BARGAINS! SELLING Greatly Reduced Prices, the whole of the remaining stock of READY-IADE ClotMn y o n CK-ents5 Furnishing Goods HiLTS CAPS, &g., in order to make room for the enormous stock of now being made CALL AT ONCE AND AT S. HERZFELDER'S Popular Clothing Store, Corner Market and Third Streets, Sunbury, March 23, 1ST J. ly. GO w CCl to NEW h Central Variety Store! o Pi to of all kind,, DRESS GOODS, DRESS TRTMMINGS, SHAWLS, ALPAC CAS, C:ORDED ALPACCAS, o r P5 w 1 I H O Deliuu'P, Tickings, Notions in great Variety. FRESH GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. Wood and Willow Ware. Floor, Tal.le, and Stair Oil Cloths. CAEPETS. BOOTS 5r SHECMEaS in great variety, lower tlian the lowest in irice. Wall Paper and Window Shades. Go to 3?in":h:y's for the Greatest Variety of Goods ! Trices the Lowest ! Goods arriving Daily. o c '.a h-l c VICTOR I VICTOR Agent for the Victor Sewing Machine. MARKET STREET, oue door caul of SXJnSTBXJIi, Suubury, May 4, 18;3. ly. BUTCHERY ! BUTCHERY ! Meftar). REFFEiY V HOM ER, Third Street, opposite Central Ilctel, EUN11URY, FA., KEEP constantly on Laud the very choicest of fresh 1IEEF, MITTOX AXI VEAL, which Is (old at the lowest prices. Meat can be had nt nil licum during t lie day. Sunbury, Fa., June 8, 1872. Presidential Campaign. CAFS, CAPES A TOUCHES Bend Tor Ii.i.i htiutpi) ClB rri.An ami Fhk k List. CUNNINGHAM A HILL, MAMFACTTKEKB, No. 804, (.'Hi iicB Street, PHILADELPHIA. June 0, lo.-.'.- mot. W. H. Blanks, HOUSE, SIGN, AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, BUNBURY, FENN'A. Decorating and Paper Hnnglrg done la the latent Improved style. Order solicited, which will receive prompt at tention. Residence In Purdvtowu, Kmcrlck'i building. Suubury, May 11, 167.-t!- BARGAINS!! OUT AT to order for me. SECURE BARGAINS SUISTIBUIIY, I? A.. TO I ' 3 c n to u. s to o to o i i v P T. tr M u H h-1 o to w w k-1 H er rs to C 3 I VICTORIOUS I c r - Uearhart'a ContVetiouery Store, PEN1PA. -NEW .SUMS! EH GOODS I MISS KATE lif.At'K, MARKET SQUARE, KUNBURY, PENN'A, Black Diii8 Silks from 8 1 CO to 82 00. Japanese Bilks, Bilk Pougeis, Flaid Poplins, Mixed ropiltis, llaruul Iroin -'0 cents to ft W. IIOI.EY YAKDEXN, Chintqcs, Delnlns, Ae. Fretich Muslins, Mar bellies Quills, Kid (ilnves, with single and double buttons. NIirhIi. A general assortment of Wbite Goods. LAWNS, GINGHAMS and PIQUES, DEltSS TRIMMINGS, LACES, &c., told 14 grealtv reduced prices, f anbury, May 18, 18713. G. W. KEEKER. It. A. GA88, New Goods ! Dry Good, Notions, Furnishing Uoods, Groceries, Uu Cloths, Glass and Nails of every variety, at oue low price, at KEEFEIl & GASS' STORE, corner oi fourth and Market eirei-ts, BUNBURY, FA. All kinds nf Grain taken In exchange tame at emu. van ana tee ut. REEFER A GASS Bunbury, April eT, 18T3. isccllaitcous. (TM Crt illuetratet the mumt of Utlsg fDXl. PIBROE'S fountain Nasal Injector, DOUCHE. This Instrument Is especially designed for the pet feet application of ,t f DR. SACK'S CATARRH REMEDY. It Is the only form of Instrument yet Invented with which fluid medicine can be carried high up and ptrffcUy applied to all parts of the affected nana pas. sages, and the chambers or cavities commnnicatini therewith. In which sores and nlcers freanentlv exist nd from which the catarrhal discharge generally pro- eeeds. Thawantofsuccessm treating Catarrh here tofore has arisen lanrolr from the imnoaslhllitv nf applying remedies to these cavities and chambers by any of the ordinary methods. Thtaohstacle la the way of effnetini? euros Is entirely overcome by the Invention of the Donche. In using this Instrument, Ihs Fluid Is carried bytta earn weight) no muffing, forc ing or pumping being required,) lip one nostril in a full bcutly flowing stream to tlie highest portion of the tia-al passages, passes Into and thoronghly clransea fell thetuhexand chambers connected therewith, and slows out ol the opposite nostril. Itsnse Is pleasant and an simple tbat child can understand It. full and explicit directions accompany each Instrument. When nsed with this Instrument, Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy cures recent attacks of ,"t!old In the Head bra few applications. Symptom of Catarrh Frequent head ache, discharge fallin? into throat, sometimes pro fuse, watery, thick uncus, purulent, offensive, 4c. In others a dryness, dry. watery, weak or inflamed eves, stopping np or olistrnctlon of nasal paFsaces, ringing in ears, deafness, hawking and coughing to cloar throat, ulcerations, scabs from nlcers, voice alterod, nasal twang, offensive breath, Impaired or total deprivation of sen so of smell and taste, ((lazi ness, mental depression, loss of appetite. Indiges tion, enlarged tonsils, tickling cough, Ac. Only a few of these symptoms Are likely to to present iu any case at one time. ' Dr. Sare't) Catarrh Remedy, when used with Dr. Plerce'o Nasal Douche, and accom panied with the constitutional treatment which la recommended in the pamphlet that wraps each bot tle of the Remedy, Is perfect specific for this Inatli somediscase, and the proprietor offers. In good faith, 500 reward for a rao he can not cure. Tho Itemedy Is mild and plea-ant to nse, containing no strong or csitstle drags or poisons. The Catarrh Remedy Is sold at 50 cents, Pouche at 00 cents, by Pll Drngrglota, or either will bo mailed by pro rietor on receipt nf 60 cents. B. V. PIERCE, W. D., Bole Proprietor. BCTTALO. X. X. May 4, 1S72- .M-tV A It It I V I I. SJPJPLTJSTG- GOODS AT Clement & Dissinger's, iu the new Clement Building;, Marlief Ninaro, Sunbiirj', Fn. Wc take pleasure in announcing that we have just opened u new Uf sort men t of SPRING DRY GOODS, of all stvles nt the lowest prices. DOLLY VAKD13N, still rngiug in new and bcautilul designs. DKESS GOODS, MOURNING GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMEKF.S, VF.STING8, Ac, Ac. ltrailj-Madc 'Iolhiiis a full ncsorltncut, which will be sold lower than I'lscwiicre. farpots, Oil Clot lift and Floor .Hut- ling. GROCEIUES of nil kinds, wliicb nie guaranteed nil QUEEN SWA It E, WILLOWWA It E, &c, &c, &c. T&Z G'JD JITD jI a53tf 9 TRIMMINGS, GLOVES, and in fact everything that can be mentioned iu a flrsl-elass store. Call and examine our slock. Having our s'.ore lighted with iae, jioods can lie selected in the evcnini; as well aH in the day time. No charges for showing goods. tl.UIL.M U16M.Mir.ll. April 20, 1873. SI X.WMDE IIEATEIt. St'NNV&IDE AT MAHYI.AM) STATE FaIH, 1U timohe. First premium for Fire-place Heateis awarded the Siimtvsiile. AdvantaKCS of the Sumiyside : 1. It is so const rurteil tlmt one-third more of the ladiatins; surfucc vxIcikU into the room, giv ing that much more additional heat without ex tra fuel. It is (be only IIot-Alr Fire-place Heater iu t lie market. Like the regular built cellar heater, it loses no heat, but con lines it ull to its legiti purposes. 3. The fuel magazine is double the usual size, extending from the fire-box to the top of the stove, with capacity for twenty-four bours' sup ply of coal. 4. The patent double cover for coal mngazlne consumes the gas, prevents escape of gas Into the room, and makes It impossible for any puf fings or cxplosious to occur. This is an advant ng possessed by no other lire-place stove in the nun ki t. 5. There are three air ceambers, wherein n brisk circulation is kept up, drawing the cold air in the room through heated flues into a large hot -air reservoir, at the back of the stove. 6 No side pipes arc used, as the nlr Is heated in a reservoir having double radiating Hues nud double back, supplying large quantities of hot alrwitbout waste of beat or fuel. 7. The t-lNNVsniE utilizes the waste beat so thoroughly that we frequently heat an adjoining room on lite first, besides beating tbe rooms in second and third stories. H. A damper on top of the stove, connected w ith I lie hot air Dues, controls tbe quantity of hot air required for the use of either the upper or lower rooms. All other tire-place stoves ure very inconvenient iu this respect. V. The Grata is self-sealing, nud no dust can escape while shaking it. KTI KAT, PETERSON A CO., Philadelphia. II. B. MASSEn, Agent. Nov. 11. 18T1. TO THE E A DIES ! GRAND OPENING OF Milliner)' nud Funry Cioodat. Bprine styles of K ATS and BONNETS, trimmed and untrimmcd. All the latest styles in STRAW, CHIP, LEG-HORN, CACTUS, Ileapolitan, Waterproof, Ac. School Halt nud Hun Hats. Trimmings, Ribbons, Flowers, l.aees, Ac. Gloven, Collier tie Grace, Crape, Crape Veils, Tissues, Neckties. Ramsey, War- uer A Lo.'s Patterns, and all the Spnug styles of Millinery Goods, Call nud tee my choiee assortment. MISS L. WEI8EK. Market Street, one door west of Gcai hull's cou fectionery store. April SO, 1873. GUASD OI'EMJ of the largest and most fashionable stock of Cloths and Cassimeres of every grade, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, at THOS. U. KOTT'M MERCHANT TAILOR STORE, lu Miller'a Block, Third street, two doors below Market, BUNBURY. PENN'A. The most fashiouablo clothing made to order from every variety of goods. Bulls of all sites made up at the shortest no tice, from tbe best telccted stock lu New York and Philadelphia. Call aud be convluced. THO. GsKOTT. April SO, 18T3. OR r Stf Jf Icto Abbcrtlsmfnts. C A It I . No. 602 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PHILADELPHIA. MESSRS. CALDWELL A CO., DESIRE TO CALL ESPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR DE PA RTM ENT OF SOLID SILVER WATCHES. POSSESSING SUPERIOR FACILITIES THEY WILL BE ENABLED TO PLACE BEFORE CUSTOMERS, IN ADVANCE OF THE GENE RAL MARKET, ALL THE NOVELTIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN SILVER GOODS AS RA PIDLY AS PRODUCED, VERY PARTICULAR ATTENTION BEING GIVEN TO THE SPE CIATIE8 OF BRIDAL AND OTHER PRESEN TATION GIFTS. THE STANDARD OF SILVER LONG SINCE ADOPTED BY i'HF.M IS THAT OF ENGLISH STERLING, DSR-IOUOtiis FINE, THK QUALITY OF EVERY ARTICLE BOLD BEING STRICT LY GUARANTEED. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY DIRECT ED TO THE UNVARYING BUSINESS POLICY OF THIS HOUSE IN REGARD TO THE FIRM LY ESTABLISHED SYSTEM OF FIXED PRICES, WHICH WILL BE RIGIDLY AD HERED TO IN ALL CASES, SECURING TO PURCHASERS, FAIRNESS AND EQUALITY IN EVERY TRANSACTION. POLITE ATTENTION MAY BE EXPECTED BY ALL WHO FAVOR THEM WITH A VISIT. ORDERS AND INQUIRIES BY MAIL, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. J. E. CALDWEEE CO. Feb. 10, 1873. HORSE AND CATTLE IXSlIttXlE com A XV. INSURE YOUR 1IORSES I INSURE YOUR CATTLE ! INSURE with a responsible and perfectly reli able Company. Insure, where your losses Tlii in u Mutual Protective Co. Hence, you ore sure of being paid promptly for ull losses, If insured iu tills Coinpnnv. OUR RATES OF INSURANCE ARE LESS THAN THOSE OF ANY OTHER COMPANY. We pay losses accruing through theft, death by fire, accident, or natural causes, (excepting epedemic diseases). We pny prompt. No red tape proceedings to get your money, lu case of loss. 0"VE!R S5000 paid on horses and cattle since organization. DR. D. WALDRON, President. C. A. KEIMENSNYDER, Sec'y, Sunbury, Pn. Ill rectors t Ex-Gov. James Pollock, Solomon Stroll, Wm. Brindle, Solomon Sliipe, John A. Shlssler, Dr. 1). T. Krehs, Dr. David Wnldron. july!3,73. J JAIiDWARE FOR ALL AT THK HARDWARE STORE OF J. H. CONNELLY & CO. Market Street, Huuburj-, Ia. It is useless to enumerate evcrv kind of article in his Store, but nmong the lending items may be set down the following : Iron, Steel, Lend, Scales, Steelynrds, Grindstoucs, Nails of all kinds and sizes. Vices, Saws, Planes, Sieves, (ham?, Axes, Brass nnd Iron Kettles, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Spades, Rukes, Hatchets, Carpenter and Blacksmith Boring Machines, Cellar Grates, Drawing Knives, Stone Sledges, Plasterers' Trowels, Masons' Hammers nnd Trowels. Hand Dinner Bells, and largo cast Iron Bells for eeuooi Houses and rariucrs Dinner Bells, Carpenters' Bench Screws, Potato Forks for digging potatoes. Looking Glasses, Twine, Ropes, Knives and Forks, Spoons, Tucks, Mule nud Horse Shoes and Nails, Hammers, Augurs, Chisels, Lanterns, Oil Cloths, BrootnR, Locks of all descriptions. Coffee Mills, Bits nud Braces, Carriage Bolts of all kinds, Paint and Wall urusucs, Buckets, Oil, VamixlicN, Japan, Lve, Soda Ash, Washing Soda, I'AI.NTS OF AI.E KIM1S in Oil or Dry, Pnrti-Colors of all kinds, CEDAR-WARE nnd other Wooden-Ware of nil kinds und very cnenp, nny-rork ruiicys. Picks, Mill Pieks, Levels, Level Glasses, Files, Hinges, Coal Oil, Hems, Combs, Screws, Saddlery nnd Shoe Findings, Buggy Trimmings, Excelsior Glass Cutters. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Shears, Shot, Capx and Fonder, nnd a great variety of other nrtlelct. Any thing wauled and not ou hand, will be ordered at ouee. Sunbury, Aug. 10, 1871. CE.VI'KU OF ATllt.TIOxT Everybody is invited to come and buy of the handsome assortment of TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES nt SAMUEL F. NEVIN'S STORE, in frame building, adjoining Moore A Dissiuger'a building, THIRD STREET, SUNBURY, PA. Just opened n fresh supply of Confectioneries of every description. TOYS OF AM, KINDS constantly on hand. The best RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS A DRIED FRUIT. PURE RIO COFFEE, TEA & SPICES, fresh Bread, Bunt A Cukes, every morning. FANCY CAKES, BISCUITS, CRACKERS, Ac. OYSTERS ! OYSTERS 1 OYSTERS 1 Having fitted up a room expressly for serving np Oysters in every style, Ludies aiid Gentlemen will be accommodated with the best bivalves iu market, at all hours during the day and evening. Families will be supplied at their residence with the best Shell or Cuuued Oysters, as is desirable, at tbo very lowest prices. Cull and see my excellent assortment of goods and uscoitalu the prices. 8. F. NEVIN. Dec. 16, 1871. THADD'S S. SHANNON, THIRD AND MARKET BQUARE, Hat In stock nnd constantly receiving Novelties In liis Hue, consisting in part of a full liue of AMKHIt AX WATCHES, Elirlo, Illiuoin, Howard A Co., Waltlmm, Mita sucUusiats, and Hoy's AMERICAN WATC'IIKS; Also, a full set of Ladies, and Gent's Gold aud Silver Swlst Watches. JEWELRY. Roman Gold sets, pink coral aud Gold sets, Enr-RiuKt, Necklaces aud feudantt, Ouyi and Jet Jewelrv. SILVER-WARE, Solid Silver-ware of Sterling purit), made to or der. Uridnl aud presentation Pieces, Knives, Forks and Spoons in rates, also, a full line of silver I'lated Goods, Tea Bets, Ice Water Bets, Krhlt Stands, Cake Unskels, t'olfee Urns, Fork, and Spoous treble plated, tlie liest in tbe market! SPECTACLES. If you vuliiu your Eyesight, use the Perfect Lenses, ground from minute Cristle I'clibles mel ted lotretlier, aud derive there name "Dlainoud" on account of there hardness and brilliancy. They will last many years without change, aud warranted Suiwrior to all others In use. TABLE CUTLERY. Ivory, Pearl aud Metal handles In catet tup pUed to order. CLOCKS. A full assortment of Eight day and Thirty hour Clocks, also Caleuder Clocks ol all discrip lions. Eugravlug done at the shortest notice. Watches, Clocks and Jcwoiry, Repaired and Satisfaction warrauted. All goods will he sold at the very Lowest Cash Prices. Every body is cordially Invited to Call and Examine for themselves. Dou't forget the place. T. 8. SHANNON. eunbury, Dee. 10 tf. Re Re Ra RADWAY'S READY RELIEF tl'ltE THK WORST PAINS In from One to Twenty MlnvtM. NOT ONE HOUR aftr readme this ndvrrt tsement nsd any ona KlifFER WITH TAW. RADTVAVS READY flKUKP IS A CTJRI TOR EVKItY fAlft. It was Ihs tnt sod la T"!io Only I'tvlii Itemedy Hint Inftbtiiily stop th most eenilAMnir paint, altars In fliiiiimntloii nnd cilret Coiifcestlons, whether of th Lungs, fltomscu, Uowela, or oliitr mauds or oresDt, by on applica tion, - - IK FROM OJf TO TWK5TY MnttrTSS. Wo mntter how rlnlenl nr excruciating th pain tlit RftETf M ATM!, ncd-rldilcn, InQnn, Crippled, Ksrvoua, Nsaxiugto. Itr prostrated with dlseftM msy suiter, RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL AFFORD 1JWTANT KAbK. INFLAMMATION OF THK KlllNITS. 1NKI.AMM ATION OK TUB BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF TI1K DOWELS. CONGESTION OF TtfK LUNGS. PORB Til 110 AT, WFFIOVI.T nRBATHlNQ. PALPITATION OF TUB llKART. HYSTERICS, CROUP, birUTHKRIA, t ATAHKH, IKFLUERZA. HEADACHE, TOOTHACHE, ' v NKl lt ATOIA, RHBUMATISat. COLD Ctttl.I.S, AOTTB CHILLS. The nnpllc:ttlwn of tho Keadv Relief to ths tjartor I!irla whera tlit psln or dtfllculty cibti wlU afford esM sad lomfort. Twenty drops In ItMf a lumhler of water will In a few moments cure CHAMPS, KPABM8, BoUIl 8TOMACH, ltKAKTItt'ItX, CK'K IlKAIiAClfK. DIARRHEA, nVSKNTKIlY. COLIC. W1S1) IS TtlB DuWELB, and all INTKKNAI. 1'AIN. Travelers aiiould aiwa-s carry a bottle of ttadwav'a Ready ltllef with them. A few dront In water will Iirrveie sIl-khsu) or pains from thanfte of water, It Is better liau Fraucll Uiandy or Dlttcra aa a stimulant. FEVril AND AGUE, FEVER AND AUI K cured for arty cente. There Is act a remedial aaent In tills world tlmt will curs Fever and Acue. and nil other Malailona, lttltous, Scarlet, Tvphold. Yellow, and othrr Fevers (atded by RADWAY'S PILLS) uiitcic aa HADWAY S liKADY' liELIEF. Fifty cenu 'r bottle. Bold by Drujgl.u. . HEALTH !BEAUTY I U JTrtriNO AND PVRR RICH m.OOD-IJtORICARK OF FLKSII AND WEMHT CLKAR SKIN AND BAU TIFL L COilTLtXlON SECURED TO ALU. DR. RADWAY!S SARSAPARILLIAN RESOLVENT II A 3 V ADR THK MOST ASTOKIHUIXO rUREB; PO UlMrK. 8'1 It A 11 1 AKB THK 'UANOES fllS Jl(UY VNURIUIOICS, V.NnKIl THK INFLUENCE OK TU1S TltL'ieV WO.NDEnKLJU MEU1C1XK, THAT Evory Day an Increase In Flesh' ancj Weight Is Seen and Felt. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Kvury rtfoji f-f II10 fl AH8 A PARI I J.. A N l.ESOLVENT MMnmunicatMi tlirouEH tlit? Blood, Kw-t-at. Lrin, and t-thof fluid aiid julci of lli nvttcm tlm fr i f lift, fur It repairs tho waste of Ilia witli 11 rw untl suutid inttrlul, Hcrofula, Rvphllls, fmirtuntptlrm, 41lnntlutar i1lon (.lcrt In the Tlintt, Mouth, Tun tors, N.hIc In t!i ian1 nnl other Trtof ih vicn., Hor Kvcu. HtnimtMi I-tchnrcii from the Ears, nnd tlit wort fortnt of KMn Ul8ivt, Kiup tlone. Fever Sres, 8cald Ilcrwl, lilna Wunn, Salt Hhoum, EryMpla, Acne, Itlnck Spot. Worms la the Fltwh, Tuini-r, Onnrcrs In the Womb, ftiul nil wf:tltci.ln and italnfut (ili charp., Nteht Sweatn. ioin of Sftrrm, nniT all w.iee of the lire hrlnctple, are within ihe cirntlve rane of thU wonder of Mortorti ( hrmliilrv, and a ffT .r' umj will prove to any perion Ufliijt It fr eltlicr of 11h-u funui of dlawue lit pt it rut power to cure them. If the putlcnt. diilir bfcomlnjr reucfd hr the watfi and rlt'cnuipoMtlon tlmt Is rontlntiiilly projrcevMnir, nuccecili In nrtf.Htlns; thne wantci, nnd rctira tho liime w'lh new mater It) nrtde fmni licJthv blood uud this the bAKSAPAIUL LIAN will and thi nure, Not only docs the HAitArAnii.t.tArT l.Mtt.vttffr efcel aH l:niWM ititetits In the cure of Chronic, (krofulous, t intstliutioiial, and Mtm diituscs ; hut It Is the only positive cure for Ittdtiry iV HI adder Complaint, t'rlnarv, atul YCmnh ilNcaes, lravc, ItKlrctes, propsy btopp;iie of Water. IneontlneHce if Urine, ltrlftht's I)lsra)tet Alhiinimurla, nnd In all cast where tht-re Are brick dust dr I na.ts, or the WHter Is thlclc, rlniidv, lulled with Substances I I tie the white nf an ret, ut threailn lUe white silk, or there lie morbid, tlurk, liUU)iis appearance, and white bmiedust depoalis, and when there Is a pricking, liumlnic tviinatlon w hen pufflne water, and pain la the buuall of the Hack and iihintj the Inlm I'rlce, si.oo. WORMS.-TIi only known and sure Remedy fur H'wrzts '(, 2 apt, etc. Tumor of 13 Years Growth Cured by Iladway-s ISesolvent. HirtBtr, Mast., July H, tISt. Tn, r.tnwtT: f ltiv) Orfia Turner In the orai-lM nd lHrlt. All lbs Pociori .aitt tli.rtf trs no help for It.' I trtw4 evry thtnc tliU wti rtKttmiitrneitMl ; hnt nolbinc liliril me. I mw v.Mtr It-tolt ml, nnd thnuRlit I wouM try It j bnt had no faith In It. 1-m-amt I ha4 uffr(l ftt twtlwt jrar. 1 ttvk ill botlloi nt th ltir.rUrtt, nnd mm Itn of hadway Tilla, and tw Klllti of your Km1t Klif ; and Turrt ( nM a tim of lutnnr to to a er hilt, rn.l ( ff I Wtlrr, iiRarltr, n4 than 1 Lav for ttvilvo yrrtv. 'I K wortt tumor wm In the loft (tit of h Uela rr tho rrola. I rtt thil U joe lurth toa.l.tof etbari. Yu rmm ublih it i J it t-nouto. HANNAH P. XftArP. DR. ERFECT RADWAY'S PURGATIVE PILLS, pcrft-etly tnstelciw, eVgantly rnntt'd with iweet pirn, purrs, rt'iruhit-, i-nrlfv. cVnnM, an I strenrtht-n. Itad way's llls, f t the cure of all diiftrders i-f the Muiiifh. I.Wer, Bowels, kirtnev, Itladiler, ftrrvmu DlneHtes, 11 end ache, ('unsttpa tion, t'lMtlvenett", Itulicestiou, iHnpepnla, HilioU'tiess, Jiil Iiii Kcvrr, uf1aniiii:tiha td the liowelo. Tiles, and all Ie r.nfimciis t.f th Interna) Viwcra. Warranted to effect a positive cure. INirely Va;ct:ihlo, cuntalulng to acrcury. nitticr.ilri, or ilelet rrhitia drii, tf (); r the Mtuwimc symvloma reraHln from Dfs (udtiisof thu LHgttlit; Urguns: CHittipnMnn, Inwa'it PlV. Fiillreu tf ! Tloed la ihs Head' fvll'lj t) Ai-stnuuii. Nantasa, HftM.tunt, Mttfutl of Y'rx-4, Full lift or Wtirrjl la Ik. fviainrt., tirnr tro. latlnt, inkirr PluttOT i at th l it f tU St marh, Swinmslnr tl tha Hrftd, llairlrd Mid lMtJiruii W-Ptliiitr, Hn tstrusc ( lh lUtrl, 'htbf or buffucatiDf Sro.tlif.ii trn hi a I vitif rjl"r. I nmtiru nl Vltlon, IU or Webt hrl.vra ttia fifl.t, i'trr and )nll t'aiB In tha He!, f "vftrUo.-jf IVranlrftti't, Vr ! nan tf Hi it and Kt, Ttin lu tho Fid, (lutl, Liiut', ttrid taJtiro l ltuhv. vf IKat Dintcf la -hi 1 IC.l), A few A n -f T! APTAY'R TIUR will free the sr si em f:-in Hie n'jivf"" t (Jiai-rtSrs. 1'nt.e, as t-vnts per box. siHsii rtv i'i:i t t.isTs. ItEAH ' 1 Al.SE ASM TIHT." Pvtid one Mter .tare to KAIMVAV Jt (.. N... i- Ma!d-ii l one, M-a-V.rk. Ji fr!ii.:tl(!i w oi-th (1 iMi-jihda Will I twill )'UUs March 30, 18T3.-ly. VilvMH:iMI'sfcn3fl1S f . ...... Ma Person can take these Bitter accord ing to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not destroyed by mineral poison nr other means, and the vital organs wasted beyond tli point of repair. Dyspepsia or ludlgcatlon. Headache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dim ness, Sour Eructations of tlie Stomach, Dad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of Ihe Heart, In. flamnution of the Lungs, Pain in Ihe regions of Ihe Kid neys, and s hundred other painful symptoms, ars tht off springs of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it has no equal, and one bottle will prove a tetter guarantee of its inertia than a lengthy advertisement. For Female. Complaints, ia young or old, mar ried or single, at the dawn of womanhood, or Ihe turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that a marked improvement ia soon perceptible. For ludauiuiatory audi t'nrosite Rhew mat Ism and Gout, Bilious, Remittent and Intermit, lent Kevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no equal. Such Diseases ars caused by Vitiated Blood, which is generally produced by derangement of Ihe Digestive Organa. They are a Ueutla Msraaiise aa wall ata a Tout, possessing also the peculiar merit of acting as a powerful agent in relieving Congestion or Inflammation ( the Liver and Visrenl O.gans, aud in Bilious Diseases. For Hiatal Dteasea, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Car buncles, Ring worms, Scald-Head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolor.iions of the Skin, Humors and Dis eases of ilui Skin, of whatever name or nature, are lit erally dug up and canted out of ihs system ia a short time by lite use of these Hitters. The properties of Da. Waiksi's Vinsoab BtTTaas ars Aperient, Diaphoretic and Carminative, Nutritious, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative, Counter-irritant, Sudorific, Alterative, and Anti-Bilious. Orate ful Thousands proclaim Vimsoas Bit Taat the most wonderful lnrigorint thai ever sustained the sinking system. J. WALKER, Prop r. R. H. MeDOJfALD eV CO., Drug guts and Gen. Agta., Saa Francisco, Cal., and cornei of Washington and Charlton St., New York SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. June UU, 1873. 3ra. Wit, MURKAT. I. BLATsf AKKK. WM. II. BLACK. MURRAY & CO., Wholesale Dealer la MACHINERY AND BURNING OILS, Office and School Stationery, Printing, Wrapping and Manilla PAPERS, PAPER UAUN, c, ate. The Celebrated orry Kerosene UurningOil always on hand. Having also opened a COAL YARD, we are prepared to supply at short notice, and at the lowest rates, EGG, STOVE, CHESTNUT and PEA COAL to all who may be pleased to (rive u a call. Orders left at our office No. S South Third St., will be promptly tilled. MURRAY & CO. No. 85 South Third Street, Sunbury, Pa. Aug. 26, 1871. irtttttfarturcrs. MACHINE SHOP AND I HON FOVNDKT. GEO. ROIIRBACH & SONS, Sunbury, Penii'a, INFORM the public that they are prepared to do all klndt of CASTINGS, and havlntr added a new Machine Shop In connection with their Foundry, and have tnnplled themselves with New Lathes. Planing and Boring Machines, with the latest improvements. With tbe aid of skillful mechanics, they are enabled to execute all orders of NEW WORK OR REPAIRING, that may be given them, In a tatltfnctory man ner. Grate, to aalt any Store. IRON COLUMNS, for churchct or other build ings, of all sites. BRASS CASTINGS, Ac. Ornamental Iron Fencing FOR GRAVE YARD LOTS VERANDAHS, FOR YARDS AT RESIDENCES, AC, AC. The PLOWS, already celebrated for their eu pcrlority, have been still further Improved, and will always be kept on hand. Alto, THRESHING MACHINES. Bunbury, May 20, 1871. LUMBER AND PLAXIXU MILLS. Third Street, adjoining Philn. A Eric R. R., two Squaret North of tho Central Hotel, BUNBURY, PA. IRA T. CLEMENT, IS prepared to furnish every description of lum ber required by the demands of the public Having all the latest Improved machinery for mnnufnvttiring Limber, he is now ready to fill or ders of all kinds of FLOORING, SIDING, DOORS, SHUTTERS, 8ASH, BLINDS MOULDINGS, VE RANDAS, BRACKETS, nnd all kinds of Ornamental ScrowlWork. Turn ing of every description promptly executed. Also, A I.AItOC A8S01ITMRNT OF BILL LUMBER. HEMLOCK nnd PINE. Also, Bhingles, Pickett, Lntlie, Ac. Orders promptly filled, nnd shiplied hv Railroad or otherwise. IRA T. CLEMENT. tlecl'J-08:ly st oviT UTtT i:sTitiA s ii mest. MARKET STREET, SUNBURY, PA. ALFRED KRAUSE, Proprietor. srCCESSOll TO SMITH OUNTHFIt.J HAVING purchased Ihe above well known es tablishment, Mr Krnttse would respectful ly inform the public that he uow has on bund a large assortment of COOKING STOVES, Spccr's Cook Anti-DuM, Regulator or Revolving Top, Combination, Siisquehannn and others, which arc so arrunged as to be used for Coal or Wood, and are warranted to perform satisfactori ly or no sale. HEATERS of till kinds put tip to heat one or more rooms. HEATING STOVES of ditliTcut kinds ut very low prices. Tinware or Every Description kept constantly on hand. RoofJnu; and Spouting with the best mnteriul, done nt short notice. REPAIRING attended to with dispatch. Coal Oil nt.d Lamps constantly ou hand. Japan ware of a A.nd.. Store opposite Conlcy's hardware store. Give mc a call. A. KRAUSE. itplSt-ly CAItlllAfUE JIAMI'Al'TOKV, SUNBURY, rENN'A. J. S. SEASHOLTZ, WOULD respectfully announce t the citi zens of Sunbury and surrouiidiii!; country, that he is prepared to manufacture ull styles of Carriage!, Itnggien, elc, at his new shop on eui-t Market street. He will furulsh every description of Wngoiis, both Plain and Fancy. In short, will make everyllilnir lu his line from a first-class carriage to a wheelbarrow, w.-Mtantcd to be made of the best and most durable inaterl uls. nnd by tho most experienced workmen. All work sent out from his establishment will be found reliable iu every particular. The patronage of the public Is solicited. J. S. SEAS1IOLTX. Stuibnry, Nov. 4, '71.-ly. New Store! New Woods! F. J. BYROD. Having take.i the store room lately occupied by H. Peters, corner of Third and Church streets, SUNBURY, l'A., hat Just opttrd a new store, with an entire new stock t f goods, comprising of Dry f.ood and Groeeriea. The Dry Good d?p:trtineut It complete, having a ncnil assortment of Clollis, (Assinieres, Calicos, DcLains, and everything in tint Dry Goods liue. The (.KOt'Eltll'.S are all fresh, nnd constats of Tea, Coffee, Sugar, Mollasses, Spices, Meat, Fish, &c. YlllotWarc and CalaHa.Ware, a general assortment. In fact everything kept in a first-class store, can lie had nt the most reasonable prices for cash. Having located lu Sunbury for the purpose ol becoming one csf its citizens, 1 hope that by fair dealing and strict ntlention to business to merit a share of the public patronage. My motto It "Small Profits and Quick Sales." All arc cordially invited to cull und examine my goods, as no chnrges will be made for show ing them. F. J. BYROD. Sunbury, April 20, 1872. Lackawanna and Itloontaburg Itail ri .1. SUMMER ARRANGI'MKNT OF PASSENGER 'J', AINS. Moi.dav, Jul v 171871. BUL'THWARD. Leave. (A.M. P.M.jA.M. P.M. PM. Scranton, llcllcvtie, Taylorville, Lackawanna, Pittston, West Pittston, Wyoming, Mullby, Kingston, A St. W.-lJarre j c'rt Plymouth June., Plymouth, Nantlcoke, Huulock's, Shiekshinuy, Hick's Ferry, Beach Haven, Berwick, Briar Creek, Lime Ridge, Espy, Blooiimburg, Rupert, Catawissa, Danville, Ckulusky, Cameron, North'd, (arrive.) 1 45 10 05 ! 10 17 : 7 03 4 12 110 20: 7 114 23 10 85 7 19 4 30 10 40: 7 24 4 H5 10 47 7 81 4 43 10 53 7 S6 4 47 7 40; 3 '1 00' 7 51' 4 55 8 00 5 00 8 05 5 05 8 30' " 8 30; 2 40 3 08; 8 45, 26V S 67 63. NORTHWARD. I A.M. P.M.! Leave. Northumberland, Camerou, Chulnsky, Danville, Catawissa, Rupert, Bloomsburg, Espy, Lime Ridge, Briar Creek, Berwick, Beach Haven, Hick'! Ferry, Shicksblnny, Hunlftck't, Nantlcoke, Plymouth, Plymouth June, Kingston, A ( at. W.-llarre ( c'rt Maltby, Wvomlng, Wert Pitutoa. Pittston, Lackawanna, Taylorville, Helletue, Scranton, (arrive) 10 25 10 60, 11 14 11 86 11 43 13 00 PM. 13 84 7 8 40 8 45 8 53 9 04 9 14j 9 25i 9 83: It 43 It 62 1 14 481 9 40 DAVID T. BOUND, I Reading Railroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Thurtduy, Augvtt Ut, 1872. Trains leave narrltburg for New York, at fol low! t At 6.00, 8.10, a. m. and 2.00 p. m., con neetlng with trnlnt on the Pennsylvania Rail rood, and arriving nt New York at 13.10, 8.60 and 9.40 p m. respectively. Returning i Leave New York at 0.00 a. m 18.05 noon and B.OO p. m., Philadelphia at 7.90, 8.80 a. m. and 8.80 p. m. ' Leave Harrlsburg for Reading, PottsvlJle, Ta maqua, Mlncrsville, Asbluud, Bhamokln, Allcntown and Philadelphia nt 5.O0. 8.10 a. m 8.00 and 4.05 p. m., stopping at Lebanon and principal way stations the 4.05 p. m., train connecting for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Co lumbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, Tin Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrlsburg at 8.40 p. m. East Pennsylvania Railroad trains leave Read ing for Allcntown, Enslon and New York at 7.00, 10.40 a. m., and 4.05 p. m. Returning, leave New York at B.OO a. m., 13.05 noon and 6.00 p. m. and Allcntown at 7.85 a. m. 13.85 noon. 3.15, 4 35 and 8.85 p.m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m., connecting with trnin on East Penn sylvania Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.30 p. m., stopping nt all stations. Leave Pottsville at 5.80, 9.00 a. m. and 2.30 p. m. Hcrndon at 10.00 a. m., Slmmokln at 5.40 nnd 11.15 a. m. Ashland nt 7.05 a. m., and 13.43 noon) Mahunoy City nt 7.51 a. m. and 1.30 p. n. Tnmaqua ut 8.35 a. m. nnd 2.10 n. r.,r Philadelphia, New York.Kcadlng, Harrisbnrg.&c. Leave Pottsville via Schuylkill nnd Susque hnnna Railroad at 8.15 a. m. for Harrlsburg, air! 11.45 a.m., for Pine Grove and Tremont. Pottsville Accommodation Train leaves Potts ville at 5.S0 a. m., passes Reading at 7.05 a. m. arriving nt Philadelphia at 9.85 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia nt 6.15 p. m., passing Read ing at 7.40 p.m. arriving at Pottsville at 9.30 p.m. Pottstown Accommodation Train leaves Potts town at 6.45 a. in., returning leaves Philadelphia (Ninth nnd Green,) at 4.30 p. m. Columbia UHllruud Trains lenwe Rending at 7.30 a. m., and 6.15 p. m. for Ephrata, Lltiz, Lanenster. Columbia, Ac. i returning leave Lan caster at 8.30 a. m. and 8.35 p. m., and Colum bia nt 8.15 a. in. and 3.15 p. in. Perkiomen Rail Road Trains leave Perklomcn Junctional 7.35, 8.55 a.m.. 2.55 and 6.40 p. in. Returning.lenvc Green Lane at 6.15, a.m., 12.85 and 4.30 p. m. connecting with trains on Rend ing Rail Rond. Pickering Valley Railrond trains leave riitn nlxvillent 9.10 n. m., 3.10 and 5.50 p. in. i re turning, leave Bycrs at 0.85 a. m., 13.45 noon, nnd 4.L'0 p. m., connecting with trains on Read ing Railroad. Colebrookdule Railrond Trains lfnvc Pottstown nt 9.40 a. in., 1.30 nnd 6.35 nnd 7.1 5p. m., return ing leave Mt. Pleasant nt 6.00, 8. JO nnd 11.35 a. m., nnd 8.35 p. in., conucctliig with trains on Rending Railrond. Chester Valley Railroad Trains leave Bridge port nt 8.30 a. in., 2.40aiid 5.83 p. in. returning, leave Downingtown nt 6.55a. m., 13.30 and 5.4(1 p. m. connecting with trains on Reading Railroad. On Sundays i Leave New York nt 0.00 p. in., Philadelphia, nt 8.00 it. in. and 8.15 p. in.. (Ihe 8.00 a. in. linln running only to Reading;) leave Pottsville at 8.00 a. m., leave Harrisburg, 5.00 a. in., and 3.00 p. in.; leave Allcntown at 4.35, 9.35 p. in. j leave Heading at T.15a. m. and la.ftri p.m. for llarrN'inrg, nt 7.00 a. m. for New York, at 7.30 a. in. for Allcntown nnd nt y.4J n. in. und 4.15 p. m. for Phllailel'a. Commutation, Mileage, Season, School nnd Excursion Tickets, to and from till points nt re duced rates. liaggnge checked through : 100 Pounds Bag gage allowed each Passenger. J. E. WOOTTEN, Asst. Supt. A Eng. Mach'ry. Xorthcrn Central Railway. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. ON and after June 10, 1S71, trains will run as follows NORTHWARD. Niagara Express leaves Suubury nt 13.30 p. in., for Niagara Fulls Mail arrives at Sunbury nt 4.10 p. in., arrive at Wllliainsport 6.45 and Elmira 10.30 p. ni. Fust Line arrives at Sunbury nt 6.50 p. m., arrive at Willinmsport 8.15 p. m. Erie Mail leave Sunbury at 6.00 a m ; Wil linmsport at 8.05 a tu, aud arrives at Klinira at 1.30 a m. SOUTHWARD. Mall leaves Sunbury nt 11.05 a. in., arrive nt Hitrrisburg 1.45 p. m. Eric Express leaves Suubury at 7.40 a. m., ar rive ut IlarrUburg 9.25 a. ill., Baltimore 1.15 p. in. Erie Mall leave Sunbiirv nt 12.45 n. m.. arrive : at Hnrrbburg 3.30 a. in., Baltimore 640 n. m. j Niagara Express ler.vjs Sunbury at 0.30 p ra, Harrisburg at 8.15 p m, arrives at Baltimore 11.50 i r " SHAMOKIN DIVISION. EASTWAHD. Leave Suubury at 4.40 p. ni., arrive ut Shuino kiu 5.50 p. in., Mt. Carmcl 6.40 p. m. Leave bunbury (Accommodation,) at 12.35 a. ni., ariivc at Sbumokiu 2.35 p. w. Wr.STWAKD. Leave Mt. Curmcl at 7.00 a. in., Shainokin 7.40 a. m., arrive, ut Sunbury 9.55 a. in, Leave Sluiinokin (Accommodation,) nt 2.45 p. m., nrrive nt Sunbury 4.00 p. ni. Express leaves daily. All other trains leave dully, except Sundays. A. R. Fihkk. En. S. Yot no, Gcn'l. Snp't., Gen'l Passcn'r Ag't., Hinrli-biirg, Pa. llalinmre, Md. Philadelphia and Eric Railrond. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Ou and after Mondttv, June 3d, 1873, the Trains on the Philadelphia. A Erie Rail Road will run us follows i WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " nrr at Erie, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " an at Eric, Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia, " " Sunbury, arr at Lock Haven, Niagara Express leaves Philadelphia, " " " Sunbury, " " arr nt Renovo," EASTWARD. Jtuli Train leaves Eric, " " " Sunbury, " " nrr at Philadelphia, Erie Express leaves Erie, " " " Sunbury, " " arr at Philadelphia, Elmira Mail leaves Lock Haven. " . ' Suuburv, " " arr at Philadelphia, Niagara F.xprett leaves Reuovo, " " " Sunbury, " " arr nt Philadelphia, 11.30 p m 6.10 a it 7.30 p m 12.30 p m C.55 p in 7.40 a m 7.50 a in 4.25 p m 7.45 p in 7.20 a in 12.35 p m 4.15 a m 11.25 a m 12.40 a m 6.40 a ni 7.50 p m 7.40 a m 1.20 pm 7.35 a in 10.50 a m 5.50 p m 3.25 p m 6.25 p m 12.01 a ni Mail Eutt connects cast and wect at Erie with L. 8. A M. S. R. W. and ut Corrv und Iiriuetou with Oil Creek and Allegheny R. R. W. Cnttawissa passenger trains will be run east from Wlllianisport ou Erie Express, and weet, to Williumsporl on Elmira Mall. WM. A. BALDWIN, Gen'l Sup't. Danville, Hasleton at M ilkeabarre H. R. Peuua, R. R. t'o. Leaaee. BUMMER ARRANGEMENT. On and after this dute Passenger trains on the D., II. A W. R. R. will run at follow t WESTWARD. EASTWARD. LEAVE. A.M.' LEAVE. A. tf. New York, 6:00 Sunbury, 6:20 Philadelphia, 8:00 Danville, 7:03 Euston, 9:25 Cattawissn, 7:28 Bethlehem, 10:05 lluzleton, 9:08 r. m. r. u. Hazlcton, 1:00 Bethlehem, .12:10 Caltawissa, 2:40 Kaston, 12:35 Danville, t:30 Pbllndelpliia, 3:15 Bunbury, arrive 3:57 New York, urr. 8:50 Train West arriving at Suubury 3:57 p. m., makes close connections with truins ou Phlludel tibia A Erie R. R. for Milton, Willluuisport, Lock Haven and all polnta Wist, Elmira and all points North, also with Northern Central Rail way, for Harrlsburg aud Bultiuiore. ttf New and elegaul coaches run through be tween Bunbury autl Kaston. FRANK THOMPSON, Supl. D. 11. A W. K. It. Bi'PT't Orrirt, WiLutaisroaT, Pa. ) May 1, 1878. S CO A LI COAL! COAI.I GRANT BROS., Shippers and Wholesale and Retail Dealers iu WHITE AND RED ASH COAL, SUNBURY, PA. (Low eh wuanr ) -7 Sole Agent t, weAlwnnl, l tht eelehrated Heurj ( lay Cowl. Jut9 66
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers