Sraitarg '$meriam. BUNBURY, AUGUST 24, 1872. Railroad Time Table. P. A E. R. R Ooino Northward. Erie Mall, leaves lit 6:05 It m Niagara Express, " " l!i:8l) p m Mall, " " 4:80 pm Erie Expreia, " " 6:50 p m N. C. B. W Qoiho Sootitward. Erie Mall, loavee at 18:45 a m Krle Exprces, " " 7:40 a m Mall, " ' 11:05 am Nlatrara Express, " " 6:80 p m Tha Erie Express train remain here abont 20 minutes for breakfast. SUNBURT & LSWISTOWN R. R. Mall train leaves at 7.80 a. m., and arrive at 7.60 p. m. Fast Line leaves at 3.40 p. m., and arrives at 1.50 p. m, , Bhamokin Valley R. R. Mall leave at 13.85 p.m., for Bhamokin and arrives at 8.55 p. m. Leaves for Mt. Carmel at 4.40 p. in., and arrives at 0.25 a. m. D. H. W. R. R. Trains leave for Now York, Via Haxlcton At 6.80 a. m., and arrives at 8.85 p. m. Accident Insurance Tickets can be bad of J. Bhlpman, Ticket A Rent at the Depot. fotal affairs. Sewinb Machines.-M1ss Caroline Dnliusis the agent for the sale of the best Sewing Machines In existence, via i "The Improved Singer," "Grover & Baker," "Ilowe," and Domestic," which are constantly on hand and sold at rea sonable prices. She Is also agent for the cele brated Frantx and Pope Knitting Machine. Call and see them. Office on Market street, east of the railroad. You can Insure In reliable companies at Lewis M. Toiler's oiUcc, near the Court House, Bun bury, Pa. Tun highest prices are paid for Grey Squirrels, Frogs, Turtles, &c, by Wm. Reese, of the Bt. Elmo Eating Saloon, lu Pleasant' buildings, Snnbuiy, Pa. For Salo a young Cow, part AUlerney. En quire nt this office. Miss Maggie J. Maktix will re-open a select school nt her resklcuco on Front street, on Mon day, the 2nd of September next. Miss Martlu Is an experienced teacher, and her former schools in this place gavo general satisfaction to nil. Those who have scholars will do well to make early nppllcutlon. Three copies of the Americas will be scut until one week after the November election for $1.00. No names will be received unless nccom pnuied with the cash. We regrst to learn that Constable Seb. Bough ncr, of this place, has been couliued by a serious illness for several weeks past. Ax excursion train will leave this place to morrow (Sunday) at 6 a. m., for Wayne Camp Meeting, ami return nt 6 o'clock, p. in. Amy Stone gave one of her excellent enter tainments In tho Opera House, on Wednesday evening last. She had a crowded house, and the performances were highly appreciated. It is hoped by her numerous friends here, that she will renow.her visit soon. Tint Northumberland County Agricultural Fulr -will be held nt till place, on the 25th, 20th and 27th of September. The Turbutville Fair will be held on tho 1st, 2nd and 3rd of October. Pic Nics. Tho Lutheran Sunday Schools nt this place, held their pic nic on Thursday last, in Haas' Grove. Henrt Morgan, of Point township, died sud denly of nppoulcxy on Saturday last while en gaged iu muking cider. He wa aged about CO years. A Grant and Wilson club was temporarily or ganized at Wutsontown, this county, on Tuesday .evening last. Oscar Foust, Esq., was chosen President, and W. W. Claytou, Ksq., Secretary. The club adjourned to effect a permanent organ ization on Monday evening next. We refer our readers to the advertisement of -Geo. Evans & Co., In another column. It will bo noticed that our former townsman, E. G. Maize, is connected with the firm. Their busi ness Is tailoring and military clothiers. We arc happy to state that we can recommend them as gentlemen who deal honorably, aud who turn out work equal to any mndu lu the city. They make military clothing a specialty. Being the leading house lu tho city, military companies will be supplied with the best article at lets cost than can bo hud at any other establishment. We notice that C. W. Gutcllus, editor of tho Democratic Guard, is announced as ouo of the Liberal Republican speakers In Lower Augusta township. As Mr. Gutelius has been a Democrat ic editor ever since ho has been iu this county, how and when did he become a Liberal Republi can. Tue Legislature Conferees of Snyder and Union counties met at the Central Hotel, at this place, on the 15th lust., and placed in uomiuatiou Chas. S. Wolf, Esq., of Lewisburg, as the Republican candidate of that district. Mr. Wolf is a young man of ability, and will make a good member. His election is a foregone conclusion. Tue St. Elmo. The St. Elmo Eating Saloon, in Plcasant's buildiugs, was opened this week by Lieut. W. Reeso and lady. The room are neatly fitted up aud presents an enticing appear iince. Oysters, crabs, frogs, fish, and game of all kinds are served dally. Meals can be pro cured at all hours. Families will be supplied at eliort uotlce. Ladles aud gentlemen are invited to call. No liquors will be sold at this establish ment. Arrested. A Mis. Carter wa arrested on Monday last, aud brought before Esquire Pursel, for nn assault on John Fisher with a pistol on Saturday evening last. Ball wa entered for her .appearance at next court. Lloyd Yon, who has been eating the victuals of Mrs. McKelvy, of Caketowu, without Intend ing to pay his board bill, was nubbed at the de pot, on Tuesday last, as he was about leaving for Lewislown. He was brought before Esq. Pursel, where he compromised by giving a watch and trunk lu pledge for the bill. Tub mechanic who has Insured his life, I bet ter than the millionaire who has uot Insured his. Seriously Injured. Oa Friday .last, a the Niagara Express train wa proceeding north ward, about one o'clock, P. M., a German named Adolph Newman was walking upon the track at the curve at the upper end of town, aud In at temptiug to get off, fell, when the engine struck bis left leg, brcukiug all the bones and crushed the flesh that the bone projected through. He was brought to town on a shining engine and taken to the residence of Mrs. Mullen where bis wounds were dressed by Dr. C. E. Up De Graff. We are ip formed that the patleutls doing as well us could be expected, und that bi leg will be saved from amputation. Mr. Newman has only been lu this country about four months, and bad Just engaged to work fur Messrs. 6easuolts A Bowen, ut this place. Having no means nor friends lio was placed iu charge of the Prerteers qT the Poor at this borough. , A Bkrioos Accrotirr. John Bowen, Esq., one of the firm of Frlllng, Bowen A Engel, met with serlont accident on Saturday last, while on gaged tn working on the large saw mill along the river. The sawyers were sawing a crooked stick of timber, and In springing the stick the cir cular saw came In contact with Iron uprights, breaking out a number of teeth, one of which passed to the rear end of the mill with great force where Mr. Bowen was standing, and struck htm on the nose, breaking H and tearing out his right eye. Fortunately Mr. Bowen was standing sideways, towards the saw, which prevented the tooth from passing through his head. Another of the broken teeth was forced Into a post some two Inches not far from where Mr. Bowen was standing. Dr. Baupt was sent for who dressed the wound. We ars happy to learn that the wouuds are not likely to prove fatal, although they are of a very painful character. Arrests at Siiamokin. On Monday last Con stable John Kissinger of Bhamokin, arrested Michael Pursel, a Molly McBulre, for rioting, who wa committed to our county prison for trial at next court. On Wednesday last Constable Kissinger arrested Thos. Wright for beating bis wife, who was also committed. We are Inform ed that some It) arrests were mode la Bhamokin last week. If the people of thnt town will have these partlc brought before next court, wo will guarantee that Judge Rockefeller will prevent any further arrests of these parties for another year to come. ' Small Potatoes. The Democrat .fluds fault with General. Grant's administration, because A. A. Shlssler, Esq., a clerk of the Treasury Depart "meat, has been engaged In sending off political documents while receiving a salary from the Gov ernment. Mr. Shlssler Is President of a Grant and Wilson club, and If he chooses to devote some spare tlmo after ofllee hours to disseminate documents, exposing the efforts of the mongrels to get Into power, be has a right to do so, and no liberal minded man would object. This the Dem ocrat nlledgcs "is equivalent to stealing." Such are tho arguments, and such Is the logic of the Grecly Democrats. Absurd as they are, they are characteristic of the party who have no princi ples but office Tuere aro a few young rowdies In this plnce who attend entertainments that cannot distin guish the difference between an artistic play and a can can exhibition, judging from their actions, They exhibit the same low conduct In one as well as the other, In disturbing the audience by whist ling, hissing, and making use of slang phrases load enough to be beard over the whole house. When people pay for admission to a good enter tainment they do no care to be annoyed by these ruf&ans. If these characters have no fuculty of appreciating u refined piny they should, nt lenst, have sense enough to stay away, as good per formers would rather have the room than the money of sneh rowdies. A good remedy for the! suppression of rowdyism is for the police to eject such characters from the exhibition. Iu this connection, we might add that there are one or two full grown masculine disturbers of cutcrtulnmunts who, from their prominence in politics we Judgo would take better caro of their reputation, aud would very much dislike t ) have their names made public. The editor of the American makes a great ado about the two eating tables which the Commis sioners allowed to be placed In the hall of the Court House during this session. There were few persons who attended court who were not delighted with the idea. We npprovu of the en terprise, and will us long as tables containing eatables are presided over and superintended as those were this couit. Democratic (Jnard. Our neighbor of the Giturd being a lean look ing chap means It well, no doubt, to approve of cstubliahiug an entlug saloon ta tho vestibule of the Couit House, but, perhaps, that will depend a good deal too upou how his uppetitc ruus. Wo ure satisfied that Hot five persoos of respectability nt tendlug court were iu favor of the "enterprise." We aro also satisfied thai the Grand Jury were of the opiuion that some of the parties engaged lu the "enterprise" iiud already brought enough disgrace upon the Court House buildiugs without establishing a nuisance, and so ordered the Com missioners to have tho nuisance removed. See Die report of tho Graud Jury, neighbor. Large Meeting or the Grant and Wilson C'i.L'B. A large meeting of the Grant and Wilson Club, of this place, was held in the Court House, on Thursday evening las. J. W. Bear, well known us the "Buckeye Blacksmith," addressed the meeting, and was loudly applauded through tho entire speech. Mr. Hear is not a polished speaker, but is a practical one, and his arguments go fur La get bis audience to reflect. Being fully acquainted the figures and facts of our na tional affairs, his assertions cannot be coutrudlct ed, as they aro taken from the records. The meeting was quite enthusiastic, and adjourned by giving three hearty cheers for tho Republican candidates. A compaht was orgauized at Wutsontown this week to erect a car factory at that place. Stock sufficient to erect the buildiugs, amounting to about $30,000, was readily subscribed, aud the work will bo pushed forward with vigor. A. Pardee, Esq., was elected President, aud J. II. Goodman, Secretary. There is probably no bet ter location for such un enterprise uloug tho West Brnuch than Wutsontown possesses. Tiieiie is an old gentleman in Houston county, Ga., who says be never bud a pair of shoes until after lie wus grown aud become the futhcr of two children. Prut. There Is nothing remarkable lu the above fuct. One of the editor of this paper has gone without shoes lor the last twenty year. Ho wear noth ing but boots. COVKT PROCEEDINGS. Reported by A. N. Brice. Sukbtut, August 28, 1873. II. T. John vs. the County of Northumberland. Appeal. In this were employed for plulutllf, 8. P. Wolvertou aud L. II. Kase, Esqrs., and for the county, Hou. John B. Pucker, Solomon Ma llet und George W. Zelgler, Esqrs. The plaintiff In 1867 wa appointed by the Governor, John W. Geary, a policeman for the coal region, uuder Marshal Helscs, of Schuylkill couuty, to serve especially In Coal and Mt. Carmel townships, at a salary of $75 per mouth. The Act of Assembly of 1867 directed that the salary of the policemen appointed for the said towuships should be paid from the county treasury. The County Com missioners refused to pay the amount for cervi ces rendered, on the grouud that the Act of As- icmbly wa unconstitutional, in that the appoint incnt were made for the two township named and not for the county of Northumberland. The case I one of a large number, involving In all about (18,000, and which, to the tax payers of the county, Is no small mutter. Tho Jury were out out a snort time wncn they returned a ver diet for the couuty and against the plalutlff. This Is as il should be, for the reason that the expen ses for keepiug the peace and maiutuinlng order la the coal region of Northumberland county ought iu right and reason to be paid by the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. If a riot occurs at Wllllumsport, the militia are sent there to quell It ut the expense of the Stute, If a disturbance occurs at Bcrantoo or Wilkesbarre, or any other region Infected by disorderly men, the State sends a force to settle them at the Commonwealth's expense. In this and other case of our couuty, it has been wisely suggested that the Legislature should pas a special act making an appropria. Hon to meet these case. The men ought to be paid, but the Hlste should pay tfcem. Camp Mutino. Mlllersburg M. E. camp meeting will commence on next Tuesday, August 87th. From present indications there Is every prospect of a large and successful meeting, which Is to be continued nine days. The grounds are being fitted np tn tho most elegant manner, pos sible with a view to tho comfort of all who may attend. Mr. John S. Musser will furnish as good boarding as the country will afford at the follow rates I Single meal, 60 cents three days and tinder nt tl per diem over three days, 80 cents per diem. The Northern Central and Sum mit Branch Railroads will furnish excursion tickets during tho continuance of the camp, com mencing with the 86th Inst. Tlacks will be In readiness at the depot to convey passengers to and from the camp at reasonable ratos, the dis tance being only about hall a mile. Wm. H. Fries, Pastor and Chairman of Com. of Arrangements. Tns scenery of the Walklns Glen is Indorsed "In terms of highest praise" by many of the leading literary aud scientific celebrities of the country, among whom may be mentioned Prof. Agassis, Vuyard Taylor, Horace Groelcy, Bishop Coxo, Horatio Seymour, Harriet Becchor 8lowe, Grace Greenwood, Porte Crayon, and many others, who have visited It after "doing" tho wonders of the old world and there Is no other place In the United States on which the press of the nation has bestowed such a multiplicity and variety of fluttering commendations. Tn recent rains raised tho small streams, emptying lu the Pennsylvania Canal, suddenly, and to such an extent as to break the canal at a number of places, and tearing out several cul verts. We are also Informed that part of the stone hotel at Bull Run, Northumberland coun ty, washed away. Also, an out house with stove and contents, belonging to Able Herald, Chap man township. t'reeburg Courier. . Fire ! Fire ! Insurance on any kind of pro perty should never be neglected. All property wants to be Insured In good and reliable compa nies, so when losses occur that the money Is nt once paid over. Among the most popular and punctual Insurance Companies Is the People's Fire Insuranco Company of Philadelphia. Thou. sands insure lu this company on account of safe ty, reliability aud prompt payment of losses. Life Insurances aro taken nt tho lowest rates con sistent with security. For further particulars apply to Isaiah S. Gossler, agent, Suubury, Pa. List of Letters remaining iu the Post Office, at Suubury, Pa., August 21, 1878: Miss Amy Blnkc, Miss Luln Blevly, John B. Douty, Mrs. Harriet Caligon, James F. Cassidy, Ben). Corsley, John J. Foy, Daniel F. Foltz, Miss Jiilinnn Foy, Jacob (ireinvr, Miles C. Grugan, J. W. Mohnrrier, George Hull, J. It. Haas, Putrick Hilli-n, Wilson Miller (8), Finnklin Snyder, B. Rohlinnnn, Peter Smith, William Slught, Mrs. Nellie C. Turner. J. J. SMITH, P. M. Game Law in Brief. Deer may be killed from September 1, to Dec. 81, but not hunted with hounds or dogs. Fine (30. Squirrels nud rabbits may bo hunted from 1st of August to January 1st. Pheasants can bo hunted from August 1st to December 20th. Wild turkeys from October 1st to Juuunry 1st. Woodcock from July 4th to November 15th. To kill, trap, or have In possession any night hawk, whippowlll, finch, thrush, lark, sparrow, wren, martlu, swallow, woodpecker, dove, bobo link, robin, starling, or any other luscctiverous bird, or for robbing or destroying their nests nt any time is prohibited under u penalty of $5 for every bird or nest. Fine for hunting on Sundays from (5 to $25. Pike cau be fished for from June 1st to Febru ary 1st. Trout eau bo caught from April 1st to August 15th. Fish baskets nud brush nets are prohibited in tho waters of the Susquehanna aud Juniata, and their tributaries, and the Sheriff is required to destroy them if the owueis will not on notice. Pic Nics In some portions of Pennsylvania wind up with what Is called a "Dolly Vurdcu March," tho young ladles standing It. a row, und tho young mcii passing nlong tho Hue nnd kissing each good night. Tho trouble is thnt some of the fellows don't know when to stop saying good night, and the girls dou't cure. The majority of women care but little about suffrage. If the back to cur feats could only be hollowed out so us to admit of their bustels lap piug over the ballot might go to thunder for all they care. Blessings brighten us they take their flight. The chief of blessings Is good health, without which nothing Is worth the having ; it Is always appreciated ut Its true value after it is lost, but, too olten, not before. Live properly, and cor rect aliments before they become seated. For diseases of the liver, kidneys, skin, stomach, and all arising from impure und feeble blood, Dr. Walker's Culiforuia Vinegar Bitters are a sure and speedy remedy. It bus uever yet fulled iu a single Instance. u21,4v. Editors' Table. Tub Ladv'h Friend for Septemuer. The September number of this periodical leads off witn a ueuutilul picture, 'lu tue Bummer Woods. "The Vale of Avoca" is also a lovely scene, and of peculiar Interest. There are the usual stylish fashions, and tho music Is "Little Mattle." The stories, which uro surniisslugly excellent, as us mil, begiu with Miss Muzzey's promised serial, "Una nnd Her Lions." a vcrv superior storv. Mrs. Wood's novel continues to bo of absorbing interest, "limy a ish" is very attractive, and "An Every-Duy Iletlon" is in Miss Douglas' most fascinating style. There are some lively sketches aud good poems mingled with the se rials, forming the best entertainments to be found iu the way of light literature. The Work-Table uud pattern department and the editorials are also well attended to. Price, wi.W a year. Scrirneus for September. A lively illustra led paper by Edward King, 'In and About Paris.' opens tho September number of Scribncr's. Tbero Is also a capital article on Sculpture, bv an ac complished critic, with numerous Illustrations! and a pictorial account of the "Ascent of Gray's Peak" by a party of ladies and gentlemen. The most Important article of the number, however, is Mr. Mulford's essay on the Jatc Frederick Denlsou Maurice, cue of the greatest thinkers and preachers of modern times, among whoso disciples were John Sterling, Alfred Tennysou, George MacDouald, and Thomas ItLghes, Mist Funnlo E. Hodgson, author of the genuinely pa thetic story of "Surly Tim's Trouble" lu the June number of Scrlbner's, contributes another story of much power, entitled "One day at Arte:" Mis Adeline Truflon tells a seaside story of characteristic strength, "After the Darkness, Light," und Hiram Rich Is pleasautly suggestive in ins seasonable skelcti or Valor's Vucation I while Mrs. Ollphunt's masterly novel, "At His Gates," moves steadily on. Then we have un interesting account of the "English Singing-Birds In Florence" lu 1855 the Brownings, Frederick Tennyson, the the Trollopes, und Lever the novelist. Charlotte L. Forten tells of "A Visit to the Birthplace of Whlttier." For poetry we nave - a Ballad ortne uoia uouutry" by 11. II., with verses by Mis Kate Putnam Osgood and Mrs. Kilter. l)r. Holland, In Topics of the Time, treats of "The Bane of the Republic," namely omce-seeKlng, "llie .'duller ol bize," Modem Preaching," and "Prize foi Suicide." The Old Cabinet contains "Bulrushes," "The little Crowned Salamanders," "Tests," "A Canon of Criticism," and "Let us nave rullh." Nature aud Scieuce has brief papers on the Spectrum the Color of tue sea, Sewage as a Ceineut, etc, Home aud Society, "Summer Travel," "The Boy," "A Fernery," "For the Frugal," aud "Laces." In Culture and Progress there Is brief essay on modern actiug, besides the usual book notices. The etchings l tils montn are par tlcularly good Ml Osgood and Mr. English being tue coninoutort. Biulupss Notices. Wa wish to Impress all our readers that Thos G. Nott continues to furnish the most excellent clothing. All suits are made to order and war ranted to fit. He I now selling oft to make room lor tail foods, now l me time lo-mak bar gain. Ta great remedy to keep fever away is to keep the feet dry. During the late rainy season It could scarce be avoided, but we learn that W. n. Miller of the Excelsior, keeps boot and shoes that are warranted, and the foot are kept perfect ly dry during any rain. He also keeps on hand a variety unequaled lu this part of the State to select from for any kind of wear. A new and splendid assortment of Furniture has just been opened at B. L. Raudcnbush's store, In Masonic buildings. Great bargains are had dally by buying at that establishment. There Is a larger variety to select from than any of the city stores. Every article of furniture for fnmlly use can be purchased there, and at more reasona ble prlcos than many of the Philadelphia estab lishments. Stylish Spring asd Summer Hats. A largo supply of stylish Spring and Summer Hats to suit nil fnnclcs and tastes has just been received at 8. Faust's store, Market Square. A specialty In straw hats and the lightest, coolest and neat est hnt in use is tho ventilated cnBslmnrc hnt. A large stock to select from, stylish goods aud rea sonable prices. Cull aud examine bofore pur chasing elsewhere. Vardins at Wclmer'. Ihibii Poplins at Wclmcr's. Plaid Poplins at Welmor's. Plain Poplin at Welmer's. Chintzes at Welmer's. SrniNO Shawls at Wolmcr's. An endless variety of Goods for Ladles', Gent's and Childrcns wear. Call and boo for yonrsolvcs. No trouble to show Goods. Special Notices. THECONFESSIONSOf AN INVALID. PUBLISHED as a waruln g and' for tho benefit of youtig nun and othm who suffer from Nervous Debility, Loss of Manhood, etc., sup plying THE MEANS OF SELF-CURE. Written by one who cured himself, after under going considerable qnacKery,nna sent ireo on re ceivlug a post-paid directed envelope. Address. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, June 8, 'Ti. 6mos. Brooklyn, N. Y. a k a o. 5 g J 3 3 S J U T. s -a o p. s - "S J3 O .-1 s 03 21 oa 3 i to o S"2 ! a. 5 t 2 is is 3 W o a "i rs a w u r 8 w t. 2 2 "5 Son a 3 t g O to :? h a r . i .! " S ? p " S "2 O .Z, eft 2 2 "3 3 - r- s e Oku W .S CO o On Iflurrlaorc. Essays for Young Men, on Great Social Evils and Abuses, which Interfere with Marriage, and ruin the hnpplnesc of thou sands, with sure means of relief for tho Erring and Unfortunate, deceased and debilitated. Sent n sealed letter envelopes, free or charge. Address, Howard Association, No. 12, South Ninth St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO Till; fU'FFEIllAU. The Rev. William II. Norton, while residing Brazil as n missionary, discovered in that aud of medicines a remedy for Consumption, Scroi'1'i.a, Sore Throat, Couaiis, Colds, Asthma, and Nervous harness. This rem edy has cured myself after nil other medicines had tailed. WUhini' fo benefit tho suffering. I will send the recipe for preparing nnd using this remedy to nil who desire it FREE OF CHARGE. Plenso send un envelope, with your name nud address on it. ' Address, Rev. WILLIAM H. NORTON, V 676 Broad wav, Oct. 141371. 1y. New York City, Iu Lower Augusta township, by Rev. H. Dan iel, Mr. John Trltt. of Suubury, and Miss Rose m. i.antz, ol i lie lormcr place. March 21st, 1872, by A. N. Brice, J. P., John Hoey, of Simhury, and Maria Ray, of Dauvi'.ic. August 19th, 1873. by the same, George W. Fisiilr to Hahhiet Hoey, both of Suubury, i'a. In Rush township, on Monday, 12th iust.. PE- TER HAUGHAWOUT, nged 7G years. fstnrk?! fluiflrtss. MXBlltY HIAKKITS. Flour and Oral it Market. Extra Family $13.00 Red Wheat, p. bu., $3.00 Buckwheat, p. ct., 5.0U Rye, 80 Corn Meal, " 2.50 Corn, ' 70 1.00 50 Wheat Bran, p. bu. 1.50 Buckwheat 1 Shorts, 2.00 Oats, i!2 lbs., Corn A: Oats Chop, 3.00 Fluxseed, i imoiiiy seed, p. o. a.oo; Produce Market. Pi-.tatoes, 60 Hams, 15 Tallow, SO Country Soup, 13 Dried Apples, 10! " Peuches, Shoulders, 15 8 8 l!i 10 10 Eggs, per doz., Butter, per lb., Lard, " Sides, ibbtdismcnts. CX'KTAIM MATERIALS. LACE CURTAINS, WINDOW SHADES. CORNICE DECORATIONS, LAMBREQUINS LACE DRAPERIES, PIANO COVERS. FURNITURE COVERINGS, TASSELS AND LOOPS, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, CRETONNES, SUMMER CURTAINS, BROCATELLE. Spfxial Intekiok Decorations, To Order at Moderate Prices. WALEAVE1T, Masonic Hall, 710 Chestuut Street, Phil'a. juuo aa, 4in. Proponed Anieudineut TO TUE Constitution of Pennsylvania Joint Ilenolutioii Proposing au Amendment to the Coustltution of Pennsylvania. Si it retolved by the Senate ami finite of Jtepre tentiUiiei of the CommonuaUh of l'tnunjli-ania in General Amembly met, Unit the following amend ment of the Constitution of this Commonwealth be proposed to the people for their adoption or rejection, pursuant to the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit i AMENDMENT : Strike out the sixth section of the sixth article of l bo Constitution, and Insert In. lieu thereof the followiiiK i "A Blule Treasurer shall be cuoeeu by the qualified electors of the Stute, at such times and for such term of service as shall bu prescribed by law." WILLIAM ELLIOTT, Speaker of the House of Kcprcseututlvus. JAMES B. RUTAN, Speaker of Senate. Appkovrd The twenty-second day of March, Auuo Domlul one thousand eight hundred nnd sevcuty-two. JNO. W. GEAHY. Prepared and certified for publication pursuant to the Tenth Article of the Constitution. FRANCIS JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Office Secretary of the Commonwealth, i llarrisburtr, June With, 1S?J. June S9, Wi Bit. To Debilitated TersoDS, To Dyspeptics, To Sufliirors from Liver Complaint, To tlioao having no Appclito, To those with lirokou Down Constitu- tons, To Nervous rcople, To Children Wasting Away, onny with Debilitated Digestive Orgnns, Or suffering with any of the following S injitoms, which indicate disordered Liver Stomach, such ns Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Hend, Acid ity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight In tho Stom ach, Sour Ernctutlons,Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of tho Stom ach, Swimming of the Head, llur rlod nnd Difficult Breathing, Flutter ing at the Heart, Choking or Suffocat ing Sensations, when In a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before tho Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficien cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of tho Bkln nnd Eves, Pain In the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, Ac, Sudden flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh Constant Im aginings of Evil, and Greut De pression of Spirits. Hooiland's German Bitters. A Bitters without Alcohol or Spirits of any kind. Is different from all others. It Is composed of tho pnro Juices, or Vital Priwcii'MI op Koots, IfKiins nnd Bahkb. for bb medicinally termed Ex tracts,) tho worthless or Inert portions of the in gredients not being used, ilierolore in one uot lie of this Bitters there is contained as much mo. dicnl virtue as will be found In several gallons of ordinary inixturus. The Roots, Ac. used In this Bitters arc grown lu Germany, their vltnl princi ples extracted in that country by a scientific L no. mist, and forwarded 10 the manufactory in this citv. where thev are compounded nnd bottled. Coutulnlng no splr.tuons ingredients, this Bitters I free from tho ol cctions u-ged against an oin crs t no desire for stimulants can be induced from their tiso i they cannot make drunkards, nnd cannot, under any circumstances, nave any but a beneficial effect. IIOOFI.AMKN UEKMAX TOXIC, Was compounded for those not Inclined to ex treme bitters, nnd Is Intended for use In cuses when some alcoholic stimulant is required in co i nection with the tonic properties of the Hitters. Each bottle of the Tonic contains one bottle of the Bitters, combined with puree SANTA CRUZ HUM, nnd flavored In such a manner that tho ex treme bitterness of the bitters is overcome, form ing a preparation highly agreeable and pleasant to tho palate, and containing the medicinal vir tues of the Bitters. The price of tho Tonic is f 1. 50 per Bottle, which many persons think too high. They must take Into consideration that the stimulant used is guaranteed to be of n pure quality. A poor artielo could be furnished lit a cheaper price, but is it not better to pay a little more and have a good article 1 A medicinal pre paration should contain none but the best Ingre dients) and they who expect to obtain a cheap compound, und he benefitted by it will most cer tainly be cheated. IIoofluiMi'rt GorniBii Ititters, or HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, with HOOF LAND'S lo!oiIijllin l'ill, will cure you. They are the Greatest Bl.OOD PURIFIERS known to the Medical world, nnd will eradicate diseases arising from impure blood. Debt Illy of the Disgestive Organs, or Diseased Liver, lu a shorter time than any oilier known remedies. TIIR WHOLH SUritUME COUKT OF PENNSYLVANIA SFKAK FOU THESE REMEDIES. Who won.D ask for more Dihnifikd and Sthonokk Testimony ! Hon. Gr.onoB W. WonnwAitn, formcrlv Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, ut present. Member of Congress from Pennsyl vania writes ; PiiiLAnni.i'HiA, March 16th, 1807. I llnd "Hooiland's German Bitters" U a good tonic, useful in diseases of the digestive organs, nnd of grout benefit in cases of debility, nnd want of iiciVous action In the svstem. Yours, truly, GEO. W. WOODWAul). Hon. J.kMrs Tiiovi'Hon, Chief Justice of the Su preme Couit of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, prll2K, 1S0T. I consider "Hoollaud's German Bitters" a val uable medicine in case of attacks ot Indigestion or Dyspepsia. 1 eau certify this from my expe rience of it. Yours, JAMES THOMPSON. Hon. Gkohgk Siuitswoon, Justice of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania. PiiiL.ui:i.riiA, June 1, 1SCS. 1 have foiisd by experience that "Hooiland's German Bitters" Is a very good tonic, relieving dvspeptic s,mptoms almost directly. GEORGK SllARSWOOD. Hou. H. llogwt, falo, N. Y. .Mayor of the City of Buf- M.irui's mil Butl'.uu, June ISfili. I have used "llootlaud's German Bitter-? and Tonic" in my family during the past year, and can recommend them as an excellent tonic, iiu. parting tone und vigor to the system. Their use has been productive of decidedly beneficial ef fects. WM. F, ROGERS. lion. J.vnet .V. U'owf, Ex-Mayor of Williams port, Pn. 1 tuke jrreut pleasure In recommending "Hoof land's Gcimun Tonic" to any mio who may be ulllieted with Dyspepsia, i bad the Dyspepsia so badly il was inipustdblc to keep any food on my stomach, und I became so weak as not to be able lo walk half a mile. Two bottles ctlectod a perfect cure. JAMES M. WOOD. REMEMBER THAT HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, and HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Will Cure every Case of MAR ASMUS, or Wasting away of tho Rody. REMEMBER fi(tt HOOFLAND'S GERMAN REMEDIES Are the medicines you requiro to purify the Mood, excite the torpid Liver lo healthy action, and to euujle you to pass safely through any hardships or exposure. DR. HOOFLAND'S P O D 0 P 11 Y L L 1 N , or substitute for Mercury Pills. Two Pills u Dose. The most Powerful, yet lnuocent Cathar tic known. It Is uot uecessury to take a handful of these Pills to produce the desired effect ; two of them act quickly and powerfully, cleansing the Liver, Stomach aud Bowels of all impurities. Tho principal iugredicut is Podophylliii, or the Alco holic Extract of Mandruke, which Is by ninny times more powerful, ucting und searching than the Mandrake lt6elf. Its peculiar uetion is upou the Liver, cleaning il speedily from all obstruc tions, with all the power of Mercury, ycl free from the Injurious results attached lo the use of that mineral. For all diseases, iu which tho use of a cathar tic Is Indicated, these pills will give entire satis fnctlou iu everv fuse. They never full. Iu cases of Liver Compluiut, Dyspepsia and ex treme cosliveness, Dr. Hooiland's German Bit ters or Toulc should be used iu connection with the Pills. The tonic effect of the Bitter or To nic builds up the system. The bill ers or Tonic purities the Blood, strcntrthens tho Nerves, regu lates the Liver, und gives strength, energy uud vigor. Keep your Bowels active with the Pills, and tone up the system with Bit ters or Toulc, and un disease can retain the hold, or even assail you. Recollect that it Is DR. HOOFLAND'S GER MAN Remedies that ure so universally used and highly recommended; und do uot allow the DrrKg'sl lo Induce you to take anything else that he may say is just as good, because be iiniKes a luiL'er profit ou it. These Remedies will be scut by Express to any locality, upou applica tion to the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, ut the GER MAN MEDICINE STORE, I ARCH BT., PHILADELPHIA. CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor. Formerly V. M. Jackson & Co. These Reme dies are for Sale by Druggists, Storekeepers, aud Medicine Dealers every wheie. PayUp. All persons Indebted to the undersigned, on Note or Book account, will please call nnd settle or their accounts will bs given to a Justine of the Peace for collection. J. B. MAS8ER. Sunhury, , rrm THE WORKING CLASS, male or female. JL too a week guarnuteed. Respectable em ployment nt home, day or evening i no capital required luu iimrnciions ana valuaiilo pacKngc of goods to start with sent free by mall. Ad dress, with C cent return stamp. M. YOUNG CO., o24,4w. 10 Courtlandt St., New York. AGENTS WANTED for tin Htm of Grant Greeley WILSON BROWN SMS auu of sit putii'ii. Over 40 Stoel Portraits worth twice the cost of the book. Wanted every whero. Agents have wonderful success. Send for circular. Address, Z1EGLEU & McCURDY, 618 Arch StroetbHadelphia, Pa. n24 4w. AffeutS Wltnled for the Autobiography of The best nnd only edition written by himself and for 17 t'an'ipRigu Ulanual, a book of the times for all parties. Illustrated. Onoiigont sold 80 In tvrce days. Also, for Ilendicy's Life of President Grunt, and plcndid Portraits of Candidates. $30U a month made. E. B. TREAT, Publisher, S05 Broadwav, N. Y. Afarrei Fust Premium Ai.Insi.1871 Double Elevated Oven, Wanning Closet. Broil ing Door, Fender Guard. Dumping nnd Shaking Grate, Direot Draft. FULLKR, WARRF.N & CO., 280 Water Street, New York. a'J4-4w. Wells' Carbolic Tablets For Corona, Colds & Hcuhspnkss. Thcso Tablets present the Acid lu Combination with other tlllclent remedies, In a popular form, for tho Cure of all THROAT and LUNG Di seases. Hoarsencf s and Ulceration oT the Throat are immediately relieved nnd statements are con- f otantly being sent to the proprietor of relief lu cases ot 1 hroat ditllcnlti'is of years stauding. CAUTION. Don't be deceived by worthless Imitations. Get only Wells' Carbolic Tablets. Price 25 cts. per box. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, Senrt for Circular. 1 Plntt street, N. Y. al0,4w Solo Agent for United States. QQA A MONTH easily made with Sten 0JVcil and Key-Check Dies. Secure clr- culnr aud Samples, fret. , M. SPENCER, Brattleboro, Vt. Jia,4w. AGENTS! s Send for circulars nnd pecial terms for "Me- leliun -s Republican ism in America." The fastest selling book out. J. M. STODDAl'.T & Co., Publishers, a!9,4w. Philadelphia. Agent AVant'I for Prof. Fowler's Great Work On Manhood, Wommhood, und their Mutual Inter-relations : Love, Its Laws, Power, etc. Send for specimen pages and circulars, with terms. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., al0,4w. Philadelphia, Pa. MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET. DIO LEWIS' New and Greatest Work is an im mense, success. ?A thousand in pros. Agents delighted and coining money. Agents Wanted cverywhcie. CEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, I a 1 0,4 w 7oj Saiisom street, l'hiia. I KAKK (UIASCE FUli AGKXTS. j AGENTS, we will pay you $13 per week in ! cash, if you will engage with us at osck. Eery- i thing furnished and expenses paid. Address, nU,4vv. F. A. F.LLS it CO., Charlotte, Mich. ! Live Agents Wanted I for Tw Live Hooks ; Dr. Cornell's Lives of : GREELEY nnd BROWN. the late-t and be-t ; ! also. Judge Russell's "Life of HEXRY WIL-! iSUN," only correct edition published. Popular prices ! Shrewd ngents will see the advantage of having a book for each party. Secure territory nt once, and coin inouev. Address, II. C. JOHNSON, Pilbllther, nl0.4u 70J Arch Street, Pliii'a. Agents ! Look Here ! Why not sell n book that every family want and will buy at sight ( such U The Sew 1i.i.itr.tbd Fnir.sinE Edition op ROBINSON CRUSOE, Jut out. An elegant octavo, .r$ pages ; over 40 superb illu.-tratlons, timed paper, superior bind ing, only S2.50. The cheapest und most popular book !i 'print. Is a great hit. Will sell every wlurc like llot Cukes. IVsterSjvireUMis', tc' ins, nnd our Agents Pocket Companion, malied free. address, HUBBARD BROS., PuMi-liers. ulo,-1w 7C3 Sansoiii ri. , I'liil'n. II is not u physic uhieh may give temporary relief lo the sutleier for the first few doses, but whb b, liom continued use brings Pi'cs and kin dred diseases lo aid in weakening the invalid, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, under the popular iiume of "Bitters" is so extensively palmed off on the public as sovereign remedies, but il is a most powerful Tonic and alterative, pronounced so by the. leading medical iiiuhorilies of Loudon and Paris, aud has been long Used by Hie regular physicians of tthcr co.n.tiice with wonderful le niediul results. nB Wn I Q' FYTPAPT flC II IQI I PC D A Un, LLLO LAIflttOI JUnUDi.Drt retains nil the medical viiluoi peculiar to tho plant uud must be as a permanent curative agent. Is there want of action Iu your Liver & Splccu T Uuless iXicvcd ut once, the blood becomes im pure by deleterious secretions, producing scrotn louf or skin diseases, Blotches, Felon", Pustules, Canker, Pimples, Ac, ,Vc. Take Juruhcha to cleanse, purify und restore the vitiated blood to beullhy action. Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach I I'ules di gestion U promptly uided the system Is debiiita- ted with loss of vital force, poverty of the Hloo.l, Dropsical leudeuey, Oeueiul valines or Lassi tude. Take It to assist Digestion without reaction, it will Imparl youthful vigor to Hie weary snllerer. Have you weakness of the Intestines I You are in danger of Chronic Diarrhoea or the dread ful In tin in unit lou of the Bowels. Take It to ulliiy Irritation uud ward off tenden cy lo iulluuiniutions. Have you weakness of the Uterine or Urinary Organs I You must procure Instant relief or J'utl ure liable to sullVring wnrc than death. Tuke il to strengthen organic weakness or life becomes u burden. Finally It should bu frequently taken to keep the system In perfect health or you ure otherwise In great danger of malarial, miasmatic or conta gious diseases, JOHN Q. KELLOGG, IS Piatt St., N. Y. Sole Agent for the United States. Price, IK 1 per Bottle. Scud for Circular. 4w BRASS GOODS for Plumbers, Ste.nn Fillers, Engineers ui:d Muehinists. Cooper, Jones & Ccdbury, No. 15 North Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturers of Every Description of Brass Work for House, Factory and Engine bole Manufacturers of the Celebrated Itoiiblr.At'tiiiir Kxn-Uior Iuini, Unequalled for House, Farm or Mining purposes. Pouler In Sinks, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, and every description: of Plumbers' Materials. I'wuutniu JJcln m Keriit4&A il Rango M Hssiiwsm y y UcrHnncon9. Don't Read This ! I Good morning, Mrs. A., where sre you beuftil for so early ? Mrs. A. Why MrB. C, non't yon kuow Mr. Byorly Ims bought out the Grocery'aill Confec tionery Btove of Hubs &. Weaver, and Is selling nice I res li tiroecrles, uinnrn rruit, ana in luci, everything In the Grocery linn, oheapr than the cheapest, and I have got tired pnylnpiPgh prices, so 1 hamiide up my mind utter this to patron - taiMr. Dycrly. o good morning, i;rs. i. i mn-t go. Mrs. C, to herself. Well 1 m bound to flni out for myself, nnd will go to Byerly'sra cheap cash Grocery, the next time 1 want uny (jroccrli'M, t'oiil'c tf owrica or Primo I will Just say to all cotne'nnf give' inc n trial, nnd satisfy yourselves that there is one cheap cash Grocery lu Suubury. Remember the place, No. 11, South Third St., In (..'lenient House Building, Sunbury, Pa. S. BYERLY. Sunbury, Jan. 20, 1STJ. Good Opening for a Butcher. FOR SALE. )no Horse, one Truck Wagon, one Butcher Wngon. und h regular outfit for butchery Is of fered for snlc on reasonable terms. A slaughter house located in the Borough of Northumber land, will also be rented ut a reasonable pi Ice. This Is a splendid opportunity for a butcher to carry on the business with little capitot. For further particulars. Inquire of June 13, '75 3t Northumberland, Pa. DENTISTRY. GEOUGE M. RENN, la iSioijJson'n Building? Marktt &ptarct SlNllt'RT, Pa., 1 prepared to do all kinds of work pertaining to Dentistry. He keeps constantly on band a large assortment of Teeth, nnd other Dental material, from which he will be able to select, and mcei. the wants of his customers. All work warranted to give sat if faction, or else the money refunded. The very best Mouth Wash aud Tooth-Powders kept on hand. His references arc the numerous patrons for whom he has worked for the lust twelve years. Suubury, April 21, 1872. Spring nud Summer Opening op .MILMNEUY GOODS. Hats aud Bonnets, Trimmed and Untrimmed, KI15I50XS, FLOWERS. WREATHS, LACES, &c, all new styles. Crape Veil of nil Urutlosi. CUAI'L HATS AND RON NETS, und everything usually kept iu a Millinery Store. Call at M. L. GOSSLER'S Store, 45 South Fourth Street, below the S. V. K. K., SUNBURY, PA. April UO, 172. ATMrMEIXELL IN iucrlcan nud I'-iiropvau WATCHES. FINE JEWELRY anil SILVERWARE. ITit'-tl SpectnclM aud Eye Classes. (SOLD HEADED CANES. Watches und Jewelry neatly repaired and war ranted. Market S'liiure -If. SUS13UHY, I'a. Feb. 17 W. D. iVSEL.CK, Druggist and Apothecary, (.Sucectsor to Dr. W . W. Moody.) At the old established stand on Market Square, Sl'XKMtY, 1A. Keeps constantly ou band a full stock of Weil selected DEUGS & CHEMICALS, Drnggiits Fancy Goods, COMBS, Bl'.CSllES, PERFUMERY, PATENT M EDI CIN ES, Ol LS, PA I NTS GLASS, PUTTY, Y4RMS1!, DYFSTni'S, iu fact everything usually kept in a well con ducted IDZFlTTCr STORE. Particular attention paid to compounding Phy sicians prescriptions und family receipts by the Proprlulor himself. Suubury, Pa., June 8, 1S72. illiuihood :--l!o Lost, How ltcfor -d I Wff'iSJii-l published, a new e.lliion of Dr. LlhfA- CULYERWELL'S CELEBRATED ESSAY on the radical cure (without Medicine) .oll'EIiMATGl:i:iUr.A, or beuiiiiMt VWnktiess, Involuntary Seminal Losses, 1M POTENCY , Mental ami Physical Incapacity, Impediment to Marriage, etc. j also, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fils, Induced by sclf-induljieuee or scxiul ixt ravimance. Price, In a sealed envelope, only 0 rents. The celebrated author, in tnis udiniruble e- ' "' clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming conse- queiiees of seif-abuso may be radically eure.l without the dyrgerou uso of internal medicine or the application of the knife j pointing out it mole of cure ut once bliuple, certnln, uud effec tual, by means of which every suflcrcr, no mai ler u hut his condition may be, may cure himself t hen ply, privately and ladiculls. I This Lcoture should belli the bauds of every youth unit evory man lu the land. Scut, under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, po.-ipuid, oil u-ivlpl of six cents, or two 1 postage s t najw Also, Dr. CitlvevweU's 'Marriage. Guide," price 50 cents. Address the Publishers, CIIAS. J. C. KLINE A CO., P. O. Box, 4.rstJ. 127 Bowery, New York. April i7, ISVi. mii.lim:hy. SPRING STYLES nt the CENTRAL MILLINERY STORE OP 9I1SS I.. Every kind of Millinery Goods, embracing llul, Itomirtv, Schuul Hats, ('rat)) Iluli ual Kuiiik-I h, millions and Flowers, Trlinminis of irerv d I scriplioii, nnd every kind of goods usually kepi in a iniiiineiy esiaunsliiueiit, tan be had at her siore at the lowest piices. 'ilie vcrv bes iu the Philadelphia market has !weu, to wh'.ek the ladies arc invited lo examine nnd bo convin ced. MlSdl.. SHISSLKR, M.uWl Squiv, Suubury, l a. AptR 'M, 1S7:. TO ROOK AGENTS. M AUU T1YAIVS i:u HOOK, Roughing It Is ready for Canvassers. It Is u' companion vol. Uine to "IsNOcesis Aiusoat," of wbica loO.UOO copies have beeu sold. Dou't waste I'me on book no ono wunls, but Uiko one people will tlop you lu the streets to subsoil fi.r. 'There Is a lime to laugh," und all wnu read Ibis book see clearly I hat time bus. coimv Apply at otic for territory or clrenlnrs. Address, DUFFIELD ASHMEAD, Publisher, 711 FaiiMun Klircl, Philadelphia, i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers