SUN BURY, NOVEMBER 10, 1872. Bitwino Machines. -Miss Caroline Dallus is tho agent for the sale of the best Sewing Machines la existence, tin "The Improved Singer," "Grover & Baker," "Howe," end "Doratthy which are constantly on hand and sold at rea sonable prices. , She Is also agent for the cele brated Franta and Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see them. Office on Market streot, east of tho railroad. BrovBt foh Sale. Several good stoves for eale, nearly new one a base bnrner. Inquire at this ofllec. Goon Tobacco, Clgi"" Plpi Taney Articles, Jfcc, at J. W. Wllvert't New Tobncco Store, No. 68, Market Square, Sunbnry, Pa. A FInk assortment of Stoves and Tin ware can t)e had at . Alfred Krause's Store on Murket St. Every article In the Tin and Stove lino Is con stantly kept on hand. : Go to J. W. Wllvert's New Tobncco Store for your Tobncco, Cigars, Ac, No. 58, Market Squaic, Sunbnry, Pu. . Tiia Golden Light Stove and Heater, for snlo by J. B. Reed, Third Street, opposite the Central Hotel, Sunbnry, Pa. Dedication. The new church of the denom ination of the United Brethren In Christ, located between Snydertowu and Reed's Stntlon. will be dedicated to the services of God on Sunday, De cember 1st, .1873. Bishop J. Weaver, Elder G. W. Nllcs Rigor, and other ministers, will be pre sent to participate In the exercises. Tho pnblic arc cordially Invited to attend. Dinner and horse feed will be provided. Tdom as Oakland, Pastor. A Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Soldiers' Monument Association, will be held In Esquire Brlcc! Olllce on Wednesday evening next, at 8 o'clock, for tho purpose of perfecting a coun ty organization of the Association. Punctual at tendance is requested. J. J. SMITH, Chairman. We were handed a haudsome book a few days ago, by C. S. Hazlctlne, Book Seller at this place, entitled the "End of the World." It Is a genuine lovo story, and contains a large number of Illus trations. The rending matter is both humorous and Instructive. The work has already an ex tensive sale. BbactifcTm Tbo new styles of lints and Cnps that adorn the windows of S. Faust's hut store, on Market street, are beautiful. His full and winter stock Is superior to any ever seen in this place. All the latest styles, and of the best qua llty, are to be found at his establishment, and at nrices to suit the times. If any gentleman desire a genteel suit of clothes he can call on John F. BcbafrvrtopposHe the Cen tral Hotel, ne can there be accommodated ut the lowest prices. Ills stock is new and of beau tiful styles, calculated to please everybody. Call and see his magnificent assortment. Retciimed. Jacob Shipmnn, ticket agent at the P. E. R. R. Depot, and popular Insumnco agent for some of tho best companies In the coun try, who, with his family was on a visit to his mother and brothers residing In the Statu of Iowa, lino returned again. Their visit, we are happy to learn, bus been a pleasant one, and their ac counts of tho far west arc of a very glowing cha racter. Looks like BraiXKM. The saw mill, planing mill, cfcc, of Ira T. Clement, Esq., In the upper pnit of this borough, are In full operation. Ills works have been largely Increased In capacity by the erection of additional buildings for more ma chinery. These "works present quite nn animat ed appearance, and we ore happy to know that there is a ready salo for the products which gives employment to a large number of men. The handsome residence being bui'.t by Judge Rockefeller, on the bill In Purdytown, Is now rea dy for the roollng. The building w hen finished, will excjll nny other In this section of country for beauty and convenience. Judge Rockefeller is scttlug a good example to our monled men by making a handsome improvement, and secur ing for himself a comfortable place for an abode. We hope to sec others follow his example In this rebpect. AVe understand that the pavement around tho Vnrk Is to be laid with bandsomo flag stone eight feet In width, with good, substantial curblug. The contract for the work has been awarded to Win. T. Rickey, of this place. The curbing Is to be finished by the first of December, for the sum of $325. The cost of the pavement will be (18 per square of ten feet. The Hug stone to be from two to threec lnchs in thickness, and to be dressed up square. Room. The Toung men connected with the Hiawatha Boat Club are fitting np a room In the third story or Simpson's building for a club room, in which they will occupy their leisure hours during tho long winter evenings In reading and debating on different subjects. The room Is handsomely furnished, and will coutnln books, papers and periodicals for the uso of the mem bers. They propose to have lectures by eminent men during the season. An alarm of fire was caused on Tuesday even lng hist, by tbo explosion of a gasoline lamp in tho saddler shop of Mr. Hem perl y, on Market street. Fortunately the lamp was hurled Into the street, and the fire extinguished before any dam age was done. Wanted. All those who know themselves In debted at this office, will confer a favor by pay lng up their accounts. We are much In need of money. Wi notice that Mr. Michael Weaver, the pop ular bar-tender, formerly of the Reese House, has taken possession of the Vandyke Restaurant, un der the Moore & Disslngcr buildings, corner of Market and Third streets. Mr. Weaver under stands the catering department to perfection, and his numerous frleudB will be happy to patronise him In his new quarters. TueClemest House.- This very popular Honse, located In 3d street close to the Mason le Hall has lately been paluted, sanded and otherwise Im proved. It now prescuts a fine appearance, aud we are happy to see has Its full share of public patronage. Under the superior management of our friend Mr. James Tuft It cannot do other wise. Mr. Tuft has had considerable experience in the business, aud through bis friendly deport ment towards all with whom he comes in eon tact, he mast secure a large patroiuvge, and draw a host of frtonds around Mm. Fine Pshf(?mehy We notice that Vf. D. Me lick has just opened a new supply of the finest perfumery lu this place at his Drug Store, In Massor's building, on Market street. Uls Stock U extensive, and beside the best perfUtatrr lu the market he bus a large assortment Nations on liaud for sale. Hi Drug r fresh and fvlll be compounded with, gal eat. A ma In Summon, ciuj, Ik. 0crlV 1100 for a Liberal Eapublicnu. bi'rmvm fcuods blm tur bis riljcrtloii cf cu)iitlijjij so save M3l tlMVfcW The New Court House Clock. On Monday evening last tho Illuminated dials of the' clock were lit up" for tbe first time. The light from the eight gas burners first tried, was entirely too strong, four bnrnors proving sufficient. The use of reflectors to diffuse the light, will be a still further Improremotil. Asmlght be expected, va rious criticisms are ludnlged In and various opin ions given by the learned and unlearned on the subject some of Ihe latter even suggesting the use of white wooden dials, but how the light was to penotrato them, was not explnlucd. In an swer to the other objections, we would suggest that all Illuminated dials are tnndu of glass, aud that glass at such an elevation always has a blue appearance, assimilating with that of the atmos phere. On such a ground gilt hands and figures afford, perhaps, the very best contrast. At all events, we find tho samo dials, hands and figures used in the Slate llouse clock In Philadelphia, and tho City Hall clock In New York, and al most all others. In regard to the striking ar rangements, we would say that the bell, when striking the hours, can be beard over ten miles, when the wiud is favorable, but the lattice blinds are entirely too close, and should be altered, the slats b' lng less than nn Inch apart, whereas they should be from 0 to 8 Inches apart. In Philadel phia the boll is entirely oxposcd, and there Is nothing to Intercept the sound, and so In othor places. As a time piece, the clock cannot easily be excelled, and will not vary forty seconds per month from the true time. A Tost Office Building Wanted. There Is considerable complaint on the part of many of our citizens in regard to tho Post Ofllec building In this place. The business wlthlu a few years has increased so lapldly that the accommoda tions arc ontlrcly too small for our fast growing borough. Tbo crowd gathering on the arrival of tho malls, who arc compelled to euter and leave through ouo door, renders It very unpleasant, and especially so to females. A post olllco building should at leust have two doors, so that tho peo ple can cuter at oue and leave through tho other. For tho credit and convenience of tho town a more suitablo place should be secured, and if the Post Ofhce Department will not aid lu the mnttor we bopo some of or.r enterprising citizens will step In and give us this necessary Improvement. Epizootic Tbe dread horse discaso which has been travelling over the country, has made Its appearance In this vicinity. We learu that on Tuesdny last several horses were attacked along the canal on the opposite side of tho river, aud that a number of boats wore tied up in conse quence. The disease Is spreading rupldly along tho Pennsylvania canal, nnd we may soon ex pect that cases w ill occur on this side of the liver. As this disease is prevailing all over the coun try, Suubury aud vicinity cannot expect to escape. And as there are some unmindful of the Divine rule, "A merciful mnn is merciful to his beast," and may persist lu working their horses when sick, we publish the following sensible paragraph from the Mine' Journal, which sulls the case precisely i "Now that so many horses are slek nnd unable to perform nny service, we would remind those who sometimes ure clnssed as being cruel to their iinimnls that the deprivation of the labor of this most noble of iinimals, the horse, is au excellent time to show their appreciation In a proper di rection by enreful nursing nnd a determination in the future to desist from '.ll-treatmcnt aud abuse which is bo often witnessed upon our streets. To our mind Micro Is no excuse for tho indiscrim inate and wanton cruelty so often practiced upon tho dumb beasts who, in many cases possess more sagacity and better Judgment than their hard and cruel taskmasters. We are glad to no tice that a vigilant watch Is being kept over such abuses nil over the country, by the Society forth Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Let examples be made, and we oro confident tho public will gratefully approve Its action." A New Jail. Our President Judge has re commended the erection of a new county prison, In the place of the old deluplduted structure now in use in this place.. This Is a project which should long since have attracted the attention of the people of this county. The old jail buildings are totaly unfit unsafe and uuhculthy. A prisoner has rights which are to be respected, particularly In regard to health. When Incarce rated ho should at least be provided with healthy npartmeiits, and not be compelled to risk disease in the damp, unventiluted cells of our present county Jail. Wo commend the movciucut on tlte part of Judge Rockefeller ns a measure of human ity. We need a building of modern desigu, and its erection should be commcuced assoou as pos sible. The county is able to erect a good sub stantial building. Since the election of a Repub lican board of Commissioners, the outstanding taxes are rapidly being collected, and it is proba blo that the wholo of the county Indebtedness, amounting to about thirty thousand dollars, will be nearly paid off during the next year with the amount of tax levied up to this time. With a small additional tax, probably not more than that levied for soino five years past, when tho county was getting Into debt nnuuully, a hand some jail, with nil the modern conveniences, can be erected, aud the tux-payers can see where their mouey It expended. The experiment Is worth a trial, aud we move that our county officers pro ceed in the mutter without delay. A Little Ei'spiciors. Our neighbor of the Democrat ofTers oue dozen bottles ef wine for sale tlnce the election, which he says will bo sold cheap. It must be a very inferior article when a Democratic editor offers to sell any kind of li. quors. There was no occasion, however, to de signate the persons who could not purchase it, unless at full price, as they are not In tho habit of Indulging lu the cheap ;rfo which bas such potent Influence among Democratic editors, and their ardent follower. Dk. Raxdolj-u will give a lecture iu Fry's Op era House, on this, Saturday evening, when bo will speak or his Journey through Syria, Greece and Turkey, and exhibit some prcadamlto man skeletons, relics of an cxtluct race, lately discov ered lu Camerou county. Tickets of admission 25 cents. At Doctor Randolph bat just lost his all lu the late Bostou conflagration, our people should turn out aud render him assistance. We direct attention to the Historical facts on our first page of Fort Augusta and the Bloody Spring at this place, for w b'lch we are indebted to our friend J. B. Linn, Esq., of Bellefome. New Engine Hoi sk. Tbe contract for the building of the new engine house for the Good In tent Fire Company, on Fourth street, bas been awarded to Ira T. Clement, Esq., the lowest bid der. The bids hauded in to tbe company are at follows I Wm. K. Marts & Co. . $3,864 00 Jacob E. Marts U,40 00 BenJ. Keefer 8,7114 oo Samuel Fassold 3,304 00 Ira T. Clement 8.S67 81 Tbe work will be commcuced immediately. The citizens of the East Ward, we hope, will show their appreciation of the importance of this measure by giving the company tbe necessary en. courugement for locating in that ward, at it will greatly enhance the protection of property in that part of the town. W inadverteutly overlooked the advertise ment of Mitt L, Welter for several weekt past, which will be found In another column. Mist Welter has one of the flnetl selections of Mllllue ry Goods that kat ever graced her ttore. Her slock has beeu selected from the first class llshmoutt In New Tork and Philadelphia, and la. die will not go amiss If they call at her stoie In search of regular gems of HaU,Bonnets and other millinery goods, Tkrhibi.. On Thursday evening a fire broke out nl the residence of MlchaoT Sanifers, In F.ast Dnnvllle, through the explosion of a lamp. The Ignited fluid being scattered, rapidly enveloped the honse In flames. No time wns left to save anything. " But Mr. Sanders being tax collector, tried to save the papers and money .belonging to the pullli!. For this, rmrpotd he entered the burning building) but alas, he did, not return. Overcome by the devouring element be sank down Into the Are and was burned to a crisp. A portion of his body wot altorwards recovered. An adjoining house was also consumed. This terrible calamity cast a gloom over the minds of all, for all knew and respected Mr. Sanders, ns an honest upright man, and ns a Christian. God comfort tho slrlckon heart of the disconsolate wi dow so suddenly and awfully bereft of the com panion, with whom she Journied through lire, from youth to old age. Danvillt Independent. A Neat Looking Wagon. We noticed a few days ago a neat looking wagon on the street, built by F. J. Lerch, coach manufacturer, ou Chesnut street, for sir. Slcedor, baker. Tho wa gon docs great credit to the builder, and Is tho handsomest Vehicle nowsccu ou our streets. Mr. Lerch has Intoly contra rtod with the Good Intent Flro company to build a Truck and Ladders. Judging from tho design It will be not only a. novel affair, but nn apparatus that the "Goody Boys" will feci proud of. The Great Fire iu Boston, by which tlOO.000, 000 worth of Goods was destroyed, will have a tendeney to raise the prices on all cotton and woolen goods throughout the country. With these facts staring us in tho face wo will still con tinue to sell mil goods at reduced prices, nnd ad vise all nroding articles to come forward soon, as wo have a large assortment to select from, so all can have a choice. Come nnd examine our Hue of Shawls, Blankets, Ctisslmeros, Cottonndcs, Carpets Oil Cloths, and Notions, and a very fine and fresh slock of Groceries. Also, a beautiful stock of fine Dress Goods. Call nt Clement A Dlssingcr's, on Mniket Square, where every at tention Is paid to customers by tho most polite clerks. Discovery of Gold and Sii.veii. Mr. D. W. Thomas has discovered a quartz vein two feet and nine inches thick about six miles north of Shiekshlnny. The vein is said to bu rich In gold and silver. An essay has been made by Booth & Gorrel, T. S. Mint Assnyors with the follow ing result : oue ton of tho ore yielded 27, seventy six one hundredths oz. gold, and 271 thirty-six onc-huudiedths oz. sliver. The value of tho gold Is $374,04 und tho silver Is S07,94 making in the aggregate (1411,118 to one ton of ore. The disco verer, Mr. Thomas, says that he knows of other veins In the North Mountain. Our information us to the above facts Is lellabls. lliooimhurg Hrpvb liean. Weed Out. Ho Is a poor agriculturist who permits noxious weeds to injure his crops, and it is a sicklv partv thnt will not throw nt!' tho rot ten and corrupt men that hang to its skirts. M eetl tnen men out. I hey only cling to us to be tray the organization, anil the sooner wo are rid or them the better. Democrat of last week. Tho trouhlo Is that all good men nro leaving the corrupt Democratic party, nnd ir the editor designs to treed out tho "rotten and corrupt," his party will soon become cutlrely extinct. Cancer Removed. Ou Saturday last a cance rous tumor was romoved from the person of Mr. Norman Haas, of this place, which had been growing rapidly Tor some time, aud caused se vere puln. Tho operation wag succossrully per formed by Dr. C. M. Martin, practicing physl elan. and the patient seems to suffer no iucouvc nlcnce, nnd Is doing well. John L. Watson, Esq., Is a good Republican and has proved his faith by his works. On Tues day last he prepared to assist In the good work of conveying his nolghbois to tho polls In his buggy. While In the act of stepping into his rigging his horse started suddenly and ran against a post at tho corner of Rov. S. H. Reld's resi dence with such violence as to throw Mr. Wat son over the dash board and down between the thills and the front wheel on the left side. In this position, still holding tho linos, ho was dragged about twenty yards when ho succeeded In turning the horse on tho sidewalk ut Capt. DougnPs residence. Mr. Wats'en on regaining his feet discovered that he had received a number of severe bruises aud abratious, but not sufficient to confine blm to the house. Jfiliesiou. A Si nscitinnn writes to ask us tho "easiest method to destroy skunks." We find they can be kicked to doutli very easily, though some pre fer to wring their necks by baud, chlckuu fash ion. .SrroNfMt Democrat. Iu this county they used to shoot and scalp them, aud then receive $1 per scalp from the County Commissioners, That Grcely lint offered for tale In the Demo crat, still adorns the "Copperhead" of the editor. We suspect there it poor bale for that kind of a bat, particularly wheu It la cbanglug to a copper color. t'ouuril lroe4llng. SiNBi'HT, Nov. 13, 1873. Council met, Wm I. Greenough lu tho Chair, members present, Rohrabach, Clark, Miller, Cuke Smith, J. M. Cadwulladcr, Irwlu aud Geo. B. Cadwulludur. Minutes or last meeting read and approved. Ou motion or Wm. L. Dewait, That Uorough Orders be Issued to Geo. Welter, Edq., for the amount of hit claim against tho borough, lu such turns, aud at such times ns be mnv desire: adopt ed. " Ou motion of Win. L. Dewait, llctoUal, That tho Couucil hereby assent to the lion. J. B. Pack er and the Bank of Banbury, enclosing and beau tifying the ground between the vmbauknieut aud tho river in front of their respective properties, provided they do to at their ow n expense ; adopt ed. ... On motion of J. M. Cadwalluder, The Council rescind the resolutiou maklug li meetings a week, and that they meet but onco a mouth 1 motion lost. Petition from Good lutein Fire Company, ask ing an appropriation of fifteen hundred dollars read and on motion of Win. L. Dewait, A'tiulv lit, Thut an appropriation of llfteru hundred dol lars be made to the Good Inlant Fire Company, to aid them in erecting a building for their appa ratus and meetings j adopted. On motion of U. B. Cadwulludcr, That an Or der be huued to the Good Iuleut Fire Company, for the amount of flfleeu hundred dollars appro, priated to tuid company by the former reeoletlon, and that all Orders heretofore granted to said company be cancelled 1 adopted. On motion of W. L. Dewart, Rttotivtl, Thut a committee of three be appointed to Investigate the counterfeiting or enlarging of Borough Or ders, with instructions to report at toon at pot. tible 1 adopted. Committee, W. L. Dewart, D. DUainger, aud Solomon Malick. Ou motion of J. M. Cadwallader, That an Or der be giaated to the Steam Fire gngine Co. for 80, being a balance of cxpeutet wade ou the 4th of July 1 adopted. On mottou of J. C. Irwin, IietolueJ, That the Chief U urges t be authorized to get tbe materials and lay all paveineuti that have been ordered to be laid, immediately, and crossings 1 adopted. On motion of J. A. Cake, Huolnd, That the Chief Burgess be Instructed to lay a crossing on tbe west end of Packer street, next to the river lu Cake's addition adopted. Ou motion of J. M. Cadwallader, SttolveU, That all grading and filling in the several streets and alleys by tbe Street Commlsblouert, be stop ped for the balance of thie year, except In tucb placet at tbe Chief Burgett may consider neces sary to make tbe road fat passable eondltlou adopted. bills premised and Ordert granted 1 Jacob Co ble ti, P. W. Gray 137 50, lleury Bueher ti 35, Charles Keefer 14 50, Ira T. Clemeat 8 10, Hen ry Slack (7, John Bhitaler $10 7S, John Shlssler 73 87, John Kane tM 56, John Kant S5 87, Goo. Haupt, 35 87, Geo Uaupt J 50, P. W. Gray 1 30, Geo. Gass 93 64. On motion Council adjonrned. P. W. GRAY, Cltrk. Chaffed Hands, face, rough skin, pimples, ringworm, snlt-rhenm, and other bntnneotis af fections cured, and the skin main soft nnd smooth, by using tho Jumrpn Tar Noip. made by Casweil, Hazard A Co., New YoVk. .Be cer tain to get the Jnntpcr Tar Soap, as there nro many worthies; Imitations made with common tar. ' ' Nli!,'72.1:2w. Tim Purest and Sweetest Cod- Liver Oil is Hazard & Caswell's, made on the seashore, from fresh, selected livers, by Caswell, Hazard A: Co., Few York. It Is absolutely pure and sweet. Pa tients who have once taken it prefer it to nil others. Physicians have, decided it. superior to any of the other oils iu market. Nlili J.12w. Jiusiiirss Notices. For Sale a young Cow, part Alderney. In quire nt this office. Fon the House. Iufluehzii 6r Epidemic Ca; tarrli. This being a typhod disease, requires n 5 Uhtnpiing treatment or success will be doubtful. Those not knowing ho to treat the above dis ease, call on JAMES VANDYKE, Sunbnry, Pa. Fuench Starch Enamel, Reed's Grand Duchess Cologue, thn Sweetest Perfumery In America, Choice Toilet Articles or every description, nt Martin ifc Co.'s Ping istoic. NlG,2t. Protect yottr Horses, by using Brom's Chlor olone, the best disinfectant knowu. Sold by Martin & Co., Third Street. When you want to get a first ciast boot, go 6ec W. H. Miller, ns he has just received the Oucst assortment of Moon a id Sinn-!, such ns French Calf, SSeolc'j bottom ( French Calf, double soled an 1 single soled, all stitched by baud. Also, fudged boots of the best brands. He don't pre tend to soli a machine-sewed boot. For a first class boot go and Bea his stock if you don't buy. Always tho latest styles on hand. Evaus' Ame rican Patent Gaiters Tor boys, the nicest shoe ev er made. Sizes run from 4 to 10Ji. In fact a full line of all the best make or Boots and Shoes. TnB Celebrated Star Cook Stove, for sale by J. B. Reed, 8niibury, Pa. Tub losses sustained by Individuals who Def lect to Insure Iu rellablo companies, Is Immense, and many families who are In comfortable cir cumstances could often bo saved from total ruin if they would attend to Insurance In time against that monster destroyer fire. We are harpy, however, to notice that man nrc Using the pre caution of lute by getting insured In the Peoples, Fire Insurance Company, Philadelphia, which U considered safe nnd reliable. They also insure life ut the lowest rates. Mr. Gossler, their agent at this place, is doing a handsomo business In making out policies lu this part of the State. A large assortment of chairs, loui,ge, sofas, chamber setts, Cc, have just been opened nt B. L. Ruudcnbush's furniture. They aro ono of the latest styles, made tip of good material ami warranted to give sntlsrnctln,,. A i-viendca assortment of cheap heaters for talc by J. B. Reed, Suubury, Pa. Tun man who hoards his money is a miser. The man who spends hit money injudiciously Is n spendthrift, and comes to rtiin. The man who luvc6ts his money carefully provides for his pre sent wants, and the wants of his family in time to come, can cujoy his woik, his meals, his sleep, nnd bo surrounded by bright and 6inlIIng faces. Most of the latter make llielr purchases nt Wci mer's popular cash store, No. 90, Haupts block, where business Is done strictly on cash principles, hiB motto being "Quick Sales nnd Small Profits." You need no co-operative store why ? because your cash protects you credit ruins you. Good men, w here credit is given, pay the profits 0:1 loi-l accounts. House and Lor for Sale. A new cottage house, with nil the modern improvements, locat ed lu Purdytown, on thcCuttawls&a road, Is of fered for sale ut a reasonable price. Apply to C. P. Scasholtz, Suubury. Pa. Speciul Notices. Ou Marriage Essays for Young Men. on Great Social Evils and Abuses, which Interfere will. Marriage, and ruin the linpplncse of thou sands, with sure means of relief for the Erring nnd Unfortunate, deceased nnd debilitated. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, freo of charge. Address, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. CO CO P4 S52 .2 - 8 CO o it s t a ii oo s is -S o 0 5 rt n J3 8-S c 5 ti rt V. i 'J s e '3 i V .-, - . 8? f E'a fl E- f S 3 THE CONFESSIONS OF AN INVALID. PUBLISHED ns a warning and for the benefit of ymnij men ami othert who suffer from Nervous Debility, Lots of Manhood, etc., sup plying THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. Written by one who cured himself, nftor under going considerable, quackery, nnd scut free on re ceiving a pont-puid directed envelope. Address. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, June 8. '72. Cmos. Brooklyn, N. Y. No. 15 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. We have opened for tho Fall Trade, the largest aud best assorted clock of . PHILADELPHIA CARPETS, Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Paper, Carpet Chain, Cotton, Yarn, Battimr, Wadding, Twines, Wicks, Clocks, Looking Glasses, Fancy Baskets, Urooms, Baskets, Buckets, Brushes, Clothes Wringer, Woxlcu aud Willow Ware, IN TUB t SlTED STATED. Our large increase in business euablet us to sell at low prices, aud furuish the betl quality of Goods. SOLE AORNTS FOB TUB CELEBRATED AMERICAN WASH ER, Prick, o.50. The most Perfect and Successful Washer ever Made. Agents Wauted for the Auierlcau Washer in all parti of the State. Sept. 7, Dm. AdiuiuLtirutor'u Not ice. Estate of PHIUP ZERBE, Dee'd. NGTICE Is hereby given that letters of admin istration having btun granted to the under signed ou tbe estate of Philip Zcrbe, late of Low er Eiebsuoy township, Northumberland county, Pa. .deceased. All pertont indebted to said es tate are requested to make liuniediute settleiueut and those having claims are requested to pre seui tbetn for settleiueut. B. M. BCBB, Georgetown, Nov. 9, 'W.6t. Administrator AtlinlulNlrwtorit Notice. NOTICE it hereby given than Letters of Ad ministration have been granted to the nn dcrslgued on ihe entitle of William K. Lawrence, late of Upper Augusta, township, Kortnuuiber county, deceased. Ail baring claims against the estate will present for n-llloiueiM, and them knewing themselves IndetUed to said estate will makt pavmenl to MOllDKCAI LAWKEMCK, Bunpury, Oct. 19, 'T3.--t. AdlUlultlrator. SUNBURY PROPERTY. 13 Houses For Sale. ' KXKCliTOK'KNAI,:. WILL be exposed to pnblie s;ile, on Tu" Iav the tOth d.iv of December ucxt, (1VJ) r.t l'J o'clock A. M., at the. COURT HOL'KE, In tho Borough or SUN BURY, Thirteen Houses a iid Lois, tele the eAlnt-c of ICdwnrd Y. Blight, S' Ml & M : m Five, or said houses, bcin? a Mock of fine two story BRICK DWELLING JHH'M'.R stunle on the Bouth side of Chesnut street ill the llorouuli of Suubury, Northumberland county, Pennsylva nia, bounded and flouting 011 said Chestnut street on the north, a lot of Mrs. Vither on tho cast, the SbainnKin Vnlley and l'oitrville ItaM road ou the south, and lots of the estate of tbo late George Wiier, decease J. on the west, each lot containing 2'J feet in width, orthereuboiit,;, and Cvo hundred nnd thirty In depth. Th vo houses will bo sold In a block or separate to Buit pur chasers. Four Urnt-flrsHs Frnmc ItwrLliii. Also, Four t'onllgium lot if ground situate ou the south side of Walnut utiett iu said lo rongh. bounded on the north by cai.l Walnut street, oa the east nnd south by nn nlicy, nnd on the wc.-t by a lot of the estate of Mrs. I,aur! An gle, dee'd. F.aeh of said lots containing' In front 29 feet and in depth two hunftre.l nnd tlilr tv feet, whereon nrc erected four lirst-chiia fraino dwulllug houses with other outbuildings. Each house is scpernta. No. 1 is occupied by i. K. CloinenL, No. 2 Ii occupied by Thomas Hamilton. No. 3 is occupied by G. L. Simpson. No. 4 Is occupied by E Im Schneider. Throe Frmue Dwelling lloti'to. Ai?o, three contlflous lots ofgrouud situate ou thc8ontU side of Vino tired iu said Borough, bounded 011 the north by raid Vine street, on tiie eart by a lot of II. H. Mnsscr, on the fonlii by property of Ira T. Clement, or nn alley, and on the west by a lot of Mrs. Aim N. Blight each of said lots containing in front feet or there abouts, nnd In depth one hundred nnd firty feet or thereabouts, whereon are erected three good, nearly new, two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSES and other oul-hou?u?. No. 1 is occupied by John Irwin. No. a is occupied by E. 11. Mitchell. No. 3 is occupied by John Spucc. One two-story Frame :)iv I'.iiir; I House. situate on the west sldo of Fourth street, front lug on said Fourth street ou the east, 11 lot of Ja cob Feller ou the south, nn nlicy 011 tLe wef t, nnd a lot of Hurry Diellenbach on the north. The lot contains In front en said Fourth street 23 feet, or thereabouts, and one hundred nnd ten felt In depth, now occupied by Kev. A Wheat. LiuieMtoue Properly. Also, the one full undivided third part of all that certain tract or piece, ofland situate In Point township, Northum!""1-'" adjoining i,uu 01 the estate of Charles C. K iv. dee,d, now Hussii, Charles Gulirk and others, containing F1KTY-THKKK ncrcs more or less, whereon are erected a LAUGH Fit A ME DWEL LING HOUSE nnd Kitchen, a Frame Barn, two good new LIMEKILNS, Ac. A Young Orchard and nearly nil of which is in a good state ofeul vntion. On this tract or land' is an luexhausta hie bed or verv SUPERIOR LIMESTOX E suitable ror fluxing, mid for all purposis for which limestone is used. Tho quaniesnre now fully opened and arc beiinr worked. They arc situated about two and u half iniLs from the Borough of Noithuuibci land. A branch lateral railroad, about three quarters of a mile in length counects them with tho Philadelphia ami Erie Uaiiroad at Kapp's station, from which lime stone is shipped daily to Sunbnry and other points nnd can bu shipped by railroad ' or canal to Nor thumberland, Danville, Shuinokln, &c, as cheap ly as any other liun toue in the rion. The limestone and railroad will bo so',.! sepa rate from the land if purchasers desire It. At the same time anil place the undivided one third of the eighteen Uaiiroad Cars and a 6U cf Blacksmith and Quarry Tools will be soid. T K K M S E A S Y . The above properties will lie sold on longtime, f o as to enable purchasers to make their pay ments easy. The terms and conditions will be made known oil the d.iv of sale bv WM. M. KOCKEFEI.I.Elt. Ex-eutor or Edward Y. lirl-l.t, dee'd. Banbury, October lt'tli, 1STJ. A Fiti'in for Sale. rilllE under-Igncd oilers nt private sale, his A. Farm, containing about ti'.l Xvrvn, situa ted in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, on the Plum Creek road about :'J miles east or Sunbnry, bounded by lands of Daniel P. Conrad, Henry Suvhlgc, Joseph (iass, and others. The Improvements consist of a good well-arranged trium; llouse, a huge Bank Barn, with Wagon House mid Coin Crib attached. "Svriiig House o-er n nevcr-failimr Snrliur, and all other necessary out door buildings, Ap. pie Orchard of choice, fruit in good hairing order. About 0 ncrcs of good Oak Timber, a runnin stream of water through the farm. Part of the purchase money can remain in the farm. For further particulars, call on or address, A. U. SAYIDGE, Sept. 7tb, lS73.-3m. Suiitiury. Ps. Just Opend. F. J. BYROD, Informs the citizens of Suubury and vicinity, that he has received his la nrc assortment of Dry Goods und selling them cheap for cash at his store room, corner Third and Church streets, SUN BURY, PA., His stock comprises Irj aool uI Groceries. The Dry Goodi department is complete-, having a gtnerul assortment of ClotliH, CWhneros,'cos, PcLains, and everything hi thu Dry Goods line. The (iRO(TP.IE are all fresh, and consists of Ten, Coffee, Ruur, Mollasses, bptccs, Meat, Fish, ite. ItOOTN AM) HOI.S. Willow-War'u ami Glus'j.VYiirf , a gecornl assortment. Iu fact everything kept in a first-class store, can be had nt tho most reasonable prices fur cash. Having located lu fr-:tnbury tor the purpose ot ' becoming one or its citizens, I hope that by fair j dealing and strict attention to business to "merit 1 a share of the public pa trounce My motto Is 'Small fronts and (juick Sales." All nre cordially invited to call and namine my goods, as no charges will be made for show iug them. F. J. Li Y HOD. Sunburv, Oct. 10, r-7?. , Adiuiuittlrator's Xotu-c. "rOTICF. is hereby given thut Letters of Ael X ministration have been grunted to the un doiolgued upon the estate of John Deshay, de ceased, late of Upper Augusta township, North'd county. All know lug themselves Indebted to said estate, aud those who have claims against the same, will present them for settlement. A. N. BRICK, A Jmluistrator. Bunbnry, Sept. 81, WiL !t. Tallorln gTTa.lorlngTT CHARLES MAI ILL, Respectfully Informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that ho has opcuud a TAILOR SHOP, on Fourth Street, below Market, In the Mullen building, und that be It prepared to inuke up all kludt of CJEXTV A.l HOY'.V Nt'ITN, lu the latest styles. Having had much exper ience In the business he dolrts the public to give him a trial. Clothing will be made up in the latest Pails and American FasLions In the moat tttitafucteu-y maimer. Aug.l7,'73.-tf. CHARI.F.d MAIIIL. The oldest and most reliable Institution for ob taining a Mercantile Edurutlou. ItfT Practical biulucu wen as instructors. For iiiforuiHiion, write for a circular to P. DL'FF & BON 8, Pittsburg, Pa. rpt. "JO, 187a. 8m. DAK.IIY aCO'SHif l .l OVT be ueccived, but for eon rlis. colds, hoarFCiiess mot hrcim-liial diltleiiii ies. .'re thrivl. M''Iln' ( lu-lsolii- I ulilet 4. Worthies Imitations ale on Ihe nn u tho only telenlilie preparation of ( Aei.l for Lung diseases Is when chemleallv eoinbiawl with other well known remedies, as in these Ta blets, and all parties aro cautioned un.iiust uMng nny other. in all c;: sen of Irritation of the mem hrnne thce Tablets should 1 freelcy u,.ci, i hi ir cleanslntr nnd healin;: properties nren-mniihii . Be warned, never nr-.u (, t 11 cold, It ir cnsliv cured In Its incipient state, wheu it bTonie's chronic the euro Is exceedingly diliieult, u-j Wells' Carbolic Tablets as n specific. JOHN g. KELLOGG, IK PlMt f-i.. ,.w York, N!l.4w. tole Agent for Uniied Mates. Il'e ' CI',;U " '";S' " Circular. MOVIIS MfOItT IIAVI), 1.23. Mo-t legible fyrtem extant. Based upon or dinary alphabet , not phonetic; therefore much more readily acquired. End. used bv gentlemen of all professions. W. E. t.'COVIL 1! : Wnili'in Sueet. New York. 3 $5 la $2i)0 pcrnimSSuT j-malu, to Introduce, the Genuine lni-)ioveJ - Common Sense Family !e ing Machiu'e.Tiiis r iinieiniit: "Hi MUCH, lltlll. fell, tllck, q .i't - cord, bind, braid and embroider in a most I . superior i:inuur. Price only fin. Fuilv II- I "iiM-u unci waiTauieil lor live vcars. We will 1 pay tl.Oun for any inr.chinc that, will sew n 1 stronger, more bcaulh'ui, or more ciaMic seam vathnn, nnr. It. makes the "Elastic Lock j Stitch." Every second btlch can be cut, and ! still .the cloth cannot be pulled npuit without . ZJi tearing It. We pay ngents from t7."i to f -,T,0 Jper month nnd expenses, or a commission 1 v from which twi.-c that amount can be made, j Adlrc.e b ECO MB & CO., Boston Mass., ! l'lttsinirun, Pa.. Chicago, 111., orSt.Ln:ils,Mo.4w '' j AGEXTS ! A It AUK litAWK. I Wo will ay nil Agents per week In cash, I who will cn-jniro with us at once. Everything 1 furnished unci expenses paid. Address i'ilt',,lw I j. jji, 1 v vi., coal lone, Mich. ! "l3yeitonittnoy,orSoiiK'liaimifii:.' A How either sex may fascii-ale and iriiln the love and affections of any person they choose, in stantly This simple mental iiciuiiement nil can posn-ss, free, by mail, for 'J."i cts. together I with a nvtrringc guldf, EL-ypliuii uraele, Dreams, 1 Hints to Ladies, i';e. .' cjn-er, cxcitinir book. I 100,000 sulci. -Address. T. WILLIAM oi CO., j s21-4w Publishers, l'hila. j On tho line of the Union Puellle Uaiiroad, 1J,. , COiU'OUacn s c-f the I;,., t Fiinnii.:; mid Mineral lands in America. e,OiK).O0J Acres In Nebraska, I:, tho Platto Val ' ley now fnr sale. .Mild 4 liiuulo, r(i-til Koil, i for Gruini;rowini:and t'toel; Halstng unsurpassed j by any in the T'liltcd Mates. ; Cheaper iu Price, more favorable terms given, und more, convenient ' ti.i.n eii'.i be found 1.. le-l Five llomc-teailtj for Actual Settlors. The but location for Colonics Soldiers enti tled to a Homestead oflfW Acres. Bend ftrthniu-w Descriptive Pamphlet, with new map, published In English, (Jeriiian, Bwe disli and Danish, mailed free everyw here. Ai'diesi. O. F. DAVIS, Co., Omaha, Neb. 4w. Laid Coni'r U. P. M JfiliW First Premium U a Am.lEsi.1871 Double Elivateu Oven, Warm ing Closet, Lroil Iig Door, 'ender (iiinrd, Dumping and Miukb'11 lirate, Dii-.-l I)r.,ft.. FL'LLI'H, WAUUEN o: CO., r.'liU Vatcr Ktroel, New York. K"il-4w. rpilE bed seliii, book in the iniuket is 'Ihe A. Strii!Klcs of PETrtOLElDI V. NASIJY. It is I'.l-.strat.-d by THOMAS N.AV, the -rcat-cvl of Aiurieau Arli ls, unci eoi, tains an inlro ductioii lif ll,i:i. Charles uinuer. Agents -,-mt.. .-it tor thk and other popular books. Address I. N. Kichadson a Vo., lloston, Mass., nnd t?t. li'"1'-- !!" Nlt;,4w. AtJEWfi wanted lor the great work of tlio year, by tta author of "(iod in history," hand somely II! strated by (lnstave Dore, Niistof Har per s Vn!;ly, it others. Kudirrsed bv college 1-resident.H and cniiniMit divine. Its 'title and wi'y" ll Si;- r t-""i.'.'r0, ol' .."'ousands of readers lished. iVfreHVfof' ciriul.irs aid ii-nns before engaging elsewhere. 4w. E. li.'iMEAT, Publisher, W. .Wvay, N. Y. riKE to noon aui:"jk. An cleiitly hound canvassing book fur the best and cieape't Fi-.n-.lly Lible ever puhl'shed. will be sen free of charge to any book agent. It contains i-arly 5;:'J fine Scripture illustrations, nnd agent are meeting with unprecedented suc cess. Ai'li'c.-s, stating experience, etc. ex: we will sliowiou what our agents are doing. 4w. NATONAL PU'.iMMIIMi CO., l'liila. Pn. annngiill elassc. Old people, the mid v d'eit;cd, those who are iu.t entering life, jr. nndyoutli of both sexc: buy and read with tho greatest profit. My J ii.i.v Fi-.iknu's Sixurt, DID LEWIS' l,il .11. . I best bii,,k. "? Itis meeting with tho greatest Hieccf.. : 5 and there s Moiiey in it. siend circulars, ct.., which nre sent l'.ee N'.l.lw. CEO. MACLEAN, l'hila. "God guilt thut this precious book may find Its way to every family in tho land," says a prominent vioiincr, of T. ti. Arthur's lust great work. - Tlir.EE YEAKS IN A MAN -Til A P. Not withstanding its luimeii'e fill-, wo desire to ex tend its still further, and ca'l for more aid to iiitronurce it to every corner e.f our laud. It ii highly tndoi-cel by Judge black, I". Ji. Ornc, Ncal Dn-.v aid others. ill do nmro good than any prohibit .m la ever frained. it to, is bcymi 1 parallnl. Agei.ts havo doue nnd arc doing tple 11- llfarren if J if J mmBM didiy with it. One has sold over ! H) copies. ' r.notiier ,1 in to el. iyi. feud for Circulars and Owing to its great success we are enabled te of-j se e v. I1.1l the prcse ?.ty of the v.-i-.rk. -, ter ipccial'iy large elicount-. tVud for iilus-,' Natio: : l'libl: iiing Co. liiiludelphla Pa. 4w liatid eiie-ulm.i und t 1111.-, tii.l ei ter into this I ... . .. .. ,;.,. ; great work at J. M. StcUarl & Co. liml- I JLL ti.lKM) 8 SECRK1 . a rcmarka ulelphla. -i.v 1 ble lioo'c ami great su.-e-,-s.s. ISth Lililioii now '.1 .. ready lor Agent-. Nothing pays like It. 4w. It is not a physio which may give tcmpoiarv relief to the sufferer for Hie lim few doses, tint which, fiom continued use briugs lile s and kin dred diseases to niellu weakening the invalid, nor Is it a cleK-lored li iii)o, whkii, under thn popular name of '"Bitter.." U so i-xtenslvc-iy pulnn d eill ou lh-5 public ns sovereign reme iks, liut It is n most poweerfil Tonic and iilterative, proiioaiieeel so by the leading inedic.-.l aulhoiiiie of Londor nnd l'a l ami has been long used by the regulul physicians of ither coaiitrlcs with ivouderful ic meella! results. DR. WELLS' EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA retains nil I lie uiiulicel virtues peculiar to Hit plant aud iiiui-t be tukcu as a permanent curatin nge'ut. Is there want of actlnu In your Liver it Spleen I Unless relieved at once, thu blond becomes im pure by delet.iiious secretions, producing serofu. fou or skin disease, Blotches, Felous, Pii.- t,iles. Canker, Pimples, eVc, &s. Take Jurubebu to cluausn, purify anj restort the viiiatel lioeid to he-u'iby action. Have yon a Dyspeptic htiuiiach I Unless di gestion Is promptly aided the tystein is debilita ted till loss of vital force, poverty of tho Blood, Dropsical Teiideuey, Ocucial Wi-ukuctt or ltssl- tad-. Take It to assist Digestion without reaction, it will impart youthful vigor lo the weary euU'-rcf. Have you weakness of the Iiileoiiiies J Von ure in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or ;l.5 dread ful Inflammation of the lion els. Take it to allay Irritation und ward oi'tsndeit ey to liitlauimittlous. ' Have you wcakuens of the Cterlue or Urhiaiy Organs I You must procuu: Iiisluut reii.if or you are liable lo sutlcrlng worse than death. Take It to strengthen-organic Mcakiidt or life becomes a burden. Fiually It should lie frrouciitly tnkrii to "r p the sstem in perfect health or you ate otlterwisi In great of miliaria:, inUiuialic or conta gious itbcases, JOHN y. KF.LLOt.C., IS plait ft., N. Y. fcole Aem for the Cnilo.1 cilalrs. Price, (tl per Bottle. Kend feir Circular. 4w 1 i..k ; s . ' 1 . 1 v I .- i'wi Gilil 1 l!,e', 1 s wane ! in Hie- . -i CI:-.. d'.e '1 '-.icadii ' .1 Fell I'll. !:.!! ii:V Iteltmi Hole A oil.i 1. Thiii'l,;.-. ;-;.;i, (0 invge ec .'1 papers si Mile 1 s:illll!; IV'-e to i 4w C 1 At I!VI 1 i ,c el-. 1 . o !v 1 ;ic Boos-. oi'el j.. mil N. cdk '. i. I -1 cm ni.v ny one at noo . e '.rie!;. (i: .. f.':i , .cwa . :,. A il-STiar. A iM,f'-'-''''' n .n 11 ... .1 U,- ' .i W !n ir.: 1 I !'. ii. I...... e . Lsl in 1 f. I i'oend F-r S..'- M W. .:-' r.K.i.ox mi n. .s. A WtUTOIU Kii I'roadivay, N. V., will ilis; .,-ei ; iilvon, aud Or'aii', cf : I 1-1 lo;: I'll' ie I'.,: I' ( ''.! )'..:!.: r.V ! ;y .llil'lll ilK'IVelle- Y.Mels nt V.l.V io-.. p- j patt cash, nnd bullumv iu s; nn-i.ts. New 7 .111 lava li; st-i '.:t, ihn nr. nu-iil lor fi,'i. N eer o l'aiior Oriiiin. the im t ben .111 I l-i-ifc uinili t tone evi r made. Ill:; -true, I : '.lei c C.i: inn ' il. mil-if t ' it-i Yot-Mj Mk, i r.AciiBus, Laoik i ou Mtvi.-n.-i-. ! Agc11lswunte.ini every county, lor '-lie- peo ple's Standard liibie." " .Vit) illustr items. IaIi.i terms, prospectus free. Ad, lies Z-jlgi-.-s .'c M .Cur dy, 518 Aich si., l'hila., l'a. ti-- DUTY OFF TE; Si'. Extra ItiihtcemuiiU for Chilis. SEND I-OU NEW CLUB CTUU I, V Which contains full explanations of I'r -i ii i; Ac. THH WAY TO OBTAIN OCR GOODn. Pcr0M living nt .1 riHtnnce from New i'oil,, nil club together, and get thorn at the sun c price 1 ns v sell lh?m to our Ware houses in New or!;. I In firder to u-.-l xpn club, let each per-".i wi, !,':,. ' i to Join say how much Tea he v.-nu1-. and i-iec: - the kind and price from our Price Li,t, as Piih lished in our circulars. Writ n the l-nim s, kii,'!--. j slid amounts plainly on n, nnd when the el lib" I Is complete send It to us by mail, nnd wa will 1 Jilt each party's goods l:i separate packages, nn i lunik the nntne upon them, with thi -t, s i , there need be no confusion in distribution men I party gltini exactly what he cider-, and no 1 more. Tli-5 funds to pay for goods or,:, ; ., ! eim j be sent by drnrss cm New York, l'o,it- iiic-c n.oney , ordcis, or by express. Or, wo will, if ,!-. iiei, 1 send the goods by F-i-prcsa, I) "'colic'! on i'.e 1 liVeiT." ! THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA CO., j ai nnd Vcnj- Ktrcrl, ) sSl-4w. 1'. c. Hox r,i,l;i, New York ( it v. Aift-uts wauted to canvass for the real 1 ! nitis:it..j r.-.-iVe's wVckiv. the r.-t. cheapost p-ip-r published. Di' l.HWIJ ,: eorp of MS-Mt popular authors write ctcliii tor ii. v.u plt copy cf the chroino, un; urallc :. -i JtUT 60 llj;i, to ovry snh.ic riber. Agents take ficni trei fl .u , . . 11; 1 , nit in iniiii mimes a u,iy. .Mi l.llslness 1' 'llkoll.U. Send fi.i- Ii-rins j and scenic u-i.a i forthis irri-at eiili rprl-i- at oncj. MACLEAN, SitiLDAUT (i CO., Iluliliil, i 'U'-i. -ij:;t,ii,s,.in .'ire t, POM Eiiil"(i NEW, ! sal -- Wanted, (cm articles, sell at sight. -logues and one samplo free.' N. Y. M'f'g Co.. V;l C'ourtlandt fit. V. Y.J11 "HAN I fcliA.Ml'S'' all varieties, Circulars free Agts Wanted. W. II. II. Davis ct Co.. Mirs. ? Nassuc bt., N. Y. 4W, W A K i I i X i TO lCXI Vt: K S B TV Itfiyt TTf fa A J fStV a tt. Vi yTi4''. ifnif lt:ili iiMore-, Sic!. Se V ilE. ! stc;;:::;tsc.n entei: at any time. The Clinical advantages of Ihe School are iiakr passed. l'c-s including Dissection e Hospital Tickets td'y For'igiii"! containing full particulars ap ply to Prof. CHAS. V'.CAANCELLOi:, Dealu 4w- rnllimore, MJ. A CENTS WANTED LOOK 11EIIE ! ! Thei.c-.v Pnle-iili liy Uiistrate-il Edition of KOHIN.nON prii'i".''"'.V.)'"i'-.Jii-!iti is the most l opnlur Pool; I:, woith IU,5(. teils ,ii!cK arm-..onlv S'Ji). c-iisv to 1 1')0 a weeK. Terms of tbl . and oilr iierw Bibles, scut fine, ah.o, 1D V;e;.is' P'L't Compiiii i lo'i. 4w ; Di-o3. piibiii-lii r, liS f-itnoiii St., l'hila. i p .f1 I S-n.l stamp for 111". ! itlHlllilTS I He.ilc.ii,,-,-. A. J. Lie' I WaiTe-ll St., N. Y. Catalognu ou .l.e li 'i Co., --i . ivs. WANTED Expei ieiicel line.!. Agents and Cuiivnsseii.-. in all p.uls of the V . II. to ,ieli ilia Me-molr ol Enger 1 ri.oki: Taney, ( hicf J u.-ticc of t'nu tliipreii.o C0r.1t of the I.'. S3. I -VN.i boeik lien to!. ire in thie com. try, throw:; to Iniie'.i .i.;ht upi.ii 01. i v ia; 1 1; .itl.i-.i'! and i'olitie.el lli.-t.e-y. i! i-:i wiiil. of cm r.'.ni- lln.--.ry interest, and of 1 ei inai-i i t .ile to the! 11M ori.iii, thn i.iiwyei. the- ti l-ile.einiin, llu Polillcians. and c-vriy class of hiUUige-iit mi.kis. if Silet Hv Biib''-rpl",u 011'y I'.xcluuive i Inilnry given. Iw --Ti'oi Teinis", fur t'.iis tiii.l ether Pi.p.ih'.r Ve,lS, ndjie s ,.t ,..-(, Muiphy A Co. PuMi.l.cis, 1:1.1111 u. Aii'.NT.i Vi A-rrt) Foil LIFE IN V?AU Pi-ing e.j n-e of the s.-eret ilti'ii iltetl My: teries of mo.iiio-i,:,-,-i. With a full and nutife.itio hl.- toiy i.rPoly---iinv, by J. 11. Dcajly Etll.or of tho tia t Lake U -portei-. A re 1. is ineeilii'' viLh ur.preeodente.l sue- cess, ono reii.,ris i sub.101 iWeis In four uav. lieo. Mue'.caii, Publisher, Ttil! Sun'oni St., I'ila. 1 A M O N D FURNACES. Powerful und KeouKiulc el llenlcrs. Janu-s A. 1 Lave son, l'.ileiile-e. ! l- LLi.Eiv, w .nn EN A CO.. tT.liiv -llii Water St., '.New Voik. CI eiroeder i? ) A P E DtflwartJDiirnijr Iili'IiOVKD, I'NIUVALEl) Jl UNKVl'ALt:. Jtiirns Htiv size 4 ual. Li Ll.'EU, WAF.Iir.N A C'., s",liw ;.':iii Water St., Vc Yo.k. ULATCiCflEVS iaraED ccrwaa "lid rjy.r. i Tasteless, Durable, '.'til. -lent a-.. I ril Chenii. ll:e Lest lYu.ii fur tho lea t nii.iici-. Attention U - ' rvi ii i., ii,..i in,.i,.i i-.--. l'lilenl I npinved liraeket a id New Di.,p Check Valve, hich M ran be iih lia-vn willio'.t ii' O iiioving'tlie l-iii.p or d-'Hi!1 lug 2 the Joint. Also. tl,- t opitr u, Chieii.tier v. itie-h never ei-ae'. or scale, .mi will outlast unv mte-r. For sale bv I everywhere. ;i.-n l lor aliili-gue and Price L'st. CAtS. fi. HI.ATCHI.MY, Vaiiu- favli-.ii-r, OwO 0iuuiercubt., I'ltiiu d'u. t'te. (.S14, ! - $0 tf &50.Mr Ageult Wanted! All woiklng people, of cithe r ! tt( yonog or old, nmke more uioimy al woik i fi-v ut lu tbrir spare moments, or all the lime' thn ut anything else. HnrtlcolMrs free. Address, O. SsliNtON Cel., I 814-1). l'o-l!und, Maine. ' rillli Is NO liL'MBL'l ! . JL Uy skittling OU CIXTtt with ag, boli;hlli, color of ijes Vi, joj wi:l te I c-cive liy i. luin i.l.iii, a tin.-. it petineof venir j fiitliro liu.tiuud ej- wi'e, wiiti n eiieiui ! iUte of j Miiiriimi. Address V. FoX. P. ). D..ier, No ' 'M, Fullonvllie, N. V, 4w. TV;
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