4- unburn American. " SUNBURY, SEVTEMHEK 28,"l872.' Itailrond Time Tables. T. ti E. R. K Going NoimiWAnn. Kilo Nail, leaves nt k05 A in Niagara "Express, " " 1:30 p m Vail, ''.. 4:20 pm Eric Express, " " 0:50 p ra N. C. It. W Going Sot-TiiwAitn. Erie Mall, loaves nt 13:45 nm Kfle Exprc " " 7:40 am Mall, " " ll:0m Niagara Express, " " (1:30 p m Tho Erie Express train remains hero about 20 minutes for breakfast. PTNllt'KY & Lewistown R. R. Mall train leaves tit 7.30 a. m., and iirrlvcs nt 7.50 p. in. Fust Line leaves nt U.40 p. in., anil arrives nt l.M) p. m. Siiamokin Vam.ky R. R. Mall leaves nt PJ.llii p. m.. for tMmmnklii nnd arrives nt U.6!i p. m. Leaves for Mt. Cnrinel nt 4.40 p. in., and arrives nt 0.25 n. in. D. II. & W. R. n. Trains icnvc for New York, via Uazleton nt 0.20 it. m., and arrives nt o.'i't p. in. Accident. Insuranec Tlekels can lie, liad of J. Slilpmnn, Ticket Agent nttlie Depot. ifocal Affairs. MisTo,'rlinc DuYlusisTho i Sewinu Machines ttgeut for tho sale of the best Sewing Machines Sn existence, viz i "The Improved Singer," "drover & Baker," "Howe," ond Domestic,'' which are constantly on hand nnd sold ni, rea Tollable prices. She is also agent for the cele brated Frautz ami Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see them. O'li e on Market street, cast of tlio railroad. ltrv your Groceries of P. Clark, nnd save 15 ycr cent. sl4,'it. Ki.'V your Black Alpacas and Mohnrc Lusters from P. Ctark, and s.ive f.'5 per cent. sl4,3t. IxsTitriTinxs in Misic. Miss Anna M. Schneider Inform t lie citizens of Sunbury that she will five instructions on the Piano and Or igin to pupils at their resilience, nt tlio corner of Walnut select mid Centre alley. Terms renson sitils. s21, '72.-OI. Cumin .; him. -Randolph the I'.oslrriiciuli ; go hear Foil Sale a yoi.ng Cuw, pait Aldcrncy. En quire at this olllee. Two M:w s per week are now received Klinc-CioW', t Ills- county. Tin: new It. ink building in Cake's addition is now nearly completed, ll is rather n neat look- ing iMiihlligr.lTiovsle ihe French roof gives it a lop-heavy nppcnralieg. Its location is a lieuiili- I'ul one, an 1 adds much to that pint of the town, i- A Yacht club lias been ttrgniiMV'd ill this place which l':is iu(! sail-liout built by Messrs. liil" lilyer A: Co., at L-'wi.-iiurg. The craft is "2"2xS'.j feet, and is got up in a neat style. The stock- bidders bcV-.ng to our urn t I'mniinent business men w ho will iin.l nineh enjoy meiit and n creation in saii in:: on the "iiiiny deep'' d' the Sifquvhiin- river in iront of this place. "Sew Mh.i.inkuv (iomis. A large stock oTllie latest fill styles nT Millinery Goods, are now be ing opened at the Millinery and Trimming Store tif .Miss L. S!i issler, on Maiket square. The la tiles are Invit-d to call an I examine the splendid ir.-.-mt incut. 'ipeulng, elegant walnut wall-socket. View tlis. s, and a line assortment of Wall Brackets in iiewand beautiful de.-igns, at llazelline's. -- - Ti:r. weather has lieeu unusiinlly warm the be .giiiiilug of the week. On u:iit:iy tmil Monday Hie mercury stood at 11 1. On Sunday evening at ti'.. p. in. at 5. Si-Mi.w Sciiti'ii. Ci:i.kiii:ation. The Sunday Lower : e!i(M.l attached to tlieblonu t liureli lit :i ju-t i town-hip, w'.ll hold t he in nnunul elehra- lion at that place on Saturday, tile .Mil of Oelo- i I'vr net. The public are cordially Invited In at- i .lend and pailieipati1 .AuMITTr.n to practice In the I'. S. Court. on ; 'i he Klh in.-t., on motion of S. B. Buyer, Esq. af , juuliai -y, L. II. Kaso, C. A. lit lincus-nyder uud I Oscar i'liu-t, Esq., members of the. liar, were ml- i Jni'ted to practice in the di-triet and Circuit j 'units- of I he We.-tern Di-lriet of I'.i. i Si.x ballot boxes will lie required nt each place td clei tiun, on the Sth of October, ns six tickets ale lo lie voted. These do not include city or ho louch tickets where such are to be Voted. Oru !Aitx.--The Squ ire in Centre Market stt" t, i alino-t enclosed with an Iron fence, in iuu!'.i"inrc 1 by the Messrs. Hnhrhuchs, Iron 1' 1 1 i 1 !'-, of S.i.i'i try. The fence Is beautilul in i!,-;;-!!. lillil uud sub-t mtial, and is a credit to Ihe woitliy manufacturers. As the Park is u lis.e.l fatt, and aln. ost completed, we trust that the citizens of onr place will take pride In keep ing it ill order, nnd that our indies will beautify fc. w ith pi. nils and shrubbery. We tru-t our city fathers w'.ll uit mar the hcauly of the fence by pointing a black, net ghr it tire m'i!ui' color a dark green. IS INK of Exoi.AXI) IxK. We hale received se veral bottles of this celekrnted ink and writing lluld, which C'tiiiinidcr sivjK-rior lo any we. have yet U sefi. This ink is manufactured by the Se nate Ink Conipuu.y, of Philadelphia. H Hows freer, nnd is by far more even than nny tther. It is put up in neat buttle for schools, offices, t;e., nnd can be bad ill three diU'creul mini' black, biu e and ji.iirplc. Sclioljas will not only lind il the te.-t, but the most v.iiivcuiriitly put up of any , .Low ill m.u ki t. Messtv. Murray A; Co., have the I sole agency fir lids 'lai', who sell at v jry rea- :Hn:i.iljie prices. - A i.AitnE and eutliiisiasitie Repul'lieaii meeting w is held nt Northumberland on Monday even ing last. .'b!e speeches were delivered by Col. Clark E. Carr nnd Gen. John K.jClctnciit. A del egation of the (Irani Wilson and Ilartraufl club of this place, went over on the steam boat, and presented a line appearance in parading through the town. The speakers were cll'ective uud done yourt work for the cause. It is with much pleasure that wo publish the letter from our new correspondent of Washing ton, D. C, signed O. To our town rendem ho Is vroll known, and our citizens wo very well know will be glad to hear again from llicii" young sol Uksr friend, Edward W. Oy-bter. The editor of tho Wutsontown lteeord evluec considerable feeling lu regard to tho "Skunk" question. Wo did not mteud our remarks to in terfere with any arrangeineuts or luteretts the editor hub In tho Bkuulc speculation. We are fully aware that our cotemporury wus nr. excel lent hand lo buying delegates, milking, "agree ments," at changing from eatiug "black chick en" to eating "black crow," but never had an idea of his being eugaged In the "Skuuk" busi ness. If we linvo tread upou your toes Julio, pardon us for doing so. Bowp.n A Beasholts nre busily engaged iu grad ing the railroad euibaukuicut betweeu Vine street and tho brldgo. They are about completing a Hue frame building la Cake's additlou lor a boarding bouse, for their laborers. 1 bey Inlcud putting a largo force upon tho work duriug tho Tun BfNnunr Mahkrt. Tho markets, tinco tlio ordinance went Into effect, linvo proved a success, nnd linvo given general satisfaction to tlio citizens ns well ns tlio producers. Tlio amount of prodnco offered for salo lias astouislicd every ono attending tlio markets. For tlio last few weeks tlio grcntost variety of articles were sold nt good prices, and tlio farmer returns to his homo with tlio ensh In his pocket. Previous to tho curb-stono market not one half the nmouut of vegetables or produce was brought to town, ns tho merchants would not buy for fear of Its wilt ing or perishing on their hands. Purchasers are now enabled to buy from first hands fresh from the garden, nnd they find It more healthy to cat ns well ns getting It nt lower prices. There Is also n great Improvement In the articles, and far mers nro encouraged In paying more nttcntlon to fruits nnd vegetables, Ac, to compete with their neighbors In bringing n good article to market. AVbere, ns was formerly the case, tho purchaser went from store to store In search of butter, of which, when found, he was compelled to take nn Inferior article and short weight nt that, ho bus now nn opportunity to select a good nrticlo with full weight. It Is tho same Ith many other nr tlelcs. We notlco nniong other things In rela tion to our market, that tlio farmers bring In their marketing In a more attractive stylo than previous to its establishment, nnd that their wa gons arc surrounded by lady customers until cv cr' "HMo U ,,lpl,wort of' "r ,,ll'''cl,nnt9 '0o' I nrc great gainers, formerly, wnen inrincrs nan j to peddle their products through the streets, mer I chants were compelled to trust their customers, ! wlille now the fanners receive cash for produce, nnd pay cash for their goods. I In connection with this matter we would sug gest that both tho farmers and the citizens oft tliis place Join together, nnd erect a suitable ! market house. We feel sntislled that such a pro Jeet. will still further Improve the market, ns well 1 ns business generally. A market house built on ', the stock principle, would yield a lingo per cent ; nge to the stock holders. Resides it would prove ; a convenience that none would ever wish to dis pense with after being put into operation. We ; have a number of capitalists among onr citizens and fanners who would invest in the project if it were once started, as all see the Importance of a building to secure comfortable quarters for those attending market during inclement weather, nnd ' make an Inducement to further Improve tho mar ket. Tnt Fun. The Agricultural Fair of tills I con- I I place, coinmeneeil on vt cnnesijny insi, nun tinned for three days. The heavy rain Avhieh I occurred on Wednesday, prevented many from j entering articles, an the turn out was anything 1 hut encouraging. On Thursday morning there. ! was n clear shy. and as the iliU'erent trains nr ' rived onr town filled up rapidly, and by noon the ! fairground was tilled with people. It was esti- muted that about live thousand persons visited Ihe fair grounds during the afternoon. The unifies tin exhibition did not, however, come up to our expectation as regards quantity, but regarding quality the unifies would have compared favorably with nnv fair in the State. There were numerous aitieles exhibited which nrc worthy of notice, but our space in this issue will not permit. Burin anii Hi mat. The J ' hniwrnt suggests that "a transparency representing a large jnViv ff hreiul ami tmtttirhv surmounted over the speak ers stand,' at a meeting which Gov. Pollock nd. dressed on Thursday last. Our l.eighbor hisjnl. ways had a keen scent for political bread and butter, but lie ought not to infer, because the bread uud bailer Convention at Baltimore has converted so large a number of hungry lietno clats, that it was an equally good bait to catch Republicans. A Sl'.l.l.. On Wednesday evening the Demo tr.its had circulated bills through the town an nouncing that Horace Greeley would nrrlie nt this place, on his homeward trip in '"swinging around the circle," on Thursday morning, and remain here thiity minutes to address the citi . ens from the pint form of the ears. On Thurs day innming a large number of persons, about ihrce-fourlhs being Repuli'icaiis ,lepot lo see the '"honest farmer. repaired to the After waiting about an hour, and the train not arriving, it was concluded that there was a "sell," and the crowd disappeared. Aiikvii or Trn:. In our issue of the Uthwe gave a description of the new Court House clock, and stated that we expected its arrival ill the course of a week. The 7i'mun'ii appropriated not tiie clock, but the de-ciiption to itn own use without credit, and added among other stale- , incuts, that the clock had arrived which is not corrett, and that tho Coininl-sioncrs had agreed to pay half the expense in pulling up the cluck. Our neighbor ought not lo impute such nn net to tiie Commissioners. An individual who re ceived a valuable prc.-cnt, would haidly a.-k the - donor to pay half, or an pail of tlio expense, In : having it placed in his Iiiiuv. Tile clock com pleted will cost about f. II. HI, and will be the f'nu-s-t town clock la this section of thj Stale. The clock is expected every day. BnoKK .1 ail. On Monday ntli inoon Inst, Mi nor Beam, w ho wns committed to Jail August : for robbing u Mr. Kusc, In Point township, man ia ged to escape by breaking a hole through the j wall, lie escaped linob.crvcil. Shortly lifter : his escape Perry Haas, w ho is a prisouel under sentence of death forshoollng Mania Ohcrdorf, I crawled through the snino hole uud went to one of Mr. Heller's sons and informed him of Beam's j escape. Haas then quietly went back to jail again. Beam made an attempt to escape one day last week, but was discovered. Ho has not j yet been recaptured. Ji,wernt oj'UiU tre.ek. On Monday whll.st two boatmen had tied iipnt Chapman in this county, they enticed two little I girls into their boat uud then attempted an out i rage upon them. Tho scream of the children were heard by some persons not far off, who ran to tho boat, and upon entering discovered the scoundrels in the nefarious attempt. Nothing but this timely aid prevented the ruination of these children. The unmitigated scoundrels nro now lodged iu Jail at Middlebiirg, and it ir a pity the law will uot condemn them to life-long Im prisonment. Such men have no right to live at large innougiiny people, lu nny count ry.,SV(iit- Till! superior Fall Suits made up by John F. Schatli r would do credit to Ihe best establish- incut In the cities. Mr. Schatt'er continues to bo uverflowcd with work. His lino goutls nro very attractive, uud we find him eoubtanlly busy mak ing up full blliU. Oru neighbors of Tin Cuanl uotiees the fact that C. A. Reimeiibiiyder, Esq., has became the recipient of a new hat from borne of tho "strik er" of WllliuiiiBport, for whom he was employ ed ab counsel. Tlio hat wo noticed on tho Squire's cranium a few days ago boro no Indications of be ing a Greeley bat, and we Judge that he Is lu fa vor of Grant. But perhaps that was not the but either. The eel catcherk are now busy capturing lurgo uumbcrs of the "old chaps" iu tho river at this place. They nro readily sold nt 10 eeuts pur pound. Oun thuuU are duo to A. J. Buker, Esq., for copies of late Nashville, Tenu., papers contain ing the proceedings or tho Great Council of tue V. B. of Improved Order of Ued Men. They mo Wry iuteiCetiug. RmHIBMCAU MEKTIHO AT Bt!NBt;lT. I.A1KIK DF.MOKSTnATioH. Probably tho largest meeting hold In the Court House, camo off on Thursday evening last. Early In the evening a torch-Hjulit procession took plnee, which was a grand affair. Tho procession was formed In front of the Grnnt, Wilson nnd Hnrtranft Club Room, fully equip ped, numbering about four hundred voters In line, while there were thousands of spectators upon the sido walks. After parndlng through the principal streets they repaired to tlio Court House. The Ilouso being already well filled tho largo number In tho parade soon racked tho House to overflowing. Tho meeting was organized by appointing nenj. Strlcklcr, Esq., of Jackson ns President, W. II. M. Ornm nnd George Wngonseller, Vice President", nnd D. Vf. Bnmpsrl and J. K. Davis ns Secretaries. A committee was appointed ns an escort, who retired nnd In a few minutes en terd the Court House accompanied by Ex-Gnver-uor Pollock and Hon. J. B. Packer, tho band playing a National nlr. Tlio audience rose to their feet nnd gave three hourly cheers as n wel come. Ex-Governor Pollock then ad 1 rested the nndleiicc for about one hour and a hnif, and wns followed by the lion. J. B. Packer, for another hour and n half. Tlio audience remained dur ing the whole tlino evincing the most profound Interest. A. C. Simpson, Esq., was celled up on who mndo a few closing remarks when Hut meeting adjourned by giving three cheers fur the speeches and tho whole Republican ticket. As Ot'TiiAnp.. The Grant, Wilson nnd Ilnr- tranft. cluli nt this place procured torches for ' themselves last week. On Thursday morning it was discovered that some thirty torches were missing. During the day cit'cniiist-inces pointed to one of tho Liberal Republicans (member of the committee of three) of having commuted the ' theft. A warrant was Issued and he was prompt- ! ly hound over. On Wednesday wo had some fifty posters put ; lip for n Republican meeting nt the Court House j on Thursday evening. The day following wo j could not find n single poster lip. As this has not been the first Instance of bills announcing Re- publican meetings being torn down wo will give twenty dollars to nny person or persons who will j give informal ion that will lead to tho conviction j of any one guilty of tearing down bill printed nt j this olllee. A ni'.nociiATic Mr.r.TiNd. Gucr.t.m" in Si n iiruv. After the announcement, a few weeks ago, of a Republican meeting in the Court House on hi"!. Thursday evening, the ''Committee of Three," nnd some Democrats, set to work and j called a meeting nn the same evening, which was held In 1 lie street In front ofMnJ. Win. L. Dew. j n it "s resilience. There were probab'ylwo hun dred persons, men. women, nnd children present, as an an I'n-uce. Tim first speaker on the stand was Gcu. Banks, a disappointed olliee hunter, now a s ire-ln ad. When about closing his speech, a drum and life weie heard in the distance, when all became quiet to see. what this strange appa rition might be. A few moments niter, a young man was seen coming up the street going j through nil kinds of bodily gyration, similar to ' In tliose oT an escaped Inmate of nn Insane Asy lum, yelling (ireelcy ! Grecly!! After him came a drummer nnd lifer, hammering nnd squeaking regardless oT time; then followed' about a dozen boys, who were succeeded by six ; men, nil told, pulling Horace Greeley along the pavement towards tho stand wiiere they were joined by tltose standing around a store goods box in cheering and yelling for about ten min utes with the expectation of drawing away the audience from tlio Republican meeting in the Court House, to enlarge their circle. But as none made their appearance Horace proceeded with hi piece. We would mention here that tho iiniinnnccmciit of Grcelev's advent made by the speaker in the Court House, but nil prefued to listen to Ex-Governor Pollock than to the Clilppaqtia I'm uier. Greeley's remarks consisted In general of what he knew of swinging around (he circle. He had been we.-l ami seen thousands of people nnd he knew all was well. He had been to Pittsburg, In diana, Ohio and Altoona.nnd nil was well there. That the Liberal ticket was sure to cany nnd that lie was convinced by Ihe audience around him, they would carry here also. That ho believed when the wires Hashed into New York on the Nth of October that there would be no cloud upon the face of the Liberals, lie was then followed by Gen. Slocuiniind J. B. Hasklns who found It up mil litis ncrs l:i iiuvoeu'.ing tlieir cniisu nnd gave ; the Usual amount of stciotype mutter u-ed by i Democrats in d iionncing the udiuiiiist ration. j Mr. Greeley remained in I lie place, over night, uud on Fiiday morning he proceeded on his way '"sw inging round llic circle" accompanied by Sev ern I iicwspiper reporters. j Till! Millersbiirg Agileiiltural Eiiir last week proved a great success, and paid handsomely to the stoeklioldets. There w'us u large collection of articles on exhibition, uud a great portion, we notice, were from the lower end of this county. Among them the llarri.-lmrg ,S7n,V Juvnuil makes ' meiitiou of the following : '"I'assing a number of aitieles of Interest, our allenlioii was sHei.illy intruded In two uut'qtiat- i id looking books. An examination showed one' ol 1 1 1 , -1 1 1 lu be a SwisH Bilile, puleislied iu l."i:;ii ; Beuj. .M. j.ubb, of Georgetow n, Noil liumbci laud county. In lug ihe owner. The other was n Ger man Bible, :.'(:(i vears old, exhibited bv Daniel Sail." TllK delegation from this county, to the Soldier.-'. uel Sailors'ieiiiiion at Pittsburg last week, ; reliirned homo on Kriday, atllli in-l., delighted i Willi the reccplion they met with in tiie iron city, and speak of t lie gathering us tlio largest, and , the parade the most linpolug they ever witnessed. ' List of Letters remaining iu Siinbury Post j I Olllee, September i.ltli, 1ST2 : I I Joel II Boslhin, J A Coleman, 2 ; Miss Lou Dunbar, b Hev II Dottercr, C C Davis, Mrs i Kline, Jos-eph M l'insel, J Baiiny, (i S Itaiiihili. ; John U Beit., Mrs E-tlier Uiehcr, Joliu Bale. , J J SMITH, I" M. ' ltiisiiii's,, Notices A Gn.VMi rush for the most ch .-r I goods J i-t opened nt W. It. F. Wcimcr's c i-li store, was made during the past week. All the latest styles of Fall Goods can bo seen nil I purchased al the lowest pricoti nt Wcinier's storo Tim feleelion Is grand, mid for brilliancy and good quality, is not uxcelled. Call inn be convinced. Guant Badges, Greeley Badges, Chinee Lan tern's uud all the fixings fur the campaign tit llugclllnc's. Col.li, Sparkling Soda Water is dealt out at tlio Acquuriuiii Drug Store on Third Street. Jisr received, a full lino of Blank Books, Of fice uud School Stationery, eVe., Ac., A:c., at 11a zletluo's. Tub highest prices are paid for Grey Squirrels, Frogs, Turtles, eic., by Will. Keese, of tlio tit. Elmo Ealing Saloon, in Pleasant's buildings, Siinbury, Pa. Wm. K. Mili.kh of tho Excelsior, contluues to receive tho best of Boots and Shoes, from tho hirgost establislinients iu the country. Ills stock is seieeted from tho very best, and is guaranteed lo give entire satisfaction. Tub large Book & Periodical Btore of C. 8. Hazeltluo, has all the appcarauee of a Hist class city establishment. It Is tilled with the most Inter esting books, periodicals, statloucry, toys, &c., Ac., with a fine department for boots and shoes. A full assortment is coustautly kept on baud, and purchasers arc supplied ut rutes as low us lu the city. A fresh supply lias Just been opened. Opening, Bird Cagcs,'plaiu uud oiuumeutnl, iu bronze, brass and wblto metal ; uew uud baud some, ut lliiKclljue'ii. Tub Clothing madd by Thos. G. Nolt, Is pro nounced equal to nny iclty work In stylo and qual ity. In fitting garments Nott is not excelled, and tho quality of goods In his establishment com pares favorably with the best city houses. Tint greatest want of tho present ngo Is men nnd women, healthy and vigorous In mind nnd body. Tho continued headaches, weaknesses, ncrvousnooS, nnd varying nllmentt which ntllict womon nre generally tho result of .'mperfect ac tion of tho stomach uud other vital cgnns. Dr. Wai.kkh's) California Vinroak Bitters, being composed entirely of vegetable substances Indi genous to California, may bo taken with perfect safety by the most delicate, and are a sure reme dy, correcting all wrong action and giving new vigor to tho whole system. THE CONFESSIONS OFAN INVALID. PUBLISHED as a warning and for the benetlt of yovnii tnat wul other who sutler from Nervous Debility, Loss of Manhood, etc., sup plying THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. Written by one who cured hlni'eir. niter under going considerable quackery. and sent free on re ceiving n post-paid direct".! envelope. Address. NATHAN! KL MAYFAIR, June S, '13. Omos. Brooklyn. N. Y. jj-uar.nnnc.'s. On the '."2d Inst., at the Reformed parsonage, hv Rev. C. H. Gerhard, Mr. lliiliAini A. Gas? to Miss Kmei.t A. GAiilNorii. and Mr. Sii.as R. Ciikiiaii to Miss 8ai.uk E. Ci.aiik. in this place, m Tuesday evening last, WIL LIE, son of Mr. W. 11. 11. nnd Annio Dicllcn b.ichaiged 1 year and ! mouths. Kurorts. MM5IKY MA It KITS. Flour ni:I ruiii .Hnrlirt. Extra Family Sri.flo Red Wheat, p. bti. ,9:3.00 j Huckwlieat, p. ct., o.O I live, Corn Meal, " '.'..) ) Corn. I Wheat Bran, p. hu. l.'i.t Huckwlieat 1 I Hems, a. iio Dais, ibs., ! Corn .X O its Chop, ".'.(M Flaxseed, H0 TO 1.1)0 r.' o .-, j I imolliy Peed, p. b. 8.00 j ii'rotltirr HEiirUrt. : Pc tatoes, M Hams, 1.1 j Egg. .per doz., IS Tallow, rt i Butter, per lb., I!") Count rv Sonp, S La ill, " U' Dried Apple-, IS i Sides, " 11) " Peaches, Hi Shoulders, II iictu tJlicrttscmcnts Duii"s jCollege." " Tlio oldest ami most reliable Institution for ob taining a Mercantile Education. !-;'" Pr:i"tical business men as lntiitftor. Wr hil'in-murum, wrile for a rirciiiur to 1. I.'l'I'F ec SONS, Pittsburg, Pa. I5cpl. -0, lsV.'. oin. daily I'liic:: i.isr. H. & A. C. VAN BEIL, "T1IK WINK MKKC1IAXTS," 1010 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Prices Champagne, (In Cuuency.) Ernest Irroy, Carte Blanche, " ' Spei i.il Extra Dry, Piper llehlsick, (i. II. Milium' Drv Verzenay ( Depot in " Extra Dry, ) Philad'a L. Roederer, Dry Scbreidi r, Dry Sillery, " Imperial, !',,.. lit. i ... .1... 10 .M) J:i "J") :::! "jr p,,,,,,,.,,,,- See, Dry Mouopole, Najioleon's t 'utjim t, Veuve Clicquot, Prices advance or decline with Gold. CASH ML'ST ACCOMPANY ALL OKDEI Very Fine Old live Whiskey, Onr "Yellow Seal" Hiorry, Blue Seal Brandy, '"1SIU," Sept. SI, 1 X7 1 . 4ni. 511 00 per doz. ; 1 1 00 per doz. i 111) 00 per dux. .. i II V U WTI Sf! I N C () Xo. 15 Market Street, I'll II. ADKI.I' !I I A. We have opened for the l'all Trade, the largest and be-t assorted stock of l'lIIl.ADKl.l'llIA CAIUMCTS, Table, Stair and Floor Oil Cloth', Window Shadcsaiid Paper, Carpet Chain, Cotton, Yarn, Batting, Wadding. Twines, Wicks. Clocks, Looking Glasses, Fancy Bas kets, lliooiiis. Baskets, Buckets, Brushes, Clothes Wringers, Wo 'den ami Willow Ware, IX Till: I N1TKI1 S'l'A 1 1: n. Our large increase iu business enables ns lo sell at low prices, and famish the best quality of Goods. sot.i: tinxTS on ti:i: I CTI.KIUIATKI) AMKiucAX wash- Kit, j l'tiicK, S5..-.0. I Tho most Perfect and Successful Washer ever Made. Agents Wanted for tho American Washer In till pails of Ihe State. Sept. 7, ilni. GEO. EVANS. E. G. MAIZE. Geo. Evans & Co., ' (Mi Market Slrcot, riiiliult'lpltiu, ! TAILOIJS and MILITARY CLOTHIKttS, Military, I'uinl & Fiiv Oro;aiiii'.atiiii5 juiimptly miifonued. Simples of Cloth, with Pliotograp!is, sent free on application. Our being the leading hnii-e on Military work. we feel that we can oiler !nduvcni"titsj which can- I not be attained anywhere else. Aug. "-'I, IK7U. IHIMISTKV. (J EOKOK M. 11KXX, Li Suiqisun't lUtildiny, Mtrkit Huure, PiMifiiv, Pa., 1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry, lie keeps constantly on hand u largo assortment of Teeth, and other Dental material, front which ho will be able to select, and meet mo wauls of his customers, All worlc warranted to givosutisfaction, or elso tho money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash and Toot h-Powders kept on hand. Ills references are tho numerous patrons for whom he bus worked for the last twelve years. Buuhury, AprUai, Wi. W. H. Blanks," HOUSE, SIC3-1ST, AND ORNAMENT AI PAINTER, BUNBUKY, PENN'A. Decorating and Paper llaugirg done iu tho latest improved style. Orders solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. Kcsidoneo hi Purdytowu, Einerlek's building. Buubury, May 11, ISiU.-U", ::; no Jlchi bbcilismfnls. Afliiiliilf rutor's) illcr. NOTICE Is hereby given, that letters of ad ministration having been granted to the un dersigned on the estate of Mrs. Mary C With Ington, late of tho borough of Siinbury, North'd county,-Pa., dec. All those knowing themselves Indebted to said cstato arc requested to make Itn nicdiato payment, nnd persons having claims will present thcin for settlement. GEO. W. SMITH, Jiimmijirrtifor. Sunhury, Sept. 14, 1S72. fit. Tailoring! Tailoring lT CHARLES MA1IIL, Respectfully Informs tlio citizens of Sunbury nnd vicinitv, that ho bus opened u TAILOR SHOP, on Foil i th (Street, below Maiket, In tlio .Mullen building, nnd that ho Is prepared to make tip nil kinds of a:XTN" AXI IHIY'K SI ITS. In the latest sty les. Having lind inni h exper ience in the business he desires the public lo give li 1 ill a trial. Clothing will be made tip In the latest Palls mill Auieiiean Fashions in the most satisfactory manlier. Aug.l7,'7:J.-lf. CHARM'S MAII1L. I'rojkONfcl A m en tin toil TO THE Coiislitulioiiofrciiiisyhaiiia Joint itcMoliititm Projioslng nn Amendniciit. to tho CoiiFtiluf km of Pennsylvania. Jin it ri'Holrrit b'j tliv Senate nnd IfuwxC of 7(Vuv tit'ji.taHtr of' the 'tiiiwtm,i'enltti tf l)i-ntjlvttuul hi (lentiritl AKfriuhly nut. That the following aniend iiiuut of tlio tiustltiitioii of this Commonwealth lie proposed to tl,o r,....i.. isu iiivi. ...t.inw.. ... rejection. )iurMiant to the provisions of the tenth artle'.o thereof, to wit, i AM KXDMEXT : Strike out Ihe sixtli section of t lie sixth nrticlo of tlio Constitution, and Insert in lieu thereof the. following: "A State Treasurer shall be chosen by the qualified electors of the State, at such times and for such term of net vice ns shall lie prescribed by law." WILLIAM ELLIOTT. Ppcakcr of the House of Repreotit:ilive. JAMES S. Ill TAN, Speaker of S -nate. Ai'Pitovr.n The twenty-second day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred nnd sevelil v-two. JXO. W. GEARY. Prepared em' ceil Hied for publication pursuant i to the Tenth Article of tin; Constitution. FRANCIS JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Olllee Seentary of (lie Commonwealth, t ll.ii i islini'g, dune :;llth, 1ST:J. June U'.i, 1 .''.'. llin. 10,000 Agents Wanted fur our great Political Campaign Chart. The most, nttractive nnd salable thing out. It i Is indispensable to men of all parties, furnishing I just, the facts and figures needed, fur everyday lelcreiice; li' every Intelligent vote!'. Agents H'.o selling from JS to Rl) a SJiij . The most liberal terms. Send for descriptive circulars. Addre-s, Dl'KFlELD ASIIMEAD. Publisher. n'Jl. 71 1 Sanson! St., Philadelphia. Bakery for Sale. I Tiie well known Bakery of W. II. Haas, on j Fourth street, Siinbury, including!! good dwell- lug house and good stabling iiltaelu d, is tillered I for sale on reasonable teiins. The Bak"ry is ! new and of goo I capacity, capable of baking 0 barrels of Hour per week. App'.v to Win. II. or ; AL1SHI1T H V AS. ! July 'JO, ISVJ.-tf. Siinbury, Pa. Presidential Campaign, CAPiS, CAPES? & TOUCHES Peml for I i.t.1 siuATi-i) Cm n t u: ami Phick List. Cl'.N.MNGIIAM HILL, MAVI TAt TTUl'lls, No. :.'U1, I'm in n :ti:i-.i:t, PiliLADELPlUA. June s, lr XKW SUMMEU (JOODS! MISS ll l'l!; P,!.A('K, M AltKI'.T StiL AlIE, SC.N'BL UY, PEXN'A. ! ISi.ack Di:i-:ss Silks from . I Japanese Silks, Silk I'ongcis I SO to -2 00. , l'lai.l Poplins, Mixed Poplins, II irnni f-.om :.'0 cents to 1 00. ! Cbiiitqcs, llelaius, itc. French Muslins, Mar ! scilics (-.li'.ts. Kid Gloves, Willi single I and double lull tons. E. i: e e N li a wis. A general assortment of While Goods. I I..UYXS, (ilNtiHAMSnml l'lltl'KS, ; DEBSS TIUM.MINGS, LACES, Ac, soid i.l '; greatly reduced prices. Siinbury, May IS, I S7"J. ; O. W. KEKl'KI!. 1!. A. tIASS. NowGoods! i iy Citiods, Notions, Fni'iiit-hino; tiixiils, iiroi'cni's, t)H l. iot lis, Ulitss iiml Xails of every vatletv, at one iow price, nt KEEFEll & GASS' STORE, Corner of Fourth and Market Street, SCNBL'IIY, PA. All kinds of Grain taken in exchange sumo as cash. Call and see us. KEEKER .t GASS. Siinbury, April 27, 1S7:2. C'I KTAlX nVTIlltlAl.S. S.CK Cl'UTAIXS. WINDOW SHADES. C'OliNU'K DKl'Oi: ATKJXS, J.AMliKlXtl'lXS I J.AC'K DU.UT.UIKS. I ri.wo ci) i;i:s, I ri'iiNrrruK covKitiMis, TASMCI.S AND J.OOl'S, X ( )TT I X ( i 1 1 A M Cl'UTAIXS, C!ii:TOXXi:s, Sl'MMEll Cl'UTAIXS, lSUOCATLLU:. Special Ixteimoii l)Ki-oitATio:s", To Otilcf ut Muikrutc l'liccs. w J. Xj m "V is 3sr, Mnsonio Hall, 719 Chestnut Street, l'liil'a. J ane ISTi. -iiil. itUTCUEUV! KUTCHKKY ! .iit-Nisi-s. ke:fi i:.v a itowr.i:. Third Street, opposite Central llclel, SI NBL UY, PA., KEEP conslautiy on hand liio very choicest of fresh m:t:i', ninox am vi-.ai., which is sold ut the lowest prices. Meat can bo hud ut all hours during the day. Sunbury, Pa., Juno S, 1S73. MII.I.I.VKUY. Sl'IUXG STYLES at tho CKXTHAL MILLINERY STORE OE I mss i.. mussi.r.u. Every kind of Millinery Goods, embracing IllltM, llllllllOtM, NclKlol lllltsi, CrHlkO IllitlS Ulltl ItoilllfOi, lllblions and Flowers, Trimmings of every de scription, uud every kind of goods usually kept ina millinery establishment, car- bo had at her store ut the lowest pi Ices. Tho very best in tho Pbilaitulphiu iiiui kut bus been selected, to which the ladies uio invited to examine and bo convin ced. MISS L. SI1ISSLEU. Maiket Square, Sunbury, Pa. April IJO, 1ST'.'. $isctll;t ;mcou3. I ll (11 n l O NtOlil ll V O 1 made from r,o cts. c,ill and examine .pX.r or 1"J samides sent (postugn free) for r,0ct. that retail quhk for fin. R. L. WOL COTT, 181 Chatham Square, N. Y. s"'l-4w FREE'A llrnBI,lcl" of the People's Stand. to i"1'1 I,"',p' 550 """rations, will be I nnumn rn,,t fl('c ,0 ,,n,,k "t-'ents. Semi A lilt M'I'V !ame nnd nd dress to ZIEGLFRtV: iiUllJlUk), McCl UDY.Ml Arch St. Phlla. Pa. " Ty .X-liomiinpy, oi So ill l liui-iiiing." . How cither sex may fascinate, and gain the. love nnd affections of i,ny person tliev choose, in st ii nt iy This simple mental'" acquirement all can possess, free, by mail, for !5 i ts. together with a marriage guid", Egy ptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, .ve. A queer, exciting book. liio.ouu sold. AU'ircss, t. WILLIAM CO . sl-4w Publishers, PMhi. M-juecnasaa An.lKS1.1871 Double Elevated Oven. Warming Closet, Broil. Ing Door, I ender Guarl, Dumping and Minkiii" (irate. Direvt Draft. FI I.LE!!, WARREN CO., UUli Water Strect.New York. s'!l-lw. DUTY 0?F TEAS! Extra Induccnmits for Clubs. !5lil 1'Ulv l'j ,LUii C 1 I!L lil.A I! I i Which contains full cxlai unions of Premiums, THE WAY TO OB'AIN OCR (JOODS. Persons living nt a ditance from New York, can club together, unci Vi theni at the same fu ice ns we sell them to our V.m Ihuiscs in New York. Ill order to get up a clutyct each person v. is-hing to loin say lio-v mutb ir lie w.int ant ki.i..i t...'! a dun price no nr i mcIi-T. ns i'Vili lislicd In our circulars. Viiu. i. ,,:,ii KinI and nmoiints plainly om li-t. ami when (lie club is complete send it M's by mail, and we wi'l ' luiteaeh party's gidsii separate pnekii"ci and mark the name upimhcin, wit h fhc co-d so '' there need he no con lion in di.-t ribui iua e'aeli ' party gelling exact lyvlint It.- orders, and',,,, I more. The funds to ty for goods orderel can be sent by drafss on Nt York, P,t-0!ll(.t. mon'ev ordeis. or by express Or, we wiil. if ,feircd' 1 send the goods by Eiess, "Co!l,,et on del I livery." i THE GREAT AtRICAN TEA CO., :tl mill R3ctt'.v St wet. s'H-4w. P. O.ix .'I,!:!, ew yrIi n,v THOMSON'S Avon livii r.xf x i:i ) patjcxt GIove-Fitng Coi'oet. i ?IT '"- inereasiiig, bo. , t;ii:v i ;i: . tlM.s ll. S'.tispw- it -'Hand.-ome, Durable, .coi.oniical, and a. TIIOMPS(l(;ENL"lNK ( :love- . ii . viii.-eu- stainii,,! with the name Tinou'sox, and hide-maik a Crown Sold by all Frst-Ciiisilers. f:i.4w. W ells7 Carlic Tablets I I tilt Cori-.tis, Cot Hiiaiiki:m:ss. 1 hese I ablets presciiAci, in ( ... ! . I . ...!.... . nl ..: . . iinbination 1""' ""' r ii "' 11 l'"Piilur form, for the (lire of nil '1 ,t ,UKi !., N-,; j, i-c.o-i-!.. ii...ueiic.-i. aiiitjaf.on i iheTh at nie iiioiiciiijueiy i cneveii a.eiil stunt ly being sent to tll,uictoi' Lis '- enn- caes of" I'hroat tliillcKltl year staiire-or, 4'Al''!'IO. Don't Ii.-k-VciI bv worTii,. Imitations. Get only ' V-n-l ,, .'i 5 f Taln,M Price ".'.i i ts. per box. J.Si. KELLOGG.' ' WW rnstrrefliin y a sie'.an j Sc4r;;.r Circ uhir. . tt street. N. Y. le Agei i'uited states. r( A -"OXTIl e.isi:.,,,. sttciv n anu acv-i- nee-,5t Si'.'iire cir- I cuhir and amples, .1 sl'ENCl.B. j'iitth boro, Vt. s7,-tw. day to Agents, s-tr i .-.i liad- for Ladies audi, i,reast. nnd scarf pins, gold plated witii b-raphs of Presi dential Candidates. SunitiU.-,-,. .i iv..n i.,,. ''' j cents. McKAY t: CO (-'.J.,,- M., V. i HORACE CiUKKLltt FA. JifA'. An elegant Engraving, pt Iikcies.-es. 20x , -2S Inches, sent bv inail iCampaign Goods, 1 silk (irunt Badge and ted '-iac Sample ' latest styles Wedding cardites. ,V:e., "J."c. I A. DEM AT, Engraver. s7,-lw. froailwav, N. Y. , MY JOLLY FRID'S SECRET. DIO LEWIS' New nnd GM Work is an im mense success. 1 ::t h thovl in 1 less. Agent delighted nnd coining in.. Agents Wanted everywhere. GEO. M EAN, Publisher. sT.tw 7;:iisoni street, Phihi. VGENTS! for circulars and la! terms for "Mi tali's llepuliiie.in- i ism in Amci-lea." The f.-t selling book out. J. M. STODDAII. Cu.,.P'-ih!lslier. s7.4w. Pliiladelphia. JL &RUBY FURNjCE I Powerful and Eeonomielleaters. Jaiui i Lawson, Patentee. ; Ei i.i.Ei:'Ai;i:r.N & co., sT.Mw :j;,ii iter St., New York. ! VllKK TO'VAX ACJKXT'S: ! Ail Elegantly Bound (vassing Book for the j best and cheapest l aniiBil'le ever published, i will be sent free ol'eharito any book audit, ll contains nearly !II0 tineeriptuie illustrations, ' and agents u re" meeting 111 unprecedented sue i cess. Address, stating perienee, etc., and we will show vou what our 'cuts are doing. , NATIONAL .'BLISlliNG CO.. , sT,lv.-. Philadelpliia, Pa. ! ackxts to 'iiK in-rrK: I Scatter the truths :uli.s the people. 1UC11- 1 I AKDSO.VS l'EKSXXA. IIIsTOItY of (.III. N T . : t.ets ni(,i-:. trail. ..I...... ..:e in. in il.an ..11 ii'C pels in tiie world. 1 f yii waat I o know if (i r.u.t is a thief, liar or dninkarrcad this book. A-euts can make ;.rgi Wages I' the next few m .ctli . si Miiii; it, us it Is wantediiid w e iiiva ove: 'A'.e.m- I 1 ;i C eoiuniissloiis. A.Mfcjj, AMl'IilCAN PCill.lSIXG CO.. Ihvt'ord. Ct. A Ut:NTi- n.4M'K:i in evciy cumy to L sella new wmk n our ;!"ii"'.is country. !l Is the result of thne ears labor, hv dames D. MeCabe, Jr., the tvlibr.K'd wilier and is entitled TIIK (JUKA'l UKl'lMiLlC'. It eoiifains mole in irimilion Ibm a ilo.cn cyclopedias : lll'i-l rat .- H h over '.Mil superb en graviuu. 1- inla'te.l or tl.e coiniug political campaign, and slunihl 1 owned by every Voter. It sells belter than nny a her book, and pays bet ter to handle. Tor terns and territory, apply 1. 1 once to Wll.LIAJ B. EVANS .V; CO.. bT.lw 1 Publishers, Philad'a. Q elf feodet'f )) .ASE Dtevyariiiiiirnfar IMPIIOVKD, 1'MtIViLKll & I'.N I'.(;l'ALl'-I. Burns nnv size Co il. VI LlV.K. WAItUEN' & CO., s7,PJw -.HI Water hi-, N, w York. Agents! Look Hero! Thero Is a Great Bush for the New Splendidly illustrated Edition of ROBINSON CRUSOE, Because It Is tho most fascinating and P"!'";-"' book In print, uud excels all hi real elciraiice and and low prices. Just out. ft".N .aKcs, tinted .:i- ikt onlv "i.!W, easv worth t:l.5i. Is a (.real ptr, oiiij , - , ,, , Hit it. sells uuiek uud fast. Terms ot this anu . nil Bibles, also. Agents' Pocket Companion tree. lie Write to r",4w Ill lili.M.I' llv-., I , T'.':i S.insiuu tt., I'lul u. fihiiCfllitntoiis. AGENTS 1 Wanted. ) Camcaion HAND BOOIC and CITIZEN;; MANTAL. A Political Compend, for Voter of nil pintles. Lives of the Presidents, and (be the present Can. illdutes. Constitution of the C. S., and Declara tion of Independence. Conventions nnd Plat forms. Election returns, the Inst nsus, Ac. 3"0 Pages j HO Engravings; Price. t-.i!i. Sell.-, at sight fllltof:i0 per (hivensilv made. Kiir Clrciihirs, address DL'FFIELD ASII.M E.D, s7,tw Publishers, Phll'ih JlHOI.i.iiilNhl It Is not a physic which tnuv give tcinporai v relied lo thu snll'ercr for the first few ih.M-, but which, fiom continued use brings Piles and kin dred diseases to aid in weakening I he invalid, urn is it a doctored llquoe, which, under the popular name of "Hitlers" Is so esleuslvelv palmed od mi the public ns sovereign remedies, hut it is n mot powerful Tonic nnd alterative, proiiuuneei; so by the leading medical authorities of Loudon and Paris, mid has been long used hv the r' giilai physicians of t.thcr co.u, tries with u-imi..i.:-r.i ,.. """"" "suns DR. WELLS' EXTRACT OF JURUDEBA retains nil the medical virtues peculiar to tl.q plant and must betaken as a permanent curative agent. Is there want of action in your Liver o: Spleen ! l'iile-s re'leved at once, tli'e blood becomes i!,;. uire by deleterious secretions, producim' scrolu. Ions or skin diseases, Blotches, Felons, I'utule ".; t"i..t.les, .Vc, ,Vc. th, vh'',' "!''!';'''':; !" !'"'! fy and restoM the Ml.ated ,lo,., f lhv ..(,,. l ave you ,, Dyspepiie Stomach f fl,.s, t I whli'l ,r"'l,.yid.,ltl.U system is dCii; . tail Willi fuss of villi I',. Drn,,-I...,l T.. i .... ,.' '. ... " e I'K'o.! 111. I i iumuin, iifHi: ,i i eakiH-ssj or La.-s1 Till kc It lo assist lii..ci;.. .: .. .. u-tn :,., . .. , . . ' reaction, n. .,,,., IUI Mgor to the wcaiv Klllferer. I 'I 1U you weakness of ihe Intestines v.. are I. danger of Cl,ric Diarrhoea or ihc'dro; d I fa' Inllaiumalion of the Bowels ' (,:!!i"v',Klh!'fi ,,K' lT,,,ri,"! l'rlarv iCIgallsf llllll I l.mnni ;., . are liable m " '. 111 ... , .. 1 ' "oise i ,i i in death. liiiu' h to stre:i.;theii or' b'."-oiies n liiii-,r..i ;ii:ne weakness or th. ' i"1'"" !1 '"; ril"i""'"ylakeu tkerp . ' " "M'e. ee. hea II I, or you ,,,-e othe wis ti giea danger of malarial, niiasmatic or c.s.n,. jjious niseases EM.OGG, is Pialt ft., N". Y. le Agent for the Cnited Stale. auc. I-en-1 lor C rculae- W. D. KSELBCK. i-Hgsist nul Apothecary, t. .-accessor 111 111". V, . W. jln,v,) At Ihe old established stand on' Market fitjuuu-e. Hi uy, epb cons taniiy on 1 1 a full stock of well selected DRUGS & CHEMICALS, i-'ingiets rnncy Goods, COMB:', ur.Vs-ru;?, 1UTJ'XTMI:I)ICIXKS,()1LSJ'A1XT.S GI.SS, Pl'TTY, hi r...i v.ijiiniig iisnallv kept in a well con ducted 33XIXJGJ- GTOr.R Particular attention paid to compoiindiii"" Phv- pie.-ci-iptioii.-, a:,.l family receipts bv tho 1 ropi lalor hnnsclf Sunbuiy, P.i., June D oi me iai,...t ,um 10,( , ishionable stuck cf of every graiIe,".iitiiSltLll;reS - ....Milk'im'n's Furnisliino' Ciomls, ... MEUCHANT TA1I.OK STOllK. in Miller-s Block, Third street, two doors be.uw Market, f-l'NiU'I!Y, PEN N A. Ti.,. most, fashional'le cli.tliiuy made to ordei from cM'i v vaiictv of good. Suits of'all sies made up at the sliort est no tice, from the b.-t seieeted sMek lil .ewoik mid Philadelphia. fall and be conduced. TIU) (. N(,rr. April ::0. 1S7:.'. Sjiriis ami Siiiiinici' Opeiiin, mii.mxkkv ;:!. nnd r.ount'ts, Triiinnotl tnul rntrimnu'it, Hats UIKIJDXS, I'l.OWl.KN WREATHS, LACE all new styles. Ci-iipo Veils iil'uU .riulo. CRAVK HATS AND l'.DNXETS, and everything usually kept ill a Millinery Store. 1 ;l" M. L. GOSSLEIt'ts Stoic, la South Fourth Street, below the P. V. 1!. IL, srNIUT.Y, PA. April ,0, 1ST'.'. A. M. MEIXELL, liE.VI.KH IS Aiiieii"im ami Ktiroyostu V.VTt Ill.f. 1'IXR JEWELRY ami SILVERWARE l'criVc-lfil Stu'ftat'IfH ii"l .l:i .(?. tiOLD HEADED CAXF.S. Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired and war ranted. Market Square, SCXIH'UY, ISV.'.-tf. Pa. Pell. : T!iiii!iohI:--How !.of, ilow SSi'sitor. n?-JS--s-,Tnst lml'lished, a new i lii ion of Dr. iiS I CI L KB WELL'S CK I.EBU ATE1 1'SsW on the radical cure (witluuil ineiheintj of si'l'.KM AlOKBII'EA. or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, IMPOIENIA, Mental and Physical Incapacity, lnipedinuuit-i to Mnriiin;e, etc. , alto. Consumption, Epilepsy, and Kits, induced by self-indulgence or sexual ixtravuuiincc. Price, in a sealed envelope, only b cents. The celebrated author, in this admirable es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty vears uccessrul" practice, Unit the alarming conse quence of self-abuse may bo radically cured without the dvi'L'erniis use of internal medicine or the iif plication ot the knife ; pointing out iv mode of cure at onc simple, cpiiain, and dice tual. by means of which every siillcrer, no mat ter what his condition may be, may cure hiuiaull cheaply, privately and radicalls. J This Leatare should be in the hands or every youth and cvory man iu Ihe laud. Sent", under seal, hi a plain envelope, to nny address, postpaid, oil receipt of six c Ills, or two po.-tago stamps. Also. Dr. Culverwell's '"Marrl v.-e Guide, uriie .0 cents. Address the Publishers, 1 C1IAS. J. C. KLINE A: CO., . P. O. P. iv, 4.rt. V.'T llow. ry, Xew Yurie, April :t, INT'.'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers