'sUXHUiiY, FKIUUTAIir 8, 1873. : '(. ' . Railroad Tlia? Tabic. ARRIVAL ASD DBT-ARTfllS Of TllAINI AT SCWIIl'RT. 'TC. C.'lt. 'W; Pntlth.' . I P. E c.i. Man. ia.no ii m ! Siaii. - il n. w.ft. O..H.I II III F.rle Express, S.40 1 Ninif. KxpveMia.w Mail, IIM El ml in Mull , 4.80 . Niivg. Epres 8.00 p m F.rlc Express, 7.01 " mbi'rt Ann tEwisTowit n. r. , 1 Lnve Bnnbnry for Lewlstnwn nt 7.45 a. in., anrVB lp. M.' Arrive ;nt Banbnry frsra Lewirtown at l.M od 7.45 p. m. 1 snastorm iMTwtoit, it. c t. w. i.tAnt ' ' ' " armtk ' Bnnbnry at 6.4(5 a m I At Bnnbnry f .9o m 186 pro IMpia 4.40 p m I ' V 0.00 p m COCTTLUt, AAtUTO A WOCCtBAIlKl B. . Rwrnlnr passenger train leaves Sunbury for Dwnvlllo, Cattawlssa, Hatleton and Intermedlnte stations, at 0.46 a. m. Kttirnln(t learn Hle tou at 1.00 p. m. Arrive at 4 00 p. ro. tA0KAWA59A AITDSLOOMaStmO H. ft. Leave Northumberland at 9.40 a. m. and 4.E0 p. m. , Arrive at Northumberland at 10.36 a. m. and 6.09 p. m. Accidental Insurance Ticket run be had J. Bhlpman, Ticket Agent, at the Depot. of u - Joshuas ftocals. Bxwtss MAcnntta at Cottaos Oroaks. Miss Caroline Dallas is the etrent for the sale or the best Sewing Machines In existence, via i 'Tho Improved Grover A Baker,' and 'Domestic.' which are constantly kept on hand, and sold at reasonable prices. She Is also agent for the sals of the celebrated '8ilver Tongue Organs,' und tho Bay State Oreads,' and for the snle of tho Fnintt & Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see them. Office ou Market street, east of the rail road. Tlocsa asd Lot for Bale. A new Douse and Lot, located on Spruce streit, Bunbury, Is offered for sale on easy terms. Apply to John Wilvrr. The American Agriculturist for February, Is one of tho best number yet Issued from that of fice. It, Is full to overflowing with tho most In teresting agricultural articles, and finely Illus trated with appropriate wood cuts. It Is the le-t agricultural Magutlne now published. Price $1.50 per annam In advance. Address Oraiij;e, Judd 4 Co., U45, Broadway, New York. Oivrk A wat. A superb French Olcopraph, "Little Ruuaway nnd her Pets," l presented to every subscriber of the CnuisTiAN Usios, edited by Uev. Henry Ward Ueecher. The site of the picture. Is 14K Inches by Siyf Ineheii, nnd is the l.irniMt noil huudsoinest French Oil Cliromo ever uir-ied, end Is one of the finest and must attrac tive pictures we have ever ccn. Those who are ndinircis of lwinilsome wall pictures, should have their subscription sent at once, so us to guaran tee a copy of this beautiful ait painting In oil. "Wide Awake," and "Fatt Asttep," is Liiothcr bc.utifiil French Oil Cliromo which is In unabat ed demand, for tliey win the heart as well as the eye. One represents a little girl with a daisy chain about her neck recllnint; on thermae, xhc other shows the same child with both bauds holdini; flowers, fast asleep on a sofa cushion. The Cbri.tian Union Is a family weekly paper, 24 pae;i'S larc quarto sire, and is the only religi ons paper for which Mr. Ilocclicr writes. The mliser'n tion price is tS.tO per annum, with a present of one of the above pictures. Call at ituz'.etines Pi t iodlcal stoi e, and sec the pictures iiinl specimens of the paper, where subscriptions are received by C. 8. Hnztine, ngout. T:tn grandest display of nev. furniture ever witnessed eun uow be seen lit B. L. Roudeubush's stoiu in Masonic Buildings. There ncvet was a larger assortment exhibited in Bunbury than can be seen nt the ubove establishment. An entire, ly new supply bus Juet been opened, mid every hi vie of luruiture may be bad nt reasonable pri ces. The most fashionable Chairs, Lounges, Sidfhoitids, Parlor Suite?, and everything In the furniiuie line is kept for sale, all entirely uew, and manuraetnred out of tile, best material. Call nn I see the new stock Just opened, and learn the I i ices ami adr.intuges lu buying at borne inste id of in the c ty. The Excelsior Boot A Buna StoiiK con tinues to keep up Its reputation for tho best arti cles of B ots it bhoes !') Market. The great va riety kept in that eelablisbtuunt has proved ud vantajeous to the citizens generally, ns no one can go there with their patronage without being suited. Gum shoes, which are uow most needed, will he found in greater variety than ever before. L ulies are particularly Invited to call and see the latest styles. Constantly opened und offered for sale at the most reasonable prices. Cui'CK Fix'l. Thns. O. Nott, Merchant Tai lor, on Third street, is chuck lull of orders for new suits. Mr. Nott 's great success lies in Ms tilting every one so handsomely that none ever complain. As he keeps none but the best goods, a good suit is ulwuys guaranteed to his custom ers. EEUfiioN or tub World. This valuable re ligious work contains a stuleinent of the origin, development aud forms of worship, doctriues und government of the religious denominations In the world, with biographical sketches of emi nent divines, has been enlarged and revised, und should find a place in every household. It Is a complete history of all dcnomii.ullona that have aud do now exist in the world. The book can not be obtained nt book sloie., as it is only sold by agents. We are bappy to see that Calvin I Woodcock has received the agency for its salelu Bunbury, Northumberland, Upper and Lower Augusta, and is now canvassing for subscribers. The work is very cheap, and every one should avail themselves of a copy. It is Illustrated with Hue steel enraviugs, und coutalus nearly four hundred pages. fe!-3t Valentines 1 Valen riNSs I of svery variety aud style, ut llaseitiue's. Finr and Si-FEnriNB Every style of Valen tines V4l be bud at Uazeltiue'e book uud period ical store. A i.i. the periodicals of the day can bs bad at Maseltliiu'a perlo leal store. A Rare Cuavce for Baroains. Selling off at co l, for cash. Fruffi ibis date until the 80th of Fibril iry, Clement A DL-slngsr, at the Btar Store, will disMss of the OoHowing goods at cost: One lot of Shawls, Blankets, Woolen Caps, Ukirts. (j'ovci. Hose, Ladies and Gents' Under wear. Furs, Heavy Woolen Dress Goods, Flan nels, and one bun Ired feaiy nrada Vests, pries 1 to 12. Nov l the thns to secure bargains. fel-8t W. R. F. Weimer has just received bis seeood purclire of fall and winter goods, cheaper than ver. His stock of ladles' dress goofls, water pi ools, la t, carpels, oil clolbs, line groceries, sn l i.i fuel everything to suit the lasts and fancy, and at prices astonishingly low. Ha Sells for rra ly cj-stv, and will not be undersold by any fine. Give hltn a Mill, and he convinced tbut Wellness t iu ilar etsh store Is the place tc sees re bargains. BRAlTirfl, T. new style oflldtirand Capr that adoru ih windows of S. Faust's bat store. on Maiket street, are beautiful. His fuM and winter slock is s--sor to any svetSeeo Inthhv place. All tpft mth styles, and of ttfe bear 1ua' Uty, are to be f vu0tj Hs as-tt-rH(QVoo4-si' -prleas losa i f"1S, .- F. stital. The J. O. of R. M. will hold a Tea. j llval In their hull, In Huupfs building, nn Mon 1 day , Tuesday and Wednesduy evenings, March ' 10th, 1Kb and IStli. ; . J ' CornM-H FuV-crkh of this place, bin bacn np , j)oliiCi-r despiitrhci nb tin- iowbt yard in place af ' C'h ii lies Younftt ' Mr. Flockef la flrs't class rail road htmil, nhd Is. deserving of promotion. , . Euis BofiTiAW, of CuktHctwri, and nlgty bnf' gage master, whlic icllllnar hog, nn Frldny Ian, had hit Ihnmb split, by tba kutfe brink; tVrce. through bis hand in the struggle of the porker. PmstkhS need but little bare below, but need that little aura. ' BtOKt tnhocoa tB Icj. Mr. John Arnold, the popular landjdrd on jiba opposite aide of. tha rlvor, rlrovs over th? Ice with a horse and aled. When near tbethor on thli aldo, tho horse broke through, and made A narrow escape fronl drowning. lie was got out by tha aid of lopea, aud then rccrossad In safety. . Tnl man named Cadwailadcr who fleecad sev eral merchants aud landlords In Snyder county Ust full, by tepresentlnK that ba was a U. B. Unairer, and was arrested by detective 1. 8. Ooss ler, plead (tulliy of the'tharge, and was sentenc ed to three years in the Western Penitentiary. A DONATIO part visited tte realdence of Rev. 8. J. MillH'eii, of this place, ou Thursday even Init of lust week, nnd left the deserving Minister nnd his lady various gifts of groceries, dry (roods, Ac, to the value of about one hundred nnd tlfty dollars, and teventy-sli dollars In Greenbacks. Immersion. On flilbrtay last about noon, ten persons were Immersed In the river at Market street landing. Although the weather was ex tremely cold, a laree number of persons were present to witness tha ceremony which was Im pressive and Interesting. The Rev. Mr. Wheat of tho Baptist Church nt this place officiated. Our Baptist friends hare had quite an Interesting revival In their Church for a few weeks past, which is still contiutied every evening. Accident. On Monday last, Charles Toung, despalchcr in the N. C. Railway yard, nt the low er end of this plucc, was caught between the cars while coupling, and was seriously Injuied. lie Is uttended by Dr. Iluiipt. Tnc woik on the grading of the additional trnck of the P. A E. Railroad, at the upper end of this borough, Is being rapidly completed by iha contractors, Messrs. Beaoholta & liowen. Rome sixty men nre employed, nnd they are en- deavo.luu'to piocurc an additional force so as to i , , . , .... I complete the work by the 1st of April ucxt. i GnOfNn Ilcta DaT. Sunday last was candle mass, or Oround Hoi? ilav. AceordiiiL' to the he- 1 lief of some people, when his hogship comes out of his lair, and sees his shadow, he will return and remain six weeks longer, indicating that we will have six weeks of severe weather. Sunday was n bright day, nnd if the bristly weather-indi-cntor made his upieatnncc he must have seen his shadow ; we are therefore doomed to endure nnothcr "spell of weather." We examined Inst week, at the Clement Ilouse, where it can ho seen at nnv time, a small ftu- tionnry engi.ic.which, in our Judgment, wa regard us being one of the most complite piece of me chanism that has ever came before us. In point of beauty It cannot be excelled, nnd the perfect symetry of thu minutest parts exhibits the skill of the workman, und astonishes the beholder. It was built by u young man in the P. cV E. shops who has not served more thau two years at bis business. The little machine proves him to be a mechanic of the llrs.t order. Death or Wst. Horn Oi the Sath ult., Mr. Win. Horn, of this place, died lifter a lingering illness caused by u tumor. lie had a tumor re moved last full which relieved bltn for a short liti.c, but another soon niter developed iti-elf, trom the effects of which ho died a few days ago, alter much suffering. He was employed at the N. C. R. R. shops, previi us to inking sick jj0 i was aged about U5 years, and leaves u wife and a large circle of friends to mourn his early death. Mr. Horn was a consistent member of the Luthe ran Church, and look a great Interest in the Bun day school. lie was a member of the Order of I. O. of R. M. at York, Pa., to which place his remains were taken on Saturday for Interment. A Seniors Accident. Ou Monday night Inst Mr. John Hopper, an employee at tie round house. In the upper cud of town, after h iving Mulshed his work lakl down and fell asleep with bis foot across tho track. During the night, Mr. Geo. Diebl, engineer, not observing Hopper, moved nn engine nut which crushed his foot iu a terrible manner. Mr. Hopper was removed to his residence on Front street, and ou Saturday the foot was amputated by Drs. Hanp: aud Long. We ure happy to stale that the patient Is doing as well us can be expected under the rircumstnn ccs. Mr. lloppur Is a member of the Steam Flte Engine Company, and It iacoinmendtble, us well as characteristic of firemen, to sec bow his fel low members care uud provide for their injured brother. Mr. Hopper Is poor, and we dally no tice ireuibers of that company visiting hltn who never leave without contributing bomething to his wants. Though many believe, liiat lire com panies ure composed principally of roughs, yet j we Uud them, hero its elsewhere, lu misfortune the 8rst to do acls of kindness worthy ofeinuli. lioo by niauy pretending philanthropists. Si nDEH Death. On Sunday last, Mrs. 8a rah Clement, wife of Ira f. Cb m nt, Esq., of this place, wu stricken with appoplexy about noon, from the ctfeds of which she died ut 8 o'clock on the same evening. It i with feelings oT sincere sorrow that we announce to our readers (he de mise of this estimable lady. The death of Mrs. Clement n s east a g.oom over lbs entire neigh borhood, and bus left a void among a large circle of friends and relatives that can never he filled. Her life bus Ven au exainplury one, aud tar ma- i ny Christian virtues, and many kind qualities of head und beait eadcaicd hsr to every persoi who becains acq mil n led iik her. She was ulwuys ready to wait ou tbe sick, and afflicted, and ad mlulster to tUelr comfort. In lil'euhe was as ex amplification of nil the virtues which adoru the true Christian modest and loving lu her Inter course wilb lrer friends aud acquaintances. Railroad Accident. --Ou Tuesday morning lust tbe express coining east, ou the Philadelphia & Erie railroad, dns at ibis place at V.4U a. m., wben a few - miles west of tkock Haven, wus thrown from tbe track hy a snow slide." The en gine and tauk were thrown 'over an einbaukmsut killing tbe engineer Win. Denny, of this place, aud slightly Injuring the tlreuiiia and baggage masters No puseiig"rs were hurt. Mr. Denny was thrown under the debris. Mr. Morris, the conductor, immediately went to his rescue, but upon taking bold of him, aud calling hltn by name, be gave a groatf and expired. Tbe acci dent wVs un unavoidable one, aud could notbuva Oren 'guarded agaiust. No blams can ba attach- rt to the Compunyor hs cmployvos. Tha death of Mr. Denny Is much regretted, us he Is at first class siigineer a good cillseu sober, ludhstrl-ous,-4nd generally esteemed by all bands on tlie road'for bis ramplary cond iet, gord bsart and socl .'.Mllty tbwuvds feh fellow wtnluisu. lr. wif spd vs sblldrsc. Doings in tn'8rrRRvii C or rt. Northum berland count ant Well represented In the Su preme Cmnl room fur the Noi'liein District. Int Week In Philadelphia. Then- were present 8 P. Wolverton, gnl. Ma lick's J. W. Pomli y. W'. C. Lawson, Ji W. Brown, .T. .K. Clement, Al V. Bilce, L. H. Kue. O W. JMgter, XV. A. Htu r, J. K. Davis. 8. H. Buyer, OV A. Relmensny ler and i. -a. ) Ctiminliigs, for tha Mortham Lis trk. 1 ; Oi tha above, 8. Mallck, i. K. Davis and A. 27. Brios were lylnvfued ami sworn in. There weru-tweiity-alt cases nn the list for ar gument from tha District. Let It he understood that , these cases c.une from the entlrs district, nnd not from Northumharland county alone, as the Watsmitown ,'erorrf has blunderingly said. Thalia Wms ealled over -by Cblaf Jssllce Read, and the two following eases were anmuiiirlly dis posed of i ' .- Joseph W. Cake vs. the Phllsdelphla nnd F.rle ftallroad Comjianyi Coilnrel for Pin (at IB, Coin ley and Oaks.-. For Defendant, Beardslcy and. Da vis. Tswicr book not served on Dcfundauttweuty davs previous. Abn Vot. antercd. Jacob B. Matser vs. lied wood F. TVarner, tt. a!., Executors, die, of Joseph Warner deceased. Counsel for Plalntllf, Packer, Buyer, Dnvis. For Defeurlant, Comley' and Bull. Pnper book aerved last Friday, when by rnlo of Court It should bavo been aerved twenty day previous. JVon Ym. entered. la both of these mass new writs will likely, ba taken nut, aud the suits argued next year. Overseers nt Banbury vs. the Overseers of Not thumberlnnd. In this ease were employed Hrlce aud Zelgler. for Bunbury, and Boyer and Vincent for Northumberland. One Emma Molt, a poor half-Idiotic girl, g ive birth to a bastard child in Bunbury early hi 170. Hho was placed on 'the boron Lrh lu February of thnt year. Blie haviug married one Jacob limit, of Point township, wa endeavored to tlx her settlement In Point town ship. . Failing In that, we pnid httcntlon to Nor thumberland, as that was her residenco before her iDiirj luge to Hunt. In .tlmt,tho Northum berland Uversecrs appealed, and onr Cuurt of Quarter Sessions decided ill our lavpr. A writ of turtivrari was taken out by -Mr. Vincent, who was ttrst employed lu the case for defendant, and laid before tha Buprome Judges tor tholr review. Without much hesitation they decldud In our fa vor on the ground that a ctrfi'oroii would not llo In this case. Tuls will give Banbury about $n00 which has been expended In the rial's support. Northumberland w ill now go for Point. John Bowcn vs. Daniel Driickeniiller and Jacob Reun vs. same. In thre cases the plaintiffs have liens iion n lot of Mr. I)., In Penn street, Sunhnrv. Defendant took the benefit of tho bankrupt ar t, and claimed that the Hens were discharged because bis claim for exemption cov ered S00, aud because he supposed the property had been properly set upart. Kxceuilons wre Issnrd upon these judgments nnd petitions were entered a-king to have them strlckeu otf. Tho Couil below refused. Appcr.ls were taken totho Bnpreme Court, nnd the enses were decided In fa vor of Bowen aim Renn. Mr. D. will therefore lose his property, which ho supposed bad been saved by the t "00 claus W the bankrupt act, nnd the iillKI clause in the State exemption l.iw. Da vis for lien creditors aud Ru'rurbn.vder lor Mr. Driickeniiller. Case of Commonwealth vs. Perry TI:ias, taken up nu'ler the net of 1S70, uiL'iieil and held for de rision. No Hit hnalion thrown nut us to luiv, Ihe ' case would be dicideil. It was taken upon n nio- tion for a new trial. Athtther'u m-w tilal Is ranted oi not. the hoy will never be bunS. Ilo Is In the last stnga ol consumption, County or Northumberland vs. the borouL'h of 6unl)i.ry. On the lidlli of November, 1HU4, the Council of Sunbury subscribed f 5,0 K) towards erection ol the new court House. Un the sc cond of August, ldOTi, the Council paid t'iir.1 mi the subscription. A special act of Asseuib y ' waa afterwards passed legalizing the ciliseriptlon of the borough, but u subsequent Council reins- , ed to pay the $45(Hl. The county brought suit., A case stated was agreed upon ami Hied. Judge. ' Jordan delivered the opinion tiiattt500 shou.d be paid by the borough. A writ of error was : riled by the county to the Supreme Court, to ' compel the borough to pay interest on that sum ' from May 1, 180t. This was the only point taken ; to the Court above, when it was gensrally sup- ! posed that the quest ion as to the power of the bo- i roimli under its dinner to make such sub-crip J'""'' l" V Bi7 ., "f"? "";m case it seems we were uiistekcn. A writ of error should yet be taken out and th e.! points decided. All hough the borough may be morally I bound (and there is no doubt even about this) for the 4.5 0, it Is not legally bound, and wo think the Mipieme Court would say so. The hupiemo j ( ?Otll t eilteri'.l I ililirtm.llt Mir,iiiist 111.. hf.r.,i..l. Fa 1 S4.SUII Wilh iliLelest IY.IIM Muv 1. lSI.K ! Dnrinj onr stav severa' o- ns v sited the East ern IV ul enliurv. The Warden verv k hull V show ed us nroun'1 and took us to the cells of souiu who are imprisoned from our county. We found I' ut rick Hi ster confined, nnd dressed In bis suit of butternut. He Is separate nnd solitary. He gieete I us cordially but sadly. His face woreun iiiqiiiilngiind dissatisfied expression. Smith and Gallagher we did not see. We did not viidtCole. Krcnig and Gross were both. In the same cull. They have not yet been put to work. The bovs were ousy with s'ate. pencil nnd hooks. Poor boys ! They are victims of bad companions am. bad women. e also visited Frank Galloway at the House of Refuge. The .Superintendent told us he sup posed Frnk would be allowed to remain. The poor boy Is dressed in his suit of eiav. He savs he is Contented. He is workitv' nt shnemaklnir, J 1 he boys rise at 20 minutes before t! n. in., go to payeis in tna cluiiel, then to breakfast at 7. j Tliev work from that lime till 24 p. in., and nre I iu school from that lime till 6 p. in. Thev retire j ist 8 und tX' P- "i. They nre allowed time for dinner sua lor plav. There are U70 bovs here. The House of Refngcus well as the Penitentla ty nre well kept, clean, nnd In good order. On tin) Penitentiary grounds a flouring mill grinds thu tlour which is baked nnbol'ed. The bread is also buked there. A drug store is on the premi ses. If it were not for the solitary confinement it would not be so bad a place ns we imagine. A. N. B. Ot a neighbor of the lailyh:ie come to the con clusion that "we can all live." Certainly, neigh bor! We are happy to know that you have dis covered it even at this lute daj-. But then, what is the use of ranting about a little borough pap now, after having received all the county pap for a nunib. r of years past. We ho-e the bottom of bis coffers have not yet been reached. If so, we would ndvise thu borough officials to quiet the 'crying chih.," and let our neighbor live. We ceitalnly could not 1elro any lb lug belli r to keep np the RepuMlean party In the county than to have our neighbor live. Our editorial brulher say be was iusti uinenlnl lb procuring for us, iu oiu intfuics, Sheriff Beekley's Election Proclama tion. That is very "thin" ucjghbor!' Ourfiicbd Ex-Sher:iT Ueckley bus not been In that office siuco we became the owner of this elublUhmetit. If he bud been we would probably have received more patronage from him than a proclamation, 1 as he has been one of the coDsUteul Democrats of this county, and us never suspected of being uonuecleU with the "Ring" Democracy. Admitted to Practicr in fait Bl'fkem Couht. V are bappy to amice that our young lawyers of this place ure ambitious, and art! try ing to reach a frol rank in thu legal Iraleriiity. Among lUo visiting the city last' seek, we no tice that our youug friiiids Sol. Mallck, Esq., J. K. Davis, Esq., uud A. N. Bilce, Esq., were ad mitted to practice, in tbe Supreme Court of the Novllicrn District. Each oue bad'ewses to argue tM.Tore tbe Bupreuie Court, iu which tbey done themselves credit. A.N. btiee, Esq., was em ployed iu tbe first case argued before I hs Cuurt, viz t The Overseers ol'Sutibury vs. Thu Overseers of NurthUilihcrlaQdj which, bas been decided iu luvor of tba parties for whom Mr. Brlca waa em. ployed. - We are gnitlAed to uou rlsssef facts, as It will give encouragement to our young frieuds for a bilgbl future lu their profession. V notice that the popular 'undlorl of the United States Hotel at Milton, L. G. Slicker, bas received the ageucy for tba sale of Mil Igun, Her.barg A Cq's f orslgn and Domestic Liquors. Mr. Slicker Is' lb rough busiuess man, is well acquainted With the business, a '4 no doubt soou will supercede all other sffewts In making talcs throughout tks country.' Tbe firm have been fortuuute in securing bis servicer for selling tbelr Una brunds ofiliquois la store'. - ., Tna people of Vlimm'port talk of trying nltro-glyceriue to remove lb ice in lbs river H that place- Tin candidates for offices are' already being j s.lknd 0 for next fall. Glvi us a rest, won't vwa-t ' Bkixw Zitno. The (ollnwlng rreorl of, tho days nnd dales that tho mercury fell b-low r.oro at sunrise, since IMti), h is been kept, nnd wn'4 furnished to the Htthbttrp Vatty, hy Dr. Is mc rtotlcn-ti In, of Shall. nkln Dam, SnyJcr county. Pa. , Ills record Is tip to Jannnry 8(, I M7:l. It will be seen that there were only three dins dur ing Unit whole period, as orild as Thursday of lust week t ISoO February 0th 7ih , 2. 'I,.... saai suutiii r im .,... sfXb . February eth i io 8 4 It 14 tl 4 6 11 id 14 6 13 1 M 6 'i 1 r, 20 14 S 14 ill 'ii 14 4 1 4 a c 10 lu , 11 fi 4 SO 1(1 4 X 12 14 1 4 It 2 8 6 3 4 1 Tin , 1639 January ,'. 1S3S 'January 8th. Sfllb ' 87l h. ..., .. 4th.. 6th.. Cth.. 7th. Hth.. Olli.. loth lllh 12th Tebroary i . '-.." ' Decembor 1830 January . Hth t)th 10th.'. ,17th S4th TTlh HlU Stnh 2d. 3d 4tb filh 1Mb ; lUtb , d 15th Sttttl 10th 14th 4th 1st 84th ; 4th 8d 4th Mh 19th 8th..: 11th lath 14ih S'Jd 4th Kith 17th 18lh 13th 14th tilith 29lh 4th , 18l!l '. 7ih : 13th Httth 27tb amii 'J."sl Eat h lth s;:d 3d 24th. 3d lllh liith i rt n 17ih 19ih Jtltli 17th S7lh btb SDlh CM VUih 17th lSl'i J7th JSth 'JSlth !;0: h 31sl 1st 4tll Hth loth i-lth '-0t h :.d 4t h , 6th HHh 13th 14th yth 10th lllh , liith isth aa-l i'-Uh 2Mh .'6ih 31 , 24th l'.ith , 1-t 2d Mh Cth M 3d 17th , 1UU 8th 8th 7th 10th. 18th lU'h 20th 2Sih 13th 1 tih 15l h hth , 4th 6th 10th 2lst ad 10th MOtll 80lh 14 til lil.t 1st a 1 4th nth 8th l-'ih lsi 4th 6ih Sl'h 0th 2lst Mh, ; February c f 1837 January . - t February March 1839 January i March 1841 January February December 1613 January December i i 1844 January 4 t February i i 1845 December t 1840 January 1 1 10 6 U 4 11 10 1 4 February March 1847 February 1MU Jauuuiy February 10 3 1 December ISr.l December IbSi January 11 5 1S.13 January 01 7 ! n o i 10 1 1 1 24 7 'i 11 1 'i 12 ll1- 4 I tl lO'-j B!4 10 1 i 24 M 10 13 1M51 December 1K',r December 18 0 January rebruarv I March 1S57 January ' February 1S?)8 February 1 1 5 ! jNSU January ' 100 January 7 3 2 7 2 8 2 18 7 1 4 II 1 1 O 11 12 13 3 0 I 8 2 13 4 7 o 10 13 4 0 i'.-l II 8 14 8 4 a 10 1 3 4 4 2 14 7 3 8 24 I Febi uary 1SD1 January ' Febiuary 18(13 January lhCi January ' February 1SG5 Juuuary February 1808 January Fcbruaiy December j 18C7 January December 1308 January February March 1S7I January 4 February December 1873 February ' December WJil '-'lit 2ith llHb lllh mil oiila 1873 January s List of Jurorss fur an Ailloururd Court, March U, ls7U. Frederick Burkenbine, Norlbumberluud, Patrick Ready, Coal la p., Thomas Lausihlin, Coal twp., Benjamin barlo, Lewis twp., FraiiKlm Curver, Mt'Ewensvillc, Henry Clement, Sunbury, Bailhnloinew Connors, Ml. Canned twp., Isaac Aiberl, JaVkson twp., W i 1 1 it in Dcibler, Sbaiuoklii borough, Daniel II. liecklev, Milton, Joint Earlston, Point, William Dent, Shamokin borougb, Nathan Brown, Jackson, Ellas RetMick, Upper Mahnnoy, John Corcoran, Sunbury, Daniel Smith, Snydertown lrfirough, Jacob II. Kauiriiian, Upper M ilianoy, George W. btiiw. Lower Angusta, John Depplu, Jackson, John Hlliier. Shamokin twp., Henry Gullck, Mt. Caruiel twp., Daniel Karcliner, Tiirbut, Peter Brown, Upper Mabuuoy, Jesse Miller, Point, John II. Beek, Lower Mubunoy, Isaiah Johnston, Point, John C. Forsyth, Northumberland, Joseph. Liny, "bhainoklii borougb, John Neabit, Northumberland, Dr. Joseph Eyster, Sunbury, John Good, Delaware, Isaac Messenger, Wutsonlowu, Jacob 1. Zsrtman, Jackson, William F. Kixtoer, Sk inioklii Borough, Jobs Folk, Bbutnokin borougb, Edward Fsber, Bvlawsre.- Soys people art as wers iiks eoffes, aad s thns by long standing. If their newspaper debts ould ssMile UwjBselves In .-, . - s 'oiut-ll I'roci'frtlast. j Ct'tlnill irtet, Chief liitigcss Mallck In the chair. ' Members f.r." ent II VI. I l Wat t , (i. II. C:l 11.1, del. .tun. t'adw tl:nderf Cnke,(: iris,- lrw,, Ilohr Inch and (i iiliiirr. ,ilnniLS ol last Inedlltig i mid and npprnvel. j On inolKiii of W L. DtvwAit, JTrsalesd', That one Ji rsou front each priming ofll -uiu admitted to the Council ch-'inbur, torujiuit the proceedings ol council. Mr, IH wnit, ns rhulrninn of lbs Finance Com mittee, refu ted that he hud rcceivod Inlorinalion that nn Act of the Legislature, had been enacted amhorlzlnir Ihc borough authorities to borrow the sum of S'i5,000 for public Improvement. Mr. Hewurt further reports, ns cliilrnian of the Committei on Has, Unit the khs company offered In erect btmp Msts on tlne streets wbeie the gas pipea have not lenm oxtended, n, the council may direct, nt the rate of twenty one'dol I urs per no-t, nnd to furnish them with l.ghl tit three dollars per lamp H'r mouth, t - 1. On motion ol J. M. (Jadwulludvr lbs report of the Gas Cnmmit.e was rcceivod and Inid over until next nmciltig. I'roposiilous lor p.t vine nnd pnlllntrln lite curb Ing nro'.tnd thfi puhlli square., were received from Georgo Harrlon, J. B. Mitsst r, John Ilititbolo tnew and Ira Forester ooth for brick and stone pnvitur. On Motion It was fietnfrttl, Tint the p.ivamrnt mound the park be laid wilh brick. The hill of Charles Martin, for lintilintr c.vtl dirt on Market Square, was refutrcl totho Fi nance Conimlllee. On motion of J. Adam Caku, littohttU Th it the lata borough ordinance he published In the Svnhvry iMlly and all the weekly papers printed In tho borough. On motion , f W. L. Dcwnrt, It was Rcrolretl. That the delinquent subscription list to public park be placed lu the hands of A. N. Ililce, J P., for collection, nnd that be receive five percent, for his services. The following bills were presented nnd orders irrantcd t Sol. Weaver. tS.tXI J. Adum Cike, f OIUllli J. Adam Cake. 1 11,50 t Ftenn, Fire Coui- p.tny (two months). 'iOO.OOi Nm-thu nberland County Jtrmnrrat. t8.()ll Wm. Purse', 7.ni)s Geo. W. Smith, f 10.00 t A. J. Stroh. f Sil .HI ; David Rockefeller, $0H.75. Orders referred to the Finance Committee : John b. Lcuker, bun bury Gas Company. At a rcgu'ar Hireling, on Tur-adny everlng, Jannnry 2Mb, of the "Shamokin Anti License Club," the following preattiblo and resolution was pissed, and orderid lobe publlsht d iu onr borough und county papers : IVAfivat, It is confidently repoT'rd nnd believ ed by many good nnd Sellable persons, who are wel nc'inalnled with the men, nnd working of things at llitrrisbnrg, th.it there is n Corruption fund of over n million dollars made up, nnd now nt the disposal of persons actively In luvor of li cense, to use Hintuig the members ol thu Loglsln ture, to repeal the present "Local llption Law,'' or cripple It In some wny so lis to defeat the spi rit nnd Intention of Hie law, if "110 license" should curry al our spring ulcctio'ts. therefore, y.Vnoidi, That we appoint a committer of three to co-operate with tho other associations, "Opposed to License" indue coutitv and ihro-'gh- out the State, to send n eotin'.v cotnm liee, from each county in the State, to go" to llarri-burg, ut stleh limes when needed, lo sustain the law i,s it now exists, and to prevent any Interference on the part of the Lsgislature toik'.iat a fair and honest es presslon of the people on the license question, or 11 fill r trial of its workings ul'ler wards w here It has been endorsed by the people. The committee appointed as suggc.-t-'d lu the nbjvc leeolutii.ii, were ChaS. P. HEI.KENaTP.IN, Rev. S. Domki', h. John. l.lst ofJurorsi lur .tlHrcli Court oni-iiK'iM-iii Mumlii.v, tho l'-iiti, 1H7. (itiA-r. ji t'oiis. T .Manning. Ml Car I .J, A Taylor, North" ! Mti-liucl Shads', Lewi M K .tni in. L'l A'igast. O W (. irio: Keilz. jr., Ml.lllUIV A. bell Fi-her. Si, nn L Augusta 1 a ,li itiiien, L Aug'j-d. M H11 nbuiiy, Mt CarT I-a:ie llitriiiau. Mi, to It is. Mepp, 1. Mahanov Kd T llriiinlieoci', Sunb S llhurd u ::', C A ut; la A I! Treon, Wa-li:ii ;,ton S M uti hler, tsliaiiio Tp U U Weish, Riverside I O billtuaii, J.nk.-oii Win Hoover, Sunbury Jete Lincbach, Lew is .1 ti I hnrp, t on I twp llobl Shriner, Nurth'd E it l.enk. r. I. Mati inoy Jncob Mixell, Milton Win Angstadt, Milton THAVKIISF. JI.UOUS. Jacob Sharp, Ml Car T Peter Yost, Kuth J Wulenhaller. Sham It Enoch Cole, Ml Car Tp G L Weimer, Norib'd Win Aiispaeh, Miilon J:to 1 hristhin. unhiiiv J (i.iriii in. I. Aueusta t irus brown, Mi. ton Win svper, Jackson Wm 1 Void-, N.uih'd Jos (;ass,r. L Augusta Amos A Vordy, Zeihu Juhn thtep, Turbut Geo I'nght. Smdiiiry Jae.il, Kodenbach, I'oinl B Brctinc, Mt Car Twp 11 Furusworth, bbaiuo S (1 Crawl, Sliainiikin T C P llcHciistiuc, Shumo klidin Kohler, Milton S 1. Kiney, Milton lit Fisher, Washington Win C Kelly, Coal Clnlsi'n Snyder, L Mali S ll.iilr.inlt, Chillisqna Fridiit k llcsser. Coal IVler M Reiir, L Angus J iiiirklieiiucr, Chillis jjoliu balliel, Delaware David Cleincut. Sunbury' James Sin it h,Chi!ilsiH:i David I'ngst, Uelawnrc l ied Dipner, Sliainu li M Euieriek, jr., Jordan Stephen il.ilu t, 1 ui but Jacob I In rii, I. Mahan Win Watson, Delaware J li Snyder, L Augusia Jaa liiland, L' Angtl-t.i N Adams, Washington Jno lloglnud. Deluwaii! W.U Underolller, L M.t D.ni'l Miller, Chillisqiiii lined M.iclin, r, Zeibc II llin.kleh, tiger, Sliaiti Ihos Morion, Ml Car B J Christopher, .Ml Car T rKTiT jr units. Anilrew Ditty. L Malm J Rolnlmrh. Sunbury Samuel Yost, Slminokin David B Miydcr, Jor.iun John Masser, Lewis Geo Hoiuberjer, Cainer W C Houdcrahot, Chillis Augustus Engle, Dtduw Jos lleuuinger, Sli.imo Javid Epner, Point Ambrose Taylor.Shamo Jacob Derr, Cbilli-iiun Jacob llow er, Jackson John Seott, Mt Car Ta p Tobias Wiest, .loidau !J M liattliiilomew, Sun Sol Weaver, Cameron 'Geo T Adams, Shamok Jno Depplu, I. Angusta Lemuel Cur, Milton Jere Sallman, Lewis Jacob Kreumer, Coal 1 oriieltiis Wentr.el, .lor Jere S Kaup, Cameron Jacob Fisher, Zei be ; Peter billinan, Delawur Patru'k Curreii, Zerlm jjix Frcdtiek, Chillislnta Snm'l Eliloi, North'd lj 8 Wagoner, Lt Malm D K Malick, U AugUslaM Graham, Ml Car llor H P Folimcr, Tin but M hos Foiilds, jr., Zeilw P Zitnineiman, I. Align, Han lsou Henry, fch uno List or Jettons run ADJontsr.n Cutiit, Com MBNCING MONOW, APKII. 7lh, lli.i. ruriT ji ititi-.s. Richard Doyl, Mt C Tp S I P iukleSerger, L A Sam'l Conner, Delaware Sam'l Kelli v.L Augusta J Delcuiiip, Mt Car Uor Geo burns, Wutsontowu M Bacliinau, L M ihano II B Longsdorl, J.iel,sou W 11 Miller, Siinbnry Duvid Muep, Turbut Jno Spalls, Sr, I. M ilia K Eiert, McKusvillu Fred Goodman, Turbut Win Deppin. Zerbe Jacob Diulcr, Tin but J Yrairer, Slminokin Tp A Stepp, Low Mahauoy 'i'lios G isklus, Cbi.lisqu Jno Shuyler, Lewis Geo W Evans, Milton Ad Campbell, Jackson Jno McEailand, Lewis Win II Douiy,sjli.iui iliiu J Dielleub ich, N'oih'd Wm D llaupt, Sunbury Sam'l II Wedse; Tuibnt Juo MeFiiee, Ml Car T Jno T Albright, Lewis Geo Buchcr, Suubury Periv Hotfuiau, .MiC II Kohl l'.us-el, Deluwnre 1 Jno Snyder, Turbut Benj Bta-brr, Cliilisqui Jiteob Ueiiu, Suiibiiry A SilUtuau, Ml Cur lior.A Sliauer, Delaware Trial Mitt. List of Causes for unjoin Led term, commenc ing March 3, 173: 1 he county of N01 thuiubcrlimd vs. Geo. M'EI lece. The county of Northumherlund vs. Philip Win. tcrateiu. Lvniiui Seilnr, udin. of E'ias Seller, vs. John M. Whinner. Frediitk Straile.r vs. Oan. bivkley, II. 8. Catherine Duiid vs. Ihc Ent' l pi l-e Coal Com pany unit Robert Annuel Ulan. Wiliiuiu Lewi vs. J.tinus M.iUtue. Pclei Inn, klc is. II. E. Shci enberger. Murtiii Sualilf and 1111. Vs. Uriah lo.U, con tractor, uud Michael Shipe, owner. Geo. tl. Weiker vs. N. C. Rails, ty Co. Frauk "erslng Vs. twp. of Mt. I'iriiiel. Win. M. Cairn vs. Wm A s,.iin Russell. 8:1111. C. biyson v. School Micctors of Dela ware Twp. John W. Heutln r vs. W. D. M,xir. b I. Pet (;. a: hart vs. D. I'. A W. ti. R, R. Co. Jacob Raiip vs. John Lcihy. Coinare Hart vs. the Twp'. of Ml. C.irml.- Mlller, Forney ,t Co. v. D ivid Hel-i r. Millev T. Day, iudorser. vs. Aleues j. Du. Jno. It irthoioinew vs. Jas H. M'Coimlrk. Hei J. Wild inisoii vs. ,, ,, ,, ,, Gen. bower vs. ,, ,, ,, Geo. Wills vs. ,, ,, j, James D. Gehriir vs. L.I.. Beidelinan. Weand Zlnk & Co. vs. J. J. Kiileli. Eva bchllt clity vs. Authoiiv Uuiniuel. J. A: M. Saudert is. J. R. Fiwleiicks II. F. Klebs. Rush, Miller jt Co. vs. J. M. Rarllio'oiuew. Ellsba Ediott vs. llenrj' B. Weaver. Jitc. b E. Snuckler v. John W e, si. Joiiulh.iu Garrett vs. llcury B. Masser. Goo. Miller vs. John s.iuders ifc William B. Deal. Fredilck Scully vs. Nalt.atr Chamherlln. John M. Ft", for the use of D. W. Suiilh, vs. J.C. Morgau nod Geoige Treon. Bute H.iuk vs. Abraham Kissioger. Job W. Sttnok vs. Irisary Si ails. ' (roR TIT. AMI.niCAN ) ' WUHniHtpnvt, In., f, 4 '7S. "A passenger train on th Phllnrl'liih a A Eile II illroud ran I11I0 n snow le. about 7 o'clock this morning, killing Win. Denny, i-iigluccr. and Injuring his fireman." There la untight Very surpiialng In lire nbovo paragraph. Himilur ones appear almost dally iu the papers. It creates little, If any excitement. It touches sonio hearts, an 1 brings hark (ho ru membranes of loved ones, that met their deaths ou the la'l, but the majority who lead It gite H but a single thought. They huriicdly gl.iucu ov er the 11.4 f Killed nud Injured, and unless a fa mil In r name appears, the occurrence Is soon for gotten. Thcfe is! a dear familiar name In tlm above lo tunny of this locality .1 name that will live for ever In lite beails r the ninny who nioura bis dentil. His dear familiar face, now clothed III death, will smile1 upon them 110 more. Ills no ble, generous heart, will tscat for them no more. The p. nee inn Know him once shall know him no more, fori var. Hang the drapery deep, . ' He sleeps his Inst sleep, Is tho song of net one but of tnnnv f . We'll mV our bends low, Brent ho his name soft nnd s'ow, When wo slug our last requiem for 'Denny." tyec?! SotiecH. On .1lurrlft&. Essays foT Vonng Men, on Great Social Kvlls and Abuses, which interfere wit I. Marriage, and ruin the. hnppTncse, of thou- ', sands, with sure menus of relief lor the Erring ! and Cnl'ortunate, deceased nnd debi.ilatt '!. SmiI in sealed letter envelopes, Ireeol clt irge. Ad tress, Howard Association, No. 3, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, l'a. i.l.cnlko. In this place, FebniHtV 2. 1873. Mrs. SARAH CLEMENT, wile of Ira T. Clement, ago I Wi years, 7 months and 7 dnys. latitat pjpxt-: Hl'ARl'KY .ta IKKKT.1. Flonr finsl ;riln .ilurkot. Eitra Family f 12.00 lied Wheat, p. bii.,f2.n0 Buckwheat, p. ct., 5.0(1 Kvo, " 81) Corn Meal, " 3.1V) t.'orn, " 70 Wheat Bran, p. bd. I. SO buckwheat ' l.tKl Shorts, a. Oil OnlH. 32 lbs. 60 (Join A Oats Chop, 2.011 Flaxseed, 2.25 Timothy Sued, p. b. 3.00 J'roilupc .tlarkot. retatoej, Egg, per dor., butter, per Jb., Lard, " Sides, 75 Hams, 3:) Tallow, M Count', v P vip, i ! lrl,-d Apples, lit; " IViches, Siioeldcrs. IS ltl 8 U 10 14 Tlil!ttl trntrsi oli'f. VOTlf'F. ' give", that Letters of Ad- X niiiii-tr ii'.e, i.viing been granted tothe un dersigni 1 oil .e of Michael Wert. , ate of Lower M.iii..io... town -hip, Noiiliuuirer'and county. Pa., decea-id. All pi'isons kioning themselves iu lebt'.'d to said estate are icq le te l ti) make pavment, and tho-e li 1 v n r e' ii.us to 1'IVSl l t II (.III lll;V l!ll bel.lie.ited I'll' si ll CUIelit. JOHN WE in . PETER WI'.ltT. A liuiui-t,..! .1 j Lower .':.li iiio t .' j.. , J.ui. !!, is;.;. .11. This) Sparc is llcseri oil for tht Aivi:iitisement or PAIN- t McCORMICK'S II A 'A I W A li K ST OR E .tlarUi'l St., Sunbury, I'u. "X'rfTtm i-wrin,' s;V.-4:ati-JosrjBisau 1372. or FALL AXIJ WIXTEPi (;OODS, - nt the Store rf . ltt'ol ItrolLrr V Sis'iivL'ti't (,. Sei-sol to S. O. F, ! l'r ' ) COMl'UlMXft OF PUV (iOODS of every desctiiion nnd variety such as Dnr.ss Goni.s, Mi:i;imi, t-tsiiMi:i:r.s, Sa iins, Air,. r. I'oi't.ns, ,vr., Plain Fun itto Gooiis, m;awi.sam oa t, liosiihv, uud a Full Assortment of Xotiotj, which are being sold nl th, loive-t Cash Prices. A!.N), ..!( f 1: 1 1:3 A"v PnCV.'V'JOXS, pure and fivsh, Ql EllNsWAltli. fiLASMVAKEI. AND WOOD aud Willow Ware, Nicest Bi'iinlatif riotir eotistaiitly ou hand. A lery large ASSOUTMEXT OF WALL PA FEU, both glazid and common, always on bund. HOOTS A X I) SHOES front thu cci, I rated band mnde Boot and Shoe Mait'ibiciorv ol Wut-outown, for MEN. W,MEX AXUCIIILUHEX. JiEAJJ Y'MADE CLOTH ol'all eir.sand of the lalel stylas. F L O U K . A constant 6t ';!y of western ablts wheat flour a spi'claliiy. - The public are invited to call and rxittnl.nu our Goods live o' cliarge. Uur uioitn is "(julek Sub s arrd Small Prollls," and lo please all. The highest eriees will be paid f 1 all kinds of cosfitry tundiiu!. by strict atwut ion to buslncss'and keeplnr at nil times the uool complete stork, un I selling st Ihe lowest pi lew, we boi 10 lueril a fill share of patroouga. REtD BROTHER BEAEnOLTZ. rirbry, Nor. , J87-ly. GEeTf.s"wTr:rttTl .T l".'.f.' FvV. "' TVOliK, on Maitiiti'.J, iv.,m,-i!ili. cd, .. . ' Mutual Inter relation t I.nvc, I's t-s, l t-lc. Pend lor s.x'Cltn-ii ragee r. ;d wlthtetins, Addrir.', FATlUN .L T' i ING CO., Pltiladelp'il 1. ,i A' Sair.i-. quick for 10. tqmire, N. T. scut hv K. L- ,11 IM ( I. I .tl : Adl'ATN I A Kurcv ltr. I ! V Will pay nil O'.'eiits f ill per We. k In PtSb, Vio w ill ungag'e with ns nt r.ir-. Evei jlhli , tJr.ib 1' ed and exetsses pal t A I lr.-s-, I8,lw. A Cotji.TKii ci .V , Chnrlotle, Mi.'- 1V.tMTt.II. Il youwl hto buy u It. lr Machine for family use, or ai l hs nivenl. nd.lu -s Washington gi inj Machine Co.. Hosioti. Mi.s. Snclmsetts. ; , ' l,!.v . H'AXTIIH tti rmpToy fir I he ' spile;; nnd summer, school teachers und 1 l-c 1r Intei igej.i men, to solicit for u.y now v.ilualde, 1iea;,tlli.; y llltistratol unde.nsy selling piit-i'ictlons. I: i;.r", unking othiii engagements, ad lic-s, stuliinf tv. perienee, If any 11. C. JoiiNsiiv, I8,4w. Arch-st , rhllnde'i liia. A, flrst-ehisa business ftr a ra'l-th'i; nmti, w't1-. the a'sitr.'.neo of iniikiug from fJ,()!Ki to tl-MM 8 year cm he stcincl. in connection with en agency ..r the exelusive r ile id' wntks bv Lev. Henry Wnrd Heeeber, Willi. tm 'h'Icii ITVjnul ' Hari..t lieether Sti-we, Ac. Writs for purlieu lars lo J. II. FoKIi .t Co , New Yolk ; liostt n , Chicago j or Sun Frnnriseo. fs,4iv I-.Nri-flAt. ATTK.tiflOX of luinufae. ftirers who have heroine, irisgu ;ted with the odors of Par.ifllne Oils and their 1i e'-cts upon mael.l nerv, ! Invited io E. It. Kellogg's Sp-rni Engin Oil C- -l.cn -f L. E. 1!. Kel'mnrV f-penn isrindle Oil ( e I . .'r. 'j-' g 'l E. H. KclloygVl'.tHow Eii;tiii(iil (i.-l ?llrvil E. II. RelloggV Ta.ow SpitMrt Cl T5 i.W f v il M i 11 11 1 u l un d only by fa,4w. E. R. Kslmiuu So. 17 Ccdat-st., N. T. Th" OtiMe Is pr.li'lsbe l Qnr.rtcr'y. SScts.'f.nys' for Ihe ear, ah'eh Is not half tha cot. Tho'so who afterward- send money to the amount ol una Dollar or more lor N fd may 11W0 order ,.1 cir'. worth rxirn-Mhe price p il l for Ihe fiuM . Th" Fiist N l 111 her 1- heiudilnl. giving pla' s for male lug Rum! llotius, Dining Table D eornt'on.-. Windi tt- fiaidens, ."ic, uud a mass ol information l'tVii'u 1 1 !e to tin: lover ol Flowers. I. I., p igcs ot, line linte, I paper, some olKJ Kugr.ivlnys nf l a s ipeib Colored 11 ilc and (lncm Cover. I be Fli-t Vdlllon if 2L'0A'b J;i-t pip ld iu I'.ug'.ish nnd German. JAM I-' VIC IT, IS.lw. Roidie-ler. New T'lik. It- I..I. -j,- . , ' ;o .( 1.1: 1 1 1. '. : ' V i 1 c-s.- ,'de:ite. sv'irt' te and tl,or;-.i.g'iily n.-s i.- t.'.' y-. sonoii" s'jii-t in.'t mi the l'lood nnd vli: -!' tu u.iy dlt p '1 n'.l J irj. ,"olt: -a to IV'rcs de:.uge iceiit. 1 there wm!. r,f r.ct'ein !n your Liver in,1 S '.ecu ? l"n less te'.l led the blood Lee. cue- im pure by tle.l, i ions sen tions, producitiii' serotu Ions or sk'11 rtisepse., lilotchts, l"elo::-, PeHules. Cjnkrr, 'i;n; Vs, Ac, &r, llaieyou a dy-pi iie .Stom-ieii T ITu'css dies , t'ott is proiupily aided I In system Is riVVilir.iie.l with poveiiv of lue-(;:,,od, I)rj-.-ic.il tei.iletcy, (tin-Hi we ikile-y and inertia. Iliiir pa v.-.-j'.!!." ,!' the intestines I Yon nre m ,ii.i:gr o: Cliioutc D:nrrhr. or lul!amma tton of tue bowel.;. llav vou weakness of the Uterine or Uilunry Organs Tou urn exposed t.j nilleiing in iu niost aggravated lortn. Are vou dejected , dioivsy. dull, sluggish or do pn -sed iu spirits, wilh hiui l i ce. buckucbe, coat ed tongue 1, ud had t iling nioiitl; ( l'ora c:i!a;.'.i remedy f.,r .'! of ihem ni-'Tises, we;ikness.. nnd troii'iii b ; for cleutisiti-x and pu rifying !l;t: vi.ite l blood and Impelling vigor lo all tin vital force. ; for building up aud lector leg I'lnJ ua:ik..M constitution Usrl J t K U H E 13 A wMcu is promwnec.1 by the lesdliia mc'r'at ' I h, i ill's of London and Pai is "the most power lul ti n nnd alterative known m loediia! world." Tins is no new and untried discovery but h is been long u-ed by the lending phisl.-i nij of oilier countries with wonderful remedial in sults. Don't w -aken nnd impair the iligeslA ' otirans l,y catV. itiies and phy-ic. they give onty teui::. Iu4 tel'ef Indiee-s ioi, fwtuleucj M i!ysp,.p sla wilh p'.'ts anu klLirtil' diseases nrn tun to follow their use. I Keep llipliiood puns and hca'thv is nsl'iiic.1. JuIlN Q. IvKLl.f.HiG, l'( Piatt St., N. V. Sole Agent for th,.1 Unite.', SlaifiJ. Price, SI per Buttle. Svnd for Clreulnr. drl l 4w Jv3.ItSt.137l Poub e Elevated Oven. Wartnitig t losct, Idci!. lug Iksir, I'ciidcr Guard, Dumping ami Mi ikin Graie, niivvt Ihalt. FULLl'R, WAKRKli & CO., iSO Water sueet. New Yolk. lb!.4V eifi'Brjder'V. n ;i . - t, y - 3 iMI-hOVED I'rmiVALtlD A UN EQUALED Bums nnv sir." Coal. FULLER. WARKEN Si CO., t'oU Walei'M., New Yoik. s7,12w 6rt I COIA per "T' Oil 10 Osllflll-.T-fS't A-e's Wanted I All vni kin 7 r.s.il-Ie. of either 'e, vutig or o:,l, make more money nt wurs. for n? io tbe'.r spare inonieids, or all the tiiuo' than u auvtUicg ilsf. Partiemsrs fne. Address',' G. STINSON X CO., Sil ly. Pnrtliin,1, laine. : . tl tUOtUiS ! EM CiOtJOSi ! I Just Ctteutl. F. J, BYROD, Informs ibe eiilums ot Sunbury uiil vicinity, that be ha received his lurgen-'oitu'.ci.t ot Dry Goods and selling them cheap lor ciisb al bis store room, corner '1 hit.i ai.,1 Church t iceu, SUNUUFsY, FA., " ilis stock comprises lr ;tMl amsl (;messle. The D'vGoo.i. J -Ji.vi tin- nt Is ion. 'v'e, having r. t.? n.u'.ii hssui . ; e!-i Cloths, Ciasimcrot, Collco.;, Di Lnina, 111, J fierjthlng In tlie Pry Goods line. "1 1,0 Kit of r.:tir! are nil frc-h, and consists ol Tea. Cif.v, si ysr, !o!l:is'S, Pplrca, Meat, Fish. Ait. lUMfi'K M SHOf.)! tVIllovv-M are ntt d!iiss. 1 urn, ag'.rer.il assortment, in fact evervtul'ig Kept In a fln-t -class store, can be had si the ino-l ieasoiu,ti!e prices for c.ish. Having locuted in Sunbury for ll.o pu.-poscot becoming one of its eilir-ns, 1 hope that by lair dealing and si, let utu-iilion to business '0 merit a share of thu ptiblie VH.cr.,itre. Vyin Ho is ''Small Fronts unit tjaiek Skies." All are tnrdialiy lutiled lo tail and examine my r'-v'.s, as no cuaiget will be made for show leg ibtis. 7. J. BTKOD. Snubary, Oet. 10, IS 73. SsTlliY MlltXl. " Came to Ihe premises of tho undersigned, lo I'pper Augiotu toi ship, Notlh'imbcriand Co., 011 or about the 3,1, Novenilier last, tlve sheep, all w hile. The owner or owneis nre requetlod lu come torwurd. p.oss propsrly pay cha'ge, au I lake tbem away, or tl they a ill be dttpoted of according to law. RVCr-rtCAVPIJELL. Jan. 4tk, ll73. t mm.' y si' r c p xi 111 arron Range m IS nrsi mmlum li u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers