z, .... . Uto tibtdismtnls. .bbcrlismcitis. laitufartttrtrs. ailroa s. GIIAND OPENING OF PALL AID WINTER GOODS AT S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. Just opeued, fin euormous Stock of READY-IAD Tlio largest ever olTrretl iu thin town. Clothing to suit nil ta6tc. Clothing for nil oc cngions, from the plainest Workine Clothes to the liuest aud most fashionable Dli ESS SUITS. i Boys' and Youths' Clothing. This department is well stocked w ith ft larjre variety of goods of nil colors, qunlitics-and stylus. All clothing is mudc to my own order, by the best moclmuics, aud combine durability and strength with neatness nnd style. Hals an An enormous assortment in this line, including the very latest in New York nnd Phila delphia styles. IMS The most magnificent stock to be found outside of the large cities. Tin very latest in everything. Neck ware, Collars, Suspenders, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, and especially a full line of the best makes iu Shirts and Gents' Undenvare. TRUNKS, nnd numerous other articles. Doing by far tho largest business in my line in the county, and buying large quanti ties for cash.Iam able to offer superior inducements and sellatLOWEUPUICEb than any of my competitors. Everybody Is respectfully invited to call nnd examine the largest stoik ever seen iu this place. .'Cottier Market and Third Streets, Stjrbury, Pa. 4fcunbury,-Sejtt.'14, 1877. NEW DRUC ;JTpfiE BSfir fita Sitaff, Pa. Dli. C. M. MARTIN & CO. ""VT7E ure now opening rd entlMslr new stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and are prepared to supply any article In onr line that raiy be called for, we have also a full stock of ail the leading Patent Medicines. Fine Perfu mery and Toilet Article a speciality, a full as sortment of Hair, Tooth, Nail, Shoe and other brushes, Dressing aud other Combs In great variety. FIXE TOILET SOAPS, a full Hue Cooking Extracts, French Mustard, Choice Spices, Pepper "whole or ground, Castile and Laundry Soaps, Lamp Chimneys aud Lamp Goods generally. Bird Seed in large or suiull quantities, CARPENTER'S CHALK, full Btock Fluid and Solid Extracts, Elixer nnd Pills of U. 8- P., Sugar Coated, Strengthening, Arnica, Porous, Poor Mali's nnd other Plasters, Ayer's, Wright's, Scheuk' Mandrake, McLane'a Liver and other Pills, our stock embraces every thing found la well conducted Drue Store. Country Physicians will find our stock full aud complete, nnd we guarantee to sell as low as the same articles can be bought in Philadelphia, choice Wines, 'Whiskey aud Brandy for ilediein al purposes. Octobers, 18T2. U. W. KEEFF.U. It. A. OAs. USTew Goods I Dry Goods, Xotions, Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Oil Clothe, Gluss uud Nails of avery variety, ut oue low price, KEEFER & GASS' STORE, Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, SUSBURT, PA. All kiuds of Orulu takeu la exchange same as uu. Cull aud see us. KEEFER A GASS. Banbury, Oct. 30, 1873. NEW TOBACCO AMU KKUAIC. A.M I JiJiUSII STORE. Couth side of Market street between 3d and 4lb 6CNBURY, PA. Just opeued, an entire new stock of all kinds of TOBACCO AND BEGAK3. Begars of evory grade. Tobacco of every varle'y. Pipes, both pluin aud fancy. BRCSHES ! BRUSHES I I BRUSHES 1 ! I A large assortment of Brushes direct flora the manufacturer at greatly reduced prices. His line of brushes are a specialty and many new kinds never before introduced Into this market. Also, Puper Collurs and Cuff, iu great variety. A large assortmeut of all the popular Songs of the day. Call aud examine my goods and get a list of prices. HENRI f ETERY. Kovsmber 3, 1878. ly FA EE AUD WIMTElt MILLIXEHY. Just received from the cities an autlre new Stock Of Mlllluery Goods, consisting of BONNETS AND HATS. rLOWERS, WREATHS, feathers, Frames, Laces, Ribbons, Turquoise, nil All Us leading style of flue Millinery. I have spared neither palul nor expense to make my Fall Stock one of the most attractive aver ottered to the citizens of Sunbury and vicin ity. All ar Invited to call and examine my stock. M. L. GOBBLER. 41 Bomb Fourth Street, below tha a. V. B. K., iUJJBCRT, PA. Ner. a, 1172. Cap for Mgii ana Boys. 7T II CTKTAIX MAT"' J LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES, COIINICE DECORATIONS, LAMBUEQU.NS LACK DIAPERIES, PIAiO COVERS?, FURNITURE COYERINJS, TASSELS AND LOU'S, NOTTINGHAM JURTA1NS, CRETONNE.' SUMMEH CURTAINS, mOCATELLE. Sl'KCIAL INTERIOR D&.OR ATIONtt, To Order at Moderaa Prices. "W ALRAVE 1ST, Masonic Hall, 710 Chestnut Street, Pbil'a. June 22, 1873. 4ui. BUTCHERY! RUTCIIERY ! Mesr. HEFFFAV A ItOULK, Third Street, opposite Ciutral Hotel, BUN BURY, P.V., rT'EEP conetautly on hand the very choicest IV of fresh ItEF.F, JirTTOS ASD VEAL. which Is sold at the lowest prccs. Meat can be hadnt all hours dtiriu g the dty. Suubury, Pa., June 8, 1872. LADIES FAXCV OOOON FALL STl'LES AT Miss Ivato 331ack, Market Square Sunbury, Fa., BLACK DMSS SILKS, Plaid aud Plain Poplins, Worsted and Embrol dies, Woreterd Sacks aud Shawls for Ladies and Cbildrun. All kiuds of LADIES' WOOLEN GOODS. A general assortment of White Goods, Dress Trimmings, Laces, &c. A general variety of o loves, liuuu Kerch tela, Uose lor ladles aud gou tlumen. TOILET SOAPS AND PERFUMERY. Everybody Is invited to call and see them and buy cheap W. D. ME LICK, Druggist and Apothecary, (Successor to Dr. V. W. Moody,) At the old established stand on Market Square, Kf MU UV, PA. Keeps conetautly on band a full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, Druggists Fancy Goods, COMBS, BRUSHES, PERFUMERY, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS, PAINTS GLASS, PUTTY, YARMN1I, DVI.JsTl FI N, In fact everything usually kept In a well con dueled IDHTTGr STORE. Particular attention paid to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions and family receipts bv tha I) i . . i. I r z rupimtur uiiii.cn. Bunbnry, Pa., June 8, 1878. Full aud Wluter Ktj lea OF HATS, CAPS, and BONNETS, RIBBONS, I.ACES, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, Crapes, Bilks, Battue, Turquoise, Crape and Laee T VU.. Trirutuinga of every Deacriptioa from New York and Philadelphia, just opened and lor ate at unusually low prices. Call and examine ana ne convinced. MISS L. PHI88LF.R. Market Biiiarc, South aide, Suubury, Pa. . tsaaary, Ost. Ut, 1T3. mm, Cut lllustrat the maimer of Using f JD-R. PIBBOB'8 Nasal Injector, f OB DOUCHE. Tbls lnstrnment U especially designed fbr the pet ftct application of DR. SAQI'S CATARRH REMEDY. It Is the only form of lnstrnment vet Invented with Which fluid medicine can be can nea Ap p ana affected nasal nu. ptrftetly applied to all parts of the affec eaves, and tne chambers or cavities commnnlcallng therewith. In which sores and ulcers frequently exist, and from which tho catarrhal discharge generally pro ceeds. The wnt of snccen in treating Catarrh here tofore has arisen largely from the impossibility of applying remedies to these cavities and chambers oy any or trie ordinary methods. This obstacle in the way of eflTectlnrcnresie entirely overcome by the invention of the Donche. In using this Instrument, Vis Fluid is carried by Its own wsighl) no muffnt , tore Jng or pumping being required.) np one nostril in a rail keutly flowing stream to the highest portion of the iiseal passages, passes into and thoroughly cleanse all the tube, and chambers connected therewith, end flowtoutoliheoppotltenottril. Its use Is pleaaantand so simple that a child can understand It. foil and explicit directions) accompany each Instrument. When nsed with this Instrument, Dr. Ssee' Catarrh Remedy cures recent attacks of Cold in the Head "by few applications. Kymploms of Catarrh. Frequent head ache, discharge falling into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watery, thick mncus, purulent, offensive, Ac. in oiners a uryness, dry, watery, weac or innamea VI rin atonoinv no or obstruction of nasal nsesaiwa. neing In ears, deafness, hawking and cooabina to cloar throat, ulcerations, scabs from ulcers, voice altered, nasal twang. onensive nreatn. Impaired 01 total dsprlvation of sense of smell and taste, dizzi ness, mental depression, loss or appetite. Indiges tion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough. Ac. Only a few of these symptoms ar likely to be present In any case at one time. nr. Sjree Catarrh Remedy, when nsed with Dr. Pleree'e Naeal Hour he, and accom panied with ths constitutional treatment which I recommended In the pamphlet that wraps each bot tle of the Remedy, is a perfect eperlflc for this loath some disease, ana the proprietor offers. In good feltb, 8500 reward for a case be can not care. TSe Remedy is mild and pleasant to nse, containing no strong or canstio drugs or poisons. The Catarrh Remedy Is sold at 50 cents, Donche at 80 cants, by all Drnsrsrleta, or either will be mailed by pro prietor on receipt of 00 cents. B. V. PIEBCE, m. !., Sole Proprietor, eopsi T n V May 4, 1B72- GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., 914 Market Street, ritiladolDlna, TAILORS uud MILITARY CLOTHIERS, Military, Band A Fire Organizations promptly uniformed. Samples of Cloth, with Photographs, sent free on application. Ours being the leading house on Military work, We feel that WO cnu uncr luuuccuieuts v tucu citii uot be attained nt'jwbcro clee. Aug. 24, 1S72. iriiiK ami Kuniiner Opening or IIILMM.RV GOODS. Hats nnd Bonnets. Trimmed and Unt rimmed, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, WREATHS, LACES, &c, all new styles. Crape Veils of all Grud'rx. CRAPE HATS AND BONNETS, and everything uisuully kept in a Millinery Store. Call ut Sl'XXYSIDE HEATER. SrNNTsini! at Makvlhsd State Fair, Bal timore. First premium for Firo-plaee Heaters awarded the Suimyside. Advantages of the Bnnnyside s 1. It is so constructed that one-third more of the radiating surface extends into the room, giv ing that much more additional heat without ex tra fuel. 2. It is the only Hot-Air Fire-place Heater In the market. Like the regular built cellar beater, it loses no heal, but cuuuues it all to its leglti purposes. 8. 1 lie luel mugazine is uouuie ine usual sice, extending from the flre-box to tho top of the stove, with capacity for twenty-four hours' sup ply of coal. 4. The patent uonoio cover lor coal tmiguxine consumes the gns, prevents escape of gus into the room, and mukes it Impossible for any puf- fiucs or explosions to occur, llils is an advant age possessed by uo other tire-place stovo Iu the market. 5. There are three air ceambcrs, wherein a brisk circulation is kept up, drawing the cold air In the room through heated flues into a large hot-air reservoir, nt tho bacK oi tne siove. II No side vines are used, as the air is ncuicd In a reservoir huviug double radiating flues aud double back, supplying large quantities of hot airwlthout wuste of heat or luel. 7. The Bi'NNVstiiK utilises the waste neat so thoroughly that we frequently heat an adjoining room on the first, besides ueatlug ice rooms iu second and third stories. 8. A duniDer ou too of the stove, connected with the hot- air flues, controls tho quantity of hot air required for the use of either the upper or lower rooms. All other fire-place stoves ure very inconvenient iu this respect. V. I he urate is stu-seaiing, aua no auti can escape while shaking it. Philadelphia. H. B. MASBEit, Agent. Nov. 11. 1871. Don't Read This ! ! Good morning, Mrs. A., where are you bound for so early t Mrs. A. wuy Mrs. u., . on i you Know Mr. Byerly has bought out the Grocery and Confec- tionerv Store of Haas A Weaver, aud Is selling nice fresh Groceries, Cauned Fruit, aud lo fact. everything lu the Grocery Hue, cheaper thuu the cheapest, and I nave got tired paying high prices. so 1 have made np my mind after this to palrou- ize Mr. uyeriy. eo gooa moruiug, Mrs. C. must go. Mrs. C to herself. Well I am bonnd to find out for myself, and will go to Byerly'snew cheap cash Grocery, the next time I want any Uroceriea. ajouieriioueriesior I'rlizi Ujntern. I will lust say to all coma and give ine a trial. and satisfy yourselves that there la one cheap cash Grocery In Suubury. Remember the place, No. 11, South Third St., ID Ulement House tsuiidiDg, euuDury, ra. p. BItJtLY. Banbury, Jan. 80, 1873. DENTItsTKY. GEORGE M. KENN, in &ipfi'i JJutlJiitj, Market Square, 1 Bdrbubt, Pa., 1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertalulug to Dentistry, lie keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Teeth, aud other Dental material, from which he will ba able to select, asd meet, tne wants of his customers. All work warrai4 to give satisfaction, or else the money refunded. Tha very boat Mouth Wash and Tooth-Powders kept on band. Ills references are the numerous patrons for 1 whom ha baa worked for the last twelve year ennuary, April vj, lav. ""Hit. & cm v A. M. MEIXELL, DHA.LBII IN American nnd European WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY and SILVERWARE. Perfected Nitertavle unci Eye (Jlaanen. GOLD HEADED CANES. Watches nnd Jewelry neatly repaired and war ranted. Market Square, SUNBURY, Pa. 3, 1872.-tf. Feb. J.JARDWARE FOR ALL AT THE HARDWARE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Jllnrkot Nlrrrt, Nnnbnry, I'a. It Is nselcss to enumerate erery kind of article In his Store, but auiong the loading Items may be set down the following! Iron, Ptccl, Lead, Scales, Steelyards, Grindelones, Nails of all kiuds uud sites, Vices, Buws, Planes, Bieves, Chuius, Axes, Brass and Iron Kettles, ShoTcls, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rukcs, Hatchets, Carpenter nnd Blnckemllh HorlnjX Machines, Cellar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Sledges, Flastercrs' Trowels, Masons' Hummers nnd Trowels, Hand Dinner Hells, and large cast Iron Bells for School Houses nnd Furmers' Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potatoes. Looking (i hisses, Twine, Ropes, Knivi'S and Forks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule and Horse Shoes and Nails, Hummers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of all descriptions. Coffee Mills, Bits nnd Braces, Carriage Bolts of nil kinds, Paint and Wall brushes, Buckets, Oil, Yurnieihm, Jupaus, l.r, ftraln Ash. Wnsliinir Riidn. IMIXT OF ALL KIMIN i.T on ..r Drr. Varti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAR-WARE and other Woodcn-Wnrc of all kinds aud Tcry rlii-np, llny-rorK fulleys. Picks, Mill Picks, Levels, Levl (ilusses. Files, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery and Shoe Findings, Buggv Trimmings, Excelsior Ulass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Miot, C'nps aud Powder, and a great variaty of other articles. Any thing wanted aud not on hand, will be ordered at once. Sunnury, Aug. 19, 1871. CEXTEIt OF ATTRACTION. Everybody is Invited to come and bny of the handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, In frame bnlliline, adjoining Moore A Diss inger'a building, -IHJKII M KKtT. Ht.lUlKY, fA. Just opened a fresh supply of Confedioneriss of every description. TOYS OF ALL KIXDN constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS & DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Buns & Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! OYSTERS! Having fitted up a room expressly for serving np Oysters in every style, Ladies and Gentlemen will be accommodated with the best bivalves In market, nt all hoars during the day and evening. Families will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desirable, at the very lowest prices. Call and see my excellent assortmeut of goods and ascertain the prices. 8. F.NEVIN. Dec. 16, 1871. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, Has In stock and constantly receiving Novelties in bis line, consisting in part of a full line of AJiEKIt AX WATCHES. Elgin, Illinois, Howard Co., Waltham, Mas sachusetts, aud Boy's AMERICAN WATCITE8; Also, a full set of Ladies, atd Gem's LiolJ and fcilvcr Swiss Watches. JEWELRY. Roman Gold sets, pink coral aud 'Jold sets, Far-Rius, Neckluces aud Pcudants, Onyx and Jet Jewelrv. Solid Silver-ware of Sterling puriti, made to or der. Bridal and l're.untut'.on Viecee, Kuives, Forks aud Spoons in case'., also, a full line of Silver Tinted Goods, Tea Sets, Ice Water Pets, Erhit Stands, Cake Ba kets, Coffee TJrus, Fork, and Spoons trehle pli. ted, the best lu the markets SPECTACLES. If you value jrour Eyesight, nse the Perfect Lenses, ground from minute Cristle Pehbles mel ted tofrether, atid derive there name "Diamond" on account of there hardness and brilliancy. They will last many years without change, and warruutea superior to all others In use. TABl.K tUTLiKI. Ivory, Pearl and Metal handles tn cases sup plied io order. IX.US. us. A fnll assortment of Eight dav and Thirty hour Clocks, nlbo Calender Clocks ot all discrlp tiona. Engraving done at the shortest notice. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Repaired and Eutlsfuctlou warranted. All goods will be sold nt the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body is cordially Invited to Call aud fcxaiulna tor themselves. Don't forget the place. T. B. SHANNON, Buubury.Dec. 16 tf. Mnubood I How IOHt, How Itestor' Just published, a new edition of Dr. CULVERWELL'B CELEBRATED EbSAY on the radical cure (without medicine) of SPERMATORRHEA, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, IMPOTENCE, Mental aud Physical Incapacity, impediment to Marriage, etc. also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits, Induced by self-indulgence or toiual extravagance. t- Price, in a sealed envelope, only 6 cent. The celebrated author. In thi admirable es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that tha alarming conse quence of seir-abuee may be radically cored without the dytgerous use of iutornal medlcin or the application of the knife i pointiug out a mode of cure at one Imple, certain, ana ense tual, by mean of which every suflersr, no mat ter what hi condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radical!. IrtT This Lrotur should be la the hand or every youth and evory man In the land. bent, under teal, in a plain euvelepe, to Any address, postpaid, on receipt of all cent, or two postage stamps. Also, Dr. CulverweU'i "Marriage Quid," price 60 cent. Address tha Publishers, CUA8. J. C. KLINE CO., P. O. Box, 4,586. 127 Bowery, New York. April 27. 1878. Bakery for Sale. Tba wall known Bakery of W. B. Haas, on Fourth street, Suubury, Including a good dwell, lug boose aud good stabling attached, I offered for aala on reasonable terms. Tha Baksry 1 new and of good capacity, eaiwbla of baking 90 barrel of flour per week. Apply to Wm. H. or ALBERT HAAS, Jury 80, 187l.-tf. Bonbury, Pa. R AD VAS RE ADY "RELIEF CmtKS THE WORST PAINS In from On to Twenty Minute. NOT ONE HOUR . after rertiir IhhjMlvtimsst nnd any cat - nADWAVfl READY RELIEF ill ni'rrnn w 1 1 n iaij. a GTrirt ran KVKliV vmif. It f lh rat u4 is ' in. The Only .1 .! Remedy i hut litwtnntlf trtoM the mfl tcrucfaMrif mint. aILavb Tn flftfiimttou ftn cwtfH Conrvrttoaii, wlirtWf of Un Loti, ptomftch, MowU, or othw fflftiidi or orgkBf, by om ftpplbMs? m FROM 0.5 TO TWTHfTT MINT TEC, TTo tnatUr how vVnlul nr eiernpWitlng the .pain the ItHBH MATH J, rVd-fiddtn, Infirm, C'rirpltd, lHrvot, 24tnllo or rwAntud with dtseoM may suffer, RADWAY'8 READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD l.NSTANT EAbK. INFLAMHATIIIn "f I It K K1IWIIS. INFLAMMATION OP THE tlLATITtZn. lNFLAMMATlOJI OF THR HOWKLS. -tl?l(irjMlHri tIF TUB ZjUROB. cntl. .UHniT TlTkE'U'I'l X UTlff&TTllVl ivuTrnma rnnnr. ihprtheria. A 1.1 I i A i lun 'r iu. u&Anr. CATAKKII, INFLUirSZA. UKAl'ACHE, TOOTllACHF, ' NEt'RATOIA, KllEUMATISla. cot.o (nn.i.ft, ACtrfc i-iiills. Th. firi'itonUon of tli. Kcaily nellcf to tbs Mit w )ivtM whera Hi. pain or dlUwulty ezlnl. will afford mm sad tfwfort. Twwily ilmps in ltslf a InmWcr or wntrr will In a Nw Mmnli ciirr CHAMI-S. M'AfiMd, HOUll STOMAL' It, UKAItTllt'ltN, HICK JIF.AliAI'HE, IMARIlHICA, IIYsKNTr.UY. COLIC. Tl'IMI IX THJL DOWtLS, mi tU IXTEIlNAt, I'AIKR. Tmvrifr. simnld alw.v. enrry a hottls f Rn4way Iteadv ltrllrf Willi fhrm. A few drop, la watur will Itrvvcui tl.-kiiww nr pfilD. frtiui cliane f watOT. It I. S.U.r liuia FniuJi Brandy vr lllttrrn aa a Alaiataiit. FKVI.Il AM) AUtlB. FETER. AND A(U K cured f..r Sfly raita. Th.re Is nr a reuicdlul Muut In this world tliot will cnr. Fcv.r and A.m. aud all other Atalarloaii, Tnlloii.. mrlet. Tvphold. Silluw.ai.d ..th.-r KrvrraOiMrd kyltADWAY'fl PlLl.S) aa q-ilA w ItADWAY'S IlKAIIX llliLltl'. Fifty Mala )ir boule. Sold bv l)rucl.u. HEALTH ."BEAUTY!! kttionu AVD rrRB rich mxon-!scRKASE or H.hKH AM) Wf ;UHT L'LF.A It BUIN AMI) BEAU TIPL'Ij COMl'LIXJON kRCUHKU TO ALL. DR. RAD WAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT 1IA8 MAOE THE M(IT ASTOSIfIINO CVRE8: SO orli'K. HO RAl'll) AUK Aiir. int. i IIAIM'ZS lliu I TTIK WKIXISli Tl( 11 OF Tlllrl Til i 1KULY V05DKRFCL MEDIC IKE, Evory Day an Ineroaeo In Flesh nnd Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE CREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Ivfry "Irnp B A Hf ATARI I.T.I AX RTSOLVENT orninnnnlcMii. llimucli lli Hll, Kwciit. t'rls.. and ollin fl uldsntid luloc of Ui svtein lira vl;or .f l.f. fr It rvali. the wartiia or Hi. hrnlr llh nr an-t rnnid nintvrHI. fcrofiila, Hrihlll., Oini.iimplion, llliiinliilar ijieww., I'lc.i. In toe Tlirmt, Mouth, Tu'iinra. Nmlcs In ti;n U'anils aiM other part, nf Ilia v.iom, Hor. Evas. Rtrumona DlnchiirBia from tli. Krs, and tli. wor.t fbriiia of H';ln OlBraa.1, Knip. tlnna, Few Hores, fkvilrl Hnarl, Hiiiff Worm. Bait lllienin, Krvulnelaa. Acuv. rtlitulc Knits. Worm. In 111. Kl)i. Ttimitr.. Canoer. In tli. Womb, otwl all wcnkenlnit anrl painful r"ift. rldtr.pa, NUclit Sweat., L,m of ftperm, anil all VNatea of lit. life principle, ftr. wlUiln lb. eurMlv. rail, of tl.U w.nriwr of alodtrn i hemlstrv. and n fetv dnva' un. will nrr. lo imiiv. rann. 01 vi.w wanner etv dnya' ui will nrera lo uny pemon n.lng It for cltbvr f Ui.m fuiws of dlseaM Ha uil.ut nn.fr tn rtir. tliem If th. patient. flaKr becorntTiir rwtiieed hr ths wastes anrl flecompoctlnn that Is eoiitliiually prnBTesalir.. .ncceerla In urrommx the. kmIi nnS repnlr. t no fiune vf.'.H ntv. n.lor. lal made from hiMlU.r blood uml toll tli. SAKSArAUlL LIAN will ami doi rire. Ktrt only rl.H Ui. (.aaMartaTT.T.faif Ttrwr,vtTTT excel all ttiown rvineilLil airent. In 1h. cm. of CmotiU Scrofulous, t 'onftltuUi'iial, ana bfcla dlMuac; but It Is the only polities .nr for KUIncy & II ladder Complaint, TMnnrv. nl Womb dle.M, tirneet, Dlaliem, Ilropsf htiippnkr f w.i.r Inooiitlnear. of t'rlne. llrlht's T)1r:o, Alburutntlrla, and I. all trh" wher. there .r. hrlekriust de J)Olllt or tint water li thick, clondr, mixed wtUi subttanee. Ilk. toe whlu of an rjre, or thread. Ilka whit. silk. r tbrr. la a innrbld, dark, billons atipearanee, aud whlta ben.'dn.t depoalt and when there 1. a pitvat,... bo..ii .ti.. vbn .aaslna water, aud pain lu tli. fiiuall of the Back and alonr the Loins Trice, Si.aq. WORMS. Th. only kixwn and tin RftroeOj for Trorvn i'in, 2upt, c. Tumor of 13 Venn' Growth Cared hj Iladvrny'i Roiolvciit. VarrBLr. Mia, July IS, lS9. Ta. Uaw.T4 ktr. Orarlaa Tnm.r la III. evarlM an4 SawIi. All th. Dnew. atld " th.r. wat no h.lp for II." I lrld rrof thine tbat waa racemm.Bd t b.t nothing htlpM m. I a. TMtr Rm.r.Bt, and tbniisht 1 wonM try It bnt bd a. nilth In II, . , ui nHm mr iw.it. twi. inu. .is voiiim ,ne ntt sad en. bn of Itadw.y Pill., an.l two bottlM ef yror suae, rvaiin ; aa. tarn M no, . ,i,ra er uumr 10 m Mn .r ri , ana f fr.) allr, nuute, and k.ppiM th.n I h.v. for tw.lr. jnrw thm niS Utnar u In Ik. I.A t'i af the bow.l ever th. rrcla. I write to I. 70. tor Um aaMlltaf etbm. Voa can anbllA Ittf rem tkot. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfectly tnsteltta, fleeautly coated with sweet sum puree, rrzulue, purlfv. clearaie, an-l elnMirtlicn. Ibiilway'a Mia, for th. cure of all dlMmicraof the htlnrlt. Liver. Rowel. Ktilners, Hladdar, Itereon. Dlreasea, Headache. f.'enatitn o., CmtlveneM, lndUfWtlon. Dv..nela, TtUlon.tiMa. B.l. Inn. Fever, InSamination . tne ruiwtia, jniet. ana an t ran.errwnt. .r tl. Intern.) Vlsecra. Vi arratifed to efrect a pooltlv. cure. Purely VegetaUo, containing no tnennirr, ailn.rala, or deleterious fliflc.. C W QhaiTve tho following symptoms racHlag from Die. srocri of tli. tilMtlv. Orgm. : Onittpatlan, Inward Tile., FnnneM t the Bliwid hi th. Tlwd Aeltlty of th. Hmnah, Nmm... HrarlVwa, lJUfntl f Fo4.P.lr mcrWijrlil ia th. SMmah, Soar RrMUIIrna, Snakiarer Flnttar to. a th. Fit nT th. St eiach, Swlmmhit of lh. Hrad, Korrlad and rahlcait BrMitkla., Fin wrl.f at th. Ilmvt. Chokl.e er SaVNaliair SnaulMM wkM In a 1 VTu. PntQr.. I lewr. nf t.lor. I1"! er W.k. aw. Ik. Sirht, i-'.v.r and Dull T'xn In th. H.d. Dcflrkwry ef ferMtiallun, Y.llnwa. of tli. Skin and I-yH. P.la la the S4.. UmsI, Limb., auil .iKM,a elvihai cf Hral, banting hi IU. Imh. A few looa of RADWAT-) PILI.S will free Ibe srstem frintall Hie alMive-rniTird diirdcni. I'rtce, at Ccuta per hoi. Kiii.o nv Mti (;iirVT KEAt) "FAIAK AMI TftT'T..' flcn,t an. letter .tamp 1o RA1WAY CO., N". Sr Hrtitn lAna, .w-i'i,rk. inr.riii.iiKiii vtorin iiioiwanu.. viu nesviit yuo March 80, 1879.-1.T. a-.... ...... Ha Par , esus take the.. Bitter, accord- fee to directions, and remain Ions: unwell, provided their bones ant not destroyed by mineral poison or other means, and th. vital organs waned beyond th point of repair. Dyspapsta or Iodlgeatlow. Headache, Pain la th. Shoulder-, Couglie, Tic.htn.es of lh. Ch.tl, Dun ne.., Sour Eructatiooa of tlx Stomach, Bad Tast. IB th Mouth, Bilious Altacka, Palpitation of ths Heart, In naraoutioB of the Lanca, Pain in th. repon of the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, sr. th. on eprinxs of Dy.pep.ia. In Ihca complaint, it aa. n equal, and one bottle will prov. s Utt.r (uarantM t in menu than a len-thy advertiaement. Vor Fiiaale Coanplatnta, in younf or old. mar ried or sinle, at th. dawn of womanhood, or lh. turn of life, the.. Tonic Bitter, display so decided an tnausnce thai a marled improvement is aoon perceptible. For Inflammatory and thronlo Rheu waatlam and Gout, BUieua, Remittent and Intermit, tent K.v.re, Diaeaaea of th Blood, Lirer, Kidneys sad Bladder, the. Bitlere have no equal. Such Dimssh ar. cauaed by Vitiated Blood, which ia gauually produced by d.iMKsiMt of lh. Digeenee Organa. Tstor stra O.zitlo Fctrf atlvo a wall aa st Tanla, poaMaaing alao the peculiar merit of acting a. a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Innammation oftli. Liver and Viacwal Organs, and in Bilious Di tea tee. For astlst Diaeases, Eruption, Tetter, Salt Rheum, BlolchM. Saott, Pimplaa, Pustule. Boils, Car buncle, Hmg-worm. Scald-Head, Son Eyoa, Kryeipelaa, Itch, Scur, Diacolorationa oi lh. bkin. Humor and Di oa of th. Skin, of whatever nam. or nature, ar lit erally dug op and carried out of ths system ja a soon tuna by the aa of thee. Hitters, Tha prwpartloa of Da. WAiaaa's Vinab Bursas are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative Nutritious, Laxetiva, Diuratic, Sedative, Csnaur-Irrf tant. Sudorific, Alt.rativ, and Anti-Bin. Gratoful Th.ai.a4t proclaim Vismar Bit Teas th most wonderful Invigorut that ever aattainad lb ainking yateas, I. WALKER, Prop r. R. H. MoDOWALD At COM Druiznu aad Co. Agta, ban rruKiaco, Cal., aad oomer of Wubiugton aud Charlton St., Maw York SOLD PY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. Juue Uy, 187. Sin. . HORSE AND CATTLE INSURANCE tOMI ANY. INSUBE TOUR ITORSE8 ! INSURE YOUtt CATTLE I INSURE with a responsible and perfectly reli able Company. Insur wber your loe Thla la a Matnal rrotetlv Co. Henc, you ar sar of being paid promptly for 11 losses, If insured in thi Coinpanv. OUB BATES OF INSDRANC'E ARE LISS THAN THOSE OF ANT OTriER COMPANY. W pay lowe a oe ruing through theft, death by fir, accident, or natural cause, (excepting ptdemle disaa). W pay prompt. No r4 tap procatadlog to get your money, la cat of lo. OVER 5000 paid ob bona and oattla tine organisation, DB. D. WALDRON, President. C. A. KIIMEN8NYDER, Sae'y, Bunbnry, Pa. Director i Ex-Gov. Jamet Pollock, Bolomoo Strob, Wm Brlndls, Solomon Ship, Jobn A. 6klalr, Dr. D. T. Krk, Dr. Darts! Walareo. Jnlyll'71. nACHIKK NHOP AND IROM FOUNDRY a GEO. ItOIIRBACII A 80K3, Snnbnry, Potm't.. INFORM the public that they are prepared to do all kinds nf CASTINGS, and having added new Machine Shop In connection with their Fonndry, and hnve supplied themselves with New Lathes. Planing nnd ltorlng Machines, with the latest Improvements. With the aid of skillful mechanics, they nro enabled to execute all orders of NKW WORK OR REPAIRING. that may ba given them, In a satisfactory man ner. fJrntrsi to salt any fttove. IRON COLUMNS, for chnrches or other bnlld- Ings, of all sixes. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE I AUD LOTS VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AO., AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their an perlorlty, have been still further Improved, and win atwnvs db Kepi on nana. Aiso, THREPH1NG MACHINES. 8nnhnry, May SO, 1871. lilIMBER AMI PI.ANI. UILI.S. Third Street, adlolnlns Phila. & Erie R. R., two Squares North of the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, 1 3 prepared to fnrnlsh every description of lum X ber repaired by the demands of the public Having, all the latest Improved mnchinerv for manufacturing Lnnher, he la now ready to fill or ders af all kiuds of FLOORING, SIDINO, POORS, SHUTTERS, SASll, KLIMJO MUULDI.MiB. VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, and all kinds of Ornamental Scrowl Work. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK and PINK. Also, Shingles, Pickets, Lathe, tc. Orders promptly tilled, and shipped bv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMF.NT. decl-6S:ly STOVE TIX ICNTABMMniKN'T. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. st'CCESSOK TO SMITH GSKTDBK. J HAVING purchased the above well known es tablishuicnt, Mr. Kranee would respectful ly in lor in the public that he now has on hand a lnrgo assortment of COOKING STOVES, Speer's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, 6iisn,uchntinn anil others, which are so arranged as to he used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori lv or no sale. HEATERS of" nil kinds put up to hVat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of ditTerent kiuds nt very low prices. Tinware of Every Dracrlptlon Ve.t cooMuuil? nn hand. Rrot!ui and Spouting with the hot mate rial, done at snurt notion. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil r.d Lamps coustautly on hnnd. Japan ware ol'a jt.nie. Store opposite Conley's hardware store. Give me a call. A. Kit A L St.. np!24-ly CARRIAGE MAM FACTORY, SUXBURY, PENX'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, WOULD respectfully announce to the citi zens of Snnbnry and surrounding country, that he is prepared to manufacture nil styles of Carriages!, ItuggU-M, Ac., at his ne'V shop ou east Market street. He will furnish every tit script ion of Wagons, both Plain and Fanct. In short, will mnke everything In his line from a tliet-class carriage to a whcclbnriow, wanaoted to be made of the best nnd most durable materi als, nnd by the most experienced workmen. All work sent out from, bis establishment will be found reliable in every particular. The patronage ot the public is solicited. J. S. SEASHOLTZ. Piinhnry. Nov. 4, '71.-ly. GUAM OrKXINt, of tbp largest and most fushlonuhle ttock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every grade, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, at TIIOS. U. XOTT'N MERCHANT TAIIXJR STORE, iu Miller' Block, Third street, two doors below Market, SUN tll'It Y, PENN'A. The mr?t fasliloiiahlo clothing made to order from every variety of goods. Suits nf all sigea made np at the shortest no tice, from the beet selected stock iu New York and Philadelphia. Call and be convinced. TIIOS. G. N'OTT. April 20, 18T3. 7. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIGN", AND ORNAMENTAL PAHTTE31, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Decorating and Paper Hanglrg done In the latest improved style. Orders solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. Residence In Pnrdytnwn, Emerlck's building. Bunhury, May 11, 1873.-tf. Lackawanna iit Itlooiuaburg Itnil rn t . BUMMER ARRANOI' V'liNT OF PASSENGER T. AlNft. il...dav, Jtilv 1T,'171. SOUTHWARD. Leave. 1 A.M. P. M., A.W..P. M. P M. Scranton, 451 5 50. 6 57i 7 05' 7 14' 7 IU 1 45 10 05' !,0 171 10 26: 2 11 10 85. UO 40i S 21 10 47 6 50: 4 00 6 55 4 05 7 02 4 13 7 11 4 22 7 1 4 80 7 24 4 35 7 81:4 42 7 30 1 4 47 7 51 4 65 8 00 5 00 8 05 5 05 8 20 8 SO, Hellevue, Taylorville, Lackawanna, rittslon, Writ Pittston, Wyoming, Malthy. 7 27 !0 52 8 83 1! 00 Kingston, A W.-Barre St. 7 40 7 50 c r Plymouth June, Plymouth, Nantlcoke, Hnnlock'. a 40 CO 8 07 8 2K 8 tAi Shickshiuny, 8 08 B SO Hick's ferry, Beach Uaveu, 8 43 8 50 8 57 II 07 14 0 1 8 87 S 84 Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, j--py. - Bloomnburg, Rnpert, I) 28 81 9 61 0 50 10 03 I 67 Catawissa, liauviiie, Chulasky, Cameron, Nortb'd, (arrive.) '10 SO 4 63 NORTHWARD. Leav. .A.M.iP.M. Northumberland, Cameron, Chulasky, Danville, Catawissa, Rupert, Bloomsbnrg, Epy, Liin Ridge, Briar Creek, Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick' Ferry, BlUcksblnny, Hnnlock', NautUoke, Plymouth, Plymouth June., Kingston, A t IO 25 10 87 81 io eo 40 00 05 13 17 84 84 11 14 11 86 U 43 41 48' 65 T 0 7 24 7 81 T 41 T 61 A.M. ia oo 1 80 1 45 8 00 PM. P.M. ia 2 8 15 P.M. 5 5 8 20;- IS 64 8 90 83 6 26 6 85 6 40 W.-Uarr e'rt Maltby, Wyoming, West PlltsXon. Pittston, Lackawanna, Taylorvilla, Bellevue. 8 40 s 8 63 0 04 9 14 8 86 83 9 40 9 48 9 48 9 64 13 43 II 62 8 0 8 13 8 18 8 8a 8 fin 8 43 8 44 9 6 S 63 8 07 6 00 8 16 10 8 2816 17 8 80. 6 96 Scranton, (atrlv) 1 14 DAVTD T. tWCWD, Sup'l. ktftalliiff RallreMssl. 8UMMIR ARRANfllMHHT. Thurtday,' Avgvtt lit, 1873, Train leave HarrlsbniY for New York, aa hi. lows i At 6.00, 8.10, a. m. and 8.00 p. to., con necting with trains on the Pennsylvania lUdl- rood, and arriving at New York at 13.10. 1.00 and 11.40 p m. respectively. Returning i Leave New Tork At 9.00 n. m., 13.05 noon and 8.00 p. ra., Philadelphia at 7.90, 8. B0 a. m. nnd 8.80 p. m. Leave Harrlsburg for Raadlng, Pottsvllls, Tar maqnA, tlinersvllle, Ashland, Shnmokin, Allentown and Philadelphia at 6.00, 8.10 a. mv 8.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping at Labanott ana principal way stations i the 4.06 p. m., trajn connecting Tor Fblladelphla, i'ottsvllla and (Jo in in bia only. For Pottsville, (Schuylkill lUrm and Aubnrn, via Schuylkill aud Bttwquahauua Railroad, leava Harrlsbiug at 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad train leave Rend ing for Allentown, Easton nnd New Tork at 7.00, 10.40 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, lenve New Tork at 9.00 a. ra., 12.06 noon and 6.00 S. m. and Allentown at 7. 26 a. ra. 12.25 noon, .15, 4 86 and 9.85 p. ra. Way Passeuger Train leave Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m., connecting with train on East Penn sylvania Railroad, returning from Reading at 6. 20 p. in., stopping at All station. Leave Potlsvill at 6.80, 9.00 a. m. and 8. SO p. m. Herndon at 10.00 a. m., ShAinokin nt 5.40 and 11.15 a. m. Ashland nt 7.05 a. m., and 12.43 noons Mahunoy City at 7.61 a. ra. aud 1.20 p. m. Tamaqua at 8.35 a. ra. and 2.10 p. m. for Philadelphia. New York.Roai'.lng, Harrisbnrg,tc. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill and Susque hanna Railroad at 8.15 a. m. for Uarrisburg, and 11.45 a.m., for Pin Grove and Tremont. Pottsville Accommodation Train loavc Potts ville at 5.S0 a. in., passes Reading at 7.05 a. m. arriving at Philadelphia at 9.35 a. In., returning Icnvcr Philadelphia nt 6.15 p. in., passing; Rad lug at 7.40 p.m. arriving nt Pottevilleat 9.J p.m. l'ottstown Accommodation Truin leaves Potts town at 6.45 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia (Ninth and Green,) at 4.80 p. tn. Columbia Railroad Train laure Reading at 7.20 a. m., and 0.15 p. m. lor Ephrata, Litis. Lancaster. Columbia, Ac. returning leave Lan caster nt 8.20 a. m. and 3.S5 p. ra., and Colutu- Dia iu o.i3 a. m. ana a.ia p. in. Perklomen Rail Road Trains leave Perklomcn Junction at 7.35, 8.55 a.m., 8.55 and 5.40 p. ra. Rettirnlne, leave Green Laueat 6.15, a.m., 12.35 and 4.20 p. m. connuctiug with trains on ail ing Rail Road. Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Phc nlxvllloat 9.10 a. m., 8.10 aud 6.50 p.m.; re turning, leave Bycrs at 6.85 a. m., 12.45 noon, and 4.20 p. tn., connecting with trains on Read ing Railroad. Colebrookdnle Railroad Trains leave Pottstown at 9.40a. m., l.SOand H.25and 7.15p. in., return ing leave Mt. Pleasant at 6.00, 8.10 and 1 !.'.!: a. in., aud 8.25 p. in., connecting wilh tiuius ou Reading Rnilrond. Clicstcr Valley Railroad Trains leave Brldge port nt 8.30 a. in., 2.40 and 5.33 p. m. rcturuiii?, leave Dowiungtown at 6.55a. m., 12.30 anil 5.40 p. in. connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. Ou Sundays : Leave New York at 6.00 p. in., Philadelphia at 8.0U a. m. and 3.15 p. in., (the 8.00 a. m. train runuing only to Reading:) leave Potlsvilloat 8.iK)a. in., leave llairiBburg, 5.00a. m., and 2.00 p. m.? leave Allentown at 4.3.1, 0.3." p. m. ; leave Reading at 7.15a. m. nnd IU.r5 p.m. for Harri'hurg, nt 7.00 a. m. for New Turk, at 7.20 a. m. for Allentown anil at 9.40 a. m. aud 4.15 p. ra. for Philndel'a. Commutation. Mileage, Season, School and Excursion Tickets, to aud fiom all points at re duced rates. Unggage checked through : 100 Pounds Bag gag allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. A Eng. Mach'ry. orlhorn C'rnfrnl ItuilvTuy. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. o nnd after Oct. 27, 1872, trains w;:i run as follows NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury at 18.40 p, in., for Niagara Fulls Mail arrives nt Snnbury nt 4.10 p. m., arrive at Williamsport .2tl and'Elmirn 10.:i0 p. m. Fast Line arrives nt Sunbury at o.fn) p. m., arrive nt Williaui-iport 8.L15 p. ot. Kile Mail leaves Sunbury al C.30 a m ; Wil liHinsport nt S.10 a m, and arrives nt Eluiira at ia.40 p in. SOUTHWARD. Mail leaves Sunbury nt 11.03 a. m., arrive nt Ilnrrisbiirg 1.43 p. m., Ilnltiinore 6.i0 p. m. F.ie Etpress leaves Snnbnry nt ii.4(i a. m., ar rive at Ilurrlrburg 11. SO a. m., liultlmore 3.00 p. in. Erie Mall leave Suubury at 12.50 a. m., arrive nt Ilarrif-burg 2.45 a. ui., Baltimore S45 n. m. N Intra ru Express leaves Sunbury at 8.UD p m, n.-trrisburg at 10.40 p m, arrives nt Bttltiiiioie 2.1. p in. SnAMOKIN DIVISION. EASTWARD. Leave Snnbury at 4.40 p. m., arrive at Shnuio kin 5.50 p. in., Mt. Carmel B.oft p. m. Leave Sunbury ( Aceommodatiou,) at 12.S5p. m., nnivc nt fclianiokin 1.35 p. ni. WESTWARD. Leave Mt. Carmel at 7.40 a. m., Sliatnokln S.W a. in., arrive at Sunbury a. m. Leave fcliamokin (Accommodation,) at 2.45 p. m., arrive at Sunbury 8.55 p. ni. Express leaves daily. All other trains lenve daily, except Sundays. A. R. Fiskp. " En. 8. YorNii", ien'l. Sup't., Gcn'l Passen'r Ag't.. narrishurp, Pa. Haliinorc, Md. Pailludelptiia aud F-rto Kallroittl. SUMMER TIME TABLE. On and after Sunday, Oct. 27th, 1872, the Trains on the Philadelphia A Erie Rail Road will ruu as follows WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, " " ; Sunbnry, " " arr nt Eric, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunburv, M " an at Erie, Elmlra Mail leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Lock Haven, 11.40 p ni 6. SO a rr 7.55 p it 12.40 p iu 7.01 p m 7.45 a in 8.00 a m 4.i p m 7.45 p 111 7.30 a m Niagara Express lave Philadelphia, " " siuubury, " " arr at Renovo, EASTWARD. Mali Train leave Erie, " " " Bunbnry, " " arr at Philadelphia, 12.40 p m 4.35 a m ll.SSa m 12.45 a ra 6.55 a m tt.U.S p ui U.35 a m 8.30 p m 7.45 a in 11.00 a in 6.00 p m 8.25 p in 7.55 p m trie Express leaves t.rle, " " Suubury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Elmlra Mall leaves Lock Haven, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Niagara Express leaves Renovo, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Philadelphia. 2 80 a m Mail East connect east and wet al Erie wit It L. S. A M. 8. R. W. and at Irvineton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Niagara Exuress and Erie Express East, and Erie Muil, Niagara Express and Elinira Mail West, connect at Williamsport with trains going north on the Elmlra and Canandaigua division of tbeN. C. R. K. Catawissa passenger trains will be run east and west from Williamsporton Elmlra Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gcn'l Sup't Danville. Ilailrton fc Wllkeabatrro It. K. llua. It. R. Co. aLrnaet). SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after thi date Passenger train on th D., H. A W. R. R. will run a follow i WE8TWARD. EASTWARD. lea vs. New Tork, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, A.M.! LEAVE. 6:00 Snnbury, 8:00 Dauvill, 9:85 Oattawlssa, 10:05 Haxleton, r. u.' A. If. 6:20 7:03 7:28 0:08 r. ar. 12:10 12:85 8:16; Haxleton, Cattawissa, Danville, 1:00 Bethlehem, 8:4 40 Easton, 8:90 Philadelphia, 8:67 New York, arr. Sunbury, arrive Train West arriving at Sunbury 8:67 p. m makos close connections with trains on Philadel phia A Eii K. K. for MUtpn, U'llliamsport. Lock Haven and all points West, Elmlra aud al( points North, also with Northern Central Rallr way, for Harrlsborg and Baltimore. sf New and elegant coaches run through be tween Suubury and Kaston. FRANK THOMPSON, Supt. D. 11. A W. K. R. Bert' Orrion, WaLUMarostT, Pa. t May 1, 1873. j CTAI.J COAM COAL! GRANT BROS.. Shipper and Wholesale and Retail Dealer ii WHITE AND BED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA,. (loweb wtuar.) riYSole Agent, westward, at th calibrate BeoryClavy Coal. ' )n l-r?5 47 9:5Q
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers