GUAM) OPENING OF FALL AID WINTER AT . HBRZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store. Just opened, nn enormous Stock of HEADY-MADE The l-iri-t ever olToml in tins town. Clolliins, to suit nil taste. Clothing for nil oo custns' from the plait.. Working CUothes tothe finn. nuU tout fitaliiouablc J J 1 1 life i Boys' and Youths' Clothing. Hats il Cap 1 In at Boys. An enormous assortment in this " tatot ln3W York nnd lull iiuc of Uiu best makes in Shirts and Gents' Umlcrtre. TIK, VALISBS, and uumerous . . :.. ties any ui mj w-r.i:i,ir Kverybody is resiieflfully invited to call this place. Corner Market vd Sunbury, Soul. 14, 'v Sit Wwrf, & Wall Fh Dept. TOYS. ALlil'MS. WD i.vvf-v i,r,. TOYS, ALliU.MS, AXU TAXX'V AIJTHv: Clement JSIock, - - fcil)U1.y, Pn. Now Heady, 3ull Suptfes of School Books, Office 8t.oi.ery, School Stationery, CS., &c &c. WALL PAl'KJi ittIo.llJViwa to Make lioom NEW STOCK. OFFIt'K OF THE ADAMS AKNTRAT, im;SS CO'S. Eh t i W .' ft 'Si GO 1"' 2: JSF TOT XEW j Central Variety Sore! I. jf all a - DUKSS goods, iki:s.s tiiimmixcs, miaavi aijuo jj CAS, COKDKJ) ALPACCAS, ' P DoliiiK-s, Tickings, Notions in great Vitrify. I FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Wood ami Willow V 3 S& H in groat variety, lower Wall Paper and Window Shades. g Go to FiiSrEY's !! a jS for the Greatest Variety of Goods! 1 Vices tl.o Lowest '. Goods 7? arriving .Daily. S i 1 VICTOR I VICTOR -H 1 Agent for the Victor Sewing Machine. I MAItKI". NTRF.KT.ou. door east Kuiibuiy, May 4, 1 Sr. 1 . !jL$j4 tSsiM a, GOODS Clothing, Furnishing Roods. UKRELLAS, other articles. ii,,n iii ilw rountv, lmvinct largo quniiti- and examine tlie;cst stock ever seen in .7 V 3 mr Third Sixes, Sunbury, Fa. TO IS If' "' T 3 I I c 'j. kinds, c than tho lowest in jriee. I VICTORIOUS I of, onleelloner, NCore. rr. Q Miscellaneous. ALT. EXT.OR mP.ES DISEASES Of THF , THROALUJNGS.LIYER & BLOOD In the wonrterM modidne to which tho nflllctrcl nro rIiovo iiiutfl for relief, thu iliwuvcrcr ho. lloviss lie C!iml)iiicil (a bitrmnny moru of X. turo's ma-t povt'i-eer.i curative iicopcrtic!. which (J,t ha lutill-il tutu tha vomMalilo kinmlnm fr lu:aHiisj tin! fl !:, than w ere over hi fciro romhincd in !ii! ln.vHi'iii.'. 'I'tit) evidence of tlii tact ft fimnil In llu frreit vai ietv of inn"t oh-tiimte ilis cae4 whh !i it hn lii-e.i Iiuih1 to conquer. In 111. cure of Hi'oncIiltlH, Severe CoiirHm, anl.the oaiiv ma.v or 'onu ill tloii. It hat . ...... i i. 1 th. ... Nlirjil ranillv. mill llinnent Uil- eician prouonnct! it ttio ir;-t.'ate-i men leal flin-ove-ry of tho ao. Wliilo it i'uro4 iho eevent eoiih. H Ftrt'iitliont l!ia Kysloin ami piirifloa tlio blood. ly ltn i;n-it a:rl tliroii:rh hloofl purify ilU c:ire.4 u!l lilt ill orff. rrom tho iv xt Si rolilla to n comino;i Hlolch, Ilm Io, or lliiriiplloii. Mecurial cliceaso. jMino ral I'otoii'.. au.t their flfeclii, nro i-rndicatoil, anil vii;jiMiH h -alth n:i l u poiin-l cniiHtitiitlon rtah llliel. B'.r Ni) ln, Itliruin, I'cvcr Surrij Sculy or ItoiiKli Skin, In thort, ali tli'i nuMieniiM tliea-ei c:m-i'il hy hail Monti, uri c impicre l ly this puwctful purifying apd lu YiiMralin : iiieilicino. Ify.r.t feel diiil. ilrivy, didillltatrd. hnvc fallow color of pkin. or yellowish lirown Npot- on face or hoily, frequent lie.t laehe or dizzine!. bail tasto in moiith, internal or ( hill" alternated with hot fluhe, low spirit-, ami L'looiny forehiMliniri. ir reularfippetiie, and toiurue coaicd, yon are iutrer-in- from Torlil I.Ivor or (III lou nt'i." In minv c.ies of "I.Ivor t'om- lulllt" only part of theo rmptom are vna. r.enced. A a remedv for all pitch cacs l)r. l'iorco'n Oolden Medical DiKCovory has uu equal, ai it ciroru perfect Clio, leavlni? the liver utronu'th vued and henllhv. Tor tho cure of llubilunl CotiNtliialiati of tlio lumel. It is a never tail i'l? remedy, and tlnno who have used it for tliis iirih)Eie nro loud ill it? prairo. Thu proprietor ofTeM f l.mlO reward for a medi cine that will equal it for tho euro of till the Uis caoi for which It li recommended. Sold hy drucriir'ts at l per bottle, rreparcfl by II. V. Pierre. M. I).. Sole Proprietor, nt hi eheml nl Laboratory, tai Seneca utreet. liuffalu, N. Y. Scud your liddrons lur a pamphlet. Mny 4, 1S7J- .m; w k it i v a i j OF GPBIITG GOODS AT Clement & Dissinger's, tn llic mow Clement Building, 3Iai-ket Niiure, Muibiirv, I'm. We take iilcasurc in nniiouiiclng tlmt wc liuvc jiirt opened ft new n?sortnicnt of SPRING DRY GOODS, of nil Mvles nt the lowest jo lccn. DOLLY VAUDEX, still raging in new nnd beuntil'til lcfit;!!?. DI1ESS (iOOriS, MOl'UXINO (iOOI)S, CLOTHS, CASS1MEKF.S, VESTIXGB, Ac, Ac. ltoiitlj -Mnle C'luihiiiK, a full iieiioitiiient, wliicli will be sulil lower than elbeivheic. ('iiricls. Otlt JuSIis and I'lonr J3ul line. CltOCEIUKS of nil Uindfi, v.liieh nro i;niii:inteeil nil fresli. ( I." V. EX S V A 1 ! E, A.VILLO W W A 1 ! E, &e., &e., &e. 'lUIMMINCS, (il.OVF..-, ninl in fuel i-verj thing that can be mentioned in a lirM-chii.'i store. ( nil mid examine our t-toek. llavim: onr is, ore liejile.l Willi (iaf, L' can be scleetej ill the evenim; as well in tlio day time. No charges for hliuwin phhU. CLEMENT A DISSINtJER. April '.'0. 17:). Sr.XVSIIK IIKATKIt. SrsNYMiiB at Maiiyi.anu Ptatk Fahi, IUi, TtMimr.. Kir-t luvmiuni lor Kirc-plaoo Heaters awarileil the Sniiny.-id..-. Advantages of Hie Snnnjlde : 1. It is so ooiiftructcd tiiat one-lliinl more of tlio radi.ilini; (ui l'aee extends into the room, p;iY-ine- Hint mueli more additional heat witliont ex- tia fuel. , It Is tlio only IIot-Air Vire-plaee Heater in the niarUet. LiUe'tho ivirular built cellar heater, it loses no heal, but comities It till to Its le'iti- lUiqMiM'S. ;;. The fuel mairazine Is double the usual size, cxtendinil from lite tiro-box to tlio top of tho novo, with capacity for twenty-four hours1 sup ply ol coal. i. I nc paietii iiounie cover lor eoai liiaua.iue consunies tho o;as, prevents escape H fras lino the room, nu.l inaUcs it Imputable lor any put linus or explosions to occur. Tills is an advant- posicsccd by no other lire-place stove In the 111.11 ki t. There are three air coauthors, wherein n. brisk circulation is kept tip, drawinsr the cold air iu tho room llirouli luateil Hues Into a lnrjja liot-air reccrvoir, nt the back of Hie elovc. tl No side nii"'S nrc used, as the air is neateii In a lercivoir hiiYin j iloublo radiatinu; linos nnd double back, aupplyin liirpe quantities of hot iiii witlioiit waste of heat or fuel. The Si nnvsiiik utilizes tho waste neat so thoroughly that we frequently bent tin niijoitiiiig loom on the first, besides heatinij the rooms iu second and third stories. S. A daintier on ton of tho stove, connected with the hot uir Hues, controls tlio quantity of hot air required for tlio use of cither the upper or lower rooms. All other tlre-placo stoves are very inconvenient ill this respect. ,(. Thotirato Is sell-seallni;, una no uusi can cscupo while Fhaklnt; it. bll Kl, 11- 1 t.Hl l.N Y I II., riiiladelpbia. II. B., A-ent. Nov. 11, 1H71. to tiii: i.aiii:s! grand opening of Millinery atttl I'tino)' (ioods. r-piiiig styles of HATS mid BONNETS, trimmed uttd uutilmmeu. All luo latest styles lu STltAW, CIIU LEG-IIOHX, CACTUS, Neapolitan, Waterproof, Ac. Bebool Hats and Buu Hats. Ti liiimlits Ribbons, Flowers, Laces, Ac. Clovcw, Collier tie Grace, Crape, Crape Veils, Tissues, Neckties. Ramsey, War ner A Co.'s Patterns, and all the tpiino; styles of Milliner; Goods. Call aud see my choice assortment. M1S8 L. WF.ISEK. Market Street, one door west of Geai hart's cou- rectlouery store. April 20, 1873. Don't Read Thlf! Good inonilno;, Mrs. A., where are you bound tor so cany t Mrs. A. Why Mrs. C, on't you know Mr. liyerly lias bought out llm liroccry and Coulee tiuuery Btore of Haas A Weaver, uud Is selline; uice fresh Groceries, Cauned Fruit, uud lu fact, everything lu the Grocery iiue,'heiiK'r than tlio cheapest, and I have got tired puyiiii; htgu prices, so 1 have made up my mind alter this to patron Izc Mr. Uyerly. ho t'ood uiorului;, Mrs. C. 1 must l'o. Mrs. C, to hcreelf. Well I am bound to find out for myself, aud will go to Uyerly's uew cheap cam liroccry, me uet time l wunt any CiroeerieM, CouCeciioneriekior I'riiue Oj -stent. 3 Ik J,TTHr - I w ill just say to all come and l-'lvo ma a trial, uud salUfy yourselves the to is one cheap cash Grocery iu bunl.uiy. lleuicinber the place, No. 11, South Third Bt., lu Clcmcut House Building, fcuubtiiy, Pa. S. BVLULV. tiuubury, Jau. 'iu, 1--7J. J'icU) jbbcrlismcnts. A It I . No. D02 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MESSRS. CALDWELL A CO.. DESIRE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR DE PARTMENT OK SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING SUPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL HE ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE Cl'STOM ERS. IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS RA PIDLY AS 1'RODl'CED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO THE SPE CIATIES OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. I THE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE 1 ADOPTED BY I HEM IS TIIAT OF ENGLISH I STERLING, .I'.'.V1io1tuh FINE, THE QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE SOLD BEING STRICT- , LY GUARANTEED. j AT TENTION 18 RESPECTFULLY DIRECT- ! ED TO THE UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM- : LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED i PRICKS, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD- I HFKED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO '' PURCHASERS. FAIRNESS AND Eu.UAl.lTY ! IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED ' BY ALL M HO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT, i ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, 1 PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. ' j. i:. (,u,mvi:i,i, a- co. I Feb. 10. ISTi. HORSE AND CATTLE IXM HAM i; CO.MI A W. IXSUHE YOUlt iioiJSES ! I IXSL HE YOUll CATTLE 1 INSURE with a responsible and perfectly reli able Company. Insure where your losses This is a .Mutual Protective Co. Hence, you tire sure of beini; paid promptly for all losses, if insured In tliis Coinpanv. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. We pay losses aecruine; throiifrh theft, death by lire, accident, or causes, (excepting cpeilemie disewes). Wc pay prompt.. No red tape proceedings to get your money, in case of loss. OATJilR SoOOO paid on horses and cattle since oi fianiziition. DR. D. WAI.DKON, President. C. A. REIMEXSNYDER, Sec'y, Sunbury, Pa. IMrcctors t Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Solomon Stroll, Wm. Bundle, Solomon Shipe. John A. bhisslcr. Dr. D. T. Ktcbs, Dr. David Wnldron. jtilyi:i"72. JJAP.DWAUE FOR ALL AT THE HAIIDWAHE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Market Ntreet, Siuilmrj, I'a. It Is useless to enumerate every kind of article in his Store, but anion-; the leading items may be set down the foilowtn;;: Iron, Steel, Lead, Scales Steelyards, Grindstones, Nails of all kinds and sizes, Vices, Saws, Planes, Sieves, Chum, Axes, i Brass and Iron Kettles, ; Shovels, Iloes, Forks, i Spades, 1,'akes, Hatchet, ' Cnrieti!cr and Blacksmith Borim: Machines, j Cellar Grilles, Draw hit; Knives, j fctone Slc.lires, Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers and Trowels, I Hand Dinner Hells, nnd lat-o cast iron Bells for School Houses and I'm mcia' Dinner ' Bells, : Carpenter.,' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for dit-rs;inir potatoes, Lookiti'.' Glasse. Twine, Ropes, J Kniv.-s and Fie. ks, Spoons, Tacks, Mule and Horse Shoes and Nails, i Hammers, Auxins, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, Brooms, Locks of ail descriptions, Coll'ee Mills, Bits ami Unices, ' Carriage Bolts of nil kinds. Paint and Wall 1 Brushes, Buckets, Oils, Varnishes, Japans, j Lve. Soda Ash. Waslilntr I'AIXTS OF AM. KIMIS in Oil or Dry, Parti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAli-WAHE and other Wooden-Ware of nil kinds and very cheap, Hay-Fork Pulleys, Picks, Mill l'ieks, Levels, Level tilasses, Files, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Coiulw, Screws, Saddlery and thoe Findiiitis, Buirsrv Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Shot, Caps iiikI I'omler, and a great variety of other articles. Any thine; wauled and not on hand, w ill bo ordered ut once. Sunbury, Aug. IU, 1S71. CKXTKlt Of A T T I A C T I O X . Everybody Is Invited to come and buy of the liandsuiiio assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES at SAMUEL P. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adjoining Moore A Dissinger's building, THIRD STREET, SL SUL KY, I A. Just opened a fresh supply of Coul'ei tioneii.'s of ! every ilcseription. i TOYS Or AM. HIXOS ! cotistantlv on hand. The best RAISIN'S, FIGS, CU RRANTS A DRIED FRUIT. , rUliE KIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, j fresh Bread, Bans A Cakes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. j O YSTEPiS ! OYSTEUS ! OYSTEltS ! j Having lltlod una room cxpresslv for serving ! up Oysters iu every style, Ladies and Gentlemen will be accommodated vwlh the best to valves lu market, at all horns during tho day and evening. r amines w ill bo supplied at their residence Willi the best Shell or Canned Oysters, as is desirable, nt the very lowest prices. Lull and sec my excellent assortment or goods and uscertaln the prices. s. . .t. Dec. 1C, KS71. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET SQUARE, Has la stoi k and constantly tecelving Novelties iu his lino, consisting iu part of a full line of AM r.KICAX WATt I1KS, Elgin, Illinois, Howard A Co., Wiiltham, Mas sachusetts, and Boy's AMERICAN WATCHES j Also, ii full set of Ladies, and Gent's Gold and Silver Swiss Watches. JEWELRY. Roman Gold sets, pink coral aud Gold sett, Ear-Rings, Necklaces uud Pendants, Onyx and Jet Jewel rv. Solid Silver-ware of Sterling puriti , ufido to or der. Bridal uud Presentation Pieces, Knives, Forks mid Spoons lu ruses, ulso, a full lint of Silver Plated Goods, Tea bets, lee Water Sets, Stauds, Cake Buskcls, Coll'ee Urns, Fork, aud Spoous treble plated, the best lu the markets SPECTACLES. If you value your Eyesight, use the Perfect Lenses, grouud from minuto Crisllo Pebbles mel ted together, uud derive there nuttio "Diamond" on account of there hardness and brilliancy. They will last many yours without chuugo, aud warranted Superior to till others in use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl and Metal handles lu cases sup plied to order. CLOCKS. A full assortment of Eight day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Calender Clocks ol nil disci ip tions. Eugraviug done at the shortest notice. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Repaired uud Satisfaction warranted. All goods w ill be sold ut the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body Is cordially Invited loCuil uud txaintno lor tueinseives. Dou'l forget the place. f. B. SHANNON Sunbury, Pec. 10 If. Jjcb Jbbcrtlsmtnld. R. K. K'. RADWAY S READY RELIEF tlltl't TUB WOltHT I'AINf In from Ono to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR r.rter rcmlmir tliV n1vcrUmciit i'c any one M'KKKH M ITII l'AINt r.ADWAva nc.iY hkijkk is a funs ?dh KVfcUY IAIN, tl wiutlhr flrxt nnd t Tlio Only lalii Romody Hint tnctHtttlr ntf)m Hit) mrt rscnirlatlme T"'". olHy In fl'iitiiTiiiiloiM, nnl t'urf Cotii(tMloii, whftiitT if the Liiiirs NomiiuIi, 1 to wcii, ur other kIuhiU or oruiiti, hy one applluv liuii, IV FROM ON'R TO TWENTY MINTTKR. o tnnlliT Imw nt or cxfrnelntirtjr the null) the KHKtT MATH', Htd rhhlcn, IdIImm, CrlmilviJ, avuua, Meurulnlc, w jiroMRititl will) tlimntmi muy BiHlcr, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFOIll) IXHTANT KASE. lXri.AMMATION OF TIIF. KlbNICYsv. INFLAMMATION OF THE ULADDEn INFLAMMATION OF TIIK IIOWKI.K. CONllKSTION OF TTTTl IUK08. ports TIll'.OAT, PIFFH'VLT IIKRATIIINIL PALPITATION OK TIIK IIEART. llYSTEHK.'S, CltOlT", DIFIITH Kttl A. tAlAllltll, 1NFLVENZA. rCADACIir, TOOTHAftlE. NKI'ltAT.niA, RHEUMATISM. t(lt.l) riltl.t.S. AOt'K I'llll.LH. Tl.', r,lic ,t luii i.f tin Kmdr Itrllrf tn tlic pari or 1!irt. wlii'ru the i:iln or tllltluiilly v&Uls m HI uffurd omm sail v.'iiif.trt. 'I'weiily (trniw In hnlf a tiinil.W of wntrr will tn ft row moment., rnre CltAMPH, M'AHMH. HuL'it HTOMA(;H, ,i r. r..,Illltl 11, J-l' K l.r,:.i',.i nr., I 'i n i, ii i r.rt, vsKx ri:i!V., tvixu in the iiowkls, uI u ix'-r vu'n ,I. pai4 Tr:n-i'liT sl.'.nM nlwnvs enrry n hottls tf Rniltvfiv'fi llenily Iti-llrr wall tt.eni. A f.'W iln.s III witler will .wi ll, i.r puln. frmn rtiunes nf w-ntrr. ll Is better hull Fruucli ltr.-nitly or ltltleri, nn A stiniulnnt. if u vi: ii and Atan. FF.VEIl ANU Ai I K cured flfly cpnts. There It not ft miK'Uul niivHt. In Oils m.rltt that will cure Fever Airile, unit nil other M.ilarteiis, llilleiH, Hnirlet, Tvj.holil, Yellow, ninl ..tier Fvvim ylilid .v I(AI1WAY' PlLI.C) q.ihk iu ItADWAYM 1IKADY KLLIEF. Fitly ctuU .i-r liulllu, blii by llruggl.lii. HEALTH ! BEAUTY! I PTRONO ANI rftSK RIf'II Ill.OoD-tNfltEASE OP I'l.K.SII ANt WKIHIIT 1'LF.AK SKIN ANi UfcAL Tli'L'L COMPLEXION hKlX'KEU TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT UAS M.VDR TIIK MOST ASTONISH NO (TRES; SI onrKv lIAI'llt AUK TIIK rilAN'WKs Til M VMV VNUKKdtlKH, VNUKU TIIK lM-M'KNChl nK TUIi Till' I..Y WO.NUKUiai UKUtCINK, THAT Evory Day an Incroaso in Flesh nnd V0f.3ht Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Ercry !rr.? rf th RAHSA I' A U N.T.I A N IlKSilLVKNT rr"iinninlc;tOei limuili tlio Itltioil, Kw i-:it litin, :ml ctli i fluid! nnd Ui-if wvtcm the itfor uf lift-. ftr It rr-pnlm lite wunt it trf Hid l.dtly xv Hh lifv nml hmih1 iu:ilfH:t1. hcrorulo, SyiUllU, f MtiimfiiioA, lil:unhnr, i vv In tho Thnnt, Montli, Tntntir Nh1c- t m (i:;inU ninl nthcr narto-f thu fytnn, Sun; V.w. PtrutiH'U iM-hnri i from the E r, ami the wurMt fornifi of SU In (II-htii-j. Kiu;. linn, Ki'Vttr S ri"4, Kcxhl Head, Kifirf Worm, hull Itlivilin, r".ry-ipchf Acnp, H;tt'i Kpitt-t, Wurntt In tho t'lcuh. Tumor, '.inc"ra In WVtuh, hiiiI till wiMkoiilme nnl jml : i fi i din rhiiriti'4, Nltfht fwiat, of Smtiii, nml nil ws-u-ftt f iho litV iiriTi(jif)e, mo within Iho I v r.tujrc fihU woiuhr of MtHltTii t'lK'mWtrv, anl n Tt-tv l:un' nsu mill itmve tn nny Hmiti ii'linr It ft r vitlicr u( these f.jnun of tli;utj Iti jiiitcnt power to cure them. If the patent, tUWy l.comln rcdurcit hv the wastes &r4 clfefl!np((!'ltlon tintf U eotitlnunlly rrireMitliif. utirceitls In nm-Htimi llu-fio wnsip4, tm.l n u!r- the kiihc ::h new muter 1 U mmlf fi.nn he.llhy hloinl-uiul this tltti .w A USA 1' A WIL LI N will aiil tli orii Not only ti(M the .StrfAiMRTM.tAf 1.nit.vt!rr ef"'l nil Viiown r i i rtj-'t-ms In thu i-nie nf t'liitmlc, KerofnloiH, t (.nyt it nt iutial, uuil Skin ilUcusc ; but It 1 Iho only jiublth cure fur Kidney & I5Ia1)er romplalnt', TTrtnwv. nri-l AVoml illam-n, (Jravi-I, DhiWte. Dropsy Wol.p;iLe of V tiler. Inentitlnehee nf l'rim ltrlht llst .t-e Alhuinlnurl-v iumI in all rYe wImto there nrv hrlrWilu! ilc io-i, nr tin wnter 1 thick, clomlv, tnliel with cnhntnnri'l like the whit uf an eg.-, or thremU like white mlk. or thera lu inorhhl, iliirk, h)lhna iiitie:irncf, ninl white tione'ilufit i!f;nit!t, nnil when there In a prk-khijf, hurnini rennilliii vlieti puspliif water, nml puln In the Small of thu Hack atiil hImiu tti I."'V I'rlcc, ti.oo. WO R WIS. The only known ami an re Itenwily tut Tumor f 13 Ycnm' Grotrtli Curol by ICtidtvny'a Rcnolveiat. Iisientv, Mm., JnW M, ISM. T. Ttr.wTi T hvt k4 Ov.rl.n Tumor In tlif vrlf. sn.l tinndi. All lli. D'trttir. mil ihrr trai ll." I UirA rtry thin? I list m r nitititrfntt ; but nth!t)r hrl4 tn. 1 uw v-.itr ltr nt, n4 Oiottgl.l I tnM try ll but hn4 nt flth In It, ..i .ti. 1 liml unnVrti! f T Iwrlf. vmrt. I tmk l txitllr. of the l(felvtit, tin) unn tmt ft iLn.lway fill, nt two Wll1iof ymif K'lirf : aiitt tbrr. U B"l ihrii '! tumor 1 b. $m or hit, Mill ( frrl tn-ller, ttii,rlr, mol liiier lhfi I li.r for twclv. yvnrt wrtt tu'nur m In ttt. lft of th UmpIs r'n I Mriti thl W y lot U.. UuU C Mkrn, Yo mn lnlillli It II j .mw Hannah knaw. DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, perfeetlv t.mtele-n, rleemitly coatcl with aweft pirn, pnnre retfiihile, pnrlfv. elfiin', an I Mrenptheti. Rulway'n rrtn' rti re of nil ili-nnler of the. Mmineh, l.lver, ltowcls, Knlr.ei. Hloilrr, Neriims liUemen, lleuihiehe, t'oin1hn- luei, rotln-ne-, in,lj'?tfn, tvsep-ia. ltiliimn,-nL Iii! loiiA Fever, (iilhimmut I011 nt the liowvU, Tiles nml till l)e nnireiiii'iitM of h" Imcninl Vleer;i. Wurrnntwl effect n iMi-ittvi 1'iire. In rely Vrcetuble, toutalitli.(j no mercury j.iltifr i,,v, or ijeletenon-i !rn-s. Cl fVi-em tin follow Ihjc avmj'lonia result Inj; from Dls-t.tlei-s of the Illative Oiiiiiii.-: rti.ll.atin, TnNftr.1 VU; 1'iittne'. r.f ic TAm In lU Hwrl At i.1 t v .f tli Sl.Mt.K , N.ii-a. ll.nrtUm. l,Bi "1 K . Full or Vvl,l In iu 5s mta.-li. Sour uiln, Miikiur or Klullr h'lf M 111- Pit of tltv K inn, h, Fuiiiiti.liij-of the Hi ail, li11rH.1l i:d 1 'I, limit Uri'iillttiiL. Klu ts'riti' tit Hi. llr .rl, ('tiohintf r Kilflftlil)r nlii'ii in n 1 sinj I'd-lure, I'inmrt ! VIIid, Hull iw.r tt,,! Iull ISiii hi lh llmUVtirtin v -r tVrot'lriktt Ytlt..iif- if !'. Hm !, Puln lu th. ri-lts ( llt.'1-l. I.i.lilft Ulnl II .ItlrJ 1 lU-h. Kl ll.ltl. UuTltlliff Iu til. lU.h. B A few ito. i.f riAPVAYS PILLS will free thenvstem -ill tin- ;il i.v.-i :i: 4lw.ri!t i.-. li ice, 35 c.'lita per ho, ll V Mil l filt-TS. UKAIi TALSK AXI TKT'F." PwA one l-tter utamn to i:!:VAV A (f X...!. ti, N-w-Voik. Itifeini.itinii u ti!'i t!.t ii-::i;,!.-. a iii Ik; Mri.t you March IK), ISTi.-Iy. Mo Person can lake thrsa Ulllcrs accord ing to ditecliom, nd remain lon unwell, proyirled llieir bone, are not destroyed bv mineral pniwn or oilier mcani. Mid the viwl otKaiit rated beyond the point of repair. Uyspepalu or lndlRstlou. Headache, l'ain in the Shoulders, CourIh, Tilunesa of the Chest. Dufi lieu, Sour Eructatious of the Stomach, Had Tame in the Mouth, Ihlioue Altacka, Palpitation of the Heart, In flammation of the Lunga, Pain in the region! ol the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful ympioms, are the on spring of liysittpfcia. In these complaints it Itaa no equal, and one bottle will prove a Letter guarantee o( its merits than a lengthy advertisement. For Fcuinlc Complaint, in younft or old, mar ried or tingle, at the dawn of womanhood, or die turn of life, these Tonic Itinera display so decided an influence that a marked improvement is soon perceptible. For Inflammatory autl Chronic II hen -mat Ism and Gout, Bilious. Keniillent and Iiilernnl. tent Fever Uiseasc of tli Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Killers have no equal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Wood, which is generally produced by rierauKement of Ihe Digestive Organs. They an m Gentle. I'urnatlve a well aa a Tonic, possesaing also tlie peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or lnrl.imniii.on of the Liver and Visreiai Organs, and in Bilious Diseases. For skin lira.tfa, Eruptions, Teller, Salt Rheum,, Spot.', Pimples, Pustules, llnils. Car buncles, Ring worm, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, I . .color-lions of the Skin, Humors and Dis eases of the Skin, of whatever name or natute, are lit erally dug up and earned out of the system in a short time by the use of these Hitter. Tha properties of D. Walk' Vingai Bittbrs are Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter Irri tant, Sudorific Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. Orateful Thousand proclaim Vinioa Bit Ts the most woudc.tul luvigorant that aver sustained the sinking system. J.WALKER. Prop r. B..H. McDONALD at. CO., Druggists and Gen. Agta., San f rancisco, CaJ., and comer of Washington and Chariton St., New York SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. June 20, 1873. 3m. WU. Ml ltllAY. J. SI.AYMAKEIU WM. U. UUACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesu'o Dealers iu MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Ollloe and Subool Stationery, I'riutluK, Wrapptux aud Manilla PAPERS, I'ATKK BAUN, Ac., ale. The Colcbrtited orry Kerosene Ituming Oil always on baud. Having also ojiened a COAL YAED, we are prt'intred to supply ut short uolleo, nuc! ut the lowest rates, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT uiul TEA COAL to nil who may bo pleased to give us a call. Orders left at our otllee No. 35 South Third St., will be promptly tilled. MUHHAV & CO. No. 35 Rout'u Third Btreit, Buubury, l'u. Aug. 30, 1871. iftumifattitrrrs. J$.,. MAC IIIM: NIIOl AMD I It ON 1 Ol I)KV. OKO. ItOIIKKACII & SONS, Nioilnirv, 1'onn'n, INFOttNt ttin r-nl'llr- tlmt llioy nrc tri'mreil to do nil klmlft of ' ARTI 'r:s n,..i i,,.vi.,,r ,.,i,i...t n new Mnclilno Shop In eonnoctlon with tliclr rouintry, nnd liuvc snipllrl tlir-itiKclvrs with New I.iitlii'f. I'luninu nml Borini? Mltelilnttg, with the lnteftt finiirovomcnts. With tlio nlit ttr ftklllful nif clianlcs, they ore cuiihlvd to execute nil orders of NEW WOKK OR RKPAIRINO. tlmt may be given tlicin, in a sutisfiietory mnn- ncr. (rHlrn lo unit any Move. IRON COLUMNS, for churches or other bttlld- iiiij, or nil mwft. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS) VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT REMDKNCKft, AC, AC. Thu PLOWS, already celebrated for their su periority, linvo been still further Improved, nnd will ulwuys be kept on lmtid. Also, THRESHING MACHINES. 8iitibttry, Mny 20, 1U71. I.lMItr.K AMI I'MMW MI I.I.N. Third Ptrcct, ndjoliilnir riiila. t Erin R. R., two eiUiues North of the Central Hotel, BUXBURY, PA. MA T. TJLEMEXT, IS prepnred to furnish every description of lum ber required by tlio di'iiiiinds of the public. Having all the latest Improved uiacliiiiery for niimiifiirturlnit Lunlier, he is now ready to 1111 or ders .full kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nml nil kludKofOrnnmciitnl Scrow! Work. Tiirn iiiy; of every description promptly executed. Also, A i.aiior Assoimir.NT op KILL LUJIliKlt. HEMLOCK und PINE. Also, Shingles, Piekcts, Lnthe, tc. Orders promptly tilled, nnd shipped ,,v Hallroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. decl!-tiS:ly STOVI'. A TIN" I-.NTAltl.ISII.MKN'T. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFltED KltAUSK, rropi-iotor. btTCESSOU TO SMITH OKNTHKIt.J T"f AVING pureliitfod the nbovc well known es- J.JL talilisliiiient, .Mr. Kruuse wotilit rcniieetlul ly Intorin the public that lie now lias on hand a large assortment of I COOKI X (f STO V KS, , Specr's Cook Anti-Dust, Regulator or Revolving I Top, Combination; Siisiiieliaumt nnd others, which nrc so iirranued us to be used for Coal or ' j Wood, nnd nro warranted to (HTloriii satisfactm i- i j ly or no sale. HEATERS of nil kinds put up to : 1 lieat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES I of dilfcix-nl kinds at very low prices. TlnwBrc of ICverj- Description kept constantly on hand. Rooting nnd Sxinting ! with the best male rial, done ut short notice. REPAIRING intended to with cllspat. Ii. Coal Oil el (1 Lamp constantly nn hand Japan ware ..r ..,ii Ai.,Muii.. i '....i....'a i... r.i.....r.. ... ..... . ,.rl,,lv . r. ..,,,..,v store. Give me a call. A. KKAl &K. tipi-iy i VA It It I AU K .11 A N I FACTO It Y, SUXHUUV, PIJXX'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, WOULD respectfully iiiiuoiincc to thu cltl r.ens of Sunbury and surroiiiidiug country, that he is prepared to manufactiiru nil styles of Carriages, ItnggicN. V'., at his new shop on cast .Market street. He will furnish every description of Wagons, both Pla IN AND X1 ANCY. Iu short, will make cveiythiiig lu his line from a . tirst-class carriage toil wheelbarrow, wni united ; to be made of the best and most durable niatcri- i ills, and by tho most experienced workmen. All , work sent nut from IiIh i.t:ililis)iiiiinl. will lu I ! found reliable in every particular. I The patronage ol the public is solicited. .). S. .SHASIlOl.TZ. Sunbury, Nov. 4, 'il.-ly. New Store! New (jowls! j F. J. BYROD, I Having taki' i the sfote room lately occupied by li. Peters, Coiner of Third and Church street.-, j SUNHlTiY, l'A., : Ins just oputi! -t new store, Willi tin entire new I sloik 1 1 goods, comprising of I Irj .ood and roeerieN. j The Dry Good, il partmeut U toiupletc, having a f, : iicral assortment of j Cloth., C'assinifivs, Calicos, DoLains, i uud everything in thu Dry Goods line. The (.ItOCKItlKK nre nil fresh, uud consists of Tea, Cotli-c, Sugar, Mollttsses, Spices, Meat, Eisli, Ac. Vt Illow-Vnre anil il:st- ore. a ger.eral assorlmcut. In fact everyihiiig kept in it llt'st-class store, can ne Had at tlio most reasonable prices for cash. ' Having located iu Sunbury for the purpose of j becoming one of its citizens, 1 hope that by lair : dealing uud strict intention to business to merit 1 il share nf the public patronage. My motto is I "Small Prolils and Cjuick Safes." All are cordially iuviled to call and examine ' my goods, as no charges will be made for show ; iug thetii. j F. J. UYP.OD. j Sunbury, April 20, 1872. I.h'Uouiiiiu ml Itloonisbnrg Itnll rin I. SUMMER ARRANGI' M KNT OF PASSENGER 'P. A INS. Moi.dav, Jul v 17.MS71. SOUTHWARD. Leave. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. PM. -I- Scranton, j Bcllevue, i 0 45 0 50 1 45 10 05 10 17 10 20 3 11 10 35 10 40 3 21 10 47 10 53 G 50 0 55 7 02 7 11 7 10 7 24 7 31 7 30 00 05 laylorvillc, i Lackawanna, j Pittstou, West Pittstou, j Wyoming, , Miiltby, Kingston, & ) st. W.-Barre , e'rs I Plymouth June., I Plymouth, ' Nunticokc, Hunlock's, , 0 57 7 05 7 14 3 7 10 7 27 3 i 7 40 3 12 1 23 I 30 i 13 'l 00 51 4 55 5 00 5 05 00 05 20, 30 7 8 8 50 00 07 40 Shicksliinny, Hick's Ferry, Bench Haven, I Berwick, ! Briar Creek, j Lime Ridge, j 8 22 : 3 08 8 45, 8 8 8 30 43 50 3 27 3 34 8 i 57 I 0 07 0 14 ! 0 10 I V 20 I U 31 0 51 I 0 50 ,10 03 r.spy, Klootuahurg, Rupert, Cutitwissa, Danville, Cbulasky, 3 57 l itmeron, Norlli'd, (arrive.) 10 20. 4 S3. NORTHWARD. Leave. Northumberland, Cameron, Cbulasky, Danville, Catawlssa, Rupert, illoouisburg, Espy, Lime Ridge., Briar Crock, Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick's Ferry, Shickshinny, Ilunlock's, Nantieoke, Plymouth, I'lyinoulh June., KltiKSton, ii i St. W.-Uarro S c'r Multi.y, Wyoming, Wot Pitulim, Pittstou, Lackawanna, Tuylorville, Bcllevue, Sei anion, (arrive) DAT1DT. BOUND, Sup't A.M.;r.M. mil 10 25! 5 10' j I 5 8Tj I 5 Si! 1 10 60 5 40. , i 6 00. I 0 051 11 14 0 13. I I 0 " U 24 ( I I 0 34: 11 30 0 41 I 11 43 0 48 A.M.! I 0 55 ! 113 00 7 00 7 30 I I T 24 7 45 PM. P.M.1 7 31 8 00 ! 13 20 7 41 8 15 P.M.! 5 10 j j 8 20 ' 5 15 13 34 7 51 8 SO S3 5 35 I I I 8 40 3 43! 5 85 ,13 43 8 00 8 45 3 48 5 40 8 13 8 52 3 54 5 47 13 52 8 18 U 01 3 50 5 02 ! 8 US 0 14 S 07 8 00 I 8 30 25 8 10 0 10 8 43 U 32 , 3 23 0 17 1 11 8 48 U 40 3 SO 0 25 Ifuilrous. trailing Itnllroafl. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Thursday, Auuust 1st, 1872. Trains lenvc Harrlsbttrg for New York, ns f 4' lowst At 5.00, H.iO, n. in. and B.00 p. in., con necting with trains on the I'flniStlv.mln Rail road, nnd nrrlvlng ut NcW York ut 13. 10, 8.SO nnd i.4tl p tn. rcsecllvctjr. RetUrttlng i Lcnvo New York nt 9.00 n. m., 13.05 noon Blld 0,00 p. m., Pbiliidtlpliin lit 7.30, 8.110 n. nt. nnd 8.30 p. nt. Lcnvo Hnrrlsbiirg for Rending, Pottsvlllc, Tn mnitin, Minersvillc, Ashland, Sllauioklu. Allcutowu nnd Philadelphia nt 0.00, 8.10 a. m., 8.00 nnd 4.05 p. in., stopping nt Lebanon and principal way stations ; the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville nnd Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Hnven nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill nnd Susquehanna Railroad, leave Ilarrisburg nt 3.40 p. in. East Pennsylvania Ruilrond trains leave Rend ing fr A Ik-Mown, Enston and New York at 7.00j 10.40 n. in., and 4.05 p. in. Returning, lcnvo New York nt .00 a. in., 13.05 noon nnd 0.00 p. tn. nnd Allcutown at 7.S5 a. in. 13.35 noon, 3.15, 4.35 nnd U.35 p. in. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia nt 7.!',0it. in., connecting with train on East Penn sylvania Railroad, returning from Rending ut 0.30 p. in., stopping tit nil stations. Leave Pottsville nt 5.30, tt.00 n. in. nnd 2.30 p. tn. llerndon at 10.110 n. in., Shanioklii nt 5.40 und 11.15 n. in. ; Ashland nt 7.05 ii. in., nnd 13.4a I n.iuii, .iiaiiano) .nj- in (.,)i n. iii. nnd p. :n. Tiiiiiii(iia nt H.:5 n. in. nnd 2.10 p. in. for Philadelphia, New York, Rending, Harrlsbnrg,A;c. Leave Pottsville. via Schuylkill nnd Sukiiiu- liuiina Railroad nt 8.15u. in. for Hurrlsbuig, nnd I 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove nnd Treinont. Pottsvlllo Accommodation Train leaves Potts ville at 5.30 n. in., passes Reading ut 7.05 n. in. ! arriving ut Philadelphia nt U.35 it. in., returning; i leave? Philiidclpliiu nt 5.15 p. m., pnssintr Read j nig ut 7.40 p.m. arriving nt Pottsville ut B.3j p.m. ! Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts ' town at 0.45 A. m., returning leaves Philadelphia, I (Ninth and Green,) nt 4.30 p. in. Columbia Rallioiid Trains leave Reading nt I 7.20 n. m., und (1.15 p. in. for Epliruta, l.itiz, Lancaster. Columbia. A:c. , returning leave Lan caster nt 8.20 n. m. and 3.25 p. in., and Colum bia nt 8.15 u. in. and 3.15 p. m. lVrkiomeu Rail Road Trains leave PciKionicii Junction at 7.35. 8.55 a. in.. 2.55 and 5.40 n. in. ! Reliiining,leave Green Lane at 0.15, it. in., 12.:)."i ; and 4.20 p. m. connecting with trains on llead i lug Rail Road. I Pickering Valley Railroad trains leave Plio jnixTilleat 0.10a.m., 3.10 and 5.50 p.m.; re turning, leave livers nt 0.35 a. in.. 12.45 noon, i and 4.20 p. in., connecting with trains on lleml I lug Railroad. ! Colebroolidale Ratiroad Trains leave Poll-town I nt 0.40a. m., 1.30and 0.25 and 7.15p. in.. retiirn ! lug leave Ml. Pleasant ut O.tKl, 8. JO nml 11.25 n. j in., and 3.25 p. tn., coimetting with trains on . Heading Railroad. I Chcsier Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port ut 8.30 u. in., 2.40and 5.33 p. m. returning, i leave Donninittown nt (i.ooa. in., 12.30 and 5.4', p. til. connecting with train-on Reading Railroad. On Sundays : Leave New York at 0.00 p. tn., Philadelphia nt 8.00 n. in. and 3.15 p. in., (tlio S.00 a. m. train running only to Reading;) leave Pottsvilleat 8.00a.m., leave" Hurri.-hurg, 5.(K)a. HI., and 2.(10 .; leave Allviitown at 4.35, 0.3." p. in. ; leave R"ailing itl 7.15.1. lit. and M.55 p.m. for llarii-'iiirg, nt 7.1K a. in. lor New York, ut 7.20a. in. for Allcutown nnd tit 0.40 a. m. nml 4.15 p. tn. for I'liihiiUTa. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School an.l Excursion Tickets, to and from nil points ut re duced rates. Bairgagc checked through : 100 Pounds Bag- . . .. (jago allowed cacti Passenger. j ' j K WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. ei Eng. Maeh'iy. Northern Central ItuilMtty. SUMMER ARRANtiEMENT. Ol: uud filler Juno 10, 1811, trains will run s follows : NORTH WARD. Niagara Express leaves Siitibury nt 1 .3J p. in., tor .Maguru rails Mail urrlvctt nt Sunbury at 4.10 p. in., arrive; at Wiiliainsport (i.loand Elniira 10.30 p. in. Fast Line arrives at Sunbury lit 0.50 p. in., arrive at WiHiaiitspon S.15 p. m. Erie Mail leaves Sunbury al ti.00 a in j Wi' liatnspori ut 8.05 a in, und urrive-t ut Eliulr.i at 1.30 it 111. SOUTHWARD. Mail leavei Stiiibury at 11.05 a. in., art' Hal risbiirg 1.45 p. in." Erie Express leaves Sunbury at T.4il a. in rive at llariisbui'g u.25 u. tn., Ball i'noiv at , a r p. in. Erie Mail leave Siinbury at 12.45 n. in., anivo tit llairislinrg 2.30 a. in., 'Baltimore t',11 a. t,;. Niagara Express leaves Sunbury r.t i'..:.i) p in. llairi.-lnirg at 8.15p in, arrives :.t il.r.titnore 1 l.T.J p in. SI1AMOKIN DIVISION. r.srwAi;i. Leave Sunbury at 4.40 p. in., arrive nt Hhaiuo kin 5.50 p. m., Mt. Cariuel ti.4tl .. in. Leave Sunbury (,) at 12. So it. m., anive at Sliamokin 2.35 p. in. W ESlWAIlll. Leave Mt. Carniel nt 7.00 n. in., Sliatnokiit 7.40 a. m., arrive at Sunbury 0.55 a. m. Leave Slianiokiu ( Accommodation,) at 2.45 p. m., arrive ut Sunbury 4.00 p. in. Express leave daily. Ail other trains leave d.iiiy, except Sundays. A. R. Fiski:. ' l'o. S. Yii no", Gen'l. Sup't., Geti'l Parr'cn'r Ag't., Hnrrishiirg, Pa. MJ. l"hilileIiii anil Trie Railroad. SUMMEU TIMK TAlU.i: On ninl niter Monday, June Trains on the Philadelphia ec Ei ie 3d. Rail 1ST2, thu Road "ill run as lollous : Wl'.STWAlil). Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " urr nt Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, " " uri ut Eric, Elniira Mail leaves Philadelphia, ' " " Sunbury, " " arr at Lock Haven, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia ' Suubiin, " " urr at Renovo,' EASTWARD. Mali Train leaves Eric, " " Sunbury, " " nrrnt Phlladclpirni. 11. SO p in 0.10 It 11! 7.30 p it. 12. 30 p in 0.55 p in 7.40 a lit 7.50 a in 4.25 p m 7.45 p in 7.20 a in 13.35 p m 4.15 a lit 11.25 a in 13.40 a m 0.40 a m 7.50 p ut 7. 4tl a m 1.20 p in 7.35 a in 10.50 a m 5.50 p m 2.25 p in 0.25 p m l-.rie express leaves Krie, Sunbury, 1 " " urr nt Philadelphia, I Elniira Mail leaves Lock Haven, " " " Sunbury, I " " urr nt Philadelphia, Niagara l-.xprcss leaves lieiiovo, " " " Sunbiirv, " ' nrrnt Philadeiphia, 1 .'.01 a m Mail East connects east and west nt Erie witli L. S. iv M. S. R. W. uud at Cony and lrviiieton with Oil Creek nnd Allegheny R. R. W. Cutlawissu passenger trains will be run east from WllliamsHrt oil Erie Express, and west, to Wiiliainsport on Eluiira Mail. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gcu'l Sup't Ilu nt llle. IIukIcIoii A WilUeakarro It. It. I'euna. It. II. Co. Lessee. SUM M ER ARR ANG KM ENT. On and after this date Passenger trains on tho 1)., 11. A W. R. It. will ruu as follows i WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LEAVE. New York, Philadelphia, Kastou, Uctulcueui, A.M.! LEAVE. 0:00 Sunbury, 8:00 Danville, 11:25 Cutlawissu, 10:05 Huzli-ton, P. M. 1 1:00 Bcthlchcui, 2:40 Kastou, 3:30 Philadelphia, 3:57. New York. air. A. M. fi:20 7:03 7:28 0:08 1'. M. 12:10 12:35 2:15 HllglctOII, Cultuwissu, Danville, buubury, arrive 3:50 Train West arriving at Sunbury 3:57 p. m., makes close connections with trains on Philadel- I .Ilia A: Eric R. R. for Milton, WilllamsiHirt, .ock Haven and all point West, Elmiia and nil poiul North, also with Noithcru Central Rail wav, for ilarrisburg and Baltimore. I 'tfNew and elegant coaches ruu ttiiougli be Iweeu Sunbury and Kastou. ' FRANK THOMPSON, Supt. 1). Jl. .V VY. K n. Si-it's Office, Willi amsi-out, Pa. i May 1, 1873. S COAL! COAI.t COAL! GRANT BROS., Shippers and Wholcailcand Retail Dealers iu WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (LOWEH WllAKF.) ?"Sole Ageuts, westwurd, at the celebrated, lleury Clay Cottl. an lH-t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers