or Loos. That portion of th log Caught between the Bunbuiy boom and the Sha mokln dam, were told nt public ale nt the Cen tral ITotel on Monday last by th Lumberman' Excbnnga, to Mr. Otto of Wllllnmsport, who af terwards Hold to Ira T. Clement of this place. Tbe pine brought $13 85, and the hemlock $0 85 per thousand feet a they lay In the river. Ex penses pntd by the purchaser. Those en tight below the 8hamokln dam to Green's dam.were purcha ed by Messrs. Freck A Co., of Mlllcreburg at tl3 foi pine, aud 10 25 for hemlock. The eale of those below Green's dam wa postponed, and took place at Harrlsborg next day. Terms $1000 down on tbe first lot, and the balance In two payments. On the second and largest lot bought by Messrs. Freck A Co"., (4,000 down, and balance ta 90 and 120 day. Th) New Post Of Pica Bnaomo. Through the polltenes of postmaster Smith we were ena bled to examine the design or pln for the Inte rior of the new poit office, Dow building at this place. This design was executed tj the Tale Lock Manufacturing Company, of Btamford Conned lent. When finished according to the plan, the Interior will not only b cenvcnlont but ornamental In Its structure. The building 1 of brick, two Stories tn height, twenty-one feel front, by forty-three In depth; The general de llrery Is In front foOX font In width. The dellve ry case on each ilde extend back at an angle about eight feet, from -whence the Iptcrlor space I continued 19 feet back, 6 feet seven Inches wide, with boxes on each side. The space bo tween the boxes and the wals on each side, IS six feet. At the end ef the boxes on the left, It the money order desk. On each side, In the cen tre, Is a box delivery, besides the general delive ry in front. Tbe number of boxes 1 8SS, name ly, 500 case boxe, 80 lock boxes, and S3 lock drawer. These boxes are the patent metallic Tale boxes gilt. Tbe wood work Is pine Inlaid with walnut. The space from the entrance door to the genera delivery Is 13 feet. The entrance to the back office is on the right. The delivery caBes ou the angle are covered with stalucd glass. Tu lecture of Mr. Breslin, Eq., of Lebanon, f In the Court IL use, on Friday evening last, wus well nltcuded by an intelligent audience, notwithstanding the Inclement wenther. Tho lecture consisted of his experience and observa tions during a three years' cruise to tllffercut parts of the glebe In tho American Man of War "United States," which wa highly appreciated, and w ill long be remembered by those w ho beard It. Tho lecture v.n well delivered, aud many of the Incidents related vrcre of such a characteris tic nature that tho listener's mind wn carried over foreign lauds as though it were a dream. We hope to Jinve a repetition of tho lecture by Mr. Breslin, at an early day. Montoomkiiv QtEEN's Circus, advertised to perform In this place on Tuesday lnt, did not arrive until about five o'clock In the afternoon, hawng beeu detained on tho road from Millers burg on account of the inclemency of the wea ther, and the bai condition of the roads. Seve ral of the wagon were considerably damaged, the men drenched by the rain, and their stock almot worn out. The proprietor; after their nr. rival, finding the rnlu ani snow still desccndiLg, wisely concluded uot to oxhiblt, as fiecideuts might occur by tho canvas givlng way from the heavy weight of water falllutr up.on It. They re mained here over night, nnd before leaving Sext moruing for Milton, paid their bills promptly. Altogether It wa the best show, perhaps, that ever came to this place, as it left about v'lght hundred dollars In town and took none away. JfST Opening. Miss M. L. Gossler is just opening a well selected assortment of Spring Millinery Goods nt her store on Fourth street, be low the Shamokin Valley Railroad, which have been selected with great care from leading houses lu New York and Philadelphia. As usual her stock li most beautiful, and excels her former efforts to please her numerous customers. The public arc invited to call and examine her stock, which will be exhibited free of charge. Ovn Democratic Neiuiidohs in Tiiouiii.e. We regret to notice that both our neighbors of tho Democratic Guard and the Democrat have experienced considerable of the roughuc9s of the world during tho past week. While the former had hi office closed by an officer for the want of "sponduHcs" tho lutter had hi sacred sanctum uncerenioulously lnva('.ed on Thursday by nn injured citizeu, who closed the fighting edi tor's "blinker," and put the goggle In deep mourning. Ob, horrible ! Who would'nt be an editor ? Tub vestry of St. Matthew' Episcopal Church of this place, are in favor of erecting an entire new Church edifice In preference of repairing the old one. There is no better location for a mag nificent building tliau the situ of the old church, and we feel satisfied that tho congregation are fully ablo to proceed at once. We hope they will do so ft the old building Is entirely too small. Patent Granted. We find the following no tice In the list of patents granted by tbe Com missioner of Putents In Washington, last week : Chaim Machine. George W. Blunix,Sunbuiy, application filed February 10, 1873. A recipro cating cross-head carrying vertical bending rol lers, whoso journals work in elongated slats, bends the bluuk over a stationary Former. Side roll work against the bendlug-ro'ler near the end of tho stroke to force them Inward and pross tho ends of the blank. Tha fiuislu d blank is re moved by a bifurcated lever operated by a rod connecting with the cross head. Fii.iino Up Wo cotieo that D. A. Finney, tho popular caterer in the Dry Good and Groce ry lines, is filling up bis store on Market street with a magnificent assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Willow-ware, Glnss-ware, Earthen ware, Notions In great variety, and ull kinds of goods, generally of the lutest spring style. By fair dealing Mr. Fiuney ha established a large business, and he I now prepared to furnish his customers with any article of good they want at the most reasonable price. Cull aud examine his mammoth stock. . Ann Injured. John Grouer, while attempt ing to couple an englue to some cars in the N. C. Railroad yard at the lower end of town, on Wed nesday lust wa caught between them, and bl right arm seriously crushed. Dr. Clark, the company's physician, was called la to dress the wounds. Mr. Grouer has only recently been em ployed by the company. Foroert. Information was made before Esq., Snyder, on Wednesday last, by Ed. T. Drumhel ler, agaiust Isaac Spotts and Geo. W. Vallance, for forgery, when the parties were arrested and bound over in tbe sum of one thousand dollars bail each, for a beariug. Tbe parties were arrcs, ed for forging the uame of Mr. Dramheller to two not'A, ninouuting to fifteen dollars each, aud had t lie in honored at the Aagusta Bank. When one of the notes became due, It wa bauded to the Notary Public for protest, who served a no tice on Mr. Drumheller as the endorser of the note, when It was discovered that It was a forge ry, and wroeeedrg Were at once Instituted. A beartng took ple on Thursday when Sotb parties were aotted.- foSAcco' to abs. Those who love the "wed," art- Rfltfdiled that Lewis Huupl In Mil ler's block,- tttpt 6a hand every brand of Tobac co, auti Jtfcam. His stock ! large and varied". Ue keM; tree terf !: That ' fkmM n ket.- L"'M i. -1 Snow. Ulnc our last Issue, we were visited by several snow storm which have puzzled the minds of some of the oldest wenther prophets In thcli efforts to discover what they Indicated, end as to which was the "onion snow," usually the winding np snow. It has been stated that new order of things have been ordained, and that we are entitled henceforth to a "clery snow," a "lettucj snow," a "potato snow," a ''cabbage snow," and probably a "4th of July show." Since a young lady wrote the poem "Beautiful Suow," there has been a remarkable change lu the seasons of the year, and we are strongly Im pressed with the Idea that the Arctic regions are being drawn towards us. Whether this is the case or not old winter still maintains her sway to the great distress of the feminlnes whoso trailing skills and gnltered feet make deep Impressions In her last rcmuants upon our ddewalk. Poor girl that she could see the nasty conglomeration on our streets, and livens a poem suitable to the case. Tn editor of tho Freeburg Courier having paid a visit to the Sunbury MusIcaI Association notlcos It In th following flattering manner I "It was recently our pleasure to attend the day and evening sessions of the Sunbury Musical Association, under the Instruction of Prof. Win. Moyer. The officers are Solomon Mnllck, Presi dent, Mr. Stevens, Seeretiiry, Jacob Fetter, Trea surer. It numbers 185. Text book used "Scep tre." Meets regularly on Monday afternoon and evening, and Friday afternoon and evening of each week. We doubt whether a similar As sociation In polut of numbers, talent and beauty exists anywhere In tho State. A public enter tainment will be glvou In a few weeks." Topacco Bkooino. Every tobacco eh ewer i considered a beggar of tho "weed," and most ge nerally they are found liberal In supplying their neighbor's wants when applied to. There are but few, however, who know that In following the practice of begging nud giving that they sub ject themselves to a Jicnnlty of the law. The United States Internal Revenue law allows no person or persons to sell or dlsposo of tobacco lu any form, no matter how small or great the bulk, without first paying a license fee of five dollars. This maybe reducing the law to a fine point, yet It Is true, If we accept the law ns tho above clanse reads. Thero ure' several lu this place who Indulifc to a great extent In begging tobacco, with whom we would be pleased If they were to secure a license for us or quit begging. noN. Isaac Si.enkeh. died nt his residence In New Berlin, Union county, on Thursday night of last week. Comino delights house cleaning, moving, green leaves, strawberries nud cream, cholera morbus, picnics, 145 degrees In the shade, excur sions, and summer complaints generally. Somebody says : "People who Imagine thero Is no cotton raised in the North are mistaken. There are thonsaivlsif women who raise n pound or so of cotton '-very lime they draw a breath. New FoiiNDnT. The erection of n car wheel foundry, wns commenced on Wednesday last In Cake's addition to Sunbury, by Messrs. Wolver ton, Winner nnd Thutcher. The building will be 100 hy 40 feet, and is expected to be ready for operation la about two mouths. It is also con templated by the Brut to add a car shop for the buildiug of en s, when n lavge number of hands will bo employed. Wo wish the firm success lu their new enterprise. The cstlmntcd cost of tho old Court Ilause ac cording to an old p;ipcr filed among tho records, signed ftv John We'tzul, Wm. Gray, and Alet- j aider Hunter, Trustees, dated Suubury, Sept. H, I jo, nua puoiuncu in me Jjaily, was i'l.iuu-io 3. Tho editor says ho was somewhat nonplussed with t.'ie totals, u iVI n friend ljformej him that an Anu'iicun pound was t'i,GTi,. Tho Ameri can pound Turied iL tho olfforcut States. The Pennsylvania pi und was 7 shillings 6 pence, or $2 6ti?i. In New York g shilling or $2 50, and and In the New EugiiHid Stu'e iu4 Vlrgiula the pound wa $3,33'. Perhaps one of thu very w orst street crossing In the town, is the one nt the railroad on Third und Waluut streets. No attention has beeu '.vou to It for several years a-t. As tie street com mlBsloucrs have had no occasli.u lo make repairs In Walnut street for several years, tije citizen in that vecinlty think they are entitled to a crossing, so they need no lougr wade through mud and water wheu crossing the railroad I. O. of O. F.Em'l Wllvert has been te-elortfA to tbe office of District Deputy Graud Patriarch, lor tue Lucampmci.t branch ef I. O. of O. F., lor Northumberland county. P.em.iining In the I'ostofflce at Sunburv. Arrii 23, 1873 i ' M is Elizabeth Auranu, Gnstns Boner, Miss iiriniau Dicusier, .urs. Anna .M'Ciure, John D. Chevalier (2) Mrs. Rachel Cammed, Mr. Hanah Duigart, N. C. Dean (2), Mrs. Sarah 8. Dorse, Dnus. Frisk, Mrs. M. B. Graves, Miss Emma Graham, Miss Josephiue Hollcnback, Miss Jen nie Hoover, Miss Mary C. Hardlvir.c, Mrs. Julia A Hosierman, Mis Mase Harrison, Samuel Limns. Wm. J. Mm nr.. Mi II,. rr'.- I'ersons calling for advertised letter will please vixj t.icj HIV UUtCIUbl'd, J. J. Smitu, P. M. Wb have received specimen pages of "Behind the Scene In Washington." lleiug a complete and graphic account of the Credit Mobilier In vestigation, the congressional rings, political in trigues, working of trie lobbies, etc. Giving tho secre' liUtory of our aatlonul government, in all Its various branches, nnd showing how the public money Is squiiuneied. how votes are obtulued etc., with sketches of the leading Senators, Congress man, Government Officials, etc., and an accurate description of tho splendid public buildings of the federal capitol. By Edward Winslow Mar tiu, author of "Secrets of the Great City," etc., etc. Illustrated with numerous tine engraving of the public buildings nnd noted cene in Washington. This work will soon bo Issued hy the National Publishing Co., Philadelphia. It will be a valu able volume lu every library. Agent are wanted. "Netta," wa admirably performed during c veral eveaing of last week, lu the Opera House or thl place, by Mr. J. W. Lewi, aud Mis Kate Foster, assisted by ome young men and ladle of this place. Those who did not patronize the eutertulumeiit of our firemen, for whose benefit tho performances were given, missed a rich treat. The "boys' ol the Steam Fire Engine Company were highly pleased with the dlgulfied manner tn which tho performance were conducted by Mr. Lewi A M: Foster, as will be teeu by the annexed resolutions, passed at their last meeting. Sl-NW'RV, April 19, 1673. At a meeting of Sunbury Steam Fire Engine Co., No. !, tbe following resolutions were adopt ed i Whereas, We have just passed through a successful season with the military deama, "Net. ta, the Vlvandiere ; or the Pride of the Regl uient huvlug given the people of our town a ve ry fine entertalumeut, a fact greutly due lo the successful management of Mr. J. Warren Lewis, aud Miss Kate Foster, therefore bo It Jlctolvi'l, That we tender to them our hearty congratulations, and warmest thanks for the flue manner In which they placed the Drama before the public of our towu, proving themselves to be successful manager, aud accomplished actor, whom' we can cordially recommend to the public, assuring all who may be fortuuute enough to se cure their services, that tbey will find them all they could desire. Jieioliid, That a copy of these resolutions be presented' thdm with the kind regard aud best wishes or Sunbury Steam Fire Coinpuny, No. 1. 3. M. CADWALLADER, Prrs'l. t. HoprnAir, Secretary. Aomcoi.TiTRAi.. In pnrsnaneo to a call, made on April the 7th, the officers and mcmbf-rs of the Union Park and Agricultural Association fnclnt the Court House, on Saturday, April luth, for the proper distribution and prompt, execnllnn of the work of the Assortntlon. Tho following eommKt"f were appointed. , . . Committee on sThartcf, Constitution anfl By La wt-aolomon Mallck, Jus. Z. Pavls, It., t. M. Bartholomew, ChrUtlan Heff and James Vandyke. Committee on Printing 6ol. Mallck, Isaas Campbell, P. II. Moore, E. Wllvert and J. E. Elchholtz. Committee on Premium Lint Jacoh M. Foll mcr, Isaac Campbell, Edward Orady, Augustus Wald and Geo. B. Cadwallader. Committee on Charge of Grounds mud Proper ty Thomas O. Cooper, John Smith and Henry &. Fagcly. Tbe Committee on Charter, Ac, reported, and preseutcd a Constitution, wnleh was read, amended and adopted by sections. Meeting adjourned to meet at the Court Houso on Tuesday, May 13th, at I o'clock. Sol. Malici, Pres't. P. n. Moors, 8ec'y. It will bo seen by the above proceedings that the Agricultural Association mean business, and Intend to make tho Fair at this placo a grand success. Sixty-nine persous have already taken one share each, and many of whom Intend du plicating their shares. This is an evidence that those who have Invested feel a lively Interest lu the matter, and will push to make it a giand success. A place so advantageously located as Sunbury tho terminus of live railroads canr.ot help but operate favorably In making it a first class fair next Tall, and a paying Institution to the stockholders. Monument Association. Tho following nro tho proceeding of tho several recent mcetlugs of j the Executive Committee of the Monument As- social Ion : i P. II. Moore, Chairman of Committee on foun dation, reported thnt they had entered In'.o a contract with Ira T. Clement for tho construc tion of tho fouudatlon contractor tu furnish all material, except cement, and lay the same in a good, substantial nnd workmanlike manner for fivo dollnrs per perch. On motion, tho contract was conflrineJ. Ou motion, the sub-committee on foundation were instructed to proceed with the construction of tho same ns soon as the weather will permit. Ow ing to the removal ol Clios. J. Fox from the county, his place ns a member of the ( uinniittee was declared vacant. Jared C. Irwlu was unanimously elected to 1111 the vacancy occasioned by the removal of Chas. J. Fox. The executed bond of tho Trcusurcr was sub mitted, and, on motion approved. An estimate bill for one hundred dollais for material furnished was presented by Ira T. Cle ment, and, on motion, uu order for eighty dol lars was grauted. Tho resignation of Samuel II. Knowlts us a member of thu Committee was received, and, on motion, accepted. Solomon Malick, Esq., wns unanimously elect ed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resigna tion of Samuel II. Knowlcs. On motion, a committee of thrco were appoint ed to procure a charter. Committee, G. B. Cad wallader, A. N. Brice and L. H. Kase. On motion, it wos Resolved; That for tho pur pose of securing the proper obscrvanco of Deco ration Day, the committee instruct the Secretary to extend nn Invitation to all tho orders and or ganizations in this place and vicinity to partici pate in the exercises of the day. Ou motion, A. N. Brice and L. M. YoJer were appointed a committee lo watt on Hon. John It. Packer and Invite bim to deliver an address on Decoration Day. On motion it was Resolved, That a committee or three be appointed to eiilist the sympathy and co operation of tho common schools and Sunday schools of the county In the accomplishment or the object of the AssoMatiou. Committee Gen. Clement, Solomon Malick nnd L. M. Yoder. On motion it was Resolved, That a committee ofthiea bo appointed to engage the services or Prof. SU'ck to deliver a lecture on the subject "Horace (irecley, n Moral Hero," In the Court House, on Saturday evening, April 2f!th, for tho bencli of the Association. Committee Gen. Clement, A. N. Brice and J. J. 6mith. On motion, the regular meetings of the Com were fixed for tho first Wednesday even ing cf enrh month. J. J. Smith, President. Hedits Painter, Secretary. FlTTl thb amp.kican. To the PitorBiiTY Holders of Sushi t. While All admit the Importance of a well organ ized, and Well supported Ure department, ull do not cem to ho willing to gtvc their aid in It sup I"ort. Last week the young men composing our steam firo coi.'ipany, gave a number or enter tainments rr C be purpose cf raising means to purchase hats, a necessity that has not yet been supplied thciii,iioC"i'hstaudIng '.he company has been iu existonce several years. Great expecta tions were entertained by the members of tho company, hut tho bouse Va so sparcely attend ed that the expenses atCcL'diiig such entertain ment were barely paid, ai;d ul their elose on Saturday evening last, the eo.-i.V"tisum of 7 ov er and ubove cxpeuses, were real'L'd. Previous to getting our steamer, we had a u. i'.erable orga nisation, and sometimes none at all, l"',r the rea son that being a li reman is in t only .'ttlcmted with hard labor, but with great expinLi4 nd even hazard of life. Our present company, in fluenced by tho tine and costly apparatus'!.'!'? hold In their possession, manifest lho greatett zeal in ttieir ellorts to render It an rmcicnl orga nization, although niot of I hem do not own a dollar's worth of property iu the place, and why they should be compelled to beg lor means to supply themselves with anything that may add to their comfort or protection, or to place the or ganization on a proper rooting, we cannot sec. They have no interest ut stake, or at least most or them have not ; and if tbey all bad we cannot see why they slmld protect the t..wn against tire with tbeir owu bodily exertions and pay expense too. Tho position of Ureman is luborious and hazardous, and the Indications presented bv tho occurrence to which no make relereuce, ure that u i luankic-s. OBSERVER. NI.MtlltY MAKKtTS. Flour uimI Urniu Market. Extra Family 1 13.00 Burkwhvat, I. ct., 5.00 Red WUi-at.p. lni.,t J.OO 00 Coru Meal, " 2.M! Com, " liiu'kwheiit Out. &2 lb. Flaxseed, Market. II a in a. Tallow, Country Boap, Dried Apples, " Peaches, Shnulders. 70 N he:it Ulan, p. bit. 1.50 1.00 50 3.25 Short, 'J.oO IVirn A Oats Chnp, 3.00 Timothy Seed, p. b. 3.00 l'roduce Potatoes, Eks, per dos., Butter, per lb., Lanl. Sides, $ttn ltsxtistmtnU. . KEIV VOUK AM I'lllLAIsKLl'lll A NIt.I.l.N'KUY CUOIIS. SPRING A SUMMER BONNETS A 1IATS. TRIMMED AND UNTBIMMED. An extensive assortment of 8traw Millcnery and r'uuey Uoods, now on At MISS L. WEISER'S MILLINERY eTORK, Mahket Sthbet, Sl'KUI KY, Pa. My stock of Spring poods Is unusually laif and varied, csuiprisint: the lutest and lunst at tractive styles, olecled with cam from the lead ing tuiyoriiiig bouse uui sduplcd tor the present tcaaon. i i I 1'J.'7! ' MI!3a L. VVII8FR. ft A' WW s'! PI H If 1 1 f ft 1 Fill 1 f 1 'W y Ij li 11 i ii 1 fi IS i ml li i 1 1 $25,000 iu SrilIXG ami SUMMER GOODS now open lor inspection QV CCF? crer.2 The finest stock of &j Ho siery, Gloves, Trimraiup, Shawls, i White and Laco Goods, Carpets in rrreat variety and price, from 25 ct, upwards, Oil Cloths, "Window Dlindf: A full and complete assortment of GROCERIES. Merchant Tailoring, THOMftS G. EIOTT, Champion Gutter. We have added Meachant Tailoring to our husincss v.ith THOMAS O. XOTT f,s Cutter, ond will guarantor complete satisfaction in this as well as in every other department. I'wi-HitVf to i "W keep on hand eon.stantly, hest Imported Siiwixu Machine XuKM.Ed, and Trill forward Mff9T to any addivsa poft paid on receipt of cash price Singer all kinds, aud G rover & Uaker. iiiu-ts. per dozen, all other kinds, GO cts. per dozen. Mli'e DeMorettn Patterns for Bale. Simlmry, Ta., April !, 1873. omos. 1Q73. mn&EJLFL . a ja Bias: .s Greatest Va2?ietn Just opened at S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. tho largost ever ofl'ercd 1000 Coats, 1000 Vests, 1500 Pants, 200 liny "a nml Children's Suits, 1000 Hats and Caps ! for wen Rod boys, j IU Sliirts of 5000 Linen and Paper Collars. 1000 l'air .Scurfs, 150 Dozen bocks, 268 (MALLS ADD OKfflffi. Gauze: and Jfcrino .Sumner Underwear, Truuks, Satchels, Valises, Jewelry, Walking Canes, &c. Everybody is respectfully iuvitod to call aud examine this most magnificent r.ssorl mcnt. To Goods misrepresented, no troubb to fhow Goods or to give information. The vrhnle witT be offered at Extraordinary Lo Prices, nd satiafaction guaranteed in every -,vay. Sa Corner Market aud Sunbury, Pa., April 12, lb73. 1873 SlJTNGh , 1873 EYRE AND LANDELU, FOURTH AM) AKCH STREETS, rillLADELPIIIA. AUK DAILY OPENING CIlOKMl N K V SPRING I)I?Y .(MUS. SPItINt; DHY GOODS. SILKS OF II VSON TIXTS. NEW COLO Its STKIPK SILKS. NEW PAISLKV SHAWLS. VMM AFFKCTS FINK SHAWLS PLAIN FKIENDLV SHAWLS. NEW DHESS (;ooi is OPEN FOI' LAUD'S LAItGE SPOT. FliENCII FOULAHDC'IILn'tZFS FINE STOCK (JF TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS & NEW HOUSEHOLD GOODS' N. I5.-LVONS BLACK SILKS Warranted Durable. M'il5, 173-w .sPEITO i!T THE consist i nt; of L'W-i or. - Ml U III M rjjy 5'riv zrv Ladies' DiWtj Goods in this section, mm I ws,; stock of in this town. all Dwilis, Linen aud Paper CufTs, 1000 Tics, Bows and UO dill'creut styles .Suspenders, SSer&feMci' 9 Third Streets, Sunbury, Pa. HIMWisW III II l iCssTHlllf-" 0P1IIIG m V, V and Halo at tho STAR STORE, ! s'T. - 'Ji JTJ-JlVJ ! .HI ss ot ery low prices.' Blankets, Sureafls, r i a Sad o B o B c o 6 o Ill k 2 km s si fa 7? Ct 'to a CO a N m C5 O Mm $ B $5.0 $20, tl'-T (J.lV ' A i. U' I' ill classes of wui kino ti-inli,. rf r :t imi. if 38 PI a rd MM '!3 w a 5 O Ik. 2. 'A M s test rt rp hi q i 2 ? ig H n n 3 ten G " M Ki Junit or om, inuKu r;.i:u uiaufy nt wort for ns lu their spare!:-., or all tliaiiue' Ihsn at auyiuinjf cite. PaHlculiri.- fiw. Address, J. STIXSON A CO . " P-l-;i!... M,i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers